PTVI Briefing Book (ENG) - Feb 2023
PTVI Briefing Book (ENG) - Feb 2023
PTVI Briefing Book (ENG) - Feb 2023
Briefing Book
01 02
Date of establishment:
July 25, 1968
Company activities:
Mining of nickel ore and production of
nickel matte
Listing date on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX):
May 16, 1990
Ticker symbol:
Operational area:
▪ Sorowako Block, East Luwu Regency,
South Sulawesi
▪ IGP Morowali, Sambalagi &
Bahomotefe Villages, Morowali
Regency, Central Sulawesi
▪ IGP Pomalaa, Kolaka Regency,
Southeast Sulawesi
Sequis Tower, 20th Floor, Unit 6 & 7
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 71
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Phone : +62-21 524 9000
Faximile : +62-21 524 9020
118,017 Ha Shareholders
22,699 Ha
70,566 Ha
24,752 Ha
◼ 43.79% Vale Canada Limited
Southeast ◼ 20.64% Publik
Sulawesi ◼ 20% PT Indonesia Asahan
Aluminium (Persero)/MIND ID
◼ 15.03% Sumitomo Metal Mining Co.,
South Ltd (SMM)
Sulawesi ◼ 0.54% Vale Japan Ltd
Data as of December 31, 2022.
Profit (Loss)
“There is no future
(in million US$, as of December 31, 2022)
165,8 without mining, and
there can be no mining
82,8 without concern for
the future.”
137,525 142,955
Lamangka Pond 1
TSS: 1707 mg/L
Cr tot: 10 mg/L
TSS: 8 mg/L
Cr tot: 0.3 mg/L
Sulawesi, we are also building Nursery Center
In particular, we are collaborating with the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry (MoEF) to build the
Not only supporting revegetation as a post-mining
activity, but nurseries are also our contribution in
reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
+4 million
trees have been
planted in the
reclamation area.
Land: 6,809 Ha
>90% of the species in
Limnologically, it has much Butterfly Beach
Lake Matano are
uniqueness, including a Ide Beach Sorowako Pier endemic (Germadan,
crypto-depressed lake bottom, 2014)
clear water, biodiversity,
geology and panoramas, and
unusual phenomena from a
biogeochemical standpoint.
1979 2015 Butterfly Beach, Ide
Designation: Decree of the Block Arrangement: Decree of Beach, Lake Matano
Lake Matano Profile Minister of Agriculture No. 274/ the Director General of Forest
Kpts/Um/4/1979 dated April 24, Protection and Nature Festival
The deepest in 1979. Conservation No. 141/IV-SET/2015
dated May 25, 2015.
Southeast Asia and
the 10th in the world 2012 Site Design: Decree of the
( 590 m) RPJP: Decree of the Director Director of Utilization of
General of PHKA No. SK.194/IV- Conservation Forest
SET/2012 dated November 21, Environmental Services No.
2012. SK.154/PJLHK-2/2015 dated
LAKE MATANO November 9, 2015.
Water Resources:
The lake surface is at
an altitude of 385
meters above sea level. DEPTH 2014
Establishment: Decree of the Tourism, transportation,
Minister of Forestry No. SK.6590/ 2018 fishery, Regional Drinking
Menhut-VII/KUH/ 2014 dated Proposal to become a Biosphere Water Companies
The bottom of the lake is almost
200 meters below sea level. October 28, 2014 Reserve (PDAM) and Hydroelectric
Source: National Geographic Indonesia.
Power Plants (PLTA).
Opudi Fish (Telmatherina
Water 320
Matano 138
Ottelia mesenterium
PPM Fund
(in million US$, as of December 31, 2022)
▪ East Luwu Regency employees and their corruption, and becomes part of contract
US$ 555,718.03 families. At the same time, management transparency, and contains anti-bribery
▪ North Luwu Regency we also support the local and anti-corruption clauses.
US$ 32,487 government’s steps in
Since January 1, 2016, PT Vale has opened an
▪ Toraja Regency controlling the COVID-19
independent reporting channel, the Vale Whistleblower
US$ 32,362 pandemic in the
Channel (VWC), which is a reporting service that is
▪ North Toraja Regency community.
managed independently and professionally by a
US$ 32,361 In 2020 PT Vale distributed violation reporting service provider in Indonesia. VWC is
▪ Palopo City to the government through directly connected to the Vale S.A. Code of Ethics and
US$ 32,487 GGTP COVID-19 pandemic Conduct Section. VWC is a channel for reporting
response support in the allegations of fraud, fraud, or violations of company
Southeast Sulawesi form of more than US$2.6 policies.
US$ 370,923.13 million worth of equipment,
▪ North Kolaka Regency as well as providing public
US$ 64,344 health education and also
▪ Kolaka Regency assisting our contractors Vale Whistleblower Channel (VWC)
US$ 236,651.13 with financial support to SMS/WhatsApp:
prevent layoffs. 0812-8040-0622
Central Sulawesi
US$ 413,490 Our contribution has Hotline:
▪ Morowali Regency continued in 2021 through 0-800-100-2233
US$ 234,958.42 assistance provided to Email:
hospitals, health services
Total Donation and communities with a
US$ 2,761,168.82 total contribution of more
than US$94 thousand.
Data as of December 31, 2021.
Sustainable Reforestation
Fuel Shifting Green Power Up mining practice outside
concession area
Equipment Efficiency reclamation of Biodiversity
Electrification Improvement post mined area Program
IGP Sorowako
• Cooperation with Huayou to build a
factory with High-Pressure Acid
Leach (HPAL) technology.
• Production capacity reaches 60.000
tons of Ni/year in MHP (mixed
hydroxide precipitate).
• Collaborating with international
automakers like Ford Motor Co. IGP Morowali
• Investment value of Rp30 trillion • Plant with Rotary Kiln Electric
(plant and mines). Furnace (RKEF) technology with
IGP Sorowako,
• Construction begins in late 2023. South Sulawesi IGP Morowali, Tisco and Xinhai.
Central Sulawesi • Production capacity reaches 73-80
kt Ni/year in ferronickel (FeNi).
• Investment value of Rp34 trillion
(plant and mines).
• Construction is underway.
• It will be the RKEF with the second
IGP Pomalaa, lowest carbon emission intensity
IGP Pomalaa Southeast Sulawesi after Sorowako because it does not
• HPAL Nickel Plant in MHP. use coal, but natural gas.
• 120.000 tons of Ni/year with Huayou • Including the construction of a
and Ford. Nursery Center.
• Investment value of Rp67.5 trillion • Tisco is a subsidiary of Baowu, the
(plant and mines). world’s largest stainless-steel
• Construction is underway. producer.
• Including the construction of a
Nursery Center.
© 2023 PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.
37 38
IGP Morowali IGP Pomalaa
Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Morowali is an integrated PT Vale with Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd. realizing
nickel mining and processing project with an investment partnerships that mutually support sustainable mining
value of up to Rp37.5 trillion. practices in Bumi Mekongga, Southeast Sulawesi.
This project was inaugurated on 9 February 2023 by the This project was inaugurated by the Coordinating Minister for
Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto. Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia
Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on 27 November 2022, and was also
Mining with the Latest Technology witnessed and received support from local regional leaders.
Mining activities by PT Vale take place in Bungku Timur.
Nickel ore from mining is then processed at a processing
facility with RKEF technology in Sambalagi Village.
This project is capable of producing
Trusted Partner up to 120,000 metric tons of nickel in
The RKEF plant is a collaboration between PT Vale and the final product MHP (mixed
Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd (TISCO) and hydroxide precipitate), a
Shandong Xinhai Technology Co., Ltd (Xinhai). component of electric vehicle
Absorption of Local Manpower
This project will absorb up to 15 thousand workers in the Our investment in the IGP Pomalaa
construction phase. for mines and HPAL facilities is
US$4.5 billion.
Local Entrepreneur Engagement
We will also optimize the involvement of local
entrepreneurs in the Morowali Site. We have conducted a
series of Technical Training activities for Local
Entrepreneurs to participate in tenders for goods and Bringing Sustainable Mining Practices
services. PT Vale and partners agreed to bring sustainable mining
practices to the Pomalaa Block. Realized with large-scale
nursery facilities, integrated waste treatment facilities,
and air emission treatment facilities.
The smelter at IGP Morowali will produce with a
capacity of up to 73,000 metric tons of nickel per year. Optimize Local Talent
As of January 2023, around 400 workers have worked in
IGP Morowali will be the first RKEF factory in Indonesia the mining area. This figure will continue to increase in
to be supported by a gas-fired power plant, with a line with the needs of development projects.
capacity of up to 500 MW.
Workforce Training
We work closely with the Vocational Training Center
(BLK), Polytechnic PSDKU (Study Program Outside the
Main Campus) Ujung Pandang in Kolaka, and the
Community Development and Empowerment Program
(PPM) for Workforce Training and Competence at the
Kolaka Vocational Training Center (BLKK) in human
Resource Development.