F.Y.B.Sc Data Science (CBCS)

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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North

MaharashtraUniversity, Jalgaon

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Syllabus For
F.Y.B.Sc Data Science

(With effect from July 2023 )

Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North

MaharashtraUniversity, Jalgaon
Propsed Syllabus for F.Y.B.Sc. Data Science
(w.e.f July 2023)

Year-I Core Subjects (DSC)

semeste Course as per Course Course Title Lectures Credits Workload
Int Ext
r UGC Code (hr)
I DS-DSC 1 A: DS-101 Fundamental of 30 02 02 40 60
(Credits : Data Science
Theroy:04 DS-102 Core Python for 30 02 02 40 60
Practical:02 ) Beginner
DS-LAB DS-103 Practical 60 02 04 40 60
II DS-DSC 2 A: DS-201 Database 30 02 02 40 60
(Credits : Management
Theroy:04 System
Practical:02 ) DS-202 Core Python for 30 02 02 40 60
DS-LAb DS-203 Practical 60 02 04 40 60
Semester I
Data Science-DSC 1 A:
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
DS-101 Fundamental of DataScience
Learning Objectives

• Understand the fundamental concepts and terminology of data science.

• Gain knowledge of different types of data and their formats.
• Learn techniques for acquiring and preprocessing data.
• Develop skills in exploratory data analysis and visualization.
• Understand basic statistical analysis techniques for data science.
• Gain familiarity with machine learning concepts and model evaluation.
• Learn feature engineering and selection techniques.
Unit 1. Introduction to Data Science Hr. 3

Overview of data science and its applications

Role of data scientists and their responsibilities
Ethical considerations in data science
Unit 2. Introduction to Data Hr 3
Types of data: structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data
Data formats: CSV, JSON, XML, etc.
Data storage options: databases, data lakes, and data warehouses
Unit 3. Data Acquisition and Preprocessing Hr 5
Data sources and collection methods
Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques
Handling missing data and outliers
Unit 4 Exploratory Data Analysis Hr 5
Descriptive statistics and summary measures
Data visualization techniques
Exploring relationships and patterns in data
Unit 5 Statistical Analysis for Data Science Hr 4
Probability and probability distributions
Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals
Correlation and regression analysis
Unit 6 Introduction to Machine Learning Hr 4
Overview of machine learning concepts
Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
Model training, evaluation, and validation
Unit 7 Feature Engineering and Selection Hr 3
Feature extraction and transformation
Feature selection techniques
Handling categorical variables
Unit 8 Model Evaluation and Selection (2 hours) Hr 3
Evaluation metrics: accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, etc.
Model selection and comparison
Overfitting and underfitting

Recommended Books:

Joel Grus, “Data Science from Scratch”,O’Reilly Publication ISBN-10 : 1492041130

Davy Cielen,Arno D.B. Meysman,Mohamed Ali ,"Introducing Data Science: Big Data,
Machine Learning, and More, Using Python Tools ",Dreamtech Press Publication, ISBN-10 :

B. Uma Maheswari,R. Sujatha "Introduction to Data Science" Wiley (1 October 2021); Wiley
India Pvt Ltd. 1402,ISBN-10 : 9354640508
Semester I
Data Science-DSC 1 A:
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
DS-102 Core Python for Beginners
Learning Objectives

• Understand the fundamentals of Python programming language.

• Learn how to set up the Python development environment and execute Python
• Gain proficiency in working with variables, data types, and operators in
• Develop skills in handling input and output operations in Python programs.
• Understand and apply conditional statements for decision making in Python.
• Acquire knowledge of essential data structures like lists, tuples, and
dictionaries in Python.
• Develop problem-solving skills using Python programming techniques.
Unit 1. Introduction to Python and Setting Up the Environment Hr. 4

• Introduction to Python and its features

• Installing Python and setting up the development environment
(IDLE, Jupyter Notebook,Ancoonda Cloud etc.)
• Running and executing Python programs
Unit 2. Variables, Data Types, and Operators Hr 4
• Variables: naming conventions, assignment, and reassignment
• Numeric data types: integers, floats, and complex numbers
• String data type: string manipulation, indexing, and slicing
• Operators: arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment
Unit 3. Input and Output Operations Hr 3
• Input: using the input() function for user input
• Output: printing to the console with the print() function
• Formatting output: string formatting techniques
Unit 4 Control Flow and Decision Making Hr 6
• Conditional statements: if, else, and elif
• Comparison operators and logical operators
• Nested conditionals and multiple conditions
• Short-circuiting and boolean expressions
Unit 5 Loops and Iterations Hr 8
• While loop: syntax, condition, and control flow
• For loop: iterating over sequences and ranges
• Loop control statements: break and continue
• Nested loops and loop applications
Unit 6 Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries Hr 5
• Lists: creating, accessing, and modifying elements
• List operations: concatenation, slicing, and list methods
• Tuples: creating, accessing, and modifying elements
• Dictionaries: creating, accessing, and modifying key-value pairs

Recommended Books:

Eric Matthes,"Python Crash Course" , No Starch Press publication ISBN: 978-1593276034

Zed Shaw,"Learn Python the Hard Way", Addison-Wesley Professional Publication,ISBN: 978-

Jason R. Briggs,"Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming" ,No Starch Press
publication ISBN: 978-1593274078

Michael Dawson,"Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner",Cengage Learning

publication,ISBN: 978-1435455009
Semester I
Data Science-DSC 1 A:
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)

DS-103 Lab Course on Fundamental of Datascience and Core Python for Beginner
Part A :-Lab Course on Fundamental of Data Science

• Create a sample dataset in excel

• Create a sample dataset in different format such as csv,json and XML
• Load data of your choice in any format.Perform necessary data preprocessing steps, such as
handling missing values, removing outliers, and addressing data inconsistencies.
• Load data of your choice in any format.Calculate basic summary statistics for relevant
variables, such as mean, median, standard deviation, and quartiles.
• Create appropriate visualizations to explore the relationships and patterns in the data.

Part B:- Lab Course on Core Python for Beginners

• Write a Python program to input and output different data

• Write a Python program to create a calculator to perform different arithmatic operations

• Write a Python program to calculate factorial of a number.

• Write a Python program to find maximum of n numbers.

• Write a python program to demonstrate different types of loop statement

• Write a python program to demonstrate access modifiers in python.

• Write a python program to demonstrate list operations

• Write a python program to demonstarte tuple operations.

• Write python program to count no of even nos in a list.

• Write python program to demonstrate dictionary.

Semester II
Data Science-DSC 2 A:
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
DS-201 Database Management System
Learning Objectives

• Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of Database

Management Systems (DBMS).
• Gain knowledge of different data models and understand the relational
database model.
• Develop proficiency in using Structured Query Language (SQL) for
querying and manipulating data.
• Gain knowledge of indexing and query optimization techniques for efficient
data retrieval.
• Learn to apply data constraints and ensure data integrity within the database.
• Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using DBMS for managing
Unit 1. Introduction to DBMS Hr. 6

Overview of DBMS and its importance

Understanding data and its organization
Role of DBMS in managing data effectively
Terminology of Database Management System
Unit 2. Data Models and Relational Databases Hr 4
Conceptual, logical, and physical data models
Relational database model and its components
Primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships
Unit 3. SQL Fundamentals Hr 8
Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
Filtering, sorting, and joining data
Unit 4 Advanced SQL Hr 6
Aggregation functions: SUM, AVG, COUNT, etc.
Grouping and grouping functions
Subqueries and nested queries
Unit 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS Hr 6
Advantages of using DBMS: data consistency, data sharing, data
Disadvantages of DBMS: cost, complexity, performance considerations
Recommended Books:

1. Database System Concepts- Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth& S.

Sudarshan,McGraw- Hill, 4th Edition / 5th Edition. ISBN 0-07-295886-3

2. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Fifth Edition, Pearson

Education/Addison Wesley, 2007. ISBN-10 : 0321369572
3. Database System Concepts – Alexis Leon & Mathews leon, Vikas Publication House
Ltd, New Delhi. ISBN-10 : 8182092221
Semester II
Data Science-DSC 2 A:
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)

DS-202 Object Orientation Using Python

Learning Objectives

• Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of Object-Oriented

Programming (OOP).
• Gain proficiency in creating and using classes, objects, and methods in
• Learn about encapsulation and data hiding techniques to ensure data
integrity and security.
• Understand the concept of inheritance and how to create subclasses and
• Develop an understanding of polymorphism and its significance in OOP.
• Understand the basics of exception handling in Python and how to properly
handle errors.
• Apply object-oriented techniques to solve programming problems and build
Python applications.
• Develop coding skills and best practices for writing clean, efficient, and
maintainable object-oriented Python code.
Unit 1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Hr. 4

• Overview of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts

and principles
• Advantages of OOP and its applications
• Understanding objects, classes, and methods
Unit 2. Creating and Using Classes Hr 6
• Defining and instantiating classes
• Class attributes and instance variables
• Writing methods within classes
• Constructors and destructors
Unit 3. Encapsulation and Data Hiding Hr 4
• Access specifiers: public, private, and protected
• Encapsulation and information hiding
• Getters and setters for controlling access to attributes
Unit 4 Inheritance Hr 6
• Understanding inheritance and its benefits
• Creating subclasses and superclasses
• Method overriding and the use of super()
• Multiple inheritance and method resolution order
Unit 5 Polymorphism and Method Overloading Hr 4
• Polymorphism and its importance in OOP
• Method overloading and method overriding
• Duck typing and polymorphic behavior
Unit 6 Exception Handling in OOP Hr 6
• Handling exceptions within classes and methods
• Raising exceptions and custom exception classes
• Proper error handling and exception hierarchy

Recommended Books:

Dusty Phillips,"Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming",Packt Publishing ISBN: 978-1849511261

Allen B. Downey,"Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist" O'Reilly Media
publication ISBN: 978-1491939369

Paul Barry,"Head First Python: A Brain-Friendly Guide",O'Reilly Media publication ISBN: 978-

Mark Lutz,"Learning Python",O'Reilly Media publication,ISBN: 978-1449355739

Semester II
Data Science-DSC 2 A:
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
DS-203 Lab course on DBMS and Object Orientation Using Python

PART A:- Lab course on DBMS

1. Identify a domain of your choice (e.g., bookstore, university, e-commerce) and determine the
entities and relationships involved.Design the database schema by defining tables, primary keys, and
foreign keys.Write SQL statements to create the necessary tables in the database. Populate the tables
with sample data to demonstrate the functionality of the database.

2. Write SQL queries to perform the following operations:

• Retrieve specific data from one or more tables using SELECT statements.
• Filter and sort the data using WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
• Perform joins between tables to combine related data.
• Insert new records into the tables.
• Update existing records to modify data.
• Delete records from the tables.
3. Write more advanced SQL queries involving subqueries, grouping, and aggregation functions.
Apply constraints (e.g., primary key, foreign key, unique) to ensure data integrity.

4. In this assignment, you will design and implement a small database system for a fictional
company. The database system will be used to store and manage employee information. You will be
responsible for creating the database schema, defining tables and relationships, and implementing
the necessary SQL queries to interact with the database.
Database Design:
Identify the entities and attributes relevant to the employee management system.
Design the database schema.
Define the tables, primary keys, and foreign keys.
Table Creation and Data Population:
Write SQL statements to create the necessary tables in the database.
Populate the tables with sample data to demonstrate the functionality of the database.
SQL Queries:
Write SQL queries to perform the following operations:
Retrieve the list of all employees in the database.
Retrieve the employees who belong to a specific department.
Insert a new employee record into the database.
Update the salary of an employee based on their employee ID.
Delete an employee record from the database.
Write SQL queries to generate reports, such as the total number of employees in each department
or the average salary by job position.
PART B:- LAB course on Object orientation using Python

• Write a Python program to create a Vehicle class with max_speed and mileage instance

• Write a Python program to create a class representing a Circle. Include methods to

calculate its area and perimeter.

• Write a Python program to create a person class. Include attributes like name, country and
date of birth. Implement a method to determine the person's age.

• Write a Python program to create a calculator class. Include methods for basic arithmetic

• Write a python program to demonstrate inheritance in python.

• Write a python program to demonstrate access modifiers in python.

Students can select any of the three core subjects from the following table.

Core Subjects Sem-I Credits Sem-II Credits

Physics Phy-101 Basic Mechanics 02 Phy-201 Electricity and 02
Phy-102 Dynamics and 02 Phy-202 Dielectrics, Magnetism 02
Properties of Matter and Electromagnetism
Phy-103 LAB -I 02 Phy-203 Lab-II 02
Mathematics MTH 101: Matrix Algebra 02 MTH 201: Ordinary Differential 02
MTH 102: Calculus of 02 MTH 202: Theory of Equations 02
Single Variable
MTH 103 (A): Co- 02 MTH 203 (A): Laplace 02
ordinate Geometry or Transforms or MTH 203 (B):
MTH 103 (B): Discrete Numerical Method
Electronics ELE-101 Circuit 02 ELE 201 Analog Electronics 02
Components and Network
ELE-102 Basics of Digital 02 ELE 202 Digital Circuits 02
Statistics ST-101 DESCRIPTIVE 02 ST-201 DESCRIPTIVE 02

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