F.Y.B.Sc Data Science (CBCS)
F.Y.B.Sc Data Science (CBCS)
F.Y.B.Sc Data Science (CBCS)
MaharashtraUniversity, Jalgaon
Recommended Books:
Davy Cielen,Arno D.B. Meysman,Mohamed Ali ,"Introducing Data Science: Big Data,
Machine Learning, and More, Using Python Tools ",Dreamtech Press Publication, ISBN-10 :
B. Uma Maheswari,R. Sujatha "Introduction to Data Science" Wiley (1 October 2021); Wiley
India Pvt Ltd. 1402,ISBN-10 : 9354640508
Semester I
Data Science-DSC 1 A:
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
DS-102 Core Python for Beginners
Learning Objectives
Recommended Books:
Zed Shaw,"Learn Python the Hard Way", Addison-Wesley Professional Publication,ISBN: 978-
Jason R. Briggs,"Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming" ,No Starch Press
publication ISBN: 978-1593274078
DS-103 Lab Course on Fundamental of Datascience and Core Python for Beginner
Part A :-Lab Course on Fundamental of Data Science
Recommended Books:
Allen B. Downey,"Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist" O'Reilly Media
publication ISBN: 978-1491939369
Paul Barry,"Head First Python: A Brain-Friendly Guide",O'Reilly Media publication ISBN: 978-
1. Identify a domain of your choice (e.g., bookstore, university, e-commerce) and determine the
entities and relationships involved.Design the database schema by defining tables, primary keys, and
foreign keys.Write SQL statements to create the necessary tables in the database. Populate the tables
with sample data to demonstrate the functionality of the database.
4. In this assignment, you will design and implement a small database system for a fictional
company. The database system will be used to store and manage employee information. You will be
responsible for creating the database schema, defining tables and relationships, and implementing
the necessary SQL queries to interact with the database.
Database Design:
Identify the entities and attributes relevant to the employee management system.
Design the database schema.
Define the tables, primary keys, and foreign keys.
Table Creation and Data Population:
Write SQL statements to create the necessary tables in the database.
Populate the tables with sample data to demonstrate the functionality of the database.
SQL Queries:
Write SQL queries to perform the following operations:
Retrieve the list of all employees in the database.
Retrieve the employees who belong to a specific department.
Insert a new employee record into the database.
Update the salary of an employee based on their employee ID.
Delete an employee record from the database.
Write SQL queries to generate reports, such as the total number of employees in each department
or the average salary by job position.
PART B:- LAB course on Object orientation using Python
• Write a Python program to create a Vehicle class with max_speed and mileage instance
• Write a Python program to create a person class. Include attributes like name, country and
date of birth. Implement a method to determine the person's age.
• Write a Python program to create a calculator class. Include methods for basic arithmetic