AUDI SSP 42 v8 Fsi

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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.

2 V8 FSI

Service Training

Audi 4.2-liter V8 FSI Engine

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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Table o Contents

Introduction                                        1

Engine Mechanical                                  5

Oil Circulation System                             14

Cooling System                                   18

Air Circulation System                             20

Fuel System                                      26

Exhaust System                                   28

Engine Management                               32

Knowledge Assessment                           43

The Sel-Study Program provides introductory inormation regarding the design Reerence Note
and unction o new models, automotive components or technologies.
The Sel-Study Program is not a Repair Manual!
All values given are intended as a guideline only and reer
to the sotware version valid at the time o publication o the SSP.
For maintenance and repair work, always reer to the current technical literature. 3/48
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The rst member o the current Audi V amily o engines was the 3.2-liter V6 FSI engine.
Special eatures o the Audi V-engine amily are the 90-degree angle between the cylinder banks and the 90 mm spacing
between the cylinders.
The 4.2-liter V8 FSI engine is also a member o this amily.
It is available in two versions – a comort-oriented version (used or the rst time in the Audi Q7) and a sporty high-revving
version or the new RS4. A 5.2L V10 FSI will also be available in the near uture.

RS4 4.2L V8 FSI High-revving Engine

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The 4.2-liter V8 FSI engine is supplied in the new Audi Q7 The ollowing main objectives were set or the
and RS4. In the uture, the engine will be used in the Audi development o the Audi Q7 engine:
A6 and A8.
– High specic engine power:
● 350 bhp out o 4.2 liters (15 bhp more than MPI

– High torque: 325 lb. t. out o 4.2 liters

– Reduction o uel consumption by approximately 5 %
(at 2000 rpm and 2 bar)
– Short and compact design
– Modular engine concept based on the V6 FSI engine
Note: or V8 and V10 FSI
The technical descriptions o this engine – High idling quality
reer mainly to the 4.2L V8 FSI engine in the
Audi Q7 and the high-revving engine in the – High standard o comort with regard to acoustics and
Audi RS4. running quality
– Low engine weight
– O-road capability o Audi Q7 engine

Audi Q7 4.2L V8 FSI Engine

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Technical Features

– Fuel Straight Injection The main technical dierences between the base engine
– Roller cam rocker arms with hydraulic liters and the high-revving engine lie in the ollowing:

– Chain drives or camshats and accessories – Crankshat/connecting rods/pistons

– Variable camshat adjustment or intake and exhaust – Timing gear
– Cylinder head
– Two-stage magnesium variable inlet maniold with
– Oil supply
integrated tumble fap (not tted in RS4)
– Engine cooling
– Drive-by-wire throttle control
– Intake path
● For compliance with exhaust emission standards
LEV II – Exhaust system
– Engine management

For an exact description o the dierences, please reer to

the relevant sections in this SSP.

RS4 4.2L V8 FSI Engine

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Torque/Power Curve 429

Maximum Torque in lb t

V8 FSI Basic Engine in Audi Q7

V8 FSI High-revving Engine in RS4
lb ft

221 268
Maximum Power Output in Horsepower (HP)

V8 FSI Basic Engine in Audi Q7 215

V8 FSI High-revving Engine in RS4



0 2000 5000 7000 9000

Engine Speed in RPM


Audi Q7 RS4
Engine Code BAR BNS
Type o Engine V8 90° V angle 4V FSI
Displacement in cm 4163
Maximum Power Output in bhp 350 @ 6800 rpm 420 @ 7800 rpm
Maximum Torque in lbt 325 @ 3500 rpm 317 @5500 rpm
Valves per Cylinder 4
Bore in mm (in) 84.5 (3.33)
Stroke in mm (in) 92.8 (3.66)
Compression Ratio 12.5/-0.4 : 1
Firing Order 1–5–4–8–6–3–7–2
Engine Weight in lbs approximately 437* approximately 467**
Engine Management Bosch MED 9.1.1 Bosch 2x MED 9.1
Fuel Grade 98 / 95 RON (91 octane)
Exhaust Emission Standard LEV II

* with automatic transmission

** manual transmission including clutch and dual-mass fywheel 8/48
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Engine Mechanical

Cylinder Block
The cylinder crankcase has a closed-deck design, which is *Aluminum alloys are classed as hypoeutectic or
stronger than the open-deck design. hypereutectic, depending on their silicon content.
In an open-deck cylinder block, the water jacket or “Alusil” has a hypereutectic silicon content o 16 to 18 %
cooling the cylinders is open at the top. The cylinder so that primary silicon is precipitated on solidication o
crankcase is made o a low-pressure gravity diecast the molten metal.
aluminum-silicon alloy, is hypereutectic* and has a
A multistage honing process is applied. The silicon grains
silicon content o 17 % (AlSi17Cu4Mg).
in the cylinder bores in the orm o microscopically small,
The cylinder crankcase underwent special heat very hard particles are stripped to give the necessary
treatment to increase its strength. The cylinder liners are wear resistance o the cylinder suraces or the piston
mechanically stripped. and piston rings.
The cylinder crankcase o the high-revving engine was – Cylinder spacing: 90 mm
machined to higher specications due to the higher
– Cylinder bank oset: 18.5 mm
stresses in this component. To minimize warping o the
cylinder maniolds, the crankcase is honed under stress. – Overall engine length: 464 mm
For this purpose, a honing template is attached to the – Cylinder block height: 228 mm
crankcase beore the honing process in order to simulate
the warping o the bolted-on cylinder maniold.

Cylinder Block
Top Section

Main Bearings

Cylinder Block
Bottom Section

The cylinder crankcase lower section (bedplate bearing The main bearing is symmetric with the center o the
cross-member) is made o aluminum with press-tted main bearing, attached by our bolts. The bedplate type
iron main bearing covers made o grade 50 nodular cast design provides high stability. The bedplate has the same
iron. It is centered using centering pins, sealed with stabilizing eect as a ladder rame.
liquid sealant and bolted to the cylinder crankcase.
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Engine Mechanical

Crankshat/Connecting Rods/

Crankshat Modifcations to High-revving Engine

The crankshat runs on ve bearings and is made o high- At very high engine speeds, axial vibration occurs due to
alloy tempered steel (42CrMoS4). It is 90° cranked and the unbalance in the single-mass damper. This can cause
has no connecting rod journal oset. the crankshat to break.
The vibration damper is a vulcanized single-mass damper To avoid this vibration, a dual-mass damper without
with unbalance. unbalance is employed in the high-revving engine.
To compensate or unwanted engine vibration, heavy
– Main bearing diameter: 65 mm metal inserts are integrated in the rst and eighth crank
– Main bearing width: 18.5 mm journals by way o unbalance.
– Big-end bearing diameter: 54 mm
– Big-end bearing width: 15.25 mm

RS4 Crankshat


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Engine Mechanical

Connecting Rod

Cracked connecting rods made o 36MnVS4 are

used in the basic engine, while the conventionally
split connecting rods in the RS4 engine are made o
34CrNiMo8, or strength.
In addition, the geometry and tolerances o the
connecting rods were reduced on the high revving
version o the 4.2L V8 FSI engine.

– Bearing journals diameter: 54 mm

– Bearing bushings: 1.4 mm thick,
15.25 mm wide
– Length o bushing: 0.20 mm diameter rolled
– Connecting rod length: 154 mm


Breaking surace

During the cracking process, the connecting rod is split

at a predetermined breaking point using a special tool.
The resultant unique breaking surace ensures the high
joining precision o the two mating parts.


breaking point


For strength reasons, orged pistons with a slightly higher

weight than conventional pistons, are used. Both engines
have the same piston geometry.

– Piston weight
without rings: approximately 290 g (10 oz)
– Piston pin: 0.20 mm x 0.11.5 mm x 40 mm

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Engine Mechanical

Crankcase Ventilation
The crankcase is ventilated through both cylinder heads. Ater the blow-by gas has passed through the ne
oil separator, the gas fows into the intake maniold
The valve covers incorporate a large settling space.
downstream o the throttle valve.
This space acts as a gravity-type oil separator. A ne oil
separator is connected to the valve covers by means o This inlet point is integrated in the coolant circulation
plastic hoses. system and heated. This prevents the crankcase breather
rom reezing up.
A control piston, a bypass valve, a two-stage pressure
limiting valve and an oil drain valve are integrated in the
oil separator housing.

Modications ater start o production
In both engines, the separated oil fows
into the crankcase through the cover in the
inner V, adjacent the crankcase breather
(no longer through the chain housing).
In the Audi Q7 engine, the crankcase is

via bankthrough
2 only. a single
Better chamber,
icing i.e., is
achieved in this way.

Breather Pipe Heater Breather Pipe

Crankcase Breather System


Non-return Valve
(crankcase breather)
Bypass Valve

Pressure Limiting Valve

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Engine Mechanical

Fine Oil Separator The separated oil is collected in an oil reservoir beneath
the cyclones. The oil cannot drain out o the reservoir
Blow-by gas volume is dependent on engine load and until the oil drain valve is opened. The oil drain valve
RPM. The ne oil (“oil spray”) is separated by means is closed as long as the pressure in the crankcase, i.e.,
o a cyclone separator. Cyclone separators have a high below the valves, is higher than in the oil separator. The
separation eciency over only a small volumetric range. valve opens automatically due to gravity only at very
low engine RPMs or when the engine is at a standstill,
For that reason, one, two, or three cyclones o the ne oil because the pressure conditions above and below the
separator operate in parallel, depending on the gas-fow
rate. valve are in equilibrium.

The cyclones are released by the control piston. The The crankcase ventilation system also includes the
displacement o the control piston against its spring crankcase breather. Air is extracted downstream o the
orce is dependent on the gas-fow rate. Piston ring air lter and fows through a non-return valve into the
futter at very high engine RPMs and low engine load can crankcase rom above.
result in a very high gas-fow rate. The non-return valve is located at the end o the vent
The crankcase internal pressure is set by the two-stage line and is bolted between the two cylinder banks in the
pressure control valve. The bypass valve, together with engine block.
the control piston, ensures that the cyclones operate at A damping chamber is located below the non-return
the optimum operating point (i the volumetric fow rate valve in the engine block. This prevents non-return valve
is too high or too low, it will impair the unctioning o the futter and eliminates noise.
A restrictor bore connects this chamber to the inner
When the bypass valve opens, a raction o the blow-by chamber o the crankcase. It has the task o supplying
gas fows to the engine untreated, but the remainder is only a dened volume o resh air to the crankcase.
optimally treated by the cyclones.

Control Piston

Oil Reservoir

Triple Cyclones

Oil Drain Valve

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Engine Mechanical

Chain Drives

Audi Q7 4.2L V8 FSI Engine

Chain Drive A

Chain Drive B Chain Drive C

Chain Drive D 377_012

The timing gear concept is identical in all Audi V-engine Audi Q7

There are our chain drives arranged in two layers. The camshats in the basic engine are driven by 3/8”
simplex roller chains.
Due to their acoustic advantages, the chains were
Layer 1 developed to meet the high comort requirements.
In this case, the idler gears have 40 and 24 teeth. The
– Chain drive A drives the camshats idler gears rom
camshat sprockets have 30 teeth.
the crankshat

Layer 2 High-revving Engine

– Top drives B and C drive the camshats rom the idler 3/8“ simplex sleeve-type chains are used here. Their
gears advantage is their reduced wear and higher stress
resistance at high engine speeds.
– Chain drive D drives the accessory drive module rom
the crankshat In this case the idler gears have 38 and 19 teeth. The
camshat sprockets have 25 teeth.

Correct chain tension is ensured by hydraulic tensioners.

The chain drive is maintenance-ree and designed or
lietime service.
The two engine types dier in terms o the type o chains
used and the reduction ratios in drives A, B and C. The
load on the roller chains was reduced in the basic engine
version by selecting a greater number o teeth.
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Engine Mechanical

Accessory Drive
The oil pump, water pump, power steering pump and the
compressor are driven by chain drive D.
The chain is driven directly by the crankshat, defected
by an idler gear and drives the chain sprocket seated on
the gear module.

Air Conditioner Compressor

Coolant Pump


Oil Pump

Gear Module

Power Steering Pump

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Engine Mechanical

Cylinder Heads
The cylinder heads are similar in design to the Audi V6
our-valve FSI cylinder heads.

Specifcations Dierent Features

High-revving o the
– Aluminum cylinder head
To match the higher engine power output and RPM, the
– FSI intake ports with horizontal divisions to produce a
ollowing cylinder head components were modied:
tumble eect
– Four-valve technology with centralized layout o the – Intake ports are charge optimized (based on larger
spark plugs cross-sections)
– Inlet valve: chrome-plated solid stem valve – Intake valves are chrome-plated hollow stem valves
– Exhaust valve: chrome-plated sodium-lled hollow (or weight reduction)
stem valve – Valve springs are made o a material with higher
– Valve lit 11 mm tensile strength and also have higher spring orce

– Lightweight, low-riction valve gear, valve actuation – To meet the higher uel requirements, the injectors are
via roller cam ollowers with hydraulic backlash designed or higher fow rates.

compensation, single valve spring – Roller rocker arms are more robustly designed, with
– Two assembled camshats per cylinder head, driven by peened rollers or higher strength
hydraulic swivel motors – Camshats have dierent timings and larger opening
– Intake valve opening angle 200 crank angle degrees lengths

– Exhaust valve opening angle 210 crank angle degrees – Intake valve opening angle 230 crank angle degrees

– Adjustment range o the camshats is 42 crank angle – Exhaust valve opening angle 220 crank angle degrees
degrees – The liters were adapted rom the 3.2L V6 engine ound
– The adjusters are locked by locking pins when the in the TT and A3. They have a larger ball stroke which,
camshat is at a standstill; intake in advance position, in the course o testing, proved advantageous or the
exhaust in retard position high-revving engine (with regard to the infation o the
hydraulic valve clearance compensation element).
– Return spring in exhaust camshat
– The cylinder head has a modied water jacket which
– Implementation o “internal exhaust gas recirculation” circulates coolant to the area between the intake port
through the use o a corresponding valve overlap and the injector, thereby reducing the temperatures in
the cylinder head combustion chamber plate.
– Due to a modied camshat drive reduction ratio, the
camshat adjuster has 25 teeth or the chain drive, as
opposed to 30 teeth in the basic engine.

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Engine Mechanical

Crankcase Breather
Valve Cover

Hall Sensor

High-pressure Fuel Pump

with Fuel Metering Valve


Camshat Assemblies

Intake Camshat Adjuster

Exhaust Camshat Adjuster

with Return Spring


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Oil Circulation System

The oil supply in the basic engine, and likewise in the The bafe plate is designed such that it not only prevents
high-revving engine, is based on a traditional wet sump the crankshat rom churning the oil in the sump, but also
concept. strengthens the main bearing walls. In the basic engine,
the oil is cooled by an oil-water heat exchanger.
The ocal point o development was on signicant
reduction o the oil fow rate. As a result, the oil remains In the more highly stressed high-revving engine, an
in the sump longer and is better able to de-aerate. additional oil-air heat exchanger is used to minimize the
oil temperature even at high engine load. This additional
The oil fow rate o 50 liters per minute (at 7000 rpm and
heat exchanger is operated in parallel with the heat
120°C oil temperature) is very low or an eight-cylinder
exchanger via a thermostat.
engine. This has helped to minimize oil pump drive power
and thus improve uel economy.

Chain Tensioner Oil Filter Module

Cylinder Bank 1 Cylinder Bank 2

Hydraulic Camshat

Oil Cooler (coolant)

Oil Pressure

Oil Pump

Thermostat Components
Exclusive to
the Audi RS4

Oil Cooler (air) 377_028

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Oil Circulation System

Oil Pump
The oil pump is located above the oil pan. The oil is drawn in through the lter in the bottom o the sump and
simultaneously through the engine return duct while driving. All engine lubrication points are swept rom the pressurized
oil side.

Return Line
rom the Engine

Pressurized Oil Side

Bottom Filter
on Intake Side


Oil Filter Module

The oil lter module is designed as a ull-fow lter. For easy maintenance, it is located in the inner V o the engine. The
lter element can be easily replaced without the need or special tools. It is made o a polymer-based nonwoven material.

Oil Filter Cap

Polymer-based Nonwoven
Filter Element

From the Pressure Side

o the Oil Pump

To the Engine Circuit


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Oil Circulation System

Audi RS4 Sump

A reliable supply o oil in all driving situations is critical,
especially in a sports car such as the RS4. The oil supply
system in the high-revving engine was designed or
racing applications in which it is subjected to lateral
acceleration o up to 1.4 g. To ensure this, the sump in
the RS4 has an additional system o faps.


Four faps, whose axis o rotation is parallel to the

longitudinal axis o vehicle, are arranged inside a
housing. Each o the faps opens toward the inside o the
intake end o the oil pump.

Function Direction o Travel

When the vehicle is cornering, the oil fows inside the

sump toward the outside o the corner. The two faps 377_037
acing the outside o the corner close and hold the oil in
the sump intake.
At the same time, the two faps acing the inside o the
corner open to allow additional oil to fow into the intake.
This ensures a sucient supply o oil to the oil pump.

Cutaway View A
To Outside o Corner
Acting Centriugal Forces


Flap Closes Flap Opens

(oil back-pressure is increased) (oil fows into intermediate chamber)

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Oil Circulation System

Oil Circulation System


Pressurized Oil Downstream o Filter

Pressurized Oil Upstream o Filter

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Cooling System

Audi Q7 42L V8 FSI Cooling System

Heater Core

Expansion Tank

Coolant Temperature Sensor

Coolant Pump

Oil Cooler Thermostat


The cooling system in the new V8 engines was congured A map-controlled coolant thermostat is used in the basic
as a longitudinal-fow cooling system. The cooling water engine.
fows in on the outlet side and through the cylinder
When operating at ull throttle, the coolant temperature
head gasket into the cylinder head, where it fows out
is reduced to 90°C via an electrically heated thermostat
longitudinally through the chain housing cover.
to avoid increasing the tendency o the engine to knock.
Cooling o the cylinder webs was improved by drilling When operating at part throttle, which is not critical with
coolant ducts with an optimized cross-sectional area into regard to knock, the coolant temperature is increased to
the webs. Forced fow through these bores is ensured by 105°C. The thermodynamic advantages and the reduced
means o specially sealed water ducts. riction result in a uel saving o approximately 1.5 %
when operating at low part-throttle.
The high-revving engine also has two V-shaped orced-
fow bores between the inlet valves, because they are
subjected to higher stresses due to the high power Radiator Fan Control
The Engine Control Module (ECM) J623 activates Coolant
Fan Control (FC) Control Module J293 and Coolant Fan
Control (FC) Control Module 2 J671 by generating a
separate PWM signal. The coolant an control modules
then energize the coolant ans based on the ECM signal
by means o a PWM signal. The radiator an is activated
by the ECM based on a characteristic map.
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Cooling System

Audi RS4 42L V8 FSI Cooling System

Ater-Run Coolant
Pump V51

Generator Non-return Valve

Coolant Pump

Coolant Thermostat
or Additional Cooler

Oil Cooler Thermostat

Additional Cooler, Right Additional Cooler, Let

Coolant Pump and Thermostat

The 4.2L V8 FSI engine in the RS4 does not use the map-
controlled thermostat as ound in the Audi Q7 engine.
To achieve more eective cooling, two additional coolers
are used. Coolant fows continuously through one o
the additional coolers. The second additional cooler is
opened via a coolant thermostat.
To avoid excessive heating-up ater shutting o the hot
engine, the coolant run-on pump is activated a preset
period o time ater the engine is shut o. The pump
run-on time and the need or additional activation
o both radiator ans are determined on the basis o
characteristic maps. Various measured quantities Coolant Pump
are included in the calculation (engine temperature,
ambient temperature, engine oil temperature and uel Thermostat
consumption). 377_034
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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Air Circulation System

Air Intake
The intake path o the Audi Q7 is double-chambered and Intake maniold path change-over is map-controlled.
discharges into a variable inlet maniold made o gravity The adjustment is made by the Variable Intake Maniold
die cast aluminum. A Bosch throttle valve module with Runner Motor V183. No eedback is given on the position
a diameter o 82 mm is located upstream o the variable o the variable inlet maniold.
inlet maniold. I the intake maniold shuto is not unctioning, exhaust
The variable intake maniold is o the two-stage design. gas quality is not impaired. In this case, the driver will
In the lower RPM range, the long intake maniold path is notice a loss o power.
activated in order to increase torque. In the upper RPM
range, the short intake maniold path is activated. This
position produces an increase in engine power output.

Audi Q7 Intake System

Throttle Valve Module Variable Inlet Maniold

Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor G70 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor 2 G246

Intake Maniold Flaps


Intake Maniold Flaps

As with the variable intake maniold, the intake maniold In the basic engine in the Audi Q7 the intake maniold
faps in both engine variants are controlled according to faps are activated via an electrical actuator.
a characteristic map. In both engines the intake maniold
For each cylinder bank, the position o the intake
faps are activated in the lower engine load and RPM
maniold faps is monitored by a Hall sensor.
In the high-revving engine, the intake maniold faps are
They are brought into contact with the port bafes in
activated by a single vacuum actuator per cylinder bank.
the cylinder head and seal the lower part o the intake
In this case, too, the fap position is indicated by means
port. The aspirated air mass now fows through the
o Hall sensors.
upper section o the intake port and induces a tumbling
charging motion inside the cylinder.
When not activated, the intake maniold faps are open
and the cross-sectional area o the port is maximized. All
faps in a cylinder bank are attached to a common shat.

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Air Circulation System

The intake system o the RS4 engine was designed with The power fap is opened and closed by a vacuum
emphasis on maximum fow control. Pressure loss is actuator which is map-controlled by the ECM via the
minimized by a large cross-sectional areas in the Mass Air Intake Air Switch-Over Valve N335.
Flow (MAF) Sensor G70 and air intake pipe in combination
The sand cast aluminum intake maniold was designed
with a 90 mm diameter throttle valve. specically to match the sporty characteristic o the
To ensure a sucient supply o air to the engine at high engine. In contrast to the basic engine, maximum torque
RPM, the power fap in the air lter is opened at engine is produced at higher engine RPM. At this engine speed,
speeds higher than 5000 RPM and at road speeds higher the intake maniold changeover valve would be switched
than 200 kph. to the short path or higher power output.

Audi RS4 Intake System

Air Intake
Mass Air Flow (MAF)
Sensor G70
Throttle Valve Module

Air Intake Pipe Intake Maniold

Cylinder Head

Power Flap

Air Intake

Air Intake
Power Flap
Vacuum Unit


Intake Maniold Flaps

The RS4 engine does not have a variable intake maniold.

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Air Circulation System

Audi RS4 Vacuum Hoses

The conventional method o supplying vacuum to the This means that connecting a vacuum line downstream
brake servo and the engine components is problematic in o the throttle valve would not supply the needed
the case o FSI engines. vacuum. This is due to the act that in many engine
operating situations, the wide open throttle valve would
result in low mass fow rates and vacuum in the intake

Secondary Air Injection

(AIR) Pump Motor V101
Air Filter Filter Housing Flap

Combination Valve Vacuum Unit

Intake Air Switch-Over Valve N335 Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister

Purge Regulator Valve N80

Activated Charcoal Caniste

“Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor G70 ”

Suction Jet Pump

(entrainment pump) with
Integrated Non-return Valve

Intake Maniold Runner Control

(IMRC) Valve N316

Intake Maniold Flaps
Vacuum Units

Secondary Air Injection (AIR)

Solenoid Valve N112

Non-return Valve

Brake System Vacuum

Pump V192

Vacuum Reservoir Brake Servo Brake Booster Pressure Sensor G294 Brake Booster
with Non-return Valve Relay J569

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Air Circulation System

For this reason, in both engine versions, the required In this case, the vacuum produced by the suction jet
vacuum is produced by a suction jet pump and, i pump is not enough to suciently evacuate the brake
necessary, additionally by an electrical vacuum pump. servo. The Brake Booster Pressure Sensor G294 is
connected to the line to the brake booster and transmits
The suction jet pump is connected in parallel with the
throttle valve part upstream and downstream o the its values to the Engine Control Module J623 (ECM). In the
ECM (map controlled), the Brake Booster Relay J569 and
throttle valve. The branched air fow drives the suction
the Brake System Vacuum Pump V192 are activated until
jet pump. An extreme case is that o cold starting. For
the required vacuum is present.
example, when the catalytic converter is heating up, the
throttle valve is wide open.

Secondary Air Injection (AIR)

Pump Relay J299
Fuel Tank

Exhaust Flap

Exhaust Flap

Vacuum Reservoir

Exhaust Flap Valve 1 N321


B Engine Control Module (ECM) J623

A Engine Control Module (ECM) 2 J624

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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Air Circulation System

Audi Q7 Vacuum Hoses

Secondary Air Pump Air Filter Evaporator Casing Extraction Valve

Brake System
Vacuum Pump V192

Suction Jet Pump

(entrainment pump)
with Non-return Valve

Combination Valve A

Brake Servo Brake Booster Pressure Brake Booster

Sensor G294 Relay J569

A Engine Control Module (ECM) J623

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Air Circulation System

The illustrations show the vacuum hoses.
The tting locations may deviate rom
those shown here.
Always reer to the latest Electronic Servic

Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay J299

Evaporator Casing

From Fuel Tank


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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Fuel System

Audi Q7/RS4 Fuel System

Fuel Metering
Fuel Metering
Valve 2 N402
Valve N290

Fuel Pump 2

Fuel Pump 1

Low Fuel Pressure

Sensor G410

Leakage Line

Audi Q7 Low-pressure System

For a description o the system’s operating
mode, reer to SSP 992403 – The 2005 Audi
A6 Engines and Transmissions. The main
dierence with this system is that it uses
two high-pressure pumps.

Audi RS4 Low-pressure System

High Pressure
Low Pressure
Fuel Filter

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Fuel System

Fuel Pressure Sensor G247

Fuel (rail) 2

To Fuel Injectors N83 - N86

(cylinders 5-8)

Pressure Limiting Valve (136 bar)

Fuel (rail) 1

Fuel Injectors N30 - N33

(cylinders 1-4)


Fuel Filter
Integrated in Tank

Fuel Pump (FP)

Control Module J538 Transer Fuel
Pump (FP) G6

Return Line

Fuel Tank

Transer Fuel
Pump (FP) G6

Fuel Pump (FP)

Control Module J538

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Exhaust System

Exhaust System
During the development o the exhaust system, special emphasis was placed on optimizing fow resistance.

Audi Q7 Audi RS4

Each cylinder bank has its own exhaust pipe. The air-gap To enhance the sporty character o the RS4 engine, a an-
insulated exhaust maniolds are fanged onto the cylinder type maniold is used in the RS4.
Good separation o the exhaust pulses is ensured by
They oer the advantage o low heat loss in the exhaust keeping the individual exhaust pipes apart until they
gas. As a result o this, the primary catalytic converters merge into one. These an-type maniolds are also
are able to heat up quickly. attached by means o a clamping fange system.
The primary catalytic converters are ceramic type The primary and main catalytic converters are metal-type
catalytic converters. The O2 sensors are connected to catalytic converters. Their advantage is that they have a
them. The O2 sensor upstream o the catalytic converter lower fow resistance than ceramic catalytic converters,
is a broadband sensor. which is good or engine perormance.
A nonlinear sensor is located downstream o the catalytic The ront silencer or each o the exhaust pipes is housed
converter. The main catalytic converters in the underbody in a common casing. However, the exhaust pipes are kept

pipesare alsoindividual
o the ceramic catalytic
cylinder converters. The exhaust
banks discharge into separate.
silencers. The
Theyront and rearor
are notable silencers are
their low absorption-type
fow resistance.
a ront silencer. Both the ront and rear silencers are
absorption-type silencers. A crossover unction in the
silencer ensures higher engine power output and torque.
The ront and rear silencers are connected by separate
pipes. Again, the rear silencer is a common component
o both exhaust pipes. On the inside o the rear silencer,
however, the let and right exhaust pipes are clearly

Audi Q7 Exhaust System

Exhaust Maniold

Primary Catalytic Converter

Decoupling Element

Main Catalytic Converter

Front Silencer

Oxygen (O2) Sensors

Rear Silencer


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Exhaust System

Audi RS4 Exhaust Flap Control

A urther dierence is the layout; one exhaust fap is Function
located downstream o each o the rear silencers. The
exhaust faps are tted to give the engine a sporty sound. The exhaust faps are switched by a vacuum actuator.
Low-requency droning noise at low engine RPM is Both vacuum units are switched by an electrically
prevented. At high engine RPM and high exhaust gas fow activated solenoid valve. The exhaust faps are switched
rates, fow noise and exhaust back pressure are reduced according to a characteristic map.
by opening the additional cross-section.
The actors o engine load, engine RPM, gear selected
The exhaust gas faps are closed at idle, low engine load and the shit signal rom the Sport button are used to
and at low engine RPM. plot the characteristic map.
For example, the exhaust faps are opened at idle when
the Sport button is pressed.

Audi RS4 Exhaust System

Fan-type Exhaust Maniold,

4 in 2 in 1

Primary Catalytic Converter

Decoupling Element

Main Catalytic Converter

Front Silencer

Oxygen (O2) Sensors

Rear Silencer

Vacuum Control

Exhaust Actuator Flap


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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Exhaust System

Secondary Air System

The secondary air system ensures that the catalytic Operating Mode in the Audi Q7
converter heats up more quickly and is available sooner
ater a cold start. During the warm-up phase, the Engine Control Module
J623 activates Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Motor
V101 via the Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay
Principle J299.

Due to the richer air-uel mixture in the cold start and The air fow rom the secondary air pump opens the
warm-up phases, a higher concentration o unburned combination valve or secondary air and admits air into
hydrocarbons occurs in the exhaust gas. Post-oxidation in the exhaust system upstream o the catalytic converter.
the maniold and header pipe is promoted by secondary-
air injection. The heat dissipated during this process
heats the catalytic converter to operating temperature
within approximately 30 seconds ater engine start.

Audi Q7 Secondary Air System

Air Filter

Secondary Air
Injection (AIR) Pump
Motor V101

Combination Valves


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Exhaust System

Operating Mode in the RS4 The basic engine in the Audi Q7 and the high-revving
engine in the RS4 have dierent tting locations or the
The secondary air system operates in much the same way secondary air system. In the Audi Q7, the secondary air
as that in the Audi Q7 engine. The dierence here lies in system is tted at the engine ront end on the input side
the way the combination valves open and close. o the ribbed V-belt, while in the RS4 it is tted at the
output end o the engine.
The air path rom the secondary air pump to the
secondary air duct in the cylinder head is opened by
means o a vacuum unit on the combination valve. The
vacuum unit is controlled by the Secondary Air Injection
(AIR) Solenoid Valve N112 via the ECM.
For a description o the operating mode
this system, please reer to
SSP 921903 – The V8-5V Engine,
Construction Features and Functions.

Audi RS4 Secondary Air System

Combination Valve with Vacuum Unit

(vacuum controlled)
Air Filter

Secondary Air Injection (AIR)

Solenoid Valve N112

Secondary Air Pump

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Engine Management

System Overview – Audi Q7 (Boxch MED 911)


Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor G70

Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor 2 G246
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor G42

Throttle Position (TP) Sensor G79

Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 G185

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor G28

Knock Sensors (KS) 1-4 G61, G66, G198, G199

Fuel Pressure Sensor G24 7

PowerTrain CAN Data Bus

Intake Maniold Runner Position Sensor G336
Intake Maniold Runner Position Sensor 2 G512

Camshat Position (CMP) Sensor G40 Engine Control

Camshat Position (CMP) Sensor 2+3 G163 ,G300 Module (ECM) J623
Camshat Position (CMP) Sensor 4 G301

Low Fuel Pressure Sensor G410

Engine Coolant Temperatu re (ECT) Sensor G62

Throttle Valve Control Module J338

Throttle Drive Angle Sensors 1+2 or Electronic
Power Control (EPC) G187, G188

Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) G39

Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) 2 G108
Oxygen Sensor (O2S) Behind Three Way Catalytic
Converter (TWC) G130
Oxygen Sensor (O2S) 2 Behind Three Way Catalytic
Converter (TWC) G131

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor (on Radiator) G83

Brake Light Switch F

Brake Pedal Switch F47

Brake Booster Pressure Sensor G2 94

Additional signals:
Terminal 50/50 R
Brake Servo
Access/Start Control Module J518
Cruise Signal rom Steering Column Electronic Systems Control Module J527
Door Contact Wake-up rom Comort System Central Control Module J393
Multi-Function Transmission Range (TR) Switch F125
Auxiliary Heater Wake-up via Climatronic Control Module J255
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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Engine Management


Starter Relay J53, Starter Relay 2 J695

Motronic Engine Control Module Power Supply Relay J271
Engine Component Power Supply Relay J757

Fuel Pump (FP) Control Module J538

Transer Fuel Pump (FP) G6

Fuel Injectors, Cylinders 1-8 N30-N33, N83-N86

Throttle Valve Control Module J338

Throttle Drive (or Electronic Power Control (EPC)) G186

Ignition Coils 1-8 with Power Output Stage

N70, N127, N291, N292, N323-N326

Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve N80

Map Controlled Engine Cooling Thermostat F265

Fuel Metering Valve N290

Fuel Metering Valve 2 N402

Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay J299

Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Motor V101

Camshat Adjustment Valves 1+2 N205, N208

Camshat Adjustment Valves 1+2 (exhaust) N318, N319

Oxygen Sensor (O2S) Heaters 1+2 Z19 and Z28

Oxygen Sensors (O2S) 1+2 (behind Three Way Catalytic
Converter (TWC)) Heater Z29 and Z30

Variable Intake Maniold Runner Motor V183

Intake Flap Motor V157

Brake Light Disable Relay (ESP) J508

Coolant Circulation Pump Relay J151

Ater-Run Coolant Pump V51

Leak Detection Pump (LDP) V144

Brake Booster Relay J569

Brake System Vacuum Pump V192

Coolant Fan Control (FC) Control Module J293

Coolant Fan V7

Coolant Fan Control (FC) Control Module 2 J671

Coolant Fan 2 V177

Additional signals:
Engine speed
Climatronic Control Module J255
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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Engine Management

System Overview – Audi RS4 (Boxch MED 91)


Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor G70

Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor G42

Throttle Position (TP) Sensor G79

Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 G185

PowerTrain CAN Data Bu

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor G28

Knock Sensors (KS) 1+2 G61, G66

Fuel Pressure Sensor G24 7

Camshat Position (CMP) Sensor G40

Camshat Position (CMP) Sensor 3 G300

Engine Control
Throttle Valve Control Module J338 Module (ECM) J623
Throttle Drive Angle Sensors 1+2 or Electronic
Power Control (EPC) G187, G188

Clutch Pedal Switch F36

Clutch Pedal Starter Interlock Switch F194

Engine Coolant Temperatu re (ECT) Sensor G62

Low Fuel Pressure Sensor G410

Intake Maniold Runner Position Sensor G336

Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) G39

Oxygen Sensor (O2S) Behind Three Way Catalytic
Converter (TWC) G130

Brake Booster Pressure Sensor G2 94

Brake Light Switch F

Brake Pedal Switch F47

Engine Control
Additional signals:
Module (ECM) 2 J624
Cruise control system on/o
Terminal 50
Door contact wake-up rom Comort System Central
Control Module J393

Camshat Position (CMP) Sensor 2 G163

Camshat Position (CMP) Sensor 4 G301

Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor G28

Knock Sensors 3+4 G198, G199

Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) 2 G108

Oxygen Sensor (O2S) 2 Behind Three Way Catalytic
Converter (TWC) G131
Intake Maniold Runner Position Sensor 2 G512

Additional signals:
Door contact wake-up rom Comort System Central
Control Module J393
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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Engine Management


Fuel Pump Control Module J538

Transer Fuel Pump (FP) G6

Ignition Coils 1-4 with Power Output Stage

N70, N127, N291, N292

Fuel Metering Valve N290

Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve N80

Right Electro-Hydraulic Engine Mount Solenoid Valve N145

Intake Maniold Runner Control (IMRC) Valve N316

Starter Relay J53, Starter Relay 2 J695

Exhaust Flap Valve 1 N321

Leak Detection Pump (LDP) V144

Fuel Injectors, Cylinders 1-4 N30-N33

Camshat Adjustment Valve 1 N205

Camshat Adjustment Valve 1 (exhaust) N318

Throttle Valve Control Module J338

Throttle Drive (or Electronic Power Control (EPC)) G186

Coolant Circulation Pump Relay J151

Ater-Run Coolant Pump V51
Connection Oxygen Sensor (O2S) Heater Z19
Oxygen Sensor (O2S) 1 (behind Three Way Catalytic Converter
(TWC)) Heater Z29
Intake Air Switch-Over Valve N335

Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay J299

Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Motor V101
Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Solenoid Valve N112

Brake Booster Relay J569

Brake System Vacuum Pump V192

Engine Component Power Supply Relay J757

Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM) Power Supply Relay


Additional signals:
Engine speed
Coolant Fan Control (FC) Control Modules 1 + 2 J293, J671
Ignition Coils 5-8 with Power Output Stage N323-N326

Camshat Adjustment Valve 2 N208

Camshat Adjustment Valve 2 (exhaust) N319

Cylinders 5-8 Fuel Injectors N83-N86

Oxygen Sensor (O2S) 2 Heater Z28

Oxygen Sensor (O2S) 2 (behind Three Way Catalytic Converter
(TWC)) Heater Z30

Fuel Metering Valve 2 N402

Let Electro-Hydraulic Engine Mount Solenoid Valve N144

Throttle Valve Control Module J338

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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Engine Management

Engine management in the new 4.2L V8 FSI is by two The processor operates at a clock requency o 56 MHz.
versions o the Bosch MED 9.1.1. The internal memory has a storage capacity o 512
Kilobytes. Each o the two external memories has a
A single control module is used in the Audi Q7 engine.
storage capacity o two megabytes.
There are two control modules or the RS4 engine. A
master-slave concept is required here due to the requisite The connection to the vehicle network is made by means
processing power at engine speeds up to 8250 RPM. o a CAN data bus.
Further dierences between the Audi Q7 and RS4 engines In the case o the master-slave concept, data is
with respect to engine management are as ollows: additionally exchanged across a private bus.
Engine Speed Sensor G28
An inductive sender is used in the Audi Q7 engine. A Hall
eect sensor is used in the RS4 engine with master/slave
The signal rom the Hall sensor can, unlike the signal
rom the inductive sender, be split with the result that it
can be utilized by both engine control modules.
Applying the signal directly to both engine control
modules ensures that the control modules are absolutely

Throttle Valve Module

The Bosch throttle valve module used in the Audi Q7 is
the largest in the range with a diameter o 82 mm. The
Pierburg system was selected because the air intake
system in the RS4 has a diameter o 90 mm. However,
both systems work in exactly the same way.

Spark Plugs
In contrast to the Audi Q7, spark plugs with a higher heat
rating (colder plugs)* are used because the RS4 engine is
subjected to higher thermal stresses.

* applies to NGK spark plugs 377_071

Due to the higher uel demand and the shorter window
o time available or injection at very high engine speeds,
the RS4 engine is tted with larger injectors than the 377_066
Audi Q7 engine.

The RS4 engine is diagnosed via the K-wire. The Audi Q7
is diagnosed via the powertrain CAN bus.

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8/8/2019 Audi SSP 4.2 V8 FSI

Engine Management

Control Module Communications

in the RS4

The Engine Control Module J623 (ECM, master) computes The slave control module acts as the misre detector or
and controls the signals rom the actuators or cylinder each o the eight cylinders. It also processes the signal
bank 1. rom the Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor G28.
Most sensors are connected to the ECM (reer to System Master and slave control modules are identical in design
Overview, pages 34/35). and have the same part number. A voltage code in the
control module determines whether the control module
Both control modules are connected to the CAN data bus;
in the master or the slave.
the slave control module is used as a receiver only.
I battery positive is applied to the encoding pin, the
The load signals required to compute and control
control module is the master.
the signals or the actuators o cylinder bank 2 are
transmitted via private bus.
Engine Control Module Engine Control Module
(ECM) J623 (ECM) 2 J624

Private Bus

CAN Data Bus


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Engine Management

CAN Data Bus Interaces (Powertrain CAN Data Bus) in the Audi Q7
The messages listed here are transmitted rom the control modules to the powertrain CAN data bus. However, only a ew
o the important messages are listed. In reality, there are many more. O course, these messages are subject to change
due to sotware updates.

Engine Control Module J623 Transmission Control Module J217 Data Bus Diagnostic Interace J533
Transmits: Transmits: Trailer operation
Rear light
Idle inormation (EBC) Selector active/inactive
Brake light
Kick-down inormation A/C compressor “OFF”
Trailer brake light
Engine speed Torque converter clutch status
All relevant ACC messages
Engine torque Target gear
rom J428
Accelerator pedal angle Selector lever position
All relevant CCS messages
Mechanical engine torque loss NOMINAL engine torque
rom J523
Gearbox code Motion resistance index
Alternator load torque
Engine conguration Limp-home programs
Climatronic Control Module J255:
Coolant temperature Cooling request
– Request
Brake light switch inormation OBD status (MIL lamp activation)
Brake pedal switch Idle input torque – RPM increase
– Torque increase
CCS switch positions Rev-up fag Instrument Cluster Control
CCS set speed Nominal idling speed Module J285:
SET/ACTUAL idle speed Creep adaptation mode request – Fuel tank inormation
Throttle-valve angle Hazard warning light system “on” – Ambient temperature
Intake air temperature Gear shit active – Standing time
Drive-by-wire throttle lamp – Mileage
OBD2 lamp – Inormation rom Oil Level
“Hot” warning lamp Sensor G266
Power reduction or A/C compressor
load shedding
Fuel consumption
Radiator an activation
Oil temperature
Fault memory entry
CAN High
Activation o electrical brake servo


ABS Control Module J104

TCS request
EBC request
ABS request
EDL intervention Steering Angle Sensor G85
ESP intervention Steering wheel angle (utilized
ESP brake light switch or idling pre-control and engine
Active brake servo torque calculation based on the
Road speed signal power demand o the power
TCS intervention torque steering system)
Level Control System Control
EBC intervention torque Module J197 Torque request at ull steering
Lateral acceleration lock
Wheel speed
Brake pressure status In case o alsely set code 50 mph

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Engine Management

CAN Data Bus Interaces (Powertrain CAN Data Bus) in the Audi RS4

Engine Control Module J623 (master) ABS Control Module J104 Instrument Cluster Control Module

Idle inormation TCS request J285

Rear light
Accelerator pedal angle EBC request
Steering Column Electronic
Clutch switch ABS request
Systems Control Module J527:
Engine torque EDL intervention
All relevant CCS messages
Engine speed ESP intervention
Sport switch
Coolant temperature ESP brake light switch
Climatronic Control Module J255:
Brake light switch inormation Rough road suppression .
All signals that require load
CCS status ABS in diagnostics adaptation due to a load request.
Throttle-valve angle Active brake servo Instrument Cluster Control Module
Intake air temperature Road speed signal

OBD2 lamp TCS intervention torque – Fuel tank inormation

– Oil temperature
“Hot” warning lamp EBC intervention torque
– Ambient temperature
A/C compressor “OFF” or power TCS lamp activation
– Standing time
Lateral acceleration – Mileage
Starter control (automatic start)
Wheel speed – Inormation rom Oil Level
Oil temperature Thermal Sensor G266

CAN High


Low High

Engine Control Module 2 J624

Steering Angle Sensor G85
Utilizes the signals rom CAN 1
(powertrain CAN bus) and CAN Steering wheel angle and
2 (private CAN) to calculate the steering wheel angle speed
activation o the actuators o (utilized or idle pre-control
cylinder bank 2 (let bank) (reer to and engine torque calculation
System Overview). based on the power demand
o the power steering system)
Airbag Control Module J234
Crash intensity
Fuel shut-o

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Engine Management

Audi RS4 Function Diagram

30 3
87 8
15 1


F194 F36 D

J623 J624

+ - S 30 15a 50

J53 G28 M B

31 3



B Starter
D Ignition Switch
F36 Clutch Pedal Switch
F194 Clutch Pedal Starter Interlock Switch
G28 Engine Speed (RPM) Sensor
J53 Starter Realy
J623 Engine Control Module (master)
J624 Engine Control Module 2 (slave)
J695 Starter Relay 2
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Engine Management

Audi RS4 Sport Mode

To accentuate the sporty character o the RS4, the driver can switch Sport mode “on” or “o” using a special switch. When
the Sport program button is pressed the ollowing in-vehicle unctions are activated:

– More direct accelerator pedal response

– More sporty exhaust system set-up

When Sport mode is activated, an indicator lamp illuminates in the dash panel insert. Sport mode is deactivated when the
ignition is turned o.

377_077 377_078

Accelerator Pedal Function Exhaust Flap Control

(Throttle Progression)
Ater the Sport mode is activated, unlike in normal
operation, the exhaust faps in the rear silencer are
When Sport mode is activated, the engine becomes more
opened when the engine is idling. This emphasizes the
responsive. At the same time, the characteristic curve o
the accelerator pedal is modied in the ECM. This means sporty sound o the RS4 engine.
that, in Sport mode, the requested engine torque is Ater engine speed is increased, however, the exhaust
higher than in normal operation in the same accelerator faps are closed again. This ensures that the vehicle
pedal position. meets the statutory noise emission limits.
In addition, the comort-oriented “sot” engine torque Reopening o the exhaust faps while driving is speed
curve is suppressed. As a result, the engine responds
immediately to pressure on the accelerator pedal. and load dependent,
characteristic map. and is regulated on the basis o a


Normal Operation 100

Sport Mode
i 70
r 60
d 50
e 40
R 30



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Accelerator Position
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Knowledge Assessment

An on-line Knowledge Assessment (exam) is available or this Sel-Study Program.

The Knowledge Assessment may or may not be required or Certication.
You can nd this Knowledge Assessment at:

For assistance, please call:

Audi Academy
Learning Management Center Headquarters
1-877-AUDI-LMC (283-4562)
(8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST)

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