Digital Curation - Advance HE
Digital Curation - Advance HE
Digital Curation - Advance HE
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Digital curation
The practice of digital curation emerged as a response to the dramatic growth of digital content
published on the Internet. This digital overload – a result of participatory web 2.0 culture in which
the tools to create and publish information are readily available to all – has generated a tidal wave
of content (Rosenbaum 2011). This infographic produced by Intel estimates that a staggering
1.57GB of global IP data is transferred on the Internet every minute. 1/7
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The value of the digital curator is his/her ability to scour this content and transform aggregated
information into something new – constructing and reconstructing information to create new
knowledge and promote/support learning. This emerging role is one of increasing value within
news media where sifting through social media and validating the reliability of sources is
paramount and in other industries – such as public relations and marketing – where this role is
used as a tool to manage content.
In higher education the movement towards personalised learning; the increasing popularity of the
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach; the increasing numbers of students and faculty who
are digitally fluent and have their own personal learning networks (PLN); and a drive towards self-
directed learning create an environment in which the skills of personal knowledge management
and digital curation become increasingly essential 21st-century competencies.
Watch this video which asks ‘what is curation?’ And discusses the subject as a creative practice
within a digital context:
Digital curation is a digital literacy and requires a subset of key skills. Among these is social
listening; the process of listening to what is being said across multiple channels and who is saying
it. In addition the ability to select the most effective digital tools and to use them fluently enables
both the listening process and the sharing of information.
Popular tools include Pearltrees and Pintrest. Users collect resources they would
recommend to others. A typical comparison of features is available here. 2/7
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Curation tools often provide features to search on the users behalf in addition to individual
recommendations made directly by the curator. A curator would identify key words or phrases and
the curation service may make recommendations for approval by filtering RSS feeds of other
providers; this speeds up the process of discovery. Curators then add commentary on the curated
item to contextualise it in their collection. Curated collections are often followed by other curators
or general users who can take advantage of the filtering that has been done on their behalf.
• Moocs
• Accessible online learning resources from the Xerte project (online learning resources)
• Infographics examples
Sector Snapshot
A team from Curtin University’s School of Economics and Finance in Australia have used digital
curation as pedagogical tool within their blended learning strategy. Formally assessed digital
curation activities were integrated into a ‘flipped’ 13-week course where there were working as
course facilitators. Digital curation activities enhanced engagement and improved preparation
ahead of guest lectures as evidenced by the quality of questions posed to speakers. Information-
sharing and social learning were driven by the curation activities and improvements in critical
thinking analytical and research skills were noted. The Curtin team is using the data collected from
this initial project to expand the reach of digital curation across the University (Ostashewski et al.
2014). 3/7
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At Emerson College in Boston a team of researchers is exploring digital curation as a core digital
literacy. A sample group of 47 students was asked to curate digital essays using the social
platform Storify (Storify is a social network for creating stories and timelines from sites such as
twitter and Facebook). These were then analysed with initial results indicating an improvement in
reflective learning outcomes (Mihailidis and Cohen 2013).
Are you using digital curation in your practice? We would like to hear how you are using it. Share
your practice with us at @HEAtoZ #HEAtoZ.
Digital curation can be used to teach about information creation; bias and the framing of sources;
analysing and evaluating the credibility of sources; social listening; storytelling; appreciating the
diversity of online voices and creative expression online.
There is also great benefit in using the curatorial process as a form of personal knowledge
management (PKM). Faculty and students might use PKM methodology to make sense of online
material and to guide their choice of tools in capturing and sharing it.
Getting Started 4/7
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If you want to try some social listening why not use Twitter to follow some interesting
conversations. Identify where the conversations are happening and who the key players are. If you
find it a challenge to follow multiple people and topic conversations at once use a tool like
Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to organise the conversations for you.
Make sense of the information you have pulled together by reflecting on it. This might be a short
comment in the curation tool you have selected or perhaps write a blog as part of this reflective or
sense-making process. Use your blog to make new connections between pieces of information
and to contextualise your thoughts. Provide links and attribute your sources. Use a tool like
Flipboard to aggregate your information annotate and contextualise it. Ensure your curation has a
unique viewpoint to attract followers who seek an evaluated and qualified source.
• Share – How do I share my knowledge ideas and experiences? How might I foster and use
personal learning networks for this purpose?
Share your ideas and resources with your personal learning networks and encourage
conversation and debate. Publish your curated collection using an appropriate service.
Recommend the RSS feed of these articles so others can consume it in the tool of their choice.
Have a go use some of the tools and then start to think about how you might use digital
pedagogies to inform your learning design.
Next Steps 5/7
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Sign up with a leading provider and explore the tools for gathering content and allowing you to
filter enhance or qualify it.
You can also find out more about Digital Curation through the Digital Curation centre
• 21st-century skills
• Digital literacies
Leadership and management Skills development Teaching and learning Flexible learning
Digital literacy Technology enhanced learning Employability and entrepreneurship 21st century skills
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy Bias Equality, Diversity and Inclusion student matters
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Culture change Financial sustainability Strategy, purpose and vision
The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education
Academy. 6/7
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