Perry Anderson, The Figures of Descent

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Perry Anderson

The Figures of Descent

The debates aroused by a number of theses on Britain, published in New Left Review some twenty years ago, had at their centre a dispute over the character of the dominant class in Hanoverian and Victorian England, and the nature of the state over which it presided. These were the historical issues most hotly contested at the time, and since. If it seems an appropriate moment to reconsider them today, it is necessary to begin with a reminder. The set of hypotheses then developed in this review had a clearly stated purpose. They were designed to offer an explanation of the pervasive crisis of British society in the mid sixties. Intellectually, the explanandum was the malady of the capitalist order in the UK. The agrarian and aristocratic stamp of English rulers in the era of the Pax Britannica, the subordination of bourgeois manufacturers and mill-owners to them, with all the consequenceseconomic, political and culturalthat followed from the cadet role of industrial capital in the Victorian age, were the explanans. In the controversies set off by these claims, the structure of the argument itself often tended to be

forgotten.1 Thus Edward Thompson roundly rejected the picture of the hegemonic bloc within English society in the epoch of its world supremacy that we had drawn, and sketched in his own alternative to itjust as he no less vigorously refused the image of the subordinate class to be found in our essays, in favour of another vision of them.2 But he did not address himself to the central problem at stakethe origins of the present crisisat all. It is this continuing question, however, which forms the real testing-bed for a review of our successive surmises today. How far are these compatible, not only with the historical evidence of the time, but with the contemporary pattern of events since? We wrote as Marxists. Our critics replied to us asbetterMarxists. That was true, for example, of Nicos Poulantzas, as much as of Edward Thompson.3 In point of orthodoxy, there seemed little doubt as to which side possessed the proper credentials. England was, after all, the classical laboratory of Capital. If the industrial bourgeoisie was not the triumphant master of the world of Peel and Gladstone, when British capitalist society soared above all others, where else could it fulfil the destiny of the Manifesto? It was consequently assumed that Marxs own view of the matter could be taken for grantedit was also, after all, that of a previous liberal consensus as well. Against this background, our interpretations could appear a heterodox foible without pedigree or prospect, as scant in fact as they must be short in life.
The Views of Marx and Engels

In reality, however, they had precedents of some significance. The problem of the nature of the dominant class and the state in Victorian England was a crux with a long history behind it. Paradoxically, it can be traced nowhere so clearly as in the writings of Marx and Engels themselves. For on the one hand, they did indeed repeatedly insist that the new industrial bourgeoisie of the 19th centurymanufacturers, millocrats, or middle-classes generallywas the true regnant power of the age. At the outset of their encounter with Britain in 1844, Engels asked himself: Who then actually rules England?, and replied: To the extent that the influence of the actual middle-class is on the whole much greater than that of the aristocracy, to that extent the middleclass does indeed rule.4 When Marx arrived in London in 1850, he was equally prompt to assert that the new, more colossal bourgeoisie that had arisen from the Industrial Revolution becomes so omnipotent that
The principal texts at issue published in NLR were Tom Nairn, The British Political Elite, and Perry Anderson Origins of the Present Crisis, NLR 23, JanuaryFebruary 1964; Tom Nairn, The English Working-Class, NLR 24, MarchApril 1964; Tom Nairn, The Anatomy of the Labour Party, NLR 27 and 28, SeptemberOctober and NovemberDecember 1964. Sequels included Perry Anderson, Socialism and Pseudo-Empiricism, NLR 35, JanuaryFebruary 1966, and Components of the National Culture, NLR 50, JulyAugust 1968; Tom Nairn, The British Meridian, NLR 60, MarchApril 1970, and The Twilight of the British State, NLR 101, FebruaryApril 1976. 2 The Peculiarities of the English, The Socialist Register 1965, republished in slightly fuller version in The Poverty of Theory, London 1978, pp. 3591. 3 See Nicos Poulantzas, Marxist Political Theory in Great Britain, NLR 43, MayJune 1967, pp. 57 74. 4 The Condition of England. II. The English Constitution, article written for Vorwrts in September 1844, MarxEngels, Collected Works, Vol. 3, London 1975, pp. 4978.


even before the Reform Bill puts direct political power into its hands, it forces its opponents to pass laws almost exclusively in its interests and according to its needs.5 Commenting on the background to the Ten Hours Bill in the same year, Engels concurred: The manufacturers have virtually secured their ascendancythe landlord and the shipping interests have been sacrificed to their rising star.6 If the Whigs were now triumphant over the Tories, Marx remarked two years later, it was as the aristocratic representatives of the bourgeoisie, of the industrial and commercial middle-class.7 But they would soon be eliminated in their turn by the radical Free Traders, the official representatives of modern English society, as the part of the self-conscious bourgeoisie, of industrial capital, whose objectives were the complete annihilation of Old England as an aristocratic country, with its monarchy, army, colonies, church and legal system, and the installation of a rational laissez-faire republic in its stead.8 Yet these forthright judgements typically sat side by side with qualifications and counter-indications that were not easily reconcilable with them. Thus Engels in 1844 had also stressed the immense wealth of the English aristocracy, and the power it exercised through its control of the House of Commons, based on a dependent rural electorate.9 In 1855 Marx was no longer claiming direct political power for the new industrial class, but rather describing the British Constitution as an antiquated, obsolete, out-of-date compromise between the bourgeoisie, which rules not officially but in fact in all decisive spheres of civil society, and the landed aristocracy which governs officially, and sought to fix the relationship between the two in a contrast between the policies and the apparatuses of the Victorian Stateindustrialists determining the former, and so functioning politically as the ruling class, while the entire system of government in all its detail, i.e. the actual making of laws in both Houses of Parliament, remained safely in the hands of the landed aristocracy. Marx concluded: The aristocracy, subject to certain principles laid down by the bourgeoisie, rules supreme in the Cabinet, in Parliament, in the Administration, in the Army and Navy.10 Later MarxistsPoulantzas among themoften tended to take this variant of Marxs verdicts as canonical: the idea of a delegation of power by the bourgeoisie to the aristocracy, to do its governing for it.11 But the very text that sets out this idea most fully also contains a curious, casual subversion of it. For in the next sentence, Marx goes

Review of Guizots Pourquoi la Rvolution dAngleterre a-t-elle Russi? Discours sur LHistoire de la Rvolution dAngleterre, written in February 1850, Collected Works, Vol. 10, London 1978, p. 255. 6 The Ten Hours Question, February 1850, in Collected Works, Vol. 10, p. 274. 7 The Elections in EnglandTories and Whigs, August 1852, in Collected Works, Vol. 12, London 1979, p. 330. 8 The Chartists, August 1852, Collected Works, Vol. 12, pp. 332, 333. 9 The Condition of England, Collected Works, Vol. 3, pp. 4956. 10 The British Constitution, March 1855, in Collected Works, Vol. 14, London 1980, pp. 53, 54. 11 The fact that the aristocracy in England appears to be in control of a state with marked feudal features is explained by Marx and Engels as a delegation of power by the bourgeoisie to the landowning aristocracy which is objectively the representative of the political interests of the bourgeoisie: Nicos Poulantzas, Marxist Political Theory in Britain, NLR 43, pp. 6566. Poulantzas himself expressed the same notion rather more curtly. For him the aristocracy was merely the clerk of the bourgeoisie, both in the power bloc and in relation to the State, p. 70.


on to speak of the aristocracy as relatively the most important section of the British nation.12 Amidst the disasters of the Crimean War, however, he thought that this landowning class would finally have to sign its death-warrant and admit under the eyes of the whole world that it no longer has the calling to govern England.13 In the event, the relatively more important component of the dominant bloc did not dwindle away in military defeat or economic eclipse, in the subsequent estimates of the founders of historical materialism. Already in 1854, a year earlier, Marx had scathingly noted how well the splendid brotherhood of fiction-writers, Dickens and Thackeray, Miss Bront and Mrs Gaskell, depicted the cramped and narrow sphere in which every section of the middle-class moved, servile to those above and tyrannical to those beneath them. Fearful of the working-class beneath it, the English bourgeoisie imitated and tried to link itself to the aristocracy. The consequence is that the feudalism of England will not perish beneath the scarcely perceptible dissolving processes of the middle-class; the honour of such a victory is reserved for the working-classes.14 This judgementirreconcilable with either of the prior twowas no mere isolated shaft of ill-humour. It came to form the predominant emphasis of nearly all the later evaluations of the character and role of the British bourgeoisie by Engels and Marx alike. In 1861 Marx was remarking that since the Glorious Revolution of 1688 the aristocracy has always monopolized the direction of foreign affairs in England scarcely a minor dimension of the political life of the largest Empire in the worldand caustically registering its consequence, a state of affairs which emasculated the general intellect of the middle-class men by the circumscription of all their energies and mental faculties within the narrow sphere of their mercantile, industrial and professional concerns.15 Seven years after the Second Reform Bill, Engels commented that with the defeat of Gladstones government in the elections of 1874, the new Parliament represents big landed property and money capital even more exclusively than before.16 Economically, English capitalism had triumphed completely; but no commensurate political advance by industrial capital had followed. In 1889, on the contrary, Engels could see in its typical failure to abolish the anachronistic superstructures of the old order, the political decline and abdication of the English bourgeoisie.17 Behind these discrepancies, there lay a solid historical grasp of the original compact of 1689 that had laid the foundations of all later development. The Glorious Revolution had created a persisting alliance of the bourgeoisie with the majority of the big landowners, a class which was not in contradiction with the conditions of existence of the bourgeoisie, but, on the contrary, in perfect harmony with them, for
The British Constitution, Collected Works, Vol. 12, p. 54. Ibid. 14 The English Middle-Class, August 1854, in Collected Works, Vol. 12, London 1980, pp. 6645. 15 The London Times and Lord Palmerston, October 1861, in Collected Works, Vol. 19, London 1984, pp. 2122. 16 Die Englische Whlen, February 1874, in Marx-Engels, Werke, Vol. 18, Berlin 1962, p. 496. 17 Die Abdankung der Bourgeoisie, October 1889, in Werke, Vol. 21, Berlin 1962, pp. 3837, propos passive capitalist acceptance of the medieval City regulation of Londons docks.
13 12


in actual fact their landed estates were not feudal but bourgeois property.18 Initially, the merchant oligarchy of the City alone was included in the compromise. William III ushered in the epoch of the association of the landed aristocracy with the financial aristocracy: ever since we find privilege bestowed by blood and privilege bestowed by gold in constitutional equilibrium.19 With the consolidation of the constitutional monarchy there began the large-scale development and transformation of English society that culminated in the transition from manufacture to industry, when a new industrial bourgeoisie emerged to claim in turn its political inheritance.20 The oscillation in Marxs and Engelss outlook starts precisely at that point. In their writings can be found three distinct and disparate evaluations of the political power of the English bourgeoisie thereafter: (i) that this class was itself directly in command of Victorian state and society; (ii) that it was mediately dominant, through the representation of its interests by fractions of the aristocracy; (iii) that it was self-limiting and subordinate in its actions and aspirations. There is a recurring slippage from one to another of these incompatible positions, especially though not exclusively between the first two. But over time, as Marx and Engels lived through the long Victorian stabilization, the accent unmistakably shifted towards the last. The dilemmas of judgement here neither appeared nor disappeared with Marx and Engels. They can be traced in many of their Victorian contemporaries. Cobden, the apostle of Manchester free trade, excoriated the servility of the industrial bourgeoisie he championed: We have the spirit of feudalism rife and rampant in the midst of the antagonistic development of the age of Watt, Arkwright and Stephenson. Nay, feudalism is every day more and more in the ascendant in political and social life. So great is its power and prestige that it draws to it the support and homage of even those who are the natural leaders of the new and better civilization. Manufacturers and merchants as a rule seem only to desire riches that they may be enabled to prostrate themselves at the feet of feudalism. How is this to end?21 A few years later Arnold, scourge of the creed of material progress propagated by Cobden, yet more than half convinced of the force of the crusading liberalism he represented, was nevertheless voicing much the same complaint, lamenting the self-satisfied inertia of the philistine middle-class from which he came, under governors from a class of landowners he deemed barbarian. A Barbarian often wants the political support of the Philistines, he noted, but when he flatters the self-love of Philistinism, and
18 19

Review of Guizot, Collected Works, Vol. 10, p. 254. Palmerston, in Collected Works, Vol. 14, p. 51. 20 Review of Guizot, Collected Works, Vol. 10, p. 225. 21 Cobden wrote these lines in 1863 shortly after negotiating the AngloFrench Trade Treaty. His biographer John Morley, transcribing them a generation later, added glumly: It is too early yet to say how far our feudal society will ultimately be recast. So far, plutocracy shows a very slight gain upon aristocracy, of which it remains, as Cobden so constantly deplored, an imitation, and a very bad imitation. Life of Richard Cobden, London 1908, Vol. 2, pp. 48090. Cobdens view of the British bourgeoisie was consistently pessimistic. Our mercantile and manufacturing classes, he wrote, are often timid and servile in their conduct towards the aristocracy and we must wink at their weaknesses if we are to keep them political company: see ibid., pp. 3923, 3423.


extols, in the approved fashion, its energy, enterprise and self-reliance, he knows that he is talking clap-trap.22
The Slippage in Modern Scholarship

The same tensions and contradictions of characterization have been echoed by subsequent scholars and critics down to the present. No student of 19th-century Britain has proposed bolder claims for the Victorian manufacturers than Harold Perkin, a historian averse to any sort of Marxism, in his well-known work The Origins of Modern English Society. Its central theme is the triumph of the entrepreneurial ideal after the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars, realized through a wholesale transformation of morality, education and the state that bent each to the norms and interests of the bourgeoisie which had arisen from the Industrial Revolution. In sustaining this case, Perkin employs virtually the same arguments as Marx himself. For the entrepreneurial class ruled, as it were, by remote controlthrough the power of its ideal over the ostensible ruling class, the landed aristocracy which continued to occupy the main positions of power down to the 1880s and beyond: formulae where, symptomatically, the term power undergoes a curious movement of dissociation and duplication. But the sense of Perkins account is clear enough: It was by persuading the rest of society, or the great majority of it, to accept the ideal of a class society based on capital and competition, not by personally capturing the institutions of government, that the capitalist middle class was able to achieve its aims: free trade in nearly everything from commerce, through land, labour, and appointments under the State, to education and religion. Hence neither contemporaries nor historians have doubted that the capitalist middle class were the real rulers of mid-Victorian England.23 That would seem to be as categorical and authoritative a conclusion as could be asked for. Yet here too, it proved very difficult to hold steady. By the end of his book, Perkins tone had changed. For in late Victorian and Edwardian England, he decided, the old, virile, ascetic and radical ideal of active capital was submerged in the still older, supine, hedonistic and conservative ideal of passive property. In an apparent loss of will, the entrepreneurial ideal had triumphed only to throw in its lot with the seemingly defeated aristocratic. This belated capitulation, which was from the first in the logic of the entrepreneurial position with its ambivalent emulation of the landed aristocracy, goes far to explain why Britain, the first to experience the Industrial Revolution, should remain the most traditional and aristocratic of industrialized societies.24 Whatever the coherence of these judgements, they rested on a chronology. But a few years later, Perkins emphases started to list and slide more steeplyunsettling the early and mid-Victorian periods

Culture and Anarchy, London 1889, p. 77, pages in which Arnold rains down sarcasms on the aims and ideals of Victorian liberalism. 23 Harold Perkins, The Origins of Modern English Society 17801880, London 1969, pp. 2712. Perkins version of the argument differs only in the mild culturalist twist he gives itsince here it is bourgeois ideals rather than interests, as in Poulantzas, that prevail behind an aristocratic facade. But such ideals are in themselves only the medium through which the practical aims of the middle-class are imposed. 24 Ibid., p. 436. Note the parallelism again with the declension of Engelss judgements.


themselves. Far from contemporaries unanimously acknowledging that the middle-class were the real rulers of 19th-century Britain, Perkin now concluded that the myth of middle-class rule had no foundation in contemporary middle-class opinion. The Westminster Review (1833), Bright (1848) and Mill (1871) were all cited to the very opposite effect on the power of the landed aristocracy over them. At all three dates the middle-class was vociferously aware that the landowners were the ruling class, and most of them deplored it.25 Its weakness could be gauged from its inability, rather than its ability, to achieve free trade in landwhere merchants and manufacturers would not follow the agitation of Bright and Cobden, the two Gracchi of Rochdale. The economic decline of the agrarian aristocracy was more apparent than real, as the big landowners, contrary to popular opinion, grew richer rather than poorer, becoming in the decades between 1890 and 1920 an integral part of the capitalist plutocracy: it would be wrong to underestimate their influence down to and beyond 1940. Politically, it is one of the more surprising quirks of modern British history that it should have been the Conservatives, the traditional party of the majority of landowners, rather than the Liberals, the party (notwithstanding its landowning wing) of the majority of Victorian businessmen, which survived into the twentieth century as the party opposed to Labour.26 In other words, the glissade in Marx and Engels has been more or less faithfully reproduced in these pronouncements, based on all the resources of modern scholarship, a century later. The factual character of the hegemonic class in Victorian Britain was one of the critical areas of contention in the debate over the NLR theses in the sixties. There was a second, however, logically separate but insufficiently distinguished: the exceptional nature we attributed to it. For not only did we argue that landowner predominance was a political and cultural reality from the Civil War onwards; we also suggested that this was a differentia specifica of England among major capitalist societies. There were general reasons why that presumption was wrong, as it related to the structural form and historical record of the original bourgeois revolutions themselves, in each principal country of capitalist development. These have been schematically indicated elsewhere.27 At the other end of the time-span at issue, moreover, there now exists a formidable empirical demonstration of agrarian paramountcy in the ruling orders of every European power down to the First World War itselfArno Mayers work The Persistence of the Old Regime, which has drastically redrawn the conventional portrait of the Belle Epoque. Mayer not only shows how universal was the political power and cultural prestige of landed or nobiliary strata at the turn of the 20th century whether in Germany or France, Italy or England, Austro-Hungary or Russia, for all their other differences. The real force, and novelty, of his survey is its analysis of the economic underpinnings of this durability.28 Agriculture remained far the largest employer of labour in every country
Harold Perkin, The Structured Crowd, Essays in Social History, Brighton 1981, p. 104. Ibid., pp. 90, 95, 1234. 27 In a text to be included in the collection of essays of which this will form a conclusion. 28 See the first chapter of The Persistence of the Old Regime. Europe to the Great War, New York 1981, pp. 1779.
26 25


save Britain. Land typically generated the larger part of the revenue of the propertied classes. Industry generally remained small in scale, its principal trades traditional consumer goodstextiles, food or furniture. Modern capital-goods sectors nowhere dominated equity, output or employment in manufacturing. It was on these at best semi-industrialized foundations that the superstructures of aristocratic or notable politics retained their extensive material pedestal. Looked at, then, with what Mayer calls a wide-angle lens, the position of the English landowning class as we had depicted it took its place in a much wider European panorama. This continental context, however, if it has made our descriptions more readily plausible, also leaves their explanatory function apparently more questionable. For if every European capitalism was dominated by social echelons of estate-owning or title-bearing aspect down to the First World War, how could the particular decline that eventually overtook British capitalismsetting it apart from the restbe even indirectly connected with the traditionalist cast of the English ruling class? The problem of the historical sources of the British crisis in the mid 20th century then remains intact. How is it to be resolved? The answer must be sought, logically, at a lower level of individuation than where we had located it: that is to say, not in the general phenomenon of landowner persistence, or mercantile association with it, but in the particular patterns taken by theseor other forces and factorsin Britain. Our original theses did include elements of just such a specification: above all, in everything we wrote of the meaning of Britains maritime Empire for the character of the possessing classes that presided over it. But this dimension of the analysis was never integrated into an adequately comparative perspective as a whole, which would have allowed the nature of the English state and English capital to be more precisely seized. In what direction, today, would a renewed enquiry lead? In my view, the historical evidence that has accumulated over the twenty years since Edward Thompson debated with us strongly vindicates the thrust of our initial intuitions, once these are more firmly situated at the level of particularization they require. To use his own famous metaphor, the conventional verdict of the time29Thompson upheldappears to have been consequentially overturned in the courts of appeal. To see why this is so, we need to glance at some major findings about the collective dramatis personae whose relative importance and character were in dispute. These will, in their turn, permit a closer approach to the question of what really delineated the figures of the leading social classes in Britain. In a brief overview, all that will be attempted here are a few capsule definitions in each case.

For representative opinions, reflecting the consensus of at any rate the local left, see Richard Johnson, Barrington Moore, Perry Anderson and English Social Development, Cultural Studies 9, Spring 1976, pp. 718; Keith Nield, A Symptomatic Dispute? Notes on the Relation between Marxian Theory and Historical Practice in Britain, Social Research vol. 47, no. 30, Autumn 1980, pp. 479506, a communiqu reporting total victory on the empirical battlefield for an infinitely more accurate Thompson. The famous passage in which Thompson likened historical to legal enquiry is in The Poverty of Theory, pp. 2367.



1. Landowners
Traditional agrarian classes either led or survived every major political upheaval that opened the way to the modern capitalist state, not only in Europe but in North America and Japan as well. What distinguished the English aristocracy and gentry in this respect from their counterparts elsewhere? Firstly, this was the landowning elite with the longest consecutive history as a capitalist stratum proper. The English estateholders had no rivals in this regard. The divorce of the direct producers from the means of production in the countryside had started to occur much earlier and more thoroughly than anywhere else in Europe, as an unforeseen result of the class struggles on the land in the later Middle Ages.30 The consequence was the emergence of a capitalist farming geared to the market, employing wage-labour and registering marked increases in productivity, already in the course of the 16th century. By the time of the Civil War, gentry agriculture was well on the way to the generalization of this pattern. The full Agrarian Revolution, with the introduction of high farming techniques and the spread of enclosures, thereafter coincided with the conquest of world commercial hegemony, and predated the Industrial Revolution by a hundred years. The legatees of this good fortune were a unique formation by mid-Victorian times. Their degree of both continuity and closure as a social group, given their economic bases in market competition, was astonishing: its core comprising families that controlled the same county seats over six generations or more. Perhaps less than ten per cent of major landowners in the 1870s were newcomers since the 1780s; ninety per cent of the largest owed their wealth to ancestral accumulations prior to the coming of industry. An aggregation of advantages, across the board, was hallmark of these English agrarians. They were capitalists although rentiers, innovators although patricians, and, although subject to a heavy land tax, were willing to pursue an aggressive naval conquest of overseas markets. Until the late nineteenth century, they managed to have the best of all worlds: the profits of the entrepreneur and the prestige of the aristocrat; the policies of commercial expansion and the prerequisites of political power; the convenience of a banking system and a monied interest and the protection of Corn Laws and Game Laws.31 There were other, highly successful classes of rural exploiters that also accomplished a conversion from feudal to capitalist agriculture and presided over a spectacular expansion of the state. Prussian junkers and Japanese samurai were the outstanding cases, known and often admired in England by the end of the 19th century. But the decisive changes in the life-history of each came later, and their resultant power was more brittle and partial. The Prussian nobility was jolted out of manorial custom and servile labour only by defeat in the Napoleonic Wars. Its
See Robert Brenner, Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe, and The Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism, in T.H. Aston and C.H.E. Philpin, eds., The Brenner Debate, Cambridge 1985, pp. 4649, 2927. 31 Lawrence and Jeanne Fawtier Stone, An Open Elite? England 15401880, Oxford 1984, p. 286. For the statistics of stability, see p. 206, and J.V. Beckett, The Aristocracy in England 16601914, Oxford 1986, pp. 79, 87.


Reform Era preceded the beginnings of German industrialization by scarcely more than a few decades. The growth in output and productivity of the corn estates of East Germany between the Congress of Vienna and the Austro-Prussian War, once markets in land and labour were freed, was very fast. But from mid-century onwards the rise of the Ruhr was yet more rapid. By the time Bismarck had forged the Second Reich under Prussian domination, the class he represented was not two generations away from its provincial and seigneurial past, and confronted industrialists and bankers manifestly superior to it in capitalist dynamic enterprise. In Japan, the South-Western samurai who created the Meiji state introduced capitalist agriculture at the price of cutting off their class from the countryside altogether, and allowing a new stratum of village landlords to consolidate itself in their stead. Their entry into modernity was much more compressed even than that of the Prussian junkersjust as their origins were yet more regional. In neither case was there anything approaching the long national maturation of English landowners in the ways of capital and the means of hegemony. The Virginian planters of the age of Jefferson were politically and culturally closer to these. But if they lacked feudal ancestry altogether, sharing a yet more undiluted Lockean outlook, they were also tied to slaveryan asset that became an incubus as industrialization proceeded, costing them the federal primacy they had once enjoyed, and pitching them into marginalization and defeat in the Civil War. The British elite stands out from all of these in its protracted and unforced command, over two centuries, of the secrets of improving cultivation and rationalizing rents. There was a second difference, related to this. The Hanoverian and Victorian landowning class was not only the most stable in Europe. It was also the wealthiest. In Hungary or Russia, Southern Italy or Spain, there were agrarian magnates whose estates could match or surpass those of the largest English peers in size. But even before Emancipation or agrarian reform, the proportion of land controlled by the nobility was smaller, because it coexisted with a traditional peasantry that was absent in England. There the degree of concentration was without equal. In the 1870s, no less than 80 per cent of private real estate in Britain was controlled by 7,000 persons. Some 360 magnates holding estates upwards of 10,000 acres owned a quarter of the land in England. An agrarian elite whose least affluent rung was defined at estates of 1,000 acres accounted for 55 per cent of English soil.32 By contrast, its French counterpart controlled only 20 per cent in the early 19th century, with a lower boundary of 300 acres. In Prussia, too, large estates were reckoned to start at 375 acres, yet their owners controlled no more than 40 per cent of the land at mid-century, when the average Rittergut was well under half the size of the median gentry estate in England. The Kaiser was to own less farm-land then the Duke of Devonshire. In Spain, land-holdings were considered big that were four times smaller than the minimum in Britain, in a territory four times as largeand
32 F.M.L. Thompson, English Landed Society in the Nineteenth Century, London 1963, pp. 2728, 31, 112 14, who comments: We have, then, the seeming paradox of a landed aristocracy which was increasing in material strength, in terms of the balance of property, and in social cohesion, in terms of the expansion of the nobility, in the period from 1790 to the 1880s: p. 44.


even so covered perhaps just over half the soil, with major concentrations confined to the South. In late 19th-century Russia, there were some 150 magnates with average estates of 270,000 acresthe most immense tracts of noble land in the continent. But half the nobility owned less than 270 acres, and the aristocracy as a whole controlled only about 14 per cent of the territory of European Russia.33 In the United States, capital value of the land held by the Southern planter class in the post-Jackson era started at levels that were somewhat less than the rental income of the smaller gentry in England.34
The Productivity of English Agriculture

The preeminence of the British landlord stratum lay not just in the extensive scale of this agrarian property; it also enjoyed an intensive advantage for most of the century. Net yields were 60 per cent above those of any other European country, as late as 1880.35 The greater productivity of English farming in turn helped to ensure that the rental value of agricultural land was higher than anywhere else in this period. Nor did the good fortune of the English aristocracy end there. Britain was the largest coal-producer in Europe throughout the 19th century, and its mines fell predominantly within the estates of major agrarian proprietors, capable of initial investments in them, and then of securing advantageous leasing arrangements to industrial venture capital. Most significantly of all, the English aristocracy played a role in urban development which had no equivalent anywhere on the continent. Entrenched in London ever since seasonal residence in the capital became customary in the 18th century, and long habituated to provincial spas, landowners in the 19th century cornered a lions share of speculative profits from middle-class urbanization, utilizing the peculiar form of the leasehold estate to extend the West End or develop brand-new suburbs or seaside resorts like Edgbaston or Eastbourne.36 There is no country in the world, remarked the centurys leading statistician, in which the value of house property to population is so high as in England.37 In sum a landlord class controlling a superior measure of more productive countryside and more expensive cityscape was economicallyboth on average, in its middle ranks, and at the top of its scale, where mineral and urban rents could swell ducal incomes to colossal proportionsstronger and better-endowed than either the ramshackle aristocracies of Eastern and Southern Europe, typically polarized between a princely few and semi-indigent mass, or the more
David Spring, ed., European Landed Elites in the Nineteenth Century, Baltimore 1977, pp. 26; the richest man in early 19th-century France appears to have been the Duc de Crillon, who left a mere 400,000 at a time when the Duke of Sutherland was worth five to ten times as much. 34 Only the top fifteen per cent of Southern estates were worth upwards of $5,000, or 1,000: James Oakes, The Ruling Race. A History of American Slaveholders, New York 1982, p. 38. Labour, of course, was more valuable than land to the slaveowner, so that average revenues of the small elite of wealthy planters with fifty slaves or more, at some $7500, were comparable to that of the English squire. 35 Paul Bairoch, Agriculture and the Industrial Revolution, in Carlo Cipolla, ed., The Industrial Revolution, London 1973, p. 472. 36 Of 261 provincial towns surveyed by a commission in 1886, no fewer than 103 were largely owned by peers. For the building patterns involved, see David Cannadine, Lords and Landlords: the Aristocracy and the Towns 17741967, Leicester 1980, passim. 37 Nor any, he concluded drily, (except Russia) where it is lower than Ireland: Michael Mulhall, The Dictionary of Statistics, London 1909, p. 590.


homogeneous but also more modest nobilities of Northern and Western Europe. The most important economic fact for understanding the role of the agrarian elite of Victorian society was, however, not so much its strength in comparison with a range of estate-owners abroad, as its elevation over the run of manufacturers at home. The fortunes of the greatest aristocrats towered over those of the most successful industrialists. There were also many more of them. During the first half of the 19th century, virtually all those with property proved at over 500,000 were landowners. Until about 1880 these still comprised over half the ranks of the very wealthy in Britain.38 Indeed, down to the 1920s, no businessmen millionaires ever equalled the opulence of the richest landed magnates. The unfaltering succession of aristocratic Cabinets and landlord Parliaments which dominated British politics for a full century after the advent of the Industrial Revolution was thus no mere cultural quirk or institutional anachronism. It reflected certain real and continuing disparities of material situation. These were, of course, not just to do with income. It was also the case that the peculiar form of English capitalist agriculture, with its triad system of landed proprietor, tenant farmer and rural labourer, typically freed its beneficiaries from detailed or direct estate management, if they were so minded, for easy and often precocious participation in local and parliamentary politics. The Victorian landowners possessed the advantages of the rentier over the entrepreneur in this respect.39 Few industrialists could afford to be so disengaged from the pressures of business; public careers were rarer and started later. Here too, in fact, the position of the British gentry was peculiarly privileged. In the absence of an equivalent intermediate layer of farmers responsible for the organization of capitalist production on the land, East Elbian squires or Deep South planters had to devote more of their energies to the management of output and labour. In England, land meant leisure, and leisure afforded politics, more than elsewhere. A comparison of the House of Commons with the Prussian Landtag at mid-century, let alone the French Chamber of Deputies or the US Congress, is revealing. The massive preponderance of landowners at Westminster was not matched in Berlin, where up to half the deputies were civil servants, while in Washington or Paris lawyers already predominated. The parliamentarism of Britains agrarian rulers was in its turn related to the absence of any long-standing militarism.40 The
38 W.D. Rubinstein, Men of Property, London 1981, pp. 6061. Rubinsteins work on probate records has transformed our knowledge of the patterns of wealth in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. 39 The role of the landlord was, of course, not simply a passive one in the English countryside: it could involve considerable investment, and always necessitated some measure of mediated estatemanagement. For a sketch of these activities, see Beckett, op. cit., pp. 14256, 17980, 203204a study which takes a compendiously benign view of its subject. 40 Schumpeter, who saw more lucidly than any other observer of his generation the central role of landowning classes in the structures of European power during the epoch of high industrialization, thought it best exemplified by the English case. But paradoxically his general explanation of it applied least to England, for he attributed it largely to the feudal military inheritance of the nobility, that ability and habit to command and to be obeyed that carried prestige with all classes of society and in every walk of life. No fighting glamour attached to business, by contrastthe Stock Exchange is a poor substitute for the Holy Grail: the bourgeoisie was thus always at a disadvantage in the arts of political rule. Economic leadership of this type does not readily expand, like the medieval lords


English Empire had been won overwhelmingly at sea. There was no tradition of a major land army at home, the principal bulwark of aristocratic interest and influence on the Continent. The military establishment of the state consequently formed an outwork of landlord power rather than a central citadel of it: vital for the maintenance of colonial dominion abroad, relatively marginal for the structure of paramountcy at home. Symptomatically, career officers tended to come from the neediest and least reputable branch of the class, its AngloIrish extension, which provided most of Britains leading commanders down even to a century later, in a line stretching from Wellington to Roberts, Kitchener to Alanbrooke, Montgomery to Templer. In the Victorian epoch, the regionalism of the barracks corresponded to the exclusivism of the Chamber, the most fashionable debating-club in Europe, as Engels called it. Patrician rule was civilian; its centre of gravity in the sovereignty of parliament.

2. Merchants, Bankers, Manufacturers

Capitals first historical incarnation in England was agrarian. Its second was mercantile. When the landowners themselves had split in the 17th century, in the Civil War that sealed their conversion to capitalist forms of development, it was merchants who helped to tilt the balance to their parliamentary wing, frustrating the consolidation of an English Absolutism. The Revolution of 1688 which then secured the predominance of Parliament in the State also led to the creation of the Bank of England and the Stock Exchange, and therewith laid the modern foundations of the City. Hitherto the London merchant community had been a classical trading interest, its activities revolving essentially around the import and export of luxury or bulk commodities. For a century its principal rivals in international commerce had been the more powerful Dutch. The War of the Spanish Succession, allying England and Holland against the threat of French hegemony, transformed the relationship of forces between the two. The United Provinces were drained by the military struggle, while Britain emerged from the Treaty of Utrecht as the worlds premier commercial and naval power. Further and ampler colonial conquests followed in India, North America and the Caribbean. Amidst the general boom of the Atlantic economy, London had become by the mid-18th century the largest centre of international trade, and its merchants the most prosperous in Europe. Acceptance and discounting houses now lubricated the exchange of physical commodities by advancing credit through bills on London. At the same time the overhead costs of English imperial expansion escalated throughout the century, far exceeding the traditional fiscal resources of the landowner state. The sale of government stock covered the gap. The burgeoning National Debt in turn generated an intense secondary market in these securities, finance and commerce intertwining in a quite new configuration, into which large numbers of gentry investors were drawn. The Hanoverian epoch thus saw an increasingly intimate connexion between the domimilitary leadership, into the leadership of nations. On the contrary, the ledger and the cost calculation absorb and confine. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, London 1943, pp. 1367. Pertinent though such reflections were, they neglected the materialas well as culturalreasons for aristocratic predominance in England.


nant landed and moneyed interests, even if this never extended to social fusion. For all its prosperity, trading wealth did not usually succeed either in buying its way into the ranks of estate-owners, or in stabilizing itself durably into merchant dynasties of its own.41 London was the first port and warehouse of the world by the time of Walpole. But it was not yet the hub of international finance. Amsterdam retained this role down to the eve of the French Revolution. Dutch commercial capital, increasingly deprived of its traditional outlets as native exports declined, switched into financial intermediation on an imposing scale in the 18th century. Its accumulated reserves and technical experience gave it a critical edge in merchant banking, currency exchange, and speculative operations. When the American War of Independence broke out, over forty per cent of the English National Debt itself was owed to Dutch investors. As late as 1763, all payments in AngloRussian trade had to be routed through Amsterdam, because no exchange rate was quoted between London and St Petersburg.42 It took the second great contest between Britain and an ascendant France to end the financial primacy of the Beurs in Amsterdam, as the first had broken its commercial dominance. The Napoleonic Wars lifted the National Debt in Britain to vertiginous heights860 million by the end of hostilities; interest payment on it in the aftermath absorbing seventy per cent of state expenditure. More decisively, however, the combination of the Industrial Revolution at home and the destruction after Waterloo of any barrier or competition to English global hegemony overseas brought into being a quite new form of world economy, in which British manufacturers possessed overwhelming preponderance amid generalized international free trade. As the density of commercial exchanges multiplied between ever more states and regions drawn into a common network, the functional necessity for a central switchboard to direct its flows grew steadily. The regular reproduction of multilateral transactions, in a world economic space segmented into independent political units, depended on the existence of at least one major clearinghouse of universal scope.43 English industry and the English navy ensured that there would be only one. Amsterdam, isolated and sidelined by the Continental System, never recovered from the war-time blockade. With the submergence of Holland and the defeat of France, London had no possible rivals after 1815.
For reasons which are still not clear, successful merchants in England did not form a parallel, hereditary, town-based elite, like those of Amsterdam, Lyons or Genoa: Lawrence and Jeanne Stone, An Open Elite?, p. 256, who suggest partible inheritance and demographic attrition as possible reasons for the lack of a continuous urban patriciate in Britain. 42 C.H. Wilson, Anglo-Dutch Commerce and Finance in the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge 1941, pp. 6587. Wilson believed that Dutch and English development were quite dissimilar, in that Britains capital exports in the 19th century enabled her to sell her industrial surplus abroad whereas Hollands foreign investment was simply a permission to utilize Dutch credits in other countrieshence while finance in England became the handmaid of industrial revolution, in Holland it was to become the mistress of a plundered and bankrupt household: pp. 199300, 188. The image of the handmaid, as will be seen, is scarcely the most apposite one. 43 This is the central thesis of Geoffrey Inghams succinct and fundamental work Capitalism Divided? The City and Industry in British Social Development, London 1984, perhaps the most important single contributionat once historical and theoreticalto a better understanding of the British fate to have appeared in the eighties: for an appreciation of its significance, see Colin Leys, The Formation of British Capital, NLR 160, NovemberDecember 1986.


Growth of the City

The resumption of gold payments in 1821 laid the basis for sterling to perform the role of a stable world currency, while the Huskisson reform of warehousing in the early 1820s freed London to become ever more the physical as well as financial pivot of international trade. In the first half of the 19th century, as the Industrial Revolution gathered pace in the North, the City witnessed a concurrent growth. But although the export dominance of British manufacturers helped to secure the commercial hegemony of the Citywhich would scarcely have been thinkable if the worlds leading industrial complex had been located elsewhere at this stagethe actual mechanisms of the latter did not depend directly on it. For the main weight of the Citys development continued to lie in its two principal pre-industrial activities: traffic in government securities, and discounting and insurance of foreign trade regardless of its origin or destination. There was a disjuncture from the start between this set of interests and those of nascent domestic industry, but little or no immediate contradiction. The City did not raise venture capital for investment in provincial manufacturing. Its strictly banking functions were effectively divorced from the accumulation of industrial capital, whose firms typically remained small in size, and met their financial needs from internal savings or local banks. From mid-century onwards, the City moved increasingly into overseas investment, in a pattern that duplicated its domestic operations portfolio holdings dominated by government bonds. By this stage, provincial joint-stock banking had evolved to a point where it could provide most of the investment funds for Victorian industry. Two economic sectors thus grew up side by side under the Pax Britannica, without intrinsic structural connexion other than a common imperial framework. At best, the Citys export of capitalsome of it in reality re-exporthelped finance foreign imports of British goods, mainly in the underdeveloped world, while its invisible earnings covered the trade deficit. The latter was the more important function, and threw into sharp relief the relations between industrial and commercial capital in Victorian England. For between 1820 and 1870, the heyday of the workshop of the world, Londons commercial and financial revenues alonesetting aside any investment income earned overseasgrew at a steadily faster rate than the export of manufactures. City profits were 30 per cent of the total value of exports in 1820: by 1880 the figure had risen to 50 per cent.44 The result of this two-track development of capital was a marked division within the propertied middle-class. As Rubinstein has shown, the bourgeoisie of London was commercial and financial in character, clustered round brewing, stock-jobbing, merchanting, warehousing, retailing and shipping, as opposed to the manufacturing and mining that dominated the North. It was probably more numerous than that of all provincial cities put together, and was certainly wealthier per capita. Generally Anglican and Conservative in outlook, except for its immigrant enclaves, it always furnished the great majority of the largest

Ingham, Capitalism Divided?, p. 97.


fortunes outside landthe Morrisons, Loders, Rothschilds and others.45 By contrast, Northern industrialists were typically smaller figures. Making history and making money were by and large two different things: most of the concerns which helped to reshape British society yielded a good deal less profit for their entrepreneurs than others which tended to reproduce it. Manchester produced a mere handful of millionaires, less than Liverpool with its ship-owners, merchants and bankers. Even within the manufacturing sector itself, it was not the pioneering industriestextiles, railways, chemicalsthat generated the major dynasties, but those closer to pre-industrial activities: above all, food, drink and tobacco. Thus, just as there were good economic reasons for the political prominence of landowners in the Victorian age, so there were too for the social modesty of manufacturers, separated from the former by a substantial layer of mercantile wealth a station above them. It was not just that Englands role as the clearing-house of the world preceded its emergence as workshop of the world: much more arrestingly, even during the mid-day of Victorian prosperity, it predominated over it.46 The contrast with America was marked already by this date. There, heavy industryrailroads, steel, later petroleum, autogenerated fortunes incomparably larger than any agrarian wealth and overtopping those of the richest financiers as well. In absolute size, after the Civil War, the greatest US industrialists had left their British counterparts well behind; by the Gilded Age they dwarfed them. In Germany too, the summits of capital were uncompromisingly industrial, commanded by the Ruhr giants Krupp, Thyssen and Stinnes. It was the absence of figures like these which distinguished the Victorian economy.

3. State
From the Younger Pitt to the elder Gladstone the British State was a logical creature of this triangular constellation of land, trade and industry. The Georgian monarchy was not a mutant of European Absolutism, but a machinery of convenience issuing from the English revolution against it. The Hanoverian State born in 1714 was always oligarchic and corrupt, founded on faction and patronage. But it represented landowner and merchant interests with tranquil assurance and stability, presiding over an expanding agrarian economy and overseas empire for the better part of a century. It was not until its defeat at the hands of the American Revolutionthrown up by a capitalist order in advance of itthat public agitation for reform really gained impetus in Britain, in the 1780s. Such pressurespart bourgeois, part plebeianwere brought to an abrupt halt by the far greater challenge to Englands rulers represented by the French Revolution, and the political repression and patriotic mobilization that was their response to it. Yet the Napoleonic Warsthe supreme test of the unreconstructed landlord regime also witnessed the self-liquidation of the larger part of Old Corruption, and the rationalization of the aristocratic state at its own behest, under
45 46

Rubinstein, Men of Property, p. 62, 6869, 106107. W.D. Rubinstein, Wealth, Elites and the Class Structure of Modern Britain, Past and Present 76, August 1977. This was the seminal essay that first announced many of Rubinsteins findings. For comparative observations, see Introduction, W.D. Rubinstein, ed., Wealth and the Wealthy in the Modern World, London 1980, pp. 946.


military emergency. Patronage was reduced in the offices of government, and paternalism dismantled in the regulation of the economy, with the abolition of sinecures in the one and wage and guild controls in the other. The formal principles of public administration and political economy advanced together. They could do so, with such little fuss, because of the nature of the ancien rgime itself. There was no major standing army, nor any absolutist bureaucracy. The machinery of government rested in the localities on unpaid justices of the peace, and at the centre on a minuscule cadre of permanent officials. In 1797, the state possessed some 16,000 civilian employees in all, the majority of them collecting customs and excise. The Ministries themselves had tiny staffs26 clerks at the Home Office, 24 at the Foreign Office, 12 at the Colonial Office: nearly half of the grand total of 1,500 central government officials was supplied by War, Ordnance and Navy.47 There was no huge parasitic outgrowth of office-holding to cut back, contrary to radical rhetoric at the time. The transition towards a modern departmental structure and a more professional civil service could thus be initiated without commotion between 1780 and 1820, before the industrial bourgeoisie was a major force on the political scene. Similarly, it was the landowner Parliament that effectively deregulated wages during the Napoleonic Wars and a Tory Cabinet that liberalized foreign trade after them. The Corn Laws represented the single outstanding derogation from the imperatives of laissez-faire in these years. But as a concession to sectional interest they were of less lasting importance than the return to gold and reform of the Bank of England, which were to entrench the priorities of the City permanently in the Treasurys steerage of the state. The industrial bourgeoisie forced its entry into the political system with the Reform Bill of 1832, and middle-class radicalism achieved a number of significant goals in its wake. But no major structural change was needed in the state for the purposes of mill-owners or manufacturers. The basic design transmitted by laissez-faire landlords proved eminently adaptable and suitable to the needs of the first Industrial Revolution. The tensions between aristocratic and bourgeois politics within the post-Reform framework did not coincide with any conflict over the role of the state in the common capitalist economy. Just as each social group was programmatically committed to the liberalism of Smith and Ricardo, so each was pragmatically willing to advocate doses of interventionism, as the occasion and interest arose, in a criss-crossing pattern. The Factory Acts were carried by Tory Radicals: the inspiration of the New Poor Law and Public Health Acts was Benthamite. Contradictions such as these were local responses to particular problems within a shared conception of state in society. That conception was indeed minimalist, by the international standards of the age. The stabilized Victorian State was exceptional in the austerity of its means, and the simplicity of its functions. In absolute figures, overall public expenditure registered nil growth between 1830 and 1850, actually falling in per capita terms. Thereafter it rose a mere 20 per cent per capita over the next forty yearsat a time when public outlays

E. Cohen, The Growth of the British Civil Service 17801939, London 1941, pp. 3435.


more than doubled in France, and trebled in Germany and the United States. By the last decade of the century, the Third Republic and Second Empire were collecting tax revenues at a rate nearly half as high again as Her Majestys government.48 The physical size of the administrative apparatus reflected these disparities. At mid-century, the Victorian civil service numbered just under 40,000a figure which had fallen to 31,000 by 1861, or little more than the level of 1821. If local government is included, the absolute size of English officialdom did not much exceed 60,000 when Palmerston died. The French bureaucracy of the same period was four times as large250,000. By 1881 the British civil service, central and local, had risen to 80,000: by then its German counterpart numbered 450,000.49 The peculiar profile of the English state owed its origins to the interdiction of a royal Absolutism in the 17th century. The creation of an extensive corps of office-holders, heavily but not exclusively recruited from the nobility, laid the foundations for the subsequent emergence of a permanent professional bureaucracy in the continental monarchies. The victory of decentralized gentry rule, through a landowner parliament and unpaid justices of the peace, blocked this path towards a modern state in England.50 One of the reasons why an Absolutist consolidation failed had been the lack of any collective need for powerful defence forces on land in insular conditions. This strategic determinant, however, continued to operate long afterwardpreventing any militarization of the Hanoverian oligarchy, whose external power remained essentially naval. Thus neither major army nor bureaucracy was bequeathed by the pre-history of agrarian power in 19th-century Britain. Nor, on the other hand, did the industrial upheaval that now occurred substantially alter the traditional parameters of the state. Just because industrialization came as a spontaneous, molecular process, after a long prior build-up, there was no occasion for official intervention to promote or guide it from above: at most to buffer some of its side-effects.
A Three-fold Absence

The result of these cumulative circumstances can be seen most clearly in a three-fold absence that separated the Victorian State from its European counterparts. It played no role in the development of the basic grid of physical communication in the new age, the railway systemin every continental society a key infrastructural field for the state, in Britain privately financed. It ignored conscription as a means of mass mobilization for citizenship and war, unlike its principal rivals, relying on pauper recruiting for its garrisons. It deferred any public education long after universal elementary schooling had become established elsewhere. The last of these abstentions was in part the product of an initially favourable stock of popular literacy and skill, at the outset of the Industrial Revolutionone rapidly eroded, however, as a more
48 49

Michael Mulhall, The Dictionary of Statistics, London 1909, pp. 25760. These are the approximate figures calculated by Herman Finer, The Theory and Practice of Modern Government, vol. 2, London 1932, pp. 12945, 1167, who excluded the armed forces, judiciary, police and teachers from his estimates. 50 For a discussion of this point, see the excellent recent study by M.L. Bush, The English Aristocracy, a Comparative Synthesis, Manchester 1984, pp. 203205 ff.


thorough education spread abroad; but more essentially a result of the confessional division which pitted Anglican and Dissenting brands of obscurantism against each other, to the detriment of any unitary lay school system. Only after 1870more than half a century later than Prussiawas there any general provision at all for elementary education in England; and even this did not become compulsory until another decade had passed, when the United Kingdom lay behind every West European country in the proportion of its children in school save Spain, Italy and Portugal. State secondary education had to wait till 1902. Exonerated from economic, military and cultural tasks that fell to its contemporaries and helped to mould them, the British state devoted itself to the most limited range of traditional duties. Within the budget first place was occupied by interest and redemption payments on the national debt, which accounted for 40 per cent of total outgoings in the half-century between 1837 and 1889. Military expenditure came next, absorbing some 36 per cent of public spending. All the civil functions of government combined received no more than 25 per cent a residue within which law and justice remained the major items.51 The key functions of the state reflected this allocation of resources: they were largely imperial. A standing army a little over a third of the size of the French, or later German, was preponderantly assigned to colonial occupation duties: three-quarters of British infantry were stationed overseas. The Admiralty spent as much as the War Office, on a navy that always had double the tonnage of any continental power. But although these were the principal coercing and spending Ministries, they were not the controlling centre of the state structure as a whole. That role was played in England, uniquely, by the Treasury. Here alone bureaucratic supremacy was identified with, and realized through, financial stringency. From the epoch of Gladstone onwards the doctrine of Treasury control made the Exchequer the real nerve-centre of the state, the dominant department of government enforcing its discipline on all others. But this dominance was not that of a specialized elite; and its spirit was anything but cameralist. Traditionally, the higher reaches of the civil service had been recruited informally from branches of the landed connexion, with no specific training for their posts, within a loose patronage framework. The NorthcoteTrevelyan reforms proposed at mid-century, but implemented only in the 1870s, groomed rather than displaced this gentlemanly intake. Characteristically inspired by the exigencies of colonial rule in India, they were not intended to democratize the civil service at home so much as to safeguard gentry grip on it, by assuring upper-class privilege more modern credentials.52 What these amounted to was a superior general culture of literary inspiration, principally drawn from the classics, rather than any particular professional skills in public administration, let alone economic or
Mulhall, The Dictionary of Statistics, pp. 231, 260. See the remarkable analysis by Peter Gowan, The Other Face of Administrative Reform, forthcoming in this journal. A pointed comparison with the Prussian Civil service reforms can be found in Hans-Eberhard Mueller, Bureaucracy, Education and Monopoly, Civil Service Reforms in Prussia and England, BerkeleyLos Angeles 1984, who concludes that civil service reform appeared in a very different light to the contemporary actorsTo the Prussian middle-class careerists, it meant gaining administrative power. To the English gentlemen administrators it meant holding on to it: p. 233.
52 51


civil engineering expertise. The purest expression of the state cadre so formed became the archetypal Treasury official.

4. Parties, Intellectuals
The political system girding this social and state order was an institutional descendant of late-Stuart arrangements. Until the last decades before the Civil War, election to Parliament had normally been an uncontested affair, a single candidate emerging from self-selection among leading county families. With the religious and constitutional conflicts of the mid-17th century, the gentry divided into ideologically and politically opposing wings. After the upheavals of Commonwealth and Restoration, something like the same fault-lines reappearednow taking more self-conscious factional form, as two relatively continuous parties contending for office. The Tories rallied more backward country squires and conservative noblemen in the cause of the Anglican Church and an anointed monarch, the Whigs a grandee layer with connexions to the City, and gentry more inclined to tolerance of Dissent and suspicion of royal power. The long Whig dominance petered out in the final decades of the 18th century when urban and popular unrest at home coincided with the threat of the French Revolution abroad, propelling the great bulk of the landed class over to the party of militant reaction as natural organizer of the struggle to defeat Robespierre and Napoleon. It was thus a Tory regime that presided over the Industrial Revolution breaking through at home during the Napoleonic Wars, and then confronted the insurgent forces of protest and change unleashed by it after Waterloo. After over fifteen years of pressure and agitation from below, a Whig administration was finally formed willing to introduce an electoral reform. In 1832 the new manufacturing bourgeoisie secured its entry into the political system. But not merely was the working class it had tactically utilized against the old order excluded from the settlement. So was at least half the middle-class itself, in a franchise which was only increased by perhaps 300,000 over a previous half million, and was carefully skewed towards county and small borough seats.53 The decisive feature of the Reform Act was its limitation of potential urban representation below the threshold at which an autonomous bourgeois party, with a popular following, could enter the parliamentary arena on its own terms. In its origins, the simple plurality rule for electing MPs was a natural procedure in a one-class political system with two parties. But once a second class was admitted, if it could not muster enough strength to win at least half the total electorate, it was effectively forced to throw in its lot with one of the prevailing landowner interests. A handful of Radicals held out against this logic, but the bulk of middle-class reformers were rapidly absorbed by the Whig Party. The founding moment of independent bourgeois representation was missed. The consequence was a fundamentally unaltered aristocratic ascendancy
53 The total reformed electorate amounted to about 14 per cent of adult males: Norman Gash, Aristocracy and People, London 1979, p. 132.


in English politics. Between 1818 and 1900 there was no increase at all in the number of commoners in British Cabinets.54 When the manufacturing interest did mobilize against agrarian protection, the Anti-Corn Law League was an extra-parliamentary organization without any direct purchase in the political system. Repeal of the Corn Laws, when it came in 1845, was prompted more by the Irish Famine than by the agitation of the League, and was implemented by a Tory government concerned to prevent the isolation of the landed class, in its own interests, and persuaded that the spread of High Farming would absorb its effects on average rents in any case. Peels decision split his party, returning the Whigs to power for twenty years. His free-trade policies notwithstanding, manufacturing capital had always felt a greater affinity for the rival party, and settled down easily with the Whig regimes of the 1850s and 1860s, under the unmolested leadership of Russell and Palmerstonthe time when Marx first observed Victorian politics. Industrialists did not leave the seats of power to landowners out of some historical inadvertence, while effectually imposing their will on them. They remained junior partners in the natural order of things, without compelling economic motives or collective social resources to transform it.
The Party Balance

On the other hand, their presence at the Whig side was not an indifferent matter for the balance of the party system. If landowner politics continued to be divided between two traditional contestants, the one that could attract manufacturing and commercial capital was likely to win the upper hand. Not only would the specific weight of urban capital within economy and society inevitably tend to grow as industrialization proceeded; but also much of the new middle-class would be better placed, by reason of both region and religion, to enlist a working-class electorate behind it once the suffrage was extended further. This was, indeed, what started to happen once a more modern Liberalism emerged from the Whig chrysalis. Northern industry and non-conformity proved critical in winning the bulk of the workers enfranchised by the Second Reform Bill of 1867 for Gladstone. By the turn of the seventies it looked as if the Conservatives, lacking this bourgeois admixture, might be condemned to semi-permanent minority status within parliament. In fact, the last quarter of the 19th century reversed the position of the two parties. Although there were dramatic economic and social changes in England in this period, these were notsignificantlywhat triggered the transformation of the political balance. That was Home Rule. Just as Tory hegemony had disintegrated with Catholic Emancipation in 1830, and Whig dominance was the outcome of the Famine of 1845, so Ireland once again became the arbiter of British party fortunes once Gladstone was converted to autonomy for Dublin in 1885. By then Disraeli had already demonstrated that Conservatism could gain a middle-class and popular following by adopting the kind of overseas grand-standing that had been Palmerstons speciality. But the dividends of such chauvinism could pass: it took the colonial question within the

M. Bentley, Politics without Democracy, London 1984, p. 23.


United Kingdom itself to convert them into a permanent premium. Once Ireland commanded the parliamentary stage, with the rise of local nationalism, the prospect of the Liberal Party consolidating a national dominance, and the industrial bourgeoisie entering into eventual inheritance of it, disappeared. The logic of landlord politics and an imperial state broke Liberalism apart, as Whigs and Chamberlainite Radicals for their different reasonslandowner solidarity and colonial ideology bolted to the Conservative Party. The ensuing dependence of Gladstone on the continuing loyalty of a too largely working-class electorate made Liberalism even more suspect to the Anglican sectors of the middleclass in the South. The result was the long Unionist ascendancy of Salisbury and Balfour that consummated the century. This political finale reflected social shifts within the propertied classes as a whole. The late Victorian epoch saw the emergence of an increasingly integrated plutocracy of landed magnates, financiers and brewers. Beneath it spread a prosperous villa Toryism of the suburbs and Home Counties, centred on London. Here an earlier commercial bourgeoisie was joined by an enlarged professional middle-class, which played a critical mediating role in the cultural bonding of the dominant bloc. This was the stratum that furnished the bulk of the countrys intellectuals. From mid-century onwards, the public schools had provided a common educationnot to speak of intensive inter-socializationfor sons of the gentry and upper bourgeoisie alike. The values of this education were markedly anti-industrial from the outset: a training for rule, not for trade. Subsequent university reforms at Oxford and Cambridge reinforced these, generating an academic ethos in which the disinterest of the scholar mingled and blurred with that of the aristocrat, and ideals of service subliminally associated the profession of rule with the rule of the professions. The Civil Service reform nurtured by Jowett was an expressive product of this milieu, organically linking an administrative elite of English intellectuals to the state. In their wider role within civil society, the majority of these intellectuals now articulated the ideology incomparably depicted by Martin Wiener in his study English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit. A certain disdain for commerce had been a normal literary, as gentlemanly, stance in the 18th century. A fierce hostility to the Industrial Revolution was typical of the early Romantics. But these traditions always had their ambiguitieswas their target corruption or trade? industry or capitalism? which could give them a sharply radical edge. They also possessed their counterpointsDefoe or Benthamwhich might be no less robust and influential. What was new in the late 19th century was the secretion of a deeply conformist and conservative cult of countryside and club, tradition and constitution, as a predominant outlook among the intelligentsia, repudiating bourgeois origins and miming seigneurial postures in a synthetic gentility and ruralism extending far into the 20th century. In no country, commented Arnold mordantly, do the professions so naturally and generally share the cast of ideas of the aristocracy as in England.55 If the patterns of office reflected the distribution of wealth,

Martin Wiener, English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit 18501980, Cambridge 1981, pp. 16, 4749.


the bias of culture followed the lines of power in the long Victorian evening.

5. From Sedan to Berlin

Meanwhile a world economic depression had set in after 1873, and an acute agricultural slump after 1882, putting the first sharp strains on the British capitalist order. The effect of the recession was to disclose the limits of the Victorian compromise within which the advances of industry were encased. For it was now that English manufacturing started to lose ground against its major overseas competitors, the United States and Germanytwo powers whose simultaneous rise, announced by Northern victory in the Civil War and Prussian triumph over France, was the decisive international fact of the time. Each possessed substantially larger populationshence internal marketsthan the UK, and newer stocks of fixed capital. As rates of accumulation in the Midlands fell below those of the Ruhr or Pennsylvania, and technical initiative passed to North American or German combines, British exports came under increasing pressure in the richer Atlantic markets. Productivity growth in the UK stagnated in the two decades to 1890, and declined thereafter.56 There was neither spontaneous industrial concentration, nor concerted state counteraction in response. Trusts and tariffs alike remained absent from the English scene, where small and medium business continued on the whole to operate on traditional lines. The country with the most concentrated agrarian capital in the world preserved one of the most fragmented manufacturing capitals. Steel, chemical and electrical industries failed to match US or German sizes of plant or levels of output. Instead of organizational or technological renovation, British industry drew on the assets of empire, settling into an easy reliance on customary and (in the case of India) captive markets. This turn in the pattern of trade was accompanied by a surge of overseas investments. After 1870, capital exports regularly surpassed capital formation at home; by the last years before the First World War, their volume was twice as large. The value of UK holdings abroad in 1913no less than 43 per cent of the world totalwas probably greater than that of US corporations in 1973.57 This enormous outflow generated rentier revenues that for a brief Edwardian spell even exceeded the Citys commercial and financial earnings. Yet the latter were the real prize of the fin-de-sicle economy. The dominance of London within the networks of international exchange binding the world market together increased as Britians national performance within it slipped. The prosperity of the City, in its turn, cushioned the crisis of aristocratic incomes when the agrarian depression struck in the 1880s, as an increasing interpenetration of persons and fortunes for the first time occurred at the highest levels of wealth. Protection of British agriculture was not restored, cereal cultivation contracted, and this time lesser landowners were hard hit. But the maintenance of cheap grain imports, while it helped to keep the wage costs of manufacturing down, was mainly determined by the electoral necessities of low food prices for
56 57

M.W. Kirby, The Decline of British Economic Power since 1870, London 1981, pp. 23. Ibid., p. 14.


the masses. There was also the general advisability of preserving the good name of British economic liberalism at a time when the balance of payments depended ever more on Londons ability to capture transaction profits on international trade. This was not so much a significant victory for industry, which had to pay its own price for the openness of the economy, as a sign of the suzerain influence of commerce and finance. At a time when every other major capitalist state was protecting farms or promoting factories in the interests of national powerthe age of Mline and Crispi, the Solidarity bloc, the McKinley tariffthe British state remained true to form. The priorities of the SalisburyBalfour regime lay elsewhere. Non-interventionist par excellence in agriculture and manufacturing at home, it reserved its energies for interventions abroadmoving actively enough to seize its share in the division of Africa, and to pacify rural unrest in Ireland. The plane of international competition on which it took its stand was colonial not industrial. By the first decade of the 20th century, the deterioration of British performance in world manufacturing markets had become all too clear. The result was a belated revolt of the newer sectors of Midlands industry based on the metal trades against the official laissez-faire consensus. A mounting campaign for import duties ensued. When Chamberlain captured the Conservative Party for Tariff Reform in 1905, the political hour of heavy industry seemed finally about to strike. But precisely at this point Conservative ascendancy crumbled. Both above and below, there proved to be an insufficient base for the politics of protection. Crucially, the industrial bourgeoisie itself split on the issue. The three principal export branches were still relatively sheltered from the full blast of foreign competition. Textiles (accounting for half of total exports as late as 1914) had the tightly controlled Indian market; coal was not yet challenged in third markets by a German and American output absorbed by domestic demand; shipbuilding, an industry relying on a montage of specialized skills rather than standardized mass production, was directly linked to the blue-water requirements of Admiralty strategy. These older complexes stretching out along the Tyne and Clyde, Mersey and Lagan, formed a Northern industrial pole distinct from the Midlands engineering more oriented to the home market, and remained loyal to Free Trade. So too naturally, and even more resolutely, did the City.58 National protectionism was anathema to its interest in global intermediation. But it was the popular defection from Unionism that was most decisive of all, in giving back to the Liberal Party its last spell of power. For Tariff Reform in England was not just a straightforward protectionism designed to shield British manufactures from foreign competition. It also involved Imperial Preference, or the promotion of agricultural imports from the colonies. That was its Achilles heel as a political programme. In Germany or America, modern heavy industry could impose high tariffs not only because it had greater weight in the economy as a whole, but also because protection could

For these issues, see the classical discussion in Bernard Semmel, Imperialism and Social Reform, London 1960, pp. 1468. Why did the City nevertheless remain politically Conservative? Perhaps partly because it reckoned it could neutralize real protectionism if Chamberlain regained office; but mainly because it felt especially acutely the widespread aversion of the propertied world in London for the suspect popular retinue of turn-of-the-century Liberalism.


either be extended directly to rural producers as well, or combined with a competitive export agriculturethe Bloc of Iron and Rye, or Gilded Age Republicanism. Chamberlains scheme, by contrast, had appeal only for high-cost colonial famers. There was no rural electorate at home that could compensate for the urban unpopularity of increased food prices. The cause of industry was thus compromised by the connexions of empire in a way that occurred nowhere else.
The New Shape of British Capital

Instead of a redressment of the position of British manufacturing, the end of the Belle Epoque consequently witnessed the apoge of rentier returns on overseas investment, and commercial profits on all-purpose world trade. The City, without abandoning its Conservative attachments, prospered under the Liberal restoration as never before. Its banking regime largely ignored the problems of domestic industry, where lead sectors of the futuremotor cars or electrical engineering were stunted for lack of major issue-capital or stable credits. Just as the political sway of landowners in the 19th century was a European pattern, but took on a quite distinct conformation in Britain, so the economic dominance of banks was a general rule in the West in the early 20th centuryyet it too assumed a quite special meaning in England. Paradoxically, the capital of world finance never witnessed the world of finance capital, in the Marxist sense of the term. Hilferding himself noted, in his classical work on the subject, how far London departed from the German or Austrian, French or American phenomenon of a fusion of financial and industrial capital, under the control of powerful investment banks.59 Characteristically the Asquithian State that presided over the very different florescence of City interests, and their predominance within the British economy at large, bestirred itself to confront foreign rivals with real energy only in an accelerated Dreadnought programme to preserve English naval supremacy. The First World War, when it came, unmasked the real correlations of imperialist power that had emerged by the turn of the century. The Great War was won by the Entente only because Britain ultimately secured the alliance of the stronger of the two rivals to its global hegemony against the weakerAmerican entry from the West finally trumping German victories in the East. The casting of this die was
It is sheer dogmatism, Hilferding wrote, to take the organizationally backward English banking system, with its division of labour between deposit and merchant banks, as an ideal to be attained, for the English system is an outmoded one and is everywhere on the decline because it makes control of loaned-out bank capital more difficult. He also perceived the connexion between the specific character of British banking and the faltering of British industry. There can be no doubt that the different course of development taken by the banking system in England, which gives the banks far less influence over industry, is one cause of the greater difficulty of cartelization in England, and of the fact that when cartels have been formed, they have in most cases involved loose price agreements which achieved extraordinarily high prices during periods of prosperity and then collapsed in a depression. Improvements in the organization of English industry, particularly the growth of combinations in recent years, are due to American and German competition. English industry has been retarded by its monopoly on the world market. Finance Capital, London 1981, pp. 293, 408. Hilferding was much more attuned to the historical differences between the leading capitalist economies than his contemporaries Luxemburg and Lenin, or a fortiori Marx: see, e.g., pp. 306307.


virtually inescapable for Englands rulers.60 The strategic exigency of shielding a maritime empire from Americas potential sea-power, the economic linkage of long-standing investments in the US, the cultural ties of a common language and elite descent, the paramount advance of transatlantic industry, all pointed in the same direction. But the price of the long-term option was high, and payment started soon. The war forced a certain state-led modernization of economic sectors essential to the military effortelectricity, chemicals, machine-tools. But the value of British overseas holdings contracted sharply, principally to pay off debts to US suppliers, while American (as also German) industry grew far faster. Peace thus brought balance of payments difficulties for the first time, and left the competitive weaknesses of British industry more exposed, without restoring earlier conditions of unhampered world trade. Yet now, as after the Napoleonic Wars but in far more unfavourable circumstances, London reinstated gold as the standard of exchange, overvaluing sterling against the dollar to the detriment of the bulk of UK manufacturers. The vice in which the economic policies of the state were held by the pressures of the City and the Bank thus actually tightened during the twenties. It took the devastating blow of the World Depression to relax this traditional grip. The advent of the Slump finally forced Britain off the gold standard, and out of unrestricted free trade. By 1932 Chamberlains programme was in posthumous operation, with high industrial tariffs and imperial preference for primary commodity imports. The gradual economic recovery that followed only showed how limited its effects would ever have been, in the absence of a much more thoroughgoing reconstruction of state and industrial society in Britain. Behind the barriers of protection, and with some intermittent encouragement from the Treasury, a wave of amalgamations brought the scale of a number of key manufacturing firms for the first time up to more advanced international standards, creating most of the modern corporations of today. But these benefited neither from any important reorientation of banking capital towards domestic industrythe City essentially redirecting its flows to finance Dominion deficits in the Sterling area rather than into the United Kingdom itselfnor from any great technological or organizational leap forward. The West Midlands and SouthEast saw the emergence of a new consumer-durable complex. Auto and electrical goods became mass production industries for the first time. But both remained internationally uncompetitive, lagging far behind their US counterparts, and still constituted only a modest share of total outputless than the declining forces of textiles and ship-building. The motor of the relative upswing after 1934 was rather a housing boom that called for little competitive drive, the building trades remaining fragmented and tradition-bound. Even where the giant firm did emerge in British industry, it typically lacked the efficient multi-divisional structure of the American corporationremaining organizationally a generation or more behind it.61 The core heavy industries of the

The option for the United States as ally, and Germany as enemy, is rightly described by Andrew Gamble as a momentous choice, comparable in significance to the retention of free trade for the course of British history thereafter: see his admirable Britain in Decline, London 1981, pp. 5863. 61 D.F. Channon, The Structure and Strategy of British Enterprise, London 1973, p. 68.


economy failed abysmally to overhaul their capital stock or to maintain their export markets. By 1939 British coal, whose productivity had been steadily falling even during its halcyon years before the First World War, was less efficient than Polish or Dutchlet alone Germanand had lost a third of its share of world exports. British blast furnaces had not even attained the average output levels of US pig iron prior to the Great War. British shipyards had fallen to about half their part of world tonnage after the Armistice.
Decline as a World Power

Politically the inter-war period was one of renewed Conservative dominance, at its height more complete than ever before. But there was no return to traditional strategic priorities. The Versailles settlement had enlarged the territory of the British Empire in Asia and Africa, and endowed the UK with unprecedented rights of veto and intervention in continental Europe. Yet these imperial gains soon proved illusory. The Great War, itself largely a consequence of the international disequilibrium created by Britains relative loss of power, had in turn weakened the real foundations of English capitalism yet further. The economic sinews for martial claims on the old scale had disappeared. The Washington Conference brought this brutally home. Under US displeasure England was forced to abandon its alliance with Japan in Asia, without any counterpart, and to accept naval ratios that formally codified its reduction to parity with America.62 The Far East was the most distant of imperial theatres. But in Europe itself, a second round of German expansionism met only emollience and retreatinspired partly by class solidarity with the new order in Berlin, and partly by Treasury fears for the financial consequences of rearmament, but above all prompted by the collective apprehension of the authorities in London at the prospect of what another global conflict would bring for the Empire. While New Deal and Nazism were transforming the economic role of the state with public works programmes and deficitary budgets, the BaldwinChamberlain regime was distinguished mainly by the highest levels of social insurance in the West: crabbed welfare, amidst mass unemployment, rather than directed growth. Only in the final countdown to hostilities did the British State muster the will to start to reorganize the aircraft industryits sole interventionist initiative of significance in twenty years. The Second World War, so long foreseeable, repeated the experience of the First at a lower loop down the same spiral. England escaped defeat in 194041 thanks, once again, to its compact with the United States. But the military struggle with Germany revealed, now far more starkly than ever before, the calamitous state of much of the equipment and organization of British industry. Total manufacturing output actually rose less than five per cent during the warwhile the rate of German increase was at least six-fold higher: a differential that widened
For a savage critique, from imperial assumptions, of the whole inter-war logic that led from the Washington Conference to the arrival of LendLease, see Corelli Barnett, The Collapse of British Power, London 1972, esp. pp. 25073, 58893, a philippic without equal in the whole literature on British decline.


to ten-fold in the engineering industries. Even in the enormously expanded aircraft industry, on which Britains defence above all depended, peak productivity was a fifth below that of Germany, and less than half that of the United States. It was, indeed, American patronage alone that allowed the reconversion of the British economy for an effective war effort at all. In 194041 shipments of US machinetools to the UK ran at half the volume of native production; two years later imports of American radio equipment were reckoned to equal four-fifths of local output, in a vital industry where pre-war British productivity had been less than a quarter of its transatlantic counterpart.63 But US technology and matriel came at a crippling price. Washington fine-tuned its aid with more or less cold calculation to shore Britain up as a forward barrier against German domination of Europe, yet whittle it down as an economic and territorial competitor in the world at large. As Londons financial reserves were expended and its overseas assets liquidated, and it was forced to pledge an end to imperial preference, economic autonomy drained away and present alliance became future subordination. Russian entry into the war, which eventually overthrew the Third Reich, could not alter the basic terms of the relationship henceforward set between the Anglo-Saxon powers. The compact was one between capitalisms: the emergence of a formidable anti-capitalist power would only reinforce it. Politically, however, the decisive fact for British society was nevertheless the simple survivorif not victorstatus of the United Kingdom itself, as Soviet troops entered Berlin in 1945. For peace brought with it a record that was truly unique in the ranks of all the major capitalist powers. Among them, Britain alone had now never experienced a modern second revolution, abruptly or radically remoulding the state inherited from the first. For between the initial bourgeois revolution that breached the old order and the final completion of bourgeois democracy as the contemporary form of the capitalist state, there typically lay violent intervening convulsions that extended the work of the original upheaval and transformed the political framework of the nation. In that sense, the notion of bourgeois revolution can neither be confined to a single primordial episode, nor made coeval with a continuous evolutionary process. Rather the historical genesis of the modern bourgeois state has normally taken the pattern of a series of successive ruptures with the existing settlement, concentrated in their rhythm and coercive in their impact, remedying the omissions or reversing the defeats of their predecessors. The English revolution was no exception. The Great Rebellion, cancelled by the Restoration, was followed within a generation by the Glorious Revolution. The singularity of the British case lay simply in the rapidity and finality of the sequel, a century before the advent of industrial capitalism itself. After 1688 the state was never again formally
63 Corelli Barnett, The Audit of War, London 1986, pp. 60, 146, 159, 170; for the pre-war record in coal, iron and steel and ship-building, pp. 71, 921, 111. Barnetts latest work constitutes the most detailed and devastating panorama of the misery of British industry yet to have appeared, and the most radically wounding to national illusions. It is composed at a historical depth that makes previous treatments seem indulgent sketches by comparison.


altered nor was a new Constitution ever proclaimed. Rather piecemeal reforms of suffrage or administration, in homeopathic doses, slowly modified the structures of traditional power and privilege, without ever radically redrawing them at a stroke. The experience of every other major capitalist state was very different. Two centuries after the Revolt of the Netherlands, an ossified magistrate oligarchy was evicted by the Batavian Republic. The French Revolution was followed by the Parisian risings of 1830 and 1848, putting an end to the Restoration and the July Monarchy, and by the military defeat and popular insurrection of 187071 which ushered in the Third Republic. The American War of Independence found its completion in the far bloodier Civil War a century later. The Bismarckian monarchy disintegrated in the November Revolution. Then, in the vortex of the Second World War, not only Germany but Japan and Italy, France and Holland, all saw their states smashed by foreign invasion and occupation. Allied victory brought agrarian reform to Japan, partition to Germany, the republic to Italy, universal suffrage to France. The final clearance of the social and institutional landscape that had prevailed down to the First World Warthe whole scenery surveyed by Mayerwas only accomplished in the Second. The general significance of these revolutions after the revolution was everywhere the same. They were essentially phases in the modernization of the state, which thereby permitted a reinvigoration of the economy. The most conservative or regressive social elements of the ruling orderDutch regents, Southern slave-owners, French legitimists, Japanese landlords, Prussian junkers, Italian latifundists were eliminated, amidst a drastic recomposition of the dominant bloc. Something like a fresh historical start occurred, at the summit of society. Britain alone was exempt from this process, throughout the whole epoch of industrialization which it pioneered. In a Paretian vocabulary, it was bound in the long-run to suffer from its poor circulation of elites. In the post-war epoch, the still aristocratic tone and origins of its hegemonic stratum were an anachronism in a world in which its German or Japanese equivalents, once a good deal more feudal or patriarchal than Englands rulers, had become pure business classes, bourgeoisies without vacillation or varnish. States whose pedigrees went no further back than the Declaration of Casablanca were to have a decided advantage over one that traced its ancestry to the Bill of Rights. No gale of creative destruction had blown through the creaking political timbers of the United Kingdom for nearly three centuries when the victorious powers met at Potsdam.

6. Workers
Just at this moment, as Germany was being divided, the election of a majority Labour Government brought a new entrant onto the scene. The principal party of the British working-class now for the first time took undivided charge of the affairs of the state. Labours platform appeared to hold out the prospect of a deliberate and wide-ranging transformation of British capitalism. The advent of the Attlee administration was the culmination of a long prior history, the particular experience of the workers movement in Britain since the Industrial Revolution. What was the character of that movement by the mid 20th century, as a candidate for altering the direction of the country?

The early English proletariat of the first half of the 19th century was socially still composed in the main of hand-workers and artisans, in industries where the machine-driven factory was the most advanced rather than the most typical unit. Economically it was subjected to the harshest tyrannies of the first industrial capitalismdispossessed of its skills and deprived of its traditional ways of life, packed into urban slums, pitched into violent depressions and cyclical unemployment. Politically it was excluded from representation, without vote or legal purchase on the state. Culturally it pre-existed modern socialist ideology, which its struggles helped to bring into being. Successive popular revolts, each different in form and broader than the last, broke unavailingly against the ruling order: from Jacobin conspiracy to Luddite anger, from Owenite cooperation to Chartist insurgency, when workingclass radicalism finallyall too brieflyjoined together rejection of constitution and of capital in a movement explosively close to a political socialism. Armed repression and patriotic mystification, civic tradition and material concession, combined in varying admixtures at different moments, wore down these challenges in the end. The English 1848 closed a history. This first working-class, not only in Britain but in the world, left a great memory but little organizational legacy behind it.

It was the second half of the 19th century that saw the emergence of a labour movement, as distinct from a proletarian identity, with some institutional stability and continuity. By now the weight of factory labour was more central in the class a whole, even if still far from preponderant. A stratum of skilled workers had emerged enjoying enough material and social privileges to separate their outlook from the mass of the labouring population. Average wages rose above the level of previous decades, as capital accumulation acquired broader bases in the mid-Victorian boom. These socio-economic changes in the composition and condition of the working-class were accompanied by its limited admittance to the political system, when the suffrage was extended first in 1867 and then 1884 to its more prosperous sections. The formation of a relatively self-enclosed prolertarian culture followed. By the turn of the century much of the basic cast of the modern British labour movement was set.

Two features, above all, characterized it. On the one hand, it achieved a degree of industrial organization ahead of its counterparts elsewhere. This never embraced the majority of unskilled or casual labourers. British trade-unions were originally craft associations of skilled workers; and even after the emergence of industrial and general unions, these long remained the centre of gravity of the movement. Workplace organization was strong, in an economy whose typical enterprise units were still small, and bargaining decentralized. The labour process became a terrain of class contention and customary entrenchment at a technological stage prior to the coming of the mass production industries


of the second industrial revolution.64 At the point of production, capital lost unfettered control over the disposal of plant and workforce before it had reached the age of electricity and petroleum, across much of British manufacturing. By 1914, after the upsurge of a new syndicalist militancy, nearly a quarter of the work-force was unionizedabout double the proportion in Germany or the USA, and four times that in France; in a country where the working-class, in the absence of peasants or farmers, was itself a much larger proportion of the total population.65 This was a qualitative difference in economic strength, making British trade-unionism one of a kind in the final years before the First World War. On the other hand, the political projection of labour was exceptionally weak. By the end of the 1870s, Britain had the most restricted franchise of all the major capitalist powers: no more than 60 per cent of adult males possessed the suffrage as against universal masculine entitlement in Germany or France, and in the USA (soon restricted again to whites). Even after the Third Reform Act in 1884, less than half the workingclassexcluding womencould vote. This gradual and only partial inclusion into the constitutional order was a resultant of both pressure from below and calculation from above. Its effect was to filter the most advantaged and respectable layers of the working population from the rest of the poor and exploited. The combination of higher wages associated with imperial power, and civic freedoms identified with a national heritage prior to landlord or capitalist rule, had already quietened impulses of popular rebellion by the time of the Great Exhibition. The subsequent integration of the upper levels of the working-class into an electoral system in which a pair of traditional parties vied under first-past-the-post rules thus simply allowed the more bourgeois of the two to acquire a proletarian ballast. Politically, British labour as an organized force was a captive client of the Liberal Party down to the end of the century, even if a sizeable section of the working-class electorate persistently voted Conservative. This peaceable submission to the parties of the ruling bloc was equally singular for the age, as Marx and Engels frequently and sharply pointed out. No real labour movement in the Continental sense of the word exists here, Engels noted in 1879.66 Fifteen years later, his verdict was much the same: These English workers with their sense of imaginary national superiority, with their essentially bourgeois ideas and viewpoints, with their practical narrow-mindedness, with their leaders steeped in parliamentary corruption, can really drive one to despair. Even if, he thought, things were by now moving forward somewhat, it was still the case
This basic point is made most clearly by A. Kilpatrick and T. Lawson, On the Nature of Industrial Decline in the UK, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 4, No. 1, March 1980, pp. 85102. They emphasize, correctly, that it was not just the early implantation but also the evolutionary continuity of British unionismuninterrupted by any equivalent of Fascism, Occupation or American Plan which was critical to its effects on industry. But they tacitly overstate the causal importance of these on the overall trajectory of the British economy, by isolating them from the organization of capital. 65 G.S. Bain and R. Price, Profiles of Union Growth, A Comparative Statistical Portrait of Eight Countries, London 1980, pp. 37, 88, 133, 142. 66 Letter to Bernstein, June 1879, in Werke, Vol. 34, Berlin 1966, p. 378. Hence I do not think you will miss much if for the present you do not receive any report of the activities of the trade-unions here.


that the practical English will be the last to arrive.67 By then Germany and France, Italy and Sweden, Belgium and Austria all had independent socialist parties with a mass following. Even in the United States, where industrial struggles were far more numerous and volcanic than in Britain in the late 19th century, but working-class political action was very limited, New York nearly elected a socialist mayor at a time when London was a fief of triumphalist Toryism.68
Labour and Liberalism

It was a shift in the dispositions of the dominant bloc above more than any autonomous movement below that eventually disrupted the attachment of British labour to the established order. Following the Liberal split over Ireland and general drift of commercial and financial capital to the Conservatives, Salisbury rallied the bulk of the possessing classes on a platform of confident reaction. It was the industrial repercussions of this political change which eventually led to an independent labour politics. After a decade of Conservative consolidation, employers launched a broad attack on the unions strength in the 1890s, culminating in the defeat of the engineers strike of 1897 and the governmentinspired Taff Vale decision of 1901 rescinding union legal rights. Denied parliamentary alternation by the Liberal eclipse, and threatened with industrial constraint by Tory belligerence, the TUC finally moved to set up a Labour Representation Committee of its ownthough still as a modest out-rider of Liberalism, negotiating for a few seats with it. There was to be no mention of socialism. In 1906 a handful of workingclass MPs were elected amidst a Liberal landslide: The new Labour Party had arrived on the political scene not as the grave-digger of Liberalism, but as an integral part of a great Liberal revival.69 The New Liberalism, rendered more responsive than the old to mass poverty and insecurity by its years in the wilderness, advocated state intervention to contain social unrest. The Asquith governments, while refusing any departure from free trade to contend with economic competition from abroad, inaugurated a bureaucratic insurance scheme and modest welfare measures to stabilize the labour force at home. The Labour Party was inducted into national politics under this dual aegis. It accepted the Liberal reforms uncritically, including their clipping of popular autonomies, and did not even demand extension of a suffrage that still excluded a large majority of the population. By 1914, after eight years of docile acquiescence in the politics of Asquith, Churchill and Lloyd George, the Party had only just come round to the idea of electoral independence from the Liberal machinewhile most of the unions still hankered for its patronage. Yet the same years had seen the
Letter to Plekhanov, May 1984, in Werke, Vol. 39, Berlin 1968, p. 248. British delusions of selfimportance nevertheless started early on the Left, as Engels was aware. For your entertainmentMr Sidney Webb, Professor of Political Economy at the Workingmens College, who has also refuted Marxs theory of value, said: We are only 2,000 socialists in England, but we are doing more than all the 700,000 socialists in Germany: Letter to Liebknecht, April 1889, in Werke, Vol. 39, p. 186. 68 Between 1885 and 1910 Unionism dominated over two-thirds of the parliamentary constituencies in London: Henry Pelling, The Social Geography of British Elections 18851910, London 1967, pp. 2659. 69 James Hinton, Labourism and Socialism, Brighton 1983, pp. 7475: the finest synoptic account of the modern British labour movement, and its relations with the wider working-class, that we now have.


most turbulent upsurge of industrial militancy in national history. The British working-class down to the First World War thus remained, in a sense, the mirror opposite of the German. In the Second Reich, the general weakness of union organization in heavy industry, toughly policed by more intransigent employers, was compensated by the massive strength of the SPD in the electorate:70 by 1903, the largest single party in the country. In Edwardian England, a tiny Labour Party without even a nominal socialist commitment coexisted with a union movement firmly embedded in the structures of a more decentralized production. The political subordination of British labour stood out in any comparative perspective. In the United States itself, there was a mass Socialist Party with 120,000 members and a million voters. The First World War transformed this situation. Once again, however, the fundamental change that it produced in the prospects of labour occurred without its volition, in the sphere of bourgeois politics above it. During the war the unions were coopted without difficulty into the military effort, their numbers growing as employment expanded in the arms industries. The Labour Party never deviated from social patriotism, eventually joining the Conservatives themselves in the Lloyd George Coalition. But the War destroyed the Liberal Party, in a second split which removed it permanently from the scene as a major force in British politics. The consequence of its sudden demise was that post-War Labourism inherited the space left by Liberalism, without ever having to engage in a direct contest with it. This circumstance was in the longrun to be much more crucial for the character and course of Labourism than the immediate conjuncture in which the Party acquired a new constitution and programme in 1918. By then shop-steward resistance to war-time wage controls and labour dilution had broadened into a more widespread radicalization, as official militarism fell into discredit. Against a background of increasing industrial turmoil, the Labour Party now formally committed itself to the goals of Clause Four and emerged as the main challenger to the post-war Coalition regime. At the same time, however, its new constitution formally ratified the absolute dominance of the unions inside the party with a voting structure unlike that of any European social-democracy, which effectively neutralized the admission of individual members. The organizational nexus tying the trade-union and parliamentary institutions of labourism together did not mean any practical unification of industrial and political struggles. Quite the reverse: they were rigidly separated in the ideology of the movement, each wing defining its arena of activity as off-limits to the otherin the familiar duo of economism and electoralism that came to define Labourism.
A Dialectic of Desynchronization

The result was a dialectic of desynchronization in popular experience itself in the inter-war period. The great industrial upsurge after the Armistice, which had seemed at moments to threaten the very basis of
70 See the pertinent remarks of David Blackbourn and Geoff Eley, The Peculiarities of German History, Oxford 1984, pp. 107, 268. In 1903, when the Free Trade Unions still numbered less than a million members, the SPD gained 31.7% of the national vote.


the social order, was rolled back by 1922. In the aftermath of its defeat, a first minority Labour Government was elected in 1924only to be ousted within a few months. Two years later the General Strike broke out in solidarity with the miners fight against wage reductions. After it had been crushed by Baldwin and Churchill, a second Labour administration was formed in 1929only to split in 1931 over cuts in unemployment benefit resisted by the unions, amidst the Great Depression. From the mid-30s onwards the Labour Party and the TUC alike recovered to pre-slump levels of strength, but there was no resurgence of militancy on the shop-floor nor any electoral breakthrough in sight. The balancesheet between the Wars was very limited. About a third of the workforce was now unionized, and about a third of the electorate voted Labour. The Partys polling strength was still largely restricted to the older industrial regions of the North, although London was captured in 1934. Two ephemeral Labour administrations had failed to leave any mark, the second exhibiting a paucity of response to the Slump that made Liberal politics look heterodox. There had been no equivalent of the German or Austrian experience of constitution-making; the Swedish programme of public works; or the French introduction of the fortyhour week and paid holidays. The main achievements of British labour remained indirect and defensive. The beginnings of social security designed by Lloyd George were extended by Chamberlain: concessions that mitigated the depth of the Depression and the harshness of Conservative rule. But gains such as these were also prophylactic measures that redounded to the benefit of their sponsors. Half the working-class still voted Conservative by the end of the thirties, and a third consecutive electoral victory for the Tories was impending when the Second World War broke out.

Defeat in Norway brought Labour into government as a junior partner in a comprehensive coalition under Churchill. The five years of wartime administration that followed were Labours real baptism in office. Cocooned within a nationalist concert, it acquired credentials of safety and reliability it had hitherto never possessed, however moderate its policies. Control of the Ministry of Labour allowed it to promote unionization and collective bargaining, while maintaining a close restraint on wage struggles. Otherwise its policy contributions were very limited. The Churches had more influence on a feeble and belated Education Act, which did nothing to remedy Britains international deficiencies. Yet just as Labour had profited from the break-up of Liberalism as a governing party during the First World War, it now benefited from the fall-out of Liberalism as an intellectual force. The two key innovations of the war years were both the work of major Liberal thinkers strategically placed within the state machine: the reformed budget designed by Keynes for the Treasury in 1941, based on new-style national income accounting, and the report on Social Security produced by Beveridge in 1942, promising minimum public standards of material provision for all citizens. The twin foundations of the postwar political settlementcounter-cyclical demand management and a welfare statewere thus laid independently of Labour, in a civil service53

initiated consensus.71 In the more egalitarian social climate created by the military struggle against fascism, however, the potential advantages of these changes naturally tended to go in the direction of the Left. The Second World War thus transformed Labours position within British society in two fundamental ways. Each came, not as the fruit of conscious purpose or collective struggle, but as a historical windfall. The Party was initiated into power without having to mobilize for it; and it acquired a programme for government without having to originate the ideas behind it. Moreover, Labour in 1945 inherited a popular radicalization it had done little directly to stimulate, before which it could present itself as the responsible continuator of the social changes the war had put on the national agenda. The result was to lift the electoral barriers that had held it to a minority position in the inter-war period. Not only the bulk of the working-class but also a significant section of the lower-middle and professional classes rallied to Labour for the first timea change noticeably reflected in its parliamentary delegation. The Partys share of the total vote48 per centwas below the peak levels achieved by the Norwegian or Swedish labour movements of the time, but the electoral system gave it the largest parliamentary majority61 per cent of seatsever enjoyed by a socialdemocratic party to date.72 The lag in the political record of the British working-class had been made good with a vengeance.
Attlees Record

What use did the Labour Government make of its victory? Its priorities were social welfare and economic reconstruction. The most significant achievements of the Attlee Administration were the creation of a National Health Service that went somewhat beyond the limits projected by Beveridge, within a social security system whose conceptions were otherwise uncritically adopted from him; and the maintenance of nearfull employment with a series of Keynesian budgets, facilitated by the establishment of a public sector that mainly comprised declining or deficitary industries. There was little ruling-class opposition to most of these measures. Their most significant long-term effect was to consolidate the bargaining power of British trade-unionism, in tight labour markets with a social wage. The defensive strength of the workingclass within British capitalism was considerably increased, even if the unions themselves were leashed by the Labour Government in the name of a necessary austerity. The general configuration of British capitalism itself, however, was left essentially untouched. No major redistribution of income occurred. War-time controls were switched ad hoc from arms production to an export drive which scored early short-term successes as Continental Europe lay devastated. But there was neither overall planning nor state action to increase the volume of investment in British
71 Paul Addison, The Road to 1945, London 1975, remains the outstanding exploration of the gradual bureaucratic metabolism behind the Attlee experience. Addison speaks of Labours dual mandate, from above and from below, when it took office, and rightly stresses the legacy of war-time nationalism for the climate that annealed them: pp. 16, 276. 72 A figure never approached till the Spanish Socialists won 58 per cent of the Congress of Deputies in 1982, with 48 per cent of the vote.


industry, which in key sectors actually fell behind pre-war levels. The stock of undestroyed capital which gave Britain its international advantage underwent no thorough renovation, of the sort imposed elsewhere. The whole effort of Labours rule was not to transform the historic structures of Britains imperial economy, much less state, but to restore them. Restoration, after the gigantic costs of the World War itself, necessarily meant diminution. To achieve it, two fundamental changes had to be accepted. American tutelagea special relationship with the USA which at once guaranteed and controlled the UKs role in the world at large was the first and far the most decisive. Latent during the fighting itself, when sentiment and self-deception helped to obscure its reality for Churchill, it became overt immediately after the conclusion of hostilities, when Truman peremptorily terminated Lend Lease. The ensuing financial crisis then forced London to accept an American loan secured by Keynes, whose price was the abandonment of Imperial Preference. The second change was the loss of India, whose independence was now strategically unavoidable, given the balance of military and political forces in the sub-continent. Labour was better suited than the traditional Conservative custodians of empire to negotiate the rapid conclusion of both these transformations. Within the shrunken framework they set, however, British pretensions were by no means abandoned. The Attlee regime was an active initiator of the Cold War against Russia in Europe, playing a central role in the creation of NATOa brain-child of Ernest Bevin. At the same time it sought military autonomy within the new Atlantic Alliance by the development of its own nuclear arsenal. Where colonial wars could still be won, they were foughtas in Malaya, far the most profitable single possession of the pre-war period. But the limits of British overseas action were now much narrower. In Palestine, in Greece and in Iran the baton of command and counter-revolution had to be passed, more or less reluctantly, to the United States. The underlying reality was that the principal condition of Britains continued empire after the Second World War was its glacis function for US global domination. Its cost, on the other hand, was to be the frustration of any chance that the UK economy would keep its conjunctural competitive edge. Just as the period began with the abrupt cancellation of LendLease, so it ended with the imposition of massive rearmament for war in Koreaa region in which England had no traditional or strategic interest whatever. In effect, decisions in Washington opened and closed the cycle of reformism in London. In 1950 Britains engineering industry and Labours political unity were alike sacrificed to the role of imperial subcontractor by the Attlee administration.73 The first majority Labour government expired under a military budget so large it had to be pruned by the Conservative administration that succeeded it.


For the economic consequneces of Korean rearmament, see Sam Aaronovitch, Ron Smith, Jean Gardiner and Roger Moore, The Political Economy of British Capitalism, London 1981, pp. 70, 77.


Conservative Revival

How little Labour had modified the basic coordinates of British capitalism was shown by the smoothness of the transition back to a decade and more of Conservative rule. The traditional governing class, personified by the Prime Ministers of the timeChurchill, Eden, Macmillan, Homereturned to the helm of the state, placidly accepting welfare and full employment as consensual goals of the post-war settlement. Industrial controlsalready semi-dismantled by the end of the Attlee erawere abolished, as the UK entered the slipway of the world boom of the fifties and sixties. Far the most important change of the Conservative years, however, was the revival of the City after its hibernation during the War. The mechanisms of the Sterling Area provided the dollar deposits, extracted from Commonwealth exports, necessary for the maintenance of the pound as an international reserve currency. But a recovery of the Citys historic role required liberalization of its transactions as a world commercial and financial centre. In 1951, the foreign exchange markets reopened in London; soon followed by the gold and commodity markets. In 1958 sterling regained full convertibility. Britains invisible earnings could once again acquire pride of place under Macmillan. The Bank recovered its role as conductor to the City, and the Treasury reinforced its dominance within the state. The result, at a time when the defeated powers of World War Two were rapidly renewing their capital stock and coming back into the world market in force, was to penalize British manufacturing as the exigencies of sterlinga high and stable exchange-ratewere translated into the vagaries of a credit control erratically expanding and contracting domestic demand in response to pressures on the external account. Yet amidst historically unprecedented rates of international accumulation, as Fordist industry spread outwards from the USA under the Pax Americana, the growth of the British economy was rapid by 19th-century standards. The result was a domestic prosperity that consolidated both Conservative electoral ascendancy and trade-union industrial strength. Traditional elites and financial earnings flowered above, while shop stewards multiplied in numbers and wage drift followed below. The arrival of mass consumption of durables brought with it a belated concentration of manufacturing capital. The multi-divisional corporation finally became naturalized. But in Britain the giant firm did not usually mean the giant plant: integration was more organizational than technological, and signified no far-reaching overhaul of the equipment of British industry. The afterglow of military victory in World War Two had postponed any pressing sense of economic deficiency in the post-war epoch. Imperial powers above and beyond those of any European rival continued to be taken for granted, as a generally effective colonial transformismo evolved, and no major defeats of the kind that had driven the Dutch from Indonesia or the French from Indochina were suffered. It was not until the AngloFrench attack on Egypt in 1956 that the real relations of force between British and American imperialism were starkly displayedwhen for the first time since the war the interests of the two collided directly, and the US halted the Suez expedition within days. Even so, continuing illusions of empire abroad and rising consumption at home were still sufficient to rule out any

contemplation of British entry into the EEC shortly afterwards, in the name of a superior Commonwealth. But by the early sixties, the international decline of the UK economy was no longer maskable. In fifteen years West Germany, Japan and France had all overtaken it in national income and share of world trade. The weaknesses of British capital and of the British state in the new global order that had emerged during the long boom became brutally clear as a belated suit to join the Common Market was vetoed by France, and the project of an independent deterrent dwindled to the leasing of missile technology from America. The Macmillan years, clouded with decay and scandal, closed amid something like a public certificate of the general malaise of British capitalism.

7. Reprise
Such was the juncture at which New Left Review attempted to explore the historical reasons for the British crisis some two decades ago. The two principal themes of our analysis were the archaic nature of a ruling stratum, whose personnel and traditions stretched back to an agrarian and aristocratic past that had been unbroken for centuries by civil commotion or foreign defeat; and the defensive character of a labour movement intensely conscious of class but immured in acceptance of it. To the hegemonic predominance of the oneall too pervasive for British bourgeois society as a wholewe argued that there corresponded the corporate subordination of the other, reflected in its fundamental acceptance of that society.74 This Gramscian polarity was given too cultural a turn, at any rate by myself. The crisis was also deduced too narrowly from the character of the hegemonic order alone. But the essential intuitions were not wrong. The crux of the problems confronting British capitalism lay in the knot that tied together the rulers of the country, the state which embodied their rule, and those they ruled over. The political dome of the dominant bloc had indeed been essentially landowning throughout most of the 19th century; beneath it, economically, came commerce rather than manufacturing. When agrarian property lost its weight it was not industry but finance which became the hegemonic form of capital, in a City socially and culturally in many ways closer to the wealth of estates than of factories. The arrival of modern corporations later reinforced rather than counterbalanced the outward bias of London as a world financial centre, by early orientation to production overseas. The empire which provided a congenial habitat for City and multinationals alike had traditionally been the principal positive care of the state. The combination of a Treasury determined to minimize government at home, and a Foreign Office of vice-regal horizons abroad, made this state eminently unsuitable as an instrument for redressing the decline of British capitalism. Its special skills lay elsewhere: in the mortification of political conflict or social revolt within civil society, through the venerable institutions of parlia74

Gramscis use of the word corporate, of course, derived from Lenin and the Russian socialist tradition; it was quite unrelated to the official conception of corporatism later theorized by Italian fascism, the source of the principal contemporary usage of that term, with its very different meaning the one signifying a conscious subalternity, the other a spurious co-participation.


mentary sovereignty in a constitutional monarchy. In that, scarcely another European state could compete with its record. If our portrait of the dominant bloc was the principal focus of Thompsons criticisms, it was our account of those who were dominated that aroused most objection from a younger generation of historians. The sore point here was our judgement of the labour movement. The burden of nearly all these critics was that we had failed to register the variations in the political hopes and horizons of the working-class and its different institutions over a century and a half, attributing too homogenous a subordination to it, and too static a hegemony to the exploiting classes over it.75 A plea for finer conjunctural detail is always to be respected. But the history of a social class or a political movement cannot be dissolved into a sheer sequence of discontinuous conjunctures without losing its object altogether. The British labour movement never exhibited one unchanging essence; but nor did it display indefinite variation either. Through every transformation and vicissitude, its history developed within a set of structural limits that placed strict bounds on its identity. The modern form of that binding has been Labourism, no mere theoretical fantasm but an all too tangible institutional and ideological reality, reproducing through multiple conflicts and oscillations across the years its peculiar, uncheckered forms of subalternity. The measure of them came at the pinnacle of Labour power itself. For thenwhen the Party represented sociologically the most numerous working-class in Europe, and organizationally one of the least dividedit proved unable, not just to pose any fundamental challenge to capitalism in the United Kingdom, as always in the past, but to constitute any incisive alternative stewardship of it either. The post-war Labour government, commanding a huge parliamentary majority and a loyal trade-union movement, thought only of bettering the condition of the working-class within a social order taken as given and an imperial heritage it strove to preserve, by reliance on American protection. Major change in the economic foundations of the country never occurred to it. Socialism had never been on the agenda of the Attlee Administration. Its goals were social concessions from a capitalism whose strengths it accepted as beside contestation. What Labour had wholly failed to register were the surfacing weaknesses of British capitalism itself.

8. Losing Altitude
When the Labour Party returned to office in 1964, the ideological context had changed. Two decades later, the anaesthesia of military victory had finally worn off. For the first time since Chamberlains campaign for Tariff Reform, political debate was once again dominated by the issue of national decline. The failing powers of the British economy were increasingly acknowledged, to general alarm. More and more frequently, the source of the English disease was traced to the
75 This was a common theme of James Hinton, The Labour Aristocracy, NLR 34, JulyAugust 1965; Keith Nield, A Symptomatic Dispute, Social Research 47/3, Autumn 1980; and Raphael Samuel and Gareth Stedman-Jones, The Labour Party and Social-Democracy, History Workshop 12, Autumn 1981.


unamended traditionalism of British societynot least by the new Labour leadership. Wilsons trademark in opposition had been rhetorical attacks on outdated inequality and amateur inefficiency, customary hierarchy and unmerited privilege, as fetters on national progress. Under him Labour now promised no major extension of social insurance or public ownership. The thrust of its programme was a novel one for the British workers movement: in effect, a modernization rather than humanization of capitalism, stressing the need for science and technology as the condition of welfare, in a vocabulary of bourgeois rationality calculated to appeal to both expert and egalitarian impulses. Paradoxically the forensic radicalism of the Labour campaign was probably greater in 1964 than in 1945, comporting a more caustic and sweeping assault on Conservative rule than post-coalition pieties had allowed under Attlee. Among the ostensible targets of Wilsons criticisms were the dominance of finance over industry; the incompetence of hereditary directors and the unsuitability of existing civil servants; the inequalities of the educational system; the run-down of social services. More than a decade of rising levels of private consumption under the Conservatives, combined with the unpopularity of the models of nationalization imposed by Morrison, gave Labour a much narrower victory than in 1945. But in the mid sixties the Wilson administration succeeded in creating a reduced equivalent of the electoral bloc of the mid forties. The bulk of the working-class, if no longer so committed to its community values as in the past, and a segment of the whitecollar and professional middle-classes, now moved less by a sense of social solidarity with those below than of frustrated mobility and impatience with those above, gave Labour parliamentary power once again. The new regime presented itself as a force of resolute and realistic reform. The limits of that realism were demonstrated immediately on Wilsons assumption of office. Labours conception of national regeneration was all but exclusively domestic. A reformed civil administration would coordinate the energies of a rationalized industry, promoting higher levels of investment in equipment and research, and laying the foundations of a broad and modern educational system. Higher productivity and output would then permit more generous social provision. The programme said virtually nothing about the position of the UK in the post-war international order. Its only gesture to external modernization was a promise to abandon the countrys nuclear deterrent as supernumerary. Labours silence here spoke volumes. There had been no revision of the conventional definitions of the world role of British capitalism. The Commonwealth and the American Protectorate which guaranteed it remained mentally untouchable. The Sterling Area with the City at the centre of it, and the NATOSEATO alliances with the functions of sub-imperial buffer that followed from them, continued to be regarded as intrinsic to the definition of Great Britain. No change from the legacy of the Attlee experience was envisaged, no lesson from its demise learnt. The consequences did not wait. Within the very first month of Wilsons premiership, there was a run on the pound, triggered by the Citys aversion to the prospect of higher taxation under Labour. Devaluation was the obvious, widely canvassed responsewhich could only improve

the export prospects of national manufacturing. The Bank naturally opposed it, as the guardian of a high and stable exchange-rate. So too did the United Stateswhich regarded sterling as an outwork of the dollar, and feared a cannon-effect on its own currency. Faced with this clear choice, Wilson opted to keep the pound riding highat the cost of a large American loan, and increased interest rates. Labours rhetoric of renovation had been punctured at first contact with the traditional powers of the Bank and the US Treasury. After another year and a half, and a further election that gave Labour an increased majority, the same scenario was repeated. The sterling crisis of the summer of 1966 forced a much more drastic squeeze of demand by the Wilson administration, now combined with a cut in public spending, to save the pound. That too proved vain. In 1967 yet another balance of payments crisis finally imposed the devaluation to stave off which industrial growth and investment had been pointlessly sacrificed. The strategic bent of the administration, meanwhile, reproduced the drift of its financial policy. British nuclear submarines were preserved rather than scrapped, to keep a dependent deterrent in the Atlantic. Colonial wars were pursued in Borneo and Adensettler peace in Rhodesia. The Labour government extended faithful diplomatic support to American intervention in Vietnam, regardless of world-wide protests against it, and maintained the highest level of military spending in Western Europe. This international courseunswerving adherence to official traditions held fast since the First World Warnow formed a glaring contrast with that of Americas other ally at Versailles. In the same years France expelled US bases from its territory, withdrew from NATOs military command, and disavowed the American war in Indochina. Britain under Conservative rule had been vetoed from entry into the European Community by de Gaulle as too subservient to the United States: Labour rule only accentuated the divergence between Europes two principal imperial powers.
The Wilsonian Impasse

The external stance of the Wilson adminstration preparedin good measure preordainedthe fate of its internal programme. Labour had always designated the British state as its appointed instrument for achieving the modernization of British manufacturing, promising reforms of that state precisely to adapt it to this unwonted function. The two key innovations here were to be the displacement of the Treasury from its controlling position within the Executive, and the democratization of recruitment to the bureaucracy as a whole. In 1964 a new Department of Economic Affairs was set up to by-pass Treasury obstruction of any economic dirigisme. Its task was to formulate a National Plan on an indicative basis, and to supervise the general rationalization of firms and sectors that was intended to follow from it. The results were derisory. The Plan, lacking any binding force, was little more than public relations for the regime. The rationalizations that were supposed to accompany it took the form of state-sponsored mergers, creating larger conglomerates without higher productivity. Fiscal inducements to manufacturing investment were no more effective than these organizational recombinations. Growth did not accelerate:

export shares did not increase. Interventionism as feeble and superficial as this was an easy prey to the unreconstructed laissez-faire hostility of the Treasury. By 1967 the DEA was so discredited that its abolition was encompassed in short order, without a struggle, by a Labour Chancellor in the name of traditional orthodoxy.76 The final years of the Wilson government saw a classical deflationary policy of sound money and a payments surplus, pursued by a restored Treasury. Reform of the civil service, a much broader objective, naturally got even less farno more than a pallid Commission whose recommendations, modest enough, were shelved without a trace. The modernized educational system that was supposed to be the complement of a more dirigiste State was in its turn reduced to little more than an increase in the number of universities and colleges, without any significant shift of disciplines within them; and a general amalgamation of public sector schools in the name of equity, whose principal effect was to increase the size of the private sector above itleaving unaltered the overall structures of British education, with their traditional exacerbation of class and indifference to science. Nor was any major extension of social security achieved under Wilson. These were the years in which a second wave of welfare reforms in Northern EuropeSwedish pension funds or West German unemployment insurancewas creating more advanced systems of provision than those established after the war. The English welfare state ceased to be an example to the world. The complete failure of Labours attempt to reconstruct industrial capital by deliberate state action, meanwhile, coincided with the unpremeditated emergence of a quite new basis for the hegemony of financial and commercial capital. The fall of the pound in 1967 meant the end of the Sterling Area as a coherent economic zone, a change long feared and resisted by a City grown accustomed to it since the thirties. But just before Wilson came to power, the US authorities had blocked foreign borrowers from the New York bond market. The result, from 1963 onwards, was the birthlittle noticed at the timeof an offshore Eurodollar market. The London merchant banks moved quickly to capture the bulk of the enormous flows soon accumulating in this novel medium of international credit, which promised the City greater prosperity and strength than the Commonwealth of the past had ever afforded it. London as a world financial centre entered a new phase of transformation and expansionwhile Britain as a manufacturing nation slid into stagnation. By 1970 the size of the Eurobond market had multiplied nearly twenty times over. But in six years of Labour government, industrial production increased by only 15 per cent, less than under the Conservative regime before it. Daunted by the City and thwarted in the State, the Wilson regime
76 The Department was formally wound up in the summer of 1969. The structural context of the failure of Labour dirigismeobstructed not just by the Treasury as the principal bulwark of the state, but also by the weakness of the peak organizations of labour and industry, the TUC and CBI, as putative social partners outside itis sharply etched by Bob Jessop: The Transformation of the State in Post-War Britain, in Richard Scase, ed., The State in Western Europe, London 1980, pp. 39 41a brilliant essay.


finally turned on the unions as the scapegoat for its failuresnow treated as the major obstacle to the rationalization of the British economy. But its bid to control trade-union power with anti-strike legislation was no more successful than its attempt to side-track the Treasury, provoking rebellion in the ranks not just of the TUC but of the Labour Cabinet itself. Appropriately, the same Minister squelched bothCallaghan, first at the Exchequer and then at the Home Office. But the consequences of In Place of Strife were to be much more lasting than those of the defence of sterling or the demise of the National Plan. It was a Labour, not a Conservative government which pronounced official commination of the British trade-union movement as the principal, if not sole, cause of the decline of British industrythe dominant ideological theme of bourgeois politics for the next two decades. In fact, the strengthening of shopfloor bargaining-power during the postwar boom had worked its way through to greater industrial militancy, and a certain shift to the left in union leaderships, in the sixties. But although strike activity had increased, wages had not spurted with especial speed by international standards. The real difficulty for the overhaul of British capitalism was posed less by strike-levels or wage pressures as such, than by the structural lock on production processes that a very traditionalist and decentralized union movement could enforce, in conditions where low economic growth gave little incentive to release it. The productivity gap between British industry and its competitors kept widening as manufacturing investment stagnated, and the rate of return on it declined. Informal labour recalcitrance was one of the dependent variables in the complex causation of this process:77 perpetuated by sluggish rates of accumulation, and so lesser increases in popular income than elsewhere, and then perpetuating them by lesser yields on new fixed capital when it was forthcomingin a framework determined by the overseas and entrept bias of the leading sectors of the economy as a whole. Demagogically extrapolated from this context and exaggerated in its scope, union power became the whipping-boy of Wilsonite rhetoric, while the nullity of the administrations record became ever more apparent, and social unrest intensified in the country at large. By the late sixties student radicalization, born of disgust with the regimes foreign and domestic record, threatened to throw up a new disaffected intelligentsia. Civil rights rebellion in Ulster put the unitary British state, never questioned by Labour, into crisis on its weakest flank. Racism spread in the moral vacuum left by the decay of Labourism in the big cities. But in the end the decisive undoing of the Wilson government was its attack on the trade-unions that had helped to bring it to power. The clamour of its own campaign against the organized strength of the working-class in industry simply prepared the way for

Theo Nichols, The British Worker Question, London 1986, contains a trenchant critique of the fallacies of that conventional literature on industrial productivity in Britain which lays the blame for lagging national performance primarily on shop-floor resistance. Nichols argues that poor managerial education and coordination, combined with meagre work-force training, are in reality the two most plausible determinants of the low productivity of British industry in a comparative perspective: pp. 106110, 1613. Once these parameters are set, he suggests, then British workers give like for like, inefficient management fostering less than helpful workforces, although British trade-unionists have never been highly political nor, outside of some particular groups, highly militant: pp. 168, 218.


the victory of its opponents. In 1970 the Conservatives had no difficulty in pointing to the failure of Labours measures to tame the unions, and in promising more drastic remedies for the root of Britains troubles.
The Heath Programme

Political leadership within the dominant bloc had in the interim begun to shift from the traditional upper class of country connexions, temporarily discredited by national decline, towards a middle and lower-middle class stratum hitherto confined to non-commissioned ranks within the Tory Party: a change personified by Heath and publicized at Selsdon Park. The propagandist objectives of the new Conservatism were in many ways a right-wing version of the programme of the new Labourism six years previouslyproclaiming the goal of a radical modernization of the British economy and society, in the interests of all classes. The means adopted to achieve this end were to be very different, however. The Heath government consciously gave primacy to an alternative external policy. Conservative strategy for economic renewal now centred on British entry into the EECdesigned both to expose local manufacturing to stiffer foreign competition, and to provide larger markets for those companies that survived it. Diplomatic rapprochement with France, and an imperceptible distancing from the US, were accepted as the necessary price of the ticket to Brussels. Defence of a fixed exchange-rate was abandoned, and an all-out expansion of credit and money supply uncorked to create a virtuous circle of high growth and high investment at home that would give British industry the necessary momentum for its European break-out. Both moves misfired. The Barber boom, instead of lifting investment in manufacturing, set off the greatest wave of speculation in stock and real estate in post-war English history. Without directive canalization by the stateabjured on principle by the regimefunds simply followed the natural slope of the economy into urban property and financial promotion. UK industry received scarcely any benefit. Fixed investment in manufacturing actually fell in real terms by 9 per cent in 197273, while investment in finance rose 42 per cent. As manufacturing profits grew a mere 6 per cent between 1970 and 1973, profits in insurance, banking and finance jumped by 122 per cent.78 Then, before the bubble burst of its own accord, the world recession was upon itand the prospects for economic growth anyway collapsed. National decline now intersected with international depression, and a qualitatively new stage in the British crisis set in. In these circumstances, escaping into the European Community proved little less illusory than clinging onto the Sterling Area had been, for the purpose of British export performance. The Common Market lost its dynamism just as Britain joined it, amidst generalized deflation and industrial retrenchment. The consequences of the recession were, inevitably, especially acute in the UK, as insolvencies started to spread through the manufacturing sector. Internally, the Heath government had preached the virtues of competition rather than planning, and the need for the state to withdraw rather than intervene in the economy. But once the world economic

Andrew Glyn and John Harrison, The British Economic Disaster, London 1980, p. 76.


crisis broke, an administration which had set out as a champion of neoliberalism and the bracing impact of unrestrained competition baulked at the political and social costs of allowing major bankruptcies to occur, and ended up intervening more actively in British industry than its predecessor. Its use of public authority, however, was essentially negativerescue of selected companies rather than rationalization of major sectors. In one area alone was there a deliberate and concerted deployment of state power to alter existing arrangements across the board. The new Conservative regime was determined to break the autonomy of the unions by tough legislation on strike actions, enforceable through specially created courts. This was the issue that had contributed most to its election, and was the ideological centrepiece of its domestic programme. But in his bid to beat down the trade-unions, Heath came to grief even more drastically than Wilson. A coercive Industrial Relations Act was passed through Parliament, but rapidly proved to be unworkable when resistance to it on the docks threatened to escalate into a general strike. The decisive confrontations between the government and organized labour, however, erupted in the mines. In 1972, when the NUM struck for higher wages, its mass picketing shut down power supplies across the country. In a head-on collision with British unionism at its strongest, it was the Cabinet which went down to defeat. By the winter of the following year, the intensifying recession had driven the government to impose legislation to control wages directly a policy it had always denounced as a bane of Labour rule. A second miners strike challenged the statutory pay-norm, with such overwhelming force that the Conservative government first imposed a three-day week on industrynominally to conserve energy supplies, actually to rally support against the NUMand then called elections on the issue of the threat to parliamentary sovereignty. Its ensuing defeat at the polls represented the most spectacular single victory of labour over capital since the beginnings of working-class organization in Britain. A bourgeois government had been brought down by the direct action of a strategic group of industrial workersthe only time in modern European history that an economic strike has precipitated the political collapse of a government. The battles of 197274 marked a high tide of trade-union lan within the British working-class. Yet its limits were soon apparent. A traditional corporate identity had for two years taken on a heroic pugnacity. But it had not transcended its customary self. The downfall of the Heath government was not the deliberate object of the coal strike, which lacked any declared political goals. The industrial militancy of the miners was not reflected in any popular mobilization for Labour which won the elections of 1974 by default, rather than any appeal of its own, on a lower vote than when it had lost in 1970. The sectors of the middle-class that had previously swung to the Conservatives now switched to the Liberals, while nationalism gained ground in Scotland, and Protestantism cut loose as an independent force in Ulster. Wilsons mandate was weak and negative.


Social Contract

Formally, Labour was this time committed not only to economic intervention but to major social redistribution as well. In practice, the planning agreements of the seventies proved even more notional and ephemeral than the National Plan of the sixtiestokens never implemented and quickly forgotten. The main brunt of government industrial policy became in effect a continuation of the direction taken by the previous regime. Membership of the EEC was renegotiated and ratified by referendum, and further bankrupt firms bailed out by loans or nationalizations. No attempt at an overall Strukturpolitik was any longer made, even in gesture. Rather, the bulk of the governments energies, and claims for its performance, now went into the construction of an official pact with the unions. The Industrial Relations Act was repealed and new legislation passed somewhat improving on the status quo ante. The real substance of the Social Contract, however, was an exchange of welfare concessionsabove all, increased pensionsfor wage restraints. Its principal architect was the General Secretary of the TGWU, and for the TUC it represented a quite new initiative: for the first time direct participation in the formulation of a deal extending beyond conventional trade-union objectives. But this unfamiliar departure from the traditional economism of the British union movement only served to underline how modest its political horizons remained. At the crest of an industrial upsurge that had toppled a government, revealing a potential striking-power without equal in the West, the major union leaders showed no interest in planning powers, and complete indifference to the fate of the only interventionist in the Cabinet, the swiftly demoted Benn. They contented themselves with marginal increments in social insurance, and greater equity in the tightly controlled nominal pay rises that the official compact permitted. This was presented by the Labour government as a triumph of social justice and anti-inflationary resolve. The world economic crisis, meanwhile, had deepened. The Labour regime tried to stave off its impact by standard Keynesian expenditure for two years. At a time when every other major capitalist power was deflating sharply, and the productivity of British manufacturing was falling yet further behind that of its competitors, the result was a precipitous deterioration in the balance of payments. Once again, as in the past, Labour turned to foreign credits to salvage the situation repeating in 1976 the scenario of 1966. This time, however, the IMF loan negotiated by the Callaghan government was far more draconian in its terms, reflecting the lower state to which the UK economy had since fallen, and the harder monetarist doctrines that had become orthodox in international capitalism as a whole. In exchange for some nine billion dollars from Washington, social services were cut, nationally and locally, and unemployment was deliberately allowed to rise.79 By mid 1977 it had topped one and half million. Despite this complete reversal of the ostensible purpose of the Social Contract, the government continued to enforce, and even tighten, its wage controls. After four years of voluntary restraint, trade-union patience broke in the winter
79 For this episode, see David Coatess sombre obituary of the WilsonCallaghan years, Labour in Power?, London 1980, pp. 3847.


of 1978, when the TUC rejected official pay norms and a flurry of private and public sector strikes followed. In the ideological climate created by the Labour administration itself, in which union docility was presented as the key to national revival, this recrudescence of industrial militancy could only mean electoral disaster for Labour. A rebellion by organized workers had in effect undone the third government in succession. The coup de grce was delivered by peripheral nationalism. Fearful of wholesale defection of its voters in Scotland, and dependent on nationalist abstention in Parliament, Labour had introduced a limited bill of devolution. This, its sole contribution to a reform of the British state throughout its existence, was wrung from it reluctantly, under external duress. But a parliamentary delegation which in two decades had never flinched from spending cuts, wage controls or colonial repression, now proved quite willing to jeopardize office for the integrity of the 18thcentury United Kingdom. Advanced without conviction, devolution was abandoned without compunction by the Cabinet when its bill proved too much for the centralist zeal of many of its MPs, who torpedoed it by amendmentensuring the fall of the government under nationalist retribution. Labour in the seventies rehearsed a shrunken repetition of its performance of the sixties. Without will to alter the financialcommercial complex that continued to thrive in the economy, or ability to change the structures of the state that presided over industrial decline, in the end it failed even in its attempt to coopt or erode the corporative resistance of the unions, singled out as the prime source of national sickness. It antagonized its own constituencies without winning over any adversaries and ended by undermining the very foundations of its own political fortunes, the commitments to welfare provision and full employment laid during the Second World War.
The New Radical Right

The Conservative leadership which took office in 1979 had been thoroughly recast, as certain central conventions of post-war English politics were discarded under Callaghan. A demoralized Labourism had released the forces of a radical Right that pioneered the general shift to Atlantic reaction in the eighties. The novelty of Thatchers programme lay in its orchestration of targets. The new Conservative rhetoric linked ungovernable unions to an unproductive state that encouraged an incontinent culture. The middle term of this trio was the strategically critical one. Heath had originally been no less hostile to unions; but his leadership had proved fatally equivocal in its attitude to the state, eventually underwritingeven reinforcingwhat it had initially rejected, the structures of post-war nationalization and welfare; just as it had lacked zeal in the face of the collapse of moral standards traceable to them. The central Thatcherite claim was that the British crisis was above all due to too much, rather than too little, interference by the state in economy and society; in particular to the creeping growth of public expenditure in social services and nationalized industries, and to the official protection and incorporation of union power into the machinery of government. The dynamic potential of native capitalism, in this diagnosis, had been crippled by a synthesis of meddling bureauc66

racy with extortionate militancy peculiar to Britain. The solution to the nations ills was to restore the primacy of the market, which alone could make the country economically competitive once again, and to contract the state to its proper, neglected functions of police and defence. This programme involved major changes on every significant front of government policy. On assuming power, the new Conservative regime intensified the deflation initiated by Labour with a further sharp tightening of the money supply, and reduction in public borrowing. This time the objective was not simply to correct a balance of payments deficit, but to squeeze every inflationary pressureidentified with a wage spiral and welfare profligacypermanently out of the system. The result was a short-term slump of unprecedented severity in 198081, exceeding any deliberate calculation, and a long-term rise in unemployment that was consciously accepted as it remorselessly weakened the bargainingpower of labour. By 1982 the number of jobless had passed three million, the highest level among the major capitalist economies. In this climate it became possible to curtail union rights to organize and strike, where every previous government had failed, with the enactment and later enforcementof punitive Employment Acts. Trade-union membership dropped, and industrial stoppages plummeted. The one major union to mount a direct challenge to this course was the NUM. In 198485 it was isolated and crushed after the longest epic of collective resistance in the annals of British labour. The key weapon in containing and destroying the third miners strike was a national police operation, specially equipped and prepared to defeat the mass picketing that had won the first strike. Thatchers programme involved not just a far more effective attack on union strength, but also a much bolder reorganization of the state than anything attempted to date. On the one hand, the coercive apparatuses of the police and the armed forces were carefully built upwith large pay increases, more sophisticated equipment and increasingly salient profiles. The colonial war with Argentina in 1982 provided a signal occasion for demonstrating the prowess of an Army steeled in Northern Ireland, and a Navy still capable of operations at the other end of the world. Military success, generating a nationalist euphoria that gave the Conservatives a second mandate in 1983, in reality depended on US logistic and intelligence supportthe critical difference between the Falklands and Suez expeditions. The overall relationship between American and British imperialism held fast under Reagan and Thatcher. But it acquired a novel twist because of the peculiar ideological intimacy between the two governmentsthe first time such close domestic concord had existedand the political seniority of the British regime, circumstances which gave London an unusual leverage. (Washingtons interests in the South Atlantic were anyway much less important than in the Mediterranean, where it had no difficulty in forcing London to cooperate with its attack on Libya.) In the wider strategic theatre, the principal long-term project of the Thatcher government was a massive jump in British nuclear striking power, to be similarly realized by the acquisition of Trident from the USA on favourable termsweaponry that would put Britain ahead of France again in the European arms

balance, and could be looked to for the winning of a third Conservative term of office. At the same time the administrative centralism of the British stateby now the greatest in Western Europewas further tightened. Treasury controls were imposed directly on local authority budgets, and metropolitan councils abolished altogether. Comprehensive though its security and executive programmes have been, however, these have represented a relatively orthodox set of moves for a regime of the hard right. The major originality of Thatchers remoulding of the state has lain on its other sidenot so much the reinforcement of its repressive potential as the reduction of its socio-economic functions. Here it has shown an inventive capacity that has made it an international trendsetter. Public housing, once one of the two most popular planks of the Attlee administration, and always an electoral base of Labourism, now in widespread disrepair, was sold off to council tenants. Nationalized industries with any record or prospect of profitabilitytrucking, telecommunications, oil, gas, aviationwere floated on the stock exchange at low valuations, with preferential offers to employees. Within the reduced public sector, loss-making branches of heavy industry were contracted by drastic lay-offs of the work-forcesteel, coal, auto. Where electoral reaction permitted, social services were pruned or leased, higher education cut and pensions partly commercialized. The drive behind such privatization has been two-fold. Its overt economic rationale has been to slim down a swollen and wasteful state, releasing the energies of an enterprise culture from the dead hand of bureaucratic paternalization. At the same time its evident political intention is to create a popular clientele for the regime from a mass impropriation of public assetsa calculation lent a certain persuasive force by the social tone of Thatcherite ideology itself. Petty-bourgeois, like the Premier herself, the new Conservative rhetoric could now appeal more readily than the patrician style of traditional Toryism to upper layers of the working class not always that distant now in residence and outlook from the lower-middle class itself.
Britain and World Capital

The last and in many ways most important development of the Thatcher period lay in its policy towards the external linkages of British to world capital. For the intimidation of labour and redeployment of the state were accompanied by the emancipation of finance from its remaining national constraints. In 1979 the regime abolished exchange controls its first and most fundamental act on coming to power. The consequences were dramatic. The City had prospered through the whole recession, as the Eurodollar market grew through the very mechanism that had initially triggered the industrial down-turnthe OPEC price rise, the bulk of whose earnings were subsequently deposited with London banks. The volume of the financial flows involved in the recycling of petrodollars through the City, much of it onwards in syndicated loans to the Third World, was so huge a magnet that it increasingly drew foreignin the first instance, above all USbanks to London, as a major base of operations. Meanwhile the stock market was becoming ever more dominated by institutional investorspension

funds, insurance companies and unit trusts, which by the end of the decade held over half of UK bonds and equity. The complete liberalization of exchanges in 1979 unleashed a tidal movement into the purchase of overseas assets by these institutions, principally through portfolio investment. By the end of 1986 British holdings of net foreign assets had rocketed within a decade from 3bn to 80bnan absolute figure only just below that of Japan after the great buying spree in the United States financed by Tokyos huge export surplus, and larger than the total oil rents received by the UK from the North Sea. Britain is now once again the greatest international coupon-clipper per capita in the world. At the same time the lifting of exchange controls accompanied a further quantum jump in foreign banking in London, that within a few years had taken it over a historic threshold. By 1985 the City was a plaquetournant for global funds amounting to over i trillionor more than three times the gross domestic product of the UK.80 The majority of these were now held not by British but by foreign banks, among whom the largest single group were no longer American but Japanese. Today not only are 70 per cent of all assets and liabilities in the UK monetary sector held in foreign currencies rather than sterling, but overseas firms, governments and individuals account for 75 per cent of deposits.81 The deregulation of the Stock Exchange negotiated in 1983, the second long-term move by the government to assure Londons competitve position, has since paved the way for an inrush of New York security houses or Swiss banks into the oldest citadel of the City. The gigantic nova of money capital now floating over London, in other words, has become denationalized in a quite new senseno longer merely disconnected from the fortunes of domestic industry, as the Citys commercial transactions always largely were in the past, but estranged from any original linkage with the national economy at all. This influx is, of course, enormously profitable to the core operations of the City as a complex of British capital.82 In an epoch of vastly greater capitalization in New York and Tokyo, London still remains the most versatile and multi-purpose financial centre in the worldthe largest foreign exchange dealer, international banker, and trade insurer of all.83 The importance of the financial and commercial sectors within the UK economy, viewed statistically, has increased yet further, even as their articulation to it, viewed structurally, has become yet more attenuated. Under Thatcher, the City has boomed as never before: but never so
80 Financial Statistics, HMSO. December 1985a reckoning that does not include all interbank lending in London. 81 See Jerry Coakley and Laurence Harris, The City of Capital, Oxford 1983, pp. 12024. 82 Financial and property concerns, in turn, have consistently been the most generous backers of Thatchers Conservatismproviding about a third of all company contributions to it in the eighties; followed, suggestively enough, by food, drink and tobacco firms and construction enterprises: John Ross, Thatcher and Friends, The Anatomy of the Tory Party, London 1983, pp. 3738. 83 For detailed figures on international banking and currency exchange in the City, see International Banking in London, 19751985, and The Market in Foreign Exchange in London, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, September 1986, pp. 36682. Japanese banks commanded 31% of international liabilities by the end of 1985, British banks 19% and American 16%. The volume of foreign exchange dealings in London is now over $100 billion a day, about 90% of it interbank transactions, and just under 80% conducted by foreign banks.


much as an enclave rather than an engine of British capitalism as a whole. Ultimately, of course, the historical objective of radical Conservatism was to achieve the revival of that capitalismrestoring it to the rank of a fully competitive industrial power. Labour discipline, state retrenchment and financial decontrol were all means to this intended end. But the effects have not been commensurate with the aims. British manufacturing has failed to respond to this treatment, after so many others, too. The principal achievement of the regime has been to force labour productivity up, by widespread lay-offs and tighter invigilation of the production processabove all in the motor and steel industries, directly subject to governmental control. Bankruptcies among the least efficient firms in the private sector have raised average levels of per capita output nation-wide as well, at the cost of a fall in the total manufacturing work-force of 28 percent under Thatcheroverwhelmingly concentrated in the North, Scotland, Wales and Ulster. The overall rate of growth of labour productivity in the eighties has increased by about a third over performance in the sixties and seventies. But such improvement has been slight compared with the advances registered by West Germany and Japan in the same period, from their much higher bases which have left British manufacturing yet further behind.84 After the slump of 198081, industrial profits have recovered significantly in Britain from their decline in the previous decade. Yet they too remain far lower than in Japan, the USA, West Germany, Italy or France with a rate of return in British manufacturing of about 8 per cent, compared with an average of nearly 18 per cent in the other major industrial economies.85 Even after the worst of the trough had passed, the index of manufacturing production only just exceeded its 1980 level six years later. Rationalization of labour was not accompanied by any major renovation of plant. Investment in British industry actually fell by twofifths between 1979 and 1983. By then the volume of overseas investment was double that at home.86 Moreover, despite 15 per cent unemployment, a 20 per cent drop in trade-union membership, and the virtual disappearance of strikes, wage drift had re-emerged. By 1985 Britains increase in unit labour costs was higher than that of any of its leading competitors87suggesting that the subterranean balance of forces in much of British industry had shifted less than the regime claimed, and certainly not enough to inspire the requisite animal spirits in capital. The bottom line of the Thatcher years is unequivocal. UK manufacturing firms have failed to regain any ground internationally. Their position has in fact steadily worsened, as import penetration has reduced their share of one home market after another, without any corresponding gain in exports. In the twenty years between 1964 and 1984 the UKs
With the exception of agriculture and energy industries, the UKs productivity growth has been worse over the decade than other countries in all industries, gloomily notes the NEDCs British Industrial Performance. A Comparative Survey over Recent Years, London 1985. 85 See OECD, Economic Outlook 40, December 1986, p. 49. 86 Colin Leys, Thatcherism and British Manufacturing: A Question of Hegemony, NLR 151, May June 1985, pp. 1213. 87 1 OECD, Economic Outlook, December 1986: Real wages have been growing at a rate of 3 to 3 per 2 cent, much faster than labour productivity. . . The continuing high wage growth projected for the United Kingdom falls outside the OECD mainstream to an increasing extent: pp. 93, 47.


share of manufactured exports in the advanced industrial world fell by halfwhile since the early seventies, the volume of manufactured imports has nearly trebled.88 In 1983 Britain became for the first time in its history a net importer of industrial goods. The consequence has been a growing visible trade deficit, covered by oil surpluses. North Sea revenues have throughout been the background condition of the whole Thatcherite experience. The regime came to power in the year that the UK became a net exporter of petroleum and just at the moment when the second OPEC rise doubled the price of oil. Without this windfall, the political economy of Thatcherism would have been unsustainable. Balance of payments crises would rapidly have overwhelmed it, as Britains competitive capacity in manufactures slipped further behind, and far more savage cuts in social spending would have been unavoidableundermining both the international standing and domestic support of the regime. In the event the sum of unemployment benefit alone has equalled the oil rent, and could scarcely have been paidby this governmentwithout it. The electoral formula of Thatcherism has always depended on a fortuitous off-shore income, just as its economic record has rested on a wasting asset, never converted into future productive potential. The verdict is inescapable. After seven years, the regime that has made the most determined effort since the war to transform the coordinates of Britains decline has ended up reinforcing the central drift of it.

9. Conclusion
Twenty years later, then, how have the NLR theses on Britain fared? The historical depth of the crisis that we sought to sound in the early sixties has been confirmed beyond doubt, even expectation. At the time its existence was ignored by Thompson and contested by others. Today a similar insouciance would be impossible. By every available index, the position of the UK in the capitalist world has subsided ever further across two relentlessly lowering decades. By the mid-seventies a general malfunctioning of advanced capitalism was superimposed on the particular decrepitude of Britain within it, drastically aggravating most local symptoms. Paradoxically this coalescence of two crisesone national, the other internationalhas been of immediate political benefit to the new Conservatism, relieving it of much of the onus of the British malady itself, now half concealed behind the global breakdown of the Keynesian order. The world recession has operated as a partial decoy, in this sense, for a local administration that has accelerated rather than checked an inherited decline. It has rendered politically palatable measures that were bound to prove economically futile, for a national recovery. The unifying principle of Thatcherite economics, as a project for halting the countrys slide, has been the restoration of the market. But as a physic for the British illness, this was never likely to work. The fundamental origin of the decline of British capitalism lay in its initial priority. As the historical first-comer, British industrialization arrived

House of Lords, Report from the Select Committee on Overseas Trade, Vol. 1, July 1985, pp. 21, 9. Meanwhile the Citys overseas earnings have been increasing over twice as fast as exports since 1980.


without deliberate design, and triumphed without comparable competitors.89 British manufacturing acquired its early shape unawares, from modest immediate constituents; just as it won world hegemony with no strategic plan, but simply from the spontaneous force of its own chronological leadwithin the framework of an English commercial imperialism that preceded it. The easy dominance that British industry achieved in the first half of the 19th century laid down certain durable lines of development. The first country to mechanize textiles and build railways, Britain generated development blocs of inter-related capital investment around them,90 embodied in physical technologies and spatial regions which then took on a massive historical inertia. Its enterprises started out small in size, and provincial in location; and the family firm persisted as a typical ownership pattern long afterwards. Its labourforce achieved forms of collective organization well before any other, reflecting the decentralized company landscape and embedded in the early bloc of technologies. Once set, these structures became progressively greater handicaps in competition with later industrial economies which started with newer fixed capital, embodied in more modern technology, larger entrepreneurial units, and less unionized work-forces. Characteristic of these followers was an element of conscious digression from the market, inherent in their situation as they confronted an established leader that had always relied on itthe emergence of tariffs at the level of the state and cartels at the level of the firm, in Germany, the USA or France. For the logic of the market, left to itself, necessarily tends to be cumulative rather than corrective. Its dynamic is the play of comparative advantage and disadvantage from existing or entering endowments, as these are calculated by individual entrepreneurial units. It was precisely such a play that fixed the path of subsequent Victorian involution itself. The sum of perfectly rational choices for particular capitalsto persist in traditional industrial sectors in which investment had already been sunk, to move into those overseas markets where competition was least, to avoid extensive reorganization of labour processes at home, or simply to shift from profit-making altogether into rent or interestall together determined a creeping loss of competitive capacity for British capitalism as a whole, confronted with Germany or the USA.91 The combined and uneven development of capital that is a product of the world market, in other words, is not amenable to correction by it. The experience of
It is Colin Leys who has argued the over-riding importance of this second point most forcefully. One thing is clear: speaking generally, British capitalist manufacturers never did compete successfully against other capitalist manufacturers. What they did was to overwhelm pre-capitalist production everywhere; and it was the comparative ease of this victory, rather than the commitment of capital to particular sectors, such as textiles or railways, or to particular forms of business organization characteristic of early capitalism, that led to later problems: Politics in Britain, London 1983, p. 38, a book which (belying its title) represents the best single synthesis on the British crisis and its contemporary consequences that now exists. 90 A term coined in the early forties by the Swedish economist Erik Dahmnutvecklingsblock. For Dahmns initial use of the notion, see his Entrepreneurial Activity and the Development of Swedish Industry 19191939, Homewood (Illinois) 1970: pp. 4247. Blocs of development, as associated chains of fixed investment, could then become blocks to development, as so many interconnected fetters on movement into later technologies or industries. 91 The classical description of this logic remains Eric Hobsbawms Industry and Empire, London 1969, pp. 187192.


English neo-liberalism in the 1980s has in this respect merely repeated the ancestral lessons of the 1880s. The tougher labour regime brought by Thatchers stabilization programme was no match for those in the repressive semi-industrialized states of the Third World, bringing little benefit to Britains manufacturers in exchange for the demand costs incurred by it; while the greater freedoms of capital have simply accelerated what Tom Nairn has called the habitual eversion of British financial flows abroad.92 Deregulationof labour and capital markets could only mean still more deindustrialization, in pre-established conditions. The laws of comparative advantage have continued to work themselves out, by their own momentum. The rectification of disadvantages requires another kind of social logic. For it to occur, a centralizing force capable of regulating and counteracting the spontaneous molecular movements of the market must exist.
Patterns of Regulative Centralism

Since the Second World War there have been three major types of such a regulative intelligence in advanced capitalism, with a fourth subvariant. In France post-war economic reconstruction was directed by a highly trained and cohesive technocracy, closely connected to private business, but with its own independent base in the public administration of the Fourth and Fifth Republics. This stratum of grands commis was responsible for the modernizing strategy of an interventionist state, whose planning mechanisms mobilized investmentthrough subsidized creditsfor the deliberate and long-term project of overcoming the historic backwardness of French capitalism. The result was the creation of an industrial park of advanced, if selective technologies that allowed France to overtake the UK in national product by the mid sixties, and to give it today a 50 per cent higher per capita income. In West Germany, on the other hand, there was no bourgeois state adapted to a similar role after Allied occupation and federalization. There it was the banking system that performed comparable functions for the economy as a whole. Germany had always been the classical land of the investment bank, from the Wilhelmine epoch onwardsthat is, of a finance capital accustomed to direct monitoring and control of the performance of industrial concerns dependent on its loans. After the Second World War this national tradition took on renewed importance, as the three big private banks came to own over a third of the equity of the countrys major corporations, with commensurate representation on company boards and power over share prices,93 while at the same time rapidly expanding their retail functions. The resultant universal banks have actedin concert with the Bundesbankas the coordinators of the West German miracle, and overseers of the export supremacy of Federal manufactures from the sixties onwards. The even more spectacular growth of Japanese capitalism, after yet greater physical devastation and defeat, has for its part been based on a combination of the French and German patterns. For in Japan a purposefully interventionist state, with a masterful bureaucracy, has worked in tandem with the cluster of powerful banks that constitute the strategic core of the keiretsu, the
92 93

The Break-Up of Britain, London 1977, pp. 3828. John Zysman, Governments, Markets and Growth. Financial Systems and the Politics of Industrial Change, Ithaca 1983, p. 264.


great Japanese multi-industrial groupings, to lend a uniquely centralist cast to the national economy. High rates of corporate investment, for long-range returns, are orchestrated by abundant low-cost credit from these banks, covered in their turn by the Bank of Japan. Through this dual system, public planning and private accounting can interlock effectively across the commanding heights of industry, giving Japan its unrivalled capacity for rapid and flexible reconversions in response to changing conditions of international competition in different product lines. These cases of a supra-market logic have each in their own way exemplified the two typical agencies distinguished by Gerschenkron in his account of the motor forces of late-comer industrialization in 19thcentury Europefirst industrial banks, then the state.94 They can be regarded as 20th-century versions of the same imperativethe need for a qualitatively superior quota of central orchestration if economic handicaps are to be reversed rather than aggregated, on the world market.95 The contemporary epoch has also seen, however, a third model of this kind of agency, of more recent formation. In Sweden or Austriasmall countries occupying marginal, and potentially precarious, niches in the world economylabour has played an institutional role comparable to that of bureaucracy or banking elsewhere. There, stable social-democratic hegemony in the political order, based on mass trade-union and party organization, has been translated into sustained economic steerage towards competitive industrial branches, capable of assuring long-term employment in favourable social conditions. The key to this variant is a highly unified and disciplined labour movement, capable not only of winning repeated electoral victories but also of centralizing wage-bargaining on a national scale; willing not only to respect the rules of capital accumulation but actively to enforce and promote them, in exchange for the benefits of economic growth and social security. Swedish labour market policy and Austrian concertation, each deliberately geared to export performance, have been the expression of working-classes at once self-confident and self-limiting, habituated equally to the occupancy of offices of state and to the permanency of bourgeois society outside them.
Britains Singularity

The singularity of Britain has been to lack any of these three possible correctors, once the process of decline became manifest. Not that their equivalents in the UK have been weak, or negligible. On the contrary,
Alexander Gerschenkron, Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective, Cambridge (Massachusetts) 1962, pp. 1122, 4549, 3537. 95 The diametrically opposite argument is expounded in Mancur Olsons neo-liberal study of The Rise and Decline of Nations, New Haven 1982, whose central theme is that economic decline is due to everincreasing encroachments on the market from organized special interests intent on violating its competitive laws, whose untrammelled operation alone can assure national dynamism. Trade Unions, trusts and the state figure prominently among such interlopers. Apart from its empirical navet, (Japan is actually treated as an exemplar of his free market principles), Olsons theory cancels itself logically: for his only remedy against decline induced par excellence by too much state intervention is unthinkably more of itnothing less than the complete liquidation of all special interests by the state: p. 284.


it is an irony that they have all of them been exceptionally strong in their own terms. But in each case, it was the wrong kind of strength one which disabled rather than fitted them for a historical rectification of the plight of British capitalism. The UK state has long been uniquely formidable as a constitutional structure for securing the active consent of the population to the political order; it is now equipped with the most experienced and professional apparatus for the exercise of coercion in any domestic emergency as well. No other major Western society of this century has been so stable and secure, civically and ideologically, as the one over which Westminster and Whitehall preside. But the British state, constructed to contain social conflict at home and police an empire abroad, has proved impotent to redress economic decline. The nightwatchman acquired traits of the welfare officer, but never of the engineer. Sustained and structural intervention in the economy was the one task for which its organic liberalism was entirely ill suited. Similarly, Britain has always possessed the most powerful financial sector of any imperialist economy in this century, or the last. Its bankers and brokers have amassed outsized fortune and influence within the constellation of English capital as a whole. From the epoch of the arrival of modern industry to that of the onset of its departure, the weight of the City in national development has not had a proportionate equivalent in any other country. Yet precisely the success of the peculiar British form of financial and mercantile capital on a world stage has prevented it from acting as the central nervous system of corporate manufacturing at home. The profits of global intermediation have so eclipsed those of industrial supervision that the actual effect of City institutions has been the very opposite of that of the classical investment banksnot coordinating and reconstructive, but centrifugal and unbalancing. Finally, the labour movement too has its own claims to some international precedence. Working-class organization in the sphere of production is not only the oldest in the world, but also still among the least tamed or tractable. There have been labour movements which have achieved more impressive levels of unionization and superior electoral recordsabove all in Scandinavia or Austria. There have been others which have demonstrated greater revolutionary ambition and political insurgencyabove all in the Latin countries. But the British labour movement has been marked by a combination of traits that set it apart from eithera pervasive and deep-rooted union implantation, unlike its Mediterranean counterparts, with a traditional lack of central authority and obdurate resistance to rationalization of the factors of production, unlike its Nordic equivalents. It was this configuration which blocked any prospect of a Swedish or Austrian path in the post-war UK. The alloy of class ambition and accommodation that characterized the successful reformism of Central and Northern Europe was missingindeed, inverted in the specifically British mixture of demission and recalcitrance. Hence the complete failure of social-democracy in Britain to acquit any of the tasks of bourgeois modernization whose urgency it eventually came to proclaim. Trade-union powers were not sublimated into a successful tripartism in the service of reindustrialization, but harassed in vain attempts to break the springs of shopfloor solidarities. The result was that just as Britain possessed a

state inured to colonial military intervention yet incapable of consistent economic intervention at home, and a world capital of finance without true finance capital, so it had a corporate working-class that never generated an operative corporatism. In each case, on the contrary, the particular strength of the forces in presence was not merely displaced but actually counterproductive for the recovery of the first industrial nation. The imperial traditions of the state led to the sub-contracted rearmament and overseas commitments that dissipated a post-war export lead; the global transactions of the City diverted potential investments abroad; the localized unruliness of labour discouraged a general reconversion of production processes. The fainant industrial bourgeois of modern British history found no understudies for their role. The other actors compounded rather than compensated for their abdication from the scene. The predicament of British capitalism, confronted with deepening decline and short of any credible corrective against it, can be seen in a yet clearer relief by one further comparison. Its patron is today before a not dissimilar situation. The United States has been the other great loser in the race for higher-than-average productivity, during the boom and into the slump. Its rates of increase of output per labourer have been persistently lower than those of any other country since the mid sixties, save the UK itself. The basic historical reason for that slowdown must be sought in the American triumph in the Second World War itself, which made the USA the worlds premier power. The colossal growth of the US war economy, and the post-war prosperity that succeeded it, which laid down the grid of the major part of the countrys stock of fixed capital, created a set of development blocs that would ultimately prove as fateful for subsequent accumulation as the midVictorian proved to be for English capitalism; while at the same time, world imperial commitments further narrowed the domestic path of growth, by their diversion of research and investment into military technologies.96 Americas defeated rivals, by contrast, started their cycles of post-war accumulation a decisive period later, after far-reaching dislocation and destruction of their pre-war or war-time industrial landscapes; nor were they burdened with the same military wastage. Once overall US dominance began to falter, as the American share of world manufacturing trade dropped steadily under the impact of their competition, Washington was faced with much the same historical issues as London. For American capitalism also lacks any of the proven mechanisms for checking or reversing the laws of uneven development, once the play of comparative advantages turns against it. The Federal State is still less equipped, by tradition or vocation, for purposive reindustrialization than its unitary British opposite. The banking system, technically debarred from fusing investment with clearing functions or retailing across state lines since the Depression, is poorly positioned for central steerage roles, which it effectively lost before the First World

See Robert Brenners essay, US Decline in the International Crisis, forthcoming in NLRboth a formidable specific analysis of the American case, contrasted principally with its main competitor Japan, and the most compelling general theoretical explanation of differential capitalist development to have been produced by any contemporary Marxist. The few remarks on the subject above have their basis in this decisive contribution.


War. The labour movement is politically vestigial. In these circumstances, coherent remedies or reactions to relative economic decline are likely to prove very difficult. The great difference between the two Anglo-Saxon cases, of course, is not just their timing but the still towering force of large industrial capital in the USA, to which Britain has never possessed any equivalent. Its logic, however, is that of the world market rather than the national economy. For all the local advantages of their sun-belt internal frontier, the reality is that the largest and most advanced manufacturing corporations of the United States are even more thoroughly multinational than those of the UK in their location and direction. Their anchorage in domestic supply or demand is progressively loosening. An ever greater extra-territoriality lies ahead of them. Britain, then, not only witnesses the probable early beginnings in America of something like a vaster repetition of the same historical process it has undergone, in the absence of the same gyroscopes it has lacked, but also perhaps the signs of its ultimate generalization throughout the advanced capitalist world. For the radical internationalization of the forces of productionnot to speak of circulationthat defines the spearhead forms of capital in the final years of the 20th century promises to render all national correctors, whatever their efficacy to date, increasingly tenuous in the future. In that sense, no bourgeois societynot even the last great classically national economy, Japan will be immune to the unpredictable tides and tempests of an uneven development whose elements are acquiring a well-nigh metereological velocity around the world, across all frontiers. The British crisis has no solution in sight; and perhaps the time in which one was possible, as a national recovery, has passed. At the zenith of English capitalism, Marx declared that his portrait of it in Capital held a mirror of the future to the rest of the world. Now towards its nadir, the superscription may read once again: De to fabula narratur.


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