Assignment Topics Bigdata
Assignment Topics Bigdata
Assignment Topics Bigdata
Reg Number Name Assignment Topic
GOPI i)Compare and contrast the inter and trans firewall in detail.
8 922521243009
KRISHNA P ii) Compile the components of HBase Data Model.
i)Can you think of any bigdataapplication that impact you daily life?
9 922521243010 GUHAN R how?
ii) Analyze MapReduce Workflows
i)Discuss two bigdataapplication in detail.
10 922521243011 GUNASRI G
ii) Analyze execution modes of Pig in Hadoop.
i)Differentiate between structured data, unstructured data, semi structured data.
11 922521243012 HARISH K
ii) Discuss about “ Cassandra Examples”
Explain the following Big Data Technologies:
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HARISH i) Hadoopii) Spark iii)NoSQL databases iv) Apache
KUMAR P Kafka v) Apache Storm
LOGANATHA i)Explain key value and document data models in NOSQL Data Management
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NM ii) Build Distribution Models in NOSQL Data Management
MAHESH i)Categorize Cassandra read and write operation with diagram.
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ii) Discuss briefly about Crowdsourcing.
i)Survey the applications of Cassandra.
27 922521243028 MEENA G ii)Explain key value and document data models in NOSQL Data Management
i)Design Data model for a relational database and Aggregate data model in
31 922521243034 NOSQL Data Management and explain.
ii) Illustrate Big data applications in Industry
NAVEENKUM i)Discuss “CASSENDRA” in the term of HADOOP.
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ii) Survey relationship between cloud and bigdata?
i)Analyze MapReduce Workflows
33 922521243035 NERTHIKA R
ii) Illustrate Big data applications in Industry
NITHEESWAR i)Discuss MRUnit with program.
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AN S ii) Survey relationship between cloud and bigdata?
i)Discuss YARN in detail.
35 922521243037 PERUMAL V ii) Elaborate the schemaless database and materialized views in NOSQL Data
i)Compile job scheduling and its types in detail.
36 922521243038 PREETHI L ii) Elaborate the schemaless database and materialized views in NOSQL Data
i)Discuss about the input and output formats of MapReduce in detail.
37 922521243039 PREETHI R
ii) Illustrate Big data applications in Industry
38 922521243040 PRIYADARSH i)Explain about MapRedce and its types.
INI M S ii) Analyze Mobile BI with it’s development, business benefits,
i)Inspect the anatomy of MapReduce job run.
39 922521243041 ii) Elaborate the schemaless database and materialized views in NOSQL Data
i)Categorize types Hadoop Scheduler and explain.
40 922521243042 ii) Analyze Mobile BI with it’s development, business benefits,
SABARI i)Explain map task and reduce task with diagram in Mapreduce applications.
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ii)Categorize the main features of bigdata in detail
i)Elaborate the concept of Task execution in MapReduce
42 922521243044 SACHIN S R
ii) Analyze Mobile BI with it’s development, business
benefits, applications
i)Discuss about “Shuffle and Sort in MapReduce applications.”
43 922521243045 SANDYA N
ii) Survey relationship between cloud and bigdata?
i)Formulate “Job Scheduling in Map Reduce Applications”
44 922521243046 SARANYA A
ii) Illustrate Big data applications in Industry
SELVAKUMA i)Analyze how data is analysed using Hadoop.
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RK ii) Survey relationship between cloud and bigdata?
46 922521243047 SHARMILA M Elaborate Hadoop Streaming with neat sketch.
i)Discuss about Design of HDFS in detail.
47 922521243049 SNEKA S ii) Elaborate the schemaless database and materialized views
in NOSQL Data Management.
i)Design Hadoop Distributed File System and explain.
48 922521243050 ii) Analyze Mobile BI with it’s development, business
benefits, applications
SUGAJEEVAN i)Discuss about Java Interface in Hadoop.
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S ii) Discuss about Design of HDFS in detail
i)Inspect Hadoop Input and Output Operations.
50 922521243052 SUGUMAR S
ii) Discuss about Design of HDFS in detail
i)Discuss about AVRO in detail.
51 922521243053 SUSITH R
ii) Survey relationship between cloud and bigdata?
i)Elaborate the types of Files Based Data Structures in
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TONY detail.
WILSON T ii) Elaborate the schemaless database and materialized views
in NOSQL Data Management.
i)Construct Cassandra architecture in detail.
53 922521243055 VARSHINI M
ii) Categorize the main features of bigdata in detail
i)Analyze Hadoop integration in detail.
54 922521243057 VIGNESH R
ii) Illustrate Big data applications in Industry
i)Inspect data format of Hadoop.
55 922521243058 VIGNESH R ii) Elaborate the schemaless database and materialized views
in NOSQL Data Management.
VIKASHINI T i)Elaborate the concepts of Horizontal scaling and features of Hadoop streaming
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ii) Categorize the main features of bigdata in detail
VISHNU i)Design Hadoop streaming Architecture and features of Hadoop Pipes.
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PRABHU C ii) Categorize the main features of bigdata in detail
i)Design Hadoop Master – Slave Architecture and specify it’s key
58 922521243061 YOGESH R concepts.
ii) Construct Cassandra architecture in detail.
AGILESHKU i)Discuss about Java Interface.
59 ii) Illustrate Big data applications in Industry
i)Design the Apache HBase Architecture.
ii) Construct Cassandra architecture in detail.
i)Compile the components of HBase Data Model.
ii) Survey relationship between cloud and bigdata?