Tema 29
Tema 29
Tema 29
Let’s then start with the INTRODUCTION. Many things have been
said about this topic which is relatively new, therefore I will try to
analyze it in an easy and clear way. According to Brown and Yule, "the
analysis of discourse is necessarily the analysis of language in use”. As
such it cannot be restricted to the description of linguistic forms
independent of the purposes or functions which these forms are
designed to serve in human affairs. For this reason, the relevance of this
theme lies in the fact that discourse analyses have important
consequences to society, to education and to linguistics, as it may result
in better understanding of how we learn language and other languages.
In the study of text it is also important to take into account that every
text has a context of situation which Halliday analyses in three
-the field of discourse or the kind of activity within which
language is playing some part.
-the tenor of discourse referring to the actors that are involved
in the text.
-the mode of discourse referring to the particular functions that
are assigned to language in this situation and to the rhetorical channel
that is therefore assigned to it.
On the other hand cataphora points to the following text and relates to
an item which is referred later.
For instance: "she phoned her mum. Debra was very happy
because she hadn’t talked to her mum for some days"
What has gone before provides the environment for what is coming
next. This sets up internal expectation. An important contribution to
coherence comes from cohesion, that is to say, the amount of linguistic
resources that every language has for linking one part of a text to
another. Nevertheless, natural discourse is not fully explicit, relationship
between sentences or propositions may exist without being expressed.
According to Van Dik who analyzed deeply in this field the relation
between "world or situation" does not always follows a sequence of
linear ordered facts due to several reasons:
1. firstly, a discourse usually mentions a small part of the fact of
some situation
2. secondly, the ordering of facts may correspond to a different
order in the discourse, due to pragmatic and cognitive constrains.
3. finally, facts are not always linearly ordered, but for instance
spatially or hierarchically ordered.
Let’s now turn our attention to the last point, point number five:
Now that I have dealt with all these points about discourse
analyses, I will summarize it with a short conclusion. Although the
study of texts and discourses have always been taken into account, it
has been lately when all these new concepts have been analyzed in a
more detailed way. We as teachers have to teach students how to learn
strategies and all the tools such as connectors, etc... so that they
understand and produce cohesive discourses.