Lecture 3

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ME 305

Heat Transfer
Semester: January 2022

Dr. Sumon Saha

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Convection .. Today’s Topic

Dimensional Analysis
The equations of convective heat
Convection ..
1. Continuity equation u v w
+ + =0
x y z
2. Momentum equations
 u u u u  p   2u  2u  2u 
  + u + v + w  = − +   2 + 2 + 2  + Fx
 t x y z  x  x y z 
 v v v v  p   2v  2v  2v 
  + u + v + w  = − +   2 + 2 + 2  + Fy
 t x y z  y  x y z 
 w w w w  p  2w 2w 2w 
 +u +v + w  = − +   2 + 2 + 2  + Fz
 t x y z  z  x y z 
3. Energy equation
 T T T T    2T  2T  2T 
C p  +u +v +w =k 2 + 2 + 2  + q + 
 t x y z   x y z 
Three-dimensional, incompressible flow, Newtonian fluid with constant
properties in Cartesian coordinate system. [Pressure-velocity formulation]
Navier-Stokes and Energy
Convection ..
➢ Three dependent variables
1. Velocity vector V = uiˆ + vjˆ + wkˆ )
2. Pressure (P)
3. Temperature (T)
➢ Four independent variables (Cartesian coordinate)
1. x
2. y (space)
3. z
4. t (time)
➢ Four known parameters (fluid properties)
1. ρ (density) Dimensional
2.  (dynamic viscosity) Governing
3. k (thermal conductivity) parameters
4. Cp (specific heat at constant pressure)
All are dimensional quantities and therefore, the total number of inputs are 4.
Non-dimensional or Dimensionless
Convection ..
➢ Some of the important parameters for convection problem
are listed below
1. Reynolds number (Re)
2. Prandtl number (Pr)
3. Grashof number (Gr) Governing parameters
4. Rayleigh number (Ra)
5. Peclet number (Pe)
6. Richardson number (Ri)
7. Nusselt number (Nu)
8. Biot number (Bi) Performance parameters
9. Stanton number (St)

Dimensional Performance parameter for convection is

convection heat transfer coefficient (h).
Convection .. Reynolds Number

Reynolds number (Re) is the ratio of inertial force

to viscous force.
inertia force  uref Lref uref Lref
Re = = =
viscous force  
ρ = density of fluid, kg/m3
 = dynamic viscosity of fluid, Pa.s
 = kinematic viscosity of fluid, m2/s Osborne Reynolds
uref = characteristic or reference velocity, m/s
Lref = characteristic or reference length, m
Re can be used as the criterion to determine the change from
laminar to turbulent flow. As the Reynolds number increased, the
inertia forces become dominant and small disturbances in the fluid
may be amplified to cause the transition from laminar to turbulent
Convection .. Reynolds Number

Flow over a flat plate u L

ReL =  5 105

Flow inside tube, pipe or duct

uavg D
Laminar flow 2300  ReD =  10000 Turbulent flow

Transitional flow
Convection .. Prandtl Number

Prandtl number (Pr) is the ratio of molecular

diffusivity of momentum to molecular diffusivity of
molecular diffusivity of momentum C p 
Pr = = =
molecular diffusivity of heat k 
 = kinematic viscosity of fluid, m2/s
 = thermal diffusivity of fluid, m2/s Ludwig Prandtl

It represents the relative importance of momentum and energy

transport by the diffusion process.
Pr relates the relative thickness of the hydrodynamic and thermal
boundary layers.
Pr is the connecting link between the velocity field and thermal
Convection .. Prandtl Number

Variation of fluid properties and Pr of air with temperature at Patm

Convection .. Prandtl Number

Typical range of Pr for common fluids

Question: Define Prandtl number. Explain its physical significance

in relation to (forced and free) convection heat transfer.
Convection .. Grashof Number

Grashof number (Gr) is the ratio of the buoyancy

force to the viscous force acting on the fluid.
buoyancy force g TLref

Gr = =
viscous force 2
 = kinematic viscosity of fluid, m2/s
g = gravitational acceleration, m/s2
Franz Grashof
β = coefficient of volume expansion, 1/K
ΔT = temperature difference, K
Lref = characteristic or reference length of the geometry, m
Gr is a measure of the relative magnitudes of the buoyancy force
and the opposing viscous force acting on the fluid. The flow
regime in natural convection is governed by Grashof number. It
provides the main criterion in determining whether the fluid flow is
laminar or turbulent in natural convection.
Convection .. Rayleigh Number

Rayleigh number (Ra) is the ratio of the

buoyancy forces per unit density and (the products
of) thermal and momentum diffusivities.
g TL3ref
Ra = = Gr Pr
where, 
 = kinematic viscosity of fluid, m2/s
α = thermal diffusivity of fluid, m2/s
Lord Rayleigh
g = gravitational acceleration, m/s2
β = coefficient of volume expansion, 1/K
ΔT = temperature difference, K
Lref = characteristic or reference length of the geometry, m
When the Rayleigh number is below a critical value for that fluid,
heat transfer is primarily in the form of conduction; when it
exceeds the critical value, heat transfer is primarily in the form of
Convection .. Peclet Number

Peclet number (Pe) is the ratio of the rate of

advection of a physical quantity by the flow to the
rate of diffusion of the same quantity driven by an
appropriate gradient
rate of advection uref Lref
Pe = = = ReL Pr
rate of diffusion 
α = thermal diffusivity of fluid, m2/s Jean Claude Eugene Peclet
uref = characteristic or reference velocity, m/s
Lref = characteristic or reference length of the geometry, m

Peclet number is a dimensionless number used in calculations

involving convective heat transfer. If Pe is small, conduction is
important and in such a case, the major source of conduction
could be down the walls of the solid surface.
Convection .. Richardson Number

Richardson number (Ri) is the ratio of the

buoyancy force to the inertia force.
buoyancy force g TLref Gr
Ri = = 2
= 2
inertia force uref Re
g = gravitational acceleration, m/s2
β = coefficient of volume expansion, 1/K
ΔT = temperature difference, K Lewis Fry Richardson
uref = characteristic or reference velocity, m/s
Lref = characteristic or reference length of the geometry, m
When Ri >>1, inertia forces are negligible and natural convection
effects dominate. When Ri << 1, buoyancy forces are negligible
and forced convection must be considered. At Ri ≈ 1, both inertia
and buoyancy forces are equally present and the flow is due to
mixed convection.
Comparison of Non-dimensional
Convection ..
Governing Parameters
List of Non-dimensional Governing Parameters
Convection .. Nusselt Number

Nusselt number (Nu) is the ratio of convective to

conductive heat transfer across (normal to) the
boundary. convection heat transfer hL
Nu = = c

conduction heat transfer k

h = convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
k = thermal conductivity of the fluid, W/mK
Lc = characteristic length, m Wilhelm Nusselt

Nu represents the enhancement of heat transfer through a fluid

layer as a result of convection relative to conduction across the
same fluid layer. Nu = 1 → Pure conduction heat transfer
Convection .. Biot Number

Biot number (Bi) is the ratio of the

conductive heat resistance within the object
to the convective heat transfer resistance
across the object's boundary.
internal diffusion resistance hLc
Bi = =
external convection resistance ks
h = convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
k = thermal conductivity of the solid body, W/mK
Lc = characteristic length, m

Bi is used to characterize the heat transfer resistance inside a

solid body whereas Nu is used to characterize the heat flux from a
solid surface to a fluid.
Convection .. Stanton Number

Stanton number (St) is the ratio of heat

transferred into a fluid per unit volume per unit
temperature difference to the thermal capacity of
the fluid. h
St =
 uC p
h = convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
ρ = density of the fluid, kg/m3
u∞ = free stream velocity of the fluid, m/s Sir Thomas Edward Stanton
Cp = specific heat of the fluid, J/kgK
 hL      k  Nu      k  C p
St =       = Pr = =   
  =
     C p 
 k    u L   C p  Re L Pr

St is used to characterize heat transfer in forced convection flows.

It is a non-dimensional convection heat transfer coefficient.
Convection .. Dimensional Analysis

➢ Five reference or characteristic scales are used to obtain non-

dimensional governing equations and boundary conditions
1. Reference time (tref)
2. Reference length (Lref)
3. Reference velocity (uref)
4. Reference pressure (Pref)
5. Reference temperature (Tref)
➢ Consider two-dimensional steady state problem with no body
forces, no internal heat generation and negligible viscous
dissipation, dimensional governing equations are
u v  u u  p   2u  2u 
+ =0  u + v  = − +   2 + 2 
x y  x y  x  x y 
 T T    2T  2T   v v  p   2v  2v 
C p  u +v  = k  2 + 2   u + v  = − +   2 + 2 
 x y   x y   x y  y  x y 
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Forced Convection
➢ Two independent variables (x, y), four dependent variables (u,
v, p, T) and four known parameters or inputs (ρ, , k, Cp).
➢ Let us choose the following reference or characteristic scales:
1. Reference length, Lref = L
2. Reference velocity, uref = u∞ T∞, u∞
3. Reference pressure, Pref = ρu2ref
4. Reference temperature, Tref = T∞
➢ Hence the non-dimensional parameters are
x x y y
Non-dimensional coordinate: X= = ,Y = =
Lref L Lref L u L 
ReL = ,Pr =
 
u u v v
Non-dimensional velocity: U= = ,V = =
uref u uref u
p p
Non-dimensional pressure: P= =
pref  u2 T = Ts − T
Non-dimensional temperature: =
T − Tref
T − T ( Isothermal heating )
T T
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Forced Convection
➢ Continuity equation
u v
+ =0
x y
Using the definition, x = LX , y = LY ,u = uU ,v = uV

 ( uU )  ( uV )
+ =0
 ( LX )  ( LY )
u  U V 
  +  =0
L  X Y 
U V
 + =0
X Y
This is the non-dimensional continuity equation.
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Forced Convection
➢ x-momentum equation
 u u  p   2u  2u 
 u + v  = − +   2 + 2 
 x y  x  x y 
Using the definition, x = LX , y = LY ,u = uU ,v = uV , p = u2 P

  ( uU )  ( uU )   (  u2 P )   2 ( uU )  2 ( uU ) 

 uU + uV =− + + 2 
  ( LX )  ( LY )   ( LX )   ( LX )
 ( LY ) 
 u2  U U   u2 P u   2U  2U 
U + V = − +   X 2 + Y 2 
L  X Y  L X L2  
U U P L u   2U  2U 
U +V =− + 2 2  2 + 2
X Y X  u L  X Y 
U U P 1   2U  2U 
+V =− + +
X ReL  X 2 Y 2 
X Y

This is the non-dimensional X-momentum equation.

Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Forced Convection
➢ Energy equation
 T T    2T  2T 
C p  u +v =k 2 + 2 
 x y   x y 

Using the definition, x = LX , y = LY ,u = uU ,v = uV ,T = T + T

  ( T + T )  ( T + T )    2 ( T + T )  2 ( T + T ) 
 C p uU + uV =k + 
  ( )
LX  ( )    ( LX )
LY 2
 ( LY )
u T     T   2  2 
C p  U
 X + V = k  X 2 + Y 2 
L Y  L2  
  L T   2  2 
U +V = k 2  2 + 2
X Y  C p u T L  X Y 
  1   2  2 
U +V =  + 2
X Y Re L Pr  X 2
Y 

This is the non-dimensional energy equation.

Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Forced convection
➢ Considering two-dimensional steady state problem with no body
forces, no internal heat generation and negligible viscous
dissipation, nondimensional governing equations are
U V
Continuity + =0
X Y
U U P 1   2U  2U 
X-momentum U +V =− +  2+ 2
X Y X ReL  X Y 
V V P 1   2V  2V 
Y-momentum U +V =− +  2+ 2
X Y Y ReL  X Y 

  1   2  2 
Energy U +V =  2+ 2
X Y ReL Pr  X Y 
➢ Two independent variables (X, Y), four dependent variables (U,
V, P, Θ) and two known parameters or inputs (ReL and Pr).
Convection .. Boussinesq approximation

➢ In fluid dynamics, the Boussinesq

approximation is used in the field of
buoyancy-driven flow (also known as natural
➢Variations in fluid properties other than
density are ignored, and density only appears
when it is multiplied by g, the gravitational
➢ This density difference between the inside
and the outside of the boundary layer that
gives rise to buoyancy force and sustains Joseph Valentin
flow. (  −  ) g   g  (T − T ) Boussinesq
  
where, (  −  ) g =  (T ) g  (T − T )
ρ∞ = bulk fluid density, kg/m3 Actual relation
ρ = boundary layer density, kg/m3
Derivation of Boussinesq
Convection ..
➢ The equation of state of the ideal fluid is
P =  RT   = and  =
ρ∞ = bulk fluid density, kg/m3
ρ = boundary layer density, kg/m3 g
 T  
 −  =  1 −  =  (T − T )
 T 
It can be written as, 
 −    −   T − T
1 −  = 
    T
Derivation of Boussinesq
Convection ..
Using series expansion, (1 − x ) = 1 + x + x + x + x +
−1 2 3 4
for − 1  x  1
In the limit, T >>T − T
 −    −    −  
 T −T
 −  1 + +  + = 
−1 
1        T

It can be written as,

 −  T − T  T − T 
     1 −  β = 1/T∞ is the
 T  T  volume expansion
    1 −  (T − T )  coefficient at
constant pressure.

This result states that the density decreases slightly below ρ∞ as

the local absolute temperature T increases slightly above the
free stream absolute temperature T∞.
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Free or Mixed convection
➢ Consider two-dimensional steady state problem with buoyancy
forces acting in y-direction, no internal heat generation and
negligible viscous dissipation, dimensional governing equations
u v
Continuity + =0
x y
 u u  p   2u  2u 
x-momentum  u + v  = − +   2 + 2 
 x y  x  x y 
 v v  p   2v  2v 
y-momentum   u + v  = − +   2 + 2  +  g  (T − Tref )
 x y  y  x y 

 T T    2T  2T 
Energy C p  u +v =k 2 + 2 
 x y   x y 
Dimensional Analysis: Free
Convection ..
or Mixed convection
➢ Change of nondimensional governing equations due to change
of reference scales:
Free Convection Case Reference Velocity, uref Reference Pressure, Pref
1 α / Lref ρα uref/ Lref
2 α / Lref ρν uref/ Lref
3 α / Lref  uref g TLref
4 ν / Lref ρα uref/ Lref
5 ν / Lref ρν uref/ Lref
6 ν / Lref  uref g TLref
7 g TLref ρα uref/ Lref
8 g TLref ρν uref/ Lref
9 g TLref  uref g TLref
Mixed convection um ρu2ref
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Free convection (All Cases)
➢ Generalized non-dimensional governing equations become
U V
Continuity + =0
X Y
 U U  P   2U  2U 
X-momentum  ND  U +V =− +  ND  2 + 2 
 X Y  X  X Y 
 V V  P   2V  2V 
Y-momentum  ND  U +V =− +  ND  2 + 2  + FND
 X Y  Y  X Y 

    2  2 
Energy U +V = k ND  2 + 2 
X Y  X Y 

 uref
uref Lref 
 ND = ,  ND = ,FND =  g  (T − Tref ) ,k ND =
Pref Pref Lref Pref uref Lref
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Free convection (case 1)
➢ Two independent variables (x, y), four dependent variables (u,
v, p, T) and four know parameters or inputs (ρ, , k, Cp).
➢ Let us choose the following reference or characteristic scales:
1. Reference length, Lref = L
2. Reference velocity, uref = α / Lref = α / L
3. Reference pressure, Pref = ραuref /L = ρα2/L2
4. Reference temperature, Tref = T∞
➢ Hence the non-dimensional parameters are

u 2
 uref  g  TL3
 ND = ref
= 1,  ND = = Pr,k ND = =1 Gr =
Pref Pref Lref uref Lref 2

Lref Pr =
FND =  g  (T − Tref ) = Ra Pr  , 
Ra = Gr Pr
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Free convection (case 1)
➢ Considering two-dimensional steady state problem with
buoyancy forces acting in y-direction, no internal heat generation
and negligible viscous dissipation, nondimensional governing
equations are U V

How do you solve these equations?

Continuity + =0
X Y
U U P   2U  2U 
X-momentum U +V =− + Pr  2 + 2 
X Y X  X Y 
V V P   2V  2V 
Y-momentum U +V =− + Pr  2 + 2  + Ra Pr 
X Y Y  X Y 

   2  2
Energy U +V = + 2
X Y X 2
➢ Two independent variables (X, Y), four dependent variables (U,
V, P, Θ) and two known parameters or inputs (Ra and Pr).
Dimensional Analysis:
Convection ..
Mixed convection
➢ Let us choose the following reference or characteristic scales:
1. Reference length, Lref = L
2. Reference velocity, uref = um
3. Reference pressure, Pref = ρu2ref
4. Reference temperature, Tref = T∞
➢ Hence the non-dimensional governing equations become
U V
Continuity + =0 g  TL3
X Y Gr =
U U P 1   2U  2U  
X-momentum U +V =− +  2+ 2 Pr =
X Y X ReL  X Y  
V V P 1   2V  2V  um L
Y-momentum U +V =− +  2 + 2  + Ri Re =
X Y Y ReL  X Y  
  1   2  2  Gr
+V = Ri = 2
Energy U  2+ 2 Re
X Y ReL Pr  X Y 
Dimensional Analysis: Forced
Convection ..
Question: What do you mean by dimensional analysis for forced
convective heat transfer?
Dimensional analysis for forced convective heat transfer is a
method which helps us to qualitatively relate the heat transfer
coefficient with fewer dimensionless variables that are required to
describe the forced convection problem.
For finding the heat transfer coefficient during forced convection,
the following factors are considered,
h = f(ρ, L, u∞, μ, Cp, k)
or, f(h, ρ, L, u∞, μ, Cp, k) = 0
No. of physical quantities :7 [h, ρ, L, u∞, μ, Cp, k]
No. of fundamental dimensions : 4 [MLTθ]
No. of nondimensional π-terms : 7 – 4 = 3
Buckingham π-theorem:
f(π1, π2, π3) = 0
Select three variables containing all four dimensions: ρ, h, C
Dimensional Analysis: Forced
Convection ..

Forced Convection: movement dictated by u∞

Variable Symbol Dimensions

Plate Length L L
Fluid density ρ M L-3
Fluid viscosity μ M L-1 T-1
Fluid heat capacity Cp L 2 T –2θ –1
Fluid thermal conductivity k M L T –3 θ –1
Velocity u∞ L T –1
Heat transfer coefficient h M T –3 θ –1

Question: Using dimensional analysis, show that for forced

convection heat transfer over a flat plate, Nu = f(Re, Pr).
Dimensional Analysis: Forced
Convection ..

Consider first term,

 1 = La k b  cud  = M 0 L0T 0 0
( L)
( MLT 
) ( ML T ) ( LT ) ( ML ) = M
−1 b −1 −1 c −1 d −3
L T 0 0
0 0

Now equating the powers of M, L, T and θ of both sides, we

get the following relations:
a + b – c + d – 3 =0
-3b –c – d = 0
-b = 0
Solving the above equations, a = 1, b = 0, c = -1, and d = 1

So  1 = L −1u  = Re
Dimensional Analysis: Forced
Convection ..

Consider second term,

 2 = Le k f  g uh h = M 0 L0T 0 0
( L) ( MLT ) ( ML T ) ( LT ) ( MT  −1 ) = M 0 L0T 0 0
f −1 g −1 h

−3 −1 −1 −3

Now equating the powers of M, L, T and θ of both sides, we

get the following relations:
e + f – g + h =0
– 3f – g – h – 3 = 0
Solving the above equations, e = 1, f = -1, g = 0, and h = 0

So  2 = Lk −1h = Nu
Dimensional Analysis: Forced
Convection ..

Consider third term,

 3 = Li k j  k ul C p = M 0 L0T 0 0

( L) ( MLT  ) ( ML T ) ( LT ) ( )
j −1 k −1 l
−3 −1 −1

2 −2 −1
= LT 
i 0 0 0 0

Now equating the powers of M, L, T and θ of both sides, we

get the following relations:
i + j – k + l + 2 =0
– 3j – k – l – 2 = 0
Solving the above equations, i = 0, j = -1, k = 1, and l = 0

So  3 = k −1C p = Pr
f ( Re, Nu, Pr ) = 0  Nu = f ( Re, Pr )
Convection .. Problem #1: Dimensional Analysis

Oil flow in a journal bearing can be treated as parallel flow

between two large isothermal plates with one plate moving at a
constant velocity of 12 m/s and the other stationary. Consider
such a flow with a uniform spacing of 0.7 mm between the plates.
The temperatures of the upper and lower plates are 40oC and
15oC, respectively. By simplifying and solving the continuity,
momentum and energy equations, determine (a) the velocity and
temperature distributions in the oil, (b) the maximum temperature
and where it occurs, and (c) the heat flux from the oil to each
Convection .. Properties of liquids
Convection .. Problem #1: Dimensional Analysis

Given, 12 m/s
Bottom plate temperature, T1 = 15oC
Top plate temperature, T2 = 40oC T2 = 40C
Top plate speed, V = 12 m/s L = 0.7 mm Oil
Distance between plates, L = 0.7 mm
T1 = 15C

The properties of oil at the average temperature of (40+15)/2 = 27.5C

 = 0.605kg/m.s
k = 0.145 W/mK
1 Steady operating conditions exist.
2 Oil is an incompressible substance with constant properties.
3 Body forces such as gravity are negligible.
4 The plates are large so that there is no variation in z direction.
Convection .. Problem #1: Dimensional Analysis

a) We take the x-axis to be the flow direction, and y to be the

normal direction. This is parallel flow between two plates, and
thus v = 0. Then the continuity equation reduces to
u v u
Continuity: + =0 = 0  u = u ( y)
x y x
Therefore, the x-component of velocity does not change in the
flow direction (i.e., the velocity profile remains unchanged). Noting
that u = u(y), v = 0, and ∂P/∂x = 0 (flow is maintained by the
motion of the upper plate rather than the pressure gradient), the x-
momentum equation reduces to
 u u  P   2 u  2u  d 2u
x-momentum:   u +v  = − + 2 + 2  2 = 0
 x y  x  x y  dy
This is a second-order ordinary differential equation.
Convection .. Problem #1: Dimensional Analysis

d 2u
x-momentum: 2
Integrating it twice gives u ( y ) = C1 y + C2

The fluid velocities at the plate surfaces must be equal to the

velocities of the plates. Therefore, the boundary conditions are
u(0) = 0 and u(L) = V , and applying them gives the velocity
distribution to be y
u( y) = V
Frictional heating due to viscous dissipation in this case is
significant because of the high viscosity of oil and the large plate
velocity. The plates are isothermal and there is no change in the
flow direction, and thus the temperature depends on y only, T =
Convection .. Problem #1: Dimensional Analysis

The energy equation with viscous dissipation can be written as

 T T   T  T 
2 2   u   v    v u  
 2 2
 2

C p  u +v  = k  2 + 2  +   2   +    +  +  
 x y   x y    x   y    x y  
 T   u 
V  y
d 2T
 0 = k  2  +     k 2 = −   u( y) = V
 y   y  dy L L
Dividing both sides by k and integrating twice give
 y 

T ( y) = −  V  + C3 y + C4
2k  L 
Applying the boundary conditions T(0) = T1 and T(L) = T2 gives
the temperature distribution to be
T2 − T1 V 2  y y 2 
T ( y) = y + T1 +  − 2
L 2k  L L 
Convection .. Problem #1: Dimensional Analysis

(b) The temperature gradient is determined by differentiating T(y)

with respect to y,
dT T2 − T1 V 2  y
= + 1 − 2 
dy L 2kL  L
The location of maximum temperature is determined by setting
dT/dy = 0 and solving for y,
dT T2 − T1 V 2  y  T2 − T1 1 
= + 1 − 2  = 0  y = L  k + 
2kL  L  V
dy L 2
The maximum temperature is the value of temperature at this y,
whose numeric value is
 T −T 1   (40 − 15)C 1
y = L  k 2 2 1 +  = (0.0007 m) (0.145 W/m.C) + 
 V 2   (0.605 N.s/m 2
)(12 m/s) 2
2 
= 0.00038 m = 0.38 mm
Convection .. Problem #1: Dimensional Analysis

T2 − T1 V2  y y2 
Tmax = T (0.00038) = y + T1 +  − 2
L 2k  L L 
(40 − 15)C (0.605 N  s/m 2 )(12 m/s) 2  0.00038 m (0.00038 m)2 
= (0.00038 m) + 15C +  − 2 
0.0007 m 2(0.145 W/m C)  0.0007 m (0.0007 m) 
= 103.12C
c) Heat flux at the plates is determined from the definition of heat
dT T2 − T1 V2 T2 − T1  V 2
q0 = −k = −k −k (1 − 0 ) = −k −
dy y =0
L 2kL L 2L
(40 − 15)C (0.605 N  s/m 2 )(12 m/s) 2  1 W 
= −(0.145 W/m.C) −   = − 6.74  10 4
W / m2

0.0007 m 2(0.0007 m)  1 N  m/s 

dT T2 − T1 V2 T2 − T1  V 2
qL = − k = −k −k (1 − 2 ) = −k +
dy y=L
L 2kL L 2L
(40 − 15)C (0.605 N  s/m 2 )(12 m/s) 2  1 W 
= −(0.145 W/m.C) +   = 5.705  10 W / m
4 2

0.0007 m 2(0.0007 m)  1 N  m/s 

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