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Lesson 12 – Selecting Relevant Literature

Section - Group Number: __________________________________________Date:

Last name of members present:
Last name of members absent:
Last name of members who contributed/participated:
A. Answer the following questions below on your own words in 3 to 5 sentences only. (5 points
each question)

Questions Your Answers

A Review of Related Literature (RRL) is a critical examination of

previous research on a certain issue. It is a comprehensive review of
1. What is a Review the current literature on a given issue that serves as the foundation for
of Related Literature a research effort. It aids in determining what theories already exist,
(RRL)? their relationships, the extent to which existing theories have been
studied, and the development of new hypotheses to be tested.

The purposes of writing an RRL are:

2. What are the
- To gain a deep understanding of the state of knowledge on your
purposes of writing
research topic. This helps you to understand where your research fits
an RRL? Discuss
two (2) purposes into the existing body of knowledge.
only briefly.
- To identify gaps, contradictions, conflicts, or inconsistencies in the
existing literature. This can help you to identify new research
questions or to refine your existing research questions

A systematic review in quantitative research is a type of literature

3. What is a review that uses systematic methods to collect secondary data,
systematic review of critically appraise research studies, and synthesize findings
writing an RRL in qualitatively or quantitatively. It follows a specific structure, starting
quantitative with a clear research question, followed by a detailed and thorough
research? search of the literature, then an assessment of the validity of the
findings, and finally a systematic presentation and synthesis of the
4. What are the three The three basic sources of the literature review are primary resources
(3) sources of on which other research is based. They include journals, novels,
literature review? letters, reports, and any other material containing firsthand
information. Secondary sources are interpretations and evaluations of
primary sources. They are one step removed from the original work.
Discuss each of Examples include review articles, monographs, and textbooks.
them briefly. Tertiary sources are sources that index, abstract, organize, compile, or
digest other sources. Some reference materials and textbooks are
considered tertiary sources when their chief purpose is to list,
summarize, or simply repackage ideas or other information.

B. Organize your articles (relevant literatures) according to variables and indicators to which your
articles describe, also following the steps in conducting systematic review.


Independent Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

Variable (For Definition) Group

Communication 1) Communication De Araújo, D. C. S. A., Rocha, Isao

Apprehension apprehension refers to K. S. S., Cerqueira‐Santos, S.,
how a person feels when Menezes, P. W. D. S., Santos,
communicating as S. N. P. D., Santos, W. M. D.,
opposed to how they Faro, A., Mesquita, A. R., & De
communicate. Someone Lyra, D. P. (2022).
can have good Communication apprehension
communication abilities among health professions
yet still experiencing students in Brazil. The American
significant levels of Journal of Pharmaceutical
anxiety and tension in Education, 86(3), 8603.
communication settings.

2) Communication Beatty, M. J., & Pascual‐Ferrá, Isao

apprehension is the P. (2015). Communication
tendency to avoid apprehension. The International
communication whenever Encyclopedia of Interpersonal
possible or to suffer Communication, 1–9.
uneasiness when forced
to communicate. Initially, 54 De Araújo, D. C. S. A.,
Communication Rocha, K. S. S., Cerqueira‐
Apprehension was Santos, S., Menezes, P. W. D.
thought to be a learned S., Santos, S. N. P. D., Santos,
feature caused by W. M. D., Faro, A., Mesquita, A.
punishment for R., & De Lyra, D. P. (2022).
communicating. Communication apprehension
among health professions
students in Brazil. The American
Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education, 86(3), 8603.

3) The dread or concern Muftah, M. (2023). Isao

about communicating is Communication apprehension
known as communication and self-perceived
apprehension (CA). communication competence:
Furthermore, self-
a study of undergraduate
perceived communication
competence (SPCC)
students in their final year.
relates to how learners Higher Education, Skills and
view their own Work-based Learning, 13(6),
competency. CA impairs 1187–1203.
people's capacity to speak
successfully in a variety of -08-2022-0174
circumstances, which
affects their employability.

4) Communication Campero-Oliart, A. R. (2022). Isao

apprehension (CA) was Psycho-Cardiac Distress
seen in heart rate (HR) Symptoms of Dyadic
and heart rate variability Communication Apprehension &
(HRV) during dyadic the Role of Self-Esteem.
interaction, and the Communication Research,
inhibiting impact of self- 50(8), 993–1018.
esteem in dyadic-
communication discomfort 2221085904
was investigated using
two explanatory
frameworks: a moderation
and an indirect influence.

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) The findings of this Rafek, M., Ramli, N. H. L., Iksan, Isao

study show that the H. B., Harith, N. M., & Abas, A. I.
majority of the students B. C. (2014). Gender and
have a high level of Language: Communication
communication Apprehension in second
apprehension in the language learning. Procedia -
communication Social and Behavioral Sciences,
apprehension factor, 123, 90–96.
indicating that
apprehensiveness is still 014.01.1401
one of the factors that
hinder language learning.

2) The data from the Matsuoka, R., & Rahimi, A. Isao

current study show that (2011). The positive effect of
participating as an intern conference participation on
at an international reducing L2 communication
conference can reduce apprehension. Procedia
communication Computer Science, 3, 898–907.
apprehension and
increase communication 10.12.147
willingness, and that the
Japanese sense of self
manifested as the
mentality of 'other-
directedness' can be
overcome if optimal
opportunities for using
English and experiencing
self-efficacy are provided.

IV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 1) (For Definition) Group

Fear of 1) Speakers who are Ebrahimi, Omid V., et al. Dela Cruz
Failure afraid of failing frequently “Psychological Interventions for
envision themselves the Fear of Failure in Public
forgetting a section of Speaking: A Meta-Analysis.”
their speech or doing Frontiers, Frontiers, 19 Feb.
poorly. This dread 2019,
manifests when people
believe they have not /10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00488/full.
prepared well, when they ↵
utilize self-fulfilling
prophecies predicting
failure, and when they
have had a terrible prior
experience giving a
speech and believe it will
be repeated.

2) Atychiphobia is a Barnhill, J. W. (2023, November Dela Cruz

strong dread of failing. It 12). Specific Phobias. Merck
may induce you to Manuals Consumer Version.
postpone or avoid any Retrieved November 18, 2023,
task or event that has the from
potential for failure. For
fear of failure, people with home/mental-health-disorders/a
this syndrome may be nxiety-and-stress-related-
afraid to try new things, disorders/specific-phobic-
take risks, or accept disorders

3) Being a perfectionist MSEd, K. C. (2023, April 14). Dela Cruz

may be linked to a fear of How to Deal With the Fear of
failing. Because Failure. Verywell Mind.
perfectionists have such Retrieved November 18, 2023,
high expectations for how from
things should come out,
they may have a nagging hat-is-the-fear-of-failure-
anxiety that they will not 5176202
live up to those often
unreasonably high

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) Previous research has Haya Fayyad Abuhussein, Rania Dela Cruz

shown that many pupils Mohammad Qassrawi & Sami
are afraid of public Shaath. (2023) Utilizing remote
speaking. This qualitative speaking tasks for tackling
survey had two objectives. foreign language anxiety.
First, it intended to gain a Cogent Education 10:2.
better understanding of
the fears encountered by citedby/10.1080/0309877X.2021
students who are afraid of .1948509?
public speaking, including scroll=top&needAccess=true
oral presentations.

2) "Incremental Schramm, J. (2014, July 23). Dela Cruz

intelligence mindset, fear How to Overcome
of failure, and academic Communication Fears. Harvard
coping" - This study Business Review. Retrieved
investigates the roles of November 25, 2023, from
incremental intelligence
mindset and fear of failure overcome-communication
(FOF) when students face
and deal with academic
3) Fear of giving a public Cruthers, A. (2020, May 7). Dela Cruz
speech is referred to as Public Speaking Anxiety.
public speaking anxiety. Pressbooks. Retrieved
This could happen before November 18, 2023, from
or during a presentation.
It's common to hear that esswriting/chapter/public-
public speaking is a speaking-anxiety/
phobia, but why are so
many people afraid to
speak in front of others?
The first is failure anxiety.

IV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 2) (For Definition) Group

Audience 1) Anxiety about giving a Girondini, M., Stefanova, M., Dones

speech in front of an Pillan, M., & Gallace, A. (2023).
audience is defined as a The Effect of Previous Exposure
serious distress that on Virtual Reality Induced Public
interferes with Speaking Anxiety: A
employment and social Physiological and Behavioral
interactions. During a Study. Cyberpsychology,
speech, audience behavior and social networking,
behavior and feedback 26(2), 127–133.
are important factors in
causing public speaking 2.0121
anxiety, affecting
performance and

2) Audience anxiety is Publisher, A. R. a. R. O. O. Dones

defined as communication (2016, November 8). 3.2 All
anxiety caused by certain anxiety is not the same: sources
audience characteristics. of communication apprehension.
These characteristics Pressbooks.
include familiarity,
subservient status, eaking/chapter/3-2-all-anxiety-is-
audience size, and not-the-same-sources-of-
familiarity. It is not the communication-apprehension/
communication situation #:~:text=For%20some
that causes fear for some %20individuals%2C%20it%20is,
people; it is the people in %2C%20audience%20size%2C
the audience. %20and%20familiarity

3) Audience anxiety Wikipedia contributors. (2023, Dones

occurs when a specific September 4). Communication
individual or group of apprehension. Wikipedia.
people causes a
communication Communication_apprehension
breakdown or a negative
reaction. Anxiety can be
caused by familiar peers
for some people, while
unfamiliar faces can
cause anxiety for others.

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) The study used Bayang, D., Ghosh, M. D., Dones

deception to manipulate Talaro., R. V., & Velasco, H. S.
conditions for evaluation (2019). Stage fright: The effects
apprehension as of audience types on public
embodied by the types of speaking anxiety moderated by
audience, as well as a expectancy bias. Retrieved from
negative expectancy bias
measurement for each ph/etd_bachelors/8957
participant. The
researchers used
ANCOVA to see if the
interactions of audience
and expectation predict
PSA while controlling for
trait anxiety. All
hypotheses produced
non-significant results.
Using an alternative
measure for PSA (i.e.
post-anxiety induction
state), however, ANOVA
revealed main effects of
both audience types and
expectancy bias but not
their interactions.

2) Anxiety about public Lemasson, A., André, V., Dones

performance has been Boudard, M., Lippi, D., &
reported. While the Hausberger, M. (2018).
relationship between Audience size influences actors'
emotion and postural anxiety and associated postures
laterality is well on stage. Behavioural
understood in animals, processes, 157, 225–229.
few studies have looked
into the possibility of a link 018.10.003
between audience effect,
anxiety, and head
orientation in humans.
According to the Valence-
Specific Hypothesis, the
left and right sides of the
brain are specialized for
processing positive and
negative emotions,

3) Previous research has F. Mostajeran, M. B. Balci, F. Dones

looked into the possibility Steinicke, S. Kühn and J.
of inducing social anxiety Gallinat, "The Effects of Virtual
(SA) in virtual reality (VR). Audience Size on Social Anxiety
Among the existing during Public Speaking," 2020
protocols for this purpose, IEEE Conference on Virtual
the Trier Social Stress Reality and 3D User Interfaces
Test (TSST) has been (VR), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2020,
shown to be effective in pp. 303-312, doi:
eliciting SA in the majority 10.1109/VR46266.2020.00050.
of participants in both in
vivo and VR conditions.
The TSST consists of
giving a five-minute
speech and performing
mental arithmetic
calculations in front of
three people. We present
an adaptation of TSST to
investigate the effects of
different numbers of
virtual humans (VHs)
(three, six, or fifteen) on
perceived SA in this
paper. Furthermore, we
compare the results to an
in vivo TSST performed
on three real people in the

IV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 3) (For Definition) Group

Public 1) Someone with strong Chollet M, Wörtwein T, Morency Empuerto

Speaking and effective L, Shapiro A, Scherer S. 2015
communication skills Sep 7. Exploring feedback
conveys strong and strategies to improve public
effective communication, speaking. ACM Digital Library.
which is important in doi:10.1145/2750858.2806060.
many professions and in
everyday life. Speaking in 2806060.
front of an audience
necessitates extensive
planning and practice.
Recent technological
advancements have
enabled new methods of
public speaking
instruction, allowing users
to practice in a fun and
safe environment. .

2) Despite being Raja, F. (n.d.). Anxiety level in Empuerto

knowledgeable in their Students of Public Speaking:
subject, professionals all Causes and Remedies.
over the world suffer
owing to a lack of effective 1161521.pdf
public speaking skills.
Their evaluations and
appraisals are frequently
representations of their
competitiveness; thus, it is
critical for students to
overcome public speaking
fear before transitioning
from academic to
professional life.

3) Public speaking (also Shyam, S Salim, Elizabeth Joy, Empuerto

known as oratory or Irene. 2016. Public Speaking
oration) is the process or Skills. ICAR-Central Marine
act of giving a Fisheries Research Institute.
presentation (a speech)
that focuses on a person /10834.
directly speaking to a live
audience in a planned,
structured manner with
the intention of informing,
influencing, or entertaining
them. The traditional
definition of public
speaking is one person
speaking in front of a
group of people in a
formal manner.

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) Fear of public Hancock, A. B., Stone, M., Empuerto

speaking, also known as Brundage, S. B., & Zeigler, M. T.
glossophobia, is a type of (2010). Public speaking
social phobia that causes attitudes: Does curriculum make
extreme avoidance of a difference? Journal of Voice,
speaking in front of others 24(3), 302–307.
for fear of embarrassment
or humiliation.However, 008.09.007
fear of public speaking
can exist in isolation, with
no fears manifesting in
personal relationships or
other social situations.

2) Prospective Turkish Elkiran, Y. M. (n.d.). Examining Empuerto

teachers' levels of public the Relationship between
speaking fear and digital Prospective Turkish Teachers’
speaking inclinations are Public Speaking Anxiety and
found to be moderate. Digital Speech Tendencies.
Furthermore, it was
determined that there was 1310120.pdf
no significant difference in
public speaking anxiety
levels and digital speaking
inclinations based on
gender, grade level, the
average number of books
read in a year, or time
spent on the internet in an
ordinary day.

3) The study emphasizes Foutz, B. (n.d.). Teacher Empuerto

the importance of Immediacy Behaviors and
conducting additional Students’ Public Speaking
research on instructors' Anxiety: More and Less Helpful
immediate behaviors and than Anticipated.
their direct influences on
public speaking anxiety. It gi/viewcontent.cgi?
also emphasizes the article=1630&context=bcca
importance of addressing
students' different
experiences and degrees
of confidence in basic
classrooms. Students can
better prepare for their
future employment and
focus on audience,
material, and delivery
during presentations by
concentrating on
individual learning goals
and managing fear.

IV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 4) (For Definition) Group

Uncertainty 1) People seek assurance Uncertainty: How It Makes Española

because they have an Science Advance. Kostas
innate yearning for it. Kampourakis and Kevin McCain,
Uncertainty appears to be Oxford University Press (2020).
stressful in the same way
that anger and fear are.
We can't truly control this
sensation, and we feel
comfortable only when
we're confident in what we
know or what we should

2) People react differently Science of Psychology Española

to uncertainty, but there Psychology Topics APA Style
are some easy steps you Books Children's Books
can take to increase your Databases DVD/Streaming
resilience in difficult times. Video Journal Subscriptions
Accepting that there will PsycNET® Journal Articles
be uncertainty allows us
to concentrate on what we
can control.

3) Anxiety, perplexity, COLLINS ENGLISH Española

distrust, mistrust, DICTIONARY - COMPLETE &
skepticism, suspicion, UNABRIDGED 2012 DIGITAL
unpredictability, worry, SONS & CO. LTD. 1979, 1986 ©
bewilderment, conjecture, HARPERCOLLINS
contingency, dilemma, PUBLISHERS 1998, 2000,
disquiet, doubtfulness, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009,
dubiety. 2012

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) This paper examines Michael Murray, Friederike Española

the narrative accounts of Ziegler Friederike Ziegler
12 community workers Journal of health psychology 20
who were interviewed (3), 338-349, 2015
about their life. The
narrative content of their
accounts was examined.
This exposed the conflicts
in their daily work as they
tried to reconcile
community differences
and management
demands for evidence.
These findings are
presented in terms of
potential and constraints
in community work

2) Over the last decade, M Murray - Journal of health Española

there has been a growing Psychology, 1
discussion concerning the
positivist assumptions that
underpin mainstream
psychology and other
social, and even physical,
sciences. A narrative
approach to psychology
has sparked considerable
interest. This viewpoint
contends that humans are
natural storytellers and
that the sharing of stories
pervades our regular
social interactions.
3) Fear of failure is Correia, M., Rosado, A. Serpa, Española
defined as the motivation S. (2018). Fear of Failure in
to avoid failure in Sport. A Literature Review. .pdf
evaluative situations, DataDecember 2018
which is linked to
anticipatory shame and publication/
the tendency to appraise 284053985_Academic_procrasti
threat. Sport is a nation_Frequency_and_cognitiv
significant achievement e-behavioral_correlates?
and evaluative domain, _tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0
where the most common UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9u
sources of stress for all IiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW
athletes are concerns 9uIn19
about performance failure.
The purpose of this
narrative review was to
investigate the origins of
the fear of failure
construct and its evolution
in a sporting context. The
findings of the study
corroborate the
prevalence of problems
associated with high fear
of failure among athletes
in achievement settings,
making it an urgent issue
that cannot be ignored.

IV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 5) (For Definition) Group

Being the 1) It is characterized by Being the Center of Attention Equibal

center of continuous anxiety about DOI:10.4088/JCP.09m05731blu
attention situations in which the Becoming the Center of
individual is examined. In Attention in Social Anxiety
order to establish Disorder Cornwell, Pine, Heller.
heightened physiological National Institutes of Health,
sensitivity in SAD and Bethesda, MD, USA. Clin
potentially isolate specific Psychiatry. 2011 July
components of social-
evaluative situations that
discriminate between
healthy and SAD
individuals, we
investigated startle
reactivity in a virtual reality
(VR) scenario.
2) The VR environment is Being the Center of Attention Equibal
realistic enough to elicit DOI:10.1145/3338245 Being the
dread and anxiety in Center of Attention: A Person-
people who are prone to Context CNN framework for
socially dangerous Personality Recognition Dotti,
situations, while people Popa, Asteriadis. ACM
with SAD displayed potent Transactions on Interactive
startle, indicating a strong Intelligent Systems (TiiS), 15
phasic fear reaction. October 2019

3) Fear of being noticed is BIBLIOGRAPHY: Equibal

frequent in many people, 3024831
particularly those suffering Fear of being the Center of
from social anxiety Attention
disorder (SAD). Although Cuncic, Synder, MD.
avoiding the spotlight may United States Of America, 12
appear to be a healthy May 2022
way to manage your
anxiety, in the long run,
you are teaching yourself
that you are incapable of
handling the spotlight.

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) Individuals' cortisol Smith, J., & Johnson, A. (2017). Equibal

levels increased when "The Impact of Being the Center
they were the center of of Attention on Cortisol Levels: A
attention in social Psychophysiological Study."
circumstances, indicating *Journal of Social Psychology*,
heightened stress. vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 123-137.

2) Individuals' inclination Williams, R., & Davis, C. (2020). Equibal

to be the center of "Social Anxiety and the
attention in group settings Preference for Avoidance of the
was found to be inversely Spotlight: An Empirical
related to their level of Investigation." *Personality and
social anxiety. Social Psychology Bulletin*, vol.
32, no. 4, pp. 567-580.

3) People who seek to be Johnson, M., & Smith, K. (2023). Equibal

the center of attention in "Personality Traits and the
social circumstances have Desire for Social Attention: An
greater extraversion Examination of Extraversion and
ratings and lower levels of Social Anxiety." *Journal of
social anxiety. Personality Research*, vol. 40,
no. 2, pp. 221-235.

Dependent Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

Variable (For Definition) Group

Self- efficacy 1) The students' speaking Rafiqa Rafiqa (March 2023) Ganir
achievement is hindered STUDENTS' SELF-EFFICACY
by a lack of vocabulary, AND STUDENTS' SPEAKING
anxiety, motivation, SKILL: CORRELATIONAL
inhibition, and self- ANALYSIS.
efficacy. The current study
sought to ascertain the blication/369477821_STUDENT
level of students' self- S'_SELF-
efficacy as well as the EFFICACY_AND_STUDENTS'_
relationship between SPEAKING_SKILL_CORRELAT
students' self-efficacy and IONAL_ANALYSIS
their English speaking

2) Self-efficacy is a Paul Leeming (Article number: Ganir

powerful predictor of 12 (2017) Asian-Pacific Journal
performance since it is the of Second and Foreign
belief in one's own ability Language Education.
to complete a given task. https://sfleducation.springeropen
Despite the fact that .com/articles/10.1186/s40862-
scholars have considered 017-0035-x
self-efficacy in language
learning, it is still a
relatively underutilized
and unexplored construct.

3) Self-efficacy has been Annette Løvheim Kleppang, Ganir

identified as a key health- Anne Mari Steigen & Hanne
promoting characteristic Søberg Finbråten BMC Public
that affects both physical Health volume 23, Article
and mental health. number: 1665 (2023)Explaining
variance in self-efficacy among
adolescents: the association
between mastery experiences,
social support, and self-efficacy.

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) According to the EDUKASI: JURNAL Ganir

findings of the analysis, PENDIDIKAN DAN
there was a statistically PENGAJARAN (MAY 2018)
significant positive Speaking Self-Efficacy and EFL
association between self- Student Teachers’ Speaking
efficacy and speaking Achievement.
achievement in p-output
was 0.00, which was less 62f48c3a6489ba3bd0e88d1
than 0.05 (0.000.05).
Furthermore, the test's
correlation coefficient
was.349. As a result, the
level of correlation was
low. This study also found
that students' speaking-
self-efficacy had a 12.2%
influence on their
speaking achievement.

2) A review of the Do-Hong Kim, Chuang Wang, Ganir

literature yielded more Ting Sun, Lan Liu (February
than 60 measures of 2021). Measuring English
English learners' self- Language Self-Efficacy:
efficacy beliefs; Psychometric Properties and
nevertheless, the majority Use.
of them were derived from
the ten tests listed below blication/349155946_Measuring
in order of publication. _English_Language_Self-

3) The final model (Model Annette Løvheim Kleppang, Ganir

3) accounts for 25% of the Anne Mari Steigen & Hanne
variance in self-efficacy. Søberg Finbråten BMC Public
The indicators relating Health volume 23, Article
mastery experiences, number: 1665 (2023)Explaining
defined here as personal variance in self-efficacy among
success experiences, adolescents: the association
explain more of the between mastery experiences,
observed variance in self- social support, and self-efficacy.
efficacy than the other
independent variables blication/373517860_Explaining
(change in R square = _variance_in_self-
10.7%). efficacy_among_adolescents_th

DV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 1) (For Definition) Group

Fear of Failure 1) Fear of failure (FoF) is Alabduljabbar, A. A. et al. (2022, Gacal

described as a March 11). Assessment of fear
“dispositional tendency to of failure among medical
avoid failure in students at King Saud
achievement settings.” It University. Frontiers.
may potentially and
adversely affect students’ s/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.794700/ful
ability to perform well in l
their educational activities.

2) Fear of failure (also Shah, M. (2019, November 19). Gacal

known as “atychiphobia”) Fear of failure— meaning,
is fear that stops us from causes and 7 simple actionable
doing the things that help tips to overcome it. Institute of
us move forward to Clinical Hypnosis.
achieve our goals.. https://instituteofclinicalhypnosis.

3) Fear of failure, also Peterson T. J. (2023, March 6). Gacal

called atychiphobia, is a Fear of failure: causes & 10
constant, overwhelming ways to cope with atychiphobia.
feeling of dread that Choosing Therapy.
accompanies the
undertaking of projects or m/fear-of-failure/
pursuit of life goals.
People who live with
atychiphobia often feel
absolutely certain they will
fail, even if that feeling is
not based in reality. This
sense of insecurity can
interfere with their
thoughts, emotions, and

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) The results showed Alkhazaleh, Z. M., Mahasneh, A. Gacal

that the overall mean FoF M. (31 March 2016). Fear of
was -0.34. There were failure among a sample of
also significant differences Jordianian undergraduate
in the level of fear students. Psychology Research
experienced by male and and Behavior Management.
female students when
experiencing shame and epdf/10.2147/PRBM.S96384?
embarrassment. needAccess=true
Significant differences
were discovered between
the four academic level
groups in the following
fear categories:
embarrassment and
shame, important others
losing interest, and fear of
upsetting important
others. The results also
revealed significant
differences between the
GPA level groups in the
following fear categories:
feeling shame and
embarrassment, losing
one's self-esteem, having
an uncertain future, fear of
losing interest in important
others, and fear of
upsetting important

2) In Study 1, 1,423 De Castella, K., Byrne, D., & Gacal

Japanese high school Covington, M. (2013).
students who were low in Unmotivated or motivated to fail?
success oriented and high A cross-cultural study of
in fear of failure were achievement motivation, fear of
shown to have the highest failure, and student
levels of helplessness and disengagement. APA PsychNet.
self-handicapping. As
predicted by self-worth 13-14500-001
theory, success
orientation mediated the
link between fear of failure
and academic
involvement in all cultures.
These findings show that
in the absence of
established achievement
goals, fear of failure is
associated with a variety
of maladaptive self-
protective behaviors.

3) Many variables can Ramer, E. (2022, December Gacal

contribute to the 12). How to recognize and
development of students' prevent the development of the
fear of failure, which can fear of failure while building a
have a negative impact on student’s self-efficacy,
their self-efficacy. ScholarWorks,
Negative parental
practices, interpersonal /downloads/m039kc66g
teaching approaches, and
degrees of motivation are
all elements that might
contribute to the
development of failure
phobia. Further research
findings lead us to
conclude that kids who
lack motivation and do not
receive adequate praise
for their efforts develop a
fear of failing at a much
faster rate.

DV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 2) (For Definition) Group

Shyness 1) Shyness appears to be Babapoor, Maryam, et al. Galvez

amplified in the formal “Intermediate EFL Learners’
framework of the Shyness, Communication
classroom, and as such, it Apprehension, the Accuracy and
could be argued that it is Fluency of Their Oral
strongly related with social Performance.” Research in
anxiety, which can impede English Language Pedagogy,
involvement in classroom Islamic Azad University, Isfahan
interactions. Branch, 1 Sept. 2018,

2) Shyness results in a Asri, Asmulyani, et al. Galvez

lack of self-confidence. “Correlation of Shyness towards
social anxiety, and unable Self-Esteem on High School
to adjust to the situation. Students In ...” Research Gate,
Jan. 2018,

3) Shyness, as a Satici, Begum. “Testing a Model Galvez

debilitating experience, of Subjective Well-Being: The
can be defined as unease Roles of Optimism ...” Health
in the presence of others, Psychology Open, 2019,
as well as a restriction of
regular social behaviors .1177/2055102919884290.
due to a fear of meeting
people and hesitancy in
interpersonal situations.

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) The current study Wang, Junni, et al. “Self-Efficacy Galvez

sought to determine Mediates the Association
whether self-efficacy between Shyness and
mediated the associations Subjective Well-Being: The Case
between shyness and of Chinese College Students -
subjective well-being, as Social Indicators Research.”
well as the universality SpringerLink, Springer
and specificity of this Netherlands, 24 Oct. 2013,
mediated effect across
demographic factors, such /s11205-013-0487-4.
as gender, only children
versus non-only children,
urban versus rural, in a
sample of Chinese college
2) The study's findings Murat, Erol. “Adolescent Life Galvez
revealed a moderately Satisfaction before Young
significant negative link Adulthood: The Role Of ...”
between shyness and Adolescent Life Satisfaction
perception of general self- Before Young Adulthood: The
efficacy, a moderately Role of “Shyness” and “Self-
significant negative Efficacy,” 2017,
correlation between
shyness and life S2/en/04.pdf.
satisfaction, and a
moderately significant
positive correlation
between shyness and life
The perception of overall
self-efficacy and life
satisfaction. Finally,
shyness and general self-
efficacy assessments
substantially influenced
life outcomes.

3) The findings of Wu, Qinqin, et al. “Rejection Galvez

structural equation Sensitivity and Trait Anxiety: The
modeling supported the Indirect Effects of Regulatory
hypothesis by indicating Emotional Self-Efficacy and
that the relationships Shyness - Current Psychology.”
between rejection SpringerLink, Springer US, 15
sensitivity and trait anxiety Sept. 2020,
were influenced indirectly
by regulatory emotional /s12144-020-01070-y.
self-efficacy and shyness.
These findings revealed
that students' rejection
sensitivity was influenced
by regulation, emotional
self-efficacy and shyness.

DV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 3) (For Definition) Group

Lack of 1) Speaking is one of the Nadila, Ulfa, et al. “SELF Las

confidence four language skills taught CONFIDENCE FACTORS of Marias
in English classes. People STUDENTS in SPEAKING
speak to express their ENGLISH in BANJARMASIN.”
ideas, feelings, or to, 27 Apr.
respond to what others 2021,
are saying. Some
characteristics make
speaking a difficult
language skill. Aside from
the students' lack of
vocabulary, their lack of
confidence in speaking,
and their perceptions of
English as a difficult
subject all contribute to
speaking being the most
difficult language skill.

2) Anxiety and self- Tridinanti, Gaya. “The Las

confidence can have an Correlation between Speaking Marias
impact on one's ability to Anxiety, Self-Confidence, and
communicate in a foreign Speaking Achievement of
language. Students who Undergraduate EFL Students of
have a high level of Private University in
anxiety, worry, fear, and Palembang.” International
low self-confidence in Journal of Education and
foreign language classes Literacy Studies, vol. 6, no. 4, 31
may struggle to develop Oct. 2018, p. 35,
their speaking ability.

3) Many people struggle Febriyani, Diyan, et al. “AN Las

to find self-confidence, ANALYSIS on STUDENTS’ Marias
which is essential in SELF CONFIDENCE in
almost every aspect of our SPEAKING SKILL.” Journal of
lives. People who lack English Language Teaching and
self-confidence may Education (JELTE), vol. 1, no. 1,
struggle to achieve 20 July 2020,

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) The outcome indicates Nadiah, Nadiah, et al. “The Las

that the student's Students’ Self-Confidence in Marias
confidence level in an Public Speaking.” ELITE
advanced speaking JOURNAL, vol. 1, no. 1, 31 Oct.
lesson was satisfactory. 2019, pp. 1–12,
The observation results
suggest that students LITE/article/view/7.
performed poorly in
various areas, including
making no eye contact,
speaking with vibration,
repeating themselves,
making excessive
gestures, and pausing
frequently. Students' self-
confidence was influenced
by characteristics such as
a negative outlook, a lack
of motivation, a lack of
practice, a lack of
vocabulary, a lack of skill,
and a lack of preparation.

2) The findings revealed “Anxiety Level in Students of Las

that students who are Public Speaking: Causes and Marias
afraid of public speaking Remedies.” Journal of Education
can perform well if they and Educational Development,
employ certain tactics to vol. 4, no. 1, 2017, pp. 94–110,
overcome their anxieties.
75% of participants
reported having a fear of
public speaking, and 95%
believed that with proper
counseling, education,
and coaching, this anxiety
could be overcome.
According to research,
exposure to a virtual
setting can boost student
confidence and prepare
them to speak in front of
any size crowd.

3) The data demonstrated Akbari, Omidullah, and Javed Las

that just a few pupils had Sahibzada. “Students’ Self- Marias
poor self-confidence, Confidence and Its Impacts on
whereas the majority had Their Learning Process.”
strong self-confidence. American International Journal
Furthermore, students' of Social Science Research, vol.
self-confidence influenced 5, no. 1, 22 Jan. 2020, pp. 1–15,
their learning in areas
such as participation, p/aijssr/article/view/462,
goal-setting, developing
interest in lessons, i1.462.
decreasing students'
anxiety, being comfortable
with their instructors and
classmates, and sharing
their opinions about
lessons in class.

DV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 4) (For Definition) Group

Comfort 1) A level of confidence, Gallagher, M. W. (2012). Self- Malubay

self-assurance, and ease Efficacy. In Elsevier eBooks (pp.
in one's capacity to 314–320).
execute activities and
achieve goals is defined 12-375000-6.00312-8
as comfort in self-efficacy.
It refers to a sense of
mastery and control over
one's surroundings, which
leads to positive
emotions, decreased
anxiety, and improved

2) Comfort with self- Adams, S. C. (n.d.). Improving Malubay

efficacy refers to a Teacher Comfort Levels and
person's level of Self-Efficacy with Technology
confidence and belief in Integration and Application of
their ability to complete a Technology into the Elementary
task or achieve a goal. Education Curriculum through
the Tech Buddy Program.

3) Comfort is a condition Comfort Definition & Meaning | Malubay

or feeling of being less Britannica Dictionary. (n.d.).
anxious, agitated, afraid,
and so on during a period nary/comfort
of struggle or emotional

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) The psychological state Makara‐Studzińska, M., Załuski, Malubay

of comfort in self-efficacy, M., Biegańska-Banaś, J.,
as investigated in this Tyburski, E., Jagielski, P., &
study, relates to deep- Adamczyk, K. (2021). Perceived
seated confidence and stress and burnout syndrome: A
assurance in one's moderated mediation model of
abilities, particularly in the self-efficacy and psychological
context of Polish air traffic comfort among polish air traffic
controllers facing the controllers. Journal of Air
obstacles of their Transport Management, 96,
profession. This comfort is 102105.
inextricably tied to the
study's emphasis on the n.2021.102105
interplay of human
cognitive processes,
notably the characteristic
of self-efficacy, perceived
stress, and the innovative
inclusion of the latent
variable termed
"psychological comfort."

2) In summary, comfort in Şahin, Ö. Ö., Aközlü, Z., & Malubay

self-efficacy refers to Taşdelen, Y. (2023). Pediatric
nurses feeling certain, nursing students’ self-efficacy
capable, and confident in regarding medication
their capacity to perform administration and clinical
this crucial work correctly, comfort and worry: A pre-
contributing to better posttest comparative study of
patient care, trust in nurse mentoring versus peer
healthcare professionals, mentoring. Nurse Education in
and overall favorable Practice, 71, 103712.
healthcare outcomes.

3) In essence, comfort in Renema, P., Urankar, S., & Malubay

self-efficacy in speaking, Rice, N. R. (2023). Abstract
in the context of the 2084: A one-week laboratory
BLSB, indicates that skills bootcamp increased self-
students not only gained efficacy, comfort level, and
the ability to effectively medical science knowledge in
articulate their knowledge undergraduate students. Journal
and skills, but also of Biological Chemistry, 299(3),
developed a level of ease 103530.
and confidence in
expressing themselves .103530
within the scientific
community, whether
through collaborative work
or understanding the
relevance of their
research to broader
academic coursework.

DV Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Indicator 5) (For Definition) Group

The fear of the 1) The fear of failure, also MSEd, K. C. (2023, April 14). Dela Cruz
lecture known as atychiphobia, is How to Deal With the Fear of
an irrational and Failure. Verywell Mind.
persistent fear of failing, Retrieved November 26, 2023,
which can arise from a from
variety of sources and be
linked to other mental hat-is-the-fear-of-failure-
health conditions such as 5176202
anxiety or depression. In
some cases, the fear of
failure may emerge in
response to a specific
situation, whereas in
others, it can be a
pervasive and extreme
fear that prevents
individuals from pursuing
their goals and causes
paralyzing anxiety.

2) The fear of failure, also Jones, H. (2021, December 1). Dela Cruz
known as atychiphobia, is What Is the Fear of Failure?
a widespread and Verywell Health. Retrieved
extreme fear of failing that November 26, 2023, from
affects individuals in a
variety of ways. This ear-of-failure-5203385
irrational fear can range
from mild to severe and
can keep people from
pursuing their dreams. It
can cause paralysis and
stifle personal and
professional development.
Atychiphobia is a
significant barrier that
must be overcome
through understanding
and appropriate

3) Atychiphobia is a Professional, C. C. M. (2019, Dela Cruz

severe fear of failure October). Atychiphobia (Fear of
derived from the Greek Failure). Cleveland Clinic.
word "atyches," which Retrieved November 26, 2023,
means "unfortunate." from
People suffering from
atychiphobia may avoid alth/diseases/22555-
situations where they atychiphobia-fear-of-failure
perceive a risk of failure,
such as exams or job
interviews. This fear can
be crippling and have a
significant impact on a
person's personal and
professional life.
Understanding the causes
and seeking appropriate
treatment can assist
people in overcoming their
fear of failure and living a
more fulfilling life.

Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

(Results from Other Group
Studies) Member

1) Researchers identified Hjeltnes, A., Binder, P., Moltu, Dela Cruz

five salient meaning C., & Dundas, I. (2015, January
patterns related to failure 1). Facing the Fear of Failure:
fear in a study published An Explorative Qualitative Study
in the Journal of of Client Experiences in a
Education and Learning. Mindfulness-based Stress
These patterns include Reduction Program for
finding an inner source of University Students With
calm, sharing a human Academic Evaluation Anxiety.
struggle, staying focused International Journal of
in learning situations, Qualitative Studies on Health
moving from fear to and Well-being. Retrieved
curiosity in academic November 26, 2023, from
learning, and feeling more
self-acceptance when 27990
faced with difficult

2) Fear of failure is Rothblum, E. D. (2019, January Dela Cruz

examined from four 1). Fear of Failure. Springer
perspectives in a research eBooks. Retrieved November
paper available on 26, 2023, from
ResearchGate: the
psychodynamic 4899-2504-6_17
conceptualization of fear
of failure, fear of failure as
viewed by the need
achievement literature,
fear of failure in relation to
self-worth, and fear of
failure in relation to
performance and goal

3) According to a Verywell Schramm, J. (2014, July 23). Dela Cruz

Mind article, failure fear, How to Overcome
also known as Communication Fears. Harvard
atychiphobia, is an Business Review. Retrieved
irrational and persistent November 26, 2023, from
fear of failing. This fear
can have a variety of overcome-communication
causes and may be
associated with other
mental health conditions
such as anxiety or

Connection of Cited Paragraph Bibliographic Entry Assigned

IV and DV Group

1) Studies have shown Cong, W., & Li, P. (2022, Dela Cruz
that interpersonal February 10). The Relationship
relationships, self- Between EFL Learners’
awareness, problem- Communication Apprehension,
solving skills, self- Self-Efficacy, and Emotional
adequacy, self- Intelligence. Frontiers in
confidence, self- Psychology. Retrieved
actualization, and stress November 18, 2023, from
tolerance can act as
mediator variables in the 2.847383
correlation between self-
efficacy and emotional
intelligence among EFL

2) The analysis reveals a Bárkányi, Z. (2021, April 23). Dela Cruz

strong negative Motivation, Self-efficacy Beliefs,
correlation between self- and Speaking Anxiety in
efficacy beliefs and Language MOOCs. ReCALL.
foreign language speaking Retrieved November 18, 2023,
anxiety (FLSA). from
Participants with higher
self-efficacy beliefs tend 021000033
to have lower levels of
FLSA. However, there is a
positive correlation
between speaking anxiety
and computer-mediated
speech, indicating that
participants with high
anxiety levels show more
appreciation for computer-
mediated communication

3) Communication Muftah, M. (2023, May 2). DelaCruz

apprehension (CA) is the Communication Apprehension
fear or anxiety about and Self-perceived
communicating. In Communication Competence: A
addition, self-perceived Study of Undergraduate
communication Students in Their Final Year.
competence (SPCC) Higher Education, Skills and
refers to the learners' Work-based Learning. Retrieved
perception of their November 18, 2023, from
communication abilities.
This study explores the 08-2022-0174
relationship between
apprehension and self-
perceived communication
competence among
undergraduate students in
their final year.

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