pr2 Lesson 12
pr2 Lesson 12
pr2 Lesson 12
B. Organize your articles (relevant literatures) according to variables and indicators to which your
articles describe, also following the steps in conducting systematic review.
Fear of 1) Speakers who are Ebrahimi, Omid V., et al. Dela Cruz
Failure afraid of failing frequently “Psychological Interventions for
envision themselves the Fear of Failure in Public
forgetting a section of Speaking: A Meta-Analysis.”
their speech or doing Frontiers, Frontiers, 19 Feb.
poorly. This dread 2019,
manifests when people
believe they have not /10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00488/full.
prepared well, when they ↵
utilize self-fulfilling
prophecies predicting
failure, and when they
have had a terrible prior
experience giving a
speech and believe it will
be repeated.
Self- efficacy 1) The students' speaking Rafiqa Rafiqa (March 2023) Ganir
achievement is hindered STUDENTS' SELF-EFFICACY
by a lack of vocabulary, AND STUDENTS' SPEAKING
anxiety, motivation, SKILL: CORRELATIONAL
inhibition, and self- ANALYSIS.
efficacy. The current study
sought to ascertain the blication/369477821_STUDENT
level of students' self- S'_SELF-
efficacy as well as the EFFICACY_AND_STUDENTS'_
relationship between SPEAKING_SKILL_CORRELAT
students' self-efficacy and IONAL_ANALYSIS
their English speaking
The fear of the 1) The fear of failure, also MSEd, K. C. (2023, April 14). Dela Cruz
lecture known as atychiphobia, is How to Deal With the Fear of
an irrational and Failure. Verywell Mind.
persistent fear of failing, Retrieved November 26, 2023,
which can arise from a from
variety of sources and be
linked to other mental hat-is-the-fear-of-failure-
health conditions such as 5176202
anxiety or depression. In
some cases, the fear of
failure may emerge in
response to a specific
situation, whereas in
others, it can be a
pervasive and extreme
fear that prevents
individuals from pursuing
their goals and causes
paralyzing anxiety.
2) The fear of failure, also Jones, H. (2021, December 1). Dela Cruz
known as atychiphobia, is What Is the Fear of Failure?
a widespread and Verywell Health. Retrieved
extreme fear of failing that November 26, 2023, from
affects individuals in a
variety of ways. This ear-of-failure-5203385
irrational fear can range
from mild to severe and
can keep people from
pursuing their dreams. It
can cause paralysis and
stifle personal and
professional development.
Atychiphobia is a
significant barrier that
must be overcome
through understanding
and appropriate
1) Studies have shown Cong, W., & Li, P. (2022, Dela Cruz
that interpersonal February 10). The Relationship
relationships, self- Between EFL Learners’
awareness, problem- Communication Apprehension,
solving skills, self- Self-Efficacy, and Emotional
adequacy, self- Intelligence. Frontiers in
confidence, self- Psychology. Retrieved
actualization, and stress November 18, 2023, from
tolerance can act as
mediator variables in the 2.847383
correlation between self-
efficacy and emotional
intelligence among EFL