An Evaluation of The Relation Between The

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Original Article

An evaluation of the relation between the

maxillary third molars and facial proportions
using cephalometric image
Sanaz Sadry, Ufuk Ok
Istanbul Aydin Universtiy, Dentistry Faculty, Department of Orthodontics, Istanbul, Turkey


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the position of the third molars and their relationship with pterygomaxillary fissure
vertical dimension patterns and on panoramic and cephalometric images. Materials and Methods: In the present retrospective
study, the third molar position classifications, third molar positions of patients with cephalometric and panoramic radiographs, and
their relationship with vertical skeletal growth and pterygomaxillary fissure were thoroughly investigated in the light of the preoperative
clinical and radiologic records from 200 patients with an indication of third molar extraction, who were admitted to İstanbul Aydın
University Faculty of Dentistry Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology Clinic and Department of Orthodontics due to various reasons.
Results: The obtained data were evaluated using SPSS (22.0) package program. Regarding the data analysis, Mann–Whitney
U‑test statistics was used for the analysis of two‑variable data. The vertical facial length’s relation with the maxillary third molars,
which had been examined on cephalometric and panoramic images, was identified as 50.3% for skeletal Class I, 42.1% for skeletal
Class II, 7.6% for skeletal Class III, 70.2% for unilateral, and 29.8% for bilateral. The upper impacted wisdom tooth being unilateral
or bilateral does not affect the vertical facial length (P = 0.386). The upper wisdom tooth being impacted unilaterally or bilaterally did
not exhibit any statistical difference with the parameters of upper‑lower and total anterior facial height and posterior facial height.
According to the Chi‑square analysis, the correlation between gender and pterygomaxillary fissure variable was found to be statistically
insignificant (P > 0.05). According to Mann–Whitney U‑test results, no variable was found to be statistically significant based on the
molar status (P > 0.05). Conclusion : In the light of this study, prior to treatment planning, if the relationship between the third molars
and anatomical formations is determined on cephalometric and panoramic radiographs and it is determined whether the impact of
upper wisdom teeth remains effective, consider the therapeutic mechanics used in orthodontic treatments and the complications that
may arise during surgical operations. It is emphasized that the necessary measures should be considered beforehand in order to
prevent these problems.

Key words: Cephalometric radiography, maxillary third molar, vertical growth

Introduction period of wisdom teeth varies based on parameters such

as genetic characteristics of the individual, feeding patterns,
functional involvement of the teeth, and racial variations,
The teeth that have failed to erupt into their place in normal
it usually takes place between the ages of 20–23 years
occlusion beyond the normal eruption period and are
in males and 21–22 years in females. The teeth that fail
completely or partially retained in the bone or soft tissue
are defined as “impacted tooth.” Although the eruption This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike
Access this article online 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the
Quick Response Code: work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and
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DOI: Cite this article as: Sadry S, Ok U. An evaluation of the relation between
10.4103/jomr.jomr_24_19 the maxillary third molars and facial proportions using cephalometric image.
J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2019;7:49-54.

Address for correspondence: Ms. Sanaz Sadry, Istanbul Aydin Üniversitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakültesi Ortodonti AD, Istanbul, Türkiye.
Submission: 14-10-2019, Decision: 06-11-2019, Acceptance: 08-11-2019, Web Publication: 14-02-2020

© 2020 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 49
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Sadry and Ok: Upper third molar relationship with vertical growth

to erupt into their normal position within the normal leptoprosopic), reporting that the facial type has an impact
eruption period the following period of 1 year are called on the perception of midline deviation degree. As a result,
“impacted tooth.” The causes that lead to incomplete in‑depth anatomical assessment of these structures before
eruption of wisdom teeth may include local factors such as dental procedures and surgical procedures, in particular,
inadequate space, mechanical impediments (cysts, tumors, ensures the safety of the treatment.
tissue hyperplasias, local infections, etc.), traumas, and
persistence of postorthodontic treatment results, as well as The aim of this study is to evaluate the vertical facial
systemic factors such as vitamin deficiencies, malnutrition, dimensions, fissura pterygomaxillaris, the mandible–maxilla
endocrine disorders, and certain specific syndromes relationship, and the relationship between the position of
(cleidocranial dysostosis, achondroplasia, hydrocephalus, the maxillary third molars and the vertical facial length on
etc.).[1-4] Panoramic radiographs are the first preferred cephalometric and panoramic images.
method for evaluating the relations of the third molars with
anatomic formations. Performing the necessary radiological Materials and Methods
and clinical examinations and taking a thorough medical
history before the operation are essential to minimize This study included of panoramic and lateral cephalometric
potential complications that may occur during the surgical images from 200 asymptomatic patients between the ages
extraction of impacted teeth. Cephalometric images play a of 18 and 30 years with upper impacted wisdom teeth,
part in cephalometric evaluation of craniofacial structures, indication of surgical extraction, and physical status I
as well as orthodontic and surgical treatment planning. according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists,
They are used to evaluate the position of maxillary third who were admitted to İstanbul Aydın University Faculty of
molars and their relation to anatomical formations, as they Dentistry Orthodontics and Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial
provide more detailed information in identification of the Radiology Clinic for treatment between 2015 and 2018.
relationship between cephalometric measurements and The study included patients with unilaterally and bilaterally
anatomic formations in the region, and offer more precise impacted teeth with complete bone retention. The teeth
data before surgical procedures.[5‑9] Vertical anomalies of were selected based on Archer’s impacted wisdom tooth
the face are caused by numerous factors affecting each classification [Figure 1].[16] Accordingly, the teeth were
other during the growth period. These factors include selected from Class 3 and Class C groups, namely from those
growth differences of the maxilla and mandible, tongue in vertical position and in a Crown-Neck relationship with
and lip functions, thumb sucking, habits such as long‑term the second molar.[16] The study conducted on the patients
use of pacifier and feeding bottle, environmental and who were admitted to our orthodontic clinic to undergo
functional factors such as nasal airway obstruction, and orthodontic treatment with the permission of Istanbul
dentoalveolar development following the eruption of the Aydin University Faculty of Dentistry “Ethics Committee
teeth.[10] Variations in the growth rate of both maxillary on Non‑Interventional Clinical Research‑Research Not
sutures and mandibular condyles affect the occurrence of Involving Pharmaceutics and Medical Devices” (Number:
vertical anomalies.[11] The direction of maxillary growth B.30.2AYD.0.00.00‑50.06.04/67). Patients under 18 years
has been reported to vary according to the patient’s growth of age with a systemic disease, temporomandibular joint
potential. The maxillary growth in patients with decreased disorder, or developmental‑acquired craniofacial or
vertical dimension is reported to display a tendency toward neuromuscular deformity and a history of orthodontic
further forward growth compared to that of patients treatment and facial and dental trauma were not included
with increased vertical dimension, given that the maxilla in the study. The data obtained from the patients who
and mandible continue their harmonious growth. [12] suffered a trauma or injury in the head‑and‑neck region,
It is difficult to determine whether the differences in with a history of surgical operation on the sinus or skull
maxillary growth reflect the true impact of a treatment base, a systemic disorder or genetic disorder, syndrome,
or natural growth potential of two different face types. or congenital anomalies (craniosynostosis and hemifacial
Pterygopalatine fossa is an anatomical formation deeply microstomy) presenting in the head‑and‑neck region,
lodged in the central area of the face containing complex were not included in the study. Volunteers between 18
vascular and neural structures. Fossa pterygopalatina is a and 30 years of age with bilateral upper impacted third
small pyramidal depression located under the apex of the molars, no local factors leading to impaction of upper third
orbit on the lateral side of the skull.[13,14] Williams et al.[15] molars, and no loss of the third molar with incomplete
evaluated the effect of midline deviation on smile esthetics root development or adjacent second molar due to any
in different facial types (europrosopic, mesoprosopic, and reason were included in the study. “Informed voluntary

50 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology / Volume 7 / Issue 3 / September‑December 2019

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Sadry and Ok: Upper third molar relationship with vertical growth

consent form” and “patient follow‑up form” were drawn Class I was identified as 50.3%, skeletal Class II as 42.1%,
up for all the patients. All radiographs were taken using and skeletal Class II as 7.6% [Table 3].
the same cephalometry device (Planmeca 2011‑05 Proline
Pan/Ceph X‑ray brand X‑ray unit, Helsinki, Finland) with The evaluation revealed only the S‑GO (total posterior facial
the Frankfurt plane parallel to the ground, teeth in centric length) variable to be statistically significant based on molar
occlusion, and lips in resting position. Cephalometric status (Mann–Whitney U‑test). No difference in other
radiographs were evaluated by the same researcher using variables was observed based on molar status [Table 4].
the NemoCeph NX 9.0 software program (Nemotech, While ANS‑ME and N‑ANS variables differed according
Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, Madrid, to gender, no statistical difference was found between the
Spain). Skeleton classification was done according to ANB other variables.
angle, as shown in Table 1. The vertical facial length was
calculated by measuring the distance between N‑ANS, Discussion
ANS‑ME, N‑ME, and S‑GO values [Figure 2].
Teeth that failed to erupt into the dental ark in time and
Statistical analysis
take their place in normal occlusion and are completely
The data were analyzed on SPSS 22.0 (Statistical Package
or partially retained in the bone or soft tissue are defined
for the Social Sciences, Chicago, Illinois, USA) package
program. The ANOVA test was used in the comparison as impacted.[16‑19] Difficulty in wisdom teeth taking their
of the parameters. The Bonferroni test was utilized for place in the dental arch depends on inadequate space as
multiple comparisons. Analysis of the correlation between well as the fact that the dentition and eruption conditions
the variables was made using the Pearson test. Data and the distance and direction they have moved during
analysis was assessed using Chi‑square, Mann–Whitney
U, Wilcoxon, and Kruskal–Wallis tests. t‑test was used in Table 1: Classifiaction according to ANB angle
gender assessments. The significance level was considered Skeletal classification ANB angle
Skeletal class 1 ANB: 00‑40
statistically significant for P < 0.05. Skeletal class 2 ANB >40
Skeletal class 3 ANB <00
Table 2: Relationship between third molar and gender
The study was conducted on 258 maxillary third molars (Chi‑square analysis)
from 99 female (49.5%) and 101 (50.5%) male patients, Molar P
with a total of 200. Of the 200 patients included in the 1.0 2.0
study, 58 had bilateral and 142 had unilateral maxillary third Number 72 27
1.0 % within Gender 72.7% 27.3%
molars. Of the 101 male patients, 31 (49.3%) had bilateral % within Molar 50.7% 46.6%
and 70 (53.4%) had unilateral maxillary third molars; of the Gender 2.0 Number 70 31 0.594
99 female patients, 27 (46.6%) had bilateral and 72 (50.7%) % within Gender 69.3% 30.7%
% within Molar 49.3% 53.4%
had unilateral maxillary third molars [Table 2]. Skeletal

Figure 1: Class 3 and Class C groups according to Archer (1975) classification Figure 2: Cephalometric drawing

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Sadry and Ok: Upper third molar relationship with vertical growth

eruption differ from other teeth. The upper wisdom teeth the  FMA angle and lower facial height.[23] As facial height
do not fall within the scope of orthodontic theory, and can be easily affected by development or gender; it has
they complete the eruption process with a completely been reported that both the anterior facial heights and the
opposite movement. The upper second molar erupts in posterior facial heights should be taken into consideration
a downward and forward direction, whereas the upper and that it would be optimal to use anterior/posterior facial
wisdom teeth can make a triple movement in downward, height ratios in the evaluation of facial patterns.[22] Since
backward, and outward directions. This complex movement SNGoMe angle too is affected by skull base plan, which
is often delayed in modern humans, and the completion may vary between individuals, Jarabak ratio is also planned
of the normal formation of tuber maxilla causes the to be included in the criteria. The vertical development
upper wisdom tooth to remain impacted. Even if there is patterns of the face are examined in three
sufficient room for the wisdom tooth to erupt, some local ways – hyperdivergent (high angle), hypodivergent (low
and systemic factors adversely affect the eruption of these angle), and normodivergent (normal angle) – and these
teeth into the occlusal plane.[20] However, no studies have patterns vary depending on various factors during the
been conducted on the direct effect of vertical face length developmental period. These factors include the
on the bilateral or unilateral impact of the upper wisdom development of jaws, dentoalveolar development, eruption
teeth or any correlation between them. of teeth, and the function of the lips and tongue .[12] If the
rate of vertical development in condyles is lower than the
Since the investigation in the basic design had been rate of vertical development in the facial sutures (maxilla)
performed according to vertical pattern, 200 patients and/or alveolar processes, the mandible rotates clockwise
participating in the study were divided into three groups (hyperdivergent growth model). In the opposite case, that
according to their vertical skeletal development through is, if the rate of condylar development is higher than the
the joint evaluation of SN‑GoMe angle and Jarabak ratio rate of vertical development in the facial sutures (maxilla)
measured in their initial lateral cephalometric radiographs. and/or alveolar processes, the mandible rotates
Cha et al. utilized the SN‑GoMe angle when classifying the counterclockwise (hypodivergent growth model). Moreover,
patient g roups according to their ver tical if the rate of condylar development is equal to the rate of
dimensions.[21] Pavoni et al., on the other hand, based their vertical development in the facial sutures (maxilla) and/or
classification of the patients with Class III malocclusion alveolar processes, the mandible follows a normal growth
according to their vertical develop on the SN‑MP pattern. [24,25] The hyperdivergent growth model is
angle.[22] Yoshida et al. classified the patients based on the characterized by decreased posterior/anterior face height
FMA angle,[12] whereas  Koh and Chung did so based on ratio, increased lower face height, and mandibular angle,
whereas the hypodivergent growth model has direct
Table 3: Frequency and percentage distributions
opposite characteristics.[26,27] The type and severity of
Parameters Sign Frequency Percentage
different skeletal patterns are often masked by facial soft
Gender 1.0 99 49.5
2.0 101 50.5 tissues. Although the general perception since the late 1950s
Sklt. Class 1.0 93 50.3 had been that the softtissue profile would passively follow
2.0 72 42.1
3.0 35 7.6 the hard tissue, later studies indicated that soft tissue
Molar unilateral 142 71.0 showed an independent developmental pattern. [28,29]
bilateral 58 29.0 Tsunori et al.[30] argued that there was a link between the

Table 4: Comparison of the Measured Values Based on Molar Variable (Mann Whitney U Test)
1.0 n 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142
Median 24.000 91.000 60.000 70.000 47.000 130.000 85.000 33.000 10.000 25.000 5.000
Mean 24.514 92.592 61.338 71.113 47.099 132.338 83.486 33.789 8.711 25.380 5.106
S.Deviation 3.9782 11.0049 5.6391 6.9518 2.4906 8.4752 4.7695 4.5255 1.6093 3.2523 1.0363
Minimum 19.0 70.0 50.0 52.0 42.0 110.0 70.0 25.0 5.0 20.0 4.0
Maximum 39.0 120.0 75.0 90.0 52.0 145.0 95.0 45.0 10.0 32.0 7.0
2.0 n 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Median 25.000 90.500 60.000 71.500 47.000 130.000 85.000 35.000 10.000 27.000 5.000
Mean 25.897 92.190 61.500 72.569 47.466 133.793 85.379 34.914 9.138 26.293 5.190
S.Deviation 4.8038 15.2275 6.4380 6.8521 2.3337 7.5108 4.7307 4.5587 1.3436 3.1456 1.0835
Minimum 19.0 10.0 50.0 60.0 42.0 120.0 80.0 27.0 5.0 20.0 4.0
Maximum 39.0 115.0 75.0 90.0 55.0 150.0 100.0 45.0 10.0 30.0 7.0
p 0.087 0.764 0.955 0.312 0.426 0.386 0.020 0.105 0.091 0.068 0.641

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Sadry and Ok: Upper third molar relationship with vertical growth

maxillofacial complex development in vertical and correlation between anterior face heights and maxilla
transversal dimensions and increased muscle activity. The posterior heights of individuals between the ages of 10
literature was reviewed for soft‑tissue thicknesses in and 12 years, which is also consistent with our findings.
different vertical direction patterns. Macari and Hanna[31] This is thought to be caused by population differences.
found that chin soft‑tissue measurements were lower in Unlike our study, the researchers used lower facial
hyperdivergent individuals compared to normal and height (ANS‑Me) and anterior facial height (N‑Me)
hypodivergent adults. Celikoglu et al.[32] similarly reported measurements instead of SN/GoGn angle to identify the
that soft‑tissue thicknesses were lower in both male and vertical pattern. However, these measurements are not
female high‑angle individuals. As a result of the  PTM fissure sufficiently informative about vertical growth pattern.
evaluations based on the localizations of patients who were Increased vertical facial dimension results in transversal
categorized according to gender and presence of wisdom narrowing of the dental arcs. This is due to a heightened
tooth, the number of impacted upper wisdom teeth has pressure on the buccal tissue caused by the increased
been detected to be higher in females compared to males vertical dimension. Personal treatment plan can lead to a
in the majority of cases, and the difference in question was wider appearance of the maxillary arc in individuals with
not found to be statistically significant (P > 0.05). This is a shorter face and a narrower appearance in individuals
thought to be caused by one of the factors related to with a longer face.[35] Vertical growth patterns play an
vertical direction. However, it does not appear to be related important role in the length of the maxilla and mandible.
to PTM fissure. In their study assessing the relationship of Jaw length is associated with vertical growth patterns.
202 lower wisdom teeth with the mandibular canal, Individuals with a long face have smaller skeletal sagittal
Mahasantipiya et al.[33] reported narrowing of the canal in dimensions, whereas individuals with a short face have
135 cases (66.8%), stating that, although this may not cause increased sectional dimensions.[37,38] Grippaudo et al.[39]
pericoronitis, it could still lead to neurovascular disorders reported an increase in upper arc length in high‑angle
in the region. The literature reviews did not reveal any study individuals and a decrease in low‑angle ones. Our study did
on the relationship between the upper wisdom teeth and not find any difference between genders. In parallel with
the PTM fissure. The studies by  Mahasantipiya et al.[31] do other studies in the literature, Tuğsel et al.[40] also make no
not establish any relationship between upper wisdom teeth mention of a difference in the distribution of impacted
and PTM fissure that is similar to the one with narrowing teeth with regard to gender. In the study carried out by
of the canal, and this gives rise to the thought that it may Dural et al.,[41] the incidence of impacted teeth was found
be caused by upper wisdom teeth among the causes of to be higher in females than in males, and this was statistically
vertical growth. The study by  Ghaeminia et al.[34] reported confirmed. Maxillary third molar teeth were most commonly
a close relationship between mandibular wisdom teeth and observed in mesioangular and vertical positions, whereas
mandibular canal and a greater risk of complication in the upper third molar teeth were most commonly seen in
impacted wisdom tooth surgery due to the changes in vertical position in parallel with the findings of Tuğsel
wisdom tooth location and the mandibular canal trace. et al.[40] They reported observing a smaller number of
Considering the close proximity of maxillary impacted distoangular positions and rarely horizontal positions.
wisdom teeth to the PTM, the present study anticipates Hattab and Alhaija noted that inadequate retromolar space
that, similar to the relationship of mandibular wisdom teeth was notably related to tooth impaction and that even in
with mandibular canal shown in the studies by  Ghaeminia the case of sufficient retromolar space, an impaction rate
et al.,[34] the shape of the PTM too may be affected by of 17% was observed nonetheless.[42]
wisdom teeth. In the present study, evaluations revealed
no difference between the PTM widths and lengths and Conclusion
the impacted wisdom teeth and genders. Based on the
results of the cephalometric analyses performed in our This study demonstrated that there is a difference in the
study, the increase in upper anterior face height and S‑GO impact of wisdom tooth depending on the anomalies, but
length measurement in males is thought to be characterized these have been found to be statistically insignificant. We
by the increase in maxilla skeletal unit. In their believe that studying vertical patterns on larger populations
three‑dimensional KIKT studies,   Costa et al.[35] recorded to have a better understanding of their impact on upper
findings indicating no correlation between the anterior face wisdom teeth will pave the way for early detection of
height and the maxillary posterior vertical alveoli and anomalies.
thereby PTM which is in contradiction with our
findings.   Rothstein and Yoon‑Tarlie,[36] on the other hand, Financial support and sponsorship
found in their longitudinal study a statistically positive Nil.

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54 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology / Volume 7 / Issue 3 / September‑December 2019

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