Loksabhaquestions Annex 1714 AU2475
Loksabhaquestions Annex 1714 AU2475
Loksabhaquestions Annex 1714 AU2475
ANSWERED ON- 18/12/2023
(a) & (b): Education is in the Concurrent list of Constitution and most of the schools come
under jurisdiction of concerned States and UTs. State and UT Governments are the appropriate
Governments under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act,
2009. Therefore, regulation, maintenance and supervision of school come under the purview
of the respective State and Union Territory (UT) Government in accordance with the norms
laid down in the Schedule to the RTE Act, 2009 and as per respective State RTE Rules.
The Performance Grading Index (PGI) developed by Department of School Education &
Literacy (DoSEL) aims to assess the relative performance of all the State/UTs in a uniform
scale to encourage State/UTs to perform better. The PGI-State has been conceptualized as a
tool to catalyse transformational change in the field of school education and introduced from
2018-19. The PGI– State motivate States and UTs to adopt best practices followed by the top
performing State and it has 6 domains with seventy (73) indicators carrying a score of 1000.
The six domains on which states are assessed (i) Learning Outcomes (ii) Access (iii)
Infrastructure & Facilities (iv) Equity (v) Governance Process and (vi) Teachers Education and
Training. Scores obtained by States/ UT's are then classified into ten grades: Daksh, Utkarsh,
Atti-Uttam, Uttam, Prachesta -1, Prachesta -2, Prachesta -3, Akanshi-1, Akanshi-2, Akanshi-
3. The score wise details is available at:
(c) & (d): As per Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, the
Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) norms for primary and upper primary level are 30:1 and 35:1
respectively. The PTR at national level for Government primary schools is 28:1, for upper
primary schools is 24:1, for elementary school is 26:1, for secondary school is 19:1 and for
Higher Secondary School is 27:1 as per UDISE 2021-22. The state-wise detail of Pupil-Teacher
ratio is placed at Annexure.
(e): The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha has been aligned with the
recommendation of National Education Policy (NEP), 2020. In pursuance of the goals and
objectives of the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), several initiatives have been
launched in School Education under Samagra Shiksha viz. National Initiative for Proficiency
in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat) for ensuring foundational
literacy and numeracy by the end of Grade 3; Vidya-Pravesh–Guidelines for Three-month
Play-based School Preparation Module; Indian Sign Language as a Subject at secondary level
by National Institute of Open Schooling; National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’
Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA) extended to cover teachers at all levels of schooling
including training of master trainers for ECCE; Vidya Sameeksha Kendra (VSK) launched on
06.09.2020. So far, 11 States namely - Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Goa,
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Punjab, Odisha, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh - have set up
Vidya Samiksha Kendra; ICT and Digital initiatives component of centrally sponsored scheme
of Samagra Shiksha covers Government and Aided schools having classes VI to XII. Under
this component financial assistance is provided for establishing ICT Lab and Smart Classrooms
in schools; National Digital Educational Architecture (NDEAR) has 1500+ Micro courses, 5
billion+ Learning sessions, 12 billion+ QR codes, 20K+ ecosystem participants, 15K+ Micro
improvements ongoing across the various linked building blocks.