All About Castles
All About Castles
All About Castles
Done By: Sabiha Kader
1. What Is A Castle?
2. Why Were Castles Built?
3. What Were The Different Parts Of A C
4. How Did Castle Building Change Durin
g The Middle Ages?
5. How Were Castles Attacked And Defe
6. Changes To The Castles Today
What Is A Castle?
The earliest castles were built of wood and were built very
quickly. They. were intended to keep out enemies. The
earliest castles were known as motte and bailey castles. By
1086, over 100 castles had been built across England. By
early as 1070 as the wood castles were a problem for the
barons because they wood be burnt down easily the
barons decided to build stone castles.The castles had a
drawbridge for crossing, a deep ditch around the castle, a
fence and walls, a large courtyard called a bailey, a mound
of earth called a motte and a great tower on top of the
motte, which was the last line of defence.
Why Were Castles Built?
• The castles were built to keep out enemies
They were also built to control the local
• They were also built to guard important
roads, ports, river crossings and towns.
• They were built to protect the country.
• Part of the reason for building a castle was
to create an Impression.
What Were The Different Parts Of A
Curtain wall
Round Towers Moat Arrow Slits Garderobe
Entrance To
Dungeon Well Hoarding Guardsroom Crenels
Tank For
Collecting Storeroom
• In 1070 the castle would burn down
easily and could be chopped off
easily. So the barons decided to use
How Did Castle their money to build stone castles.
• The Wooden Tower was chopped off
Building and a stone keep was built instead.
Change During • The Wooden Fence was pulled down
and a tall stone one built in its place.
The Middle • In the early 1200s the castles were
Ages? now stronger and were so well
defended that breaking them would
have taken forever.
How Were Castles
Attacked And Defended?
• Castles were attacked by using different kinds of
machines which would break down the castle.
• The different types of machines and strategies
were Mangonels, Archers, Trebuchet, Sappers,
Siege Tower, Battering Rams and Greek Fire.
• Castles were well defended in 1206 by all other
• They were defended by improving the castles
ditches and keep and making it one of the
strongest castle.
• The outer walls were over 3 metres thick and walls
of the main tower were over 34 metres high.
Changes To The
Castles Today
• After 1500 Britain became more peaceful
and there was less fighting. The rich
castle owners made their castles into
comfortable homes.
• Later on castles were more like palaces
designed for comfortable living rather
than protecting and controlling land.