Dormant Account
Dormant Account
Dormant Account
Locker No._________________________________
Account Title_______________________________
Currently I am/ we are out of country and cannot visit the branch in person to perform the
following activity(ies) [please tick the desiredactivity(ies)]:
□ Activation of Account which has become “Unclaimed Deposit”
□ Delivery of Articles of Break Opened Locker
I/We hereby authorize Mr. /Mrs/Ms. ________________ S/O, W/O, D/O, _____________
holding CNIC /SNIC/ Passport Number ___________________________________ whose
signature, duly attested by me/us, is appended below to conduct the
____________________________________________________________activity(ies) on
my/our behalf. He/ She shall produce his/ her aforementioned Original CNIC /SNIC/
Passport for verification purpose.
I/We fully undertake the responsibility of this activity(ies) and shall not hold the Bank or
its employees responsible for the genuineness of this activity(ies) .
With respect to my/our account profile, following is the up-to-date information to update in
my/our aforementioned account:
Line of Business/
1. Occupation:
2. Source of Income:
Yours faithfully,
Signature &Thumb Impression Signature &Thumb Impression
Name: Name: _____________________
Foreign Address: Foreign Address:
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
Foreign Contact Foreign Contact
No.___________________ No.___________________
Email Address: Email Address:
_____________________ _____________________