Checklist Da40 II

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Diamond DA40-180

Normal Checklist

Version 1.3 11/11/10

NOTE: This checklist has been adapted to CESDA flight operations, and cannot be used as a substitute for the approved AFM. See AFM for detailed maneuvres and emergency procedures.

European University College of Aviation

1. PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Read & Do) I. In-Cabin Check 1. Ignition key pulled out 2. Parking brake LOCK 3. Airplane documents (Technical Log) check 4. ELT ARM 5. Fire extinguisher check 6. Baggage stowed, net attached 7. Flight control lock removed 8. Flight controls visual check 9. Alternate air free, CLOSED 10. Cabin heat free, OFF 11. All electrical equipment OFF 12. Circuit breakers pressed IN 13. Throttle free, IDLE 14. Propeller free, FULL FORWARD 15. Mixture free, CUT-OFF 16. Trim T/O 17. Master switch (BAT) ON 18. Annunciator panel check 19. Fuel quantity check 20. Exterior lights (if needed) ON 21. Pitot tube (if needed) ON 22. Lights and pitot (if needed) check on walk around 23. Master switch (BAT) OFF 24. Front canopy & rear door clean, undamaged
II. Walk Around Check

CAUTION check check check check check for leaks check remove check check check check for traces of fuel drain check (suck on opening) check check clean, orifices open check check check check, clear check check check check check
Visually inspect for defects, contamination, cracks, delaminations, excessive play, insecure or improper mounting and general condition Check the control surfaces for freedom of movement

1. Left main landing gear: a) Landing gear strut b) Tire inflation pressure (2.5 bar) c) Tire wear and tread depth d) Brake disc and pad e) Brake line connection f) Wheel slip marks g) Chocks 2. Left wing: a) Wing surface b) Boarding step c) Air intake on lower surface d) Openings on lower surface e) Fuel tank f) Stall warning g) Tank filler h) Stall strips on wing (2) i) Pitot probe j) Landing and taxi lights k) Wingtip and static wicks l) Position and strobe lights m) Mooring n) Aileron and linkage o) Aileron hinges and safety pin p) Foreign objects in counterweight q) Flap and linkage r) Flap hinges and safety pin

If tank is full, fuel may spill over through the tank vent


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3. Fuselage, left side: a) Canopy b) Rear cabin door & window c) Fuselage skin d) Antennas 4. Empennage: a) Stabilizers and control surfaces b) Hinges c) Elevator trim tab d) Rudder trim tab and statick wicks e) Mooring on fin f) Tail skid and lower fin g) Towing assembly (if fitted) 5. Fuselage, right side: a) Fuselage skin b) Window c) Canopy 6. Right wing: a) Flap and linkage b) Flap hinges and safety pin c) Aileron and linkage d) Aileron hinges and safety pin e) Foreign objects in counterweight f) Mooring g) Position and strobe lights h) Wingtip and static wicks i) Wing surface j) Stall strips on wing (2) k) Tank filler l) Openings on lower surface m) Fuel tank n) Boarding step 7. Right Main Landing Gear: a) Landing gear strut b) Tire inflation pressure (2.5 bar) c) Tire wear and tread depth d) Brake disk and pad e) Brake line connection f) Wheel slip marks g) Chocks

check check check check check check check check check, clear check check check check check check check check check check check, clear check check check check visual check check for traces of fuel drain check check check check check check for leaks check remove

If tank is full, fuel may spill over through the tank vent


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8. Front fuselage: a) Oil level b) Cowling c) Air intakes (3) d) Propeller

check dipstick
(MIN: VFR 4 qts, IFR 6 qts)

e) Spinner including screws f) Nose landing gear g) Wheel slip marks h) Tire wear and tread depth j) Tow bar (if fitted) j) Tire inflation pressure (2.0 bar) k) Chocks l) Exhaust m) Antennas n) Gascolator o) Venting pipes p) Nose underside q) Windshield

check clear check bladeshake: max. 3 mm angular play of blade: max. 2 check check check check removed check remove check check drain check check check

Never move the propeller by hand while the ignition is ON, as it may result in serious personal injury

2. BEFORE STARTING ENGINE (R&D) 1. Pre-flight inspection performed 2. Taxi area free of obstacles 3. Rear door latched 4. Rudder pedals adjust and free 5. Passenger briefing performed 6. Safety belts fasten (optional) 7. Parking brake LOCK 8. Fuel tank selector emptiest 9. Throttle IDLE 10. Propeller FULL FORWARD 11. Mixture CUT-OFF 12. Friction device of throttle quadrant adjusted 13. Alternate air closed 14. Alternate static CLOSED 15. Emergency switch OFF and sealed 16. Avionics master OFF 17. Front canopy position 1 or 2 3. START UP CLEARANCE (If needed) (R&D) 1. Master switch (BAT) 2. Avionics master 3. COM 1 4. Start up clearance & data 5. COM 1 6. Avionics master 7. Master switch (BAT)



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4. STARTING ENGINE (R&D) 1. Master switch (BAT) ON 2. POSITION light ON 3. Throttle FULL FORWARD 4. Fuel pump ON 5. Mixture FORWARD until fuel press. is stablished, then CUT-OFF 6. Fuel pump OFF 7. Throttle 0,5 cm. forward 8. Brakes apply 9. Propeller area clear WARNING Ensure that propeller area is clear! 10. Ignition switch START 11. Mixture FULL FORWARD 12. Throttle 1000 RPM 13. Oil pressure check 14. Alternator switch (ALT) ON 15. Annunciator panel check

When engine is flooded: Throttle Fuel Pump FULL FORWARD OFF

For Starting Engine with External Power Source, refer to AFM

Do not overheat the starter. Do not operate it for more than 10 sec. After operating it, let it cool off for 20 sec. After 6 attempts to start, let it cool off for 30 min

If the oil pressure has not moved into green sector within 15 sec. SWITCH OFF ENGINE

5. AFTER START (R&D) 1. Safety belts 2. Avionics master 3. Flight instruments and avionics 4. Engine and electrical gauges 5. Mixture 6. Flaps (actuation and indicator) 7. Electric trim

fasten ON set & check check lean check check and T/O

6. BEFORE TAXI (Do & Check) check Annunciator Panel and ammeter 2. Taxi clearance A/R 3. Altimeter set & check 4. Transponder set code 5. Area clear 1. Pitot heat CAUTION 7. TAXI (D&C) 1. Parking brake 2. TAXI light 3. Brakes 4. Flight instruments 5. T/O briefing release ON check check perform
When taxiing close to other aircraft, or during night in fog, STROBE lights should be OFF

When taxiing over a poor surface select the lowest possible RPM to avoid damage to the propeller from stones or debris


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8. BEFORE TAKE-OFF (R&D) 1. Parking brake LOCK 2. TAXI light OFF 3. Fuel tank selector fullest 4. Safety belts fastened 5. Annunciator panel check 6. Engine instruments check 7. Mixture FULL FORWARD 8. Propeller FULL FORWARD 9. Throttle 2000 RPM 10. Propeller cycle to check RPM, oil pressure and manifold (RPM: Max. drop 500 ) 11. Magnetos check (RPM: Max. drop 200 - Max. diff. 50) 12. Alternate air check & OFF 13. Throttle 1000 RPM 14. Mixture check engine CUT-OFF lean (if delayed ) 15. All doors latched 16. Flaps T/O 17. Flight controls check 18. Departure briefing (IFR) perform 19. Scan flow perform 9. TAKE-OFF (D&C) 1. Approach area both clear 2. Transponder ALT 3. STROBE and LANDING lights ON 4. Fuel pump ON 5. Propeller FULL FORWARD 6. Mixture FULL FORWARD 7. Trim T/O 8. Directional set 9. Throttle FULL FORWARD 10. Engine gauges check 11. Propeller check MIN. 2660 RPM Vr: 59 KIAS - Vy*: 54-66 KIAS 10. AFTER TAKE-OFF (Traffic Pattern Alt.) (D&C) 1. Airspeed 73 KIAS 2. Flaps UP 3. Throttle FULL FORWARD 4. Propeller 2400 RPM 5. LANDING light OFF 6. Fuel pump OFF 7. Engine gauges check

Use a maximum of 3 cycles to perform this check

Engine performance at full throttle should be checked early in the takeoff, so that the take-off can be abandoned if needed

WEIGHT(Kg) 850 1000 1150 VY(KIAS) 54 60 66

WEIGHT(Kg) 850 1000 1150 VY(KIAS) 60 68 73


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Start leaning mixture above 3000 ft. AMSL or 1000 ft. AGL, the highest of both For leaning mixture, pull lever until engine starts to run roughly. Then push it forward just far enough to restore smooth running. Never exceed 500F. Always return mixture to FULL FORWARD before increasing power

11. CLIMB (D&C) 1. Mixture 2. Propeller 3. Throttle 4. Flaps 5. Airspeed 6. Engine gauges 7. Altimeter (crossing TA ) A/R 2400 RPM FULL FORWARD A/R 60-73 KIAS check set 1013 hPa

WEIGHT(Kg) 850 1000 1150 VY(KIAS) 60 68 73

NOTE 12. CRUISE (D&C) 1. Flaps 2. Fuel pump 3. Throttle, propeller & mixture 4. Engine gauges 5. Fuel level & annunciator panel 6. Fuel tank selector UP OFF use cruise tables check check (every 20 min ) change (every 30 min ) (Max. diff. 10 US gal )
CHT should be betwen 150 and 400 F in continuous operation, and at a top 435 F in fast cruise Oil temp should be between 165 and 220 F. Oil temp should not be under 180 F for long periods

Always switch fuel pump ON prior to switching fuel tanks. Check fuel press. indication afterwards

13. DESCENT (D&C) 1. Fuel tank selector fullest 2. Mixture A/R adjust (1800-2400 RPM ) 3. Power 4. Altimeter (crossing TL) set local QNH

When reducing power, the change in CHT should not exceed 50F per min. An excessive cooling rate will be indicated by a flashing CHT

Enrich gradually. Full rich at 3000 ft. AMSL or 1000 ft. AGL, the highest of both


If fuel pressure light illuminates, or fuel pressure indication is below the green sector, fuel pump must be switched ON

1. Safety Belts 2. Fuel Pump 3. Fuel tank selector 4. Mixture 5. Flaps 6. Airspeed

fastened ON fullest FULL FORWARD UP 100 KIAS


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CAUTION 15. FINAL APPROACH (D&C) 1. Flaps 2. LANDING light 3. Airspeed A/R ON 90 KIAS
In conditions such as strong wind, wind shear, turbulence, etc. a higher approach speed should be selected


16. FINAL (D&C) 1. LANDING light 2. Fuel Pump 3. Propeller 4. Mixture 5. Flaps 6. Airspeed 7. Landing clearance 17. MISSED APPROACH (D&C) 1. Throttle 2. Propeller 3. Airspeed 4. Flaps 18. AFTER LANDING (D&C) 1. Flaps 2. Transponder 3. STROBE Light 4. LANDING light 5. Fuel pump 6. Pitot Heat 7. Mixture UP OFF, 7000 OFF OFF OFF OFF lean (if delayed ) FULL FORWARD FULL FORWARD 73 KIAS T/O ON ON FULL FORWARD FULL FORWARD T/O or LDG A/R received NOTE
WEIGHT(Kg) Vref T/O Vref LDG (Kt) 850 1000 1150 54 60 66 58 63 67

WEIGHT(Kg) 850 1000 1150 VY(KIAS) 60 68 73

19. ENGINE SHUT-DOWN (R&D) 1. Throttle 1000 RPM 2. Parking brake LOCK 3. All lights (Except Position) OFF 4. Avionics OFF 5. Avionics master OFF 6. Ignition switch magnetos grounding check (OFF then immediately BOTH ) 7. Mixture CUT-OFF 8. Ignition Switch (when prop. stopped) OFF 9. All lights OFF 10. Alternator Switch (ALT) OFF 11. Master Switch (BAT) OFF 20. POST-FLIGHT INSPECTION (R&D) 1. Ignition switch OFF, remove key 2. ELT optional check (listen on 121.5 MHz ) 3. Trim T/O 4. Scan flow perform 5. Documents fulfilled and revised 6. Airplane moor if possible

If the airplane is not to be operated for more than 5 days, follow mooring procedure as described in the Maintenance Manual


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Diamond DA40-180
Emergency Checklist

Version 1.3 04/11/10

European University College of Aviation

1. ENGINE FIRE DURING START 1. Starter 2. Mixture 3. Throttle 4. Fuel Pump 5. Fuel tank selector 6. Abandon if fire continues 2. ENGINE POWER LOSS OR ENGINE PROBLEMS I. During Take Off If suffiicient runway remains for a normal landing land straight ahead If area ahead is rough or if it is necessary to clear obstacles land avoiding obstacles. Turn gently If sufficient altitude to attemp a restart 1. Airspeed 2. Fuel tank selector 3. Fuel Pump 4. Ignition switch 5. Mixture 6. Alternate Air If power is not regained Refer to 3: POWER OFF LANDING II. In Flight At low altitude: 1. Flaps 2. Airspeed Prepare for power off landing If altitude permits: 3. Fuel tank selector 4. Fuel Pump 5. Mixture 6. Alternate air 7. Engine Gauges If power is restored: 8. Alternate Air 9. Fuel Pump If power is not restored Refer to 3: POWER OFF LANDING CLOSE OFF change & check quantity ON adjust for smoothness OPEN check CAUTION
If temperatures are outside green, problem is usually resolved adjusting power and mixture


see note change & check quantity check ON check BOTH check OPEN

WEIGHT(Kg) 850 1000 1150 VY(KIAS) 59 66 72

UP 60 - 73 KIAs NOTE
WEIGHT(Kg) 850 1000 1150 VY(KIAS) 60 68 73

Fuel pump and/or alternate air must be left ON/OPEN If power is restored using any of them


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3. POWER OFF LANDING 1. Airspeed 2. Flaps 3. Fuel tank selector 4. Throttle 5. Mixture 6. Ignition 7. ALTR Switch 8. Safety Belts When committed to landing: 9. Flaps 10. BATT MASTR Switch Contact Surface at minimum possible airspeed 4. FIRE AND SMOKE I. Smoke and fire on the ground: 1. Fuel tank selector 2. Cabin heat 3. Brakes 4. Throttle 5. Master switch (BAT) When engine stops: 6. Mixture 7. Ignition switch 8. Canopy II. Electrical Fire (Smoke in Cabin) in flight: 1. BATT MASTR Switch 2. ALTR Switch 3. Vents (Emergency windows) 4. Cabin heat Land ASAP III. Engine Fire in flight: 1. Fuel tank selector 2. Throttle 3. Mixture 4. Fuel Pump 5. Heater and Defroster Proceed with power off landing procedure. Refer to 3: POWER OFF LANDING OFF IDLE CUT-OFF check OFF OFF OFF OFF OPEN OFF CUT-OFF OFF open CAUTION
If extreme smoke develops, the front canopy may be unlatched in flight. This improves ventilation. The canopy will remain open in this position. Flight characteristics will not be affected significantly.

60 - 73 KIAS UP OFF IDLE CUT-OFF OFF OFF fasten A/R (LDG if possible) OFF

WEIGHT(Kg) 850 1000 1150 VY(KIAS) 60 68 73

The possibility of an engine fire in flight is extremaly remote. The procedure given is general and pilot judgement should be the determining factor for action in such an emergency.

OFF OFF apply to full stop FULL FORWARD OFF


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5. RESTARTING ENGINE (WINDMILLING PROP) 1. Airspeed 2. Fuel tank selector 3. Ignition switch 4. Mixture 5. Fuel pump 6. Alternate air if engine does not start: 7. Mixture 8. Mixture CUT-OFF push forward slowly until engine starts 6. RESTARTING ENGINE (STOPPED PROP) 1. Airspeed 2. Electrical equipment 3. Avionics master 4. Master switch (BAT) 5. Mixture 6. Fuel tank selector 7. Fuel pump 8. Alternate air 9. Ignition switch 7. LOSS OF OIL PRESSURE Land ASAP Prepare for power off landing Refer to 3: POWER OFF LANDING 8. LOSS OF FUEL FLOW/PRESSURE 1. Fuel Pump 2. Fuel tank selector ON change & check quantity 80 KIAS OFF OFF check ON check check check ON OPEN START CAUTION
By increasing the airspeed above approximately 130 KIAS, the propeller will begin to rotate. For doing this, the ignition switch shoud be set at BOTH (see 3.2.4 RESTARTING THE ENGINE WITH WINDMILLING PROPELLER). An altitude loss of at least 1000 ft must be allowed for.

80 KIAS fullest check BOTH check ON OPEN

The propeller will continue to windmill with airspeeds above 65 KIAs if there is no major engine failure

9. HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE Land ASAP Prepare for power off landing Refer to 3: POWER OFF LANDING


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10. ELECTRICAL FAILURE Total electrical failure 1. Emergency switch If problem is not resolved 2. Flaps 3. Power If alternator failure 1. ALTR Switch If ammeter shows zero: 2. ALTR Switch 3. Electrical loads 4. ALTRNTR. FIELD circuit braker 5. ALTR Switch If alternator output cannot be restored 6. ALTR Switch 7. Electrical loads The battery is the only remainig source of electrical power 11. ELECTRICAL OVERLOAD (Alternator above maximum electrical load) 1. BATT MASTR Switch If ammeter reading does NOT decrease: 2. ALTR Switch Land ASAP If ammeter reading DOES decrease: 3. BATT MASTR Switch 4. Ammeter 5. BATT MASTR Switch Land ASAP If ammeter reading DOES begin to decrease within 5 mins: 6. Ammeter monitor OFF monitor OFF NOTE
Operation with ALTR ON and BATT OFF should be made only when required by an electrical system failure

ON A/R (set for landing) set using engine sound check ON OFF reduce to minimum check and reset A/R ON OFF reduce to minimum


If ammeter reading does NOT begin to decrease within 5 mins:


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Maximum demonstrated crosswind is 20 Kt

Entering the runway Both finals Take off cheklist Lined up on runway Compass & Gyro Engine Gauges Take Off Run T/O clearance Power Airspeed 40 KIAS Vr Initial Climb Speed No RWY & positive climb At 500ft AGL After T/O Checklist Clear Completed

ON GROUND (Any trouble) All engine controls Brakes IN-FLIGHT (Emergency) Runway available Speed Flaps Land straight ahead No runway available Speed Flaps Gear Height Enough Not Enough Time Enough Not Enough IN ALL SITUATIONS If collision risk: If possible: TO SECURE THE AIRCRAFT Mixture (Fuel shut-off) Magnetos Master switch Full back As required

check check

Full flap landing Full

Received Set Take-Off Alive Eng. gauges green Rotate Set Gear UP

Best glide A/R A/R 180 headwind turn Select landing site Restart engine Secure aircraft


At 1000ft AGL (or traffic pattern altitude) After T/O Checklist Read & Check

Secure aircraft Comm. & Vacate

Cut-off OFF OFF


AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS 108 KIAS (>980 Kg) 94 KIAS (<980 Kg) 108 KIAS (T/O) 91 KIAS (LDG) 129 KIAS 178 KIAS

AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS White Arc 49-91 KIAS Green Arc 52-129 KIAS Yellow Arc 129-178 KIAS Red Line 178 KIAS


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