Article History: The aim of this study is to determine how primary school pre-service teachers approach
Received 29.05.2020 environmental issues via public service announcements and their opinions on them. This study was
Received in revised form conducted with case survey model. The study group consisted of 34 primary school pre-service
27.08.2020 teachers. Data were gathered via public service announcements which are prepared by primary
Accepted 02.09.2020 school pre-service teachers and structured interview form. For the analysis of the data, descriptive
Available online and content analysis was used. It is determined that pre-service teachers addressed mostly
28.09.2020 environmental issues about wastes. Primary school pre-service teachers’ opinion is it is more
effective to raise awareness if individuals see their behaviors’ negative effects and its results on
environment on public service announcements. Content which is not definitive does not make sense
to primary school pre-service teachers. They appreciate more if the content is more emotional and
unique. For this reason, in environmental education, it can be recommended that environmental
issues should be reviewed with their different aspects during environmental education. Also it can
be recommended that there should be different perspectives about this matter and environmental
issues should be associated with real life at environmental education.
© 2020 IJPES. All rights reserved
Keywords: 1
environmental education, environmental issues, public service announcements, primary school pre-
service teachers.
1. Introduction
In our day, the rapid increase of population, non-sustainable consumption habits, toxic wastes released on
environment due to industrialization, any human activity in correlation with developing technology causing
environmental issues. These issues can see both nationwide and worldwide thus their effects lead to increase
interest in environmental issues. In order to prevent or manage environmental issues, environmental
education is important. Environmental education was firstly appeared on education as a specific area at 70s,
which is an era of increased environmental issues and efforts for solving them can be seen at this era. People
realized that they are reason for environmental issues but they can be the solution for this situation. Thus
environmental education became more important. In order to achieve that goal of the environmental
education is determined as creating behavioral, cognitive and affective changes in students (Ozdemir, 2007).
Hill (2006) described the environmental education as a tool for aiding individuals in order to develop their
skills, tendencies and ecological comprehension. With these skills and knowledge, it is aimed to protect and
boost the environment (Desjean-Perrotta, Moseley and Cantu, 2008). Environmental education has
attainments which is about training individuals who has information about biophysical environment and
issues about it, and also who are willing to create solutions about these issues (Stapp, Bennett, Bryan, Fulton,
*This study was presented as an oral presentation at ERPA International Congresses on Education, 10-12 April 2020
1Corresponding author’s address: Faculty of Education, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, Turkey.
Telephone: +90-366-2903363
e-mail: hbozdemir@kastamonu.edu.tr
© 2014 International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies (IJPES) is supported by Educational Researches and Publications Association (ERPA)
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2020, 7 (4) Special Issue, 143-159
MacGregor, Nowak, Swan, Wall and Havlick, 1969). At Belgrade Charter, these aspects of environment were
also mentioned. At this charter, goals of the environmental education determined as; train individuals
globally who have an awareness of environment and environmental issues, who have an interest to those
issues, and also willing and commitment to participate in the efforts of making solutions for environmental
issues (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization- United Nations Environment
Programme, 1976). At Tbilisi Declaration it is mentioned that it is necessary to be an active participant in the
efforts for solving environmental issues (Tbilisi Declaration, 1978). Vaughan, Gack, Solorazano and Ray
(2003), evaluated the environmental education as a constant learning process. Also added that individuals
should have an awareness for their surroundings and they should increase their knowledge, skills, values
and experiences on solving environmental issues for current and future generations. Magnus, Martinez and
Pedauye (1997), reviewed environmental education on the aspects of; evaluation of environmental issues,
determination of issues, and creation of solutions which are applicable. And also mentioned that the
ultimate goal of environmental education is to create individuals who have an environment friendly
behavior. Zsóka, Szerényi, Széchy and Kocsis (2013) mentioned that it is hard to train students in order to
become self-motivated, conscious and determined individuals, and this is the major challenge of
environmental education. They also emphasized that the sustainable future is possible via achieving
ultimate goal of environmental education. When the goals of environmental education are reviewed,
developing and awareness of environment and its issues is primarily expected from individuals. After that
creating a solution and acting upon on these solutions were expected.
On environmental education, educators who have an awareness about sustainability, understanding of the
interdisciplinary and globalized nature of environmental issues, and also who uses different methods of
education have an important impact (Pérez-Rodríguez, Varela-Losada, Álvarez-Lires and Vega-Marcote,
2017). At his point, teachers who will raise the future generations have an important role on environmental
education. Thus pre-service teachers should get a comprehensive education about environmental education.
Within this context pre-service teachers are expected to be aware of environmental issues and their causes,
their effects and their solutions. And they are also expected to have an appropriate environmental behavior.
As future teachers, it can be said that having these skills is important for pre-service teachers on the subject
of environmental education.
Research made with in consideration of pre-service teachers position on environmental education according
to different samples, parameters and disciplines. On these researches, pre-service teachers’ knowledge,
attitude, behavior and awareness about environment (Yumusak, Sargin, Baltaci and Kelani, 2016), their
knowledge, attitude and behavior about environment (Esa, 2010), their knowledge and attitude about
environment (Alim, 2013; Taylor, Doff, Jenkins and Kennelly, 2007; Vlaardingerbroek and Taylor, 2007),
their attitude about environment (Bozdemir and Faiz, 2018; Guven, 2013; Kahyaoglu, Daban and Yangin,
2008; Koc and Kuvac, 2016; Ozsoy, Ozsoy and Kuruyer, 2011), their awareness and knowledge about
environment (Tal, 2010), their comprehension of environmental issues (Arik and Yilmaz, 2017; Cimen and
Yilmaz, 2014; Fettahlioglu, 2018; Khalid, 2003; Ozata Yucel and Ozkan, 2016; Ozata Yucel and Ozkan, 2018;
Oztas and Kalipci, 2009) are reviewed. Also there are studies on environmental literacy in literature (e.g.
Dada, Eames, and Calder, 2017; Goldman, Yavetz, and Pe'er, 2014; Ogunyemi and Ifegbesan, 2011; Surmeli,
2013; Tuncer, Tekkaya, Sungur, Cakiroglu, Ertepinar and Kaplowitz, 2009; Yavetz, Goldman and Pe’er,
2009). When this studies are reviewed, it can be said that pre-service teachers have a positive attitude
towards environment, they have a tendency to behave sensible about environment (Alim, 2013; Ozsoy,
Ozsoy and Kuruyer, 2011; Taylor, Doff, Jenkins and Kennelly, 2007; Vlaardingerbroek and Taylor, 2007;
Yumusak, Sargin, Baltaci and Kelani, 2016) but have a hard time about acting on it and also they have a lack
of knowledge about some concepts (Esa, 2010; Urey, Colak, Bozdemir Yuzbasioglu and Kaymakcı, 2020;
Yumusak, Sargin, Baltaci and Kelani, 2016). In studies which reviewers the pre-service teachers’
comprehension about environmental issues showed that their knowledge about pollution is not advanced
(Arik and Yilmaz, 2017), they see environmental issues as pollution (Ozata Yucel and Ozkan, 2016, 2018),
and with the increased level of environment literacy, pre-service teachers’ comprehension about
environmental issues (Fettahlioglu, 2018).
As it can be seen in studies, pre-service teacher’s comprehension about environmental issues have a lack of
knowledge, awareness, comprehension about environment and environmental issues. These deficiencies will
Hafife Bozdemir Yüzbaşıoğlu
affect the teaching-learning processes of environmental education. When importance of primary school on
developing knowledge, skill and behavior, primary school pre-service teachers’ deficiencies about these
subjects will reduce the effectiveness of environmental education. When the regarding grade levels are
considered, primary school teachers have more responsibility. Because effects of environmental education
solely based on the age it starts (Grodziéska-Jurczak, Stepska, Nieszporek and Bryda, 2006). It is
recommended that children should start learning about earth at early ages (Palmer, 1995; Wilson, 1996).
Interaction with environment boosts the learning, for this reason educators are expected to create more
comprehensive setups for students (Wilson, 1996). Quality of environmental education is determined by
teachers’ awareness of environment protection, environmental issues and environmental education (Than,
2001), their environmental interactions, environmental values, and their skill of environmental education
(Lang, 1999). These qualities will reflect primary school pre-service teachers’ future career. If this reflection
turns out to be a positive one, this will result in students who are sensible about environment.
Besides developing awareness, responsible environmental attitude and behavior, environmental education
also has a purpose of enabling new skill sets. These skills were mentioned at Tbilisi Declaration and they
were: critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills (Tbilisi Declaration, 1978). Rider (2005)
described the environmental educations content as critical thinking, systems thinking, regionalism,
participatory education, informal influences. Stevenson (2007), said that environmental education also
includes critical thinking about environmental situations. Thus it can be seen that during an comprehensive
environmental education, it is aimed that an array of skills should be developed. Among these skill sets,
critical thinking is more prominent.
Primary school pre-service teachers are expected to be able to teach awareness of environmental issues,
environmental consciousness, positive environmental attitude and behavior along with to be able to make
students gain new skill sets –especially critical thinking-. For developing those qualifications at pre-service
teachers, environmental education course at primary school teaching bachelor programme, have a
substantial role. In order to achieve this, at freshmen year, pre-service teachers should be tasked with duties
which allows them to use their skills and courses should be structured around these criteria can be a positive
contribution to environmental education. Also with these tasks, revealing pre-service teachers’ opinion’s
about environmental issues is important. For this reason, public service announcements are seen important
because of having an informative and deductive aspect (Radio and Television Supreme Council, 2012),
having a convincing effect on target audience (Dogu Oztürk, 2020), having a script, structure, being able to
raise awareness and also because they can provide a platform which allows to conduct the information via
visual and vocal channels.
In this day and age, teachers are expected to use interactive approaches. In order to develop this skill they
should experience practices at department of education. During the process of creating a public service
announcement, pre-service teachers, will have a chance to share their perspective of environmental issues
along with they will be a part of an interactive activity. Also creating public service announcement videos,
can create new and exciting opportunities (Hoban, Loughran and Nielsen, 2011). For this reason, at this
study, pre-service teachers were asked to create public service announcements, thus environmental issues
which they want to raise awareness of and how they handle them can be determined. At the end of the
process, with public service announcements’ reviews were being done by pre-service teachers, opportunity
of sharing their opinions about environmental issues via example practices was created. Thus this will
enable primary school teacher pre-service teachers to practice their critical thinking skills. Thus, it is thought
that the primary school pre-service teachers will reveal their critical perspectives. Identifying these points of
view may guide the creation of instructional designs which draw attention to environmental issues and raise
awareness within the scope of environmental education in higher education. It was aimed to determine
which environmental issues were mentioned, how they were managed, and also to reveal pre-service
teachers’ opinions of public service announcements. For this purpose, in this study answers to the following
questions were sought.
1) What are the environmental issues in the public service announcements prepared by primary school pre-
service teachers?
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2020, 7 (4) Special Issue, 143-159
2) What constitutes the content of public service announcements prepared by primary school pre-service
3) What are the opinions of the primary school pre-service teachers regarding the public service
announcements prepared by their friends?
2. Method
2.1. Research Design
In this study, it was aimed to determine the situation of primary school pre-service teachers to address
environmental issues in the task of preparing public service announcements and to examine the reflections
of their critical perspectives by providing an opportunity to express their views on these public service
announcements. For this purpose, in accordance with the nature of the problem, the research was carried out
by survey method based on determination of situation from qualitative perspective. This study was carried
out by using case survey model, which is one of the descriptive research methods, as it was tried to reveal
the current situation, as it was expressed about its effectiveness in obtaining detailed and life like
information (Karasar, 2002).
2.2. Study Group
The study group consisted of 34 first grade primary school pre-service teachers in 2019-2020 academic year
at a university located in the Western Black Sea Region in Turkey. In the study, the participants were
selected by criterion sampling method. Criterion sampling is the sampling method in which participants are
selected based on predefined criteria (Patton, 1997). When Primary School Teaching Curriculum is
examined, it is seen that the environmental education course which is about environment and environmental
issues is in the first grade. This study focused on the concepts of environment and environmental issues.
Since the current status of primary school pre-service teachers wanted to be determined before entering the
learning environment, the study group was formed by first grade students.
2.3. Data Gathering Tool
In the research, the data were collected through the public service announcements prepared by primary
school pre-service teachers and their answers to the interview form for these public service announcements.
Within the context of the study, the guidelines for preparing public service announcements and interview
questions have been investigated in the relevant literature and the validity has been approved by three
experts in terms suitability for the purpose, representation of the feature to be measured and grammar.
2.4. Process
In the research, the students were asked, “You want to raise awareness about an environmental issue and
prepare a public service announcement for it. Which environmental issue do you address? How do you
address this environmental issue in the public service announcement?” In the study, primary school pre-
service teachers were asked to form groups with their friends who they would like to work with in
preparing public service announcements. After that students:
• Identified an environmental issue and made research on it.
• Reviewed the previously made public service announcements.
• They prepared the script, structure and slogans of public service announcements.
• They shot the public service announcements.
After the preparation of public service announcements, each announcement was watched by pre-service
teachers. They answered the questions in the interview form about public service announcements. Interview
form included the following questions:
• Is the public service announcement you watched attention gathering? Please explain.
• Did the public service announcement you watched create awareness of the environmental issue it
addresses? Please explain.
• What are your thoughts on the message of the public service announcement that you watched?
• Which public service has affected you? Please explain why?
Hafife Bozdemir Yüzbaşıoğlu
Descriptive Analysis
Content Analysis
public service announcements teachers about public service
were analyzed with descriptive announcements which
analysis. prepared by other friends apart
from their own groups.
When the Table 1 is examined, it was determined that, first public service announcement is about waste/soil
pollution, second public service announcement is about waste/soil pollution and deforestation, third public
service announcement is about noise pollution, fourth public service announcement is about waste/soil
pollution, waste/water pollution, fifth public service announcement is about wastes, sixth fifth public service
announcement is about wastes, air pollution, seventh public service announcement is about endangered
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2020, 7 (4) Special Issue, 143-159
animals, eighth public service announcement is about waste/water pollution, ninth public service
announcement is about wastes.
The second problem of the research is about the contents of the public service announcements created by the
primary school pre-service teachers. Accordingly, the scripts created by primary school pre-service teachers
include the contents of the public service announcements regarding environmental issues, were given at
Table 2.
Table 2. Scripts of public service announcements prepared by primary school pre-service teachers
Public service
In a park in the city center with green areas, there is an image of people who continue to litter
especially in a pile of packaging waste. After that, in a natural environment image, “Environment is
not a heritage, it is a temporary asset that will be transferred to future generations”, “He/she who
ill-treats environment, will not have a bright future” sentences were voiced.
A person who takes notes on a paper in a green area with trees throws the papers to the ground
instead of throwing them in the trashcan. People passing through that area have warned the person
who uses the paper unnecessarily and throws it in the ground. They stated that due to his/her
behavior the trees will need be to cut. Then he/she threw the papers in the trashcan. Then “If we
recycle and not waste material in vain, the trees that provide nature and balance will not be cut and
you will live longer.” sentences were voiced.
It was shot in an area with heavy traffic in the city center, with lots of horn sounds. Two people
were having a hard time hearing each other from this noise. Then the scene has changed and two
different people complained about noise pollution (from its psychological effects). Later, a transition
was made to a natural scene with bird chirps. “Every day, if we lived with the sounds of birds and
the sounds of nature, instead of horns and traffic sounds, we would be more healthy as individuals
and a more harmonious society.” sentences were voiced.
It started with the images of a soil and a water stream passing through the city center where there is
waste. “Every drop that has been contaminated means the tears of children. If the soil gets
contaminated the first living beings to cease existence are humans. Environment is not an
inheritance it is a temporary asset which will be transferred to future generations. Efforts should be
made together for clean environment.” sentences were voiced.
A person passing by the trash cans threw the trash on the floor instead of throwing it in the trash
cans. A confused person took this garbage and put it in the trashcan.
A region was shot in the city center. “No to concrete, yes to green” sentence was voiced.
Students waiting for the class left their glasses and bottles of beverages on the table in the school
garden. Then one person put them in the recycling can by separating them as paper and plastic.
University students who smoke in the school canteen caused air pollution. At the same time, they
6 threw the glasses of tea to the ground, instead of trashcan. “Clean people, clean environment”
sentence was voiced. Recycling and what can be produced with recycling was shown.
The image started in 2137. A child, looking at past photos on her mother's phone, was surprised to
see some photos. She saw various animals on her mother's lap in the photos. She resembles them to
her toys. When she wanted to see these animals alive her mother, took her to the zoo. Here, only the
models of these animals have remained. “As our waste spreads around the world, our animals die
7 one by one. But we continue to increase our waste and consume plastic. So will these wastes can
replace animals? Will the models of our animals we put instead of the real ones satisfy you? In order
to have dignity in the perspective of our children and animals, let us try to reduce the plastic waste
we create and throw the waste into the trashcan. Everything is for future, everything is for earth.”
sentences were voiced.
A dirty water flowing from the tap was seen. A pool is considered as the sea with wastes were
cleaned and the water flowing from the tap has become clean. "Water is life." sentence was voiced.
The students left the bottle of and seeds on the table where they sat in the school yard. These images
were being focused. "As long as we preserve the nature, nature preserves us. Tomorrow's nature is
9 created from today. Environment is not an inheritance it is a temporary asset which will be
transferred to future generations. Please let’s take care of our environment and keep it clean.”
sentences were shown in the video as script.
The third problem of the study is about the opinions of the primary school pre-service teachers regarding the
public service announcements prepared by their friends. The opinions of the primary school pre-service
Hafife Bozdemir Yüzbaşıoğlu
teachers were reviewed under the topics of attracting attention, creating awareness, message that was
addressed and the most influential public service announcement. The opinions of the primary school pre-
service teachers about whether the public service announcements they watched are gathering attention are
shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Public service announcements’ attention gathering levels
Yes No
announcement elements
Includes real life events
announcement number
Emotional aspects
Includes details
Public service
Public service
Not original
life events
f f f f f f f f f f f f f f
1 3 1 3 6 - - - 1 7 4 - 2 1 2
2 2 4 10 6 1 4 - 3 - 1 - - - -
3 10 7 - - 6 1 1 3 1 - - 1 - -
4 3 2 1 - - 9 - - 2 12 - - - 1
5 4 14 - 1 2 - - 4 3 1 - - - 1
6 17 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 - - - -
7 - 6 16 1 5 - 1 1 - - - - - -
8 4 4 9 2 - - 1 2 - 4 1 - 1 1
9 3 3 2 - - - - 1 12 2 3 - - 4
Total 46 44 42 17 16 15 4 17 27 25 4 3 2 9
Explanations of primary school pre-service teachers on public spots which they find attention gathering
were examined. In this explanation, reasons for public service announcement attention gathering by primary
school pre-service teachers were; including real life events (f=46), including damaging behaviors toward
environment (f=44), including the end result of a behavior (f=42), liked the slogan/message of the
announcements (f=17), being original (f=16), including details (f=15) and including emotional aspects (f=4).
There are also explanations which described the content as attention gathering but these explanations were
made without any reason (f = 17). There are also public service announcements that primary school pre-
service teachers do not qualify as attention gathering. When these explanations were reviewed, it can be seen
that the reasons for not finding as attention gathering were; not being original (f=27), not including details
(f=25), having a lack of public service announcement elements (f=4), not including real life events (f=3), not
including solutions (f=2). It is also present in this section that primary school pre-service teachers do not give
reason for their opinions stating that they do not find public service announcement as attention gathering.
The opinions of the primary school pre-service teachers regarding the awareness creating status of the public
service announcements they watched are shown at Table 4.
Explanations of primary school pre-service teachers about public service announcements which they think
create awareness were examined. Based on these explanations, reasons for teacher primary school pre-
service teachers to find public service announcements as successful at creating awareness were; including
behaviors that have a negative effect on environment (f=118), being able to see the result of behavior (f=28),
being informative (f=15), including real life events (f=15), including environmental effects (f=9), heeding
(f=9), being original (f=6), future of environment (f=3). There are also explanations which described the
content as attention gathering but these explanations were made without any reason (f = 4). There are also
public service announcements that primary school pre-service teachers do not qualify as successful at
creating awareness. When these explanations were reviewed, it can be seen that the reasons for not finding
as awareness creating were; not being able to include details (f=47), not being original (f=4), not being able to
see the results of the behavior (f=2). It is also present in this section that primary school pre-service teachers
do not give reason for their opinions stating that they do not find public service announcement as successful
at creating awareness (f=11). The opinions of the primary school pre-service teachers regarding the messages
that addressed in the public service announcements are shown in Table 5.
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2020, 7 (4) Special Issue, 143-159
Table 4. Awareness creating status of public service announcements prepared by primary school pre-service
Yes No
Gives information
Is not original
Public service
of behavior
Future of
f f f f f f f f f f f f f
1 7 1 - 1 3 1 - 3 - 9 2 1 2
2 20 1 4 1 3 - - - 1 1 0 0 0
3 6 5 - 4 - 6 - - 1 6 1 1 0
4 9 3 2 3 1 - 1 - - 9 1 0 1
5 20 - 1 4 - - - - 2 2 0 0 1
6 20 - 6 1 - - - - - 2 0 0 2
7 11 14 1 - - - 4 - - 0 0 0 0
8 17 3 - - 1 2 - - - 3 0 0 3
9 8 1 1 1 1 - 1 - - 15 0 0 2
Total 118 28 15 15 9 9 6 3 4 47 4 2 11
Table 5. Opinions of the primary school pre-service teachers regarding the messages that addressed in the
public service announcements
Increasing the impact of
Multiple environmental
announcement number
Future of environment
Making it noticeable
Seeing the result of
Emotional aspects
Irrelevant answer
Public service
Protection of
f f f f f f f f f f f
1 11 17 - - - - - - - - 2
2 24 4 - - - - - - - 3 -
3 - - - - - - 11 9 7 - 3
4 11 - - - 19 - - - - - -
5 10 - 17 3 - - - - - - -
6 14 - 11 4 - - - - - - 2
7 1 11 - 1 - 17 - - - - -
8 24 - - 5 - - - - - - -
9 20 2 - 8 - - - - - - -
Total 115 34 28 21 19 17 11 9 7 3 7
Primary school pre-service teachers’ explanations regarding the messages addressed at public service
announcements were examined. Primary school pre-service teachers stated that the first public service
announcement included messages about the future of the environment and environmental protection. They
stated that the second service announcement included messages about the future of the environment and the
warning of people who have harmful behaviors towards the environment. They stated that the third service
announcement included messages about the reduction / prevention, awareness and emotional aspects. They
stated that the fourth service announcement included messages about the protection of environment and
multiple environmental issues. They stated that the fifth, sixth and ninth service announcements included
messages about the recycling. They stated that the seventh service announcement included messages about
the future of the environment and seeing the result of the behavior. They stated that the eighth service
Hafife Bozdemir Yüzbaşıoğlu
announcement included messages about the protection of the environment. Some pre-service teachers
expressed the impact of the messages of fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth announcement should be
increased. Also they gave irrelevant answers about first, third and sixth public service announcements’
messages. Public service announcements which affected the primary school pre-service teachers and pre-
service teachers’ opinions about them are shown at Table 6.
Table 6. Public service announcements which affected the primary school pre-service teachers and pre-
service teachers’ opinions about them
Instructive aspect
Emotional aspect
Relevance to real
Original content
Public service
Other living
f f f f f f f
1 - - - - - - -
2 1 - - - - - 1
3 - 1 - - - - 1
4 - 1 - - - - 1
5 - - - - - - -
6 - 2 - - 3 - 5
7 6 2 6 5 1 3 23
8 2 - - - - 1 3
9 - - - - - - -
Total 9 6 6 5 4 4 34
When we reviewed the public service announcements created by primary school pre-service teachers, it can
be said that first, fifth and ninth public service announcements did not get liked by any of the participants.
When the numbers of likes that announcements get reviewed, it is seen that highest number of likes belong
to seventh announcement (f=23), then sixth (f=5), eighth (f=3), meanwhile the least number of likes belong to
second (f=1), third (f=1) and fourth (f=1) announcements. Highest contributor to getting likes is determined
as having emotional aspects (f=9). Other contributors were having instructive aspects (f=6), having original
content (f=6), including other living beings (f=5), being relative to real life (f=4), and structure (f=4).
4. Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
When the environmental issues that the primary school pre-service teachers addressed and wanted to create
awareness public service announcements were examined, it can be seen that wastes were the general focus
point. They also wanted to draw attention to the soil and water pollution caused by these wastes. There were
also public service announcement about noise pollution, irregular urbanization and endangered animals. In
the study by Ozata Yucel and Ozkan (2016), primary school pre-service teachers also stated that the air
pollution, soil pollution, water or sea pollution, noise pollution, irregular urbanization as environmental
issues. In addition, global warming was one of the issues stated by pre-service teachers. Dogan and Simsar
(2019) also achieved similar results in their studies, and in study, preschool pre-service teachers expressed
global warming as the biggest global environmental issue and then stated air, water and soil pollution
followed suit. In addition, preschool pre-service teachers stated that chemical wastes’ release to nature and
various animal species disappearance as another global environmental issue. Yilmaz and Gultekin (2012), in
their study, determined that primary school pre-service teachers mentioned that water pollution, global
warming and air pollution in the first three places within the topic of possible environmental issues in the
future. When the issues discussed in the current study were analyzed, it can be seen that primary school pre-
service teachers generally get their ideas from the environmental issues that they can observe in their close
environment. But, in the literature, it has been observed that they have not made any attempts at public
service announcements regarding the concept of global warming which is a very popular topic in written,
visual and social media in recent years, and it has not been observed they did not prepared any activities to
remind this issue (Dispensa and Brulle, 2003). Di Francesco and Young (2011), stated the deficiencies of these
visuals in their research, in which they examined the visuals in the news about global warming in the media.
They stated that even though polar bears, deserted soils, melting glaciers, were used as visuals were used,
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2020, 7 (4) Special Issue, 143-159
they were not effective on individuals. Because people cannot visualize the potential effects and results of
the global warming. Besides, they cannot associate the abstract language used with daily life. In this regard,
it can be said that primary school pre-service teachers did not address the topic of global warming in the
public service announcements they prepared because of the fact that they could not associate with their own
lives even though it being a very popular topic in the media. In the study conducted by Fettahlioglu (2018)
with pre-service teachers, it can be seen that although pre-service teachers are more likely to show interest in
the environmental issues which they can associate with their lives or close surroundings and they are not
likely to show interest environmental issues which are global issues but do not have an immediate impact on
their close surroundings. In the literature, in the studies conducted on different levels of work groups there
are also statements about participants show more interest in the environmental issues which they can
observe in their close surroundings (e.g., Alerby, 2000; Artun and Okur, 2015; Yardimci and Bagci Kılıc,
2010). In the public service announcement which is about endangered animals, although this issue was not
observed directly, usage of cows, cats, etc. in the video can be associated to the close surroundings of the
pre-service teachers. Because in the video animals which we encounter in daily life was used as endangered
When the contents of the public service announcements prepared by primary school pre-service teachers
were examined, it was stated in the first video regarding the soil pollution caused by the wastes that the
environment is an asset that will be left to future generations. In the fourth video, which was about water
pollution due to wastes, it was stated that every drop that has been contaminated means the tears of
children. The emphasis about future was also made in the seventh public service announcement which is
about extinct creatures. In these contents, environmental issues were approached by drawing attention to
future generations. The concept of sustainable development (World Commission on Environment and
Development, 1987) defined as “meeting the needs of future generations as well as needs of today” also
appears. It can be said that primary school pre-service teachers have awareness about this concept, even
though they did not make any statements regarding sustainable development. It is thought that this
awareness will be reflected on both their own lives and future learning environments. In this context, this
feature in regards to environmental education can contribute to environmental sustainability. Because
environmental education is seen as an important way of ensuring environmental sustainability (Taylor, Doff,
Jenkins, and Kennelly, 2007). Another awareness which can contribute to the quality of environmental
education is about noise pollution. In the content of the third public service announcement which is about
noise pollution, emphasis has been made that this environmental issue has psychological effects. Similar to
the results in this study, Oztas and Kalipci (2009) stated that pre-service teachers have knowledge about that
sound pollution may cause psychological, physiological and social problems.
In the second public service announcement which is about soil pollution caused by wastes, it was stated that
if these wastes - especially papers - were not thrown into the environment, trees will not be cut, the natural
balance will not deteriorate and thus people will live longer. In the fourth service announcement which is
about soil pollution, it was stated that if the soil gets polluted, people will be the first ones to be effected. It
has been stated in the public service announcement which is about noise pollution, that individuals will be
healthier if the noise pollution is prevented. When the contents were examined, it can be seen that positive
effects of protecting the environment on human life was emphasized. According to this human-centered
perspective, the environment is evaluated in according to the opportunities it provides to people (Thompson
and Barton, 1994) and human interests are supported (MacKinnon and Fiala, 2014). In this case, an
understanding of the environment, which takes the human as the focus point, was observed in the primary
school pre-service teachers. In the eighth video which is about water pollution, it was stated that water is
important for all living beings. In here, an environment centered understanding can be seen. It can be said
that pre-service teachers have environmental centered perspectives along with more prominent human
centered understanding. In literature there are studies that expresses pre-service teachers have both
environments centered and human centered understandings (Bozdemir and Faiz, 2018; Desjean-Perrotta,
Moseley and Cantu 2008; Erten and Aydogdu, 2011).
It can be seen that pre-service teachers addressed that the wastes should not be thrown in to environment,
they should put in the recycling bins. Also information about positive effects of recycling was given. Thus it
can be said that, pre-service teachers have an awareness and knowledge about recycling. In literature, it can
Hafife Bozdemir Yüzbaşıoğlu
be seen that in the studies which regard to environment and environmental issues, pre-service teachers
emphasized the recycling concept (e.g., Aslan Efe and Baran, 2017; Hirca and Simsek, 2013; Ozmen and
Ozdemir, 2016; Sever, 2013). Recycling is not only seen as separation of wastes, also its contributions to
society, country and the environment were also addressed by primary school pre-service teachers. This
shows that positive steps had been taken by pre-service teachers in order to gain appropriate behavior about
conservative energy usage and pollution prevention.
In this study, primary school pre-service teachers stated that the public service announcements which they
qualified as attention gathering, contained real life experiences, harmful behaviors towards environment,
results of the behavior, emotional aspects, likable slogan / message, originality, detailed information. When
the most expressed reasons were examined, primary school pre-service teachers find public service
announcements as attention gathering if they are able to see the effects, results and real life associations of
the environmental issue. This result can also be explained by the statement that the potential effects of an
environmental issue does not affect individuals if their results are not seen and there is no association with
daily life in Di Francesco and Young's research (2011). The primary school pre-service teachers stated the
reasons of not qualifying public service announcements as attention gathering are; not being original, being
superficial, lack of sound in the video, not being associated with real life events and not offering a solution to
the issue. Thus it can be seen that, primary school pre-service teachers want originality and a different
perspective in addressing environmental issues. They stated that it does not gather attention when the
environmental issue is addressed in an ordinary way. For this reason, when it is desired to draw attention to
environmental issues in departments of education, it can be said that more creative instructional design will
net more effective results. In literature, the usage of out-of-school learning in environmental education and
activities (Kiyici, Yigit, and Darcin, 2014; Ozdemir, 2010), usage of current events (Gokce, 2009), having
learning environments supported by various activities have positive effects on the environment (Cabuk, and
Cabuk, 2017; Guzelyurt and Ozkan, 2017; Keles, Uzun and Varnaci Uzun, 2010). The primary school pre-
service teachers stated that if public service announcement addressed the environmental issues in a
superficial way and if it does not offer a solution, it is qualified as non-attention gathering. In this case, it can
be said that primary school pre-service teachers want to see the various aspects of the environmental issue.
This result is similar to the statements of pre-service teachers which they expressed that they want to see the
effects and results of environmental issues. Opinions that the public service announcement is not attention
gathering because it does not include any association with real life, are correlates with the results of Di
Francesco and Young's (2011) studies which expressed if there is no association with real life an
environmental issue will not effect individuals.
There are statements by pre-service teachers that the absence of a sound element in the public service
announcement will impact the attention gathering capability of announcement negatively. In this regard,
presentation of information in environmental education in different ways can be seen. Including different
ways of presentations of information in learning environments helps students understand the concepts more
easily (Schontz, 2002; Schnotz and Bannert, 2003). At the same time, in an enriched learning environment
which includes the presentation of information in different ways, each display makes it easier for the
students to make their learning as a more complete experience (Kurnaz and Yuzbasioglu, 2013). Thus, it can
be said that these display types can be used effectively in environmental education both in attracting
attention and in understanding and constructing information.
In this research, whether or not the public service announcements about environmental issues create
awareness among primary school pre-service teachers were examined. Pre-service teachers who qualified
the announcements as successful at creating awareness, stated the reasons for this are; including harmful
behaviors towards environment, being able to see the result of the behavior, being informative, including
real life events, including environmental impacts, heeding, being original, including information about
future of the environment. Thus pre-service teachers stated that if the public service announcement includes
the effect of the behavior on the environment, results of the environmental issue, and real life events it can be
qualified as successful at creating awareness as in attention gathering. It can be said that they want to see
tangible situations in environmental issues. In addition, pre-service teachers stated that the presence of
informative aspects in the public service announcements will create awareness. It can be said that the
importance of acquiring information about environment and environmental issues in the environmental
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2020, 7 (4) Special Issue, 143-159
education process can be seen at this point. Primary school pre-service teachers, who qualified the public
service announcements as not successful at creating awareness stated the reasons for this as; not elaborating,
not including details, not being original, and not being able to see the results of the behavior. Pre-service
teachers stated that contents which are not addressed in different ways and not original, fails to create
awareness. It can be said that original learning designs will be more effective in creating awareness about
environmental issues in departments of education.
When the opinions of pre-service teachers on the messages of the public service announcements were
examined, it was determined that they had a general idea about the announcements’ messages. However, it
was determined that there was confusion about the messages in the public service announcements which
addresses multiple environmental issues. Primary school pre-service teachers also have criticisms about the
way messages are given in public service announcements and their structure. These criticisms were mostly
towards the ninth public service announcement. This public service announcement included only people
who throw garbage in the environment and the wastes they leave behind. Causes, effects, results, preventive
measures, etc. did not covered in this public service announcement. Thus, it seems difficult to fully
understand the message. With this information it can be said that it is necessary to make associations while
addressing the environmental issues, and every concept and message should be addressed with clarity. In
this regard, there may be a meaningful environmental education process and the messages we want to give
in our target audience can create a response.
When the primary school pre-service teachers’ explanations about their favorite public service
announcements were examined, it was seen that they liked the public service announcement which was
about endangered animals most. They stated the reasons for liking it as having emotional aspects, being
original, and including animals. In public service announcements, emotions are used to increase the
effectiveness of the message and also in efforts to changing behavior. Using fears also contributes to
increasing its effectiveness (Dogu Ozturk, 2020). In this case, it can be said that the public service
announcement which is about the extinction of the animals that they can see in their daily life, increases its
effectiveness through fears. Among the reasons for liking originality, also shows the positive effects different
perspectives and unusual activities in the environmental education process. The inclusion of animals in the
seventh public service announcement and it being the most liked announcement shows not human centered
perspective. It can be said that non human centered perspectives can be present in announcement that
gathers attention, creates awareness and conveys the message to the target audience correctly. With having
these kind of content, pre-service teachers can be thought about non-human centered perspective about
environment and also about environment as a concept which have its own value regardless of humans
(MacKinnon and Fiala, 2014).
According to these results, it can be suggested to focus on all aspects such as sources, causes, effects, and
results of environmental issues in creating a learning design for environmental issues in the environmental
education process. In this design, it can be started with the environmental issues that the target audience
regards as tangible and relate to their own lives. In addition, considering the original contents about
environmental issues affecting pre-service teachers, environmental education courses can be conducted with
interactive activities which have different perspectives, informal learning environments and which makes
students active.
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