104 WK3 Primary Healthcare, 4MULA 1+,UHC
104 WK3 Primary Healthcare, 4MULA 1+,UHC
104 WK3 Primary Healthcare, 4MULA 1+,UHC
- Clients manifesting more complicated • The ultimate goal of primary health care
conditions need referral to higher is better health for all
levels of care. - Declared in Alma Ata, USSR
- Higher levels of health services at the - 1ST international Conference on
provincial, regional and national levels PHC:
provide secondary or tertiary care to - September 6-12, 1978
complete the health care given at the - WHO + UNICEF
district level. - In the Philippines: Letter of
• A Two-Way Referral System need to Instruction (LOI 949)
be established between each level of • October 19, 1979
health facility e.g. barangay health • Former President Ferdinand E.
workers refer cases to the rural health Marcos
team, who in turn refer more serious • Theme: Health in the Hands of the
cases to either the district hospital, then People by 2020
to the provincial, regional or the whole • WHO has identi ed Five Key Elements
health care system. to achieving that goal:
- Reducing exclusion and social
- PRIMARY HEALTH CARE (PHC) disparities in health (universal
• is an essential health care made coverage reforms).
universally acceptable to individuals and - Organizing health services around
families in the community by means - people's needs and expectations
acceptable to them through their full - (service delivery reforms).
participation and at a cost that the - Integrating health into all sectors
community and country and can a ord (public policy reforms).
at every stage of development. - Pursuing collaborative models of
• The WHO de nes Primary Health Care policy dialogue (leadership reforms).
an essential health care made - Increasing stakeholder participation.
universally acceptable to individuals and - As of HealthCare
families in the community by means • Accessible
acceptable to them through their full
• A ordable
participation and at a cost that the
• Acceptable
community and country and a ord at
every stage of development.
• Adequate
- Sustainable
- Conceptual Framework
- Community-based
• Health is a fundamental human right. - PHC as a service delivery policy of
• Health is both an individual and the DOH permeates all strategies &
thrusts of Government health
• Health should be an equal opportunity - National to Local & community levels
to all.
- PHC is a complete turn-about from
• Health is an essential element of socio-
Disease- oriented + curative +
economic development.
- Goal Hospital-based + urban- centered
health care To Preventive People-
centered Community-based Health - Health Education
Care - CD Control
• Four Pillars of PHC: - Locally Endemic Disease Treatment
1. Use of appropriate technology - Environmental Sanitation
2. Support mechanism made - Maternal & Child Health + Family
available Planning
3. Active Community participation - Essential Drugs
4. Intra and Inter-sectoral linkages - Nutrition
• Appropriate Technology - Treatment of Emergency Cases
- Implies the use of methods,
procedures, techniques, equipment,
or materials that are not only
• Directed towards Healthy Individuals or
scienti cally sound but also provides
a socially and environmentally
• Focus: Prevention of emergence of risk
acceptable service or product at the
least economic cost. - unhealthy lifestyle behavior
• Support Mechanism Made Available
• Individuals and Family
- MULTISECTORAL APPROACH: - Awareness: importance of healthy
Recognizes intersectoral and
intrasectoral linkages in health. With - Education: maintenance
intersectoral linkages PHC recognizes - Giving SUPPORT = Sustain CHANGE
the integration of health plans with
- INDIVIDUALS: Deals with increasing
other sectors for total community
the awareness of the individual on the
importance of a healthy lifestyle,
- Sectors most closely related to health
providing education in its
maintenance, and giving support for
• Local governments o Education him/her to sustain change of behavior
• Agriculture towards healthy lifestyle and good
• Public Works personal habits.
• Population control - FAMILY: Deals with soliciting support
• Social welfare
from the family for lifestyle changes in
• Active Community Participation
the individual member by changing
• Intra and Inter-sectoral Linkag their beliefs and practices as well.
- Intrasectoral Linkages: Deals with
establishing a close working
• Community
- Deals with making healthy lifestyle
relationship of the personnel within
behavior a norm in the community.
and between the di erent levels
- Healthy Lifestyle = NORM
(primary, secondary, tertiary level) of
health care services. Administration, • Soceity
logistic and technological support will
- A healthy society makes sure that the
basic needs of the citizens are met,
be ensured through this.
the dignity and rights of the citizens
- Elements of PHC
are upheld and protected, the talents
• HC Element
and kills of its citizens are utilized for • Tertiary Level Disease Prevention
development. - Directed towards individuals in the
- Basic needs are met pathogenic stage of the disease;
- Dignity + Rights = upheld + protected deals with the reduction of the
- Talents + Skills = utilized magnitude and severity of the residual
• Environment e ects of communicable disease and
- Deals with the promotion of proper non-communicable diseases
environmental sanitation and then - Ex: Rehabilitation of a post-stroke
reduction of pollution. patient, Control of spread of measles
- Proper Sanitation (epidemic)
- Reduction of Pollution - Pathogenic stage
- Nutrition - Reduction of residual e ects (severity)
- Exercise
- Vector Control
- Water Supply
- Waste Disposal
FOURMULA ONE PLUS - Provide guidance to development
partners, other government agencies,
(4MULA 1+) and private stakeholders in identifying
priority areas for health services and
- General Guidelines
• 4mula 1+ for Health shall organize
critical initiatives in health into four
strategic pillars, namely: Financing,
Regulation, Service Delivery,
Governance, plus a cross cutting
initiative on Performance
• The implementation of 4mula 1+ for
Health shall focus on sustainable,
manageable, and critical interventions
that optimize available resources,
supported by evidence and su cient
groundwork, and produce tangible
results that are felt by Filipinos.
• The reforms shall be implemented under
- With the aim of attaining the goals outlined the concept of a whole (society,
in the Philippine Development Plan 2017- government, and system) approach that
2022 and the Sustainable Development encompasses the entire health sector
Goals, building on the concept of and other social determinants impacting
Fourmula One for Health 2005 to 2010, the health.
medium- term strategic framework for • The Functional management
arrangements shall be de ned in terms
2017 to 2022 expands the four pillars of
of speci c o ces and institutions
health reforms and highlights greater focus
having clear mandates, performance
on performance accountability towards the
targets, and support systems, Within
Filipino people, thus, Fourmula One Plus
well-de ned time frames in the
for Health or F1+, with its tagline
implementation of reforms within each
“Boosting Universal Health Care”. pillar.
- Current Secretary of Health: Dr. Teodoro - Policy Framework
Herosa (2023) • Vision
- Objectives of Fourmula One Plus - The DOH envisions Filipinos as
• This Administrative Order aims to: among the healthiest people in
- Provide the overall policy directions Southeast Asia by 2022, and in Asia
for DOH o ces, its attached by 2040.
agencies, and local government units • Mission
in terms of prioritizing activities - The DOH shall lead the country in the
related to the FOURmula One Plus for development of a productive,
Health 2017- 2022.
resilient, equitable, and • Ensure the accessibility of essential
peoplecentered health care system. quality health products and services at
• Core Values appropriate levels of care.
- The DOH shall embody at all times - Interventions:
integrity, excellence, professionalism, 1. Increase access to quality essential
responsiveness, and compassion in health products and services.
carrying out its tasks and 2. Ensure equitable access to quality
responsibilities. health facilities
• Goals 3. Ensure equitable distribution of
- The 4mula 1+ for Health aims to human resources for health.
ensure better health outcomes, a 4. Engage Service Delivery Networks to
more responsive health system, and a deliver comprehensive package of
more equitable health care nancing. health services.
• Strategic Pillars
- The DOH shall organize health sector - STRATEGIC PILLAR 3: HEALTH
initiatives into four (4) pillars, namely: REGULATION
Financing, Service Delivery, - Objective:
Regulation, Governance, plus a • Ensure high quality and a ordable
cross-cutting initiative on health products, devices, facilities, and
Performance Accountability. services
- Interventions:
- STRATEGIC PILLAR 1: HEALTH 1. Harmonize and streamline regulatory
FINANCING systems and processes.
• Objective 2. Develop innovative regulatory
- Secure sustainable investments to mechanisms for equitable distribution
improve health outcomes and ensure of quality such as adopting a network
e cient and equitable use of health licensing and network accreditation
resources. of health facilities
• Interventions:
1. E ciently mobilize and equitably - STRATEGIC PILLAR 4: GOOD
distribute more resources for GOVERNANCES
health. - Objective:
2. Rationalize health spending. • Strengthen leadership and management
3. Focus nancial resources towards capacities coordination, and support
high mechanism necessary to ensure
impact interventions. functional, people-centered and
participatory health systems.
- Interventions:
1. Strengthen sectoral leadership and
SERVICE DELIVERY 2. Improve organizational development
- Objective: and performance
3. Ensure evidence-based decision
making and health policy
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE - The UHC Act will improve and
strengthen existing health sector
processes and systems by
- UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE ACT highlighting primary care close to
(R.A. 11223) families and communities, supported
• UHC means all Filipinos are guaranteed by hospitals that are contracted as
equitable access to quality and
part of a network, and making
a ordable health care goods and
PhilHealth membership automatic for
services, and protected against nancial
every Filipino.
risk. - This will eventually lead to the
• Former President Duterte signed R.A. establishment of better networks of
11223 or the Universal Health Care Act
providers and facilities, making health
into law last February 20, 2019.
accessible for all.
• The UHC Act contains comprehensive • Will all health services be free
and progressive reforms that will ensure
through UHC?
every Filipino is healthy, protected from
- One of the goals of the UHC Act is to
health hazards and risks, and has
decrease the out-of-pocket expenses
access to a ordable, quality, and readily
of families. This means that some
available health service that is suitable
health services may become more
to their needs.
a ordable, but not everything will be
• Sa UHC lahat... free. At the very least, the prices of
- Makikinabang
health goods and services will be
- Protektado predictable and a ordable.
- Naaalagaan - Depending on the available budget,
- Konektado such as additional revenue from
- Kasama tobacco, alcohol, and sugar-
sweetened beverage taxes, and the
- GENERAL ASPECTS OF UHC ACT value-based decisions of health
• Who will bene t from the UHC Act? technology assessment, DOH and
- All Filipinos will bene t from the UHC PhilHealth will design bene ts for this.
Act. The government will ensure that • What do you mean by a primary care-
the wellbeing and health needs of all focused health system?
Filipinos, especially those of the - In a primary care-focused health
vulnerable population, will be system, the frontline of health
addressed. services will be strengthened so that
• How will the UHC Act ensure that every Filipino will have a trusted
every Filipino has access to quality primary care provider. The primary
and a ordable health care? care provider will be the initial and
- Every Filipino should be able to continuing point-of-contact of
access preventive, promotive, patients/clients with the health
curative, rehabilitative, and palliative system. The health care sta will
health services. provide the needed basic health
- If higher-level health services are Kabataan (SK) o cers. Their monthly
needed, the primary care provider will payment in PhilHealth are covered by
navigate patients/clients to a health the national government.
care provider that can give the • What will happen if a direct
appropriate care. By providing clinical contributor fails to pay monthly
leadership and guidance, hospitals premium to PhilHealth?
may in uence the design of these - A direct contributor who failed to pay
primary care services while allowing premiums can still avail of PhilHealth.
them to focus on more complicated However, he/she will have to pay
cases. missed contributions with an interest
compounded monthly. The interest
- A. FINANCING penalty for employers will not be less
• Are all Filipinos members of than 3%; the interest penalty for self-
PhilHealth? Do families still need to earning, professional practitioners
register/enlist with PhilHealth? and migrant workers will not be less
- All Filipinos are now members of than 1.5%.
PhilHealth. Families who are not yet • Will the PhilHealth premium
registered/enlisted with PhilHealth will contribution increase?
be assisted by their health care - Over the next ve years, PhilHealth
provider with the next steps. will
• Is the PhilHealth ID required in gradually increase premium rates for
availing bene ts? direct contributors, while providing
- No. A PhilHealth identi cation card is corresponding increase in bene ts.
not required to avail of any health - Direct contributors will have to pay
services. the premium according to the
• Do we need to pay contributions to following rates:
- Under the UHC Act, Direct
Contributors are those who have the
capacity to pay premiums, such as
employees, self- earning, professional
practitioners, migrant workers,
including their quali ed dependents, • What is the role of private sector
and lifetime members. They will have nancing agents in nancing health
to pay PhilHealth contributions. services under the UHC Act?
- All others not mentioned above are - Under the Act, private sector
considered as Indirect Contributors. nancing agents such as HMOs and
They include indigents identi ed by private health insurance will o er
the DSWD, bene ciaries of the complementary (o ering bene ts
Conditional Cash Transfer Program, that cover services or diagnostic-
and those identi ed in special groups, groups that PhilHealth is unable to) or
such as senior citizens, persons with supplementary (o ering bene ts that
disabilities, and Sangguniang pay for shares of the hospital bill that
PhilHealth is unable to) bene t diagnostic and laboratory; and
packages to patients. promotive, preventive, curative, and
• What are the sources of funds for rehabilitative services
health nancing under the UHC Act? - As a current patient of a specialist, am I
- Here are the fund sources that can required to go to a primary care
be tapped to nance the provider?
implementation of the UHC Act: • You may still retain your specialist
• Increasing revenues from tobacco, doctor, but after he/she is able to treat
alcohol, you, you must be referred back to a
sugar-sweetened beverages taxes primary care provider. A specialist can
• Funds from Philippine Charity be certi ed as a primary care provider
Sweepstakes O ce (PCSO), provided that he/she must receive a
Philippine Amusement and Gaming certi cation in primary care as
Corporation (PAGCOR), and determined by the Department of
Department of Health Health.
Medical Assistance - Are government physicians
• DOH Health Programs automatically considered as primary
• Annual appropriations of the DOH care providers?
• Proposed increased premium rates • Government physicians can be certi ed
and collection e ciency in primary care providers. The DOH will
PhilHealth prepare a mechanism to recognize and
certify the abilities of government
- B. SERVICE DELIVERY AND LOCAL physicians to deliver primary care.
HEALTH SYSTEMS - How will health promotion and
- How will the UHC Act assure better preventive services be prioritized?
service delivery especially in hard-to- • The schools under the supervision of
reach areas? the Department of Education (DepEd)
• Under the UHC Act, the government shall formulate programs and modules
will on health literacy and rights to be
prioritize investments on health integrated into the existing school
services, infrastructures, and human curricula.
resources in hard-to-reach areas. • This will intensify the ght against the
• The list of the hard-to-reach areas will spread of communicable diseases and
be annually updated as this will become increase in prevalence of
the basis for preferential licensing of noncommunicable diseases through
health facilities and contracting of health the e ective promotion of healthy
services. lifestyle among students, including but
- What does “essential health bene t not limited to, physical activity, proper
package” mean? nutrition, and prevention of smoking
• Essential health bene t package and alcohol consumption.
refers to a set of individual-based
entitlements covered by the PhilHealth
which includes primary care; medicines,
- C. HUMAN RESOURCES FOR • What is the purpose of accreditation
HEALTH under the UHC Act?
• How will the UHC Act comprehensively - Accreditation will follow a rating
address issues of Human Resources for system to acknowledge better service
Health? quality, e ciency and equity.
- The following mechanisms will ensure - PhilHealth shall recognize third party
that there will be enough human accreditation mechanisms and may
resources in the di erent levels of the use these as basis for granting
health sector: incentives. This is di erent from
• National Health Resource Master contracting which is a function of
Plan service delivery.
• National Health Workforce Support • Does the UHC Act set maximum retail
System prices for drugs sold to the public?
• Scholarship and Training Program - Under the UHC Act, DOH is
• Return Service Agreement mandated to prescribe mark-ups on
drugs and medical devices sold in
• Will doctors, nurses, midwives and
DOH owned healthcare facilities.
others under the DOH Deployment
However, PHIC may also use the
Program be hired under “plantilla”
mark-ups prescribed by the DOH for
(regular employee) position?
other health facilities it contracts,
- Under the UHC Act, all health whether public or private.
professionals and health care workers
will be guaranteed permanent
• Are pharmacies or drug outlets
required to have generic medicines
employment and competitive salaries.
- Mechanisms and processes of this available at all times?
provision are being discussed with - Yes. All drugs are required to carry
the Department of Budget and and o er to the public generic drug
Management in so far as public equivalent of all drugs in accordance
sector health workers are concerned. to the existing laws: the Generics Act
of 1988 and the Cheaper Medicines
- D. REGULATION Act of 2008.
• Will there be reductions in the types - Under the UHC act, this was further
of bene ts that are currently being strengthened, mandating drug outlets
given by PhilHealth? to carry generics, particularly fair
- There will be no reductions in the priced unbranded generics for all
drugs addressing the common
diseases in the community as
implemented bene t packages under
contained in the Primary Care
PhilHealth. However, under the UHC
Act, the bene t development process
will now undergo Health Technology
Assessment to ensure that
interventions funded by PhilHealth are
cost-e ective.
- E. GOVERNANCE - With the growing demand for health
• Why should health promotion be care and the limited resources,
mainstreamed? priority setting is crucial in the health
- We always say that an ounce of system.
prevention is better than a pound of - HTA will serve as the primary tool in
cure. In practical terms, the cost of ensuring that health services and
instituting health promotion and goods provided by the government
prevention is less than the cost of are cost e ective.
paying for treatment and • What is the scope of HTA?
hospitalization. - HTA will cover drugs, vaccines,
- There are several health interventions medical devices, medical equipment,
that can be done at the level of medical and surgical procedures,
families and communities, even preventive, and promotive health
before the patient contacts the health services, traditional medicine and
system. other health-related interventions that
- Health promotion will empower and are seeking coverage or funding in
capacitate Filipinos on how to take the public sectors.
charge of their own health. • Will HTA determine health conditions
• What does UHC Act provide in terms to be covered?
of health information systems? - HTA will not determine conditions to
- Health service providers and insurers be covered but it will identify
are mandated to maintain a health interventions that are cost-e ective
information system consisting of for each condition.
enterprise resource planning, human • Will the HTA results be
resource information, electronic recommendatory or binding?
health records, and electronic - HTA results and evidence generated
prescription log subject to relevant by the researchers are appraised and
provisions of Data Privacy Act of used by the expert advisory councils
2012 . to make their recommendations to
• What is Health Technology the Secretary of Health.
Assessment (HTA)? - Only health technologies with a
- Health Technology Assessment positive recommendation by the HTA
(HTA) refers to the systematic council will be adopted by DOH and
evaluation of health interventions PhilHealth.
developed to solve a health problem • What is health impact assessment
and improve quality of lives and (HIA)?
health outcomes. It uses a - Health Impact Assessment (HIA) will
multidisciplinary process to evaluate evaluate policies, programs, and
the social, economic, organizational projects that are crucial in attaining
and ethical issues of a health better health outcomes or those that
intervention or health technology may have an impact on the health
• Why does the health system need sector. It is di erent from HTA.