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Welcome to

One Click LCA

EPD Training
Graham Devlin

EPD Customer Success

One Click LCA

• Session 1: 09:00-10:35 - About One Click LCA

- Introduction to EPDs
- Summary of Klimatdeklaration
- Q&A

• Session 2: 11:20-12:20 - SBI Member example EPD

- Raw materials and manufacturing data
- Life-cycle scenarios
- Q&A

• Session 3: 13:40-14:40 - EPD creation process

- EPD Onboarding with One Click LCA
- Software introduction
- Q&A
About One Click LCA





to EPDs
Introduction to EPDs

• Introduction to product carbon footprints and why we need to act now

• Basics of EPDs: what they are and why they are necessary
• How to benefit from EPDs and how to sell them
• Overview of the standards and rules that apply to construction product
• Use of EPDs in global certification schemes – including LEED and
• Summary of Klimatdeklaration
Construction sector carbon footprint

• Buildings are responsible for:

o 50% of global resource consumption

o 39% of global carbon emissions

28% from operational emissions

11% from materials and construction

Construction sector carbon footprint

Cities grow by New construction

230 BILLION M² 100 Gt
by 2060 embodied carbon

Global building 3 years

stock global energy
DOUBLED carbon emissions

Embodied carbon = CO2e from manufacturing, transporting, installing, replacing and disposing of materials
Predicted global GHG emissions

Already done climate actions

New agreed climate actions

• Current level 52 Gt CO2e per year

• With already agreed actions,

emissions will rise to 55-60 Gt CO2e
per year
Predicted global GHG emissions

Reaching max 1.5 degrees

warming will require approx.
35 Gt CO2e additional actions
Emissions from material manufacturers
alone risk exceeding the 2 degree scenario

2 degrees aim: Currently:

Full carbon Emissions of

budget for materials with
industry and reduction of
power generation energy emissions
and budget for 4
main materials
(steel, plastics,
Materials will be the dominant source of
CO2 emissions from buildings in the future

• Energy efficiency and

cleaner production reduce
the emissions from
operational energy

• Material emissions already

exceed emissions of
operating energy within a
50-year time frame, for
some countries
We need to cut embodied carbon now

All construction to create:

● at least 40 % less
embodied carbon by 2030

● net zero embodied carbon

by 2050
Source: https://www.worldgbc.org/embodied-carbon
LCA gives the overall picture on impacts

• Construction LCA standards use attributional approach, which assigns responsibility

using allocation methodology

Life cycle assessment (LCA)

Environmental product Life cycle cost (LCC)

declaration (EPD)
LCA has a standardized, modular structure
based on the CEN/TC 350 EN-Standards

• Building level:
EN 15978 - LCA standard
for construction projects

• Building product level:

EN 15804 (EPD data) and
EN 15942 (EPD format)
What are EPDs?

• Externally verified and standardized description of the environmental profile

of any product or material over its lifetime, based on standards


ISO 14025 and EN 15804

EPDs are based on LCA calculations
Characteristics of an EPD

• Provide data on environmental performance, and are not a comparative

• Direct comparison of EPDs should only be done between very similar
• Otherwise, compare products at the building level using LCA, considering:

o Replacements during the building life-cycle

o Demand for other products
o Life-cycle impacts due to maintenance, end of life processing, etc
o Operational energy balance
Characteristics of an EPD

• Can represent one product and one plant, several products and several
plants or several manufacturers
Characteristics of an EPD

• Must be based on actual (historical) performance data, not forecasts

• Usually valid for five years

• 3 main types of EPDs that cover different life-cycle stages:

o Cradle-to-gate: harvesting of a material and manufacturing process
o Cradle-to-grave: the whole life-cycle of a product
o Cradle-to-gate with options: cradle-to-gate with additional
information modules from cradle-to-grave
Life-cycle stages

All construction products and materials shall declare modules A1-A3, modules
C1-C4 and module D.
Only products which fulfil all three of the conditions below shall be permitted
to be exempt from this requirement:
• the product or material is physically integrated with other products during
installation so they cannot be physically separated from them at end of life
• the product or material is no longer identifiable at end of life as a result of a
physical or chemical transformation process
• the product or material does not contain biogenic carbon
Life-cycle stages

Depending on your PCR, there may be conditions where other modules are

Example: RTS (Program Operator in Finland)

• A4 is mandatory if transport distance is over 1000 km or the GWP of the
transport is over 20% of GWP of modules A1-A3

Note: The International EPD System does not have such condition for A4.

• A5 is mandatory if the atmospheric carbon dioxide uptake of packaging

material is allocated to module A1
Environmental impacts

• Each indicator describes a particular category of environmental impacts.

o Impacts are expressed as quantities of a matter that has the potential to

cause such impacts – not the actual harm (final impact) eventually

o Example: Global warming potential represents the amount of CO2e

gases released. But the final impact is the acceleration to the polar melt,
for instance.

• Global Warming Potential describes how much a product contributes to

climate change. When LCA concerns only this impact category, it’s called
the carbon footprint.
GWP results are represented as “equivalent
Other environmental impacts

• Acidification describes how much the product acidifies the environment,

resulting in acid rain, for example.

• Eutrophication describes the flow of nutrients to ecosystems, resulting in

algae growth, for example.

• Ozone Depletion describes damage caused to the Ozone Layer in the


• Tropospheric Ozone describes the quantity of summer smog causing gases


• Depletion of fossil resources describes how much fossil resources are

Why are EPDs useful?

• Objective: Based on internationally-accepted and valid methods for life

cycle assessment (LCA)

• Credible & Neutral: Critically reviewed, approved, and maintained by an

independent verifier and absent of claims of environmental preference

• Open: It has the widest range of applicability to all products and services,
and easily accessible to all interested parties

• Environmental impact oriented: Through the possibility to include

assessment of potential environmental impacts

• Instructive: Explains terms, definitions, and concepts, as well as general

information on relevant environmental issues to help in the interpretation of
the information
How are EPDs used in the market?
Growing demand for low carbon

Cities Investors/Construction companies Regulators

Target Carbon Neutrality Competitiveness, property value State carbon neutrality

How City planning / procurement Low carbon design, certificates Legislation

Client expectations for choosing a
construction product supplier
Market for products is starting to require
carbon transparency and performance
Example: Buy Clean California Act

• Jan 1st 2019, California started requesting EPDs

• Jan 1st 2020, California’s AB 262, the “Buy Clean California Act” requires
EPDs for certain materials being specified for state building projects

• Jan 1st 2021, a maximum acceptable global warming potential (GWP)

established for four types of materials:

o Carbon Steel Rebar

o Structural Steel
o Flat Glass
o Mineral Wool Board Insulation

• First legislation in the U.S. that requires the use of EPDs, but other states
are expected to follow
EPDs typically used to make decisions or
calculations in projects from design phase
EPDs are used for product comparison
Marketing tool

• EPDs can be used a Marketing tool, by enabling credible and verifiable

environmental claims for your product.

• Creating EPDs will help you to differentiate your product, and can be the
difference in winning (or not losing) business.

• By publishing an EPD, you are increasing the transparency of your product

and processes, and thus increasing trustworthiness.

• And in many cases an EPD represents a commitment to fighting climate

Future product development

• EPDs also identify improvement opportunities in the Supply Chain, for

example highlighting inefficiencies in the product manufacturing process.
They are used in most green building
systems globally
How EPDs are used in commercial
• Schemes like LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, HQE, etc. give credits for specifying
products with accompanying EPDs. This is easier and more cost-efficient
when compared with achieving other credits’ requirements.
LEED credits

• MRc1 Life-cycle impact reduction (up to 4 points + regional priority)

Credits awarded based on impact reduction, with particular focus on carbon.

Minimum reduction is 5% from baseline building, maximum points need 20%.

• MRc2 Environmental product declarations (2 points)

Part 1: use at least 20 permanently installed products from five manufacturers

with an EPD. Points are weighted based on quality of the EPD.

Part 2: use at least 10 products from three manufacturers or specify for 10% of
project materials cost from manufacturers with demonstrated impact reduction.
LEED credits (cont’d)

• Pilot credit: Procurement of Low Carbon Construction Materials (2 points)

Reduce embodied carbon intensity by 0-30% for 1 point, by 30%+ for 2 points.
BREEAM credits

• Mat 01: Environmental product declarations (EPD), 1 credit + exemplary

o 5 products with EPDs are specified and purchased

o Exemplary level criteria: 10 products with EPDs are specified and
o However, no more than 2 EPDs per one material category are allowed
for this credit
o EPD certificates must be unexpired at the point of specification and be
compliant with ISO 14025, ISO 21930 or EN 15804.

EPDs also contribute to the Mat 01 LCA credit. EPD credit varies in BREEAM-
Certification compliance example

Certification compliance example


Where are EPDs published?
Where are EPDs published?

• No central repository for EPDs - published by each program operator

• Almost all EPDs in the world are in One Click LCA
Where are EPDs published? (cont’d)

• ECO Platform - association of European EPD program operators, eg. The

International EPD System (Environdec), RTS
• Affiliated EPD Programs to ECO Platform members, eg. EPD Australasia
• Trade Association EPD Programme Operators, eg. Cembureau
• Manufacturing EPD Programme Operators, eg. Tata Steel or Stora Enso
• Other Programme Operators, eg. UL Environment
• EPD Programmes to ISO 21930 & ISO 14025, eg. CSA EPD or NRMCA

Many EPD programs provide digitised data for use within BIM and Building
LCA tools, and some countries have produced national databases which
provide generic data for products with and without EPDs.
Required documents

1. Public EPD document

2. Private background report explains methodologies in detail, used in
What rules apply to the creation and
acceptability of EPDs?
• EPDs - governed by ISO 14025, and Product Category Rules are set out by
EN 15804 which requires that EPDs are verified by a third party

• Program Operator - oversees the EPD production, from identifying the

applicable PCR to submitting the final EPD for certification and registration

• Product Category Rules - PCRs develop the scope and methodology for the
LCA data used in EPDs and ensure consistent data collection and analysis
Product Category Rules (PCR)

Used to ensure that products with similar functions are assessed in the same
way, using comparable measures.

Developed in accordance with ISO standards which require the formation of a

consensus body backed by third-party validation.

Set out the key elements of how life-cycle assessments for a specific class of
products needs to be done, including:

• declared/functional unit, including the service life for the product

• system boundary
• impact categories to be assessed

One Click LCA Pre-verified EPD Generator uses the respective Construction
products PCR for both The International EPD System and RTS.
EPDs allow using 95 % coverage and cutting
of items <1 %



Summary of Klimatdeklaration:

• 1 January 2022: The Act on Climate Declarations for Buildings

(Klimatdeklaration vid uppförande av byggnad)

• Applies to new buildings that require a building

permit, with some exceptions, e.g. industrial
facilities and workshops

• 2027: Boverket proposal ​for

climate emission limits for the
construction phase of buildings
Klimatdeklaration requirements

Scope: Climate impact during the construction phase

• A1-A5 for the building envelope, load-bearing structure and internal walls

Data: Both generic and specific

• Boverket’s generic climate database or specific EPDs can be used in


Responsibility: Client is responsible for submitting the climate declaration

• Data saved in Boverket’s register by the client for five years

Klimatdeklaration consequences

Building Contractors/Developers:

• Change planning of construction projects and procurement of building



• Use data for design alternatives and optimization


• Adapt to changing requirements from builders for EPDs

• Increased competition
Miljövarudeklaration (EPD)

• Session 1: 09:00-10:35 - About One Click LCA

- Introduction to EPDs
- Summary of Klimatdeklaration
- Q&A

• Session 2: 11:20-12:20 - SBI Member example EPD

- Raw materials and manufacturing data
- Life-cycle scenarios
- Q&A

• Session 3: 13:40-14:40 - EPD creation process

- EPD Onboarding with One Click LCA
- Software introduction
- Q&A
Example EPD – Areco High Profile
General Information
Product Information
Product life-cycle
Product life-cycle
Life-cycle assessment
Allocations and assumptions
Environmental impact data
Use of Natural Resources and End of Life
Scenario documentation and Bibliography
Verification statement
Verification statement
Additional language versions
Raw materials and
manufacturing data
Raw materials and manufacturing data

During this section we’ll outline some questions you need to ask to establish:

• the required information for starting raw material and manufacturing

data collection and reporting

• what information needs to be gathered from your product-chain and

how it needs to be examined to conduct life cycle assessment

• what material flows you need to account for

• how to include waste and energy use into your calculations

Production process

• Are there multiple products being produced in the same facility?

o Do they differ in their manufacturing processes?

o If different, is it possible to find different production lines?

• If production lines cannot be separated, allocation needs to be conducted

based on:

o mass, or
o price
Raw materials

• What are your raw materials, including packaging and ancillary materials?

• Are there several suppliers of raw materials?

o In what proportions do the materials from different suppliers come?

o Where are the supplier locations?

• Is there recycled content?

o How much of the product’s raw materials are incorporated from

recycled material(s)?
Energy use

• What kind of electricity is used - average or renewable?

• What kind of heating is used - district, electric, heat pump?

• Is there any of your own heat production?

o If so, what kind?

• What direct fuel use do you have from vehicles, equipment, etc.?

o For example, excavators, drill rigs, dump trucks

Waste production and management

• What kind of waste is produced?

o Only waste related to the production process

• How is waste managed?

o Recycled
o Incinerated
o Landfilled
o Re-used
Raw materials and manufacturing
In summary, key information needs to be collected on the following topics:

• Production process

• Raw materials

• Energy use

• Waste production and management

As you gather this data, it can be input to the data collection form, and in One
Click LCA software.
Data collection form
Data collection form

In this section we’ll introduce:

• how to fill in the data collection form

o what information is needed

o where it needs to be reported

o in what form it needs to be reported

Life-cycle scenarios
Life-cycle scenarios

In this section we’ll cover:

• what kind of life-cycle scenarios you can use

o A4: Transportation to the construction site
o A5: Installation
o B1-B7: Operation
o C1-C4: End-of-life
o D: Environmental benefits

• how they need to be implemented in the calculations

• how they need to be reported

A4: Transportation to the construction site

• An estimate of typical transport distances for the product to the place of use
needs to be made

• Alternatively, a common or high place of consumption can be used as an

estimate (a capital city for example)
A5: Installation

• What is the material and energy expenditure in installation?

• A rough estimate based on experience or an industry average can be used

for installation in:

o Use of materials

o Energy consumption

o Waste
B1-B7: Operation

• If the operation phase is included in the scope of the study, then the service
life of the product needs to be established. This service life needs to be

o An example reference would be the Finnish building information group

(RTS), that publishes an information document that gives service lives
for construction materials

• Energy consumption can be established using an energy efficiency rating or

a similar document for a similar product

• Consumption of materials can be established by the need for maintenance

or repairs declared by the manufacturer of a similar product
C1-C4: End-of-life

• A rough estimate based on experience or an industry average can be used

for end-of-life in:

o Demolition/disassembly phase

o Transportation distance

o Treatment method
D: Environmental benefits

• What are the additional recycling processes done to make the recycled
material available as a secondary raw material?

• What is the material and/or energy production that is avoided by the

recycled materials after end of waste?

• Environmental benefits after service life and end-of-life processes need to

be based on well-established information or documented common industry

o For example, the amounts of waste product going to recycling or re-use

and the environmental benefits gained need to be well supported
Life-cycle scenarios


• the life-cycle scenarios you use is up to you

• it is important to follow the Product Category Rules

• you can use real data, estimates, industry averages, or other documented

• Session 1: 09:00-10:35 - About One Click LCA

- Introduction to EPDs
- Summary of Klimatdeklaration
- Q&A

• Session 2: 11:20-12:20 - SBI Member example EPD

- Raw materials and manufacturing data
- Life-cycle scenarios
- Q&A

• Session 3: 13:40-14:40 - EPD creation process

- EPD Onboarding with One Click LCA
- Software introduction
- Q&A
EPD Creation
How to create an EPD
6 steg för att skapa en EPD
Key parameters for your EPD creation

There are four key parameters to consider:

1. Define the goal and scope of the assessment in accordance with the PCR

2. Collect and analyse the data

3. Assess/calculate the impacts

4. Use the assessment results to develop your EPD

Important decisions

1. Choosing PCR and publishing method

2. Which product(s) the EPD is calculated for

3. Declared unit

4. Choosing life cycle stages

5. Scenarios for Installation and EOL

6. Which background information to use for the EPD, and allocations

Onboarding agenda

1. Introduction to EPDs (covered today)

2. Data collection and life-cycle scenarios (covered today)
3. Software introduction (covered today)
4. BG Report Documentation & Key LCA Concepts - Tutorial video (1 hour)
5. EPD Project kick-off and Software session - Workshop (2 hours)
6. Data collection/early project review - Workshop (1 hour)
7. Mid project review - Workshop (1 hour)
8. Final project review - Workshop (1 hour)
9. Complete LCA Model - Review and feedback (Offline)
10.Sales/Marketing training - Workshop/Tutorial video (1 hour)
Onboarding timeline example

• W1: Intro to EPDs, Data collection and Software

• W2: BG report and Key LCA concepts tutorial videos
• W3: EPD Project kick-off and Software workshop
• W6: Data collection/early project workshop
• W8: Mid project workshop
• W10: Final project workshop
• W12: Complete LCA Model review and feedback
• W13: First EPD sent for checking, verification and publication
• Anytime: Sales/Marketing Team training, Ad hoc questions to Support
Software Introduction
World’s leading construction LCA, EPD software


100 000+ DATASETS
How we decarbonize the global construction









Ready to go sectoral tools for most
construction product types and more coming

New product
categories are being
constantly added
and we can create
them on request!
We arrange training and EPD verification &
publishing for our EPD Generator customers


We provide a One Click LCA We arrange for We arrange for

comprehensive reviews EPD the third party the EPD
training before the 3rd party verification publishing for you
Standardize documentation, vary and repeat


Using the software

• Product description
• Declared unit
• Materials (A1-A3)
• Manufacturing (A3)
• Construction (A4-A5)
• Use stage, whole life-cycle (B1-B7)
• End of life (C-D)
• EPD description
• Background report
• EPD generation
• Results
Highly automated, template-based EPD
The software is based on product category templates. When a new
manufacturer comes on board, the sectoral template is adapted for
the manufacturer to be the basis of all future EPDs and is
documented. This process is also called EPD process certification.
Free eBook

Thank you

One Click LCA

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