Part 1 Partnership Basic
Part 1 Partnership Basic
Part 1 Partnership Basic
Part :1
Accounting for Partnership
Partnership contains three sections:
Accounting for Partnership
If there is profit.
If there is loss.
g) Revenue guaranteed by a partner to the firm.
h) Past adjustments entries related to appropriation.
i) If profit is given.
And PSR was not changed for distributed profit, or,
And PSR was changed for distribution of profit.
ii) If profit is not given.
And PSR was not changed for distributed profit, or,
And PSR was changed for distribution of profit.
Note:- in conclusion, we can include profit in solution ,if given, to discard the confusion.
i) Interest on partners’ loan: - it is provided @ 6% p.a. if nothing is said in the question.
j) Remuneration to partners. It is not provided until it is given in partnership deed.
Commission before charging such commission is eg.15 % .
= Estimated net profit x
Commission after charging such commission is eg. 15%.
= Estimated net profit x
k) Preparation of opening balance sheet after all adjustments refer to comprehensive question.
Nature of partnership
A] Partners and partnership firm are not separate from liabilities viewpoint. That’s why, it has
nature of unlimited liabilities.
B] Partners and partnership firm are separate from business entity concept and accounting
Partnership:- According to Section 4 of the Indian Partnership Act 1932 defines partnership
as the
“Partnership is the relationship between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a
business carried one by all or any of them acting for all”.
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Partnership firm:- Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are
individually called 'partners' and collectively called :firm'. The name under which the
business is carried is called the firm's name'. A partnership firm has no separate legal entity,
apart from the partners constituting it
Partnership deed- The agreement among partners can be either oral or written. But
wherever it is in writing, the document which contains terms of the agreement is called
'Partnership Deed'. Thus, the written document of the terms and conditions of agreement
among partners for smooth operation business and solving the will be disputes is called
partnership deed.
The clauses of partnership deed can be altered with the consent of all the partners. The deed
should be properly drafted and prepared as per the provisions of the 'Stamp Act' and preferably
registered with the Registrar of Firms.
Normally, the partnership deed covers all matters affecting relationship of partners amongst
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(a) Profit Sharing Ratio The profits and losses of the firm are to be shared equally.
Apart from the above, the Indian Partnership Act specifies that subject to contract between the
(i) If a partner derives any profit or him/herself from any transaction of the firm or from the use of
the property or business connection of the firm or the firm name, he/ she shall account for the
profit and pay it to the firm.
(it) If a partner carries on any business of the same nature as and competing with that of the firm,
he/she shall account for and pay to the firm, all profit made by him/her in that business.
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(ii) Partners’ current a/c: it records all transactions related to partners except the events
recorded in fixed partners’ capital a/c. it may Dr. or Cr. Bal.
Commission 10,000 -
Profit transferred 1,50,000 3,50,000
a) Partners’ capital under fluctuating concept.
b) Partners’ capital under fixed concept.
Assignment 2.
on 1/4/2020 , A and B are partners in a firm who contributed Rs. 10,00,000 and Rs.20,00,000
respectively sharing profit/loss in the ration of 7:3. The other information are as follows:
Particulars A Rs. B Rs.
Additional capital 2,00,000 3,00,000
Permanent drawing 1,50,000 1,60,000
Temporary Drawing 1,00,000 1,60,000
Interest on capital (IOC) 20,000 30,000
Interest on Drawing (IOD) 10,000 16,000
Salary per month [p.m.] 10,000 15,000
Commission 10,000 -
Profit transferred 2,10,000 4,90,000
a) Partners’ capital under fluctuating concept.
b) Partners’ capital under fixed concept.
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(a) If Profit and Loss Account shows a credit balance (net profit):
Profit and Loss A/c Dr. xxxx
To Profit and Loss Appropriation A/ c xxxx
(b) If Profit and Loss Account shows a debit balance (net loss)
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. xxxx
To Profit and Loss A/ c xxxx
2. Interest on Capital:
(a) For crediting interest on capital to partners· capital account:
Interest on Capital A/c Dr. xxxx
To Partner's Capital/Current A/s (individually) xxxx
(b) For transferring interest on capital to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account:
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. xxx
To Interest on Capital A/ c xxxx
Or alternative journal entries for (a) and (b)
Profit and loss appropriation a/c Dr. xxxx
Partners’ capital a/c or current a/c xxxx
(Being interest on capital allowed and transferred to p/l app. a/c)
3. Interest on Drawings:
(a) For charging interest on drawings to partners' capital accounts:
Partners Capital/Current A/c's (individually) Dr. xxxx
To Interest on Drawings A/ c xxxx
(b) For transferring interest on drawings to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account:
Interest on Drawings A/c Dr. xxxx
To Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c xxxx
4. Partner's Salary:
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(b) For transferring partner's salary to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account:
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. xxx
To Salary to Partner's A/ c xxx
Alternative journal entries for a and b
P/L appropriation a/c Dr.
To Partners’ capital a/c or current a/c(individually)
5. Partner's Commission:
(a) For crediting commission to a partner. to partner's capital account:
Commission to Partner A/c Dr. xxx
To Partner's Capital/Current A/c's (individually) xxx
(b) For transferring commission paid to partners to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr. xxx
To Commission to Partners Capital/ Current A/ c (individually) xxx
Alternative journal entries for a and b
P/L appropriation a/c Dr.
To Partners’ capital a/c or current a/c(individually
6. For transferring any reserve eg. General reserve, workmen compensation reserve, investment
fluctuation reserve etc.
Profit and loss appropriation a/c Dr.
To General reserve a/c
To workmen compensation reserve a/c
To investment fluctuation reserve a/c
7. Share of Profit or Loss after appropriations:
if Profit:
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c Dr.
To Partner's Capital/Current A/c (individually)
if Loss:
Partner's Capital/Current A/c's (individually) Dr.
To Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c
Note: while preparing P/L app. a/c, we should also consider that partners’ capital are fixed or
fluctuating. If partners’ capital a/c are fluctuating, partners’ capital a/c are used as shown in p/l
app. a/c. and if partners’ capital are fixed, partners’ current a/c are used.
Note: if question doesn’t express either partners’ capital are fluctuating or fixed, we should always
follow fluctuating capital.
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Assignment 3.
on 1/4/2017 , A and B are partners in a firm who contributed Rs. 6,00,000 and Rs.7,00,000
respectively sharing profit/loss in the ration of 3:7. The other information are as follows:
Particulars A Rs. B Rs.
Additional capital 1,50,000 2,50,000
Permanent drawing 55,000 65,000
Temporary Drawing 45,000 35,000
Interest on capital (IOC) 45,000 55,000
Interest on Drawing (IOD) 8,000 9,000
Salary 6,000 per month 5,000 per
(p.m.) quarter.
Commission 10,000 15,000
They also decided to transfer Rs.50,000 to general reserve, Rs. 40,000 to workmen compensation
reserve (WCR) and Rs.60,000 to investment fluctuation reserve. The profit for the year before all
adjustments was Rs. 15,00,000.
(a) Journal entries.
(b) Profit and loss appropriation a/c.
(c) Partners’ capital under fluctuating concept.
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Assignment 4.
on 1/4/2017 , A and B are partners in a firm who contributed Rs. 6,00,000 and Rs.7,00,000
respectively sharing profit/loss in the ration of 3:7. The other information as per partnership
deed are as follows:
Particulars A Rs. B Rs.
Additional capital 1,50,000 2,50,000
Permanent drawing 55,000 65,000
Temporary Drawing 45,000 35,000
Interest on capital (IOC) 45,000 55,000
Interest on Drawing (IOD) 8,000 9,000
Salary 6,000 per month (p.m.) 5,000 per quarter.
Commission 10,000 15,000
The firm usually transfer some profit to transfer Rs.50,000 to general reserve, Rs. 40,000 to
workmen compensation reserve (WCR) and Rs.60,000 to investment fluctuation reserve if there
happens profit. The loss for the year before all adjustments was Rs. 1,50,000.
a) Profit and loss appropriation a/c.
b) Partners’ capital under fluctuating concept.
c) Partners’ capital under fixed concept.
Note.:- No appropriation is done as there is loss in the question.
Assignment 5.
on 1/4/2017 , A and B are partners in a firm who contributed Rs. 6,00,000 and Rs.7,00,000
respectively sharing profit/loss in the ration of 3:7. The other information are as follows:
Particulars A Rs. B Rs.
Additional capital 1,50,000 2,50,000
Permanent drawing 55,000 65,000
Temporary Drawing 45,000 35,000
Interest on capital (IOC) 45,000 55,000
Interest on Drawing (IOD) 8,000 9,000
Salary 6,000 per month (p.m.) 5,000 per quarter.
Commission 10,000 15,000
They also decided to transfer Rs.50,000 to general reserve, Rs. 40,000 to workmen compensation
reserve (WCR) and Rs.60,000 to investment fluctuation reserve. The profit for the year before all
adjustments was Rs. 15,00,000. Conditions to be applied for profit distribution as : first
Rs.2,00,000 in profit sharing ratio, secondly Rs.2,70,000 equally and balance in capital ratio.
a) Profit and loss appropriation a/c.
b) partners’ capital under fluctuating concept.
Fixed and Fluctuating Capitals
Assignment 6. Triphati and Chauhan are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the
ratio of 3:2. Their capitals were Rs.60,000 and Rs.40,000 as on January 01,2005. During the year
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they earned a profit of Rs. 30,000. According to the partnership deed both the partners are entitled
to Rs. 1,000 per month as Salary and 5% interest on their capital. They are also to be charged an
interest of 5% on their drawings, irrespective of the period, which is Rs. 12,000 for Tripathi, Rs.
8,000 for Chauhan. Prepare Partner's Accounts when, capitals are fixed.
(Ans:Tripathi's Current account Balance Rs. 20,400,Chauhan's Current account Balance Rs.17,600)
Assignment 7. Anubha and Kqjal are partners of a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of
2:1. Their capital, were Rs.90,000 and Rs.60,000. The profit during the year were Rs. 45,000.
According to partnership deed, both partners are allowed salary, Rs. 700 per month to Anubha and
Rs. 500 per month to Kqjal. Interest allowed on capital @ 5%p.a. The drawings at the end of the
period were Rs. 8,500 for Anubha and Rs. 6,500 for Kqjal. Interest is to be charged @ 5% p.a. on
drawings. Prepare partners capital accounts, assuming that the capital account are fluctuating.
(Ans: Anubha's Capital Account Balance Rs.1 ,23,975, Kqjal's Capital Account Balance Rs. 77,175)
Distribution of Profit
Assignment 8.
Harshad and Dhiman are in partnership since April 01,2006. No Partnership agreement was made.
They contributed Rs. 4,00,000 and 1,00,000 respectively as capital. In addition, Harshad advanced an
amount of Rs. 1,00,000 to the firm, on October 01, 2006. Due to long illness, Harshad could not
participate in business activities from August 1, to September 30, 2006. The profits for the year ended
March 31, 2006 amounted to Rs.1,80,000. Dispute has arisen between Harshad and Dhiman.
Harshad Claims:
(i) he should be given interest @ 10% per annum on capital and loan;
(ii) Profit should be distributed in proportion of capital;
Dhiman Claims:
(i) Profits should be distributed equally;
(ii) He should be allowed Rs. 2,000 p.m. as remuneration for the period he managed the business, in the
absence of Harshad;
(iii) Interest on Capital and loan should be allowed@ 6% p.a.
You are required to settle the dispute between Harshad and Dhiman. Also prepare Profit and
Loss Appropriation Account.
(Ans : Harshad's share in profit Rs. 88,500, Dhiman's share in profit Rs. 88,500)
Next Part : 2