Research On The Development of Three-Dimensional V

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E3S Web of Conferences 416, 01022 (2023)

OGEGS 2023

Research on the development of three-dimensional visual

management system for mines: a case study of Chongqing
Shuijiang aluminum mine
Yinghong Li 1, Ruigang Zhang 1, Jinhua Luan 1, Deju Zhang 1, Wei Li 1, Tingting Zhang 2, Dong'er Zou 1
1Chongqing Key Laboratory of Exogenous Minerals and Mine Environment, Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources,
Chongqing 401120, China
2 China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China.

Abstract: In recent years, problems such as unclear mine mining data and illegal mining have brought
challenges to mine safety production, ecological environment restoration and mineral resources management.
From the perspective of mine production and resource management, this study carried out research on the
construction of 3D geological model and the development of visual management system based on multi-
source data fusion, and selected the Shuijiang aluminum mine in Nanchuan District, Chongqing as the
research object to establish a set of 3D visual management system for mine. The visual management system
can reflect the production status of the mine in real time, and browse, query, section, reserve and statistics of
the three-dimensional model of the mine, which has important practical significance for the supervision of
the production mine.

Keywords: Multi-source data; 3D geological modeling; Visual management system; Shuijiang aluminum

1. Introduction sedimentary basins as the research object, Li Lin et al.

proposed a modeling method suitable for complex fault
At present, mining accidents caused by incomplete mine tectonic conditions, which can effectively improve the
investigation and resource losses caused by mine super- efficiency and accuracy of tectonic modeling[5]. Wu
mining often occur [1, 2], which increases the difficulty Zhichun[6], Wang Yong[7], Guo Yanjun[8], etc. applied
of mine production safety and mineral resources different section modeling methods to different scenarios
supervision, and excessive exploration and exploitation of to achieve ideal results. Xue Linfu et al. proposed a block
mineral resources not only destroys the ecological balance modeling method through repeated practice to solve the
but may also lead to a variety of geological disasters [3]. problem of large-area modeling [9]. In foreign countries,
Traditional solutions such as wellwall support and legal scholars have made a lot of explorations in three-
sanctions are passive and limited. Therefore, it is dimensional structure and attribute modeling and three-
necessary to establish a three-dimensional model and dimensional visualization technology. For example,
visual management system of the mine, clearly display the Lemon [10] et al. proposed a method based on drilling
scale and production of mineral resources, and provide data and stratigraphic stratigraphic modeling, which can
subjective and multi-functional operations. reduce human intervention in the modeling process. Li
Three-dimensional geological modeling is a technology [11] et al. built a prediction model that can automatically
that uses computer technology to combine tools such as identify regional minerals and predict future discoverable
spatial information management, geological targets; Kemp [12] and others fused multi-source data to
interpretation, spatial analysis and prediction, construct a three-dimensional geological model at the
geostatistics, entity content analysis and graphical regional scale. The above results show that the data and
visualization in a virtual three-dimensional environment, methods of 3D geological modeling are diverse, and its
and is used for geological analysis [4]. This technology model effects and application scenarios have been widely
can effectively integrate and avoid the spatial incongruity recognized by the academic industry, but they are not
and dissimilarity of multi-source data, and has been involved enough in enterprise production and department
widely used in scenarios such as prospecting, reserve management, and the application prospects are great.
estimation and geological structure analysis. Taking

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 416, 01022 (2023)
OGEGS 2023

In summary, 3D geological modeling and visual including 7 sets of strata from Lower Silurian to Lower
management system have good application prospects in Triassic, the oldest formation is the Hanjiadian Formation
the field of mine production and resource management. In (S1h), and the latest strata is the Lower Triassic
this paper, a multi-style 3D model of Shuijiang aluminum Jialingjiang Formation (T1j). The production mine has
mine in Nanchuan District, Chongqing is constructed by proven reserves of 3304.5 thousand tons of aluminum ore
using multi-source data and deep exploration software, resources, mainly mining the aluminum ore of the
and a visual management system is developed through Liangshan Formation of the Lower Permian system and
ArcGIS platform, Cesium, Vue .js technology, which the associated ore (ferferite and gallium), the aluminum
provides an online platform for mine production and ore layer is distributed in the upper part of the Liangshan
department management. Formation, the thickness is 0.37-2.52m, the average
thickness is 1.36m, and the associated ferferite bauxite
layer, the thickness is 0.53-2.50m, the average is 1.08m.
2. Research and methods In this study, Deep Dive was selected as a 3D modeling
In this study, a database was established based on multi- software, and the specific modeling process is as follows
source data and multi-type 3D geological modeling was (Figure 2).
constructed, and a visual management system platform (1) Data preprocessing: extract the medium and high lines,
was built based on B/S structure development and the fault lines, geological boundaries, production status, and
design idea of front-end and back-end separation (Figure profile information of the geological map, and finally
1). The basic data includes geological map, borehole output it in PRN file format; Organize the drilling data
mining profile and remote sensing image (Table 1), the table, eliminate abnormal information, establish the
3D model includes the mine 3D geological model, ore opening coordinates, inclination table and grade table, etc.;
body model, grade model and roadway model, etc., and The coordinate system of the unified remote sensing
the visual management system realizes the functions of image, drilling and other data is CGCS2000.
transmission query, reserve calculation, roadway roaming (2) Construction and presetting of large work area: set the
and section cutting. stereoscopic range parameters according to the mine
plane range and drilling depth, establish the model work
area boundary and import the corresponding data to the
corresponding module.
(3) Stratigraphic and tectonic interpretation: combined
with geological map plane information, drilling three-
dimensional information, structural morphological
interpretation information, comprehensive interpretation
of mine stratigraphic lines and fault lines.
Figure 1 Research technical route (4) 3D geological modeling: 3D fault modeling is based
on the interpreted fault data to generate smooth surfaces,
Table 1 Classification of 3D geological modeling data types and the inaccurate parts can be corrected by editing
Primary boundary points and specifying the main and auxiliary
Data Type Data Content Purpose
Format relationship of faults; Stratigraphic 3D modeling is to
Geological Contours, stratification Geological modeling, generate the initial ground surface based on the
maps and production ore body modeling interpreted stratum data under fault constraints, and then
Drilling location, generate the stratum volume through strata node sorting,
Geological modeling,
Wells bearing and xlsx/las primary and auxiliary relationship definition, cutting and
ore body modeling
delamination other processing. The three-dimensional modeling of the
Ore body modeling, aluminum ore body is constructed based on its own top
Profiles Series parallel profiles dwg
roadway modeling and bottom data; The roadway 3D model is a 3D model
Aluminium Modeling aluminium based on the mine mining map information.
Alumina content xlsx
ore content grades (5) Aluminum ore grade modeling: define the grid size as
X*Y*Z=2m*2m*1m according to the spread
characteristics and thickness of the ore body, create a
3. 3D model building and system truncated mesh model of the aluminum ore body, assign
construction the grade value of aluminum ore to the drilling model in
the grid module, and use kriging method for layered
interpolation, so that all ore bodies can obtain grade
3.1 Establishment of three-dimensional values.
geological model of mine
Chongqing Shuijiang Aluminum Mine is located in
Shuijiang Town, northeast of Nanchuan District,
Chongqing City, the mining area is distributed in the two
wings and overturned end of the northern section of
Lujiaba anticline, there are no secondary folds in the area,
the development area contains multiple faults and
structural fractures, the strata are generally northeastern,

E3S Web of Conferences 416, 01022 (2023)
OGEGS 2023

The visual management system includes functions such as

3D geological model browsing, sectioning, attribute query,
reserve calculation, layer control, measurement, drilling
generation, and roadway walking. (1) The browsing
function can realize intuitive viewing of the web 3D
model in the system, and realize rotation, zooming,
zooming, panning and other operations through the
corresponding buttons; (2) The sectioning function can
realize the section cutting of the three-dimensional model
and dynamically view the morphological characteristics
of the internal structure of the model; (3) The attribute
query function can right-click to view the attribute
information of the model, such as formation name,
Figure 2 3D modeling results attribute ID, etc.; (4) The reserve calculation function can
(a) Three-dimensional geological models; (b) display of local
realize the input coordinates or manual box selection to
cross-sections of the model; (c) Aluminium grade property delimit the range, and double-click to find the ore body
model reserves in the range; (5) The measurement function can
realize the calculation of model length, area, elevation and
other information; (6) The layer control function can
3.2 Visual management system construction realize the model layers required for custom display, such
In order to solve the problems of difficult management of as transparency, color and other content; (7) The drillhole
underground mineral resources and limited monitoring generation function can view the drilling pattern of the
methods of relevant departments, a three-dimensional exploration ground and query the lithology and height of
visual web terminal system suitable for mineral resources the interspersed formation; (8) The roadway roaming
management was built in this research and development. function can realize the virtual scene of the roadway from
The visual management system is developed based on the a first-person perspective.
B/S structure and adopts the design idea of separating the
front and back ends. The front-end uses Vue .js to quickly
build a user interface, using ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4. Conclusions
and Cesium as a visual framework for two-dimensional
and three-dimensional maps, and the back-end basic In this study, the construction of the 3D geological model
platform layer selects ArcGIS Server components to and visual management system of Shuijiang Aluminum
achieve the distribution of GIS resources and the response Mine in Nanchuan District, Chongqing was realized, and
to user requests, in which the data layer uses MongoDB the real-time 3D model and diversified management
to manage data such as three-dimensional geological system were provided for the mine production and
models and slices, and stores two-dimensional geographic management department. Among them, the three-
data and entity attributes through PostgreSQL. In the dimensional geological model can show the production of
system, the application functions such as 3D geological the mine and provide an important reference for later
model release and sharing, feature query (including strata, mining. The visual management system queries and
borehole, fault, fold, ore body, roadway, goaf, etc.), basic analyzes the input 3D geological model, which can be
calculation (involving line, surface, volume and other applied to mineral resources management.
elements), reserve calculation, section cutting and other In addition, there are still some shortcomings in this study:
functions are mainly based on JavaScript and other in the process of 3D geological modeling, there is no
languages (Figure 3). consideration of whether the amount of data is sufficient
and whether the drilling data is evenly distributed, and the
accuracy and details of the 3D model need to be further
improved. More practical functions can be developed in
the visual management system, such as model explosion,
early warning prompts, etc.

Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Municipality
(cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0962); 2020 Geological
Exploration Project of Chongqing Municipal Bureau of
Planning and Natural Resources (3D Geological
Modeling of Chongqing 1:50,000 Regional Geological
Figure 3 Visual management system interface and some of its

(a) Visual management system interface, (b) roadway roaming

function, (c) section cut display

E3S Web of Conferences 416, 01022 (2023)
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