2022 Biology Mocks Booklet by Vyntex
2022 Biology Mocks Booklet by Vyntex
2022 Biology Mocks Booklet by Vyntex
Marking scheme booklet available on order.
Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
Sign and write date of examination in the spaces provided above
Answer all the questions in this paper in the spaces provided.
1- 22 80
1. Study the diagram below showing a portion of an onion epidermis that had been irrigated
with a certain solution X.
b) Describe the process that lead to the condition named above. (3mks)
b) In which part of alimentary canal does the backward reaction occur? (1mk)
At the start of the experiment an inhibitor was added to the reactants. After the
experiment it was found out that there was the same concentration of J, more than
normal concentration of K, near absence of L, M and N. When L was added to the
inhibitor set M and N were detected.
a) At what stage of the reaction sequence did the inhibitor have its effect? (1mk)
b) Endosperm (1mk)
bi) Name the process through which a plant takes up some mineral ions against a concentration
gradient. (1mk)
ii) State two factors that may affect the process named in b(i) above. (2mks)
c) Distinguish between haemolysis and plasmolysis. (1mk)
6.An insect landed on a leaf of an insectivorous plant. Consequently, the leaf closed with its
spines interlocking trapping the insect inside it. Name the response exhibited by the leaf. (1mk)
a. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) State the role of part labeled d in the life cycle of the organism. (1mk)
8. State any two adaptations of the cardiac muscle that enable it to undergo systole.
i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a) Write a balanced equation to represent its complete oxidation to carbon dioxide and
water. (1mk)
b) Why are carbohydrates and not lipids the first choice respiratory substrates? (2mks)
i) Name the tissue (1mk)
ii) This tissue lines the trachea and bronchi. Suggest its function in these structures. (1mk)
11. Study the flow chart below which represents a physiological process in mammals
12 a) Explain what happens to excess amino acids in the liver of humans. (3mks)
b) Which portions of the human nephron are only found in the cortex? (1mks)
13.A potted plant is transferred from outside on a sunny and windy day, to a dark room.
14.Give a reason why urine of a mammal does not contain amino acids. (1mks)
16.Name the processes that take place in the liver to bring about differences between blood
in the Hepatic portal vein and that in the hepatic vein. (3mks)
i) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17. The graph below shows how the body temperature of a toad and man varies with time in
hours. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
a) What is the relationship between the body temperature of the toad and that of the
atmospheric air? (1mk)
b) State two corrective measures that maintains man’s body temperature at norm even when
the environmental temperature is below 300C. (2mks)
c) Give one behavioral adaptation observed in a lizard when the environmental temperature is
above 390C. (1mk)
18. The figure below shows the exposed breathing apparatus of a fish.
a) Name the structure that was removed to expose the apparatus. (1mk)
ii) State two structural adaptations of the respiratory surface in insects. (2mks)
a) Identify the structure. (1mk)
b) Name the sub-division of the plants that produces the above reproductive structure. (1mk)
Write down the complementary base sequence in the corresponding m RNA segment during
transcription. (1mk)
10 | P a g e
a) With two reasons, identify the cell. (3mks)
Identify. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) Which of the three structure X, Y and Z speeds up transmission of the impulse. (1mk)
22.a) State two structural differences between skeletal muscles and smooth muscles. (4mks)
11 | P a g e
Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided.
This paper consists of 11 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all
papers are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
1.The diagram below represents the direction of flow of blood in a gill capillary. The percentage
of oxygen in solution at position A, B, P, Q and R is given in the table below.
A 10
B 7
P 4 55
Q 7 85
b) Using evidence from the data given, suggest what will happen to oxygen in the water at
point B. (3mks)
c) Name the organ into which blood coming from the capillary at Q flows. (1mk)
d) Suppose the flow of blood in the capillary illustrated above was in the opposite direction,
explain the disadvantage it would have to the fish. (2mks)
e) Name the principle where the blood flows in the opposite direction to another fluid. (1mk)
2.Below is a diagram of a poorly planned town showing some building and facilities.
a) Giving evidence from the diagram, state two likely sources of water pollution. (2mks)
b) State three ways that the positioning of the refuse pit and sewage works pose danger to the
residence of the town. (3mks)
i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) Residents living close to the marsh are likely to suffer from malaria. Explain. (1mk)
d) Suggest two control measures to overcome water pollution in the area. (2mks)
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) Name the type of germination exhibited by maize (1mk)
d) Name two conditions necessary for seed germination other than water and oxygen.
e) What is the role of oxygen in seed germination? (1mk)
b) On the diagram label by name three types of joints. (3mks)
S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
T -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d) Which two bones on the diagram manufactures red blood cells? (1mk)
5. In maize the gene for purple colour is dominant to the gene for white colour.
A pure breeding maize plant with purple grains was crossed with a heterozygous plant.
a) Using letter G to represent the gene for purple colour, work out the genotypes of
the offspring. (4mks)
calculations. (2mks)
6. The diagram below is obtained from measurements of growth in the leaf petiole of a certain
plant. The relative growth rate is calculated and the data is obtained as shown below.
Time in days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Relative growth rate(cm/day) 0 0.1 0.3 0.8 2.0 4.0 4.5 3.5 0.2 0
b) State two functions of a leaf petiole. (2mks)
c) State two characteristics of cells found in the region of cell division. (2mks)
d) Account for the shape of the curve between the following days (3mks)
i) 2 – 5.
ii) 6 – 8 (3mks)
iii)6 – 8 (3mks)
d) Distinguish between primary growth and secondary growth in a flowering plant. (2mks)
10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e
1. Specimen P – soaked (overnight) Maize seed.
3. A white tile.
4. Scalpel.
6. Distilled water.
8. Iodine solution.
9. Sodium hydroxide.
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
You are required to spend the first 15 minutes of the 1 ¾ hours allowed for this
paper reading the whole paper carefully before commencing your work.
Additional pages must not be inserted.
1 17
2 09
3 14
Total score 40
This paper consists of 6 printed pages. Candidates should check to ensure that all pages are
printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. You are provided with specimen P and Q. Examine them carefully and answer the questions that
Specimen P Specimen Q
(b) Identify the parts of the flower from which specimen P and Q developed. (2mks)
P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c i). Make a longitudinal section of specimen P. Draw a well-labelled diagram of one half with all its
(ii). State the functions of any two structures in (c) (i) above. (2mks)
(d). Using a mortar and pestle crush specimen Q, add 5ml distilled water to make a solution Q and carry
out appropriate tests using the reagents provided. (6mks)
Test Procedure Observation Conclusion
a) Name:-
b) Describe the role of auxins in the response exhibited by Plant K1. (4mks)
i) Plant K1 (1mk)
3. Below are photos of of a certain arthropod at different stages of its life cycle.
a) Identify the stage of the life cycle represented by organism S. (1mk)
b i) Name the stage that immediately preceed and succeed organism S in the life cycle. (2mks)
Preceeding stage
Succeeding stage.
ii) What name is given to the complete life cycle of the arthropod? (1mk)
c) Name the gaseous exchange system of orgaism S. Give a visible featuret that supports your
answer. (2mks)
d i) What type of food does organisms S feed on? Give a reason to support your answer.
ii) State the significance of stage U in the life cycle of the beetle. (2mks)
e) State the role of the following in the life cycle of the arthropods. (2mks)
i) Juvinile hormone.
ii) Moulting stimulating hormone.
BSJE 2022
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
School: ……………………………………………………………………………...
Instructions to candidates
a) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
b) Sign in the spaces provided above.
c) Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
d) All workings MUST be clearly shown where necessary.
e) This paper consists of 11 Printed pages.
f) Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as
indicated and no questions are missing
1-28 80
b) With reference to the leaves only give two adaptations of submerged hydrophytes. (2 marks)
2. a) Name the part of the human eye where image is formed. (1 mark)
b) State two characteristics of the image formed on the part named in a) above. (2 marks)
3. A layer of glycerine was applied on upper surface of a freshwater floating plant that had
been kept in the dark for 24 hours. The plant was left undisturbed in bright light. After three
hours test for starch carried out on the leaves produced a brown colour of iodine solution.
Account for the observation. (3 marks)
4. A form four student was walking around the school compound and noticed that the leaves
of Nandi flame tree had fallen on the ground.
(a) Name the hormone responsible for this phenomenon. (1 mark)
(b) State the significance of the above phenomenon to the tree. (2 marks)
5. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
3 ............................................................................................................
5 .............................................................................................................
Biology Paper 1 ©BSJE – 2022 231/1
6. a) During oxidation of certain food substances, the respiratory quotient was found to be
ii) State two advantages of using the food substance named. (2 marks)
(1 mark)
8. The quantity of urine passed per day was measured in four mammals; A, B, C and D of the
same species in their natural habitats. The results were as shown below.
of urine
Explain. (2 marks)
9. In the pumping mechanism of the human heart, name the valve which opens during :
i) Systole………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)
10. State the branch of Biology that would be used in solving the problem of disputed
parentage. (1 mark)
11. Explain why carbohydrates are stored in their polysaccharide forms in both plants and
animals. (1 mark)
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13. State two roles of the jelly-like substance surrounding the eggs laid by frogs in water.
14. The diagram below represents a villus from the ileum lining.
a) Identify two adaptations of the ileum to its function that are observable from the
diagram. (2 marks)
b) Explain why it is necessary for blood from the gut to pass through the liver before joining
15. A biological washing detergent contains enzymes which remove stains like mucus and oils
from clothes which are soaked in water with the detergent.
a) Name the two groups of enzymes that are present in the detergent. (2marks)
b) Why would the stains be removed faster with the detergent in water at 35C rather than
at 15C? (2marks)
16. Explain why a pregnant woman excretes less urea in her urine compared to a non-pregnant
one. (2 marks)
17. The images shown below were taken from a given experiment during germination of a seed.
Use the images to answer the questions that follow.
d) Explain how the part labelled A is raised above the soil level. (2 marks)
Mutation I
Mutation II
ii) Name one disorder that results from gene mutation II. (1 mark)
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20. a) State two limitations of fossil records as an evidence for organic evolution theory.
(2 marks)
b) State an idea that led to the formulation of Lamarck’s theory of evolution. (1 mark)
21. Explain what happens to red blood cells placed in distilled water for 20 minutes.(3 marks)
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23. Explain why it is necessary for an athlete to breathe faster and deeply after running.
(2 marks)
24. Give two main reasons why plants do not require an elaborate excretory system like animals
(2 marks)
25. Study the diagram of a mammalian bone below and answer the questions that follow.
26. The figure below illustrates the relationship between a developing foetus and the maternal
b) Name the blood vessel in L that transports metabolic wastes from the foetus to K.(1 mark)
27. a) Name two structures for gaseous exchange in aquatic plants. (2 marks)
b) Explain why guard cells have thicker inner walls and thinner outer walls. (2 marks)
28. Explain why it is not possible to suffocate and kill a locust by holding its head inside water.
BSJE 2022
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
School: ……………………………………………………………………………...
Instructions to candidates
a) Write all your details in the spaces provided above.
b) This paper consists of two sections; A and B. Answer all the questions in section A in the
spaces provided.
c) In section B answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces
provided after question 8.
d) This paper consists of 12 Printed pages.
e) Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the papers are printed as
indicated and no questions are missing.
1 8
2 8
A 3 8
4 8
5 8
6 20
B 7 20
8 20
Total Score 80
(i) Inversion
(ii) Translocation
(c) In mice the allele for black fur is dominant to the allele for brown fur. What percentage of
offspring would have brown fur from a cross between heterozygous black mice and
brown mice? (Show your working)
Use letter B to represent the allele for black colour. (4 marks)
P ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Q ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
R ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
U ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) State the physiological changes that would occur in the following structures if the
R …………………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) Why were the seedlings labeled B and C included in the experiment (1 mark)
4. In an experiment to investigate an aspect of digestion, two test tubes A and B were set up
as shown in the figure below. The test tubes were left in the bath for 30minutes. The
content of each test tube was then tested for starch using iodine solution.
(b) What were the observations expected in test tube A and B? (2 marks)
5. Ojwang’ Hatari is confronted by a hyena while walking in the forest. His adrenal glands
(a) What was the effect of adrenaline in his circulatory system? (4marks)
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(b) Explain why the skin temperature rises shortly after drinking iced Coca-Cola.
SECTION B (40marks)
Answer question 6(compulsory) and either 7 or 8 in the spaces provided after question 8.
6. A culture of bacteria was incubated in nutrients agar at 35℃. Samples were taken at
intervals in order to estimate the number of bacteria in the population.
The data obtained is as shown below.
Time(hours) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(c) Give 3 reasons for the shape of the curve between 25 hours -45 hours. (3 marks)
(d) (i) Suggest what would happen to the population of the bacteria if the temperature
7. Describe the structure and functions of the various parts of the human ear. (20 marks)
8. Explain the various ways in which seeds and fruits are adapted to dispersal. (20 marks)
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Biology Paper 2 ©BSJE – 2022 231/2
MOCK 2022
BSJE 2022
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
School: ……………………………………………………………………………
Instructions to candidates:
a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
b) Sign and write date of examination in the spaces provided above
c) Answer all the questions in this paper.
d) You are required to spend the first 15 minutes of the 1¾ hours allowed for this paper
reading the whole paper carefully.
e) This paper consists of 5 Printed pages.
f) Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as
indicated and no questions are missing.
1 11
2 14
3 15
1. You are provided with specimens labelled A which were soaked overnight
a) i) Name the part a plant represented by the specimens (1 mark)
c) Using a scapel, cut a longitudinal section of specimen. Draw and label the section
(4 marks)
d) i) Name the division to which the specimens were obtained belongs (1 mark)
ii) Name the part of the flower that forms the specimen (1 mark)
2. a) Crush the cotyledons of specimen A in a mortar and pestle into a fine paste. Add
enough water to make a solution
Use the reagents provided to test for food substances in the solution of the cotyledons.
Record the food substances, procedure, observation and conclusion in the table below.
b) Name the enzyme that would digest the food substances present in the cotyledons in the
i) Mouth (1 mark)
Specimen W
Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
Sign and write date of examination in the spaces provided above
Answer all the questions in this paper in the spaces provided.
1- 22 80
1. Study the diagram below showing a portion of an onion epidermis that had been irrigated
with a certain solution X.
b) Describe the process that lead to the condition named above. (3mks)
b) In which part of alimentary canal does the backward reaction occur? (1mk)
At the start of the experiment an inhibitor was added to the reactants. After the
experiment it was found out that there was the same concentration of J, more than
normal concentration of K, near absence of L, M and N. When L was added to the
inhibitor set M and N were detected.
a) At what stage of the reaction sequence did the inhibitor have its effect? (1mk)
b) Endosperm (1mk)
bi) Name the process through which a plant takes up some mineral ions against a concentration
gradient. (1mk)
ii) State two factors that may affect the process named in b(i) above. (2mks)
c) Distinguish between haemolysis and plasmolysis. (1mk)
6.An insect landed on a leaf of an insectivorous plant. Consequently, the leaf closed with its
spines interlocking trapping the insect inside it. Name the response exhibited by the leaf. (1mk)
a. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) State the role of part labeled d in the life cycle of the organism. (1mk)
8. State any two adaptations of the cardiac muscle that enable it to undergo systole.
i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a) Write a balanced equation to represent its complete oxidation to carbon dioxide and
water. (1mk)
b) Why are carbohydrates and not lipids the first choice respiratory substrates? (2mks)
i) Name the tissue (1mk)
ii) This tissue lines the trachea and bronchi. Suggest its function in these structures. (1mk)
11. Study the flow chart below which represents a physiological process in mammals
12 a) Explain what happens to excess amino acids in the liver of humans. (3mks)
b) Which portions of the human nephron are only found in the cortex? (1mks)
13.A potted plant is transferred from outside on a sunny and windy day, to a dark room.
14.Give a reason why urine of a mammal does not contain amino acids. (1mks)
16.Name the processes that take place in the liver to bring about differences between blood
in the Hepatic portal vein and that in the hepatic vein. (3mks)
i) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17. The graph below shows how the body temperature of a toad and man varies with time in
hours. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
a) What is the relationship between the body temperature of the toad and that of the
atmospheric air? (1mk)
b) State two corrective measures that maintains man’s body temperature at norm even when
the environmental temperature is below 300C. (2mks)
c) Give one behavioral adaptation observed in a lizard when the environmental temperature is
above 390C. (1mk)
18. The figure below shows the exposed breathing apparatus of a fish.
a) Name the structure that was removed to expose the apparatus. (1mk)
ii) State two structural adaptations of the respiratory surface in insects. (2mks)
a) Identify the structure. (1mk)
b) Name the sub-division of the plants that produces the above reproductive structure. (1mk)
Write down the complementary base sequence in the corresponding m RNA segment during
transcription. (1mk)
10 | P a g e
a) With two reasons, identify the cell. (3mks)
Identify. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) Which of the three structure X, Y and Z speeds up transmission of the impulse. (1mk)
22.a) State two structural differences between skeletal muscles and smooth muscles. (4mks)
11 | P a g e
Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided.
1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8
5 8
6 20
7 or 8 20
This paper consists of 11 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all
papers are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
1.The diagram below represents the direction of flow of blood in a gill capillary. The percentage
of oxygen in solution at position A, B, P, Q and R is given in the table below.
A 10
B 7
P 4 55
Q 7 85
b) Using evidence from the data given, suggest what will happen to oxygen in the water at
point B. (3mks)
c) Name the organ into which blood coming from the capillary at Q flows. (1mk)
d) Suppose the flow of blood in the capillary illustrated above was in the opposite direction,
explain the disadvantage it would have to the fish. (2mks)
e) Name the principle where the blood flows in the opposite direction to another fluid. (1mk)
2.Below is a diagram of a poorly planned town showing some building and facilities.
a) Giving evidence from the diagram, state two likely sources of water pollution. (2mks)
b) State three ways that the positioning of the refuse pit and sewage works pose danger to the
residence of the town. (3mks)
i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ii) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) Residents living close to the marsh are likely to suffer from malaria. Explain. (1mk)
d) Suggest two control measures to overcome water pollution in the area. (2mks)
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d) Name two conditions necessary for seed germination other than water and oxygen.
e) What is the role of oxygen in seed germination? (1mk)
b) On the diagram label by name three types of joints. (3mks)
S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
T -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d) Which two bones on the diagram manufactures red blood cells? (1mk)
5. In maize the gene for purple colour is dominant to the gene for white colour.
A pure breeding maize plant with purple grains was crossed with a heterozygous plant.
a) Using letter G to represent the gene for purple colour, work out the genotypes of
the offspring. (4mks)
d) Gene for smooth seed coat is dominant over gene for wrinkled seed coat.
Two heterozygous pea plants with smooth seed coats were crossed and produced a
total of 14640 seeds. How many seeds had wrinkled seed coat? Show your
calculations. (2mks)
6. The diagram below is obtained from measurements of growth in the leaf petiole of a certain
plant. The relative growth rate is calculated and the data is obtained as shown below.
Time in days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Relative growth rate(cm/day) 0 0.1 0.3 0.8 2.0 4.0 4.5 3.5 0.2 0
b) State two functions of a leaf petiole. (2mks)
c) State two characteristics of cells found in the region of cell division. (2mks)
d) Account for the shape of the curve between the following days (3mks)
i) 2 – 5.
ii) 6 – 8 (3mks)
iii)6 – 8 (3mks)
d) Distinguish between primary growth and secondary growth in a flowering plant. (2mks)
10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e
3. A white tile.
4. Scalpel.
6. Distilled water.
8. Iodine solution.
9. Sodium hydroxide.
10.Copper(II) sulphate.
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
You are required to spend the first 15 minutes of the 1 ¾ hours allowed for this
paper reading the whole paper carefully before commencing your work.
Additional pages must not be inserted.
1 17
2 09
3 14
Total score 40
This paper consists of 6 printed pages. Candidates should check to ensure that all pages are
printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. You are provided with specimen P and Q. Examine them carefully and answer the questions that
Specimen P Specimen Q
(b) Identify the parts of the flower from which specimen P and Q developed. (2mks)
P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c i). Make a longitudinal section of specimen P. Draw a well-labelled diagram of one half with all its
(ii). State the functions of any two structures in (c) (i) above. (2mks)
(d). Using a mortar and pestle crush specimen Q, add 5ml distilled water to make a solution Q and carry
out appropriate tests using the reagents provided. (6mks)
Test Procedure Observation Conclusion
a) Name:-
b) Describe the role of auxins in the response exhibited by Plant K1. (4mks)
i) Plant K1 (1mk)
3. Below are photos of of a certain arthropod at different stages of its life cycle.
a) Identify the stage of the life cycle represented by organism S. (1mk)
b i) Name the stage that immediately preceed and succeed organism S in the life cycle. (2mks)
Preceeding stage
Succeeding stage.
ii) What name is given to the complete life cycle of the arthropod? (1mk)
c) Name the gaseous exchange system of orgaism S. Give a visible featuret that supports your
answer. (2mks)
d i) What type of food does organisms S feed on? Give a reason to support your answer.
ii) State the significance of stage U in the life cycle of the beetle. (2mks)
i) Juvinile hormone.
ii) Moulting stimulating hormone.
NAME ……………………………………………. INDEX NO …………………………..
DATE ……..…………………...
Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
Sign and write date of examination in the spaces provided above.
Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
1 – 28 80
2. Give reasons for the following structural modifications in axial skeleton of humans
(i) Fused sacral vertebrae (1mk)
(ii) Long transverse process in lumbar vertebrae. (1mk)
3. (a) What is adaptive radiation? (1mk)
(b) State two ways in which Homo sapiens differs from Homo habilis (2mks)
4. State three characteristics of class Reptilia. (3mks)
5. The diagram below represents the structure of a yeast cell as seen under a light microscope.
(b) State two similarities between tissue named in 9(a) above and one conducting water in
dicotyledonous plant. (2mks)
10. A wild beast in Masai Mara National Park was found to be infested with a lot of ticks. State the
trophic level occupied by the following organisms:
(a) (i) Wild beast (1mk)
(ii) Ticks (1mk)
(b) Sketch a pyramid of numbers to represent above feeding relationship. (1mk)
11. (a) Name the causative agent of the following diseases in humans.
(i) Bilharziasis (1mk)
(ii) Syphillis (1mk)
Page 4 of 10 Biology Paper 1
(b) Describe the following defects:
(i) Varicose veins (1mk)
(ii) Thrombosis (1mk)
12. The flow chart below shows the movement and fate of carbohydrate synthesized by green plants.
Meristematic tissues
Storage tissues
3 1 4 2
i C Pm m
3 1 4 3
(i) Calculate the total number of teeth in the jaw of the animal (2mks)
(ii) With a reason, identify the type of dentition for the organism (2mks)
16. The diagram below shows a section through a plant organ
18. During a biological trip, plants that had flowers drew the attention of students
(a) Name the subdivision of the plants (1mk)
(b) Name two possible characteristics that students would use to conclude that they were
insect pollinated. (2mks)
Page 7 of 10 Biology Paper 1
19. Define the following terms
(a) Homologous structures (1mk)
(b) Vestigial structures (1mk)
20. Name the type of responses exhibited by the following
(a) Pollen tube growth towards the embryo sac (1mk)
(b) Maggot moving from the lit part of boiling tube to the part painted black (1mk)
(c) Folding of the leaves of the Mimosa Pudica plant on touch (1mk)
21. Insulin is a hormone synthesized using bacteria DNA. It is possible to obtain from hospitals
because of the new technology
(a) Name the technology used in the case above. (1mk)
(b) Why were bacteria preferred in the medicine production (2mks
22. (a) State the role of the following parts of ear in the hearing process
(i) Ear drum (1mk)
(ii) Cochlea (1mk)
Page 8 of 10 Biology Paper 1
(b) Explain why the body temperature of a healthy human being may rise up to 390C on a hot
humid day. (3mks)
23. Explain what happens to human body when glucose level is above normal (3mks)
24. Name three mechanisms that ensure cross pollination takes place in flowering plants. (3mks)
25. State the functional difference between sensory and motor neurons (1mk)
26. Give two reasons why class insecta is the most numerous among members of phylum arthropoda.
27. The diagram below shows the appearance of a plant cell after it had been placed in a strong salt
Page 9 of 10 Biology Paper 1
(a) Name the process that occurred in the cell shown above. (1mk)
(b) (i) Which substance is present in the regions marked 1? (1mk)
JULY 2022
- Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided above
- This paper consists of two sections A and B
- Answer all questions in section A
- In section B answer question 6(compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces provided after
question 8.
1. The photograph below shows an organism undergoing a certain process. Examine the external features
of the organism and answer the following questions.
(a) i. Identify the class to which the organism above belongs (1Mark)
ii. Give two reasons for your answer in (a)i. above. (2 Marks)
(b)i. Identify the type of metamorphosis illustrated above. (1Mark)
ii. Give a reason for your answer in {d}i. above. (1Mark)
(c)Name the stages P and Q. (2Mark)
P: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Q: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
(a)State the process that can lead to an increase in glucose level. (1Mark)
(b)What type of feedback mechanism is represented by H? (1Mark)
(c)State three corrective mechanisms carried out at G. (3Marks)
(d)Name the condition that may result from further excess. (1Mark)
(e)Name the hormone that would be responsible for correcting the deficiency. (1Mark)
(f)What is the disadvantage of low blood glucose level in blood. (1Mark)
Parents 1 2
3 4
5 6 7
Normal male
9 10 11 Haemophilic male
Normal female
Carrier female
Haemophilic female
Individual ………………………………………………………………………………
Individual 4 ……………………………………………………………………………
b) Using a punnet square, work out the possible phenotypes of offspring’s, if individual 4 married a
haemophiliac male. (4 Marks)
c) Explain why there are no carrier males. (1Mark)
d) Name a condition in man that is due to chromosomal mutation. (1Mark)
b) How could foggy weather influence the net amount of carbohydrates formed over the 24 hour period?
(1 Mark)
c) Give other external factors apart from temperature and light intensity that influence the rate of
photosynthesis. (2 Marks)
5. a)Active yeast cells were added to dilute sugar solutions in a container. The mixture was kept in a warm
room. After a few hours bubbles of a gas were observe escaping from the mixture.
i) Write down the word equation to represent the reaction. (1 Mark)
ii) Give two economic importance of the chemical reaction in industry? (2 Mark)
b) State two application of the above process in agriculture. (2 Mark)
6. In a study on immunity, two groups of mice were immunized with sheep blood. One of the groups was
given 5 doses of a drug Tinocordine prior to immunization. The second group was not treated with
Tinocordine. Blood was collected from each group every third day for one month. The results were
shown in the table below.
Number of days after Antibodies produced after immunization (a)Plot
Tinocordine treated mice Non-Tinocordine treated mice
3 15 5 using
6 20 5 the
9 30 15
12 60 25 same
15 122 30 axes of
18 250 30
21 122 30 antibod
24 60 30 ies
27 37 22
30 27 5 produc
ed after immunization against number of days after immunization.
(8 Marks)
(f)i. Give a reason why AIDS can’t be easily detected by normal blood test.(1 Mark)
ii. State three ways of controlling AIDS. (3 Marks)
7. (a)State how each of the following food substances are assimilated in the body.
(6 Marks)
i. Glucose
ii. Amino acids
iii. Fatty acids and glycerol
(b) Descibe the adaptation of the ileum to its functions. (14 Marks)
8. Explain how desert plants are adapted to their habitat. (20 Marks)
DATE ……..…………………...
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.
2. Sign & write the date of the examination in the spaces provided.
3. Answer all questions in the spaces provided after each question. Additional pages must not be
4. You are required to spend the first 15 minutes assigned to this paper reading through the whole
paper carefully before commencing your work.
5. All answers must be given in English.
This paper consists of 6 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that the pages are printed as indicated
and that no questions are missing.
iv) Write a word equation for the physiological process investigated. (1mk)
v) Why was the warm water bath used in the experiment? (2mks)
2. The photograph below is of a mammalian heart that has been cut open to expose the inner parts.
Study it and answer the questions that follow.
ii) Account for the structural differences between the parts marked G and E. (3mks)
i) Name the blood vessel marked M. (1mk)
4 •Boiling tube with the rubber bung /cork fitted with a delivery tube
6•Means of timing
8•A twig of wandering Jew (purple/freshly picked) Tradescantia can also do; The twigs should
have at least a flower/ fruit.
10•Microscope slide
11•Cover slips
2 Hours
1. All Questions are Compulsory
2. Write your Answers in the Spaces Provided
3. Wrong Spelling of Technical Terms shall be Penalized
3. a) Name the pigment that protects humans from the negative effect of Ultraviolet lights
b) Explain how sunlight contributes to stronger bones and teeth in human beings (2mks
5. a) What is asexual reproduction? (1mk
6. The diagram shown below represents a seeding. Use it to answer questions that follow
a) Give a reason why the plant above is a member of Class Dicotyledonae (1mk
b) Explain why the biomass of part labelled A will be lower compared to the one found
in the seed stage of the same plant (2mks
7. a) State TWO ways in which blood clotting is important to a human being (2mks
b) What are the roles of thrombokinase enzyme during blood clotting? (2mks
8. The diagram shown below represents a flower
a) Name the agent of pollination for the flower shown above (1mk
9. State the differences between cones and rods in terms of the following (2mks
Feature Cone Rod
Visual acuity
10. Use the diagram of a nerve cell shown below to answer questions that follow
11. Give THREE features that make modern man to be more adaptable to the environment
a) State TWO economic importance of the above organism in the food industry (2mks
b) Why does the rate of respiration reduce under the following conditions? (2mks
i) Low temperature
ii) Metabolic poison
13. State TWO reasons why Biotechnology is important in modern science (2mks
14. a) Fill in the table shown below to give differences between continuous and
discontinuous variation
Continuous Variation Discontinuous Variation
16. a) In an experiment, Peter counted 9 cells along the diameter of field of view of a light
microscope measuring 3.0mm. Determine the diameter of one cell in micrometers
b) Why is electron microscope safer to the eye than light microscope during use? (1mk
17. The following diagram represents results of an experiment carried out on two sets of
germinating seeds.
b) What is the importance of dipping the boiled seeds in a disinfectant in test tube Y?
18. The diagram shown below represents a section of the vertebral column
b) State TWO ways in which part T is important to movement in human beings (2mks
19. Describe how the following cells adapt the structures where they are found to their
a) Companion cell (2mks
20. A mother had a still birth and the expelled foetus showed clear signs of anaemia and
a) Give the name of this disorder (1mk
21. The following equation represents a section of the Nitrogen Cycle
Ammonia Nitrite X
Process Z
a) Name: i) Bacterium labelled Y
ii) Compound X
b) Explain how Process Z affect plant growth in an area? (2mks
22. Samson had a road accident resulting in serious head injuries that left him with the
following conditions: Loss of balance, low body temperature; poor speech, unregulated
breathing and memory loss. Name the part of the brain affected that led to the following:
i) Low body temperature
ii) Memory loss ……………………………………………………..………….……..(1mk
iii) Unregulated breathing ………………………………………….…………………(1mk
23. The graph shown below represents effect of substrate concentration on rate of enzymatic
a) Account for the rate of enzymatic reaction when the substrate concentration was
between 0.3 to 0.5%. (2mks
24. A tilapia fish has a full length of 300mm but measures 200mm from the mouth tip to its
anus. Determine the tail power of the fish (2mks
231/2 - BIOLOGY -
Paper 2
2 Hours
Instructions to candidate
(a) Write your name, school, index number in the space provided at the top of the paper.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the space provided above.
(c) This paper consists of two sections, A and B.
(d) Answer all the questions in section A in the spaces provided.
(e) In section B answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the answer booklet
(f) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated
and that no questions are missing.
(g) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
(c) Name one trait in human beings that is determined by multiple allele. (1mk)
(d) Name one genetic disorder affecting the red blood cells. (1mk)
(a) i) Identify the type of circulatory system shown in diagram above. (1mk)
(c) Explain the disadvantage of having the above circulatory system in the animals. (2mks)
5. An experiment was carried out to find out the concentration of ions in the cell sap of an aquatic plant
and that of the pond water in which they were found.
Concentration in
Ions Cell sap Pond water
Na+ 50 1.2
K+ 49 0.5
Mg2+ 11 3.0
Ca2+ 13 1.3
Cl- 101 1.3
SO42- 13 0.67
(a)(i) Name the process by which the aquatic plant absorbs ions from pond water. (1 mk)
(ii) State the four roles of the process you have named in (a)(i) above in a mammalian body. (4 mks)
(b) Name the cell structure that allows passage of ions in and out of the cell. (1mk)
b) What was the concentration of glucose in the blood of Y and Z at the 50th minute? (2mks)
d) Account for the decrease in glucose level person Z after 60 minutes. (2mk)
N/B. 30g glucose mixed with 3g starch then add 100cm3 water and heat to boil then cool.
6. 500 ml beaker
8. Benedict’s solution
11.A scalpel.
Specimen S2 and S3 should be ready 1 week before the exams and must have the seeds intact.
Page 1 of 1
231/3 - BIOLOGY - Paper 3
1 3/4 Hours
(a) Write your name, index number and school in the spaces provided above.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
(d) You are required to spend the first 15 minutes of the 1¾ hours allowed for
(e) this paper reading the whole paper carefully before commencing your work.
(f) This paper has three questions.
(g) Students should check the question paper to ascertain that all the papers are printed as indicated
and that no questions are missing.
(h) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Score Score
1 14
2 12
3 14
Total Score 40
Dip the visking tubing in distilled water to moisten it, open it, and then tie one end tightly with the
thread provided.
Half-fill the visking tubing with solution K then tie the open end of the tubing tightly. Ensure solution
K does not spill out of the tubing.
Immerse the visking tubing into distilled water in a beaker. Ensure that the visking tubing is
completely immersed in the distilled water.
Leave the set-up for 20 minutes. Record your observations after 20 minutes.
(b) Remove the visking tubing carefully. Ensure the contents of the visking tubing do not mix with that
of the beaker.Using the reagents provided, test for the food substance present in the visking tubing and
the beaker.
I. Visking tubing (4mks)
Reducing sugars
Reducing sugars
(c) Explain observations in the visking tubing and Beaker in 1(b) above. (3mks)
2. The photographs I and II below illustrate parts of mammalian systems. Study them and answer the
questions that follow.
(b) Name the membrane that covers part marked P and Z. (2mks)
(c) Describe two ways by which organ P and Z are protected. (2mks)
(d) How is the part labelled Y adapted to perform its function. (2mks)
(a) Using a scalpel blade split S1 longitudinally and draw a well labeled diagram to show the
internal structures. (4mks)
(b) With a reason, state the class of the plant from which specimen S1 was obtained.
(i) Class (1mk)
Reason (1mk)
1_____________________ _______________________________
2_____________________ _______________________________________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1. (a) State the function of a mirror in a light microscope. (1 mark)
b) Give one reason why the coarse adjustment knob should not be used to lower the high
power objective. (1 mark)
(ii) Give two examples of the process names in (a) (i) above in plants. (2 marks)
(b) State two ways by which the movement of dye molecules in the set up would be going
down. (2 marks)
3. The table below shows the percentage concentration of certain substances in blood plasma
glomerular filtrate and urine in a human being at a particular time.
Percentage concentration
Substance Blood plasma Glomerular filtrate Urine
Glucose 0.023 0.02 0.0
Water 92.70 92.70 96.08
Protein 5.69 0.0 0.0
Urea 0.087 0.098 2.6
(a) Explain the likely impact on the composition of urine in case of the following:
(i) Vigorous physical exercises (2 marks)
5. How does nutrition as a characteristic of living organisms differ in plants and animals? (2 marks)
6. The diagram below represents a certain organism collected by a student at the sea shore.
(b) Give three reasons for your answer in (a) above. (3 marks)
7. The figure below is a fine structure of a generalized animal cell as seen under an electron microscope.
(a) Name the parts labeled A and B. (2 marks)
A ………………………………………………………………………
B ………………………………………………………………………
8. In an investigation, a student extracted three pieces of pawpaw cylinders using a cork borer. The
cylinders were cut back to 50mm length and placed in a beaker containing a solution. The results after
40 minutes were as shown in the table below.
Feature Result
Average length of cylinders (mm) 56 mm
Stiffness of cylinders Stiff
(b) What would be a suitable control set-up for the investigation? (1 marks)
9. The table below shows results of a study of three plants C, D and E growing in different habitats.
(a)Which one of the plant C, D and E grows in an area of relatively low water availability?(1 mk)
F ……………………………………………………………………………
G ……………………………………………………………………………
(b) State one function of each of the parts labeled H and J (2 marks)
H …………………………………………………………………………
J ………………………………………………………………………….
ii. In which part of the reproductive system is the structure produced? (1mk)
b) Name division of the plant that produces the reproductive structure above. (1mk)
b) Cross pollination leads to cross fertilization which results to hybrid vigour. State three mechanisms
that encourages cross pollination instead of self pollination. (3mks)
ii. Implantation
15. Outline two precautions taken when collecting and observing specimens. (2mks)
16. Below is a diagram representing one of the apparatus used in biological studies?
ii) Name two animals which require the use of the apparatus during their collection.
17. a) What are the benefits of scientific skills acquired in studying Biology? (2mks)
b) Outline two ways in which an aircraft can be compared to a bird apart from flying. (2mks)
18. Name two structures used for gaseous exchange in plants. (2mks)
ii) Pyramid numbers?(1mk)
b) State two guidelines that should be followed when typing scientific name. (2mks)
b) Give the reasons why the individual cannot receive from a blood group A donor. (2mks)
10 | P a g e
23. Colour blindness is a sex linked trait controlled by a recessive b. If a mother is a carrier and the
father is normal, what is the chance that their son will be colour blind? Show your working. (3mks)
24. State two advantages of using a coverslips when preparing a specimen for observation under a light
microscope. (2mks)
11 | P a g e
Name……………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
Paper 2
June/July 2022
Time: 2 Hours
This paper consists of two sections A and B.
Answer ALL questions in section A
Answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in section B.
(c) State three physiological mechanisms of controlling the human body
temperature during a cold day. (3 marks)
2. The genetic disorder hemophilia is due to a recessive sex linked gene .A man who is
hemophilic marries a woman who is carrier for the condition.
a) Using letter H to represent the gene normal condition and letter h for the gene for
hemophiliac condition.
i) What is the genotype for the man and the woman? (2marks)
ii) Work out a cross between the man and woman (3marks)
b) What is the chance that both the first and second sons will be hemophiliac? (2marks)
c) Hemophilia is more common in males than in female humans. Explain (1mark)
3. The diagram below represents a state in cell division. Study it and answer the questions
(a) Name the stage of cell division illustrated in the diagram above. (1 mark)
(b) Name the parts labelled A, B and C (3 marks)
(c) State THREE differences between mitosis and meiosis. (3 marks)
(d) Name the process during which the exchange of genetic materials occur at prophase 1 of
meiosis. (1 mark)
4. The diagram below indicates an organism that grows under shaded places with damp
conditions. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Name the division to which the specimen belongs. (1 mark)
(b) Name and state the functions of the parts labeled Q, R and S. (6 marks)
(c) Name the two body forms of the organism in its alternation of generation. (2 marks)
5. a) Explain how the following meristematic tissues contribute to growth of higher
i) Vascular cambium (2marks)
c) Name the series of stages through which the nymph undergoes to reach adult stage (1
(a) Draw a graph of percentage of red blood cells haemolysed against salt concentration.
(6 marks)
(b) Explain haemolysis of red blood cells. (3 marks)
(ii) the highest salt concentration when the largest number of red blood cells were
haemolysed. (1 mark)
(d) (i) Suggest the normal salt concentration in the blood of the mammal from which the red
blood cells were obtained. (2 marks)
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (d) (i) above. (1 mark)
(iii)What term is used to describe the solution with equal solute concentration as that of the
cells? (1 mark)
(e) Name the process in the human body that ensures that haemolysis of red blood cells is
prevented. (1 mark)
7. Describe the role of hormones in the mammalian female reproductive cycle. (20 marks)
8. Describe the
(i) Process of inhalation in mammals (10 marks)
(ii) Mechanism of opening and closing of stomata (10 marks)
K.C.S.E – 2022
JUNE 2022
June 2022
Time: 1 ¾ HOURS
1 12
2 14
3 14
Total Score 40
1. Study the photograph below and answer the questions that follow.
a) State two organ systems in which the two organs in the photograph above are found.
c) State one feature of the following structures identified in( b) above and give the importance of
the features. (4mks)
structure feature Importance
Left ventricle
d) Use an arrow to show the flow of carbon (iv) oxide molecule thorough the chambers of the
heart towards the lungs. (1mk)
e) State one observable features of lungs in the photograph above that suits them to their
function. (1mks)
(a) (i) Put 2 cm3 of solution P into two test tubes labeled A and B. Add three drops of iodine
solution into test tube A. Observe and record. (1 mark)
(ii) To test tube B, add an equal amount of Benedict’s solution. Heat to boil. Record your
observation. (1 mark)
(iii) From the results in (a) (i) and (ii), identify solution P. (1 mark)
(iv) Put 2cm3 of solution Z into a clean test tube labeled C. Add equal volume of Benedict’s
solution. Heat to boil. Record your observation (1 mark)
(v) Open the visking tubing provided and tie one end tightly, Pour solution P into the visking tubing and
add 1cm3 of the solution R. Tie the other end of the visking tubing and ensure there is no leakage at
both ends. Pour solution Z into a clean beaker till it is half full. Immerse visking tube in the solution Z in
the beaker. Allow it to stand for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, take 2cm3 of solution Z from the beaker
into a clean test tube labeled D. Add equal amount of Benedict’s solution. Heat to boil. Record your
observation. (1 mark)
(vii) What is the identity of solution R? (1 mark)
(viii) State one factor that can affect the process demonstrated in 2a (v) above (1 mark)
b) Use the reagents provided to test for the food substance in solution Q.
3. The photograph below shows specimen L. You are also provided with other two specimens
labeled k and M. Study them then answer questions that follow:
Photograph L.
a) Identify the specimens. (3mks)
Bone L Bone M
(ii)State ways by which specimen K is adapted to its functions. (2mks)
NAME ………………………………………… INDEX NO …….…………………..
SCHOOL ………………………………………… SIGNATURE …………..……....…….
DATE ………………
Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
Answer ALL questions in this paper.
(c).Name two mammalian organs where this type of epithelium is found. (2mks)
7. A patient whose blood group A died shortly after receiving blood from a person of blood group B.
Explain the possible cause of death of the patient. (3mks)
(a).Which part of the plant was the section made from (1mk)
9. Explain why water logging of the soil may lead to death of plants. (2mks)
11. (a) In mammals haemoglobin is confined to red blood cells. Give two advantages of this (2mks)
(b)The blood of insects does not contain an oxygen carrying pigment. Give an explanation for this.
12. In a man, aerobic breakdown of glucose yields 2880kj- of energy whereas anaerobic breakdown
yields 150kj-. Give an explanation to account for this difference. (3mks)
13. Give any two excretory organs in mammals and name the substrate they excrete. (2mks)
b) Give two advantages of excreting nitrogenous waste products in the form of uric acid as
compared to urea. (2mks)
16. Insects are found in almost all parts of the world. List three features that make them very successful
animals. (3mks)
17. Explain why only a small part of the food materials taken up by herbivores is passed on to secondary
consumers. (3mks)
19. Explain why petals and sepals are referred to as the accessory parts of a flower. (2mks)
20. If the ovaries of a woman are removed during the first four months of pregnancy miscarriage is very
likely to occur. However if they are removed after the forth monthly pregnancy an proceed normally.
Explain (3mks)
21. Animals with external fertilization product large number of eggs whereas those with internal
fertilization produce fewer eggs. Suggest an explanation for this differences. (3mks)
23. Man hammered a nail two meters from the ground surface in the stem of a ten metres tall tree. Two
years later, the tree had grown taller and thicker. Explain where would expect to find the nail.
24. The cells shown below were obtained from different parts of a young root tip. Give the name of the
zone from which each cell was obtained. (3mks)
25. The letter (A) and (a) represent the dominant and recessive genes for a particular trait respectively.
Write down the genotype of the following: (3 marks)
a) Homozygous dominant
b) Heterozygous dominant
c) Homozygous recessive
(b)In what way does Lamarck’s theory fail to agree with modern scientific evidence? (1mk)
28. The diagram below shows the structure of a neurone. Study it and answer questions below.
c) State whether the axon of this neurone transmit impulses away from the cell body or towards the
cell body. (1mks)
31. Name the following organelle according to the flowing functions. (2mks)
i) That synthesis protein
Class............................. Date..............................................................
Instructions to Candidates
(a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
(b) write the class and date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) This paper consists of 2 sections; A and B
(d) Answer all questions in section A in the spaces provided.
(e) In section B answer question 6(compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces provided after
question 8
(f) This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
(g) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated
and that no questions are missing.
(h) Candidates should answer all the questions in English.
A 1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8
5 8
B 6 20
7 20
8 20
5 micrometres
100 micrometres
Cell A
Cell B
i) Name the cell B (1mk)
ii) Give one feature of cell A which makes it different from cell B.
c) State the trophic level occupied by hawks in the food chains constructed in (b) above
(ii) Living organisms convert chemical energy into heat energy lost to the environments.
4. Below is a chemical equation, study it and answer the questions that follow: -
Carbon(IV) oxide + water Oxygen + glucose
(a) Name process A and B B (2 Marks)
Corrective mechanism P
Rise Fall
Fall Rise
Corrective mechanism Q
c) State the reasons why glucose level should be maintained constant. (2mks)
Time in hours 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
Set A (length 12 14 20 23 28 31 47 54
Set B length (mm) 17 23 28 35 48 62 80 94
(a) Using suitable scale draw the graphs of the mean lengths in set A and B against time
(b) From the graph, state the man shoot length of each set of seedling at the 66th hour.
(d) Explain what would happen to set up B if it were allowed to continue to grow under conditions of
darkness. (4mks)
(e) State 3 external conditions which should be constant for both set ups. (3mks)
7. (a) Define:
(i) Transpiration. (2mks)
b) Identify and explain structural factors that affects the rate of transpiration in plants.
8. Describe the adaptations of the mammalian eye to its function. (20 marks)
Instructions to Candidates:
(a) Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) Answer all questions in the spaces provided in this booklet.
(d) This paper consists of 6 printed pages.
(e) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and
that no questions are missing.
(f) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
1 13
2 11
3 16
Total Score 40
Turn over
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1. You are provided with 250ml beaker, four test tubes, solutions labeled D and E, Iodine and
Benedict’s solutions. Half fill the beaker with hot water provided to create a hot water bath.
(I) Label the four test tubes as follows:
(i) Test tube 1. D + iodine
(ii) Test tube 2. D + E + iodine
(iii) Test tube 3. D + Benedict’s solution
(iv) Test tube 4. D + E + Benedict’s solution
(II) Put 1cm3 of solution D in each of the four test tubes.
(III) To the D + iodine test tube, add one drop iodine solution and shake to mix.
(IV) To the D + E + iodine test tube, add 1cm3 of solution E and two drops of iodine solution
(V) To the D + Benedict’s solution test tube, add 1cm3 of Benedict’s solution and shake to mix
(VI) To the D + E + Benedict’s solution test tube, add 1cm3 of solution E and 1cm3 Benedict’s
solution. Shake to mix.
(VII) Observe the changes in each of the four test tubes
(VIII) Put all the four test tubes in the hot water bath and observe carefully for about five minutes
a) Record the observations and conclusion for each of the four test tubes in the table below (8marks)
1 D + iodine
2 D + E + iodine
3 D + Benedict’s solution
4 D + E + Benedict’s
Turn over
b) What was the role of each of the following in the experiment?
(i) Solution E (1mark)
d) Explain the observations made on the reagents tested with Benedict’s solution (2marks)
a) Identify the evidence for organic evolution exhibited by the two organisms above (1mark)
Turn over
b) Observe the two organisms interacting in an ecosystem.
i) Identify which of the two animals M and L will have the least biomass (1mark)
c) Explain the concept of “Survival for the fittest” in relation to the organisms illustrated in the
photograph. (4marks)
c) Explain two visible survival adaptive features for the organisms illustrated in the photograph
Turn over
3. Study the photographs and answer the following questions.
ii) State one survival value of each of the response named above. (2 mark)
Turn over
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c) Examine the photograph in Plate 6 and Plate 7 which show different essential parts of a
flower of a species on two different plants.
ii) Explain the significance of the phenomena stated in (a)(i) above. (2 mark)
c) (i) State the mode of pollination of the flower shown in the photograph. (1 mark)
d) (i) State the type of pollination of the flower shown in the photograph. (1 mark)
a) State the role of the organelle labelled Q (1mk
b) Name a Kingdom whose members lack structure labelled P (1mk
c) Which is the general term given to organisms whose cells have structure P?
3. a) Name the pigment that protects humans from the negative effect of Ultraviolet lights
b) Explain how sunlight contributes to stronger bones and teeth in human beings (2 mks
6. The diagram shown below represents a seeding. Use it to answer questions that follow
a) Give a reason why the plant above is a member of Class Dicotyledonae (1mk
b) Explain why the biomass of part labelled A will be lower compared to the one found
in the seed stage of the same plant (2 mks
7. a) State TWO ways in which blood clotting is important to a human being (2mks
b) What are the roles of thrombokinase enzyme during blood clotting? (2mks
8. The diagram shown below represents a flower
a) Name the agent of pollination for the flower shown above (1mk
9. State the differences between cones and rods in terms of the following (2mks
11. Give THREE features that make modern man to be more adaptable to the environment
a) State TWO economic importance of the above organism in the food industry (2 mks
b) Why does the rate of respiration reduce under the following conditions? (2mks
i) Low temperature
ii) Metabolic poison
13. State TWO reasons why Biotechnology is important in modern science (2 mks
14. a) Fill in the table shown below to give differences between continuous and
discontinuous variation (2mks
16. a) In an experiment, Peter counted 9 cells along the diameter of field of view of a light
microscope measuring 3.0mm. Determine the diameter of one cell in micrometers
b) Why is electron microscope safer to the eye than light microscope during use? (1 mk
17. The following diagram represents results of an experiment carried out on two sets of
germinating seeds.
b) What is the importance of dipping the boiled seeds in a disinfectant in test tube Y?
18. The diagram shown below represents a section of the vertebral column
b) State TWO ways in which part T is important to movement in human beings (2 mks
19. Describe how the following cells adapt the structures where they are found to their
20. A mother had a still birth and the expelled foetus showed clear signs of anaemia and
Process Z
a) Name: i) Bacterium labelled Y ……………………………………………….(1mk
22. Samson had a road accident resulting in serious head injuries that left him with the
following conditions: Loss of balance, low body temperature; poor speech, unregulated
breathing and memory loss. Name the part of the brain affected that led to the following:
23. The graph shown below represents effect of substrate concentration on rate of enzymatic
a) Account for the rate of enzymatic reaction when the substrate concentration was
between 0.3 to 0.5%. (2 mks
24. A tilapia fish has a full length of 300mm but measures 200mm from the mouth tip to its
anus. Determine the tail power of the fish (2 mks
Term 2 - 2022
Name: …………………………………………………………. Adm No: ………………. School:
……………………………………………………….. Class: …………………..
Instructions to candidate
(a) Write your name, school, index number in the space provided at the top of the paper.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the space provided above.
(c) This paper consists of two sections, A and B.
(d) Answer all the questions in section A in the spaces provided.
(e) In section B answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the answer booklet
(f) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated
and that no questions are missing.
(g) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
b) State two reasons for classifying living organisms (2mks)
Page 2 of 14
2. The diagram below is a cross section through a part of human ileum.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… ii)
(c) Name one trait in human beings that is determined by multiple allele. (1mk)
(d) Name one genetic disorder affecting the red blood cells. (1mk)
(c) Explain the disadvantage of having the above circulatory system in the animals.
5. An experiment was carried out to find out the concentration of ions in the cell sap of an aquatic
plant and that of the pond water in which they were found.
(ii) State the four roles of the process you have named in (a)(i) above in a mammalian body. (4 mks)
(b) Name the cell structure that allows passage of ions in and out of the cell. (1mk)
(c) How can the rate of uptake of ions by the aquatic plant be increased. (2mks)
140 88 120
a) On the grid provided, plot graphs of glucose levels in blood against time on the same axes. (7
mks )
Page 7 of 12 Biology Paper 2
b) What was the concentration of glucose in the blood of Y and Z at the 50th minute? (2 mks )
Page 8
of 12 Biology Paper 2
i) During the first 45 minutes. (2mks)
d) Account for the decrease in glucose level person Z after 60 minutes. (2mk)
Page 9
7. (a) (i) Give four modes of expressing food relationship in an ecosystem. (4 marks)
(ii) Explain how food as a factor regulate the population of animals in an ecosystem.( 8 marks)
of 12 Biology Paper 2
Page 10
(b)How are desert plants adapted to conserving water? (8 marks)
8. Describe the structure and functions of various organelles in a mature animal cell. (20mks)
N/B. 30g glucose mixed with 3g starch then add 100cm3 water and heat to boil then cool.
6. 500 ml beaker
8. Benedict’s solution
11.A scalpel.
Specimen S2 and S3 should be ready 1 week before the exams and must have the seeds intact.
Page 1 of 2
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
NAME……………………….……………….…ADM NO………………..CLASS……………
(a) Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
(c) Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
(d) Wrong spelling especially of technical terms will be penalized.
(e) This paper consists of 7 printed pages. Ascertain that the paper has all the printed pages.
1 – 31 80
Page 1 of 7
1. A form one girl observed a bird laying eggs in a nest which later hatched into chicks. Name two
characteristics of living things that she concluded from the observations (2marks)
2. Name the stage in meiosis where chromosomes number is reduced by a half (1mark)
3. State two characteristics of organisms that belong to the same species (2marks)
4. a) Live specimens should always be returned to their habitats whenever possible. What is the biological
importance of this practice? (1mark)
5. Mutations form basis for variations. Name the type of mutation that cause the following human disorders
6. a) During a field trip a plant that had flowers drew the attention of a student. Name the division of the plant.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1mark)
7. Study the process below and answer the questions that follow
Page 2 of 7
Glucose process P Pyruvic acid + Energy.
c) The palisade cells are closely packed together (1mark)
9. a) Give the significance of the following features of the red blood cells.
10) A person fell from the third floor of a building and had part of his brain damaged. Name the part of the
brain damaged if the person suffers from the following
11. In body cells of all organisms chromosomes occur in pairs. Members of each pair have a characteristic
length and shape.
b) What name is given to a cell that contains one member of each pair of chromosomes? (1mark)
Page 3 of 7
c) Name the part in humans where meiosis takes place (2marks)
12. Small birds like the European robin puff up (swell up) their feathers during winter. Explain the
significance of the behavioral response. (3marks)
13. Name the most appropriate tool that biology students can use for collecting (2marks)
i) Crawling animals
14. During a microscopy class a student was unable to see the field of view. State two possible adjustments
she needed to make to ensure that the field of view became visible. (2marks)
15. Name the apparatures used to measure the following abiotic factors. (2marks)
16. A lion is an exclusive carnivore. State two dental adaptations it has to its mode of feeding (2marks)
17. a) State an example of structures in animals whose development demonstrates adaptive radiation (1mark)
Page 4 of 7
b) Treatment of malaria is still a challenge in the world despite the invention of many antimalarial
drugs. Explain. (3marks)
18. Name two processes that brings about the translocation of manufactured food (2marks)
19. Name the disorder of the blood described by the following symptoms (2 marks)
21.a) A large crocodile can survive on 20kg meat for a year. A small sized lion cannot. Explain (3marks)
b) Name the part of the body that helps in insulation in the following: (2marks)
i) Birds
ii) Mammals
Page 5 of 7
23. Sometimes when one stands up very quickly after a long period of sitting, she may feel faint or dizzy.
Explain. (2 marks)
24. The diagram below represents a bone of a mammal
(b) Name the part marked X. (1 mark)
(c) Name the bone that articulates at the part labelled F. (1 mark)
(d) State two ways in which the bone is adapted to its function. (2 marks)
25. a) Under which of the following magnifications would one see a larger part of the specimen X 40 or X 500?
Give a reason. (2 marks)
Page 6 of 7
26. State two characteristics of mammals that are not externally visible (2marks)
27. State three uses of digested food in the bodies of animals (3 marks)
28. Which cell organelle is present in large numbers in cells that produce Insulin? Give a reason for your
answer (2marks)
29. Give three advantages of fossil records (3marks)
30. What is the significance of diffusion to plant pollination? (1mark)
31.a) Explain why it is not advisable to put a patient on a drip of distilled water for rehydration (3marks)
b) Name the physiological process by which water molecules move from one cell to the other (1mark)
Page 7 of 7
NAME……………………………………..…ADM NO.…………CLASS……DATE…………
Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above
Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
This paper consists of TWO sections A and B.
Answer ALL questions in section A in the spaces provided
In section B answer question 6(compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces
provided after question 8
This paper consists of 12 printed pages
Students should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed and
that no questions are missing
Page 1 of 12
SECTION A (40 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. The graph below shows the rate of transpiration of the same plants on two
consecutive mornings, day 1 and 2.
Day 1
2 -1
Rate of transpiration/µgcm s
100 Day 2
08.00 09.00 10.00 11.00 12.00
Time of day/hour
a) (i) Give two environmental factors that could account for the difference between day 1
and day 2 (2mks)
(ii) Explain how the environmental factors named (a) (ii) above could have caused the
difference between day 1 and day 2. (2mks)
Page 2 of 12
b) Name two forces involved in movement of water up the xylem. (2mks)
c) Name the strengthening material found in the following tissue in a stem:
i) Sclerenchyma (1mark)
2. a) A young mother delivered a baby at Muranga Hospital, which was taken to the
nursery shortly after delivery. When she was brought the baby later, she felt that it
was the wrong baby. When she got home, she decided to contest the issue in a court
of law. The blood tests showed that she was blood group AB and her husband was
group O and the baby was blood group O. Use a genetic cross to find out if her claims
were true. (5mks)
Page 3 of 12
ii) Explain the effect of the process named in (b) (i) above on linked genes. (2mks)
3. The diagram below shows a vertical section through the part of a leaf of a mesophyte.
a) Label cell A and organelle B (2marks)
b) State two functions of the part labelled C. (2mks)
c) Give two differences between the structure shown above and that of a floating
hydrophyte. (2marks)
Page 4 of 12
d) Give two observable features that adapts the structure above to photosynthesis.
(2 marks)
4. Below is a diagram of a mammalian nephron. Use it to answer the questions that
Page 5 of 12
c) i) Name the hormone that controls the amount of urine produced in the kidneys. (1 mark)
ii)How will the concentration of urine be affected at region 3 in the absence of the
hormone mentioned in (c) (i) above. (2mks)
d) What will happen at point 4 if there was partial constriction at point 5? (2marks)
5. The diagram below shows a food web. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
spiders rabbits
insects moles
a) Write two food chains with foxes as the quaternary consumer. (2mk)
Page 6 of 12
b) Name the organism with
i) The highest biomass (1 mark)
ii) The highest number of predators (1 mark)
c) State two possible effects on the ecosystem if kestrels migrated. (2 marks)
d) Explain why primary productivity reduces with increase in depth in an aquatic
ecosystem. (2marks)
Page 7 of 12
a) Using the same axes, draw graphs of dry weight of endosperm, embryo and the
total dry weight against time. (8 marks)
Page 8 of 12
d) State two factors that causes seed dormancy in each of the following:
i) Within a seed (2 mark)
7. a) A student sitting under a shade of a tree, on a sunny day, shifted the eyes from
looking at an aero plane in the sky to reading a page on her book. Describe the
changes that occurred in her eye. (15 marks)
b) Explain how a neuron is adapted to its function. (5marks)
Page 9 of 12
Page 10 of 12
Page 11 of 12
Page 12 of 12
TERM 2 2022
Each candidate will require;
50ml of Solution W- Starch solution, prepared with warm water.
4 Droppers
Three labels
Access to
END OF TERM 2 2022
Time: 1 Hour 45 minutes
- Write your name, Admission number and class in the spaces provided
- Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
- Answer all questions in the spaces provided in the question paper.
- You are required to spend the first 15 minutes of first hours allowed for this paper
reading the whole paper before commencing your work.
- Answers MUST be written on the spaces provided after each question.
- Candidates may be penalized for recording irrelevant information and incorrect
spelling especially of technical terms.
Page 1 of 6
1.You are provided with solution W ,Solid Q, Iodine solution ,Benedict’s solution, Hydrochloric
acid and Water bath.
a)Using reagents provided carry out tests to determine the food substance present in solution W
b)Label three test tubes as A, B and C. Place 3ml of Solution W into each test tube. Divide solid
Q into three equal portions.
To the test tube A add one portion of solid Q and shake thoroughly
To the test tube B add the second portion of Solid Q shake thoroughly and heat to boil.
To the test tube C add the third portion of solid Q, followed by 8 drops of 2M hydrochloric acid
and shake to mix.
Place the three set ups into a water bath maintained at 37oc for 40 minutes.
Add equal amounts of Benedict’s solution to each of three test tubes and heat to boil. Record
your observation.
Set up A ………………………………………………………………………1mk
B ………………………………………………………………………1mk
C ……………………………………………………………………...1mk
Page 2 of 6
Account for your observations above 3mks
c) Name any other factor that affects the reaction above. (1mk)
d) Give a reason why temperature of the water bath was maintained at 37oc (1mk)
2 .a) You are provided with Flower specimen K. Use it to answer the questions that follow
Agent of pollination………………………………………………………….……………1mk
Page 3 of 6
(i ) Name the type of placentation in the specimens shown in photographs Q, R and S .With
Reasons (6 marks)
(ii) Giving a reason in each case, name the mode of dispersal of the specimen in photograph Q
and S (4marks)
Page 4 of 6
Q …………..……………………….………………………………………………………… 1mk
Page 5 of 6
(iv)Name the type of muscle on the diagram above.(1mk)
Page 6 of 6
Write your name, class and admission number in the space provided above.
Write the date of the examination and sign in the space provided above.
1-23 80
This paper consists of 11 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. (a) Name two branches of Biology that an oncologist needs to study in detail. (2 marks)
b)Some form one students wanted to collect the following animals for study in the laboratory.
State the suitable apparatus they should use.
i) Housefly (1 mark)
3. Name the organelle responsible for; (4marks)
a) i. Detoxification.
ii. Synthesis of Adenosine triphosphate molecules.
iii. Synthesis of ribosomes
b) Give reasons for carrying out the following procedures during preparation if temporary wet
mounts of plant tissues. (2marks)
i. Making thin sections.
ii. Placing a cover slip over the plant section.
4. Write down the part of microscope that plays the following role. (2 marks)
5. A group of students set up an experiment as shown below. The experimental setups were
left for 20 minutes.
(a) What makes the cellulose side walls of both A and B able to prevent collapsing?
(b) Name the structures labeled G and state their function. (2marks)
(c) What property makes B to be more efficient in function than A? (1mark)
8. (a) State two adaptations of the alveolus to its functions. (2marks)
(b) Suggest a reason for asthmatic patient producing a wheezing sound during breathing?
(c) What is the significance of the cartilage found in the human trachea being incomplete
(c- shaped rings) (1mark)
10. (a) Guard cells are specialized epidermal cells. State two structural features which suit
them to their function. (2marks)
11. (a)Distinguish between respiratory quotient and oxygen debt. (2 marks)
(b) Name the site where glycolysis occurs in the cell. (1 mark)
12. A certain organ K was surgically removed from a rat, later drastic increase in glucose level in
the blood was reported but when substance Q was injected into the animal the whole process
was reversed.
(i) Organ K ………………………………………………… (1mark)
b) Give two reasons for the shape of the diagram shown. (2 marks)
14. The diagram below represents a stage during cell division.
15. State two differences between an individual who has sickle cell anaemia and another one
who has sickle cell trait. (2marks)
16. a) What is the basic unit of a DNA molecule (1mark)
b) Name the chemical components of the unit you have named in (a) above. (3marks)
17. State two possible ways of establishing the genotype of an organism whose genotype is
unknown. (2marks)
18. (a) Evolution is an ongoing process and is still going on even today. State two pieces of
evidence which suggests that evolution is still taking place. (2marks)
(b) Explain how the following factors influence natural selection. (2marks)
(i) Predators
(ii) Diseases (2mark)
(c) All insects are believed to have arisen from a common ancestor. However, modern insects
differ widely in a variety of ways such as in the adaptation of their mouthparts for different
modes of feeding. What kind of evolution is this? (1mark)
(a) State the observable features that adapt the organism to: Forward movement. (3marks)
23. (a) State two distinctive characteristics of members of kingdom Fungi (2 marks)
(b) In terms of hearing, name the structures that distinguish the organisms of the following
Date ………………………………..
Paper 2
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
2 Hours
• Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
• This paper consists of two sections. Section A and section B.
• Answer ALL questions in section A in the spaces provided. In section B answer question 6
(compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces provided after question 8
This paper consists of 10 Printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that
all the papers are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. Study the illustration below and use it to answer the questions that follow
II. If a total of 564 offsprings were produced, calculate the number of off-springs
which were pure breed normal body colour. (2 marks)
Before mutation A A A C T A C G
After Mutation A A G C T A C G
I. Name the type of mutation represented. (1mark)
II. Name one disorder caused as a result of the mutation named in (b) (I) above.
……………………………………………………………………….. (1mark)
3. Strips were cut lengthwise from the main stem of a herbaceous plant. The following diagram
shows the strips after placing them in different liquids.
(a) Account for the results obtained when the strips were put in:
I. Distilled water. (3 marks)
II. A strong salt solution. (3 marks)
(b) Why did the strips curl slightly outwards after being placed in distilled water(2 marks)
4. The apparatus below was set up by a student to find out the changes in gases during
(a) After 48 hours the level of water in the U-tube at A and B was as shown. Explain the
observation (3 marks)
(b) Calculate the respiration quotient (RQ) from the equation below (2 marks)
(c) Identify the substrate being respired in the above equation (1 mark)
(d) Explain why it is difficult to calculate the respiratory quotient (RQ) in plants.(2 mark)
5. The diagram below shows some of the features of a synovial joint. Study the diagram carefully
and answer the questions that follow.
K ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
School …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Time: 1 ¾ HOURS
• You are required to spend the first 15 minutes of 1 ¾ hours allowed for this paper reading the
whole paper carefully before commencing your work.
1 14
2 14
3 12
Tie one end of the visking tubing tightly using the thread. Put 10ml of solution G into the
visking tubing. Tie the other end of the visking tubing tightly. Ensure that there is no
leakage at both ends of the visking tubing. Wash the outside of the visking tubing with
water. Place the visking tubing upright in a 100 ml beaker. Add distilled water into the
beaker to reach the level of the liquid in the visking tubing. Allow the set up to stand for
30 minutes and then carry out parts (b) and (c) of the experiment.
(b) Remove the visking tubing from the beaker. Test its contents for food substances
using the reagents provided. Record in a table, the food substance tested, the
procedure of the test, the observations and the conclusions. Keep the liquid in the
beaker for part (c) of the experiment. (3 marks)
(d) Account for your results in parts (b) and (c) above. (3 marks)
(e) Name two enzymes in the human digestive that will be required for the complete
digestion of solution G. (2 marks)
2. You are provided with an actual twig bearing flowers labelled M. Examine one of the
flowers externally and then carefully dissect it. Examine each of the floral parts using a
hand lens where necessary.
(a) Carefully remove the corolla tube and describe the Gynoecium. (2 marks)
I. Suggest the agent of pollination for the flower. (1 mark)
II. State one adaptation of the flower to the agent of pollination you named in b) I)
above. (1 mark)
(c) Observe one stamen using a hand lens then draw and label its diagram. (4 marks)
(d) The diagram below illustrates the life cycle of a certain organism.
I. Using distinctive features, name the division to which the organism belongs.
Division…………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
Features (2 marks)
II. Identify the generations labeled Q and Z. (2 marks)
III. In what way is generation Z advantageous to generation Q? (1mark)
3. You are provided photographs M, N, P and R. Examine them and answer the following
(a) Identify the type of skeleton in organism represented by photograph M and N.(2 marks)
M ………………………………………………………………………………………...
N ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(b) Using a label line on N, indicate the region from where the bone labeled R is obtained.
(1 mark)
(c) Give three observable differences between bones P and R above. (3 marks)
Bone P Bone R
(d) Name the bone that articulates with the bone labelled L on: (2 marks)
I. Proximal end
1. Write your name and Adm. number in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write date of examination in the space provided.
3. All working must be clearly shown where necessary.
4. Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.
5. Answer all questions in English.
For examiners use only
1-29 80
The student identified 20 cells across the field of view. Calculate the size of the cell in micrometers. (Show
your working). (3mks)
3. What role do the following play in the movement a Tilapia fish? (2mks)
a) Myotomes
b) Swim bladder
4. Name the tissues whose cells are thickened with;
a) Cellulose and pectin (1mk)
b) Lignin (1mk)
5. The diagram below shows the position of an image formed in a defective eye.
c) State other blood groups likely to occur in the children of the couple. (1mk)
18. Name the organelle that would be most abundant in:
i) White blood cell (1mk)
ii) Salivary glands (1mk)
20. a) Nitrogen in the atmosphere cannot be directly utilized by plants. State two ways through which
Nitrogen is made available for plant use. (2mks)
b) State the importance of saprophytic bacteria in the environment. (1mk)
21. The diagram below shows regions of a root tip.
28. State two structural differences between bicep muscles and muscles of the gut. (2mks)
Bicep muscles Gut muscles
29. The diagram below represents an experimental set up to investigate a certain scientific concept. The
potted plant was first destarched by keeping it in the dark for four days.
The setup was then placed in sunlight for five hours and leaves were tested for starch.
a) What scientific concept was being investigated? (1mk)
b) i) Give the results likely to be obtained after starch test for A and B.
A (1mk)
1.Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
2.Sign and write date of examination in the space provided.
3.All working must be clearly shown where necessary.
4.Mathematical tables and silent electronic calculations may be used
5.Answer all questions in English.
For examiners use only
1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8
5 8
6 20
7 20
8 20
a) Identify the nature of solution into which each cell was placed. (2mks)
b) Name the physiological process responsible for the observed results. (1mk)
c) Give the correct biological term used to describe cell A. (1mk)
d) Describe what happen if red blood cell was placed in the solution in which cell B was placed. (2mks)
e) Explain why freshwater amoeba do not burst when placed in distilled water. (2mks)
2. i) Under certain conditions, carbon (IV) oxide concentration in the blood of mammals rises above the
normal levels. State two physiological change that occur to bring carbon (IV) oxide level back to normal.
ii) Why does a fresh wound bleed more in a hot weather than in cold weather? (2mks)
Class ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(1mk)
Reason ………………………………………………………………………………………………... (1mk)
e) State the economic importance of a named fungus. (2mks)
5.a) Distinguish between population and community. (2mks)
b) What is the importance of the following in an ecosystem? (2mks)
ii) Identify the relationship between the bacteria named in d(i) above. (1mk)
6. The table below shows how quantities of sweat and urine produced by a healthy adult human vary with
external temperature.
External Temperature 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
a) Using the same axes, draw graphs of quantities of urine and sweat against external temperature. (8mks)
Access to:
DCPIP solution
Sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
Dilute hydrochloric acid
Benedict’s solution
Sodium hydroxide solution
Copper II sulphate solution
Means of heating
NAME…………………………………………….………..ADM. NO………….….........................………
SCHOOL………………………………………………..CLASS............... SIGN…………....................….
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write date of examination in the space provided.
3. Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided.
4. You are required to spend the first 15 minutes of the 1 ¾ hours allowed for this paper reading the
whole paper carefully before commencing your work.
5. Additional papers must not be inserted.
6. Candidates may be penalized for recording irrelevant information and for incorrect spelling of
technical terms.
7. Candidates should answer all the questions in English
For examiners use only
Question Maximum score Candidate’s score
1 13
2 14
3 13
Total score 40
c) Specimen T is dispersed in nature by animals. Give two importance of fruits and seed dispersal. (2mks)
2. You are provided with specimen J. examine it and answer the questions below.
a) i) Identify the subdivision of the plant from which J was obtained. (1mk)
ii) Give a reason. (1mk)
b) State the class of J. (1mk)
Reason. (1mk)
3. Study the photograph below and answer the questions that follow:
DATE _____________________
Paper 1
Time: 2 Hours.
1. Write your name, Index Number and School in the spaces provided above.
2. Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above.
3. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
4. Additional pages must not be inserted.
5. Check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed and that no
questions are missing.
1-25 80
(i). Science -
(i). Zoology -
(ii). Entomology -
(iii). Morphology –
a.) Identify the process taking place in the organism above. (1 mark)
State two economic importance of the organism above. (2 mark)
4. Name two bones that articulate to form a ball and socket joint at the hip. (2 marks)
(iii). Which of the above specialized cells is found in the gut. (1 mark)
6. Explain why tracheids are not efficient in transporting water up the plant. (2 marks)
8. Give two destinations of food translocated from the leaves of plants. (2 marks)
9. Name the organelle that is likely to be found in abundance in
a.) An enzyme secreting cell. (1 mark)
b). Cell producing lipid related secretions (1 mark)
10. A form one student trying to estimate the size of onion cells observed the following
on the microscope field of view. (2 marks)
11.a). Name the cells that secrete mucus in the human alimentary canal (1 mark)
(b). Explain the role of hydrochloric acid in protein digestion in the stomach of mammals.
(2 marks)
12. Assume you are a nutritionist, name the kind of vitamins you would recommend to
patients with the following conditions
(a). Poor night vision. (1 mark)
13. State the characteristics that distinguish the following organisms into their respective
classes,millipedes,spider and Tsetsefly (3 marks)
14. Name two classes of phylum Arthropoda with cephalothorax (2 marks)
15. (a). Name the main group of organisms which comprises the kingdom monera.
(1 mark)
16. (a). The experiment illustrated below was set up to investigate a certain physiological
process using a raw Irish potato tuber.
(i). Suggest a possible physiological process that was being investigated. (1 mark)
(ii). Explain the results obtained in the above experiment after a few hours. (2 marks)
(iii). State the observations that would have been made if the experiment was repeated using
boiled potato. (2marks)
(b). Explain why growing grass die a few days when salt is sprinkled on it. (3 marks)
17.Give an example o a sec-linked trait in human one
(i). Y- chromosome- (1 mark)
(ii). X-Chromosome- (1 mark)
With reason identify the type of nucleic whose portion is shown above
Identify- (1 mark)
Reason- (1 mark)
19. The diagram below show a pair of homologous chromosomes. Study them and answer
the questions that follow.
Explain the differences in the percentage of the two gases in inhaled and exhaled air
(a). Oxygen. (2 marks)
21. Give the forms in which the following gases are transported in blood. (3 marks)
(a). Oxygen
22. The following graph represents a growth pattern observed in a group of animals.
(b). Identify the process that lead to the formation of fluid named in (a) above. (1 mark)
(c). Which two hormones exert their effect in the nephron? (2 marks)
(i). Xerophytes –
(ii). Halophytes -
Paper 2
Time: hours.
August/September, 2022
2 8
3 8
4 8
5 8
B 6 20
7 20
8 20
X ……………………………………………………………………………….……….
Y ………………………………………………………………………………………..
b) State two differences between process X and Y. (2 marks)
c) State the name of substance B and condition under which it is formed. (2 marks)
d) Explain how body size affects the rate of respiration in animals. (2 marks)
c) Name the process by which mineral salts move into structure B. (1 mark)
d) Explain what happens when a red blood cell is put in distilled water. (3 marks)
Answer question 6(compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces provided.
Rate of photosynthesis was expressed in terms of carbon (IV) oxide uptake in mg/mm2/hr
at varius temperatures as tabulated below.
Temperature Rate of Photosynthesis (mg/mm2/hr)
5 - 20 -
10 22 40 10
15 50 49 27
20 60 64 42
25 80 48 55
30 85 45 54
35 80 42 50
40 73 31 45
45 66 15 40
50 2 - 11
b) Using the graph in (a) above indicate optimum temperature for the Gynandaropsis
and Amaranthus species (2 marks)
Gynandaropsis ………………………………………………………………………
c) Give a reason why Gynandaropsis and Aaranthus could not function
photosynthetically at 5oC. (1 mark)
The information contained in this paper is to enable the head of the school and the teacher in
charge to Biology to make adequate preparations.
NO ONE ELSE should heave access to this paper or acquired knowledge of its contents.
Great have MUST be taken to ensure that the information herein does not reach the candidates
either directly or indirectly.
Each candidate require the following;
- One table spoonful of millet soaked for about 50 minute labeled M.
- Measuring cylinder
- 6 Labels
- Thermometer
- Means of timing (Stopwatch)
- 0.1M Hcl labeled solution L
- Four clean test tubes
- Pestle and mortar
- Scarpel/razor blade
- Iodine solution
- Benedict’s solution
- Water bath
- Source of heat
- White tile
- Solution of amylase/diastase enzyme labelled solution K
- Source of distilled water
- A piece of liver organs labelled C
- 2 boiling tubs
- Hydrogen peroxide (about 20m/s per candidate)
DATE ______________________
Paper 3
Time: 1 ¾ hours.
August 2022
2 14
3 13
Total Score 40
d). Account for your observations in the test tubes C and D. (2 marks)
A …………………………………………………………….
B ……………………………………………………………
C ……………………………………………………………
(b). Name the regions from which bone B was obtained from. (1 mark)
(c). State two distinguishing features of the bone in photograph labeled B. (2 marks)
(e). With reason state the type of joint formed at the distal and proximal and of specimen C.
(4 marks)
(i) Distal end …………………………………………………………………………..
Reason ………………………………………………………………………………
Reason ………………………………………………………………………………
(f). Name the bone that articulates with the proximal end of the bone in photograph labelled C.
(1 mark)