Voltage Upgrading of Overhead Lines

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Voltage Upgrading of Overhead Lines

Anders Tuhus Olsen

Master of Science in Electric Power Engineering

Submission date: June 2010
Supervisor: Magne Eystein Runde, ELKRAFT

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Electric Power Engineering
Problem Description
Statnett wants to increase the transmission capacity in their 300 kV overhead lines by upgrading
the operating voltage to 420 kV. To make this possible some modifications must be done. Insulator
strings have to be elongated or replaced and the air clearances must be increased. EN standards
provide guidelines for how to calculate the air clearances adequately to provide required safety
It turns out that the formulas given by the standards provide greater safety margin than
appropriate for upgraded transmission lines. Proper minimum air clearances represent a great
potential for saving money when upgrading the voltage on overhead lines. It is therefore desirable
to calculate the air clearances on the basis of smaller safety margins than described in the

Assignment given: 15. January 2010

Supervisor: Magne Eystein Runde, ELKRAFT
Statnett wants to increase the transmission capacity in their 300 kV overhead lines by upgrading the
operating voltage to 420 kV. To make this possible some modifications must be done. Insulator
strings have to be elongated by two to four insulators and the air clearances must be checked. EN
standards provide guidelines for how to calculate the air clearances adequately to provide required
safety margins.

It turns out that the formulas given by the standards provide greater safety margin than appropriate
for upgraded transmission lines. By finding new proper safety margins, several towers which
otherwise would have to be rebuilt to fulfill the requirements for clearances, can stay unmodified.
When considering the number of towers in an average transmission line, there is obviously a great
potential for saving money by putting some effort looking into proper minimum air clearances. By
reduce the air clearance by approximately 10 cm, 6.5 mill. NOK were spared in a 65 km transmission
line. It is therefore desirable to calculate the air clearances on the basis of smaller safety margins
than described in the standard, but which is still within acceptable safety limits. In the formulas for
minimum distances, the statistical withstand voltage U50%, gap‐factors and altitude factors are
examined for the cases of operating voltage, switching impulse and lightning impulse.

Discrepancies between test results from a laboratory work conducted by STRI and calculations based
on the EN standard of U50%, have been discovered. Tested U50 for switching impulses are 5–9 %
higher than U50 from the standard. The same applies for lightning impulses where the tested value is
12 % higher than the standard. This gives reason to assume the standard to be somewhat

Further, discrepancies are found between the standard EN 50341 that says that the gap factor when
an insulator is present is the same as if no insulator is present, and Cigré report 72, which says that
the gap factor should be corrected for the presence of insulators. Correction for insulators will lead
to a lower gap factor i.e. lower break down strength along the insulator string than in the rest of the
air gap. It turns out that the combination of rain and insulator string reduce the gap factor and thus,
the withstand strength in the cases of switching impulses in the order of 6‐13 % for V‐string
insulators and 20‐34 % for I‐string insulators and for continuous power frequency voltage in the
order of 25 % for V‐string insulators and 33‐40 % for I‐string insulators.

Rain has no influence on the withstand strength of I‐strings or V‐strings exposed to lightning impulses.

Several previous researches [1][2] shows the same tendencies of lack of correlation between U50 and
gap factors when air gaps with insulator strings are exposed to lightning impulses. Thus, the gap
factor is not sufficient to describe the discharge characteristics of air gaps with insulator strings
exposed to lightning impulses.

It is found that the air gap between phase and guy wire has approximately 7 % greater withstand
strength than over the insulator string in a tower window. This additional safety margin is a desirable
property in terms that the guy wires are the weakest point of a tower. This should however be
verified by full‐scale laboratory tests as this is mainly valid for the case of only the conductor‐guy
wire gap without the presence of the other air gaps that represent the tower window.

This project is done in cooperation with Statnett and Graz University of Technology and addresses a
real problem concerning voltage upgrading of overhead lines in the Norwegian grid. The project is
strongly linked to the standards of insulation coordination. A large part of the work has therefore
been looking into what the standards contain and what they are based on.

I want to thank my academic supervisors Magne Runde from NTNU and Sonja Monica Berlijn from
Statnett for their contribution to this project report.

I would also like to thank my brother Håvard Tuhus Olsen for language revision of this report.

Anders Tuhus Olsen

Trondheim 11.06.2010

Table of Contents
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ III
Preface.................................................................................................................................................... IV
Table list ................................................................................................................................................ VII
Table of figures ..................................................................................................................................... VIII
Symbol list .............................................................................................................................................. IX
Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. IX
Gap factor ........................................................................................................................................... IX
Operating conditions .......................................................................................................................... IX
Fast front overvoltage ......................................................................................................................... X
Slow front overvoltage ........................................................................................................................ X
Continuous power frequency voltage ................................................................................................. X
Minimum electrical clearances ........................................................................................................... X
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Scope and limitations ...................................................................................................................... 3
3 Society and economy ...................................................................................................................... 3
4 Gap factors ...................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Rod‐plane gap.......................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Actual air gaps ......................................................................................................................... 4
4.2.1 Paris and Cortina ............................................................................................................. 5
4.2.2 Cigré 72 technical bulletin ............................................................................................... 7
4.3 Influence of insulators ........................................................................................................... 12
4.4 Influence of rain .................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Conclusion of the chapter ..................................................................................................... 13
5 Minimum air clearances ................................................................................................................ 14
6 Wind .............................................................................................................................................. 15
6.1 Effect of wind on I‐strings ..................................................................................................... 15
7 Towers ........................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Modification of towers .......................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Alternative measures for narrow towers .............................................................................. 19
8 Air gap‐insulator configurations .................................................................................................... 21
8.1 Four different alternative configurations .............................................................................. 21
9 Theory vs. laboratory testing ........................................................................................................ 25
9.1 Research report 1: STRI ......................................................................................................... 25

9.1.1 Lightning impulse .......................................................................................................... 26
9.1.2 Switching impulse .......................................................................................................... 28
9.2 Researh report 2: EFI ............................................................................................................. 30
9.2.1 Gap factors .................................................................................................................... 32
9.2.2 U50 disruptive discharge test ......................................................................................... 38
9.3 Conclusion of the chapter ..................................................................................................... 42
10 A case study ............................................................................................................................... 43
10.1 Kristiansand‐Arendal ............................................................................................................. 43
10.2 Findings of the case study ..................................................................................................... 47
10.3 Saving potential ..................................................................................................................... 47
10.4 Conclusion of the chapter ..................................................................................................... 47
11 New laboratory test................................................................................................................... 48
11.1 Test proposal ......................................................................................................................... 48
12 Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 49
13 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 51
14 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 52

Table list
Table 1 Air gap configurations and their respective gap factors proposed by L. Paris [3]. ..................... 6
Table 2 Insulator‐ and air gap configurations. ...................................................................................... 21
Table 3 Air clearances for configuration 1‐4 and minimum required air clearances. ........................... 23
Table 4 Conductor – cross arm calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry
and wet conditions. Gap factors are given in parentheses. Altitude of 500 m, tower height = 25 m,
guy wire angle of 40°. ............................................................................................................................ 24
Table 5 U50, 50 % flashover probability for lightning impulse (LI dry)................................................... 26
Table 6 U50, 50 % flashover probability for switching impulse (SI wet). ............................................... 28
Table 7 U10, 10 % flashover probability for switching impulse (SI wet). ............................................... 30
Table 8 Gap factors for outer phase at lightning impulse. .................................................................... 35
Table 9 Gap factors for mid phase at lightning impulse........................................................................ 35
Table 10 Gap factors for outer phase at switching impulse.................................................................. 36
Table 11 Gap factors for mid phase at switching impulse. ................................................................... 36
Table 12 Gap factors for outer phase at power frequency voltage. ..................................................... 37
Table 13 Gap factors for mid phase at power frequency voltage. ........................................................ 37
Table 14 Conductor – cross arm exposed to a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry
conditions. ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Table 15 Conductor – cross arm calculated for a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry
conditions. Same geometry as above. .................................................................................................. 38
Table 16 Tower window exposed to a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry and wet
conditions. ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Table 17 Tower window calculated for a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry and wet
conditions. ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Table 18 Conductor – cross arm exposed to a 200/3000µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry
conditions. ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Table 19 Conductor – cross arm calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under
dry conditions. Same geometry as above. ............................................................................................ 40
Table 20 Tower window exposed to a 200/3000µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry and wet
conditions. ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Table 21 Tower window calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry and
wet conditions. ...................................................................................................................................... 41
Table 22 Tower window calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry and
wet conditions and for different swing angles. The air gap between phase and guy wire and the
length of the insulator string is both 2.56 m. ........................................................................................ 41
Table 23 Swing angles for a selection of tower of the transmission line Kristiansand‐Arendal. .......... 45
Table 24 Measured minimum distances for tower mid‐phase conducted by Statnett. The
corresponding swing angles are given in parenthesis........................................................................... 46
Table 25 Minimum required distances for tower mid‐phase calculated according to EN 50341......... 46
Table 26 Comparison of table 24 (measured minimum clearances) and table 25 (required minimum
clearances according to EN 50341). ...................................................................................................... 46

Table of figures
Figure 1 The project presented by a flow chart ...................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 Influence of the radius R of spherical electrodes on U50 under positive polarity [2]. ............... 4
Figure 3 Conductor‐cross arm [2]. ........................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4 Tower window [2]. .................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 Probability for flash over as a function of voltage amplitude given as standard deviations. . 10
Figure 6 Minimum air clearances for three different operating conditions. ........................................ 14
Figure 7 Wind moves the conductor toward the tower........................................................................ 16
Figure 8 Vertical and horizontal span lengths. V is the length between the lower points of the line
within two spans while H is the length between the middle of two spans. ......................................... 17
Figure 9 Calculations of swing angles of the insulator strings in PLS‐CADD at a) no wind, b) 3 year
wind and c) 50 year wind. ..................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 10 Extension of an I‐string insulator........................................................................................... 18
Figure 11 Extension of a V‐string insulator. .......................................................................................... 19
Figure 12 Fitting equipment between phase and insulator. ................................................................. 19
Figure 13 Tower window of a tension tower with supporting insulator. ............................................. 20
Figure 14 Supporting insulator. ............................................................................................................. 20
Figure 15 Armour rod. ........................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 16 Test object simulating the tower window. ............................................................................ 25
Figure 17 Cumulative normal distribution probability curves for flashover for lightning impulse (LI dry)
and 15 insulators (1.96 m)..................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 18 Cumulative normal distribution probability curves for flashover for switching impulse (SI
wet) and 15 insulators (1.96 m). ........................................................................................................... 29
Figure 19 Test object used to simulate the tower arrangement. Figure a) and b) represents the outer
phase. Swing angle is simulated according to figure b). Figure c) represents the mid phase [7]. ........ 31
Figure 20 Voltage impulse. X‐axis: T1 = time to the peak value of the impulse is obtained, T2 = time to
half of the peak value of the impulse remains. Td = time where the impulse has a voltage level
between 0.9 and 1.0 PU. Y‐axis: Value of the voltage of the impulse in PU. ........................................ 32
Figure 21 Gap factor for positive polarity switching impulse tower window (mid phase) as a function
of the strike distance. ............................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 22 Gap factor for positive polarity switching impulse tower window (mid phase) as a function
of the strike distance [7]. ...................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 23 Test object proposed by Michael Hinteregger at the Graz University of Technology. ......... 48

Symbol list
Symbol Unit Explanation
Kg ‐ gap factor
Kg_sf ‐ gap factor slow front wave for switching impulse
Kg_ff ‐ gap factor fast front wave for lightning impulse
Kg_pf ‐ gap factor for power frequency operating voltage
Ka ‐ atmospheric correction factor
Kcs ‐ statistical coordination factor. Kcs comes from choosing a risk of failure
of the insulation that has been proven from experience to be acceptable
H m height from phase to ground
d1 m length of the insulator string
d2 m distance from phase to tower pole
d m distance from phase to tower construction
δ m with of the tower pole
U50 kV the voltage that gives a probability of 50 % for a flash over to occur for
self restoring insulation
U10 kV the voltage that gives a probability of 10 % for a flash over to occur for
self restoring insulation
δ kg/m3 air density
Dpp m minimum required air clearance phase to phase
Del m minimum required air clearance phase to earth

Gap factor
Gap factor is the relationship between the flashover voltage for a rod‐plane gap and the flash over
voltage of a practical air gap of identical size and for a positive voltage impulse.

The gap factor is given directly for switching overvoltage as Kg_sf. The gap factor for lightning impulse
is derived from the switching overvoltage gap factor as Kg_ff = 0.74+0.26 Kg_sf and the gap factor for
power frequency voltage is derived from switching impulse gap factor as Kg_pf = 1.35 Kg_s f ‐0.35 Kg2_sf

Operating conditions
The standards have defined three different operating conditions that describe the wind conditions
and the worst and most likely corresponding electrical stress.

 No wind: Lightning impulse (LI).

 3 years return time: Switching impulse (SI).
 50 years return time: Power frequency (PF).

Fast front overvoltage
Fast front overvoltages of importance for overhead lines are mainly lightning overvoltages due to a
direct strike to the phase conductor. The representative voltage stress is characterized by the
standard lightning impulse wave shape (1.2/50 µs). Fast front overvoltages are also referred to as
lightning impulse (LI) in the standards for insulation coordination and are used as dimension criteria
for determining necessary air clearance at no‐wind conditions.

Slow front overvoltage

Slow front overvoltage can originate from faults, switching operations or distant direct lightning
strikes to overhead lines. Slow front overvoltages of importance for overhead lines are overvoltages
caused by earth fault, energization and re‐energization. The standard switching impulse wave shape
is (250/2500 µs). Slow front overvoltages are also referred to as switching impulses (SI) in the
standards for insulation coordination and are used as a dimension criteria for determining necessary
air clearance at wind speed with 3 years return time.

Continuous power frequency voltage

The continuous power frequency voltage (PF) is considered as constant and equal to the peak value
of the highest system voltage ( 2 Us) which is the highest value of operating voltage that occurs
under normal operating conditions at any time and any point in the system. In the standards for
insulation coordination, power frequency voltage is used as dimension criteria for determining
necessary air clearance at extreme wind conditions with 50 years return time.

Minimum electrical clearances

Five types of electrical clearances are considered in the present standard EN 50341:

Del “Minimum air clearance required to prevent a disruptive discharge between phase
conductors and objects at earth potential during fast front or slow front overvoltages.
Del may be either internal when considering conductor to tower structure clearance,
or external when considering a conductor to obstacle clearance.”

Dpp “Minimum air clearance required to prevent a disruptive discharge between phase
conductors during fast front or slow front overvoltages. Dpp is an internal clearance.”

D50Hz_p_e “Minimum air clearance required to prevent a disruptive discharge at power

frequency voltage between a phase conductor and objects at earth potential. D50Hz_p_e
is an internal clearance.”

This master thesis mainly deals with the issues related to minimum air clearances within the towers
related to voltage upgrading. The air clearances that are treated in this thesis are therefore only Del
and D50Hz_p_e.

1 Introduction
The main grid in Norway was built during the time period from 1960 to 1990. Since then the demand
for electricity has constantly increased, causing higher requirements to the grid’s ability to transmit
electricity. In order to meet toady’s and future requirements for transmission capacity and security
of supply, measures must be taken. One option is to build new transmission lines. This is however
rather expensive and time consuming as this requires the acquisition of licenses for development of
new lines. Another possible option to meet the requirement for higher transmission capacity is
increasing the capacity of the existing transmission lines. An increase of capacity in transmission lines
can be done either by increasing the current or increasing the voltage. Increasing the capacity by
increasing the current level means the temperature of the conductors, thus the active losses will
increase. To allow a higher conductor temperature one must make sure to make use of the proper
conductor that is designed for high operating temperatures. Alternatively one can replace the
existing conductors with conductors of greater cross section. This project exclusively deals with the
other alternative for increasing the transmission capacity, which is to increase the operating voltage.

When upgrading the operating voltage, insulating coordination has to be done over again in order to
obtain sufficient insulation strength for the new voltage level. Insulating coordination is the selection
of the insulating strength consistent with the expected overvoltage to obtain an acceptable risk of

The tower geometry and dimensions are originally designed for an operating voltage of 300 kV. To
allow these towers to be exposed to higher electrical stress than they are originally designed for,
some measures must be done. The insulator strings have to be elongated or replaced and the air
clearances have to be increased in order to achieve sufficient dielectric strength. The tighter
dimensions in a 300 kV tower, compare to a 420 kV tower, limits the extension of the insulators and
the possible minimum distances.

The standards for insulation coordination provide guidelines for minimum air clearances. It has
proven difficult to maintain the minimum air clearances within the standard’s requirements without
doing major modifications to the towers. However, the regulations say that it is not an absolute
requirement to follow the method for insulating coordination described by the standards. The
standards are provided as a recommendation to how things should be performed to ensure sufficient
safety and security of supply. The regulations require that all deviations from the standards must be
documented to comply with applicable laws and regulations to ensure the safety. This master thesis
will examine the possibilities for voltage upgrading of tight dimensioned towers which limits the
possibilities for voltage upgrading according to standards. When different solutions are considered,
economy, safety security of supply must be considered.

A flow chart is made to give the reader a better overview of the different issues that are investigated
and how the investigation is performed.

Figure 1 The project presented by a flow chart

2 Scope and limitations
This report examines minimum air clearances that may be allowed in a tower. It is known that
current requirements for air clearances that are given in the standards are somewhat conservative
and cannot be met without doing major modifications to the towers, which involves extensive costs.
A major task is to find the appropriate minimum clearances that can allow a larger number of towers
to stay unmodified without lack of the security of supply. This will always be an assessment of cost
and reliability.

Gap factors will be examined and the gap factors recommended by the standards are compared to
gap factors proposed other research work. The impact of the swing angle of the insulator and the
insulator itself to the gap factor is examined. The statistical withstand voltage U50 will be examined
for lightning impulses, switching impulses and continuous 50 Hz power frequency voltage.

Other aspects of interest of voltage upgrading that are not included in this report are location of
surge arrestors and corona noise.

3 Society and economy

The idea of upgrading transmission lines is to get a grid with higher capacity at lower investment cost
and with less environmental impact than building new transmission lines. Accordingly, when
upgrading transmission lines, one should to the greatest extent possible make use of the existing
lines, insulators, towers and other equipment. The environmental aspect of voltage upgrading is of
great importance in today’s society where there is a lot of focus on environment friendly energy
production. Environment friendly power transmission should be a natural part of this.

4 Gap factors
Determining the electrical withstand strength of air gaps is done by disruptive discharge tests in
laboratories. One desired outcome of such tests is to find the voltage amplitude that gives a 50 %
probability for flash over, U50. The voltage amplitude required to give a flash over is strongly
dependent on the shape of the electrodes. On the basis of this phenomenon, the gap factor was
introduced in order to correct the discrepancy between a reference gap where its electric properties
was known and the shape of the actual electrode. The gap factor kg is a multiplying factor which
characterizes the shape of the electrodes of an air gap, thus discharge characteristics of any air gaps
can be determined by multiplying the gap factor with the discharge characteristics of a reference gap.
Among the different air gaps of spacing d, the positive polarity rod‐plane gap has the lowest
withstand strength and was therefore used as a reference gap with a gap factor kg = 1.

4.1 Rod­plane gap

The rod‐plane gap is a well known gap configuration used in laboratory testing. The radius of
curvature of the rod (anode) is decisive for the value of the flashover voltage. For positive polarity
impulse, the more pointed the anode, the lower the flash over voltage of a large air gap. For the
cathode applies: the more pointed the cathode, the greater the flash over voltage of a large air gap.

The U50 value remains constant when the anode radius is less than a certain critical value Rcritical which
is dependent on air gap spacing as shown in fig. 2.

Figure 2 Influence of the radius R of spherical electrodes on U50 under positive polarity [2].

From fig. 2 it can be seen that for air gaps of 2 metres and up the critical radius is R > 0.1 metres i.e.
for the majority of practical problems, the anode radius is less than the critical radius. In this case the
dielectric withstand strength only depends on the length of the air gap, which means that for most
practical air gaps the rod‐plane gap stays valid as a reference gap when determining the gap factor.

4.2 Actual air gaps

The gap factor kg, originally proposed by L. Paris and R. Cortina [1] in 1968, is the relation of flashover
voltage for a rod‐plane gap and a practical air gap of identical gap length, d. They noted that that all
curves of U50 as a function of gap spacing d had essentially the same shape for a tower configuration
and a rod‐plane gap. A conductor‐plane gap, which has shown to have the same tendency as a rod‐
plane gap, provided a good basis for determining the electrical properties of actual air gaps with a
reference to the well known rod‐plane configuration. In 1967 Luigi Paris published the IEEE research
article “Influence of Air Gap Characteristics of Line‐to‐Ground Switching Surge Strength” [3]. The
research work was performed by applying impulse waves simulating switching surges. The main
purpose of the research was to investigate the dependence of air gap switching surge performance
upon gap geometry. Most of the tests were made with a 120/4000 µs impulse wave since this
particular wave shape is recognized for having the lowest positive polarity withstand voltage for rod‐
rod and rod‐plane gaps. On the basis of the test results there was drawn some conclusions about the
influence of the electrode shape to the electric withstand strength U50 of air gaps. On the basis of the
test results the author proposed the gap configurations with the corresponding gap factors, kg given
in table 1.

4.2.1 Paris and Cortina
In 1968 Luigi Paris and Rosario Cortina published the IEEE research article “Switching and Lightning
Impulse Discharge Characteristics of Large Air gaps and Long Insulator Strings” [1]. This article was
published as a second part of the article written by L. Paris the previous year, and also includes the
behaviour of air gaps when exposed to the 1.2/50 µs lightning impulse. One of the discoveries they
made was that the impact of the shape of the electrodes to the discharge voltage for lightning
impulses is similar in behaviour to that seen for switching impulses, when there is no insulator string
between the electrodes. However, the influence of electrode shape is less significant for lightning
impulses in air gaps without an insulator string through it. They also found that the shape of the
insulators in an insulator string has a very slight influence on the behaviour of the air gap, meaning
that introducing an insulator string between the electrodes can be considered in general, leaving the
type of insulator out of consideration. For lightning impulses applies that the influence of the
electrode shape is much greater in the case of air gaps with an insulator string between the
electrodes. The article concludes that the gap factor kg is not sufficient for definition of the behaviour
of air gaps with an insulator string through it when the air gap is exposed to lightning impulses with
positive or negative polarity under dry and wet conditions, and in dry conditions for negative polarity
switching impulses. Negative polarity impulses are however not interesting in this context since the
flashover voltage in an air gap is considerably higher in this case. On the basis of the research work
they proposed the semi‐empirical formula:

U 50  d   500 S 0.6  kV 

for determining the discharge voltage U50 of an rod‐plane air gap of two to seven metres for a
positive polarity switching impulse where U50 is in kV and d in meters.

By applying the gap factor, kg to the formula, it is valid for all air gaps that are characterized by a gap

U 50  d   500k g S 0.6  kV 

For developing equation 4.1 the authors used a positive switching impulse with a wave shape
120/4000 µs which is considered as the most critical wave shape for rod‐rod and rod‐plane gaps.
Thus, the equation is not based on the same wave shape as the one used to define the switching
impulse in the EN‐standard of 250/2500 µs.

In the IEEE research report “Influence of Air Gap Characteristics on Line‐ to Ground Switching Surge
Strength” [3], a selection of typical gap configurations was presented as shown in table 1. The gap
factors for the different air gap configurations suggested in table 1 were developed through several
disruptive discharge tests where a switching impulse wave of 120/4000 µs, recognized for having the
lowest positive polarity withstand voltage for rod‐rod and rod‐plane gaps, was used.

Table 1 Air gap configurations and their respective gap factors proposed by L. Paris [3].

Electrodes Test arrangement Gap factor, kg

Energized Grounded Without With I‐ and V‐
insulator string insulator string
Rod Plane 1.00 1.00

Rod Structure (under) 1.05

Conductor Plane 1.15

Conductor Window 1.20 1.15

Conductor Structure (under) 1.30

Rod Rod (h = 3 m 1.30


Conductor Structure (over 1.35 1.30

and laterally)

Rod Rod (h = 6 m 1.40


Conductor Rope 1.40

Conductor Rod (h = 3 m 1.65


Conductor Cross arm end 1.50

Conductor Rod (h = 6 m 1.90


Conductor Rod (over) 1.90 1.75

4.2.2 Cigré 72 technical bulletin
As it appears from the IEEE research article “Switching and Lightning Impulse Discharge
Characteristics of Large Air gaps and Long Insulator Strings” [1], the gap factor depends on the type
of electrical stress the air gap is exposed to. In air gaps without insulator string, both switching‐ and
lightning impulses can be described by a gap factor. The Cigré 72 technical bulletin suggests gap
factors for lightning impulses and continuous power frequency voltage named kg_ff (ff = fast front
wave) and kg_pf (pf = power frequency) respectively. The gap factors kg_ff and kg_pf are derived from
the switching impulse gap factor as follows:

When the air gap is exposed to a lightning impulse, the gap factor kg_ff is expressed in terms of kg as:

kg _ ff  0.74  0.26kg

When the air gap is exposed to power frequency voltage, the gap factor kg_pf is expressed in terms of
kg as:

k g _ pf  1.35k g  0.35k g 2

In some literature including the EN‐standards, the gap factor for switching impulse is named kg_sf (sf =
slow front wave). This is however the same gap factor as the kg given in tables for gap factors such as
table 1 and the tables for gap factors found in the EN‐standards, i.e. the gap factors are primarily
given for switching impulses so that kg_sf = kg.

Conductor cross arm is the air space that represents the insulation of the outer phase in a tower. The
insulation consists of two air gaps, d1 which is conductor‐cross arm end and d2 which is conductor‐
structure (laterally) ref. table 1.

Figure 3 Conductor‐cross arm [2].

The Cigré 72 technical bulletin suggests the following formula for the gap factor of the conductor‐
cross arm configuration:

H 8  d
k g  1.45  0.015(  6)  0.35(e d1  0.2)  0.135( 2  1.5)
d1 d1 (4.5)

Applicable in range:
d1=2‐10 m


Kg – gap factor
H – height from phase to ground
d1 – length of the insulator string
d2 – distance from phase to tower pole
δ – with of the tower pole

This formula will in most cases give a gap factor close to 1.45. Comparing this with table 1, the two
air gaps, d1 conductor‐cross arm end and d2 conductor‐structure (laterally), have the gap factors 1.50
and 1.35 respectively. In practice the air gap conductor‐cross arm end with kg = 1.50 will be the
determinant air gap since in most cases d1 < d2. In this case the formula 3.5 complies well with the
suggested gap factors in table 1.

Conductor‐tower window is the air space that represents the insulation of the mid phase. The air
space inside the tower window may be seen as multiple air gaps with a strike length d. The tower
window of figure 4 can mainly be divided into three air gaps: conductor‐structure (over), conductor‐
structure (laterally) and conductor‐rope (guy wire) ref. table 1.

Figure 4 Tower window [2].

The Cigré 72 technical bulletin suggests the following formula for the gap factor of the conductor‐
tower window configuration:

H 8
k g  1.25  0.005(  6)  0.25(e d  0.2)
d (4.6)

Applicable in range:
d=2‐10 m


Kg – gap factor
H – height from phase to ground
d – distance from phase to tower construction
δ – with of the tower pole

This formula will in most cases give a gap factor close to 1.25. If instead using table 1 to determine
the gap factor of the tower window, one obtain the three air gaps, conductor‐structure (over with
insulator string), conductor‐structure (laterally) and conductor‐rope, having the gap factors 1.30,
1.35 and 1.40 respectively. Unlike the conductor‐cross arm configuration of the outer phase, the
distances from conductor to structure are approximately the same in the air space of the tower
window. In this case all of the three mentioned air gaps will be determinant for the insulating
strength and might be treated individually rather than as a single air gap.

In this case the formula 3.6 complies only partly with the suggested gap factors in table 1, as it
appears lower than the lowest single gap factor of the tree air gaps from table 1.

As a first approximation, as the lowest single gap factor of the three mentioned gaps is 1.3, it makes
sense to use a common gap factor for the tower window of 1.25 as a conservative value when
designing new transmission lines. When it comes to voltage upgrading, the air clearances within the
tower is limited, making it interesting to examine all relevant air gaps within the tower window.

As stated earlier, it is desirable that in case of a flash over, the strike should go to the cross arm
rather than to the fragile guy wires. According to the gap factors in table 1, the conductor‐guy wire
air gap has an electrical withstand strength of 7‐8 % higher than conductor‐cross arm, given that the
air gaps are of identical length. This might be explained by the statement that a conductor and thus a
guy wire or a rope, has approximately the same properties as a rod in an air gap. The conductor‐
structure gap will thus have the same tendency as a rod‐plane gap, while the conductor‐guy wire gap
will have the same tendency as a rod‐rod gap which is known for having higher break down strength
than the rod‐plane gap.

As already mentioned, the standards for insulating coordination recommend a gap factor of kg = 1.25.
If instead dividing the tower window into the three mentioned air gaps with kg = 1.3, 1.35 and 1.4
one might get a more accurate description of the characteristics of the air gap and hence to which
part of the tower construction the strike is most likely to go.

In the standards for insulation coordination, the required withstand voltage, Urw for lightning‐ and
switching impulses is set to be the voltage that gives a 10 % probability for flash over to occur in the
air gap i.e. Urw = U10. This value is obtained by moving 1.3 standard deviations down from U50 on the
probability curve in fig. 5, ending up at 10 % probability for flash over. Required withstand voltage is
calculated by the formula:

U rw  U10  U50  1.3Z  kV 



Z is the standard deviation

for lightning impulses Z = 0.03 U50
for switching impulses Z = 0.06 U50


‐4 ‐3 ‐2 ‐1 0 1 2 3 4
Standard deviation

Figure 5 Probability for flash over as a function of voltage amplitude given as standard deviations.

If the conductor‐traverse air gap, which has the lowest gap factor, kg = 1.3 is used as a reference gap,
this air gap should give a 10 % probability for flash over. One will then obtain the following
probabilities for the two other air gaps to have a flash over:

Conductor‐tower pole, kg = 1.35

U 50 _ k g 1.35  U 50 _ k g 1.30  1.04U 50 _ k g 1.30  kV 
1.30 (4.8)

Knowing that the standard deviation, Z = 0.06 U50 for switching impulses, the gap factor of the
conductor‐tower pole corresponds to 2/3 of the standard deviation for switching impulses. Adding
the 2/3 to the 1.3 gives 1.97 standard deviations, which correspond to a probability for flash over of
2.5 % on the probability curve in fig. 5.

Conductor‐guy wire, kg = 1.40

U 50 _ k g 1.40  U 50 _ k g 1.30  1.08U 50 _ k g 1.30  kV 
1.30 (4.9)

‐corresponds to 4/3 of the standard deviation for switching impulses. Adding the 4/3 to the 1.3 gives
2.63 standard deviations, which correspond to a probability for flash over of 0.5 % on the probability
curve in fig. 5.

Using the method for determine required withstand strength described in the standard for insulating
coordination in combination with the gap factors proposed in table 1, there are a 10 % probability for
the flash over to occur over the insulator string to traverse, 2.5 % probability for the flash over to
occur towards the tower pole and 0.5 % probability for the flash over to occur towards the guy wire.
To what extent these results are valid for actual cases of tower windows has to be determined by
laboratory testing. It is also important to point out that this is only valid in cases of switching
impulses. The standards use the same method for determine required withstand strength of lightning
impulses. However, the great uncertainty on the behaviour of lightning strikes in air gaps having an
insulator string through it makes it impossible to relate the probability for flash over to gap the
factors. This is discussed in the next chapter; “Influence of insulators”. As the lightning strikes seem
to act highly unpredictable in such cases , the guy wire should be protected in cases where the
dimensions in the tower window are tight and the distance from the conductor to traverse is equal to
conductor guy wire. This, among other solutions, is discussed in the chapter “Alternative measures
for tight towers”.

4.3 Influence of insulators
To what extent the insulator string affects the electric properties of an air gap depends on the wave
shape of the voltage the air gap is exposed to. Different literature agree on that in the case of
positive polarity switching impulses, the introduction of an insulating medium between the
electrodes causes only a slight change in the behaviour of the air gap and thus the gap factor. As for
lightning impulse, the presence of insulators between the electrodes may play an important role on
the discharge process, thus also heavily affecting the statistical withstand voltage U50.

There are mainly two different configurations of cap and pin insulator strings that are used in
overhead lines, I‐string and V‐string. As the name indicates, the I‐string configuration consists of a
single vertically string of cap and pin insulators, while the V‐string configuration consists two strings
with an angle of 45°, forming a V‐shape. In the case of cap and pin insulator strings, the field
distribution is evenly distributed by the metallic caps and pins.

Given experimental error, the statistical uncertainty and the imprecise nature of the evaluation of
geometrical characteristics of the insulator‐less air gap, the presence of dry cap and pin insulators in
the air gap can be said to not have a significant impact with respect to the dielectric strength when
exposed to slow front impulse waves such as a switching impulse. Cigré report 72 indicates an
influence less than 3 % [2]. For an air gap where cap and pin insulators are present, the gap factor is
given by:

 
kt  0.85  0.15e
 k g 1
  g

where kg is the gap factor for an air gap with no insulator string going through it.

This formula indicates a slight decrease of the withstand strength of air gaps where insulators are

The Paris/Cortina research article “Switching and Lightning Impulse Discharge Characteristics of Large
Air gaps and Long Insulator Strings” [1] concludes that the factor kg is not sufficient to define the
behaviour of air gaps with insulator strings when the air gap is exposed to lightning impulses with
positive or negative polarity under dry and wet conditions, and in dry conditions for negative polarity
switching impulses. For these conditions the authors noted that the behaviour of the discharge in the
air gap did not seem in any way to be connected with the gap factor. Since insulating coordination is
based on the most severe case of switching‐ and lightning impulses, only the positive polarity
impulses are considered. Thus, for all practical purposes, the gap factor is not sufficient to describe
the discharge characteristics of air gaps with insulator strings exposed to lightning impulses.

Test results from the research work presented in Cigré report 72 show the same tendencies where
there is a lack of correlation between U50 and gap factors under these conditions. Further more, the
test results showed that the influence of cap and pin insulators is reduced when the stress on the
first insulator at both extremities of the string is reduced using shielding rings.

4.4 Influence of rain

Tests which have been carried out show that rain, as a perturbation of the insulation medium, has no
significant effect on the dielectric strength of air gaps. However, due to streaming of water, the rain
can modify the shape of the electrodes by formation of cascades of water droplets along the
insulator string and accordingly decrease the dielectric strength of an air gap [2]. The influence of
rain tends to be more present in I‐insulators than to V‐insulators as the angle of the V‐insulator
makes the rain drain away more efficiently. For an air gap where the combination of cap and pin
insulators and rain are present, the gap factor is given by:

 
kt 1

k wet  1  0.54e  kt
  (4.11)

where kt is the gap factor for an air gap where cap and pin insulators are present.

Formula 3.11 indicates a slight decrease of electric withstand strength in wet conditions.

4.5 Conclusion of the chapter

An air gap in a transmission tower can be seen as a complex air gap with multiple electrodes. This
applies especially for the tower window (see part 4.2.2 fig. 4). Hence, the tower window might be
described more accurately by the three gap factors kg = 1.3, 1.35 and 1.4 found in table 1.

Using the method for determine required withstand strength Urw = U10 will result in a 10 %
probability for the flash over to occur over the insulator string to traverse, 2.5 % probability for the
flash over to occur towards the tower pole and 0.5 % probability for the flash over to occur towards
the guy wire.

There is great uncertainty about the behaviour of a flash over in air gaps with insulators exposed to
lightning impulses. Thus, the relationship between electrode shapes and gap factors is hard to define
for this wave shape (see part 4.2.1).

5 Minimum air clearances
When upgrading the voltage, new requirements are set to the insulation strength. When specifying
these requirements, the goal is not only to select the new insulation strength, but also to select the
minimum insulation strength or minimum air clearance. Minimum air clearance is directly connected
to the cost, since the minimum air clearance is what determines whether a tower has to be modified
or not. Figure 6 shows a tower with clearance circles that illustrates the minimum air clearances for
the three operation conditions:

1. No wind. Minimum air clearance determined by lightning impulse.

2. 3 years wind. Minimum air determined by switching impulse.
3. 50 years wind. Minimum air clearance determined by 50 Hz system voltage peak value
( 2U s ).

Figure 6 Minimum air clearances for three different operating conditions.

The calculations of the required air clearances for switching and lightning over voltages, phase to
earth and phase to phase, Del and Dpp, and for the operating voltage phase to earth and phase to
phase, D50Hz_p_e and D50Hz_p_p in the standard EN 50341 [4] are based on ENV 50196 supported by EN
650071‐1, EN 60071‐2 [5] and Cigré report 72 "Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric strength
of external insulation” [2].

The dielectric strength in an air gap depends on such factors as electrode geometry, spacing and the
shape and polarity of the voltage impulse. The break down voltage is lower for an impulse with
positive polarity than for an impulse with negative polarity. The breakdown voltage with lightning
impulses increases approximately proportionally to the spacing, while it increases considerably more
slowly with positive switching impulses and large spacing. Consequently at higher system voltages
≥300 kV where there are large air gap spacing in the towers, switching impulse plays a greater role in
insulation design than lightning impulse [6].

The formulas for U50% for switching‐ and lightning impulse and power frequency voltage in air gaps
given in EN 50341 [4] are derived from experiments of a rod‐plane gap as the electrode configuration.
The formulas are given by:

U50 for a rod‐plane gap configuration for switching impulses or slow front wave impulses:

U 50 rp _ sf  1080 ln  0.46d  1  kV  ; d  m 

U50 for a rod‐plane gap configuration for lightning impulses or fast front wave impulses:

U 50 rp _ ff  530d  kV  ; d  m 

U50 for a rod‐plane gap configuration for 50 Hz power frequency voltage:

U 50 rp _ 50 Hz  750 2 ln 1  0.55d 1.2   kV  ; d  m 


In a high voltage tower the electrodes are represented by lines and tower construction. Gap factors
given in the standard EN 50341 correct for the discrepancy between the geometry of the various
"electrodes" at the appropriate air gaps in towers and the rod‐plane gap. Consequently the formulas
for U50rp have to be multiplied by a certain gap factor to determine the withstand strength in a
certain part of a tower.

6 Wind
6.1 Effect of wind on I­strings
I‐strings are normally not constrained from movement caused by wind. Wind can move the
conductor closer to the tower, thus decreasing both the strike distance to the tower pole, guy‐wire
and traverse. Reduced strike distance leads to decrease of U50, thus increasing of SSFOR (Switching
Surge Flashover Rate). A research work conducted by EFI in1971 [7] found that the withstand
strength of an air gap tends to reduce gradually with increased insulator swing. The U50 is reduced by
4 % at 10° swing and 17 % at 30° swing. Further they found that at 10° swing the flash over occurred
along the insulator, while for 20° swing, the flash over mostly occurred to the traverse through the

In the eastern part of Norway the 3 year wind is normally 25 m/s and the 50 year wind is 32 m/s. This
wind speed normally corresponds to swing angles of approximately 30° and 50° respectively.

The SSFOR for an I‐string can be calculated by considering each wind speed and its probability of

Figure 7 Wind moves the conductor toward the tower.

For a wind speed v impinging on the conductor, the swing angle αS is

 S  tan 1  k1v1.6 


k1  1.138 104 
V H (6.2)


D = conductor diameter in cm, W = conductor weight in kg/m, V = vertical span length (fig. 8), H =
horizontal span length (fig. 8) and v = wind speed.

Figure 8 Vertical and horizontal span lengths. V is the length between the lower points of the line within two spans while
H is the length between the middle of two spans.

For calculation of swing angles of the insulator strings a program named PLS‐CADD which is a
computer program with graphical user interface used for designing of overhead power lines. Figure 9
shows the angles of the insulator strings in a tower at no wind conditions, 3 years wind conditions
and 50 years wind conditions.

Figure 9 Calculations of swing angles of the insulator strings in PLS‐CADD at a) no wind, b) 3 year wind and c) 50 year

7 Towers
7.1 Modification of towers
To allow 420 kV in 300kV towers the insulator strings have to be extended by two to four insulators,
depending on the space available in the tower window and whether it is a I‐string as in fig. 10 or a V‐
string as in fig. 11. In any case it applies that extension of insulator strings reduces the distance and
thus the safety margins toward the guy wires. Each of the towers in a transmission line is unique with
respect to its dimensions, meaning that the security margins will vary from one tower to another.

Some towers fulfill the requirements without the need for further investigation of the safety margins,
while other towers will definitely have to be modified to be able to be upgraded. For every other
tower between these two cases, one will have to evaluate each tower particularly.

The towers can thus be divided into three categories:

1. Ok
2. Case of doubt
3. Not ok

Figure 10 Extension of an I‐string insulator.

Figure 11 Extension of a V‐string insulator.

7.2 Alternative measures for narrow towers

For towers covered by category 1 no measures are needed other than extension of the insulator

Towers covered by category 2 require a closer investigation of the tower to identify the most critical
air gap. When this is identified one can start evaluating possible measures. In such cases it might be
enough to just do some minor changes, such as replacing existing fitting equipment located between
phase and insulator with more compact equipment, as illustrated in fig. 12 will gain a limited distance
in the air gap.

Figure 12 Fitting equipment between phase and insulator.

Towers covered by category 3 require more extensive modification of the tower to be upgraded.
Supporting insulator is a solution where two composite insulators forming a V as shown in fig. 13 and
14. It locks the I‐string insulator, preventing it from swinging towards the tower side at windy
conditions. This solution is used on tension towers as well to support the loop preventing it from
moving towards the tower construction as shown in fig. 13. An alternative is to replace the I‐string
insulator with an ordinary V‐string insulator seen in fig. 11.

Figure 13 Tower window of a tension tower with supporting insulator.

Figure 14 Supporting insulator.

Armour rod (fig. 15) is a helical steel protection that is wound around the guy wire to protect it from
damage caused by arcs. This solution is used when there is an uncertainty on where in the tower
window a flash over will take place. In practice this is done in towers where the air clearance
between phase and traverse is equal to the air clearance between phase and guy wire in the tower

Figure 15 Armour rod.

8 Air gap­insulator configurations

This chapter investigates four different insulator/air gap configurations. The minimum air clearances
required by the EN standard, U50 and gap factors in dry and wet conditions are investigated for
different type of electrical stress and swing angles.

8.1 Four different alternative configurations

Transmission lines designed for voltage levels of 420 kV will normally have insulator strings of 18
insulators. Due to lack of space in the voltage upgraded transmission lines, it is found expedient to
use insulator strings of 17 insulators to obtain sufficient reliability. However, depending on the size of
the towers one might even not have enough space for an insulator string of 17 insulators. In towers
with tight dimensions, one must go down to 16 insulators to provide sufficient distance between
phase and guy‐wire.

In the cases of tight dimensioning, one has to accept that there is a higher probability for a flash over
to occur in cases of over voltages. It is therefore of great importance to dimension the insulator/air
gap relation in a way that any flash over finds its way to the traverse, rather than to the guy‐wire
which might burn off. Four different insulator/air gap relations for the mid‐phase tower window have
been proposed by Statnett:

Table 2 Insulator‐ and air gap configurations.

Configuration No. of insulators Length of insulator Distance to guy‐wire in

string in metres metres
1 16 2.55 2.55
2 16 2.55 2.7
3 17 2.72 2.72
4 17 2.72 2.9

The choice of insulator length versus distance to guy wire will be compromises of the electrical
withstand performance of the tower at different operating conditions. The insulator string consisting
of 16 insulators will give poorer performance in case of a lightning strike and no wind than an
insulator string of 17 insulators. However, a shorter insulator string might perform better in windy
conditions as the swing radius is less for a shorter string. This is investigated further by determining
U50 for a selection of different swing angles for the four before mentioned insulator‐ /air gap
configurations. It can be seen from the table that each swing angle corresponds to a specific
operating situation, i.e. type of electrical stress. Based on information data from the Kristiansand –
Arendal transmission line, the following assumptions for the most severe case of electric stress to the
towers are found most appropriate:

 Stress caused by lightning impulse is most likely to occur at no wind conditions. However,
calculations are done for static line angles up to 10° which is the case for some of the towers
in line.

 Stress caused by line switching impulse is most likely to occur for swing angles up to 30°.

 Stress caused by power frequency operating voltage is most likely for swing angles up to 40°.
The maximum amplitude of the power frequency voltage is the system voltage.

The calculations of minimum required air clearances, statistical withstand strength voltage U50 and
gap factors are done by an excel sheet made for this project. The formulas used for calculation of the
air clearances and the statistical withstand strength voltage U50 are the formulas that are given in EN
50341 [5], while the formulas used for calculation of gap factors are taken from the Cigré report 72 [2]
which the EN standard is based on. Air clearances, U50 and gap factors are investigated for various
swing angles of the insulator string for the four before mentioned tower configurations. Calculations
are done for the air gap between phase and guy wire and the air gap between phase and traverse.
U50 and gap factors are also investigated over the insulator string in dry and wet conditions, while the
air gaps are calculated for dry conditions. Calculations are done for lightning impulses (LI), switching
impulses (SI) and power frequency voltage (PF). The switching over voltage is assumed to be 1.83 PU
and the operating voltage is 420 kV. The tower is assumed 25 metres high, has a guy wire angle of
40°* and is located at an altitude of 500 metres above sea level.

*The guy wire angle is the angle between guy wire and tower pole as shown on fig. 7. The air
clearance in the mid phase as a function of the insulator swing angle is also dependent on the angle
of the guy wire.

Table 3 shows the relationship between swing angles and air clearance for configuration 1‐4, with a
guy wire angle of 40°. The minimum air clearances is between phase and guy wire, hence these air
clearances are compared to minimum required air clearances according to EN standard. The
compared clearances are marked with bold front.

Table 3 Air clearances for configuration 1‐4 and minimum required air clearances.

Configuration Type of Min. required air Swing Distance Distance

Ref. table 3 impulse clearance according to EN angle Phase‐ guy Phase‐
wire traverse
1 LI 2.687 m 0° 2.55 m 2.55 m
1 LI “ 10° 2.236 m 2.511 m
1 SI 1.907 m 20° 1.981 m 2.396 m
1 SI “ 30° 1.793 m 2.208 m
1 PF 0.834 m 40° 1.678 m 1.953 m

2 LI 2.687 m 0° 2.7 m 2.55 m

2 LI “ 10° 2.360 m 2.511 m
2 SI 1.913 m 20° 2.106 m 2.396 m
2 SI “ 30° 1.916 m 2.208 m
2 PF 0.835 m 40° 1.799 m 1.953 m

3 LI 2.866 m 0° 2.72 m 2.72 m

3 LI “ 10° 2.358 m 2.679 m
3 SI 1.914 m 20° 2.113 m 2.556 m
3 SI “ 30° 1.912 m 2.356 m
3 PF 0.835 m 40° 1.790 m 2.084 m

4 LI 2.866 m 0° 2.9 m 2.72

4 LI “ 10° 2.531 m 2.679 m
4 SI 1.920 m 20° 2.262 m 2.556 m
4 SI “ 30° 2.060 m 2.356 m
4 PF 0.837 m 40° 1.935 m 2.084 m

Table 3 shows that:

 Minimum required air clearance according to EN standard for all of the three impulse types,
LI, SI and PF, is achieved with configuration 2 and 4 where the air gap between phase and
guy wire is greater than the length of the insulator string.

 Configuration 1 and 3 does not fulfill EN standard requirement for minimum air clearance
when exposed to lightning impulses (LI).

 For all configurations, the distance between phase and guy wire, which is the least durable
air gap, is also the shortest one at swing angles exceeding 10°.

Table 4 Conductor – cross arm calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry and wet conditions.
Gap factors are given in parentheses. Altitude of 500 m, tower height = 25 m, guy wire angle of 40°.

Configuration Type of Swing U50 Phase‐ U50 Phase‐ U50 Dry U50 Wet
Ref. table 3 impulse angle guy wire traverse insulator insulator
1 LI 0° 1428 (1.057) 1416 (1.048) 1416 (1.048) 1416 (1.048)
1 LI 10° 1253 (1.058) 1407 (1.057) “ “
1 SI 20° 859 (1.228) 979 (1.220) 991 (1.182) 989 (1.180)
1 SI 30° 801 (1.233) 926 (1.223) “ “
1 PF 40° 848 (1.135) 961 (1.130) 1082 (1.030) 1082 (1.030)

2 LI 0° 1448 (1.057) 1416 (1.048) 1416 (1.048) 1416 (1.048)

2 LI 10° 1322 (1.057) 1407 (1.057) “ “
2 SI 20° 896 (1.225) 979 (1.220) 991 (1.182) 989 (1.180)
2 SI 30° 839 (1.230) 926 (1,223) “ “
2 PF 40° 899 (1.133) 961 (1.130) 1082 (1.030) 1082 (1.030)

3 LI 0° 1523 (1.056) 1510 (1.048) 1510 (1.048) 1510 (1.048)

3 LI 10° 1336 (1.057) 1500 (1.056) “ “
3 SI 20° 898 (1.225) 1022 (1.218) 1035 (1.181) 1033 (1.178)
3 SI 30° 838 (1.229) 967 (1.220) “ “
3 PF 40° 895 (1.132) 1011 (1.129) 1136 (1.030) 1136 (1.030)

4 LI 0° 1546 (1.056) 1510 (1.048) 1510 (1.048) 1510 (1.048)

4 LI 10° 1418 (1.057) 1500 (1.056) “ “
4 SI 20° 941 (1.222) 1022 (1.218) 1035 (1.181) 1033 (1.178)
4 SI 30° 882 (1.226) 967 (1.220) “ “
4 PF 40° 953 (1.130) 1011 (1.129) 1136 (1.030) 1136 (1.030

Table 4 shows that:

 The same trend is repeated for all of the four insulators‐ /air gap configurations: U50 is
decreasing with increasing swing angle while the gap factor is increasing with increasing
swing angle.

 The variations of the value of the gap factors are insignificant compare to the variations of
U50. In theory this results indicate that a change in the geometry of the tower has negligible
impact to the gap factor and thus to the value of U50.

 Reduction of U50 is rather due to reduced clearance caused by increasing insulator swing
angle. The air gap between phase and guy wire has the greatest loss of electrical withstand
strength since this is the air gap that reduced the most as a function of increased swing angle.

 Configuration 2 and 4 perform better at insulator swinging than configuration 1 and 3.

However, the desired property of having a greater U50 between phase and guy wire than the
U50 between phase and traverse is only achieved when there is no swing angle.

9 Theory vs. laboratory testing
As a consequence of voltage upgrading, several towers will ending up having rather tight dimensions
and hence lower security margins. Some of these towers might not have sufficient security margin
according to standards. As mentioned earlier, it is not an absolute requirement to follow the
standards as long as one can prove that the towers meet the requirements for safety set by the
regulations. As a part of the documentation process laboratory experiments should be performed. A
laboratory test should be done on a full scale test object, which in this case is a 300 kV transmission
tower, and with the expected voltage levels and impulse types that a tower might be exposed to.
This kind of laboratory tests are expensive, complicated and time consuming to perform and will not
be included in this report. However, a full scale laboratory test under the direction of Statnett will be
performed at a later stage. For this report, two existing laboratory reports have been used for
investigation of tower insulation:

1. Conducted by STRI with the title: “Experimental dielectric tests on a porcelain insulator string
with cap‐ and pin insulators type NGK CA500” [8].
2. Conducted by EFI (former SINTEF) with the title: “Luftisolasjon. Undersøkelse av elektrisk
holdfasthet for linjeisolasjon” [7].

In this chapter statistical withstand voltage U50 and gap factors for different air gap configurations
are investigated. The results from the two above mentioned reports are used as a basis for
comparison to the standards.

9.1 Research report 1: STRI

In 2009 STRI [8], a Swedish accredited testing laboratory, did a research on the dielectric properties
of insulator strings being exposed to different electrical stresses. Experimental dielectric tests were
performed on a porcelain insulator string with cap‐ and pin insulators identical to the ones located in
the transmission line Nea‐Hjärpströmmen. The research was performed on request of Svenska
Kraftnät. The test object used for this research work was simulating a tower window as shown in fig.

Figure 16 Test object simulating the tower window.

The test object consisted of:

 A porcelain insulator string consisting of y = 14 (1.8 m), 15 (1.96 m) and 16 (2.1 m) cap and
pin insulators type NGK CA500 from the line Nea‐Hjärpströmmen. The insulator string was
fitted into the cross arm with original fitting details.
 The insulator string was mounted on a cross arm equipped with two vertical members with a
distance of x = 7.2 m from each other, simulating the poles of the tower.
 The line was simulated by a 6 meter aluminium tube with diameter 30 mm, mounted on the
original arching horn and details, fitted on the lower end of the insulator string.
 The distance from the power line to the ground is H = 6 metres.

The test was performed with the three impulse types

 Lightning impulse disruptive discharge test with positive polarity and dry conditions (LI dry).
 Switching impulse disruptive discharge test with positive polarity and wet conditions (SI wet).
 Power frequency disruptive discharge test for wet conditions (PF wet).

Test values of U50 from the STRI test report are compared with values calculated with the formulas
for U50 given in the EN standard. The calculations are, as far as possible, carried out with the same
conditions as the test conditions. Gap factors are corrected for insulators and rain. The following
tables show a comparison between test results and calculations.

9.1.1 Lightning impulse

The lightning test was performed on an insulator string of 15 insulators corresponding to a flash over
length of 1.96 m under dry conditions. The up‐ and down method was used to determine U50.

Table 5 U50, 50 % flashover probability for lightning impulse (LI dry).

Test Number of U50 corrected U50 calculated Deviation between

insulators test conductor‐ test and calculation
referred to
calculated values

LI dry 15 1216 kV 1081 kV 12.4 %

For the lightning impulse the deviation is 12.4 %. The calculations in the previous chapter indicated
that the minimum air clearances for the lightning impulse were the most critical ones and required
minimum air clearance could not be obtained for configuration 1 and 3.

In the standards for insulation coordination, the required withstand voltage, Urw for lightning‐ and
switching impulses are set to be the voltage that gives a 10 % probability for flash over to occur in the
air gap i.e. Urw = U10. This value is obtained by moving 1.3 standard deviations to the left on the
probability curve. For lightning impulse one standard deviation is 3 % of U50. One will then end up at
10 % probability for flash over on the probability curve.

Urw is determined by the formula

U rw  U10  U50  1.3Z  kV 


where Z is the standard deviation

Figure 17 shows the probability for a flashover to occur as a function of the magnitude of the
lightning impulse for an insulator string of 1.96 m, corresponding to 15 insulators.


0,4 Test

0,3 EN standard
950 1050 1150 1250 1350
Voltage [kV]

Figure 17 Cumulative normal distribution probability curves for flashover for lightning impulse (LI dry) and 15 insulators
(1.96 m).

The difference between U50 and Urw is 1.3 standard deviations, while the difference between the test
result and calculation corresponds to approximately four standard deviations. If the value of U50
given by the blue curve that represent the standard is inserted into the formula for Urw, we obtain
the required withstand voltage:

U rw  U10  U50  1.3Z  1081  1.3  0.06 1081  1039kV

where the standard deviation, Z = 0.03 U50.

U10 of 1039 kV on the blue curve gives a probability of 10 % for flash over, while it gives a probability
of 3.17*10‐5 for flash over on the red curve that represents the laboratory test result.

Conclusion: The Urw‐value determined from the standards, which is supposed to have a probability of
10 % for a flash over to occur, has a much lower probability for occurrence according to the lightning
impulse disruptive discharge test with 15 insulators.

9.1.2 Switching impulse

The switching test was performed under wet conditions on an insulator string of 14, 15 and 16
insulators corresponding to a flash over length of 1.8, 1.96 and 2.1 m respectively. The up‐ and down
method was used to determine U50.

Table 6 U50, 50 % flashover probability for switching impulse (SI wet).

Test Number of U50 corrected U50 calculated Deviation between

insulators test conductor‐ test and calculation
referred to
calculated values

SI wet 14 786 kV 753 kV 4.4 %

SI wet 15 851 kV 802 kV 6.1 %

SI wet 16 919 kV 843 kV 9.0 %

The results from the switching impulse disruptive discharge test and the calculated values of U50 have
a deviation that varies between 4.4‐9 %, where the deviation increasing with the length of the air gap.

Figure 18 shows the probability for a flashover to occur as a function of the magnitude of the
switching impulse for insulator string of 1.96 m, corresponding to 15 insulators.

Probability 0,7
0,4 Test

0,3 EN standard
650 750 850 950
Voltage [kV]

Figure 18 Cumulative normal distribution probability curves for flashover for switching impulse (SI wet) and 15 insulators
(1.96 m).

The difference between U50 and Urw is 1.3 standard deviations, as for lightning impulses, but for
switching impulses, one standard deviation corresponds to 6 % of U50.The difference between the
value of U50 based on the standard and U50 tested is approximately equal to one standard deviation
when considering a flash over length of 15 insulators or 1.96 m. If the value of U50 given by the blue
curve that represent the standard is inserted into the formula for Urw, we obtain the required
withstand voltage:

U rw  U10  U50  1.3Z  802  1.3  0.06  802  739kV


where the standard deviation, Z = 0.06 U50.

U10 of 739 kV on the blue curve gives a probability of 10 % for flash over, while it gives a probability
of 0.014 for flash over on the red curve that represents the laboratory test result.

Table 7 below shows the results of the U10 switching impulse disruptive discharge test on insulator
strings of 14 and 15 insulators corresponding to a flash over length of 1.8 and 1.96 m respectively.

Table 7 U10, 10 % flashover probability for switching impulse (SI wet).

Test No. of No. of U10 corrected No. of flash U10 calculated Deviation
insulators impulses test over conductor‐ between test
and calculation
referred to
calculated values
SI wet 14 15 732 kV 1 695 5.3 %
SI wet 15 15 804 kV 3 739 8.8 %

Again, when an insulator string of 15 insulators is considered, the test result shows that the value of
U10 = 804 kV which is 8.8 % higher than U10 calculated according to standards.

If the test results of the U50 ‐ test are inserted into the formula for Urw, ideally we should end up with
a result similar to the U10 ‐ test of equally number of insulators. When inserting the test result of U50
at 15 insulators obtain:

U rw  U10  U50  1.3Z  851  1.3  0.06  851  785kV


which is somewhat between the actual test result of 804 kV and the value obtained from the
standard of 739 kV. This indicates that there may be safety margins added in both the formula for
required withstand voltage, Urw and the value of the statistical withstand voltage U50. This may in
sum give an unnecessarily high safety margin.

Conclusion: The Urw‐value determined from the standards, which is supposed to have a probability of
10 % for a flash over to occur, has a 1.4 % probability for occurrence according to the switching
impulse disruptive discharge test with 15 insulators.

9.2 Researh report 2: EFI

The research work titled “Luftisolasjon. Undersøkelse av elektrisk holdfasthet for linjeisolasjon” [7]
conducted by former SINTEF, EFI in 1971 discusses dimensioning of insulation in towers and
probability for flash over, i.e. probabilistic insulation dimensioning. The test object, an insulator
string of 9 to 18 cap‐ and pin insulators, was exposed to lightning impulses, switching impulses and
50 Hz operating voltage. The research takes aim to establish a relationship between flash over
voltage for a rod‐plane gap and relevant insulation configurations of equal strike distance i.e. the gap
factor, Kg.

Other issues that were investigated were the impacts of the insulator swing angle and rain to the
electrical withstand voltage. The report presents the value of U50 for the three different types of

electrical stress at five different insulator configurations for mid‐ and outer phase and at four
different swing angles of the insulator string of the outer phase.

The test object used to perform the tests was simulating outer phase and tower window as shown in
fig. 19 a), b) and c).

Figure 19 Test object used to simulate the tower arrangement. Figure a) and b) represents the outer phase. Swing angle
is simulated according to figure b). Figure c) represents the mid phase [7].

The test object consisted of:

 I‐string insulators of 9, 15 and 18 cap‐ and pin insulators and V‐string insulators of 9 and 15
cap‐ and pin insulators type NTP 33019, 21 ton.

 Tower arrangement according to fig 19.

The test procedure was as follows:

 Tower‐cross arm was simulated according to fig 19 a) and b) for I‐string insulators and tower
window were simulated according to fig 19 c) for both V‐string and I‐string insulators.

 Insulator swinging was simulated for the outer phase according to fig 19 b) for 10°, 20°and

 The experiments were performed using different voltage impulse shapes simulating lighting
impulses and switching impulses. To simulate lighting strike an impulse shape with time to
peak T1 = 1.2 µs and time to half value T2 = 50 µs was used according to fig 20. The 1.2/50 µs
impulse is defined as the standard lightning impulse.

 The switching impulse was simulated by applying a voltage shape with time to peak T1 = 200
µs and time to half value T2 = 3000 µs to the test object according to fig 20.

Figure 20 Voltage impulse. X‐axis: T1 = time to the peak value of the impulse is obtained, T2 = time to half of the peak
value of the impulse remains. Td = time where the impulse has a voltage level between 0.9 and 1.0 PU. Y‐axis: Value of
the voltage of the impulse in PU.

9.2.1 Gap factors

The research established a relationship between flash over voltage for a rod‐plane gap and relevant
insulation configurations of equal strike distance according to fig. 19 a), b) and c). The relation
between the flash over voltage for a certain insulation configuration and a rod‐plane gap is described
by the gap factor. Several disruptive discharge tests are performed for several variants of the
geometry (s, z, y, and x) for lightning‐ / switching impulses and 50 Hz power frequency and for wet
and dry conditions. The test results are compared to disruptive discharge tests of a rod‐plane gap of
equal length as a reference gap.

The gap factor is the relation:

U 50 _test _object
Kg 
U 50 _ rod  plane _ pos. _ pol. (9.5)

The gap factors obtained from the EFI‐test are compared to gap factors obtained according to the
formulas 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 in chapter 4 “Gap factors”.

Paris and Cortina suggested several gap factors depending on the gap configuration, from 1 for a rod‐
plane gap to 1.9 for a conductor‐rod gap. EN 50341 reproduces typical values for gap factors that are
based on typical dimensions for different insulating configurations. These are fixed values given for
one specific configuration which dimensions are within an area of application. If a more accurate
value of the gap factor is desired, it can be calculated according to the formulas 3.5 and 3.6 from the
Cigré 72 technical bulletin [2] which describes how to calculate the gap factors for the different
geometric configurations. By doing this one obtain a gap factor that should describe the electric
properties of the air gap more accurately, since the strike distance is also taken into account.

When putting in different strike distances from 2‐10 metres in the formula 3.6 for tower window,
and plotting the results, one obtains the following curve with the gap factor as a function of the
strike distance‐that is, the strike distance in the x‐axis and the gap factor in the y‐axis.



Gap factor





2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Strike distance (m)

Figure 21 Gap factor for positive polarity switching impulse tower window (mid phase) as a function of the strike

From the curve it is easy to visualize that the influence of the strike distance to the gap factor is small
and that the outcome from calculating the gap factor for a specific strike distance does not differ
significantly from the fixed values given in the standard, which in this case, the tower window, would
be 1.25. This observation supports the statement from the Cigré 72 technical bulletin which state:
“Something that should be noticed is that the gap factor is practically unaffected by the length of the
air gap [2].”

The research work conducted by EFI in 1971 [7] concludes that for switching impulse the gap factor is
dependent on the strike distance and that the gap factors vary approximately linearly when the strike
distance is in the range of 1‐3 metres. This conclusion seems reasonable compared to the curve in fig.
21 in the range of 1‐3 metres.

However, as fig. 21 shows a decrease of the gap factor between 1‐3 metres, the EFI report claims
that the gap factor increases with increased strike length in the same area.

The EFI research suggests that for air gaps of 1 m < Z ≤ 3 m ref. fig. 22 b) the gap factor for the mid
phase and positive switching impulse can with good approximation be set to:

K g _ sf  1  0.067 Z

Figure 22 Gap factor for positive polarity switching impulse tower window (mid phase) as a function of the strike
distance [7].

The length of the suspension equipment that secures the insulator string to the tower has to some
extent an impact on the behaviour of the air gap and hence the gap factor. However, the report
concludes that when the length of the suspension equipment is in the range from 180 mm to 1120
mm, the difference with respect to the value of U50 is negligible. Thus, according to this conclusion
the suspension equipment has a negligible impact to the gap factor for most practical cases.

In the following three chapters the influence of rain to the gap factor and thus the withstand
strength of air gaps with insulators examined for lightning impulse, switching impulse and continuous
50 Hz voltage.

34 Lightning impulse
Outer phase

Table 8 Gap factors for outer phase at lightning impulse.

Test object Dry/ Geometry m Kg Kg

wet s z y x EFI‐test Standard
I‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.18 1.35 1.53 2.40 1.13 1.099
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 2.40 1.15 1.041
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 1.16 1.041
" " 1.12 1.35 2.47 4.00 1.15 1.080
" Wet 0.18 1.35 1.53 2.40 1.10 1.099
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 2.40 1.10 1.041
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 1.13 1.041
" " 1.12 1.35 2.47 4.00 1.14 1.080
I‐string insulator 15 segments Dry 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.00 1.09 1.079
" Wet 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.00 1.09 1.079
" " 0.60 2.38 2.98 4.00 1.12 1.075
I‐string insulator 18 segments Dry 1.20 2.80 4.00 4.50 1.11 1.072

Mid phase

Table 9 Gap factors for mid phase at lightning impulse.

Test object Dry/ Geometry m Kg Kg

wet s z y x EFI‐test Standard
V‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.18 1.34 1.26 2.40 1.07 1.058
" " 0.60 1.34 1.54 3.06 1.08 1.054
" " 1.12 1.34 1.90 4.00 1.13 1.051
" Wet 0.18 1.34 1.26 2.40 1.08 1.058
" " 0.60 1.34 1.54 3.06 1.09 1.054
" " 1.12 1.34 1.90 4.00 1.07 1.051
V‐string insulator 15 segments Dry 0.18 2.37 2.31 4.50 1.07 1.049
" " 0.60 2.37 2.63 4.50 1.06 1.048
" Wet 0.18 2.37 2.31 4.50 1.05 1.049
" " 0.60 2.37 2.63 4.50 1.06 1.048
I‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 1.12 1.051
" Wet 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 1.11 1.051
I‐string insulator 15 segments Dry 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.50 1.07 1.048
" Wet 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.50 1.07 1.048

For lightning impulses the gap factors from the EFI‐test are very similar to the gap factors obtained
from the standard for both dry and wet conditions. Rain seem to have no influence on the withstand
strength of I‐strings or V‐strings exposed to lightning impulses.

35 Switching impulse
Outer phase

Table 10 Gap factors for outer phase at switching impulse.

Test object Dry/ Geometry m Kg Kg

wet s z y x EFI‐test Standard
I‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.18 1.35 1.53 2.40 1.19 1.374
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 1.22 1.332
" " 1.12 1.35 2.47 4.00 1.26 1.302
" Wet 0.18 1.35 1.53 2.40 0.84 1.323
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 0.79 1.297
" " 1.12 1.35 2.47 4.00 0.78 1.276
I‐string insulator 15 segments Dry 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.00 1.31 1.298
" Wet 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.00 1.05 1.274

Mid phase

Table 11 Gap factors for mid phase at switching impulse.

Test object Dry/ Geometry m Kg Kg

wet s z y x EFI‐test Standard
V‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.18 1.34 1.26 2.40 1.04 1.220
" " 0.60 1.34 1.54 3.06 1.09 1.206
" " 1.12 1.34 1.90 4.00 1.14 1.194
" Wet 0.18 1.34 1.26 2.40 1.00 1.213
" " 0.60 1.34 1.54 3.06 0.98 1.201
" " 1.12 1.34 1.90 4.00 0.86 1.190
V‐string insulator 15 segments Dry 0.60 2.37 2.63 4.50 1.15 1.182
" Wet 0.60 2.37 2.63 4.50 1.08 1.179
I‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.60 1.34 1.90 3.06 1.20 1.194
" Wet 0.60 1.34 1.90 3.06 0.94 1.190
I‐string insulator 15 segments Dry 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.50 1.22 1.182
" Wet 0.18 2.38 2.56 4.50 1.08 1.180

For switching impulses, the EFI‐test shows a higher decrease of the gap factor as a consequence of
rain than those obtained from the standard. The EFI‐test shows a decrease of kg and thus the
withstand strength in the order of 6‐13 % for V‐string insulators and 20‐34 % for I‐string insulators.
The influence of rain to the gap factor is decreasing with increased insulator length. The gap factors
obtained from the standard show a decrease of kg in the range of 0‐4 %. However, the EFI test results

and the EN standard seem to follow each other relatively in dry conditions. The gap factors of the EN
standard are somewhat higher than the EFI test results. 50 Hz power frequency

Outer phase

Table 12 Gap factors for outer phase at power frequency voltage.

Test object Dry/ Geometry m Kg Kg

wet s z y x EFI‐test Standard
I‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.18 1.35 1.53 2.40 1.15 1.061
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 2.40 1.17 1.054
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 1.17 1.026
" " 1.12 1.35 2.47 4.00 1.20 1.050
" Wet 0.18 1.35 1.53 2.40 0.75 1.061
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 2.40 0.69 1.054
" " 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 0.69 1.026
" " 1.12 1.35 2.47 4.00 0.69 1.050
Rod‐plane Dry 1.35 1.03

Mid phase

Table 13 Gap factors for mid phase at power frequency voltage.

Test object Dry/ Geometry m Kg Kg

wet s z y x EFI‐test Standard
V‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.18 1.34 1.26 2.40 0.98 1.037
" " 0.60 1.34 1.54 3.06 1.00 1.034
" " 1.12 1.34 1.90 4.00 1.00 1.032
" Wet 0.18 1.34 1.26 2.40 0.71 1.037
" " 0.60 1.34 1.54 3.06 0.79 1.034
" " 1.12 1.34 1.90 4.00 0.74 1.032
I‐string insulator 9 segments Dry 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 1.19 1.032
" Wet 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.06 0.80 1.032

As for the switching impulses, the 50 Hz power frequency test shows that the difference in kg in dry
and wet conditions seems to be larger for the EFI‐test than proposed by the standard. The EFI‐test
shows a decrease of the gap factor as a consequence of rain in the order of 25 % for V‐string
insulators and 33‐40 % for I‐string insulators. There is no difference for dry and wet conditions for the
gap factors obtained from the standard. However, the test results and the calculations seem to

follow each other relatively in dry conditions. Opposite to switching impulses, the gap factors
obtained by the EN standard are somewhat lower than those from the EFI test results.

The tests performed with switching impulse and power frequency voltage show that the I‐string
suffers a greater loss of electric withstand strength than the V‐string as a consequence of rain. This
can be explained by the naturally drain effect caused by the 45° angle of the V‐string insulators.
These findings are consistent with what was found in Cigré report 72 [2] (see chapter 4.4). As for
lightning impulses it did not seem to be any differences on dry and wet conditions. This may indicate
that rain has a lesser impact on short duration impulse waves.

9.2.2 U50 disruptive discharge test Electrical stress from Lightning

Outer phase EFI‐test:

Table 14 Conductor – cross arm exposed to a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry conditions.

Test object Geometry Swing angle U50 EFI % reduction at

D1/dx O.P ref. fig. 7 Kg = 1.31 at 0° swing angle
I‐string insulator 2.56/4 m 0° 1380 0
" " 10° 1354 1.9
" " 20° 1289 6.6
" " 30° 1204 12.8

Mid phase calculated:

Table 15 Conductor – cross arm calculated for a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry conditions. Same
geometry as above.

Swing angle U50 calculated Gap factor Kg % reduction at U50 calculated

Air gap swing angle Over insulator
0° 1484 1.094 0 1464 (1.079)
10° 1461 1.093 1.5 "
20° 1392 1.091 6.2 "
30° 1279 1.089 13.8 "

When comparing table 14 and 15 the following is observed:

 The relative reduction of U50 due to insulator swinging is practically the same for the EFI‐test
and the calculations.
 The calculated values of U50 are around 100 kV higher than in the test, opposite to the results
of the STRI‐test where the calculated values are about 130 kV lower than the test results.

 In the EFI‐test the flash over tends to go to along the insulator string for 10° swing angle, at
20° swing angle most flash over goes directly to the traverse and at 30° swing angle some
flash over also goes to the vertical tower pole.
 From the results in the table for calculated values it can be seen that U50 in the air gap
becomes smaller than U50 over the insulator, i.e. the flash over goes directly to the traverse
already at 10°swing angle.

Mid phase EFI‐test:

Table 16 Tower window exposed to a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry and wet conditions.

Test object Geometry Dry/wet U50 EFI

D1/dx O.P ref. fig. 7 Gap factor Kg
I‐string insulator 2.56/4.5 m Dry 1350 1.07
" " Wet 1352 1.07

Mid phase calculated:

Table 17 Tower window calculated for a 1.2/50µs positive lightning impulse, (LI) under dry and wet conditions.

Test object Geometry Dry/wet U50 calculated

D1/dx O.P ref. fig. 7 Gap factor Kg
I‐string insulator 2.56/4.5 m Dry 1422 1.048
" " Wet 1422 1.048

When comparing table 16 and 17 the following is observed:

 Both the test results and the calculations show no difference in the gap factor and hence the
withstand strength of the air gap in wet and dry conditions, which is to be expected
according to the results seen in table 13.

39 Electrical stress from line switching
The test results from the EFI‐work are compared with calculations. The calculations are done on the
basis of the EN‐standards [5] which have standardized the switching impulse as a 250/2500 impulse.
These results have been compared with calculations and the comparison is shown in the table below.

Outer phase EFI‐test:

Table 18 Conductor – cross arm exposed to a 200/3000µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry conditions.

Test object Geometry Swing angle U50 EFI % reduction at

D1/dx O.P ref. fig. 7 Kg = 1.31 at 0° swing angle
I‐string insulator 2.56/4 m 0° 1219 0
" " 10° 1172 3.9
" " 20° 1110 8.9
" " 30° 1010 17.1

Mid phase calculated:

Table 19 Conductor – cross arm calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry conditions. Same
geometry as above.

Swing angle U50 calculated Gap factor Kg % reduction at U50 calculated

Air gap swing angle Over insulator
0° 1143 1.360 0 1091 (1.298)
10° 1129 1.358 1.2 "
20° 1088 1.352 4.8 "
30° 1019 1.342 10.8 "

Mid phase EFI‐test:

Table 20 Tower window exposed to a 200/3000µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry and wet conditions.

Test object Geometry Dry/wet U50 EFI

D1/dx O.P ref. fig. 7 Gap factor Kg
I‐string insulator 2.56/4.5 m Dry 1124 1.22
" " Wet 1000 1.08

Mid phase calculated:

Table 21 Tower window calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry and wet conditions.

Test object Geometry Dry/wet U50 calculated

D1/dx O.P ref. fig. 7 Gap factor Kg
I‐string insulator 2.56/4.5 m Dry 994 1.182
" " Wet 991 1.180

It is worth notifying that the shape of the voltage shape might influence the result significantly. Both
test results and calculations indicate significant loss in insulation level when the insulators have a
certain angle. This is as expected as the minimum air clearance is reduced with increased swing angle.
The EFI‐test shows a lot higher decrease of U50 than the calculations. However, the trend is that U50
decreases relatively at the same ratio in both cases. The part of the EFI‐test that concerns testing of
electrical withstand voltage as a function of the swing angle of the insulator strings is only done for
the outer phase. As the most critical minimum air clearance is located at the middle phase, it would
be more interesting to know the withstand strength here. Therefore calculations of U50 and gap
factors are performed for the same swing angles as for the outer phase although they are not
compared to any real test. They might however indicate what could be expected in real life.

The result is shown in table below.

Table 22 Tower window calculated for a 250/2500µs positive switching impulse, (SI) under dry and wet conditions and
for different swing angles. The air gap between phase and guy wire and the length of the insulator string is both 2.56 m.

Swing U50 Phase‐ guy U50 Phase‐ U50 Dry U50 Wet
angle wire traverse insulator insulator
0° 1024 (1.218) 1024 (1.218) 994 (1.182) 991 (1.180)
10° 936 (1.222) 1013 (1.219) 994 (1.182) 991 (1.180)
20° 861 (1.228) 982 (1.220) 994 (1.182) 991 (1.180)
30° 803 (1.233) 928 (1.223) 994 (1.182) 991 (1.180)

Swinging of insulators will cause a change of the geometric properties of the air gap in a tower. Thus,
the gap factors will also change with the insulator swing angle. However, the change of the size of
the air gap due to swinging is the main reason for reduction of the value of U50 rather than the
change of the gap factor. The gap factor given in parentheses for each value of U50 does not appear
to change significantly with the swing angle of the insulator string. This agrees with the results
obtained in table 4 in chapter 8.

Table 22 indicates that the electric withstand strength is about 3 % less over a dry or wet insulator as
for the rest of the air gap. At 10° swing angle the phase‐guy wire air gap has lost 9 % of the electrical
withstand strength. At 20° swing angle the phase‐guy wire air gap has lost 16 % of the electrical
withstand, while the phase‐traverse air gap has lost about 4 % of the electrical withstand strength.

On the basis of the calculations, one can assume that

 At swing angles not exceeding 10° most flash over will occur along the insulator string.
 At swing angles exceeding 10° most flash over will occur in the air gap, mainly to the guy wire.
 These results differ some from the EFI test which concludes that a flashover will occur along
the insulator at a swing angle of 10°, and to the traverse at a swing angle of 20°.

The table indicates that the statistical withstand voltage, U50 decreases with increased swing angle as
expected. At a certain swing angle the strike might eventually find its way to the guy‐wire. As
previous discussed, it is desirable that a flash over finds its way to the traverse rather than to the
guy‐wires. This has to be taken into account when choosing insulator configuration. Each tower has a
specific maximum swing angle at a defined wind speed.

9.3 Conclusion of the chapter

Gap factors and the statistical withstand voltage U50 are investigated by comparing results from two
previous research with calculations based on the EN standard.

The EN standard turns out to give lower U50 for both switching‐ and lightning impulses than the test
results from STRI. The difference is in order of 5–9 % for switching impulses and 12 % for lightning

For switching impulses applies that the EN standard provides a greater gap factor than the test
results from EFI. The difference between EN standard and EFI results is in order of 0–20 % depending
on insulator configuration and dry or wet condition. The biggest difference is found for I‐string
insulators in wet condition. For lightning impulses applies the opposite, but there is only a slight
difference between EN standard and test results.

Rain has no influence on the withstand strength of I‐strings or V‐strings exposed to lightning impulses
(see part

For switching impulses rain seem to reduce the withstand strength in the order of 6‐13 % for V‐string
insulators and 20‐34 % for I‐string insulators (see part

For continuous power frequency voltage rain seem to reduce the withstand strength in the order of
25 % for V‐string insulators and 33‐40 % for I‐string insulators (see part

10 A case study
10.1 Kristiansand­Arendal
One of the power lines that is voltage upgraded these days is 300 kV line Kristiansand – Arendal.
Kristiansand – Arendal is a 62750 m long power line consisting of 203 towers. 52 of the 203 towers
have a minimum air clearance less than 2.72 m which corresponds to 17 insulators. Seven of the 203
towers are considered as critical with respect to their small dimension and these towers have to be
further investigated in order to determine whether they are suitable for voltage upgrading or not.

The purpose of the case study is to get an idea of the discrepancy to be expected between the
requirements to air clearances set by the standard and the actual air clearances available in 300 kV
towers. It is also of great interest to clarify which of the three operation conditions power frequency,
switching and lightning that is most critical when considering voltage upgrading.

The formulas for calculating minimum required air clearances according to the EN‐standards are
given by:

Minimum air clearance phase to earth for power frequency voltage:

 750 Us
3K a K z _ pf K g _ pf

e  1
D50 Hz _ p e    m
  (10.1)
 


Us is the system voltage

Kg_pf is the power frequency gap factor, expressed in terms of switching impulse gap factor Kg,
Kg_pf = 1.35Kg– 0.35Kg2

Ka is the altitude factor

Kz is the deviation factor of the air gap withstand voltage distribution

Minimum air clearance phase to earth for switching impulse:

1  1080 KaK z _ sf K g _ sf 
K cs U e 2% _ sf

Del  e  1  m 
0, 46  
 (10.2)


Kg_sf is the switching impulse gap factor. Kg_sf = Kg, according to the formula for gap factors.

Ka is the altitude factor

Kz is the deviation factor of the air gap withstand voltage distribution

Kcs is the statistical coordination factor

Ue2 %_sf is the 2 % slow front overvoltage stressing the air gap (slow front overvoltage having a
2 % probability of being exceeded)

Minimum air clearance phase to earth for lightning impulse:

U 90% _ ff _ is K g _ ff _ is
Del   dis  m 
530  K a  K z _ ff  K g _ ff K a  K g _ ff (10.3)


Kg_ff is the lightning impulse gap factor, expressed in terms of switching impulse gap factor Kg,
Kg_ff = 0.74 Kg_ff + 0.26 Kg

Ka is the altitude factor

Kz is the deviation factor of the air gap withstand voltage distribution

U90 %_ff_is is the 90 % lightning withstand voltage of the insulator strings installed on a line

dis is the clearance between the extremities of the insulator string

The table below shows the swing angle of the insulators on tower 7, 11, 27, 100, 129, 180 at 3 year
wind and at 50 year wind on the transmission line Kristiansand‐Arendal.

Table 23 Swing angles for a selection of tower of the transmission line Kristiansand‐Arendal.

Tower No. of
Tower No. height insulators Swing angle ± deg

3 year wind 50 year wind

From right From left From right From left

7 21 m 16 ‐16,4° 16,4° ‐26,4° 26,4°

11 22 m 17 ‐19,4° 16,2° ‐29,8° 26,7°

27 23 m 16 ‐3,2° 23,8° ‐12,3° 31,9°

100 24 m 16 0,3° 19,6° ‐5,6° 25,5°

129 22 m 17 ‐19,4° 16,2° ‐29,8° 26,7°

180 25 m 17 ‐17,5° 22,6° ‐30° 34,6°

Tower No. 7, 27 and 100 have insulator strings consisting of 16 insulators, which correspond to a
length of 2.55 meters. Here the alternative air gaps between phase and guy‐wire are 2.55 or 2.7

Tower No. 11, 29 and 180 have insulator strings consisting of 17 insulators, which correspond to a
length of 2.72 meters. The distance from phase to guy‐wire might be 2.72 or 2.9 meters.

The minimum distances for seven critical towers of the Kristiansand‐Arendal power line are listed in
the table below. The numbers given in parenthesis are the maximum swing angle of the insulators at
respective operation conditions. Only the mid‐phases are taken into account, since the critical
minimum distances are to be found here.

Table 24 Measured minimum distances for tower mid‐phase conducted by Statnett. The corresponding swing angles are
given in parenthesis.

Tower No. Min distance Min. distance Min. distance Insulators

[m] [m] [m] used
No wind 3 year wind 50 year wind
7 2.699 2.044 (16.4°) 1.762 (26.4°) 16
11 2.710 2.014 (19.4°) 1.733 (29.8°) 17
27 2.568 2.028 (23.8°) 1.807 (31.9°) 16
100 2.588 2.230 (19.6°) 2.063 (25.5°) 16
110 2.281 1.712 (37°) 1.588 (46.5°) 16
129 2.730 2.206 (19.4°) 1.956 (29.8°) 17
180 2.797 2.032 (22.6°) 1.737 (34.6°) 17

The table below shows the minimum required air clearances for the same seven towers if calculated
according to EN 50341.

Table 25 Minimum required distances for tower mid‐phase calculated according to EN 50341.

Tower No. Min distance Min. distance [m]. Min. distance [m].
[m]. No wind 3 year wind 50 year wind
7 2.709 1.936 0.841
11 2.890 1.929 0.840
27 2.709 1.914 0,837
100 2.709 1.914 0,837
110 2.709 1.848 0.826
129 2.890 1.930 0.840
180 2.890 1.914 0,837

The table below shows the difference between the measured minimum air clearances of table 24
and the minimum required air clearances according to EN 50341. The values given in percent are for
lightning impulses which turned to be the worst case with respect to minimum clearances.

Table 26 Comparison of table 24 (measured minimum clearances) and table 25 (required minimum clearances according
to EN 50341).

Tower Real min. dist. – Real min. dist. – Real min. dist. – Percentage
No. standard min. dist. standard min. dist. standard min. dist. difference
[m]. [m]. [m]. No wind
No wind 3 year wind 50 year wind
7 ‐0.01 0.108 0.921 ‐0.37 %
11 ‐0,18 0.085 0.893 ‐0.35 %
27 ‐0.141 0.144 0,970 ‐5.20 %
100 ‐0.121 0.316 1.226 ‐4.47 %
110 ‐0.428 ‐0.136 0.762 ‐15.80 %
129 0.021 0.276 1.116 0.73 %
180 0.088 0.118 0,900 3.04 %

10.2 Findings of the case study
Table 24 shows the actual minimum air clearances of the mid‐phase of the seven towers in
Kristiansand – Arendal. Table 25 shows the calculated required minimum distances of the same
towers. The calculations are done on the basis of the formulas given in the standard EN 50341,
equation 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3. The real distances are compared with the calculation, and the results
are reproduced in table 26.

Comparisons between the data given and calculations done for the seven towers show that the
tightest clearances are located at no‐wind conditions where lightning impulses is the dimensioning
voltage. For this operation condition only two of the seven towers seem to have sufficient air
clearance. It appears that the most critical tower, No. 110, has a minimum clearance of 2.281 m
which is 0.428 m or 15.8 % shorter than the minimum clearance that the standard recommends,
which is 2.709 m for this specific case.

In the case of the three year wind conditions where switching impulses is the dimensioning voltage,
only tower No. 110 seems to not have sufficient air clearance. For this tower the measure air
clearance is 7.4 % less than the minimum air clearance required by the EN standard.

In the case of the fifty year wind conditions where power frequency voltage is the determinant
voltage for the minimum air clearances, every one of the seven towers are within the requirement
for minimum distances by a wide margin.

10.3 Saving potential

The excessive cost for replacing an I‐string insulator with a V‐string insulator is 150 000 NOK/tower.
For the voltage upgrading project Kristiansand – Arendal it was found that sufficient withstand
strength was still maintained at minimum air clearances of 10 cm shorter than recommended by the
EN standard. By reducing the minimum air clearances by 10 cm, 6.5 mill. NOK were spared.

10.4 Conclusion of the chapter

From the results seen in table 26 it can be concluded that according to the EN‐standards it will be
most difficult to fulfill the required minimum air clearance for lightning impulses. However, the test
results from STRI in chapter 9.1.1 indicate that the tested flash over voltage U50_LI is 12 % higher than
U50_LI obtained from the EN standard.

The same applies for switching impulses; tower No. 110 has a minimum clearance which is 7.4 % less
than required by the EN standard. Test results from STRI in chapter 9.1.2 indicate that the tested
flash over voltage U50_SI is in the area of 4.4‐6 % higher than U50_SI obtained from the EN standard.

This gives reason to assume that the standard suggest a U50 that is lower than the actual voltage level
needed to give a 50 % probability for flash over.

11 New laboratory test
A master thesis performed by Michael Hinteregger at the Graz University of Technology in Austria is a
collaboration project to this master thesis is. In that thesis a laboratory test will take place.

11.1 Test proposal

The two laboratory tests presented in chapter 9 are performed on a test object simulating a
transmission tower. Common feature for these tests is that the test object lacks the guy wires, which
is found not to have the same electric properties as the rest of the air gap. A new test should be
performed on a test object with guy wires as shown in fig. 23 below, to verify the findings in this
report. The test object is proposed by Michael Hinteregger.

Figure 23 Test object proposed by Michael Hinteregger at the Graz University of Technology.

12 Discussion
In the EN standards each gap configuration is dedicated to a single gap factor. An air gap in a
transmission tower should not necessarily be considered as a single air gap between two electrodes,
but rather as a complex air gap represented by multiple electrodes. Hence, the withstand strength
between phase and the different earthed construction parts which represent the tower window will
vary. It is found that the air gap between phase and guy wire may have about 7 % higher withstand
strength than over the insulator string. This would be interesting to verify with laboratory tests, as
this would mean an additional security margin towards the guy wires. In case of a flash over, it is
desirable that it goes over the insulator to the traverse.

An air gap in a transmission tower can be seen as a complex air gap with multiple electrodes. This
applies especially for the tower window (see part 4.2.2 fig. 4). Hence, the tower window might be
described more accurately by the three gap factors kg = 1.3, 1.35 and 1.4 found in table 1.

There is great uncertainty about the behaviour of a flash over in air gaps with insulators exposed to
lightning impulses. Thus, the relationship between electrode shapes and gap factors is hard to define
for this wave shape (see part 4.2.1).

Four suggested insulator/air gap configurations have been investigated. The minimum required air
clearances, U50 and gap factors are investigated for different type of electrical stress and swing angles.

Table 3 shows that minimum required air clearance according to EN standard for all of the three
impulse types, LI, SI and PF, is achieved with configuration 2 and 4 where the air gap between phase
and guy wire is greater than the length of the insulator string. Configuration 1 and 3 does not fulfill
EN standard requirement for minimum air clearance when exposed to lightning impulses (LI).

Table 4 shows that for all of the four insulators‐ /air gap configurations U50 is decreasing with
increasing swing angle while the gap factor is increasing with increasing swing angle. The variations
of the value of the gap factors are insignificant compare to the variations of U50. This indicates that a
change in the geometry of the tower as a result of insulator swinging has negligible impact to the gap

Reduction of U50 is rather due to reduced clearance caused by increasing insulator swing angle. The
air gap between phase and guy wire has the greatest loss of electrical withstand strength since this is
the air gap that reduced the most as a function of increased swing angle.

A variety of different methods to make voltage upgrading possible, also in narrow towers are
presented. The insulator strings have always to be extended by two to four insulators.

In cases where wind causes the phases to move to close to the tower construction, the I‐string
insulators can be supported by composite supporting insulators (fig. 14) or replaced by V‐string

Replacing existing fitting equipment located between phase and insulator with more compact
equipment, as illustrated in fig. 12 will gain a limited distance in the air gap. Armour rods (fig. 15) are
used when there is an uncertainty on where in the tower window a flash over will take place. This
solution is used in towers where the air clearance between phase and traverse is equal to the air
clearance between phase and guy wire in the tower window

From the results seen in table 26 it can be seen that according to the EN‐standards it will be most
difficult to fulfill the required minimum air clearance for lightning impulses. However, the test results
from STRI in chapter 9.1.1 indicate that the tested flash over voltage U50_FF is 12 % higher than U50_FF
obtained from the EN standard.

The same applies for switching impulses; tower No. 110 has a minimum clearance which is 7.4 % less
than required by the EN standard. Test results from STRI in chapter 9.1.2 indicate that the tested
flash over voltage U50_SF is in the area of 4.4‐6 % higher than U50_SF obtained from the EN standard.

This gives reason to assume that the standard suggest a U50 that is lower than the actual voltage level
needed to give a 50 % probability for flash over. However, as mentioned earlier in this discussion; it
should be noted there is great uncertainty about the behaviour of a flash over in air gaps with
insulators exposed to lightning impulses.

For the voltage upgrading project Kristiansand – Arendal it was found that sufficient withstand
strength was still maintained at minimum air clearances of 10 cm shorter than recommended by the
EN standard. Reducing the minimum air clearances by 10 cm resulted in a saving of 6.5 mill. NOK.

13 Conclusion
It is found that the air gap between phase and guy wire may have about 7 % higher withstand
strength than over the insulator string. Using the method for determine required withstand strength
of a tower window, Urw = U10 will result in; 10 % probability for the flash over to occur over the
insulator string to traverse, 2.5 % probability for the flash over to occur towards the tower pole and
0.5 % probability for the flash over to occur towards the guy wire.

The EN standard turns out to give lower U50 for both switching‐ and lightning impulses than the test
results from STRI. The difference is in order of 5–9 % for switching impulses and 12 % for lightning

For switching impulses applies that the EN standard provides a greater gap factor than the test
results from EFI. The difference between EN standard and EFI results is in order of 0–20 % depending
on insulator configuration and dry or wet condition. The biggest difference is found for I‐string
insulators in wet condition. For lightning impulses applies the opposite, but there is only a slight
difference between EN standard and test results.

Rain has no influence on the withstand strength of I‐strings or V‐strings exposed to lightning impulses
(see part

For switching impulses rain seem to reduce the withstand strength in the order of 6‐13 % for V‐string
insulators and 20‐34 % for I‐string insulators (see part

For continuous power frequency voltage rain seem to reduce the withstand strength in the order of
25 % for V‐string insulators and 33‐40 % for I‐string insulators (see part

It turns out that lightning impulse/no wind is the operation condition where it is most difficult to
fulfill the minimum air clearance required by the EN‐standards. It also turns out that U50 for lightning
impulse is more conservative than U50 for switching impulse and power frequency voltage.

14 Bibliography
[1] Rosario Cortina Luigi Paris, "Switching and Lightning Impulse Discharge Characteristics of Large Air
Gaps and Long Insulator Strings," 1968.

[2] 33.07 Working Group, "Report 72, Guidelines for the evaluation of the dielectric strength of
external insulation," Cigré, 1992.

[3] Luigi Paris, "Influence of Air Gap Characteristics on Line‐ to Ground Switching Surge Strenght,"
IEEE, 1967.

[4] EN‐standard 50341, "Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45 kV," 2008.

[5] EN‐standard 60071‐2, "Insulation co‐ordination," 1996.

[6] Erling Ilstad, High Voltage Insulating Materials.: NTNU, 2008.

[7] EFI research report, "Undersøkelse av elektrisk holdfasthet for linjeisolasjon, del 1," 1971.

[8] STRI research report, "Experimental dielectric tests on a porcelain insulator string with cap‐and
pin insulators type NGK CA500," 2009.


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