XML Overview
XML Overview
XML Overview
XML tags identify the data and are used to store and organize the data, rather than
specifying how to display it like HTML tags, which are used to display the data. XML is
not going to replace HTML in the near future, but it introduces new possibilities by
adopting many successful features of HTML.
There are three important characteristics of XML that make it useful in a variety of
systems and solutions:
XML is extensible: XML allows you to create your own self-descriptive tags, or
language, that suits your application.
XML carries the data, does not present it: XML allows you to store the data
irrespective of how it will be presented.
XML Usage
A short list of XML usage says it all:
XML can work behind the scene to simplify the creation of HTML documents for
large web sites.
XML can be used to store and arrange the data, which can customize your data
handling needs.
XML can easily be merged with style sheets to create almost any desired output.
What is Markup?
XML is a markup language that defines set of rules for encoding documents in a format
that is both human-readable and machine-readable. So what exactly is a markup
language? Markup is information added to a document that enhances its meaning in
certain ways, in that it identifies the parts and how they relate to each other. More
specifically, a markup language is a set of symbols that can be placed in the text of a
document to demarcate and label the parts of that document.
Following example shows how XML markup looks, when embedded in a piece of text:
<text>Hello, world!</text>