The Real Health Versus Wealth
The Real Health Versus Wealth
The Real Health Versus Wealth
(NaturalNews) Americans spend two to three times as much on disease care as do Europeans, but Americans are significantly less healthy! In a study of 9900 Americans, 6500 Brits and 17,000 mainland Europeans, ages 50 to 74, Americans had the highest prevalence of all in heart disease (18% higher) , cancer (11%) compared to Brits. The differences were less compared with Europe itself but still striking. The bottom third of individuals, according to economic status, played a significant role. Thus, forstrokethe economic bottom third had 1.9 times as many strokes in the U.S; 2.08 times in England and 1.36 times in mainlandEurope. Am J Public Health, 2009, 99:540. Let's face it---MEDICAL CARE HAS LITTLE OR NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INCIDENCE OF STROKE, HEART DISEASE OR CANCER. HABITS, BEHAVIOR, DIET, EXERCISE are the critical factors!! No amount ofmedical careor attention can truly prevent DISEASE. SELF-CARE is the only answer. Playing one of my most frequent records: Only 3% of Americans have the 4 ESSENTIALhealth habits: No smoking About 78% BMI 18-24--0nly 33% Eat at least 5 servings offruits& veggies daily--10% Exercise minimum of 30 minutes 5 days weekly--10% All 4--only 3% Doubling the number of hospital beds andmedical students, initiated in the 40's becauseCongresscould not pass a nationaldiseasecare system, did less than nothing for our Health! Spending 2 to 3 times as muchmoneyas other countries has done nothing for ourhealth. Whatever the outcome of the currentdebateover medical/disease care (WE DO NOT HAVE A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!!), ALL THE MEDICAL CARE IN THE WORLD WILL NOT IMPROVE HEALTH. At least 85% of disease is the result of HUMAN MISBEHAVIOR. If only everyone would adopt the 4 ESSENTIALS, within 10 years our medical expenses would decrease by 50% and within 25 years by at least 75% Health is an inside job, just as ishappiness. It begins with each individual accepting responsibility for CARING for SELF. Obesity is the number one cause of disease and of early death today. Smoking is number two. And the Medical System (treating all the avoidable diseases) is number three! If you do not vigorously do the top 4 essentialhabits, WHEN? And Why Not? All the money in the world cannot create a medical system as good as SELF-CARE! Americans spend two to three times as much on disease care as do Europeans, but
Americans are significantly lesshealthy! In a study of 9900 Americans, 6500 Brits and 17,000 mainland Europeans, ages 50 to 74, Americans had the highest prevalence of all inheart disease(18% higher) , cancer (11%) compared to Brits. The differences were less compared with Europe itself but still striking. The bottom third of individuals, according to economic status, played a significant role. Thus, for stroke the economic bottom third had 1.9 times as many strokes in the U.S; 2.08 times in England and 1.36 times in mainland Europe. Am J Public Health, 2009, 99:540. Let's face it---MEDICAL CARE HAS LITTLE OR NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INCIDENCE OF STROKE, HEART DISEASE OR CANCER. HABITS, BEHAVIOR, DIET, EXERCISE are the critical factors!! No amount of medical care or attention can truly prevent DISEASE. SELF-CARE is the only answer. Playing one of my most frequent records: Only 3% of Americans have the 4 ESSENTIAL health habits: -NosmokingAbout 78% -BMI 18-24--0nly 33% -Eat at least 5 servings of fruits & veggies daily--10% -Exercise minimum of 30 minutes 5 days weekly--10% -All 4--only 3% Doubling the number ofhospitalbeds and medicalstudents, initiated in the 40's because Congress could not pass a national disease care system, did less than nothing for our Health! Spending 2 to 3 times as much money as other countries has done nothing for our health. Whatever the outcome of the current debate over medical/disease care (WE DO NOT HAVE A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!!), ALL THE MEDICAL CARE IN THE WORLD WILL NOT IMPROVE HEALTH. At least 85% of disease is the result of HUMAN MISBEHAVIOR. If only everyone would adopt the 4 ESSENTIALS, within 10 years our medical expenses would decrease by 50% and within 25 years by at least 75% Health is an inside job, just as is happiness. It begins with each individual accepting responsibility for CARING for SELF. Obesity is the number one cause of disease and of early death today. Smoking is number two. And the Medical System (treating all the avoidable diseases) is number three! If you do not vigorously do the top 4 essential habits, WHEN? And Why Not? All the money in the world cannot create a medical system as good as SELF-CARE!
Health. A neurosurgeon, trained at Massachusetts General Hospital, after medical school at Duke University, he has taught at Harvard, Western Reserve, U. of Wisconsin, U. of Minnesota, and Forest Institute of Professional Psychology. He was the Founding President of Holos University Graduate Seminary and now serves as Professor Emeritus of Energy Medicine( In 1978, Dr. Shealy was instrumental in creating The American Holistic Medical Association, which continues to emphasize the spiritual component of healing. He was the founding president of AHMA for its first two years. Dr. Shealy introduced the concepts of Dorsal Column Stimulation and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), both now used world-wide. . The Shealy Institute became the most successful and most cost-effective pain clinic in the U.S, with 85% success in over 30,000 patients.
His current research emphasizes the potential for using electromagnetic approaches to rejuvenate the bodys production of DHEA and Calcitonin, as well as to reduce free radicals. His latest discovery is rejuvenation of DNA telomeres, which are critical for health and longevity. Dr. Shealy holds 13 patents for innovative discoveries, has published over 300 articles and 25 books. His next book will be released spring, 2010: MEDICAAL INTUITIONA SCIENCE OF THE SOUL. His free weekly e-newsletter is available
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