Knowledge and Attitude of Antenatal Wome
Knowledge and Attitude of Antenatal Wome
Knowledge and Attitude of Antenatal Wome
Original Research Article
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Public Health and Centre of Disease Control, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Dr. Aaliya Siddiqui,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Breastfeeding is the most natural way of infant feeding to satisfy nutritional, metabolic and
psychological needs of the baby. Breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of death especially from diarrhoea and
pneumonia in infants as compared to formula fed babies. Breastfeeding has advantage to both the baby and the
mother. Early initiation of breastfeeding lowers the mother’s risk of postpartum haemorrhage and anaemia, boosts
mother’s immune system and reduces the incidence of diabetes and cancer.
Methods: All women attending Jayanagar General Hospital for ante-natal checkups during study period were
interviewed personally by an investigator after obtaining an informed consent. Data regarding socio-demographic
details and data on knowledge, attitude of breastfeeding were collected by using a pre-tested semi- structured
Results: The sample of the present study comprised of 204 antenatal women of whom 89.7% belonged to age group
less than or equal to 30 years. Majorities 73.5% of them were Muslims .Most of the participants 87.7% were
unemployed. Almost 72.54% of the participants were multipara. Almost 42.2% of the participants were of the opinion
that the duration of breastfeeding is 2 years or more. 65.7% of the participants stated that complementary feeding
should be started after 6 months. Knowledge about technique of expressed breast milk was poor.
Conclusions: Multiparous women have better knowledge than primipara regarding breastfeeding. Socio demographic
characteristics such as age, parity found to be significantly associated with knowledge. There is a need for counselling
primi antenatal women regarding breastfeeding associated with knowledge. There is a need for counselling primi
antenatal women regarding breastfeeding.
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Table 4: Distribution of antenatal women attending started after 6 months. Correct knowledge about storage
tertiary care hospital according to the occupation. of expressed breast milk was present in 14.2%.
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Parity of the antenatal women attending tertiary care significant difference between knowledge of exclusive
hospital breastfeeding mainly because the study conducted by Das
et al were done in the rural areas of Eastern India where
In the current study, nearly 27.5% of the study subjects the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding is more as
were primipara, which is comparable to the study compare to the urban areas.
conducted by Sultania et al from Banaras, India, in which
25% of the study subjects were primipara, where as a Initiation of complementary feeding
study by Nishimura et al reported that 53.8% of the study
subjects were primipara.12,22 In the current study, nearly 65.7% of the study population
knew about the initiation of complementary feeding at the
Religion of the antenatal women attending tertiary care age of six months, which is similar to the study conducted
hospital by Hasnain et al, where it was found that the knowledge
of initiation of complementary feeding is 54% whereas a
In the current study, nearly 73.5% of the study population study conducted by Choudhary et al found that the
belong to the Muslim religion. But in contrast, study knowledge of initiation of complementary feeding is
conducted by Ghure et al, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India 62.3%.16,18
in the year 2018 revealed that 95.4% of the study
population were Hindu.14 The study conducted by Prelacteal feed
Sultania et al from Banaras, India revealed that 24% of
the subjects were Muslims which was contrasting to the In the current study, it was found that 54% mentioned that
present findings.12 The high Muslim patients in the pre lacteal feed should be given which was in contrast to
current study is due the fact that the hospital is located in the study conducted by Roy et al where it was found that
the predominant Muslim locality of Bangalore. 40.1%reported that pre-lacteal feed should not be given to
newborn babies.19
Education of the antenatal women attending tertiary
care hospital A study conducted by Sultania where it was found that
27% of the study population reported that pre lacteal feed
In the current study, nearly 66% of the study population should be given to new born babies.12 The prevalence of
received education till more than high school. A study Pre lacteal feed is low in the study conducted by Sultania
conducted by Rudrappa et al from Mysore reported that et al. This is mainly the study conducted in Banaras
30% of the study subjects received education till primary where the Hindu population is predominant and the pre
school whereas 24% of the study population received lacteal feed is mainly prominent in Muslims.
education till secondary school.21 The study conducted by
Sultania from Banaras, India revealed that 13% of the Duration of breastfeeding
study subjects were literate up to high school which was
in contrast to the present findings.12 This is mainly In the current study, it was found that 42.2% of them
because the current study is conducted in Karnataka knew that duration of breastfeeding is for 2 years and
where the literacy of the female is high as compared to more which was in contrast to the study conducted by
Banaras which is in Uttar Pradesh. Choudhary et al in the year 2015 where it was found that
62.1% of the study subjects knew that duration of
Time of initiation of breastfeeding breastfeeding is 2 year or more. 16 A study conducted by
Chandrashekhar, Udupi, Karnataka reported that 78.3%
In the current study, nearly 35.3% of the study population of the study subjects subscribed to the view that
knew about initiating breastfeeding within an hour. The breastfeeding should be continued beyond 1 year.20
study conducted by Dhanlakshmi et al from Mysore
revealed that the knowledge regarding early initiation of Knowledge grade of the antenatal women attending
breastfeeding were poor among 70% mothers.15 A study tertiary care hospital
conducted by Chaudhary et al revealed that 10% of the
study subjects knew about the initiation of breastfeeding In the current study, 42.7% and 24.5% of the study
within an hour.16 subjects secured ‘average' and ‘poor' grade respectively,
while 25.5% secured ‘good' grade. This is comparable to
Exclusive breastfeeding the study conducted by Girish and Gandhimathi in the
year 2015 at Elite Mission Hospital, Kerala where it was
In the current study, nearly 52.9% of the study population found that 32% of the study population secured good
knew about exclusive breastfeeding which is similar to grade whereas 46% and 22% of the subjects secured
the study conducted by Choudhary et al in the year 2015 average and poor grade where as a study conducted by
where it was found that 59.1% knew about exclusive Ghure et al from Madhya Pradesh, India reported that
breastfeeding where as a study conducted by Das et al, 81.1% of the study subjects had good knowledge.14,21
Eastern India reported that 80% of the study subjects had
the knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding.16,17 There is a
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