ch05 Soln
ch05 Soln
ch05 Soln
Assessment Problems
AP 5.1 [a] Derive the expression for the output voltage using circuit analysis:
vo = (−Rf /Ri )vs = (−80/16)vs , so vo = −5vs ;
Therefore − 2 V ≤ vs ≤ 3 V.
Use the negative power supply value to determine one limit on the value of Rx :
5–2 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
Since we cannot have negative resistor values, the lower limit for Rx is 0. Now
use the positive power supply value to determine the upper limit on the value
of Rx :
0 ≤ Rx ≤ 250 kΩ.
[c] Substitute the value for va into the equation for vo from part (a) and use
the negative power supply value:
vo = −50(0.10) − 10vb = −5 − 10vb = −10 V;
[d] The effect of reversing polarity is to change the sign on the vb term in
each equation from negative to positive.
Repeat part (a):
vo = −50va + 10vb = −5 + 2.5 = −2.5 V.
Repeat part (b):
vo = −50va + 2.5 = −10 V; 50va = 12.5, va = 0.25 V.
Repeat part (c), using the value of the positive power supply:
vo = −5 + 10vb = 15 V; 10vb = 20; vb = 2.0 V.
AP 5.4 [a] Write a node voltage equation at vn ; remember that for an ideal op amp,
the current into the op amp at the inputs is zero:
vn vn − vo
+ = 0.
4500 63,000
Problems 5–3
AP 5.5 [a] Since this is a difference amplifier, we can use the expression for the
output voltage in terms of the input voltages and the resistor values
given in Eq. 5.22:
20(60) 50
vo = vb − va .
10(24) 10
Simplify this expression and subsitute in the value for vb :
vo = 5(vb − va ) = 20 − 5va .
Set this expression for vo to the positive power supply value:
20 − 5va = 10 V so va = 2 V.
Now set the expression for vo to the negative power supply value:
20 − 5va = −10 V so va = 6 V;
Therefore 2 ≤ va ≤ 6 V.
5–4 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
[b] Begin as before by substituting the appropriate values into Eq. 5.8:
vo = vb − 5va = 4vb − 5va .
Now substitute the value for vb :
vo = 4(4) − 5va = 16 − 5va .
Set this expression for vo to the positive power supply value:
16 − 5va = 10 V so va = 1.2 V.
Now set the expression for vo to the negative power supply value:
16 − 5va = −10 V so va = 5.2 V;
Therefore 1.2 ≤ va ≤ 5.2 V.
AP 5.6 Ra = Rc = 1.5 Ω; Rb = 12 Ω.
1.5Rd − 1.5(12)
Acm = ;
1.5(1.5 + Rd
Rd (13.5) + 12(1.5 + Rd )
Adm = .
2(1.5)(1.5 + Rd )
Set the CMRR equal to 100 and solve for Rd :
Rd (13.5) + 12(1.5 + Rd )
Adm 3(1.5 + Rd )
CMRR = =
Acm 1.5Rd − 18
1.5(1.5 + Rd )
25.5Rd + 18
= = 100.
3Rd − 36
Rd = 13.18 kV.
Rd = 11 kV.
11 kV ≤ Rd ≤ 13.18 kV.
Problems 5–5
AP 5.7 [a] Replace the op amp with the more realistic model of the op amp from Fig.
21.2 −1
∆= = 6,000,445.2;
6 × 106 21
21.2 20vg
No = = −120 × 106 vg ;
6 × 106 0
No vo
vo = = −19.9985vg ; so = −19.9985.
∆ vg
[b] Use Cramer’s method again to solve for vn :
20vg −1
N1 = = 420vg ;
0 21
vn = = 6.9995 × 10−5 vg ;
vg = 1 V, vn = 69.995 µV.
5–6 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
[c] The resistance seen at the input to the op amp is the ratio of the input
voltage to the input current, so calculate the input current as a function
of the input voltage:
vg − vn vg − 6.9995 × 10−5 vg
ig = = .
5000 5000
Solve for the ratio of vg to ig to get the input resistance:
vg 5000
Rg = = = 5000.35 Ω.
ig 1 − 6.9995 × 10−5
[d] This is a simple inverting amplifier configuration, so the voltage gain is
the ratio of the feedback resistance to the input resistance:
vo 100,000
=− = −20.
vg 5000
Since this is now an ideal op amp, the voltage difference between the two
input terminals is zero; since vp = 0, vn = 0
Since there is no current into the inputs of an ideal op amp, the
resistance seen by the input voltage source is the input resistance:
Rg = 5000 Ω.
Problems 5–7
P 5.1 [a] The five terminals of the op amp are identified as follows:
[b] The input resistance of an ideal op amp is infinite, which constrains the
value of the input currents to 0. Thus, in = 0 A.
[c] The open-loop voltage gain of an ideal op amp is infinite, which constrains
the difference between the voltage at the two input terminals to 0. Thus,
(vp − vn ) = 0.
[d] Write a node voltage equation at vn :
vn − 3 vn − vo
+ = 0.
3000 16,000
But vp = 0 and vn = vp = 0. Thus,
−3 vo
− = 0 so vo = −16 V.
3000 16,000
P 5.2 [a] Let the value of the voltage source be vs :
vn − vs vn − vo
+ = 0.
4000 16,000
But vn = vp = 0. Therefore,
vo = − vs = −4vs .
When vs = −5 V, vo = −4(−5) = 20 V; (saturates at vo = 15 V)
When vs = −7 V, vo = −4(−7) = 28 V.
When vs = 5 V, vo = −4(5) = −20 V.
When vs = 7 V, vo = −4(7) = −28 V. saturates at vo = −15 V.
[b] −4vs = 15 so vs = = −3.75 V
−4vs = −15 so vs = = 3.75 V
The range of source voltages that avoids saturation is
−3.75 V ≤ vs ≤ 3.75 V.
5–8 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
P 5.3 vp = (5) = 1.667 V = vn
6000 + 12,000
vn + 3 vn − vo
+ =0
3000 6000
2(166.7 + 5) + (1.667 − vo ) = 0
vo = 15 V
vo 15
iL = = = 1875 × 10−6
8000 8000
iL = 1875 mA
vb − va vb − vo
P 5.4 + = 0, therefore vo = 9vb − 10va .
2000 20,000
vo −15
.· . i o = = = −2.14 mA.
7000 7000
200 × 10−3
P 5.6 [a] ia = = 20 µA
v1 = −30 × 103 i2 = −3 V
0 − va
[b] = ia so va = −40,000ia
.·. va = −0.8 V
va va va − vo
[c] + + = 0;
40,000 30,000 20,000
.·. vo = 2.25va = −1.8 V
Problems 5–9
−vo va − vo
[d] io = + = 230 µA
10,000 20,000
P 5.7 Since the current into the inverting input terminal of an ideal op-amp is zero,
the voltage across the 4 MΩ resistor is (4 × 106 )(6 × 10−6 ) = 24 V. Therefore
the voltmeter reads 24 V.
P 5.8 [a]
20,000 20,000
=6 Rin =
Rin 6
.· . Rin = 3.33 kΩ
[b] −6vin = 15 so vin =
.· . Rin = −2.5 V;
−6vin = −15 so vin =
.· . Rin = +2.5 V;
P 5.9 [a] The gain of an inverting amplifier is the negative of the ratio of the
feedback resistor to the input resistor. If the gain of the inverting
amplifier is to be 2.5, the feedback resistor must be 2.5 times as large as
the input resistor. There are many possible designs that use a resistor
value chosen from Appendix H. We present one here that uses 3.3 kΩ
resistors. Use a single 3.3 kΩ resistor as the input resistor. Then
5–10 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
P 5.11 [a] Replace the combination of vg , 1.6 kΩ, and the 6.4 kΩ resistors with its
Thévenin equivalent.
−[12 + σ50]
Then vo = (0.20).
At saturation vo = −5 V; therefore
12 + σ50
− (0.2) = −5, or σ = 0.56.
Thus for 0 ≤ σ ≤ 0.56 the operational amplifier will not saturate.
−(12 + 13.6)
[b] When σ = 0.272, vo = (0.20) = −3.2 V.
vo vo
Also + + io = 0;
10 25.6
vo vo 3.2 3.2
.· . i o = − − = + mA = 445 µA.
10 25.6 10 25.6
P 5.12 [a] This circuit is an example of an inverting summing amplifier.
220 220 220
[b] vo = − va − vb − vc = −5 − 12 + 11 = −6 V
44 27, 5 80
[c] vo = −6 − 8vb = ±10
.·. vb = −0.5 V when vo = 10 V;
vb = 2 V when vo = −10 V
.·. −0.5 V ≤ vb ≤ 2 V
" #
Rf Rf Rf
P 5.13 vo = − (0.2) + (0.15) + (0.4)
4000 5000 20,000
P 5.14 [a] Write a KCL equation at the inverting input to the op amp:
vd − va vd − vb vd − vc vd vd − vo
+ + + + =0
40,000 30,000 22,000 270,000 100,000
Multiply through by 100,000, plug in the values of the input voltages,
and rearrange to solve for vo :
−1 −5 −3 3 3
vo = 100,000 + + + +
40,000 30,000 22,000 270,000 100,000
vo = −3 V
5–12 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
[b] Write a KCL equation at the inverting input to the op amp. Use the given
values of input voltages in the equation:
3−4 3−8 3 − vc 3 3
+ + + + =0
60,000 30,000 22,000 270,000 100,000
Simplify and solve for vo :
9 − 27 + 30 − 5vc + 4 + 6 − vo = 0 so vo = 22 − 5vc
Set vo to the positive power supply voltage and solve for vc :
22 − 5vc = 10 .·. vc = 2.4 V
Set vo to the negative power supply voltage and solve for vc :
22 − 5vc = −10 .·. vc = 6.4 V
2.4 V ≤ vc ≤ 6.4 V
3−4 3−8 3−6 3 3 − v0
P 5.15 [a] + + + + =0
40,000 30,000 22,000 270,000 Rf
3 − vo 3 − vo
= −6 × 10−5 so Rf =
Rf −6 × 10−5
For vo = 10 V, Rf = 116 kΩ
For vo = −10 V, Rf = 216 kΩ
Rf < 0 so this solution is not possible.
" #
10 − 3 10
[b] io = −(if + i20k ) = − + io = −0.11 µ A.
116,000 20,000
P 5.16 [a]
80,000 80,000
= 10 so Ra = = 8 kΩ
Ra 10
80,000 80,000
=4 so Rb = = 20 kΩ
Rb 4
80,000 80,000
=6 so Rc = = 13.33 kΩ
Rc 6
Problems 5–13
Solve for each input resistance value to yield the desired gain:
.·. Ra = 120,000/8 = 15 kΩ Rc = 120,000/10 = 12 kΩ;
Rb = 120,000/4 = 30 kΩ Rd = 120,000/6 = 20 kΩ.
Now create the 5 resistor values needed from the realistic resistor values in
Appendix H. Note that Rf = 120 kΩ, Ra = 15 kΩ, and Rc = 12 kΩ are already
values from Appendix H. Create Rb = 30 kΩ by combining two 15 kΩ resistors
in series. Create Rd = 20 kΩ by combining two 10 kΩ resistors in series. Of
course there are many other acceptable possibilities. The final circuit is shown
[b] vo = 10vg
When vg = −3 V, vo = 10(−3) = −30 V.
When vg = 2 V, vo = 10(2) = 20 V.
The power supplies can be set at 20 V and −30 V.
P 5.22 [a] From the equation for the non-inverting amplifier,
Rs + Rf
= 2.5 so Rs + Rf = 2.5Rs and therefore Rf = 1.5Rs .
Choose Rs = 22 kΩ, which is a component in Appendix H. Then
Rf = (1.5)(22) = 33 kΩ, which is also a resistor value in Appendix H.
The resulting non-inverting amplifier circuit is shown here:
5–16 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
Rd Ra + Rb Rb
[b] = , therefore Rd (Ra + Rb ) = Rb (Rc + Rd )
Ra Rc + Rd Ra
Ra Rc
Rd Ra = Rb Rc , therefore =
Rb Rd
Rd Ra + Rb Rb
When =
Ra Rc + Rd Ra
Rb Rb Rb
Eq. (5.22) reduces to vo = vb − va = (vb − va ).
Ra Ra Ra
−3 + 18 −3 − vo
+ = 0;
1600 Rf
.·. vo = 0.009375Rf − 3.
Problems 5–19
vo = 9 V; Rf = 1280 Ω;
vo = −9 V; Rf = −640 Ω;
Rd (Ra + Rb ) Rb
P 5.29 vo = vb − va .
Ra (Rc + Rd ) Ra
Rd (Ra + Rb )
By hypothesis: Rb /Ra = 4; Rc + Rd = 470 kΩ; = 3;
Ra (Rc + Rd )
Rd (Ra + 4Ra )
.· . =3 so Rd = 282 kΩ; Rc = 188 kΩ.
Ra 470,000
Create Rd = 282 kΩ by combining a 270 kΩ resistor and a 12 kΩ resistor in
series. Create Rc = 188 kΩ by combining a 120 kΩ resistor and a 68 kΩ resistor
in series. Also, when vo = 0 we have
vn − va vn
+ = 0;
Ra Rb
.· . v n 1 + = va ; vn = 0.8va .
va − 0.8va va va
ia = = 0.2 ; Rin = = 5Ra = 22 kΩ;
Ra Ra ia
.·. Ra = 4.4 kΩ; Rb = 17.6 kΩ.
vp vp − vc vp − vd
+ 3
+ =0
25 × 10 40 × 10 25 × 103
5–20 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
vo = 25.5 V
[b] vo = 5vc + 30 − 9 − 20 = 5vc + 1
±20 = 5vc + 1
.·. vb = −4.2 V and vb = 3.8 V
.·. −4.2 V ≤ vb ≤ 3.8 V
P 5.31 vp = Rb ib = vn ;
Rb ib Rb ib − vo
+ − ia = 0;
2000 Rf
1 1 vo
.· . R b ib + − ia = ;
2000 Rf Rf
.· . R b ib 1 + − Rf ia = vo .
Rb 1+ = 8000 so Rb = 1.6 kΩ.
αRg Rf Rf
P 5.32 [a] vp = vg vo = 1+ αvg − vg ;
αRg + (Rg − αRg ) R1 R1
vn = vp = αvg = (αvg − vg )4 + αvg ;
vn − vg vn − vo
+ =0 = [(α − 1)4 + α]vg ;
R1 Rf
(vn − vg ) + vn − vo = 0 = (5α − 4)vg
= (5α − 4)(2) = 10α − 8.
α vo α vo α vo
0.0 −8 V 0.4 −4 V 0.8 0 V
0.1 −7 V 0.5 −3 V 0.9 1 V
0.2 −6 V 0.6 −2 V 1.0 2 V
0.3 −5 V 0.7 −1 V
[c] CMRR = = 624.50
(3000)(6000) − (6000)Rx
P 5.34 Acm =
3000(6000 + Rx )
Adm Rx + 15,000
Acm 2(3000 − Rx )
Rx + 15,000
.· . = ±1500 for the limits on the value of Rx .
2(3000 − Rx )
2994 Ω ≤ Rx ≤ 3006 Ω
P 5.36 vp = vg = 0.738vg = 2.952 cos(π/4)t V
vn vn − vo
+ =0
15,000 45,000
4vn = vo ; vn = vp
P 5.37 [a]
vn − va vn − vo
+ = 0;
2vn − va = vo ;
va va − vn va − vo
+ + = 0;
Ra R R
1 2 vn vo
va + − = ;
Ra R R R
va 2 + − vn = vo
vn = vp = va + vg ;
.·. 2vn − va = 2va + 2vg − va = va + 2vg ;
.·. va − vo = −2vg (1).
2va + va − va − vg = vo ;
.· . v a 1 + − vo = vg . (2)
Now combining equations (1) and (2) yields
−va = −3vg ,
or va = 3vg .
va 3vg
Hence ia = = Q.E.D.
Ra R
Problems 5–25
12 − 8
i1 = = 5 mA
5–26 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
i2 + i1 + 0 = 10 mA; i2 = 5 mA
12 − 15
i3 = = 1 mA
(320 × 10−3 )2
P 5.40 [a] p16 kΩ = = 6.4 µW.
(16 × 103 )
[b] v16 kΩ = (320) = 80 mV;
(80 × 10−3 )2
p16 kΩ = = 0.4 µW.
(16 × 103 )
pa 6.4
[c] = = 16.
pb 0.4
[d] Yes, the operational amplifier serves several useful purposes:
• First, it enables the source to control 16 times as much power
delivered to the load resistor. When a small amount of power controls
a larger amount of power, we refer to it as power amplification.
• Second, it allows the full source voltage to appear across the load
resistor, no matter what the source resistance. This is the voltage
follower function of the operational amplifier.
• Third, it allows the load resistor voltage (and thus its current) to be
set without drawing any current from the input voltage source. This
is the current amplification function of the circuit.
P 5.41 [a] Let vo1 = output voltage of the amplifier on the left. Let vo2 = output
voltage of the amplifier on the right. Then
−47 −220
vo1 = (1) = −4.7 V; vo2 = (−0.15) = 1.0 V;
10 33
vo2 − vo1
ia = = 5.7 mA.
[b] ia = 0 when vo1 = vo2 so from (a) vo2 = 1 V.
(vL ) = 1;
vL = − = −212.77 mV.
Problems 5–27
P 5.42 [a] Assume the op-amp is operating within its linear range, then
iL = = 2 mA.
For RL = 4 kΩ vo = (4 + 4)(2) = 16 V
vo 1 1
= vref − .
Rf R − ∆R R + ∆R
vo = vref Rf .
R − (∆R)2
P 5.44 [a] Replace the op amp with the model from Fig. 5.18:
Write two node voltage equations, one at the left node, the other at the
right node:
vn − vg vn − vo vn
+ + = 0;
5000 100,000 500,000
vo + 3 × 105 vn vo − vn vo
+ + = 0.
5000 100,000 500
Simplify and place in standard form:
106vn − 5vo = 100vg ;
[d] For an ideal op amp, the voltage gain is the ratio between the feedback
resistor and the input resistor:
vo 100,000
=− = −20.
vg 5000
For an ideal op amp, the difference between the voltages at the input
terminals is zero, and the input resistance of the op amp is infinite.
vn = vp = 0 V; Rg = 5000 Ω.
P 5.45 [a]
vn − 0.88 vn vn − vTh
+ + = 0;
1600 500,000 24,000
vTh + 105 vn vTh − vn
+ = 0.
2000 24,000
Solving, vTh = −13.198 V.
vn vn − 0.88 vn − 0
+ + = 0;
500,000 1600 24,000
.·. vn = 0.8225 V.
5–30 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
vn 105
isc = − vn = −41.13 A;
24,000 2000
RTh = = 320.9 mΩ.
[b] The output resistance of the inverting amplifier is the same as the
Thévenin resistance, i.e.,
Ro = RTh = 320.9 mΩ.
vo = (−13.2) = −13.18 V.
vn − 0.88 vn vn + 13.18
+ + = 0;
1600 500,000 24,000
.·. vn = 942 µV.
0.88 − 942 × 10−6
ig = = 549.41 µA;
Rg = = 1601.71 Ω.
Problems 5–31
P 5.46 [a] vTh = − (0.88) = −13.2 V;
RTh = 0, since op-amp is ideal.
[b] Ro = RTh = 0 Ω.
[c] Rg = 1.6 kΩ since vn = 0.
P 5.47 [a]
vn − vg vn − vo
+ = 0;
15,000 135,000
.·. vo = 10vn − 9vg .
Also vo = A(vp − vn ) = −Avn .
.· . v n = ;
. . vo 1 + = −9vg .
vo = vg .
(10 + A)
[b] vo = = −3.24 V.
(10 + 90)
[c] vo = −9(0.4) = −3.60 V.
[d] −3.42 = ;
10 + A
.·. A = 190.
5–32 CHAPTER 5. The Operational Amplifier
vn vn − vg vn − vo
P 5.48 [a] + + =0
20,000 760,000 180,000
or 43.22vn − 4.22vo = vg Eq (1)
vn vo − vn vo − 50,000(vp − vn )
+ + =0
15,000 180,000 8000
71vo − 2vn − 225 × 104 (vp − vn ) = 0
(vn − vg )(200)
vp = vg + = (0.737)vg + (0.263)vn
71vo − 2vn − 225 × 104 [(0.737)vg − (0.737)vn ] = 0
P 5.49 The thermocouple produces the following voltages for the corresponding
50µV/◦ C × 200◦ C = 10mV
50µV/◦ C × 600◦ C = 30mV
Following the steps described in the Practical Perspective, we have:
VSL = 10mV, VSH = 30mV, VOL = 0V, VOH = 5V
.·. K = (5 − 0)/(0.03 − 0.01) = 250
R2 = 200kΩ, R1 = 41.18kΩ
P 5.53 [a] It follows directly from the solution to Problem 5.50 that
[R2 + 2RRf − R1 (R + Rf ) − RRf ]Rf vin
vo = .
R[R1 (R + Rf ) + RRf ]
Now R1 = R − ∆R. Substituting into the expression gives
(R + Rf )Rf (∆R)vin
vo = .
R[(R − ∆R)(R + Rf ) + RRf ]
Now let ∆R R and get
(R + Rf )Rf ∆Rvin
vo ≈ .
R2 (R + 2Rf )
[b] It follows directly from the solution to Problem 5.50 that
approx value R[(R − ∆R)(R + Rf ) + RRf ]
.· . = .
true value R2 (R + 2Rf )
(R − ∆R)(R + Rf ) + RRf − R(R + 2Rf )
.·. Error =
R(R + 2Rf )
−∆R(R + Rf )
= .
R(R + 2Rf )
−∆R(R + Rf )
.·. % error = × 100.
R(R + 2Rf )