A35 Italia44 ENG
A35 Italia44 ENG
A35 Italia44 ENG
- Allied Units
MAAF: Mediterranean Allied Air Force.
MA : Mobile Assault
LC: Logistic Centre. - US:
CF: Combat Factors. SSF: Special Service Force (US-Canadian
LOC: Line of Communication special ops force).
MP: Movement Points.
RRW: Reinforcement, Replacement and - Polish Forces
Withdrawals. C: Carpathians.
1d6, 2d6: one or two six sided dice. K: Kressowa, (region in Eastern Poland).
+1 R: +1 odds shift to the right. W: Warszawa, “Warsaw”.
-1 L: -1 odds shift to the left.
- French Forces
Index DIA: Argel Infantry Division.
DIM: Moroccan infantry Division.
1. Components DMI: Mot. Infantry Division.
2. Game scales DMM: Moroccan Mountain Division.
3. Sequence of Play and Set up Goum: Goumiers (1st, 3rd and 4th Tabor
4. Zones of Control Groups).
5. Stacking
6. Logistic Centres
- Commonwealth forces
7. Replacements, Reinforcements and
C: Canadians.
G: Guards.
8. Movement & Mobile Attacks
I: Indians.
9. Combat
NZ: New Zealand.
10. Air and Naval Support
SA: South Africa.
11. Allied Landings and General
12. Allied Strategic Reserve - Italian Co-belligerent forces:
13. How to Win RM: Raggrupamento Motorizzatto, (Motori-
14. OOB notes zed group).
Ne: Nembo.
1. Components. Ut: Utili.
Rules, 1 map size 40x55 cm., 1 player aid
sheet, 1 sheet including 90 counters and mar- - German Forces:
kers for that game. FJ: Fallschirmjäger (Parachute troops).
GJ: Gebirgsjäger (mountain troops)
1.2. The Game map. HD: Hoch und Deutschmeister (Honorific
Represents the area on which the histori- title of the 44th Infantry Division).
cal campaign was fought. HG: Hermann Göring.
J: Jäger (Light Infantry).
1.3. Unit Counters. LS: Luftwaffe Sturm Division (Luftwaffe
There are 90 counters, representing com- Ground Forces).
bat units. All others counters are markers used R: Reserve.
for certain game functions such out of supply SS: Schutzen Staffeln.
status, turn record track, etc. The use of every T: Turkoman (unit recruited among Turko-
marker is explained in the corresponding sec- mans and other ethnic groups from the Cau-
tion of the game rules. casus and other Soviet Republics).
6. Logistics.
In General.- Both side’s units must be
capable of tracing a LOC or Line of Com-
munications towards a friendly source of
supply (CL or supply source hex) to allow
use of its full movement and combat fac-
1. Arrival of Replacements Commonwealth Replacements The costs of entry and passage are in-
2. Arrival of Reinforcements Commonwealth replacements may be dicated on the Terrain Effects Chart(see
3. Withdrawal of Units. used to rebuild all Commonwealth units be Map).
4. Transfer or withdraw units to and/or it British, Indian, New Zealanders, Cana-
from the Strategic Reserve (See 12). dians or South Africans.
All units have a minimum movement
7.1. Replacements ability of 1 hex per turn even if the cost of
7.2. Reinforcements. crossing one hexside is greater than their prin-
Each side receives replacements as per
The units indicated as reinforcements ted movement factor.
the RRW table. A replacement can flip a
(the entry turn is also indicated on the cou-
damaged unit to its full strength side or re-
nter) are placed on a supply hex of their A group of stacked units can be moved as
build an eliminated one.
side during the RRW phase of their turn one unit, but they must use the MP of the unit
of entry. with the lowest movement factor.
It costs 1 Replacement point per step re-
Eliminated units which are rebuilt can 8.1. Bridges.
For a reduced unit to receive a repla- be placed in a supply hex on or adjacent to A unit can cross a river hexside by pa-
cement it must be able to trace a LOC (no its LC which can trace a LoC via towards ying only the cost of the hex entered if mo-
longer than 8 hexes) to its Logistic Centre. a supply hex. ving across a river hexside connected by a
railroad line or are crossing a hexside adja-
A rebuilt eliminated unit can be placed at 7.3. Unit Withdrawals. cent to a town or city, with the proviso that
either of the following locations: If a unit scheduled to be withdrawn is both hexes by the river are both friendly
already eliminated or cannot trace a LOC controlled.
1.- On or adjacent to a friendly supply to a friendly supply hex, then a similar re-
source hex. placement can be removed instead. Example: any unit may cross the
2.- Stacked with/adjacent with its LC. Tiber River across the 2419-2520
The unit to be withdrawn needs only to hexside paying a cost of 1 MP only
Units rebuilt can be moved during the be of the same type. It can be reduced or at because the city of Rome is in one
movement phase on their entry turn. They full strength (for a two sided unit) and it of these hexes. The unit may only
can make an operational movement on their shouldn’t have the same combat or move- do so if both 2419 and 2520 are
turn of entry. ment factors. friendly controlled.
Allied troops advancing through the outskirts of Rome, June 1944. (AP picture).
Rome is worth 15 VP. Bologna is worth Armored Brigade, 3rd and 5th Infantry
10 VPs. All other VP cities are worth 5 VP Divisions) are not available until game
each. turn 4.
The German player may also gain VPs if Design notes and infographics
he eliminates beachhead markers. Brazilian expeditionary division
Is not available in the counter sheet Counter units.- the icons used
because it would not enter combat until in the vehicle, aircraft or ship files
If the Allied player conquers three or seeks to make the representation
more Gothic line hexes before turn 7, he September 1944 (last game turn) and
only part of the force. The Brazilian di- of the models as close as possible
earns 10 VPs. to the material used in the histo-
vision would not be complete until early
1945. rical period, trying to complete
At the end of the last game turn, the proposed historical simula-
count the number of VPs earned by each tion with a visually attractive de-
side to determine who won. The Allied Divisions of the Italian Social sign, in no case does it pretend to
player if he has won 40 or more VPs Republic be a treatise on uniformology or
than the German player. If the Allied These are not represented in the Ger- military equipment.
player has less than 40 VPs more than man OOB because the Germans did not
the German player, then the German trust them and preferred to use them in Map.- the area where the
player wins. counter guerrilla missions. Eventually they campaign takes place, has been
fought against Allied troops but this would adapted to the requirements of
If the Allied player earns 50 VPs not happen until late 1944. This is also this simulation with the minimum
more than the German player, the the reason why there are no Italian parti- possible variations.
Allied player obtains a strategic victory sans in the game.
(the end of the Italian campaign takes Abbreviations used in the
place 2 or 3 months earlier than histo- Italian co-belligerent units map :
rical). (pro-Allied)
On the other hand, the Italian co- I: island. R: river. L: lake.
Example: the Allied player earns belligerent units fought at the forefront
60 VPs while the German player of the Allied forces as early as late 1943.
earns 20 VPs. The difference for In April 1944, the great number of vo-
the Allied player is +40. Therefo- lunteers allowed to form two divisions,
re, the Allied player wins. Utili and Nembo.
Game Credits