Evaluating The Performance of Hybrid Proton
Evaluating The Performance of Hybrid Proton
Evaluating The Performance of Hybrid Proton
Hybrid nanocomposite membrane was assessed in small and large scale PEMWE.
Multiple layers of hybrid nanocomposite membrane-based CCM enhance the performance.
Clamping the hybrid membrane between two Nafion membranes improves its lifetime.
Article history: Owing to their attractive properties (e.g. reduced gas permeation, comparable proton
Received 28 January 2023 conductivity, enhanced thermal stability, lower cost), hybrid nanocomposite membranes
Received in revised form (HNC) are more attractive for proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE).
27 June 2023 Compared to perfluoro sulfonic acid polymers, this study evaluated the interest in using an
Accepted 28 June 2023 HNC membrane for PEMWE. Despite the bulk membrane exhibiting high chemical and
Available online 07 August 2023 mechanical instability (decreasing the cell performance), a multi-layer approach was
adopted to increase its lifespan in PEMWE operation. Thus, different strategies for pre-
Keywords: paring Catalyst-Coated Membrane (CCM) with more than one PEM were investigated. The
Hybrid nanocomposite membrane longevity of the HNC membrane is enhanced from a few hours to a few hundred hours by
Catalyst-coated membrane clamping it between two half-coated Nafion 212 membranes. The degradation mechanisms
Membrane degradation mechanism are discussed based on the physicochemical analysis of the membrane and its degradation
PEM water electrolysis products after electrolysis.
Hydrogen production © 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Partially fluorinated membrane
* Corresponding author. ICMMO-CNRS UMR 8182, Universite Paris-Saclay, 17 Avenue des Sciences, 91400 Orsay, France.
E-mail address: pierre.millet@universite-paris-saclay.fr (P. Millet).
0360-3199/© 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
88 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2
intermittent or renewable power sources [1e6] The produc- demonstrated that it is possible to generate a high concen-
tion of hydrogen by water electrolysis using the so-called tration of inorganic silica in a PVDF-HFP polymer via sole gel
proton exchange membrane or polymer electrolyte mem- chemistry during extrusion without any degradation issues.
brane technology was developed in the 1970s, following the Then, the interface between the matrix and the inorganic-rich
discovery and marketing of proton-conducting perfluoro sul- phase was tailored to increase ionic conductivity by incorpo-
fonic acid ionomers (PFSA) by the US company Dupont de rating interfacial agents [28]. The nanocomposite membrane
Nemours under the trade name of Nafion®. PFSAs are the reached a 54 mS/cm conductivity comparable to that of Nafion
commonly used polymeric membranes for PEM water elec- N112 (52 mS/cm) at 100% RH and a temperature of 25 C [28].
trolysis (PEMWE) because of their high proton conductivity The CEA (Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique et aux En-
and strong mechanical and chemical robustness [7]. However, ergies Alternatives) has developed a new family of hybrid
the continued quest for alternate membrane materials is nanocomposite (HNC) membranes, less fluorinated than
fueled by the expensive cost and environmental concerns (e.g. PFSAs, for PEM fuel cell and water electrolysis applications
the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of [29,30]. This HNC membrane consists of a polystyrene sulfonic
Chemicals European regulation) connected with PFSAs' fluo- acid (PSSA) chain grafted onto silica nanoparticles which are
rine chemistry, as well as their significant gas (particularly H2) then dispersed into activated PVDF/HFP matrix. The HNC
permeability and poor mechanical stability at high tempera- membrane was crosslinked with 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,6-
tures (T > 80 C) [8]. hexanediamine (THDA) to anchor the functional acid groups
Although various PFSA are commercially available and to the hydrophobic organic phase (PVDF/HFP) and post-
shows good properties for operation in PEMWE (Nafion [9] and annealed at 180 C for 2 hours (h) [30]. The membrane is a
Aquivion [10]), there is still a need for developing membranes hybrid nanocomposite membrane since silica nanoparticles
with minimal environmental impact and with new polymeric (inorganic) are functionalized with polystyrene sulfonic
structure capable of proton conduction for PEM electrolysis at groups (organic) required for proton-conductivity [29,30].
high temperatures (e.g. 120 C). The high cost of PFSA mem- In the frame of the French ADEME (Agence de la Transition
branes, as mentioned earlier, is mainly due to the expensive Energetique) project entitled Me thycentre [31], a Power-to-Gas
fluorination step. Thus, substantial efforts are made towards demonstration project led by Storengy to support the energy
the development of alternative PEM materials. Promising ones transition to meet clean mobility needs and partially replace
are partially fluorinated ionomer containing acidic function fossil methane in Engie's gas networks, we evaluated the
groups (e.g. sulfonic, phosphonic) in the main polymer chain, performance and durability of a new hybrid nanocomposite
or in the side chain [11e14]. Additionally, recent studies membrane (HNC) as a possible alternative to the commercially
showed that the crosslinking of the proton conductive poly- available PFSA membranes for PEMWE. The HNC membrane
mers improves the thermal stability of the membrane (e.g. and commercial catalysts have been used to manufacture the
100 C [15] and 160 C [16]). In this regard, Labalme et al. catalyst-coated membrane (CCM). The electrochemical
developed covalently crosslinked phosphonated poly- behavior of the prepared CCMs has been studied, evaluated,
electrolytes (proton conducting phase) with partially fluori- and compared to the performance of reference CCMs.
nated polymer (e.g. poly(vinylidene fluoride co-
chlorotrifluoroethylene) abbreviated as poly(VDF-co-CTFE)
[17,18]. The presence of fluorine atoms in poly(VDF-co-CTFE) Materials and methods
permitted the fabrication of membranes with improved
structural integrity, mechanical strength and resistance to Materials
oxidation in the presence of radicals. Under fully hydrated
conditions, the best result reveals a 40 mS/cm proton con- Nafion ionomer 5 wt.% (Nafion™ 1100 W) and Pt/C (40 wt.%)
ductivity at a temperature of 80 C [17]. was purchased from Sigma Aldrich. IrO2 from SurePure
Hybrid nanocomposite membranes, consisting of func- Chemetals Inc. Isopropanol was provided by Carlo-Erba Re-
tionalized inorganic nanoparticles dispersed into a macro- agents. Cyclohexanol 99% was supplied from Alfa Aesar.
scopic organic matrix [19], offer a particularly attractive Nafion membrane 212 was kindly provided by Chemours
alternative to conventional membrane in different fields of Company FC, LLC and the 80 mm thick Hybrid NanoComposite
application such as microbial fuel cells [20], borohydride fuel membrane (HNC) was developed and manufactured by CEA,
cells [21] and PEM fuel cells [22e26]. This class of membranes Le Ripault.
is interesting for proton conduction application (PEM fuel cells
and PEM electrolysis) due to their morphology, which results Catalyst ink preparation
in a significantly lower gas crossover, similar conductivity to
the state-of-the art PFSA membranes (namely when fully Cathode: The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) catalyst inks
hydrated), better thermal stability, lower production cost. The were prepared by dispersing commercial Pt/C catalyst in iso-
fact that they are the primary step toward fluorine-free propanol in an ultrasonic bath. A dispersion of Nafion ion-
membrane should make them ideally suited for PEM water omer was added as dispersing agent and source of proton
electrolysis. Several attempts to prepare a high proton con- conductivity in the catalyst layer. The composition of the
ductivity nanocomposite membrane have been made by Seck cathode ink was adjusted as follows: 94 wt.% isopropanol,
et al. [27,28]. The authors directly synthesized Poly(vinylidene 4 wt.% of Pt/C and 2 wt.% of Nafion ionomer.
fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP)/silica-SH nano- Anode: The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalyst ink
composites in a single extrusion step [27]. The authors was prepared by dispersing IrO2 in isopropanol following the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2 89
procedure mentioned above. The composition of the anode 2 wt.% of PFSA ionomer. The IrO2 and Pt/C loading of each
ink was adjusted as follows: 95 wt.% isopropanol, 4 wt.% IrO2 CCM was determined by weighing the substrate before and
and 1 wt.% of Nafion ionomer. The prepared inks were soni- after catalyst transfer. Different loadings of the catalysts were
cated prior to the deposition. prepared and described in section Upscaling and testing in
For the CCM preparation using HNC membranes, iso- short stack configuration using 250 cm2 CCM. The water up-
propanol was replaced by cyclohexanol to reduce the swelling take and the swelling ratio were determined following equa-
of the membrane. tions (1) and (2) respectively [32]:
Fig. 1 e a) AST between 25 and 250 cm2 performed on the CCM with Nafion 115 membrane and b) Nyquist plot at
25 mA.cm¡2 and 60 C.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2 91
Fig. 2 e a) AST between 25 and 250 mA/cm2 performed on the CCM with HNC membrane and b) Nyquist plot at 25 mA.cm¡2 and
60 C.
Fig. 3 e a) AST between 25 and 250 mA/cm2 performed on the CCM with two HNC membranes and b) Nyquist plot at
25 mA.cm¡2 and 60 C.
Fig. 4 e a) AST between 25 and 250 mA/cm2 performed on the CCM with two HNC membrane reinforced with a PPS mesh
and b) Nyquist plot at 25 mA.cm¡2 and 60 C.
Fig. 5 e a) AST between 25 and 250 mA/cm2 performed on the asymmetric CCM with HNC membrane on the cathode side
and Nafion 212 membrane on the anode side and b) Nyquist plot at 25 mA.cm¡2 and 60 C.
94 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2
again to form a new CCM with 2 membranes only (denoted as membrane-membrane interface is removed. Therefore, it can be
N212cathode |N212anode). The AST continued with the new CCM concluded that once the nanocomposite membrane is extracted
from 155 h to 235 h (Fig. 7a). from the cell, the electrochemical performances are stable.
As can be seen from Fig. 7 b, the HFR remained constant once
the nanocomposite membrane was removed. The diameter of the Upscaling and testing in short stack configuration using
HF semicircle becomes smaller after the removal of the nano- 250 cm2 CCM
composite membrane: this is consistent with the fact that one
In defiance of the stability problems encountered during the lab-
scale qualifications, three large areas HNC membrane-based
Table 5 e HFR of the asymmetric CCM with HNC CCMs (250 cm2) and a lab-made reference CCM (two Nafion
membrane on the cathode side and Nafion 212 N212 membranes) were prepared with different catalyst
membrane on the anode side cell evolution during the loading. The HNC membrane-based CCM consists of bare
ASTs. membrane clamped between two half-coated Nafion 212 (N212)
Time HFR (mU.cm2) membranes. For the pre-industrial qualification of the CCMs, a
BoT 778 so-called “rainbow stack” was built i.e. a stack with different
10 h 1258 types of CCM inside for direct in-situ comparison. The electro-
20 h 2309 chemical performance of the three prepared HNC membrane-
30 h 3326 based CCMs were compared to a Lab-made reference and to a
40 h 4607
Commercial reference CCMs. The CCMs are named as follows.
Fig. 6 e a) AST between 25 and 250 mA/cm2 performed on the CCM with HNC membrane clamped between two Nafion 212
membranes and b) Nyquist plot at 25 mA.cm¡2 and 60 C.
Fig. 7 e a) AST between 25 and 250 mA/cm2 performed on the CCM two Nafion 212 after removing the HNC membrane and b)
Nyquist plot at 25 mA.cm¡2 and 60 C.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2 95
Performances are measured at the beginning of the test the catalyst layer in the CCMs were estimated from the cyclic
(BoT) and then periodically. The chronopotentiometry was voltammograms (CV) using Eq. (1) [40]:
stopped periodically to re-assess the performance levels of Z
the CCMs. The full chronopotentiometry test is shown in Cs ¼ Idv 2ðv:DVÞ 3
Fig. 8. The voltage of Moderate HNC was not stable and
increased gradually. However, the loss of the electro- where Cs is the specific areal capacitance (mF.cm2), I is the
chemical performance of Moderate HNC is slower than the current density (mA.cm2), v is the scan rate (mV/s.) and DV is
High HNC and Low HNC respectively. In contrast, the elec- the voltage scan window (1.4 V).
trochemical performances of the reference CCMs (Lab-made Specific capacitance values deduced from the CVs shown
and Commercial) were more stable with insignificant voltage in Fig. 10 are compiled in Table 6. The CVs (Fig. 10) show an
increase, as expected. increase of the specific areal capacitance (Cs) for the 4 lab-
After 11 h, the Low HNC voltage reached the End-of-Life made CCMs, namely the Lab-made reference CCM with the
voltage (i.e. 2.3 V). Consequently, HNC membranes were highest Cs of 36.9 mF/cm2, very close to the Commercial
removed for Low HNC and High HNC for the analysis of the reference CCM (38 mF cm2).
degradation mechanism while the best performing HNC CCM At the end of the AST, Cs values range from 19.1 to
(Moderate HNC) was kept in the stack. Note that when the 25.7 mF.cm2. A comparable Cs values were previously re-
stack was opened, the presence of droplets of a yellow liquid ported for CCM having equivalent catalyst loadings [41,42].
was observed and collected on the bipolar plate for the anal- The value range is lower than the reference CCMs
ysis of the degradation products (emphasized in Section (36.9e38.2 mF.cm2) in similar test conditions. To some
Degradation of the HNC membranes). In agreement with the extent, this is an indication that less catalyst is in contact with
chronopotentiometry, iV measurements (Fig. 9) showed that the polymer electrolyte.
both reference CCMs (lab-made and Commercial reference) At the end of the electrochemical characterization, the
are relatively stable compared to all HNC containing CCMs. stack was opened, and the last HNC membrane was removed.
The specific areal capacitances (the sum of the electric Similarly to Low HNC and High HNC, a yellow liquid was
double-layer capacitor (EDLC) and the pseudo-capacitance) of observed and collected for physico-chemical analysis.
Fig. 8 e Cell voltage evolution during chronopotentiometry test at 25 mA.cm¡2 and 60 C.
96 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2
Fig. 9 e Polarization curves of a) Low HNC, b) High HNC, c) Moderate HNC, d) Lab-made reference and e) Commercial
reference CCMs measured at 60 C.
Degradation of the HNC membranes of 1 meq/g (45% less than the initial value). On the other hand,
the membrane extracted from High HNC had a density of 840
The as-received HNC membrane has the following charac- mg/100 cm2 (24% weight less than the initial value), and an IEC
teristics: areal density of 1105 mg/100 cm2 and an Ion Ex- of 0.91 meq/g (50% less than the initial value). Finally, the HNC
change Capacity (IEC) of 1.8 meq/g. On the one hand, the HNC membrane of Moderate HNC had a very low IEC of less than 0.1
membrane extracted from Low HNC had an areal density of meq/g, 95% less than the initial IEC. Furthermore, this mem-
820 mg/100 cm2 (25.8% less than the initial weight) and an IEC brane's areal density was reduced by 44% (618 mg/100 cm2).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2 97
Fig. 10 e Cyclic voltammograms of a) Low HNC, b) High HNC, c) Moderate HNC, d) Lab-made reference and e) Commercial
reference CCMs measured at a scan rate of 10 mV/s.
These results confirm the major loss of conductive sulfonic cm). The excess water was removed from the collected yellow
groups in the Moderate HNC membrane during the 225 h of liquid using the rotary evaporator, and a polymeric resin film
electrolysis. was deposited on the wall of the glass flask. After scratching
On the other hand, the collected resin liquid had a pH of ca. the polymeric films, an amount of 400 mg was obtained.
2 (acidic) and an ionic conductivity of 1204 mS/cm, which is The chemical modifications of the HNC membrane
4000 times higher than initial water before electrolysis (0.3 mS/ induced by electrolysis were determined by comparing the
98 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2
Table 6 e Specific areal capacitance values of the CCMs Table 8 e EDS elemental analysis of the HNC membrane
measured at a scan rate of 10 mV/s during the AST. before and after electrolysis and the collected resin.
Cell Specific areal capacitance (mF.cm2) Element Before After Collected
electrolysis electrolysis resin
BoT 70 h 225 h
O (at.%) 25.9 5.5 72.3
Low HNC 9.5 15.5 19.1
F (at.%) 66.9 93.7 0.3
High HNC 9.7 20.9 25.7
Si (at.%) 0.8 0.4 0.3
Moderate HNC 9.5 14.4 18.6
S (at.%) 6.4 0.4 21.1
Lab-made reference 11.0 32.3 36.9
Na (at.%) N/A N/A 1.8
Commercial reference 49.6 40.6 38.2
K (at.%) N/A N/A 4.2
Fig. 11 e FT-IR spectra of Moderate HNC membrane before (black) and after (red) electrolysis and the collected resin (blue).
The pink lines mark the characteristic peaks of PVDF-HFP and the green lines mark the distinct peaks of PSSA.
FT-IR spectra of the HNC membrane before and after elec- “as-received” HNC membrane contains two phases: PVDF-HFP
trolysis and the collected resin (Fig. 11). (host matrix) and the SiO2-grafted PSSA (ionic conducting
The FT-IR spectra of the HNC membrane of Moderate HNC phase). The crystalline a-phase was identified in the FT-IR
reveals a complete absence of the characteristic PSSA peaks; spectrum of PVDFeHFP by the vibrational bands observed at
only the pure PVDF-HFP peaks are observed. This result is in 760, 790, 973, and 1210 cm1. Furthermore, the crystalline b-
agreement with the IEC titration measurements, which also phase of PVDF-HFP was assigned at 870 cm1. The CH2 bond
show that an insignificant amount of sulfonic groups remains wagging was detected at 1380 cm1, corresponding to the
present in the HNC membrane at the end of the test. In fact, the vinylidene group of the host polymer [43e45]. The FT-IR
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 9 ( 2 0 2 4 ) 8 7 e1 0 2 99
Fig. 13 e The principal of oxidative degradation reactions occurring in polystyrene sulfonate polymer [51].
spectrum of PSSA is characterized by the presence of the ben- Elementary analysis of bare HNC membrane, the one
zene ring. The out-of-plane bending of CeH in a 1,4-substituted recovered from Moderate HNC CCM after electrolysis and the
benzene ring was assigned at 664 cm1. Meanwhile, the CeH dried collected resin were performed with energy-dispersive
wagging and bending were observed at 775 and 830 cm1, X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Before electrolysis, HNC mem-
respectively. The in-plane deformation of the benzene ring was brane has an initial sulfur-to-fluorine ratio of 1:10.5 (Table 8).
detected at 1004 and 1031 cm1. The presence of O]S]O vi- The Sulfur-to-fluorine ratio decreased by 22 times (1:234.5, a
bration stretching at 1125 and 1210 cm1 is specific to the sul- reduction of 95.5%) as well as the Oxygen and the Silicon
fonic groups of the PSSA [46e48]. An overlap between the O] content after the electrolysis as a result of the loss of proton
S]O stretching of the PSSA and the vibrational band of crys- conductive sulfonic groups. These observations are consistent
talline a-phase PVDF-HFP can be observed at 1210 cm1. The with the decrease of the IEC and the areal density of the HNC
FT-IR peaks of PVDF-HFP and PSSA are summarized in Table 7. membrane during the AST.
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