Modeling Vocs Adsorption Onto Activated Carbon: C.L. Chuang, P.C. Chiang, E.E. Chang
Modeling Vocs Adsorption Onto Activated Carbon: C.L. Chuang, P.C. Chiang, E.E. Chang
Modeling Vocs Adsorption Onto Activated Carbon: C.L. Chuang, P.C. Chiang, E.E. Chang
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, 71 Chou-Shan road, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Biochemistry, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Received 15 October 2002; received in revised form 26 February 2003; accepted 25 March 2003
The activated carbon adsorption process is affected by the characteristics of adsorbent, adsorbate and environmental
conditions. In this study, both adsorption and desorption processes are assumed to occur simultaneously and a nu-
merical model was developed with a non-linear driving force in conjunction with the Langmuir model for predicting the
overall adsorption process. The numerical model provides both adsorption and desorption rate constants and acti-
vation energies. The resultant equilibrium constants are of the same order of magnitude as reported by other studies.
Results show that the model could well predict the adsorption isotherms and breakthrough curves under various
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Adsorption models
Column adsorption model Typical model equation Reference
Linear driving force approximation ¼ kðq qÞ Gkueckauf (1955), Crittenden and Weber (1978),
ot Malek and Farooq (1996, 1997)
1 C
Empirical method t ¼ t1=2 þ 0 ln Yoon and Nelson (1984)
k C0 C
0 kCQ
k ¼
t1=2 ¼ t when C ¼ C0 =2
We q Q C0
Wheeler equation t¼ W B ln Jonas and Rehrmann (1972), Vahdat (1997)
CQ k C
equilibrium, Myers and Prausnitz (1965) developed an adsorbed gas. The treated activated carbon was stored in
ideal adsorbed solution theory to predict the adsorption a N2 -filling chamber (300 K) before experiments.
of organic vapors onto activated carbon. The adsorption VOC was generated by passing a stream of water and
equilibrium of the gas mixture can be predicted from the hydrocarbon-free N2 gas over a series of diffusion tubes
individual single-gas isotherm using the Toch equation containing the pure liquid of interest. The VOC con-
(Myers and Valenzuela, 1986) and/or the Dubinin/ centrations were controlled by the number of diffusion
Radushkevich equation (Dubinin, 1989). The desorption tubes and temperature as well as the carrier gas flow rate
behavior of carbon films was also observed based on the (1.2 l/min at 303 K by a mass flow meter, Instrument
Arrhenius equation and thermal desorption spectro- Inc., Sierra). The temperature of the VOC vapor was
scopy (Pigram et al., 1994). controlled by a thermostat (283–363 K) before entering
The above methods are generally successful in pre- the reaction column (Fig. 1). The concentrations of
dicting the adsorption of volatile organic compounds C6 H6 , CCl4 and CHCl3 studied were in the concentra-
(VOCs) onto activated carbon under specific conditions. tion range of 8–150, 6–300 and 10–220 mmol/m3 , re-
However, the thermodynamic method considers ad- spectively.
sorption as an equilibrium process. The empirical
method lacks a theoretical rigor. In this study, based on 2.2. Adsorption and desorption in activated carbon bed
the basic dynamical reaction (BDR) theory, a thermo-
dynamic model, called BDR model, involving non-linear For VOC adsorption experiments, about 600–2000
driving force was used to predict the kinetics of the mg of treated activated carbon was packed in a small
adsorption of three VOCs onto activated carbon. Im- glass column (height ¼ 9–30 mm and cross-section
portant kinetic parameters, such as adsorption rate area ¼ 1.76 cm2 ). The column temperature was main-
constant and activation energy were determined to ob- tained at the range from 283 to 363 K for 3 h before
tain the adsorption isotherm and evaluate the adsorp- testing. During adsorption experiments the outlet gas
tion behavior under different operational conditions. was continuously monitored for VOC with a portable
This non-linear reaction kinetic approach can also be photoionization air monitor (Perkinelmer, Photovac
used to predict the adsorption rate of VOCs in column Model 2020). The measurements were calibrated by
operations. gas chromatography (HP 5890A; column: Supel Co.,
VOCOLe, #9354-04A) with a flame ionization detector.
After the termination of the adsorption experiment, the
2. Experimental method inlet gas was changed to the N2 carried gas and the
outlet gas was continuously monitored with the same
2.1. Materials portable photoionization air monitor for obtaining de-
sorption data. The detection limits of C6 H6 , CCl4 and
Benzene (C6 H6 ), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) and CHCl3 were 4.0 106 , 1.2 106 and 1.2 106 mmol/m3 ,
trichloromethane (CHCl3 ) were the adsorbent VOCs respectively.
studied. The activated carbon was of pellet form with a
diameter of 3 mm and a density of 880 kg/m3 (Sorbon-
orit 3, Norit, the Netherlands). The activated carbon 3. Mathematical model
was ground first then sieved to a size fraction from 0.35
to 0.50 mm (or 35 to 45 mesh) and heated to 573 K in a The concentration change of the contaminant in the
N2 atmosphere (purity 99.99%) over 24 h to remove any column can be described by the following equation:
C.L. Chuang et al. / Chemosphere 53 (2003) 17–27 19
Carbon Dehydration
bed Diffusion
N2 Gas
VOC Generator
Gas flow direction
C0 Cross Section
Q Area: A
• C it+t∆ = C ti +
Q∆t t
( )
C i − C ti −1 + R ti ,c ∆t
• ∆V
• Eq. 9
i = n-1
C tb
Outlet gas
Arrhenius equations – lnðka Þ ¼ 2000=T þ 2:6, R2 ¼ 0:90, Ea ¼ 4:0 kcal/mol, a ¼ 13:0 m3 /(s mol)
– lnðkd Þ ¼ 6100=T þ 13, R2 ¼ 0:99, Ed ¼ 12:2 kcal/mol, a ¼ 2:6 105 1/s
– lnðKÞ ¼ 4100=T 9:9, R2 ¼ 0:96, E ¼ 8:2 kcal/mol, a ¼ 1:9 104 m3 /mol
CCl4 Reaction conditions Weight of carbon, W g 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600
Length of carbon bed, L cm 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Influent concentration, C0 mmol/m3 26.8 23.7 22.5 22.2 20.6
Saturation concentration, Csat mol/m3 3.2 7.5 15.5 28.9 49.5
Flow rate, Q l/min 1.15 1.21 1.31 1.39 1.47
Retention time, s s 4.70 102 4.46 102 4.14 102 3.89 102 3.68 102
Reaction parameters Adsorption rate constant, ka m3 /(s mol) 7.5 102 1.0 101 1.5 101 2.0 101 6.0 101
Desorption rate constant, kd 1/s 4.0 105 1.1 103 3.0 103 4.8 103 3.1 102
Equilibrium constant, K ¼ ka =kd m3 /mol 1900 90 50 42 19
Measured equilibrium constant, KL m3 /mol 2200 100 78 40 17
Statistics Measured number in each test, N – 41 29 24 22 19
Root mean square error, d – 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.03
Arrhenius equations – lnðka Þ ¼ 2400=T þ 5:8, R2 ¼ 0:87, Ea ¼ 4:8 kcal/mol, a ¼ 340 m3 /(s mol)
– lnðkd Þ ¼ 7700=T þ 18, R2 ¼ 0:93, Ed ¼ 15:3 kcal/mol, a ¼ 4:6 107 1/s
– lnðKÞ ¼ 5200=T 12, R2 ¼ 0:83, E ¼ 10:4 kcal/mol, a ¼ 1:4 105 m3 /mol
CHCl3 Reaction conditions Weight of carbon, W g 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600
Length of carbon bed, L cm 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Influent concentration, C0 mmol/m3 32.6 83.3 71.8 69.1 64.9
Saturation concentration, Csat mol/m3 5.64 12.84 25.81 46.97 78.93
22 C.L. Chuang et al. / Chemosphere 53 (2003) 17–27
Table 3
Comparison of equilibrium constants from different models
lnðka Þ ¼ 2600=T þ 7:1, R2 ¼ 0:98, Ea ¼ 5:2 kcal/mol, a ¼ 1:4 103 m3 /(s mol)
3.68 102
1.1 100
1.6 101
283 303 323 343 363
Experimental conditions: density ¼ 880 kg/m3 , bed cross-section area ¼ 1.76 cm2 and q0 460 mg/g for C6 H6 , 600 mg/g for CCl4 , and 297 mg/g for CHCl3 at 303 K.
C6 H 6 Langmuir 112 40 23 11 6.3
isotherm (KL )
3.92 102
30 CCl4 Langmuir 2200 100 78 40 17
isotherm (KL )
LDFa (KLDF ) 2000 95 50 42 19
4.16 102
4.0 101
1.9 102
LDF with Langmuir isotherm.
4.57 102
1.5 101
4.7 104
and CHCl3 were 13, 340 and 1240 m3 /(s mol), respec-
Flow rate, Q
Table 4
Comparison between LDF and BDR model
Principle Similarities oC o2 C oC 1 e oq
DL 2 þ U þ q ¼0
ot oL oL e ot
oq oh
Dissimilarities ¼ kðq qÞ ¼ ka ð1 hÞC kd h
ot ot
The uptake is linearly proportional to a driving Based on the Langmuir hypothesis, the ad-
force, defined as the difference between the sorption rate is a function of adsorbent con-
surface concentration (q ) and the average centration (C) and free surface site ratio
adsorbed-phase concentration (q) (1 h), and desorption rate is a function of
coverage ratio (h)
the results show that the measured outlet concentrations 1 h (from 1 to 1 he ) cause the adsorption rate ex-
were lower than the predicted values. It is also observed hibiting a maximum value and then gradually de-
that the Cout =C0 values at higher temperatures decrease creases.
more rapidly than that those at lower temperatures. The case of CCl4 show the adsorption reaction rates,
the desorption reaction rates and net reaction rates are
4.3. Adsorption and desorption rate the function of temperatures, and when adsorption
process approaches equilibrium (i.e., Ra ¼ Rd ), the ad-
In the present study, the numerical model provides sorption rate (or desorption rate) at high reaction tem-
the adsorption and the desorption rate constants, and perature is higher than that at low temperatures. For the
these parameters can be used to predict the desorption other two VOCs, the plots show the same trend as in the
process. Further, the numerical model provides the case of CCl4 .
change in both the adsorption and the desorption rates Fig. 9 presents the changes of adsorption and de-
as a function of temperature and time (e.g., CCl4 from sorption rates of CCl4 during the desorption process at
283 to 363 K in Fig. 8). The pattern in Fig. 8 plots is of two temperatures (343 and 363 K). The results show
course affected by temperature. At higher adsorption that the desorption rates are slightly higher than the
temperatures (323, 343 and 363 K; Fig. 8 top), the adsorption rates. At the beginning of desorption ex-
adsorption rate appears to be slightly higher than the periments, both the adsorption and desorption rates at
desorption rate. Both the adsorption reaction rate, Ra , the higher temperature were higher than that at the
and the desorption reaction rate, Rd , increase with time lower temperature; after that, the adsorption and de-
and eventually reach equilibrium. The net reaction rate, sorption rates at the higher temperature decreased rap-
R, reaches a maximum value before approaching zero. idly than that at the lower temperature, and the net
At low adsorption temperature (283 and 303 K; Fig. 8 reaction rate indicates a max value and a right-trail
bottom), the adsorption rate is much higher than the curve.
desorption rate. The desorption and net reaction rates In this study, the experimental data showed that the
exhibit the same trend with those at higher adsorption adsorption process is an exothermic process (DH < 0);
temperatures. On the other hand, the adsorption re- a higher temperature will decrease the adsorption ca-
action rates show a different trend. It reached a maxi- pacity (q=q0 ). As expected, high temperature will in-
mum value and then declined to the level equivalent to crease both the adsorption and desorption reaction rate
the desorption rate. Since the adsorption rate is equal constants, high rate constants will cause high reaction
ka ð1 hÞC, the 1 h value at lower temperatures rate, and high reaction rate will cause the reaction easy
changes appreciably than that at higher temperatures. reach the equilibrium state and reduce the reaction
The increase of C (from 0 to C0 ) and the decrease of time.
C.L. Chuang et al. / Chemosphere 53 (2003) 17–27 25
5. Conclusions