CA Ipcc n19p1
CA Ipcc n19p1
CA Ipcc n19p1
(` in crores)
i Revenue (` 1,200 crores x 40%) 480
ii Expenses 500
iii Provision for loss (Refer Working note) 30
iv Loss 50
2. If it is a cost-plus contract of 20%
i Revenue (500 crores x120%) 600
ii Expenses 500
iii Provision for loss Nil
iv Profit 100
Working Note:
Calculation of provision for loss in case of fixed price contract
Amount of foreseeable loss (` in crores)
Total cost of construction 1,250
Less: Total contract price (1,200)
Amount of foreseeable loss 50
Loss for current year [500 – 480 (` 1,200 crores x 40%)] (20)
Expected loss to be recognized immediately 30
According to AS 7, when it is probable that total contract costs will exceed total contract
revenue, the expected loss should be recognized as an expense immediately.
(d) Heads
(i) Purchase price of PPE
(ii) Directly attributable cost of PPE
(iii) Cost not included in determining the carrying amount of an item of PPE
Items Classified
under Head
1 Import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes (i)
2 Initial delivery and handling costs (ii)
3 Costs of testing whether the asset is functioning properly, (ii)
after deducting the net proceeds*
4 Initial operating losses, such as those incurred while demand (iii)
for the output of an item builds up
*Considered that this cost of testing is after deducting net proceeds from selling any items
produced while bringing the asset to that location and condition otherwise if the net
proceeds are after fixing the asset to its location and condition (asset ready for use), it
will be classified under category (iii) i.e. Cost not included in determining the carrying
amount of an item of PPE.
Question 2
A Limited and B Limited amalgamate to form a new company AB Limited. The financial
position of these companies as on the date of amalgamation was as under :
Particulars Amount Amount
A Ltd. B Ltd.
Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders' Fund:
(a) Equity share capital of ` 100 each 5,00,000 2,50,000
(b) 9% Preference Share Capital of ` 100 each 3,00,000 2,00,000
(c) General Reserve 1,50,000 1,40,000
(d) Profit & Loss Account 1,36,800 80,500
Non-Current Liabilities:
12% Debentures 2,00,000 -
Secured Loan. - 2,00,000
Current Liabilities:
Trade Payables 3,17,500 2,00,800
16,04,300 10,71,300
Non-Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Land and Building 2,50,000 1,90,000
Question 3
(a) Prepare cash flow for ABC Ltd., using Direct Method for the year 10 ending 31-03-2019
from the following information:
(1) Sales for the year amounted to ` 270 Lakh out of which 50% was cash sales.
(2) Purchases for the year amounted to ` 60 lakh out of which credit purchases were
(3) Administrative expenses amounted to ` 18 lakh. Salary of ` 16 lakh was charged
to profit and loss account for the year. Salary of ` 4 lakh was outstanding as on
31-03-2019. (Salary does not form part of Administrative expenses)
(4) The company has 15% debentures of ` 10 lakh, which it redeemed during the year
at a premium of 10% by issue of equity shares of ` 9 lakh towards redemption and
the balance was paid in cash. Debenture Interest was also paid during the year.
(5) Dividend paid during the year amounted to ` 12 lakh (including dividend distribution
(6) Investment costing ` 10 lakh were sold at a profit of ` 2.50 lakh.
(7) Income tax payable for the year was ` 80,000.
(8) Depreciation of 25% is charged by the company on opening balance of Plant and
Machinery. At the year end one old plant costing ` 5,00,000 (WDV ` 2,00,000) was
sold for ` 3,50,000. The purchases were also made at year end.
(9) The following balances are also provided :
` in Lakh ` in Lakh
31-03-2018 31-03-2019
Debtors 40 45
Creditors 20 23
Bank 5 -
Plant & Machinery 50 70
Provision for tax 1 0.7
(b) From the following details, find out the average due date of the bills issued by A to B :
Date of Bill Amount (`) Usance of the Bill
29th January, 2018 10,000 1 month
20th March 2018 8,000 2 months
12th July, 2018 14,000 1 month
10th August, 2018 12,000 2 months
Base date to be taken shall be the earliest due date. (10 + 6 = 16 Marks)
(a) ABC Ltd.
Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 st March, 2019
(Using direct method)
Particulars ` In lakhs ` In lakhs
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash sales (50% of 270) 135
Cash receipts from Debtors 130
[40 + 135 - 45]
Cash purchases (20% of 60) (12)
Cash payments to suppliers (45)
[20 + 60 x 80% – 23]
Cash paid to employees (12)
Cash payments for overheads (Adm. and selling) (18)
Cash generated from operations 178
Income tax paid (1.1)
Net cash generated from operating activities 176.9
Cash flows from investing activities
Sale of investments (10+ 2.5) 12.5
Payments for purchase of fixed assets (34.5)
Sale of Machinery 3.5
Net cash used in investing activities (18.5)
Cash flows from financing activities
Redemption of debentures (11-9) (2)
Interest paid (1.5)
Dividend paid (12)
Net cash used in financing activities (15.5)
Net increase in cash 142.90
Cash at beginning of the period 5.00
Cash at end of the period 147.90
Working Notes
1. Calculation of Income Tax paid during the year
Provision for taxation A/c
` `
To Cash (Amount paid 1,10,000 By Balance b/d 1,00,000
during the year
balancing figure)
To Balance c/d 70,000 By P & L A/c (Provision 80,000
for the year)
1,80,000 1,80,000
2. Calculation of Purchase of Fixed Assets
Plant & Machinery A/c
` `
To Balance b/d 50,00,000 By Depreciation (25% 12,50,000
of ` 50 Lacs)
To P & L A/c (Profit on 1,50,000 By Cash (Sale) 3,50,000
To Cash
(Purchases)(bal. fig.) 34,50,000 By Balance c/d 70,00,000
86,00,000 86,00,000
(b) Calculation of Average Due Date
(Taking 3rd March, 2018 as base date)
Date of bill 2018 Term Due date Amount No. of days Product
2018 from the base
date i.e. 3rd
(`) (`) (`)
29th January 1 month 3rd March 10,000 0 0
20th March 2 months 23rd May 8,000 81 6,48,000
12th July 1month 14th Aug. 14,000 164 22,96,000
10th August 2 months 13th Oct. 12,000 224 26,88,000
44,000 56,32,000
Sum of Products
Average due date = Base date + Days equal to
Sum of Amounts
= 3rd March, 2018 +
= 3rd March, 2018 + 128 days = 9 th July, 2018
Bill dated 12 th July, 2018 has the maturity period of one month, due date (after adding 3
days of grace) falls on 15 th August, 2018. 15 th August being public holiday, due date
would be preceding date i.e. 14th August, 2018.
Question 4
Prepare the Income & Expenditure Account of the Entertainment Club for the year ending
31st March, 2019 and Balance Sheet on that date from the following information:
Receipts and Payment Account of Entertainment Club
For the year ending on 31 st March, 2019
Receipts ` Payments `
To Balance b/d (cash) 25,000 By Rent and Rates 89,250
To Subscriptions: By Furniture purchased 80,000
2017-18 13,350 By Creditors for Sports 71,000
2018-19 4,20,000 By Purchases for Sports 20,000
2019-20 12,000 4,45,350 Materials
By Cost of prizes awarded 23,450
To Sales of Sports Materials 34,000 By Match expenses 38,200
To Entrance Fees 50,000 By Miscellaneous expenses 1,28,300
To General Donation 25,750 By Balance c/d 1,49,300
To Donation for prize fund 15,500
To Interest on prize fund 2,000
To Miscellaneous receipts 1,900
5,99,500 5,99,500
Additional Information :
Particulars 31st March, 2018 31st March, 2019
Sports materials 25,000 28,000
Furniture 2,50,000 ?
5% Prize fund investments 80,000 ?
Creditors for sports materials 7,500 15,250
Subscription in arrears (17-18) 23,750 ?
Prize fund 80,000 ?
Rent paid in advance - 4,750
Outstanding rent 3,750 -
• Book value of sports materials sold was ` 30,000.
• Depreciation on furniture is to be provided @ 10%.
• Half of the entrance fee is to be capitalized.
• There are 1520 members, each paying an annual subscription@ ` 300.
• Subscription received in advance on 31-3-2018 were ` 9,000 (For 2018-19). (16 Marks)
Books of Entertainment Club
Income & Expenditure Account
For the year ending 31 st March, 2019
Particulars ` Particular `
To Rent & Rates (W.N.4) 80,750 By Subscription 4,56,000
(` 1,520 × ` 300)
To Match expenses 38,200 By Profit on sale of sports 4,000
To Misc. expense 1,28,300 (` 34,000 - ` 30,000)
To Depreciation 33,000 By Entrance fee 25,000
(10% of ` 3,30,000) on By Misc. Receipts 1,900
To Sports material consumed 65,750 By General donation 25,750
To Surplus 1,66,650
5,12,650 5,12,650
Question 5
(a) ABC Ltd. has insured itself under a loss of profit policy for ` 3,30,000 with indemnity
period of 8 months under average clause. A fire occurred in the factory on 01-01-2019
and normal business was affected up to 30-04-2019.
From the following information, prepare a Statement of Claim under the policy:
Actual Turnover over the period of dislocation 50,000
(01-01-2019 to 30-4-2019)
Turnover for 12 months immediately preceding the date of fire 10,00,000
(01-01-2018 to 31-12-2018)
Turnover for corresponding period in 12 months immediately 4,50,000
preceding the date of fire (01-01-2018 to 30-04-2018)
Turnover for last financial year 12,00,000
Net Profit for last financial year 3,00,000
Uninsured Standing charges 18,000
Insured Standing charges for the last financial year 60,000
Following increases are approved in the policy:
(i) Increase in G.P. rate by 2%
(ii) Increase in turnover by 10%
There was an additional cost of working of ` 20,000 during dislocation period. Due to this
additional cost there was a saving of ` 5,000 in insured standing charges during the
indemnity period and but for this additional cost the turnover during the period of
dislocation would have been only ` 35,000.
(b) XYZ Limited held on 1st April, 2018, 1000 9% Government Securities at ` 90,000 (Face
Value of Security ` 100 each). Three month's interest had accrued on the above date.
On 1st May, the company purchased the same Government Securities of the face value
of ` 80,000 at ` 95 cum-interest. On 1 st June, ` 60,000 face value of the security was
sold at ` 94 cum-interest. Interest on the security was paid each year on 30 th June and
31st December and was credited by the bank on the same date. On 30th September,
` 40,000 face value of the Govt. securities were sold at ` 97 cum-interest. On
1st December, the company purchased the same security ` 10,000 at par ex-interest. On
1st March, the company sold ` 10,000 face value of the government securities at ` 95 ex-
You are required to draw up the 9% Government Security Account in the books of XYZ
Limited. FIFO method shall be followed.
Calculation shall be made to the nearest rupee or multiple thereof. (8 + 8 = 16 Marks)
(a) Computation of loss of profit Insurance claim
(1) Rate of gross profit:
Net profit for the last financial year 3,00,000
Add: Insured standing charges 60,000
Turnover for the last financial year 12,00,000
` 3,60,000
Rate of gross profit = 100 = 30%
` 12,00,000
Gross profit after adding 2% = 30%+2%= 32%
(2) Short sales:
Standard Turnover 4,50,000
Add: 10% increasing trend 45,000
Less: Turnover during the dislocation period (50,000)
(3) Annual (Adjusted) Turnover:
Annual Turnover (1-1-2018 to 31-12-2018) 10,00,000
Add: 10% increasing trend 1,00,000
Note: Assumed that trend adjustment is required on total amount of annual turnover.
However, part of the annual turnover represents trend adjusted figure. Alternatively, trend
may be ignored and annual turnover can be taken simply.
(4) Additional Expenses: `
(i) Actual Expenses 20,000
(ii) Gross profit on sales generated by additional expenses
32/100× (` 50,000 – ` 35,000) = 4,800
Gross Profit on Annual (Adjusted) Turnover
(iii) × Additional Expenses
Gross Profit shown in the numerator + Uninsured standing charges
(32% on ` 11,00,000)/ [(32% on ` 11,00,000)+18,000)] x ` 20,000
[` 3,52,000/(` 3,52,000+ ` 18,000)] x ` 20,000 = `19,027
Working Notes:
1. Interest accrued on 1 st April 2018 = `1,00,000 x 9% x 3/12 = ` 2,250
2. Accrued Interest on 800 units as on 01.05.2018 = ` 80,000 x 9/100 x 4/12 = ` 2,400
reserve ` 1,25,000)
General Reserve 95,000 Stock 5,50,000
Long-term loan 10,45,000 Sundry debtors 5,00,000
Bank overdraft 3,60,000 Profit and Loss A/c 50,000
Sundry Creditors 6,50,000
33,00,000 33,00,000
It was decided that Y would retire from the partnership on 1-4-2019 and M would be admitted
as a partner on the same date. Following adjustments are agreed amongst the partners for the
(i) Goodwill is to be valued at ` 6,00,000, but the same will not appear as an asset in the
books of the firm.
(ii) Building and machinery are to be revalued at ` 10,00,000 and ` 6,40,000 respectively.
(iii) Investments are to be taken over by Y at the market value.
(iv) Provision for doubtful debts is to be maintained at 15% on Sundry debtors.
(v) The capital of the reconstituted firm will be ` 15,00,000 to be contributed by the partners
X, Y1 and M in their new profit sharing ratio of 2:2:1.
(vi) Surplus funds, if any will be used to pay the bank overdraft.
(vii) Amount due to retiring partner Y will be transferred to his loan account.
(1) Revaluation Account
(2) Capital Accounts of the partners; and
(3) Balance Sheet of the firm after reconstitution. (16 Marks)
Revaluation Account
` `
To Provision for doubtful debts 75,000 By Building 50,000
(15% on 5,00,000)
To Machinery 60,000 By Investments 25,000
By Parents’ Capital A/cs:
X 30,000
Y 18,000
` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
To Revaluation 30,000 18,000 12,000
To Goodwill 1,00,000 60,000 40,000 By Balance b/d 5,00,000 2,50,000 2,00,000 -
To Investment 1,25,000 - - By Investment 1,00,000 60,000 40,000 -
To P & L A/c 25,000 15,000 10,000 By General -
Reserve 47,500 28,500 19,000
To X - 30,000 30,000 By Z 30,000 90,000 - -
To Y - - 90,000 90,000 By M 30,000 90,000 - -
To Y’s Loan - 3,00,500 - -
To Balance c/d 6,00,000 - 6,00,000 3,00,000 By Bank 47,500 - 5,23,000 4,20,000
7,55,000 5,18,500 7,82,000 4,20,000 7,55,000 5,18,500 7,82,000 4,20,000