Mathematical Model of Two-Dof Five Links Closed-Chain Mechanism (Pantograph)

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Abdel Ghany Mohameda , Mohamed Sallamb , Mohamed Shamseldin c*, Laylaa EL-Tehewyd
a HigherEngineering Institute, Thebes Academy, Cairo, Egypt, (on leave from Helwan University ),
b Mechatronics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Egyptian-Chinese University (on leave from Helwan
c Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Future University in Egypt,

d Mechatronics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, MTI University, Cairo, Egypt,

*Corresponding author: Email address:

Received: 04-April-2021 Accepted: 08-April-2021 Published: 31-April-2021

Parallel manipulators have been developed largely for applications that need high accuracy
and speed, which make them useful in important fields. This paper presents a detailed
mathematical model for a closed chain pantograph mechanism. This task was done by defining
its differential equation of motion and implements it using the Matlab Simulink. The
mathematical model describes the forward and inverse kinematics, in addition, the dynamic
behavior. The mathematical model advantage is studying the parameters variation using different
advanced control techniques. This model can be implemented using the Simscape model, which
considers a black-box model. To validate the proposed mathematical model for the pantograph,
the corresponding model mechanism using the Simscape had been implemented. A comparative
study was executed between the mathematical model and the outputs of the Simscape. The results
indicated a perfect match for output extracted from Simscape and Simulink. This is evidence for
the validity of the inferred equations and Simulink model.

KEYWORDS: Pantograph Modeling; Close Chain Mechanism; Simscape, Matlab Simulink.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Business Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2021 - ISSN 2682-2938
Innovation and Research Center, Faculty of Engineering and Management Science, Integrated Thebes Academy (ITA). 60

Parallel robots have become a necessary part of general

robots both in academia and in the industry [1]. Besides,
with the rapid development of parallel robots, the research
on mechanism theory, mobility analysis, dimensional
synthesis, kinematics and dynamics modeling [2], and
design optimization have been increasing on a large scale.

The development of parallel robotics and controllable Fig.1: Five Bar Planar
mechanism, a five-bar planar mechanism has become (Pantograph).
widely used as a mechanical design, which is called a pantograph mechanism shown in Fig. 1.
The name pantograph refers to the five-sided links used. Four of the five links are moving
platform and the fifth one is base platform. The Five bar planar manipulator is a relatively simple
mechanism has two degree-of-freedom (DOF) and its kinematics is explicit [3] [4] [5]. However,
its characteristics are high speed, high accuracy, low inertia and carrying more weights [6]. For
these reasons, it draws a lot of researchers’ attention. Some prototypes and commercial products
were made, such as 'double SCARA' RP-AH
series offered by Mitsubishi Electrics, and
DexTAR, five-bar planar manipulator designed by
ETS. The five-links planar of the pantograph,
which is a simple two degree of freedom (DOF)
mechanism (Fig. 2), one of them (L0) is passive
and the other four links (L1, L2, L3, L4) are
active. The system contains only five rotational

joints (figure 2). Links 1 and 4 are the driving

Fig.2: Two-DOF Mechanism.
links. With the help of the appropriate rotation of
the actuating links, the characteristic point e of the system can follow the desired planar trajectory
in the borders of the working zone [7]. Especially, the need for exactly adaptive automation in
varied applications has led to higher requirements for operational accuracy and cycle time with
robots [8]. Examples of such needs are higher precision assembly, faster product handling,
surface finishing, better measurements, surface finishing, and milling capabilities [9].
Additionally, there is a high demand for off-line programming to eliminate touch-up of
programmed positions; in other words, robots must perform their task with better load capacity
and accuracy in operations. A general trend of meeting these requirements is to make use of

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parallel robots, which have excellent potential capabilities, including high rigidity, high accuracy,
and high loading capacities [10].

This paper is organized as following: Forward Kinematics as the first section, followed by
Investors Kinematics, then Dynamics including Velocity vectors, and then Kinetic Energy, which
will lead us to the equations of movement and in the end the results part. This paper features a
complete infer of all the mathematical equations that represent the pantograph in addition to the
saturation portion detailed in Section 6 in addition to simulations on Simulink Matlab and also on
Simscape and comparing results. A number of researchers have previously provided a portion of
the mathematical equations that represent the pantograph, such as [11] [12].


The constrain of the five-link mechanisms as shown in Fig. 3 is given by


Where for i=1,….., 5 is the length of links , are unit vectors. The relation
between the task space (X = ) and joint space of the five-link
mechanism system can be calculated, where x and y are the Cartesian coordinates of Joint e with

respect to the plane ( ) of reference [13], as shown in fig. 3 [14].

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In order to solve for x and y using and , define the following vector:


Where is the position vector of point e in the plane ( ) by using equation 2, obtain
the following two scalar equations
Fig. 3 : Direct Kinematics Mechanism.



Equations (3) and (4) can simulate the forward kinematics of the five-link mechanism. Need
to solve in terms of by the holonomic constraints. Where is passive angle and has to be
described using the active angle of the device ( and ). From equation (1) can conclude that:


Equation (5) gives the following:



Thus, from equations (6 and 7) can deduce which expresses the X coordinate of the point
and is Y coordinate as following



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The Newton-Raphson theory or Trigonometry method can be used to find . In this
work, the trigonometry method was used to calculate it.

From equation (8) and (9), are independent. So, consider as a function
of :

( 10 )


From equations (9) and (10) will result that,

( 11 )


By added the equations (8) and (9) and remove the passive angles and can get
direct relation between the coordinates of the end-effector and link lengths to the actuating angles
as following equations [15].

( 12 )


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( 13 )


The links lengths are constant for the robot, which helps to easily solve the above equations.
From equation (12) and (13) it can obtained without known The only inputs
need for controlling the five-link mechanism is the location of the end-effector ( ).


The position vector of the center of mass of link A with respect to reference plane ( ) is
given by:

( 14 )

The position vector of the center of mass of link B is given by:

( 15 )

Similarly, the position vector of the center of mass of link D is given by:

( 16 )

Finally, the position vector of the center of mass of link C is given by:

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Fig. 4 : Velocity Vectors.

( 17 )

5 The velocity vector of the calculated position vectors with respect to the
plane ( ):

Velocity vector of the center of mass of link A in the plane of reference (Fig. 4):

( 18 )

Velocity vector of the center of mass of link B:

( 19 )

Velocity vector of the center of mass of link D is:

( 20 )

Velocity vector of the center of mass of link C is:

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( 21 )


Links A and D has a rotational motion only so its kinetic energy is:

( 22 )

( 23 )

But Links B and C have a rational and translation motion so its kinetic energy is:

( 24 )

( 25 )

Total kinetic energy:

( 26 )

Equation of motion by Lagrangian equation [16]:

By using Lagrangian equation obtain by torque, T1 and T2, Where ( ) are constants.

( 27 )

( 28 )

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Because the pantograph is planar system, thus was neglected.

( 29 )

( 30 )

From equation (29) and (30), as a matrix form, where A and B are the inertia matrix [18]

( 31 )

( 32 )


It is an important part which is the permissible boundary for a mechanism, so that the link
does not reach the singularity state during the path [19].

For this to be achieved must not be equal to 180 degrees but rather greater.

So, shown in fig. 5

( 33 )

So the first boundary:

( 34 )

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Fig. 5 : First Boundary Condition. Fig. 6 : Second and Third Conditions.

Second one: In order for the mechanism not to reach the position shown in Fig. 6, must be
greater than .

Third one: must be greater than .

( 35 )

( 36 )

The three rules (35), (36), and (37), can be implemented using the logic gate (AND), as will
be explained later in the attached Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 in the Result section.


• After applying the equations that were deduced in this paper to the Simulink Matlab
program shown in fig. 7, then to the Simscape shown in fig. 8.

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Fig. 7: Simulink Model of Pantograph Mechanism.

Fig. 8: Simscape Model of Pantograph Mechanism.

• When The input of motor1 torque is: , and motor2 torque is: Where
the previously mentioned three saturation rules are fulfilled, and based on Table.1 that
shows he robot parameters The results of the output were found identical as follows in Fig.

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9 and Fig. 10. Where the Y-axis expresses the angle in degrees, and the X-axis expresses
time in sec :

Fig. 9: Theta_1 from Simscape and Simulink.

Fig. 10: Theta_4 from Simscape and Simulink.

Table 1: The Robot Parameters.

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Mass of links : 1 of unit mass

Length of links 0.2 unit length


• A detailed mathematical model for a closed chain pantograph mechanism has been
implemented using the Matlab Simulink. The mathematical model demonstrates the
differential equations of the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, and dynamics. To
verify the proposed mathematical model for pantograph, a comparative study was
executed between the mathematical model and the outputs of the Simscape. The
simulation results show that the both of Simscape and Simulink model are identical. This
is evidence for the validity of the inferred equations and the validity of the Simulink

• Future work: The Simulink model will be used later to set more than one control and test
the efficiency of each of them.


The authors would like to offer thanks to Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Ghany, Faculty of
Engineering, 6th October University, for his great efforts in this paper, and special thanks to Eng.
Zakaria Saeed, for his help in the paper.

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