Specs - Mechanical Works

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices











21 05 48







22 05 48



Table of Contents
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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices





23 05 48
23 34 00 HVAC FANS



End of Table of Contents.

Table of Contents
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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Application
1.3 Scope of Works
1.4 Quality Assurance
1.5 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.6 Approvals
1.7 Engineer's Drawings
1.8 Shop Drawings and Data to be submitted for Approval
1.9 Approved Materials
1.10 Abbreviations
1.11 Workmanship


2.1 Cleaning and Adjusting

2.2 Tests
2.3 Coordination of Trades
2.4 Permits
2.5 Testing and Commissioning

Section 21 05 00
Common Work Results for Fire Suppression

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 The work of Division 21 shall be governed by general conditions of contract and sections
of Division – 21.

1.1.2 It is the Contractors responsibility to be fully aware of and comply with all of the
requirements of the above documents, and further assure that all Subcontractors are
equally informed.

1.1.3 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “NEOM
sustainability requirements\ Green Building Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile
Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

1.1.4 All materials and equipment used in the installation of the fire protection system shall be
approved and listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and/or Factory Mutual (FM).

1.1.5 Since the fire water tie in connection information is still not available, the contractor shall
investigate this issue during design stage and provide the necessary provisions if the
external network is still not ready for connection.

1.16 Fire and life safety report showing the reference document for exact classification and
proposed firefighting systems shall be submitted.

1.2 Application

1.2.1 This section applies to and is part of all Sections of Division 21

1.3 Scope of Works

1.3.1 The works covered under this contract include the supply, installation, testing, adjusting
and putting into operation systems, components of systems, and individual items of
equipment, and work related thereto, in accordance with the project Tender Documents.
Products not mentioned but obviously necessary for the completion of those Works shall
be provided.

1.3.2 Any NFPA or SBC or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or approval shall be the
Contractor responsibility and shall be included in the Tender price and any future
requirement either shown on the drawings or specifications shall be done without any
additional cost implication to original contract.

1.3.3 All Firefighting work shall be carried out by Specialist approved by Civil Defense and it is
the Contractor responsibility to obtain Civil Defense drawings approval before the work

1.3.4 Piping shall be pitched to permit complete draining of the system.

1.3.5 Fire standpipe shall not be used in any way to provide water for other purposes.

1.3.6 All valves and risers shall be securely supported at each floor.
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1.3.7 All valves and risers shall be located where readily accessible.

1.3.8 All local alarms shall be linked with the electrical fire control panel as shown on drawings
and or specified in such a way that whenever any local alarm is initiated, a corresponding
pilot and alarm shall be actuated on the main fire control panel to indicate occurrence of
fire in the particular zone.

1.3.9 Where Fire Command Centre is there, remote (repeater) control panels should be
provided to monitor and override the normal logic or sequence of operations in case of
emergency for all Fire Fighting systems.

1.4 Quality Assurance

1.4.1 The manufacturers of all materials and equipment must have at least ten years of
experience in the design and manufacture of their products.

1.5 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.5.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.
Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists
Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control for Fire
Suppression Piping and Equipment.
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 12 26 - Fire Suppression Valve and Hose Cabinet

1.6 Approvals

1.6.1 No item shall be installed in breach of any of the existing local fire department regulations.
In all cases, however, installation shall comply with National Fire Codes (NFPA Latest
Edition) or indicated otherwise.

1.7 Engineer's Drawings

1.7.1 The Drawings are based on design and include general layouts and typical details of
various systems to be installed. The Contractor shall make the installations in a
workmanlike manner to conform to the structure, to avoid obstructions, to preserve head
room, and to keep openings and passage ways clear without additional instruction and
without additional cost to the owner.

1.8 Shop Drawings and Data to be submitted for Approval

1.8.1 The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the exact routing and locations of all
the piping, ducting, equipment, etc., all in their respective locations and according to the
dimensions of the approved manufacturer. Shop Drawings scale shall be 1/10, 1/20, 1/50
and 1/100 as applicable and as approved by the Engineer.

1.8.2 The Contractor shall submit catalog cuts and brochures of products with reference to
proper paragraph in specifications. All submittals shall be binded in one Booklet.

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

1.8.3 The Contractor shall submit at the beginning of the project a schedule of submittals for
materials and shop drawings to the approval of the Engineer.

1.9 Approved Materials

1.9.1 All materials shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of the Specifications.

1.9.2 The naming of manufacturers in the Specifications shall be strictly adhered to in all

1.9.3 Substitution of materials other than those named shall not be submitted.

1.9.4 Materials shall be delivered in unbroken packages bearing the brand and maker's name,
and shall be stored on platforms and properly covered to protect them from moisture, heat
and dust.

1.9.5 All materials shall be supplied from the main factories in the country of origin of the
manufacturer. Any deviation from this, like supplying equipment assembled in another
different country under a license or another name is not accepted unless approved by the

1.10 Abbreviations

1.10.1 The following abbreviations have been mentioned in the specifications.

AGA American Gas Association.
AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Associations.
ANSI American National Standard Institute.
ARI Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute.
ASA Acoustical Society of America, American Standards Association.
ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers.
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
AWWA American Water Work Association.
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials.
SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association.
NFPA National Fire Protection Association.
UL Under Writers Laboratories.
NPC National Plumbing Code.
SBC Saudi Building Code
FM Factory Mutual

1.11 Workmanship

1.11.1 All workmanship required to accomplish the work mentioned in Mechanical specification or
shown on related Drawings, shall conform to the highest standards, and as required by
the Engineer.

1.11.2 The Engineer will be the sole judge of the standards required.

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2.1 Cleaning and Adjusting

2.1.1 All apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in operation. Finished
surfaces shall be restored if damaged and entire installation shall be delivered in perfect
condition, subject to the approval of the Engineer.

2.2 Tests

2.2.1 All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the corresponding section of
the Specifications and to meet local and specified requirements. Labor, materials, power,
etc.., required for testing, shall be furnished by the Contractor, unless otherwise indicated
under the particular section of the Specifications.

2.2.2 Tests shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer and such
other parties that have legal jurisdiction and all results shall be recorded.

2.2.3 In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping systems only before connection of
fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any piping, fixtures, equipment or
appliances be subjected to pressures exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the
manufacturers of fixtures, equipment and appliances, or accepted engineering standards
for piping and fittings.

2.2.4 All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall be repeated
until the particular system and component parts thereof receive the approval of the
Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

2.2.5 Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged materials replaced,
all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

2.2.6 The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having jurisdiction, but in no
case less than the time prescribed in each division of the Specifications.

2.2.7 The following tests should be furnished for but limited to the following Fire Suppression
System Test.

2.3 Coordination of Trades

2.3.1 The Contractor shall coordinate the work to ensure orderly, timely installations of the work
of applicable trades within the various spaces indicated.

2.4 Permits

2.4.1 The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspections and tests, for
the proper installation of his work, as may be required by the various administrative
authorities having jurisdiction.

2.4.2 Certificates of inspections, tests etc., with the proper approval certified thereon, shall be
secured by the Contractor and these documents shall be delivered to the Engineer before
the work in question will be accepted.

2.4.3 After the pipe lines have been tested and approved, backfill shall be compacted
thoroughly by hand tampers below center lines of pipes and to at least 300mm above it.
No backfill shall be placed in such a manner as to cause damage or misalignment to the
pipes or protective coating if used. Backfill material under such conditions shall be earth or
gravel above the top of piping and hubs.
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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

2.5 Testing and Commissioning

2.5.1 Complete all phases of work so the system, equipment, and components can be checked
out, started, calibrated, operationally tested, adjusted, balanced, functionally tested, and
otherwise commissioned. Complete systems, including all subsystems, so they are fully

2.5.2 Testing and commissioning shall be as required under the applicable sections of Division
21 or as per Authority Having Jurisdiction, FLS and NFPA requirement.

2.5.3 Additional tests may be required in the case of products, materials, and equipment if: Submitted items are altered, changed, or cannot be determined as exactly conforming to
the Contract Documents.

End of Section 21 05 00

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 16



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.3 Codes and Standards


2.1 Pipe Expansion Joints


3.1 Pipe Installation

Section 21 05 16
Expansion Fittings and Loop for
Fire Suppression Piping
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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 16



1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 Pipe bending shall not be resorted to except in extreme cases and only after the written
approval of the Engineer.

1.1.2 Piping shall be designed with Loops to take the thermal expansion. Wherever this is not
possible for physical reasons, expansion joints with guides shall be used.

1.1.3 Installation of pipes shall be complete with all cutting, patching and making good of walls,
slabs, partitions, etc., due to fixing, supporting and anchoring of pipes.

1.1.4 Automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket locations, and/or at the highest
points in the lines.

1.1.5 Pipes and fittings shall both be manufactured according to one single standard unit of
measurement, either both English or both metric.

1.1.6 Provision shall be made for flushing the system.

1.1.7 All piping shall be installed so that the system may be thoroughly drained.

1.1.8 The piping shall be pitched in the direction of drainage.

1.1.9 Drain valves shall be provided where necessary, where shown on the Drawings and at all
sectional valves to help draining the major part of the system. On all risers 4" (100mm) or
larger, drain valve shall be 2" (50 mm) size, on 2½" (65 mm) and 3" (80mm) risers, 1¼"
(32 mm) valves shall be used and on small risers, ¾" (20mm) drain valves shall be

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.
Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control for Fire
Suppression Piping and Equipment.
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 13 13 - Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

Section 21 05 16
Expansion Fittings and Loop for
Fire Suppression Piping
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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily United States Codes,
unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned
in this section shall conform to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicabl Title of Standard

1. Underwriters UL - -
2. National Fire Protection NFPA 14 Combined Stand Pipe &
Association Hose System with Sprnklers
3. American Water Works AWWA - -
4. Saudi Building Code SBC 801 Saudi Fire Code


2.1 Pipe Expansion Joints

2.1.1 Supply and install expansion joints wherever pipes cross structural expansion joints and
wherever required to prevent undue stresses caused by thermal expansion of the pipes.

2.1.2 Expansion joints shall be of the packless-bellow type with flanged or welded ends as
suitable for the pipe application.

2.1.3 Bellows shall be of stainless steel and suitable for a pressure of 125 psi (860 Kpa ) or the
design working pressure, whichever is greater. Expansion joints shall be provided with
guides to prevent any unnecessary misalignment of the pipe. Guides and anchor
arrangements shall be per the recommendations of the expansion joints manufacturers.


3.1 Pipe Installation

3.1.1 Piping shall be pitched to permit complete draining of the system.

3.1.2 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe.

3.1.3 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.1.4 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

End of Section 21 05 16

Section 21 05 16
Expansion Fittings and Loop for
Fire Suppression Piping
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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 19



1.1 Approvals
1.2 Requirements
1.3 Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.4 Codes and Standards


2.1 Pressure Gauges

2.2 Flow Meters



Section 21 05 19
Meters and Gauges for Fire Suppression Systems

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 19



1.1 Approvals

1.1.1 No items shall be installed in breach of any of the existing Authority Having Jurisdiction
(AHJ) regulations. In all access, however, installation shall comply with National Fire
Codes (NFPA latest editions).

1.2 Requirements

1.2.1 Supply and install wherever shown on the drawings all materials specified in the
capacities and ratings indicated on the drawings.

1.3 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists

Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control for Fire
Suppression Piping and Equipment
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping

1.4 Codes and Standards

1.4.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily United States Codes,
unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned
in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. Underwriters Laboratories UL - -
2. National Fire Protection NFPA 14 Combined Stand Pipe &
Association Hose System with
3. American Water Works AWWA - -
4. Saudi Building Code SBC 801 Saudi Fire Code

Section 21 05 19
Meters and Gauges for Fire Suppression Systems

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices


2.1 Pressure Gauges

2.1.1 Bourdon-tube type with 120 mm. diameter cast aluminium case with moisture-proof and
dustproof blowout discs. Panel mounted gauges to have steel or aluminium hinged rings;
direct mounted gauges to have back flange, black numerals on a white background face.

2.1.2 Pressure gauge shall be furnished with a lever-operated gauge cock, and shall have
snubbers installed between the gauge cock and the gauge to eliminate pulsations.

2.1.3 Bourdon Tube shall be Phosphor bronze, (beryllium copper bellows).

2.1.4 Socket shall be Stainless steel.

2.1.5 Accuracy shall be at least 1% of scale range, shall be equal to twice the rated working
pressure of the unit (pumps, chillers) reading shall be in psi. and Kpa.

2.1.6 Pressure gauges shall be UL 393 listed.

2.1.7 A compound gauge shall be on the suction side as described in NFPA 20.

2.2 Flow Meters

2.2.1 Supply and install flow meters at the pump test flow line, as shown on drawings. The
meter connections and cocks shall be carried well above the line. Install the flow meters
in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation, as per Authority Having
Jurisdiction (AHJ) regulations.



End of Section 21 05 19

Section 21 05 19
Meters and Gauges for Fire Suppression Systems

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 23



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.3 Codes and Standards


2.1 Flow Switch - Electric Type

2.2 Gear Box and Monitor

2.3 Gate Valves

2.4 Pressure Reducing Valves

2.5 Strainers


3.1 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.2 Pipe Installation

Section 21 05 23
General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 23



1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 Drain valves shall be provided where necessary, where shown on the Drawings and at all
sectional valves to help draining the major part of the system. On all risers 4" (100mm) or
larger, drain valve shall be 2" (50 mm) size, on 2½" (65 mm) and 3" (80mm) risers, 1¼"
(32 mm) valves shall be used and on small risers, ¾" (20mm) drain valves shall be

1.1.2 All valves controlling the water supply shall be located where readily accessible.

1.1.3 Provision shall be made for test connections and valves.

1.1.4 Control power transformer as applicable to limit control voltage to 24 VDC maximum.

1.1.5 Control Valves shall be shall be OS&Y Indicating valves on the suction side of the fire
pumps. Control valves downstream shall be OS & Y type or butterfly valves as per
relevant NFPA standard.

1.1.6 All valves in Fire Protection shall be indicating valves.

1.1.7 All valves shall comply with NFPA-13.

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.
Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists
Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, Seismic Control for Fire Suppression
Piping and Equipment.
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 13 13 - Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

1.3 Codes and Standards

Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily United States Codes,
unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned
in this section shall conform to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

Section 21 05 23
General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. Underwriters UL - -
2. National Electrical NEMA MIG Part 14
3. National Electrical Code NEC - -
4. National Fire Protection NFPA 14 Combined Stand Pipe & Hose System
Association with Sprinklers
5. National Fire Protection NFPA 13 Sprinkler System
6. Saudi Building Code SBC 801 Saudi Fire Code


2.1 Flow Switch - Electric Type

2.1.1 Flow switch shall comply with UL 346. It shall be electrical-supervision, vane-type water-
flow detector; with pressure rating as per NFPA; and designed for horizontal or vertical
installation. Include two single-pole, double-throw, circuit switches for isolated alarm and
auxiliary contacts, 7 A, 125-V ac and 0.25 A, 24-V dc; complete with factory-set, field-
adjustable retard element to prevent false signals and tamperproof cover that sends
signal if removed.

2.2 Gear Box and Monitor

2.2.1 Supply and install gear box with internal switch for each supervisory type isolating valve in
the sprinkler system.

2.2.2 The box and the switch shall be UL listed and approved by FM. Valve Supervisory
Switches: Single pole, double throw, with normally closed contacts complying with UL
753. Switch shall signal fire-alarm panel or releasing panel when valve is in other than
fully open position.

2.3 Gate Valves

2.3.1 Gate valves for fire protection are used for on/off operation.

2.3.2 Valves design and shall be leak free and shall conform to AWWA C515, and Working
pressure of 300 psi (21 bar)

2.3.3 Valves must be the same size as the water service line.

2.3.4 The valve body shall be bronze for sizes less than 2" (50 mm), and cast iron or ductile
iron for sizes above. All components that to be corrosion resistant

2.3.5 The stem shall be of high strength bronze or stainless steel with tight seal arrangement
with EPDM ductile iron wedges.

2.3.6 Valves shall be FM Approved and UL \Listed valve.

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General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

2.3.7 Control Valves shall be shall be OS&Y Indicating valves on the suction side of the fire
pumps. Control valves downstream shall be OS & Y type or butterfly valves as per
relevant NFPA standard.

2.3.8 All valves in Fire Protection shall be indicating valves.

2.3.9 Gate Valves, DN50 (NPS 2) and Smaller: UL 262; cast-bronze, threaded ends; solid
wedge; OS&Y; and rising stem.

2.3.10 Indicating Valves, DN65 (NPS 2-1/2) and Smaller: UL 1091; butterfly or ball-type, bronze
body with threaded ends; and integral indicating device.

2.4 Pressure Reducing Valves

2.4.1 Pressure reducing valves shall be of the direct operated type UL 1468,

2.4.2 Each valve shall be constructed of cast iron body, with stainless steel spring and shaft and
nylon diaphragm.

2.4.3 The spring shall be designed to provide the pressure reduction indicated on the Drawings.

2.4.4 The valve shall be designed for a work pressure as per NFPA 13 or as shown on drawings
and shall be threaded or flanged ended as the pipe connecting to it.

2.4.5 The valve shall be of the self contained type without any control lines with all internal parts
being accessible by removing spring chamber and without dismantling the valve itself.

2.4.6 The valve shall be designed to operate smoothly and quietly without chattering or any
water hammer problems.

2.4.7 The valves shall suitable for fire fighting applications and shall be FM Approved and UL
Listed valve.

2.5 Strainers

2.5.1 Water strainer shall be supplied and installed at the suction connection of all pumps, and
ahead of all automatic flow control valves.

2.5.2 Strainers 2 1/2" (65mm) and smaller shall be Y-pattern type with bronze body, screwed
cover, brass basket and screwed ends.

2.5.3 Strainers 3" (75 mm) and larger shall be of cast iron body, brass basket and flanged ends.

2.5.4 Basket shall have 1/32" (0.8 mm.) perforations for water service.

2.5.5 Strainers shall suitable for fire fighting applications and shall be FM Approved and UL
Listed valve or other equivalent international


3.1 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.1.1 Plug all opening ends of piping, valves and equipment except when actual work is being
performed to minimize accumulation of dirt and debris.

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General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

3.1.2 Prior to the performance of tests, flush out all piping that is to receive a hydrostatic test
with clean water.

3.1.3 Remove dirt and debris collected at screens, strainers and other points from the system.

3.2 Pipe Installation

3.2.1 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe for un-
insulated lines or of the insulation for insulated pipes.

3.2.2 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.2.3 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

3.2.4 Sleeve construction:

- Interior Partitions - galvanized sheet iron.

- Interior & Exterior Masonry Walls and Floors-galvanized steel pipe.

3.2.5 Sleeves shall be fire-stopped in gap between pipe and sleeve in all fire rated structures to
Building Regulation E14 using asbestos-free fire proof material and without restricting
pipework movement (with any thermal insulation sections stopped short each side).

3.2.6 Sleeves shall be caulked in gap between pipe and sleeve in external walls using
asbestos-free, weather and vermin proof material.

End of Section 21 05 23

Section 21 05 23
General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping

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SECTION 21 05 29



1.1 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Hangers and Supports, Anchors and Guides

Section 21 05 29
Hangers and Support for Fire Suppression Piping

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 21 05 29



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.1.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

1.1.2 Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control


2.1 Hangers and Supports, Anchors and Guides

2.1.1 Pipe hangers and supports must be in accordance to NFPA13.

2.1.2 Pipes supports shall be designed to maintain their integrity in case of fire exposure.

2.1.3 All underground piping / valves shall be supported with Concrete Anchor Thrust blocks as
recommended by the manufacturer. Provide calculation for the Engineers approval.

2.1.4 All Above ground piping / equipment’s hangers, supports shall be fabricated in accordance
with MSS SP-69 & SP-58. The Hangers, rod supports and supporting devices and
accessories shall be capable of supporting at least twice the live loads of the product
being supported. All hangers, supports and accessories shall be UL listed and FM

2.1.5 Hangers shall be UL, FM approved swivel ring type.

2.1.6 Riser clamps shall be galvanized steel bands shaped to tightly fit O.D. of the pipe, secured
with bolts and nuts.

2.1.7 Piercing of load supporting system is not permitted.

2.1.8 The supporting structure can be directly attached to equipment’s if the equipment supplier
certifies this supporting feasibility.

2.1.9 The welding of pipes on the supports on the pipes is not permitted.

2.1.10 Pipes supporting system must be reinforced in order to reduce any movements resulting
from nozzles reaction and therefore preserve the system performance and integrity if
battering ram is used.

2.1.11 The maximum length for a non-supported DN 25 pipe is 0.8 meter.

2.1.12 If spring hangers are used, they shall be installed and located in accordance with NFPA
13 specifications.

Section 21 05 29
Hangers and Support for Fire Suppression Piping

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2.1.13 The Contractor shall take into account the problem of dilatation (of his systems but also of
the buildings) and shall make the coordination with the others Contractors to solve the
support problems.

End of Section 21 05 29

Section 21 05 29
Hangers and Support for Fire Suppression Piping

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SECTION 21 05 48




1.1 Quality Assurance

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Reference Standards
1.4 Submittals
1.5 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling
1.6 Guarantee
1.7 Acoustic Design Considerations and Specification
1.8 Specified Noise Levels
1.9 Noise Attenuation
1.10 External Area Noise
1.11 Vibration Control
1.12 Vibration Isolation, Structural Noise and Equipment Bases
1.13 Piping System Vibration Isolators


2.1 Isolation Hangers

2.2 Isolation Mounts
2.3 Inertia Bases


3.1 Testing General

3.2 Noise Tests
3.3 Hangers and Supports Performance Test

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SECTION 21 05 48



[This part shall be read in conjunction with Acoustic Specialist Report Specifications. Any
discrepancies between the contents of this section and the acoustic specialist report, the report
specifications shall take presidence].


1.1 Quality Assurance

1.1.1 The Contractor shall consider all necessary acoustic data to determine the actual surface
area to be acoustically treated. Acoustic calculation sheets along with the Contractor's
proposals shall be provided, clearly showing that the specified “Reverberation Time” (RT)
will be achieved by using the type of acoustic treatment, for the approval of the Engineer.

1.1.2 The Specialist Sub-Contractor should have successfully supplied, installed and completed
similar projects for a period of not less than 10 years.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists

Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping

1.3 Reference Standards

1.3.1 Reference Standards shall conform to the following performance criteria determined by
testing full assemblies (component tests are unacceptable) of identical materials and
construction, using factory standard finishes in accordance with relevant codes and

1.3.2 Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide panels with surface burning characteristics to UBC42-2 and ASTM E-84 by a
testing organization approved by the Engineer.

UBC42-2 Fire Hazard Classification Acceptable

ASTM E84 Fire Hazard Classification Class-A
Flame Spread 25 or less
Smoke development 450 or less

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1.3.3 Acoustics Performance Characteristics: Provide acoustic materials with acoustical absorption characteristics as specified

elsewhere by a testing organisation acceptable to Engineer. Approved testing authority
must be independent of the manufacturer.

1.3.4 Toxicity Characteristics Acoustic materials used in the project should have toxicity characteristics in accordance
with article 15, Part 1120 of the New York state uniform fire prevention and building code
MEA classification ME 123-92-M

1.4 Submittals

1.4.1 Shop Drawings Submit to the Engineer, three (3) complete sets of shop drawings prepared on CAD.
(Hand produced drawings shall not be acceptable). The drawings shall show all necessary
details and dimensions required which will subsequently be field verified and revised as
required for the Engineer’s approval.

1.4.2 Samples Submit two (2 sets) of the manufacturers samples, 2# samples per set. Each individual
panel (wall and ceiling) to be actual size with relevant fixing components for the approval
of the Engineer. Product shall be original production material in fabric or vinyl finish as

1.4.3 Certification Submit a certificate of compliance to specify acoustical and fire performance criteria as
per this specification, signed by the manufacturer. Attach independent laboratory test
results, showing that the products supplied as complete assemblies meeting or exceeding
the specified requirements.

1.4.4 Manufacturers Approval The Acoustic Specialist supplying and installing the material shall be an approved agent of
the manufacturer. The manufacturer will certify that said contractor is an officially
appointed agent having sufficient experience and expertise to complete the project in a
satisfactory manner.

1.4.5 Single Source All materials as for as possible shall be from a single supplier.

1.5 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling

1.5.1 Deliver fabricated units and related components to the site for installation to meet a
reasonable schedule and to suit the approved project construction programme. On-site
storage shall be such as to ensure that all panels and associated materials are protected
from damage and the outside elements.

1.5.2 Prior to installation the site must be free of wet and dusty trades and the climatic
conditions stabilized to normal operational levels. Acoustic elements shall be allowed to
stabilize on site 24 hours prior to installation.

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1.6 Guarantee

1.6.1 The Acoustic Specialist shall furnish in the Client’s name, a written guarantee covering the
product supplied against defects in materials and workmanship under normal operating
conditions for a period of one year from the date of completion of acoustic works. The
Contractor shall pass on to the owner any and all guarantees provided by the
manufacturers and acoustic sub-contractor of individual members of the system before the
completion of the project.

1.6.2 Provide to the Engineer in the Client’s name, sound test results. Sound test results should
comply with this specification, which is to achieve the indicated Reverberation Times (RT).
The sound test is to form an integral part of the specialist acoustic sub-contractors scope
of work.

1.7 Acoustic Design Considerations and Specification

1.7.1 It will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the internal acoustic ambient levels
are in accordance with this specification.

1.7.2 Where the contractor fails to meet these specifications he will be expected at his own cost,
to carry out all remedial work necessary to remedy the situation.

1.7.3 It will be the mechanical services sub-contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the noise
generated by the plant, including airborne noise through the structure, do not exceed the
noise criteria levels for the various types of areas specified.

1.7.4 The Specifications shall be read in conjuncture with the relevant clauses of the
Mechanical Specifications Volume 3. In case of any discrepancies the more stringent of
the two or as approved by the Engineer shall be applicable.

1.8 Specified Noise Levels

1.8.1 The optimum NC/NR noise levels for the various spaces refer to Table 1
Section 23 05 48.

1.8.2 The optimum vibration levels for the various spaces refer to Table 2 – Section 23 05 48.

1.8.3 The noise and vibration measurement time parameter (T) shall be representative of the
source being measured and at least 1 minute for steady-state noise and vibration sources.
If sources are intermittent or cyclic in nature, the noise and vibration measurements shall
be of sufficient duration to capture 10 cycles of the source.

1.8.4 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the vibration levels are
achieved and to demonstrate and certify that the same have been achieved.

1.9 Noise Attenuation

1.9.1 The Contractor shall supply and fix acoustic insulation, where necessary and as shown on
drawings to reduce the airborne noise transmission through Mechanical systems so that
the specified noise criteria levels are satisfied.

1.10 External Area Noise

1.10.1 The external noise levels of any installation shall not exceed NC/NR 45 at 3 m at ground
and upper levels for normally operating building services plant.

1.10.2 During periodic testing of equipment, noise levels shall be limited to NC/NR 55 at the site
boundaries during daytime testing and NC/NR 45 during night-time testing.
Section 21 05 48
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1.11 Vibration Control

1.13.1 All mechanical, Fire Pumps shall be analysed for vibration and for noise breakout to areas
adjacent and above or below to ensure that the specified noise criteria ratings are met.

1.12 Vibration Isolation, Structural Noise and Equipment Bases

1.12.1 The contractor shall be responsible and include for the supply, installation and testing of
the complete system necessary for vibration isolation to dampen and eliminate all
structure borne vibration generated by the electro-mechanical equipment as described in
this specification and as detailed on the scheme drawings.

1.12.2 It is the Contractors responsibility to carry out a full vibration and structure borne noise
study as detailed in the mechanical specifications.

1.12.3 Where Fire Fighting equipment units are located at roof level or inside a room the
selection of vibration isolation systems shall take into account the effect of the
unsupported span between building columns and the subsequent deflection of the slab
under the point loads. The spring type isolators shall have a static deflection of not less
than 50mm under the load of the units supported. This static deflection is to provide an
isolation efficiency of at least 95% and higher deflections are to be used if the calculations
so indicate. The Contractor shall also check the installation for airborne noise through the
structure that could affect accommodation areas immediately below or adjacent and if
necessary recommend the use of acoustic floating floors to contain the noise. A report of
the study and recommendations shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to
proceeding with the installation. The cost of the study, implementation, erection and any
rectification of the original design shall be carried out at the Contractors own cost.

1.12.4 The vibration isolators shall be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer
recommendations for the equipment load distribution.

1.12.5 The equipment shall be loaded exactly over or between the mounts without any overhang.

1.12.6 The static deflection of the vibration isolators shall be determined by the specialist
acoustic engineer, but should not, be less than that recommended by CIBSE GUIDE or
ASHRAE handbook.

1.12.7 The vibration isolators shall be treated against corrosion. The steel components shall be
PVC coated. The nuts, bolts and washers shall be zinc-electro plated.

1.13 Piping System Vibration Isolators

1.13.1 All piping connected to rotating machinery shall be supported by hangers and supports
including vibration isolators and shall be connected to the equipment by means of acoustic
flexible connectors.

1.13.2 The first three hangers from the equipment shall provide the same deflection as the
equipment isolators; the remaining hangers shall be spring or combination spring and
rubber incorporating a spring with at least 20 mm deflection.


2.1 Isolation Hangers

2.1.1 Refer to Section 21 05 29.

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2.2 Isolation Mounts

2.2.1 Refer to Section 21 05 29..


3.1 Testing General

3.1.1 The tests of the reverberation time in the areas specified shall be in accordance with (BS
5363-1993) “Measurement of Reverberation Time in Building Space and Auditoria”.

3.2 Noise Tests

3.2.1 It will be the responsibility of the contractor to employ an independent Acoustic Specialist
to carry out proving tests and to prepare noise test certificates for all acoustically important
areas of the project.

3.2.2 For items of plant the noise level shall be taken at a point equivalent distance to the
largest radiating surface of that equipment.

3.2.3 Tests shall be carried out to establish the required performance standards and shall
comply with the sound attenuation recommendations as detailed in the sections below.

3.2.4 Vibration Tests All vibration isolation systems shall allow no more than 5% transmissibility to the structure.
All equipment provided shall be inspected to ensure that it is free from excessive vibration.
Any minor vibration, which may occur, shall not be transmitted from equipment into or
through the supporting or enclosing structure. Should the engineer consider that
excessive vibration is present, such as to warrant the need for specialist testing apparatus
and personnel, then the contractor shall engage and employ such specialist services. The
contractor shall bear the cost of rectification of the installations as well as the cost of the
specialist services in order to meet the design requirements.

3.3 Hangers and Supports Performance Test

3.3.1 Brackets and hangers shall be tested to sustain a load of eight times the actual operating

End of Section 21 05 48

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SECTION 21 05 53


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope of Work
1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.4 Reference Standards

2.1 Warning Signs and Labels
2.2 Identification of Pipelines and Services
2.3 Valve Tags
2.4 Warning Tags
2.5 Painting


3.1 Preparation
3.2 General Installation Requirements
3.3 Equipment Label Installation
3.4 Pipe Label Installation
3.5 Valve-Tag Installation
3.6 Warning-Tag Installation

Section 21 05 53
Identification for Fire Suppression System

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SECTION 21 05 53



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 To be read and governed by general conditions of contract and its Sections. This section
includes the identification of all pipe works, equipment etc.

1.1.2 General Requirements for Manufactured Pipe Labels: Preprinted, color-coded, with
lettering indicating service and showing flow direction according to ASME A13.1.

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting complete above works based on
specifications and consultant’s approval of samples.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists

Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control for Fire
Suppression Piping and Equipment
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 13 13 - Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

1.4 Reference Standards

ASME A13.1 Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems


2.1 Warning Signs and Labels

2.1.1 Material and Thickness: Multilayer, multicolor, plastic labels for mechanical engraving, 3.2
mm) thick, with predrilled holes for attachment hardware.

2.1.2 Letter Color: Black.

2.1.3 Background Color: White.

2.1.4 Maximum Temperature: Able to withstand temperatures up to 71 deg C.

Section 21 05 53
Identification for Fire Suppression System

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2.1.5 Minimum Label Size: Length and width vary for required label content, but not less than 64
by 19 mm.

2.1.6 Minimum Letter Size: 6.4 mm for name of units if viewing distance is less than 600 mm,
13 mmfor viewing distances up to 1830 mm, and proportionately larger lettering for
greater viewing distances. Include secondary lettering two-thirds to three-fourths the size
of principal lettering.

2.1.7 Fasteners: Stainless-steel rivets or self-tapping screws.

2.1.8 Adhesive: Contact-type permanent adhesive, compatible with label and with substrate.

2.1.9 Label Content: Include caution and warning information, plus emergency notification

2.2 Identification of Pipelines and Services

2.2.1 General Requirements for Manufactured Pipe Labels: Preprinted, color-coded, with
lettering indicating service and showing flow direction according to ASME A13.1.

2.2.2 Pretensioned Pipe Labels: Precoiled, semirigid plastic formed to cover full circumference
of pipe and to attach to pipe without fasteners or adhesive.

2.2.3 Self-adhesive Pipe Labels: Printed plastic with contact-type, permanent-adhesive backing

2.2.4 Pipe-Label Contents: Include identification of piping service using same designations or
abbreviations as used on Drawings, pipe size, and an arrow indicating flow direction. Flow-Direction Arrows: Integral with piping-system service lettering to accommodate both
directions or as separate unit on each pipe label to indicate flow direction. Lettering Size: Size letters according to ASME A13.1 for piping.

2.2.5 Pipe-Label Colors: Background Color: Safety Red. Letter Color: White.

2.3 Valve Tags

2.3.1 Description: Stamped or engraved with 6.4-mm letters for piping-system abbreviation and
13-mm)numbers. Tag Material: polished Brass or aluminum, 0.032 inch (0.8 mm) thick, with predrilled holes
for attachment hardware. Fasteners: Brass wire-link chain, beaded chain or S-hook. Valve-Tag Color: Safety Red. Letter Color: White.

2.3.2 Valve Schedules: For each piping system, on 8-1/2-by-11-inch (A4) bond paper. Tabulate
valve number, piping system, system abbreviation (as shown on valve tag), location of
valve (room or space), normal- operating position (open, closed, or modulating), and
variations for identification. Mark valves for emergency shutoff and similar special uses.

Section 21 05 53
Identification for Fire Suppression System

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Valve-tag schedule shall be included in operation and maintenance data.

2.4 Warning Tags

2.4.1 Description: Preprinted or partially preprinted, accident-prevention tags, of plasticized card

stock with matte finish suitable for writing. Size: 3 by 5-1/4 inches (75 by 133 mm) minimum. Fasteners: Brass grommet and wire. Nomenclature: Large-size primary caption such as "DANGER," "CAUTION," or "DO NOT
OPERATE." Color: Safety Yellow background with black lettering.

2.5 Painting

2.5.1 General Requirements Surface requiring prime painting shall be cleaned thoroughly of all rust, loose scale, oil,
grease and dirt. Use wire brushes and solution for this purpose. No painting shall be applied to damp or frosty surfaces in wet, foggy or freezing weather. Paint shall be evenly spread and well brushed out so that there shall be no drops, runs or
sagging. Shop coated surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly and retouched where necessary. Care shall be taken not to paint controls, label plates, nameplates on all apparatus. All items that have rusted or corroded in storage or in place shall be re-cleaned or
repainted upon request of the Engineer. Finishing coats shall be made in accordance with a color code, based on ASME 13.1
Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems

2.5.2 Machinery All machinery installed under this contract such as motors, pumps, etc. shall have a shop
priming coat.


3.1 Preparation

3.1.1 Clean piping and equipment surfaces of incompatible primers, paints, and encapsulants,
as well as dirt, oil, grease, release agents, and other substances that could impair bond of
identification devices.

3.2 General Installation Requirements

3.2.1 Coordinate installation of identifying devices with completion of covering and painting of
surfaces where devices are to be installed.

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Identification for Fire Suppression System

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3.2.2 Coordinate installation of identifying devices with locations of access panels and doors.

3.2.3 Install identifying devices before installing acoustical ceilings and similar concealment.

3.3 Equipment Label Installation

3.3.1 Install or permanently fasten labels on each major item of mechanical equipment.

3.3.2 Locate equipment labels where accessible and visible.

3.4 Pipe Label Installation

3.4.1 Piping: Painting of piping is specified in relevant section.

3.4.2 Pipe-Label Locations: Locate pipe labels where piping is exposed or above accessible
ceilings in finished spaces; machine rooms; accessible maintenance spaces such as
shafts, tunnels, and plenums; and exterior exposed locations as follows: Near each valve and control device. Near each branch connection excluding short takeoffs. Where flow pattern is not obvious,
mark each pipe at branch. Near penetrations and on through walls, floors, ceilings, and inaccessible enclosures. At access doors, manholes, and similar access points that permit a view of concealed
piping. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. Spaced at maximum intervals of 15 m along each run. Reduce intervals to 7.6 m. in areas
of congested piping and equipment. On piping above removable acoustical ceilings. Omit intermediately spaced labels.

3.4.3 Directional Flow Arrows: Arrows shall be used to indicate direction of flow in pipes
including pipes where flow is allowed in both directions.

3.5 Valve-Tag Installation

3.5.1 Install tags on valves and control devices in fire-suppression piping systems. List tagged
valves in a valve-tag schedule.

3.5.2 Valve-Tag Application Schedule: Tag valves according to size, shape, and with captions
similar to those indicated in "Valve-Tag Size and Shape" Subparagraph below: Valve-Tag Size and Shape:

a. Fire-Suppression Standpipe: 38 mm, round.

b. Wet-Pipe Sprinkler System: 38 mm, round.

c. Dry-Pipe Sprinkler System: 38 mm, round.

d. Foam-Water System: 38 mm, round.

e. Clean-Agent Fire-Extinguishing System: 38 mm, round.

Section 21 05 53
Identification for Fire Suppression System

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3.6 Warning-Tag Installation

3.6.1 Write required message on, and attach warning tags to, equipment and other items where

End of Section 21 05 53

Section 21 05 53
Identification for Fire Suppression System

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SECTION 21 08 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.3 Specialized Parties for Testing Balancing and Communications

1.4 Controls

1.5 Maintenance During Defects Liability Period and Guarantees.

1.6 Extend Defects Liability and Guarantees.

1.7 Codes and Standards.

Section 21 08 00
Testing and Commissioning of Fire Suppression
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SECTION 21 08 00



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the relevant subsection of the

1.1.2 Labour, materials, instruments, power etc., required for testing shall be furnished by the
Contractor unless otherwise indicated under the particular section of the Specification.

1.1.3 Test shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer and such other
parties as may have legal jurisdiction.

1.1.4 In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping system only, before connection of
fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any piping, fixtures, equipment or
appliances be subjected to pressure exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the
manufacturers of fixtures, equipment and appliances or accepted engineering standards
for piping and fittings.

1.1.5 All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall be repeated
until the particular system and component parts thereof receive the approval of the
Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

1.1.6 Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged materials replaced,
all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

1.1.7 The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having jurisdiction, but in no
case less than the time prescribed in each subsection of the specification.

1.1.8 In the event of any repair or any adjustment having to be made other than normal running
adjustment, the test shall be void and shall be repeated after the adjustment or repairs
have been made.

1.1.9 When pipes, valves, equipment etc., are to be covered or embedded; their specific tests
shall be carried out on them before any covering is applied. These tests shall not relieve
the contractor of any of his responsibilities and he shall take all necessary precautions to
insure the safety and protection of such tested items until the termination of the work.

1.1.10 Three copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Engineer.

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists

Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping

Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping

Section 21 08 00
Testing and Commissioning of Fire Suppression
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Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System

Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping

Section 21 13 13 - Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

1.3 Specialized Parties for Testing Balancing and Commissioning

1.3.1 Unless indicated otherwise, all major equipment\components shall be tested and certified
as UL listed/ FM approval and Civil Defence Regulations.

1.4 Controls

1.4.1 All controls shall be tested for proper functioning in accordance with the requirements of
the Specification.

1.5 Maintenance During Defects Liability Period And Guarantees

1.5.1 Starting from the date of issue of the Substantial/Provisional completion certificate the
contractor shall be responsible, for the duration of two years, to provide the following
services free of charge, at his own cost:- The training of operators assigned by the client for operation of all major equipment and
controls as decided by the Engineer. Training should be provided by original suppliers of
equipment for a period of at least one week and or when requested by client through out
the liability period. The replacement of parts or whole equipment that show any manufacturing or installation
defects during operation. Carry out routine preventive maintenance (fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and
yearly as applicable to the approval of the Engineer) including provision of labour, parts
and supply of consumable materials such as Lubricants, required for the safe operation of
Fire Pumps and guarantee of performance of all the systems. Necessary staff to carryout the above shall be resident on the job site during the said year. Guarantee of every piece of equipment from any manufacturing or installation defects for
a period of one year.

1.5.2 At the end of defects liability period the contractor shall be responsible for final handing
over of all installed systems in a perfect condition to the satisfaction of both Engineer and

1.6 Extended Defects Liability and Guarantees

1.6.2 The Contractor shall issue in favour of the client all original manufacturers extended
guarantees as required by specifications or by Engineers approval conditions or by
manufacturers initial proposal prior to final handing over to the client.

1.7 Codes and Standards

1.7.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily United States Codes,
unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned
in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

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Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. Underwriters Laboratories UL - -

2. National Electrical NEMA MIG Part 14

Manufacturers Association

3. National Electrical Code NEC - -

4. National Fire Protection NFPA - -
5. American Water Works AWWA - -
6. Saudi Building Code SBC 801 Saudi Fire Code

End of Section 21 08 00

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SECTION 21 11 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Tests

1.3 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.4 Codes and Standards


2.1 Fire Suppression Pipe


3.1 Pipe Installation

3.2 Cleaning of Piping Systems

Section 21 11 00
Fire Suppression Piping
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SECTION 21 11 00



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 Pipe bending shall not be resorted to except in extreme cases and only after the written
approval of the Engineer.

1.1.2 Piping shall be designed with Loops to take the thermal expansion. Wherever this is not
possible for physical reasons, expansion joints with guides shall be used.

1.1.3 Installation of pipes shall be complete with all cutting, patching and making good of walls,
slabs, partitions, etc., due to fixing, supporting and anchoring of pipes.

1.1.4 Automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket locations, and/or at the highest
points in the lines.

1.1.5 Pipes and fittings shall both be manufactured according to one single standard unit of
measurement, either both English or both metric.

1.1.6 Provision shall be made for flushing the system.

1.1.7 All piping shall be installed so that the system may be thoroughly drained.

1.1.8 The piping shall be pitched in the direction of drainage.

1.1.9 Drain valves shall be provided where necessary, where shown on the Drawings and at all
sectional valves to help draining the major part of the system. On all risers 4" (100mm) or
larger, drain valve shall be 2" (50 mm) size, on 2½" (65 mm) and 3" (80mm) risers, 1¼"
(32 mm) valves shall be used and on small risers, ¾" (20mm) drain valves shall be

1.1.10 No direct interconnections shall be made between sewers and fire drain systems.

1.1.11 Fire piping shall not be used, in any way, for domestic water supply purposes.

1.1.12 All valves shall be located where readily accessible.

1.1.13 Provision shall be made for test connections and valves.

1.1.14 Control power transformer as applicable to limit control voltage to 24 VDC maximum.

1.2 Tests

1.2.1 The system shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test, to the satisfaction and in the
presence of the Engineer. Pressure shall be 50 psi. (345 Kpa) more than the maximum
static pressure in the system, (but not less than) 200 psi (1379 Kpa) in accordance to
NFPA 13. Test shall be maintained for two hours as a minimum.

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1.2.2 If leaks develop during the test, the contractor shall make all necessary repairs and shall
retest the system at no additional cost to the Employer.

1.3 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.
Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists
Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, Seismic Control for Fire Suppression
Piping and Equipment.
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 08 00 - Testing & Commissioning of Fire Suppression
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping

1.4 Codes and Standards

1.4.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily United States Codes,
unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned
in this section shall conform to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. Underwriters Laboratories UL - -
2. National Electrical NEMA MIG Part
Manufacturers Association 14
3. National Electrical Code NEC - -
4. National Fire Protection NFPA 13/ 14 Standard for the Installation of
Association Sprinkler Systems \Combined
Stand Pipe & Hose System with
5. American Water Works AWWA - -
6. Saudi Building Code SBC 801 Saudi Fire Code


2.1 Fire Suppression Pipe

2.1.1 Pipe to comply with the requirements of NFPA.

2.1.2 Pipes above ground shall be galvanized steel pipes to ASTM A 53, grade B Sch. 40. Pipe
shall be ERW UL/FM approved,. All pipe fittings elbows, tees, crosses, unions, reducers,
etc. shall be of the same quality and weight as the pipes.

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2.1.3 Fittings for piping 50mm and small shall be UL listed and FM approved. The fittings shall
be suitable for 300 psi working pressure. Fittings shall be ductile iron in hot dipped factory
galvanized finish.

2.1.4 Fittings for piping larger than 50 mm shall be red painted mechanical grooved fittings and
mechanical joints. Fittings, gaskets and mechanical couplings shall be UL listed and FM
approved. The fittings shall be suitable for 300 psi working pressure.

2.1.5 Pipes welding shall not be carried out on site.

2.1.6 The ductile iron fittings shall be Ul Listed and or FM approved.

2.1.7 Unions shall be used on all screwed pipes and shall be of the same quality and service.
Grooved fittings shall be used on all pipes above 2½” and shall be all steel construction to
ASTM standards.

2.1.8 Contractor shall rectify any damage to the pipes from the processes of grooving to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

2.1.9 If flexible sprinkler drop system is used to locate the sprinklers at ceiling tiles and walls,
the drop system shall be flexible stainless steel, UL 2443 listed, used for sprinkler services
of 175 psi (1206 kPa).The drop shall consist of a braided type 304 stainless steel flexible
tube, zinc plated steel Male threaded nipple for connection to branch-line piping, and a
zinc plated steel reducer with a female thread for connection to the sprinkler head. Hoses
shall be factory-pressure tested to 400 psi. (2760 kPa).
The flexible stainless steel Sprinkler drop shall be UL approved listing for (5) bends at 36”
length Union joints shall be provided for ease of installation. The flexible drop shall use
special bracket as per the manufacturer recommendations. The bracket shall allow
installation before the ceiling tile is in place.


3.1 Pipe Installation

3.1.1 Piping shall be pitched to permit complete draining of the system.

3.1.2 Fire standpipe shall not be used in any way to provide water for other purposes.

3.1.3 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe for un-
insulated lines or of the insulation for insulated pipes.

3.1.4 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.1.5 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

3.2 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.2.1 Plug all opening ends of piping, valves and equipment except when actual work is being
performed to minimize accumulation of dirt and debris.

3.2.2 Prior to the performance of tests, flush out all piping that is to receive a hydrostatic test
with clean water.

3.2.3 Remove dirt and debris collected at screens, strainers and other points from the system.

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3.2.4 Flushing as required by NFPA 13.

End of Section 21 11 00

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SECTION 21 12 26



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.3 Codes and Standards


2.1 Fire Hose Cabinet

2.2 Fire Hose Cabinet (Exposed Cabinet Type)

2.3 Hose Cabinet Equipment and Accessories

2.4 Fire Hose Landing Valve


3.1 Pipe Installation

3.2 Cleaning of Piping Systems

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1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 To be read and governed by general Conditions of Contract and its Sections.

1.1.2 The Contractor shall comply with NFPA 14 and shall be responsible to confirm and seek
the approval of AHJ and the approval of the Engineer before ordering the materials.

1.1.3 Pipe bending shall not be resorted to except in extreme cases and only after the written
approval of the Engineer.

1.1.4 Automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket locations, and/or at the highest
points in the lines.

1.1.5 Pipes and fittings shall both be manufactured according to one single standard unit of
measurement, either both English or both metric.

1.1.6 Provision shall be made for flushing the system.

1.1.7 Drain valves shall be provided where necessary, where shown on the Drawings and at all
sectional valves to help draining the major part of the system. On all risers 100mm or
larger, drain valve shall be 50 mm size, on 65 mm and 80mm risers, 32 mm valves shall
be used and on small risers, 20mm drain valves shall be provided.

1.1.8 Fire fighting piping shall not be used, in any way, for domestic water supply purposes.

1.1.9 All valves controlling the water supply shall be located where readily accessible.

1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

1.5.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists

Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control for Fire
Suppression Piping and Equipment.
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 13 13 - Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

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1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily United States Codes,
unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned
in this section shall conform to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. Underwriters Laboratories UL - -

2. National Electrical NEMA MIG Part 14

Manufacturers Association
3. National Electrical Code NEC - -
4. National Fire Protection NFPA 14 Combined Stand Pipe & Hose
Association System with Sprnklers
5. American Water Works AWWA - -
6. Saudi Building Code SBC 801 Saudi Fire Code


2.1 Fire Hose Cabinet

2.1.1 Cabinets are as detaield on Architectural drawings.

2.2 Fire Hose Cabinet (Exposed Cabinet Type)

2.2.1 Supply and install Fire Hose Cabinets wherever shown on drawings and to the details
indicated on the drawings.

2.2.2 Cabinet shall be constructed of steel 16 – Gauge for “Trim, 18 – Gauge for “Tub” and 20 –
Gauge for “Door”. Cabinet size shall be in accordance with the details shown on
drawings. Cabinet door shall be flush, pull handle and tension latches and shall be
equipped with full length plan hinges on the right or the left as conditions requires.

2.2.3 Cabinets shall receive an approved shop coat of paint inside and outside.

2.3 Hose Cabinet Equipment and Accessories

2.3.1 Each Fire Hose Cabinet shall include the following:- Fire hose diameter 25 mm, 30 m long, light weight made of red rubber with a working
pressure of 150 psi. (1030 Kpa). Hose shall comply with UL 668. Hose reel of the swinging type, up-to 180 degrees full swing complete with guide arm. Chromium plated diameter 25 mm fog nozzle capable of complete shut off, straight stream
or any degree of solid conical fog.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Diameter 25 mm pressure reducing valve and gate valve with die cast non-ferrous alloy
housing with machined water way. Fire hose: 65 mm dia. 30 m long, light weight made of single jacket cotton rubber lined
and shall carry UL Listing, with polished chrome plated brass couplings. Hose shall be in
the cabinet with no permanent connection at the riser. Hose rack of the swinging type up-to 180 deg. Full swing complete with guide arm. Rack
shall be steel backed red enamel. Chrome – plated. All purpose nozzle 65 mm dia. with adjustable spray head and capable
of complete shut-off, straight steam or any degree of solid conical fog. 65 mm dia. bronze angle hose landing valve with quick press-type compiling adpator cap
and chain (for areas not served by staicase landing valve). Dry chemical fire extinguisher with spray hose and nozzle as shown and as per the
Authority requirements. CO2 fire extinguishers with spray hose and nozzle as shown and as per the Authority

2.4 Fire Hose Landing Valve

2.4.1 Fire hose landing valve shall be UL\ FM approved and comply with NFPA.. The valves
shall be angle type, 300 psi (2070 Kpa) with built-in pressure reducing and globe valve
with polished, chrome-plated brass body and trim, red cast iron wheel handle, bronze
stem, renewable composition disc, FLANGED 65 mm inlet and quick coupling outlet with
polished brass chrome plated cap and chain.

2.4.2 For valves with integral pressure reducing valve, the pressure regulator shall be spring
loaded with springs made of zinc plated steel and chamber of chrome plated bronze. The
regulator shall have stainless steel adjusting and lock screw and ball, bronze piston and
Nitrile rubber low pressure seal.


3.1 Pipe Installation

3.1.1 Piping shall be pitched to permit complete draining of the system.

3.1.2 Fire standpipe shall not be used in any way to provide water for other purposes.

3.1.3 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe for un-
insulated lines or of the insulation for insulated pipes.

3.1.4 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.1.5 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

3.2 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.2.1 Plug all opening ends of piping, valves and equipment except when actual work is being
performed to minimize accumulation of dirt and debris.

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3.2.2 Prior to the performance of tests, flush out all piping that is to receive a hydrostatic test
with clean water.

3.2.3 Remove dirt and debris collected at screens, strainers and other points from the system.

End of Section 21 12 26

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SECTION 21 13 13



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Tests

1.3 Signs

1.4 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.5 Codes and Standards


2.1 Fire Suppression Pipe

2.2 Sprinkler Head-Upright

2.3 Sprinkler Heads-Pendant (Recessed)

2.4 Sprinkler Alarm Test Station

2.5 Sprinkler Zone Control Valve

2.6 Pre-Action Riser Assembly and Related Accessories


3.1 Pipe Sleeves

3.2 Cleaning of Piping Systems

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SECTION 21 13 13



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 Pipe bending shall not be resorted to except in extreme cases and only after the written
approval of the Engineer.

1.1.2 Piping shall be designed with Loops to take the thermal expansion. Wherever this is not
possible for physical reasons, expansion joints with guides shall be used.

1.1.3 Installation of pipes shall be complete with all cutting, patching and making good of walls,
slabs, partitions, etc., due to fixing, supporting and anchoring of pipes.

1.1.4 Automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket locations, and/or at the highest
points in the lines.

1.1.5 Pipes and fittings shall both be manufactured according to one single standard unit of
measurement, either both English or both metric.

1.1.6 Sprinkler installations shall comply fully with the requirements of NFPA section 13 and/or
UL's "Fire Protection Equipment Directory" listing or "Approval Guide," published by FM
Global, listing

1.1.7 Provision shall be made for flushing the system.

1.1.8 All piping shall be installed so that the system may be thoroughly drained.

1.1.9 The piping shall be pitched in the direction of drainage.

1.1.10 Drain valves shall be provided where necessary, where shown on the Drawings and at all
sectional valves to help draining the major part of the system. On all risers 4" (100mm) or
larger, drain valve shall be 2" (50 mm) size, on 2½" (65 mm) and 3" (80mm) risers, 1¼"
(32 mm) valves shall be used and on small risers, ¾" (20mm) drain valves shall be

1.1.11 No direct interconnections shall be made between sewers and sprinkler drain systems.

1.1.12 Sprinkler piping shall not be used, in any way, for domestic water supply purposes.

1.1.13 All valves controlling the water supply shall be located where readily accessible.

1.1.14 Provision shall be made for test connections and valves.

1.1.15 Control power transformer as applicable to limit control voltage to 24 VDC maximum.

1.1.16 Protection areas and maximum spacing (Standard spray upright / pendant sprinkler) for
light hazard is 18 square meter and for Ordinary hazard is 12.0 square meter as per NFPA
13 and this shall be subject to authorities having jurisdiction.

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1.1.17 Protection areas and maximum spacing (Side Wall Sprinklers) for light hazard is 18.2
square meter, 9.29 square meter for Ordinary hazard and for external coverage light
hazard is as per NFPA 13 Table and Local Authorities having jurisdiction.

1.1.18 Sprinkler Types and Categories: Nominal 12.7-mm orifice with Discharge
Coefficient K of 5.6, and for "Ordinary" temperature classification rating, unless otherwise
indicated or required by application.

1.1.19 Automatic Sprinklers: With heat-responsive element complying with the following:
i. UL 199, for applications except residential.
ii. UL 1767, for early suppression, fast-response applications.

1.1.20 Sprinkler temperature to comply with NFPA 13.

1.2 Tests

1.2.1 The system shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test, to the satisfaction and in the
presence of the Engineer. Pressure shall be 50 psi. (345 Kpa) more than the maximum
static pressure in the system, (but not less than) 200 psi (1379 Kpa) in accordance to
NFPA 13. Test shall be maintained for two hours as a minimum.

1.2.2 If leaks develop during the test, the contractor shall make all necessary repairs and shall
retest the system at no additional cost to the Employer.

1.2.3 Install "Inspector's Test Connections" in sprinkler piping, complete with shutoff valve,
sized and located according to NFPA 13. Sprinkler, Inspector's Test Fittings: UL-listed,
cast- or ductile-iron housing; with threaded inlet and drain outlet and sight glass.

1.3 Signs

1.3.1 Provide at sprinkler test valve a metal sign 100 x 200 mm size with white letters on red
background, reading "SPRINKLER TEST VALVE". Letters shall not be less than 50 mm
in height.

1.4 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.4.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 21 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialists

Section 21 05 16 - Expansion Fittings and Loop for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 23 - General Duty Valves for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control for Fire
Suppression Piping and Equipment.
Section 21 05 53 - Identification for Fire Suppression System
Section 21 11 00 - Fire Suppression Piping
Section 21 13 13 - Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems

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1.5 Codes and Standards

Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily United States Codes,
unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned
in this section shall conform to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. Underwriters Laboratories UL 199 -
2. National Electrical NEMA MIG Part 14
Manufacturers Association
3. National Electrical Code NEC - -
4. National Fire Protection NFPA 14 Combined Stand Pipe & Hose
Association System with Sprnklers
5. American Water Works AWWA - -
6. Saudi Building Code SBC 801 Saudi Fire Code


2.1 Fire Suppression Pipe

2.1.1 Pipe to comply with the requirements of NFPA.

2.1.2 Pipes above ground shall be galvanized steel pipes to ASTM A 53, grade B Sch. 40. Pipe
shall be ERW UL/FM approved,. All pipe fittings elbows, tees, crosses, unions, reducers,
etc. shall be of the same quality and weight as the pipes.

2.1.3 Fittings for piping 50mm and small shall be UL listed and FM approved. The fittings shall
be suitable for 300 psi working pressure. Fittings shall be ductile iron in hot dipped factory
galvanized finish.

2.1.4 Fittings for piping larger than 50 mm shall be red painted mechanical grooved fittings and
mechanical joints. Fittings, gaskets and mechanical couplings shall be UL listed and FM
approved. The fittings shall be suitable for 300 psi working pressure.

2.1.5 Pipes welding shall not be carried out on site.

2.1.6 The ductile iron fittings shall be Ul Listed and or FM approved.

2.1.7 Unions and grooved fittings, flanges shall be installed at all valves inlets or outlets, on all
pipe branches and in general, every 15 metres of pipe run.

2.1.8 Unions shall be used on all screwed pipes and shall be of the same quality and service.
Grooved fittings shall be used on all pipes above 2½” and shall be all steel construction to
ASTM Standards.

2.1.9 Contractor shall rectify any damage to the pipes from the processes of grooving to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

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2.2 Sprinkler Head-Upright

2.2.1 Sprinkler heads shall be bronze or brass construction, spray type 135o F (57o C)
rating,(or as per Civil Defense requirements) with thermosensitive glass bulb. Head
located in finished areas shall be chrome-plated.

2.2.2 Not less than 12 spare sprinkler heads shall be provided together with sprinkler head
wrenches, all supported on steel clip in a suitable steel cabinet with hinged door and latch.
Cabinets shall be finished in red enamel with white letters on door reading: "SPARE
SPRINKLER PARTS". Cabinets shall be wall hung and in compliance with all authorities
having jurisdiction. Location of cabinet shall be as directed by the Engineer.

2.2.3 All sprinklers shall have a normal orifice 15 mm and rated for ordinary hazard.

2.2.4 Sprinklers shall be rated for a working pressure of 175 PSI (1207 Kpa).

2.2.5 This type of sprinklers shall be installed in car parking and areas where false ceiling is not

2.3 Sprinkler Heads-Pendant (Recessed)

2.3.1 Sprinkler head shall be bronze or brass construction, spray type 135oF (57oC) rating with
thermo sensitive glass bulb with maximum 3" (76 mm) diameter chromium-plated
escutcheon, adjustable for a minimum of ½" (13 mm) for ceiling variations. Sprinklers
shall be chromium-plated with maximum projection of ½" (13 mm) below ceiling.

2.3.2 Not less than 12 spare sprinkler heads shall be provided together with sprinkler head
wrenches, all supported on steel clip in a suitable cabinet with hinged door and latch.
Cabinets shall be finished in red enamel with white letters on door reading. “SPARE
SPRINKLER PARTS”. Cabinets shall be wall hung and in compliance with all authorities
having, jurisdiction. Location of cabinet shall be as directed by the Engineer.

2.3.3 All sprinklers shall have a normal orifice 15 mm and rated for ordinary hazard.

2.3.4 Sprinklers shall be rated for a working pressure of 175 PSI (1207 Kpa) or 250 PSI (1724
Kpa) for high rise buildings.

2.4 Sprinkler Alarm Test Station

2.4.1 Sprinkler alarm check valve with trim This valve is a part of sprinkler alarm test station and servers a dual purpose of preventing
reverse flow of water (non-return) and provides a hydraulic fire alarm independent of
electric power supply. Valve shall be UL listed and FM approved for a working pressure of 175 PSI (1207 Kpa).
Valve shall have a ductile/cast iron body with internal pins, sprinkler and nuts of stainless
steel and brass seat. The valve clipper shall be of Teflon coated steel with EPDM rubber
clapper having stainless steel rubber faced retainer. The clapper assembly shall be hinged
to access cover for quick removal and easy servicing. Valve shall be available in flanges,
grooved or combined connection versions. Valve shall have necessary tappings for
pressure gauges, alarm devices, drains, etc., Valve shall be suitable for horizontal or
vertical installation. The alarm valve shall be complete with external by-pass trim to minimize clapper
movement and prevent false alarm. Trim shall include drain and test valve, retard
chamber for variable pressure systems, pressure gauges at inlet/outlet, strainer, electric
pressure switch, restricted drain orifice, water motor alarm and alarm motor stop valve.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ When water flows through the Alarm valve, the water will raise the clack disk, and flows to
the system with a small amount passing thru a special groove to the alarm motor and
gong and initiating the alarm. The clack will remain in the raised position until there is no flow of water thru the control
valve then the stop valve will be closed. When sprinklers are in operation during a fire, the alarm gong may be shut off by closing
alarm motor stop valve. An electrical pressure switch connected in the flow of the alarm gong shall also initiate an
electric alarm in the main fire control panel. The drain and test valve is to drain the sprinkler installation of water after a fire has been
extinguished and before replacing the sprinklers that have operated. It is also used to test
the running pressure of the water supplies.

2.4.2 Water motor alarm and gong Water motor alarm and gong shall comprise a weather proof, hydraulically driven
mechanical bell that automatically sounds a continuous alarm when the sprinkler system
activates. It shall be installed not higher than 5 or 6 meters above the valve and it shall be
tested at least once a week.

2.4.3 Isolating Valves (OS & Y Resilient Wedge Gate Valves) The valve shall be provided upstream and down stream of sprinkler control valve and shall
be located in such a place to be always readily visible and accessible to authorized
persons. Valves shall be secured open by a padlocked or riveted strap. The valve shall confirm to the latest revision of A.W.W.A Resilient Seated Gate Valve
Standard C-509 and be UL listed/ FM approved. All internal parts shall be accessible without removing the body from the line. The wedge shall be cast iron, complete encapsulated with resilient material. The resilient
sealing material shall be permanently bonded to the cast iron wedge with a rubber tearing
bond to meet ASTM D429. NRS stems shall be cast bronze with integral collars in compliance with A.W.W.A. OS & Y
stems shall be bronze. The NRS stuffing box shall have two O-Ring seals above the
thrust collar. These rings shall be filed replaced without removing the valve from service. There shall be low friction thrust bearings above and below the steam collar. The stem
nut shall be independent of the wedge and of solid bronze. The waterway in the seat
areas shall be smooth, unobstructed, free of cavities and for valves 4” (100mm) and larger
at least 0.19” (4.8mm) greater in diameter than the nominal valve size. The body and bonnet shall be coated both interior and exterior with a fusion bonded heat
cured thermo setting material meeting all the application and performance requirements of
A.W.W.A. C-550. The gasket seal between two surfaces shall employ the use of composition ring type
gaskets retained to prevent the possibility of blow out. Each valve shall be hydrostatically tested to the requirements of both A.W.W.A. and

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2.5 Sprinkler Zone Control Valve

2.5.1 Butterfly Valve (indicating type) Butterfly valve shall be of the flangeless type, lug or wafer style, it shall be rated 1380 KPa
bi-directional, with a 1380 KPa dead end service rating. The body material shall be shock
resistant ductile iron with extended neck. There should be no exposed fasteners in the
waterway to pin the disc to the stem. The liner shall be molded in or captive boot design.
Top and bottom stem bushings of dissimilar material are required with a positive retention
mechanism for the stem. Butterfly valve shall be gear operated and shall be secured open with a padlock. It shall
be provided with supervisory tamper switch to give signal to the fire alarm station.

2.5.2 Waterflow Alarm Switch The water flow alarm devices consist of a vane type water flow switch for use on wet
sprinkler systems, it shall be UL listed and FM approved. The unit shall contain two single
pole, double throw, snap action switches and adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic
retard that delays actuation of electrical switches to reduce possibility of false alarms. The unit shall be enclosed in a die-cast housing, the cover shall be held in place with two
tamper resistant screws. Unit shall be installed on sprinkler branch line to detect water flow exceeding 38 Litres
downstream of the device. When activated, the snap action switches shall operate a local
electrical alarm bell (under electrical specification) and indicate signal to fire alarm panel
and BMS.

2.5.3 Combined Drain and Test Valve Drain and test valve shall have a body of brass, bronze filled Teflon seal, stainless steel
stem, and zinc plated steel handle, it shall include an orifice plate signed for a flow of one
sprinkler and a sight glass. Test and drain valve shall be tested once a week and it shall
be connected to a separate drain riser.

2.6 Pre-Action Riser Assembly and Related Accessories

2.6.1 General Description When one electrical thermal detector senses the presence of fire, the electrical releasing
control panel activates fire alarm devices and latches the solenoid releasing valve in the
open position. The solenoid valve, when closed, is preserving supply water pressure in
the inlet of the Deluge Riser Assembly. Actuating the solenoid valve releases that water
pressure, allowing water flow into the sprinkler system in readiness for the subsequent
operation of a sprinkler. To fully operate the system, two electrical detectors shall activate and a sprinkler shall
open. During the early stages of a fire, smoke or heat activates the first detector which
causes the control panel to produce a local alarm and an alarm at the main fire alarm
panel. Electrical relays inside the releasing control panel can be used to shut down air
moving equipment when the panel goes into the “first alarm” condition. Subsequent
activation of a second, nearby or adjacent, detector shall cause the panel to energize the
solenoid valve open and release water into the sprinkler piping. Water flowing into the
sprinkler piping will simultaneously produce water pressure that causes the transfer of
contacts in the pressure switch mounted in the Riser Assembly. The flow of water into the
sprinkler piping effectively converts the dry system into a wet pipe system. In the event the
fire subsequently produces sufficient heat to operate a sprinkler head, water will flow from
that sprinkler, controlling or suppressing the fire.

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Wet Pipe Sprinkler System
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__________________________________________________________________________________ The solenoid valve is a supervisory valve and its circuit is supervised. Pre-action riser assembly shall consist of the following:

- Manual Emergency Releasing Station Valve

- Supervised Isolating Valve
- Solenoid Valve
- Water Flow Alarm Pressure Switch
- Alarm Test Valve
- Automatic Drain Valve The system shall be complete with the following:

- Control Panel
- Electric Emergency Station
- Fire Alarm Bell & Trouble Alarm Bell Open Sprinklers (Spray Nozzle) Sprinkler head shall be bronze or brass construction chrome plated pendant recessed
type with chrome escutcheon. Sprinklers shall be of non-automatic fixed pattern and solid cone discharge type.


3.1 Pipe Sleeves

3.1.1 Piping shall be pitched to permit complete draining of the system.

3.1.2 Fire standpipe shall not be used in any way to provide water for other purposes.

3.1.3 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe for un-
insulated lines or of the insulation for insulated pipes.

3.1.4 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.1.5 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

3.2 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.2.1 Plug all opening ends of piping, valves and equipment except when actual work is being
performed to minimize accumulation of dirt and debris.

3.2.2 Prior to the performance of tests, flush out all piping that is to receive a hydrostatic test
with clean water.

3.2.3 Remove dirt and debris collected at screens, strainers and other points from the system.

End of Section 21 13 13

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SECTION 21 20 00



1.1 Approvals
1.2 Description of Operation and Scope of Work
1.3 Deliverables


2.1 Material and Equipment

2.2 Detection and Extinguishing Release System
2.3 System Description


3.1 System Inspection and Checkout

3.2 Training Requirements
3.3 Operation and Maintenance
3.4 As-Built Drawings
3.5 Acceptance Test
3.6 System Inspections
3.7 Warranty

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SECTION 21 20 00



1.1 Approvals

1.1.1 The Contractor shall be an approved installer of NOVEC 1230 (Zero Ozone depletion
potential & 1 GWP) gas who is able to confirm with the relevant standards and
requirements of the local authority in terms of approval, replacement of gas and
maintenance and shall be responsible for the final design and arrangement of sprinklers.
Contractor shall submit the calculations and any authority requirements or authority having
jurisdiction to be done without any time or cost impact.

1.1.12 System design, installation, testing, commissioning and handover shall comply with the
requirements of NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems.

1.2 Description of Operation and Scope of Work

1.2.1 The System shall be complete in all ways. It shall include a mechanical and electrical
installation, all detection and control equipment, agent storage containers, NOVEC 1230
agent, (Zero Ozone depletion potential & 1 GWP) discharge nozzles, pipe and fittings,
manual release and abort stations, audible and visual alarm devices, inside and outside the
protected enclosure auxiliary devices and controls, shutdowns, alarm interface, advisory
signs, functional checkout and testing, training and any other operations necessary for a
functional UL listed Clean Agent Suppression System.

1.2.2 The system(s) shall be actuated by photoelectric detectors installed as per manufacturer
recommended/listed spacing, in both the room, under floor and above ceiling protected

1.2.3 Detectors shall be Cross-Zoned detection requiring two (2) detectors to be in alarm before

1.2.4 Automatic operation of each protected area shall be as follows :

a) Actuation of one (1) detector, within the System, shall :

b) Illuminate the “ALARM” lamp on the control panel face.

c) Energize an alarm bell.

d) Transfer auxiliary contacts, which can perform auxiliary system functions such as:
Operate door holder/closures on access doors; Transmit a signal to a Fire Alarm
System; Shutdown HVAC equipment.

1.2.5 Actuation of a 2nd detector, within the system, shall :

a) Illuminate the “PRE-DISCHARGE” lamp on the control panel face.

b) Energize a pre-discharge horn/strobe device.

c) Shut down the HVAC system and/or close dampers.

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d) Start time-delay sequence (not to exceed 60 seconds).

e) System abort sequence is enabled at this time.

1.2.6 After completion of the time-delay sequence, the Clean Agent System shall discharge and
the following shall occur:

a) Illuminate a “SYSTEM FIRED” lamp on the control panel face.

b) Shutdown of all power to high-voltage equipment.
c) Energize a visual indicator(s) outside the hazard in which the discharge occurred.
d) Energize a “SYSTEM FIRED” audible device.

1.2.7 The operation shall be capable of being actuated by manual discharge devices located at
each hazard exit. Operation of a manual device shall duplicate the sequence description
above except that the time delay and abort functions shall be bypassed. The manual
discharge station shall be of the electrical actuation type and shall be supervised at the main
control panel.

1.3 Deliverables

1.3.1 Drawings and Documents and computerized hydraulic calculations to be submitted by

Contractor to the approval of the Engineer.


2.1 Material and Equipment

2.1.1 The Clean Agent System materials and equipment shall be standard products of the
supplier’s latest design and suitable to perform all functions intended. When one or more
pieces of equipment must perform the same function(s), they shall be duplicates produced
by one (1) manufacturer.

2.1.2 All devices and equipment shall be UL listed and/or FM approved.

2.1.3 Each system shall have its own supply of clean agent, main.

2.1.4 The system design can be modular, central storage, or a combination of both design criteria.

2.1.5 Systems shall be designed in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.

2.1.6 Each supply shall be located within the hazard area, or as near as possible, to reduce the
amount of pipe and fittings required to install the system.

2.1.7 The clean agent shall be stored in Clean Agent storage tanks. Tanks shall be super-
pressurized with dry nitrogen to an operating pressure of 360 psi @ 70oF (24.8 bar @ 21oC).
Tanks shall be of high-strength low alloy steel construction and conforming to NFPA 2001.

2.1.8 Tanks (master) shall be actuated by either a resettable electric actuator or by pneumatic
means from a nitrogen cartridge located in the releasing device. Explosive devices shall not
be permitted.

2.1.9 Each tank shall have a pressure gauge and low pressure switch to provide visual and electric
supervision of the container pressure. The low-pressure switch shall be wired to the control
panel to provide audible and visual “Trouble” alarms in the event the container pressure

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drops below 290 psi (20 bar). The pressure gauge shall be color coded to provide an easy,
visual indication of container pressure.

2.1.10 Tanks shall have a pressure relief provision that automatically operates before the internal
nominal pressure exceeds 730 psi (50 bar).

2.1.11 Engineered discharge nozzles shall be provided within the manufacturer’s guidelines to
distribute the Novec 1230 agent throughout the protected spaces. The nozzles shall be
designed to provide proper agent quantity and distribution. Nozzles shall be available in ½
in. (15 mm) through 2 in. (50 mm) pipe sizes. Each size shall be available in 180o and 360o
distribution patterns.

2.1.12 Distribution piping and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
requirements, NFPA 2001, and approved piping standards and guidelines. All distribution
piping shall be installed by qualified individuals using accepted practices and quality
procedures. All piping shall be adequately supported and anchored at all directional
changes and nozzle locations. All piping shall be reamed, blown clear and swabbed with suitable solvents to remove burns,
mill varnish and cutting oils before assembly. All pipe threads shall be seated with Teflon pipe sealant applied to the male thread only.

2.2 Detection and Extinguishing Release System

2.2.1 This Section covers Fire Alarm Systems, including initiating devices, notification appliances,
controls, and supervision devices associated with the Novec Systems specified.

2.2.2 The Fire Alarm System shall consist of all necessary hardware equipment and software
programming to perform the following functions: Fire Alarm System detection and notification operations. Control and monitoring of Fire Suppression Systems and other equipment as indicated in the
drawings and specifications.

2.3 System Description

2.3.1 General: Provide a complete, non-coded, microprocessor-based fire detection and alarm
system for suppression release applications with initiating devices, notification appliances,
and auxiliary control devices as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein.

2.3.2 Software: The fire alarm system shall be capable of 100% on-site programming to
accommodate and facilitate changes in operation. Programming shall be capable of being
accomplished via the control panel and via a laptop computer. All software operations shall
be stored in a non-volatile programmable memory within the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Loss
of primary and secondary power shall not erase the instructions stored in memory.

2.3.3 History Logs: The system shall provide a means to recall alarms and trouble conditions in
chronological order for the purpose of recreating an electronic or printable record of event
history. Loss of primary and secondary power shall not erase event history stored in

2.3.4 Circuit Wiring, Supervision, and Annunciation: System wiring connections for Initiating Device Circuits and Notification Appliance Circuits
shall be Class B.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Circuit Supervision: Initiating, Notification, and Releasing circuit faults shall be indicated by a
trouble signal at the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Distinctive trouble LED annunciation shall be
provided for each circuit.

2.3.5. Required Functions: The following are required system functions and operating features: Priority of Signals: Alarm events have highest priority. Subsequent alarm events are queued
in the order received and do not affect existing alarm conditions. Supervisory and Trouble
events have second and third-level priority, respectively. Signals of a higher-level priority
take precedence over signals of lower priority even though the lower priority condition
occurred first. Alarm Condition: A system alarm condition shall include: Indication of alarm condition at the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Identification of the zone that is the source of the alarm at the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Operation of audible and visible notification appliances throughout the hazard area until
silenced at Fire Alarm Control Panel Audible alarm notification shall provide automatic audible escalation of events and shall

- to notify first cross-zoned alarm

- to notify the release timer is active (running)
- Steady to notify the release function Closing doors normally held open by magnetic door holders serving hazard where alarm is
initiated. Unlocking designated doors serving hazard where alarm is initiated. Shutting down supply and return fans serving hazard where alarm is initiated. Closing smoke dampers on system serving hazard where alarm is initiated. Supervisory Operations: Upon activation of a supervisory device such as fire pump power
failure, low air pressure switch, abort switch, or tamper switch, the system shall operate as
follows: Activate the local system supervisory service audible signal and illuminate the supervisory
LED at the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Pressing the Acknowledge key will silence the local supervisory audible signal while
maintaining the Supervisory LED "on" indicating off-normal condition. Record the event in the Fire Alarm Control Panel historical log. Restoring the condition shall restore the Supervisory LED to the "off" condition and return
system to normal. Alarm Silencing: If the "Alarm Silence" button is pressed, all audible alarm signals shall
cease operation. Active Status Reminder

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The panel shall automatically re-sound the local piezo until Acknowledged every 8 hours
as a reminder if there is any Trouble, Supervisory or Alarm condition that has not restored
to normal. System Reset The "System Reset" button shall be used to return the system to its normal state. The
system shall verify all circuits or devices are restored prior to resetting the system to avoid
the potential for re-alarming the system. Should an alarm condition continue, the system shall remain in an alarmed state. Manual Control: Manual controls shall be supervised so that an "off normal" condition of any
circuit shall cause a "trouble" condition at the Fire Alarm Control Panel.

2.3.6 Fire Suppression Monitoring: Suppression Release: The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall be [UL Listed and FM
Approved] for Automatic Suppression Release Service. The system shall be capable of
protecting up to 2 hazards and shall include the following: Secondary standby power for 24 hours of standby with 5 minutes of alarm. Battery
calculations shall be done to ensure proper operation of the actuators on battery standby.
Provide battery charts or calculations showing performance of such standby and alarm
power. Regulated 24VDC system power supply. In addition to power required for the Fire Alarm
Control Panel electronics and optional modules, the Fire Alarm Control Panel power
supply shall be capable of providing up to 3 Amps of power for external peripheral devices
and appliances. Two Class B, Releasing Appliance Circuits (RACs) rated for 2 Amps max @ 24VDC for
control of compatible actuators for releasing device service. RAC wiring shall be supervised for open circuit wiring faults and actuator coil continuity. RAC wiring shall be supervised for short circuit wiring faults between the Fire Alarm
Control Panel and the actuator junction box. Service disconnect switch(es), system abort switch(es), manual release station(s) and all
other accessories, as required. Programmable operation for either non cross-zone operation or cross-zone operation that
requires the activation of two automatic detector zones in the hazard area for initiation of
the automatic release operation. Releasing Appliance Circuit manual release delay timer programmable for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20,
25 or 30 seconds. Releasing Appliance Circuit automatic release delay timer programmable for 0, 10, 20, 30,
40, 50, or 60 seconds. Releasing Appliance Circuit soak timer programmable for 0, 45 seconds, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7

minutes. Five Abort options programmable for Immediate Release, 10 Second Delay, IRI Abort, NY
City Abort, or Reset Original RAC Delay Timer.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Depleted Battery Cutout operation. On the detection of a depleted battery condition system
shall be programmable to cutout or disable activation of all notification appliance circuits
and releasing appliance circuit. The control panel shall receive AC power via a dedicated fused disconnect circuit. The system shall be provided with sufficient battery capacity to operate the entire system
upon loss of normal AC power in a normal supervisory mode for a period of 24 hours with 5
minutes of alarm operation at the end of this period. The system shall automatically transfer
to battery standby upon power failure. All battery charging and recharging operations shall
be automatic. All circuits requiring system-operating power shall be 24 VDC and shall be electronically
protected or individually fused at the control panel. The incoming power to the system shall be supervised so that any power failure will be
indicated at the control panel. A green "power on" LED shall be displayed continuously while
incoming AC power is present. The system batteries shall be supervised so that a low battery condition, depleted battery, or
disconnection of the battery shall sound an audible trouble signal and activate a system
trouble LED at the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Loss of primary AC power shall sound an audible trouble signal and activate a system
trouble LED at the Fire Alarm Control Panel


3.1 System Inspection and Checkout

3.1.1 After the system installation has been completed, the entire system shall b checked out,
inspected, and functionally tested by qualified, trained personnel, in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended procedures and NFPA standards. All containers and distribution piping shall be checked for proper mounting and installation. All electrical wiring shall be tested for proper connection, continuity, and resistance to earth. The complete system shall be functionally tested, in the presence of the owner or his
representative, and all functions, including system and equipment interlocks, must be
operational at least five (5) days prior to the final acceptance tests. Each detector shall be tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended
procedures and test values recorded. All system and equipment interlocks, such as door release devices, audible and visual
devices, equipment shutdowns, local and remote alarms, etc. shall function as desired and
designed. Each control panel circuit shall be tested for trouble by inducing a trouble condition into the

3.2 Training Requirements

3.2.1 Prior to final acceptance, the installing contractor shall provide operational training to each
shift of the owner’s personnel. Each training session shall include control panel operation,

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manual and (optional) abort functions, trouble procedures, auxiliary functions and emergency

3.3 Operation and Maintenance

3.3.1 Prior to final acceptance, the installing contractor shall provide four (4) complete operation
and maintenance instruction manuals to the owner. All aspects of system operation and
maintenance shall be detailed, including piping isometrics, wiring diagrams of all circuits, a
written description of the system design, sequence of operation and drawing(s) illustrating
control logic and equipment used in the system. Checklists and procedures for emergency
situations, troubleshooting techniques, maintenance operations and procedures shall be
included in the manual.

3.4 As-Built Drawings

3.4.1 Upon completion of each system, the installing contractor shall provide four (4) copies of
system “As-Built” drawings to the owner. The drawings shall show actual installation details
including all equipment locations (i.e., control panel(s), agent container(s), detectors, alarms,
manual pull station(s) and abort switch(es), etc.), as well as piping and conduit routing
details. Show all room or facilities modifications, including door and/or damper installations
completed. One (1) copy of reproducible engineering drawings shall be provided reflecting
all actual installation details.

3.5 Acceptance Test

3.5.1 At the time “AS-Built” drawing and maintenance/operations manuals are submitted, the
installing contractor shall submit a “Test Plan” describing procedures to be used to test the
control system(s). The Test Plan shall include a step-by-step description of all tests to be
performed and shall indicate the type and location of test apparatus to be employed. The
tests shall demonstrate that the operational and installation requirements of this specification
have been met. All tests shall be conducted in the presence of the owner and shall not be
conducted until the Test Plan has been approved.

3.5.2 The tests shall demonstrate that the entire control system functions as designed and
intended. All circuits shall be tested : automatic actuation and manual actuation, HVAC and
power shutdowns, audible and visual alarm devices, and manual override of abort functions.
Supervision of all panel circuits, including AC power and battery power supplies, shall be
tested and qualified.

3.5.3 A room pressurization test shall be conducted in each protected space to determine the
presence of openings, which would affect the agent concentration levels. The test(s) shall
cover the test shall cover pneumatic test, flow test (puff test), room integrity test and other
functional test as required by NFPA 2001. All testing shall be in accordance with NFPA 2001.

3.5.4 If room pressurization testing indicates that openings exist which would result in leaks and/or
loss of the extinguishing agent, the installing contractor shall be responsible for coordinating
the proper sealing of the protected space(s) by the general contractor or his sub-contractor
or agent. The general contractor shall be responsible for adequately sealing all protected
space(s) against agent loss or leakage. The Installing contractor shall inspect all work to
ascertain that the protected space(s) have been adequately and properly sealed. If the first
room pressurization test is not successful, in accordance with these specifications, the
installing contractor shall direct the general contractor to determine, and correct, the cause of
the test failure. The installing contractor shall conduct additional room pressurization tests,
until a successful test is obtained. Copies of successful test results shall be submitted to the
owner for his record. Upon acceptance by the owner, the completed system(s) shall be
placed into service.

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3.6 System Inspections

3.6.1 During the one-year warranty period, the installing contractor shall provide two (2)
inspections of each system installed under this contract. The first inspection shall be at the
6-month interval, and the second inspection at the 12-month interval. Inspections shall be
conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines and the recommendations of
NFPA 2001.

3.6.2 Documents certifying satisfactory system(s) inspection shall be submitted to the owner upon
completion of each inspection.

3.7 Warranty

3.7.1 All system components furnished and installed under this contract shall be warranted against
defects in design, materials and workmanship for the full warranty period which is standard
with the manufacturer, but in no case less than one (1) year from the date of system

3.7.2 Environmental Warranty: As a measure to insure client interests, the Manufacturer shall
provide a warranty; subject to terms and conditions: that for a period of at least 15 years
after the installation of Clean Agent Fire Suppression System, use of agent will not be
banned or restricted by any government entity or regulatory body for any of the following
environmental issues: 1) Ozone Depletion Potential; 2) Global Warming Potential; 3)
Atmospheric Lifetime. In the event that environmental regulations enacted after the
purchase of any new Clean Agent Suppression System require removal of the suppression
agent from the market for one of the environmental issues listed above during the 20-year
warranty period, The system manufacturer will replace the Clean Agent Suppression
System with a new chemical clean agent suppression system that meets such newly
enacted environmental regulations.

End of Section 21 20 00

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SECTION 21 44 00



1.1 Approvals

1.2 Requirements

1.3 Codes and Standards


2.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers


3.1 Maintenance Schedules

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Fire Protection Specialties

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SECTION 21 44 00



1.1 Approvals

1.1 No items shall be installed in breach of any of the existing local Fire Department
regulations. In all access, however, installation shall comply with National Fire Codes
(NFPA latest editions), or indicated otherwise.

1.2 Requirements

1.2.1 Supply and install wherever shown on the drawings all materials specified as per the
capacities and ratings indicated on the drawings.

1.2.2 All gaseous fire suppression systems shall have zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP=0).

1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be the National Fire Protection
Association code (NFPA) in addition to the local fire department regulations, unless
otherwise specified. the performance/manufacturing standards of items mentioned in this
section shall conform to the applicable portions of the latest editions of the following
codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. Underwriters UL - -

2. National Fire Protection NFPA 10 Standard for Potrable Fire

Association Extinguishers

3. National Fire Protection NFPA 101 Life safety code



2.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers

2.1.1 Supply and install wherever shown on the drawings portable fire extinguishers of the
capacities and ratings indicated on the drawings.

2.1.2 Extinguisher shall be from ISO 9001, supplied from certified manufacturer, rechargeable
multipurpose ABC dry chemical type or CO2 type as shown on drawings.

2.1.3 Extinguisher shall be 4.5 kg rechargeable ABC multi-purpose dry chemical type or carbon

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Fire Protection Specialties

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2.1.4 Heavy duty drawn steel cylinder with hard scratch resistant enamel finish with color as per
international fire regulations.

2.1.5 Unit shall be complete with a frame for hanging, to the wall, 36cm. long hose, discharge
valve and pressure gauge.

2.1.6 Dry chemical unit cylinder shall be coated internally by electrostatic PVC risen, suction
tube of Aluminum.

2.1.7 CO2 extinguishers shall be seamless extruded of high grade steel. Extinguishers shall
have permanent leak proof shut-off safety disc and non-metallic horn.


3.1 Maintenance Schedules

3.1.1 Maintenance schedules shall be provided with each type of extinguisher. The schedules
shall be in protective covers and shall detail all aspects of maintenance of extinguishers
including details of weight checks, pressure test, discharge tests, internal and external
visual checks, time periods for checks and action to be taken on finding a fault. The
schedules will also contain full details for repairing, recharging.

End of Section 21 44 00

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SECTION 22 05 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Application
1.3 Scope of Works
1.4 Quality Assurance
1.5 Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.6 Engineer's Drawings
1.7 Shop Drawings and Data to be submitted for Approval
1.8 Approved Materials
1.9 Instruction Period
1.10 Instruction Manual and As-built Drawings
1.11 Abbreviations
1.12 Workmanship




3.1 Cleaning and Adjusting

3.2 Tests
3.3 Coordination of Trades
3.4 Access Doors
3.5 Permits
3.6 Openings in Exterior Walls
3.7 Trench Bottom Grading

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General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing

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SECTION 22 05 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 The work of Division 22 shall be governed by general conditions of contract and sections
of Division -22.

1.1.2 It is the Contractors responsibility to be fully aware of and comply with all of the
requirements of the above documents, and further assure that all Subcontractors are
equally informed.

1.2 Application

1.2.1 This section applies to and is part of all Sections of Division 22.

1.3 Scope of Works

1.3.1 The works covered under this contract include the supply, installation, testing, adjusting
and putting into operation systems, components of systems, and individual items of
equipment, and work related thereto, in accordance with the project Tender Documents.
Products not mentioned but obviously necessary for the completion of those Works shall
be provided.

1.3.2 Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, the following electrical works and materials for
the Mechanical equipment shall be supplied and installed under Division 22 of the
specification but in all respect to the requirements of the Electrical Specifications. All control panels including door lock disconnected switches, push buttons, starters,
contractors, circuit breakers, time delays, selector switches, relays, transformers, timers,
controllers, pilot lights, set points, alarms and all other electrical equipment which are
necessary for the satisfactory operation, control and protection of all plant supplied under
this section of the specifications. Whenever a number of starters controllers, instruments, indicating lights and the like occur
or are shown on the Mechanical and/or electrical Drawings, they shall be arranged in a
central position in a neat, easily cleaned, factory-built panel, or motor control center
assembly. The assembly shall include isolators and all necessary fuses, bus bars,
starters, instruments, relays, push-buttons, indicating lights and the like. Components shall
be mounted in a logical order based on the sequence of operation. All control equipment including sensors, detectors, actuators, controllers, pressure level
and flow switches, annunciation alarms, remote control stations and all such equipment
needed for the proper system operation. All control wiring for the above mentioned equipment. Final connection, between disconnect switches, power outlets, flex outlet and mechanical
equipment. Power cables between submersible pumps and control panel.

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1.3.3 The following electrical works and materials for the mechanical equipment shall be
supplied and installed under the electrical part of this contract. All power supply up to and including the following:

- Disconnect switches when specified to be installed separate from the control panel.
- Flex outlet for electric water heater. Power supply up to control panels when specified with an integral disconnect switch. Power supply to disconnect switches when the switches are built-in the equipment. Empty conduits with pull wires for all cables and wires classified under the mechanical
scope of works. Control outlet boxes for all control equipment classified under the mechanical scope of
works. Power cables and conduits or fixing arrangement between water pumps, and their control

1.4 Quality Assurance

1.4.1 The manufacturer's of all materials and equipment must have at least ten years of
experience in the design and manufacture of their products.

1.5 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.5.1 In addition to the sections mentioned above, and unless specifically called in the
specification the following works shall be referred with the other related divisions.

1.6 Engineer's Drawings

1.6.1 The Drawings are based on design and include general layouts and typical details of
various systems to be installed. The Contractor shall make the installations in a
workmanlike manner to conform to the structure, to avoid obstructions, to preserve head
room, and to keep openings and passage ways clear without additional instruction and
without additional cost to the owner.

1.7 Shop Drawings and Data to be Submitted for Approval

1.7.1 The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the exact routing and locations of all
the piping, equipment, etc., all in their respective locations and according to the
dimensions of the approved manufacturer. Shop Drawings scale shall be 1/10, 1/20, 1/50
and 1/100 as applicable and as approved by the Engineer.

1.7.2 The Contractor shall submit catalog cuts and brochures of products with reference to
proper paragraph in specifications. All submittals shall be binded in one Booklet.

1.7.3 The Contractor shall submit adequate Engineering data on each piece of equipment
together with all characteristic curves, capacity selection charts and all data for testing and
balancing of the systems. In addition the Contractor shall submit manufacturer's printed
installation instructions.

1.7.4 The Contractor shall submit at the beginning of the project a schedule of submittals for
materials and shop drawings to the approval of the Engineer.
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1.8 Approved Materials

1.8.1 All materials shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of the Specifications.

1.8.2 The naming of manufacturers in the Specifications shall be strictly adhered to in all

1.8.3 Substitution of materials other than those named shall not be submitted.

1.8.4 Materials shall be delivered in unbroken packages bearing the brand and maker's name,
and shall be stored on platforms and properly covered to protect them from moisture, heat
and dust.

1.8.5 All materials shall be supplied from the main factories in the country of origin of the
manufacturer. Any deviation from this, like supplying equipment assembled in another
different country under a license or another name is not accepted unless approved by the

1.9 Instruction Period

1.9.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the training and familiarization of the Employer’s
Maintenance Staff for a period of at least six weeks on all equipment and plants he has
supplied or installed.

1.10 Instruction Manual and As-built Drawings

1.10.1 The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in electronic and hard copy
triplicate bound, A4 size, Instruction Manuals containing the following material.

1.10.2 Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation features.

1.10.3 Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional components of the
systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers. List
shall give system No., unit no., Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no.
Parts list shall include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation.

1.10.4 Chart of the tag numbers, location and function of each valve.

1.10.5 Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment.

1.10.6 Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment.

1.10.7 List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment.

1.10.8 Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control diagrams and wiring
diagrams of controllers.
1.10.9 Complete, as installed, color coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor controller
connections and interlock connections of other mechanical equipment.

1.10.10 The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review as to the
fulfillment of the specified requirements.

1.10.11 All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial completion date.

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1.11 Abbreviations

1.11.1 The following abbreviations have been mentioned in the specifications.

AGA American Gas Association.

ANSI American National Standard Institute.
ASA Acoustical Society of America, American Standards Association.
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials.
AWWA American Water Works Association.
BSI British Standards Institution.
NPC National Plumbing Code.
UPC Uniform Plumbing Code.
UL Under Writers Laboratories.

1.12 Workmanship

1.12.1 All workmanship required to accomplish the work mentioned in Mechanical specification or
shown on related Drawings, shall conform to the highest standards, and as required by
the Engineer. The Engineer will be the sole judge of the standards required.




3.1 Cleaning and Adjusting

3.1.1 All apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in operation. Finished
surfaces shall be restored if damaged and entire installation shall be delivered in perfect
condition, subject to the approval of the Engineer. Systems shall be adjusted and
balanced to operate as shown in the Drawings and herein specified.

3.2 Tests

3.2.1 All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the corresponding section of
the Specifications and to meet local and specified requirements. Provide anemometers,
thermometers, gauges, voltmeters, ammeters, and similar instruments, not part of the
permanent installation, but required to record the performance of the equipment and
systems. Labor, materials, power, etc.., required for testing, shall be furnished by the
Contractor, unless otherwise indicated under the particular section of the Specifications.

3.2.2 Tests shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer and such
other parties that have legal jurisdiction and all results shall be recorded.

3.2.3 In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping systems only before connection of
fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any piping, fixtures, equipment or
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appliances be subjected to pressures exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the

manufacturers of fixtures, equipment and appliances, or accepted engineering standards
for piping and fittings.

3.2.4 All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall be repeated
until the particular system and component parts thereof receive the approval of the
Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

3.2.5 Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged materials replaced,
all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

3.2.6 The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having jurisdiction, but in no
case less than the time prescribed in each division of the Specifications.

3.2.7 The following tests should be furnished for but limited to the following:

a) Noise and vibration isolation test

b) Insulation test
c) Sanitary drainage test
d) Pump tests
e) Noise and vibration measurement
f) Water heaters
g) Area storm drainage
h) Domestic water supply test

3.3 Coordination of Trades

3.2.9 The Contractor shall coordinate the work to ensure orderly, timely installations of the work
of applicable trades within the various spaces indicated.

3.4 Access Doors

3.4.1 Access doors shall provide ready access to concealed control valves, traps, cleanouts,
motors and other items requiring operation, adjustment, or maintenance.

3.5 Permits

3.5.1 The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspections and tests, for
the proper installation of his work, as may be required by the various administrative
authorities having jurisdiction.

3.5.2 Certificates of inspections, tests etc., with the proper approval certified thereon, shall be
secured by the Contractor and these documents shall be delivered to the Engineer before
the work in question will be accepted.

3.6 Openings in Exterior Walls

3.6.1 Openings in exterior walls, particularly at or below grade shall be kept properly plugged
and caulked at all times, (except when being worked on) to preclude the possibility of
flooding due to storms or other causes. After completion of work, openings shall be
permanently sealed and caulked in the manner herein specified.

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3.7 Trench Bottom Grading

3.7.1 All trench bottom grading required for plumbing work shall be done under the
requirements of this section of the Specifications. The bottom of all trenches shall be
trimmed by hand method to receive pipes at their respective finish levels. Trenches shall
not be excavated by machine below levels as above specified.

3.7.2 After the pipe lines have been tested and approved, backfill shall be compacted
thoroughly by hand tampers below center lines of pipes and to at least 300mm above it.
No backfill shall be placed in such a manner as to cause damage or misalignment to the
pipes or protective coating if used. Backfill material under such conditions shall be earth or
gravel above the top of piping and hubs.

End of Section 22 05 00.

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SECTION 22 05 23



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Valves Pressure Rating
1.4 Quality Assurance and Control


2.1 Gate Valves

2.3 Check Valves (Spring Loaded Type)
2.4 Float Valves
2.5 Automatic Air Vents
2.6 Backflow Preventers
2.7 Pipe Expansion Joints
2.15 Flexible Connectors


3.1 Installation of Valves

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SECTION 22 05 23



1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 Valves shall be installed only in vertical or horizontal positions unless otherwise required
by the Drawings.

1.1.2 All valves shall be installed in accessible locations to facilitate easy removal for

1.1.3 Valves shall be full-line size.

1.1.4 Valves 2" (50mm) dia. and smaller shall have threaded ends, valves 21/2" (65mm) dia. and
larger shall have flanged ends.

1.1.5 All threaded end valves shall be installed with unions to facilitate the removal of the valve
from the pipeline.

1.1.6 Gate valves shall be installed on both sides of every piece of equipment for all pipe-
system connections, and where shown on the Drawings.

1.1.7 All valves 21/2" (65mm) and larger shall have internal epoxy coting suitable for drinking
water application.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing

Section 22 07 00 - Plumbing Insulation
Section 22 11 13 - Facility Water Distribution Piping
Section 22 11 16 - Domestic Water Piping and Fittings
Section 22 11 23 - Domestic Water Pumps
Section 22 12 00 - Facility Potable Water Storage Tanks
Section 22 13 00 - Facility Sanitary Sewerage
Section 22 13 16 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping
Section 22 14 00 - Facility Storm Drainage
Section 22 33 30 - Domestic Water Heater
Section 22 40 00 - Sanitary Fixtures

1.3 Valves Pressure Rating

1.3.1 Unless specified otherwise all valves, strainers, flexible connections, etc. shall be selected
for pressure rating at least 1.5 times the operating pressure.

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1.3.2 Contractor shall submit a schedule of all valves, strainers, etc., showing the required
pressure rating for each fitting and shall indicate its location and service.

1.4 Quality Assurance and Control

ASME Compliance: Comply with ASME B31.9 for building services piping and ASME
B31.1 for power piping.

- Exceptions: Domestic hot- and cold-water, sanitary waste, and storm drainage] piping
valves unless referenced.

- MSS Compliance: Comply with the various MSS Standard Practice documents

- NSF Compliance: NSF 61 for valve materials for potable-water service.


2.1 Gate Valves

2.1.1 Gate valves shall be of non rising stem. Valves 2" (50 mm) and smaller, shall be all
bronze, screwed ends and bronze wedge disc faces and seats. Valves 2½" (65 mm) and
larger, shall be cast iron or ductile iron, flanged ends with, bolted bonnet and wedge disc
faces and seats. Valves design and shall be leak free and shall conform to AWWA C515.

2.1.2 One gate valve shall be supplied and installed:

a- At the supply and return from each equipment.

b- At the discharge and suction of each pump.

c- In general at all points shown on the Drawings and/or specified.

2.2 Globe Valves

2.2.1 Globe valves 2" (50 mm) and smaller, shall be all bronze, screwed ends. Valves 2½" (65
mm) and larger, shall be cast iron, flanged ends, and flanged ends rising stem, bolted
bonnet, renewable composite disc and seat.

2.3 Check Valves (Spring Loaded Type)

2.3.1 Check valves shall be of the non-slam spring loaded, globe type with the capability to
absorb and dampen the shock wave from the piping system water hammer. Check valves
2" (50 mm) and smaller, shall be all bronze, screwed ends. Valves 2½" (65 mm) and
larger, shall be cast iron, flanged ends.

2.3.2 One check valve shall be installed:

a- At the discharge of each pump.

b- At all points shown on the Drawings and/or where specified.

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2.4 Float Valves

2.4.1 Float valves 2" (50 mm) and smaller shall be all bronze, screwed ends, float operated.
Valves 2 ½" (65 mm) and larger shall be cast iron body, flanged ends, float operated.
Float shall be all copper and mounted at the end of a brass or copper rod, which actuates
valve operation.

2.5 Automatic Air Vents

2.5.1 Supply and install all automatic air vents as shown on the Drawings and wherever
specified in this book of specifications.

2.5.2 Automatic air vents of the spherical float type shall be installed at all high points in the
piping. Vents shall have cast iron housing and bolted cover with gasket. Float shall be
constructed of stainless steel. Vents shall be suitable for a maximum operating pressure
of 150 psi (1030 Kpa). A ½" (15 mm) lock shield valve shall be directly installed ahead of
each automatic air vent, and a ½" (15 mm) drain line shall be provided to discharge at a
convenient point.

2.6 Backflow Preventers

2.6.1 This type of valve shall be used on domestic water systems, wherever applicable.

2.6.2 It shall comply with ASSE 1012.

2.6.3 Valve shall be suitable for 125 psi (860 Kpa ) steam and 200 psi (1380 Kpa).

2.7 Pipe Expansion Joints

2.7.1 Expansion joints shall be provided wherever pipes cross structural expansion joints and
wherever required to prevent undue stresses caused by thermal expansion of the pipes.

2.7.2 Expansion joints shall be of the packless-bellow type with flanged or welded ends as
suitable for the pipe application.

2.7.3 Bellows shall be of stainless steel and suitable for a pressure of 125 psi (860 Kpa) or the
design working pressure, whichever is greater. Expansion joints shall be provided with
guides to prevent any unnecessary misalignment of the pipe. Guides and anchor
arrangements shall be per the recommendations of the expansion joints manufacturers.

2.14 Strainers

2.14.1 Water strainer shall be supplied and installed at the suction connection of all pumps, and
ahead of all automatic flow control valves.

2.14.2 Strainers 2 1/2" (65mm) and smaller shall be Y-pattern type with bronze body, screwed
cover, brass basket and screwed ends.

2.14.3 Strainers 3" (75 mm) and larger shall be of cast iron body, brass basket and flanged ends.

2.14.4 Basket shall have 1/32" (0.8 mm.) perforations for water service.

2.15 Flexible Connectors

2.15.1 Flexible Connectors shall be, stainless steel, easy flexing, long cyclic life connectors, to
protect mechanical equipment by relieving piping stresses, caused by piping
misalignment, sagging pipe hangers, and thermal expansion.

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3.1 Installation of Valves

3.1.1 Valves shall be installed only in vertical or horizontal positions unless otherwise required
by the Drawings.

3.1.2 All valves shall be installed in accessible locations to facilitate easy removal for

3.1.3 Valves shall be full-line size.

3.1.4 Valves 2" (50 mm) dia. and smaller shall have threaded ends, valves 2 ½" (65 mm) dia.
and larger shall have flanged ends.

3.1.5 All threaded end valves shall be installed with unions to facilitate the removal of the valve
from the pipeline.

3.1.6 Gate valves shall be installed on both sides of every piece of equipment for all pipe-
system connections, and where shown on the Drawings.

End of Section 22 05 23.

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SECTION 22 05 29



1.1 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2 Seismic Controls

1.3 Seismic Requirements


2.1 Hangers and Supports, Anchors and Guides

2.2 Horizontal Piping Support Schedule

2.3 Isolation Mounts

2.4 Inertia Bases

2.5 Seismic Restraints


3.1 Vibration and Seismic Control Performance Requirements

3.2 Approved List of Manufacturers

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SECTION 22 05 29



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract. The Contractor shall
employ the services of an Acoustical Consultant & licensed Seismic Structural Consultant
to review equipment, piping, and to conduct sound, vibration and seismic control
requirements. Any additional improvements necessary to achieve the required design
criteria for mechanical, electrical, plumbing work shall be provided without additional cost.

1.1 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.1.1 Section 22 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control

1.2 Seismic Controls

1.2.1 Seismic cotrol will be applicable for buildings designed for seismic control.

1.2.2 Seismic design force calculations will be based on Seismic Zone 2B as per UBC 1997 and
as per Authority having jurisdiction as aminimum unless spcified elswher in structrurral

1.2.3 Design of the seismic bracing system shall be provided by the manufacturer and approved
by the Engineer. Installation shall be certified by the manufacture.

1.2.4 Seismic bracing system is to restrain piping from excessive motion when subjected to
horizontal seismic forces, to prevent damage to adjacent equipment and building structure.
Bracing shall permit thermal expansion of pipe and ensure that vibration isolators, if
present, are not short-circuited.

1.2.5 Shop drawings for multiple piping supports and trapeze hangers will be done by a qualified
Seismic specialist engineer including design calculations and indicate size and
characteristics of components and fabrication.

1.2.6 Clevis or Band Hangers shall be UL listed and labeled and approved by Civil Defense.

1.2.7 Detailed seismic force calculations shall be provided to support the recommended design
of the seismic bracing system.

1.2.8 The selection, positioning and installation of seismic bracing will be based on the
recommendations of the manufacturer, and as approved by the Engineer. Seismic restraint
shall be provided by cable sway bracing kits, each comprising a pair of complete
assemblies with multi-strand galvanised steel wire cable, fixing brackets, stainless steel
thimbles and wire clips. Cables shall have a minimum load safety factor of 2.

1.2.9 All hangers and supports shall be manufactured at an ISO 9001 certified facility.
Manufacturer’s ISO certificate, clearly stating Pipe Supports within the scope of
registration, shall be furnished.

1.2.10 All manufactured hangers and supports shall be fully electro galvanized post manufacture,
according to ASTM B633 SC3. For severely corrosive conditions, as determined by the
Engineer, epoxy powder coated finish over electrogalvanising, with a 1000 hour salt spray
test rating as per ASTM B117 is required, or hot dip galvanised finish according to ASTM
A123 may be provided.
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1.2.11 Where axial pipe expansion or contraction is indicated on account of thermal changes in
the fluid medium, roller based hangers and supports or Teflon based slide assemblies
shall be provided for the entire pipe length.

1.2.12 Anchors shall be provided as required, in order to localize pipe expansion, resist internal
pressure thrust and prevent undue strain on piping connections. Anchor design shall not
create a thermal or acoustic continuity from the pipe to the building structure.

1.2.13 Riser piping support system design shall ensure pipe is adequately anchored to resist
imposed loads and thrust. Risers shall be guided to prevent buckling, while permitting axial
pipe movement. Support system shall isolate the pipe thermally and acoustically from
building structure. Anchors and guides specially designed for riser piping shall be installed.

1.2.14 Vibration isolators shall be provided at first five pipe hanger and support locations adjacent
to isolated rotating mechanical equipment, to minimize transmission of noise and vibration
to the building structure.

1.3 Seismic Requirements

1.3.1 For equipment: Mount rotating equipment on vibration isolators. Isolation manufacturer shall determine
mounting sizes and deflection, and seismic restraints based on the lowest operating RPM
of the rotating equipment. The design document shall show the minimum project
requirements. All equipment shall be suitable for applications requiring equipment
anchorage to resist seismic forces, per the Uniform Building Code (UBC).

1.3.2 For piping: Sway braces shall be designed to withstand forces in tension and compression. Tension-only bracing systems shall be permitted for use where listed for this service and
where installed in accordance with their listing limitations, including installation instructions. For all braces, whether or not listed, the maximum allowable load shall be based on the
weakest component of the brace with safety factors. Lateral sway bracing shall be provided on all feed and cross mains regardless of size and
all branch lines and other piping with a diameter of 21⁄2 in. (65 mm) and larger. Where branch lines are not provided with lateral sway bracing, they shall be provided with
seismic restraint. Spacing shall not exceed a maximum interval of 40 ft (12.2 m) on center. The last length of pipe at the end of a feed or cross main shall be provided with a lateral
brace. Lateral braces shall be allowed to act as longitudinal braces if they are within 24 in. (610
mm) of the centerline of the piping braced longitudinally and the lateral brace is on a pipe
of equal or greater size than the pipe being braced longitudinally. Longitudinal sway bracing spaced at a maximum of (24.4 m) on center shall be provided
for feed and cross mains. Longitudinal braces shall be allowed to act as lateral braces if they are within 24 in. (610
mm) of the centerline of the piping braced laterally.
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__________________________________________________________________________________ The distance between the last brace and the end of the pipe or a change in direction shall
not exceed 40 ft (12.2 m). Each run of pipe between changes in direction shall be provided with both lateral and
longitudinal bracing. Pipe runs less than 12 ft (3.7 m) in length shall be permitted to be supported by the braces
on adjacent runs of pipe.

1. 3.2.14 Seismic restraint bracing for pipes to be comply with NFPA 13 and FM requirements. Seismic restraint bracing shall be FM certified and Office of Statewide Health Planing and
Devlopment ( OSHPD) approval.

1.3.3 Seismic Submittals: Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions
for each type of Seismic Resrtaint product. Submit schedule showing size, type, and
location for each product furnished. Manufacturer's Literature shall include:

a. Location of seismic bracing.

b. Type of seismic bracing.

c. Size and model of seismic bracing. Seismic Requirements: Submittals are required for all equipment anchors, supports and
seismic restraints. Submittals shall include weights, dimensions, standard connections,
manufacturer's recommendations associated with equipment or piping Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's assembly-type shop drawings indicating

dimensions, weights, required clearances, and method of assembly of components. Detail
bases, and show location of equipment anchoring points, coordinated with equipment
manufacturer's shop drawings. Seismic restraint calculations and drawings must be provided for all connections of
equipment to the structure. Calculations and drawings must be stamped & certified by
professional engineer with at least ten years of seismic design experience in KSA.
Professional Engineer must be registered / certified by manufacturer. Compliance statement clause by clause full and detailed compliance statement of the
specification shall be submitted where a clear compliance is indicated as follows:

a. “Yes” interprets full unconditional compliance.

b. “No” interprets a deviation (to be clearly indicated as remark or note in the
dedicated column).
c. “Not Applicable” where the case is.

It should be noted that other comments like “noted” or “partial compliance” are
unacceptable and will be interpreted as a noncompliance.

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2.1 Hangers and Supports, Anchors and Guides

2.1.1 Submittal shall include the following.

a) Stress analysis calculations.

b) Point loadings
c) Supports design criteria,
d) Selection of supports, hangers , design of pre- engineered steel supports , Wall and
column attachments.
e) Stress and forces on hangers from expansion and contraction of piping.
f) Selection of guides , Anchors, expansion joints and locations and locations.
g) Selection of of threaded rod, drill inserst , size of anchor bolts.
h) Furnish movement calculations based on the following criteria.
i) Expansion Joint Calculations for horizontal and vertical Risers.

· For hot water piping, allow thermal movement based on the temperature of the fluid
in the piping and the winter exterior design temperature specified herein.
· For cold water piping, allow thermal movement based on the temperature of the
fluid in the piping and the summer exterior design temperature specified herein.
· Refer to the Plumbing Drawings for additional requirements and details.
· Furnish calculations and revised equipment schedule data if changes are made to
system routing, location, size, or components or any other changes to a system are
made, and the changes impact the design parameters scheduled or indicated in the
Contract Documents.

2.1.2 Support, anchor and guide and accessories shall be to the approval of the Engineer. Do
not use wire, tape or metal bands. Supports shall be designed to support weight of pipe,
weight of fluid and weight of pipe insulation. All steel hangers and supports shall be of hot
dipped galavnized

2.1.3 Fasten piping securely to the structure without overstressing any portion of the supports or
the structure itself. Secure pipe support, anchors and guides to concrete by means of
inserts or if greater load carrying capacity is required by means of steel fishplates
embedded in the concrete.

2.1.4 Arrange hanger to prevent transmission of vibration from piping to building and supports.

2.1.5 Support piping and tubing at intervals indicated in the schedule hereinafter and at all
changes in direction. Maximum deflection shall not exceed 3 mm.

2.1.6 Clearance for application of specified vapour sealed insulation without cutting pipeline
covering or fitting covering in installation of pipe hangers and fittings shall be provided.

2.1.7 Furnish pipe hangers and supports complete with rods, bolts, lock nuts, swivels, couplings,
brackets and all other components and accessories, to allow installation to freely expand
and contract.

2.1.8 Provide trapeze hangers where several pipes can be installed parallel and at the same
level. Trapeze shall be of steel channel sized to support load and drilled for rod hanger at
each end. Provision should be made to keep the lines in their relative position to each
other by the use of either clamps or clips.

2.1.9 For hanger rods on piping 3/8" (10 mm) thru 2" (50 mm) inclusive use 3/8" (10 mm) rods,
and for piping 2 ½" (65 mm) thru 5" (125 mm) use 5/8" (16 mm) rods, and for piping 6"(150
mm) thru 12" (300 mm) use 7/8" (22 mm) rods.

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2.1.10 Provide additional steel members required for hanging piping systems in areas with special
conditions, or where vertical or horizontal structural steel supports are required other than
those provided in the structure.

2.1.11 Provide lateral bracing for supporting rods over 450mm. long braced at every fourth
hanger with diagonal bracing attached to slab or beam.

2.1.12 Floor supports - provide for supporting horizontal piping from floors with cast-iron rests,
with pipe nipples to suit. Fasten to floor. Where provision for expansion is required, provide
pipe roll stands, without vertical adjustment. Provide concrete or steel pipe piers, fasten
stands to piers.

2.1.13 Wall supports - provide for supporting horizontal piping from wall with steel J-Hook for pipe
located close to wall and not larger than 3" (80 mm) pipe. For greater loads, up to 1500 lbs
(680 Kg) maximum loading provide welded steel bracket.

2.1.14 Provide oversize hangers with blocking the same thickness as the insulation to pitch vapor
sealed insulated pipes accurately at time of insulation.

2.1.15 Hangers on PVC pipes shall be of design which does not clamp the pipe tightly but permits
axial movement.

2.1.16 Support but do not rigidly restrain PVC pipes at end of branches and at change of direction
or elevation. Vertical piping shall be maintained in the straight alignment. Support trap
arms in excess of 900mm in length as close as possible to the trap.

2.1.17 Un-insulated copper or brass pipe and/or tubing shall be isolated from ferrous hangers or

2.2 Horizontal Piping Support Schedule

2.2.1 The spacing for piping support (unless spwcififed elswhere) shall be as follows:

.1” & 1¼” (25 & 32 mm) steel/ copper pipe --------- 3.7 meter.
.1½” – 8” (40 – 200 mm) steel/ copper pipe --------- 4.6 meter.
.1½” (40 mm) PVC pipe ------------------------------------- 2 meter.
.2” (50 mm) PVC pipe --------------------------------------- 2.5 meter.
.2½” (65 mm) PVC pipe ------------------------------------- 2.7 meter.
.3” (80 mm) PVC pipe --------------------------------------- 3.3 meter.

2.2.2 Vertical spacing of PVC pipes shall be twice as those of horizontal spacing.

2.2.3 Vertical spacing of other pipes - at every floor level.

2.3 Isolation Mounts

2.3.1 Isolation mounts shall be used between equipment and concrete base and at the loading
points of the equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.

2.3.2 Spring Mounts Shall be of the restrained steel spring mountings and shall incorporate hold down bolts to
limit vertical movement. The isolator shall include an acoustical barrier of rubber pad bonded to the base plate to
prevent transmission of very high frequency vibration and noise and be corrosion protected
when installed outdoors.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The spring should be designed to provide horizontal stiffness at least 75% of vertical
stiffness to assure stability, 50% travel beyond rated load, and safe solid stresses.

2.4 Inertia Bases

2.4.1 Each pump shall be supported on an Inertia base. Base shall be consist of pre-engineered
welded steel frames suitable for concrete pouring, welded-in-concrete reinforcement,
equipment mounting bolts and vibration isolator brackets. Base shall mount on spring
vibration isolators which shall be of high deflection, free standing, un-housed large
diameter, laterally stable steel springs assembled into an upper load plate and leveling
assembly and into a lower load plate and noise isolation pad assembly.

2.5 Seismic Restraints

2.5.1 Seismic Cable Restraints shall consist of galvanized steel aircraft cables sized to resist
seismic loads with a minimum safety factor of two and arranged to provide all-directional
restraint. Cables must be pre-stretched to achieve a certified minimum modulus of
elasticity. Cable end connections shall be steel assemblies that swivel to final installation
angle and utilize two clamping bolts to provide proper cable engagement. Cables must not
be allowed to bend across sharp edges. Cable assemblies shall have an Anchorage
Preapproval OPA Number from OSHPD in the State of California verifying the maximum
certified load ratings, and seismic bracing to be certified by FM. The Contractor shall select
and utilize one of the referenced pre-engineered seismic bracing systems for application
throughout the Project. Mixing of different types of seismic bracing system will not be

2.5.2 Seismic solid braces shall consist of steel angles or channels to resist seismic loads with a
minimum safety factor of 2 and arranged to provide all directional restraint. Seismic solid
brace end connectors shall be steel assemblies that swivel to the final installation angle
and utilize two through bolts to provide proper attachment. Seismic solid brace assembly
shall have anchorage preapproval verifying the maximum certified load ratings, and
seismic bracing to be certified by FM.

2.5.3 Steel angles, sized to prevent buckling, shall be clamped to pipe or equipment rods
utilizing a minimum of three ductile iron clamps at each restraint location when required.
Welding of support rods is not acceptable. Rod clamp assemblies shall have an
Anchorage Preapproval.

2.5.4 Pipe clevises cross bolt braces are required in all restraint locations. They shall be special
purpose preformed channels deep enough to be held in place by bolts passing over the
cross bolt. Clevis cross braces shall have an Anchorage Preapproval from certified seismic

2.5.5 Stud wedge anchors shall be manufactured from full diameter wire, not from undersized
wire that is Arolled up to create the thread. The stud anchor shall also have a safety
shoulder which fully supports the wedge ring under load. The stud anchors shall have an
evaluation report number verifying its allowable loads.

2.5.6 Female wedge anchors are preferred in floor locations so isolators or equipment can be
slid into place after the anchors are installed. Anchors shall be manufactured from full
diameter wire, and shall have a safety shoulder to fully support the wedge ring under load.
Female wedge anchors shall have an evaluation report number verifying to its allowable

2.5.7 Provide seismic restraints for rigidly and resiliently supported equipment in accordance
with code requirements. Restraints shall prevent permanent displacement in any direction
caused by lateral motion, overturning or uplift.

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2.5.8 If required to be seismically restrained, equipment shall withstand the applicable seismic
force criteria, including its internal Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control
design, components and frame; and provide suitable structural elements to which
restraining attachments may be fastened.


3.1 Vibration and Seismic Control Performance Requirements:

3.1.1 Isolation Efficiency: Provide quantity and loading of isolation units required for scheduled
deflection and not less than 90% isolation efficiency in Basement areas and not less than
95% isolation efficiency in upper level areas, except where otherwise indicated, and based
on the lowest operating RPM of the rotating equipment.

3.1.2 Load/Deflection Curves: Provide isolators which operate in the linear portion of their load
versus deflection curve, with curves linear over a deflection range of not less than 50%
above design deflection.

3.1.3 Ratio of Lateral to Vertical Stiffness: Not less than 0.9 nor greater than 1.5.

3.1.4 Theoretical Vertical Natural Frequency: Not more than ±10% of the design objectives for
the equipment as a whole, for each support point, based upon load per isolator and
isolator stiffness.

3.1.5 Neoprene Mounting Shore Hardness: 40 to 65, after minimum aging of 20 days or
corresponding oven−aging.

3.1.6 Supplementary Steel: Size supplementary steel for maximum deflection of 2.0 mm at
center span.

3.1.7 Seismic Force Criteria: Isolators for purchased and fabricated equipment shall accept
external forces of “0.5 g” load in any direction for rigidly and resiliently supported
equipment, piping, and ductwork without failure and permanent displacement. Isolators for
life safety equipment such as fire pumps, sprinkler piping, emergency generators, and
machinery, shall accept external forces up to “1.0 g” load in any direction without
permanent displacement.

3.1.8 Submittals: Submit for Consultant’s information. Calculations and shall be prepared and
sealed by a qualified licensed seismic structural engineer Seismic Structural Engineer
employed by the contractor at his cost and called herein after as Third Party professional
engineer shall show compliance with the Consultant’s point loading requirements. Furnish
engineering calculations showing the design criteria, including, but not limited to, the
following items:

· Point loadings.
· Wall and column attachments.
· Embedment’s for supporting major water horizontal and vertical piping.
· Stresses and forces on mountings and hangers from expansion and contraction of
piping. Furnish engineering calculations for seismic restraints showing that for all MEP
service equipment mountings, foundations and their seismic restraints can accept
external forces of “0.5 g” load for rigidly and resiliently supported equipment without
failure and permanent displacement, and can accept external forces of “1.0 g” loading
for rigidly and resiliently supported life safety equipment restraints

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3.2 Approved List of Manufacturers:

3.2.1 For accepted products, Manufacturers and suppliers, refer to Annexure I.

End of Section 22 05 29.

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SECTION 22 05 48




1.1 Quality Assurance

1.2 Reference Standards
1.3 Submittals
1.4 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling
1.5 Guarantee
1.6 Acoustic Design Considerations and Specification
1.7 Specified Noise Levels
1.8 Vibration Control
1.9 Vibration Isolation, Structural Noise And Equipment Bases
1.10 Piping System Vibration Isolators
1.11 Drainage Pipe Noise and Vibration Control
1.12 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Isolation Hangers

2.2 Isolation Mounts
2.3 Concrete Foundation Blocks
2.4 Inertia Bases


3.1 Testing General

3.2 Noise Tests
3.3 Hangers and Supports Performance Test

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[This part shall be read in conjunction with Acoustic Specialist Report Specifications. Any
discrepancies between the contents of this part and the Acoustic Specialist report, the report
specifications shall take presidence].


1.1 Quality Assurance

1.1.1 The Contractor shall consider all necessary acoustic data to determine the actual surface
area to be acoustically treated. Acoustic calculation sheets along with the Contractor's
proposals shall be provided, clearly showing that the specified “Reverberation Time” (RT)
will be achieved by using the type of acoustic treatment, for the approval of the Engineer.

1.1.2 The Specialist Sub-Contractor should have successfully supplied, installed and completed
similar projects for a period of not less than 10 years.

1.2 Reference Standards

1.2.1 Reference Standards shall conform to the following performance criteria determined by
testing full assemblies (component tests are unacceptable) of identical materials and
construction, using factory standard finishes in accordance with relevant codes and

1.2.2 Acoustics Performance Characteristics: Provide acoustic materials with acoustical absorption characteristics as specified

elsewhere by a testing organisation acceptable to Engineer. Approved testing authority
must be independent of the manufacturer.

1.2.3 Toxicity Characteristics Acoustic materials used in the project should have toxicity characteristics in accordance
with article 15, Part 1120 of the New York state uniform fire prevention and building code
MEA classification ME 123-92-M

1.3 Submittals

1.3.1 Shop Drawings Submit to the Engineer, three (3) complete sets of shop drawings prepared on CAD. (Hand
produced drawings shall not be acceptable). The drawings shall show all necessary details
and dimensions required which will subsequently be field verified and revised as required
for the Engineer’s approval.

1.3.2 Samples Submit two (2 sets) of the manufacturers samples, 2# samples per set. Each individual
panel (wall and ceiling) to be actual size with relevant fixing components for the approval
of the Engineer. Product shall be original production material in fabric or vinyl finish as
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1.3.3 Certification Submit a certificate of compliance to specify acoustical and fire performance criteria as per
this specification, signed by the manufacturer. Attach independent laboratory test results,
showing that the products supplied as complete assemblies meeting or exceeding the
specified requirements.

1.3.4 Manufacturers Approval The Acoustic Specialist supplying and installing the material shall be an approved agent of
the manufacturer. The manufacturer will certify that said contractor is an officially
appointed agent having sufficient experience and expertise to complete the project in a
satisfactory manner.

1.3.5 Single Source All materials as for as possible shall be from a single supplier.

1.4 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling

1.4.1 Deliver fabricated units and related components to the site for installation to meet a
reasonable schedule and to suit the approved project construction programme. On-site
storage shall be such as to ensure that all panels and associated materials are protected
from damage and the outside elements.

1.4.2 Prior to installation the site must be free of wet and dusty trades and the climatic conditions
stabilized to normal operational levels. Acoustic elements shall be allowed to stabilize on
site 24 hours prior to installation.

1.5 Guarantee

1.5.1 The Specialist shall furnish in the Client’s name, a written guarantee covering the product
supplied against defects in materials and workmanship under normal operating conditions
for a period of one year from the date of completion of acoustic works. The Contractor
shall pass on to the owner any and all guarantees provided by the manufacturers and
acoustic sub-contractor of individual members of the system before the completion of the

1.5.2 Provide to the Engineer in the Client’s name, sound test results. Sound test results should
comply with this specification, which is to achieve the indicated Reverberation Times (RT).
The sound test is to form an integral part of the specialist acoustic sub-contractors scope
of work.

1.6 Acoustic Design Considerations and Specification

1.6.1 It will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the internal acoustic ambient levels
are in accordance with this specification.

1.6.2 Where the contractor fails to meet these specifications he will be expected at his own cost,
to carry out all remedial work necessary to remedy the situation.

1.6.3 It will be the mechanical services sub-contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the noise
generated by the plant, do not exceed the noise criteria levels for the various types of
areas specified.

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1.6.4 The Specifications shall be read in conjuncture with the relevant clauses of the Mechanical
Specifications Volume 3. In case of any discrepancies the more stringent of the two or as
approved by the Engineer shall be applicable.

1.7 Specified Noise Levels

1.7.1 The optimum NC/NR noise levels for the various spaces (Refer to Table 1 in Section 23 05

1.8 Vibration Control

1.8.1 All mechanical, machinery shall be analysed for vibration and for noise breakout to areas
adjacent and above or below to ensure that the specified noise criteria ratings are net.

1.9 Vibration Isolation, Structural Noise And Equipment Bases

1.9.1 The contractor shall be responsible for the supply, installation and testing of the complete
system necessary for vibration isolation to dampen and eliminate all structure borne
vibration generated by the electro-mechanical equipment as described in this specification
and as detailed on the scheme drawings.

1.9.2 It is the Contractors responsibility to carry out a full vibration and structure borne noise
study as detailed in the mechanical specifications.

1.9.3 Where Plumbing equipment units are located at roof level or inside a room the selection of
vibration isolation systems shall take into account the effect of the unsupported span
between building columns and the subsequent deflection of the slab under the point loads.
The spring type isolators shall have a static deflection of not less than 50mm under the
load of the units supported. This static deflection is to provide an isolation efficiency of at
least 95% and higher deflections are to be used if the calculations so indicate. The
Contractor shall also check the installation for airborne noise through the structure that
could affect accommodation areas immediately below or adjacent and if necessary
recommend the use of acoustic floating floors to contain the noise. A report of the study
and recommendations shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to proceeding
with the installation. The cost of the study, implementation, erection and any rectification of
the original design shall be carried out at the Contractors own cost.

1.9.4 The vibration isolators shall be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer
recommendations for the equipment load distribution.

1.9.5 The equipment shall be loaded exactly over or between the mounts without any overhang.

1.9.6 The static deflection of the vibration isolators shall be determined by the specialist acoustic
engineer, but should not, be less than that recommended by CIBSE GUIDE or ASHRAE

1.9.7 The vibration isolators shall be treated against corrosion. The steel components shall be
PVC coated. The nuts, bolts and washers shall be zinc-electro plated.

1.10 Piping System Vibration Isolators

1.10.1 All piping connected to rotating machinery shall be supported by hangers and supports
including vibration isolators and shall be connected to the equipment by means of acoustic
flexible connectors.

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1.10.2 The first three hangers from the equipment should provide the same deflection as the
equipment isolators; the remaining hangers should be spring or combination spring and
rubber incorporating a spring with at least 19 mm deflection.

1.11 Drainage Pipe Noise and Vibration Control

1.11.1 Where noise level is not achievable due to the noise generated by the drainage pipes, an
acoustical pipe lagging should be provided to reduce the radiated noise.

1.11.2 Alternatively, "acoustical" or "sound proof' or "silent pipes" system can be used to achieve
the same noise level required in the space.

1.11.3 The acoustical specialist shall study and give recommendations if any (or both) option(s)
could be used in order to achieve the noise level required.

1.11.4 The lagging shall be either fiberglass or acoustic foam with aluminum faced of 1” (25mm)
thick and of minimum 10d B (A) insertion loss.

1.11.5 The sound proof pipes system shall be in accordance with DIN 4109 and VDI guide 4100,
DIN 4102, B2.

1.12 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.12.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim. Section 22 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for Plumbing Piping system


2.1 Isolation Hangers

2.1.1 Isolation hangers shall be used for suspended pipes and equipment.

2.1.2 Isolation hangers are rubber or springs or a combination of both.

2.1.3 Rubber Hangers Shall be of the rubber-in-shear type. It shall consist of:

a. A high grade rubber block with suspension rod and an outside steel housing.

b. The steel housing will be anchored to the ceiling slab and the suspension rod shall
support the equipment.

c. The rubber shall be protected against corrosion due to oil or other damaging agents.

2.1.4 Spring Hangers Shall be of the open mounting type and shall consist of a steel spring between a top and
bottom plate with an adjustment bolt or levelling. The spring should be designed to provide horizontal stiffness at least 75% of vertical
stiffness to assure stability, 50% travel beyond rated load and safe solid stresses.

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2.2 Isolation Mounts

2.2.1 Isolation mounts shall be used between equipment and concrete base and at the loading
points of the equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.

2.2.2 Rubber Mounts Shall be of the rubber-in-shear type with a cub shape or integrated ribbed rubber pad. The pad shall have two bolt holes for isolator anchorage to concrete base. Rubber mounts shall not be used for deflection requirements larger than 8 mm.

2.2.3 Spring Mounts Shall be of the restrained steel spring mountings and shall incorporate hold down bolts to
limit vertical movement. The isolator shall include an acoustical barrier of rubber pad bonded to the base plate to
prevent transmission of very high frequency vibration and noise and be corrosion protected
when installed outdoors. The spring should be designed to provide horizontal stiffness at least 75 % of vertical
stiffness to assure stability, 50% travel beyond rated load, and safe solid stresses.

2.3 Concrete Foundation Blocks

2.3.1 A reinforced concrete foundation block or concrete inertia base for each piece of
equipment shall be constructed of minimum thickness as shown on the Drawings, with a
minimum weight equal to at least two times that of the equipment and in accordance with
the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer and/or vibration specialist. Bases
shown on drawings or included in these specifications represent the minimum
requirements of the Engineer.

2.4 Inertia Bases

2.4.1 Each water pump shall be supported on an Inertia base. Base shall be consist of pre-
engineered welded steel frames suitable for concrete pouring, welded-in-concrete
reinforcement, equipment mounting bolts and vibration isolator brackets. Base shall mount
on spring vibration isolators which shall be of high deflection, free standing, un-housed
large diameter, laterally stable steel springs assembled into an upper load plate and
leveling assembly and into a lower load plate and noise isolation pad assembly.

2.4.2 Other equipment which are found, by the Engineer, to require inertia bases, shall be of the
same specifications as above and shall be part of the Contractor's obligation without
additional cost.


3.1 Testing General

3.1.1 The test of the airborne noise in each area shall be in accordance with BS 7445 Acoustics
Guide to ISO Measurement of Airborne Acoustical Noise” (BS 7458-1991, also refers).

3.1.2 The tests of the reverberation time in the areas specified shall be in accordance with (BS
5363-1993) “Measurement of Reverberation Time in Building Space and Auditoria”.
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3.2 Noise Tests

3.2.1 It will be the responsibility of the contractor to employ an independent acoustic engineer to
carry out proving tests and to prepare noise test certificates for all acoustically important
areas of the project.

3.2.2 The general basis for acceptability of the installation acoustically is (tolerance + or - 2db) at
any point 1.2 meters above floor level and 1.5 meters from grilles, diffusers, registers,
terminal units etc., of the air-conditioning systems.

3.2.3 For items of plant the noise level shall be taken at a point equivalent distance to the largest
radiating surface of that equipment.

3.2.4 Vibration Tests All vibration isolation systems shall allow no more than 5% transmissibility to the structure.
All equipment provided shall be inspected to ensure that it is free from excessive vibration.
Any minor vibration, which may occur, shall not be transmitted from equipment into or
through the supporting or enclosing structure. Should the engineer consider that excessive
vibration is present, such as to warrant the need for specialist testing apparatus and
personnel, then the contractor shall engage and employ such specialist services. The
contractor shall bear the cost of rectification of the installations as well as the cost of the
specialist services in order to meet the design requirements.

3.3 Hangers and Supports Performance Test

3.3.1 Brackets and hangers shall be tested to sustain a load of eight times the actual operating

3.4 Approved List of Manufacturers

3.4.1 For acceptable Products, Manufacturers and Suppliers, refer to Annexure I.

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SECTION 22 05 53



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope of Work
1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.4 Reference Standards


2.1 Valve Chart Locations

2.2 Identification of Pipelines and Services
2.3 Sign and Accessory Fastening
2.4 Nameplates
2.5 Painting

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1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Work of this Section to be read and governed by General Conditions of Contract. This
Section includes Painting and Identification of all pipe works, equipment etc.

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting complete above works based on
specifications and consultant’s approval of samples.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing

Section 22 11 13 Facility Water Distribution Piping
Section 22 11 16 Domestic Water Piping and Fittings
Section 22 11 23 Domestic Water Pumps
Section 22 13 16 Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping
Section 22 14 00 Facility Storm Drainage

1.4 Reference Standards

BS 1710 Identifications of Pipe Lines and Services

BS 4800 Paint Colours for Building Purposes
ASME A13.1, "Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems" for lettering size,
length of color field, colors, and viewing angles of identification devices.


2.1 Valve Chart Locations

2.2.1 Valve charts shall be provided for each piping system and shall consist of schematic
Drawings of piping layouts, showing and identifying each valve and describing its function.
Two copies of each chart, sealed to rigid backboard with clear lacquer placed under glass
and framed, shall be mounted in the building as directed by the Engineer.

2.2 Identification of Pipelines and Services

2.2.1 General Any pipe which transport condensate or grey-water must be color-coded differently from
pipes that are used for potable (drinking standard) water and be labeled ‘Not Suitable for
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__________________________________________________________________________________ Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “Green Building
Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits. All methods of identification shall be compatible with the pipe and operating conditions. Identification shall be accomplished by using basic identification colours with code
indications. Code indication shall include safety colours and service information. Information shall be
given regarding the nature of the contents of the pipe by using the following systems,
individually or in combination:-

i - Name in Full.

ii - Abbreviation of Name

iii - Chemical Symbol

iv - Appropriate Code Indication Colour bands.

2.2.2 Legend The material in piping system shall be identified. Primary identification should be by
means of a lettered legend naming the material conveyed by the piping in full or
abbreviated form. Arrows shall be used to indicate the direction of flow. The legend shall be brief, informative, pointed, and simple. Legends shall be applied close
to valves and adjacent to changes in direction, branches, where pipes pass through walls
or floors and as frequently as needed along straight runs to provide clear and positive
indication. Identification maybe applied by stencilling, tape or markers. Pipe marking should be highly visible.

2.2.3 The Type & Size of Letters

Outside diameter of Length of colour Height of letter

pipe or covering (mm) field (mm) (mm)

(13 to 32) mm 200 mm 13 mm

(40 to 50) mm 200 mm 19 mm
(65 to 150) mm 300 mm 32 mm
(200 to 250) mm 600 mm 63 mm
over 250 800 mm 100 mm

2.2.4 Colour The Colour should be shown on the piping, but in combination with a legend. The
application of colour bands shall be done by: Painting, Adhesive colour bands or
equivalent colour clips. Colour reference shall be in accordance with BS 4800, Latest Edition.

2.2.5 Color Code Indication for Building Services and Pipelines should be as follows:

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Colour Code
Basic colour Identification

- Cold Water Green Blue

- Hot Water Red Green/White
- Drainage - Black

2.3 Sign and Accessory Fastening

2.3.1 Warning and instruction signs, wherever specified or otherwise required, shall be securely
fastened where shown or directed with bolting anchors herein specified for masonry
construction or round head chrome plated brass wood screws and washers for wood
construction. Signs shall not be hung loose on chains or by any other method wherein the
sign will be free to move. Sign shall be installed in a conspicuous well lighted location
adjacent to the equipment it refers to and shall be easily read by occupants in standing
position on floor.

2.3.2 All accessories such as wrenches specified to be hung on chain adjacent to the
equipment they serve, shall be arranged for stowing in a rigid manner and shall not be
hung loose, or otherwise, that may permit the chain or wrench to move or rattle.

2.4 Nameplates

2.4.1 Each unit of equipment shall be identified by a permanently attached nameplate made of
brass or other corrosion-resistant metal. Plates shall be not less than forty (40) by eighty
(80) mm. Plates shall bear information pertaining to the unit as follows:

a) System and unit designation from schedule of equipment.

b) Manufacturer's name and address.
c) Serial and model number.
d) Rated capacity.
e) Temperature, pressure or other limitations.

2.5 Painting

2.5.1 General Requirements Surface requiring prime painting shall be cleaned thoroughly of all rust, loose scale, oil,
grease and dirt. Use wire brushes and solution for this purpose. No painting shall be applied to damp or frosty surfaces in wet, foggy or freezing weather. int shall be evenly spread and well brushed out so that there shall be no drops, runs or
sagging. Shop coated surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly and retouched where necessary. Care shall be taken not to paint controls, label plates, nameplates on all apparatus and
non-ferrous refrigerant piping. All items that have rusted or corroded in storage or in place shall be re-cleaned or
repainted upon request of the Engineer.

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
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__________________________________________________________________________________ Finishing coats shall be made in accordance with a color code, based on ASHRAE or BS
recommendations after being submitted to and approved by the Engineer.

2.5.2 Machinery All machinery installed under this contract such as motors, pumps, etc. shall have a shop
priming coat.

2.5.3 Piping All un-insulated and unwrapped Ferrous piping (galvanized or non-galvanized) including
flanges, bolts and valves in trench, partitions, below tiles, or underground shall be painted
with 2 coats of emulsified asphalt. Paint all exposed (in shafts, above and below false ceiling, on roof, etc.. ) ferrous piping
(including galvanized steel) system components including pipe, fittings, unions, flanges,
valves, hangers and supports as follows before wrapping or insulating the pipes (if
applicable). Applicable to galvanized pipes:

a) Prime Coat: Zinc Chromate.

b) Finish Coat: Ironhide gray metal paint or as approved by the Engineer. Applicable to all other ferrous pipes:

Prime Coat: Red lead Primer, 1.5 to 2.0 mils thick.

2.5.4 Iron Work All iron work within the building, not otherwise specified such as pipe and duct hangers
and supports, and supports for apparatus, shall be prime painted with one coat of red

End of Section 22 05 53.

Section 22 05 53
Identification for Plumbing Piping
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SECTION 22 05 93



1.1 Related Documents

1.2 Summary
1.3 General Requirements
1.4 Submittals
1.5 Quality Assurance
1.6 Project Conditions
1.7 Warranty
1.8 Commissioning of Building Services




3.1 Examination
3.2 Preparation
3.3 Testing and Balancing Producers

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SECTION 22 05 93



1.1 Related Documents

1.1.1 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 Summary

1.2.1 A certified independent third party shall carry out and certify the commissioning. Testing
must be carried out by a company approved by Authority to conduct commissioning of
buildings. Testing, adjusting and balancing of the installed systems as per the relevant
commissioning code of the British Chartered Institute of Building Services (CIBSE),
ASHRAE Standards, BSRIA or NEBB standards.

1.2.2 Testing, adjusting and balancing for all the installed systems shall include pumps, boilers,
calorifiers, noise and vibration measurement, automatic controls as per the procedure
herein after.

1.2.3 The Contractor shall be responsible to provide during installation all necessary provisions
to carry out the above works as required by the third party.

1.2.4 All costs shall be paid by the Contractor.

1.2.5 The contractor shall submit system verification check list for each type of system and
equipment being commissioned.

1.3 General Requirements

1.3.1 All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the relevant subsection of the
specification, and the requirement for commissioning method statement and test sheets
shall be review by Engineer and independent commissioning agency prior to
commencement of commissioning.

1.3.2 Labour, materials, instruments, power etc., required for testing shall be furnished by the
Contractor unless otherwise indicated under the particular section of the Specification.

1.3.3 Test shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer and such other
parties as may have legal jurisdiction.

1.3.4 In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping system only, before connection of
fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any piping, fixtures, equipment or
appliances be subjected to pressure exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the
manufacturers of fixtures, equipment and appliances or accepted engineering standards
for piping and fittings.

1.3.5 All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall be repeated
until the particular system and component parts thereof receive the approval of the
Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

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1.3.6 Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged materials replaced,
all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

1.3.7 The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having jurisdiction, but in no
case less than the time prescribed in each subsection of the specification.

1.3.8 In the event of any repair or any adjustment having to be made other than normal running
adjustment, the test shall be void and shall be repeated after the adjustment or repairs
have been made.

1.3.9 When pipes, valves, equipment etc., are to be covered or embedded or insulated; their
specific tests shall be carried out on them before any covering is applied. These tests shall
not relieve the contractor of any of his responsibilities and he shall take all necessary
precautions to insure the safety and protection of such tested items until the termination of
the work, and flow measurement devices shall have sufficient pipe length around them.

1.3.10 Three copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Engineer.

1.3.11 Contractor shall provide access for commissioning and maintenance, including access to
valves, test points and for any plant maintenance /setup.

1.4 Submittals

1.4.1 Two copies of Testing, Adjusting and Balancing strategies plans to be submitted. Plans
should show step-by-step procedures as specified in Part 3. Include also a complete set of
report forms intended for use on this Project.

1.4.2 Submit two copies of reports prepared, as specified in this Section, on approved forms
certified by Testing, Adjusting and Balancing firm.

1.4.3 Warranties if specified in this Section.

1.5 Quality Assurance

1.5.1 Ensure the participation of Testing, Adjusting and Balancing team members, equipment
manufacturers' authorized service representatives, Plumbing controls installers, and other
support personnel. Provide notice in advance of scheduled meeting time and location.

1.5.2 Coordinate the efforts of factory-authorized service representatives for systems and
equipment, Plumbing controls installers, and other mechanics to operate Plumbing
systems and equipment to support and assist Testing, Adjusting and Balancing activities.

1.5.3 Certify Testing, Adjusting and Balancing field data reports by reviewing field data reports
to validate accuracy of data, and certify that Testing, Adjusting and Balancing team
complied with approved Testing, Adjusting and Balancing plan and the procedures
specified and referenced in this Specification.

1.5.4 Use approved standard forms.

1.5.5 Calibrate instruments at least every six months or more frequently as required by
instrument manufacturer. Keep an updated record of instrument calibration that indicates date of calibration and the
name of party performing instrument calibration.

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1.6 Project Conditions

1.6.1 Completed areas of the project might be occupied during Testing, Adjusting and Balancing
or before Substantial Completion. Cooperate with Owner during Testing, Adjusting and
Balancing operations to minimize conflicts with Client’s operations.

1.7 Warranty

1.7.1 Provide a guarantee on National Standards for Testing and Balancing Plumbing, Systems
forms stating that:- The certified Testing, Adjusting and Balancing firm has tested and balanced systems
according to the Contract Documents. Systems are balanced to optimum performance capabilities within design and installation

1.8 Commissioning of Building Services

1.8.1 The commissioning of Plumbing System shall be carried out before issuing the completion

1.8.2 Commissioning must be carried out in accordance with the CIBSE, ASHRAE, Authority
having the jurisdiction.

1.8.3 Commissioning must be carried out by a company approved by Authority having the
jurisdiction to conduct commissioning of buildings.

1.8.4 Commissioning results must be recorded and available for inspection by Authority having
the jurisdiction

1.8.5 A systems manual, documenting the information required to allow future operations staff
to understand and optimally operate the commissioned services, must be developed and
provided to the building owner or facilities operator following commissioning.




3.1 Examination

3.1.1 Examine the Contract Documents to become familiar with Project requirements and to
address conditions in systems' designs that may preclude proper Testing, Adjusting and
Balancing of systems and equipment. Contract Documents are defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions of
Contract. Verify that balancing devices, such as test ports, gage cocks, thermometer wells, flow
control devices, balancing valves and fittings are required by the Contract Documents.
Verify that quantities and locations of these balancing devices are accessible and
appropriate for effective balancing and for efficient system and equipment operation.

3.1.2 Examine approved submittal data of Plumbing System and equipment.

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3.1.3 Examine Project Record Documents described in Division 01 Section "Project Record

3.1.4 Examine design data, including Plumbing System descriptions, statements of design
assumptions for environmental conditions and systems' output, and statements of
philosophies and assumptions about Plumbing System and equipment controls.

3.1.5 Examine equipment performance data including pump curves. Relate performance data to
Project conditions and requirements, including system effects that can create undesired or
unpredicted conditions that cause reduced capacities in all or part of a system.

3.1.6 Examine system and equipment installations to verify that they are complete and that
testing, cleaning, adjusting, and commissioning specified in individual Sections have been

3.1.7 Examine system and equipment test reports.

3.1.8 Examine Plumbing system and equipment installations to verify that indicated balancing
devices, such as test ports, gage cocks, thermometer wells, flow-control devices,
balancing valves and fittings are properly installed, and that their locations are accessible
and appropriate for effective balancing and for efficient system and equipment operation.

3.1.9 Examine systems for functional deficiencies that cannot be corrected by adjusting and

3.1.10 Pump alignment to ensure that has been installed properly.

3.1.11 Examine strainers for clean screens and proper perforations.

3.1.12 Examine motorized valves for proper installation for their intended function of diverting or
mixing fluid flows.

3.1.13 Examine system pumps to ensure absence of entrained air in the suction piping.

3.1.14 Examine equipment for installation and for properly operating safety interlocks and

3.2 Preparation

3.2.1 Prepare a Testing, Adjusting and Balancing plan that includes strategies and step-by-step

3.2.2 Complete system readiness checks and prepare system readiness reports. Verify the
following: Permanent electrical power wiring is complete. Hydronic systems are filled, clean, and free of air. Automatic temperature-control systems are operational. Isolating and balancing valves are open and control valves are operational.

3.3 Testing and Balancing Producers

3.3.1 Testing and Hydronic General Procedure

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Perform testing and balancing procedure on each system according to procedures shown
hereinafter. Prepare test reports with pertinent design data and number in sequence starting at pump
to end of system. Check the sum of branch-circuit flows against approved pump flow rate.
Correct variations that exceed plus or minus 5 percent. Prepare schematic diagrams of systems' "as-built" piping layouts. Prepare hydronic systems for testing and balancing according to the following, in addition
to the general preparation procedures specified above:- Open all manual valves for maximum flow. Check expansion tank liquid level. Check makeup-water-station pressure gage for adequate pressure for highest vent. Check flow-control valves for specified sequence of operation and set at indicated flow. Set differential-pressure control valves at the specified differential pressure. Do not set at
fully closed position when pump is positive-displacement type unless several terminal
valves are kept open. Set system controls so automatic valves are wide open to heat exchangers. Check pump-motor load. If motor is overloaded, throttle main flow-balancing device so
motor nameplate rating is not exceeded. Check air vents for a forceful liquid flow exiting from vents when manually operated. Measure water flow at pumps. Use the following procedures, except for positive
displacement pumps: Verify impeller size by operating the pump with the discharge valve closed. Read pressure
differential across the pump. Convert pressure to head and correct for differences in gage
heights. Note the point on manufacturer's pump curve at zero flow and verify that the
pump has the intended impeller size. Check system resistance. With all valves open, read pressure differential across the pump
and mark pump manufacturer's head-capacity curve. Adjust pump discharge valve until
indicated water flow is achieved. Verify pump-motor brake horsepower. Calculate the intended brake horsepower for the
system based on pump manufacturer's performance data. Compare calculated brake
horsepower with nameplate data on the pump motor. Report conditions where actual
amperage exceeds motor nameplate amperage. Report flow rates that are not within plus or minus 5 percent of design. Set calibrated balancing valves, if installed, at calculated pre-settings. Measure flow at all stations and adjust, where necessary, to obtain first balance. System components that have CV rating or an accurately cataloged flow-pressure-drop

relationship may be used as a flow-indicating device.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Measure flow at main balancing station and set main balancing device to achieve flow that
is 5 percent greater than indicated flow. Adjust balancing stations to within specified tolerances of indicated flow rate as follows:- Determine the balancing station with the highest percentage over indicated flow. Adjust each station in turn, beginning with the station with the highest percentage over
indicated flow and proceeding to the station with the lowest percentage over indicated
flow. Record settings and mark balancing devices. Measure pump flow rate and make final measurements of pump amperage, voltage, rpm,
pump heads, and systems' pressures and temperatures including outdoor-air temperature. Measure the differential-pressure control valve settings existing at the conclusions of

3.3.2 Procedures for Motors Motors, 1/2 HP and Larger: Test at final balanced conditions and record the following
data: Manufacturer, model, and serial numbers. Motor horsepower rating. Motor rpm. Efficiency rating. Nameplate and measured voltage, each phase. Nameplate and measured amperage, each phase. Starter thermal-protection-element rating. Motors Driven by Variable-Frequency Controllers: Test for proper operation at speeds
varying from minimum to maximum. Test the manual bypass for the controller to prove
proper operation. Record observations, including controller manufacturer, model and
serial numbers, and nameplate data.

3.3.3 Procedures for Water Pipes Test all piping systems, including valves, fittings and joints under a pressure equal to 100
psig (690 Kpa) or 1 ½ times the working pressure, whichever is greater. Blank off or remove all elements such as traps, instruments, automatic valves, diaphragm
valve, relief valves, pumps or any other equipment which may be damaged by test
pressure. Open, but do not back seat, all valves. Fill the system with water and vent the system at high points to remove air. Maintain the
required test pressure for a sufficient length of time to enable complete inspection to be
made of all joints and connections and for a minimum of six hours, unless specified
otherwise. Repair all leaks or defects uncovered by the tests and retest the system.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ After tests have been completed, drain the system and blow out and clean it of all dust
and/or foreign matters. Clean all strainers, valves and fittings of all dirt, fillings and debris.

3.3.4 Procedures for Drainage and Sewer Pipes Drains and sewers should generally be subjected to an internal pressure test of 1.2 m
head of water above the crown of the pipe at the high end but not more than 6 m at the
low end Inspection and tests should be made during the installation and as the work
proceeds, to ensure the pipework is properly secured and clear of obstructing debris and
superfluous matter. When the roughing-in work is completed and before connection of fixtures, the entire
system shall be subjected to thorough flushing and then to a water test by plugging up all
openings and filling all of the lines as per tests sections. Any defects shall be corrected, at
the expense of the contractor. After all fixtures are connected; the entire system shall be subjected to a smoke test. For
PVC piping, the correct grade of cartridge should be selected so that it is not harmful to
the pipe work or joint materials or an air test shall be performed in accordance with BS
8005 Part 1. Tests shall be performed in the presence of the parties having jurisdiction and the
Engineer, and all results shall be recorded.

3.3.5 Procedures for Vibration Measurements Use a vibration meter meeting the following criteria: Solid-state circuitry with a piezoelectric accelerometer. Velocity range of 0.1 to 10 inches per second (2.5 to 254 mm/s). Displacement range of 1 to 100 mils (0.0254 to 2.54 mm). Frequency range of at least 0 to 1000 Hz. Capable of filtering unwanted frequencies. Calibrate the vibration meter before each day of testing. Use a calibrator provided with the vibration meter. Follow vibration meter and calibrator manufacturer's calibration procedures. Perform vibration measurements when other building and outdoor vibration sources are at
a minimum level and will not influence measurements of equipment being tested. Turn off equipment in the building that might interfere with testing. Clear the space of people. Perform vibration measurements after air and water balancing and equipment testing is
complete. Clean equipment surfaces in contact with the vibration transducer.

3 3.8.6 Position the vibration transducer according to manufacturer's written instructions and to
avoid interference with the operation of the equipment being tested.
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__________________________________________________________________________________ Measure and record vibration on rotating equipment over 3 hp (2.2 kW). Measure and record equipment vibration, bearing vibration, equipment base vibration, and
building structure vibration. Record velocity and displacement readings in the horizontal,
vertical, and axial planes.

3.3.6 Pumps:

a. Pump Bearing: Drive end and opposite end.

b. Motor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end.
c. Pump Base: Top and side.
d. Building: Floor.
e. Piping: To and from the pump after flexible connections. For equipment with vibration isolation, take floor measurements with the vibration isolation
blocked solid to the floor and with the vibration isolation floating. Calculate and report the
differences. Inspect, measure, and record vibration isolation. Verify that vibration isolation is installed in the required locations. Verify that installation is level and plumb. Verify that isolators are properly anchored. For spring isolators, measure the compressed spring height, the spring OD, and the travel
to-solid distance. Measure the operating clearance between each inertia base and the floor or concrete
base below. Verify that there is unobstructed clearance between the bottom of the inertia
base and the floor.

3.4 Maintenance during Defects Liability Period and Guarantees

3.4.1 Starting from the date of issue of the Substantial/Provisional completion certificate the
contractor shall be responsible, for the duration of two years, to provide the following
services free of charge, at his own cost:-

3.4.2 The training of operators assigned by the client for operation of all major equipment and
controls as decided by the Engineer.

3.4.3 Training should be provided by original suppliers of equipment for a period of at least one
week and or when requested by client through out the liability period.

3.4.4 The replacement of parts or whole equipment that show any manufacturing or installation
defects during operation.

3.4.5 Necessary staff to carryout the above shall be provided to the job site during the said year.

3.4.6 On call emergency services (24 hours), particularly for elevators, escalators, travelators
and fire alarm system.

3.4.7 Guarantee of every piece of equipment from any manufacturing or installation defects for
a period of one year.
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3.4.8 At the end of defects liability period the contractor shall be responsible for final handing
over of all installed systems in a perfect condition to the satisfaction of both Engineer and

End of Section 22 05 93.

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SECTION 22 07 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Schedule of Insulation Thickness
1.4 Codes and Standards


2.1 Pipe Installation

2.2 Pipe Insulation - Type A
2.3 Pipe Insulation - Type B
2.4 Pipe Insulation – Type C
2.5 Aluminium Cladding
2.6 Pipe Sleeves
2.7 Equipment Insulation


3.1 Protection and Cleaning

3.2 Installation of Piping Insulation
3.3 Finishes

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Plumbing Insulation
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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

SECTION 22 07 00



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and SECTION

22 05 00, requirements.

1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 Supply and install all insulation and lagging on piping, vessels as indicated on the
drawings or specified to be insulated. Authority regulations, Civil Defence, and
Sustainability requirements shall also be considered and more stringent specifications to
be adopted

1.1.2 All insulation material shall have Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and less than Five
Global Warming Potential (GWP < 5).

1.1.3 Canvas jacket and all insulating materials shall be non-combustible, or self-extinguishing
non-flame spread grade.

1.1.4 Insulation in exposed areas, i.e. permanently visible, shall be protected with aluminium
cladding as specified herein after.

1.1.5 Sustainability requirements to be followed and adopted as per the project requirements (if
those requirements are more stringent).

1.1.6 Thermal-insulation system materials shall be non-combustible, as defined by NFPA 220.

Adhesives, coatings, sealants, facings, jackets, and thermal-insulation materials, except
cellular elastomers, shall have a flame-spread classification (FSC) of 25, and a smoke-
developed classification (SDC) of 50. These maximum values shall be determined in
accordance with ASTM E 84 and NFPA 255. Coatings and sealants shall be non-
flammable in their wet state.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing

Section 22 11 13 - Facility Water Distribution Piping
Section 22 11 16 - Domestic Water Piping and Fittings
Section 22 11 23 - Domestic Water Pumps
Section 22 13 16 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping
Section 22 14 00 - Facility Storm Drainage

1.3 Schedule of Insulation Thickness

1.3.1 The thickness of the insulation applied to pipes and equipment shall be as follows:-

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Pipe Diameter Insulation

Service Location inches (mm) Thickness
inches (mm)

Domestic cold water Pipes running - All sizes for cold water. 1(25)
exposed to sun

Domestic hot water pipes larger than 3 (80 mm) for 2 (50)
- hot water pipes

Domestic hot and return

Water pipes -- Up to 3 (80) 1 (25)

1.4 Codes and Standards

1.4.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard


American Society for ASTM ASTM E984 Standard test method for
Testing and Material assessing the surface burning
characteristics of building


2.1 Pipe Installation

2.1.1 Before installation, the pipe shall be inspected for defects. Defective, damaged or
unsound pipe will be rejected. Deflections from a straight line or grade, between the center
lines extended, of any 2 connecting pipes made necessary by vertical curves or horizontal
curves or offsets, shall not exceed 12500/ D mm. per linear meter of pipe, where D
represents the nominal internal diameter of the pipe expressed in millimetres. If the
alignment requires deflections in excess of these limitations, special bends or a sufficient
number of shorter lengths of pipe shall be furnished to provide angular deflections within
the limit set forth. Except where necessary in making connections with other lines, pipe
shall be laid with the bells facing in the direction of laying. Pipes in trenches-Place each
length of pipe with a uniformly distributed bearing for the bottom 0.3 of the pipe on the
sand fill in the trench. Excavate recesses to accommodate pipe bells, sleeves, glands or
other fittings. Take up and re-lay any pipe that has the grade or joint disturbed after laying.
Clean the interior of the pipe of all foreign material before lowering into the trench, and
keep clean during laying operations by means of plugs or other acceptable methods.

2.1.2 All drainage and rain water pipes running underground, under the building, shall be
encased in concrete for the whole length.

2.2 Pipe Insulation - Type A

2.2.1 This type of insulation shall apply to cold water pipes running on roof and to domestic hot
water pipes up to 2½” (65 mm).

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2.2.2 Insulation shall be flexible foamed closed cell elastomeric tubular form type. Insulation
may be slipped over pipe or tubing before pipe connections are made, or may be slit
longitudinally and snapped onto the pipe and then sealed with vapour barrier adhesive.

2.2.3 Insulation shall have a thermal conductivity not greater than 0.27 BTU / Hr °F. ft sq. per
inch thickness at a mean temperature of 75 ° F.

2.2.4 The surface finish shall be an 8-ounce canvas cloth embedded between 2 coats of vapour
barrier. Aluminium cladding shall be provided as specified.

2.3 Pipe Insulation - Type B

2.3.1 This type of insulation shall apply to domestic hot water pipes above 2½” (65 mm)

2.3.2 Pipe insulation shall be preformed rigid section fibrous glass molded in cylindrical form to
fit snugly , sectional one piece construction, with a density of not less than 4 lbs/ft3 (65
kg/m3) and a max. K-factor of 0.25 Btu.in/Ft2 hr. °F (0.036 W/m.°K) at a mean
temperature of 75 °F (24 °C) side and end laps of jacket shall be pasted down with
lapping cement and secured with aluminium bands using a minimum of three bands per

2.4 Pipe Insulation – Type C

2.4.1 This type of insulation shall be applied to boiler breeching, generator, and diesel engine
flue pipes

2.4.2 Pipe insulation shall be performed from resin bonded rock wool fibres molded in cylindrical
form to fit snugly , sectional one piece construction, having a density of not less than 8
lbs/ft3 (130 kg/m3)and max. K-factor of 0.27 Btu.in/Ft2 hr. °F ( 0.039 W/Mk) at a mean
temperature of 250 °F (121 °C) side and end laps of jacket shall be pasted down with
lapping cement and secured with aluminium bands using a minimum of three bands per

2.5 Aluminium Cladding

2.5.1 Aluminium cladding shall be of 0.7 mm, it shall be used as protection against weather and
mechanical damage.

2.5.2 Aluminium cladding shall be applied on top of insulation above the canvas jacket and
vapour barrier coating. It shall be held in place by means of self tapping screws and by
using 38 mm wide aluminium straps at 300 mm centers with aluminium or stainless steel
angle rib clips, all joints shall be sealed with grey colored suitable sealant. Rivets and
screws shall not be used for cladding unless approved by the Engineer for use on elbows
and fittings. Cladding shall be overlapping at joints, horizontal seams shall be at the
bottom. Cladding on ducts shall be formed in such a way to allow for rain/dew drain off.

2.5.4 Aluminium cladding shall be applied to all insulated pipes running exposed on roof,
outside building, inside parking floors and in plant rooms.

2.6 Pipe Sleeves

2.6.1 Sleeves shall be provided for pipes passing through walls, floors and partitions and be of
similar material to pipe except for plastic pipes where sleeves shall be copper or steel.

2.6.2 Sleeves shall be generally one or two sizes larger than pipe as necessary and positioned
true with pipe to provide adequate clearance and also allow for lateral movements of
pipeline if required.

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2.6.3 Sleeves shall be finished flush with finishes face of wall, floor and ceilings, but project 75
mm above floors in wet areas with the cap sealed with waterproof mastic.

2.6.4 Sleeves shall be firs-stopped in gap between pipe and sleeve in all fire rated structures to
Building Regulation E14 using asbestos-free fire proof material and without restricting
pipework movement (with any thermal insulation sections stopped short each side).

2.6.5 Sleeves shall be caulked in gap between pipe and sleeve in external walls using
asbestos-free, weather and vermin proof material.

2.7 Equipment Insulation

2.7.1 This type of insulation shall apply to boilers, boiler circulator, pumps, heat exchangers hot
water expansion tanks and domestic hot water tanks. Insulation shall be semi-rigid fibrous glass with organic binder up in board form with a
minimum density of 3 lbs/ft3 (50 kg/m3) and a maximum K-factor of 0.42 Btu-in/ft2.hr.°F
(0.06 W/m.°K) at a mean temperature of 200 °F (94 °C). Insulation shall be applied over
pins welded to the vessel on 300 mm centers. All joints shall be staggered and tightly
butted. The insulation shall be covered with gauge 18 aluminium jacket.


3.1 Protection and Cleaning

3.1.1 All insulation shall have a smooth, homogenous and lineable finished surface. All rigid
sections shall be concentric and be accurately matched for thickness.

3.1.2 All surface to be insulated shall be dry and free from loose scale, dirt, oil or water when
insulation is applied.

3.1.3 No surface imperfections in the insulation such as damaged edges, or ends, cracks and
small voids or holes shall be accepted.

3.1.4 Insulation materials shall be stored and protected from weather moisture, accumulations
of foreign matter, or possible damage in a dry and clean store.

3.1.5 Surface finishes and lagging adhesives shall not be diluted and shall be applied in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3.1.6 Apply insulation to permit expansion or contraction of metal without causing damage to
insulation or surface finish.

3.2 Installation of Piping

3.2.1 All pipe covering 2 ½" (65 mm) or less in thickness shall be applied in single layer with
joints tightly butted together.

3.2.2 All pipe covering 3" (80 mm) and larger in thickness shall be double layer with lateral and
longitudinal joints of the second layer staggered with those of the first layer. No canvas is
to be used between the layers.

3.2.3 All pipe covering shall fit snugly on the pipe to which it is applied. Inside circumference of
pipe covering when applied shall not vary from the outside circumference of the pipe by
more than 3mm. undersize.

Section 22 07 00
Plumbing Insulation
22 07 00 - 5
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3.2.4 Pipe insulation shall have factory applied jackets and secured with plastic bands at each
joint at center of each section and where sections abut upon fittings, except where
otherwise specified.

3.2.5 Insulation shall only be applied to piping after all testing has been accomplished and after
all the coats of paint have been applied.

3.2.6 Pipe covering shall be terminated at a sufficient distance from all flanges to permit easy
removal of bolts.

3.2.7 Screwed, soldered, and welded fittings and valves (up to the bonnet) on 4”(100mm) pipe
and larger, shall be insulated with block insulation or pipe covering and shall be given a
trowelled coat of finish cement to present a smooth surface. Valves shall be covered to
the gland.

3.2.8 Screwed, soldered, and welded fittings and valves (up to the bonnet) up to 4”(100mm) in
size shall be covered with field fabricated metered segments of pipe insulation equal in
thickness to the adjoining insulated pipe and finished with standard weight canvas jacket.
Where hangers are installed on the pipe covered with insulation the entire hanger up to
the rod shall be insulated.

3.2.9 Where insulated piping is subject to movement and supported on roller hangers, steel
protection saddles shall be provided and welded to the pipe. Saddles shall be filled with
OPR cement.

3.2.10 All insulated piping not supported on roller hangers and subject to movement, shall be
provided with protection shields at all hanger locations. Shields shall be of 3mm.
galvanized iron extending on each side of the hanger for a distance equal to the diameter
of the insulation and shall extend up the sides of the insulation to the center of the pipe
and shall be provided with cork pad support.

3.2.11 Where standard insulation shapes are not available, cut, score or meter segmental or flat
block to fit contour of pipe, stagger joints of adjoining segments. Fit insulation carefully
and secure with wire. Smooth with insulating cement.

3.2.12 Insulate valves, strainers, fittings and flanges with identical material, density, thickness
and finish as the piping insulation. Use pre-molded insulation material where available,
otherwise use shaped block segments wire on with all edges filled with insulation cement
or filler.

3.2.13 Insulate strainers to permit removal of the basket without disturbing the insulation of the
strainer body.

3.3 Finishes

3.3.1 All pipes running in concealed spaces shall have canvas cover, securely fixed, overlaps
firmly pasted down, secured with aluminium bands at intervals and painted with two coats
of fire retardant emulsion paint.

3.3.2 All non-cladded pipes running inside building but exposed to view shall have same
treatment as for those in concealed spaces but with one coat of gloss paint, to an
approved colour, in addition.

3.3.3 Insulation in exposed areas, i.e. permanently visible, shall be protected with aluminium
cladding as specified.

Section 22 07 00
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3.3.4 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “NEOM
sustainability requirements\ Green Building Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile
Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

End of Section 22 07 00

Section 22 07 00
Plumbing Insulation
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SECTION 22 11 13



1.1 Water Supply System - General Description

1.2 Water Service Main
1.3 Reference Code
1.4 Codes and Standards
1.5 Related Work Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Hose Bibs

2.2 Vacuum Breaker
2.3 Shock Arrestor (Water Hammer)
2.4 Water Meter


3.1 Water Supply System Installation Requirements

3.2 Testing of Water Supply
3.3 Stress Analysis and Water Hammer

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Facility Water Distribution Piping

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SECTION 22 11 13



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 Water Supply System - General Description

1.1.1 Domestic cold water is supplied from the public mains and stored in underground
reservoirs as indicated on the Drawings.

1.1.2 Domestic water from the underground reservoir(s) will be lifted by means of automatic
pumps and supplied by pressurized riser lines as detailed on the relevant Drawings.

1.1.3 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “Green Building
Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

1.2 Water Service Main

1.2.1 The Contractor shall connect the water service line from the public main, in the vicinity of
the building low level water reservoirs.

1.3 Reference Code

1.3.1 All work under this section shall conform to the requirements of the National Plumbing
Code Handbook and Uniform Plumbing Code, unless otherwise specified hereinafter.

1.4 Codes and Standards

1.4.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard


National Plumbing Code NPC -- --

Uniform Plumbing Code UPC -- --

Saudi Building Code SBC 701

1.5 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.5.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing

Section 22 07 00 - Plumbing Insulation

Section 22 40 00 - Plumbing Fixtures

Section 22 11 13
22 11 13 - 2
Facility Water Distribution Piping

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2.1 Hose Bibs

2.1.1 Hose bibs shall be finished ¾" (20 mm) chrome plated brass, compression type with
chrome plated handle and standard ¾" (20 mm) male hose connection or otherwise
indicated on the Drawings.

2.1.2 Hose bib shall have an integral, nonremovable, drainable, hose-connection vacuum
breaker complying with ASSE 1011.

2.2 Vacuum Breaker

2.2.1 Where indicated or otherwise required, vacuum breakers shall be installed and set at least
100 mm above the floor level of equipment or fixture rims to prevent contamination of
water supply.

2.3 Shock Arrestor (Water Hammer)

2.3.1 Where indicated or otherwise required, shock arrestor shall be mechanical pneumatic
type, stainless steel construction with hermetically sealed bellows and threaded

2.3.2 Arrestors shall be located adjacent to all quick closing valves, solenoid valves, where
required and as indicated on Drawings.

2.3.3 Proper sizes shall be determined by the individual application as per ASSE 1010 or PDI-
WH 201

2.4 Water Meter

2.4.1 Supply and install metering devices with pulse indicating instruments complete as per
Authority Regulations. Meters should be interconnected with BuildingManagement System
(BMS) for monitoring and evaluating the water consumption.


3.1 Water Supply System Installation Requirements

3.1.1 Automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket locations, and at the highest points in
the lines (when specified).

3.1.2 Gate valves shall be installed at the base of each riser line, each branch main and on
each lateral branch to fixtures or equipment and where shown on the Drawings.

3.1.3 Drain valves with threaded hose connections shall be provided at all low points of the
piping system.

3.1.4 Water hammer arrestors shall be provided in upright position in the hot and cold water
lines at quick closing valves and at water supply branch to flush valve-operated water

3.1.5 The minimum pipe size to be used is ¾" (20mm) diameter.

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3.1.6 All electrically operated equipment, specified under this section, (like electric water, etc.)
shall be provided with the necessary length of electrical cord (including ground conductor),
with appropriate plug suitable for connection to the electrical outlet.

3.2 Testing of Water Supply

3.2.1 Test all piping systems, including valves, fittings and joints under a pressure equal to 100
psig (690 kpa) or 1 ½ times the working pressure, whichever is greater.

3.2.2 Blank off or remove all elements such as traps, instruments, automatic valves, diaphragm
valve, relief valves, pumps or any other equipment which may be damaged by test
pressure. Open, but do not back seat, all valves.

3.2.3 Fill the system with water and vent the system at high points to remove air. Maintain the
required test pressure for a sufficient length of time to enable complete inspection to be
made of all joints and connections and for a minimum of six hours, unless specified

3.2.4 Repair all leaks or defects uncovered by the tests and retest the system.

3.2.5 After test have been completed, drain the system and blow out and clean it of all dust
and/or foreign matters. Clean all strainers, valves and fittings of all dirt, fillings and debris.

3.2.6 The hot water system shall be tested for satisfactory circulation to assure water within the
required temperature limits at all points.

3.2.7 Additional tests shall be made as may be required by local authorities, or as directed by
the Engineer.

3.3 Stress Analysis and Water Hammer

3.3.1 Contractor shall carry a stress analysis on the water supply system and shall consider all
necessary measures to ensure that the system is water hammer free. Any additional
valves, surge tanks, bellows, required to achieve this requirement shall be absorbed by
the Contractor at no additional cost to the Client.

End of Section 22 11 13

Section 22 11 13
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Facility Water Distribution Piping

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SECTION 22 11 16



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Storage of UPVC Pipes
1.4 Pipe Identification
1.5 Arrangement and Alignment
1.6 Codes and Standards


2.1 Cross Linked Polyethylene Pipes (XLPE)

2.2 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
2.3 Flanged Pipe Joints
2.4 Joints between Dissimilar Materials
2.5 Joints Between Dissimilar Metals (Dielectric isolators)
2.6 Fire Stop Collar
2.7 Piping Schedule


3.1 Arrangement and Alignment of Pipes

3.2 Special Requirement for PVC Pipe Installation
3.3 General Requirements for Piping Installation
3.4 Connection to Equipment and Control Valves
3.5 Pipe Sleeves
3.6 Cleaning of Piping Systems
3.7 Pipework Clearances and Segregation
3.8 Material Tests and Identification
3.9 Testing
3.10 Installation of Unions and Flanges

Section 22 11 16
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Domestic Water Piping & Fittings

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SECTION 22 11 16



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and Section 22 05 00.

1.1.2 This section describes basic materials and requirements for Pipework services
installations for building.

1.1.3 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “Green Building
Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing

Section 22 05 29 - Hanger and Supports for Plumping Piping
Section 22 05 93 - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for Plumbing
Section 22 07 00 - Plumbing Insulation
Section 22 11 13 - Facility Water Distribution Piping

1.3 Storage of UPVC Pipes

1.3.1 PVC pipe and fittings shall be stored under cover at all times. Sun light shall not be
permitted to come into contact with the PVC materials at any time, except during
installation in trench. The pipes shall be stored on flat level ground free from large or
sharp edged stones or objects, and shall be stacked to a maximum height of 1.5 m. (or as
recommended by the manufacturer) with sockets at alternate ends, and in such a manner
as to prevent sagging or bending.

1.4 Pipe Identification

1.4.1 All pipes shall be indelibly marked at intervals of not greater than 3m. The marking shall
show the manufacturer's identification, the standard name and number, and the nominal
size and class. Adhesive labels alone shall not suffice. All pipes complying with British
Standards shall be kitemarked.

1.5 Arrangement and Alignment

1.5.1 Install piping in a neat, workmanlike manner and the various lines shall be parallel to
building walls wherever possible.

1.5.2 Install pipe groups for plumbing parallel with pipes of other trades.

1.5.3 Space pipe supports, arrange reducers and Pitch piping to allow air to be vented to
system high points and to allow the system to be drained at the low points. However,
where obstructions exist, automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket points and

Section 22 11 16
22 11 16 - 2
Domestic Water Piping & Fittings

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1/2" (15 mm) drain gate valves shall be supplied and installed at all low points and riser

1.6 Codes and Standards

1.6.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

American Water C601-68
Works C501-67

American Society for Testing ASTM ASTM C425 Specification for compression joint for
and Materials vitrified clay pipe and fittings.

ASTM A53-88a Specification for pipe, steel, black and

Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and

ASTM B88 Specification for seamless copper water


ASTM B280-88 Specification for seamless copper tube

for A/C and refrigeration field service.

ASTM A307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and

Studs. 60,000psi tensile strength
ASTM D1785 Specification for poly (vinyl chloride)
(PVC) plastic pipe, schedules 40, 80, and

ASTM D3517M Specification for “Fiberglass” (Glass–

Fiber-Reinforced Thermo-setting–Resin)
Pressure Pipe.

American Standard ASA ASA 40.1 -

ASA B16.22 -

ASA B1618 -

ASA B9.1 -

ASA B35.5 -

British Standards BS BS 4514 Specification for unplasticized PVC soil

and venting pipes, fittings and

BS 5255 Specification for thermoplastics waste

pipe and fittings.

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Domestic Water Piping & Fittings

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BS 5254 Specification for polypropylene waste

pipe and fittings (external diameter 34.6
mm, 41.0 mm and 54.1 mm.)

BS 3505 Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl

chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes for cold
potable water.

BS 4346 Part 1 Joints and fittings for use with

unplasticized PVC pressure pipes.
Injection moulded unplasticized PVC
fittings for solvent welding for use with
pressure pipes, inluding potable water

BS 4346 Part 2 Mechanic joints and fittings, principally of

unplasticized PVC.

BS 4660 Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl

chloride (PVC-U) pipes and plastics
fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160 for
below ground gravity drainage and

BS 5480 Specification for Glass Reinforced Plastic

(GRP) Pipes, Joints and Fittings for use
of Water Supply or Sewerage.

BS 5481 Specification for unplasticized PVC pipe

and fittings for gravity sewers.

BS 1387 Specification for screwed and socketed

steel tubes and tubulars and for plain and
steel tube suitable for welding or for
screwing to BS21 pipe threads.

BS 2871 Specification for copper and copper

alloys, tubes.

BS 864 Part 2 Specification for capillary and

compression fittings for copper tubes.

BS 3601 Specification for carbon steel pipes and

tubes with specified room temperature
properties for pressure pipes.

BS 21 Specification for pipe threads for tubes

and fittings where pressure tight joints are
made on the threads.
American Society for ASHRAE - -
Heating, Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning Engineers

Deutsches Institute for DIN DIN 19534 -


Section 22 11 16
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Domestic Water Piping & Fittings

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

American National ANSI ANSI B18.2.2

Standards Institute
ANSI B31.1

ANSI A21,10,11 -


2.1 Cross Linked Polyethylene Pipes (XLPE)

2.1.1 XLPE piping system shall be basically consist of the following components: Cross linked polyethylene pipe pulled in coloured (red for hot water blue for cold water
application) corrugated conduits of polyethylene material. Ring main line fittings and valves of bronze or DZR brass construction.

2.1.2 Pipes The inner pipe shall be made of cross linked polyethylene which can withstand upto 95
degree C fluid temperature inside it at a maximum pressure of 10 bars. Pipes shall be
able to withstand short time temperature loading upto 110 degree C at a maximum
pressure of 10 bars. All pipes shall be stamped at equal intervals with clear marks showing clearly the name of
the manufacturer along with the pressure and temperature ratings, pipe diameter and wall
thickness, pipe standard DIN 16892/93 and the country of origin of manufacturer. All pipes shall be laid so that they can be easily replaced, whenever necessary by fast and
easy pulling from the conduits. Pipes shall satisfy the requirement for drinking water installation and approved by a
recognized health organization DVGW or equivalent whenever specifically intended for
potable application.

2.1.3 Conduits The conduits shall be made of temperature stabilized high density polyethylene and shall
be capable of retaining its form upto 105 degree C. Conduits shall have different colour
for different application.

2.1.4 Fittings & Accessories One single line XLPE pipe in one single conduit will supply water to one fixture only from a
main ring above false ceiling. Ring feed line shall have an isolating valve of bronze construction. Each pipe at its
termination above false ceiling shall be labeled with a tag indicating the fixture it is
supplying. Pipes to be connected to the different fittings via a special wall box of reinforced plastic
fitted with bronze or DZR brass elbow suitable for ½" or ¾" threaded connection as
required. The box should be suitably designed in order to enable the replacement of
existing pipes in the event of their damage (puncturing).

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Domestic Water Piping & Fittings

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__________________________________________________________________________________ All valves, wall box, elbows, tees, bends should be of bronze or DZR brass connections to
be of a cone grip unions type allowing full flow capacity, minimum pressure loss, easily
detachable with torque clearly defined for a fool proof installation. Contractor to use proper tools for assembly as recommended by manufacturer, i.e.
assembly pliers, Ratchet torque wrench, cutters, etc. Distribution ring shall be located above the false ceiling as indicated on the drawings.

2.2 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)

2.2.1 CPVC Schedule 80 pipe shall be manufactured from a Type IV, Grade I compound with a
Cell Classification of 23447 per ASTM D1784.

2.2.2 The pipe shall be manufactured in strict compliance to ASTM F441, consistently meeting
the Quality Assurance test requirements of this standard with regard to material,
workmanship, burst pressure, flattening, and extrusion quality.

2.2.3 The pipe shall be using domestic materials, by an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer, and
shall be stored indoors after production, at the manufacturing site, until shipped from

2.2.4 This pipe shall carry the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal of approval for potable
water applications.

2.2.5 The pipe shall exhibit a flame spread index of not more than 25 and a smoke-developed
index of not more than 50 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723.

2.3 Flanged Pipe Joints

2.3.1 All flanged joints shall be made have compressed ring type gaskets of 1.5 mm. thick.

2.3.2 Bolts for flanges shall be of stainless steel with hexagonal heads and hard pressed steel
hexagon nuts. Bolts shall conform to ASTM A193M/ASTMA 194M Type 304

2.3.3 All bolt holes shall be spot faced.

2.4 Joints between Dissimilar Materials

2.4.1 Screwed Pipe to Cast Iron Pipe Joints between wrought-iron, steel, brass or copper pipe
and cast iron pipe shall be made with cast iron spigots screwed to the steel pipe and
caulked to the cast iron pipe.

2.4.2 Copper Tubing to Screwed Pipe Joints: Joints shall be made by the use of brass converter
fittings. The joint between the copper pipe and the fitting shall be properly soldered, and
the connection between the threaded pipe and the fitting shall be made with a standard
pipe size screw joint.

2.5 Joints Between Dissimilar Metals (Dielectric isolators)

2.5.1 Make joints between ferrous and non-ferrous screwed piping and equipment by using
Teflon or nylon isolating materials in the form of screwed unions.

2.5.2 Make joints between ferrous and non-ferrous flanged piping and equipment with insulating
gaskets and "Teflon sleeves and washers between flanges, bolts and nuts.

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2.5.3 The entire insulating joint including the dielectric material shall be suitable to withstand the
temperature, pressure and other operating characteristics for the service for which they
are used.

2.6 Fire Stop Collar

2.6.1 Supply and install factory manufactured fire stop collar for all the plastic pipes penetrating
fire rated walls and floors. The Collar should be of heavy gauge galvanized metal to
house the intumescent insert. The intumescent shall provide a minimum of 15 times the
free expansion and shall contain no water soluble expansion ingredients and approved to
be used in combination with the smoke sealant from the same manufacturer. The collar
should be UL classified and FM systems approved to the requirements of ASTM E814
(UL 1479).

2.6.2 The fire sealant should be of non hardening compound, non water soluble ingredients,
capable of expanding a minimum of 5 times when subjected to 230 degree F to 100o F.
The sealant should be UL classified and FM system approved to the requirements of
ASTM E814 (UL 1479).

2.7 Piping Schedule

2.7.1 General Piping classes are specified for each service in the following schedule. The designations
indicated refer to detailed specifications for piping in this section of the specifications:

2.7.2 Piping Classes

Piping Class
Domestic cold water supply running on roof and inside the building up to

chrome plated valves in Toilets, Bathrooms and Kitchens, etc.
Cold Water Supply above False Ceiling (Kitchens and Bathrooms) •
Domestic cold and hot water supply pipes running in conduits in walls inside

the Bathrooms, Toilets and Kitchens, etc., up to fixtures
Cold Water inside Kitchen and Toilets •
Hot Water Pipes inside the building

Above 2” (50 mm)
Hot Water Return inside the building •
Hot Water Pipes inside the building

Up to 2” (50 mm)


3.1 Arrangement and Alignment of Pipes

3.1.1 Install piping in a neat, workmanlike manner and the various lines shall be parallel to
building walls wherever possible.

3.1.2 Install pipe groups for plumbing parallel with pipes of other trades.

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3.1.3 Space pipe supports, arrange reducers and Pitch piping to allow air to be vented to
system high points and to allow the system to be drained at the low points. However,
where obstructions exist, automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket points and
½" (15 mm) drain gate valves shall be supplied and installed at all low points and riser

3.2 Special Requirement for PVC Pipe Installation

3.2.1 Before installation, the pipe shall be inspected for defects. Defective, damaged or
unsound pipe will be rejected. Deflections from a straight line or grade, between the center
lines extended, of any 2 connecting pipes made necessary by vertical curves or horizontal
curves or offsets, shall not exceed 12500/D mm. per linear meter of pipe, where D
represents the nominal internal diameter of the pipe expressed in millimeters. If the
alignment requires deflections in excess of these limitations, special bends or a sufficient
number of shorter lengths of pipe shall be furnished to provide angular deflections within
the limit set forth. Except where necessary in making connections with other lines, pipe
shall be laid with the bells facing in the direction of laying.

3.2.2 Pipes in trenches-Place each length of pipe with a uniformly distributed bearing for the
bottom 0.3 of the pipe on the sand fill in the trench. Excavate recesses to accommodate
pipe bells, sleeves, glands or other fittings. Take up and re-lay any pipe that has the grade
or joint disturbed after laying. Clean the interior of the pipe of all foreign material before
lowering into the trench, and keep clean during laying operations by means of plugs or
other acceptable methods.

3.2.3 Plumbing vents exposed to sun light shall be protected by waterbase synthetic latex

3.3 General Requirements for Piping Installation

3.3.1 Make all changes in size and direction of piping with standard fittings.

3.3.2 Make all branch connections with tees.

3.3.3 Use eccentric reducing fittings or eccentric reducing couplings where required by the
contract documents or where required to prevent pocketing of liquid or non-condensable.

3.3.4 Pipe bending shall not be resorted to except in extreme cases and only after the written
approval of the Engineer.

3.3.5 Piping shall be designed with Loops to take the thermal expansion. Wherever this is not
possible for physical reasons, expansion joints with guides shall be used.

3.3.6 Installation of pipes shall be complete with all cutting, patching and making good of walls,
slabs, partitions, etc., due to fixing, supporting and anchoring of pipes.

3.3.7 Automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket locations, and/or at the highest
points in the lines.

3.3.8 Pipes and fittings shall both be manufactured according to one single standard unit of
measurement either both English or both metric.

3.4 Connection to Equipment and Control Valves

3.4.1 Provide flanges or unions at all final connections to equipment and control valves to
facilitate dismantling. Arrange connections so that the equipment being served may be
removed without disturbing the piping.

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3.4.2 Install all supply piping, pumps and other equipment including gate valves and strainers
therein, at line size with the reduction in size being made only at the outlet piping from the
control valve at the full size of the tapping in the equipment served.

3.5 Pipe Sleeves

3.5.1 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe for un-
insulated lines or of the insulation for insulated pipes.

3.5.2 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.5.3 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

3.5.4 Sleeve construction:

. Interior Partitions - galvanized sheet iron.

. Interior & Exterior Masonry Walls and Floors-galvanized steel pipe.

3.5.5 The space between outside of pipe or insulation and the inside of the sleeve or framed
opening shall be fire stopped to Building Regulation E14 using asbestos-free fire proof
material in interior walls and asbestos-free, weather & vermin proof materials in external

3.6 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.6.1 Plug all opening ends of piping, valves and equipment except when actual work is being
performed to minimize accumulation of dirt and debris.

3.6.2 After installation is complete, place temporary screens at connections to all equipment and
at automatic control valves where permanent strainers are not provided.

3.6.3 Prior to the performance of tests, flush out all piping that is to receive a hydrostatic test
with clean water.

3.6.4 Remove dirt and debris collected at screens, strainers and other points from the system.

3.6.5 The Contractor shall disinfect water piping before it is placed in service. The Contractor
shall furnish all equipment and materials necessary to do the work of disinfecting and shall
perform the work in accordance with the procedure outlined in AWWA Standard for
Disinfecting Water Mains Designation C 601-68. The dosage shall be such as to produce
a chlorine residual for not less than 10 ppm after a contact period of not less than 24
hours. After treatment, the piping shall be flushed with clean water until the residual
chlorine content does not exceed 0.2 ppm.

3.6.6 During the disinfecting period, care shall be exercised to prevent contamination of water in
steel main.

3.7 Pipework Clearances and Segregation

3.7.1 Minimum clearance between uninsulated pipes, finished face of insulation on pipes and
adjacent surfaces shall be as follows:

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- Walls 25 mm
- Ceilings 100 mm
- Finished Floors 100 mm
- Adjacent pipes, both insulated 25 mm
- Adjacent pipes, both uninsulated 25 mm
- Insulated pipes adjacent to conduit trunking 100 mm
- Uninsulated pipes adjacent to conduit trunking 150 mm
- Uninsulated pipes adjacent to electrical
cables not in conduit or trunking 150 mm
- Insulated pipes adjacent to electrical
cables not in conduit or trunking 100 mm

3.7.2 The spacing of services shall provide for the application of thermal insulation and valves
and flange boxes and increased spacing to accommodate pipeline fittings.

3.7.3 The spacing of services shall provide for access to pipes and electrical services for ease
of installation and maintenance.

3.7.4 The spacing shall be provided for cold water pipes to be away from hot pipes to minimise
heat gains.

3.8 Material Tests and Identification

3.8.1 In addition to the tests required for specific piping systems, the manufacturer shall test all
materials as specified prior to delivery.

3.8.2 Check all materials for defects. Identify all materials with factory applied permanent
stampings or markings designating their conformance to specified requirements.

3.9 Testing

3.9.1 Water Pipes Test all domestic water piping system, including valves, fittings and joints under a
pressure equal to 100 psig (690 Kpa) or 1 ½ times the working pressure, whichever is
greater. Blank off or remove all elements such as traps, instruments, automatic valves, diaphragm
valve, relief valves, pumps or any other equipment which may be damage by test
pressure. Open, but do not back seat, all valves. Fill the system with water and vent the system at high points to remove air. Maintain the
required test pressure for sufficient length of time to enable complete inspection to be
made of all joints and connections and for a minimum of six hours, unless specified
otherwise. Repair all leaks or defects uncovered by the tests and retest the system. After test have been completed, drain the system and blow out and clean it of all dust and/
or foreign matters. Clean all strainers, valves and fittings of all dirt, fillings and debris.

3.10 Installation of Unions and Flanges

3.10.1 Unions and flanges shall be installed at all equipment inlets and outlets, at all valves inlets
or outlets, on all pipe branches and in general, every 15 metres of pipe run.

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3.10.2 Unions shall be used on all screwed pipes and shall be of the same quality and service.
Flanges, suitable for welding, shall be used on all welded pipes, and shall be all steel
construction to ASTM or BS Standards.

3.10.3 Threaded flanges shall be used on all threaded pipes; when flanged valves and
equipment are connected to the pipes, flanges shall be of the same quality and service as
the pipe served, and shall conform to ASTM or BS Standards.

End of Section 22 11 16.

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SECTION 22 13 00



1.1 Sanitary Drainage

1.2 Reference Standard
1.3 Codes and Standards
1.4 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Gully Traps (PVC)

2.2 PVC Floor Drains with Stainless Steel Cover
2.3 Flower Bed Drains
2.4 Cleanouts
2.5 PVC Roof Vent Caps
2.6 Trench Grate & Frame
2.7 Frames, Covers & Gratings
2.8 PVC Floor Drains


3.1 Internal Drainage Installation Requirements

3.2 Trench Bottom Grading
3.3 Frames, Covers & Gratings
3.4 Drainage Testing
3.5 Fixtures Testing

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SECTION 22 13 00



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 Sanitary Drainage

1.1.1 The Sanitary Drainage Systems consist of sanitary drainage, fixtures, fittings, piping and
equipment as hereinafter specified and as shown on the Drawings. The sanitary drains
shall be carried to appropriate manholes shown on the Drawings.

1.1.2 Pipe installations shall not be concealed within the building structure until satisfactory
completion of the inspection and testing procedure.

1.1.3 Traps shall conform to BS 5572 and all relevant British Standards.

1.1.4 Plastic traps shall be to BS 3943 and of 'P' type unless otherwise specified.

1.1.5 For sinks, showers, baths, bidets and bowl urinals, traps shall be a two piece tubular trap,
and bottle trap for lavatory basin.

1.1.6 Floor drains subject to evaporation shall have a water seal of 125mm.

1.1.7 All floor drains shall be set 3 mm. below the normal finished floor, with a gradual pitch
extending away from the drain, unless otherwise noted on Architectural Drawings.

1.1.8 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “Green Building
Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

1.2 Reference Standard

1.2.1 All work under this section shall conform to the requirements of the National Plumbing
Code Handbook and Uniform Plumbing Code, unless otherwise specified hereinafter.

1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard


National Plumbing Code NPC -

Uniform Plumbing Code UPC

British Standards BS BS497 Specification for manhole covers,

road gully gratings and frames for
drainage purposes

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BS4164 Specification for coaltar-based hot-

applied coating materials for
protecting iron and steel, including a
suitable primer.

BS8005 Part 1 Guide to new sewerage construction.

1.4 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.4.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing.

Section 22 05 93 - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for Plumbing
Section 22 07 00 - Plumbing Insulation
Section 22 12 00 - Facility Potable Water Storage Tanks
Section 22 14 00 - Facility Storm Drainage


2.1 Gully Traps (PVC)

2.1.1 Each gully trap shall be of heavy duty UPVC construction and of the P or S-trap type.

2.1.2 Gully trap shall have either cast iron open grating cover or solid recessed cover with cast
iron frame as shown on the Drawings and/or as need be.

2.2 PVC Floor Drains with Stainless Steel Cover

2.2.1 Supply and install wherever shown on the Drawings floor drains of sizes and shapes as
indicated on the Drawings.

2.2.2 Each floor drain shall be of the UPVC construction with 70 mm water seal.

2.2.3 Drain shall have stainless steel AISI 304 removable square tile with circular grid strainer
and stainless steel cover with minimum thickness of 1.8 mm. The open area of the strainer
shall be at least two-thirds of the cross-section area of the drain line to which it connects.

2.2.4 Stainless steel covers shall have minimum 15 years warranty.

2.2.5 Tile shall fit, as practical as possible, one floor tile of the space.

2.2.6 Drain shall be fitted with 1" (25mm) access plug for cleaning purposes.

2.2.7 This floor drain is applicable to bathrooms, toilets, kitchens and pantries.

2.2.8 Floor drain in Domestic Washing Machine Room shall be sealed type.

2.3 Flower Bed Drains

2.3.1 Each drain shall be of uPVC with trapped sump and flat type chrome plated brass or
heavy duty stainless steel strainer.

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2.3.2 Flower bed drains shall be supplied complete with stainless steel mesh enclosing the
strainer and surrounded by gravels as detailed on drawings.

2.4 Cleanouts

2.4.1 Each cleanout shall be of the same material and dimensions as the pipe to be cleaned,
and shall be placed at ceiling level, in walls, or slabs, as need be, for ease of operation.

2.4.2 Floor pipe cleanouts on PVC pipes shall have stainless steel cover.

2.5 PVC Roof Vent Caps

2.5.1 Supply and install vent caps on all vent stacks at the highest level of the stack and
wherever shown on the Drawings.

2.5.2 Each vent cap shall be of UPVC with open slots all around cowl and shall be cemented
onto the stack vent pipe at least 150 cm above roof level.

2.6 Trench Grate & Frame

2.6.1 Ductile or Cast Iron Grate shall be ductile or cast iron, heavy rectangular, sectional bar pattern, suitable for
heavy traffic. Grate openings shall be laid in wide dimensions in a steel frame with flat bar
anchors and nailing clips.

2.6.2 Stainless Steel (For Kitchen Areas) The grating should have an anti-slip surface. It should be manufactured from Grade 304
stainless steel. The frames shall be supplied ready for installation with all corners and
angles already built-in. All frames shall have fixing ties to ensure a secure seating

2.7 Frames, Covers & Gratings

2.7.1 All covers and frames shall be manufactured either from Cast iron to BS 497 Part I or
Ductile iron manufactured to BSEN 124 as approved by Local Authority.

2.7.2 All castings for frames, covers, and gratings shall be made accurately to dimensions and
shall be machined to provide even bearing surfaces. Covers and gratings must fit the
frames in any position and if found to rattle under traffic, shall be replaced. Filling to obtain
tight covers will not be permitted. No plugging, burning-in or filling will be allowed. All
castings shall be carefully coated inside and out with epoxy coating complying with the
requirements specified in BS 4164. Coating surfaces shall be clean, dry and free from rust
before applying the coatings.

2.7.3 Covers of manholes located inside buildings shall be of double seal and those located
outside shall be of single seal.

2.7.4 Covers of last manhole discharging to city sewer shall be integral with GRP sealing plate.

2.8 PVC Floor Drains

2.8.1 Supply and install wherever shown on the Drawings floor drains of sizes and shapes as
indicated on the Drawings.

2.8.2 Each floor drain shall be of the UPVC construction with 70 mm water seal.

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2.8.3 Drain shall have white polypropylene removable square tile with circular grid strainer. The
open area of the strainer shall be at least two-thirds of the cross section area of the drain
line to which it connects.

2.8.4 Drain shall be fitted with 1" (25mm) access plug for cleaning purposes.

2.8.5 This drain shall be applicable to shafts.


3.1 Internal Drainage Installation Requirements

3.1.1 All horizontal soil and waste piping shall be installed with a slope of not less than one
percent (1%) unless otherwise specified and/or noted on the Drawings.

3.1.2 All horizontal soil and waste piping shall be installed with a slope of not less than one
percent (1%) unless otherwise specified and/or noted on the Drawings.

3.1.3 All plumbing fixtures shall be individually trapped and vented. Rough in and install fixtures
at height as recommended by manufacturer unless otherwise indicated. Sinks directly
connected to grease traps shall not be trapped.

3.1.4 Vent piping shall not be trapped and shall be graded to drip back to waste or soil line.

3.1.5 Changes in direction of piping shall be generally made with long radius fittings.

3.1.6 Floor drains subject to evaporation shall have a water seal of 125mm.

3.1.7 Floor drains shall be clamped to flashing or to water proofing membrane. Clamping collars
shall be supplied with drains only where flashing is required.

3.1.8 All floor drains shall be set 3 mm. below the normal finished floor, with a gradual pitch
extending away from the drain, unless otherwise noted on Architectural Drawings.

3.1.9 All pipes and fittings shall be kept clean, with the exposed ends of in-completed or
unconnected work to be plugged.

3.1.10 Cleanouts shall be placed at all changes in directions, at bends, at ends of soil, waste,
sewer and as shown on drawings with a maximum spacing of 15 m. on straight runs inside

3.1.11 All pipes running under building or under streets shall be encased in concrete of minimum
100 mm thickness.

3.1.12 All work done under this section shall be in accordance with the National Plumbing Code
Handbook and Uniform Plumbing Code unless otherwise specified.

3.2 Trench Bottom Grading

3.2.1 All Trench Bottom Grading Required For Plumbing Work Shall Be Done Under The
Requirements Of This Section Of The Specification. The Bottom Of All Trenches Shall Be
Trimmed By Hand Method To Receive Pipes At Their Respective Finish Levels. Trenches
Shall Not Be Excavated By Machine Below Levels As Above Specified.

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3.2.2 After The Pipe Lines Have Been Tested And Approved, Backfill Shall Be Compacted
Thoroughly By Hand Tampers Below Center Lines Of Pipes And To At Least 300mm
Above It. No Backfill Shall Be Placed In Such A Manner As To Cause Damage Or
Misalignment To The Pipes Or Protective Coating If Used. Backfill Material Under Such
Conditions Shall Be Earth, 20mm Crushed Stone Or Gravel Above The Top Of Piping And

3.3 Frames, Covers & Gratings

3.3.1 The Contractor shall furnish and set level and to the proper grade, frame and cover or
frame and grating of the form and dimensions shown on the Drawings. The concrete
masonry shall be neatly and accurately brought to the dimensions of the base of the
frame. The frames shall be thoroughly embedded in mortar. All covers and frames shall be
to BS 497 Part 1.

3.3.2 All castings for frames, covers, and gratings shall be of tough gray iron, complying with BS
2789:1973 (Updated 1985). All castings shall be made accurately to dimensions and shall
be machined to provide even bearing surfaces. Covers and gratings must fit the frames in
any position and if found to rattle under traffic, shall be replaced. Filling to obtain tight
covers will not be permitted. No plugging, burning-in or filling will be allowed. All castings
shall be carefully coated inside and out with coal tar based material complying with the
requirements specified in BS 4164. Coating surfaces shall be clean, dry and free from rust
before applying the coatings.

3.3.3 Covers of manholes located inside buildings shall be of double seal and those located
outside shall be of single seal.

3.4 Drainage Testing

3.4.1 If an inspection of the completed sewer or any part thereof shows any structures, pipes or
joints which are defective, the defective work shall be replaced or repaired immediately
and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

3.4.2 The Contractor shall perform, at his own expense, any tests or inspections required by
local authorities. The Engineer shall witness the tests.

3.4.3 All joints shall be inspected and an inspection of the line as a whole shall show pipes to be
true to line and grade with full circles visible at all manholes.

3.5 Fixtures Testing

3.5.1 When the roughing-in work is completed and before connection of fixtures, the entire
system shall be subjected to thorough flushing and then to a water test by plugging up all
openings and filling all of the lines as per tests sections. Any defects shall be corrected, at
the expense of the Contractor.

3.5.2 After all fixtures are connected, the entire system shall be subjected to a smoke test. For
PVC piping the correct grade of cartridge should be selected so that it is not harmful to the
pipe-work or joint materials or an air test shall be performed in accordance with BS 8005
Part 1.

3.5.3 Tests shall be performed in the presence of the parties having jurisdiction and the
Engineer, and all results shall be recorded.

End of Section 22 13 00.

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SECTION 22 13 16



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Storage of UPVC Pipes
1.4 Pipe Identification
1.5 Codes and Standards


2.1 UPVC Pipes Type 1

2.2 Piping Schedule


3.1 Arrangement and Alignment of Pipes

3.2 Special Requirement for PVC Pipe Installation
3.3 General Requirements for Piping Installation
3.4 Pipe Sleeves
3.5 Cleaning of Piping Systems
3.6 Material Tests and Identification
3.7 Testing

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SECTION 22 13 16



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and requirements.

1.1.2 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “Green Building
Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits

1.1.3 This section describes basic materials and requirements for Pipework services
installations for building.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing.

Section 22 05 93 - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for Plumbing
Section 22 07 00 - Plumbing Insulation
Section 22 13 00 - Facility Sanitary Sewerage
Section 22 14 00 - Facility Storm Drainage
Section 22 40 00 - Sanitary Fixtures

1.3 Storage of UPVC Pipes

1.3.1 UPVC pipe and fittings shall be stored under cover at all times. Sun light shall not be
permitted to come into contact with the PVC materials at any time, except during
installation in trench. The pipes shall be stored on flat level ground free from large or
sharp edged stones or objects, and shall be stacked to a maximum height of 1.5 m. (or as
recommended by the manufacturer) with sockets at alternate ends, and in such a manner
as to prevent sagging or bending.

1.4 Pipe Identification

1.4.1 All pipes shall be indelibly marked at intervals of not greater than 3m. The marking shall
show the manufacturer's identification, the standard name and number, and the nominal
size and class. Adhesive labels alone shall not suffice. All pipes complying with British
Standards shall be kitemarked.

1.5 Codes and Standards

1.5.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

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Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard



Works Association AWWA C501-67 MANUAL

American Society for ASTM ASTM A53-88a Specification for pipe, steel, black and
Testing and Materials Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and

ASTM A307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts

and Studs. 60,000psi tensile strength

ASTM D1785 Specification for poly (vinyl chloride)

(PVC) plastic pipe, schedules 40, 80,
and 120.

ASTM D3517M Specification for “Fiberglass” (Glass–

Fiber-Reinforced Thermo- setting –
Resin) Pressure Pipe.
American Standard ASA ASA 40.1 -
ASA B16.22 -
ASA B1618 -
ASA B9.1 -

ASA B35.5 -
British Standards BS
BS 4514 Specification for unplasticized PVC soil
and venting pipes, fittings and

BS 5255 Specification for thermoplastics waste

pipe and fittings.

BS 5254 Specification for polypropylene waste

pipe and fittings (external diameter
34.6 mm, 41.0 mm and 54.1 mm.)

BS 3505 Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl

chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes for
cold potable water.

BS 4346 Part 1 Joints and fittings for use with

unplasticized PVC pressure pipes.
Injection moulded unplasticized PVC
fittings for solvent welding for use with
pressure pipes, inluding potable water

BS 4346 Part 2 Mechanic joints and fittings, principally

of unplasticized PVC.

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BS 4660 Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl

chloride (PVC-U) pipes and plastics
fittings of nominal sizes 110 and 160
for below ground gravity drainage and

BS 5481 Specification for unplasticized PVC

pipe and fittings for gravity sewers.

BS 1387 Specification for screwed and socketed

steel tubes and tubulars and for plain
and steel tube suitable for welding or
for screwing to BS21 pipe threads.

BS 3601 Specification for carbon steel pipes

and tubes with specified room
temperature properties for pressure

BS 21 Specification for pipe threads for tubes

and fittings where pressure tight joints
are made on the threads.

Deutsches Institute for DIN DIN 19534 -


American National ANSI ANSI B18.2.2

Standards Institute
ANSI B31.1
ANSI A21,10,11 -


2.1 UPVC Pipes - Type 1

2.1.1 Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) shall be of the unplasticized rigid type and of high density
and complete homogeneity material

2.1.2 UPVC Pipes - Type 1 shall comply with BS EN 1329-1 : 2000 or ASTM D2665 schedule
40 specification for pipes, fittings and the system.

2.1.3 UPVC Pipes piping systems shall be used in the field of : Soil and waste discharge systems (low and high temperature) inside buildings (marked
with “B”). Soil and waste discharge systems for both inside buildings and buried in ground within the
building structure (marked with “BD”). Ventilation pipe work.

2.1.4 UPVC Pipes piping system sockets and spigots shall be either for solvent cement joints or
ring seal joints.

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2.2 Piping Schedule

2.2.1 General Piping classes are specified for each service in the following schedule. The designations
indicated refer to detailed specifications for piping in this section of the specifications:

2.2.2 Piping Classes

Service Piping Class

Drainage and vent pipes above ground UPVC Type 1

A/C Condensate drain PVC Type 1


3.1 Arrangement and Alignment of Pipes

3.1.1 Install piping in a neat, workmanlike manner and the various lines shall be parallel to
building walls wherever possible.

3.1.2 Install pipe groups for plumbing parallel with pipes of other trades.

3.1.3 Space pipe supports, arrange reducers and Pitch piping to allow air to be vented to
system high points and to allow the system to be drained at the low points. However,
where obstructions exist, automatic air vents shall be installed at all air pocket points and
½" (15 mm) drain gate valves shall be supplied and installed at all low points and riser

3.2 Special Requirement for PVC Pipe Installation

3.2.1 Before installation, the pipe shall be inspected for defects. Defective, damaged or
unsound pipe will be rejected. Deflections from a straight line or grade, between the center
lines extended, of any 2 connecting pipes made necessary by vertical curves or horizontal
curves or offsets, shall not exceed 12500/D mm. per linear meter of pipe, where D
represents the nominal internal diameter of the pipe expressed in millimeters. If the
alignment requires deflections in excess of these limitations, special bends or a sufficient
number of shorter lengths of pipe shall be furnished to provide angular deflections within
the limit set forth. Except where necessary in making connections with other lines, pipe
shall be laid with the bells facing in the direction of laying.

3.2.2 Pipes in trenches-Place each length of pipe with a uniformly distributed bearing for the
bottom 0.3 of the pipe on the sand fill in the trench. Excavate recesses to accommodate
pipe bells, sleeves, glands or other fittings. Take up and re-lay any pipe that has the grade
or joint disturbed after laying. Clean the interior of the pipe of all foreign material before
lowering into the trench, and keep clean during laying operations by means of plugs or
other acceptable methods.

3.2.3 Plumbing vents exposed to sun light shall be protected by waterbase synthetic latex

3.2.4 Thermal Expansions

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__________________________________________________________________________________ When drainage and vent stacks exceed six (6) meters in height, approved expansion
joints, restraint fittings and offsets shall be placed on vertical risers and horizontal
branches as follows:

3.2.6 Expansion joints are recommended at alternate floors in all vertical stacks.

3.2.6 Expansion joints shall be placed in horizontal branches containing two or more vertical
risers and exceeding ten (10) meters in length immediately upstream of vertical riser
whenever possible.

3.2.7 An expansion joint, shall be placed below the connection point of a waste pipe to the
stack, if this connection is exposed below floor slab, and above the connection point if this
connection is above floor slab.

3.2.8 No expansion joints shall be required in building drain below grade.

3.2.10 Approved expansion fittings that utilize rubber-o-rings in a recessed groove may be used
to compensate for thermal expansion. The ring slides along the pipe when expansion or
contraction occurs. Expansion joints shall be installed by solvent cementing techniques.

3.3 General Requirements for Piping Installation

3.3.1 Make all changes in size and direction of piping with standard fittings.

3.3.2 Make all branch connections with tees.

3.3.3 Use eccentric reducing fittings or eccentric reducing couplings where required by the
contract documents or where required to prevent pocketing of liquid or non-condensable.

3.3.4 Pipe bending shall not be resorted to except in extreme cases and only after the written
approval of the Engineer.

3.3.5 Piping shall be designed with Loops to take the thermal expansion. Wherever this is not
possible for physical reasons, expansion joints with guides shall be used.

3.3.6 Installation of pipes shall be complete with all cutting, patching and making good of walls,
slabs, partitions, etc., due to fixing, supporting and anchoring of pipes.

3.3.7 Pipes and fittings shall both be manufactured according to one single standard unit of
measurement in metric.

3.4 Pipe Sleeves

3.4.1 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe for un-
insulated lines or of the insulation for insulated pipes.

3.4.2 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.4.3 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

3.4.4 Sleeve construction:

. Interior Partitions - galvanized sheet iron.

. Interior & Exterior Masonry Walls and Floors-galvanized steel pipe.

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3.4.5 The space between outside of pipe or insulation and the inside of the sleeve or framed
opening shall be fire stopped to Building Regulation E14 using asbestos-free fire proof
material in interior walls and asbestos-free, weather & vermin proof materials in external

3.5 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.5.1 Plug all opening ends of piping, valves and equipment except when actual work is being
performed to minimize accumulation of dirt and debris.
3.5.2 After installation is complete, place temporary screens at connections to all equipment and
at automatic control valves where permanent strainers are not provided.

3.5.3 Prior to the performance of tests, flush out all piping that is to receive a hydrostatic test
with clean water.

3.5.4 Remove dirt and debris collected at screens, strainers and other points from the system.

3.5.5 The Contractor shall disinfect water piping before it is placed in service. The Contractor
shall furnish all equipment and materials necessary to do the work of disinfecting and shall
perform the work in accordance with the procedure outlined in AWWA Standard for
Disinfecting Water Mains Designation C 601-68. The dosage shall be such as to produce
a chlorine residual for not less than 10 ppm after a contact period of not less than 24
hours. After treatment, the piping shall be flushed with clean water until the residual
chlorine content does not exceed 0.2 ppm.

3.5.6 During the disinfecting period, care shall be exercised to prevent contamination of water in
steel main.

3.6 Material Tests and Identification

3.6.1 In addition to the tests required for specific piping systems, the manufacturer shall test all
materials as specified prior to delivery.

3.6.2 Check all materials for defects. Identify all materials with factory applied permanent
stampings or markings designating their conformance to specified requirements.

3.7 Testing

3.7.1 Drainage and Sewer Pipes Drains and sewers should generally be subjected to an internal pressure test of 1.2 m
head of water above the crown of the pipe at the high end but not more than 6 m at the
low end Inspection and tests should be made during the installation and as the work
proceeds, to ensure the pipework is properly secured and clear of obstructing debris and
superfluous matter. The final test (if required by the Engineer) of the completed drainage and vent system
shall be made by filling all traps with water and then introducing into the entire system a
pungent, thick smoke produced by one or more smoke machines. When the smoke
appears at stack openings on the roof, the stack openings shall be closed and a pressure
equivalent to a 1-inch water column (248.8 Pa) shall be held for a test period of not less
than 1`5 minutes.

End of Section 22 13 16.

Section 22 13 16
22 13 16 - 7
Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping

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SECTION 22 14 00



1.1 Storm Drainage

1.2 Reference Standard
1.3 Codes and Standards
1.4 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 UPVC Pipes - Type 1

2.2 Cast Iron Roof and Balcony Drains
2.3 Cleanouts


3.1 Internal Storm Water Installation Requirements

3.2 Testing

Section 22 14 00
22 14 00 - 1
Facility Storm Drainage

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SECTION 22 14 00



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 Storm Drainage

1.1.1 Storm water shall be drained by means of roof drains and leaders and free discharged
around the building at convenient locations shown on the Drawings.

1.1.2 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “Green Building
Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

1.2 Reference Standard

1.2.1 All work under this section shall conform to the requirements of the National Plumbing
Code Handbook and Uniform Plumbing Code, unless otherwise specified hereinafter.

1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard


National Plumbing Code NPC -

Uniform Plumbing Code UPC -

British Standards BS BS497 Specification for manhole covers, road gully
gratings and frames for drainage purposes

BS4164 Specification for coaltar-based hot-applied

coating materials for protecting iron and
steel, including a suitable primer.

BS8005 Part 1 Guide to new sewerage construction.

1.4 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.4.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing.

Section 22 05 93 - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for Plumbing
Section 22 13 00 - Facility Sanitary Sewerage

Section 22 14 00
22 14 00 - 2
Facility Storm Drainage

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2.1 UPVC Pipes Type 1

2.1.1 Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) shall be of the unplasticized rigid type and of high density
and complete homogeneity material

2.1.2 UPVC Pipes - Type 1 shall comply with BS EN 1329-1 : 2000 or ASTM D2665 schedule
40 specification for pipes, fittings and the system.

2.1.3 UPVC Pipes piping systems shall be used in the field of : Above ground rainwater pipework.

2.1.4 UPVC Pipes piping system sockets and spigots shall be either for solvent cement joints or
ring seal joints.

2.2 Cast Iron Roof and Balcony Drains

2.2.1 Supply and install all roof drains wherever shown on the Drawings and as specified in
these specifications.

2.2.2 Each drain shall be of cast iron with no trap, having large sump, integral flange and dome
type brass strainer fixed by screwing onto the drain body.

2.2.3 Roof drain shall receive two coats of asphalt paint before installation or shall be asphalt
painted at the factory. Balcony drains shall have flat type strainer.

2.3 Cleanouts

2.3.1 Each cleanout shall be of the same material and dimensions as the pipe to be cleaned,
and shall be placed at ceiling level, in walls, or slabs, as need be, for ease of operation.

2.3.2 Floor pipe cleanouts on PVC pipes shall have stainless steel cover.


3.1 Internal Storm Water Installation Requirements

3.1.1 All storm drainage piping above grade shall have a slope of two percent (2%) where
possible the minimum acceptable is one percent (1%).

3.1.2 Changes in direction of piping shall be generally made with long radius fittings.

3.1.3 All pipes and fittings shall be kept clean, with the exposed ends of in-completed or
unconnected work to be plugged.

3.1.4 Cleanouts shall be placed at all changes in directions, at bends, at ends of pipes and as
shown on drawings with a maximum spacing of 15 m. on straight runs inside building.

3.1.5 All pipes running under building or under streets shall be encased in concrete of minimum
100 mm thickness.

3.1.6 All work done under this section shall be in accordance with the National Plumbing Code
Handbook and Uniform Plumbing Code unless otherwise specified.

Section 22 14 00
22 14 00 - 3
Facility Storm Drainage

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3.2 Testing

3.2.1 If an inspection of the completed part thereof shows any structures, pipes or joints which
are defective, the defective work shall be replaced or repaired immediately and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

3.2.2 The Contractor shall perform, at his own expense, any tests or inspections required by
local authorities. The Engineer shall witness the tests.

3.2.3 All joints shall be inspected and an inspection of the line as a whole shall show pipes to be
true to line and grade with full circles visible at all manholes.

End of Section 22 14 00.

Section 22 14 00
22 14 00 - 4
Facility Storm Drainage

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SECTION 22 33 31



1.1 General
1.2 System Description


2.1 General Equipment Requirements

2.2 Piping System
2.3 Hot Water Storage Tanks


3.1 Installation
3.2 Testing and Commissioning:
3.3 Spare Parts
3.4 Special Tools
3.5 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

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SECTION 22 33 31



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 General

1.1.1 The hot water system shall comprise of standalone thermosyphon closed circuit solar
thermal system with integral auxiliary electric backup and hot water circulators.

1.1.2 The solar thermal hot water system shall be supplied by a third party specialist in
accordance with the requirements of this specification. This system shall supply hot water
to all the hot water outlets. The system installation shall be supervised, checked, tested,
commissioned and set into operation by the solar thermal specialist presence, and all shall
be confirmed in writing according to his standard, and procedures, thus insuring no effect
on the system warranty.

1.1.3 Installer must work with site supervisors, roofers, plumbers, and other specialists, to
determine the best installation sequence and schedule what materials should be provided,
in order to optimize working sequence and to avoid unnecessary work, roof penetrations,
etc; Installer must confirm solar exposure before mounting any equipment on the roof
according to DIN 18338, to avoid shadows from vents, trees and/or buildings; Installer
must protect pipe circuit from other trades that may also need access to the same spaces
or that may need to create circuits of their own; Installer must label and fix pipe circuits, so
that they are not pushed up and out of the way, creating water traps according to DIN

1.1.4 The installation of the hot water solar system must be done in accordance to the solar
specialist supplier & manufacturer specifications. Supplier must be able to provide quality
assurance inspections and maintenance contracts with end users.

1.2 System Description

1.2.1 Design Requirements Design, furnish and install new solar water heating (SHW) systems for the heating of
domestic water. System types incorporating overheat protection is required. Supplied
equipment must be rated and warranted to withstand and operate under highest-record-
high temperature for the location. Solar system shall be a two circuit pressurized Thermosiphon system; design is based on
the natural convection to collect the heat from the sun and store it in an insulated tank for
later end user need. The sun rays are absorbed by the collector absorber, which heats the
fluid inside the collector tubes. When the fluid is heated inside the collector tubes, its density decreases and, naturally,
the fluid goes up and enters inside the tank, which should be behind the top part of the
collector. After transferring its energy, the cooler fluid from the tank drops down into the bottom of
the collector and the cycle continues, as long as the sun is able to heat the fluid in the

Section 22 33 31
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__________________________________________________________________________________ Insulation in the back and sides of the collector and the glazing in the front of the collector
allow it to collect heat during the day, at much higher temperatures than the surrounding
ambient air. The insulated tank reduces heat losses, so the heated water can be stored for
long periods of time until it is consumed. The roof structure must be able to support the
whole system weight or, an alternative installation area must be considered.

1.2.2 Performance Requirements Solar water heating systems must be safe, reliable, require no operator intervention for
normal operation, be visually unobtrusive, and be designed and installed in accordance
with all applicable codes such as ISO 9806, BS EN 12975:2006, BS EN 12976, EN BS
12977 & AS/NZS 2712:2007. Design and size the system to insure an average annual
energy supply of at least 50% solar fraction and a minimum of 55% average annual
system efficiency, thus providing the most economically viable solution. Daily demand will be calculated based on Green Building Regulations. The appropriate
daily hot water demand profile must be used in the design of the solar system and
calculations of the peak hour demand.


2.1 General Equipment Requirements

2.1.1 Solar specialist shall confirm all proposed products have been up and running in similar
weather climate conditions for at least 5 years.

2.1.2 All solar systems should have a visible and durable label displaying all information required
according to BS EN 12975.

2.2 Piping System

2.2.1 Provide a piping system complete with pipes, pipe fittings, valves, strainers, expansion
loops, pipe hangers, inserts, supports, anchors, guides, sleeves, and accessories with this
specification and the drawings.

2.2.2 Domestic Circuit Piping The solar system will include 2 types of Domestic piping, All piping from the storage tank to the three way mixing valve shall be made of stainless
steel 316 L. All cold water piping supplying the SWH system up to 1m from the tank shall be stainless
steel 316 to avoid bulging and rupture due to proximity to the higher temperatures of the
solar system.

2.2.3 Safety devices shall prevent overheating and an integrated 3 liters expansion vessel in the
hot water storage tank shall prevent over pressurization of the solar heating system solar
circuit. Besides the expansion vessel, A 2.5 bar safety relief valve shall be installed on the top of
the hot water storage tank for the solar circuit, another 10 bar Safety relief valve shall be
installed on the bottom of the hot water storage tank for domestic water circuit. Safety
valves shall be made from a brass body that has been chrome plated. The safety relief
valve shall be certified by well know institutes such as TUV or WRAS, with temperature
range from -30oC to 160oC, and over discharge ratting: for ½” – 50 kW, for ¾” - 100kW.

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2.2.4 Thermostatic Mixing Valves A thermostatic mixing valve should be installed downstream from the solar water heating
system to insure a maximum supply temperature of 45oC to protect against scalding.
Installed valves shall be compatible with piping materials.

2.2.5 Solar Collector Construction Flat-Plate Solar collector shall have at least 1.9 m2 net absorber area, collector shall be
labeled by the Key Mark and CEN certification mark; the collector must have min. 80%
light transmission, min. 95% ±2 absorption and max. 12%±2 emission. The weight of each
collector should not exceed 35 Kg and the absorber water content shall not be more than
1.5l for portrait type. The collectors must include an air vent for reduction of condensation as well as having a
built in solar collector sensor pocket; high collector optical efficiency accordance with the
solar Key Mark and BS EN 12975 test and certificate. The collector must have hydraulic
connections of 18 mm; each collector must have stainless steel compensators or EPDM
rubber hose in the hydraulic connections in order to accommodate any expansion
problems. Collectors shall be covered with 3.2 mm thick single-pane safety tempered
glass. Solar collector panel absorber shall be a powerful full area harp type absorber, the
effective aluminum surface absorber is provided with a highly selective black chrome
mirotherm from Alanod vacuum coating, absorber coating of the collector must be
permanently protected against dust, moisture and airborne pollutants. The harp type
copper pipes shall be ultrasonically welded to the absorber to ensure maximum heat
transfer. To provide higher thermal insulation and efficiency, the backside of the absorber
must be insulated.

2.2.6 Collector Frame The casing of the solar collector shall consist of a lightweight one piece natural aluminum
frame, tight all around due to deep-drawn manufacturing process of one piece,
permanently corrosion resistant.

2.2.7 Glass The glass must have extremely good load-bearing capability, low-ferrous, slightly
structured cast and highly transparent.

2.3 Hot Water Storage Tanks

2.3.1 Double Jacket Hot Water Storage Tanks The storage tank shall be made of either enamelled vitreous steel or stainless steel 316S
to maintain high water hygiene according to DIN 4753, DIN 18380, and DVGW W 551. The
storage tank shall have at least one magnesium anode to effective protect against
corrosion, with possibility to check the anode without the need of emptying the tank and
mineral deposits caused by electrolytic reactions. The storage tank shall be double jacket
and equipped with an auxiliary electric heating element and field adjustable thermostat,
safety cut-out switch, integrated 3ltr. expansion vessel and latching solenoid.

2.3.2 Hot Water Storage Tanks Thermal Insulation The storage tank shall be completely insulated with 50mm rigid polyurethane foam and
with an external tank cover which shall be made from powder coated or painted galvanized
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2.3.3 Hot Water Storage Tanks Working Pressure The maximum working pressure for the domestic hot water tank shall be 10 bar, and for
the solar heat exchanger jacked around it 2.5 Bar.

2.3.4 Water Stratification The storage tank must have a baffler plate in the inlet of cold water to prevent the mixture
of the cold water entering in the vessel with the hot water already inside the tank. This
promotes thermal stratification of the vessel contents. The device achieves this through a
combination of its shape and inverted outlet slot. The velocity of the incoming water is
dropped and the inertia, dissipated by the device. The cold inlet water drops from the
baffler plate through the inverted outlet slot and lies on the bottom of the vessel. The
temperature of the hot water already in the tank is therefore not diluted which results on an
enhanced hot water delivery capacity of the system.

2.3.5 Electrical heater The Solar hot water system must have an electric auxiliary energy supply. The electrical
heater will be placed in the center of the vessel and heat only the upper part of the tank.
Flange of the electric heater must be constructed from titanium. The electric heater must be controlled by a thermostat and must have a power to water
ratio as per sustainability.


3.1 Installation

3.1.1 The installer shall have sufficient experience and already carried out similar size project in
the K.S.A. The installer shall be authorised and trained by the original equipment
manufacturer. All the requirements of Authority (if any) that is applicable at site, to be
followed. The installation shall be done with very high quality material and workmanship of
international standards. The installer shall provide all the technical documents, shop
drawings etc.

3.2 Testing and Commissioning

3.2.1 The installer shall follow and maintain proper documentation on the job that will be
executed. All the method of statement shall be prepared and submitted for approval prior
to commissioning of the system.

3.3 Spare Parts

3.3.1 The Contractor shall provide as part of his contract a list of spare parts for all the
equipment supplied sufficient for three years of operation all in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturers of the equipment.

3.4 Special Tools

3.4.1 A complete set of special tools, oil and grease for all the plant and equipments supplied,
adequate for 12 months operation shall be supplied by the Contractor at the completion
date of the project.

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3.5 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

3.5.1 The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in triplicate bound, A4 size,
Instruction Manuals containing the following material:- Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation features. Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional components of the
systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers. List
shall give system No., unit no., Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no.
Parts list shall include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation. Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment. Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment. List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment. Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control diagrams and wiring
diagrams of controllers. Complete, as installed, colour coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor controller
connections and interlock connections of other mechanical equipment. The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review as to the
fulfilment of the specified requirements. All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial completion date.

End of Section 22 33 31.

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SECTION 22 40 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Sanitary Fixtures

2.2 Accessories


3.1 Exposed Piping and Trim in Toilet Areas

3.2 Fixture Setting
3.3 Cleaning

Section 22 40 00
Sanitary Fixtures
22 40 00-1
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SECTION 22 40 00



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract and it’s requirements.

1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 The Sanitary Fixtures along with accessories, pipe fittings shall be installed and put in
operation as hereinafter specified and as shown on drawings.

1.1.2 All fixtures and trimmings, insofar as practicable, shall be of one manufacture.

1.1.3 Ample application of petroleum jelly shall be made to all surfaces of exposed chrome
plated piping, valves and fittings immediately after installation. All fixtures shall be set
straight and true.

1.1.4 All water flow fixtures shall be water sense labelled.

1.1.5 Concealed brackets, hangers and plates shall have a shop coat of paint.

1.1.6 All exposed piping and trim shall be chrome plated and fully protected during installation.
Strap or padded wrenches shall be used on chrome plated pipe fittings and valves.

1.1.7 Contractor shall comply with the project’s sustainability requirements or local authorities
requirements whichever is more stringent, and shall not exceed the following flow rates
for the sanitary fixtures:- Maximum flow rate for showers for public = 6 liter/min. at 551.6 Kpa. Bathtub mixers = 6 liter/min. at 551.6 Kpa. Maximum flow rate for kitchen taps = 5.0 liter/min. at 417.7 Kpa. Maximum flow rate for toilet dual flush = 4.5/3 liter/flushing cycle Maximum flow rate for the Urinal = 1 L/ flushing cycle. All ablutions taps and public lavatory shall be self-closing type/with automatic sensors &
flow rate maximum of (1.9 L/minute) at 417.7 Kpa.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 22 05 00 - General Mechanical Requirements for Plumbing

Section 22 11 13 - Facility Water Distribution Piping
Section 22 11 16 - Domestic Water Piping and Fittings
Section 22 13 16 - Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping

Section 22 40 00
Sanitary Fixtures
22 40 00-2
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2.1 Sanitary Fixtures

2.1.1 Sanitary fixtures shall be complete with all required trimming, including mixers, waste
plugs, traps, supplies, stop valves, escutcheons, casings and all necessary hangers,
plates, brackets, anchors and supports.

2.1.2 Vitreous china fixtures shall be of first quality with smooth glazed surfaces, free from warp,
cracks, checks, discolorations or other imperfections.

2.1.3 Enameled cast iron fixtures shall be of acid-resisting type.

2.1.4 In the selection of sanitary fixtures and their accessories, model numbers of certain
manufacturers catalogues are given to describe the type, shape and quality of the items
requested and do not in any way limit the supply to the model listed. Any item of different
make judged by the Engineer to be similar in quality and manufacture will be approved.

2.1.5 All fixtures and fittings types and models shall be as detailed in the schedule of fixtures,
indicated on the Drawings.

2.2 Accessories

2.2.1 Accessories shall be provided in the locations indicated on Architectural Drawings and
fixed at heights indicated therein or as directed by the Engineer. The Accessories shall be
from approved manufacturers.

2.2.2 Cisterns used for urinals flushing should be fitted with automatic or manual flush controls
as specified elsewhere.


3.1 Exposed Piping and Trim in Toilet Areas

3.1.1 All piping, valves and fittings exposed to view shall be screwed, polished, chrome plated
brass. Plating shall be accomplished after threading.

3.2 Fixture Setting

3.2.1 Fixtures shall be set in a neat, finished and uniform manner making the connections to all
fixtures at right angles to the wall, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Roughing for
this work must be accurately laid out so as to conform to finished wall material. Fixtures
are not to be set until so directed by the Engineer.

3.2.2 The location and disposition of all items shall be as indicated on the relevant drawings.

3.3 Cleaning

3.3.1 On a daily basis as the Works of this Section proceed, remove and dispose of all debris
resulting from the Works of this Section.

3.3.2 Leave work areas of the Works of this Section broom clean at the end of each work day

End of Section 22 40 00

Section 22 40 00
Sanitary Fixtures
22 40 00-3
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SECTION 23 05 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Application
1.3 Scope of Works
1.4 Quality Assurance
1.5 Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.6 Engineer's Drawings
1.7 Shop Drawings and Data to be submitted for Approval
1.8 Approved Materials
1.9 Instruction Period
1.10 Machinery Guards
1.11 Instruction Manual and As-built Drawings
1.12 Abbreviations
1.13 Workmanship


2.1 Cleaning and Adjusting

2.2 Tests
2.3 Coordination of Trades
2.4 Access Doors
2.5 Permits
2.6 Openings in Exterior Walls

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SECTION 23 05 00



1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 The work of this Section shall be governed by General Conditions of Contract.

1.1.2 It is the Contractors responsibility to be fully aware of and comply with all of the
requirements of the above listed documents, and further assure that all Subcontractors
are equally informed.

1.1.3 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “NEOM
Sustainability requirement\ Green Building Regulations & Specifications” requirements for
Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

1.2 Application

1.2.1 This section applies to and is part of all Sections of Division 23.

1.3 Scope of Works

1.3.1 The works covered under this contract include supply, installation, testing, adjusting and
putting into operation systems, components of systems, and individual items of
equipment, and work related thereto, in accordance with the project Tender Documents.
Products not mentioned but obviously necessary for the completion of those works shall
be provided such as, but are not limited to the following:

- Requirements of fire dampers wherever duct crossing fire wall.

- Maintaining the noise levels as specified

1.3.2 Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, the following electrical works and materials for
the Mechanical equipment shall be supplied and installed under Division 23 of the
specification but in all respect to the requirements of the Electrical Specifications.

a) All control panels including door lock disconnected switches, push buttons, starters,
contractors, circuit breakers, time delays, selector switches, relays, transformers,
timers, controllers, pilot lights, set points, alarms and all other electrical equipment
which are necessary for the satisfactory operation, control and protection of all plant
supplied under this section of the specifications.

b) Whenever a number of starters controllers, instruments, indicating lights and the like
occur or are shown on the Mechanical and/or electrical Drawings, they shall be
arranged in a central position in a neat, easily cleaned, factory-built panel, or motor
control center assembly. The assembly shall include isolators and all necessary fuses,
bus bars, starters, instruments, relays, push-buttons, indicating lights and the like.
Components shall be mounted in a logical order based on the sequence of operation.

c) All control equipment including thermostats, sensors, detectors, actuators, controllers,

pressure level and flow switches, annunciation alarms, remote control stations and all
such equipment needed for the proper system operation.

d) All control wiring for the above mentioned equipment.

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e) Final connection, between disconnect switches, power outlets, flex outlet and
mechanical equipment.

f) The following electrical works and materials for the mechanical equipment shall be
supplied and installed under the electrical part of this contract.

i- All power supply up to and including the following:

- Power outlets for fan coil units.

- Disconnect switches when specified to be installed separate from the control
- Flex outlet for exhaust fans.

ii- Power supply up to control panels when specified with an integral disconnect

iii- Power supply to disconnect switches when the switches are built-in the

iv- Empty conduits with pull wires for all cables and wires classified under the
mechanical scope of works.

v- Control outlet boxes for all control equipment classified under the mechanical
scope of works.

vi- Power cables and conduits or fixing arrangement between fresh air handling units,
etc.. and their control panel.

vii- Power cables and conduits from central control panel to the various equipment
controlled from the same panel, such as exhaust fans, supply air fans, etc..

1.4 Quality Assurance

1.4.1 The manufacturer's of all materials and equipment must have at least ten years of
experience in the design and manufacture of their products.

1.5 Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1.5.1 In addition to the mentioned above, the works shown herein after shall be applicable along
with the requirements of the related divisions and sections.

1.6 Engineer's Drawings

1.6.1 The Drawings are based on design and include general layouts and typical details of
various systems to be installed. The Contractor shall make the installations in a
workmanlike manner to conform to the structure, to avoid obstructions, to preserve head
room, and to keep openings and passage ways clear without additional instruction and
without additional cost to the owner.

1.7 Shop Drawings and Data to be submitted for Approval

1.7.1 The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the exact routing and locations of all
the piping, ducting, equipment, etc., all in their respective locations and according to the
dimensions of the approved manufacturer. Shop Drawings scale shall be 1/10, 1/20, 1/50
and 1/100 as applicable and as approved by the Engineer.

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1.7.2 The Contractor shall submit catalogue cuts and brochures of products with reference to
proper paragraph in specifications. All submittals shall be binded in one Booklet.

1.7.3 The Contractor shall submit adequate Engineering data on each piece of equipment
together with all characteristic curves, capacity selection charts and all data for testing and
balancing of the systems. In addition the Contractor shall submit manufacturer's printed
installation instructions.

1.7.4 The Contractor shall submit at the beginning of the project a schedule of submittals for
materials and shop drawings to the approval of the Engineer.

1.8 Approved Materials

1.8.1 All materials shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of the Specifications.

1.8.2 The naming of manufacturers in the Specifications shall be strictly adhered to in all

1.8.3 Substitution of materials other than those named shall not be submitted.

1.8.4 Materials shall be delivered in unbroken packages bearing the brand and maker's name,
and shall be stored on platforms and properly covered to protect them from moisture, heat
and dust.

1.8.5 All materials shall be supplied from the main factories in the country of origin of the
manufacturer. Any deviation from this, like supplying equipment assembled in another
different country under a license or another name is not accepted unless approved by the

1.9 Instruction Period

1.9.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the training and familiarization of the Employer’s
maintenance staff for a period of at least six weeks on all equipment and plants he has
supplied or installed.

1.10 Machinery Guards

1.10.1 All moving parts of machinery shall be protected by strong guards to adequately protect all
personnel working on or in the vicinity of equipment.

1.10.2 Wherever possible, moving parts should be protected by guards supplied by the
equipment manufacturer. All guards must be strongly attached to equipment and should
be designed to be easily removed for access, servicing, adjustment and maintenance.

1.11 Instruction Manual and As-built Drawings

1.11.1 The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in electronic and hard copy
triplicate bound, A4 size, Instruction Manuals containing the following material:

1.11.2 Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation features.

1.11.3 Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional components of the
systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers. List
shall give system No., unit no., Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no.
Parts list shall include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation.

1.11.4 Chart of the tag numbers, location and function of each valve.

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1.11.5 Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment.

1.11.6 Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment.

1.11.7 List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment.

1.11.8 Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control diagrams and wiring
diagrams of controllers.

1.11.9 Complete, as installed, color coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor controller
connections and interlock connections of other mechanical equipment.

1.11.10 The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review as to the
fulfilment of the specified requirements.

1.11.11 All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial completion date.

1.12 Abbreviations

1.12.1 The following abbreviations have been mentioned in the specifications. AMCA - Air Moving and Conditioning Associations. ANSI - American National Standard Institute. ARI - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute. ASA - Acoustical Society of America, American Standards Association. ASHRAE - American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Engineers. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials. BSI - British Standards Institution. SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association UL - Under Writers Laboratories. BTU - British Thermal Units. SBC - Saudi Building Code

1.13 Workmanship

1.13.1 All workmanship required to accomplish the work mentioned in Mechanical specification or
shown on related Drawings, shall conform to the highest standards, and as required by
the Engineer.

1.13.2 The Engineer will be the sole judge of the standards required.


2.1 Cleaning and Adjusting

2.1.1 All apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in operation. Finished
surfaces shall be restored if damaged and entire installation shall be delivered in perfect
condition, subject to the approval of the Engineer. Systems shall be adjusted and
balanced to operate as shown in the Drawings and herein specified.

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2.2 Tests

2.2.1 All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the corresponding section of
the Specifications and to meet local and specified requirements. Provide anemometers,
thermometers, gauges, voltmeters, ammeters, and similar instruments, not part of the
permanent installation, but required to record the performance of the equipment and
systems, labour, materials, power, etc.., required for testing, shall be furnished by the
Contractor, unless otherwise indicated under the particular section of the Specifications.

2.2.2 Tests shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer and such
other parties that have legal jurisdiction and all results shall be recorded.

2.2.3 In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping systems only before connection of
fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any piping, fixtures, equipment or
appliances be subjected to pressures exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the
manufacturers of fixtures, equipment and appliances, or accepted engineering standards
for piping and fittings.

2.2.4 All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall be repeated
until the particular system and component parts thereof receive the approval of the
Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

2.2.5 Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged materials replaced,
all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

2.2.6 The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having jurisdiction, but in no
case less than the time prescribed in each division of the Specifications.

2.2.7 The following tests should be furnished for but limited to the following:

a) Vibration isolation test

b) Sound attenuator test
c) Insulation test
d) Refrigeration plant test.
e) Pump tests
f) VRF system
g) Air balancing
h) Exhaust systems tests
i) Noise and vibration measurement
j) Room condition tests
k) Controls and building management test

2.3 Coordination of Trades

2.3.1 The Contractor shall coordinate the work to ensure orderly, timely installations of the work
of applicable trades within the various spaces indicated.

2.4 Access Doors

2.4.1 Access doors shall provide ready access to concealed control valves, traps, cleanouts,
motors, fire dampers, and other items requiring operation, adjustment, or maintenance.

2.4.2 Doors and frames shall be of 12-gauge galvanized steel with invisible hinges, and cam
lock fastenings. For plaster walls or ceiling, frames shall have a 50 mm. wide lath plaster
bond. For masonry walls, the frame shall be set flush with masonry with provisions in the
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jamb for anchoring. Doors shall be solid flush steel with grey metal primer. Location of
access doors shall be coordinated with and shall have the approval of the Engineer before
the mechanical work is installed.

2.5 Permits

2.5.1 The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits, inspections and tests, for
the proper installation of his work, as may be required by the various administrative
authorities having jurisdiction.

2.5.2 Certificates of inspections, tests etc., with the proper approval certified thereon, shall be
secured by the Contractor and these documents shall be delivered to the Engineer before
the work in question will be accepted.

2.6 Openings in Exterior Walls

2.6.1 Openings in exterior walls, particularly at or below grade shall be kept properly plugged
and caulked at all times, (except when being worked on) to preclude the possibility of
flooding due to storms or other causes. After completion of work, openings shall be
permanently sealed and caulked in the manner herein specified.

End of Section 23 05 00

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SECTION 23 05 29



1.1 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2 Seismic Controls

1.3 Seismic Requirements


2.1 Hangers and Supports, Anchors and Guides

2.2 Isolation Mounts

2.3 Inertia Bases

2.4 Seismic Restraints

2.5 Horizontal Piping Support Schedule


3.1 Vibration and Seismic Control Performance Requirements

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SECTION 23 05 29



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract. The Contractor shall
employ the services of an Acoustical Consultant & licensed Seismic Structural Consultant
to review equipment, piping, ductwork and to conduct sound, vibration and seismic control
requirements. Any additional improvements necessary to achieve the required design
criteria for HVAC work shall be provided without additional cost.

1.1 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.1.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim. Section 23 05 48 - Mechanical Sound, Vibration, Seismic Control

1.2 Seismic Controls

1.2.1 Seismic cotrol will be applicable for buildings designed for seismic control

1.2.2 Seismic design force calculations will be based on Seismic Zone 2B as per UBC 1997 and
as per Authority having jurisdiction as aminimum unless spcified elswher in structrurral

1.2.3 Design of the seismic bracing system shall be provided by the manufacturer and approved
by the Engineer. Installation shall be certified by the manufacture.

1.2.4 Seismic bracing system is to restrain piping and ducts from excessive motion when
subjected to horizontal seismic forces, to prevent damage to adjacent equipment and
building structure. Bracing shall permit thermal expansion of pipe and ducts to ensure that
vibration isolators, if present, are not short-circuited.

1.2.5 Shop drawings for multiple piping supports and trapeze hangers will be done by a qualified
Seismic specialist engineer including design calculations and indicate size and
characteristics of components and fabrication.

1.2.6 Clevis or Band Hangers shall be UL listed and labeled and approved by
Civil Defense.

1.2.7 Detailed seismic force calculations shall be provided to support the recommended design
of the seismic bracing system.

1.2.8 The selection, positioning and installation of seismic bracing will be based on the
recommendations of the manufacturer, and as approved by the Engineer. Seismic
restraint shall be provided by cable sway bracing kits, each comprising a pair of complete
assemblies with multi-strand galvanised steel wire cable, fixing brackets, stainless steel
thimbles and wire clips. Cables shall have a minimum load safety factor of 2.

1.2.9 All hangers and supports shall be manufactured at an ISO 9001 certified facility.
Manufacturer’s ISO certificate, clearly stating Pipe Supports within the scope of
registration, shall be furnished.
1.2.10 All manufactured hangers and supports shall be fully electro galvanized post manufacture,
according to ASTM B633 SC3. For severely corrosive conditions, as determined by the

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Engineer, epoxy powder coated finish over electrogalvanising, with a 1000 hour salt spray
test rating as per ASTM B117 is required, or hot dip galvanised finish according to ASTM
A123 may be provided.

1.2.11 Where axial pipe expansion or contraction is indicated on account of thermal changes in
the fluid medium, roller based hangers and supports or Teflon based slide assemblies
shall be provided for the entire pipe length.

1.2.12 Anchors shall be provided as required, in order to localize pipe expansion, resist internal
pressure thrust and prevent undue strain on piping connections. Anchor design shall not
create a thermal or acoustic continuity from the pipe to the building structure.

1.2.13 Duct and pipe riser support system design shall ensure adequately anchored to resist
imposed loads and thrust. Risers shall be guided to prevent buckling, while permitting axial
movement. Support system shall isolate the pipe and duct thermally and acoustically from
building structure. Anchors and guides specially designed for riser piping shall be

1.2.14 Vibration isolators shall be provided at first five pipe hanger and support locations adjacent
to isolated rotating mechanical equipment, to minimize transmission of noise and vibration
to the building structure.

1.3 Seismic Requirements

1.3.1 For Equipment: Mount rotating and reciprocating equipment on vibration isolators. Isolation manufacturer
shall determine mounting sizes and deflection, and seismic restraints based on the lowest
operating RPM of the rotating equipment. The design document shall show the minimum
project requirements.All equipment shall be suitable for applications requiring equipment
anchorage to resist seismic forces, per the Uniform Building Code (UBC).

1.3.2 For piping: Sway braces shall be designed to withstand forces in tension and compression. Tension-only bracing systems shall be permitted for use where listed for this service and
where installed in accordance with their listing limitations, including installation instructions. For all braces, whether or not listed, the maximum allowable load shall be based on the
weakest component of the brace with safety factors. Lateral sway bracing shall be provided on all feed and cross mains regardless of size and
all branch lines and other piping with a diameter of 21⁄2 in. (65 mm) and larger. Where branch lines are not provided with lateral sway bracing, they shall be provided with
seismic restraint. Spacing shall not exceed a maximum interval of 40 ft (12.2 m) on center. The last length of pipe at the end of a feed or cross main shall be provided with a lateral
brace. Lateral braces shall be allowed to act as longitudinal braces if they are within 24 in. (610
mm) of the centerline of the piping braced longitudinally and the lateral brace is on a pipe
of equal or greater size than the pipe being braced longitudinally. Longitudinal sway bracing spaced at a maximum of (24.4 m) on center shall be provided
for feed and cross mains.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Longitudinal braces shall be allowed to act as lateral braces if they are within 24 in. (610
mm) of the centerline of the piping braced laterally. The distance between the last brace and the end of the pipe or a change in direction shall
not exceed 40 ft (12.2 m). Each run of pipe between changes in direction shall be provided with both lateral and
longitudinal bracing. Pipe runs less than 12 ft (3.7 m) in length shall be permitted to be supported by the braces
on adjacent runs of pipe.

1. 3.2.14 Seismic restraint bracing for pipes to be comply with NFPA 13 and FM requirements. Seismic restraint bracing shall be FM certified and Office of Statewide Health Planing and
Devlopment (OSHPD) approval.

1.3.3 Seismic Submittals: Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions
for each type of Seismic Resrtaint product. Submit schedule showing size, type, and
location for each product furnished. Manufacturer's Literature shall include:

a. Location of seismic bracing.

b. Type of seismic bracing.
c. Size and model of seismic bracing. Seismic Requirements: Submittals are required for all equipment anchors, supports and
seismic restraints. Submittals shall include weights, dimensions, standard connections,
manufacturer's recommendations associated with equipment or piping Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's assembly-type shop drawings indicating

dimensions, weights, required clearances, and method of assembly of components. Detail
bases, and show location of equipment anchoring points, coordinated with equipment
manufacturer's shop drawings. Seismic restraint calculations and drawings must be provided for all connections of
equipment to the structure. Calculations and drawings must be stamped & certified by
professional engineer with at least ten years of seismic design experience in the KSA.
Professional Engineer must be registered / certified by manufacturer. Compliance statement clause by clause full and detailed compliance statement of the
specification shall be submitted where a clear compliance is indicated as follows:

a. “Yes” interprets full unconditional compliance.

b. “No” interprets a deviation (to be clearly indicated as remark or note in the
dedicated column).
c. “Not Applicable” where the case is.
It should be noted that other comments like “noted” or “partial compliance” are
unacceptable and will be interpreted as a noncompliance.

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2.1 Hangers and Supports, Anchors and Guides

2.1.1 Construct and install hangers, supports, anchors, guides and accessories to the approval
of the Engineer. Do not use wire, tape or metal bands. Supports shall be designed to
support weight of pipe, weight of fluid and weight of pipe insulation. All steel hangers and
supports shall be of hot dipped galavnized.

2.1.2 Fasten piping securely to the structure without overstressing any portion of the supports or
the structure itself. Secure pipe supports, anchors and guides to concrete by means of
inserts or if greater load carrying capacity is required by means of steel fishplates
embedded in the concrete.

2.1.3 Arrange hanger to prevent transmission of vibration from piping to building and supports.

2.1.4 Un-insulated copper or brass pipe and/or tubing shall be isolated from ferrous hangers or

2.1.5 Support piping and tubing at intervals indicated in the schedule hereinafter and at all
changes in direction. Maximum deflection shall not exceed 3 mm.

2.1.6 Clearance for application of specified Vapour sealed insulation without cutting pipeline
covering or fitting covering in installation of pipe hangers and fittings shall be provided.

2.1.7 Furnish pipe hangers and supports complete with rods, bolts, lock nuts, swivels, couplings,
brackets and all other components and accessories, to allow installation to freely expand
and contract.

2.1.8 Hangers shall be formed steel clevis type, unless otherwise specified, with adjustable
attachment to hanger rod. For copper or brass pipe, use plastic sheathed hangers. Pipe
hangers shall fit over vapour sealed insulated piping.

2.1.9 Where pipe exceeds maximum loading recommended for clevis type hanger, provide steel
pipe clamps.

2.1.10 Provide trapeze hangers where several pipes can be installed parallel and at the same
level. Trapeze shall be of steel channel sized to support load and drilled for rod hanger at
each end. Provision should be made to keep the lines in their relative position to each
other by the use of either clamps or clips.

2.1.11 For hanger rods on piping 3/8" (10 mm) thru 2" (50 mm) inclusive use 3/8" (10 mm) rods,
and for piping 2 ½" (65 mm) thru 5" (125 mm) use 5/8" (16 mm) rods, and for piping 6"(150
mm) thru 12" (300 mm) use 7/8" (22 mm) rods.

2.1.12 Provide additional steel members required for hanging piping systems in areas with special
conditions, or where vertical or horizontal structural steel supports are required other than
those provided in the structure.

2.1.13 Provide lateral bracing for supporting rods over 450mm. long braced at every fourth
hanger with diagonal bracing attached to slab or beam.

2.1.14 Floor supports - provide for supporting horizontal piping from floors with cast-iron rests,
with pipe nipples to suit. Fasten to floor. Where provision for expansion is required, provide
pipe roll stands, without vertical adjustment. Provide concrete or steel pipe piers, fasten
stands to piers.

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2.1.15 Wall supports - provide for supporting horizontal piping from wall with steel J-Hook for pipe
located close to wall and not larger than 3" (80 mm) pipe. For greater loads, up to 1500 lbs
(680 Kg) maximum loading provide welded steel bracket.

2.1.16 Pipe-covering (insulation) protection saddles.

2.1.17 Provide hanger shields to protect vapour sealed pipe insulation within mechanical
equipment rooms at each support point by a 360 degree insert of high density, 100 psi,
waterproofed calcium silicate encased in a 120 ° sheet metal shield. Insert thickness shall
be same as insulation. Shield length shall equal nominal pipe diameter, minimum but shall
not be shorter than 100mm. and need not be longer than 300mm. if bearing load causes
no discernable deformation. Insert shall extend 25mm. beyond sheet metal shield. 100mm.
shields shall be 26 gauge minimum. Shields 130 to 230mm. long shall be 20 gauge
minimum. Shields longer than 230mm. shall be 16 gauge.

2.1.18 Provide penetration shields to encase insulated pipes penetrating fire walls or floors in a
360 °, 24 gauge minimum sheet metal hanger shield with insert of high density, 100 psi.
waterproofed calcium silicate the same thickness as insulation and further enclosed within
the sleeve, sized for maximum 25mm. spacing between sleeve and insulation shield, pack
annular space between sleeve and shield on both ends with double neoprene coated
asbestos rope. Install an escutcheon plate to completely cover the wall penetration
opening and fit snugly over the pipe insulation shield. Insert shall extend at least 25mm.
beyond penetrated surface and escutcheon.

2.1.19 Provide oversize hangers with blocking the same thickness as the insulation to pitch
vapour sealed insulated pipes accurately at time of insulation.

2.2 Isolation Mounts

2.2.1 Isolation mounts shall be used between equipment and concrete base and at the loading
points of the equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.

2.2.2 Spring Mounts Shall be of the restrained steel spring mountings and shall incorporate hold down bolts to
limit vertical movement. The isolator shall include an acoustical barrier of rubber pad bonded to the base plate to
prevent transmission of very high frequency vibration and noise and be corrosion protected
when installed outdoors. The spring should be designed to provide horizontal stiffness at least 75% of vertical
stiffness to assure stability, 50% travel beyond rated load, and safe solid stresses.

2.3 Inertia Bases

2.3.1 Each Fire pump shall be supported on an Inertia base. Base shall consist of pre-
engineered welded steel frames suitable for concrete pouring, welded-in-concrete
reinforcement, equipment mounting bolts and vibration isolator brackets. Base shall mount
on spring vibration isolators which shall be of high deflection, free standing, un-housed
large diameter, laterally stable steel springs assembled into an upper load plate and
leveling assembly and into a lower load plate and noise isolation pad assembly.

2.4 Seismic Restraints

2.4.1 Seismic Cable Restraints shall consist of galvanized steel aircraft cables sized to resist
seismic loads with a minimum safety factor of two and arranged to provide all-directional
restraint. Cables must be pre-stretched to achieve a certified minimum modulus of

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elasticity. Cable end connections shall be steel assemblies that swivel to final installation
angle and utilize two clamping bolts to provide proper cable engagement. Cables must not
be allowed to bend across sharp edges. Cable assemblies shall have an Anchorage
Preapproval OPA Number from OSHPD in the State of California verifying the maximum
certified load ratings, and seismic bracing to be certified by FM. The Contractor shall select
and utilize one of the referenced pre-engineered seismic bracing systems for application
throughout the Project. Mixing of different types of seismic bracing system will not be

2.4.2 Seismic solid braces shall consist of steel angles or channels to resist seismic loads with a
minimum safety factor of 2 and arranged to provide all directional restraint. Seismic solid
brace end connectors shall be steel assemblies that swivel to the final installation angle
and utilize two through bolts to provide proper attachment. Seismic solid brace assembly
shall have anchorage preapproval verifying the maximum certified load ratings, and
seismic bracing to be certified by FM.

2.4.3 Steel angles, sized to prevent buckling, shall be clamped to pipe or equipment rods
utilizing a minimum of three ductile iron clamps at each restraint location when required.
Welding of support rods is not acceptable. Rod clamp assemblies shall have an
Anchorage Preapproval.

2.4.4 Pipe clevises cross bolt braces are required in all restraint locations. They shall be special
purpose preformed channels deep enough to be held in place by bolts passing over the
cross bolt. Clevis cross braces shall have an Anchorage Preapproval from certified seismic

2.4.5 Stud wedge anchors shall be manufactured from full diameter wire, not from undersized
wire that is Arolled up to create the thread. The stud anchor shall also have a safety
shoulder which fully supports the wedge ring under load. The stud anchors shall have an
evaluation report number verifying its allowable loads.

2.4.6 Female wedge anchors are preferred in floor locations so isolators or equipment can be
slid into place after the anchors are installed. Anchors shall be manufactured from full
diameter wire, and shall have a safety shoulder to fully support the wedge ring under load.
Female wedge anchors shall have an evaluation report number verifying to its allowable

2.4.7 Provide seismic restraints for rigidly and resiliently supported equipment in accordance
with code requirements. Use designs in accordance with SMACNA guidelines for seismic
restraints for equipment, ductwork and piping. Restraints shall prevent permanent
displacement in any direction caused by lateral motion, overturning or uplift.

2.4.8 If required to be seismically restrained, equipment shall withstand the applicable seismic
force criteria, including its internal Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control
design, components and frame; and provide suitable structural elements to which
restraining attachments may be fastened

2.5 Horizontal Piping Support Schedule

2.5.1 Horizontal spacing for Steel, Copper and PVC Pipes:

. ¾" and 1" (20 and 25 mm) steel pipe-----2.5 meter

. 1 ¼"-2" (32 and 50 mm) steel pipe-------3.0 meter
. 2 ½"-4" (65 and 100 mm) steel pipe ------4.0 meter
. 5"-6" (125 and 150 mm) steel pipe---------5.0 meter
. 8" (200 mm) and above steel pipe ---------6.0 meter
. Up to 1 ¼" (32 mm) copper pipe----------2.0 meter
. 1 ½" (40 mm) and over copper pipe-------3.0 meter

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. 2 ½" (65 mm) and smaller PVC pipe-------1.2 meter

. 3" (80 mm) and over PVC pipe-------------1.8 meter


3.1 Vibration and Seismic Control Performance Requirements:

3.1.1 Isolation Efficiency: Provide quantity and loading of isolation units required for scheduled
deflection and not less than 90% isolation efficiency in Basement areas and not less than
95% isolation efficiency in upper level areas, except where otherwise indicated, and based
on the lowest operating RPM of the rotating equipment.

3.1.2 Load/Deflection Curves: Provide isolators which operate in the linear portion of their load
versus deflection curve, with curves linear over a deflection range of not less than 50%
above design deflection.

3.1.3 Ratio of Lateral to Vertical Stiffness: Not less than 0.9 nor greater than 1.5.

3.1.4 Theoretical Vertical Natural Frequency: Not more than ±10% of the design objectives for
the equipment as a whole, for each support point, based upon load per isolator and
isolator stiffness.

3.1.5 Neoprene Mounting Shore Hardness: 40 to 65, after minimum aging of 20 days or
corresponding oven−aging.

3.1.6 Supplementary Steel: Size supplementary steel for maximum deflection of 2.0 mm at
center span.

3.1.7 Seismic Force Criteria: Isolators for purchased and fabricated equipment shall accept
external forces of “0.5 g” load in any direction for rigidly and resiliently supported
equipment, piping, and ductwork without failure and permanent displacement. Isolators for
life safety equipment such as fire pumps, sprinkler piping, emergency generators, and
machinery, shall accept external forces up to “1.0 g” load in any direction without
permanent displacement.

3.1.8 Submittals: Submit for Consultant’s information. Calculations and shall be prepared and
sealed by a qualified licensed seismic structural engineer Seismic Structural Engineer
employed by the contractor at his cost and called herein after as Third Party professional
engineer shall show compliance with the Consultant’s point loading requirements. Furnish
engineering calculations showing the design criteria, including, but not limited to, the
following items:

· Point loadings.
· Wall and column attachments.
· Embedment’s for supporting major chilled water horizontal and vertical piping.
· Stresses and forces on mountings and hangers from expansion and contraction of
piping. Furnish engineering calculations for seismic restraints showing that for all MEP
service equipment mountings, foundations and their seismic restraints can accept
external forces of “0.5 g” load for rigidly and resiliently supported equipment without
failure and permanent displacement, and can accept external forces of “1.0 g” loading
for rigidly and resiliently supported life safety equipment restraints

End of Section 23 05 29

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SECTION 23 05 48




1.1 General Requirements

1.2 Quality Assurance
1.3 Reference Standards
1.4 Submittals
1.5 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling
1.6 Guarantee
1.7 Acoustic Design Considerations and Specification
1.8 Specified Noise Levels
1.9 Noise Attenuation
1.10 External Area Noise
1.11 Acoustic Analysis
1.12 Vibration Control
1.13 Vibration Isolation, Structural Noise and Equipment Bases
1.14 Emergency Generators
1.15 Piping System Vibration Isolators
1.16 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Internal Acoustic Lining of Ducts

2.2 Isolation Hangers
2.3 Isolation Mounts
2.4 Concrete Foundation Blocks


3.1 Testing General

3.2 Noise Tests
3.3 Hangers and Supports Performance Test

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SECTION 23 05 48



[This part shall be read in conjunction with Acoustic Specialist Report Specifications. Any
discrepancies between the contents of this section and the acoustic specialist report, the report
specifications shall take precedence].


1.1 General Requirements

1.1.1 The work shall include the supply, installation and testing of a complete system of noise
and vibration isolation to dampen and eliminate all structural borne vibration and air noise
produced by the electro-mechanical equipment as described herein below and as detailed
on the Drawings. Supporting reports and documents with a full vibration analysis study,
recommendation and implementation plan from a recognized approved acoustic specialist/
subcontractor shall be submitted to the consultant for approval. Such study shall be
submitted at the time the equipment are submitted for approval. The cost of the study,
implementation, erection, and any rectification to the design shall be done at the
contractors own price and without additional cost to the contract value.

1.1.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for Employment of noise and vibration treatment

1.1.3 The Contractor shall supply and install all materials as required by the specialist for noise
and vibration treatment who will be responsible for the performance of these materials.

1.1.4 The Noise & Vibration Control Specialist shall be responsible for collecting data from both
the builder and the MEP Contractor and also measuring and getting the reading for the
noise level in the spaces as specified in the presence of the Engineer.

1.1.5 The Contractor shall submit a detailed report showing all data, recommended material,
shop drawings and levels of treatment.

1.1.6 Materials specified for Noise & Vibration Treatment covered under Architectural Section
shall be supplied & installed by the Civil Contractor.

1.1.7 Materials specified under this section shall be supplied and installed by the MEP

1.2 Quality Assurance

1.2.1 The Contractor shall consider all necessary acoustic data to determine the actual surface
area to be acoustically treated. Acoustic calculation sheets along with the Contractor's
proposals shall be provided, clearly showing that the specified “Reverberation Time” (RT)
will be achieved by using the type of acoustic treatment, for the approval of the Engineer.

1.2.2 The Acoustic Specialist/ Sub-Contractor should have successfully supplied, installed and
completed similar projects for a period of not less than 10 years.

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1.3 Reference Standards

1.3.1 Unless more stringent requirements specified elsewhere, the following

standards/requirements should be confirmed:

Table 403.01(1) – Acoustical Control Requirements

Building Type Document Reference
BS8233:1999 “Sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings –
code of practice”. (UK)

1.3.2 Unless more stringent requirements specified elsewhere, buildings should have ambient
internal noise levels from external sources do not exceed the criteria prescribed in Green
Buildings regulations.

1.3.3 Reference Standards shall conform to the following performance criteria determined by
testing full assemblies (component tests are unacceptable) of identical materials and
construction, using factory standard finishes in accordance with relevant codes and

1.3.4 Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide panels with surface burning characteristics to UBC42-2 and ASTM E-84 by a
testing organization approved by the Engineer.

UBC42-2 Fire Hazard Classification Acceptable

ASTM E84 Fire Hazard Classification Class-A
Flame Spread 25 or less
Smoke development 450 or less

1.3.5 Acoustics Performance Characteristics Provide acoustic materials with acoustical absorption characteristics as specified

elsewhere by a testing organization acceptable to Engineer. Approved testing authority
must be independent of the manufacturer.

1.3.6 Toxicity Characteristics Acoustic materials used in the project should have toxicity characteristics in accordance
with article 15, Part 1120 of the New York state uniform fire prevention and building code
MEA classification ME 123-92-M

1.4 Submittals

1.4.1 Shop Drawings Submit to the Engineer, three (3) complete sets of shop drawings prepared on CAD.
(Hand produced drawings shall not be acceptable). The drawings shall show all necessary
details and dimensions required which will subsequently be field verified and revised as
required for the Engineer’s approval.

1.4.2 Samples Submit two (2 sets) of the manufacturers samples, 2# samples per set. Each individual
panel (wall and ceiling) to be actual size with relevant fixing components for the approval
of the Engineer. Product shall be original production material in fabric or vinyl finish as

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

1.4.3 Certification Submit a certificate of compliance to specify acoustical and fire performance criteria as
per this specification, signed by the manufacturer. Attach independent laboratory test
results, showing that the products supplied as complete assemblies meeting or exceeding
the specified requirements.

1.4.4 Manufacturers Approval The acoustic sub-contractor supplying and installing the material shall be an approved
agent of the manufacturer. The manufacturer will certify that said contractor is an officially
appointed agent having sufficient experience and expertise to complete the project in a
satisfactory manner.

1.4.5 Single Source All materials as for as possible shall be from a single supplier.

1.5 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling

1.5.1 Deliver fabricated units and related components to the site for installation to meet a
reasonable schedule and to suit the approved project construction programme. On-site
storage shall be such as to ensure that all panels and associated materials are protected
from damage and the outside elements.

1.5.2 Prior to installation the site must be free of wet and dusty trades and the climatic
conditions stabilized to normal operational levels. Acoustic elements shall be allowed to
stabilize on site 24 hours prior to installation.

1.6 Guarantee

1.6.1 The sub-contractor shall furnish in the Client’s name, a written guarantee covering the
product supplied against defects in materials and workmanship under normal operating
conditions for a period of one year from the date of completion of acoustic works. The
Contractor shall pass on to the owner any and all guarantees provided by the
manufacturers and acoustic sub-contractor of individual members of the system before the
completion of the project.

1.6.2 Provide to the Engineer in the Client’s name, sound test results. Sound test results should
comply with this specification, which is to achieve the indicated Reverberation Times (RT).
The sound test is to form an integral part of the specialist acoustic sub-contractors scope
of work.

1.7 Acoustic Design Considerations and Specification

1.7.1 It will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the internal acoustic ambient levels
are in accordance with this specification. Where the contractor fails to meet these specifications he will be expected at his own cost,
to carry out all remedial work necessary to remedy the situation. The contractor shall supply and fit acoustic insulation and noise attenuator units where
necessary to achieve the following noise criteria as indicated in Table 1.

1.7.2 It will be the mechanical services sub-contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the noise
generated by the plant, including airborne noise through the structure, duct borne noise

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from the ducted air-conditioning or fan systems and vibration do not exceed the noise
criteria levels for the various types of areas specified.

1.7.3 The Specifications shall be read in conjuncture with the relevant clauses of the
Mechanical Specifications Volume 2. In case of any discrepancies the more stringent of
the two or as approved by the Engineer shall be applicable.

1.8 Specified Noise Levels

1.8.1 The optimum NC/NR noise levels for the various spaces shall be as detailed below:-

Table 1 – Noise Criteria and Reverberation Levels

Internal Design Noise Level in dB

Room Description
Open Plan Offices NC/NR 38 – 40
Cellular Offices NC/NR 35 – 37
Lobby / Reception Areas NC/NR 35 – 40
Restaurants, F&B NC/NR 35 – 40
Office Corridors / Circulation Areas NC/NR 35 – 40
Meeting Rooms, Boardrooms and Ballrooms NC/NR 30 – 35
Video/Tele Conferencing Rooms NC/NR 25 – 30
Prayer Rooms NC/NR 30 – 35
Public Toilets/Changing NC/NR 40 – 45

1.8.2 The optimum vibration levels for the various spaces shall be as detailed below:-

Table 2 – Vibration Levels for Various Types

Room Description BS 6472 Curve

Meeting Rooms, Ballrooms, Boardrooms, Video/Tele
Curve 2
Conferencing Rooms, Restaurants, Prayer Rooms
Open Plan Offices, Cellular Offices, Office Lobby /
Reception, Office Corridors / Circulation Areas, Building Curve 4
Lobby Areas
Public Toilets/Changing, Base Build (Core)
Circulation/Corridor, M&E Equipment Rooms, Garbage Curve 8

1.8.3 The noise and vibration measurement time parameter (T) shall be representative of the
source being measured and at least 1 minute for steady-state noise and vibration sources.
If sources are intermittent or cyclic in nature, the noise and vibration measurements shall
be of sufficient duration to capture 10 cycles of the source.

1.8.4 During periodic testing of equipment, such as emergency generators, a temporary

relaxation in the above-stated noise criteria of NC/NR 10 or 10 dBA shall be permitted.

1.8.5 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the above levels are achieved
and to demonstrate and certify that the same have been achieved.

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1.9 Noise Attenuation

1.9.1 The Contractor shall supply and fix acoustic insulation and sound attenuators where
necessary and as shown on drawings to reduce the airborne noise transmission through
the duct distribution systems so that the specified noise criteria levels are satisfied.

1.10 External Area Noise

1.10.1 The external noise levels of any installation located on the roof shall not exceed NR 55
when measured at the site boundary or building parapet.

1.10.2 The external noise emanating from air inlets and exhaust louvres of air handling unit plant
rooms or standby generators shall not exceed NR 55 at a distance of 5 metres or the site
boundary whichever is the more stringent requirement.

1.11 Acoustic Analysis

1.11.1 Moreover, the contractor shall submit at the design stage, prior to commencement of the
work, a detailed noise analysis of all ducted air-conditioning and extract air systems. This
analysis should clearly indicate the required static and dynamic insertion losses of the
attenuators and the aerodynamic pressure loss charts of the attenuators when handling
the design volume of air.

1.12 Vibration Control

1.12.1 All mechanical, reciprocating machinery shall be analysed for vibration and for noise
breakout to areas adjacent and above or below to ensure that the specified noise criteria
ratings are net.

1.13 Vibration Isolation, Structural Noise and Equipment Bases

1.13.1 The contractor shall be responsible and include for the supply, installation and testing of
the complete system necessary for vibration isolation to dampen and eliminate all
structure borne vibration generated by the electro-mechanical equipment as described in
this specification and as detailed on the scheme drawings.

1.13.2 It is the Contractors responsibility to carry out a full vibration and structure borne noise
study as detailed in the mechanical specifications.

1.13.3 Where air handling units are located at roof level or inside a room the selection of vibration
isolation systems shall take into account the effect of the unsupported span between
building columns and the subsequent deflection of the slab under the point loads. The
spring type isolators shall have a static deflection of not less than 50 mm under the load of
the units supported. This static deflection is to provide an isolation efficiency of at least
95% and higher deflections are to be used if the calculations so indicate. The Contractor
shall also check the installation for airborne noise through the structure that could affect
accommodation areas immediately below or adjacent and if necessary recommend the
use of acoustic floating floors to contain the noise. A report of the study and
recommendations shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to proceeding with
the installation. The cost of the study, implementation, erection and any rectification of
the original design shall be carried out at the Contractors own cost.

1.13.4 The vibration isolators shall be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer
recommendations for the equipment load distribution.

1.13.5 The equipment shall be loaded exactly over or between the mounts without any overhang.

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1.13.6 The static deflection of the vibration isolators shall be determined by the specialist
acoustic engineer, but should not, be less than that recommended by CIBSE GUIDE or
ASHRAE handbook.

1.13.7 The vibration isolators shall be treated against corrosion. The steel components shall be
PVC coated. The nuts, bolts and washers shall be zinc-electro plated.

1.14 Emergency Generators

1.14.1 Emergency diesel generator and its installation of these machines must be carried out
with careful regard to the acoustic and aerodynamic factors.

1.14.2 Because of the noise generated by the machines, it will be essential to install air inlet
attenuators that are selected to reduce the noise below NR45 at 3 metres from the air
louvres. The exhaust air from the engine radiator will also require attenuating down to a
level of NR45 at 3 metres, and both inlet and exhaust air attenuators must be selected
and sized such that the aerodynamic pressure loss across the system is below that
recommended by the generator manufacturer.

1.14.3 The engine exhaust muffler should be selected for NR 45 at 3 meter.

1.14.4 The plant room containing each generator should be acoustically treated to prevent the
engine and exhaust noise from breaking out through the structure to critical areas above,
below and adjacent.

1.14.5 To contain this noise, it will be necessary to increase the sound transmission losses of the
walls to RW 50dB and fit acoustic doors that have an STC rating of at least 38dB STC.

1.15 Piping System Vibration Isolators

1.15.1 All piping connected to rotating machinery shall be supported by hangers and supports
including vibration isolators and shall be connected to the equipment by means of acoustic
flexible connectors.

1.15.2 The first three hangers from the equipment should provide the same deflection as the
equipment isolators; the remaining hangers should be spring or combination spring and
rubber incorporating a spring with at least 19 mm deflection.

1.16 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.16.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for HVAC system


2.1 Internal Acoustic Lining of Ducts

2.1.1 General Furnish and install duct lining complete as specified hereinafter and to the approval of the
Engineer. Where it is possible to achieve the required attenuation by lining the interior of duct runs,
this may be accomplished by applying one inch thick lining to the inside of the ducts.

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2.1.2 Product Lining for ducts shall be insulation that meets the following: CFC- and HCFC-free, Resists mold growth and effectively retards the flow of moisture vapour, Water Vapor
Permeability shall be <0.06 as per ASTM E 96 and Water Absorption % (Volume Change)
absorption <0.3 in accordance with ASTM C1071. Low VOC material, meeting the requirements under the “Indoor Air Quality” classifications. Acceptable for use in square, rectangular, round or oval duct or plenum applications and
air handling equipment. Meeting the requirements of NFPA 90A and 90B. Its flame spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke development rating of 50 or less as
tested by ASTM E 84, “Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials”. Shall meet GREENGUARD requirements under the “Indoor Air Quality” classifications. Liner could be with or without a factory-applied scrim-reinforced acrylic adhesive on one

2.1.3 Installation Should be applied to clean, dry ductwork and equipment. Adhesive should be applied to
all compression joints and used on all butt edges. Duct liners shall be applied with both mechanical fasteners and an adhesive Apply mechanical fasteners in accordance with SMACNA guidelines. Mechanical

fasteners could be either of the welded pin or impact pin types. The length of each pin
shall be enough to accommodate the specified liner thickness. Washers on top of the pins
shall retain the liner Duct liners shall be applied for both supply and return air ducts with a minimum of 3
meters length away from each air handling unit or fan coil unit. Provide metal noising to every leading edge in case air stream velocities exceed 4,000
FPM. Nosing may be formed, channelled or zee-attached on duct by screws, rivets or
welds. Adhesives must be both water and fire resistant

2.2 Isolation Hangers

2.2.1 Isolation hangers shall be used for suspended pipes and equipment.

2.2.2 Isolation hangers are rubber or springs or a combination of both.

2.2.3 Rubber Hangers

Shall be of the rubber-in-shear type. It shall consist of:

a. A high grade rubber block with suspension rod and an outside steel housing.

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

b. The steel housing will be anchored to the ceiling slab and the suspension rod shall
support the equipment.

c. The rubber shall be protected against corrosion due to oil or other damaging agents.

2.2.4 Spring Hangers Shall be of the open mounting type and shall consist of a steel spring between a top and
bottom plate with an adjustment bolt or levelling. The spring should be designed to provide horizontal stiffness at least 75% of vertical
stiffness to assure stability, 50% travel beyond rated load and safe solid stresses.

2.3 Isolation Mounts

2.3.1 Isolation mounts shall be used between equipment and concrete base and at the loading
points of the equipment as recommended by the manufacturer.

2.3.2 Rubber Mounts Shall be of the rubber-in-shear type with a cub shape or integrated ribbed rubber pad. The pad shall have two bolt holes for isolator anchorage to concrete base. Rubber mounts shall not be used for deflection requirements larger than 8 mm.

2.3.3 Spring Mounts Shall be of the restrained steel spring mountings and shall incorporate hold down bolts to
limit vertical movement. The isolator shall include an acoustical barrier of rubber pad bonded to the base plate to
prevent transmission of very high frequency vibration and noise and be corrosion
protected when installed outdoors.

2.4 Concrete Foundation Blocks

2.4.1 A reinforced concrete foundation block or concrete inertia base for each piece of
equipment shall be constructed of minimum thickness as shown on the Drawings, with a
minimum weight equal to at least two times that of the equipment and in accordance with
the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer and/or vibration specialist. Bases
shown on drawings or included in these specifications represent the minimum
requirements of the Engineer.


3.1 Testing General

3.1.1 The test of the airborne noise in each area shall be in accordance with BS 7445 Acoustics
Guide to ISO Measurement of Airborne Acoustical Noise” (BS 7458-1991, also refers).

3.1.2 The tests of the reverberation time in the areas specified shall be in accordance with (BS
5363-1993) “Measurement of Reverberation Time in Building Space and Auditoria”.

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Outline Specifications for NEOM
Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

3.2 Noise Tests

3.2.1 It will be the responsibility of the contractor to employ an independent Acoustic Engineer
to carry out proving tests and to prepare noise test certificates for all acoustically important
areas of the project.

3.2.2 The general basis for acceptability of the installation acoustically is (tolerance + or – 2db)
at any point 1.2 metres above floor level and 1.5 metres from grilles, diffusers, registers,
terminal units etc. of the air-conditioning systems.

3.2.3 For items of plant the noise level shall be taken at a point equivalent distance to the
largest radiating surface of that equipment.

3.2.4 Tests shall be carried out to establish the required performance standards and shall
comply with the sound attenuation recommendations as detailed in the sections below.

3.2.5 Vibration Tests All vibration isolation systems shall allow no more than 5% transmissibility to the structure.
All equipment provided shall be inspected to ensure that it is free from excessive vibration.
Any minor vibration, which may occur, shall not be transmitted from equipment into or
through the supporting or enclosing structure. Should the engineer consider that
excessive vibration is present, such as to warrant the need for specialist testing apparatus
and personnel, then the contractor shall engage and employ such specialist services. The
contractor shall bear the cost of rectification of the installations as well as the cost of the
specialist services in order to meet the design requirements.

3.3 Hangers and Supports Performance Test

3.3.1 Brackets and hangers shall be tested to sustain a load of eight times the actual operating

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SECTION 23 05 53



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope of Work
1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.4 Reference Standards


2.1 Valve Chart Locations

2.2 Identification of Pipelines and Services
2.3 Sign and Accessory Fastening
2.4 Nameplates
2.5 Painting

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SECTION 23 05 53



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 To be read and governed by general contract conditions. This section includes painting
and identification of all pipe works, duct works, equipment etc.

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting complete above works based on
specifications and consultant’s approval of samples.

1.2.2 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “NEOM
Sustainability requirement\ Green Building Regulations & Specifications” requirements for
Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Controls for HVAC
Section 23 21 13 - Hydronic Piping
Section 23 21 23 - Hydronic Pumps
Section 23 31 00 - HVAC Ducts and Casings
Section 23 34 00 - HVAC Fans
Section 23 36 00 - Air Terminal Units
Section 23 37 00 - Air Outlets and Inlets
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices

1.4 Reference Standards

BS 1710 Identifications of Pipe Lines and Services

BS 4800 Paint Colours for Building Purposes
DW 144 Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork
ASME A13.1, for lettering size, length of color field, colors, and viewing angles of
identification devices.


2.1 Valve Chart Locations

2.1.1 Valve charts shall be provided for each piping system and shall consist of schematic
Drawings of piping layouts, showing and identifying each valve and describing its function.
Two copies of each chart, sealed to rigid backboard with clear lacquer placed under glass
and framed, shall be mounted in the building as directed by the Engineer.

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2.2 Identification of Pipelines and Services


a) All Building Services including piping, ducting, electrical conduits and their covering
shall be properly identified in accordance with BS 1710, Latest Edition.

b) All methods of identification shall be compatible with the pipe and operating

c) All material used shall be of low emission as per GREEN /LEED Guidlnes.

d) Identification shall be accomplished by using basic identification colours with code


e) Code indication shall include safety colours and service information. Information shall
be given regarding the nature of the contents of the pipe by using the following
systems, individually or in combination:-

i - Name in Full.

ii - Abbreviation of Name

iii - Chemical Symbol

iv - Refrigerant Number as Specified in BS 4580

v - Appropriate Code Indication Colour bands.

f) Air Conditioning and ventilation ducts shall be identified in accordance with DW/142,
latest Edition.

2.2.2 Legend

a) The material in piping system shall be identified. Primary identification should be by

means of a lettered legend naming the material conveyed by the piping in full or
abbreviated form. Arrows shall be used to indicate the direction of flow.

b) The legend shall be brief, informative, pointed, and simple. Legends shall be
applied close to valves and adjacent to changes in direction, branches, where pipes
pass through walls or floors and as frequently as needed along straight runs to
provide clear and positive indication. Identification maybe applied by stencilling,
tape or markers.

c) Pipe marking should be highly visible.

2.2.3 The Type & Size of Letters

Outside diameter of Length of colour Height of letter

pipe or covering (mm) field (mm) (mm)

(13 to 32) mm 200 mm 13 mm

(40 to 50) mm 200 mm 19 mm
(65 to 150) mm 300 mm 32 mm
(200 to 250) mm 600 mm 63 mm
over 250 800 mm 100 mm

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2.2.4 Colour

a) The Colour should be shown on the piping, but in combination with a legend. The
application of colour bands shall be done by: Painting, Adhesive colour bands or
equivalent colour clips.

b) Colour reference shall be in accordance with BS 4800, Latest Edition.

2.2.5 Color Code Indication for Building Services and Pipelines should be as follows:

Colour Code
Basic colour Identification

- Chilled Water Green White/EM. Green/White

- Electrical conduits - Orange
- Cold air supply duct - Blue
- Fresh air duct - Green
- Extract/Exhaust/Re-circulated Air duct - Grey

2.3 Sign and Accessory Fastening

2.3.1 Warning and instruction signs, wherever specified or otherwise required, shall be securely
fastened where shown or directed with bolting anchors herein specified for masonry
construction or round head chrome plated brass wood screws and washers for wood
construction. Signs shall not be hung loose on chains or by any other method wherein the
sign will be free to move. Sign shall be installed in a conspicuous well lighted location
adjacent to the equipment it refers to and shall be easily read by occupants in standing
position on floor.

2.3.2 All accessories such as wrenches specified to be hung on chain adjacent to the
equipment they serve, shall be arranged for stowing in a rigid manner and shall not be
hung loose, or otherwise, that may permit the chain or wrench to move or rattle.

2.4 Nameplates

2.4.1 Each unit of equipment shall be identified by a permanently attached nameplate made of
brass or other corrosion-resistant metal. Plates shall be not less than forty (40) by eighty
(80) mm. Plates shall bear information pertaining to the unit as follows:

a. System and unit designation from schedule of equipment.

b. Manufacturer's name and address.
c. Serial and model number.
d. Rated capacity.
e. Temperature, pressure or other limitations.

2.5 Painting

2.5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Surface requiring prime painting shall be cleaned thoroughly of all rust, loose scale, oil,
grease and dirt. Use wire brushes and solution for this purpose. No painting shall be applied to damp or frosty surfaces in wet, foggy or freezing weather.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Paint shall be evenly spread and well brushed out so that there shall be no drops, runs or
sagging. Shop coated surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly and retouched where necessary. Care shall be taken not to paint controls, label plates, nameplates on all apparatus and
non-ferrous refrigerant piping. All items that have rusted or corroded in storage or in place shall be re-cleaned or
repainted upon request of the Engineer. Finishing coats shall be made in accordance with a color code, based on ASHRAE or BS
recommendations after being submitted to and approved by the Engineer.

2.5.2 MACHINERY All machinery installed under this contract such as motors, pumps, etc. shall have a shop
priming coat of gray lead and oil.

2.5.3 PIPING All un-insulated and unwrapped Ferrous piping (galvanized or non-galvanized) including
flanges, bolts and valves in trench, partitions, below tiles, or underground shall be painted
with 2 coats of emulsified asphalt. All metal surfaces located within or directly adjacent to
fresh air intake louvers except fresh air dampers shall be painted with 2 coats, of
emulsified asphalt. Paint all exposed (in shafts, above and below false ceiling, on roof, etc.. ) ferrous piping
(including galvanized steel) system components including pipe, fittings, unions, flanges,
valves, hangers and supports as follows before wrapping or insulating the pipes (if
applicable). Applicable to galvanized pipes :

a. Prime Coat: Zinc Chromate.

b. Finish Coat: Ironhide gray metal paint or as approved by the Engineer. Applicable to all other ferrous pipes: Prime Coat: Red lead Primer, 1.5 to 2.0 mils thick. All un-insulated copper pipes shall be wrapped with black colour PVC denso tape of the
self adhesive water proof type.

2.5.4 DUCTWORK The inside portions of all ductwork which are visible through registers and grills shall be
painted with one coat of dull black, heat resistant paint. Un-insulated ductwork including support and hangers exposed to view: One coat of zinc
chromate primer, 1.5 mils thick and finished with iron hide grey metal paint or with color
approved by the Engineer. All metal surfaces such as fresh air dampers located within, or directly adjacent to, fresh
air intake louvers: Two coats of gray galvanized steel primer, 1.5 mils thick.

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2.5.5 IRON WORK All iron work within the building, not otherwise specified such as pipe and duct hangers
and supports, and supports for apparatus, shall be prime painted with one coat of red

End of Section 23 05 53

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SECTION 23 05 93



1.1 Related Documents

1.2 Summary
1.3 General Requirements
1.4 Submittals
1.5 Quality Assurance
1.6 Project Conditions
1.7 Warranty
1.8 Commissioning of Building Services




3.1 Examination
3.2 Preparation
3.3 Testing and Balancing Producers
3.4 Guarantee and Warranted Period
3.5 Extended Defects Liability and Guarantees

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Testing, Adjusting and Balancing for HVAC
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SECTION 23 05 93



1.1 Related Documents

1.1.1 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.2 Summary

1.2.1 A qualified and approved third party shall carry out and certify the testing and
commissioning. Testing and commissioning must be carried out by a company approved
by Authority having the jurisdiction. Testing, adjusting and balancing of the installed
systems should be as per the relevant commissioning code of the British Chartered
Institute of Building Services (CIBS) or ASHRAE Standards. Commissioning results must
be recorded and made available for inspection by Authority.

1.2.2 Major equipment shall be tested and commissioned at factory.

1.2.3 Testing, adjusting and balancing for all the installed systems shall include chilled water
distribution, air distribution, noise and vibration measurement, automatic controls as per
the procedure herein after.

1.2.4 The Contractor shall be responsible to provide during installation all necessary provisions
to carry out the above works as required by the third party.

1.2.5 All costs shall be paid by the Contractor.

1.3 General Requirements

1.3.1 All piping and equipment shall be tested as specified under the relevant subsection of the
specification. Authority regulations and Sustainability requirements shall also be
considered and more stringent specifications to be adopted. Ventilation system start up
should be in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1-2007, section 7.2

1.3.2 Labour, materials, instruments, power etc., required for testing shall be furnished by the
Contractor unless otherwise indicated under the particular section of the Specification.

1.3.3 Test shall be performed in the presence of representatives of the Engineer and such other
parties as may have legal jurisdiction.

1.3.4 In general, pressure tests shall be applied to piping system only, before connection of
fixtures, equipment and appliances. In no case shall any piping, fixtures, equipment or
appliances be subjected to pressure exceeding the ratings as prescribed by the
manufacturers of fixtures, equipment and appliances or accepted engineering standards
for piping and fittings.

1.3.5 All defective work shall be promptly repaired or replaced and the tests shall be repeated
until the particular system and component parts thereof receive the approval of the
Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

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1.3.6 Ductwork, connected to equipment, with an external static pressure exceeding two
hundred and fifty (250) Pascal (Pa) and all ductwork exposed to external ambient
conditions or within unconditioned spaces must be pressure tested prior to occupancy in
accordance with a method approved by the Authority having jurisdiction and a compliant
amount of air leakage achieved.

1.3.7 Any damages resulting from tests shall be repaired and/or damaged materials replaced,
all to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Employer.

1.3.8 The duration of tests shall be as determined by all parties having jurisdiction, but in no
case less than the time prescribed in each subsection of the specification.

1.3.9 In the event of any repair or any adjustment having to be made other than normal running
adjustment, the test shall be void and shall be repeated after the adjustment or repairs
have been made.

1.3.10 When pipes, valves, equipment etc., are to be covered or embedded or insulated; their
specific tests shall be carried out on them before any covering is applied. These tests shall
not relieve the contractor of any of his responsibilities and he shall take all necessary
precautions to insure the safety and protection of such tested items until the termination of
the work.

1.3.11 Three copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Engineer.

1.4 Submittals

1.4.1 Two copies of Testing, Adjusting and Air Balancing strategies plans to be submitted. Plans
should show step-by-step procedures as specified in Part 3. Include also a complete set of
report forms intended for use on this Project.

1.4.2 Submit two copies of reports prepared, as specified in this Section, on approved forms
certified by Testing, Adjusting and Air Balancing firm.

1.4.3 Warranties if specified in this Section.

1.5 Quality Assurance

1.5.1 Ensure the participation of Testing, Adjusting and Air Balancing team members,
equipment manufacturers' authorized service representatives, HVAC controls installers,
and other support personnel. Provide notice in advance of scheduled meeting time and

1.5.2 Coordinate the efforts of factory-authorized service representatives for systems and
equipment, HVAC controls installers, and other mechanics to operate HVAC systems and
equipment to support and assist Testing, Adjusting and Air Balancing activities.

1.5.3 Certify Testing, Adjusting and Air Balancing field data reports by reviewing field data
reports to validate accuracy of data, and certify that Testing, Adjusting and Air Balancing
team complied with approved Testing, Adjusting and Air Balancing plan and the
procedures specified and referenced in this Specification.

1.5.4 Use approved standard forms.

1.5.5 Calibrate instruments at least every six months or more frequently as required by
instrument manufacturer. Keep an updated record of instrument calibration that indicates date of calibration and the
name of party performing instrument calibration.
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1.6 Project Conditions

1.6.1 Completed areas of the project might be occupied during Testing, Adjusting and Balancing
or before Substantial Completion. Cooperate with Owner during Testing, Adjusting and
Balancing operations to minimize conflicts with Client’s operations.

1.7 Warranty

1.7.1 Provide a guarantee on National Standards for Testing and Balancing Heating,
Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems" forms stating that:- The certified Testing, Adjusting and Balancing firm has tested and balanced systems
according to the Contract Documents. Systems are balanced to optimum performance capabilities within design and installation

1.8 Commissioning of Building Services

1.8.1 The commissioning of HVAC system, building management shall be carried out before
issuing the completion certificate

1.8.2 Commissioning must be carried out in accordance with the CIBSE Codes listed below or
any other equivalent commissioning standard approved by Authority having the

- The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Commissioning

Code, Air Distribution Systems, Code A-2006’

- CIBSE Commissioning Code, Automatic Controls, Code C-2001’ for central control
and Building Management System (BMS)

- CIBSE Commissioning Code R: 2002 Refrigeration Systems

- CIBSE Commissioning Code B: 2002 Boilers

1.8.3 Commissioning must be carried out by a company approved by Authority having the
jurisdiction to conduct commissioning of buildings.

1.8.4 Commissioning results must be recorded and available for inspection by Authority having
the jurisdiction

1.8.5 A systems manual, documenting the information required to allow future operations staff
to understand and optimally operate the commissioned services, must be developed and
provided to the building owner or facilities operator following commissioning




3.1 Examination

3.1.1 Examine the Contract Documents to become familiar with Project requirements and to
address conditions in systems' designs that may preclude proper Testing, Adjusting and
Balancing of systems and equipment.
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__________________________________________________________________________________ Contract Documents are defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions of
Contract. Verify that balancing devices, such as test ports, gage cocks, thermometer wells, flow
control devices, balancing valves and fittings, and manual volume dampers, are required
by the Contract Documents. Verify that quantities and locations of these balancing devices
are accessible and appropriate for effective balancing and for efficient system and
equipment operation.

3.1.2 Examine approved submittal data of HVAC systems and equipment.

3.1.3 Examine Project Record Documents described in Division 01 Section "Project Record

3.1.4 Examine design data, including HVAC system descriptions, statements of design
assumptions for environmental conditions and systems' output, and statements of
philosophies and assumptions about HVAC system and equipment controls.

3.1.5 Examine equipment performance data including fan and pump curves. Relate
performance data to Project conditions and requirements, including system effects that
can create undesired or unpredicted conditions that cause reduced capacities in all or part
of a system. Calculate system effect factors to reduce performance ratings of HVAC
equipment when installed under conditions different from those presented when the
equipment was performance tested at the factory. To calculate system effects for air
systems, use tables and charts found in AMCA 201, "Fans and Systems," Sections 7
through 10; or in SMACNA's "HVAC Systems--Duct Design," Sections 5 and 6. Compare
this data with the design data and installed conditions.

3.1.6 Examine system and equipment installations to verify that they are complete and that
testing, cleaning, adjusting, and commissioning specified in individual Sections have been

3.1.7 Examine system and equipment test reports.

3.1.8 Examine HVAC system and equipment installations to verify that indicated balancing
devices, such as test ports, gage cocks, thermometer wells, flow-control devices,
balancing valves and fittings, and manual volume dampers, are properly installed, and that
their locations are accessible and appropriate for effective balancing and for efficient
system and equipment operation.

3.1.9 Examine systems for functional deficiencies that cannot be corrected by adjusting and

3.1.10 Examine HVAC equipment to ensure that clean filters have been installed, bearings are
greased, belts are aligned and tight, and equipment with functioning controls is ready for

3.1.11 Examine terminal units, such as variable-air-volume boxes, to verify that they are
accessible and their controls are connected and functioning.

3.1.12 Examine plenum ceilings used for supply air to verify that they are airtight. Verify that pipe
penetrations and other holes are sealed.

3.1.13 Examine strainers for clean screens and proper perforations.

3.1.14 Examine motorized valves for proper installation for their intended function of diverting or
mixing fluid flows.
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3.1.15 Examine heat-transfer coils for correct piping connections and for clean and straight fins.

3.1.16 Examine system pumps to ensure absence of entrained air in the suction piping.

3.1.17 Examine equipment for installation and for properly operating safety interlocks and

3.1.18 Examine automatic temperature system components to verify the following: Dampers, valves, and other controlled devices are operated by the intended controller. Dampers and valves are in the position indicated by the controller. Integrity of valves and dampers for free and full operation and for tightness of fully closed
and fully open positions. This includes dampers in multizone units, mixing boxes, and
variable-air-volume terminals. Automatic modulating and shutoff valves, including two-way valves and three-way mixing
and diverting valves, are properly connected. Thermostats and humidistats are located without adverse effects of sunlight, drafts, and
cold walls. Sensors are located to sense only the intended conditions. Sequence of operation for control modes is according to the Contract Documents. Controller set points are set at indicated values. Interlocked systems are operating.

3.1.19 Report deficiencies discovered before and during performance of Testing, Adjusting and
Balancing procedures. Observe and record system reactions to changes in conditions.
Record default set points if different from indicated values.

3.2 Preparation

3.2.1 Prepare a Testing, Adjusting and Balancing plan that includes strategies and step-by-step

3.2.2 Complete system readiness checks and prepare system readiness reports. Verify the
following: Permanent electrical power wiring is complete. Hydronic systems are filled, clean, and free of air. Automatic temperature-control systems are operational. Equipment and duct access doors are securely closed. Balance, smoke, and fire dampers are open. Isolating and balancing valves are open and control valves are operational. Ceilings are installed in critical areas where air-pattern adjustments are required and
access to balancing devices is provided.
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__________________________________________________________________________________ Windows and doors can be closed so indicated conditions for system operations can be

3.3 Testing and Balancing Producers

3.3.1 Testing Air Balancing General Procedure Perform testing and balancing procedures on each system according to the procedures
shown herein after. Cut insulation, ducts, pipes, and equipment cabinets for installation of test probes to the
minimum extent necessary to allow adequate performance of procedures. After testing
and balancing, close probe holes and patch insulation with new materials identical to
those removed. Restore vapor barrier and finish according to insulation Specifications for
this Project. Mark equipment and balancing device settings with paint or other suitable, permanent
identification material, including damper-control positions, valve position indicators, fan-
speed control levers, and similar controls and devices, to show final settings. Take and report testing and balancing measurements in inch-pound (IP) and metric (SI)
units. Prepare test reports for both fans and outlets. Obtain manufacturer's outlet factors and
recommended testing procedures. Crosscheck the summation of required outlet volumes
with required fan volumes. Prepare schematic diagrams of systems' "as-built" duct layouts. Develop a plan to simulate diversity for variable-air-volume systems. Determine the best locations in main and branch ducts for accurate duct airflow
measurements. Check airflow patterns from the outside-air louvers and dampers and the return- and
exhaust-air dampers, through the supply-fan discharge and mixing dampers. Locate start-stop and disconnect switches, electrical interlocks, and motor starters. Verify that motor starters are equipped with properly sized thermal protection. Check dampers for proper position to achieve desired airflow path. Check for airflow blockages. Check condensate drains for proper connections and functioning. Check for proper sealing of air-handling unit components. Check for proper sealing of air duct system. A complete set of special tools, oil and grease for all the plant and equipment supplied,
adequate for 12 months operation shall be supplied by the Contractor at the completion
date of the project.

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3.3.2 Procedures for Constant-Volume Air Systems Adjust fans to deliver total indicated airflows within the maximum allowable fan speed
listed by fan manufacturer. Measure fan static pressures to determine actual static pressure as follows:-

a. Measure outlet static pressure as far downstream from the fan as practicable and
upstream from restrictions in ducts such as elbows and transitions.

b. Measure static pressure directly at the fan outlet or through the flexible connection.

c. Measure inlet static pressure of single-inlet fans in the inlet duct as near the fan as
possible, upstream from flexible connection and downstream from duct restrictions.

d. Measure inlet static pressure of double-inlet fans through the wall of the plenum that
houses the fan. Measure static pressure across each component that makes up an air-handling unit,
rooftop unit, and other air-handling and -treating equipment.

a. Simulate dirty filter operation and record the point at which maintenance personnel
must change filters. Measure static pressures entering and leaving other devices such as sound traps, heat
recovery equipment, and air washers, under final balanced conditions. Compare design data with installed conditions to determine variations in design static
pressures versus actual static pressures. Compare actual system effect factors with
calculated system effect factors to identify where variations occur. Recommend corrective
action to align design and actual conditions. Obtain approval from Engineer for adjustment of fan speed higher or lower than indicated
speed. Make required adjustments to pulley sizes, motor sizes, and electrical connections
to accommodate fan-speed changes. Do not make fan-speed adjustments that result in motor overload. Consult equipment
manufacturers about fan-speed safety factors. Modulate dampers and measure fan-
motoramperage to ensure that no overload will occur. Measure amperage in full cooling,
full heating, economizer, and any other operating modes to determine the maximum
required brake horsepower. Adjust volume dampers for main duct, submain ducts, and major branch ducts to indicated
airflows within specified tolerances. Measure static pressure at a point downstream from the balancing damper and adjust
volume dampers until the proper static pressure is achieved. Where sufficient space in
submain and branch ducts is unavailable for Pitot-tube traverse measurements, measure
airflow at terminal outlets and inlets and calculate the total airflow for that zone. Remeasure each submain and branch duct after all have been adjusted. Continue to
adjust submain and branch ducts to indicated airflows within specified tolerances. Measure terminal outlets and inlets without making adjustments. Measure terminal outlets using a direct-reading hood or outlet manufacturer's written
instructions and calculating factors.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Adjust terminal outlets and inlets for each space to indicated airflows within specified
tolerances of indicated values. Make adjustments using volume dampers rather than
extractors and the dampers at air terminals. Adjust each outlet in same room or space to within specified tolerances of indicated
quantities without generating noise levels above the limitations prescribed by the Contract
Documents. Adjust patterns of adjustable outlets for proper distribution without drafts.

3.3.3 Procedures for Motors Motors, 1/2 HP and Larger: Test at final balanced conditions and record the following
data: Manufacturer, model, and serial numbers. Motor horsepower rating. Motor rpm. Efficiency rating. Nameplate and measured voltage, each phase. Nameplate and measured amperage, each phase. Starter thermal-protection-element rating. Motors Driven by Variable-Frequency Controllers: Test for proper operation at speeds
varying from minimum to maximum. Test the manual bypass for the controller to prove
proper operation. Record observations, including controller manufacturer, model and
serial numbers, and nameplate data.

3.3.4 Procedures For Condensing Units Verify proper rotation of fans. Measure entering- and leaving-air temperatures. Record compressor data.

3.3.5 Procedures for Temperature Measurements During TAB, report the need for adjustment in temperature regulation within the automatic
temperature-control system. Measure indoor wet- and dry-bulb temperatures every other hour for a period of two
successive eight-hour days, in each separately controlled zone, to prove correctness of
final temperature settings. Measure when the building or zone is occupied. Measure outside-air, wet- and dry-bulb temperatures.

3.3.6 Procedures for Vibration Measurements Use a vibration meter meeting the following criteria: Solid-state circuitry with a piezoelectric accelerometer.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Velocity range of 0.1 to 10 inches per second (2.5 to 254 mm/s). Displacement range of 1 to 100 mils (0.0254 to 2.54 mm). Frequency range of at least 0 to 1000 Hz. Capable of filtering unwanted frequencies. Calibrate the vibration meter before each day of testing. Use a calibrator provided with the vibration meter. Follow vibration meter and calibrator manufacturer's calibration procedures. Perform vibration measurements when other building and outdoor vibration sources are at
a minimum level and will not influence measurements of equipment being tested. Turn off equipment in the building that might interfere with testing. Clear the space of people. Perform vibration measurements after air and water balancing and equipment testing is
complete. Clean equipment surfaces in contact with the vibration transducer.

3 3.19.6 Position the vibration transducer according to manufacturer's written instructions and to
avoid interference with the operation of the equipment being tested. Measure and record vibration on rotating equipment over 3 hp (2.2 kW). Measure and record equipment vibration, bearing vibration, equipment base vibration, and
building structure vibration. Record velocity and displacement readings in the horizontal,
vertical, and axial planes. Fans and HVAC Equipment with Fans:

a. Fan Bearing: Drive end and opposite end.

b. Motor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end.
c. Equipment Casing: Top and side.
d. Equipment Base: Top and side.
e. Building: Floor.
f. Ductwork: To and from equipment after flexible connections.
g. Piping: To and from equipment after flexible connections. HVAC Equipment with Compressors:

a. Compressor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end.

b. Motor Bearing: Drive end and opposite end.
c. Equipment Casing: Top and side.
d. Equipment Base: Top and side.
e. Building: Floor.
f. Piping: To and from equipment after flexible connections.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ For equipment with vibration isolation, take floor measurements with the vibration isolation
blocked solid to the floor and with the vibration isolation floating. Calculate and report the
differences. Inspect, measure, and record vibration isolation. Verify that vibration isolation is installed in the required locations. Verify that installation is level and plumb. Verify that isolators are properly anchored. For spring isolators, measure the compressed spring height, the spring OD, and the travel
to-solid distance. Measure the operating clearance between each inertia base and the floor or concrete
base below. Verify that there is unobstructed clearance between the bottom of the inertia
base and the floor.

3.3.7 Procedures for Sound-Level Measurements Perform sound-pressure-level measurements with an octave-band analyzer complying

with ANSI S1.4 for Type 1 sound-level meters and ANSI S1.11 for octave-band filters.
Comply with requirements in ANSI S1.13, unless otherwise indicated. Calibrate sound meters before each day of testing. Use a calibrator provided with the
sound meter complying with ANSI S1.40 and that has NIST certification. Use a microphone that is suitable for the type of sound levels measured. For areas where
air velocities exceed 100 fpm (0.51 m/s), use a windscreen on the microphone. Perform sound-level testing after air and water balancing and equipment testing are
complete. Close windows and doors to the space. Perform measurements when the space is not occupied and when the occupant noise
level from other spaces in the building and outside are at a minimum. Clear the space of temporary sound sources so unrelated disturbances will not be
measured. Position testing personnel during measurements to achieve a direct line-of-
sight between the sound source and the sound-level meter. Take sound measurements at a height approximately 48 inches (1200 mm) above the
floor and at least 36 inches (900 mm) from a wall, column, and other large surface
capable of altering the measurements. Take sound measurements in dBA and in each of the 8 un weighted octave bands in the
frequency range of 63 to 8000 Hz. Take sound measurements with the HVAC systems off to establish the background sound
levels and take sound measurements with the HVAC systems operating. Calculate the difference between measurements. Apply a correction factor depending on
the difference and adjust measurements.

3.3.8 Procedures for Acceptance Tests

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__________________________________________________________________________________ As soon as possible after carrying out the Reliability Trial Test, and during the
Maintenance Guarantee Period, the Contractor shall carry out, unless otherwise agreed,
the Acceptance Test Specified in the relevant American or British or approved equivalent
Standard Specifications, as well as much additional tests at Site, deemed necessary by
the Engineer, to determine that the Works comply with the Specifications and provided
that the Works are put into operation. The date of commencement of the above said tests shall be subject to agreement with the
Engineer. As soon as all tests prescribed in the section are carried out satisfactorily in the opinion of
the Engineer, an official statement to that effect (herein referred to as Acceptance
Certificate) shall be drawn up in three (3) copies and signed by the Engineer and the
Contractor. One copy of the Acceptance Certificate shall be delivered to the Contractor.

3.4 Guarantee and Warranted Period

3.4.1 All equipment and accessories supplied by the nominated Sub-Contractor under this
contract shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of two year from the date of final
completion certificate.

3.4.2 A maintenance manual and schedule based on the instructions for preventative
maintenance or service from the manufacturers or suppliers of equipment or according to
the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) 62.1 – 2007 or equivalent as approved by Authority should be provided.

3.4.3 All guarantee shall be unconditional. In the event of breakdown, the Contractor shall
immediately provide and install a replacement unit of equal or superior performance until
such time as the original unit is repaired. Failure by the Contractor to comply within 6
hours of notification, will entitle the Employer to purchase or hire a replacement and seek
reimbursement from the Contractor for all related disbursements.

3.4.4 The Contractor shall guarantee every piece of equipment from any manufacturing or
installation defects for a period of one year, starting from the date of issue of the final
completion certificate.

3.5 Extended Defects Liability and Guarantees

3.5.1 The Contractor shall issue a letter of guarantee for every compressor installed under his
contract for a period of five years, starting from the date of issue of the completion
certificate. Contractor shall remove the defective compressor and install a new one at his
own expense including all necessary accessories and shall do the necessary testing and
commissioning. Contractor shall submit a report to the Engineer explaining the reason of
damage and methods to prevent it from happening.

3.5.2 The Contractor shall issue in favour of the client all original manufacturers extended
guarantees as required by specifications or by Engineers approval conditions or by
manufacturers initial proposal prior to final handing over to the client.

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SECTION 23 07 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Schedule of Insulation Thickness
1.4 Codes and Standards


2.1 Fiberglass Insulation

2.2 Elastomeric Insulation
2.3 Equipment Insulation
2.4 Vapour Barrier Coating
2.5 Aluminium Cladding


3.1 Protection and Cleaning

3.2 Installation of Piping Insulation
3.3 Finishes
3.4 Installation of Equipment and Duct Insulation

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SECTION 23 07 00



Works of this Section shall be governed by Conditions of Contract.

1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 Supply and install all insulation and lagging on piping, vessels or ducts as indicated on the
drawings or specified to be insulated. Authority regulations, Civil Defence, and
Sustainability requirements shall also be considered and more stringent specifications to
be adopted

1.1.2 Adhesives, sealants, vapour barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “Green Building
Regulations & Specifications” requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds, (VOCs)
content limits.

1.1.3 All insulation material shall have Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP=0), not more than
0.05 parts per million (ppm) added formaldehyde, and less than Five Global Warming
Potential (GWP < 5).

1.1.4 Canvas jacket and all insulating materials shall be non-combustible, or self-extinguishing
non-flame spread grade.

1.1.5 Insulation in exposed areas, i.e. permanently visible or otherwise indicated, shall be
protected with aluminium cladding as specified herein after.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 All items specified in this section are included in each of following divisions, sections and
sub-sections as applicable, as if repeated therein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Controls for HVAC

Section 23 30 00 - HVAC Air Distribution

Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices

Section 23 81 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment

1.3 Schedule of Insulation Thickness

1.3.1 The thickness of the insulation applied to pipes, ducts and equipment shall be as stated

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Service Location Inches Phenolic Elastomeric Fiberglass Rockwool
(mm) Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness
Inch(mm) Inch(mm) Inch(mm) Inch(mm)
A/C condensate drain pipes - - - ½ (13) -
Treated fresh air, supply
In conditioned spaces - - 1 (25) 1 (25)
and return air ducts
Treated fresh air, supply In unconditioned
- - 1 (25) 2 (50)
and return air ducts spaces
Passing through air
Untreated fresh air duct - - 3 (75) 3 (75)
Refrigerant suction and
- - - 1½ (38) -
Liquid lines

1.4 Codes and Standards

1.4.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Title of Standard
National Fire NFPA NFPA 90A Standard for Air Conditioning and
Protection Association Ventilating Systems.

NFPA 90B Standard for warm Air Heating and Air

Conditioning Systems.

American Society for ASTM ASTM E96 Test method for water vapour
Testing and Material transmission of materials.


2.1 Fiberglass Insulation

2.1.1 Insulation in air-conditioned spaces shall be blankets of fibrous glass with a density of not
less than 1.5 lb/ft3 (24 kg/m3) and a K-factor of not more than 0.26 Btu-in/ft2 hr. deg. F
(0.038 W/m deg. K) at a mean temperature of 75 deg. F (24 deg C) for concealed

2.1.2 Insulation in un air-conditioned spaces, mechanical rooms, and shafts shall be rigid board
of fibre glass with a resin binder and a density of not less than 4 lb/ft3 (64 kg/m3) and a K-
factor of not more than 0.21 Btu-In/ft2. hr. oF (0.030 W/m o K) at a mean temperature of
50 o F (10o C) for outdoor application.

2.1.3 For cold air application, insulation shall be faced with factory applied reinforced foil and
paper which comprises aluminium foil reinforced with fiberglass yarn mesh and laminated
to 40 lbs chemically treated fire retardant kraft.

2.1.4 50 x 50 x 0.6 mm galvanised sheet metal angles shall be attached at corners.

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2.2 Elastomeric Insulation

2.2.1 Flexible closed cell, elastomeric Foam insulation shall comply with ASTM C518. The
thermal conductivity shall not exceed 0.26 Btu.In/ft2.hr.0.038 W/m0K at a mean
temperature of 75 deg. F (24 deg C))

2.2.2 Insulation thickness should satisfy the ambient condition of 46 deg.C and RH up to 85%
with condensate temperature of 8 -10 deg .C and give life time warranty that condensation
will not occur on insulation.

2.2.3 Fire− resistant shall be of Class 1 and comply with BS 476 Part 7. Speed of flame shall be
of Class O and comply with BS476 – Part 6. Smoke developed index shall be 0-1 and
comply with AS 1530.3 – 1989.

2.2.4 The product shall have Authority approval and the smoke toxicity shall not exceed the max
allowable concentration for the following combustion gases, CO, HCL, HBr, HF, HCN,
NOx, SO2

2.2.5 The product shall be weather resistance with unchanged in physical and thermal
properties of minimum 25 years and shall comply with ASTM E-90 for water vapour

2.2.6 Insulation shall have a factory applied reinforced aluminium foil of min. 8.00 Micron and
the surface finish shall be as specified elsewhere.

2.3 Equipment Insulation

2.3.1 This type of insulation shall apply to chillers, expansion tanks, boilers, boiler circulator,
pumps, heat exchangers and domestic hot water tanks.

2.3.2 This type of insulation and the thickness shall as shown in Schedule of Insulation

2.3.3 Insulation shall be removable and replaceable covers consisting of No. 18 gauge
aluminium sheet metal jacket lined with rigid insulation. All voids between insulation and
equipment housing shall be carefully filled with insulation.

2.3.4 The metal casing shall be tightly sealed.

2.4 Vapour Barrier Coating

2.4.1 The vapour barrier coating shall be tough flexible fire resistive elastomeric finish for
protection of thermal insulation and ultra violet. It shall meet the requirements of NFPA
90A and 90B and shall be UL classified.

2.4.2 The vapour barrier shall have water vapour permeability not more than 0.02 perms at 0.75
mm dry film thickness when tested to ASTM E96 Method.

2.4.3 When tested for surface burning characteristics (ASTM E84) it shall have a flame spread
rating not exceeding 10 and smoke developed not higher than 15.

2.4.4 The vapour barrier shall be suitable for application by brush or spray. It shall be applied in
2 coats with heavy duty fire retardant canvas cloth (8 ounce) embedded between the
coats. Canvas overlap at joints shall be at least 50 mm. The wet film thickness of each
coat shall be at least 1.25 mm.

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HVAC Insulation
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2.4.5 Vapour barrier coating shall be applied above thermal insulation of G.I. Ducts, Range
Hood Duct, chilled water, water supply (hot and cold), refrigeration and condensate drain

2.5 Aluminium Cladding

2.5.1 Aluminium cladding shall be of 0.7 mm it shall be used as protection against weather and
mechanical damage.

2.5.2 Aluminium cladding shall be applied on top of insulation above the canvas jacket and
vapour barrier coating. It shall be held in place by means of self tapping screws and by
using 38 mm wide aluminium straps at 300 mm centres with aluminium or stainless steel
angle rib clips, all joints shall be sealed with grey coloured suitable sealant. Rivets and
screws shall not be used for cladding unless approved by the Engineer for use on elbows
and fittings. Cladding shall be overlapping at joints; horizontal seams shall be at the
bottom. Cladding on ducts shall be formed in such a way to allow for rain/dew drain off.

2.5.3 Aluminium cladding shall be applied to all insulated pipes (condensate drains, etc.,) and
ducts (Galvanised, Range Hood Duct, and Pre-insulated) running exposed on roof,
outside building, inside parking floors and in plant rooms


3.1 Protection and Cleaning

3.1.1 All insulation shall have a smooth, homogenous and lineable finished surface. All rigid
sections shall be concentric and be accurately matched for thickness.

3.1.2 All surface to be insulated shall be dry and free from loose scale, dirt, oil or water when
insulation is applied.

3.1.3 Insulation shall be applied in such a manner that air circulation within the insulation or
between the insulation and the pipe shall be avoided.

3.1.4 No surface imperfections in the insulation such as damaged edges, or ends, cracks and
small voids or holes shall be accepted.

3.1.5 Insulation materials shall be stored and protected from weather moisture, accumulations
of foreign matter, or possible damage in a dry and clean store.

3.1.6 Surface finishes and lagging adhesives shall not be diluted and shall be applied in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3.1.7 Apply insulation to permit expansion or contraction of metal without causing damage to
insulation or surface finish.

3.2 Installation of Piping Insulation

3.2.1 Insulation thickness 2 ½" (65 mm) or less shall be applied in single layer with joints tightly
butted together.

3.2.2 Insulation thickness 3" (80 mm) thick and more can be single or double layers with lateral
and longitudinal joints of the second layer staggered with those of the first layer. No
canvas is to be used between the layers.

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3.2.3 All pipe covering shall fit snugly on the pipe to which it is applied. Inside circumference of
pipe covering when applied shall not vary from the outside circumference of the pipe by
more than 3mm. undersize.

3.2.4 Pipe insulation shall have factory applied jackets and secured with plastic bands at each
joint at centre of each section and where sections abut upon fittings, except where
otherwise specified.

3.2.5 Insulation shall only be applied to piping after all testing has been accomplished and after
all the coats of paint have been applied.

3.2.6 Pipe covering shall be terminated at a sufficient distance from all flanges to permit easy
removal of bolts.

3.2.7 Screwed, soldered, and welded fittings and valves (up to the bonnet) on 4”(100mm) pipe
and larger, shall be insulated with block insulation or pipe covering and shall be given a
trowelled coat of finish cement to present a smooth surface. Valves for the chilled water
shall be covered to the gland.

3.2.8 Screwed, soldered, and welded fittings and valves (up to the bonnet) up to 4”(100mm) in
size shall be covered with field fabricated metered segments of pipe insulation equal in
thickness to the adjoining insulated pipe and finished with standard weight canvas jacket.
Where hangers are installed on the pipe covered with insulation the entire hanger up to
the rod shall be insulated.

3.2.9 Where insulated piping is subject to movement and supported on roller hangers, steel
protection saddles shall be provided and welded to the pipe. Saddles shall be filled with
asbestos cement.

3.2.10 All insulated piping not supported on roller hangers and subject to movement, shall be
provided with protection shields at all hanger locations. Shields shall be of 3mm.
galvanized iron extending on each side of the hanger for a distance equal to the diameter
of the insulation and shall extend up the sides of the insulation to the centre of the pipe
and shall be provided with cork pad support.

3.2.11 Special care shall be exercised in insulating chilled water lines to prevent sweat leaks at
piping hanger locations.

3.2.12 Where standard insulation shapes are not available, cut, score or meter segmental or flat
block to fit contour of pipe, stagger joints of adjoining segments. Fit insulation carefully
and secure with wire. Smooth with insulating cement.

3.2.13 Insulate valves, strainers, fittings and flanges with identical material, density, thickness
and finish as the piping insulation. Use pre-molded insulation material where available,
otherwise use shaped block segments wire on with all edges filled with insulation cement
or filler.

3.2.14 Insulation for strainers shall permit removal of the basket without disturbing the insulation
of the strainer body.

3.2.15 Adhesives, sealants, vapor barriers, paints, etc., shall meet “Green Building Regulation &
Specification” for Voltile Organic Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.

3.3 Finishes

3.3.1 All pipes running in concealed spaces shall have canvas cover, securely fixed, overlaps
firmly pasted down, secured with aluminium bands at intervals and painted with two coats
of fire retardant emulsion paint.

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3.3.2 All non-cladded pipes running inside building but exposed to view shall have same
treatment as for those in concealed spaces but with one coat of gloss paint, to an
approved colour, in addition.

3.3.3 Insulation in exposed areas, i.e. permanently visible, shall be protected with aluminium
cladding as specified.

3.4 Installation of Equipment and Duct Insulation

3.4.1 Curved or cylindrical equipment shall be insulated with blocks or curved segments in one
layer for thicknesses of 65 mm or less and two layers for thicknesses of 76 mm or more.
The insulation shall be applied with joints staggered and tightly butted together and held in
place with bands. Square cornered equipment such as boilers, ducts casings etc. shall be
insulated with block insulation protected at corners by metal shields and held in place
by bands, carried around the unit over the insulation and fastened tight.

3.4.2 Metal anchoring clips shall be welded to the equipment surface so that the band will pass
over them and may be wired to them after insulation is in place.

3.4.3 Insulation in exposed areas, i.e. permanently visible, shall be protected with aluminium
cladding as specified.

3.4.4 Any part of equipment that is normally removable for service such as heads of heat
exchangers, shall be insulated separately from the equipment.

3.4.5 No insulation shall be applied over nameplates.

3.4.6 Insulated ducts penetrating walls or floors shall be insulated completely thru penetration.
Provide waterproof calcium silicate insert, same thickness and jacketing as insulation with
wall flange for fire wall or floor penetrations, or as detailed on the Drawings.

3.4.7 Duct insulation or lining or any type of covering together with the applied adhesives shall
have a flame spread rating not over 25 without evidence of continued progressive
combustion and a smoke developed rating no higher than 50, wherever the duct crosses a
fire wall or penetrates a roof slab.

3.4.8 Duct linings shall be interrupted at fire dampers and fire doors so as not to interfere with
the operation of services.

3.4.9 All duct materials and coverings (insulation, pre-insulated panels, linings, etc.) shall meet
the requirements of NFPA 90A and 90B Standards or equivalent European Standards.

3.4.10 Adhesives, sealants, vapor barriers, paints, etc., shall meet the requirements of NFPA
90A and 90B and shall be UL Classified.

End of Section 23 07 00

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SECTION 23 09 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 General Requirements
1.3 Shop Drawing
1.4 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Control Panel and Control System

2.2 Room Thermostats


3.1 Installation
3.2 Testing

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Instrumentation and Control for HVAC
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SECTION 23 09 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 The contractor shall supply and install all the control equipment, auxiliary devices,
instruments, etc. to perform satisfactory operations of all systems described in the
specifications and/or indicated on the Drawings. The Drawings and the specifications are
complemented each to the other.

1.1.2 The sequence of operation of each system or piece of equipment is specified either under
the equipment specification section or detailed on the Drawings.

1.2 General Requirements

1.2.1 Control system shall be of the electronic type, (solid state) to provide the required
sequence of operation.

1.2.2 Provide all relays, switches, gauges, sources of electricity and all other auxiliaries,
accessories and connections necessary to make a complete operable system.

1.2.3 Unless stated otherwise temperatures shall be controlled within plus or minus 2 degree F
(1 degree C) and humidity within plus or minus 5 per cent of the set point.

1.2.4 Provide positive positioner devices on all controls operated in sequence and/or where
specified or required to maintain the set point within the required limits without override.

1.2.5 Basic components shall be standard catalogue products of single reputable Manufacturer.

1.2.6 Do not duplicate factory furnished controls of unitary equipment like refrigeration
machines, fan coil units, etc. but modify them to conform to these specifications:

1.2.7 Obtain from the manufacturer of unitary equipment, and submit written certification that
proposed control circuit modifications do not conflict with or invalidate Manufacturer's
equipment warranty.

1.2.8 The equipment shall be restarted after a power failure in the same sequence and with the
same time delays as specified for normal start-up.

1.2.9 Select the instrument so that the normal range of operating temperatures and pressures
falls within the middle-third of the instrument range. Use compound gauges when normal
operating pressure is near or below atmospheric.

1.2.10 Where thermometer sensing bulbs are inserted in air ducts or casings, provide perforated
bulb housing with a 3" (80 mm) diameter union flange to permit removal. Connections for
sensing elements are to be brass except where otherwise specified. Provide all
thermometers in piping systems with stainless steel wells and ¾" (20 mm) separable

1.2.11 Provide extension necks where thermometers and pressure gauges are located in
insulated piping, vessels, ductwork, casings or equipment.

1.2.12 All thermometers and gauges shall have both English and metric units grading.

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1.3 Shop Drawing

1.3.1 Shop Drawings shall be schematic diagrams showing all the components of the control
systems and the interconnection scheme. Each component shall be identified by name
and/or schedule number of equipment item it controls.

1.3.2 Manufacturer's detailed Shop Drawings, specifications, and data sheets for all equipment
to be furnished shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

1.4 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.4.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim. However, any
discrepancies between the content of this section and what is shown in Division 25, the
specification in Division 25 shall take precedence.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 34 00 - HVAC Fans
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices


2.1 Control Panel and Control System

2.1.1 Control panels shall be installed where shown and as required on the Drawings. Each
panel shall include start-stop and pilot lights for all major equipment being controlled
together with their starters and necessary heat detector, alarm and other related safety
and fire alarm systems.

2.1.2 The control system shall be complete with all necessary transformers, thermostats,
valves, dampers, damper operators, and associated regulators required to maintain the
conditions desired together with the thermometers, gauges, and other necessary
accessories and the control wiring.

2.2 Room Thermostats

2.2.1 Shall have metal locking covers and shall be provided with concealed adjustment means,
and with thermometers.
2.2.2 Each room thermostat shall be supplied with metal auxiliary mounting bases and metal
sub-base for surface mounting applications; plus a plastic guard to protect thermostat from

2.2.3 Line voltage on/off thermostats shall be of the bimetal operated snap action switch. They
shall be underwriters' laboratories inc., listed at an electrical rating appropriate to the
application. Thermostat shall operate on 2 °F (1 °C) differential and shall have a control
dial range 55-85 deg F (13-29 deg C).

2.2.4 Low voltage thermostats shall be of the self contained type with a 1000 ohm sensing
element and an amplifier. Thermostat shall have a control dial range 55-85 deg F (13-29
deg C) and a throttling range of 2 °F (1 °C) for a 3 Vdc output change.

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3.1 Installation

3.1.1 Install controls so that adjustments and calibrations can be readily made.

3.1.2 Unless otherwise noted, install all wall mounted thermostats 1400 mm above the floor,
measured to the center line of the instruments.

3.1.3 Install all control valves horizontally with the power unit up.

3.1.4 Instrument wire shall be run in conduits separate from other types of wiring and shall
terminate on identified terminal strips.

3.1.5 The wire terminals on instruments shall not be used as junction points to facilitate removal
of instruments without disturbing others.

3.1.6 Instruments shall have laminated plastic name tags with tag numbers and service
engraved on the tag. Tags shall be securely fastened to the instrument. Tags shall be
black with white lettering

3.1.7 Mount pressure gauges directly at the sensing point unless otherwise indicated.

3.1.8 Locate temperature sensing devices in a portion of the fluid stream where it will measure
the average fluid temperature without obstructing flow. Increase pipes 1 ½" (40 mm) in
diameter and smaller at least one pipe size at the point of insertion.

3.2 Testing

3.2.1 After completion of installation, all automatic controls shall be regulated and adjusted and
placed in complete operating conditions subject to the approval of the Engineer and a
maintenance brochure including all operating instructions, specifications and sheets for all
instruments shall be submitted by the Contractor.

3.2.2 After all controls, valves and motors have been connected, test the systems in the
presence of the Engineer to demonstrate the capability of each automatic control system
to meet contract requirements.

End of Section 23 09 00

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SECTION 23 23 00



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Pipe Identification
1.4 Codes and Standards


2.1 Copper Pipes-CuP-Type 3

2.2. UPVC Pipes Type 1
2.3 Joints Between Dissimilar Metals (Dielectric Isolators)
2.4 Piping Schedule.


3.1 Arrangement and Alignment of Pipes

3.2 General Requirements for Piping Installation
3.3 Connection to Equipment and Control Valves
3.4 Installation of Unions and Flanges
3.5 Pipe Sleeves
3.6 Cleaning of Piping Systems

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SECTION 23 23 00



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Works of this Section shall be governed by Contract Conditions.

1.1.2 This section describes basics materials and requirements for refrigerant piping work
services installations for building.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 05 29 - Hangers, Supports and Seismic Control for HVAC Piping
Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Controls for HVAC
Section 23 81 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment

1.3 Pipe Identification

1.3.1 All pipes shall be indelibly marked at intervals of not greater than 3m. The marking shall
show the manufacturer's identification, the standard name and number, and the nominal
size and class. Adhesive labels alone shall not suffice. All pipes complying with British
Standards shall be kitemarked.

1.4 Codes and Standards

1.4.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

1. American Water AWWA C601-68
Works Association C501-67 -

2. American Society ASTM D1785 Specification for poly (vinyl

for Testing and chloride) (PVC) plastic pipe,
Materials schedules 40, 80, and 120.
3. American Standard ASA ASA 40.1 -
ASA B16.22 -
ASA B1618 -
ASA B9.1 -
ASA B35.5 -
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4. British Standards BS
BS 4514 Specification for unplasticized PVC
soil and venting pipes, fittings and
BS 3505 Specification for unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure
pipes for cold potable water.
BS 4346 Part 1 Joints and fittings for use with
unplasticized PVC pressure pipes.
Injection moulded unplasticized
PVC fittings for solvent welding for
use with pressure pipes, inluding
potable water supply.
BS 4346 Part 2 Mechanic joints and fittings,
principally of unplasticized PVC.
BS 4660 Specification for unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes
and plastics fittings of nominal
sizes 110 and 160 for below ground
gravity drainage and sewerage.
BS 5481 Specification for unplasticized PVC
pipe and fittings for gravity sewers.
BS 2871 Specification for copper and copper
alloys, tubes.
BS 864 Part 2 Specification for capillary and
compression fittings for copper
BS 3601 Specification for carbon steel pipes
and tubes with specified room
temperature properties for pressure
5. American Society ASHRAE - -
for Heating,
Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
6. Deutsches Institute DIN DIN 19534 -
for Normung
7. American National ANSI ANSI B18.2.2
Standards Institute
ANSI B31.1
ANSI A21,10,11 -


2.1 Copper Pipes-CuP-Type 3

2.1.1 Copper pipes shall be of the seamless hard drawn tubing type K or L to ASTM B 280-88.
Tubing, to be used, shall have been cleaned by the manufacturer and the open ends
capped to preserve cleanliness.

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2.1.2 Cup shall be designed, constructed and installed in compliance with ASA B9.1 and ASA
B35.5 (safety code for Mechanical Refrigeration).

2.1.3 CuP shall be suitable for solder jointing with forged or wrought copper fittings.

2.1.4 Cast fittings should not be used because they might be porous and allow the refrigerant to

2.1.5 Surfaces to be soldered shall be cleaned bright. The joints shall be given a thin coating of
approved soldering flux and the tubing end inserted into the fitting as far as possible.

2.1.6 Heating and finishing of the joint shall be done in accordance with the recommendations
of the manufacturer of the fittings. During the heating, the pipe and fittings must be kept
full of an inert gas N or CO2 to prevent formation of scale.

2.1.7 The solder metal to be used shall be a non-ferrous metal or alloy having a melting point
below 800 °F (427 °C) and below that of the metal being joined, an accepted solder is Sil-
Fos to make copper to copper joints.

2.1.8 When solenoid valves are being installed, the coil should be removed, and no heat shall
be applied near the bulb of the expansion valve.

2.1.9 CuP type 3 are allowed to be used to carry refrigerants and/or as specifically mentioned in
the schedule of pipe materials.

2.2 UPVC Pipes Type 1

2.2.1 Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) shall be of the un-plasticized rigid type and of high density
and complete homogeneity material

2.2.2 UPVC Pipes - Type 1 shall comply with BS EN 1329-1 : 2000 specification for pipes,
fittings and the system.

2.2.3 UPVC Pipes - Type 1 piping systems shall be used in the field of A/C condensate drain.

2.2.4 UPVC Pipes Type 1 piping systems sockets and spigots shall be either for solvent cement
joints or ring seal joints.

2.3 Joints Between Dissimilar Metals (Dielectric isolators)

2.3.1 Make joints between ferrous and non-ferrous screwed piping and equipment by using
Teflon or nylon isolating materials in the form of screwed unions.

2.3.2 Make joints between ferrous and non-ferrous flanged piping and equipment with insulating
gaskets and "Teflon sleeves and washers between flanges, bolts and nuts.

2.3.3 The entire insulating joint including the dielectric material shall be suitable to withstand the
temperature, pressure and other operating characteristics for the service for which they
are used.

2.4 Piping Schedule

2.4.1 General

2.4.2 Piping classes are specified for each service in the following schedule. The designations
indicated refer to detailed specifications for piping in this section of the specifications:

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2.4.3 Piping Classes

Service Piping Class

- A/C Condensate drains UPVC Type 1

- A/C Condensate drain above false ceiling. UPVC Type 1

- Refrigerant Pipes CUP Type - 3


3.1 Arrangement and Alignment of Pipes

3.1.1 Install piping in a neat, workmanlike manner and the various lines shall be parallel to
building walls wherever possible.

3.1.2 Install refrigerant pipe groups in parallel with each other.

3.1.3 Support, anchor all piping to preclude failure or deformation. Construct and install
hangers, supports and accessories to the approval of the Engineer. Do not use wire, tape
or metal bands. Supports shall be designed to support weight of pipe, weight of fluid and
weight of pipe insulation.

3.1.4 Fasten piping securely to the structure without overstressing any portion of the supports or
the structure itself. Secure pipe supports, anchors and guides to concrete by means of
inserts or if greater load carrying capacity is required by means of steel fishplates
embedded in the concrete.

3.1.5 Uninsulated copper or brass pipe and/or tubing shall be isolated from ferrous hangers or

3.1.6 Support piping and tubing at intervals indicated in the schedule hereinafter and at all
changes in direction . Maximum deflection shall not exceed 3 mm.

3.1.7 Furnish pipe hangers and supports complete with rods, bolts, lock nuts, swivels,
couplings, brackets and all other components and accessories, to allow installation to
freely expand and contract. For copper or brass pipe, use plastic sheathed hangers. Pipe
hangers shall fit over insulated piping.

3.1.8 Provide trapeze hangers where several pipes can be installed parallel and at the same
level. Trapeze shall be of steel channel sized to support load and drilled for rod hanger at
each end. Provision should be made to keep the lines in their relative position to each
other by the use of either clamps or clips.

3.2 General Requirements for Piping Installation

3.2.1 Make all changes in size and direction of piping with standard fittings.

3.2.2 Make all branch connections with tees.

3.2.3 Use eccentric reducing fittings or eccentric reducing couplings where required by the
contract documents or where required to prevent pocketing of liquid or non-condensables.

3.2.4 Pipes and fittings shall both be manufactured according to one single standard unit of
measurement, either both English and both metric.

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3.2.5 Wall supports - provide for supporting horizontal piping from wall with steel J-Hook for pipe
located close to wall.

3.2.6 Vertical piping supports – support pipes at every floor unless shown otherwise.

3.2.7 Provide penetration shields to encase insulated pipes penetrating fire walls or floors in a
3600, 24 gauge minimum sheet metal hanger shields. Spacing between sleeve and
insulation shield, pack annular space between sleeve and shield on both ends with double
neoprene coated asbestos-free rope. Install an escutcheon plate to completely cover the
wall penetration opening and fit snugly over the pipe insulation shield. Insert shall extend
at least 25mm. beyond penetrated surface and escutcheon.

3.2.8 Maximum horizontal spacing for hangers are as follows:

- Up to 1 ¼" (32 mm) copper pipe----------2.0 meter

- 1 ½" (40 mm) and over copper pipe-------3.0 meter

3.3 Connection to Equipment and Control Valves

3.3.1 Provide connections to equipment and control valves to facilitate dismantling. Arrange
connections so that the equipment being served may be removed without disturbing the

3.4 Installation of Unions and Flanges

3.4.1 Unions and flanges shall be installed at all equipment inlets and outlets,

3.5 Pipe Sleeves

3.5.1 Provide all pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs with sleeves having an
internal diameter at least 50mm larger than the diameter of the pipe for un-insulated lines
or of the insulation for insulated pipes.

3.5.2 Install sleeves through interior walls and partitions flush with finished surfaces; sleeves
through outside walls to project 15mm. on each side of the finished wall; and floor sleeves
to project 25mm. above finished floors.

3.5.3 Set sleeves in place before pouring concrete or securely fasten and grout in with cement.

3.5.4 Sleeve construction:

. Interior Partitions - galvanized sheet iron.

. Interior & Exterior Masonry Walls and Floors-galvanized steel pipe.

3.5.5 The space between outside of pipe or insulation and the inside of the sleeve or framed
opening shall be fire stopped to Building Regulation E14 using asbestos-free fire proof
material in interior walls and asbestos-free, weather & vermin proof materials in external

3.6 Cleaning of Piping Systems

3.6.1 Plug all opening ends of piping, valves and equipment except when actual work is being
performed to minimize accumulation of dirt and debris.

End of Section 23 23 00

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SECTION 23 31 00



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Scope of Work

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.4 Reference Standards

1.5 Ductwork Design Criteria


2.1 Ductwork

2.2 Duct Hangers and Support

2.3 Flexible Ducts


3.1 Duct Construction

3.2 Protection and Cleaning

3.3 Access Openings in Insulated Ducts

Section 23 31 00
HVAC Ducts and Casings
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SECTION 23 31 00



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This section includes the design, supply, installation testing and commissioning of
complete ductwork system for air conditioning fresh air, exhaust and ventilation systems.

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 The contractor shall be responsible for submitting complete above works based on design
consultant’s approval of submitted samples, documents etc as per specifications and
applicable standards.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim. Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC Section 23 05 29 - Hangers and Supports for HVAC Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Controls for HVAC Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories Section 23 34 00 - HVAC Fans Section 23 37 00 - Air Outlets and Inlets Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices Section 23 81 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment

1.4 Reference Standards

HVAC DW 144 Sheet Metal Ductwork

NFPA 90A Standard for the installation of air conditioning and ventilating systems
SMACNA Sheet Metal and air conditioning contractors national association
ASHRAE American society of heating, refrigeration and air conditioning.
UL 181 Underwriters laboratories
ASTM A653-99 Specification for steel sheet, Zinc-coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip

1.5 Ductwork Design Criteria

1.5.1 All rectangular ducts shall be of the low pressure rating and all circular round ducts shall
be of the high pressure rating.

1.5.2 Galvanized sheet steel shall be fabricated, erected and installed in accordance with NFPA
90A and “SMACNA” sheet metal manuals.

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1.5.3 All rectangular metal ducts shall be sealed in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 90 and
SMACNA low pressure duct construction standards. All high pressure ducts shall be air

1.5.4 Duct work with equipment connected to it, having external static pressure exceeding 250
Pascal, exposed ductwork to external ambient conditions, or within un air-conditioned
spaces must be pressure tested prior to occupancy in accordance with a method
approved by the municipality and compliant amount of air leakage.

1.5.5 Duct leakage testing must be carried by a specialist approved by the Authority for
commissioning of buildings.

1.5.6 It is contained solely in a fire rated shaft and no other services included in the same shaft.

1.5.7 All return air ducts inlets shall be fitted with stainless steel wire mesh.

1.5.8 If the HVAC system is used during construction, temporary return air filters must be
installed with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) in accordance with ASHRAE
Standard 52.2-2007 or an equivalent standard.

1.5.9 Adhesives, sealants, vapor barriers, paints, coating, etc., shall meet “NEOM Sustainability
requirement\ Green Building Regulations & Specifications” for Volatile Organic
Compounds, (VOCs) content limits.


2.1 Ductwork

2.1.1 Galvanised sheet steel ducts shall be of G90 coating designation within ASTM A653-99,
standard specification for ‘steel sheet zinc coated by the hot dip process’. The weight of
coating on both sides of duct shall be 0.9 oz/ft2 (275g/m2) as a minimum check limit triple
spot test.

2.1.2 The ducts’ gauges, thickness, type and method or jointing shall be as detailed and
tabulated on the Drawings and/or in compliance with ASHRAE Standards and Handbooks.

2.1.3 Stainless steel ducts shall be of 316 for all Toxic exhaust air in accordance with ASTM
Standards and Specifications.

2.2 Duct Hangers and Support

2.2.1 Supply and install steel work necessary for the support of the ductwork Section 23 05 29.
Hangers shall be spaced not more than 3000 mm. apart, and at changes of direction.
Types and construction of hangers shall be as detailed on the Drawings and in
compliance with SMACNA recommendations.

2.3 Flexible Ducts

2.3.1 Ducts shall be all metal constructed of heavy gauge corrugated aluminium with water tight
continuous lock seams.

2.3.2 Ducts shall be UL 181 Class O non-combustible and complying to NFPA 90A & 90B, or
tested to BS 476 (parts 6, 7 & 20) class 1 flame spread and meets the requirements of CP
413 section A2.2.3.

2.3.3 For air conditioning flexible ducts shall have 25mm thick fiber glass insulation and
sheathed in durable polymer vapour barrier.

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3.1 Duct Construction

3.1.1 All ducts shall be constructed and erected so as to be rigid and free from sway, drumming
and movement. Duct work shall be true to sizes indicated on Drawings, straight and
smooth on the inside with neatly finished joints. Whenever internal acoustic lining is
indicated on the Drawings, the duct sizes have to be increased to accommodate the lining.

3.1.2 Ductwork joints shall be square with all sharp edges removed.

3.1.3 The ducts shall be routed with a minimum of directional changes and abrupt transitions.

3.1.4 Adequate space shall be provided around ducts to assure proper support and to allow the
installation of the specified insulation.

3.1.5 All connections between ductwork, including flexible connections, fittings and equipment,
shall be made with gradually tapered transition fittings.

3.1.6 Whenever a flexible duct is used to correct misalignment between the supply duct and the
diffuser ceiling location, the misalignment (or offset) shall not exceed one-eighth (1/8) the
length of the collar (or diffuser diameter). Flexible duct length shall not exceed 30 cm.

3.1.7 Changes in section of ductwork shall be effected by tempering in ducts with as long a
taper as possible. All branches shall be taken off at not more than 45 degree angle from
the axis of the main duct unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

3.1.8 The ducts shall be securely anchored to the building in an approved manner.

3.1.9 The ducts shall be installed as to be completely free from vibration under all conditions of

3.1.10 The ducts and hangers shall be installed straight, plumb and level.

3.1.11 Wherever ducts pass thru walls or floors, a sleeve of galvanized mild steel sheet shall be
provided and the space between the pre-insulated duct and the sleeve shall be caulked
with lead wool and finished on each face with a mastic fill.

3.1.12 Flexible ducts should be kept as short as possible (maximum 30 cm) and fully extended.

3.1.13 All slip joints shall be made in the direction of flow.

3.1.14 All elbows shall have a centre line radius equal to at least 1.5 times the width of the duct,
otherwise turning vanes shall be installed in the elbows.

3.1.15 Adjustable splitters and hinged volume dampers shall be provided at every duct junction
on both supply and exhaust ductwork for adjusting air volumes.

3.1.16 Where splitters and dampers are installed above suspended ceiling, flush-mounted
controlling devices shall be used.
3.1.17 Connection to diffusers, grilles and registers shall be made absolutely airtight.

3.1.18 Equalizing grids or turning vanes shall be installed ahead of an air outlet whenever poor
approach conditions, from the main duct to the outlet, exist.

3.1.19 In critical low noise level projects, poor approach conditions are not allowed.

3.1.20 Where the duct is pierced for any reason, sealing compound shall be used.

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3.1.21 All joints and fittings concealed in vertical duct shafts shall be welded.

3.1.22 For duct work balancing and testing refer to Section 23 05 93 Subsections 1.3 and 1.4.

3.2 Protection and Cleaning

3.2.1 Unless it is required to provide ventilation during construction, the supply and return
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system openings must be closed and
protected from contamination. All ducts and other related air distribution component
openings must be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods to prevent dust
or debris from collecting in the system.

3.2.2 During Construction, building occupant and systems must be protected from airborne
contaminants which are generated or spread during construction inside the buildings.
Including toxic substances or substances harmful to the human body, such as asbestos,
lead, pesticides, heavy metals, mold, dust, fumes, paint... etc.

3.2.3 Remove all foreign materials and clean the duct inside and outside.

3.2.4 Clean ducts before operating fans and filters. Never operate fans unless filters are

3.2.5 Immediately prior to occupancy, the temporary return air filters must be removed and
replaced with permanent filters having Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) in
accordance with ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2007 or an equivalent standard.

3.2.6 Operate the fans and thoroughly blow out the interior surfaces of the duct work.

3.2.7 After tests, wash cleanable filters and replace renewable media.

3.2.8 Contractor to submit the air quality plan in line with authority’s requirements and
regulations for review and approval.

3.3 Access Openings in Insulated Ducts

3.3.1 Where ducts require to be thermally insulated the door frame shall be extended beyond
the face of the duct by a measurement equal to the thickness of the insulation and as
arranged so that the insulation can be 'dressed' into the frame. Doors or covers shall be
suitably insulated and provisions made to ensure that the seal is continuous across the
whole opening. The extent of the opening shall be clearly visible or otherwise indicated.
Where it is impossible to vapour seal an access opening, provision shall be made for
collecting and draining condensation.

End of Section 23 31 00

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SECTION 23 33 00



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Scope of Work

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.4 Reference Standards

1.5 Fire Dampers – General Requirements

1.6 Noise Attenuation


2.1 Volume Control Dampers

2.2 Fire Dampers (Curtain Type)

2.3 Motorized Dampers

2.4 Flexible Connections

2.5 Combination Fire and Smoke Dampers


3.1 Access Openings

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1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This section includes the design, supply, installation testing and commissioning of all
materials for the complete installation of air distribution specialties and duct accessories
for the air distribution system..

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 The contractor shall be responsible for submitting complete above works based on design
consultant’s approval of submitted samples, documents etc as per specifications and
applicable standards.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Controls for HVAC
Section 23 31 00 - HVAC Ducts and Casings
Section 23 34 00 - HVAC Fans
Section 23 37 00 - Air Outlets and Inlets
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices
Section 23 81 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment

1.4 Reference Standards

UL 555 Standard for fire Dampers and ceiling dampers

NFPA 90A Standard for the installation of air conditioning and ventilating systems.
ASTM – A525 Specification for general requirements for steel sheet, zinc-coated
(galvanized), by the Hot-dip process.

BS 5588-Part 9 Code of Practice for air-conditioning and ventilation duct work

1.5 Fire Dampers – General Requirements

1.5.1 Fire dampers shall be provided on all duct branches which pierce fireproof floors, walls,
shafts, ceilings and as required in accordance with NFPA SECTION NO. 90A.

1.5.2 Assemblies shall be complete with damper blades, fusible links, linkage and stops.

1.5.3 Dampers shall be proportioned and weighed to close at once if released from a link with
spring catches and shall stay closed until manually reset.

1.5.4 Dampers and frames shall have suitable peep holes.

1.5.5 Fire damper installation shall guarantee the fire wall integrity.

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1.6 Noise Attenuation

1.6.1 The Contractor shall supply and fix acoustic insulation and noise attenuator units where
necessary and as shown on drawings and/or required by the Specialist study to reduce
the air borne noise transmission through the distribution duct system, so that the specified
noise criteria levels are satisfied.


2.1 Volume Control Dampers

2.1.1 Volume control dampers shall be complete with locking levers and quadrants, indicating
their position.

2.1.2 Volume dampers shall be provided whether shown/or not on drawings in main ducts, in all
branch ducts supplying three (3) or more air outlets, in all fresh air intakes etc to achieve
proper system balancing.

2.1.3 Volume control dampers shall be of the butterfly type for ducts 15" (380 mm) in depth and
lower, and multiple opposed blade type for ducts above 15" (380 mm) in depth. Maximum
blade size shall be 48" x 10" (1220 x 250 mm). For ducts larger than 48"(1220 mm),
multiple frame sections shall be used. Blades shall not be less than 18 gauge. Duct shall
be stiffened at damper location. Volume dampers for circular ducts shall be of the multiple
opposed blade type fitted in a square section.

2.1.4 Upon completion of the ductwork, dampers shall be adjusted and set to deliver the
amounts of air indicated on the Drawings.

2.2 Fire Dampers (Curtain Type)

2.2.1 Each fire damper shall have a 3 hours fire protection rating and a 1650 F (73.9 0C) fusible
link. Fire damper frame shall be constructed of 20 gauge galvanized steel channel.

2.2.2 Blades shall made of 24 gauge galvanized steel and finish shall be mill galvanized to
ASTM A525 g-60.

2.2.3 Each fire damper shall be constructed and tested in accordance with UL Safety Standard

2.2.4 Fire dampers shall be equipped for vertical or horizontal installation. Horizontal mounted
dampers shall be spring loaded.

2.2.5 All necessary accessories such as sleeves, angles etc. shall be provided for proper
installation of fire damper as per manufacturer instructions, UL approval and it shall finally
guarantee the integrity of the fire wall.

2.3 Motorized Dampers

2.3.1 Motorized automatic dampers shall be of the louver type with not less than 13 gauge
welded steel frames and galvanized finish. Blades shall have interlocking edges, stainless
steel side springs (or vinyl or neoprene gaskets), and teflon-coated stainless steel thrust
washers. Blades shall be edged with neoprene if the damper is to operate in outside air
service either as an intake or discharge damper. Damper blades shall have steel trunnions
mounted in nylon or oilite bearings.

2.3.2 Dampers shall be not more than 1200mm. in length between bearings. Modulating
dampers shall be of the opposed blade type unless specified otherwise. Blades shall be

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not over 200mm. in width and shall not be less than 16 gauge galvanized steel. Hardware
shall be zinc plated. One damper actuator shall be provided for each 1.5 sq. meter of
damper area.

2.3.3 Provide parallel blade dampers arranged for maximum turbulence and mixing of outside
air with return air. Arrange dampers as necessary to prevent stratification or provide
baffles necessary to correct stratification problems.

2.3.4 Provide dampers of low leakage construction, so designed that the maximum leakage
shall be 10 cfm/ft2 (0.005 m3/s/m2) of damper with 4" WG. (1 Kpa) pressure differential

2.3.5 For damper actuator specification, refer to Section 25 50 00.

2.4 Flexible Connections

2.4.1 Flexible connections of approved flame retardant fabric to prevent the transmission of
vibration through the ducts shall be installed on both the supply and return sides of all fans
and ventilating units for a maximum length of 250mm. and a minimum of 100mm. in the
direction of the flow. The fabric shall have a flame spread rating of not over 25 and a
smoke developed rating of not higher than 50.

2.4.2 Flexible connections shall connect ducts across structural expansion joints.

2.4.3 Cloth used for flexible connections shall be of proper weight and strength for the service
required, and shall be properly fitted to render it relatively tight.

2.4.4 Neoprene laminated fabric, with neoprene facing on interior surface, shall be used for
ducts handling other than clean dry air.

2.4.5 Flexible duct connection used for air conditioning, air handling units shall have vinyle
coated fabric insulated with 1" (25 mm) fiberglass insulation of 0.75 lbs/ft3 (12 Kg/m3)
minimum density, designed to NFPA-90 or BS 5588 part 9 Standards. The connector
should be pre-assembled metal to fabric.

2.4.6 The connector shall be 24 gauge galvanized zinc to ASTM-A525 G 60.

2.5 Combination Fire and Smoke Dampers

2.5.1 Type: Dynamic; rated and labeled according to UL 555 and UL 555S.

2.5.2 Fire Rating: 1-1/2 and 3 hours.

2.5.3 Frame: Hat-shaped, 2.4-mm thick, galvanized sheet steel, with welded corners and
mounting flange.

2.5.4 Heat-Responsive Device: Replaceable, 100 deg ) rated, fusible links.

2.5.5 Smoke Detector: Integral, factory wired for single-point connection.

2.5.6 Blades: Roll-formed, horizontal, interlocking 1.6-mm-thick, galvanized sheet steel.

2.5.7 Leakage: Class I.

2.5.8 Rated pressure and velocity to exceed design airflow conditions.

2.5.9 Mounting Sleeve: Factory-installed, 1.3-mm- thick, galvanized sheet steel; length to suit
wall or floor application.

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2.5.10 Master control panel for use in dynamic smoke-management systems.

2.5.11 Damper Motors: Modulating or two-position action.


3.1 Access Openings

3.1.1 General Access doors shall be provided for volume damper quadrants installed in concealed
spaces, for control valves, for fire dampers or as specified hereinafter. All access openings shall be rigidly framed and made air-tight. Covers shall be simply and
speedily removed and re-fixed. Multiple set screws or self-tapping screws will not be
acceptable as a method of fixing. Access doors and other openings in ductwork shall be
provided for the purposes given below. The number, size and locations shall be as
indicated on the Drawings or as necessary to ensure adequate access to equipment and

3.1.2 Access for Personnel Access doors shall not be larger than 1350mm. high by 500mm. wide, unless essential for
equipment handling. Doors shall open against the air pressure. Duct openings and the
access doors shall be adequately reinforced to prevent distortion. Suitable sealing gaskets
shall be provided together with sufficient clamping type latches to ensure air-tight and
water-tight sealing between the door and the duct. All personnel access openings shall
have latch handles on both the inside and outside of the door.

3.1.3 Access for Maintenance, Cleaning and Inspection Inspection openings shall generally not be larger than 300mm high by 400mm. wide
unless essential for access to equipment, in which case the size shall be agreed before
manufacture. The opening in the duct shall be adequately stiffened and the door cover
sufficiently rigid to prevent distortion. Approved sealing gaskets and suitable fastenings
shall be provided to ensure air-tight sealing.

3.1.4 Test Holes for Test Equipment and Instruments Test holes shall be provided wherever instructed by the engineer, and in all main ducts
and branch ducts to correctly establish design air flows and to check the performance of
fans and regulating dampers. All holes shall be 25mm. dia. and suitably strengthened.
Cover plates shall be screw-fixed to the duct and sealed.

3.1.5 Access Openings in Insulated Ducts Where ducts require to be thermally insulated the door frame shall be extended beyond
the face of the duct by a measurement equal to the thickness of the insulation and as
arranged so that the insulation can be 'dressed' into the frame. Doors or covers shall be
suitably insulated and provisions made to ensure that the seal is continuous across the
whole opening. The extent of the opening shall be clearly visible or otherwise indicated.
Where it is impossible to vapour seal an access opening, provision shall be made for
collecting and draining condensation.

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SECTION 23 34 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3 Codes and Standards

1.4 General Requirements for Ventilating Fans


2.1 Centrifugal In-Line Fan (Smoke/Fume Fans)

2.2 Spare Parts

2.3 Special Tools

2.4 Operation and Maintenance Manual

2.5 Guarantee and Warranteed Period

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SECTION 23 34 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 The works covered under this Section shall include all the supply, installation, testing and
delivery in good operating conditions of a complete Ventilating system as described,
shown detailed or implied in the tender documents of the project.

1.1.2 The Contractor shall supply and install fans of capacities indicated on the Drawings.
Authority regulations and Sustainability requirements shall also be considered and more
stringent specifications to be adopted. Manufacturing of all fans should be in accordance
with ASHRAE 62.1-2007, section 5.

1.1.3 The Contractor shall provide all the necessary components and accessories as well as
manpower, scaffolding, painting, testing facilities, etc... at his own expense to execute a
complete operable system.

1.1.4 The Contractor shall program his work such that it will not interfere with other trades and
to suit site requirements.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 05 48 - Mech. Sound, Vibration and Seismic Control for Piping and
Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Controls for HVAC
Section 23 31 00 - HVAC Ducts and Casings
Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories
Section 23 37 00 - Air Outlets and Inlets
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices

1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

American Society of Heating ASHRAE - -
Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers.
National Electrical NEMA - -
Manufacturers Association

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National Electrical Code NEC Section 424 -

Air Moving and Conditioning AMCA - -
National Fire Protection NFPA NFPA 90A Standard for Air Conditioning and
Association Ventilation Systems
Underwriters Laboratories UL UL181 -
American Standards for ASTM ATSM Specification for general requirements
testing and Materials A525-75 for steel sheet, zinc-coated
(galvanized) by the hot-dip process.

1.4 General Requirements for Ventilating Fans

1.4.1 The fan motors and starters shall be in accordance with the Electrical division of these

1.4.2 Test and rate all fans in accordance with the standards of the AMCA. All fans must bear
the AMCA certified rating seal.

1.4.3 Make appropriate allowance for the effects on fan performance of all installation conditions
including plenum enclosures and inlet and discharge arrangements so that actual installed
fan performance equals that specified.

1.4.4 Balance all fan wheels and all other moving components statically and dynamically.
Where coating is specified and it affects the balance of the fan wheel, perform balancing
after the coating has been applied.

1.4.5 Drill all fan shafts on the center line to receive a tachometer.

1.4.6 Belt driven fans shall be connected to the driving motor by means of an approved V-belt
drive, with adjustable sheaves, unless otherwise designated. V-belt drives shall be
designed for 50% overload capacity and the motors for such drives shall be equipped with
adjustable bases or slide rails.

1.4.7 Bearings shall be self-aligning, grease lubricated, ball-bearing type, and shall be complete
with grease fittings, extended for easy access where necessary.

1.4.8 Weather proof hoods should be provided for all motors and drives exposed to weather to
the approval of the Engineer.

1.4.9 Back draft dampers, gravity type, shall be installed on the fan discharge of all fans
discharging directly to the atmosphere except the kitchen hood fan.

1.4.10 Fans scheduled for the exhaust of kitchen equipment hoods and high temperature
exhaust systems shall include an up blast arrangement on the discharge with complete
grease drainage and insulated heat shield to protect motor and drive, all designed for high
temperature services.

1.4.11 Fans are to operate steadily without pulsation at design conditions. Centrifugal fan
characteristic curves must be such that the fan operating point falls below the point of no
flow static pressure, to the right of the point corresponding to that of maximum mechanical
efficiency, and a 15% increase in static pressure over that specified results in not more
than a 15% reduction in cfm and does not affect the stability of fan operation. If necessary
accomplish the foregoing by modifying the width of the wheel and/or by providing inlet
vanes to change the characteristic curve.

1.4.12 Performance curves shall be submitted for each fan for approval.

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1.4.13 Fans power shall not exceed 0.3 watt/cfm and 0.5 watt/cfm for indoor AC units &
supply\exhaust fans respectively.


2.1 Centrifugal In-Line Fan (Smoke/Fume Fans)

2.1.1 Fan shall be of the centrifugal in-line type steel construction and shall be complete with:

a- Electric motor mounted outside the air stream.

b- Metallic fixing frame and supports.
c- Dust proof, non fused disconnect switch under motor casing.
d- Belt drive and belt guard.
e- Vibration isolators.
f- All aluminium centrifugal backward inclined blades impeller with non overloading
horse power characteristic.
g- Flexible duct connection at each end.
h- Fans used for smoke exhaust shall have all welded housing with motors and all parts
rated for the high temperature anticipated by the smoke, but not less than 752°F
(400°C) for 2 hours..
j- Electric meter shall be of variable speeds if shown in capacity schedule.

2.1.2 Fans shall be supplied complete with minimum IP55 sheet steel control panel. The panel
shall include but shall not be limited to the following:-

a- Door interlocked disconnect switch.

b- Duty alternator (where needed)
c- Circuit breaker.
d- Motor starters
e- Duty Standby fan Auto changeover for standby motors
f- On/Off/Auto with pilot light
g- Control power transformer
h- Control wiring
i- Volt free contacts for connection to BMS
j- Single phasing protection

2.1.3 Fans shall be coated at the factory with anti corrosion coating as recommended by the

2.2 Spare Parts

2.2.1 The Contractor shall provide as part of his contract a list of spare parts for all the
equipment supplied sufficient for three years of operation all in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturers of the equipment.

2.3 Special Tools

2.3.1 A complete set of special tools, oil and grease for all the plant and equipment supplied,
adequate for 12 months operation shall be supplied by the Contractor at the completion
date of the project.

2.4 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

2.4.1 The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in triplicate bound, A4 size,
instruction and maintenance manuals and schedule based on the instructions for
preventative maintenance or service from the manufactures or suppliers of equipment or

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according to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Engineers (ASHRAE) 62.1-2007 or equivalent as approved by Authority containing the
following material:- Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation features. The manual
shall be developed, updated as necessary, and maintained on site or in centrally
accessible location for the working life of the system equipment and component Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional components of the
systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers. List
shall give system No., unit no., Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no.
Parts list shall include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation. Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment. Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment. List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment. Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control diagrams and wiring
diagrams of controllers. Complete, as installed, colour coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor controller
connections and interlock connections of other mechanical equipment. The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review as to the
fulfilment of the specified requirements. All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial completion date. All operation and maintenance manuals should have an electronic copy (CD or USB)
enclosed upon submission.

2.5 Guarantee and Warranted Period

2.5.1 All equipment and accessories supplied by the nominated Sub-Contractor under this
contract shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of two years from the date of final
completion certificate.

2.5.2 All guarantee shall be unconditional. In the event of breakdown, the Contractor shall
immediately provide and install a replacement unit of equal or superior performance until
such time as the original unit is repaired. Failure by the Contractor to comply within 6
hours of notification, will entitle the Employer to purchase or hire a replacement and seek
reimbursement from the Contractor for all related disbursements.

2.5.3 The Contractor shall guarantee every piece of equipment from any manufacturing or
installation defects for a period of one year, starting from the date of issue of the final
completion certificate.

End of Section 23 34 00

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SECTION 23 36 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Variable Air Volume Terminal Units (Bypass Type)



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Air Terminal Units
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SECTION 23 36 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 Works of this section shall be governed by Contract Conditions requirements.

1.1.2 Variable Air Volume (VAV) Units shall be as per the capacities shown on drawings and/or
indicated in Bill of Quantities. Special attention should be made for the upper & down
stream pressure when selecting the VAV.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation And Controls for HVAC
Section 23 31 00 - HVAC Ducts and Casings
Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories
Section 23 37 00 - Air Outlets and Inlets
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices
Section 23 81 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment
Section 25 50 00 - Integrated Automation Facility Controls


2.1 Variable Air Volume Terminal Units (Bypass Type)

2.1.1 Supply and install VAV terminal units of the by-pass type wherever shown on the drawings
and of sizes and capacities as indicated there upon. Each terminal unit shall be electrically
controlled and shall be supplied complete with: General Casing shall be welded 22-gauge galvanized steel with hanger holes at the four corners.
Maximum casing leak rate shall not exceed 4% of nominal rating at 0.50 inches w.g. Unit
shall have one round primary air inlet, one rectangular discharge outlet to the room and
one round bypass discharge outlet. Insulation - Interior surface of unit casing shall be acoutically and thermally lined with ½
inch, 1.9 lb/cu. ft. density glass fiber with high density facing. Insulation shall be UL listed
and meets NFPA 90A and UL 181.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Bypass Balancing Damper - A field adjustable balancing damper shall be provided on the
bypass outlet. Discharge Duct Connection - Straight flanged rectangular discharge duct connection. Electronic Controls Electric Air Valves - Two, cylindrical airflow control devices, each with an integral 24 VAC
electric actuator. The air valves modulate to provide variable airflow to the room in
response to the room thermostat while maintaining constant primary unit airflow at unit
inlet. Includes an eight-point, averaging flow sensing ring for airflow measurement to
within 5% pf rated unit airflow, with 1 ½ diameters of straight upstream ductwork. Integral
flow taps and calibration chart shall be provided on each unit. Leakage rate shall be less
than 1% of nominal unit cfm at four inches inlet static pressure. Unit mounted
potentiometers shall be provided for field adjustment of minimum and maximum airflow
settings. Thermostat A remote room type thermostat shall be installed wherever shown on the Drawings. The
thermostat shall be field wired to the circuit board.



End of Section 23 36 00.

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SECTION 23 37 00



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope of Work
1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.4 Reference Standards
1.5 Air Distribution Outlets General Requirements


2.1 Square - Air Diffusers

2.2 Linear Diffusers
2.3 Grilles and Registers
2.4 Fresh Air and Discharge Louvers
2.5 Sand Trap Louvers
2.6 Door Louvers


3.1 Installation
3.2 Fixing
3.3 Rejection

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SECTION 23 37 00



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This section of specification includes the design, supply, installation testing and
commissioning of the Air inlets and outlets for the complete air conditioning and ventilating
system including fresh air intakes, louvers, grilles, diffusers etc.

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 The contractor shall be responsible for submitting complete above works based on design
consultant’s approval of samples, submitted documents etc as per specifications and
applicable standards.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Controls for HVAC
Section 23 31 00 - HVAC Ducts and Casings
Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories
Section 23 34 00 - HVAC Fans
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices
Section 23 81 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment

1.4 Reference Standards

DW 142 British Heating & Ventilating Contractors association Code of Practice

NFPA 90A Standard for the installation of air conditioning and ventilating systems
ADC Air diffusion council

1.5 Air Distribution Outlets General Requirements

1.5.1 All air outlets shall be of, at least the sizes indicated on the Drawings. Irrespective of the
sizes indicated on drawings, diffusers/grillers shall be sized such that the noise spectrum
of the supply outlets not higher than NC-25, and not exceeding a velocity of 0.3 m/sec but
in all cases outlet selected shall perform within the noise level requirement of the space it
is supplying. Outlets shall be supplied with foam rubber gaskets to prevent air leakage.

1.5.2 Where supply or return outlets are installed in continuous line, omit intermediate frames
and margins. Provide guides for each element to keep adjoining lengths aligned and
butted without breaks. All outlets shall be constructed of aluminum of the color specified or
as selected by the Engineer.

1.5.3 Outlets causing excessive air movement, drafts or objectionable noise shall be replaced at
no cost to the owner.

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1.5.4 All outlets & louvers shall be powder coated, samples showing finish and color shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to supplying the outlets to Site.

1.5.5 The Contractor shall provide in his Tender for delaying the fixing of loose grilles until all
other trades have completed their work, returning to the Site to fit the grilles as and when
required to do so.


2.1 Square - Air Diffusers

2.1.1 Air diffusers shall be of the diffusion and air mixing type and shall be made of extruded

2.1.2 Supplied air shall be diffused with no air velocities in excess of 50 fpm. (0.25 m/s) at 1800
mm height or less above the floor line. Room air shall be mixed with the primary air by
induction to effect subsequent uniformity of the room temperature without stratification.

2.1.3 Diffusers shall be multicone type giving 4-way horizontal discharge unless otherwise
indicated. The centre cones of the diffuser shall be manufactured from pressed aluminum
of 1.1mm thickness whereas the outer frame shall be fabricated from extruded aluminum
of 1.2mm thickness - suitably aligned at the corners giving it a near invisible joint.

2.1.4 Each diffuser shall be provided with an aluminum opposed blade damper.

2.1.5 The diffusers shall be supplied completely factory powder coated, the finish color as per
approved by the Consultant. The diffusers shall be tested and rated in accordance with
ASHRAE standard 70.

2.1.6 Diffuser shall not project appreciably below ceiling or duct.

2.1.7 The inner assembly of the diffusers shall be attached to the outer assembly by means of a
lock permitting assembly and disassembly without the use of tools.

2.1.8 The noise level shall be measured at a point one meter below the diffuser.

2.2 Linear Diffusers

2.2.1 Continuous slim line diffusers shall have extruded aluminum vanes and frames, unless
otherwise indicated on the Drawings, and shall be designed for surface mounting on wall,
ceiling or sill.

2.2.2 Diffusers shall be capable of diffusing air in a horizontal or vertical plane, combining
discharge air diffusion, 20% aspiration and secondary air motion causing the discharge air
to be diffused in such a manner that the air is delivered in a multiplicity of high and low
pressure air currents causing turbulent air motion and insuring complete coverage and
temperature uniformity within the space served.

2.2.3 The diffuser shall be provided with equalizing deflector and damper to accomplish uniform
distribution throughout the length of the outlet.

2.2.4 The noise level shall be measured at a point 1800 mm below on either side of the diffuser.

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2.3 Grilles and Registers

2.3.1 All grilles shall be mounted upon substantial frames connected to the duct work, and shall
be provided with soft plastic mounting rings inserted under the frame, so as to obviate
leaks behind the grille.

2.3.2 All supply grilles and high level return grilles shall be double deflection, with horizontal
face blade in the front, with airfoil blade construction, with minimum of 19 mm flange with

2.3.3 Supply registers shall be double deflection, horizontal face bars, airfoil blade construction,
with aluminum opposed blade, key operated volume dampers, and 19 mm minimum
gasket flange.

2.3.4 Return grille at low levels and fresh air grilles shall be single deflection fixed blade type
with 19mm. flange with gasket where the sheet metal is visible behind the grille, paint the
interior surface of the sheet metal flat black.

2.4 Fresh Air and Discharge Louvers

2.4.1 Louvers for fresh air intake, and for exhaust. They shall be extruded aluminum.

2.4.2 Louvers shall be weatherproof, with fixed blades set at 30 degree and shall have a free
area of 85%.

2.4.3 Louvers shall be furnished with ½" (13mm) mesh-bird screen secured in removable
extruded Aluminum frames.

2.5 Sand Trap Louvers

2.5.1 Sand trap louver shall have a high degree of separation of sand and large dust particles,
even in cases of high dust concentrations. The vertically arranged sections and holes for
sand drainage shall ensure the sand trap louver is self-cleaning and maintenance free.
The sand trap louver shall be designed to separate large particles at low air velocities,
thus avoiding excessive dust loading.

2.5.2 The sand trap louver shall be constructed in polyester powder coated aluminum, and shall
be complete with transom, sand chute and galvanized bird screen. Color shall be to
Engineer’s approval.

2.5.3 Whether shown on drawings or not, all fresh air intakes shall be with sand trap louvers,
filters and volume control dampers.

2.6 Door Louvers

2.6.1 The door louvers shall be sized so that the face velocity does not exceed 250 fpm (1.3
m/s) unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings.

2.6.2 The louver shall be extruded aluminum completely lightproof V-Section with double frame


3.1 Installation

3.1.1 All outlets shall be erected, leveled and accurately set in position, to ensure symmetry with
other grilles, light fittings, etc. It has been arranged that final minor adjustments to

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suspension levels to obtain final accurate alignment between the ceiling and light fittings,
diffusers, etc., shall be executed by those responsible for erecting the false ceilings.

3.2 Fixing

3.2.1 All outlets shall be concealed fixing type with no screws.

3.3 Rejection

3.3.1 Any imperfect outlet scratched or damaged surfaces of fixing screws having damaged
heads, or scratched plating, will be rejected and shall be replaced satisfactorily before the
Contract Works will be taken over as complete.

End of Section 23 37 00

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SECTION 23 40 00



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Scope of Work

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.4 Reference Standards

1.5 General Requirements


2.1 Filter Elements

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SECTION 23 40 00



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This section includes the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
complete air cleaning devices for air conditioning systems.

1.2 Scope of Work

1.2.1 The contractor shall be responsible for submitting complete above works based on design
consultant’s approval of submitted samples, documents etc as per specifications and
applicable standards.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 The works specified in the following sections are included in this Section in each
applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and control for HVAC
Section 23 31 00 - HVAC Ducts and Casings
Section 23 74 33 - Packaged Outdoor Units
Section 23 81 00 - Decentralized HVAC Equipment

1.4 Reference Standards

ASHRAE American society of heating, refrigeration and air conditioning.

UL Underwriters laboratories
NBS Atmospheric Dust Spot Method

1.5 General Requirements

1.5.1 Provide temporary filter elements in the filter banks of supply systems used during
construction prior to using the system.

1.5.2 MERV values shown below should be as per ASHRAE Standards 52.2- 2007.

1.5.3 Temporary filter elements shall be throw-away type with frames taped air-tight.

1.5.4 Immediately prior to test and balance operations, replace temporary filters with a new set
of specified filter elements.

1.5.5 After final acceptance, a new set of filter elements shall either be delivered to owner or
installed to replace "Test" filters, as directed by Owner.

1.5.6 Provide throw-away filters of thickness to fit frames of unitary equipment.

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2.1.1 Throw-away Filter Throw-away filters - 2" (50 mm) thick fiberglass media contained in rigid frame with a
supporting maze across both entering and leaving faces of media, with minimum MERV of
7 with maximum initial resistance of 0.17" WG. (42 pa) at 500 FPM (2.5 m/s) face velocity. Provide throw-away filters of thickness to fit frames of unitary equipment.

2.1.2 Bag Filter Bag type filters shall be supported on substantial wire mesh frames fixed in a housing
assembly containing the filter bags. The housing frames shall be drilled for assembly into
a multiple battery suitable for mounting directly onto the downstream side of the outdoor
louvers or grilles. Each bag is made up from three distinct layers of filter media. The first layer should
provide dust holding capacity for long life, the second fine filtration of smaller particles and
the third prevent fiber migration. Filters shall be bag type, of high performance rating with performed, and deep pleated
construction. Bag filters shall have an initial clean filter resistance to air-flow not exceeding 0.28" WG.
(70 pa) and a final resistance (dirty) not exceeding 0.5" WG. (125 pa). The first layer shall
be of graduated density continuous filament glass, the second layer shall consist of the
fiberglass or synthetic media, while the third layer shall consist of spun nylon backing.

2.1.3 Grease Filters Grease filters- 2"(50mm) thick, constructed of cross-pleated layers of fine mesh aluminum
media with aluminum frame. Filter shall be the high capacity, low resistance type which
can be cleaned in hot water with a household detergent maximum initial resistance shall
be 0.1"wg (25pa) at a rated face velocity of 500 FPM (2.5 m/s).

2.1.4 Cleanable Filter Cleanable filter: 2" (50mm) thick aluminum media, contained in aluminum frame. Filter
shall have minimum MERV of 3 and it shall be capable of being completely cleaned by
flushing with tap water. Holding frames shall be provided with polyurethane seals and
stainless steel spring latches.

End of Section 23 40 00

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SECTION 23 72 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3 Codes and Standards


2.1 Heat Recovery Wheel

2.2 Heat Pipe Recovery


3.1 General Requirements

3.2 Spare Parts

3.3 Special Tools

3.4 Guarantee and Warrantee Period

3.5 Operation and Maintenance Manual

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SECTION 23 72 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 The works covered under this Section shall include all the supply, installation, testing and
delivery in good operating conditions of a complete Air Recovery System as described,
shown detailed or implied in the tender documents of the project.
Authority regulations and Sustainability requirements shall also be considered and more
stringent specifications to be adopted. Manufacturing of all fan coil units should be in
accordance with ASHRAE 62.1-2007, section 5.

1.1.2 The Contractor shall provide all the necessary components and accessories as well as
manpower, scaffolding, painting, testing facilities, etc... at his own expense to execute a
complete operable system.

1.1.3 The Contractor shall program his work such that it will not interfere with other trades and
to suit site requirements.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation And Controls for HVAC
Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories
Section 23 34 00 - HVAC Fans
Section 23 37 00 - Air Outlets and Inlets
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices

1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall conform to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

American Society of Heating ASHRAE - -
Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers.
National Electrical NEMA - -
Manufacturers Association
National Electrical Code NEC Section 424 -

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Air Moving and Conditioning AMCA - -

National Fire Protection NFPA NFPA 90A Standard for Air Conditioning and
Association Ventilation Systems
ARI ARI American Refrigeration Institute


2.1 Heat Recovery Wheel

2.1.1 General Requirements It is the responsibility of the Air Handling Units supplier for the heat wheel integrity with
the whole unit in terms of withstanding design conditions and operation. The Air Handling
Units supplier shall give 5 (five) years extended warranty for proper operation and against
any deterioration, misalignment, deformation, and manufacturing defects. Unless it is specifed elsewhere, minimum sensible load recovery efficiency should be
seventy percent (70%) The heat wheel shall consist of a casing, wheel media, drive unit and exhaust fan. An
inspection cover for the drive unit should be provided on one end of the heat wheel for
inspection. Casing shall have double skin panels, utilising fixed sectionalised modular sandwich
panels of 30 mm thickness in air conditioned spaces or 50 mm in non-air conditioned
spaces, with not less than 70 kg./m3 density with mineral wool rigid insulation. Panels
shall be provided with integral profiled frames incorporating double hollow rolled rubber
seals to ensure optimal even sealing efficiency pressure & depression sides, and shall be
made of galvanized steel with painted finish. Panels shall be internally impact and corrosion resistant, access doors shall be provided
with rubber seals and special fasteners, with service and inspection doors on air inlet and
air outlet side. To prevent the wheel media from transferring exhaust air to the supply air duct, the heat
wheel shall be fitted with an adjustable purging sector, the sector is adjustable from 0 to 6
degree. The rotor passages are blown clean in the purging sector. On delivery, the sector
is set at 0 degree. Wheel media shall be made of alternating layers of flat and corrugated aluminum foil and
shall contain a desiccant material which eliminates carry over of bacteria and airborne
contaminants i.e. selective absorption. Desiccant shall allow only water molecules to pass
through it, rejecting all other pollutants of exhaust air. (Level cross contamination
shouldn’t be more than 0.04%). Dust particles up to 800 micron shall pass through media without causing choking of
pores. Both sensible and latent recovery efficiency shall not be less than capacities indicated in
capacity schedule. The center of the wheel media shall consist of a hub with a shaft and bearings with
efficient seal provided in the clearance between the rotor and the casing to minimize
leakage between the supply air and exhaust air ducts.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Heat wheel section to be provided with drain pan under the heat wheel. Enthalpy heat wheel shall be vertically positioned for vertical installed fresh air and
exhaust air unit combination, unless indicated otherwise. Heat wheel consists of corrosion protected housing with double chamber divided with
brush gasket and inspection door for drive inspection maintenance. The drive unit shall consist of an electric motor having constant speed of not more than 20
– 25 rpm. The face velocity shall not exceed 700 FPM (3.5 m/s.) Leakage of exhaust air into the supply air and across the seals should be eliminated. Pressure adjusting dampers can be used to balance the unit pressure difference if
required. Purging sector should be correctly adjusted to suit the prevailing pressure conditions so
that complete purging of the wheel media will take place without any supply air being lost.
On the other hand, a certain proportion of the supply air will be transferred to the exhaust
air by carry over. This will take place at the point where the wheel media moves over from
the supply air duct into the exhaust air duct. The heat wheel shall be designed for operation at temperatures up to + 50 degree C.

2.1.2 Heat Wheel Exhaust Fan Section The fan section shall be constructed of heavy gauge sheet steel properly reinforced and
braced with steel angle framework. It shall be provided with suitable angle flanges for
connecting it to the coil section. Fan shall be centrifugal type with multi-blade forward curved or air foil type, mounted on a
common shaft with enclosed housing. The fan motor shall be statically and dynamically
balanced to eliminate noise and vibration. Fan bearings shall be grease lubricated ball type with grease lines extending to the
outside surface of the casing. Average life of bearing shall not be less than 200000 hours. Fan shall conform to the design fabrication of the AMCA. Fan shall be mastic coated and have galvanized steel wheel and high grade steel shaft. Fan shall be driven by V-belt of variable pitch type. Belt guards of removable type shall be
provided on the fan and motor shafts. The electric motor starter and controllers shall be in accordance with Electrical section of
these Specifications.

2.2 Heat Pipe Recovery

2.2.1 Energy recovery heat pipes shall be included within the AHU or within the supply and
extract ductwork as specified.

2.2.2 The heat pipe shall be a single section and will straddle the airways in the supply and
extract decks of the AHU or the supply and extract ductwork.

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2.2.3 The heat pipe shall be suitable for either side by side mounting between the two adjacent
ducts (horizontal heat pipe) or top and bottom mounting with the warmer air always
flowing through the bottom section (vertical heat pipe).

2.2.4 The length of the heat pipes in the supply and extract section shall be selected so as to
match the respective air volumes. The external fins shall be of aluminium with a minimum
thickness of 0.15mm. Fins shall be of the continuous plate type and louvered type to
optimize the airside heat transfer .

2.2.5 Tubes shall be of refrigeration standard seamless copper C106 for heat exchanger use.
Tube diameter shall be 12mm with a grooved inner surface to enhance the internal
surface area and minimum root thickness of the tube shall be 0.35mm.

2.2.6 Casings shall be from galvanized sheet steel with a minimum thickness of 1.4mm. The
casing shall incorporate tube plates, continuous side plates and a centre dividing plate to
prevent cross-contamination between the two airstreams.

2.2.7 The working fluid shall be refrigerant type and shall be environment friendly Zero ozone
depletion potential. The heat pipe circuits shall be factory charged and hermetically sealed
with the calculated weight of refrigerant.

2.2.8 There shall be a multitude of loops in the height of the heat pipe and each loop shall be
individually charged.

2.2.9 Heat pipes with header assemblies containing a single circuit are not suitable as a single
leak will render the entire heat pipe inoperative.

2.2.10 Heat pipes shall be designed to comply with the specified conditions

2.2.11 Heat pipe performance shall be independently type tested and certified in line with the
requirements of British Standards BS 5141 pt1 or European Standards EN 305 & 306 or
American Standards ARI 410 for testing and rating of heat exchangers.

2.2.12 The heat pipe shall have a third party independent type test report conducted by
Eurovent certified laboratories .

2.2.13 The heat pipe manufacturer shall have minimum 10 years experience in manufacturing of
heat pipes and must have heat pipes commissioned for a minimum period of 6 years in
the Middle East market.


3.1 General Requirements

3.1.1 The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in triplicate bound, A4 size,
Instruction Manuals containing the following material:-
3.1.2 Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation features.

3.1.3 Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional components of the
systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers. List
shall give system No., unit no., Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no.
Parts list shall include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation.

3.1.4 Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment.

3.1.5 Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment.

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3.1.6 List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment.

3.1.7 Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control diagrams and wiring
diagrams of controllers.

3.1.8 Complete, as installed, colour coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor controller
connections and interlock connections of other mechanical equipment.

3.1.9 The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review as to the
fulfilment of the specified requirements.

3.2 Spare Parts

3.2.1 The Contractor shall provide as part of his contract a list of spare parts for all the
equipment supplied sufficient for three years of operation all in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturers of the equipment.

3.3 Special Tools

3.3.1 A complete set of special tools, oil and grease for all the plant and equipment supplied,
adequate for 12 months operation shall be supplied by the Contractor at the completion
date of the project.

3.4 Guarantee and Warranteed Period

3.4.1 All equipment and accessories supplied by the nominated Sub-Contractor under this
contract shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of two years from the date of final
completion certificate.

3.4.2 All guarantee shall be unconditional. In the event of breakdown, the Contractor shall
immediately provide and install a replacement unit of equal or superior performance until
such time as the original unit is repaired. Failure by the Contractor to comply within 6
hours of notification, will entitle the Employer to purchase or hire a replacement and seek
reimbursement from the Contractor for all related disbursements.

3.4.3 The Contractor shall guarantee every piece of equipment from any manufacturing or
installation defects for a period of one year, starting from the date of issue of the final
completion certificate.

3.5 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

3.5.1 The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer in triplicate bound, A4 size,
instruction and maintenance manuals and schedule based on the instructions for
preventative maintenance or service from the manufactures or suppliers of equipment or
according to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) 62.1-2007 or equivalent as approved by Authority containing the
following material:- Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation features. The manual
shall be developed, updated as necessary, and maintained on site or in centrally
accessible location for the working life of the system equipment and component. Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional components of the
systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers. List
shall give system No., unit no., Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no.
Parts list shall include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation. Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment. List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment. Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control diagrams and wiring
diagrams of controllers. Complete, as installed, colour coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor controller
connections and interlock connections of other mechanical equipment. The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review as to the
fulfilment of the specified requirements. All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial completion date. All operation and maintenance manuals should have an electronic copy (CD or USB)
enclosed upon submission.

End of Section 23 72 00

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SECTION 23 81 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere
1.3 Codes and Standards
1.4 Design Conditions
1.5 Quality Assurance


2.1 Mini-Split System

2.2 Air Cooled VRF High Ambient System
2.3 Computer Room Airconditioning (Closed Control Unit)


3.1 Spare Parts

3.2 Special Tools
3.3 Operation and Maintenance Manuals
3.4 Guarantee and Warrantee Period

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SECTION 23 81 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 Units shall be completely packaged, factory assembled and factory charged, designed for
such Applications. Authority regulations and Sustainability requirements shall also be
considered and more stringent specifications to be adopted. Manufacturing of AHU’s
should be in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1-2007, section 5.

1.1.2 The Contractor shall provide all the necessary components and accessories as well as
manpower, scaffolding, painting, testing facilities, etc... at his own expense to execute a
complete operable system.

1.1.3 The Contractor shall program his work such that it will not interfere with other trades and
to suit site requirements.

1.1.4 The Contractor shall submit the total and external static head calculation verification for
Engineer approval.

1.1.5 Refrigrant type used must have zero ozone depletion potential (ODP=0) and shall comply
with NEOM sustainbability requirements.

1.1.6 The Contractor to confirm minimum CoP value of 4.0 for VRF units, prior to procurement,
with supporting test certificate at AHRI conditions (or equivalent) when tested at full load.

1.1.7 The Contractor to confirm minimum CoP value of 3.6 for DX units, prior to procurement,
with supporting test certificate at AHRI conditions (or equivalent) when tested at full load.

1.1.8 All AC units load shall be verified by the AC supplier/contractor upon actual selection of
materials at site.

1.1.9 All indoor units to be connected to automation system (BMS) to control:

- Temperature
- Energy Saving setting (Sleep mode)
- Centralized control via touch screen.

1.2 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.2.1 The works specified in the following divisions, sections and sub-sections are included in
this Section in each applicable part, as if repeated herein verbatim.

Section 23 05 00 - Common Works Results for HVAC

Section 23 07 00 - HVAC Insulation
Section 23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Control for HVAC
Section 23 23 00 - Refrigerant Piping
Section 23 33 00 - Air Duct Accessories
Section 23 34 00 - HVAC Fans
Section 23 37 00 - Air Outlets and Inlets
Section 23 40 00 - Air Cleaning Devices

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1.3 Codes and Standards

1.3.1 Codes and standards applicable to this section shall be primarily British Standards and
United States Codes, unless otherwise specified, the performance/manufacturing
standards of items mentioned in this section shall confirm to the applicable portions of the
latest editions of the following codes, standards and regulations.

Reference Code Abbreviation Applicable Title of Standard

American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air ASHRAE - -
Conditioning Engineers.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA - -

National Electrical Code NEC Section 424 -

Air Moving and Conditioning Associations AMCA - -
National Fire Protection Association NFPA NFPA 90A -
ARI ARI - Amertican
Refrigeration Institute.

1.4 Design Conditions

1.4.1 The air conditioning system is based on the design conditions. The inside summer conditions are indicated on the Drawings in the units capacity

1.5 Quality Assurance

1.5.1 Manufacturers of air handling units shall have ISO 9001:2008 Certification.

1.5.2 The Unit and all internal components such as “Coils, Fans and Filters etc” should be
manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 (BS 5750 part 1) Quality Assurance standards and ISO
14001 Environmental Standards.

1.5.3 The Units supplier should supply the first line product, which should be Eurovent Certified.
The Eurovent certificate should show the product model, range, factory name and Country
of origin.

1.5.4 Electrical components required as part of air handling units, shall be listed and labeled by
UL and comply with IEE Standards.

1.5.5 The Unit performance, sound rating, coil performance and fabrication should be as per EN
13053/ARI 430.

1.5.6 Each type shall be Salt spray tested for 500 hours against corrosion.

1.5.7 The Unit Manufacturer\Supplier shall have minimum 10 years proven industry
performance for the same selected machine.

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2.1 Mini-Split System

2.1.1 Mini split system shall cover a range up to three tons of refrigeration and shall consist of a
condensing unit, an evaporator blower unit, and refrigerant piping network between the
blower coil and the condensing unit, reverse cycle for heating and cooling. Drain pan shall
be suitably connected to the drainage system. A minimum air break of twenty five (25) mm
must be provided between the condensate piping and the waste water pipe. If the
condensate is not be reused, it must be discharged to the waste water system through a
properly sized water trap.

2.1.2 Condensing Unit Condensing unit shall be of the air cooled type completely assembled at the factory and
shall consist of the following:

- Phosphatized zinc coated steel casing.

- Reverse Cycle for heating and cooling
- Inverter Compressor.
- Air cooled condenser and condenser fan.
- All necessary controls and accessories for automatic and proper operation.

2.1.3 Evaporator Blower Unit The evaporator blower unit shall be installed indoors and shall be of the type indicated on
the Drawings. The unit shall be complete with:

- Evaporator cooling unit.

- Centrifugal 3-speed blower and blower motor.
- Cleanable filter.
- Remote thermostat, thermometer, speed selector switch and time control.
- Decorative cabinet if installed exposed.
- Electric heating element (if shown on Drawing).

2.2 Air Cooled VRF High Ambient System

2.2.1 Features The system shall control flow of refrigerant through indoor units, by means of an electronic
expansion valve fitted in each indoor unit. The system shall be suitable for high ambient climatic conditions operation capable of
cooling with 55oC external ambient temperatures. When VRF system is used for heating, it shall be capable to operate with –5oC external
ambient temperature. The equipment manufacturer shall be responsible for the manufacture of the compressor,
refrigerant oil and refrigerant used within the system to maintain integrity of design and
optimize efficiency and reliability of equipment. The VRF system shall operate with Refrigerant R410A.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The system shall have the ability to sustain refrigerant piping lengths of up to 165m with a
level difference up to 50m between indoor units and condensing unit if the outdoor unit is
located above the highest level indoor unit. Possibility shall be available to increase the
level difference of the pipe work to 90m between fan coil units and condensing unit if the
outdoor unit is located above the lowest level indoor unit. Each independent system shall be capable of having up to 1000m of refrigerant pipe work
installed. The system shall be capable of having up to 90m refrigerant pipe length from
the first refrigerant joint to the furthest indoor unit, after incorporating relevant system
design guidelines. The manufacturer shall ensure that the units selected provide cooling capacity at design
conditions of temperatures (indoor and outdoor) and pipe lengths (vertical and horizontal). Unit shall be complete with all controls, refrigerant, refrigerant pipes, wiring and
thermostat. All equipment shall be run tested in accordance with the following procedures prior to
leaving place of manufacture. A choke test carried out on the refrigerant piping to detect obstacles The pipework shall be tested to 38bar. Electronic leak testing shall be carried out to ensure maximum system refrigerant
containment. System vacuum test to 2 Torr Electrical tests shall include flash testing at 1440V AC to ensure that current leaks above
5mA are detected, megger test at 500V DC to ensure resistance levels are above 10
mega Ohm and earth continuity tests. Outdoor unit shall be provided with controller board. All installation and commissioning works shall be done by and as per manufacturer
manuals and under their care. The equipment manufacturer shall be fully certified and registered to comply in the areas
of CE, ESMA, ECC, Eurovent, ISO9001 and ISO14001.

2.2.2 VRF Outdoor Units The units shall be air-cooled type incorporating heat exchanger coils manufactured from
copper tubes and aluminum fins, factory treated and provided with anti corrision and
protective heresite coating. The unit casing shall be manufactured from pre-coated steel in order to have a high
corrosion resistance and to protect against salt laden environment. All outdoor machines
shall be provided with protective coating to prevent & withstand harsh weather conditions. The outdoor units shall have inverter driven compressor (Variable Frequency Drive
Compressors and capable of soft start compressor shall be electronically controlled and
capable of changing speed linearly to follow the variation in cooling or heating

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The compressor shall be scroll inverter type with fixed and orbiting scrolls. The low
pressure refrigerant shall be fed directly into the compressor and the discharge refrigerant
shall cool the motor windings and place the compressor shell under discharge pressure. The lubrication oil of the compressor shall be fed through the center of the crankshaft and
then across the complete area from the Centre outwards to ensure the complete contact
area is positively lubricated maximizing compressor efficiency and minimizing wear and
tear. The outdoor unit fan motor shall be inverter driven and shall operate electronically by
sensing operational temperatures, pressures and ambient temperature and monitoring the
dictates of the indoor units. The units shall be complete with;

- VFD compressor,
- electronic expansion valve(s),
- oil separator(s),
- suction accumulator,
- high pressure switches,
- inverter driven fan motors,
- safety thermostat,
- over current relay,
- inverter overload protection,
- fuses,
- necessary solenoid valves,
- liquid shutoff valves,
- gas line shut off valves,
- short re-cycling guard timer and all necessary sensors for optimized,
- safe and trouble free operation. Outdoor unit access to the internal components for maintenance purposes shall be by
removable panels. Outdoor unit shall be possible to connect multiple indoor units as shown, with a
connection index ratio between 70% - 130%, capacity permitting, to one outdoor unit.
Additionally, the system shall allow connection to FAHU/AHU and other indoor unit on
same system. Units shall have an inverter driven scroll compressor and driven by variable speed
propeller type fan. Units above 14 HP capacity shall have two scroll inverter compressors and capable of
operating on one compressor under emergency condition The fan will be capable of overcoming a minimum of external static pressure. The units shall be capable of being combined to provide multi systems using combinations
of two or more outdoor units connected to give the capability of higher capacities. The unit shall be capable of carrying out automatically the calculated required additional
refrigerant charge necessary to operate the system within its optimum efficiency. This
cycle shall be completely automatic and provide a warning to the service technician to
indicate when charging has been completed or the charging cylinder is empty.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The refrigerant cycle shall not rely upon float valves, level switches or weighed input of the
refrigerant. The outdoor unit controller shall store the information of last minutes of failure/error
happens for ease of diagnosis.

2.2.3 VRF Indoor Units VRF Ducted unit (Ceiling concealed type) The fan motor should be DC inverter motor. The unit static pressure should be
automatically adjustable from the unit wired remote controller (service mode). The fan external static pressure should be at least 150 Pa at highest speed. However, the
unit static pressure can be adjusted in the range between 30 and 200 Pa (at various
speeds) to match the static pressure of the duct connected to that unit. Unit sound pressure level shall not exceed 45 dba at high fan speed measured 1.5 m
distance from the unit. The unit casing shall be manufactured from galvanized steel plate and shall be fully
insulated. Facility shall be provided for duct connection for introduction of fresh air to the
unit and branch ductwork from the unit. The return air to the unit shall be through the back
of the unit as standard. The heat exchanger coils shall be manufactured from copper tubes and aluminum fins. The unit shall have electronic expansion valve to control refrigerant flow rate in response
to the load variation in the conditioned space. The expansion valve shall be controlled by
an integral computerized PID control system to maintain correct room temperature. Units sound level shall be low enough to meet the noise levels specified for the served
areas in Section 23 05 48. VRF Large ducted type The unit casing shall be manufactured from galvanized steel plate and shall be fully
insulated. Facility shall be provided for duct connection for introduction of fresh air to the
unit and branch ductwork from the unit. The return air to the unit shall be through the back
of the unit as standard. The fan shall be of the dual suction multi blade type, statically and dynamically balanced
to ensure low noise and vibration free operation. The heat exchanger coils will be manufactured from copper tubes and aluminum fins. The unit shall have electronic expansion valve to control refrigerant flow rate in response
to the load variation in the conditioned space. The expansion valve shall be controlled by
an integral computerized PID control system to maintain correct room temperature. Units sound level shall be low enough to meet the noise levels specified for the served
areas in Section 23 05 48. VRF small unit The unit casing shall be manufactured from galvanized steel plate and shall be fully
insulated. Facility shall be provided for duct connection for introduction of fresh air to the

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unit and branch ductwork from the unit. The return air to the unit shall be through the back
of the unit as standard. The fan shall be of the dual suction multi blade type, statically and dynamically balanced
to ensure low noise and vibration free operation. The heat exchanger coils will be manufactured from copper tubes and aluminum fins. The units shall have electronic expansion valve to control refrigerant flow rate in response
to the load variation in the conditioned space. The expansion valve shall be controlled by
an integral computerized PID control system to maintain correct room temperature. Units sound level shall be low enough to meet the noise levels specified for the served
areas in Section 23 05 48.

2.2.4 Ancillary Items Proprietary refrigerant joints and headers shall be used throughout the installation to
reduce imbalance in refrigerant flow between indoor units. Sizes to be suggested and
approved by the VRF manufacturer.

2.2.5 DX Double Skin Air Handling Unit General Requirements Each unit shall consist of fan, motor, V-belt drive, cooling-coil, heating coil (when
specified), drain pan, filters and necessary controls The unit shall be either mounted on a suitable base, or hung from the ceiling. In all cases
approved vibration eliminators shall be provided. The Contractor shall submit details of
bases, mountings and connections to the Engineer for approval. The unit(s) shall be of the draw thru Low/medium pressure type. If not shown elsewhere in Acoustic Specialist Report the measured sound transmission
loss of the air handling units casing shall not be less than: Sound attenuation of the panel certified in compliance with EN 1886 and EN ISO 3744:

Frq. Hz 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Okt. dB 17 21 27 30 31 38 42 The listed sound transmission loss is the minimum required sound reduction from the fan
chamber to the plant room for an air handling unit that has supply and return ducted
systems. The contractor shall confirm to the Engineer the total static pressure of the fan after the
Engineer's approval on the air handler and after preparing the shop Drawings. Units shall be suitable for variable air volume application as shown in capacity schedule. Construction General:

a. AHU unit shall be in compliance with BS EN1886 /EURO VENT /ARI.

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b. Central Station Air Handling Unit's casing construction shall be fabricated from
highest grade galvanized steel.

c. Construction of panel and frames shall be folded to form sturdy Side/ Top/ Bottom
panels and a rigid structure frames.

d. The construction shall serve thermal protection, reducing machine noise, absorbing
vibration and avoiding air leakage.

e. Modular sizes of panel and frames shall be easily assemble and re-assemble.

f. The construction and material used shall be environment friendly, clean and safe.

g. Mechanical strength of the casing at +1000 pa and -1000 pa shall be class D1 as per
EN 1886:2007.

h. Casing air leakage at -400 pa and +700 pa shall be class L1 as per EN 1886:2007.

i. Filter bypass leakage shall be class F9 as per EN 1886:2007.

j. Thermal bridging factor shall be class TB3 as per EN 1886:2007.

k. Thermal transmittance shall be class T3 as per EN 1886:2007. Frame:

Heavy-duty formed frame is designed for rigidity and is made from highest-grade hot-dip
galvanized steel with minimal spangle finish grade G90 galvanized coating in accordance
with ASTM A653/ A653M in accordance with UL 465 Frames shall be painted for extra
protection, OR Housing assembled with self-supporting modular panels with base frame
integrated into the unit and anodized extruded aluminium profiles along the upper sides of
the unit. Inside and outside walls completely smooth. Double Skin Panel:

a. Modular panel shall be designed to be rigid and sturdy.

b. Panels shall be manufactured from heavy gauge galvanised mild steel sheets. Panels
shall be double skinned with heavy density acoustic and thermal insulation between
the skins. (Mineral wool / Glass Fibre Insulation).

c. Panel exterior skin shall be made from highest-grade hot-dip galvanized steel, a
minimal spangle grade G90 coating (Pre painted) or additional surface coating in white
plastic type A47SME, thickness 150 μm. Thickness shall be 1 mm galvanized sheet
with Thermal transmittance: class T4. Sound attenuation Rw(DIN 52210-03): 40dB

d. Panel inside bottom: 1.20 mm galvanized sheet for AHU’s up to 10000 lps and 1.5 mm
thickness floor sheet for AHU’s for above 10000 lps.

e. The casing insulation shall be in compliance with BS 476 -6 and BS 476-7; CFC and
HCFC free ;inorganic, vermin proof and non-hygroscopic; comply with fire protection
class 0 of ISO 1182.2 an class A1 of DIN 4102.;minimum thickness of 50 mm and
density 48 Kg/m3. with thermal conductivity no greater than 0.03 W/mK

f. All access doors shall be insulated to the same standard as the unit casing open
towards the high pressure side.

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g. Full size hinged access doors with cam-locks and fixed handles should be provided for
inspection section, filters section, electric heaters section & fans section.

h. Walk in units should have internal door handles, internal lighting and reinforced floors.

i. Air handling unit intake and discharge openings should be fitted with a flanged duct
connection frame.

j. All panels should be removable from outside the casing with quick release fasteners
and sturdy handles. the inspection doors should be hung on adjustable hinges and
equipped with mechanical secured sealing strips against the framework and view
window. The sealing strips should of cellular rubber with closed pores. The panel shall
be mounted flush with the frame members to create a smooth surface inside and

k. Flexible duct connection should be provided to ensure that the duct is suitably
supported without deformation

l. Outdoor exposed unit shall have additional sheet roof steel with epoxy coated finish
with a minimum of 150mm air space above the top panel and angled at a minimum
slope of 1:50. The roof shall overhang all sides by a minimum of 150mm.

m. Outdoor exposed unit shall have the inner and outer panel skin should be coated with
minimum of 7 micro primer + 20 micro polyester + 10 micro epoxy paint or reverse
side. The walls from inside and outside should be completely smooth. Fan Section Fans shall have the duty as stated within the associated schedules. All fan resistances stated have been calculated based on a particular selection of
equipment. The final selection of AHU shall be calculated based on the final selection of plant
components and revise the fan resistance as necessary to achieve the design air volume
flow. The fan section shall be constructed of heavy gauge sheet steel properly reinforced and
braced with steel angle framework. It shall be provided with suitable angle flanges for
connecting it to the coil section. Fresh and return air dampers shall have approved non-
corrosion type bushings and shall be so designed that complete mixing of the two air
streams is achieved in the mixing box. They shall be of the parallel acting type and shall
be mechanically interlocked. Fan shall be centrifugal type with multi-blade forward curved or air foil type, mounted on a
common shaft with enclosed housing. The fan and motor shall be statically and
dynamically balanced to eliminate noise and vibration (By Anti Vibration Spring Isolators). Fan bearings shall be grease lubricated ball type with grease lines extending to the
outside surface of the casing. Average life of bearing shall not be less than 200000 hours. Fan shall conform to the design fabrication of the AMCA 300 & 301 Standards. Mixing box
shall be of a mild steel, heavy gauge cabinet. The mixing box shall include steel damper
blades and rough filter section Fans shall generally be of the high efficiency (minimum 75% efficiency) backward curved
bladed type, double inlet double width and for casings shall be of the lock-form casing
type, all welds heavy sheet steel, or split flanged type on the larger fans, adequately

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braced and stiffened with steel angle with the bottom of the discharge outlet level with the
axis of the impeller. A bolted on access door shall be provided on the fan scroll to allow inspection and
cleaning of the impeller. Inlet eyes shall be of the curved aerofoil profile to streamline the
airflow into the impeller and of adequate diameter to allow withdrawal of impeller without
splitting the fan scroll split cased fans shall be assembled on site by a qualified millwright
to ensure that the fan set is correctly assembled and aligned. A drain plug shall be fitted at
the base of the fan scroll. The fan outlet shall be a spigot connection to suit connections to the ductwork system
flexible connections within the fan section, or externally, depending on the anti-vibration
requirements stated elsewhere. The fan supporting side frame shall be constructed in angle frame or steel plate and shall
be fixed to the fan casing to provide the required angle for the fan discharge arrangement
shown elsewhere. Impellers shall be of welded steel constructed on a case steel hub suitable bored and
keywayed for mounting the shaft and shall have high grade steel plate aerofoil blades or
stitched welded to a rigid backplate. The impeller shaft shall be of solid high grade steel
adequately sized such that its first critical speed is not reached before the design fan
speed is obtained. The fan shaft shall be supported at each side of the impeller with either
sealed for life bearing or double roller bearings. Fan shall be mastic coated and have galvanized steel wheel and high grade steel shaft. Fan shall be driven by V-belt of variable pitch type. Belt guards of removable type shall be
provided on the fan and motor shafts. The fan motors shall have IP55 degree of protection with mounting method B3 and class F
insulation. Cooling Coil Cooling coil shall be seamless copper tubes with heavy aluminium fins mechanically
bonded to the tubes. Coil shall be complete with male couplers, and factory operating
charge of refrigerent and shall be factory pressure and leak tested at not less than 200
psig (1380 Kpa). Fresh Air Handling Unit’s coil shall be of seamless copper tubing, having copper fins
mechanically bonded to the tubes, electro-tinned for marine application. Any other coating
to improve the coil life span can be evaluated. Capacities shown in documents should be net capacities after applying the protective coil
coating. Filter Section The air filter section shall consist of a rough filter (Flat Filter) 50 mm thick aluminium mesh
for all indoor AHU’s and aluminum plus a fine filter (Bag Type-) for FAHU’s. Pressure drop
in the filter when dirty shall not exceed ½"WG (125 pa). Filters shall be easily removable
for cleaning and replacement. The rough filter shall be part of the mixing box section. Filters shall be provided with rigid self supporting corrosion resistant steel frames and
clamps, gasketed and sealed to prevent air bypass.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ AHU Outdoor VRF Units The units shall be air-cooled type incorporating heat exchanger coils manufactured from
copper tubes and aluminum fins, factory treated and coated to reduce the effect of
atmospheric corrosion. DX-Air conditioning unit shall Heat pump, operate for cooling and heating and have a
minimum seasonal average COP of 4.0 at AHRI testing conditions. The unit casing shall be manufactured from (70µ) polyester powder coated baked enamel
finish sheet steel in order to have a high corrosion resistance and to protect against salt
laden environment. The outdoor units shall have inverter driven compressor (Variable Frequency Drive
Compressors and capable of soft start compressor shall be electronically controlled and
capable of changing speed linearly to follow the variation in cooling or heating
requirements. The compressor shall be scroll type with fixed and orbiting scrolls. The low pressure
refrigerant shall be fed directly into the scroll and the discharge refrigerant shall cool the
motor windings and place the compressor shell under discharge pressure. The lubrication oil of the compressor shall be fed through the center of the crankshaft and
then across the complete area of the scrolls from the Centre outwards to ensure the
complete contact area is positively lubricated maximizing compressor efficiency and
minimizing wear and tear. The outdoor unit fan motor shall be inverter driven and shall operate electronically by
sensing operational temperatures, pressures and ambient temperature and monitoring the
dictates of the indoor units. The units shall be complete with;

- VFD inverter compressor,

- electronic expansion valve(s),
- Reverse Cycle for heating and cooling
- oil separator(s),
- suction accumulator,
- high pressure switches,
- inverter driven fan motors,
- safety thermostat,
- over current relay,
- inverter overload protection,
- fuses,
- necessary solenoid valves,
- liquid shutoff valves,
- gas line shut off valves,
- short re-cycling guard timer and all necessary sensors for optimized,
- safe and trouble free operation. Outdoor unit access to the internal components for maintenance purposes shall be by
removable panels. Outdoor unit shall be possible to connect multiple indoor units as shown, with a
connection index ratio between 70% - 130%, capacity permitting, to one outdoor unit.

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Additionally, the system shall allow connection to AHU and other indoor unit on same
system. Units shall have an inverter driven scroll compressor and an inverter driven variable speed
propeller type fan. The fan will be capable of overcoming a minimum of 80 Pascal of external static pressure. Odor Control Section: The Contractor shall provide appropriate odor control section as per the specialist
requirements. Following are some of the odor control units:

2.3 Computer Room Air Conditioning Units (Closed Control Units)

2.3.1 General Descriptions The Contractor shall furnish and install Computer Room Air Conditioning Units as shown
on the Drawings and scheduled in the relevant schedule of capacities. Both indoor and
outdoor (air-cooled) units shall be manufactured by the same firm to provide maximum
system reliability and single source responsibility. The units shall be completely factory
assembled, piped and wired and ready for final installation. Units shall be UL listed. The system shall control the dry bulb temperature to within plus and minus 2 °F (1 °C) of
the set point. Each computer area shall be provided with two identical, 100% capacity systems or as
shown in schedule. Indoor unit shall have free, horizontal air discharge to the space and air return thru its top. The minimum net COP of the CCU unit shall comply ASHRAE 90.1 Table as per
AHRI 1360.

2.3.2 Casing of Indoor Unit Cabinets shall be of heavy gauge steel panels; cleaned, phosphatized and coated inside
with enamel primer and outside with special textured paint of quality equal to that used on
computer cabinetry. Cabinets shall be completely insulated with fireproof, permanent odourless, mat-faced
glass fiber blanket insulation with a density of 1.5 lbs/ft3 (24 Kg/m3) to meet the
requirements of NFPA 90 A. Cabinets shall have access holes covered with plug buttons right and left side and bottom,
for customer connections. Access panels shall provide access to the system. They shall be constructed of heavy
gauge steel and completely insulated with insulation identical to that used in the cabinet.
The access panel shall have a heavy duty hinge and two cam lock latches. A lower lift off
panel with two cam lock latches shall be provided to enable complete access to the
compressor and humidifier operating section without interrupting the continuous operation
of the unit. Each access panel shall be provided with a polyurethane gasket to prevent air
leakage. Access panels shall be painted to match or contrast with cabinet colour selection. Drain pans shall of stainless steel construction and having drain connections on both
sides and a deep seal trap on the drain pipe.

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2.3.3 D/X Indoor Unit – Refrigerant Circuit Cooling coil shall be made of seamless copper tube with aluminium fins properly spaced
and mechanically bonded to tubes. Coils shall be arranged for draw through air flow and inclined for condensate drainage.
Drain line with factory-installed trap shall be provided with the unit. System shall have dual independent refrigeration circuits with a separate expansion valve
for each circuit. Control shall be provided by thermal expansion valve. A service valve shall be provided in
the suction and the liquid lines. Compressor shall be hermetic, welded shell. Internal spring isolators and sound muffling
shall be provided. Compressors shall have forged steel crankshafts, aluminium alloy
pistons and connecting rods and non-rotating spring less ring valves with hardened seats.
Compressor shall be protected by current overload cutouts, internal motor winding
thermostat and high and low pressure cutouts. System shall have two compressors and
two stages of cooling modulation. (On dual compressor units), a compressor sequencer
switch shall be provided so that lead compressor can be alternated periodically to extend
compressor life.

2.3.5 Blower Assembly Fan housings shall be of welded construction with die-formed inlets. Fan shall be large double width, double inlet, forward curves, multiplied centrifugals sized
for high capacity operation. Fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced and
mounted on 200,000-hours design life bearings. Overload protection shall be included on all motors.

2.3.6 Heater Two stages of electric heating shall be provided on all units. Electric elements shall be open type nickel-chromium alloy.

2.3.7 Filtration Filters shall be accessible from front of the system. A clogged filter light on the control panel shall energize when filters are excessively dirty
and should be changed.

2.3.8 Main Power Panel The main power panel shall include complete branch circuit protection for every electrical
component so that any one component can be isolated from the main power supply and
be completely protected from primary single phasing and over current. All fuses shall be
provided by manufacturer and factory installed. All components shall be coded and called
out on a wiring diagram for servicing the power panel. The panel shall have a single
terminal block for the main power supply. Every motor shall be provided with a starter. A "dead front" shall be standard to enclose the main power panel. Access to fuses shall
be by means of a hinged door in the "dead front".

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__________________________________________________________________________________ All internal wiring shall be in accordance with UL requirements.

2.3.9 Solid State Controls The solid state control center shall operate in conjunction with a proportional solid state
temperature sensor, a high limit humidistat and a low limit humidistat. The temperature
sensor and low level humidistat shall be 24 volt; the high limit humidistat shall be 200 volt. The thermostat shall be an electronic solid state device with its sensing element located
along with the humidistats in the filtered air stream entering the system. The thermostat
shall have a range of from 60 to 90 °F (16 to 32 °C) and control temperatures to within 1
to 2 °F (0.5 to 1 °C) at the set point. The humidistats shall have a differential of four percent relative humidity. Each system
shall have both a high and low level humidistat. They shall be factory set to provide 43
percent for LLH and 53 percent for HLH. The entire humidifier control system shall operate on 24-volt power, and a 24-volt power
supply shall be built into the main power panel to provide this voltage. A compressor sequencer switch shall be provided to alternate lead-lag compressors. Air sensing devices shall be provided to indicate clogged filters or loss of airflow. Control panel shall consist of the following switches and indicator lights.

- Power on light.
- Fan-On/Off Switch.
- Low Airflow Light.
- Compressor (#1) on Light.
- Compressor (#1) Reset Switch.
- Compressor (#2) on light.
- Compressor (#2) Reset Switch.
- Reheat #1 on Light.
- Reheat #2 on Light.
- Change Filters Light.

2.3.10 Accessories Manufacturer shall supply a wall or desk mount temperature humidity recorder with an
eight (8) inch- seven (7) day recording chart. Manufacturer shall supply an alarm package to provide a visual and audio alarm to the
operator in cases of compressor outage, high return air temperature and low airflow. The
alarm system shall have a firestat to cease unit operation in case of fire.

2.3.11 Air Cooled Condenser The Condenser shall be air-cooled, upward air discharge type. The outdoor air-cooled condenser shall be constructed of zinc-coated steel, welded into a
rigid one piece assembly. Exterior surfaces shall be phosphatized and painted with epoxy
primer and finished with baked on green enamel. Coils shall be constructed with an
aluminium fin secondary surface mechanically bonded to a seamless copper tube primary

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The indoor air cooled condenser shall have a centrifugal type multi-blade fan both
statically and dynamically balanced. Coils shall have aluminium fins mechanically bonded
to copper tubes. Casing shall be heavy gauge steel reinforced and braced for maximum rigidity factory
assembled and consisting of separate fan and coil sections. Duct collars at fan discharge are an integral part and extension of fan housing. All internal parts shall be easily accessible.

2.3.12. Variable Frequency Speed Controller (For specification, refer to Electrical Specification).


3.1 Spare Parts

3.1.1 The Contractor shall provide as part of his contract a list of spare parts for all the
equipment supplied sufficient for three years of operation all in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturers of the equipment.

3.2 Special Tools

3.2.1 A complete set of special tools, oil and grease for all the plant and equipment supplied,
adequate for 24 months operation shall be supplied by the Contractor at the completion
date of the project.

3.3 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

3.3.1 The Contractor shall develop and submit a maintenance manual and schedule based on
the instructions for preventative maintenance or service from the manufacturers or
suppliers of equipment or according to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 62.1 - 2007 or equivalent as approved by
Authority having the jurisdiction containing the following material:- Brief description of each system and its service and basic operation features. The manual
shall be developed, updated as necessary, and maintained on site or in centrally
accessible location for the working life of the system equipment and component. Manufacturer's mechanical equipment parts list of all functional components of the
systems listed on the Drawings, control diagrams and wiring diagrams of controllers. List
shall give system No., unit no., Manufacturer's Model No., and Manufacture's Drawing no.
Parts list shall include manufacturer's recommended spare parts for one year operation. Maintenance instructions for each type of equipment. Possible breakdowns and repairs for each type of equipment. List of nearest local suppliers for all equipment. Manufacturer's literature describing each piece of equipment control diagrams and wiring
diagrams of controllers. Complete, as installed, colour coded wiring diagrams of all electrical motor controller
connections and interlock connections of other mechanical equipment.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The Contractor shall furnish all the foregoing to the Engineer for his review as to the
fulfilment of the specified requirements. All items shall be available at least four weeks prior to the substantial completion date. All operation and maintenance manuals should have an electronic copy (CD or USB)
enclosed upon submission.


3.4.1 All equipment and accessories supplied by the nominated Sub-Contractor under this
contract shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of two year and five years for
compressors from the date of final completion certificate.

3.4.2 All guarantee shall be unconditional. In the event of breakdown, the Contractor shall
immediately provide and install a replacement unit of equal or superior performance until
such time as the original unit is repaired. Failure by the Contractor to comply within 6
hours of notification, will entitle the Employer to purchase or hire a replacement and seek
reimbursement from the Contractor for all related disbursements.

3.4.3 The Contractor shall guarantee every piece of equipment from any manufacturing or
installation defects for a period of two year, starting from the date of issue of the final
completion certificate.

End of Section 23 81 00

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SECTION 25 50 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.2 General Requirements
1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere


2.1 Control Panel and Control System

2.2 System Architecture
2.3 Hot Backup Server
2.4 Hardware
2.5 Communications
2.6 System Software
2.7 Operator Interface
2.8 Monitoring And Control
2.9 System Database
2.10 Open Integration
2.11 Data Exchange
2.12 Diagnostic Capabilities
2.13 Building Management Specification
2.14 Specific Building Management Functions
2.15 Field Devices
2.16 Sensors


3.1 General Extract Fan

3.2 Generator
3.3 Fire Alarm System
3.4 Lighting System
3.5 Main Distribution Boards
3.6 VRF System
3.7 Electric KW/HR Energy Meters
3.8 Water Metering
3.9 Fresh Air Handling Unit
3.10 Solar System
3.11 Fire Pumps
3.12 Sewage Pumps
3.13 Access Control Systems
3.14 Motor Control Panels (MCP)
3.15 Irrigation Pumps
3.16 FCUs
3.17 Generator
3.18 Fuel Oil Pump
3.19 Sewage Treatment Plant
3.20 UPS
3.21 Data Point Schedule

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SECTION 25 50 00



1.1 Scope of Work

1.1.1 The contractor shall supply and install all the Building Management Control System,
auxiliary devices, instruments, etc. to perform satisfactory operations of all systems
described in the specifications. The specifications are complemented each to the other.

1.1.2 The sequence of operation of each system or piece of equipment is specified under the
equipment specification.

1.1.3 The Building Automation Systems includes the Building Management and Energy
Management Systems within the design as standard, including compliance with NEOM's
Facility Management Technical Memorandum TM.16-01/2022-V.1.0; Building Automation
Sytems' (BAS) requirement specification.

1.2 General Requirements

1.2.1 The Building Management and Control System (BMS) shall incorporate Direct Digital
Control (DDC) of HVAC, equipment monitoring, and control consisting of a Client Server
based system with Operator Work Stations (OWS) with color graphic data displays;
microcomputer based General Purpose DDC Controllers (GPCs) interfacing directly with
sensors, actuators and environmental delivery systems (i.e. HVAC units, chillers) electric
controls and mechanical devices for all items indicated on drawings described herein
including dampers, valves, panels; a primary communication network to allow data
exchange from GPC to GPC; Unitary DDC Controllers (UCs) interfacing with sensors,
actuators, terminal equipment devices.

1.2.2 Provide all panels, enclosures, relays, switches, gauges, sources of electricity and all
other auxiliaries, accessories and connections necessary to make a complete operable

1.2.3 The IBMS software must be certified by BACNet Testing Laboratories as BACNet
Advanced Workstation. The IBMS should also have other certifications such as UL listing
for Energy and preferably for Fire and Security.

1.2.4 Unless otherwise noted, install all wall mounted thermostats, room wall sensors, 1400 mm
above the floor, measured to the center line of the instruments.

1.2.5 Insertion type thermostats and sensors shall have adjusting head at eye level, wherever
practicable, for adjustment and calibration.

1.2.6 Install all control valves horizontally with the power unit up. Contractor shall take
permission to install horizontally.

1.2.7 Unless stated otherwise temperatures shall be controlled within plus or minus 2 degree F
(1 degree C) and humidity within plus or minus 5 per cent of the set point.

1.2.8 Provide positive positioner devices on all controls operated in sequence and/or where
specified or required to maintain the set point within the required limits without override.

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1.2.9 After completion of installation, all Controllers shall be programmed, tuned, regulated and
adjusted and placed in complete operating conditions subject to the approval of the
Engineer and a maintenance brochure including all operating instructions, specifications
and sheets for all instruments shall be submitted by the Contractor.

1.2.10 The sequence of operation of each system or piece of equipment is specified either under
the equipment specification section or detailed on the Drawings

1.2.11 After all controls, valves and motors have been connected, test the systems in the
presence of the Engineer to demonstrate the capability of each automatic control system
to meet contract requirements.

1.2.12 Basic components shall be standard catalogue products of single reputable Manufacturer.
Only select and special items as approved by the engineer shall be accepted from other

1.2.13 Each operator shall be assigned a password and a defined Scope of Responsibility which
defines the locations in the facility that may be managed and controlled by the individual

1.2.14 Obtain from the manufacturer of unitary equipment, and submit written certification that
proposed control circuit modifications do not conflict with or invalidate Manufacturer's
equipment warranty.

1.2.15 Instrument wire shall be run in conduits separate from other types of wiring and shall
terminate on identified terminal strips.

1.2.16 The wire terminals on instruments shall not be used as junction points to facilitate removal
of instruments without disturbing others.

1.2.17 Instruments shall have laminated plastic name tags with tag numbers and service
engraved on the tag. Tags shall be securely fastened to the instrument. Tags shall be
black with white lettering

1.2.18 The equipment shall be restarted after a power failure in the same sequence and with the
same time delays as specified for normal start-up.

1.3 Related Works Specified Elsewhere

1.3.1 Division 21 - Fire Suppression

1.3.2 Division 22 - Plumbing
1.3.3 Division 23 - Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning


2.1 Control Panel and Control System

2.1.1 Control panels shall be installed where shown and as required on the Drawings. Each
panel shall include start-stop and pilot lights for all major equipment being controlled
together with their starters and necessary heat detector, alarm and other related safety
and fire alarm systems.

2.1.2 The control system shall be complete with all necessary transformers, thermostats,
valves, dampers, damper operators, and associated regulators required to maintain the
conditions desired together with the thermometers, gauges, and other necessary
accessories and the control wiring.

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2.1.3 Where Fire Command Centre is there, remote (repeater) control panels should be
provided to monitor and override the normal logic or sequence of operations in case of
emergency for all HVAC, Fuel Gas Fire Fighting Systems.

2.1.4 Shop Drawings shall be schematic diagrams showing all the components of the control
systems and the interconnection scheme. Each component shall be identified by name
and/or schedule number of equipment item it controls.

2.1.5 Manufacturer's detailed Shop Drawings, specifications, and data sheets for all equipment
to be furnished shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

2.2 System Architecture

2.2.1 The Integrated Building Management System (IBMS) system shall use a Client Server
architecture based around a modular PC network, utilizing industry standard operating
systems, networks and protocols.

2.2.2 The system shall allow the distribution of system functions such as monitoring and control
and graphical user interface etc. across the network to allow maximum flexibility and
performance. The architecture shall include support of various Wide Area Networks using
standard hardware and software to link nodes into a single integrated system. The
network protocol used shall be industry standard TCP/IP. The system shall also support
remote configuration and operation using standard dial-up modems.

2.2.3 The IBMS system shall allow communications with a wide variety of control devices
utilizing off the shelf driver packages. It shall support LON, BACnet, Modbus and OPC
standards as a minimum for open system communications.

2.2.4 The IBMS should be common for BMS, Fire and Security (Access and Digital Video) to
provide a truly integrated system with common operator window. Operator should be able
to use a single log-in to operate all these system from IBMS operator station. Refer to the
other sections for the particular specs related to IBMS.

2.3 Hot Backup Server

2.3.1 This facility shall enable the system server to operate in high availability architecture. To
achieve this, provide the Hot Backup Server.

2.3.2 The system must be running a pair of similarly configured computers in a hot backup
configuration where at any point in time, one is the acting Primary and the other acting as
the Hot Backup. An on-line database duplication mechanism must be supported.

2.3.3 The database duplication must be performed on a per-transaction basis for two reasons:

- To ensure that the duplicated Backup database is consistent at all times with the
Primary database.

- To avoid unnecessary loading of field devices caused by duplicate polling

2.3.4 It must be possible to remove one of the redundant systems for maintenance without
interrupting operation, and upon its reinstatement, re-synchronize the databases, again
without interruption to system operation. A method of manually initiating a fail over must
be provided to assist with such maintenance operations. Failure of either system must be
announced audibly and visually via the alarming subsystem. Use of Virtualization or 3rd
party applications for redundancy is not acceptable. The configuration must be as
described above.

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2.3.5 To accommodate recoverable faults, the failed system must be able to reboot
automatically after non-fatal errors and assume the role of acting as Hot Backup

2.3.6 The IBMS system shall be qualified and supported on a leading Virtual Machine platform
such as VMware ESX. This support shall include operations of the IBMS server software,
and also related communications gateways and storage devices.
Completed test plans demonstrating the offered IBMS solutions support for Virtual
Machine platforms shall be available. Also characterizations of performance results and
required Virtual Machine settings shall be available.

2.4 Hardware

2.4.1 Server Computer The system server computer shall comprise of the following minimum hardware:-

- Intel Xeon E5 V4 or better

- 16GB RAM (minimum)
- A 12 function-key keyboard
- Mouse pointing device
- 500 GB Solid State Hard disk (Multiple hard-disks if needed)
- USB ports (4)
- Dual NIC 1 GB
- Windows 2016 operating system

An Adapter for Ethernet Networking compatible with TCP/IP network protocols.

2.4.2 Operator Workstation The system shall be capable of supporting up to 80 simultaneous Operator Workstation

connections using a TCP/IP Local Area Network (LAN) subject to hardware capacity on
the server computer without any degradation of user experience. The Network connection
must allow a limitless number of casual users access to the 40 connections on a first-
come-first-served basis. Refer to the tender riser drawing for the actual number of clients
and licenses to be provided. As a minimum provide at least two Operator Work Stations.
The Workstation shall be based on Windows 10 OS. The Operator Workstation shall comprise the following minimum hardware:

- Intel Core i7 or Xeon Processor

- Min 8 GB RAM
- A graphics card capable of 3840 x1080 pixel resolution 32:9 Aspect ratio curved monitor
of minimum 49” size.
- 24” Touch Pad for Maps
- 500 GB Hard disk drive
- A 12 function-key keyboard
- A mouse pointing device
- Windows 10
- Built-in Ethernet Networking Card compatible with TCP/IP network protocols 1 GB

2.4.3 Printers Colour A4 laser printers shall be available for printing reports. Report printers shall be any
Windows compatible printer such as a laser printer from a reputed manufacturer. Alarm
printers shall be 132 column printers to allow alarms to be printed as they occur. Refer
riser diagram from quantity and locations.

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2.5 Communications

2.5.1 The IBMS system shall provide communications over a variety of physical media
topologies as follows:

RS-422 / RS-485
Ethernet / IP
Proprietary Networks

2.5.2 The IBMS shall be available with an operator interface designed for use on a mobile or
PDA device with network connectivity, such as but not limited to:

• Android Mobile telephone

• iPhone
• Windows Mobile Device (such as Microsoft Surface Pro)

The Mobile solution shall incorporate full scope of responsibilities of the IBMS operators
for the remote mobile users, allowing them to view or control points within their assigned
facility locations. Other standard IBMS features required include:

• Real time updates of point information from the standard html pages with no custom

• An Alarm Dashboard, indicating the most recent 20 alarms at a minimum. Users

shall be able to acknowledge these alarms directly into the IBMS database

• Simple trending objects shall be integrated into mobile solution, enabling historized
IBMS data to be viewed in simple trend widgets.

• Wildcard searching must be provided to allow remote users to search for points in
the IBMS system and with suitable access privaleges; they can then monitor and
control this plant data.

2.5.3 Where supported by the controller, it shall be possible for serial connections to the IBMS
Server to be routed via a terminal server and the LAN as an alternate to connecting
directly to the host computer. TCP/IP based Terminal Servers are suitable and must be
Ethernet connected to the IBMS server directly.

2.5.4 Given the sufficient level of system privilege, it shall be possible to view, manipulate and
analyze all data in the system from any Operator Workstation in the system, including
those operating remotely via dial-up modem links.

2.5.5 Once a control device is configured and placed in service, the system shall automatically
begin background diagnostic scanning of the device to ensure that communications are
monitored independently of any monitoring scanning.

2.5.6 The system shall perform checks on data integrity of all data acquired from the device. If
an invalid or time out response is received, the data shall be ignored and the system will
record the transaction as an error. Statistics shall be kept and displayed by the system on
errors encountered in communication by means of a communications barometer. The
barometer shall increment for every failed call and decrement for each successful call. In
addition, the system shall alarm separate marginal and failure conditions based on user-
defined limits to advise the operator of the device and link that has failed. Communications

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statistics shall be displayed as standard on the system and shall also be available as part
of the reporting system or custom displays.

2.6 System Software

2.6.1 The IBMS system server shall be based on the Microsoft Windows 2016 Server and use
SQL Server 2017 for the database.

2.6.2 Standard services supported by the server computer operating system will include the

- Multi-tasking Multi-user support

- TCP/IP Network Support
- Graphic Display Building Editor
- Application software

2.6.3 The networking software shall use the industry standard TCP/IP LAN protocol.

2.6.4 All system peripherals shall be capable of being connected to the server computer via the

2.7 Operator Interface

2.7.1 The operator interface provided by the system shall allow for efficient communication of
operational data and abnormal conditions. It shall provide a consistent framework for
viewing of information. Critical areas (such as alarm icons) shall be visible at all times. A
predefined area on the screen shall provide operator messaging, and this area shall also
be visible at all times. A set of standard displays for configuration, and navigation around
the IBMS system are to be provided with every system and shall not require any
engineering. The IBMS shall also have an unlimited number of custom (facility specific)
displays created to meet the needs of the specific facility.

2.7.2 The operator interface shall be interactive and totally graphics and/or icon based.
Graphics shall be capable of supporting at 32K colors at a minimum 1280 x 1024 pixel

2.7.3 The operator interface shall employ standard Windowing conventions so as to reduce
required Operator training. In particular, standard tool bar icons and drop-down menus
shall be available on all standard and custom displays to allow easy access to common
functions. The tool bar and pull down menus shall be fully configurable. Similarly, such
functions shall also be available via a standard set of Function-Key based pushbuttons
without requiring configuration.

2.7.4 The operator interface shall support the ability to “full screen lock” the window so users
cannot access other applications. If “full screen lock” is not enabled, support for copy and
paste facilities shall be provided between the operator window and other Microsoft

2.7.2 Web Browser Operator Interface The operator interface shall also be fully available through the internet via an Internet
Explorer browser. From Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, an operator shall be able to perform
all functions on the same standard and custom graphics as used in the standard operator
interface. All custom graphics, alarm graphics and standard graphics shall be available
without modification or reengineering through the Internet in an Internet Explorer browser
user interface and shall be fully functional. Refer the riser diagram for quantity and

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The browser interface shall provide login and security authentication in the same way as
the standard operator interface. A large number of casual users shall be permitted without
any additional licensing burden. Licensing shall be based on the number of simultaneous
operator connections on a “First Come First Served” basis. Those users with casual
access shall automatically disconnect from the IBMS server after an idle timeout period.

2.7.3 Operator Interface Connection The operator interface shall be flexible in its connection to the IBMS server. An Ethernet
LAN or Internet connection shall be used between the Server and the Operator
Workstations and Browser Clients. The operator interface shall provide standard support
using Microsoft Remote Access Service (RAS) allowing devices such as Tablets (iPad,
Android, Windows) devices for access to the system. Using other packages such as
Microsoft Terminal to make the modem connection shall not be acceptable. To minimize bandwidth on both serial and LAN links, it shall be possible for the operator
interface to only require updated dynamic information from the IBMS server. All static
information (such as display backgrounds) can be stored locally.

2.7.4 Operator Interface Characteristics The system shall provide a Windows operator interface with the following minimum
capabilities as standard. Using VB scripting it shall be possible to enhance the custom
graphics. Dedicated icons and Pull Down Menus to perform the following: Associated Alarm Display,
Alarm Summary, Alarm Acknowledgement, Forward/Backward Previous Display Recall
(minimum of 8 displays), Graphic Call-up, Trend Call-up, Point Detail Call-up, Card Holder
Detail, Pop up face plates, Alarm Banner showing highest priority, most recent (or oldest)
unacknowledged alarm, System Date and Time Zone, Current security Level, Workstation
connection number, Alarm Annunciation, Communications Fail Annunciation, Operator
Message Zone, etc.

2.7.5 Operator Security and Sign-On. Security If necessary, each operator may be assigned a user profile that defines the following:-

- Security and/or Control Level

- Operator Identifier
- Unique Password
- Area Assignment / Area Profile
- Start Graphic for that operator
- Timeout Value for that operator Any actions initiated by the operator shall be logged in the Event database by operator
identifier. In addition, any control actions to a given point shall only be allowed if the
control level configured in the operator's profile exceeds the level assigned to the
controlled point. Utilities shall be provided to allow administration of the operator passwords.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Security Levels The system shall support at least six levels of operator security. The functions allowed
from each security level shall be as follows:

Level 1: Signed Off mode - View start-up display only.

Level 2: View only - The operator shall be able to view displays. Typically used for an
inexperienced operator.

Level 3: Permit all Level 1 and 2 functions and in addition the operator shall be
permitted to control points such as start/stop, disable/enable, etc. and
acknowledge alarms as they occur.

Level 4: Permit all Level 1 through Level 3 functions in addition to accessing master
time schedules, system peripherals allocation, change point engineering
parameters, build reports and use most standard system configuration
displays. This level shall typically be reserved for the building supervisor.

Level 5: Permit all Level 1 through Level 4 functions in addition to accessing the
engineering functions such as building and linking displays, allocating
keyboard push button assignments, etc. Reserved for the building engineer.

Level 6: This is the highest level of station security and shall allow the user unlimited
access to all station functions. Typically reserved for the building manager. Sign-On/Sign-Off The operator shall be permitted to sign on to the system if the correct Operator Identity
and the Operator Password have been entered. This password shall be encrypted. It shall
also be possible to have the system linked to Windows such that the operator uses their
Windows Account Name and password to sign on to the IBMS system. This ensures that
operators only need to remember 1 set of credentials. After a series of three (3) unsuccessful attempts to sign-on the Operator Workstation
interface shall be locked for a configurable period of time. The lockout period shall be set
via system configuration displays. During Operator Workstation lockout the other Windows
functions of the computer running the Operator Workstation software shall not be affected. It shall be possible to assign operators either single or multi-user passwords. Single user
passwords enable the operator to sign-on to only a single Operator Workstation thus
preventing simultaneous sign-on by the same operator. Operators with the highest sign-on
security level who may require simultaneous access to more than one Operator
Workstation would typically use the multi-user password. Each operator shall be assigned a password and a set of authorized areas. The operator may sign-off at any time by issuing a sign-off command. A keyboard time-out feature shall be provided such that the operator shall be
automatically signed off after a defined period of keyboard inactivity. It shall optionally be
possible to configure automatic call-up of a "logged-out" display when this occurs to hide
restricted information for example. Location Assignment / Scope of Responsibility Profile Each operator shall be assigned one or more specific areas of the building with the
appropriate monitoring and control responsibility (no view, view only, alarm acknowledge

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only or full control). An area shall be defined in this context as a logical entity comprising
of a set of points in the system. This in turn may represent a physical space in the
building. Areas shall be used to partition the database in such a way as to assign
operators control over certain areas and prevent unauthorized access to other areas. It shall be possible to define individual tenant access by means ofScope of Responsibility
Profile. Likewise, an operator’s ability to control or monitor certain parts of a facility can be
controlled by means of area assignment. The system shall provide the facility to createScope of Responsibility Profile, which
combine Locations and time periods, and which can be assigned to operators with the
same Location access requirements. By using Scope of Responsibility Profilein this way,
Location access can be specified to apply during certain time periods, allowing different
areas of access at different times of the day or week. Duress It shall be possible for an operator to indicate that they are signing on under duress. The
system shall recognize that the operator is signing on under duress and it shall then be
able to issue a control to alert appropriate assistance. Command Partitioning It shall be possible to assign each operator a set of allowed commands for each assigned
area, where an area is a group of points. These commands can be mapped against the
output state of any given digital point in the respective area to determine whether a control
command is allowed for the particular operator. With this feature, it shall for example be possible to configure an operator to set a digital
point to ON, but to disallow the same operator from setting the same digital point to OFF.

2.7.6 Standard System Displays The following displays shall be included as part of the system:-

- Alarm Summary Display, Event Summary Display, Point Detail Template Displays , (for
each point in the database), Trend Set Template Displays, Group Control and Group
Trend Template Displays , Communications Status Displays, System Status Displays,
Operator Scratch-pad Display, Face Plates for all common point types.

- Configuration Displays In the case of the Trend and Group displays, configuration of these displays shall only
require entry of a point name to completely configure the display. The Alarm Summary,
Event Summary, Point Detail, Communications Status, System Status shall not require
any configuration. Systems where standard graphical displays, showing all parameters for each system
Point, do not exist shall not be acceptable. It shall be possible to perform all the operator
activities such as acknowledging alarms, configuring and taking reports, commanding
points, view all the points and also manage the system without the need for any custom

2.7.7 Creating Custom Displays (Graphic Display Building Editor) The IBMS shall provide a Graphic Display Building editor for the creation of site specific
graphic displays. It shall allow one-step online building of display static and dynamic
objects. It shall be a WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get) allowing the

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displays drawn using the editor to appear exactly the same when viewed from an Operator
Workstation. Displays shall be created in the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format. This is
essential so that the displays can also be viewed through a web browser as well as the
normal IBMS operator interface. The displays must be saved in the standard HTML
format. All graphic elements shall be available as HTML elements. It shall be possible to link dynamic objects to the IBMS database. They shall allow
information to be displayed from the database or to allow an operator to interact with them
in order to make changes in the database and to perform control actions. Dynamic objects
shall include dynamic text, push buttons, indicators, charts, check boxes, combo boxes,
pop up boxes, ActiveX controls and scroll bars. It shall be possible to include static and dynamic display objects on the one display. The
editor shall allow display objects to be manipulated by pointing, clicking and dragging. The
editor shall allow display objects to be drawn, re-sized, copied, grouped, rotated, aligned
and layered over each other. It shall be possible to copy and paste objects within and
between displays.

2.7.8 Display Scripting It shall be possible to further animate display elements using standard HTML scripts such
as JavaScript or VBScript. A script editor supporting one of the standard script languages
shall be provided. By using script programs, individual elements on the display may be
manipulated. A proprietary scripting language or additional scripting and drawing package
shall not be acceptable. It shall be possible to perform a variety of animations. Live Video Both the Graphic Display Building Editor and the Operator Interface shall have built in
support for the creation and display of live video objects without the need for
programming. The size and position of the video object shall be configured on a per
display basis. Systems, which show the live video object in a separate window from the operator
interface, or on a separate monitor screen, shall not be acceptable. Web Technology Displays created in the Graphic Display Builder Editor shall be usable in a Web Browser
such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer without modification. All displays shall be usable in
this manner enabling operators to completely operate the system through a web browser
via the internet. Displays may also incorporate data from an intranet, the Internet, or
ActiveX documents along with other building data.

2.7.9 Help and Documentation The IBMS operator interface shall also have access to online help and full system
documentation. Online help shall be fully searchable and cross referenced to all relevant
sections of the documentation. It shall be possible to browse the online help and set
“favorites” which link to commonly used sections of the help information. All manuals shall
be available online.

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2.8.1 Monitoring The system shall support acquisition of data using the following techniques: Periodic Scanning Report by Exception Data on demand In order to minimize communications traffic, the system shall automatically block data
requests using contiguous addresses and the scan intervals to generate scan packets,
optimizing throughput for a given scanning load. The system shall also provide utilities to
examine scan packet allocation for each scan interval, and compile aggregate statistics on
communication link usage. Where supported by the controlling device, Report by Exception (RBE) protocols shall be
used to reduce the scanning load of the system while improving system response. If
necessary, periodic scanning may be used in conjunction with RBE to ensure data

2.8.2 Device Control Control transactions issued by the operator shall be communicated to control devices
using a write followed by read to ensure the integrity of the transaction. If the read
following the write to the device indicates that the control action has failed, the operator
shall be informed by means of a control failure alarm. The priority of the control failure
alarm shall be configurable by the user. It shall be possible to optionally assign a control confirmation message to individual points.
This message shall request the operator confirm the requested supervisory control action
prior to sending the entered value to the controller.

2.9 System Database

2.9.1 The system shall provide a real-time database incorporating data from analog, logical or
pulse inputs. The database shall be configurable by the end user without the need for any
programming and shall be able to be modified on-line without interrupting operation of the
system. In addition to point-based information, the database shall also provide
historization capabilities for analog, digital, pulse and event based information. This
information shall be accessible by all facilities of the system such as custom displays,
reports, trends, user written applications, etc.

2.9.1 Database Structure The real-time database shall support collection of data and storage using the following
structures such as Analog Point, Status Point, Accumulator Point, Flexible Point, Historical
Data, Event Data and User Defined Structures. Each of the Point database structures shall be comprised as a composite point with a
number of associated parameters, which may be referenced relative to a single tag name.
Specifically, each of these parameters shall be accessible by various sub-systems such
as the Graphical Operator Interface, Report Generation system and Application Program
Interface in a simple POINT.PARAMETER format without the need to know any internal
storage mechanism.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Database backup shall be possible with the system on-line including backup of historical
based data. The backup shall be possible via standard Microsoft Windows operating
system utilities. Point data shall be stored in a composite point database structure that
provides a wide range of configurable information.

2.9.2 Grouping of Points The IBMSIBMS system shall provide a means by which a number of alarm inputs, outputs
and other related points can be grouped together for more convenient monitoring and
control without the need for custom graphics.

2.9.3 History Management Collection of historical point data shall be configurable as part of the point definition. Once
configured, this data shall be collected automatically. Historical data collection shall be
provided for both snapshots and averages with intervals ranging from 1 second to 24
hours. Once assigned to history, point data shall be available by POINT.PARAMETER access
used in conjunction with a history offset to locate the particular value of interest. The
graphical operator interface, trend, report generation and application interfaces shall be
able to access historical data. Modifications to the history collection of a point shall be possible on-line without the loss of
previously collected data for the point being changed or any other points in the system
currently being historized. History shall be able to be archived to an alternative file system or offline media. Different
archive settings shall be available for different history types.

2.9.4 Trending The system shall provide flexible trending allowing real-time, historical or archived data to
be trended in a variety of formats. In addition, trend data types shall be able to be
combined to allow for comparisons between data e.g. current real-time data versus
archived data. Copying the currently displayed trend data to the clipboard for pasting into
spreadsheet or document Configuration of trends shall only require the entry of the Point Name into the desired
trend template to produce the trend. All trend configuration must be possible on-line
without interruption to the system. Historization of data shall not be affected by changes
to trend configuration. Systems that only provide trending via a third party package will not
be acceptable.

2.9.5 Trend Types The system shall be able to present real-time, historical or archived data in a variety of
formats, including single, dual and multiple value trends of up to 8 points. For each trend
set display it shall be possible for operators to configure the number of historical samples
and ranges displayed. Points configured in trend sets shall be changeable on-line. Scroll bars shall be available to move the Trend set backwards and forwards across the
historical records. The trend sets shall automatically access archived history files without
operator configuration. It shall be possible to embed trend objects as part of custom displays. The following
formats shall be available: Bar Trend, Line Trend, Numeric Trend, Tuning Trend, Pie
Trend, X-Y Plot.

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2.9.6 Event Management It shall be possible to log an event such that it shall be journalized in the event file and
optionally printed on the event printer. The journal shall contain the following event
information: Alarms, Alarm Acknowledgements, Return to Normal, Operator Control
Actions, Operator Login & Security Level Changes, On-line database Modifications Communications Alarms, System Restart Messages, Database changes Standard Displays shall be provided to show the current journal file with the most recent
event at the top of the display. Subsequent page forward actions shall allow display of
progressively older events. Sorting and filtering of the journal shall be possible directly on
screen. Filters shall be able to be saved for future use. Filtered events shall be able to be
printed as an event report directly from the Event display. There may be additional fields which are relevant for different types of events. It shall be
possible to enter comments on all events so that operators can annotate an event with
relevant information. It shall be possible to manually create an event if the operator wishes
to record an incident on the site which is unrelated to system equipment. The event file shall store events online. The system shall be able to automatically or
manually archive these online events periodically, at a time period specified by the user.
Operators shall be notified by an alarm that event archiving is required if manual operation
is chosen. Events may be archived to tape, or to other media such as CD, DVD, Zip drive
or to other file systems. Archived events may be restored to the IBMSat a later time if required for reporting
purposes. Multiple archives shall be able to be restored at any one time. The IBIBMS shall
indicate to the operator the range of events in a particular archive file.

2.9.7 Alarm Management The IBIBMS shall support several different types of alarms for analog points, such as Hi
Low, HiHi, LowLow and rate of change. It shall be possible to have an alarm for the
different states of a multi-state point. The BACNet alarm notification shall be used to
receive all the alarms from the BACnet Controllers.

2.9.8 Alarm Priorities Each monitored point in the system shall be able to be assigned one of four alarm
priorities to individual states. The meaning of the priorities shall be as follows:

2.9.9 Journal Changes of state shall be journalized to the Alarm/Event Log and optionally printed on the
Alarm/Event printer.

2.9.10 Low Change of state will generate a Low priority alarm, which will appear on the Alarm
Summary. Optionally, the alarm may be printed on the Alarm/Event printer or generate an
audible tone.

2.9.11 High Change of state will generate a High priority alarm, which will appear on the Alarm
Summary. Optionally, the alarm may be printed on the Alarm/Event printer or generate an
audible tone.

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2.9.12 Urgent This is the highest priority. Change of state will generate an Urgent priority alarm, which
will appear on the Alarm Summary. Optionally, the alarm may be printed on the
Alarm/Event printer or generate an audible tone. Within each of the four alarm types there shall be 15 sub-priorities available. Each alarm
priority shall have a configurable color. It shall be possible to escalate priority of alarm if the alarm is not acknowledged within the
configured time.

2.9.13 Alarm Enunciation Alarms shall be enunciated by: Most recent, highest priority alarm message appearing on dedicated alarm banner on the
operator interface. Alarm message appearing on alarm summary display. Available Tone - based on a “*.wav” or other sound file for each alarm priority. Alarm message printed on the alarm printer. Alarm indicator flashing on the operator interface.

2.9.14 Alarm Summary

2. 10.14.1 Alarms shall be able to be viewed in a consolidated alarm summary which shows all
current or pending alarms on the system. This summary may be sorted by time and date,
database partition or source of the alarm.

2.9.15 Dedicated Alarm Banner and Alarm Indicator A dedicated alarm banner shall appear on all displays showing either the most recent or
oldest (configurable), highest priority, unacknowledged alarm in the system. This banner
shall be clear when there are no unacknowledged alarms for the operator to process. An alarm indicator shall also appear on all displays. This indicator will flash red (or another
configured color) when there are any unacknowledged alarms pending in the system. This
indicator will remain solid red if there are alarms, which have not returned to normal but
which have all been acknowledged. The indicator will be clear if there are no points in an
alarm condition.

2.9.16 Alarm Logging As well as being logged on the printer, alarms shall be logged to an event file for future
retrieval in alarm reports or archived to removable media.

2.9.17 Alarm Response Function Keys The following dedicated function keys shall be provided on the keyboard for alarm action:

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledge After moving the cursor to the point in alarm on the screen and selecting the point the
operator shall be able to acknowledge an alarm by pressing this key. This action shall be
logged in the event file and on the printer showing the operator ID with the alarm.

2.9.18 Alarm Summary By pressing a dedicated key at any time the operator shall be able to view a display
showing all currently active alarms. The alarm messages shall be color-coded showing
priorities. The operator shall be able to view the alarms according to priority or sorted
based on other fields. It shall be possible to acknowledge alarms from this display and
also go to the associated display defined for the point.

2.9.19 Associated Display After moving the cursor to the point in alarm on the screen and selecting the point the
operator shall be able to bring up the display applicable to that alarm by pressing this key.
Just selecting the associated display key directly will bring up the associated display for
the point currently on the alarm banner. This is generally a custom graphic showing the
location of the alarm in the facility.

2.9.20 Alarm Link to Digital Video Recordings The system shall allow the linking and display of digital video recordings pertaining to
alarms. If there is any video footage in digital format which is relevant to an alarm, then
the alarm summary shall indicate this by the use of a special icon on the alarm. By
selecting the icon, the operator can then replay the relevant digital video footage of the
alarm incident.

2.9.21 Print Alarms as a Report The filtered alarm summary should be able to be printed directly as a report. From the
alarm summary page, it shall be possible to view the current filtered list of alarms via a
print preview button. This shows what the alarms will look like when printed to the
configured report printer. From the alarm summary, it shall be possible to print the alarms
directly using the print button.

2.9.22 Advanced Alarm Management The IBIBMS shall be capable of advanced alarm management, which includes set stages
of alarm handling.

2.9.23 The stages shall be: Silence alarm condition Acknowledge and action alarm condition Respond to alarm condition by using pre-defined responses Optionally reset alarm All actions shall be recorded in the event file for retrieval and auditing purposes. When an alarm is silenced, an instruction page for the alarm will be displayed. The alarm
may then be acknowledged from this page and alarm handling action completed.

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2.9.24 Reporting The system shall support a flexible reporting package to allow easy generation of report
data. The reports provided shall include pre-configured standard reports for common
requirements such as Alarm Event reports and custom report generation facilities that are
configurable by the user. The system must have SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services for custom reports to be built
by the end-user as per the requirements.

2.9.25 Standard Reports The following pre-formatted reports shall be available on the system:-

a) Alarm/Event Report
b) Operator Trail Report
c) Point Trail Report
d) Alarm Duration Report
e) All Point Report
f) After Hours Alarm Report
g) Point Attribute Report
h) Generic or Custom Report

(Note: additional application specific reports shall be described later in this document) Configuration of these reports shall only require entry of the schedule information, and
other parameters such as Point Name or wildcard, filter information, time interval for
search and destination printer to fully configure the report. Specifically, no programming
or scripting shall be required.

2.9.26 Additional Generic or Custom Reports In addition, configurable report generation facilities must be provided to allow custom
reports to be produced. They shall be able to be configured at any time with the system
online, and shall be able to access any database values. At least two methods of custom
report generation shall be available, including the following:

2.9.27 Microsoft Excel The IBMS shall provide the facility for the use of Microsoft Excel as a reporting tool –
allowing calculations such as summations, maximal, minimal and standard deviations, and
the production of graphs, charts and tables. Systems that do not provide support for the
latest version of Microsoft Excel, in this respect shall not be acceptable. Data accessible for Excel reporting shall include alarms, events, and point parameter

2.9.28 ODBC / SQL Server Reporting Servics The IBIBMS shall be capable of providing selected data in an ODBC format for the
purpose of extracting data and creating custom reports. It shall be possible to create
custom reports in the IBIBMS using the SQL Server reporting tools.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ It shall be possible to incorporate the activation of custom reports created using SQL
Server Reporting tool through the standard IBMS report subsystem. Example reports shall
be provided to illustrate how to create the custom reports in the IBMS. A report detail display shall allow naming of reports, scheduling information and the
destination of the report. The report destination shall be a printer, operator interface or
internal file. The report output format shall be HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language),
Microsoft Word or RTF format.

2.9.29 Report Activation Reports shall be activated in one or more of the following ways:

a) Periodic activation at user specified intervals

b) Operator Demanded
c) Event Initiated e.g. Change in point value
d) Application Initiated
e) Printed directly from the alarm/event summary

2.9.30 Historical Data Archiving The system shall support archiving of historical data to allow a continuous record of
history to be built up over a period of time. Archived data may be stored on the hard disk
of the system or a remote network drive or moved off-line to removable media such as
floppy disk, cartridge tape, DAT tape, or optical disk. The number of archives maintained
on the system before transferal to off-line media shall only be limited by the size of the
hard disk or remote network drive. The system shall allow the user to define the specific
intervals of history to be archived to avoid archiving of unnecessary data. Once archived, the data shall be available for re-trending through the system trend
facilities in combination with the current on-line history or other archives. Providing the
archived history is present on the IBIBMS Server's hard disk or remote network drive, the
trend facilities must be able to access it transparently for display, when a user scrolls
beyond current on-line history limits.

2.9.31 Time Schedules It shall be possible to specify time schedules for the control of all IIBMS points. A large
number of individual points shall be controlled by a single time schedule. A single time
schedule shall define the control to any combination of day and time e.g. Mon-Fri 7:00 to
18:00, Thursday 7:00 to 22:00 and Saturday-Sunday 9:00 to 14:00. The IBMSIBMS time
schedule must also provide the ability to override the normal schedule for holidays or
special occasions. Configuring time schedules must be done through a graphical user interface whereby the
operator selects the appropriate time span from a calendar. Systems where times and
days must be manually entered is not acceptable. Where the control device supports an internal time schedule program, the IBMSIBMS
shall be able to upload, display, modify and download the control device time schedules.
Support for the control device time schedules shall be in addition to the IBMSIBMS time
schedules. All BACnet devices shall support Scheduling and it shall be possible for the IBMS to
configure the different schedule objects along with schedules for other non-BACNet

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systems in to Global Schedules so that universal changes to the schedules can be

implemented and applied.


2.10.1 Any of the following Open Protocol Standards shall be used for integration of 3rd party
devices or systems. In coordination with suppliers of other systems, provide the optional
open protocols as may be needed for the project.

2.10.2 Modbus The IBIBMS server shall provide an integrated interface to devices using the Modbus RTU
protocol, where the IBIBMS server shall be the ‘master’ and the external device or system
shall be the “slave”. The Modbus Interface shall support the following function codes:

Modbus Function Code Meaning

01 Read Coil/Status
02 Read Input Status
03 Read Holding Registers
04 Read Input Registers
05 Force Single Coil
06 Preset Single Register
16 Preset Multiple Registers The IBIBMS shall also support user definable data formats for Modbus devices to
accommodate the wide variety of formats in use in the industry.

2.10.3 BACnet (ANSI / ASHRAE 135) The IBIBMS system shall be capable of communicating to other building subsystems
using the ASHRAE standard BACnet. The IBIBMS shall be capable of acting as both a
BACnet Operator Workstation and a BACnet Gateway. The BACnet capability shall
support all of the following standard BACnet objects:

· Analog Input
· Analog Output
· Analog Value
· Accumulator
· Averaging
· Binary Input
· Binary Output
· Binary Value
· Calendar
· Command
· Device
· Event Enrollment
· File
· Group
· Loop
· Multistate Input
· Multistate Output
· Multistate Value

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· Notification Class
· Program
· Schedule
· Trendlog

2.10.4 BACnet Operator Workstation An integrated BACnet Operator Workstation shall be provided which allows the monitoring
of BACnet devices via data acquisition and control. The BACnet Operator Workstation shall support the following BACnet Interoperability
Building Blocks:

· ReadProperty-A (DS-RP-A)
· ReadProperty-B (DS-RP-B)
· ReadPropertyMultiple-A (DS-RPM-A)
· WriteProperty-A (DS-WP-A)
· WritePropertyMultiple-A (SW-WPM-A)
· View-A (DS-V-A)
· Modify-A (DS-M-A)
· Advanced View-A (DS-AV-A)
· Advanced Modify-A (DS-AM-A)
· COV Unsubscribed-A (DS-COVU-A)
· Alarm and Event-Notification-A (AE-N-A)
· Alarm and Event-ACK-A (AE-ACK-A)
· Alarm and Event-Summary-A (AE-ASUM-A)
· Alarm and Event-View Notifications-A (AE-VN-A)
· Alarm and Event-View and Modify-A (AE-VM-A)
· Alarm and Event-Alarm Summary-A (AE-ASUM-A)
· Alarm and Event-Enrollment Summary-A (AE-ESUM-A)
· Alarm and Event-Alarm Summary View-A (AE-AS-A)
· Alarm and Event-Information-A (AE-INFO-A)
· Alarm and Event-Advanced View and Modify-A (AE-AVM-A)
· Alarm and Event- Advanced View Notifications-A (AE-AVN-A)
· Scheduling-View and Modify-A (SCHED-VM-A)
· Scheduling-Advanced View and Modify-A (SCHED-AVM-A)
· Scheduling-Weekly Schedule-A (SCHED-WS-A)
· Dynamic Device Binding – A (DM-DDB-A)
· Dynamic Device Binding – B (DM-DDB-B)
· Dynamic Object Binding – A (DM-DOB-A)
· Dynamic Object Binding - B (DM-DOB-B)
· DeviceCommunicationControl – A (DM-DCC-A)
· TimeSynchronization – A (DM-TS-A)
· UTCTimeSynchronization – A (DM-UTC-A)
· ReinitializeDevice - A (DM-RD-A)
· Connection Establishment - A (NM-CE-A)
· List Manipulation-B (DM-LM-B)
· Object Creation and Deletion – B (DM-OCD-B)
· Device Management-Backup and Restore-A (DM-BR-A)
· Trending-Viewing and Modifying Trends-A (T-VMT-A)
· Trending-Automated Trend Retrieval-A (T-ATR-A)
· Trending –View-A (T-V-A)

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2.10.5 OLE for Process Control (OPC) - Optional The IBIBMS server shall provide an integrated OPC Client, integrated OPC Server, and
OPC Alarm and Event Server. This option shall be provided if any of the sub-systems
being integrated is based on OPC-DA Server. The OPC Client shall support the mandatory OPC Release 2.0 Data Access as a
minimum. The OPC Server shall support OPC Release1.0A and OPC Release 2.0 Data Access
OPC interfaces as a minimum. An OPC Server option shall be provided if the data from
IBMS is required to be provided to another application that uses OPC Client. The OPC Alarm and Event Server shall allow an OPC alarm and event client to receive
alarm and event information and be compliant to OPC Version 1.02 foundation Alarm and
Event Specification.

2.10.6 LonWorks The IBMS server shall provide a LonWorks Client to allow communication to LonWorks
Controllers. The LonWorks interface shall use LonWorks Network Services (LNS) to
maintain, monitor, and control LonWorks networks.


2.11.1 The IBIBMSsystem shall have the capability to interface to the point database of other
similar IBIBMS systems (i.e. nodes) on a TCP/IP network. This shall enable both the
acquiring of point data and issuing control outputs to other IBIBMS systems.

2.11.2 Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel The system must be capable of exporting bulk data to Microsoft Excel. As a minimum the
following shall be supported: Allow retrieval of data either periodically or snapshot. Allow retrieval of data via POINT.PARAMETER requests. Allow retrieval of tag names, descriptions etc. Allow retrieval historical data. Writing of values from Excel back to the supervisory system.

2.11.3 Paging and External Annunciation of System Alarms The IBMSIBMS shall provide a facility for sending alarm text from configured points to the
following external systems:- Digital mobile phones with text message (SMS) support. Email Each point’s paging priority threshold shall be individually configurable, and individually
enabled or disabled. Each external device configured in the system shall have individually
selectable times and days of operation, an alarm priority threshold, and an alternative
device for use in escalation of unacknowledged alarms.

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2.11.4 Server Scripting Engine / Automation Rules Engine The IBMS system must have the ability to extend its functionality easily by the addition of
small script code to certain server functions. This will enable additional customer specific
functionality to be easily added to point, report and server processing. For example, a
script shall enable a calculation to be performed and a number of points to be controlled
based on another point going into alarm state. Scripts shall be able to be attached to point
processing, report generation, server startup and shutdown, or executed on a periodic
basis. The scripting engine must support a standard scripting language such as Microsoft’s
VBScript. Access to the scripts shall be through an inbuilt scripting editor which provides
key work support and syntax checking as well as an extensive range of online help
including a large number of worked examples. Proprietary scripting languages shall not
be acceptable. An easy to use and configure Automation Rules engine must be provided so that the user
/ operator can quickly configure cause and effect relationship between different points and
different sub-systems.


2.12.1 The IBMS system must enable easy diagnostics of the health of the system.

2.12.2 Diagnostic Framework The IBMSIBMS system must make all diagnostic information viewable through an easy to
use user interface and shall be able to be easily exported as a standalone collection of
material for later analysis.


2.13.1 General The Integrated Building Management System (IBMS) to be provided shall perform the
following general functions:

2.13.2 Building Management and Control. Monitoring and Control of Controllers, Remote Devices and Programmable Logic
Controllers including sensors, actuators, environmental delivery systems (pumps, boilers,
room climate control, lighting systems, electrical systems etc.). Operator Interface to allow general supervision of room controls Video display integration Data collection and Historization Alarm Management Trending Report Generation Network Integration Data exchange and integration with a diverse range of other computing and facilities
systems using industry standard techniques.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The system shall employ all standard features and functions as described in Section to
monitor and control building equipment. At a minimum, the following data shall be
accessible: Space temperature Space temperature set point Occupancy status Operating mode Window status Valve positions Air volume flow Percent terminal load Time schedules Zero energy bands Room name Terminal type e.g. fan coil In the event of a power failure or disconnection from the IBMS, the controllers shall
continue to be fully operational with full time program capability. At the IBMS using appropriate Energy Manager program, Loads shall be managed (shed
and powered up) in the event of power shortage / outage. Different loads shall have
priorities assigned to determine the sequence in which they are operated. Any
discrepancies in the load requirement and power availability shall be alarmed. Follow the
sequence of operation as shown on the drawings.

2.13.3 Primary Plant Controllers All the elements used to create the Building Management System (BMS) shall be
designed to work as a homogeneous entity. This means that the primary and secondary
plant controllers shall be compatible with each other and use a graphically-based
engineering tool. The descriptions below are relevant to the field-mounted BMS components. Similar or
enhanced functionalities shall also be required at the central supervisor location as
described elsewhere in this document. To conserve energy, where ever applicable the HVAC shall be operated using highly
flexible time programs and the use of parameters such as current outside temperature,
history of the building and current inside conditions should be used to determine the
optimum start times. Sequential start / stop (duty-cycling) shall be used to save energy.

2.13.4 BACnet Building Controller The Network / General Purpose Controller (NC) shall be a Native BACnet® controller
based on 32 bit technology to provide the interface between the LAN or WAN and the field
control devices, and provide global supervisory control functions over the control devices
connected to the NC. The NC shall conform to BACnet® Building Controller (B-BC) profile
and be provided with appropriate PIC statement defining BACnet® services and objects
supported. BACnet® Data Sharing BIBBs supported shall include at a minimum: RP,
RPM, WP, WPM, COV . Alarm and Event, Trending, and scheduling including SCHED-A
BIBBs support shall also be supported in BACnet® native communications. The NC shall
support Master Communication control on the BACnet communication bus. The NC shall
physically connect to the LAN without the need for additional Router hardware. The NC
shall support transmitting and receiving segmented messages as well as BACnet®
Broadcast Messages over IP. It should be possible to define any NC / GPC in an IP

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subnet as a BBMD device. The NC shall also support both Secure (https://) and non
secure (http://) remote web server access using commonly used web browsers. It shall be
capable of executing application control programs to provide::

1. Calendar functions
2. Scheduling
3. Trending and Trending Backfill
4. Alarm monitoring and routing
5. Time synchronization
6. Integration of BACnet® devices and BACnet® controller data
7. Integration of MODBUS devices and serial MODBUS RTU controller data The Network / General Purpose Controller must provide the following features as a

· One Ethernet Port -10 / 100 Mbps RJ45

· One RS-232 port
· One RS 485 port
· Three independent BACnet® MS/TP Channel capable of supporting up to 90 total
Unitary controllers
· A minimum of 24 On-board I/O, expandable up to 128 hardware points; external
expansion I/O on dedicated controller I/O bus is also accepted for up to 256
(alternate maximum of 128 physical points for UUKL applications) physical I/O
points where on-board I/O is not supported
· Battery Backup using Gold Capacitor to avoid low battery alarms and subsequent
replacement during service life of the controller.
· Flash memory for long term data backup (If battery backup or flash memory is not
supplied, the controller must contain a hard disk with at least 1 gigabyte storage
· A Reset Button
· The NC must be capable of operation over a temperature range of 0 to 50°C
· The NC must be capable of withstanding storage temperatures of between 5 and
· The NC must be capable of operation over a humidity range of 5 to 93% RH, non-
· Shall include expansion for Input/Output that require Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switches
· Field Bus for remote I/O
· Controller shall operate with a fixed cycle time. Controllers with non-deterministic
operating system shall not be acceptable
· 1. Any or all the 3 independent MS/TP channels may be used to integrate
MODBUS devices like Energy Meters etc. or BACnet® devices and BACnet®
controller data. The BMS contractor shall include if any, license required for this
interface within their scope
· The GPC/NC shall provide alarm recognition, storage routing, management, and
analysis to supplement distributed capabilities of equipment or application specific
· Alarm generation shall be selectable for annunciation type and acknowledgement
requirements including but limited to:
o To alarm
o Return to normal
o To fault
· Provide for the creation of an unlimited number of alarm classes for the purpose
of routing types and or classes of alarms based on priority.

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· Provide timed (schedule) routing of alarms by class, object, group, or priority.

· Provide alarm generation from binary object “runtime” and /or event counts for
equipment maintenance. The user shall be able to reset runtime or event count
values with appropriate password control.
· Control equipment and network failures shall be treated as alarms and be
· A log of alarms shall be maintained by the NC
· Provide a “query” feature to allow review of specific alarms by user defined
· A separate log for system alerts (controller failures, network failures, etc.) shall be
provided and available for review by the user.
· An Error Log to record invalid property changes or commands shall be provided
and available for review by the user. Advanced Application Specific Controller (B-AAC)

1. Controller shall be 32 bit microprocessor based BACnet® Advanced Application

Controller in accordance with the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004. Advanced
Application Controllers shall be provided for Air Handling Units, Variable Air Volume
(VAV) Terminals and other applications as shown on the drawings. The application
control program shall be resident within the same enclosure as the input/output
circuitry, which translates the sensor signals. The system supplier must provide a
PICS document showing the installed systems compliance level to the
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004.

2. All Advanced Application Controller shall be fully programmable with the help of
Windows based software programming tool and shall at all times maintain their
BACnet® compliance. Controllers offering application selection only (non-
programmable) require a 15% spare point capacity to be provided for all
applications. All control sequences within or programmed into the B-AAC shall be
stored in non-volatile memory, which is not dependent upon the presence of a
battery, to be retained.

3. Stand-alone, Native BACnet®, UL Listed Application Controllers shall be used to

provide direct digital control of HVAC equipment. In addition to their standalone
capabilities, they shall also provide the ability networked in a peer-to-peer, BACnet®
MS/TP field network to other MS/TP controllers, and VAV/SPC zone controllers on
the single MS/TP channel. These controllers may be used to optimize the energy
consumption by implementing various control strategies such as temperature
setup/setback etc.

4. Standard features for all Advanced Application Controllers shall include:

a. 32 bit microprocessor based controllers

b. Stand-alone or networked peer-to-peer capabilities on single MS/TP channel

c. Masters to slave devices are not acceptable

d. Should have on-board Real Time Clock

e. Should support BACnet® intrinsic alarm reporting

f. Should support calendar objects for scheduling

g. Should comply to BACnet® B-AAC device profile

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h. Flexibility to be used and connected to Network Controller to expand the I/O

capacity of network controller

i. BACnet® MS/TP LAN with configurable baud rate from 9600 to 76.8k baud

j. All Inputs to be Universal Inputs with 12 bit resolution- software selectable as

analog or digital with standard and custom ranges.

k. Pulse counting shall be available for any one of binary inputs up to 15Hz

l. Standard P, PI, or PID BACnet® Loop Objects

m. Minimum of one Loop Object for each output

n. In the particular case of Programmable VAV Controllers (VAV), the following

5. Standard VAV control sequences are incorporated to provide pressure independent

control of a single duct VAV unit

6. VAV Controllers shall be with actuator to provide a easy and compact installation
and without actuator to provide flexibility to choose suitable modulating or floating
actuator based on the application. For example VAV box controller used in the
laboratory should use the modulating actuator and the VAV box controller used in
office area should use the floating actuator.

7. Each controller shall have an onboard flow-thru sensor for use with a single or multi-
point differential pressure measuring station or pitot tube. Programmable controller
to allow customizing of the standard sequences for temperature setback, overrides,
proportional wet reheat and other user defined sequences to adapt to changing
building conditions. The ability to only change operating parameters or substitute
between configurable applications shall not be considered acceptable.

8. Should be easily programmable using Microsoft Windows based programming utility.

9. The VAV controller shall communicate with the main network controller at a baud
rate of not less than 38.4K baud. The VAV controller shall provide LED indication of
communication and controller performance to the technician, without cover removal. In the particular case of Programmable Small Point Control (SPC) Application Controllers,
the following shall apply in addition to the standard features listed above:

1. Programmable control basic to allow customizing of the standard sequences for

temperature setback, overrides, proportional wet reheat and other user defined
sequences to adapt to changing building conditions. The ability to only change
operating parameters or substitute between configurable applications shall not be
considered acceptable

2. Should be easily programmable using Microsoft Windows based programming utility.

3. The SPC shall communicate with the main network controller at a baud rate of not less
than 38.4K baud. The SPC shall provide LED indication of communication and
controller performance to the technician, without cover removal. Application Specific Controller (B-ASC)

1. Controller shall be 32 bit microprocessor based BACnet® Application Specific

Controller in accordance with the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004. Application

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Specific Controller shall be provided for Fan Coil unit (FCU) and other unitary
applications as shown on the drawings. The application control program shall be
resident within the same enclosure as the input/output circuitry, which translates the
sensor signals. The BMS Contractor must provide a PICS document showing the
installed systems compliance level to the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004.

2. All Application Specific Controller shall be fully programmable as per application with
the help of Windows based software programming tool. Controllers offering application
selection only (non-programmable), require a 15% spare point capacity to be provided
for all applications. All control sequences within or programmed into the B-ASC shall
be stored in non-volatile memory, which is not dependent upon the presence of a
battery, to be retained.

3. Stand-alone, Native BACnet®, UL Listed Application Controllers shall be used to

provide direct digital control of HVAC equipment. In addition to their standalone
capabilities, they shall also provide the ability networked in a peer-to-peer, BACnet®
MS/TP field network to other controllers, or as part of a complete facilities management
system which integrates multiple field networks. These controllers may be used to
optimize the energy consumption by implementing various control strategies such as
temperature setup/setback etc.

4. Standard features for all Application Specific Controllers shall include:

a. 32 bit microprocessor based controllers

b. Stand-alone or networked peer-to-peer capabilities as MS/TP, Masters to slave
devices are not acceptable
c. Should have on-board Real Time Clock
d. Should support BACnet® intrinsic alarm reporting
e. Should support BACnet® B-ASC profile and BTL
f. BACnet® MS/TP LAN with configurable baud rate from 9600 to 76.8k baud
g. All Inputs to be Universal Inputs with 12 bit resolution- software selectable as
analog or digital with standard and custom ranges.
h. Pulse counting shall be available for any one of binary inputs up to 15Hz frequency
i. All Outputs to be Universal Outputs with 8 bit resolution - software selectable for
analog or digital with standard and custom ranges
j. Maximum 90 objects
k. Standard P, PI, or PID BACnet® Loop Objects.
l. Minimum of 1 Loop Object for each output.
m. In the particular case of Programmable Unitary Applications, the following shall
apply in addition to the standard features listed above:

5. Standard FCU control sequences are incorporated to provide control of Fan Coil Unit
Programmable control basic to allow customizing of the standard sequences for
temperature setback, overrides, proportional wet reheat and other user defined
sequences to adapt to changing building conditions. The ability to only change
operating parameters or substitute between configurable applications shall not be
considered acceptable. Should be easily programmable using Microsoft Windows
based programming utility.

2.14 Specific Building Management Functions

2.14.1 LonWorks / BACnet Capability The system shall provide direct Interfaces to LonWorks and BACnet. The interface shall
provide the functionality necessary to normally operate a building management system
based on LON devices including alarming, data acquisition, supervisory control, and
trending. BACnet at Management level shall be used for General Purpose DDC controllers
and also for 3rd party integrations that are available on BACnet.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ This interface shall use standard components such as PC LonTalk Adaptors (PCLTA) or
Ethernet to LonTalk routers such as the Echelon I-LON routers to connect the IBMS to the
LonWorks network and devices. Solutions requiring gateways or data servers (e.g. OPC
to LON or DDE to LON) are not acceptable. The IBMS Interface to LonWorks should be based on LON Network Services (LNS)
Release 3.2 or later. The interface shall allow access to be configured for any Network
Variable (NV) or Configuration Property (CP) in the LON device. Any LON devices
conforming to LonMark functional profiles shall be able to be easily integrated into the
IBMS without the need for software changes in the IBMS. The system shall allow standard graphics to be created for configurable LonWorks
devices so that it is possible for all instances of points for the same device type to use the
same graphic. The LonWorks Interface shall be compatible with any LonWorks vendor whose products
conform to standard LonMark profiles. Terminal Unit Controllers such as VAV and FCU
shall be Lonmark compliant controllers. The LonWorks range of controllers shall be acceptable for the terminal units (FCU, VAVs,
etc) provided they are Lonmark and comply fully and beyond the standard profile. The LonWorks range of devices shall be connected directly with the IBMS using the
standard Lon Network Server Database. Connections based on proprietary methods shall
not be accepted.

2.14.2 Controller Scheduling A controller scheduling tool shall be provided for creating, editing and maintaining
controller time schedules. The controller scheduling tool shall be constructed in a way that
allows compatibility with new controller types with minimal additional development. The controller scheduling tool shall allow downloading of schedules to several (supported)
controllers in a single operation by provision of an integrated graphical interface. The controller scheduling tool shall provide a clear, graphical indication of the status of
each downloadable schedule element, and shall automatically recover and complete any
schedule download which, for any reason, has failed or been interrupted.

2.14.3 System Control and Monitoring via the web For building tenants or other people without access to an Operator Workstation, the IBMS
shall provide the ability to control and monitor site resources via a standard Intranet site.

2.14.4 Integrated Maintenance Management The IBMS shall optionally provide an integrated facility for maintenance management of
plant and equipment. The maintenance facility shall tightly integrate with the IBMS to
retrieve data from field devices to determine when equipment or plant in the field requires
maintenance The maintenance facility shall automatically raise a works order request for a piece of
equipment when certain maintenance conditions are met. Types of configurable
maintenance events shall include duty cycles, run hours, and high data values. The works
order will automatically be emailed to the configured responsible individual. The user interface shall be based on Web technology, with all regular maintenance facility
interaction occurring through a standard web browser. Systems that require additional

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software on client machines to allow viewing and configuration of the maintenance facility
shall not be acceptable. The maintenance facility shall use a standard reporting tool for generation of maintenance
reports. Such reports shall include past and present works orders, equipment lists and
equipment history reports. User customization of reports shall be possible via the standard
reporting tool. The maintenance facility shall store common asset information and provide easy addition
of customer-defined information. User access shall be configurable, to enable user
capabilities to be tailored or limited. It shall be possible to use equipment templates to
allow definition of equipment with common data requirements without having to repeat
data entry.


2.15.1 Field devices, including valves, actuators and sensors, shall be selected from the following
types, wherever possible.

2.15.2 Actuators The following actuator ranges provide maximum flexibility in component selection. Small Linear Actuators without Spring Return The small linear actuators shall provide floating or modulating control together with small
linear valves. These actuators shall be used in fan coil units. They shall be employed in
electronic temperature control systems using cold water as the controlled medium. The small linear actuators shall be suitable for controllers using floating or modulating
outputs or communications interfaces based on LonWorks® technology. Controllers with
floating outputs track the precise valve position whereas with controllers with modulating
outputs the actuators operate continuously to the requested valve position. These
actuators shall be well-suited for applications where space is limited and where minimal
power consumption is required. These small linear actuators shall have a flexible platform
which can be adapted to meet requirements for color, cable-length, auxiliary switches,
mechanical interface, and integrated manual adjustment.

2.15.3 Large Linear Actuators The large linear actuators shall be used together with controllers providing switched or
floating single-pole/double-throw outputs or controllers with modulating control outputs.
These actuators shall have a standard mechanical interface where no linkage is required,
and no calibration or adjustments shall be necessary. The actuators shall feature force-
limiting end switches to guarantee that no power is consumed in the end positions and
synchronous motors to ensure a long life span. They shall be capable of simple manual
operation and the option of spring-return and non-spring-return models to guarantee a
wide range of applications. The modulating actuators without spring return shall also
provide a failsafe function in case of a faulty connection. These shall be used in air
handling units.

2.15.4 Damper Actuators with Spring Return The spring return actuators shall combine safety and control functionality and provide
on/off, floating, and modulating control interfaces with a wide range of available
accessories. These actuators shall have a bidirectional fail safe functionality and a self-
centering shaft adapter or exchangeable hub insert to fit on all dampers quickly and
securely. Quick start-up and service shall be ensured by a manual override, a highly-

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visible position indicator, dual-point mounting options and auxiliary switches. These
products shall be used for ventilation and air-conditioning systems for ventilation flaps and
air handlers where the fail safe functionality is required.


2.16.1 Temperature Sensors Passive temperature sensors with NTC 20K ohm, Balco500 and PT1000 elements shall
be available for different applications. Outdoor temperature sensors (also combined with humidity sensors) with extra covers for
protection and shielding the sun. Prewired and terminal block versions shall be available.
Their temperature range shall be –40 to +60°C. Earth temperature sensors for greenhouse applications. These prewired NTC 20 sensor
shall be rated to IP65. Their temperature range shall be –50 to +90°C. Room temperature sensors (also combined with set point adjustment and fan/presence
switches). These shall be available with NTC 20, PT1000 and Balco500 elements in an
attractive, appealing housing, with terminal blocks for wiring. Models shall also be
available with LEDs. Their temperature range shall be –20 to +50°C. Air duct temperature sensors. Prewired and terminal block versions shall be available to
mount in and outside the duct. Their temperature range shall be –40 to +120°C. Strap-on temperature sensors. These shall be used measure the temperature in a water
pipe. Prewired and terminal block versions shall be available and shall be mounted on the
pipe with a clamp. Their temperature range shall be –50 to 110°C. Immersion temperature sensors. These shall be used to measure the temperature in a
water pipe. Prewired and terminal block versions shall be available and shall be mounted
in the pipe with a well. Lengths from 95 to 300 mm shall be available. Material shall be
copper, brass or stainless steel depending on type. Their temperature range shall be –50
to +130°C. Fast temperature sensors. These shall be used with domestic hot water applications in
district heat stations and shall detect fast temperature changes. These shall be pre-wired
stainless steel sensors and be available with a NTC 20 element. They shall be mounted
directly into the pipe. Sensor lengths shall be 75, 220 and 300 mm. The length shall be
adjustable to pipe diameters.

2.16.2 Average Temperature Sensor for Air Ducts A single PT 1000 sensor over a length of 3.6m shall be used for sensing the average
temperature in large air ducts with. Sensor holders shall be included for installation.

2.16.3 Stainless Steel Temperature Sensors and Transmitters Stainless steel temperature sensors shall be available with PT 100 and PT 1000 elements
and stainless steel temperature transmitters. They shall feature a 2-wire-system, 4-20 mA
output, 12-36 Vdc supply voltage, and shall meet protection class IP 65.

2.16.4 LON Temperature Sensors LON temperature sensors, compliant with temperature profile 1040, shall be available
with the Neuron button accessible and the LED visible from outside. The following models
shall be available:

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Rod temperature sensor, range –20 to + 110 °C, sensor length 135 mm, LonMark®-
compliant, including brass immersion well. Rod temperature sensor, range –20 to + 110 °C, sensor length 300 mm, including brass
immersion well. Duct sensor, range –30 to +110 °C, sensor length 280 mm. Fast temperature sensor, range –20°C to 110°C, length 75 mm, variable sensor
immersion length, for use without immersion well for fast temperature transmission. Fast temperature sensor, range –20°C to 110°C, length 75 mm, variable sensor
immersion length, for use without immersion well for fast temperature transmission.

2.16.5 Humidity Sensors Active humidity sensors shall be available in combination with temperature sensing with
NTC 20K ohm, Balco500 and PT1000 elements for different applications. The operating
voltage for the capacitive humidity sensing element shall be 24V. The following types
shall be available: Outdoor humidity sensors with terminal blocks and a temperature range of –30 to +50°C. Capacitive room humidity sensors with NTC 20, PT1000 and Balco500 temperature
sensors, and with terminal blocks, output for humidity of 0 to 1 or 0 to 10V, and a
temperature range of –0 to .+50°C. Capacitive air duct humidity sensors with NTC 20, PT1000 and Balco500 temperature
sensors, and with terminal blocks, output for humidity of 0-1 or 0-10V, a temperature
range of –0 to +50°C, and mountable on the air duct.

2.16.6 Pressure Transmitters Differential pressure transmitters are used for controlling pressure in air conditioning or
other ventilation applications, such as filter monitoring, pressure or flow control, maximum
pressure control, etc. The transmitters can be used for overpressure, vacuum or
differential pressure measurement with non-aggressive gaseous media. The range of the
transmitters shall be easy changed by potentiometers or jumpers.

2.16.7 Differential Pressure Transmitters For Air Conditioning These transmitters shall have an output signal of 0 to 10V, pressure ranges selectable by
jumper, zero point adjustment by potentiometer, and shall conform to protection class IP
65. Accessories such as 2m silicone pressure hose and pressure joints shall be included.
The following pressure ranges shall be available:

0 to 500 / 1000 Pa selectable by jumper, set to 500 Pa

0 to 1000 / 500 Pa selectable by jumper, set to 1000 Pa
0 to 2000 / 1000 Pa selectable by jumper
–500 to + 500 Pa fixed
–1000 to +1000 Pa fixed Additional versions shall be available with a 3-½ digit LCD display. These transmitters
shall be available in LON versions conforming to pressure profile 1030, with service and

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operation LED visible and Neuron button accessible from outside. Provide as / if shown on
the drawings.

2.16.8 Air Quality Sensors Air quality sensors measure the concentration of CO2 or mixed gases (VOC) in the air and
are used to initiate an action such as causing dampers to open or fans to speed up to
bring fresh air in. Sensor elements shall be, depending on type, metalloxide
semiconductors, CO2 sensors, Non Dispersion Infrared (NDIR) and thermistors. The
sensors shall be powered by 24V, with an output signal of 0-10V. The operating range
shall be 0 to 45°C. Versions with a display and relay outputs shall also be available. Room sensors and air
duct sensors shall both be available. Provide as / if shown on the drawings.

2.16.9 Room Sensors A LonMark®-compliant fast temperature sensor shall be available in the range of 0°C to
70°C and shall meet temperature profile 1040. The Neuron button shall be accessible
and the service and operation LED shall be visible from outside. Provide as / if shown on
the drawings.

2.16.10 Sensors within each control zone consisting of motion and presence sensors. Connected to
control units managing lights & AC.

2.16.11 Zones to have switch controls for management of lights, an AC unit.



3.1.1 Fan Monitoring and Start/Stop The motor control centre serving the fan shall have an "HAND-OFF-AUTO" switch. The
airflow switches are mounted across the exhaust air fan to detect airflow. Under normal
conditions in the ‘AUTO’ mode the fan shall run as per the dictates of time schedule via
the DDC. The ‘overload trip’ condition of the motor is monitored at the DDC controller via a volt-free


3.2.1 The generator control panel shall convey the following volt free signals to the DDC
Controller. System Healthy. Generator Run Status. Generator Common Fault. Emergency stop status High coolant temperature Generator ‘On Test’ status. Battery status

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3.3.1 The Fire Alarm control panel shall convey the following volt free signals to the DDC
Controller. Fire Alarm condition. Common Fault.


3.4.1 The Lighting System shall be interfaced to the BMS via EIB Based Lighting Control
System, the Lighting Vendor shall provide all relevant data to be monitored by the BMS at
a single point to the BMS over OPC or BACNet/IP. All the necessary hardware/software
for achieving this shall be considered by the Lighting System supplier.


3.5.1 The ‘Main Incomer - On/Off Status & Trip ’ shall be monitored by the BMS via volt free
contacts from the respective Distribution Boards.

3.5.2 For other points, which are to be monitored by the BMS, please refer to the BMS

3.6 VRF System

3.6.1 This system operates under its own dedicated controls. BMS monitors the following points
through volt-free signals to DDC from plant panel:
- Trip alarm
- Run status

3.6.2 The BMS shall on\off the unit via ENABLE\DISABLE command and modulate & set the
room temperature as desired.

3.6.3 The control system of VRF HVAC system shall be integrated to the central Facilities
Management-Building Management System.

3.6.4 All indoor units to be connected to automation system (BMS) to control:

- Temperature
- Energy Saving setting (Sleep mode)
- Centralized control via touch screen.


3.7.1 The KWh readings of the SMBDs are monitored locally through the kWh meters installed
in the respective SMDBs. KWh meter shall give a pulse output to an Automatic Meter
Reader (AMR) connected on LON WORKS/Modbus RTU network. The BMS reads the
kWh consumption data through AMR.

3.7.2 Each meter will read either by direct method or by difference method. Direct Method: In this method, the BMS will read the end use energy consumption as the
following:- End use energy Consumption = The Meter Reading

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Difference Method: In this method, the BMS will read the end use energy consumption as
the following:- End use Energy Consumption = Main Meter Reading – Branch Meters Readings on that
Electric Panel Refer to the electrical power schematics to determine the metering method (Direct or

3.7.3 Each energy meter shall indicate the energy usage and the area served.


3.8.1 Each water meter shall indicate the water use, measure the water consumed, and indicate
the area served. The meters shall work as standalone devices as well as integrated part of
BMS. A pulse input shall be obtained from water meters by DDC controllers. The readings
shall be displayed and printed out from the BMS to facilitate monthly consumption records.

3.8.2 All sub-meters shall be data logged via BMS so that information on the building’s energy
consumption can be recorded. The monitoring system must have, at a minimum, the
following capability:

§ Provide hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annual energy consumption for each end-

§ Compare consumption to previous days, weeks, months and years for trend analysis.

§ Determine ‘out-of-range’ values and alert building operators to unusually high


§ Record peak energy consumption for each end-use.

3.9 Fresh Air Handling Unit

3.9.1 Plant Configuration This Air Handling Unit shall comprise of an FAHU supply air fan, DX cooling coil & 2 banks
of filters (pre & bag filters), odour control section and a fresh air modulating damper.

3.9.2 Temperature Control Temperature sensor shall be located in the return air duct. In occupied mode, the return
air temperature shall be maintained precisely at the desired set point.

3.9.3 Dirty Filter Status Differential pressure switches are located across the filter. In case the filter gets clogged
beyond the value set in the differential pressure switch, a contact is made which the DDC
controller recognizes. The DDC controller raises an alarm for dirty filter if the pressure
drop across the filter exceeds the pre-determined value.

3.9.4 AHU Fan Monitoring and Start/Stop The motor control centre serving the AHU shall have an "HAND-OFF-AUTO" switch The
BMS shall take over the operations of the AHUs when the Hand-Off-Auto switch is in the
‘AUTO” position. The AHUs shall be switched on automatically as per the dictates of the
time channels defined in the DDC controllers. Under normal conditions the AHUs shall run
in the ‘AUTO’ mode. The AHUs shall run in the “hand” mode only for testing purposes.

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The airflow switch is mounted across the supply fan to detect airflow. The airflow switch is
connected to a digital input of the DDC controller. The ‘overload trip’ condition of the motor is monitored at the DDC controller via a volt-free
contact from the Motor Control Centre.

3.9.5 Fire Mode Operation In case of fire being detected in the conditioned area, DDC shall receive an input signal
from the fire alarm system corresponding to that zone. On receiving the signal, DDC shall
switch off the AHU supply air fan.

3.9.6 Unoccupied Mode During unoccupied mode as set via time schedule, the space temperature shall be raised
from 24degC to 27degC or as set and the fresh air dampers shall be at the min. positions
to maintain the balance for continuous exhaust.

3.10 Solar System

3.10.1 This system operates under its own dedicated controls. BMS monitors the following points
through volt free signals to DDC from plant panel:

- System start\stop command

- Pump run status
- Pump trip alarm
- Pump run HRS
- Hot water temperature

3.11 Fire Pumps

3.11.1 The BMS shall monitor the Run/Trip Status of each of the pumps. The BMS shall also
monitor the line pressure via a pressure transducer.

3.12 Sewage Pumps

3.12.1 The BMS shall monitor the ‘run’ & ‘trip’ status of the Sewage pumps via volt free contacts
from the respective motor control centres. The BMS shall also monitor the ‘High Level
Alarm’ of the Sump Pit via volt free contacts from the respective motor control centres.
The Stand By Pump should also come into operation if the operation if the main pump is
not sufficient.

3.12.2 For other points, which are to be monitored by the BMS, please refer to the BMS

3.13 Access Control Systems

3.13.1 BMS shall provide software integration with access control systems on BACnet/IP.

3.13.2 The Status and Fault signals are monitored via volt free contacts from the aforementioned

3.14 Motor Control Panels (MCP)

3.14.1 The main incoming breaker of the panels shall be monitored for on/off status and trip
status. The BMS shall monitor the various electrical parameters as mentioned in the data
point schedule. The electrical panel manufacturer shall render all the digital signals to the
BMS as volt free signals.

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Mechanical Works NC1 – High Density Expansion–Offices

3.15 Irrigation Pumps

3.15.1 The BMS shall monitor the ‘run’ status of these pumps via volt free contacts from the
respective motor control centres. These Pumps shall be VFD driven and shall operate to
maintain the desired pressure in the Line. The VFD “Trip” and Feedback should be

3.15.2 For other points, which are to be monitored by the BMS, please refer to the BMS

3.16 FCUs

3.16.1 This system operates under its own dedicated controls. BMS monitors the following points
through volt-free signals to DDC from plant panel:

- Fan H\O\A Switch Status

- Temperature setpoint

3.17 Generator

3.17.1 The generator control panel shall convey the following volt free signals to the DDC
Controller. System Healthy. Generator Run Status. Generator Common Fault. Emergency stop status High coolant temperature Generator ‘On Test’ status. Battery status

3.17.2 For other points, which are to be monitored by the BMS, please refer to the BMS

3.18 Fuel Oil Pump

3.18.1 These pumps operate under their own dedicated controls. The “RUN” status of the
individual pumps shall be monitored through volt free contact from the respective pump
panels. The ‘trip/common fault’ alarm for the individual pumps shall also be monitored.
The electrical panel manufacturer shall render all the digital signals to the BMS as volt free
signals. The pump run hours shall be calculated by BMS via software.

3.19 Sewage Treatment Plant

3.19.1 The BMS shall be integrated for STP control panel.

3.20 UPS

3.20.1 The BMS shall monitor the Run status, full integration and general alarm.


3.21.1 The Contractor shall provide a Data Point Schedule based on the final BMS schematics
and sequence of operation.
End of Section 25 50 00

Section 25 50 00
Integrated Automation Facility Controls
25 50 00 - 36
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