Prefinal Pec8
Prefinal Pec8
Prefinal Pec8
Outcome Behavior
Skills Speaking, writing, listening, oral reading, performing experiments, draw
ing, playing a musical instrument, gymnastics, work skills, study skills,
and social skills
Work habits Effectiveness in planning, use of time, use of equipment resources,
the demonstration of such traits as initiative, creativity, persistence,
Social Concern for the welfare of others, respect for laws, respect the prop
erty of others, sensitivity to social issues, concern for social institution
Attitudes desire to Work toward social improvement.
Scientific Open-mindedness, willingness to suspend judgment, cause-effect re
attitudes lations, an inquiring mind
Interests Expressing feelings toward various educational, mechanical, aes
thetic, scientific, social, recreational, vocational activities.
Appreciations Feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment expressed toward music, art,
literature, physical skill, outstanding social contributions.
Adjustments Relationship to peers, reaction to praise and criticism authority, emo
tional stability, social adaptability.
Assignment is a kind of assessment which extends classroom work. It is usu-
ally a take home task which the student completes. It may vary from reading a material,
problem solving, research, and other tasks that are accomplishable in a given time. As-
signments are used to supplement a learning task or preparation for the next lesson.
Assignments are meant to reinforce what is taught inside the classroom.
Paradigm Shifts in the Practice of Assessment
From ---------------------------- To
Testing -------------------------- Alternative assessment
Paper and pencil ------------- Performance assessment
Multiple choice --------------- Supply
Single correct answer------- Many correct answer
Summative-------------------- Formative
Outcome only---------------- Process and Outcome
Skill focused ----------------- Task-based
Isolated facts ---------------- Application of knowledge
Decontextualized task----- Contextualized task
External Evaluator---------- Student self-evaluation
Outcome oriented---------- Process and outcome
Uses of Assessment
Assessment results have a variety of application from selection to appraisal and aiding
the stakeholders in the decision making process. These functions of assessment vary
within the educational setting whether it is conducted for human resources, counsel-
ing, instruction, research, and learning.
1. Appraising.
Assessment is used for appraisal. Forms of appraisals are the grades,
scores, rating, and feedback. Appraisals are used to provide a feedback on individual’s
performance to determine how much improvement could be done. A low appraisal or
negative feedback indicates that performance still needs room for improvement while
high appraisal or positive feedback means that performance needs to be maintained.
2. Clarifying Instructional Objectives.
Assessment results are used to improve the succeeding lessons. Assessment re-
sults point out if objectives are met for a specific lesson. The outcome of the assess-
ment results are used by teachers in their planning for the next lesson. If teachers
found out that majority of students failed in a test or quiz, then the teacher assesses
whether the objectives are too high or may not be appropriate for students’ cognitive
development. Objectives are then reformulated to approximate students’ ability and
performance that is within their developmental stage.
3. Determining and reporting pupil achievement of education objectives.
The basic function of assessment is to determine students’ grades and report
their scores after major tests. The reported grade communicates students’ perfor-
mance in many stakeholders such as with teachers, parents, guidance counselors, ad-
ministrators, and other concerned personnel.
The grade is a reflection of how much the students have accomplished the learning
4. Planning, directing, and improving learning experiences.
Assessment results are basis for improvement in the implementation of instruc-
tion. Assessment results from students serve as a feedback on the effectiveness of
the instruction or the learning experience provided by the teacher. If majority of stu-
dents have not mastered the lesson, the teacher needs to come up with a more effec-
tive instruction to target mastery for all the students.
5. Accountability and program evaluation.
Assessment results are used for evaluation and accountability. In making judg-
ments about individuals or educational programs multiple assessment information is
used. Results of evaluations make the administrators or the ones who implemented
the program accountable for the stakeholders and other recipients of the program.
6. Counseling.
Matching Type. Match column A to column as an answer.
1. Outcome only a. Alternative assessment
2. Single correct answer b. Performance assessment
3. Decontextualized task c. Supply
4. Outcome oriented d. Many correct answer
5. Paper and pencil e. Formative
6. Summative f. Process and Outcome
7. Multiple choice g. Task-based
8. Skill focused h. Application of knowledge
9. External Evaluator i. Contextualized task
10. Isolated facts j. Student self-evaluation
11.testing k. Process and outcome
l. assessment
Test II. Fill in the blanks.
a. Counseling b.Selecting c.appraising
c.Planning, directing, and improving learning experiences.
d. Determining and reporting pupil achievement of education objectives.
e.Clarifying Instructional Objectives.
12. Recipients of scholarships and other grants are also based on assessment results.
13. Students’ personality and vocational interests are also assessed to guide them
in the future courses suitable for them to take.
14. Results of evaluations make the administrators or the ones which implemented
the program accountable for the stakeholders and other recipients of the program.
15. Improvement takes place if assessment coincides with accountability.
16. Assessment results are used for evaluation and accountability.
17.In making judgments about individuals or educational programs multiple
asessment information is used.
18. Assessment results are basis for improvement in the implementation of in
19.Assessment results from students serve as a feedback on the effectiveness of
the instruction or the learning experience provided by the teacher.
20. The grade is a reflection of how much they have accomplished the learning goals.
21. The basic function of assessment is to determine students’ grades and report
their scores after major tests.
22. The reported standing of students in their learning show how much they have
attained the instructional objectives set for them.
23. The teacher being able to address the deficiencies of students based on assess
ment results is reflective of effective teaching performance.
24. Assessment results also have implications to the objectives of the succeeding
25.Assessment results are used to improve the succeeding lessons.
26.Assessment results point out if objectives are met for a specific lesson.
27. The outcome of the assessment results are used by teachers in their planning
for the next lesson.
28.Assessment results also have implications to the objectives of the succeeding
29.Assessment is used for appraisal.
30.Forms of appraisals are the grades, scores, rating, and feedback.
1.What are the other uses of Assessment?
3. What are the things assessed in your school aside from selection of students and re-
porting grades?