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MCD Colombia Page:1/4


Show FAEL Adjustments: Yes REPORT FOODC003

Period: from 19/11/2023 to 29/11/2023 Proprietary Information

Costing: Latest Price List Current List: 29/11/2023 Raw: Comida
Restaurant C53

WRIN Description Wrin Use Pos (*) Use by Inv Difference Unit Stat
Units Cost Difference $

00001- 507 PAN REGULAR X60 FRESCO 4,391.00 0.00 4,391.00 438.8165 1,926,843.25
00409- 255 PORCION SALSA AGRIDULCE 1,107.00 2,330.00 -1,223.00 611.9686 -748,437.59
05550- 063 SALSA QUESO CHEDDAR 2.62 -3.00 5.62 16,950.0000 95,259.00
07812- 956 PORCION SALSA BUFFALO 1,165.00 2,000.00 -835.00 675.9600 -564,426.60
00005- 034 CARNE 10:1 25.00 0.00 25.00 1,219.9609 30,499.02
00012- 486 BASE HELADO VAINILLA 420.87 54.00 366.87 6,837.6000 2,508,510.31
00023- 183 CONO 2,675.00 3,240.00 -565.00 165.1411 -93,304.72
00057- 205 BOLSA DE TÉ NEGRO PARA INFU 1.00 0.00 1.00 318.6280 318.62
00253- 073 TOMATE 93.49 113.15 -19.66 6,206.0000 -122,009.96
00411- 012 SALSA MIEL 1,284.00 2,826.00 -1,542.00 575.0100 -886,665.42
01866- 957 JUGO MORA 954.00 2,112.00 -1,158.00 667.8958 -773,423.33
02783- 048 LECHUGA 110.80 132.00 -21.20 6,708.0000 -142,209.60
03109- 059 TOPPING DE DULCE DE LECHE 56.38 220.00 -163.62 10,170.0000 -1,664,015.40
03309- 063 AGUA MANANTIAL 492.00 984.00 -492.00 926.6667 -455,920.01
05305- 957 BATTER 11.78 40.00 -28.22 14,756.5000 -416,428.43
05916- 018 PAN ARTESANO 1,277.00 2,246.00 -969.00 902.3395 -874,366.97
16535- 000 CRONUT 7.00 72.00 -65.00 2,268.6250 -147,460.62
17341- 001 SALSA SPICY PEPPER 5.03 10.00 -4.97 14,818.8000 -73,649.43
17528- 000 CHOCORAMO CUBOS 8.03 18.50 -10.47 23,056.0000 -241,396.32
00001- 587 PAN REGULAR X60 CONGELADO 25.00 7,097.00 -7,072.00 438.8165 -3,103,310.28
00019- 074 COCA COLA REGULAR 17.7 LITR 0.00 763.68 -763.68 5,624.2145 -4,295,100.12
00026- 230 MOSTAZA 3.77 28.50 -24.73 9,964.0000 -246,409.72
00035- 090 MANTEQUILLA 120.00 504.00 -384.00 276.8056 -106,293.35
00038- 007 MERMELADA DE FRESA 0.00 720.00 -720.00 251.1163 -180,803.73
00132- 092 JUGO NARANJA CONCENTRADO 32.12 64.00 -31.88 17,301.7663 -551,580.30
00507- 020 TOCINETA TIRA COMPLETA 3,753.20 6,541.00 -2,787.80 1,045.1191 -2,913,583.02
03096- 006 EDULCORANTE 150.25 1,400.00 -1,249.75 89.2143 -111,495.57
04026- 957 MUSLOS DE POLLO 22.00 0.00 22.00 1,369.8870 30,137.51
09815- 100 PALITO DE QUESO 8.00 0.00 8.00 1,540.0000 12,320.00
16419- 001 MILO CHOCOINTENSE 25.72 0.00 25.72 45,100.0000 1,159,972.00
16545- 000 TULIPE YOGURTH 7.00 0.00 7.00 3,067.5500 21,472.85
00007- 050 MCPOLLO 746.00 933.00 -187.00 2,049.6374 -383,282.19
00013- 311 QUESO CHEDDAR 13,099.00 22,191.00 -9,092.00 338.9622 -3,081,844.32

(*) Includes sale, complete and incomplete waste, food and promotion of employees
Note: The column "Use by Inv" set the amounts adjustments positive and negative of Providers generated in Fael module
LC53COL 03/12/2023 - 16:09
MCD Colombia Page:2/4
Show FAEL Adjustments: Yes REPORT FOODC003

Period: from 19/11/2023 to 29/11/2023 Proprietary Information

Costing: Latest Price List Current List: 29/11/2023 Raw: Comida
Restaurant C53

WRIN Description Wrin Use Pos (*) Use by Inv Difference Unit Stat
Units Cost Difference $

00014- 246 PAN MUFFIN 679.00 1,881.00 -1,202.00 904.0603 -1,086,680.48

00028- 052 CEBOLLA FRESCA 35.98 50.00 -14.02 8,150.0000 -114,263.00
00070- 005 HASH BROWNS 731.00 1,500.00 -769.00 1,075.0552 -826,717.44
00168- 062 SPRITE 5 LITROS 49.80 115.00 -65.20 3,943.0000 -257,083.60
00408- 304 PORCION SALSA BBQ 1,148.00 2,820.00 -1,672.00 555.9178 -929,494.56
00845- 109 MUFFIN CHOCOLATE 9.00 0.00 9.00 3,761.1000 33,849.90
04335- 141 MILO 2 KILOS 44.22 16.00 28.22 25,051.0000 706,939.22
05787- 022 LECHE DESLACTOSADA 45.92 93.60 -47.68 3,888.9231 -185,423.85
06815- 033 BARQUILLO RELLENO DE CHOC 129.00 750.00 -621.00 88.0000 -54,648.00
08793- 957 MAYONESA 24.67 48.00 -23.33 7,317.7500 -170,723.10
17615- 002 GALLETA NUCITA WAFER 6.92 0.00 6.92 17,600.0000 121,792.00
00002- 504 PAN CUARTOX 60 FRESCO 2,380.00 0.00 2,380.00 595.2113 1,416,602.89
00005- 037 CARNE 10:1 10,552.00 16,836.00 -6,284.00 1,219.9609 -7,666,234.29
00006- 016 CARNE 4:1X120 3,263.00 5,382.00 -2,119.00 3,039.0028 -6,439,646.93
00012- 628 BASE HELADO VAINILLA 531.52 1,928.40 -1,396.88 6,837.6000 -9,551,306.68
00047- 957 AZUCAR 150.25 1,600.00 -1,449.75 35.5850 -51,589.35
00063- 006 PEPINILLOS 17.96 32.00 -14.04 18,599.2838 -261,133.94
03470- 015 M&M 7.96 20.40 -12.44 43,839.8002 -545,367.11
03795- 957 POSTRE YOGO YOGO 981.00 2,550.00 -1,569.00 744.2400 -1,167,712.56
08731- 042 PORCION SALSA MOSTAZA 23.00 0.00 23.00 675.9600 15,547.08
18833- 000 SALSA TASTY BOTELLA 25.00 0.00 25.00 8,790.0833 219,752.08
40100- 957 FILETE DE CONTRAMUSLO 397.00 455.00 -58.00 2,133.0000 -123,714.00
00004- 757 PAPAS CONGELADAS PRE-FRITA 0.00 -975.00 975.00 8,066.6667 7,865,000.03
00004- 229 PAPAS FRITAS 1,916.46 3,817.50 -1,901.04 8,066.6667 -15,335,056.06
00033- 957 SIROPE PANCAKE 121.00 600.00 -479.00 459.6760 -220,184.80
00053- 957 CAFE MOLIDO 2.55 3.00 -0.45 77,794.3333 -35,007.44
01870- 065 CEBOLLA FRITA 5.96 24.00 -18.04 19,585.0000 -353,313.40
02679- 065 KETCHUP BULK 61.05 126.50 -65.45 7,458.4109 -488,152.99
10166- 013 CONO SUPER DANNES 148.00 360.00 -212.00 307.5000 -65,190.00
11874- 005 MANÍ 7.07 0.00 7.07 24,366.2500 172,269.38
18594- 000 POP DOTS CHOCOLATE 32.00 0.00 32.00 1,067.3636 34,155.63
00003- 035 PAN BIG MAC NAC 1,415.00 2,337.00 -922.00 691.9427 -637,971.16
00032- 957 MIXTURA DE PANCAKES 12.00 18.00 -6.00 12,296.7778 -73,780.66

(*) Includes sale, complete and incomplete waste, food and promotion of employees
Note: The column "Use by Inv" set the amounts adjustments positive and negative of Providers generated in Fael module
LC53COL 03/12/2023 - 16:09
MCD Colombia Page:3/4
Show FAEL Adjustments: Yes REPORT FOODC003

Period: from 19/11/2023 to 29/11/2023 Proprietary Information

Costing: Latest Price List Current List: 29/11/2023 Raw: Comida
Restaurant C53

WRIN Description Wrin Use Pos (*) Use by Inv Difference Unit Stat
Units Cost Difference $

00056- 000 CEBOLLA DESHIDRATADA 17.64 -1.00 18.64 8,341.9084 155,493.17

00093- 957 CAFE EN GRANO 3.52 0.00 3.52 67,666.8750 238,187.40
03471- 957 TOPPING OREO 45.05 72.00 -26.95 14,797.2000 -398,784.54
09855- 030 COCA COLA ZERO 5 LITROS 102.70 10.00 92.70 3,943.0000 365,516.10
12207- 003 SALSA SWEET ONION BBQ 11.06 36.00 -24.94 8,799.6667 -219,463.68
16594- 000 POP DOTS FRESA 30.00 0.00 30.00 963.0681 28,892.04
00002- 584 PAN CUARTOX60 CONGELADO 15.00 3,946.00 -3,931.00 595.2113 -2,339,775.62
00016- 179 HUEVO 820.00 2,084.00 -1,264.00 570.0000 -720,480.00
00019- 007 JARABE COCA BULK 439.59 0.00 439.59 5,624.2146 2,472,348.49
00021- 087 FANTA NARANJA 11.81 40.00 -28.19 3,965.8000 -111,795.90
00055- 252 SALSA BIG MAC 32.49 175.54 -143.05 24,453.0000 -3,498,001.65
00065- 958 TOPPING DE CHOCOLATE 60.43 15.00 45.43 10,767.6800 489,175.70
00071- 141 SALCHICHA 613.00 2,705.00 -2,092.00 998.5451 -2,088,956.34
00382- 957 BASE HELADO DE CHOCOLATE 151.44 334.00 -182.56 6,130.3230 -1,119,151.76
00407- 902 MCNUGGETS 19,146.00 26,118.00 -6,972.00 419.0082 -2,921,325.17
01468- 111 POP DOTS SUGAR 21.00 0.00 21.00 557.5300 11,708.13
03151- 957 PIEZAS DE POLLO 1,767.00 1,827.00 -60.00 2,010.3165 -120,618.99
05617- 957 JUGO MANGO 130.00 576.00 -446.00 667.8958 -297,881.52
07404- 021 SALSA DE MORA 11.06 0.00 11.06 10,065.7333 111,327.01
07919- 957 SALSA TASTY 20.53 16.00 4.53 15,075.0000 68,289.75
12241- 010 HARINA DE TRIGO 38.29 175.00 -136.71 4,000.0000 -546,840.00
13089- 001 SALSA OSCURA NUCITA 6.97 0.00 6.97 18,000.0000 125,460.00
17552- 000 CHOCORAMO MIGAS 5.15 9.50 -4.35 10,890.0000 -47,371.50
18479- 000 SALSA BLANCA NUCITA 6.97 0.00 6.97 18,000.0000 125,460.00
Total : 80,539.05 137,163.27 -56,624.22 -62,685,160.51
Sale : 312,126,921.58
(%) Sale : -20.08

(*) Includes sale, complete and incomplete waste, food and promotion of employees
Note: The column "Use by Inv" set the amounts adjustments positive and negative of Providers generated in Fael module
LC53COL 03/12/2023 - 16:09
MCD Colombia Page:4/4
Show FAEL Adjustments: Yes REPORT FOODC003

Period: from 19/11/2023 to 29/11/2023 Proprietary Information

Costing: Latest Price List Current List: 29/11/2023 Raw: Comida
Restaurant C53


Stores Total : 0

(*) Includes sale, complete and incomplete waste, food and promotion of employees
Note: The column "Use by Inv" set the amounts adjustments positive and negative of Providers generated in Fael module
LC53COL 03/12/2023 - 16:09

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