Cook Book and Nutrition Guide
Cook Book and Nutrition Guide
Cook Book and Nutrition Guide
This book is dedicated to all those struggling with hair loss. Regardless of how or when
Alopecia was diagnosed, you can heal. I believe in YOU.
You were born to THRIVE. You were born to live HAPPY and HEALTHY.
Cheers to good health, may my nutrition information and healthy recipes keep you going on
this new path to health and hair! Be well and thrive.
Table of Contents
Intermittent Fasting
Breads + Desserts
As you may know by now, changing your diet is the easiest and best way to avoid disease,
improve your health, support your body overall and improve your hair! Studies show that
even if you have certain genes that may contribute to illness, that genetics overall, account
for only 15-20% of a health factor, whereas diet and lifestyle account for 75-80% of health.
This has been noted in the study of epigenetics. Do not think that even though you have a
certain gene or predisposition to something, that you cannot be healthy or well. Strive for
ultimate health. Strive to take control where you can control the factors that hinder or
contribute to your wellbeing. You can control: what’s on your fork, what water you drink, how
much sunlight you get, and how much exercise you do daily. You can also control the healthy
or negative thoughts you have, or the relationships that you entertain. You also control where
you live, where you work, the air you breathe, how much time you spend in nature and who
you commune with. Health is holistic, looking at every aspect of your life. These are all things
under your control. Prioritize health! In many ways it’s more valuable than a retirement plan,
because what’s the point of having the savings if its going to doctor visits and treatments,
versus tackling your bucket list for spending time in your garden, traveling the world, being fit
and healthy to play with your grandchildren or activities that require you to be at your best,
think marathon, biking across the country, or playing tennis or golf.
Ethnic markets are my favorite stores. They have exotic and a vast array of items, spices and
fresh fruits and veggies that potentially you cannot get at regular stores. Many times their
prices are also much cheaper.
When I don’t know much about a new veggie or spice, I google a recipe containing it and
whatever sounds good and easy to make, I will try it and see. This journey of encountering
new spices and cooking more at home, has made me very aware of how to complement and
make the meals I love, more quickly, and with amazing flavors and tastes.
These are the spices and oils I always have on hand. I recommend you compare what you
have in your pantry with what is listed here. You may also want to take advantage of this time
and deep clean and toss any spice that is older than a year, give away canned foods to a
local shelter, toss anything that is plastic and Tupperware's that are plastic and all plastic
containers. Switch to glass as these are more beneficial to your health. Canned foods are
bad for you as well, even if they are veggies, because the aluminum and metals leach into
your food and then to your body, creating toxin buildup. Opt for fresh, frozen food or glass
containers and jars when purchasing food. Fresh is best, but I also love frozen as they keep
well, have great nutrients and are very healthy.
List of Spices, Oils and Condiments I have in my Kitchen:
• Bay Leaves
• Herbs de Provence
• Nutmeg powder
• Cumin
• White Pepper
• Black Pepper
• Sesame Seeds
• Turmeric
• Paprika
• Cayenne Pepper
• Coconut Oil
• Sesame Oil
• Ghee
• Fresh Cilantro
• Fresh Basil
• Maple Syrup
• Pumpkin Seeds
• Sunflower Seeds
• Dates
• Flax Seeds
• Chia Seeds
• Bouillon (I tend to make bone broth at home, but when in a rush, I opt for Bouillon, make
sure that there is no additives and gluten as these ingredients can hide in many places
including ketchup and bouillon.)
When needed, I also incorporate fresh herbs for cooking, roasting, or baking, such as sage,
rosemary, dill, oregano, and thyme. There are many more spices you can add, just be careful
to read the ingredients as many come with lots of added salt or gluten or other additives. I
don’t use soy sauce, if needed I would use amino acids by Bragg. Many clients like to know
the brands I use for many things. As I live in Europe and travel back often to the states, my
pantry is a mix of local and US based items, if I happen to travel, I normally pick up local
spices too to add to the mix. My favorite souvenir when traveling are spices, food, teas and
coffee. When using the items at home, they always seem to put a smile on my face and allow
me to relish my travels.
• Grass fed beef
• Pasture raised chickens and turkeys ( but really low quantity, not so much as I do not think
they are that healthy in the big scheme of things) In many places, eating chicken on a daily
basis is the norm, I would decrease this amount significantly to once or twice a month.
• Sardines
• Lamb
• Alpaca
• Offal
* You probably noticed I didn’t mention tuna or other fish, because in part of the high toxicity
of mercury. I recommend being vigilant with the metals and toxins from fish. Avoid sushi for
now….As sushi is known to have parasites in it. And if you live in Asia, or in Hawaii or off
the Pacific Coast, there are now warnings about the fish from the Fukushima incident in
Japan affecting the fish supply in the Pacific. Avoid all farm raised fish even if its salmon.
Avoid Tilapia. Many consider muscles, shrimp, crustaceans and oysters healthy, the truth
is, that new studies have shown where they are grown naturally or in the wild, they tend to
be just as polluted as the ocean if not worse, finding traces of pharmaceuticals in the
muscles occurs off the coast of Seattle, Washington according to reports. I would be
conscientious of the above and be mindful of choices.
* I want to bring you to better health, and not take steps backwards. Nowadays, it’s more
than just nutrition that you need to consider… its also about the sourcing and about the
contamination. Tuna was a favorite of mine, until I learned that they are heavy carriers of
toxins and mercury and that it takes your body 9 months to detox itself. I stopped
altogether. It’s not worth it. Keep the toxin burden low! In the name of being healthy, we
cannot eat fish like tuna, and not expect that something else could go wrong with the
amount of mercury we are eating or taking in. Metal toxicity is a big issue, as I mentioned in
my first book.
Many Recipes below include eggs, as I love them! However, you can easily make a healthy
swap. Substitutes include:
What is offal? I’m sure some of are you scratching your heads with the last recommendation.
“The term offal refers to the organ meats of animals: Heart, liver, tongue, kidney,
sweetbreads , etc. These organs are nutritious, inexpensive and most of all
delicious.” (Butcher Magazine) They need to come from grass-fed animals only/pasture
raised only.
Don’t squirm your face. I have amazing recipes that you, just like my husband, have fallen in
love with and I sure you will too! I know for many American’s or other nationalities where its
uncommon to use the WHOLE animal, this can seem weird and off putting. However, the
density of nutrition is A-MA-ZING.
In many countries in South America, South East Asia and the Middle East, they use the
whole animal carcass for many recipes as to not have any waste.
I grew up being introduced to many of these foods due to culture and eating out to ethnic
restaurants. I still don’t like the way my mom prepares liver, she stopped that when I was 8,
however I have come to love paté, (creamed liver) and eat it joyfully with my eggs in the
“These inner organs are high in nutrients, high in iron, contain more nutrients than muscle
meat in most cases and are very inexpensive. It’s a fact that if more people ate offal the price
of meat would come down. If you are a meat eater and have never eaten offal, forget your
prejudices for a moment and try some. You will be very pleasantly surprised. Great flavors,
great value, great nutrition. And you will be ecologically sound because you are not wasting
valuable animal protein.” (Butcher Magazine)
Depending on where you live, you can ask your local butcher. In the USA I know going to the
butcher isn’t always easy especially in suburbia.… But you can try looking up a local CSA or
a local farmer that will provide these meats. Another alternative is going to the ethnic
butchers or markets, normally they can get you offal and insides are usually at cheaper
prices. Ask around, do local searches and something should come up!
To Give you more Nutrient Info:
• Is a valuable source of high-quality protein.
• Is Mother Nature’s most concentrated source of vitamin A
• Has all the B vitamins in abundance, particularly vitamin B12
• Is one of our best sources of folic acid
• Contains a highly usable form of iron
• Has trace elements such as copper, zinc and chromium; liver is our best source of
• Is a good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that serve as precursors
for DNA and RNA.
Hearts are an excellent source of a number of nutrients, including thiamin, folate, selenium,
phosphorus, zinc, CoQ10 and several of the B vitamins. In addition, beef heart contains
amino acids that are thought to improve metabolism and compounds that promote the
production of collagen and elastin. Heart is low in saturated fat and high in muscle-friendly
Kidneys are loaded with vitamin B12, iron, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, and niacin.
While not strictly offal, Marrow Bones are a by-product of butcherings and are usually
disposed of as waste. Why not ask your butcher for some marrow bones and make your own
bone broth or stock?
There are direct food items that are fantastic for hair growth. Try to implement them daily. As
you may know, hair has a cycle of 100 days… so what you eat today, affects your hair and
health in 3 months. Eat clean, healthy and paleo now for better health and hair. If you don’t
have my first book, I highly recommend you get it because although I talk about diet and
nutrition here.… My first book holds many other keys beyond diet. As I mentioned, my
healing has been holistic, more than food, but a lifestyle overhaul.
That being said, be sure to add in the following to your diet to promote more healthy hair:
• eggs
• berries
• spinach
• salmon (wild caught only)
• sweet potatoes
• avocados
• nuts (raw)
• sweet peppers
• oysters
• shrimp
• meat
• shiitake mushrooms
• bok choy
• liver
Notice that the above list is also found in Paleo and Keto diets and also they all come from
• soda
• sugar
• alcohol
• swordfish, tuna and all big fish (high mercury and toxicity)
• starchy whites like regular all purpose flour and baked goods
AIP/ Paleo/ Keto + Intermittent Fasting
If you have read my first book, you know I was vegan, then pescatarian, and now I am back
to eating meat, however in a mindful manner with a scrupulous eye. Being aware of what you
are buying and from who, can be done and achieved most anywhere in the world. Getting to
know your local butcher, asking questions in a kind way, and looking for other local possible
solutions is the way I buy my meat and produce. I also recommend you do the same. CSA’s
( Community Supported Agriculture) in the states offer easy ways to do this. Many other
countries offer community grown food networks as well. I changed my diet back to eating
meat because I needed the nutrients and the amino acids and even the vitamins that meat
offers for my health and my hair. Not just any meat, but offal in general is in a league of its
own. If you don’t eat meat than you will need to spend your money on high quality
supplements. I have vegan friends, and the ones who don’t supplement, see hair loss,
fatigue and other ailments on a daily basis. Support your body even if you need to take a liver
pill instead of eating meat, at least you can get some nutrients and not become anemic or
have low iron. My hair came back and my health did too once I went AIP, then full Paleo
100% of the time. I also saw huge results with intermittent fasting. Now it’s a lifestyle choice
for me and my family so that we can thrive. No more autoimmune anything, no more hair
loss, and no more nutrient deficiency in any category. I also no longer weigh myself, as I tend
to be steady in my achieved perfect weight. My skinny jeans always fit and my diet and
lifestyle keep me in check naturally. I am happy to trade in the processed cakes and
cookies, sweets and other comfort foods, for home baked paleo ones that keep me feeling
good, not guilty, healthy, satisfied and happy. I know diet is hard, but this is actually a
lifestyle. Embrace the change and see the results~ Long term Results!
I don’t want to spend too much time on describing what is Paleo or AIP or KETO as I
mentioned this in depth in my first book. If you are new to Alopecia or Alopecia Angel, I highly
recommend doing AIP for at least one month to eliminate all possible allergies to food. From
there, reintroduce foods and then see if symptoms decrease, such as if your hair stopped
shedding as much. Make a journal of your thoughts and feelings for each day so you can
see. Take pictures from Day 1 to Day 30 and so on for each month to really get a full picture
of where you are and what is going on. Continue on Paleo or a mix of Paleo and KETO-
adding more healthy fats. I live 95% Paleo and Keto and also do Intermittent Fasting.
Intermittent Fasting is not eating for a period of at least 12 hrs. However I see better results
when I fast for 16 hours and then eat for 8, fast for 16, and eat for 8. I can break my fast in
the morning, have lunch and an early dinner. Normally I will stop eating by 5 or 6 pm, and
then don’t eat anything until the next morning.
Why is Intermittent Fasting Good For you? Because it gives your stomach, and digestive
system a break. Remember, if you have alopecia or any other autoimmune disease, you
have leaky gut. In order to repair this you need to give your body, which is currently on
overdrive, a break from inflammation, foods that are bothering it, and rest in general. I saw a
huge surge of hair growth once I started implementing intermittent fasting. Do I do it
every day? I used to… but now, with a full head of hair I don’t. I use it more for health
benefits, keeping fit and keeping my metabolism high. Now I do it at least 3-5 times a week.
* There's a free app called Zero that you may want to download and it tracks all your fasting
times and how many times you are doing it. Tea and water do not count-so fill up on liquids
if you get hungry in between fasts. The first couple times are challenging, but then your
body adjusts! Remember, no added ingredients to tea and water unless fresh lemon or lime
Here are some of the changes that occur in your body during fasting:
• Insulin levels: Blood levels of insulin drop significantly, which facilitates fat burning .
• Human growth hormone: The blood levels of growth hormone may increase as much as
5-fold. Higher levels of this hormone facilitate fat burning and muscle gain, and have
numerous other benefits.
• Cellular repair: The body induces important cellular repair processes, such as removing
waste material from cells .
• Gene expression: There are beneficial changes in several genes and molecules related
to longevity and protection against disease.
Basics for Leaky Gut and Healing Alopecia from the Inside Out
A leaky gut (technically known as increased intestinal permeability) is when the lining of your
intestine, which is supposed to keep the contents of our digestive system separate from the
rest of the body, has become compromised…leaky. This allows large particles to slip through
the gut membrane and enter into the bloodstream. Your body perceives these particles as
invaders, triggering an immune response which can then set the tone for a host of health
issues such as food allergies, autoimmune conditions and more.
Essentially, we heal the gut, we put into practice new diet and lifestyle changes that will aid
your health and restore your hair! Besides foods and supplements, there are many more
things you should be doing, diet is just the first step. If you haven’t already, get a free consult
with me by sending me an email to speak more.
I would like to say its living and growing up with the Standard American Diet. This is true, but
also taking Advil, or Tylenol on the regular-think every month for PMS or for any pain you
have regularly. Aspirin does this too, along with having dysbiosis, stress, anxiety, gluten,
grains, smoking, diet, most especially alcohol, soy, corn and vegetable oils, and of course
Whether or not we want to admit it, we’re pretty much all in the need of a little gut healing.
Leaky gut, and gut health issues in general are coming more to light, and they deserve our
attention. Digestive issues, gut imbalances, and even leaky gut are entirely more common
and easier to develop than we realize. The lining of our small intestines Just some of the risk
factors to develop gut issues include…
• Overuse of NSAID’s
• Use of birthcontrtol
• Prolonged use of antibiotics
• Food poisoning or parasitic infection
• Gut bacteria imbalances like candida or SIBO
• Acid Reflux (low stomach acid)
• A poor quality diet
• Eating too quickly
• Not chewing well
• Stress
80-90% of our immune system in located in our gut, so when we damage it with the risk
factors above, we can be in for all of the problems that I experienced, and more, including…
• Digestive issues
• Acne and skin issues
• Autoimmune disease
• Food interlaces and allergies
• Adrenal fatigue
• Gut bacteria imbalance
• and so forth…
To heal leaky gut, we need certain foods in place and supplements.
Supplements you should be taking include L-glutamine, probiotics, turmeric and a high
quality fish oil along with Vitamin D3.
My first book has many more supplements that I go over to ensure you are healthy, stress
free, anxiety free and depression free. See my first book for more in depth advice on teas,
adaptogens, herbal supplements and vitamins.
Avoid : All Gluten, All Grains, All refined sugar and artificial sweeteners, all vegetable oils.
Remember if you eat out, they usually use cheap peanut and vegetable oils which you need
to avoid. Nothing fried either… fried foods are worse than smoking cigarettes.
**Did you know that children from birth to age 2 naturally have leaky gut as they are building
their immune system and are dependent on their mother to create the antibodies in utero.
Also, a child doesn’t fully develop their immune system until the age of 7. Which brings into
question many things like pre-pregnancy detox, vaccines, diet, environment and many more
items I discuss in my first book.
Bone Broth
For those with Alopecia or any other autoimmune disease, bone broth should be a staple in
your kitchen. If you can, make it at home, with an instapot or a slow cooker, or the old
fashioned way in a stock pot for about 24 hrs. When you buy for convenience you are also
risking that the product isn’t 100% all they say it is, plus its a lot more expensive! Save
money and do it at home.
What does bone broth do for those with Alopecia? It helps to seal your leaky gut. It soothes
your insides helps with the inflammation and gets you going on healing, somewhat like
chicken soup for the cold, this is nature’s way to heal your gut along with other supplements
to start sealing it back together and allowing your body to fully absorb all the nutrients.
• It is highly nutritious
• Bone broth soup is rich in nutrients.
• Bones themselves are rich in vitamins and nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and
• Also, brewing connective tissue into bone broth provides the body with natural compounds
from the cartilage.
• Tissues and bones also contain collagen. Cooking collagen turns it to gelatin, which
provides the body with amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
• It is not possible to say how much of any nutrient will be in a particular batch of bone broth,
since this largely depends on the type and quantity of the bones and tissues that went into
• However, it may be best to include many different types of bones and tissues for the
highest amount of nutrients.
Bone broth may provide trace amounts of these nutrients, and many claim that consuming it
is an easy way to take in these nutrients in a form that is easier to digest. Adding other
ingredients, such as vegetables, to the broth may also add additional nutrients.
A 2017 review that appears in the journal Sports Medicine suggests that both laboratory and
animal studies show that gelatin supplementation increases the amount of collagen in the
tissues. This may help protect the joints from unnecessary stress.
Consuming bone broth may be a good way to add gelatin to the diet, which may help protect
these joints.
The compounds present in bone broth help maintain the joints, and they may also help
people who already have osteoarthritis. A 2016 study in the Nutrition Journal looked at the
effects of type 2 collagen in people who had osteoarthritis symptoms in their knees. The
collagen came from the connective tissue of chickens. Its results show that collagen can
improve knee joint symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, and poorer physical function, in people
with osteoarthritis. Consuming bone broth may be an easy way to deliver the same type of
collagen, along with other helpful nutrients, to the body.
As a 2017 study says, people with inflammatory bowel disease tend to have lower levels of
some amino acids in their bodies. For these people, getting additional amino acids into their
diets may help with some symptoms of the condition. Drinking bone broth daily may be a
simple way to get anti-inflammatory amino acids into the body.
Drinking bone broth or making a simple soup may be a beneficial way to add more protein to
the diet and feel more satisfied with a meal without consuming too many calories.
Boil the ingredients together in a large pot or slow cooker, then reduce to a simmer for 10–24
hours before letting it cool. Strain through a cheesecloth and pour into smaller containers for
storage. It might also help to add salt, vegetables, and spices such as sage or thyme to give
the broth more flavor. After making a big batch of broth, store it in smaller containers in the
freezer. Heat these smaller containers as needed, and the broth will last longer. (Medical
News today)
Coconut Oil:
This is one of the healthiest foods on the planet and is the best natural source of medium
chain triglycerides that help the body burn fat, reduce inflammation and heal the gut lining.
Coconut oil is especially rich in lauric acid which is found in a high quantity within mother’s
milk and is known to be a powerful anti-microbial agent that kills off bad bacteria and yeast.
I recommend using coconut oil to cook with and to put in shakes and smoothies. You can
also apply it to your skin where it will help to moisturize and improve the skin microbiome.
On the skin, it will also cross into the blood stream and have a positive effect on your
physiology. If you don’t like the coconut flavor than use a high quality MCT oil which has all
the same benefits but no coconut flavor. I also recommend it for your hair. If it itches from
alopecia, then add coconut oil with some lavender or rosemary essential oil. Presto-in less
than 5 minutes, the itch will be gone. Start cooking with coconut oil, all the time! I love it in my
scrambled eggs and try to bake with it too!
Coconut Butter:
This contains all the benefits of coconut oil, but it also contains the coconut flour where all
the fiber of the coconut is. The coconut fiber is a great prebiotic that helps to feed and
support a healthy microbiome. (Dr. Jockers)
This fermented tonic is a natural anti-microbial that kills off bad bacteria such as H Pylori
which is associated with acid reflux and stomach ulcers. It is also loaded with enzymes and
organic acids that improve the digestive process, stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce
inflammation throughout the body.
I use ACV in water (1-2 tbsps in 8oz of water) and on foods, particularly meat and vegetable
dishes. The acids in the ACV help to pre-digest the meat and veggies, which reduces stress
on the digestive system. It also improves the production and flow of digestive juices such as
stomach acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes.
Goal: Use 3-4 tbsps of ACV daily in water and on foods. Always get this raw, with the
mother in tact. I like Bragg’s brand. (Dr. Jockers)
Grass-fed Ghee:
Grass-fed butter and ghee are loaded with powerful gut supportive nutrients including a
large amount of fat soluble vitamin A, D, E and K2. They also have omega 3 fatty acids and
a small chain fat called butyric acid that helps feed intestinal cells and reduces gut and whole
body inflammation.
Ghee is clarified butter in which all the lactose, casein and whey are removed and it is just
the fat solids that remain. Many individuals with leaky gut have sensitivities to lactose,
casein and whey and so I only recommend ghee for these individuals and it is usually
tolerated very well.
Beef Gelatin and/or Collagen Peptides:
Gelatin and collagen are the main nutrients in bone broth and so they are rich in the key
amino acids that help make up our joints, gut lining and skin. Using these products adds
additional healthy protein to the diet and provides the key building blocks for these
supportive structures in the body.
These are also considered beauty foods because they help to strengthen the skin tissue,
reducing skin damage and wrinkle formation. In this way, they help to improve complexion
and reduce the effects of aging on the skin.
By strengthening the gut lining, they reduce whole body inflammatory levels and improve
digestive function, neurological health and thyroid function among other things. Always
look for a grass-fed source of gelatin or collagen peptides.
Gelatin can be used to make collagen marshmallows or to thicken up soups and stews.
Collagen peptides can be used in a similar manner as any other protein powder in smoothies
and shakes. (Dr. Jockers)
Ginger is composed of key essential oils that act as strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-
fungal and anti-parasitic agents. In addition, it limits cancer cell formation while firing up our
body’s immune system in order to destroy the cancer cells formerly present.
Additionally, ginger helps protect the bodies stores of the super anti-oxidant & free radical
destroyer glutathione. Ginger is also one of the world’s best anti-nausea agents and it
improves the production of digestive juices (stomach acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes).
Adequate digestive juice flow is extremely key for healing a leaky gut and reducing gut
related inflammation that would cause leaky gut.
1. Drink a cup of organic ginger tea , hot water and fresh ginger root, everyday or use 2
drops of ginger essential oil in water
2. Grate fresh ginger or use dried ginger on your salad, meat and steamed veggies
Peppermint is considered a carminative herb in that it stimulates the digestive system and
improves the bone of the intestinal membrane. Carminatives contain essential oils that help
to expel gas and ease any sort of gut related gripping pains you may experience with leaky
gut syndrome.
Additionally, carminative herbs like peppermint help to tone the mucous membrane and
increase the gut related muscle contractions, called peristalsis, in order to move food and
wastes through the system gently.
The menthol component of peppermint is a natural muscle relaxer which acts to relax the
smooth muscles in the gut when they are over contracting. This has been shown to help
relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion and acid reflux ( Dr. Jockers)
Fermented Vegetables:
Fermented foods provide the body with beneficial microorganisms, live bioactive enzymes,
organic acids and B vitamins. These nutrients help to improve the digestive functions of the
body by stimulating the production of healthy stomach acid levels, bile and pancreatic
enzymes necessary for optimal digestion.
Some of my favorite fermented foods that I use daily include sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles,
coconut water kefir, coconut milk yogurt and kefir and grass-fed dairy kefir. (Dr. Jockers)
Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc, B vitamins and magnesium which are all key for
good digestive function. They are also one of the world’s strongest natural anti-parasitic
agents and help to expel all different forms of parasites including the very challenging
You can definitely cook these up after consuming a pumpkin and add some good salt for a
great snack. However, for regular consumption, it is best to get pre-shelled sprouted, raw
pumpkin seeds to remove any sort of anti-nutrient lectins. (Dr. Jockers)
For the bowl
• 1 pack frozen acai puree (be careful, some have soy)
• 1/3 cup coconut milk or coconut water
• 1/2 frozen banana
• 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
• 1 tbsp coconut oil
• 1 scoop collagen powder
• 1 scoop l-glutamine
For topping
• 1/2 ripe banana
• 3-4 strawberries
• 1 handful blueberries
• Shredded coconut if desired
1. Add the ingredients to a high speed blender and blend until thoroughly combined. The
contents should be smoothie-like, but still Tip: you may want to eave the frozen acai
pack out for about 10 minutes, so it’s easier on the blender, but don’t let it get too liquid-
y. You want the bowl to be thick.
2. Add the contents to a bowl, and add toppings as desired.
3. Serve with a spoon and enjoy!
Cinnamon Roll
Mix all cinnamon roll ingredients in oven safe mug, adding the baking powder last.
Place in oven at 350 and wait 15 minutes for the roll to rise.
In the meantime mix all the icing ingredients in a small bowl.
Drizzle icing over hot cinnamon roll.
• 2 cups Coconut milk
• 3 tbsp honey (sub maple syrup)
• 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
• 1/4 cup water
• 1 tbsp gelatin (I use Vital Proteins)
• 1 cup mixed berries (sliced strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries)
For the blueberry sauce (optional)
• 4 cups fresh blueberries
• 1/4 cup water
• 1 tsp arrowroot starch
• 1 tbsp lemon juice
• 1 tsp honey
4. Prepare 3-4 small jars or glasses (I used 3, 7 oz Weck Jars) and fill them about halfway
with the mixed berries. Set aside.
5. Using a medium-sized saucepan, whisk together the coconut milk, honey, and vanilla
over medium heat for 5 minutes until well incorporated. Set aside.
6. Using a small saucepan, pour in the water and sprinkle the gelatin over it. Allow sitting
to harden for 2-3 minutes. Place the saucepan on a stove top and slowly melt the
gelatin on low heat for 1-2 minutes, not allowing it to burn. Remove from the heat and
vigorously whisk until the mixture is frothy. Pour the gelatin mixture into the coconut milk
mixture and combine.
7. Pour the combined mixture into the prepared fruit filled jars, and fill each jar evenly.
Allow cooling on the countertop for 5 minutes until transferring to the fridge.
8. Allow the panna cotta to harden in the fridge for 3-4 hours. Serve topped with optional
blueberry sauce and enjoy!
Egg Frittata
• ½ medium yellow onion, finely chopped
• ½ red bell pepper, finely chopped
• 1 ½ cups mushrooms, thinly sliced
• 2 cups fresh kale, chopped
• 2 cups fresh spinach, chopped
• 8 eggs, beaten
• 1 Tbsp butter or coconut oil
• 1 whole Avocado
• optional-red chili flakes
• optional - hummus
• optional sauerkraut
1. Heat an oven proof skillet (I like to use my stainless steel frying pan) over medium high
heat and turn on broiler (on high) to preheat oven.
2. Add oil to pan. Add onion, pepper and mushroom and sauté, stirring occasionally, until
vegetables are starting to soften (3-4 minutes).
3. Add kale and continue to sauté, until all vegetables are cooked (8-10 minutes).
4. Add spinach, and stir until spinach is wilted.
5. Add beaten eggs. Let cook on stove top 1-2 minutes, stirring a couple of times.
6. Place skillet in oven and broil until eggs are completely cooked, puffed up and starting to
brown on top. Serve with slices of avocado on top, add red chili flakes and for sides you can
add sauerkraut and/or hummus.
1. Process coconut, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and pepitas together in a blender
or food processor until finely ground and blade starts to seize.
2. Boil water in a kettle
3. Stir ground nuts, add flaxseeds into hot water.
4. Heat over medium-low heat in a small sauce pot stirring constantly for 4-5 minutes until it
almost simmers. Let sit for 3-5 minutes to thicken.
5. Top with maca, blueberries, strawberries or pomegranate seeds and honey, sprinkle with
cinnamon, and enjoy!
• 1/4 cup cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder
• 3-5 Tbsp maple syrup
• 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
• 1 pinch sea salt
• 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
• 1 1/2 cups Almondmilk Unsweetened (or light coconut milk for creamier texture!)
• 1/2 cup chia seeds
1. To a small mixing bowl add cacao powder (sift first to reduce clumps), maple syrup,
ground cinnamon, salt, and vanilla and whisk to combine. Then add a little dairy-free
milk at a time and whisk until a paste forms. Then add remaining dairy-free milk and
whisk until smooth.
2. Add chia seeds and whisk once more to combine. Then cover and refrigerate overnight,
or at least 3-5 hours (until it's achieved a pudding-like consistency).
3. Leftovers keep covered in the fridge for 4-5 days, though best when fresh. Serve chilled
with desired toppings, such as fruit, granola, or coconut whipped cream
Using the sweet potato bread recipe or the Coconut bread recipe under my bread section,
create a batter with eggs, coconut milk and cinnamon, add a splash of vanilla extract, mix
well. Dip bread and soak. Pan fry on medium heat using ghee, butter or coconut oil.
Use maple syrup or raw honey as a nice topping. It is filling, packed with protein and gluten
free. So worth it!
I love these eggs with lots of onions and herbs de Provence, the flavor is wonderful and the
dish is also great for a brunch item.
Place oil on hot skillet, sauté onions until brown, a nice trick is to add some salt to it, so the
juices come out. Add mushrooms and spinach sauté a little more. In a bowl beat the eggs
and add to the skillet, add herbs de Provence. Add more herbs if you like. Sauté some more
until eggs are no longer runny than serve!
1 cup blueberries
1/2 avocado
1/2 banana
1 TBSP Almond Butter or nut butter of choice (No peanut butter)
2 cups almond or coconut milk with no carrageen or sugars
optional — sprinkle in cinnamon, maca, spirulina, chlorella, or any combination of these
1 handful of spinach
1 scoop of vegan protein powder (make sure there are no sugars or additives)
* I like vegan powders because they are cleaner for both AIP and regular Paleo users-use
Pea Protein; avoid Soy or Whey.
Blend thoroughly, add ice to taste an enjoy! Makes a great post workout smoothie as well.
Bear Mash
I like to use oven roasted sweet potatoes from the night before. I heat them up, in the oven,
add grass-fed butter, I like using 2 tablespoons, cinnamon — sprinkle at least 1 teaspoon and
a handful of some walnuts, or pecans or any other healthy toppings, and mix together and
eat. To me, it almost tastes like pie and its so yummy and healthy and has loads of vitamins,
nutrients and fiber to get my morning off right without being hungry in an hour.
Yogurt Parfait
Coconut yogurt + similar to the above, I add the toppings I care to have it with. Normally I
choose flaxseeds, walnuts, maca, cinnamon, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.
Sometimes I add blueberries, and raspberries. Enjoy!
Cauliflower Bowl
I love roasted veggies and much more the day after. Many times I love starting my day with a
bowl of last night’s roasted cauliflower and place in oven to reheat. As I am doing this, I am
pan frying 2-3 eggs, sunny side up. If you don’t like eggs sunny side up, you can also
scramble or hard-boil and slice over cauliflower. However, I like to top my cauliflower with my
eggs sunny side up, covering them like a blanket. I then cut into pieces, add red chili flakes
and devour. This is delicious as normally I use Herbs de Provence on my roasted veggies,
mixed with the chili spice and eggs-maybe add some hummus or guacamole.. … Its a salty
morning boost for energy, protein and lean greens! I highly recommend you try it!
Eggs Benedict
1 large orange-fleshed sweet potato
2 avocados
4 eggs
cayenne pepper – for garnish
fresh chives — finely chopped — for garnish
avocado oil
1/3 cup white vinegar
For the Hollandaise sauce:
1 egg yolk
1 tsp water
1 tsp lemon juice
kosher salt
8tbsp ghee
• 1 clove garlic
2. Toss chopped sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts in 1 1/2 Tablespoons of oil, with
1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon paprika and 1/4 teaspoon pepper.
3. Spread veggies onto a large baking sheet and roast for 30-40 minutes. Around the 25
minute mark, remove pan from oven, toss veggies and add frozen sausage links (if
using) to the sheet pan. Continue roasting until sweet potatoes and sprouts are fork
tender and sausage is warm throughout.
4. Meanwhile, toast pecans in a large, dry skillet for 1 to 2 minutes or until they’re golden
brown. Watch closely because they can burn quickly. Remove from heat, let cool and
then roughly chop.
5. Using the same large skillet, add 2 teaspoons oil over medium-high heat. Once oil is
hot, add onions and garlic. Toss to combine and season with a little sea salt and
pepper. Cook until onions are translucent and fragrant, about 5-6 minutes. Add baby
spinach, balsamic vinegar and maple syrup and toss to combine. Cook for 1-2 minutes
or until spinach has wilted. Remove from heat and cover to keep warm until the
veggies are done roasting.
6. Once sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts and sausage are done roasting, transfer them
to the skillet with the onion and spinach mixture, add the pecans and toss everything to
combine, using your spatula to break the sausage links into smaller pieces. Cover to
keep warm while you cook your eggs to serve over the hash. You can pan-fry or poach
the eggs, whichever you prefer.
7. To serve, place sweet potato hash mixture onto a plate and top with 2 cooked eggs.
Garnish with fresh thyme (if using) and top with hot sauce, if desired.
** Save time by using veggies from last night or 1-2 days before
Apple Compote
I like to buy a bag of organic apples, cut them up, keep peels on, place them in a pot, add
water, boil with cinnamon and ghee. So delicious and easy. Once it starts to boil, let it
simmer. You will see the apples float to the top. Occasionally look at them and dunk them
back in the water. Once they look like the water has thickened then they are great to eat and
serve. I also let them cool, and keep them in glass jars in the fridge so I can eat easily reheat
and eat again another day.
3 jumbo eggs
1/2 cup milk (almond or coconut milk)
1/4 cup coconut flour
3/4 cup almond meal or flour
1/4 cup mashed ripe banana
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tbsp. gelatin (helps bind)
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. apple cider vinegar (helps the rise and enhances the flavor)
pinch of sea salt
Place all ingredients in the blender and blend on high for 30 seconds. Let the batter sit for 1
minute to let the coconut flour fluff up. Meanwhile, heat up a large skillet on medium heat with
oil or butter. Pour the batter to make small to medium sized pancakes. Once a few bubbles
pop on the pancakes flip to cook on the other side for 1 minute, or until the pancake center
springs back when you touch it. Serve with whipped cream, berries and honey (for a special
Note: Very important that you use jumbo eggs and place the ingredients in the blender. This
will ensure the best results.
Smoothie Bowls
2/3 heaping cup frozen raspberries and blueberries
1/3 cup frozen cauliflower rice
1 medium avocado
2-3 Tbsp full fat canned coconut or almond milk plus more as needed
1 scoop plain or vanilla protein powder of choice optional
2. pomegranate seeds
5. chia seeds
6. hemp hearts
• 2 large carrots, finely shredded
• 2/3 cup almond butter
• 2 eggs
• 3 tablespoons raw honey
• 2 tablespoons coconut flour or 1 scoop vanilla vegan protein powder (I like Garden of
Life )
• 1 tablespoon cinnamon
• 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
• pinch of salt
• 1 (14 ounces) can full fat coconut milk, refrigerated overnight
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 teaspoon raw honey
• 1 cup fresh blueberries
• 1 tablespoon maple syrup
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Shred carrots as thin as possible. Place in large bowl.
3. Add almond butter and eggs and mix well.
4. Then add honey, protein powder (or coconut flour), cinnamon, baking powder and salt
and mix well.
5. Grease an 8x8 glass baking dish with coconut oil, pour batter into the dish and place in
oven. Bake for 35 minutes or until the top of the cake has a nice crust to it.
6. Let cool before cutting in bite sized cubes.
7. Once carrot cake is cooled and diced, scoop out the coconut cream that has hardened
and risen to the top of the can. (Leave behind the coconut water to use for protein
8. Place coconut cream in a bowl and mix with fork or whisk to soften. Then add vanilla
extract and honey and mix well to combine.
9. Add fresh blueberries to a bowl with maple syrup and cook over a stovetop until
blueberries explode.
10. Now layer the parfaits. Carrot cake, coconut milk whipped cream, blueberry sauce, then
• 1 15 oz can full-fat coconut milk
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
1. Stir together chia seeds, coconut milk, pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla and maple
syrup (if using). Half the mixture and pour into two containers. Cover and refrigerate
overnight. If you’re in a rush, less time will do — I’d recommend at least 3-4 hours.
You’ll want to wait until you’re ready to serve the chia pudding before preparing your
2. Toast your coconut — Preheat a sauté pan to medium heat. Add coconut flakes and
stir constantly until they turn a golden color (this will take about 1-3 minutes). Remove
the coconut flakes from the pan and allow to cool.
3. If needed, put almond butter and coconut oil in a small ramekin, heat in the microwave
for a 5-10 secs, or until coconut oil has melted. Stir together. If your almond butter is
already thin enough to drizzle you can skip this step.
4. Stir the chia seed pudding to make sure there aren’t any big clumps and then spoon
into four serving dishes and top with coconut flakes and almond butter drizzle.
5. If you’re not planning to eat all four servings at one time. Simply leave the toppings and
chia seed pudding in separate air-tight containers in the fridge until ready to serve. The
chia seed pudding should last about 3 days in the fridge so you can make a batch at
the beginning of the week and have it for breakfast or a snack on multiple days.
Breakfast Sandwich
Using one of my bread recipes (the not so plain bread is great) in my section for breads, use
them for this amazing breakfast sandwich.
Grab a couple of eggs, I like them sunny side up-or you can make them over easy.
Additionally, you can make them hardboiled and cut up in the bread. Add hummus, paté and
avocado on the inside of the bread, add eggs, maybe some sautéed spinach, or a slice of
tomato. Enjoy!
*In a rush ? My go-to in the morning are hardboiled eggs and one whole avocado. If there’s a
little time then I spread paté to my eggs!
sea salt
How to Make:
Wash and cut eggplants length wise from tip to bottom in long and wide slices about 1 cm
wide each. Cut them all up and place them facing up, flesh side up, on a plate or platter, each
one with its own room and space. Shower each slice with salt, ensure there is enough salt to
see it all over eggplants slices and set aside overnight or for at least 8 hours. You will see the
eggplant start to sweat and water will come out of the eggplant slices.
After the wait is over, pat dry each slice with paper towel or Towel dry each slice. Now cut the
buffalo mozzarella in thin slices. Set aside. Bring deep pan in front of you. Open marinara
sauce jars and begin layering the eggplant parmesan by starting with some marinara sauce,
then eggplant in a Tetris format, then add cheese, then add more sauce and so on.
Once ready, bake in oven for about an hour and 15 minutes so that top is turning brown. Top
should be cheese and sauce.
* You have the option to layer the eggplant parmesan with more veggies like sautéed
spinach and caramelized onions or oven roasted garlic, or sautéed mushrooms. Make this
your way, just like the pizza I recommend on another page.
* You can serve the eggplant parmesan with homemade bread too :)
Paleo Mayo Recipe
• 1 egg yolk
• 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon white vinegar
• 1⁄2 teaspoon fine sea salt
• 1⁄4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
• 3/4 cup avocado oil, or macadamia nut
1. Combine the egg yolk, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and mustard in a small blender or mini
food processor and blend on low until combined. With the blender on low, begin adding
the oil 1 drop at a time. When the mixture begins to thicken, add the remaining oil in a
slow, steady stream with the blender still running, until all of the oil has been
incorporated. Refrigerate for 2 hours before use, or store in the refrigerator, tightly
covered, for up to 5 days.
• 2 lbs skinless, boneless chicken breasts
• 2 tsp coconut oil, melted
• salt and pepper
• 1/2 cup paleo-friendly mayonnaise
• 1/2 cup grapes, halved
• 1/2 cup cashews halves, toasted
• 1/4 cup finely chopped celery
• 1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
• 1/4 cup finely shredded carrots
• 1/2 tsp sea salt
• Curry spice mix (recipe below)
• 1 Tbsp chopped fresh mint leaves
CURRY SPICE MIX (or substitute 2 Tbsp curry powder)
• 2 tsp cumin
• 2 tsp coriander
• 1 1/2 tsp turmeric
• 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger
• 1 tsp ground mustard
• 1/2 tsp cardamom
• 1/2 tsp ground fenugreek
• 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Place the chicken on a baking sheet, drizzle with the coconut oil, and sprinkle with a
pinch of salt and pepper.
3. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes, until cooked all the way through.
4. Remove the chicken from the oven and cit it into cubes. Chill in the refrigerator for 30
5. Combine the Mayonnaise, grapes, cashews, celery, red onion, carrots, salt, and Curry
Spice Mix in a bowl.
6. Add the chicken and toss to coat. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, or up to
24 hours, before serving.
7. Sprinkle with fresh chopped mint right before serving.
I love crab. And I really love crab cakes… but of course, I want more crab meat and less
bread filling. These are a paleo treat!
• 1 pound crab meat (I like to use 1/2 each of lump and claw meat)
• 2 cups plantain chips
• 1 large egg
• 1/2 cup mayonnaise (or any paleo-friendly mayonnaise)
• 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
• 2 teaspoons coconut aminos
• 1 teaspoon fish sauce
• 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
• salt and pepper
• 1/4 cup ghee
• 1/4 cup Mayonnaise (vegan) (recipe below)
• 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
• 2 cloves garlic, crushed
• 2 teaspoons anchovy paste
• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
• 2 teaspoons chopped capers
• 1/2 teaspoon grated horseradish
• 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
• 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1. Pick through the crab to make sure all of the shells are removed. Place it in a large
mixing bowl.
2. Place the plantain chips in a food processor and process until they are the texture of
3. Gently mix 1 cup of the crushed plantain chips into the crab.
4. In a separate bowl, mix together the egg, mayonnaise, Dijon, coconut aminos, fish
sauce, pepper sauce, and salt and pepper. Pour it in the crab mixture.
5. With your hands, gently mix the sauce into the crab, until just incorporated. Do not over
mix. Place the mixture in the fridge to chill for 15 minutes, or up to 1 hour.
6. Meanwhile, make the sauce by combining everything in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate
while you cook the crab cakes.
7. Heat the ghee in a large skillet over medium heat. With damp hands, loosely form
8 cakes from the crab mixture, about 1 1/2-inches in diameter each.
8. Place the cakes into the skillet and cook on each side for 3 to 5 minutes, until browned
and the cakes easily release from the pan.
9. Transfer the crab cakes to a plate and serve with a dollop of sauce spooned over top.
Serve alone or alongside a fresh green salad with a nice lemon vinaigrette.
Coconut Shrimp
Dipping sauce:
Mix altogether and use for dipping sauce when shrimp are ready!
1 large egg
3. In a small bowl, mix coconut flour and salt together, in a separate bowl, whisk egg
Then bake on each side for 10 minutes each or until golden brown. Then enjoy.
Thai Chicken Stew
• 3 pounds boneless chicken (thighs or breasts will work)
• 1 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 (13.5-ounce) can full-fat coconut milk
• 1/3 cup tomato paste
• 1/2 cup Thai red curry paste
• 2 tablespoons fish sauce
• 2 tablespoons coconut aminos
• 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
• 2 teaspoons sea salt
• 3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
• 4 cups mixed vegetables (frozen or fresh)
• fresh cilantro, for garnish
• cauliflower rice, for serving
1. Place the chicken, onion, garlic, in the bowl of an electric pressure cooker (such as an
2. Pour in the coconut milk, tomato paste, curry paste, fish sauce, coconut aminos, lime
juice, salt, and ginger and stir to coat the chicken.
3. Secure the lid and set the machine to Meat/Stew for 15 minutes, or 30 minutes if using
frozen chicken
4. If using a different machine, use manual high pressure.
5. When the timer sounds, release the pressure immediately and remove the chicken with
tongs. Give it a rough chop then return it to the pot. Add the vegetables to the top.
Reseal the lid and set the machine again for 2 minutes. Release the pressure and stir
the vegetables into the sauce. Serve garnished with cilantro.
Anticuchos come from Peru! A country well known across the world for their fusion of Asian,
Spanish and local cuisine. They take pride in their food and in their natural resources. Peru is
home to quinoa, alpaca, maca, lucuma and many other things that are in trend with the
natural food/whole food movement.
I love anitcuchos and hope you do too. In Peru many restaurants have them as appetizers
but here, we are choosing to have them as a main course surrounded by veggies.
Needs a day or two to marinate, then grill! If no grill then pan fry.
Anticuchos de Corazón
Anticuchos de corazón are beef heart chunks that are marinated for several hours, before
being skewered and grilled.
For the marinade
• 4 cloves garlic , minced
• 1 teaspoon ground chili pepper
• ½ cup white vinegar (or red wine vinegar) or even limes
• 1 teaspoon cumin
• 1 tablespoon oregano
• 1 teaspoon paprika
For the anticuchos
• 1 beef heart , cleaned, trimmed and denervated.
• 1 chili pepper (and/or red bell pepper), chopped
Equipment needed
• Skewers work or none at all using tongs only
1. Mix all the marinade ingredients.
2. Cut the heart into cubes and put them in the marinade. Mix well.
3. Marinate for 24-hours, stirring occasionally.
4. Prepare the skewers of heart and grill them on a BBQ grill, or pan fry
5. Turn skewers after about 5 minutes to allow to cook on each side.
6. Serve with veggies!
Another way to use cow heart is to make a nice warm delicious chili.
The cow heart softens and the meat tastes like filet mignon! The with discerning palettes will
not know the difference! Promise.
1. Heat the pot and add the coconut oil ; Chop the onion and add, let simmer till brown
2. Add in the chopped garlic. Why use so much? Its anti inflammatory and adds a lot of
3. Simmer and let brown-take in the delicious smell!
4. Cut the heart into small cubes and add, stirring and mixing occasionally.
5. Add in turmeric, cumin, paprika, and cayenne pepper to taste, mix well
6. Add in carrots, and other veggies to taste, sometimes I add broccoli. I know its not the
norm, but I love it like this.. I also tend to add mushrooms too, all as you like!
7. Add in sauce, depending on the pot you have, see if you have enough or if some water
is needed. I tend to add a jar of sauce, then add 1/4 cup water since it will evaporate
and do the same with next jar too.
8. Simmer for a few hours and let it cook down. Once it tastes good and its come together,
add in beans, let cook another 20 min. Serve with cilantro on top!
9. Chili is always good the next day, this recipe is no exception!
• 6 pieces uncured bacon
• 1 small onion, minced
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 pound grass-fed beef liver
• 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, minced
• 2 tablespoons fresh thyme, minced
• ½ cup coconut oil, melted
• ½ teaspoon sea salt
• Slices of fresh carrot or cucumber
1. Cook the bacon slices in a cast-iron pot until crispy. Set aside to cool, reserving the
grease in the pan to cook the liver.
2. Add the onion and cook for 2 minutes on medium-high. Add the garlic and cook for a
minute. Add the liver, sprinkling with the herbs. Cook for 3-5 minutes per side, until no
longer pink in the center.
3. Turn off heat, and place contents into a blender or food processor with the coconut oil
and sea salt. Process until it forms a thick paste, adding more coconut oil if too thick.
4. Cut the cooled bacon strips into little bits and mix with the pâté in a small bowl. Garnish
with some fresh herbs and serve on carrot or cucumber slices.
Liver Paté
• 1 lb Liver
• 1 Small Yellow Onion, finely chopped
• 2 Cloves Fresh Garlic
• 6-7 Fresh Sage Leaves (or 1 Tbsp dried Rubbed Sage)
• 1 Small Sprig Fresh Rosemary (2 tsp Dried Rosemary)
• 1 Bay Leaf
• 1/3 cup Dry Sherry or Cognac
• ¼ tsp Salt to taste
• 1/8 tsp Ground Mace
• 3-4 Sprigs Fresh Thyme (3/4 tsp Dried Thyme)
• ½ cup unsalted butteror coconut oil
1. Slice liver into 2” chunks (you don’t need to do this if you are using chicken liver) and
remove any vessels the butcher might have missed.
2. Line a 7.5″x3.5″ Loaf Pan with parchment paper (this is an optional step that just makes
removing the loaf easier later; you could also use a glass or pottery serving dish).
3. Heat ¼ cup of your butter or coconut oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.
4. Add onion, bay leaf, rosemary, thyme, sage, mace and garlic to the pan. Cook, stirring
frequently, until onions are well cooked (about 10 minutes).
5. Add liver to the pan and cook, stirring frequently, until browned on the outside and still
pink in the middle (about 3-4 minutes).
6. Add sherry to pan and bring to boil (you can increase heat to high if you want). Boil 2-3
minutes, until you can’t smell alcohol in the steam.
7. Remove from heat. Remove bay leaf, rosemary stem, and thyme stems. Add salt and
the remaining butter or coconut oil.
8. Pour hot liver mixture into a blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth.
9. Pour into the prepared loaf pan (or serving dish of choice).
10. Once it’s cool enough to touch, make sure to cover in a glass container
11. Refrigerate overnight up to a few days before eating.
This is my grandma’s recipe… she’s Italian/Argentinian and made everything from scratch
growing up.. From pesto, to cake, to pasta, ceviche and much more. Whenever I miss her, I
make her pesto recipe. It was a time for us to gather around in her house, to eat and
commune as family. I share this simple recipe with lots of love and affection.
3 zucchinis whole, and spiralized to make zucchini noodles, you can also buy them pre
packaged at most grocery stores, but making them is cheaper and easy.
2 cups sweet basil leaves fresh
5-7 cloves of garlic, fresh and chopped
olive oil, best kind you have
sea salt to taste
1-2 cups baby spinach or regular spinach if you cannot find baby spinach
In a blender, add the olive oil first, then the garlic raw and chopped, add all the sweet basil
with no stems and blend. This is your base. The taste might be strong, this is why we use
spinach to cut the bitterness. Add more spinach to taste and add sea salt to taste. The
consistency should be a light green, smooth and creamy. There should be no clumps or
visible pieces. If you have extra time, you can roast your garlic, a full head in this case, in the
oven. This is also delicious.
To roast garlic, grab full head, place in parchment paper then aluminum foil, making it into a
cup, add olive oil, ensuring its all covered and then some. Roast in oven at 350 degrees for
about an hour. Once it cools you can pop the cloves into the mix.
Do not add any cheese to this recipe. If you keep as is, in a glass jar, the pesto will last a
long time as olive oil doesn’t go bad especially in the fridge. You can then use for pasta, or as
a condiments to eggs, meats, and more!
Once pesto is ready, boil water, add zucchini noodles, let them simmer and cook for 5
minutes. Drain water. Add pesto over heated stove top noodles and mix well. Serve and
This salmon is delicious, quick and easy. Sheet Pan Garlic Butter Baked Salmon with
asparagus and a garlic butter sauce with a touch of lemon. A complete meal on one tray
using minimal ingredients you already have in your kitchen! Full of flavor and so easy to
2. Arrange salmon on sheet pan or glass cooking dish, Rub salmon evenly with 1 1/2
tablespoons of the minced garlic and 2 tablespoons of parsley. Add the asparagus to the
other side of the pan. Alternatively, I place all asparagus in dish and salmon on top.
3. Combine 1/4 cup of lemon juice and 1/4 cup of the melted butter together and pour the
mixture over the salmon and asparagus. Season everything with the remaining salt and
4. Salmon should cook and be opaque throughout, (about 10 minutes). Optional: broil in
the last 2 minutes for charred edges.
5. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the remaining butter, garlic and lemon juice with
the wine (or chicken stock). Serve with the salmon, veggies and lemon slices
Additionally, you can serve with broccoli in the oven or sautéed spinach with garlic and butter
to accompany the salmon.
Greek Burgers
1. Add everything except for the avocado oil, salt and pepper to a large bowl and mix well.
Tip: use your hands — it’s easier.
2. Divide the mixture into 8 equal parts — approximately 1/4lbs each. Form into patties,
drizzle both sides with a bit of avocado oil and season with salt and pepper.
3. Preheat a grill to med-high heat. Grill burgers approximately 5-6 minutes per side or
until cooked to your preference.
4. Transfer burgers to a serving platter and cover with foil to keep warm.
5. Cut the iceberg lettuce into wedges. Arrange each burger individually or serve
everything as a buffet so that guests can build their own burgers.
Roasted Butternut Squash Falafel Bites
• 1 medium butternut squash (about 6 cups) peeled and diced
• 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil, plus more for brushing on top
• 1 1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
• 3 small jars or cans if can’t find jars of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
• 2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
• 1/4 cup chopped white onion
• 1/4 cup cilantro leaves
• 1/4 cup parsley leaves
• 2 teaspoons ground cumin
• Cayenne pepper, to taste
• 1/4 cup almond flour
Citrus Tahini Sauce:
• 1/2 cup tahini
• Juice of 1 lemon
• Juice of 1 small orange
• 1/4 cup water, or more depending on how thick your tahini is
• Salt, to taste
1. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Peel butternut squash, cut in half, lengthwise,
remove seeds and chop into bite size pieces. You should get about 6 cups. Place
butternut squash on a large sheet pan and toss with 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil, 1/2
teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Roast butternut squash until fork tender,
40-45 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes.
2. Place the onion, garlic, cilantro and parsley in a food processor and process for 10-15
seconds. Next, add the butternut squash, chickpeas, 1 teaspoon salt, cumin and
cayenne pepper. Blend until mixture is combined (you may need to do it in two
batches). Next, sprinkle in the flour and blend again until flour is mine in.
3. Line a large baking sheet with a non-stick mat or parchment paper. Use a scooper or
spoon and scoop about one heaping tablespoon of falafel mix out, roll it into a ball in
your hands and place on the baking sheet. Repeat until all the mix is gone.
4. Brush the top of each falafel with a small amount of olive oil (optional) and bake for
about 30 minutes, flipping once.
5. Make the sauce while the falafel is baking. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl
and set aside.
If serving as an appetizer, I like to place some salad greens onto a platter, top with falafel
bites and a bowl of dipping sauce.
Coconut Ginger Carrot Rice
This flavorful, grain free coconut ginger carrot rice is a great side dish to serve during the
Holidays and all year long. Vegan and gluten free.
• 2 lbs organic carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
• 1 tbsp coconut oil
• 2/3 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
• 4 scallions, white and green parts, sliced
• 2 tbsp grated fresh ginger
• 1/4 tsp salt
• 1/8 tsp black pepper
• 2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
• 1/4 tsp sugar
• 1/2 cup fresh cilantro or parsley, chopped
• 2/3 cup raw cashews, roughly chopped
1. Place the carrots in the food processor and pulse until they start to look like rice (you
might need to do this in 2 batches). Set aside
2. Heat the coconut oil in a large, deep skillet. Add the shredded coconut and scallions and
cook over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring often
3. Add the carrots, ginger, salt and pepper and continue cooking for 5 to 7 minutes, tossing
often, until the carrots start to soften
4. Add the Balsamic vinegar and the cilantro and cook for another 2 minutes. Set aside
5. Heat a small skillet over medium low heat. Add the cashews and cook for 2 minutes,
stirring constantly to prevent them from burning. Add them to the carrots and toss well
It's been awhile since I had pizza. When I tried to eat normal pizza after being off of wheat
and gluten, I had horrible reactions. Plus the fear of getting alopecia back and declining
health always stops me from eating foods that are not good for me. So, let's make our own
pizza crust to not miss out. Eating at home is so much better and more affordable. Because
now as I come to know how 99.9% of restaurants and catering works, it’s all about margins.
So using cheaper ingredients, and cutting corners it what they do-which in turn makes you
unhealthy, sick and fat.
• 1 head of cauliflower and 3-4 small crown broccoli, cut into small chunks (bottom
stem and leaves trimmed off) (about 5–6 cups riced)
• 2 pieces of uncured bacon, cut into small pieces or butter/coconut oil or ghee for
vegetarian option
• 1 large shallot or 3/4 c red onion finely chopped
• 3 garlic cloves finely chopped (about 1 tsp minced)
• 1/4 chopped asparagus (celery works as a substitute)
• sea salt and black pepper to taste
• 1/2 c – 2/3 broth c (120 ml) or chicken stock
• Thyme leaves, plus oil to fry it in (optional)
• Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
• Butter
• Finely chopped fresh herbs
• Lemon slices
• peppercorns
1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. In small batches, put the cauliflower chunks into a food processor. Process until the
cauliflower has the consistency of rice. Repeat with broccoli florets. Combine the two in
a large bowl. Set aside.
3. Chop the bacon into small pieces. Bacon is optional. If you don’t want to use bacon,
replace with olive oil or refined avocado oil.
4. Add bacon, shallot, and garlic to a wide skillet over medium-high heat. Sauté until bacon
becomes brown (crispy edges) and onion is translucent and fragrant, about 5 to 7
minutes. If the bacon hasn’t released enough fat, add a little bit of olive oil or butter to
the pot.
5. Add the asparagus (or celery) and sauté for 5 minutes more.
6. Next, mix in the riced broccoli and cauliflower. Stir ingredients together over medium
7. Stir in the chicken stock and place a few sprigs of fresh thyme on top. Cover the pot
and place in the oven for 13-15 minutes.
8. While that’s cooking, feel free to fry your herbs. This is optional but easy and delicious!.
Simply place the thyme in a pan and cover with oil. Cook (fry) on high for 45-60
seconds. Remove and pat dry. Your herbs will be crispy and perfect for garnishing!
9. Take the risotto out of the oven and place on stove over medium heat. Stir in generous
amounts of grated Parmesan cheese, a touch of butter, the fried thyme, and a squeeze
of lemon.
10. Garnish with lemon slices and peppercorns.
6. Transfer steamed cauliflower to an oven-safe skillet or roasting tray. Massage the spice
paste all over of the cauliflower florets (no need to rub the leaves). Season with salt and
pepper. Roast cauliflower 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. For even
crispier edges, switch the oven to the broil setting for a minute or two just before
removing from oven. NOTE: if broiling to finish, keep a very close eye on the cauliflower
so that it does not burn.
7. Remove roasted cauliflower from oven and transfer to serving platter. Drizzle with tahini
and harissa oil. Garnish with toasted pine nuts and chopped parsley.
• 1 cup dried porcinis (or other dried mushroom)
• 2 cups very hot water
• 1 tablespoon butter
• 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
• 1/2 large yellow onion, finely minced
• 8 ounces cremini mushrooms, quartered
• 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
• 1 tablespoon flour
• 1/4 cup white wine
Chickpea Puree
• 3 cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed, 1/2 cup canning liquid reserved
• 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
• 1/2 large yellow onion, finely chopped
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
1. First, rehydrate the dried mushrooms. Place mushrooms in a large bowl and top with
hot water. Let rehydrate at least 10 minutes. Drain, reserving 1 cup of the mushroom
2. Blend chickpeas in a food processor until creamy. Season with salt and black pepper.
Set aside until ready to use.
3. Next, cook the mushrooms. Heat butter and olive oil in a large skillet. Add onion and
saute until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add rehydrated mushrooms, fresh mushrooms,
and thyme. Season with salt and pepper and cook until liquids are released. Add flour
and stir to coat. Cook until the liquids are absorbed, then pour in white wine. Cook until
most of the wine has evaporated, then pour in the reserved mushroom liquid. Cook,
until liquid is mostly absorbed and mushrooms are coated in a creamy sauce. Season
with salt and black pepper to taste.
4. Then, make chickpea puree. Heat olive oil in a pot on medium-high heat. Add onions
and garlic and cook until golden, about 7 minutes. Stir in chickpea puree and thin to
desired consistency with some of the reserved bean liquid.
Brussel Sprouts a la Mostard
for the Brussels Sprouts
• 1 lbs raw Brussels sprouts - not from frozen
• 4-5 tbsp Extra Virgin olive oil (EVOO)
for the Vinaigrette
• 1 clove garlic - finely grated or minced
• 2 tbsp whole-grain mustard - such as Moutarde de Meaux
• 1 tbsp 100% natural, organic maple syrup
• 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
• 3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• kosher salt and freshly-cracked black pepper — to taste
for the Vinaigrette
1. To a mason jar, add garlic, mustard, maple syrup, EVOO and lemon juice. Season with
a pinch of kosher salt and black pepper. Top with lid and shake vigorously until
emulsified. Taste for seasoning and adjust as required. Set aside.
Cauliflower Stuffing
• 1/2 tbsp olive oil
• 2 onions finely diced
• 2 sticks celery
• 3/4 cup chopped mushrooms
• 5 cups cauliflower florets
• 1 1/2 cups ground beef or lamb
• 1/4 cup chopped pecans
• 1 1/2 tbsp fresh sage
• 1/2 cup chicken broth
• 2 eggs
• 1/2 tsp pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius (390 degrees Fahrenheit)
2. Start by removing the stalk of the cauliflower and breaking the head up into small
florets. Try to keep the florets uniform in size and not too big or chunky, otherwise they
won't cook evenly.Place all of the florets into a large bowl.
3. In a large pot heat the olive oil on medium heat and add in the diced onions, celery and
mushrooms and cook for approximately 5 minutes until the veggies have softened. Pour
the cooked mixture into the bowl with the cauliflower and set aside.
4. Cook the sausage for approximately 5 minutes until well cooked. Add the meat to the
bowl along with the chopped sage, pecans, eggs and chicken stock. Season with salt
and pepper and toss with your hands until well combined. Pour the stuffing into a baking
dish and cover with tin foil. Bake for 20 minutes and then remove the tin foil and bake
for another 10 minutes until the cauliflower is tender and the top becomes golden in
color. Serve warm with gravy.
This maple roasted beets and carrots recipe is an easy, colorful, and healthy side dish.
Perfect for your holiday table!
• 5 large carrots peeled & sliced
• 4 medium beets peeled & diced
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• Salt & pepper to taste
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1. Preheat oven to 425F and move the rack to the middle position.
2. Cut the beets and carrots into pieces that are roughly the same size, and place the
pieces on a large baking sheet.
3. Drizzle the olive oil onto the beets and carrots and add salt & pepper. Toss until they're
coated. Spread them out in an even layer.
4. Roast for about 15 minutes, or until they veggies are tender-crisp (this will vary
depending how big the pieces are).
5. Take the baking sheet out of the oven and add the butter and maple syrup directly to the
baking sheet. Let the butter melt then toss it again until everything is coated.
6. Return the baking sheet to the oven for another 5 minutes.
7. Serve immediately.
Indian Butter Chicken
Did you know Indian food was my favorite? I love the flavors but always say no to the rice
and bread when out. Waiters often look at me perplexed, but that’s ok! I enjoy my food and
stay healthy too :)
garam masala, cumin, salt, turmeric, and fenugreek and stir to combine. Cover and simmer
over medium-low heat for 20 minutes. Stir in the cashew cream and serve immediately.
Soups + Salads
• 1 acorn squash
• 1 carrot – diced
• ½ yellow onion — diced
• 1 leek — finely sliced, green tops discarded
• 2 cloves garlic — finely chopped
• 1.5 liters chicken or vegetable stock
• 1 tbsp spicy smoked Spanish paprika
• 3 tbsp Extra Virgin olive oil — plus extra (EVOO)
• 100% pure organic maple syrup — for garnish
• kosher salt and pepper
1. Preheat oven to 400F. Slice squash in half, lengthwise. Use a spoon to scoop out
seeds. Drizzle the flesh of each half of the squash with a bit of EVOO and season with a
pinch each of salt and pepper. Place squash halves on a roasting tray, flesh side up,
and roast 40-45 min or until fork tender.
2. While the squash roasts, chop the carrots, onion, leek and garlic. Then, preheat a large
stockpot or Dutch oven over med heat. Add three tablespoons EVOO along with the
carrots, onion, and leek. Season with a pinch of salt and sweat veggies until they are
soft (approx. 12-15min).
3. Add garlic and cook an additional 60 seconds. Add paprika and cook 60 more.
4. Deglaze the pot with stock and bring everything to a steady simmer.
5. Remove squash from oven and carefully spoon out all of the flesh from each half —
discard the skin. Add the roasted squash flesh to the soup and cook 5-10 minutes,
stirring regularly.
6. Transfer soup to a high-powered blender (or use an immersion blender) and purée the
soup until smooth and creamy. Return soup to pot and taste for seasoning. Adjust salt
and pepper as required.
7. Ladle Roasted Squash Soup into individual serving bowls, season with an extra crack of
black pepper and garnish with swirls of EVOO and maple syrup.
** you can make variations, sometimes I add lots of fresh ginger, or carrots and make it extra
special with same base.
Cream of Mushroom Soup
• 3 x 227g assorted mushrooms — roughly chopped cremini, shiitake, button, or
• 2 shallots — thinly sliced
• 2 leeks — thinly sliced, green tops removed
• 4 cloves fresh garlic — finely chopped
• 1 cup full-fat coconut milk
• 1.5 liters beef broth or beef bone broth
• 1 tbsp fresh tarragon substitute thyme or oregano
• kosher salt and black pepper to taste
• 1 tbsp ghee
• 2 tbsp Extra Virgin olive oil EVOO – plus extra, for garnish
• fresh chives — finely chopped for garnish
• Truffle oil — optional for garnish
1. Preheat a Dutch oven or stock pot over medium-high heat. Add beef broth to a separate
sauce pan and set over med-low heat so that it warms up.
2. Add EVOO, ghee, and mushrooms to the Dutch oven or stock pot. Season with a pinch
of salt and sauté 12-15 minutes. Set aside 1/4 cup sautéed mushrooms for garnish.
**Note: it is normal for mushrooms to release their moisture during cooking. Sauté until
water has evaporated.
3. Add shallots, leeks and another pinch of salt. Cook an additional 8-10 minutes or until
leeks have softened.
4. Add garlic and 1 tsp black pepper and cook an additional 1-2minutes.
5. Add half of the coconut milk and stir to coat. Scrape and brown bits on the bottom of the
pot. Add the remaining coconut milk and simmer until reduced in volume by half
(approx. 4-5min).
6. Add half the beef broth and stir to coat. Scrape and brown bits on the bottom of the pot.
Add the remaining beef broth and tarragon and bring to a simmer.
7. Use an immersion blender to blend soup until smooth and creamy. Alternatively, transfer
soup to a traditional blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
8. Return soup to Dutch oven and taste for seasoning. Adjust salt and pepper as required.
9. Serve in individual bowls, garnish with sautéed mushrooms, fresh chives and a drizzle
of EVOO or truffle oil.
* Alternatively, I do a mushroom soup with lots of slices of mushrooms, onions, bay leaves
and broth. Quite simple, without making into a cream. Use butter or coconut oil, sauce onions
util brown, add brother, add mushrooms, about a pound of brown or mixed mushrooms and
let it simmer with broth and any leaves and some garlic for about 30 minutes then serve.
• 1 bunch kale
• 10-12 brussels sprouts
• 2 cups red cabbage, shredded
• 1 butternut squash
• 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
• sea salt & black pepper, to taste
• 1 cup pomegranate arils
• 1 large navel orange
• 1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
• 1/4 cup hazelnuts, toasted and chopped
• Dressing
• 1/4 cup olive oil
• 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
• 3 tablespoons lemon juice
• 3 tablespoons orange juice (I squeezed 2 clementines)
1. Add all dressing ingredients to a blender or jar, and mix together well.
2. De-stem kale, and then very thinly slice. Add to a salad bowl.
3. Use a mandolin or food processor to very thinly slice brussels sprouts, and add to the
4. Pour dressing over kale and sprouts, and massage in to completely coat, and then
cover the salad and allow to soak for 4-5 hours, or overnight.
5. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
6. Peel butternut, cut into quarters lengthwise, and then thinly slice squash. Add to a
baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, and lightly season with sea salt and black pepper.
7. Roast squash for 25 minutes.
8. Prepare pomegranate by removing arils
9. Prepare the orange by slicing the skin and pith off around the orange, then cutting out
the segments.
10. Thinly slice red cabbage.
11. When ready to serve the salad, toss the red cabbage into the kale mixture, then top the
salad with warm squash, pomegranate, oranges, and nuts.
** How to remove pomegranate seeds easily and efficiently. My husband is a pro at this. He
cuts the pomegranate in half, submerges the pomegranate in a bowl or pot that is filled with
water and in the water, breaks away the seeds. The rest of the pomegranate shell and skin
that we don’t eat, floats to the surface, making clean up easy and hassle free. He can get 2
pomegranates done in about 10 minutes. Ask your children to help-they might find this fun
and entertaining! When ready, pour through a strainer and enjoy-be sure to remove all skins
and shells.
ACV Coleslaw
2. Combine vinegar, maple syrup, dry mustard, celery seed, salt and ground pepper in a
small bowl. Pour dressing over cabbage mixture and toss to coat. Let mixture sit for at
least 10 minutes in the fridge, stir and serve.
**This recipe can be made ahead of time and will taste better after having a little time to
This Dairy-Free Parsnip Cumin Soup is so creamy and delicious, and offers a wide range of
nutritional benefits. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helps promote healthy
digestion, and will give a timely boost to your immune system during the dreaded cold and flu
season. Take a closer look at all the yummy goodness in this soup:
• Parsnip: Rich in vitamin C and a great source of fibre, these lovely white roots can
help with constipation and they also have anti-inflammatory properties.
• Carrot: Vibrant in color, carrots offer a great source of beta-carotene and are
important for promoting eye health and a healthy immune system.
• Cauliflower: Great for detoxification, as it provides the body with indole-3-carbinol;
this white gem also contains some other great nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K
and folate.
• Cumin: With a warm, earthy flavor, this spice offers many great benefits. It helps
promote healthy digestion and has antioxidant properties. It’s a great spice to have in
your pantry.
• Celery: This lovely green stalk is rich with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties, and can be helpful in lowering blood pressure and promoting healthy
This pureed soup is bursting with goodness to keep your body feeling great. With a little
preparation and cooking time, you get so many beneficial ingredients in one warming bowl.
Make a bigger batch and it’s the dish that keeps on giving. Try out this Dairy-Free Parsnip
Cumin Soup to nourish yourself with a warm fall hug in a bowl!
• 2 Tbsp coconut oil
• 1 onion, chopped
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 tsp cumin
• 1 tsp sea salt
• ¼ tsp pepper
• 2 carrots, sliced into coins
• 3 celery sticks, sliced
• 1 cauliflower head, chopped
• 4 cups parsnips, sliced into coins
• 6 cups of water
• Add the oil in a large pot over medium heat.
• Add onion and garlic and cook until onion is translucent, about 5 minutes.
• Add the cumin, sea salt, pepper and stir until onions and garlic are covered.
• Add the carrot, celery, cauliflower and parsnip and then stir to combine all
• Pour water over ingredients, cover and bring to a boil.
• Once boiling, turn down the heat and let simmer for 30 minutes.
• Once the vegetables are tender, transfer to a vented high-speed blender or food
processor and blend until soup is pureed. You may have to do this in batches depending
on the size of your appliance. You can blend the ingredients slightly if you would like it to
be chunky soup.
• Once blended, pour into another pot and stir before serving. Enjoy!
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 tablespoon butter
• 1 lb of brussel sprouts
• 1/2 cup raisins
• 1/2 cup pecans
Dressing Ingredients
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
• 1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
• Salt and pepper, to taste
1. In a skillet, lightly grill brussel sprouts in olive oil on medium heat. (3-4 minutes each
2. In the meantime, make dressing by mixing all ingredients well in a bowl.
3. While brussel sprouts are grilling, lightly toast pecans in butter in a small skillet.
4. When brussel sprouts are grilled, place on cutting board and chop into three pieces,
rather than in half.
5. Mix chopped brussel sprouts, raisins, pecans, and top with dressing.
• 1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breast, chopped into bite-size cubes
• 4 cloves garlic
1. Season chicken with oregano, 1 teaspoon sea salt and black pepper. Set aside.
2. Add dried guajillo peppers into a saucepan and cover with water (at least 1 cup). Bring
to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the peppers have
3. Add peppers and ¾ cup water from saucepan into a high-powered blender. Add onion,
garlic, cumin, cloves and ½ teaspoon salt; blend until smooth.
4. Add oil to a large saucepan on medium heat. Add chili pepper purée into the pan and
reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, uncovered, stirring frequently, until thickened, about
10 minutes. Add broth, seasoned chicken cubes, sweet potato and cauliflower into the
saucepan. Cover and simmer until chicken is tender and cooked through and sweet
potatoes are fully cooked, this should take about 10-15 minutes. Stir in baby spinach
until wilted and season with additional salt, if needed.
5. Portion soup into bowls and top with avocado, sliced radishes and cilantro. Serve with
a lime wedge for squeezing over the top.
• 1 avocado, sliced
1. Toss cabbage, carrots, bell pepper, green onions, cilantro and shredded chicken in a
large salad bowl or the salad chopper bowl. Toss with dressing to taste.
2. Portion salad on a plate. Top with sliced avocado and chopped almonds.
**If you’re making this as a meal prep salad I recommend adding some dressing to the full
batch but saving some to add just before serving as well. The cabbage doesn’t get soggy
but you lose a little flavor from the dressing as it sits so I like to add a drizzle when I serve it.
I also recommend adding the avocado right before serving.
• ⅓ cup water
Roasted Sweet Potato & Brussels Sprouts Salad with Maple Tahini Drizzle
For the salad:
• 2 sweet potatoes (medium size, sliced into 1 inch cubes)
• 4 cups brussels sprouts (washed and halved)
• 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
• Sea salt and black pepper to taste
• 2 cups cooked lentils
• 8 cups baby spinach
For the dressing:
• ¼ cup tahini
• ¼ cup warm water
• 1 Tbsp maple syrup
• ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
• ⅛ tsp sea salt
• Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment
• Combine the diced sweet potato and brussels sprouts in a bowl. Add olive oil and
season with sea salt and black pepper to taste. Toss well then spread across the baking
sheet. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until both vegetables are cooked through and
starting to brown.
• While the vegetables roast, combine the tahini, maple syrup, water, cayenne
pepper and sea salt in a jar. Seal with a lid and shake well to mix. Set aside.
• Remove the roasted vegetables from the oven and place back in the mixing bowl.
Add in the lentils. Mix well.
• Divide spinach between bowls. Top with lentils and roasted vegetable mix. Drizzle
with desired amount of dressing. Enjoy!
• 2 cups spring mix, baby spinach, chopped romaine (or your favorite leafy green)
• ½ avocado, sliced
1. For the grilled shrimp, season peeled and deveined shrimp with salt and pepper. Grill
for 5-7 minutes total, flipping shrimp after 3 minutes.
2. To prepare the salad: Add greens to a bowl and top with grilled shrimp, hearts of palm,
tomatoes, red onion, avocado and cilantro.
Tomatillo Dressing
• 4 tomatillos
• 1/2 avocado
1. Remove husk from tomatillos and rinse to remove any sticky residue. Bring water to
boil in a pot, add tomatillos and boil for 4-5 minutes. Remove from boiling water, rinse
with cold water and allow to cool for a few minutes.
2. Add cooled tomatillos, avocado, garlic, jalapeño, salt, white balsamic vinegar and lime
juice into a high-powered blender or food processor and blend until everything is
incorporated and dressing is relatively smooth. Add cilantro leaves and process a few
seconds more.
Optional dressing for above salads or salads of your own! Also delicious on roasted veggies.
• 2 Tablespoons water
1. Whisk together all ingredients except the olive oil in a small bowl. Slowly pour olive oil
into the bowl and whisk together until emulsified. You can also blend everything
together in your blender or shake the dressing together in a jar.
I loved traveling through Vietnam, and fell madly in love with their Pho, which is a soup that
they literally eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's uber healthy, has lots of bone broth and
can be made vegan as well. This is a vegan recipe, but its easy to switch out and include
any type of beef or chicken or fish you’d like. I love it hot and spicy as its my favorite during
cold night and European winters!
Pho Ingredients:
Pho Toppings:
• Cilantro
• Basil
• Mung bean sprouts
• Jalapeño or Fresno peppers, sliced
Pho Method:
1. In a dutch oven or soup pot set over medium high heat, sauté the onion in oil until
translucent and lightly browning around the edges, stirring frequently.
2. Stir in the ginger and garlic and cook 2 minutes longer.
3. Stir in broth, rice vinegar, nutritional yeast, clove, fennel seeds, black pepper, tamari,
whole chopped lime, tamarind concentrate, gochujang / sriracha and coconut sugar.
Bring to a simmer and add the rice noodles, and cook according to package directions
(maifun is usually 4-6 minutes or less, pad thai noodles are usually 6-8 minutes).
4. While the noodles are cooking, start cooking your mushrooms.
5. Once noodles are tender, turn off the heat. Serve your bowls of pho with pan fried
mushrooms, cilantro, basil, mung bean sprouts and sliced jalapeño. Enjoy!
Pan fried Mushrooms Ingredients:
• 2 cups mixed mushrooms, sliced (I used shiitake and king trumpet oyster mushrooms)
• choice meat
• 2 tbsp sesame oil
• 4 tbsp tamari
Pan Fried Mushrooms:
1. Add your sliced mushrooms, 1 tbsp sesame oil and 2 tbsp tamari to a 12” skillet set over
medium-high heat. Cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping the mushrooms half-way through,
until browned on both sides. Remove and set aside to serve alongside your pho.
Being Healthy means my drink of choice is normally an herbal tea, water with lemon or if I am
out having “coffee” I choose a matcha latte with coconut or almond milk, chai teas work great
too. I rarely have coffee anymore, and suggest you get off it ASAP for at least 3-6 months to
help heal your gut and body. Same goes for all alcohol and beer. I actually don’t miss
drinking and when I choose to have a glass, once in a blue moon, I immediately notice the
side effects. I am craving sweets and sugar the next day. I feel bloated, semi lethargic and
puffy too. More reason to stay away from wine. Also, just FYI, if you didn’t already know, beer
has wheat.. Which we know wheat isn’t good for us, our health or our hair. So stay away.
Concerning wine, guess what? California wines are the worst because the crops are sprayed
with pesticides, which in turn you drink when consumed.
There are other drinks you can implement including smoothies, green juices and more.
Here are some of my favorites that I like to have when its warm out. During winter and fall, I
stick to Turmeric Latte’s, cinnamon and clove infused teas, licorice root tea, nettle tea for
detoxing and others. I also like having a night time tea to get me in the sleep routine mood.
I recently posted on instagram about how some teas have GMO’s or have other toxins.
Here it is once again for reference:
Ginger Shots
Before and after I travel, I try to get some ginger shots into my system. You can make these
at home with a juicer or in a blender. I prefer a juicer if possible. If in a blender add water to
make full juice-strain through and then drink!
Juicing ginger root, until you get about an ounce or two of ginger juice, add some cayenne
pepper and bottom’s up! This little tonic has lots of antibacterial and immune boosting
nutrients to get you through a long flight and not catch a cold or anything else going around.
Protecting yourself with preventive measures is what will keep you healthy. Ginger shots can
be taken anytime, if you need a chaser, get a piece of sweet fruit to follow it and cleanse your
Green Juice in a Blender
• 1 lemon
• ice
• Add the cucumber, celery, apple and water into a blender. Blend for about 30
seconds until smooth.
• Place a nut milk bag (or fine mesh strainer) over a large bowl and pour the mixture
into the bag. Carefully squeeze out all the juice into the bowl, leaving behind the pulp.
• Add fresh squeezed lemon juice to the strained juice and pour over ice into a
glass! Keep remaining juice in a pitcher in the fridge for up to 7 days.
• 1½ cups water
• Add all of the ingredients into the blender in the order in which they are listed.
• Blend the ingredients on the highest level setting, such as "liquefy," until the juice
is well-blended. (It will be the consistency of a smoothie.)
• If you want to enjoy the pulp with your juice, pour the mixture into glasses and
• If you prefer a thinner consistency, pour the mixture through a fine mesh sieve,
and using a spatula, press the pulp into the sieve to extract as much liquid as
possible. Pour the strained juice into glasses and serve.
1. Combine pear, avocado, 3/4 cup coconut water, spinach and mint in blender.
• 1 cup almond milk
• 1 scoop chocolate vegan protein powder
• 1/2 frozen banana
• 1 tbsp raw almond butter
• 1 tsp raw honey
• 1/8 tsp cinnamon
• 2 tablespoons cacao
• optional: drizzle on top with 1/2 teaspoon almond butter and a dash of cinnamon
1. Place all ingredients in a high speed blender.
2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
3. Enjoy
• 1 whole star anise
• 2 cardamom pods
• 5 cups water
• 8 black tea bags
• ¼ cup honey
• 2 cups coconut milk
1. Bring water to a boil. Stir in the honey, then add the tea bags, star anise and cardamom.
Cover and steep for 30 minutes.
2. Chill the tea in the fridge until it as at least room temperature, preferably cooler if you
can wait!
3. Fill a glass with ice, then fill the glass ¾ of the way full with the chilled tea (make sure
it’s chilled so it doesn’t melt the ice cubes and make for a watery tea).
4. Top each glass with 2-4 tablespoons of coconut milk and serve immediately!
5. Store the extra brewed tea separate from the coconut milk in the refrigerator for 1 week.
• Chia gel
• 1 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
• 1/2 cup coconut water
• For the Smoothie:
• 1 cup almond milk, homemade
• 2 tbls almond butter
• 2 dates, pitted
• 1/3 cup + 3 tbls chia gel, divided
1. For the chia gel:
2. Warm coconut water in a small sauce pot
3. Stir chia seeds into the mixture. Every 15 minutes swirl mixture. This will help the chia
seeds stay in suspension.
4. For best results, do this the night before.
5. For the smoothie:
6. In a blender, mix in all smoothie ingredients except 3 tablespoons of chia gel until
7. Pour into glass than stir in 3 tablespoons of chia gel.
*you know how much I love Matcha. I love my matcha latte’s all year, but when its warm, I
also like a nice cool drink. Enjoy this one!
• 1 cup almond milk, homemade
• 1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
• 1/2 cup unsweetened raisins
• 2 tbls flax seeds or meal
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
• 1 frozen banana, in chunks
1. Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth.
2. Top with extra shredded coconut, raisins and a dash of cinnamon.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
1. Combine all of the ingredients in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Simmer for 5
minutes, whisking occasionally, until heated through and slightly frothy on top.
2. Carefully transfer the liquid to a blender and cover the top with a towel. Blend on high
for 30 seconds until foamy. Alternatively, use an immersion blender in the pot. Divide
among four mugs and serve.
Blueberry Immunity
• 1 cup blueberries
• 2 tbsp walnuts
• 1 cup almond milk
• 1 tsp maple syrup
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 2 tsp chia seeds
• 1/2 cup ice cubes
Other drinks you can have and I recommend, coconut water, lemon with hot water,
almond or coconut milk-unsweetened and still check for ingredients as they should
not have any Carrageen or additives or “extras.”
Salty Cravings
This section is for those of you who have salty cravings, prefer salty snacks over the sweet.
Avocado Fries
Sriracha Mayo
• Preheat oven to 425°F (210°C) and place a rack in the middle. Line a baking sheet with
aluminum foil and set aside.
• Slice the avocados in half, and carefully remove the pit. Cut each half into 5 slices, and set
• In a bowl combine arrowroot powder and half of the seasonings in a bowl.
• In another bowl combine egg and water.
• In a third bowl combine shredded coconut and the remaining half of the seasonings.
• Working quickly, dip the avocado slices in the arrowroot mixtures, then in the egg mixture,
and then in the coconut mixture to coat well.
• Place coated avocado fries on the lined baking sheet.
• Bake in the hot oven for 10 to 12 minutes, then flip and bake on the other side for 2 to 4
• To make Sriracha mayo, in a bowl combine, mayo, Greek yogurt, Sriracha, lime juice, and
pepper and stir to combine. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed. Serve with baked
avocado fries.
Kale Chips
• 1 bunch of kale
• Olive oil, for drizzling
• Salt and pepper, to taste
Garlic Aioli
• 1 egg yolk, at room temperature
• 2 Tablespoons lemon juice
• 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
• 1/2 cup avocado oil
• 1/2 cup olive oil
• 2-3 garlic cloves
• 2-3 sprigs of rosemary
1. 1. Preheat your oven to 275 F.
2. 2. Wash the kale well and remove the leaves from the stems.
3. 3. Place the leaves on a cookie sheet. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper to
4. 4. Place in oven for 20 minutes. In the meantime, make the aioli.
Garlic Aioli
1. 1. Place room temperature egg, lemon juice, and mustard powder in a food processor
or blender. Blend or pulse until frothy (2-3 pulses).
2. 2. This is the important step. Take your time or you will mess up the recipe. I put the
avocado and olive oil in the same bowl after measuring. Slowly add the oil mixture
tablespoon by tablespoon while the blender or food processor is on. Once you have
added about 1/3-1/2 cup of the oil you can pour it in quicker. This step should take 2-3
minutes. I use the small hole feature on top of the food processor.
3. 3. Now you should have mayo. Add the garlic and rosemary into the blender or food
processor and pulse until combined well.
4. 4. Serve with chips for dipping!
**If you do not have avocado oil available you can use 1 cup olive oil.
• 1/2 lb chicken breast, or 1 large breast
• 1 red bell pepper, diced
• 1 yellow bell pepper, diced
• 2-3 cups of spinach, chopped
• 3 avocados, halved and cored
• 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil
• 1 Tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil
• Salt and pepper
• Parsley or micro-greens as garnish
Paleo Ranch
• 1 large egg, at room temperature (very important to be at room temperature)
• 1 1/2 Tablespoons lemon juice, at room temperature
• 1 cup light olive oil (or 1/2 cup olive oil + 1/2 cup avocado oil)
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
• 1 teaspoon dried dill
• 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
• 1/8 teaspoon salt
1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and 1/2 Tablespoon
olive oil. Place in the oven, and cook for 16 minutes. At the end of the 16 minutes, turn
the heat to broil and broil for 2 minutes. Remove from oven, and slice into thin strips.
2. While the chicken is cooking, you can chop the vegetables, make the ranch dressing
(directions below), and go to the next step-sauté the vegetables.
3. To sauté the vegetables, take your chopped peppers and spinach and place in a skillet
on medium heat with 1 Tablespoon olive oil or coconut oil. Season the vegetables with
salt and pepper. Sauté for about 7-10 minutes. Remove and place in a bowl.
4. Next step is to assemble the avocados. If your avocados don’t have enough of a “hole”
for the toppings, spoon out some of the avocado. Evenly distribute your vegetables in
each avocado half. Top with the sliced chicken, and drizzle with the ranch dressing.
Garnish with parsley or micro-greens for a finished look.
Paleo Ranch
1. Place the 1 egg, lemon juice, salt and ground mustard in a blender or food processor.
Pulse a few times until frothy and blended.
2. The key to this step is being patient and slow. Teaspoon by teaspoon start to add the
olive oil, while the blender or food processor is on. Keep pouring slowly. It should take 2
to 3 minutes. If you rush this it will not emulsify.
3. Then add the garlic powder, onion powder, dried dill, apple cider vinegar and salt and
stir. Store extra in the refrigerator up to 4-5 days.
Paleo Nachos
• 2 cups plantain chips
• 1 lb grass fed ground beef
• 1 teaspoon sea salt
• 1 teaspoon ground pepper
• 1 teaspoon onion powder
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 2 Tablespoons cumin
• 1 cup goat cheese, shredded
• 1/2 avocado or 1/2 cup guacamole
• Salsa, optional
1. Brown the ground beef in a cast iron skillet, using a spoon to break up the meat while
cooking. When about halfway done (half pink/half brown), add all the seasonings. Cook,
stirring occasionally until the meat is brown.
2. On an oven safe platter, place the plantain chips, and top with cooked meat and
shredded goat cheese. Place platter in the oven on low broil until cheese is melted.
Serve hot with guacamole or salsa for dipping.
Beet Chips
3 medium beets, rinsed and scrubbed
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Peel the beets and thinly slice with a mandolin or
knife. Place into a large bowl and toss with the olive oil, paprika, and garlic powder.
Transfer the beet slices to two rimmed baking sheets in a single layer. Sprinkle with salt
and pepper. Bake for 14-18 minutes, until slightly browned. Remove from the oven and
let cool. Chips will become crispier as they cool.
Plantain Chips
• 2 green plantains
• 2 tbsp avocado oil
• 1/2 tsp sea salt (salt more to taste)
• Juice of 1/2 lime
• Preheat the oven to 375 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper
• Carefully remove the peels from the plantains by cutting off the ends, making a slice into
the center of the plantain peel, and peeling it back.
• Using a mandolin slicer (or a sharp knife) carefully slice the plantains into 1/8″ slices.
• Lay the plantain slices onto the baking sheet and coat with avocado oil, salt, and lime
• Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until crispy. Rotate once or twice to cook evenly.
• Serve with a salsa, cilantro avocado lime sauce, or guacamole.
2 large sweet potatoes
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp cayenne
1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Peel the sweet potatoes and thinly slice with a
mandolin. Place in a large bowl and toss with the remaining ingredients.
2. Line two rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Spread out the sweet potatoes in a
single layer. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, then flip the chips over and bake for another
20-30 minutes. For the last ten minutes, watch the chips closely and pull off any chips that
start to brown, until all of the chips are cooked.
Cauliflower Poppers
1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets
Extra virgin olive oil, for drizzling
1-2 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Spread out the cauliflower in an even layer on a
baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and toss well to coat.
2. Sprinkle the paprika and salt over the cauliflower and toss to season. Roast for 25-30
minutes until browned and slightly crispy, turning once. Serve warm topped with fresh
Parsnip Chips
4 large parsnips, peeled
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped
1 tbsp fresh thyme, chopped
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the peeled parsnips into wedges. Toss in a bowl
with the olive oil, rosemary, thyme, salt, and pepper. Spread out in an even layer on a
rimmed baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.
2. Turn the fries over and place them back in the oven. Turn up the heat to 450 degrees F.
Bake for an additional 5-10 minutes until crispy, watching closely to make sure that the fries
do not burn. Serve warm, topped with additional sea salt if desired.
3 large zucchini, grated
2 medium carrots, grated
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 cup coconut flour
Coconut oil, for cooking
1. Place the shredded zucchini in a colander and sprinkle with salt. Toss well and let the
zucchini drain for 10 minutes.
2. Squeeze any excess moisture out of the zucchini with a dish towel. Place the zucchini in a
large bowl and mix in the carrot, egg, salt, pepper, baking soda, onion powder, garlic powder,
and coconut flour. Stir well to coat.
3. Melt a generous tablespoon of coconut oil in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Form
1/4 cup of the zucchini mixture into a patty and place in the pan. Cook on each side for 4-5
minutes until lightly browned. Repeat with the remaining zucchini mixture, adding more
coconut oil to the pan each time. Place on a paper towel-lined plate to cool before serving.
1 large yellow onion, cut into 1/2-inch slices
1 cup almond meal
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp paprika
Pinch of cayenne
2 eggs, beaten
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly grease a rimmed baking sheet with coconut oil
spray. Stir together the almond meal, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and cayenne
in a small bowl.
2. Dip an onion ring in the beaten egg mixture and then coat with the almond meal. Place on
the baking sheet and repeat with remaining onion rings. Bake for 30 minutes, flipping once.
Serve immediately.
Breads + Desserts
If you love bread and sweets, then these will keep you happy, healthy and satisfied. Let me
know which one you like the best!!! For most of the breads and mixes, I use a blender then
transfer to a bowl and mix in the flour. It makes it quite easy this way and less clean up too.
Blueberry Lavender Galette
• 1 1/2 cups natural fine blanched almond flour
• 1/4 cup coconut flour
• 1/2 cup tapioca flour
• 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
• 2 tablespoons chia seeds, powdered
• 1 tablespoon coconut sugar
• 1 egg + 1 egg white for wash
• 1/2 tsp lemon juice
• 6 tablespoons coconut oil, room temp but solid
• 4 tablespoons cold plant milk or cold water
• 1 egg (for an egg wash) + stevia for sprinkling over top
• 1 10 oz jar blueberry jam
• 1 cup fresh blueberries
• 1 tsp lavender flowers
1. To a food processor fitted with an S blade, add the dry ingredients: almond flour,
coconut flour, tapioca flour, sea salt, powdered chia seed and coconut sugar. Pulse to
combine. Pulse in the 1 whole egg, lemon juice and coconut oil. Pulse in 4 tablespoons
plant milk or water -- the mixture will look like wet sand but will pinch together into a
malleable dough when you squeeze it between your fingers.
2. Scrape the dough out onto a sheet of parchment paper and form it into a ball. Cover
tightly with parchment paper or cellophane. Let rest 30 minutes in the fridge.
3. To shape the galettes: split the disk into 4 equal pieces. While you’re working on one
quarter, keep the rest covered or wrapped up (I set mine in a bowl and cover with a
cloth). Add a large sheet of parchment paper to your work surface. Form your first
dough quarter into a ball and flatten gently into a disc. Set another sheet of parchment
paper on top of the disc of dough. Roll the dough out between the two sheets of
parchment in a circle until it is a quarter inch thick circle about 8 inches across. Smooth
together broken edges with your fingers. To get the edges looking really smooth, I fold
and press the edges in towards the center of the dough circle using my fingers.
4. Transfer the flat dough circle to a baking sheet (you can line it with parchment paper for
easy clean up). Roll out the rest of the galette crust bases by repeating step 3. I had to
use two standard baking sheets to fit all four of galettes -- you need to shape the filled
galette crusts directly on the baking sheets, so two pans gives you enough space to
5. To fill: dollop approximately three tablespoons of the blueberry jam in the center of each
dough circle and use a spoon to spread it out. Add an equal portion of fresh blueberries
to the top of the jam -- I focused on getting berries right in the center where they would
look the prettiest. You want to leave about 2-3 inches of space all around the jam so that
you can fold the crust in toward the center without crust breakage.
6. To fold: Using a bench scraper or spatula, wiggle the scraper/spatula underneath of the
dough edges and use it to fold the dough towards the center of the galette, creating
folds as you go. The dough is pretty delicate when it’s raw so the bench scraper/spatula
is really essential. If the dough cracks press the cracks back together with your fingers.
Don’t sweat it if your folds aren’t perfect. Just focus on making sure there aren’t any
gaping holes at the seam between the bottom of the crust and where the folded edge
starts (so filling doesn’t leak out everywhere). This takes a bit of finesse, and the slower
you work the less cracking you get and the more pretty your folds will be. But hey, this is
a rustic dessert! It’s ok that it’s all rather messy.
7. Repeat with the rest of the galette crusts.
8. To finish: Using a pastry brush, brush the egg white wash over each galette, getting it
into all of the crevices. Sprinkle cane sugar or coconut sugar generously over top of it
9. To bake: Preheat the oven to 375. Bake both sheets on the center rack for 14 minutes,
until the galettes are golden and firm to the touch. Let cool completely before serving. If
using lavender, sprinkle it over the exposed fruit. Use lavender sparingly here for just a
touch of flavor. When they’re cool you can lift and transfer the galettes off of the baking
sheets easily -- they firm up a lot. Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy!
These scones can have any flavor you want, from regular plain, to adding raisins, or
chocolate chips, or olives and herbs or berries. You decide. But here’s the base recipe for it…
create what you want once you have this foundational recipe.
4 large eggs
3/4 cup plain plant based yogurt or coconut milk or other dairy free cream
1/ teaspoon salt
Add all ingredients except flavorings and flour into blender, blend well and place batter into
bowl. Add flavorings (herbs, fruit, or berries, or chocolate chips, etc) and add flour. Mix well
with a spatula. Let batter sit for a few minutes and stir again. Batter should be mushy and
easy to spoon. For each scone, Spoon 1-2 tablespoons of batter on sheet pan and shape
with your fingers. Bake for 25 minutes until browning on the bottom occurs. Cool or serve
warm. Delicious with butter and jam!
My Favorite Banana Bread Recipe
3 large eggs
3 bananas - ripe
I tend to love this banana bread, its so easy and quick, I can make about 2-3 a week.
Between me and my husband we love it for breakfast or with tea in the afternoon. Its a treat
and its healthy! Sometimes I add a scoop of vegan protein powder to give myself more
protein, but as a stand alone its awesome. Other types of banana bread you can do, is to top
off with chopped walnuts or pecans. You can add dark chocolate chips or pieces (anything
over 85% cacao) or plain is great too! Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Put all wet ingredients
in the blender, mix and blend well. I add the baking soda and flour to a nice big bowl, add the
batter, mix and place into baking pan for about 45 min. Check with a knife down the middle to
see if its completely cooked, let sit for 45 min to an hour after baking outside on cooling rack.
Enjoy with butter- Delicious!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix all wet ingredients in the blender (eggs, coconut oil,
honey) add salt and blend some more. In a bowl, mix the baking powder and coconut flour
together. Blend the blender one more time until the “batter” is a little thicker and mixed well.
Pour into the bowl, mix all ingredients together. Let it sit for five minutes… and while you are
getting your bread pan, grease with coconut oil and add parchments paper if desired. Scoop
batter into bread pan and place in oven for about 35-40 minutes. Bake until top is golden
brown and a knife comes out through the middle nice and dry. Enjoy with butter and honey or
with almond butter or as toast!
This is another favorite. Its tastes like fall. It warms your heart and your belly.
4 large eggs
3 tbsp of honey
Pre heat oven to 350 degrees F. I like to roast my sweet potato and then let it cool. Once
done, I peel it easily and use the flesh and mix in my blender with all wet ingredients, add it to
the bowl where my dry ingredients are and mix again manually, then add to tin that is lined
with parchment paper or greased with coconut oil and bake for 40 min at 350 degrees F.
This is a twist to the above. Instead of tasting like Fall, it’s a great bread for anytime of year. I
love it in the afternoon with some tea.
• 10 ounces peeled sweet potato
• 1 tbsp orange juice
• 1 ½ tsp orange zest
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• ½ cup coconut flour
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 4 eggs
• ¼ cup coconut oil
• ¼ cup honey
• ¼ cup coconut milk
• 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• ½ tsp ground ginger
• 4 ounces pecans
For the cake
• 2-1/2 cups blanched almond flour
• 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
• 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
• 1/2 cup honey, liquified
• 3 large eggs, room temperature
• 1/2 pound gala apples (peeled, cored, and coarsely chopped)
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
For the cinnamon swirl
• 1 tablespoon cinnamon
• 1-1/2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
• 2 tablespoons honey
For the glaze
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil, softened but not melted
• 1/2 tablespoon unfiltered apple juice
• 1 tablespoon raw honey, in its solid state
• 2 tablespoons coconut cream (the solid fat that rises to the top of a can of coconut milk)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Place a round piece of parchment paper at the bottom of a round cake pan, then lightly
oil all sides with a little coconut oil.
3. Toss together the apples and lemon juice. Set aside.
4. Mix the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, cardamom, and salt in a medium sized bowl.
5. Mix the coconut oil, eggs, honey, and vanilla in another small bowl, then incorporate the
wet into the dry ingredients.
6. Fold in the apple mixture, then spoon the batter into the prepared pan. Use a spatula to
spread it into an even layer. The batter will be pretty thick.
7. Mix the cinnamon swirl ingredients in a small bowl, then drizzle around the cake. Use a
toothpick or a skewer to drag the mixture around and make swirly patterns in the batter.
8. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean.
9. Cool on a wire rack, then use a knife to loosen the sides from the pan. Invert the cake
onto the rack and peel off the parchment paper.
10. Flip the cake so it’s right-side-up, and continue cooling either on the rack or by placing
in the refrigerator.
11. Mix together all of your glaze ingredients in a blender or small food processor. If it’s a
little too runny, place in the fridge for 5-10 minutes to thicken it up a bit.
12. Drizzle over the cake, then serve immediately or store in the fridge for 1-2 days.
This delicious cinnamon almond flour bread is a versatile low carb, gluten free and paleo
bread recipe the whole family loves! Simple ingredients, nourishing, soft and delicious.
• Preheat oven to 350F. Line an 8×4 bread pan with parchment paper at the bottom and
grease the sides.
• In a large bowl, mix together your almond flour, coconut flour, salt, baking soda, flaxseed
meal or chia meal, and 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon.
• In another small bowl, whisk together your eggs and egg white. Then add in your maple
syrup (or honey), apple cider vinegar, and melted butter (1.5 to 2 tbsp).
• Mix wet ingredients into dry. Be sure to remove any clumps that might have occurred
from the almond flour or coconut flour.
• Pour batter into a your greased loaf pan.
• Bake at 350º for 30-35 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of loaf comes out
• Remove from and oven.
• Next, whisk together the other 1 to 2 tbsp of melted butter (or oil) and mix it with 1/2 tbsp
of cinnamon. Brush this on top of your cinnamon almond flour bread.
• Cool and serve or store for later.
• 1 1/4 cup almond flour
• 5 eggs (6 if you want extra fluffy)
• 1/3 cup coconut oil or avocado oil
• 1 tsp white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
• 1/2 tsp sea salt
• dash of black pepper
• Optional 1 tsp spice mix of choice (garlic, rosemary, Italian, etc.).
• 1 – 2 tsp poppyseed (plus extra for topping)
• 3 to 4 tbsp tapioca flour (if you are using more egg, add 4 tbsp).
• 1/2 tsp baking soda
• 1/4 cup chia meal (just grind chia seed in a coffee grinder or blender) or use
ground flaxseed
• Pumpkin seed for topping and Extra poppyseed
• Preheat oven to 350. Grease a 9×5 bread pan or line with parchment paper. Set aside.
For higher rising bread, use an 8×4 pan.
• In a small bowl, whisk your eggs, oil, and vinegar.
• In another bowl, combine your flours, poppyseed, and seasonings.
• Add your wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
• Pour batter into greased pan and top with additional pumpkin seeds and add additional
• Bake covered for 20 minutes. Then uncover and continue to bake for additional 15-20
more or golden and knife in the centre comes out clean.
• Should be around 35-45 minutes all together depending on your oven. If you used 8×4 or
are baking at higher elevation, you might need to bake longer.
• Remove from oven and let cool.
• Wrap the paleo bread in foil or plastic wrap, slice and store in container. Keeps well in
fridge for up to 7 days or freezer for up to 3 months.
• 2 cups blanched almond flour (not almond meal)
• ¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt
• ¼ teaspoon baking soda
• ¼ cup honey
• 1 large egg
• 1 tablespoon orange zest
• 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
1. In a food processor combine almond flour, salt, and baking soda
2. Pulse in honey, eggs, and orange zest
3. Very briefly pulse in poppy seeds
4. Roll out dough to ½-inch thick between 2 pieces of parchment paper
5. Chill dough in freezer for 15 minutes
6. Using a heart shaped cookie cutter or something similar, cut out dough
7. Transfer to a parchment paper lined baking sheet
8. Bake at 350°F for 12-17 minutes
9. Cool for 30 minutes
10. Serve
• ghee or coconut oil for greasing pan
• 8 eggs
• 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
• 4 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
• 3 cups whole raw cashews, about 450g
• 7 tablespoons coconut flour
• 2 teaspoons baking soda
• 1 teaspoon sea salt
1. Place a heatproof dish filled with 2 inches of water on the bottom rack of the oven and
preheat the oven to 325°F. Lightly grease a 10 by 41⁄2-inch loaf pan with ghee or
coconut oil. Line the bottom and sides of the pan with parchment paper so the ends
hang over the sides.
2. Combine the eggs, almond milk, vinegar, cashews, baking soda, and salt in a high-
speed blender and process on low speed for 15 seconds. Scrape down the sides and
then process on high for 30 seconds, or until very smooth. Add the coconut flour and
blend again for 30 seconds. If the batter is too thick to blend, add up to 2 tablespoons
water until it is moving easily through the blender. Transfer the batter to the prepared
loaf pan.
3. Bake for 60 to 70 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
4. Allow the bread to cool in the pan for 30 minutes, then gently remove the loaf using the
parchment paper overhangs and allow to cool on a wire rack before serving or storing.
Store the loaf tightly wrapped in parchment and cling wrap in the refrigerator for up to 5
This Paleo Apple Crumble is as easy as it gets when it comes to making dessert from
scratch. You'll need only a handful ingredients and 45 min in the oven!
• 1 1/2 cup unsweetened cashew milk
• 1 13.5-ounce can unsweetened, full-fat coconut milk
• 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
• 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
• 2 scoops Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder
• 3/4 cup chia seeds (I prefer to use white chia seeds for the color of the pudding)
• Fresh berries for garnish
1. Place the cashew milk, coconut milk, maple syrup, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a bowl.
Whisk well to combine. Whisk in the protein powder.
2. Add the chia seeds and stir to combine. Let the bowl sit for 10 minutes, then stir again
for a few minutes, until the seeds start to swell and the mixture begins to thicken. Cover
and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve once the pudding has
reached your desired thickness, or refrigerate up to 7 days and serve as desired.
3. Divide the pudding into jars and top with fresh berries. Serve cold.
• ¼ cup ghee, or grass-fed butter
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 1 large egg, room temperature
• 2 teaspoons vanilla
• 1½ cups blanched almond flour
• 2 tablespoons coconut flour
• ½ teaspoon baking soda
• ½ teaspoon sea salt
• ¼ cup dark chocolate pieces (just chop up a dark chocolate bar-85% cacao and higher)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. In a food processor, add butter or ghee, honey, egg, and vanilla for about 15 seconds
until smooth and fluffy.
3. Add the almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda and sea salt and mix again until
combined, about 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl if needed in order to
incorporate all of the flour. Pulse once or twice more.
4. Stir in the chocolate chips by hand.
5. Place golf-ball sized balls of dough on a cookie sheet lined with parchment
6. Using another sheet of parchment on top of the dough, flatten them slightly with the
palm or your hand or a spatula. The cookies don’t spread much so create the size and
thickness you want prior to baking them.
7. Bake for 9-12 minutes, until slightly golden around the edges.
1. Whisk together the almond milk, egg yolks, honey, and chopped mint leaves in a sauce
pan. Warm over medium-high heat stirring constantly for 15 minutes, until the mixture
coats the back of a spoon. Be careful not to let it boil.
2. Transfer mixture to a glass bowl, and let cool to room temperature for about 20 minutes.
Cover with plastic wrap, making sure to press the plastic wrap directly on the liquid, so
there is no condensation. If water gets into the mixture, it will make your ice cream more
“icy” rather than creamy.
3. Place in the refrigerator and chill until cold, at least 2 hours.
4. Remove the batter from the refrigerator and add 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint extract or a
mint liqueur. The alcohol will helps make the ice cream easier to scoop after freezing.
5. Strain the mixture to remove the mint.
6. Using your ice cream maker (I use the Kitchen Aid stand mixer attachment) according to
the manufacturer’s instructions, process the chilled ice cream mixture. If you want to get
the green color that you so fondly remember from your childhood, add in a few drops of
a green gel food coloring or puree a few mint leaves and add them to the mixture.
7. Remove the mixing device, and stir in the chocolate shavings (or topping of your choice)
by hand.
8. Turn the ice cream into an air tight container. Place a sheet of plastic wrap directly on
the surface of the ice cream so freezer burn doesn’t occur. Freeze until firm, at least 3
9. To serve, leave at room temperature for 15 minutes.
Blueberry Lemon Bread
• 2 cups almond flour
• 2.5 tablespoons coconut flour
• 1.5 teaspoon baking soda
• 3 eggs
• 2 tablespoons almond milk
• 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
• 2 small bananas, very ripe, mashed
• 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
• 1 lemon, zested
• 1 cup fresh blueberries
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Combine almond flour, coconut flour and baking soda in a medium bowl.
3. Combine all wet ingredients except blueberries in a separate bowl. Pour wet ingredients
into the dry ingredients and mix to combine. Gently fold in blueberries.
4. Line a 8x4 inch loaf pan with parchment paper and pour the batter in.
5. Bake for 25 minutes, then carefully cover with foil and bake for another 25-35 minutes.
The top should be golden brown and a knife inserted in the center should come out
6. Remove and let cool completely before cutting.
• 1 teaspoon coconut oil
• 3 cups cherries, pitted (if frozen, defrost and drain of juices)
• 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
• 1 Bartlett pear, peeled and diced
• 2 teaspoons lemon juice
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1/2 tablespoon coconut flour
Cobbler Topping
• 2 tablespoons blanched almond flour
• 1/4 cup coconut flour
• 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
• pinch of salt
• 2 tablespoons coconut oil, softened
• 1 egg, beaten
• 1 tablespoon honey
• 3 tablespoons coconut milk
1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Spread 1 teaspoon of coconut oil on the bottom of an oven safe skillet and up the sides.
Heat the pan over medium heat, then add the fruit, lemon juice, honey, ginger,
cinnamon, salt, and cinnamon.
3. Let the fruit cook down for about 15 minutes until the juices are bubbling and have
reduced by half. Stir in the coconut flour, then continue to cook for another minute.
4. While the fruit is cooking, assemble your cobbler dough. Combine the dry ingredients in
a bowl, and the wet in a separate bowl. Incorporate the wet into the dry and stir until just
5. Take small balls of the dough in your hands and flatten them into discs about 1/2 inch
thick. The dough will be sticky, so don’t worry about them being perfect.
6. Remove the skillet from the stove, and place the dough discs on top of the fruit in a
circular pattern, covering as much surface area as possible.
7. Bake the cobbler in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes until the batter is cooked
through and slightly browned on top.
8. Serve immediately with a generous scoop of coconut milk vanilla ice cream. Enjoy!
If you are like me, I cringe sometimes at the options at airports and don’t like the airplane
food either… usually filled with tons of preservatives, additives and other “stuff” that is
unhealthy… here are my tried and true ideas to make traveling less complicated especially
when you get hungry.
1. Nuts: Make your own trail-mix, use seeds, almonds, cashews, pecans and walnuts.
Hazelnuts are great too. No peanuts as they are known to be moldy.
2. Hardboiled eggs. When I travel, I take hard-boiled eggs with me. They travel easy and
keep for many hours.
3. Take whole fruit with you: including oranges, avocados, apples or pears. I take plastic or
reusable forks and spoons and ensure I have a plastic knife to open my avocado.
4. Nut butters. I love almond butter, either the little packets or the whole jar and that handy
spoon, depending how long the travel is. Almond butter keeps well, so why not bring the
whole jar?!
5. I love bringing my paleo bread with me too. From banana bread or the coconut bread,
brining a big thick slice with me, gives me extra cushion for suppressing my hunger.
6. Re-useable Canteen. I bring a stainless steel canteen with me, for water and hot tea.
Ensure you are keeping hydrated; I also like to take along my own tea bags so I save there
and only ask for hot water.
7. Another option, would be to bring your own salad or buy one before and take along during
your trip. I love the Amsterdam airport, as we have a supermarket before we enter the
arrivals and check in for flights. Alternatively, in the states, I would stop by Whole Foods,
make a salad to go, and carry it with me through security all the way on my flight. Salads
keep well as the whole airport is cold and plane is too!
8. As a treat, I like to bring along dark chocolate. Godiva 90% percent cacao is my favorite.
Anything above 85% is best. Stay healthy and keep the percentage high.
10.Protein bars- just be careful with ingredients and excess sugars. I tend to choose RX
bars… I use them on flights longer than 10 hours, as a back up really… because with
layovers, many times you have access to food in airports. Although choices can vary and
be unhealthy too! But airports are doing better and better about making more choices for
everyones diet and taste available. Fun fact: when traveling I choose layover cities to
coincide with my restaurant preferences and choices doing research beforehand or
knowing already from experience!
5. whole avocado
10. cup of berries
Paleo Granola
• 2 cups blanched sliced almonds
• 1 cup pecans
• 1 cup chopped walnuts
• 1 cup sunflower seeds
• 1 cup pepitas shelled pumpkin seeds
• ¼ cup sesame seeds
• ¼ cup ground flax seed or flax seed meal you can also use almond meal in place of the
• ¾ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
• ½ cup honey
• 6 tablespoons coconut oil
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 1 teaspoon cinnamon
• ½ teaspoon cloves
• ½ teaspoon ground ginger
• ½ teaspoon kosher salt
• ¾ to 1 cup dried cranberries raisins or other dried fruit
1. Preheat oven to 275˚F. Lightly grease a sheet pan or, for easy clean up, line a sheet
pan with parchment paper or foil. If you use foil, lightly grease it.
2. Combine all the nuts and seeds as well as the coconut in a large bowl.
3. Over low heat, combine honey and coconut oil until heated through. (You can also heat
the honey and coconut oil in the microwave on high heat for 90 seconds.) Remove from
heat and stir in vanilla, cinnamon and cloves, ginger and salt.
4. Pour over nut/seed mixture and mix well. Be sure to scrape all the good honey/oil
mixture that's left in the bowl. Spread mixture onto prepared baking sheet.
5. Bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown (may take longer, depending on your
oven), stirring every 15 minutes to keep granola at the edges of the pan from burning.
Watch carefully after 30 minutes as ovens vary. Once the granola is a nice golden
brown, remove it from oven and allow to cool.
Post Work out Snacks
1. Protein shakes
I like vegan protein powder, either vanilla or chocolate, one of my favorite brands is “Garden
Of Life” and I will add spinach, banana, blueberries or any other fruit you have on hand. Add
coconut oil, or a nut butter, or avocado. Make this shake, the way you like it. Adding spinach
gives it a nutrient boost but its neutral in taste!
2. Trail Mix- mix and match your favorite raw nuts together and have them on hand in your
car, purse, work and home. Some of my favorite include pecans, almonds, walnuts, cashews
and pistachios. I also like taking these with me when traveling. Easy to carry!
3. Avocado, chicken salad - curry chicken salad with avocado on top - recipe in Lunch
5. Omelette - any way you like, I prefer with lots of veggies and avocado! No cheese.
6. Chicken hash with veggies and sweet potatoes- add any protein to the hash recipe in
dinner section!
7. Salmon and Sweet potato - I love the garlic butter salmon with sweet potato wedges made
in the oven-next day have the wedges for your Bear Mash breakfast!
My wish is that you not only learn new healthy ways to cook and incorporate healthier
versions of your favorite foods, but also realizing that sticking to paleo is a wonderful
foundation for long term health, for life. I like to play with recipes and sometimes I add protein
powder to deserts or breads or maybe I feel like adding extra healthy options like flaxseeds in
smoothies, breads, and bowls. I take advantage of neutral flavors and enhance where I see
fit and change it up! Use these recipes to nourish yourself and those you love… make them
your own and put your own spin on things. I also like to “hide” supplements in smoothies,
breads and soups, like Maca, L-Glutamine, and others I use and mention in my first book, so
that I don’t have to taste them but love all the health benefits they provide.
This is also a great approach when you have kids who have alopecia. Include them in the
kitchen if possible, allow them to learn about nutrition now, instead of in 20 or 30 years.
Cooking skills last a lifetime and are invaluable skills to have. Nutrition and health is as
important as being kind to others and having manners… it all starts at home… lets implement
and create healthy families. This is how the love and education spreads, it starts with one
and even the stragglers finally cave in once they too, see that their health continues to
deteriorate while you are beaming, shining, vibrant with health and all that gorgeous hair!
Keep me updated on your thoughts, concerns, and recommendations… I am all ears and
want to help you succeed and thrive. Send me an email anytime:
or send me a message via my website, Instagram or Facebook. Let me know how I can
improve or what more I can do for you.
This process of going through Alopecia myself, shook up my whole world, then I saw the light
at the end of the tunnel, then achieved full healing which has led me to help others … it has
been amazing, gratifying and very unexpected. I am the type to grab life and problems by the
horns, and taking full control when distastes strikes, as you are doing now, this is the way!
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend my first book, as I go in-depth into other aspects
of improving your health and hair outside of diet. Diet is key, but there are many more other
steps in order to not fall back into Alopecia or future illness. Keep the control and do your
best. I am proud of you and applaud you for your efforts.
Johanna Dahlman