Report FYP III
Report FYP III
Report FYP III
We accept the work contained in the report titled “1761_FYP-3”, written by MINAHIL
EJAZ AND IQRA BIBI as a confirmation to the required standard for the partial
fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
Approved by . . . :
This project is about an "IoT-based Water Flow Monitoring system", a system that will be
measuring the Water Flow Rate, Water Consumption, and the Bill, accordingly, will be supplied
to households directly and the authorities (CDA). On the installation of the system, Users will be
provided with a mobile application where the information about water flow rate, water
consumption, and the bill can be seen. Users can also complain through the application if they
have any queries regarding the bill. On the other hand, there will be a web server given to the
admin from where the admin can have all the access to web server where all the readings and
calculations are shown on run time.
First, we thank Allah and then we would like to appreciate the personal without which this could
not have happened. Thanks to our supervisor Dr. Naveed Bhatti for his immeasurable support
and encouragement regarding to this study and work. His advice and help were invaluable for
this project. We sincerely thank to him for his time and dedication.
We express our gratitude to our parents and family members for the love, sacrifice, support, and
courage they have given us to make this project a success. They have always been back bone to
what we are today, and no words can describe their dedication, hope, and their belief as well in
achieving our goals. We would like to thank anyone who has contributed this project is hidden or
open. Their comments and reviews were crucial to our success in this project.
We thank the staff of the Computer Science Department, Air university and other students, who
have helped us in many ways and made our educational path pleasing and memorable.
June 2021
Regina Dugan
Abstract i
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Is computer science science? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The Degree Project Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Literature Review 3
3 Requirement Specifications 5
4 Design 7
4.1 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Design Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3 Design Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4 High Level Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.5 Low Level Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.6 Database Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.7 GUI Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.8 External Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 System Implementation 11
5.1 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
7 Conclusions 15
A User Manual 17
References 19
List of Figures
List of Tables
Use Cases
Table 3.31: UC-01……………………………………………………………………….26
Table 3.32: UC-02……………………………………………………………………….27
Table 3.33: UC-03……………………………………………………………………….28
Table 3.34: UC-04……………………………………………………………………….28
Table 3.35: UC-05……………………………………………………………………….29
Table 3.36: UC-06……………………………………………………………………….30
Table 3.37: UC-07……………………………………………………………………….30
Table 3.38: UC-08……………………………………………………………………….31
Table 3.39: UC-09……………………………………………………………………….31
Table 3.40: UC-10……………………………………………………………………….32
Table 3.41: UC-11……………………………………………………………………….32
Table 3.42: UC-12……………………………………………………………………….33
Table 6.1: Results of test water flow sensor and generator on home tap……………….53
Table 6.2: Results of fast flowing water………………………………………………...53
Table 6.3: Battery lifetime without generator…………………………………………...54
Table 6.4: Battery lifetime with generator………………………………………………55
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chapter 1
Water is one of the most important substances in the world. Its consumption is increasing
day by day, which gives rise to water scarcity, and it is expected that Pakistan is destined to
run out of the water by 2025 [1] [2]. So, there is a dire need for possible solutions to
overcome this crisis. For this purpose, there should be an appropriate method to measure the
consumption of water and then bill the property according to the amount of water used. Our
objective is to design a sustainable water flow monitoring system with a battery-less sensor.
This sensor will produce energy for itself to work.
In related projects we have seen a novel approach to performing automated water-meter
reading for an update of consumption information from houses is described here. The smart
metering approach proposed differs from existing commercial methodologies by making use
of IoT hardware and smartphone app. This scheme permits both Meter Reader as well as
individual domestic/industrial consumers to use regular smartphones to perform meter
reading and update to utility’s portal/database for billing and payment. The proposed scheme
reduces overheads on Utilities in handling meter reading and billing for water distribution in
metropolitan and large urban conglomerates. [9]
Water is one of the most important substances in the world. Its consumption is increasing
day by day, which gives rise to water scarcity, and it is expected that Pakistan is destined to
run out of water by 2025 [1] [2]. So, there is a dire need for possible solutions to overcome
this crisis. For this purpose, there should be an appropriate method to measure the
consumption of water and then bill the property according to the amount of water used. Our
objective is to design a long-life water flow monitoring system that will have a greater
working life than the previous systems, by adding an energy harvesting module.
For water metering, we will use Micro Hydro Electric Generator [3] [4] which will provide
voltage to ESP32 [5] [6]. From these voltage readings, we can infer that at this flow rate, we
get this voltage reading. The generator will be fitted inside the pipe for harvesting energy.
When water flows through the generator, it will generate a voltage. The generator will not
produce a fixed rate voltage. Because voltage is not fixed, we cannot provide direct voltage
to the microcontroller. So, we will involve a capacitor in between the generator and the
battery to provide a constant rate voltage to ESP32.
Along with Micro Hydro Electric Generator, initially, we are going to use a magnetic Hall
Effect Sensor to make a lookup table between voltage level and water flow. For the water
metering at the ends of the house, a Magnetic Hall effect water flow meter sensor [7] [8] will
be placed. The water flow meter sensor consists of a pinwheel sensor and a hall-effect
sensor. When water flows through the pipe, the pinwheel sensor will measure how much
liquid has moved through it. The integrated magnetic hall effect sensor will output an
electrical pulse with every revolution. It changes the magnetic field which will cause the
output of the sensor to go either high or low. We will get an output of the sensor which is a
square wave signal which can be easily used to calculate the rpm (revolution per minute) of
the rotating shaft. This data will be sent to microcontroller ESP32 [5] and analysis of data
can show how much water is flowing.
These water flow measurements will be sent to Server by ESP32 [5] . By comparing the
results calculated by the water flow sensor and the voltage generated by the generator we can
evaluate the correctness of calculations. Billing will be calculations. There will be two
angles to see these calculations. One is the admin-side and the other is the client-side. Both
sides would have restricted access rights to the data.
• One of the objectives is to detect water flow that passes through the pipe. A water flow
meter sensor will be used for this purpose.
• Real-Time Data Collection is one of the Smart Water Flow monitoring system's
objectives. Just like a doctor uses a stethoscope to measure your heart rate, a smart water
flow monitoring system can measure water flow through the sensor in real-time by sensing
the water flow rate.
• One of the objectives of this system is to provide the Application to the user. Users will
be provided with a smart water flow monitoring system or Application to see their water
consumption. This system will also deliver calculated bills based on consumption. It will
help them reduce their use of water. . At the same time, users are advised of abnormal water
use to reduce water loss.
1.4 Project Scope
Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a
list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs, and deadlines.
Water is one of the most important substances in the world. Its consumption is increasing
day by day, which gives rise to water scarcity, and it is expected that Pakistan is destined
to run out of the water by 2025 [1] [2]. So, there is a dire need for possible solutions to
overcome this crisis. For this purpose, there should be an appropriate method to measure
the consumption of water and then bill the property according to the amount of water
used. Our aim is to design a sustainable water flow monitoring system that will be
measuring water flow rate, water consumption, and the bill accordingly.
A sensor (Esp32) measuring water flow rate, a generator charging Esp32, a server storing
and manipulating data receiving through Esp32, an application for the users to see details
about the consumption of water and billing details.
• Measuring the water flow rate in liters per minute/ seconds using flow sensor
• Real-time data collection and storing it on a server to manipulate results and
displaying it to the user via an application.
• Generating energy for Esp32 through the flow of water using the Micro Hydro
Electric generator.
• Creating a Mobile application for the users.
• Testing and documentation of project.
• Jan- Feb: working on Micro Hydro Electric Generator
• March: working on Mobile Application
• April: Testing of project
• May-June: Final Documentation
1.1 The Degree Project Report
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Chapter 3
Requirement Specifications
Identifier FR-01
Title Enter name
Requirement User will be able to enter their Full Name in the text field for
signing up. The name length should be 3 to 30 characters
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to
create account.
Restrictions and Risk N/A
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-02
Title Enter Email
Requirement User will be able to enter email in the text field for signing up.
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to create
Restrictions N/A
and Risk
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-03
Title Enter username
Requirement User will be able to enter unique username in the text field for
signing up.
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to create
Restrictions Username will be unique.
and Risk
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-04
Title Enter Password
Requirement User will be able to enter the password in the text field for signing
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to create
Restrictions N/A
and risk
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-05
Title Enter Phone Number
Requirement User will be able to enter the Phone Number in the text field for
signing up.
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to create
Restrictions N/A
and risk
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-06
Title Validate username
Requirement System will be able to validate email address entered by the user
Source Admin
Rationale To create user account with specified information on system server.
Restrictions Duplicate emails may cause confusion.
and risk
Dependencies FR-03
Priory High
Identifier FR-07
Title Validate name
Requirement System will be able to validate name entered by the user.
Source Admin
Rationale To inform the user if he/she enters an invalid name (e.g., $ character
in name)
Restrictions N/A
and risk
Dependencies FR-01
Priory High
Identifier FR-08
Title Submit details
Requirement User will be able to click on submit button to create his/her account.
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to create
Restrictions N/A
and risk
Dependencies None
Priory High
Identifier FR-09
Title Enter username
Requirement User will be able to enter username in the text field to login to his/her
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to log in to
their account.
Restrictions N/A
and risks
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-10
Title Password.
Requirement User will be able to enter his password to login to his account.
Source User
Rationale This requirement will provide the user a facility to be able to log in to
their account
Restriction N/A
and risk
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-11
Title Login.
Requirement The User will click on login option.
Source User
Rationale To allow the user to login to the application.
Restriction and N/A
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-12
Title Account verification
Requirement System must verify the account whether it exists or not.
Source Admin
Rationale System checks the account is authenticated or not.
Restriction and To prevent unauthorized accounts.
risk Security issues
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-13
Title Real time values on server
Requirement System display real time values coming from the sensors.
Source Project owner
Rationale To allow the admin to see water flow rate and water consumption
Restriction and Risks: Internet connection may fail.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-14
Title View button
Requirement System will have a view button to get the information.
Source User
Rationale To allow the user to see the calculated bill.
Restriction and Risks: Internet connection may fail.
risks Restrictions: User must have to register the account first.
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High
Identifier FR-15
Title Pay Bill
Requirement System will have a pay button to pay the bill.
Source User
Rationale To allow the user to pay the calculated bill.
Restriction and Risks: Internet connection may fail.
risks Restrictions: User must have to register the account first.
Dependencies FR-01
Priority High
Identifier FR-16
Title Water Flow Sensor.
Requirement Water should pass through the water flow sensor.
Source N/A
Rationale To allow the admin to view the water flow rate.
Restrictions Sensor may not work accurately.
and risks Sensor may not fix in the pipe properly.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-17
Title Micro Hydro Electric Generator.
Requirement Water should pass through the generator which produces the voltage
for the ESP (32) and Water Flow sensor.
Source N/A
Rationale N/A
Restrictions Micro generator may not work accurately.
and risks Micro generator may not fix in the pipe properly.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High
Identifier FR-18
Title Insert User in database
Requirement The Admin shall click on insert user option to insert user.
Source Admin
Rationale To allow user to register his account.
Restriction User must request to register an account.
and risks
Dependencies F-01
Priority High
Identifier FR-19
Title Delete User in database
Requirement The Admin shall click on delete user option to delete user.
Source Admin
Rationale To allow user to remove his account.
Restriction User may not request to remove his account.
and risks
Dependencies F-01
Priority High
Identifier FR-20
Title Update database
Requirement The Admin shall update database to resolve bugs, internal errors,
and other technical issues.
Source Admin
Rationale To maintain the productivity, technical issues slow down the
Restriction Overloads, performance constraints and capacity issues
and risks
Dependencies F-01
Priority High
Non-Functional Requirements
Identifier FR-01
Title Usability
Requirement The user shall be able to make use of all functionalities in the
application by manually interacting with the application
Identifier FR-02
Title Performance
Requirement The user shall be able to make use of all functionalities in the
application by manually interacting with the application
Identifier FR-03
Title Maintenance
Requirement Sensors should measure the flow rate whenever water will
pass through the pipes without any delay.
Identifier FR-04
Title Accuracy
Requirement Sensors should measure the flow rate whenever water will
pass through the pipes without any delay.
Identifier FR-05
Title Communication
Requirement ESP (32) should be able to automatically connect to the
availably home Wi-Fi.
Identifier FR-06
Title Integrity
Requirement The system shall prevent any unauthorized addition, deletion,
or modification of data
Identifier FR-07
Title Security
Requirement If user failed to login after 3 retakes, user will not be able to
login again for one day.
Identifier FR-08
Title Cost
Requirement If user failed to login after 3 retakes, user will not be able to
login again for one day.
Identifier FR-09
Title Reliability
Requirement Sensor readings must not be lost. ESP (32) will send data of
sensor to server.
Identifier FR-10
Title Efficiency
Requirement The application shall be able to achieve at least 70%
performance capability with least expected processor and
memory capacity.
• Use Cases
Post conditions: After successfully login user can see different details on the application
like water consumption and bill etc.
Normal Flow: • User login to the application provided to them.
• FrontPage of the application displays username, password,
reset password, sign-in button, sign up button, and keep me log
in check box.
• The User enters his/her user Id.
• The user enters eight characters in length password with
uppercase, lowercase letters, and numbers.
• User can reset his/her password anytime. 6-digit code will send
to their provided email. By entering code, he/she will be able to
change a password via email.
• User can himself/herself log in by checking the box ‘Keep me
sign in’.
Alternative Flows: There is no alternative flow.
Exceptions: • In case, Id and passwords are incorrect, validation message will
be shown on screen as “Invalid Email or Password”
• In the case of three times wrong passwords, 30 mins wait
message box will be displayed-see use case Wrong password.
Includes: Register
Assumptions: User has an authorized account.
Notes and Issues: Null
Notes and Issues: Note: all of the required information should be filled in carefully in an
appropriate format.
Alternative Flows: Users can directly select the view bill option after login.
Exceptions: • In case, user gets the system and didn’t register himself/herself,
system will not provide water until he registers himself.
Includes: Null
Assumptions: User has created an account and is using the system.
Notes and Issues: Poor internet connectivity can cause a delay in showing bill details.
Post conditions: User can submit their bills directly through the application.
Normal Flow: • User installs the mobile application
• User creates an account, and then needs to log in.
• Pay bill option is selected.
• User needs to provide some details which appear after the
selection of the pay bill option.
• First need to enter the account number, tap on proceeds to pay,
and finally select the payment method i.e. Credit/Debit card,
easy paisa direct, jazz cash.
• Enter the Submit bill button.
Alternative Flows: There is no alternative flow.
Exceptions: • In case any of the information is missing, wrong or not in the
correct format the process will not be succeeded, and the
application will give an error message to reenter the details.
Includes: Null
Assumptions: The bill is verified by the user to be correct.
Notes and Issues: User found some errors in the calculations of the bill.
6. Use case: view water flow rate and consumption
Use Case ID: UC-06
Use Case Name: View water flow rate and water consumption.
Actors: User.
Description: User can see the water flow rate and water consumption on the
Trigger: User wants to remain updated with their water flow rate and also the
amount of water consumed.
Preconditions: User must have installed and have made an account on the application.
Post conditions: Users will be able to check their water flow rate and also the amount of
water consumed.
Normal Flow: • User logs in to the application.
• Application shows options of view water consumption and view
• User clicks on it to see the bill and water consumption.
Alternative Flows: There is no alternative flow.
Exceptions: User may have checked values before the process of updating.
Includes: Null
Assumptions: User has created an account and is using the system.
Notes and Issues: The application can show the wrong information due to poor internet
Table 3.37: UC-07
Post conditions: Admin can delete users who are no longer the part of system.
Normal Flow: • Admin has its own website.
• Through the website, the admin can see all the information
about water consumption and billing system
• Admin sees all the users and their bills.
• Run-time data is shown on the website.
• Admin warns the users in case they did not pay the bill.
• Admin deletes the unwanted users from the system.
• Admin will answer every query of the user.
Alternative Flows: There is no alternative flow.
Exceptions: In case admins delete the user that has paid the bill, the user has the right
to contact the admin.
Includes: Nothing.
Assumptions: User is no longer a part of the system.
Notes and Issues: Admin may have deleted a user mistakenly.
Table 3.41: UC-11
Chapter 4
4.2 Design Constraints
In the situation when there is no water flow through the system, the sensor may start sensing
the pressure of air blowing through it and can change the readings which is not desirable
because can cause calculation errors.
another constraint is that we cannot make a cost-free system after the installation because we
need to charge the battery a bit through an external source, as the generator is not able to
generate the amount of energy needed to run the system entirely.
4.4 High Level Design
This section describes in further detail elements discussed in the Architecture. Typical
viewpoints are:
2. Process view:
3. Physical view:
4.5 Low Level Design
4.6 Database Design
We have used Firebase database, where all the information of user is saved. We are
saving CNIC, Full Name, Email, Phone Number and password. We can insert new user,
delete it, add a new user, or disable an account.
4.7 GUI Design
4.8 External Interfaces
Web Server
Microcontroller ESP (32) is sending data from the sensor to web server, where water
flow rate, the water consumption rate and the calculated bill is shown according to
amount of water passed through the pipe or used by the user.
User Application
The amount of water passed through the system or used by the user is shown to the user
through an application. The water flow rate, the water consumption rate and the
calculated bill is shown to the user as well.
Chapter 5
System Implementation
Implementation is the process of moving an idea from concept to reality. The System
implementation is a realization of a technical specification or algorithm as a program,
software component, or other computer system through programming and deployment.
The generator can produce 5v of energy through the flow of water. The output
voltage of the generator is proportional to the pressure of water flowing through
• Made of high-quality material, durable in use.
• Solid structure, low noise, stable working performance.
• Smooth surface generator, no rust, no obvious scratch.
• Compact size, light weight, easy to install.
• The output voltage of the circuit without voltage regulator is proportional to the
water pressure.
Figure 5.1: F50 Micro-hydro DC Water Flow Pump Turbine Hydroelectric Power Energy
• ESP32 Wi-Fi/Bluetooth wireless Microcontroller:
Esp. 32 has a built-in Wi-Fi module and it is used to get water flow rate values from
the sensor and send them to the server using home Wi-Fi.
Chapter 6
2) Water Consumption Rate
3) Calculated Bill
GUI of User App
In this activity, user can see the water flow rate in milli liters.
Figure 6.5: Water Consumption Rate
• Usability testing
The Water Flow monitoring system is easy to use. Application is made for users and
Web server is designed for Administrators and all are simple to use.
On the completion of our project, we have tested it to see the overall performance of
the system. We have tested both hardware and software parts.
• For hardware testing, first of all, we checked the performance of the Water flow
sensor (YF-S201). We added 12 liters of water in a bottle and passed it through the
sensor to see if it is sensing correctly or not. The results shown on the server were
• For the performance testing of the F50 Micro-hydro DC Water Flow Pump Turbine
Hydroelectric Power Energy generator, we run the system once without attaching
the generator and next time with the generator. In both cases, there was an obvious
difference in the lifetime of the system. The case in which the generator was
attached lifetime was much greater which means our generator is harvesting g a
considerable amount of energy.
• Performance testing of the battery was also satisfactory it was able to store the
energy produced by the generator and to charge the Esp 32 and the sensor.
• Microcontroller Esp 32 was also able to receive data from the sensor and send it
to the server.
• Compatibility testing
The Water flowing system is compatible with every household and any building. It is
a 2ft long pipe with which our sensors and generator is connected. It has very low
voltage and current value and therefore is not hazardous to the environment. This 2ft
long apparatus works on Wi-Fi and hence can be connected to the main supply of
water before distribution so it can monitor the whole water being used. It is 99%
efficient in monitoring the water usage of any household or building.
Figure 6.7: System Architecture
• Load testing
Hardware testing:
We tested our project with different rates of flow of water. We pass water from low
to high rates, and it shows the exact amount of water that has passed through it even
when the water flow rate was very fast.
Software testing:
We tested the web server and mobile application, no matter at what rate water is
passed, it shows the accurate results. We flowed 12L of water through it and at
different rates of flow of water, it shows the accurate results
• Security testing
We designed both the Web server and mobile application in a way that they are secure
to use. There is no risk of data leakage on the server because of high security. It is
able to show the correct data to the correct user. The credentials provided by the
user on mobile application for the sign up are also highly protected only the user
itself can see this data.
• Installation testing
After installing all the components and firmware into our system, we tested our project
in real time. many tests were conducted to check the performance of our system. The
tests and their resulted are listed below.
1. Initial testing of project
We connected our system with kitchen tap to check the working of sensor and generator,
we obtained the following results.
Water flow 1 2 3 4
Sensor (Ltr) :
Table 6.1: results of test water flow sensor and generator on home tap.
Liter of water used. 4 8 12 16
Voltage produced
Water flow 4 8 12 16
Sensor (Ltr):
To check the lifetime of our project we conducted a test in which we charged our battery
for different durations of time. we then ran our project without generator to see how long
our battery lasts without being charged.
(minutes) (minutes)
3 9.48
5 20.35
8 32.56
From the results we conclude the battery (3.7V and 2400mAh) we have connected, can last up to
6877 minutes which is 4 days and 18 hours.
(minutes) (minutes)
3 21.3
5 35.7
8 59.55
From the results we conclude the battery (3.7V and 2400mAh) when connected with generator,
can last up to 14212.8 minutes which is 9 days and 20.8 hours.
Chapter 7
The completion of our project “IOT based Sustainable Water Flow Monitoring System” took a
time span of 14 months. Which consisted of research, testing and devoted efforts to create a
secure system. The project was manufactured within safety limits and a series of tests were run
to enhance its performance. The prototype manufactured is based on easy to use and replaceable
parts, which allows easy repair and alteration in the system.
We draw the following conclusions from our work.
• Using small size product is portable and eases in installation.
• Water flow sensor monitors water flow in liters.
• Generator connected with supply line can also save energy and provide free charging to
the system.
• Remote access to the system provides easy monitoring of water consumption.
• ESP (32) provides fast and reliable data transfer and accurate values.
• Readings of water flow rates and water consumption rates are shown both to admin
through web server and user through an App.
• Water flow rates and water consumption rates are also shown in graphs.
• Users are provided with App where they can see water flow rates and
water consumption rates and calculated bill.
Appendix A
User Manual
Software Interface
On opening the application, the first interface is to register the new users of the
application. Users can register themselves by filling in the following field's data.
2. Full name
3. Email
4. Phone Number
Next is the login page here a user who already has registered himself can enter his
email and password to further use the application. If the user has forgotten the
password there is an option to reset the password by clicking on the 'Reset
Password' button.
Next, there is an option to View ‘Consumption Rate’ and 'Pay Bill'. User can select
any of the options.
On the ThingSpeek server, we have created private channels; first of all, the user
needs to signup on to the server and selects a private channel where he/she can
4. Calculated Bill
Hardware Interface
To connect the hardware, check whether all components are present. Then follow the following
1. Connect water flow sensor and generator with pipe with the arrow facing pointing
towards the outflow side of water.
2. Connect the pipe with main power supply with water sensor coming first and then
3. Make the connections of water flow sensor with ESP.
4. Connect the generator with the battery supply so that it charges our battery.
5. Before placing the battery be sure to fully charge the battery.
6. Turn on the device and check the results on software interface.
7. Wait for 3-5 minutes for the system to start up.
8. In case of any issue Boot the System, if issue is not resolved then contact the producer.
[1] D. Seckler, R. Barker and U. Amarasinghe, "Water Scarcity in the Twenty-first Century,"
International Journal of Water Resources Development, pp. 29-42, Received 27 Sep 2006, Published
online: 05 Aug 2010.
[2] "Water Scarcity," [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 20 March 2020].
[3] A. Harvey, A. Brown, P. Hettiarachi and A. Inversin, "Micro-hydro design manua," U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, p. 374, 01 Januray 1993.
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