The Use of Slang in Daily Conversation

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English Journal

Vol. 16, No. 2; September 2022, pp. 63-73



Novelina Filzah Yuditya Saffa

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Nowadays, slang words have now become part of teenagers' everyday language, since they use
them in everyday speech. However, due to various of factors, there are disparities in the choice
of slang phrases used by teenagers. Since the topic of gender's influence on language usage is
not remarkably new, one of the factors that may have a large influence on the choice of slang
words used is gender. Relying on this situation, the aims of this study are to investigate the
types of slang words used by male and female teenagers, the influences of gender on the choice
of slang words and the factors causing the differences. This study referred to the theory of types
of slang words by Partridge (2004), gender theory by Diekman and Eagly's (2000), and
ethnography of speaking theory by Hymes (1974). This study employed descriptive qualitative
method. Observation and interview were employed during the study for the purpose of data
collections. The participants of the study were 10 teenagers, 6 females and 4 males which are
all college students in Surabaya. The analysis of the collected data revealed that English slang
words that are commonly used by teenagers were identified as Society Slang. In addition to
that, the investigation on the collected data also shows gender had no influence the choice of
slang words. Lastly, the result of the study emphasized that the factors of how each person has
their own choice of slang words are speech events which refers to Hymes’ SPEAKING term.

Keywords: Slang, gender, teenagers.

INTRODUCTION constructs different social identities and

Slang language has become the part of social contexts. Gender is also considered
Indonesian teenagers’ daily language that as a function of achievement and social
have special and unique meaning, the interaction. Watburg (1925) also claimed
typical language of the younger generation that women are more conservative when it
in which they use it a lot in informal comes to language. It is related to the fact
conversation (Partridge, 1947). Since that women generally seldom leave their
1960s, slang has been a fascinating topic in homes.
gender and language studies as there are In general, the topic of gender's
disparities in the use of slang words influence on slang usage was not a new or
between men and women (Muhingi, 2016). unusual one. Numerous discoveries that
Men and women speak in different ways aligned with the association between gender
because they make distinct decisions at all and slang usage had already been published
levels, from phonology to lexico-grammar. in society. Firstly, Salma (2013) conducted
Gender influences how people a study which analyzed teenage language,
communicate in various social contexts, more specifically slang phrases used in
actively creates diverse styles, and daily school conversations by male and

The use of Slang Language in Daily Conversation among Teenagers: Does Gender Matter?
(Novelina Filzah Yuditya Saffa)

female students in a group of junior high differences might occur. Therefore, the
school students. The study looks at how purpose of this study is not only to discover
male and female adolescents utilize slang what types of slang words used by male and
terms in their daily classroom talks. It female teenagers, but also the effects of
investigates the effect of gender on teen gender on their choice of slang words, as
slang usage in particular. The findings show well as the factors on how the differences in
that gender may play a role in the usage of their choice of words might exist.
slang language, that teenage males apply
them more often than females. Slang Language
The second prior study, by Safitri According to Soeparno (2002), slang refers
(2020), identifies the sort of slang term used to the realization of a hidden language that
by youtubers Pewdiepie and Lilly Singh is used exclusively by certain groups and
and analyzes the gender pattern of that those outside of those groups do not
Pewdiepie and Lilly Singh's slang word understand. Slang is transient in nature
choices. The researcher looked at the nature since it is constantly amended or updated in
and function of each slang and compared it order to retain its secrecy. Meanwhile,
to gender research to see if there are still slang, according to Keraf (1994), slang
disparities between men and women, words are nonstandard or informal words
especially when it comes to language usage. resulting accidentally from the destruction
The researcher discovered in the table that of common word to fill in other field of
women are the most likely to use offensive meaning. As a result, instead of
vocabulary in video vlogs. The researcher emphasizing on phonology or grammar,
hypothesized that in this century, women slang accentuates more on vocabulary
have begun to act like men, and that they which always changes or is temporal. Slang
have taken up men's roles in several parts of is a type of non-standard English
society, such as politics, economics, established and utilized by a certain
commerce, and language. subculture to express their social identity.
Lastly, Rosa (2017) examined how People use slang more frequently than
male and female American rappers use Standard English. Even though slang is not
slang words in their rap songs based on their a formal language, it is increasing at a faster
lexical style. The findings show that despite rate than formal language. It's because
gender differences in the lyrics of rappers' individuals feel more at ease conversing
songs, both genders use specific when they use slang terms. It's also utilized
connotations. In male rappers' slang terms, to make the individuals we talk to feel more
finance and career are semantic elements intimate.
that reflect men's desire to assert authority, Furthermore, according to Zhou and
whereas in female rappers' slang terms, Fan (2013), many types of slang involve
crime and body parts are semantic elements. taboo, including those related with sex,
Given these semantic characteristics, it is women, money, whiskey, politics,
reasonable to argue that women generally transportation, sports, and the like are
seek to claim oppression, resulting in a predominantly male efforts and interests.
lower status than men. Despite the fact that slang is typically
Those previous studies reveal the associated with negative and rude
differences between male and female slang meanings, it has become increasingly
words usage, but none of the studies widespread in society, particularly among
discovered the factors of how the young people. They frequently use slang to

English Journal
Vol. 16, No. 2; September 2022, pp. 63-73

keep their conversations private, especially frequently leave and switch to the
from their parents. A study by Wibisono university's vernacular to replace their old
(1992), discovered that slang has several school language. As they grow into adults,
functions, such as, as the language they are unable to control their need to try
association of the Indonesian language, the new things, think in new ways, and create
number of words or terms that have special their own laws. They've become
and unique meaning, and the typical accustomed to conversing openly with their
language of the younger generation. Slang university peers. Some examples of slang
changes and develops almost every day, but terms or phrases used at universities are
even so, this language can be understood by “damn”, “leccer” and “brute.”
almost all young people in the country.
Society Slang
Types of Slang Words Society slang is a sort of slang with a social
To begin discussing slang, we must first connotation that is commonly used in
understand the many varieties of slang. The everyday conversation. Slang is used in
many forms of slang terms by Partridge some form by every social group, and as a
(2004) will be discussed in this section. result, certain terms or phrases become the
property of that society group. Slang has
Public-House Slang become a defining aspect of many
This type of slang compensates for a limited organizations in today's society. In
vocabulary. Public house slang refers to dictionaries, the term "society slang" is
words or phrases used within public houses frequently used to describe the world and
that substitute for the subject's documented how people live (Partridge, 2004).
short vocabulary. As described by Partridge "Showy," "vogue," and "thou" are examples
(2004), a public house slang is generally of social slang.
friendly, joyful, and materialistic, but not
cynical or gross. Some examples of public Language and Gender
house slang are Language is the most crucial instrument for
humans to communicate with one another,
Slang in Public School and University not only to show the truth of society, but
Slang in Public School and University also to preserve and strengthen social
focuses on students, because they are young existence. The other of language's many
and full of hope for the future. There are two purposes is related to the subject of gender.
types of slang at public schools, as well as According to (Sirbu, 2015), language
board schools and private schools, that have reflects gendered perspectives and can
existed for almost two centuries: proper influence and contribute to changing
slang and gibberish (Partridge, 2004). It's people's perceptions through time. Gender,
practically impossible to generalize this in this context, refers to a cultural and social
form of slang. since each school has its attribute acquired via the socialization
unique set of idioms that no one else knows. process (Ridgeway, 1991). It is also a
Some examples of slang from public reality that gender plays a role in the
schools are “bonse head”, “bung a lie”, and formation of society (Wardhaugh, 2015).
“what’s the mat?” Some researchers believe that gender roles
University slang is distinct from evolve as a result of a socialization process
slang used in public schools since that begins in early childhood and continues

The use of Slang Language in Daily Conversation among Teenagers: Does Gender Matter?
(Novelina Filzah Yuditya Saffa)

through puberty (Eagly, Wood & Diekman, while analyzing speech events. Hymes'
2000). Gender roles, once established in SPEAKING term has become the most
individuals, are applied to household and comprehensive lists of such factors.
working life and passed down through SPEAKING stands for (S) setting, (P)
generations. participants, (E) ends, (A) act
Men and women do not select characteristics, (K) keys, (I)
language options to express their masculine instrumentalities, (N) interaction and
or feminism identities. Many people think interpretation norms, and (G) genres.
men and women speak in different ways. Setting (S) refers to the physical
This is a long-held idea that is still circumstances of a communication event or
promoted in today's fiction and non-fiction the moment when the discussion takes
works. In empirical studies, the subject of place. For example, a person may alter their
how men and women use language conversation when the situation changes,
differently has been discussed. Man has even if they are in the same location.
normal social behavior and authoritarian Participants (P) are people or individuals
traits, whereas women are more who are involved in a speaking event.
subservient, devout, domestic, and Addresser, addressee, and audience are the
courteous than men. People perceive participants. Ends (E) are split into two
women as warm, sensitive, and caring when categories: outcome and goal. The outcome
they observe them in home and social is the event's cultural reason, whereas the
occupational demanding duties, according goal is the intention of the participants
to implicit role theorists. Observing men in involved. The objective stated by the
agentically responsibilities, such as speaker is delivered by the ends. The goals
leadership roles, reveals that they are are to explain, discuss, convince, and
assertive, domineering, and competitive occasionally simply chat. Act order (A)
(Diekman and Eagle, 2000). governs how anything is said (the structure
of the speech) as well as what the person
Ethnography of Speaking means (the content of message). Key (K)
According to Hymes (1974), ethnography denotes a speaker's style that guides the
of speaking explores the probable reasons listener to the speaker's concealed message.
influencing the usage of linguistic types in The tone and style of the discourse reveal
speaking. Three levels of analysis were the concealed message. The term "key" also
defined by Hymes (1974): speech situation, refers to the emotions, environment, and
speech event, and speech acts. Speech attitude that arise throughout a dialogue.
situations are situations that are directly Instrumentalities (I) covers the medium and
connected to speaking. Speech situation is the style of communication. The medium
connected to nonverbal context, which is might be written or spoken. Norms (N) are
made up of expressive and other types of rules that govern discourse and interaction.
occurrences, and it influences the behavior Genres (G) are similar to speech
of a person when he or she communicates classifications. It can be in the form of
with someone. Speech events are made up everyday discourse, oration, editorial,
of one or more speech acts. Speech event course, instruction, prayer, and so on. In
analysis is the most essential, as it deals general, genre is linked to a speaking
with specific instances of communication occurrence.
exchange, such as greetings, inquiries, and
so on. Some factors should be addressed

English Journal
Vol. 16, No. 2; September 2022, pp. 63-73

METHOD Instruments of the study were the

This study employed a qualitative research supporting parts of the data collection
approach in which descriptive data were process, such as questionnaire sheets,
used to conduct the study. The data for this observation checklists, and observation
study were gathered through observations field notes. Google-based questionnaire
and interviews. This research evaluated was used to gather the participants. Next,
topics and provides answers without the use the observation and interview were carried
of statistical data since it examined out when the researcher and participants
language and gender and data are also non- were having a conversation during a
quantifiable as it is about a participant's life hangout together. The result data were
experiences. Thus, qualitative study was analyzed and identified and then relating it
suitable for this research as according to with previous studies and the theory used.
Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña (2014) theory. Concerning policy documents, slang words
The data were in descriptive form, that have been collected from the
specifically in the form of interaction observation were categorized into type of
between the participants and the researcher. slang words. The final analysis was aimed
The participants of this study were college to see whether gender influence the choice
students who live in Surabaya. of slang words and the factors of how the
differences in the choice of slang words
might exist.


Most Common Slang Words Used by Teenagers
Table 1. Slang words used by teenagers
Datum Slang Type Gender
No. Words F M
1. Spill Society Slang  
2. Tea Society Slang  
3. Salty Society Slang  
4. Ghosting Society Slang  
5. Stan Society Slang  
6. Showy Society Slang  
7. Lit Society Slang  
8. Cap/No Cap Society Slang  
9. Screw up Society Slang  
10. Lowkey Society Slang  
11. Creepy Society Slang  
12. Hype Society Slang  
13. Feeling blue Society Slang  
14. Flex Society Slang  
15. Dope Society Slang  
16, Slay Society Slang  
17. Shade Society Slang  
18. Bae Society Slang  

The use of Slang Language in Daily Conversation among Teenagers: Does Gender Matter?
(Novelina Filzah Yuditya Saffa)

19. Ship Society Slang  

20. Mood Society Slang  

According to the slang type misunderstandings. As for public-house

distributions displayed on Table 1, society slang, this type also does not appear in the
slang is a type of slang that is commonly conversation during the observation.
used by teenagers. Society slang is a type of Students are less likely to use this type of
slang that is frequently used in ordinary slang in their daily conversations since it is
conversation and has a social connotation. typically used only to compensate for a
The slang words collected from the restricted vocabulary, which usually refers
observation are all categorized as Society to "adult conversation", for example,
Slang because the words are used to discussing alcohol like the example I used
describe the world and living. For instance, in the theoretical review, which are
in datum No. 6, the word “showy” means "favorite vice, liquor, and straight
over-dressed in which it refers to society's drinking."
judgment of a person's physical appearance.
The remaining words in the table all depict The Influence of Gender on The Choice
or relate to actions that occur in everyday of Slang Words
life and are included in slang that is popular Based on the data from the observations
enough to be understood by the general presented in table 1, it can be presumed that
public, indicating that all of these words are both male and female students utilize the
part of societal slang. same type of slang words, which is society
Literally, there are three types of slang. However, based on the findings, the
slang according to types of slang theory by participants utilize different words during
Partridge (2004). The types are Public- the conversation but it was not based on
House Slang, Slang in University and their gender as between one female to
Public School, and Society Slang. The other another female might also apply different
two types of slang were not appeared in the words in the conversation. To further
observation. Slang in University and investigate the influence of gender in the
Public-School slang did not appear because choice of slang words, below is presented
the participants of the observation came data from the interviews of the participants.
from different universities in Surabaya. As The textbox below presents the answer of
a result, they might try to avoid revealing the participants with the question: “Are the
this form of slang because each school or slang words used by male and female
university has its own set of slang that no teenagers usually different?” F referred to
one from another school or university females and M referred to males.
understands, in order to avoid

(Datum no. 21)

F 1: “As far as I know there is no difference. both of them use the same slang words when
interacting but in different context.”
(Datum no. 22)
M2: “It is different because the context that is usually used for conversation is also different.
In my opinion, girls usually use slang to talk about something that is trending or hype. In my
opinion, guys prefer to use slang to give their opinion, usually about women's preferences,
automotive, or other male hobbies.”

English Journal
Vol. 16, No. 2; September 2022, pp. 63-73

(Datum no. 23)

F3: “Should be the same, depending on how much that person knows about slang words. If
you want a boy/girl with the same knowledge, then it means the same.”
(Datum no. 24)
M4: “Mostly the same depends on how fluent the speakers (both native & non-native) in
speaking “street languages” but I think it also depends on the background of the speakers.”
(Datum no. 25)
F5: “Usually, sometimes it's a little different, but sometimes it seems it depends on the circle
too. I mean sometimes when there is a very connected circle, they both understand the slang
words that are used.”

The majority of the participants However, participant F5 stated that

stated that in general the slang used by male the slang words used by male and female
and female teenagers is the same. teenagers are sometimes different, but it
According to datum no. 21, participant F1 relied on their circle. If both male and
mentioned that both male and female female teenagers are on the same circle,
teenagers use the same slang words when they must both be familiar with the slang
interacting but they use them in different terms. This participant also added that a
context. Participant M2, in datum no.22, group of close friends might have their own
completed the explanation by saying that slang language without the knowledge from
the contexts differ since the topics of the people outside the group. This is in line with
conversation are also varied. For instance, Slang the theory proposes by Soeparno
females usually use slang to talk about (2002) that slang is the realization of a
something that is trending or hype and specific and hidden language that is
gossips, while males use slang more to give exclusively used by certain groups and that
their opinion, usually about women's those outside of those organizations are not
preferences, automotive, or other men's supposed to understand.
hobbies. As a result of the findings, it can be
Afterwards, in data no. 23 and 24, stated that gender has no influence on the
participant F3 and M4 explained that the slang phrases used by male and female
choice of slang words depends on teenagers. It contradicts Diekman and Eagle
someone’s knowledge and fluency of (2000) gender theory, which claims that
speaking “slang language”. Participant F3 males exhibit authoritarian and socialist
explained that male and female slang words behavior while females exhibit piety,
should be the same, and it depends on how submissiveness, and domesticity.
much that person knows about slang words. According to the findings of the
A boy or a girl with the same knowledge observations and interviews, it cannot be
will use the same slang words. While found that “males have typical
participant M4 explained that explained that characteristics of socialistic behavior while
the slang words used by male and female females are domesticity.” Furthermore,
teenagers are essentially the same, and that relating to today's society, gender equality
it relies on how fluent the speakers (both is expanding, and men and women are
native and non-native) are in speaking treated equally in society and in their circles
"street languages," as well as their of acquaintances, where many women and
background. men now have their same "hangout

The use of Slang Language in Daily Conversation among Teenagers: Does Gender Matter?
(Novelina Filzah Yuditya Saffa)

locations." As a result, it's highly possible differences in the choice of slang words,
that they utilize the same slang terms. below is presented data from interviews of
the participants. The textbox below presents
The Factors of How Slang Word Choice the answer of the participants with the
Differences Exist question: “What influences the choice of
In using slang, people may differ the choice slang words you use in everyday
of slang words based on several factors. To conversation?” F referred to females and M
further investigate the factors causing the referred to males.

(Datum no. 26)

M1: “In my opinion, what affects the choice of slang words that I say usually depends on the
place, so for example in college or the office I choose not to use slang because I don't know
for sure if the other person I'm talking to will know what slang I mean or not, when I'm
hanging out with close friends, I use slang because we are used to using that slang.”
(Datum no. 27)
F2: “I think the participants of the conversation that made me “choose” the slang that suites
our convo. Such as social background, social distance, the way they perceive the words, and
how fluent they are in speaking foreign languages especially English.”
(Datum no. 28)
M3: “Different ages influence the words they used, because parents tend not to understand
slang words. If the person is polite, I will reduce the use of slang.”
(Datum no. 29)
F4: “I think the topic of the conversation. Because each topic share different situation or
Datum no. 30)
M4: The context of the conversation matters. Because we have to know what we're talking
about and choose the right slang.”

Based on the result data from the influence the slang words choice that suites
interview, participant M1 stated that Setting the conversation. The slang words used in a
(S) affects the choice of the use of slang conversation might vary depending on the
words because he will consider the choice participants' social backgrounds, how they
of words that he will use based on where he perceive words, and how fluent they are in
speaks. For example, in formal places such speaking foreign languages, particularly
as on campus or at work, he may reduce the English. Participant M3 also referred to
use of slang words or choose slang words Participant (P), in which he highlighted
that are still polite and known to many about the age of participants. He mentioned
people because he does not know for sure If that different ages influence the words they
the person is familiar with slang words. used, because parents tend not to
However, when he is hanging out with his understand slang words. He also mentioned
friends, he will use slang words more often the character of a person, stating if the
because he knows that his friends are also person is polite, he will reduce the use of
familiar with the slang. slang.
Participant F2 asserted that Afterwards, participant F4 stated
Participants (P) of the conversation that the topic or context of a conversation

English Journal
Vol. 16, No. 2; September 2022, pp. 63-73

affects the choice of slang words they use. of the conversation was specific which is
Mentioning that in each topic shares spoken daily conversation and there are no
different emotion and situation so it also specific norms to be followed
affects the choice of slang words. To sum
up, participant F4 mention two factors CONCLUSION
which are topic and emotion. Topic and The study focuses on the slang words used
context can be classified as Ends (E) in in everyday conversations by male and
speech events, specifically to the goal of the female teenagers. The study focuses on the
conversation. While emotions can be several varieties of slang that were
classified as Key (K) in speech events as investigated using hypothesis of Partridge
Key (K) refers to the emotions, (1947). The study also investigates the
environment, and attitude that arise gender influence on the use of slang by the
throughout a dialogue. teenagers and relating it with gender theory
Lastly, participant M4 further by Diekman and Eagly (2000). Lastly, the
explained that context of a conversation has study also investigates the factors of how
an important role in influencing the choice slang words differences might exist and
of slang words that are being used because relating it with Ethnography of Speaking
he had to know what he was talking about theory by Hymes (1974).
and that he must choose the appropriate The results of the data analysis show
slang so that it is not perceived as unusual that English slang words commonly used by
in people’s ears and is appropriate in the teenagers are classified as Society Slang
situation. In this case, context of a since they are frequently used in everyday
conversation cam be classified as Act order discourse and are related to society. The
(A) since act order governs what the person other two types of slang were not appeared
means containing the content of message, as in the observation. Slang in University and
well as how anything is said which refers to Public-School slang different in each school
the structure of the speech. and university and the participants are from
After analyzing the data, it can be various universities. Public-house slang
concluded that the findings are in line with also didn't appear in the observation since
the theory of Ethnography of Speaking by students are less likely to use this type of
Hymes (1974), that ethnography of slang in their daily conversations as it is
speaking explores the probable reasons typically used only to compensate for a
influencing the usage of linguistic types in restricted vocabulary, which usually refers
speaking, and that speech events deal with to "adult conversation".
specific instances of communication Furthermore, the findings reveal
exchange, including words exchange. that gender has no influence on slang word
However, referred with Hymes (1974) usage, implying that male and female
SPEAKING term, only five out of eight teenagers use the same slang phrases in
terms that emerge, which are setting, different contexts and for different reasons.
participants, ends, act order and key. The Additionally, the findings show that the
participants did not mention the other three choice of slang depend on the person’s
factors which are instrumentalities, norm, knowledge and the fluency of speaking. The
and genre (types of discourse) because the circle of the person also influenced their
observation was in regular conversation. To choice of slang words. This contradicts
further explain, the instrumental and genre Diekman and Eagly's (2000) theories,

The use of Slang Language in Daily Conversation among Teenagers: Does Gender Matter?
(Novelina Filzah Yuditya Saffa)

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