Hayagriva Ashtothara Sata Namavali
Hayagriva Ashtothara Sata Namavali
Hayagriva Ashtothara Sata Namavali
Oppiliappan Koil
SrI VaradAchAri SaThakopan
Smt. Mythreyi Ananth from Japan, for providing the Sanskrit text
as well as assembling this eBook
Introduction 1
nigamanam 28
Sri Sevaa SwamigaL was a great Ubhaya Vedanta scholar belonging to the
AppuLLAr and ArasANippAlai SrI VenkatAdhvari MahAn’s AatrEya gOtra
vamsam. He lived amidst us from 1923-2001 C.E.
His devotion to Swamy Desikan and His Sri Sookthis were matchless. He was
conferred the title of Desika Bhakta Ratnam by the great VidvAns of his time.
He built a MaNi Mantapam for Lord HayagrIvan, His UpAsanA Moorthy, at
Villivaakkam near Chennai and had his own printing press to release many
commentaries on Swamy Desikan’s SrI Sookthis. He was a great poet in the
tradition of ArasANippAlai vamsattAr and has blessed us with many
compositions in immaculate and delectable Sanskrit.
Swamy Desika sEvai was his Poshakam and he was engaged in Desika sEvA for
little over 50 years. Some of the stOtrams for his AarAdhya Moorthys at
ManI Mantapam are:
(5) Sri GopAlAshtOttara Sata NaamAvaLi culled from Swamy Desikan’s GopAla
Vimsaty (*)
(6) SrI BhUmi Devi AshtOttara Sata NaamAvaLi derived from BhU stuti of
Swamy Desikan (*)
(7) Sri Godha Stotram
(*) adiyEn plans to cover them in the SrI Hayagrivan ebook series.
adiyEn does not have the texts of other SrI Sooktis of SrI Seva Swami and
hope that some one from his family can send it to me to share them with other
Desika BhaktAs.
We will follow the brief notes of SrI Seva SwamigaL, wherever available in
following this SrI hayagrIva ashtOttara sata NaamAvaLi and add adiyEn’s
commentaries, when SrI Sevaa SwamigaL’s Commentaries are not available.
Hayagrivan is the Lord’s divine name. He has the face of a white horse and the
body of a human being. HayagrIva sabdham is yOgarooDam like Pankaja
sabdham. Kaliyan salutes the HayagrIva Moorthy as: "ParimuhamAi VantaLitta
PirAn". Srimad Bhagavatam salutes the Lord as one of the avatAra Moorthys:
"Matsya-Aswa-Kacchapa" Moorthys.
With awe and reverence, VishNu is addressed here as Mahaa VishNu. Sri
HayagrIvan will be saluted with "VishNu" sabdham once again thru the seventh
There are three meanings for this NaamA:(a) One who has beautiful and dense
hair (b) One who initiated Brahma with the the Veda Samhitais and meanings
of Veda mantrams and removed the klEsams (fears and anxieties) of BrahmA
and those created by him (c) One who is superior to all the DevAs.
This is an important ThirunAmam for this avatAram and refers to the Lord
destroying the asuran Madhu, who stole the VedAs from BrahmA.
5) (PraNavam) GovindAya nama:
Sri VishNu sahasra Naamam refers to this nAmam with the salutation:
"GovindhO govitAm pathi:" He is Govindan because all speeches/Veda
Mantrams (Vaak) end with him. There is a strong link between GeetAchAryan,
who performed upadEsam on GitOpanishad and HayagrIvan who performed
PoorNa upadEsam of Vedam to BrahmA.
HayagrIvan has spotless crystal white ThirumEni (Suddha Spatikam) and yet
His eyes are red like that of a fully blossomed Lotus. PuNdareeka Akshi (eyes
with hue similar to that of a red Lotus) is a unique lakshaNam of Hyaagreevan
This is also the 2nd naamam of SrI VishNu Sahasra Naamam. It refers to His
pervasive presence in all the created beings and objects. He has vyApti (antar
Bahisccha tath sarvam VyApya HaygrIva: sthita:).
One is the AadhAram for the created world and its beings. He is sarvAdhAri
and sarva Poshakan.
Hari is the One who steals the hearts of every one through His tejas and
soundharyam; He is also called Hari because He steals (destroys) the sins of
all, who seek His rakshaNam. He removes the blemishes of Haran and
therefore, He is called Hari.
There are three reasons given for this name: (1) He is one of the DhvAdasa
Adityars (2) He has the tejas of the Adityan; in fact He sits in the middle of
the Soorya MaNDalam and bestows the tEjas for the Adityan (3) He confers
clear Jn~Anam (tEshAm Adityavath Jn~Anam dhadAti).
He is the meaning behind all speeches. He is the one, who commands all
speeches (niyamana kartA). Sri HayagrIva stOtram salutes this VaagheeSa
aspect this way: "DhAkshiNya ramyA GiriSasya Moorthy: dEvi SarOjAsana
dharma patnee,vyAsadhayOpi vyapadEsya Vaacha: sphuranti sarvE Tava
SaktilESai:". For details on the meaning of this passage, please refer to Sri
HaygrIva StOtram commentaries (4th ebook): www.sundarasimham.org
He is the foundation for all universes and their entities besides being
"AadhAram Sarva VidhyAnAm". Our relationship to Him is: "AadhAra-
AadhEyam". He has referred to that relationship as "Mayi-tE".
This is also a Sri VishNu Sahasra nAmam. He is ancient and yet forever anew.
The Vidhya blessed by Him has a special Superiority (tunga Saarasvata
He is the moola dhanam (core funds) for the Vedam. He is the nidhi for the
Vedams. He holds His wealth and displays it in His lower left hand as a book
along with the conch and disc in the upper hands (Pustakam Sankha chakrE).
19) (PraNavam) PpoorNAya nama:
He is "avApta samasta kaaman" and does not need anything and therefore He
is PoorNan. Upanishad salutes Him as "PoorNamatha: PoorNam". He is the
consort of PirAtti, the PoorNai and therefore He is PoorNan.
He fulfills all the abhilAshais and abhisandhis of His devotees and hence He is
"Poorayitri". Only a PoorNan can be eligible for the nAmA of "PoorNayitri".
AndaL saluted Him as "pORRa PaRai tarum PuNNiyan". He is not influenced by
the karmas like chEtanams and therefore He is PuNNiyan. He is the refuge for
those, who are rich with deeds of PuNyam and hence He is saluted as
"PuNNiyanAr puhazh Anaitthum puhazhuvOmE".
24) (PraNavam) paramAtmane nama:
He is the indwelling AtmA of the jeevAtmAs and empowers them and controls
them. Hence He is the ParamAtmA. He has JeevAtmAs as His Sareeram.
He is the Lord denoted by all the Upanishads as the Iswaran and BhagavAn
(ShAdguNya Moorthy).
KalAs. He is PoorNan.
He is VedAnta kruth and being HayagrIvan, He is the One who blessed us with
all Saastrams.
32) (PraNavam) nirAkArAya nama:
He has features that does not resemble that of others. He has the unique
Jn~Anandha ThirumEni. His VilakshaNa AakAram (body) is saluted by the
Upanishad as: "yattE roopam KalyANatamam".
He is the Ieesan (Yeesan), who commands every one. There is no one, who can
command Him. Therefore, He is the Lord of all. "OppAr MikkAr ilan".
Nirubhadhrava vara dhAyakar.
He is PoorNa Kaamar and all His wishes have been realized (AvApta Sakala
Kaamar). Therefore, there is nothing for Him left to be satisfied (trupti) and
is saluted as nitya truptar. He is beyond the influence of KarmAs like
chEtanams including dEvAs like Brahma, Rudran and Indhran. He is not a Karma
Vasyar like them and hence He is hailed as the nitya truptar.
influence of anyone (Paaratantryam) or KaamAs; He is paripoorNa svatantrar
and frees the PrapannAs from the disease of SamsAram.
41. ( à[vm! ) zr{yay nm>,
He blesses us with every thing that we seek including the rarest boon that He
alone can grant: Moksham. The others can give one or other boons but never
Moksham. He blesses us with VidhyA, which is the ladder to Moksham.
He is the Lord of SrI Devi, who has been saluted as "Aatma VidhyA cha Devi
Thvam". He has Sri Devi saluted as "Saahi SrI". He is the abode of SrI Devi
(ahalahillEn yenRu iRayum Thiru Maarbhan).
"SrimatE namaH"
He is akilANDa kOti Naayakan and as such is the Lord of all the three
universes and the dEvAs do not do well unless they secure His anugraham.
He is the most auspicious, MangaLa dEvan. Thru links to His Thiruvadi, Rudran
got the Siva Padham.
46) (PraNavam) akshamAlA-Jn~Ana-MudhrAngita hastAya nama:
Salutations to the Lord, who holds the Japa Maalaa in one hand and Jn~Ana
mudhrai in His right hand. His daughter in law also adorns a japa Maala in Her
hand to be the recipient of VidhyAnugraham from Her Father in Law. The
UpAsakars of HayagrIvan, AchArya RaamAnuja and Swamy Desikan adorn
VyAkhyA MudhrA in their right hand like their UpAsanA Murthy.
He is the benovent grantor of sacred Jn~Anam and the rare boon of Moksham.
He does not hold back, when He gives His boons. He has OudhArya SrI.
48. ( à[vm! ) pura[ pué;ay nm>,
Srutis salute Him as "TameesvarANaam Paramam MahEswaram". In Geethai,
He is saluted as "Iswara: sarva BhUthAnAm". The name "ParamEswaran"
denotes Him and not Sivan, who has surrendered to Him (ahirbudhnya
Samhithai: Mantra Raaja Padha stOtram).
He is Jn~Ana svaroopan and blesses one with tranquility and peace (Saanti).
He is the One, who has truly conquered anger. He does not reduce to ashes
those who anger Him. He is worshipped by the Saadhus, who have conquered
anger. He has difficulty to invoke anger even at those who offend Him the
He overcomes even those who bode ill will and conquers them thru the display
His KalyAna guNams, soundharyam (roopam) and Veeryam. amitrAs (enemies)
are won over. Once they arrive at His sacred feet even in mitra bhAvam, he
does not abandon them or discard them (mitrabhAvEna samprAptam na
tyajAmi kadanchana).
56) (PraNavam) jagan-mayAya nama:
The Sri VishNu sahasra Naamam starts with the word "Viswam" to refer to
Him being of the form of the Jagath consisting of all chEtanams and
achEtanams. He pervades the Universe and its beings.
He is the nithya yuvA; Vedam salutes Him as " YuvA KumAra:". Thirumangai
Mannan salutes Him as "ILam Kumaran". Being a Nithya YuvA, He chases away
the Jarai (old age) and death (mruthyu).
58) (PraNavam) jeevAya nama:
61) (PraNavam) japa priyAya nama:
He has aksha MaalA in His hand to indicate that He likes very much Japam on
His Mantram by His bhakthAs as the Mantramaya Moorthy. He also likes Veda
adhyayanam as the Lord of the VedAs.That is also denoted by the aksha
He also does Japam. Our Lord does nitya KarmAs in the spirit of
"YadhyAcharati SrEshta:" He does it in His archA forms to set an example for
others to persist with their anushtAnams.
He is the Lord of one and all. He is the Prabhu, Samarthan and SarvalOka
salutes Him as "Yennai-Aadpadutthum Vimalan" and Andal appeals to Him to
awaken with the invocation of Vimala saBdham (VimalA Thuyil YezhAi).
All the universes and the beings take their abode in Him. His Viswaroopa form
was seen by Arjuna in the battle field with the dhivya chakshus blessed by
GeethAchAryan: "PaSya mE Paartha RoopANi satatOta sahasra cha". YasOdhA
saw the universe in the open mouth of the infant KrishNa, when she wanted to
check whether He has been eating mud.
68) (PraNavam) viswa goptre nama:
He rules the world and protects the beings of the world consistent with His
nAmam, VishNu. He protects every one
without discrimination as BhakthAs or
71. ( à[vm! ) à[vaeTgIt vpu;e nm>
Sivan follows the foot steps of his father, Brahma Devan and eulogizes the
Lord (sphuranti sarvE Tava SaktilESai:).
He is Veda Svaroopan. AzhwAr salutes Him as the embodiment of the VedAs
and their delectable fruit (Vedatthai, Vedatthin suvaip-payanai).
He is the One who attracts all towards Him and rules over them.
79) (PraNavam) acyutAya nama:
He is the One, who never slips away from His duties to protect those, who
seek His refuge.
He gives the bikshai of life. He brought back to life the dead sons of His
"AchAryan", Saandheepini Rishi.
He is the Lord of BhUmi Devi and the Lord of all the Kings of the world.
83. ( à[vm! ) AVy´ay nm>,
Through His svayam jyOti, He destroys the ajnA~nam that prevails in this
He has the luster in a worldly sense equal to that of the Full Moon.
As per the sruti Vaakyam, "dhiyO na: prachOdayAt", He kindles our Jn~Anam
and makes it shine fully.
90. ( à[vm! ) vaKptye nm>,
He is the One who took the avatAram of a Hamsam to instruct BrahmA on the
VedArthams to enable him to engage in Srushti kAryam as per His niyamanam.
99) (PraNavam) virAje nama:
He is the Lord of all Mahaa Vaagmees (great poets gifted with the power of
104. ( à[vm! ) ivñ suNdray nm>,
Sri Hayagreevan’s dhivyAtma svaroopam is sacrosanct Jn~Ana svaroopam. He
has taken this avatAram to confer Jn~Anam for the chEtanams and for them
to gain the supreme goal of Moksham.
He is the One who stands in the form of mantrams, when adhikAris perform
Yajn~ams and offer Havis into the sparkling Agni. He receives those Havis and
distributes them to the devAs waiting for them.
Salutations to Lord Hayagreevan, who is the safe box for the delectable
sounding Veda Mantrams !
1) Sri HayagrIva StOtram of Swamy Desikan (4th ebook)