Epas Vol I 14012022 v2

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(EPAS 2022-2026)
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 2

Foreword by the Executive Director

The aviation sector is emerging from the depths of the COVID-19 shutdown into a changed operating environment.
Traffic has bounced back repeatedly, whenever the epidemiological situation allows, but what is certain is that no
organisation is operating exactly as it did before.
It is already clear that even when passenger numbers return to normal, operating conditions will never return to the
situation of 2019. EASA’s Return to Normal Operations project, launched early in the pandemic, tested the system
and found a certain agility and resilience. These characteristics will be tested repeatedly in the coming years, as
we adapt to the lasting challenges of health safety and to the many other changes happening within the industry.
We are at a turning point when it comes to the introduction of completely novel aircraft, such as UAVs and air
taxis. We are changing the way we fuel aircraft – adopting Sustainable Aviation Fuels more widely in a short-
term bid to become more sustainable. In the longer term, we are looking at completely different fuel possibilities
such as hydrogen, which can also lead to significant changes in the design of aircraft. Challenges will come from
digitalisation and new ATM technologies. And all of this is happening with urgency and in parallel.
Adapting to and embracing all of this change will require considerable collective effort. It will be a further test
to the agility and sustainability of the system. This 11th Edition of the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) is
intended to guide the industry through this turbulent period and ensure that aviation emerges at least as safe as it
was before. Alongside the more traditional safety management approach we will guide in the usage of risk-based
safety management.
Safety is fundamental to the success of our industry today and citizens will not accept compromises to this in the
future. I would like to invite you all to support these efforts and plan for a brighter tomorrow.

Patrick Ky
Executive Director

(EPAS 2022-2026)

Volume I
Introduction & Strategy

European Union Aviation Safety Agency, 10/12/2021

European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 4

Foreword by the Executive Director...................................................................... 2
1. Executive Summary............................................................................................ 8
2. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Operational context .................................................................................................................................. 14

2.1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.2 Operational context — General....................................................................................................... 14 Worldwide perspective................................................................................................14 European Union focus..................................................................................................16
2.1.3 Operational context per aviation domain.......................................................................................19 Commercial air transport — aeroplanes.....................................................................19 Helicopter operations...................................................................................................19 Non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC) ..............19 Aircrew and medical ....................................................................................................20 General Aviation...........................................................................................................21 Design and production ................................................................................................21 Maintenance and continuing airworthiness management........................................22 Air traffic management/air navigation services..........................................................23 Aerodromes and groundhandling ...............................................................................24 Drone operations..........................................................................................................24
2.1.4 Overview of the aviation organisations, personnel and products monitored..............................25
2.2 Global and Regional Plans and Programmes ......................................................................................... 27

2.3 ATM priorities............................................................................................................................................ 29

2.3.1 The European ATM Master Plan (MP)..............................................................................................29

2.3.2 Future of the Single European Sky ..................................................................................................30
2.4 How the EPAS is developed....................................................................................................................... 34

2.5 How the EPAS is structured....................................................................................................................... 35

2.6 How the EPAS is monitored ...................................................................................................................... 37

3. Strategy............................................................................................................. 39
3.1 Strategic priorities..................................................................................................................................... 39

3.1.0 New focus area: Safe return to operations......................................................................................39

3.1.1 Systemic safety..................................................................................................................................42 Improve safety by improving safety management ....................................................42 Human factors and human performance....................................................................43 Competence of personnel ...........................................................................................45 Integrated risk management .......................................................................................46
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 5
VOLUME I Impact of socio-economic factors on safety................................................................50 Data4Safety...................................................................................................................50 Civil-military coordination and cooperation ..............................................................51 Oversight ......................................................................................................................53 Standardisation.............................................................................................................53
3.1.2 Operational safety............................................................................................................................54 Address safety risks in commercial air transport (CAT) aeroplane operations
(airlines and air taxi passenger/cargo) and NCC operations......................................54 Rotorcraft safety improvement....................................................................................56 Address safety risks in GA in a proportionate and effective manner........................59
3.1.3 Safe integration of new technologies and concepts .....................................................................60 AI Roadmap implementation.......................................................................................64 Engine/aircraft interface and certification..................................................................68 Ensure the safe operations of UAS (drones) and manned eVTOL aircraft.................69 New air mobility ..........................................................................................................74 Electric and hybrid propulsion ...................................................................................75 Hydrogen powered technologies.................................................................................76 Enable the implementation of new operational solutions developed by SESAR......76 Enable all-weather operations.....................................................................................77 Digital licences for aviation pilots (dLAP)....................................................................79
3.1.4 Environment......................................................................................................................................81 Act towards sustainable aviation through robust, efficient and innovative
certification...................................................................................................................82 Act towards sustainable aviation through technical leadership for smart
and proportionate standards.......................................................................................82 Act towards sustainable aviation through effective transversal actions
at European level (Article 87 implementation) ..........................................................83 Act towards sustainable aviation through actions for increased operational
3.2 Update on the Basic Regulation Roadmap............................................................................................... 85

4. Performance ..................................................................................................... 88
4.1 Safety performance ................................................................................................................................... 88

4.2 Environmental performance..................................................................................................................... 93

European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 6

List of Figures
Figure 1: Vaccine doses administered per 100 persons (Source: OurWorldData)...................................................... 15
Figure 2: Number of large aircraft commercial passengers from 2018 to 2030 (Source: IATA)..................................16
Figure 3: Forecast for Europe 2021-2027 (Source: EUROCONTROL)..............................................................................17
Figure 4: Market segments in the EUROCONTROL Network ........................................................................................ 18
Figure 5: Relationship between the EPAS and other programmes and plans............................................................. 28
Figure 6: Airspace architecture transition strategy.........................................................................................................32
Figure 7: AI taxonomy in the EASA AI Roadmap............................................................................................................ 64
Figure 8: EASA AI trustworthiness building blocks........................................................................................................ 65
Figure 9: EASA learning assurance W-shaped process.................................................................................................. 66
Figure 10: AI Roadmap phased approach....................................................................................................................... 67

List of Tables
Table 1: Overview of organisations, aviation personnel and aircraft monitored in EASA Member States.............. 26
Table 2: Airspace Architecture Study milestones ........................................................................................................... 33
Table 3: C-UAS Action Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 73
Table 4: Standardisation rating information per domain — 2019 & 2021 figures ..................................................... 90
Table 5: Compliance with management system requirements — status 2020Q4 ......................................................91
Table 6: Compliance with management system requirements — status 2021Q2.......................................................92

Acronyms and definitions

A list of EPAS acronyms & definitions can be found here:
1. Executive Summary
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 8
VOLUME I - 1. Executive Summary

1. Executive Summary
The focus of this 11th edition of the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) remains on a safe return to operations
as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have significant repercussions for the entire aviation sector. In April 2021
the Agency published a revised COVID-19 Safety Risk Portfolio and it continues to support industry and Member
States through the Return to Normal Operations (RNO) project. Two new EPAS actions are proposed to support the
various initiatives and activities in this field.
According to the latest projections, it is expected that full recovery in terms of traffic volumes may take another
2 years as a minimum. Therefore, the Agency proposes to postpone to 2022 the full review of EPAS strategic
priorities for a post-crisis aviation system. Recovering from this crisis without adversely affecting the high level of
safety performance is proposed as a new focus area in the existing strategic priorities.
The pandemic created a much stronger focus on environmental protection and sustainability of the aviation
sector, now being key priorities for citizens, policy makers and the industry alike. The Agency is engaged in
multiple initiatives, such as the ReFuel EU Initiative supporting the uptake of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), the
Environmental Label programme, life-cycle analysis of aircraft, market-based measures, the exploration of electric-,
hybrid- and hydrogen-powered aviation, and the need for further research on the climate impact of non-CO2
emissions. Accordingly, the strategic priority ‘Environmental protection’ is reinforced in this edition, on the basis of
the Agency’s sustainable aviation programme. Also, in 2021 the Agency certified the first aircraft for CO2 emissions.
These new environmental certification tasks and more generally the assessment of environmental characteristics
and sustainability for novel technologies will continue to grow in the near future.
With an increasingly complex and interconnected landscape of risks, a more integrated, collaborative approach
to aviation risk management should be explored, starting with safety, security and cyber security risks. Effective
risk management capabilities at European, State and industry level are more important than ever to cope with
the multiple systemic and operational risks and wide-ranging effects of the crisis. Such capabilities will enable
the transition to a more resilient aviation system. At the same time, risk management will increasingly need to be
applied to risks other than safety and security, with public health entering the equation. The proposed approach
to integrated risk management would build upon the outcomes of the ICAO High-level Conference on COVID-19
(HLCC 2021) which recognised the importance of an integrated approach to risk and resilience management and
requested States to implement multi-sector collaboration.
In addition to the safety issues emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, there are also clear opportunities for
improvement and efficiency gains based on the multiple lessons learned, whereby the need for alternative solutions,
or the increased use of digital solutions, should lead to the modernisation of our regulatory and oversight systems.
Research, innovation and digitalisation are important pillars in this new reality. This EPAS edition includes 19 new
research projects (RES), with many of them addressing innovative technologies, such as remote flight instruction,
risk assessment of complex systems, use of machine learning (ML) in certification, electric and hybrid propulsion,
or digital transformation. In addition, a new rulemaking task is included to create a European digital pilot licence
Other changes are the inclusion of ‘Oversight’ and ‘Standardisation’ as new sub-items within the strategic priority
‘Systemic safety’, the review of factual information to reflect recent developments and progress with key actions,
roadmaps and related initiatives, as well as the removal of Section 3.2 ‘Strategic enablers’, the latter in an effort to
streamline the document and minimise the potential for overlap with other documents. Related subjects will be
addressed in the next edition of the European Aviation Safety Programme (EASP) and are already addressed in the
Agency’s Single Programming Document (SPD).
In addition, Section 4.1 ‘Safety performance’ was reviewed in response to Advisory Body (AB) feedback. It now
provides a set of process-based indicators in the area of Standardisation and related to industry compliance with
management system requirements.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 9
VOLUME I - 1. Executive Summary

Early 2021 the Agency initiated a review of its rulemaking procedure aiming at increased efficiency and
effectiveness, in terms of output and lead times. The annual resource programming exercise for the EASA SPD
2022-2024 concluded in 2021Q3. Accordingly, planning milestones in Volume II were adjusted in the final EPAS 2022-
2026. Following completion of 10 actions by the end of 2021, Volume II includes 183 actions, with 25 new actions,
the majority of them being research projects.
Volume III, first introduced with EPAS 2021-2025, provides the latest set of domain Safety Risk Portfolios supporting
safety management at regional, State and industry level. A total of 219 safety issues are described and prioritised
(assess – mitigate – monitor). A dedicated COVID-19 Portfolio is included. For the first time, a Safety Risk Portfolio
is provided for the rotorcraft domain.
2. Introduction
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 11
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2. Introduction
The EPAS constitutes the regional aviation safety plan (RASP) for EASA Member States, setting out the strategic
priorities, main risks affecting the European aviation system and the necessary actions to mitigate those risks
to further improve aviation safety. The main objective of the EPAS is to further improve aviation safety and
environmental protection throughout Europe, while ensuring a level playing field, as well as fostering efficiency and
proportionality in regulatory processes. The EPAS is a key component of the safety management system (SMS) at
European level, which is described in the EASP1. The regional approach complements national approaches offering
a more efficient means of discharging State obligations for safety management in the EU aviation system.
The EPAS 2021-2025 set an aspirational safety goal to achieve constant safety improvement with a growing aviation
industry. This aspirational goal indisputably remains a long-term goal for the EU aviation system. In consideration of
the drastic reduction in traffic volumes due to the COVID-19 crisis and the new risks induced by its impacts, the EPAS
aspirational goal is adapted for this edition to focus on maintaining collectively the pre-pandemic high aviation
safety level throughout the recovery phase and improving safety post-recovery (refer to Section 4.1). Effective
risk management capabilities at European, State and industry level are more important than ever to cope with the
systemic and operational safety risks and wide-ranging effects of the crisis and constitute an important enabler for
building back a more resilient aviation system.
Those risk management capabilities will increasingly need to be applied comprehensively for all risks affecting
aviation safety; hence, a more integrated, collaborative approach to risk management must be explored, starting
with safety, security with safety relevance and cyber security and cyber security risks with the ultimate objective of
ensuring the maximum level of safety.
From the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe, realising that the impact on industry was closely linked to the
level of coordination and harmonisation within Europe, the Agency initiated the project called ‘Return to Normal
Operations’. This project was still active in 2021 and, thanks to the intense cooperation with the European Member
States, the aviation industry and international partners, continues to produce guidance and other deliverables to
enable a safe and efficient return to operations. In 2020 a series of immediate measures to address the most acute
phase of the crisis and support a safe return to operations while reducing the risk of infection for passengers and
crews were taken. The aviation safety risks entailed by the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be assessed as part of
a dedicated work stream within the RNO project which resulted in the compilation of a first COVID-19 Safety Risk
Portfolio in the summer of 2020. It was subsequently included in the initial EPAS Volume III ‘Safety Risk Portfolios’
created for the 2021-2025 edition. The in-depth analysis of the various safety issues resulted in specific short-
term mitigation actions not qualifying for inclusion in the EPAS 2021-2025. The COVID-19 Safety Risk Portfolio was
reviewed during the first quarter of 2021 and an updated portfolio was published on 30 April 2021. The various
safety issues identified were assessed as part of the European Safety Risk Management (SRM) process, and some
resulted in new initiatives, such as the ‘Ramp-Up – Be ready, Stay Safe Campaign’2 that took place in June 2021
and was attended by over 2 500 participants. Moreover, two new EPAS actions are included in this EPAS edition in
support of a safe return to operations.
While some uncertainty remains, there is consensus among aviation stakeholders that the path to recovery for the
aviation industry will be longer than projected in 2020. The various forecasts available, e.g. those established by
ICAO, IATA and EUROCONTROL, converge in their assessment that the pre-pandemic levels of traffic will be reached
towards the end of 2023/early 2024 only, based on the most optimistic scenario3.
The need to ensure a safe return to operations, while at the same time continuing to alleviate the regulatory burden
on stakeholders, constitute the main priorities shaping this EPAS edition.

1 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52015DC0599
2 https://www.easa.europa.eu/newsroom-and-events/news/ramp-be-ready-stay-safe-campaign
3 New EUROCONTROL 2021-2027 forecast dated 15 October 2021
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 12
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Abbreviation list

Volume I – Strategic Priorities

Considering the expected duration of the recovery phase, the review and redefinition of the EPAS strategic priorities
with the 2021 revision cycle, as announced with the EPAS 2021-2025, is postponed by another year as aviation
stakeholders continue to be fully engaged in ensuring an efficient and safe return to operations. The outcome of
the ICAO High-Level Conference on COVID 19 (HLCC 2021), among other developments, will feed the definition of
such new EPAS strategic priorities for the 2022 revision cycle.
The European Green Deal sets an ambitious goal for EU to be climate neutral by 2050, which is reflected in the
European aviation initiative ‘Destination 2050 – A Route to Net Zero European Aviation’4 . The pandemic and its
drastic reduction in operations acted as a catalyst, leading to a significant push for a more sustainable aviation
system, be it in the context of State aids and public relief packages for the aviation sector, the expectations of
the travelling public or from industry itself. Coming under pressure from all those angles, industry is anticipating
or accelerating their plans to adopt more sustainable solutions. The EPAS will be instrumental to ensuring that
such solutions will not come at the expense of safety. An overall risk management framework supporting the
identification of all factors that influence safety and addressing them systematically will be needed.
Against this background, changes in Volume I are limited to the following:
• Adding ‘Safe return to operations’ as a new focus area within the existing strategic priorities (refer to
Section 3.1.0 for further details on the specific COVID-19-related safety issues);
• Updating the information on the operational context in Section 2.1;
• Strengthening the strategic priority ‘Environmental protection’, on the basis of the Agency’s sustainable
aviation programme (refer to Section 3.1.4);
• Adding ‘Oversight’ and ‘Standardisation’ as new items under Strategic priority ‘Systemic safety’ (refer to
Section 3.1.1);
• Removing Section 3.2 ‘Strategic enablers’ to streamline the document and minimise overlaps with the
• Reflecting recent developments as well as progress with key actions, roadmaps and related initiatives;
• Moving the key indicators in terms of EPAS actions from the former Section 4.1 to Volume II; and
• Updating Section 4.1 ‘Safety performance’ in response to AB comments, minimising the overlap with the
Annual Safety Review (ASR) and Standardisation Annual Report (SAR).

Volume II – Actions
Since its 5th edition (covering 2016-2020), the EPAS incorporates the EASA Rulemaking Programme, thus creating
a single repository for all programmed actions, supported by a single programming process. Early 2021 EASA
launched an internal project with the objective of further enhancing efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility of its
rulemaking process. This project delivered a first set of concrete measures aiming at increasing rulemaking output
and reducing lead times, the effects of which are expected to materialise from 2023 onwards. For this reason,
information provided on the detailed schedule of rulemaking deliverables is limited to those deliverables which
are intended to be completed in 2022, or which are not affected by the project. The schedule of other rulemaking
deliverables is provided with less detail, since it may be subject to a reassessment following the application of those
efficiency measures.

4 https://www.destination2050.eu/
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 13
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Abbreviation list

Volume III – Safety Risk Portfolios

To support the safety management efforts at regional, national and industry level, Volume III was introduced with
the EPAS 2021-2025. Volume III provides visibility to the safety risks and underlying safety issues affecting the
European aviation system and thereby provides valuable information for any SRM activity, be it at regional, State or
industry level. The domain Safety Risk Portfolios are updated concurrently with the production of the ASR with the
support of the Collaborative Analysis Groups (CAGs).
In addition to being developed in accordance with the processes, roles and responsibilities described in the EASP,
the EPAS is consistent with the ICAO global plans in the area of aviation safety and air navigation and ensures
alignment with the European ATM Master Plan (MP). Refer to Section 2.2 for further details on the relationship
between the various plans and programmes.
Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (the ‘Basic Regulation’)5 includes a dedicated chapter on aviation safety management,
thereby creating a strong legal basis not only for the EASP and the EPAS, but also for the establishment and
maintenance of State Safety Programmes (SSPs) and State Plans for Aviation Safety (SPAS) at Member State level.
Basic Regulation Article 8 requires EASA Member States to consider relevant risks and actions defined in the
EPAS within their national safety management processes. In return, the EPAS defines a number of specific actions
addressed to and owned by Member States, to act on some of the risks identified through the European SRM
process. Risks and actions identified in the EPAS support the implementation of effective SSPs and SPAS.
The implementation of EPAS actions in the domain of systemic safety, including SSP and SPAS implementation, is
supported by a specific stakeholder AB, the Safety Management TeB (SM TeB). Its main purpose is to provide a forum
to exchange information and address implementation issues in the area of State safety management, as well as
to provide input and feedback on EPAS implementation in regard to all systemic issues. The SM TeB also provides
recommendations on further actions required to support EPAS, SSP and SPAS implementation. All EASA Member
States are represented in the SM TeB, while non-EASA European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) States are invited
to attend as observers.

5 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018R1139&from=EN
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 14
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.1 Operational context

2.1.1 Introduction
This section provides an overview of the current context in which the EPAS actions are deployed. It also includes
information on the European aviation system in terms of size, nature and complexity, together with information
describing the pre-COVID-19 situation, to serve as a reference for the recovery.
The information in this section has been obtained from the following sources:
• economic data related to the gross domestic product (GDP), aviation revenues, number of flights, etc.
from ICAO, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), EUROCONTROL, IATA and ACI;
• data collected through the EASA Standardisation Information System (SIS) concerning the number and
type of aviation organisations approved in EASA Member States; and
• intelligence available within EASA operational departments as regards the impact of the pandemic on
the various domains.
This information will be consolidated and further developed in future EPAS editions to ensure that the prioritisation
of EPAS actions takes due account of the challenges and risks the European aviation system is facing. Systemic,
operational and environmental-protection-related challenges and risks are further described in Section 3.1
‘Strategic priorities’.

2.1.2 Operational context — General Worldwide perspective

After the year 2020 when the global economy experienced the worst crisis since the Great Depression as a
consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the activity in 2021 rapidly recovered and the prospects for the following
years are that this trend will continue. However, it is too soon to draw firm conclusions, considering the uncertainties
on the evolution of certain threats (not only the pandemic, but also climate change, increasing public debts and
geopolitical changes).
According to the last general IMF forecast available6, GDP fell by 3.3 % in 2020 and is expected to rebound by
5.9 % in 2021, to continue with a growth rate of 4.9 % in 2022. Behind these global figures quite diverse situations
are found in national economies due to differences in the pace of vaccine roll-out and the capability of States to
offer financial support.
The pandemic also affected the job market, the employment conditions and other socio-economic factors. From
a worldwide perspective, according to the International Labour Office, the unemployment rate grew by 1.1 point
to 6.5 % in 2020, compared to 5.4 % in 2019, and will only slowly decrease to an expected 6.3 % in 2021 and 5.7 %
in 20227.

6 https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2021/10/12/world-economic-outlook-october-2021
7 https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/- - - dgreports/- - - dcomm/- - -publ/documents/publication/wcms_795453.pdf,
Table 1.2 Employment-to-population ratio, unemployment rate
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 15
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Executive summary

The evolution of the pandemic needs to be brought in this overall picture to complete the worldwide view. There
is general agreement that a global pandemic picture is difficult to build because, on one hand, there is no single
indicator to summarise the pandemic situation and, on the other, there is no reliable forecast on how the pandemic
situation will evolve in the near future due to the very high complexity when modelling the evolution of the
pandemic8. The start of vaccination campaigns at the end of 2020 and the steady increase in vaccination rates in
2021 are strong indicators for a recovery in the short term.
Vaccination rate status on 26 October 2021:

Figure 1: Vaccine doses administered per 100 persons (Source: OurWorldData)9

From a worldwide aviation perspective, large aeroplane commercial passenger flights, constituting the bulk of
the aviation activity, showed an unprecedent drop in 2020 and started to recover in 2021. The closure of borders
fundamentally contributed to this drop in traffic, hitting airline international traffic far more than domestic traffic.
If the current positive trend of pandemic recovery continues, the domestic traffic in terms of number of airlines’
commercial passengers would recover in 2022 in comparison with the 2019 level. International traffic would only
recover in 2024.

8 For instance, modelling of the effect of vaccination coverage, scenarios with new variants, etc.
9 https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 16
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Global O-D pax numbers, m

4,000 2,500


2022: 110% 2,000

of 2019

2024: 101%
2,000 of 2019

1,500 1,000

2022: 66%
1,000 of 2019

0 0












Source: IATA/Tourism Economics Air Passenger Forecast, July 2021

Figure 2: Number of large aircraft commercial passengers from 2018 to 2030 (Source: IATA)

However, the diversity of aviation is such that it is worth noting that other aviation sectors like cargo, business
aviation and helicopter operations are in a much better situation compared with the passenger airline sector.
The aviation operational context per aviation domain from an EU perspective is described in Section 2.1.3. European Union focus

The economic and social situation in the European Union is similar to the world outlook provided above.
Regarding the pandemic, by 31 August 2021 the EU had reached a crucial milestone with 70 % of the adult
population fully vaccinated against COVID-1910 . However, the threat of COVID-19 is not over as there remains an
immunity gap, new variants are still possible and there are significant differences in vaccination rates globally and
within the EU. The risk of new variants calls for a cautious approach.
In terms of aviation developments, the flight forecast as provided by EUROCONTROL11 on 15 October 2021 follows
the aviation worldwide pattern.

10 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_4362
11 Instrument flight rules flights.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 17
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

EUROCONTROL 7-year forecast for *Europe 2021-2027

Actual and future IFR movements, % traffic compared to 2019



11.5 11.8
11.1 11.1 11.3 106%
Flights in Millions

100% 10.6 102% 104%

100% 100%
9.8 96%

60% 6.2
5.0 56%
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

High scenario Base scenario Low scenario 2019 levels

*Europe = ECAC 44 Member States © EUROCONTROL

Figure 3: Forecast for Europe 2021-2027 (Source: EUROCONTROL)12

As noted earlier, the aviation market segments have responded with a wide diversity to the pandemic.
On the 1 October 2021 versus the 2019 level, the evolution of the IFR flights was:
• Flights for traditional airlines are still 40 % lower and 30 % lower for the so-called low-cost airlines than
their 2019 levels respectively.
• Cargo and business aviation flights increased by 12 % and 29 % respectively.
• Charter flights showed a slight decrease (minus 6 %).

Note: Helicopters and General Aviation aircraft mainly fly in accordance with visual flight rules (VFR);
there exists no consolidated data for those flights at EU level.

12 For updated information on the EUROCONTROL forecast for Europe, the reader is invited to consult the EUROCONTROL webpage
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 18
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

European Flights per Market Segment, compared to 2019

1 May 20

1 May 21
1 Mar 20

1 Mar 21
1 Aug 20

1 Aug 21
1 Nov 20

1 Dec 20
1 Sep 20

1 Sep 21
1 Apr 20

1 Apr 21
1 Feb 20

1 Feb 21
1 Oct 20

1 Oct 21
1 Jun 20

1 Jun 21
1 Jan 20

1 Jan 21
1 Jul 20

1 Jul 21

40% 29%
12% Cargo

0 6% Non-

30% Low-Cost
40% Other


Cargo Lowcost Other Scheduled Non-Scheduled Business Aviation

Figure 4: Market segments in the EUROCONTROL Network13

To conclude on the general context, it is worth noting that, in addition to the remaining uncertainties concerning
the pandemic (vaccination coverage, new variants), there are other variables and uncertainties for the aviation
sector and subsequently for EASA, which may influence the long-term recovery of the aviation sector:
• In Europe, Member States and the European Union provided an unprecedented budgetary effort which
seems to have succeeded in mitigating the effects of the economic crisis. However, it is not yet known to
what extent the various financial support programmes will be sustainable.
• The economic crisis is changing the way of living: teleworking, teleconferences, relocation of production
centres closer to customer areas.
• The aviation sector value chain is facing a disruption subject to restructuration.
• Innovative solutions and new business models emerge to adapt to the new reality. These will have
effects that are not yet known.
• The pandemic is also significantly shaping societal demands and it is safe to state that sustainability will
play a much stronger role as regards public transport policies and the allocation of economic relief funds.

13 https://www.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/2021-05/eurocontrol-four-year-forecast-2021-2024-full-report.pdf
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 19
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.1.3 Operational context per aviation domain Commercial air transport — aeroplanes

During 2021 the reduction in airline passenger flights due to COVID-19 continued, subsequently resulting also in
lack of capacity to transport cargo in that aircraft The same can be stated for the complexity of operations, ranging
from quarantine measures imposed on flight crews, disruption in training and scheduling, and the need to transport
cargo in the cabin.
Airlines continued to have a large portion of their aircraft grounded, leaving flight and cabin crew members with
uncertainty about the return to normal operations.
However, the recovery during the summer of 2021 was faster than expected. This was a positive development but
led to difficulties for operators to cope with the increased demand, adding complexity in the return to service of
aircraft and flight crews.
From the information available, it is difficult to estimate the number of operators ending operations or filing for
bankruptcy. Nevertheless, according to the available EASA Standardisation data (Section 2.1.4), the overall number
of air operator certificate (AOC) holders in the EU increased by 7.2 % in 2021 (625 in 2021 compared to 583 in
2020). A very limited number of operators modified their existing business model to re-centralise operations in
their respective regions and to cease, even if sometimes temporarily only, part of their operations. Finally, some
operators might have used the crisis to diversify or even modify their business model focusing on cargo activities. Helicopter operations

Based on feedback from the rotorcraft community, it was observed that in 2020 the overall helicopter traffic in the
EASA Member States decreased. This change in the level of flying activity was very different depending on the type
of operation performed.
The decrease in activity was more pronounced in non-commercial operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic and
the various lockdown measures, in comparison with the other domains.
For commercial operations, a slight decrease in the number of helicopter AOC holders could be observed over the
period 2019 to 2021, whereas the number of helicopters performing commercial air transport remained relatively
stable at around 2 400. The average number of helicopters per AOC holder in 2020 is between 8 and 9.
The first half of 2021 could be seen as the extension of 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic. Regarding the second
half of 2021, going together with the abatement of COVID-containment measures, there were signs of recovery for
all helicopter operations. Non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC)

For the so-called business aviation in the NCC segment, data has shown a severe impact during the first half of 2020
with a quick recovery during the summer of 2020. The business aviation flight level at the end of the summer of
2021 was approximately 30 % above the 2019 level. This seems to confirm that the business aviation sector is taking
opportunities arising from the new operational context created by the pandemic for airlines.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 20
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction Aircrew and medical

Throughout 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic led to travel restrictions between states that resulted in flight and cabin
crew as well as instructors and examiners not being able to reach their respective training facilities, or examination,
testing checking venues, nor complete their yearly medical fitness examination. Where travel was possible, national
COVID-19 measures on many occasions led to the closure of said facilities/venues or allowed only for limited
training to take place. As a consequence, many crews were not able to fully complete or perform their required
initial or recurrent training and/or checking events. Short-term blanket and standardised exemptions were therefore
issued by the European aviation authorities, in coordination with EASA, to enable said stakeholders to continue to
function in their roles, subject to various conditions and mitigations that ensured that an acceptable level of safety
was maintained. Furthermore, the exemptions aimed to reduce the severity of the disruptions that would otherwise
occur due to non-availability of a sufficient number of flight and cabin crew members to operate on behalf of their
organisations. A similar approach was applied to holders of non-professional licences (PPL, LAPL, etc.). Towards the
end of 2020, the number of exemptions was significantly reduced and only used in duly justified cases and limited
to what was strictly needed. EASA continuously supported the aviation authorities and the industry during 2020
and 2021 with the issue of a variety of guidelines, notably covering exemptions, flight crew recency and virtual
classroom instruction.
As regards the medical domain, the impact was significant with a large increased demand for medical experts. As a
consequence, some authority medical assessors were requested to support clinical medicine work which reduced
their involvement in the oversight of aeromedical centres (AeMCs) and aeromedical examiners (AMEs). Moreover,
additional medical expertise was needed to support and monitor the physical and mental health as well as the well-
being of aviation professionals. EASA medical experts were additionally called upon to support with a large number
of COVID-19-related activities involving health and safety, in particular health and safety protocols for air operators
and airports, flight crews and disinfection of aircraft.
As regards the oversight of organisations, including flight simulation training device (FSTD) certificate holders/
operators and AMEs, ‘desktop methodologies’ via virtual communication were mostly used during the COVID-19
pandemic. In addition, some inspections and evaluations were postponed. However, the remote oversight
methodologies had been progressively replaced or complemented in 2021 by on-site audits and inspections as
normal, prioritised against risk.
In addition to the COVID-19, the departure of the UK from the EU led to a large number of legal uncertainties
within this domain, notably as regards the validity/recognition of licences and certificates as well as the recognition
of training and checking performed under the oversight by the UK CAA. EASA, in close collaboration with the
European Commission (EC), held several meetings and provided a significant amount of guidance to support the
aviation authorities with processing a large amount of licence transfer requests submitted by UK CAA licence
holders or students undergoing training within the UK. A peak of requests was received a few weeks prior to 31
December 2020 with some further limited follow-up and support needs at the beginning of 2021.
On a more positive note, during 2020 and 2021, more emphasis was placed on enabling new innovative
technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), for use in flight and cabin crew training,
ultimately leading to the use of FSTD special conditions (SCs) to qualify a novel device in 2021 for use in initial
helicopter licensing training. Further developments in this area are anticipated to cover not only helicopters, but
also vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft, airship FSTDs and other training solutions.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 21
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction General Aviation

In sport and recreational operations, a noticeable reduction of activity occurred in 2020 due to the pandemic and
this domain started recovering in 2021.
In the area of aircraft production some reduction is expected due to the economic impact. When it comes to design,
activities are expected to grow due to the innovation drive coming from the European Green Deal transitional
measures, in particular where General Aviation (GA) provides a cradle for innovation. Pilot training, including
instructors, is expected to have a shift due to the changes in operations, with little need for commercial pilots at
first, and a surplus of commercial pilots that could fill the GA instructor shortage.
Overall, the economic recession and societal views on the environment are expected to put pressure on GA. The
recent gas and fuel price developments are potentially also going to have a negative impact on aviation. Design and production

One of the Agency’s core tasks is the approval and certification of aeronautical products such as aircraft, engines
and equipment.
This activity is highly correlated to aircraft deliveries and orders, which, in turn, are linked to air traffic. Regarding
worldwide commercial air transport, aircraft orders dropped a sharp 46 % in 2020 compared to 2019 (with business
aeroplanes and helicopters being less affected); aircraft deliveries overall showed a reduction of 27 % compared to
the 2019 levels, with no major differences among products.
Focusing on the first half of 2021, data shows a reduction of 22 % in terms of orders and a reduction of 32 % in
terms of deliveries compared to the first half of 2019. The increase in aircraft orders seems promising, although
production rates are still suffering from COVID-19-related measures.
In the area of initial airworthiness of type design, the number of applications received and the number of certificates
issued by the Agency provide an adequate estimate of the impact of COVID-19. In particular, overall, for the period
January to September 2021, a reduction of 12 % was recorded for the number of applications received and a
reduction of 27% for the number of certificates issued in comparison with 2019. Comprehensive 2020 data shows
a reduction of 10 % in the number of applications received and a reduction of 16% in the number of certificates
issued compared to 2019.
Regarding continued airworthiness of type design, the number of occurrence reports received and closed and the
number of airworthiness directives (ADs) published constitute a fair indication of the impact of the pandemic. In
particular, for occurrence reports received, an increase of 2 % could be observed for the period from January to
September 2021 compared to the same period in 2019, with a 1 % reduction in the number of occurrences closed.
Finally, the number of ADs published dropped by 7 % for the period from January to September 2021 compared
to the same period in 2019. Comprehensive 2020 data shows a reduction of 9 % for the number of occurrences
received, an increase of 31 % in the number of occurrences closed and a reduction of 8% for ADs issued versus 2019.
In 2020, the number of active production organisation approval (POA) holders remained at the same level as in
2019, and an increase in new applications could even be noted in 2021.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 22
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction Maintenance and continuing airworthiness management

The demand for maintenance and continuing airworthiness management organisations’ services is linked to the
worldwide aircraft in-service fleet, which was drastically reduced in the first half of 2020 by the high volume of
parked/stored/phased-out aircraft. A partial recovery started towards the end of 2020 and continued during 2021;
however, still remaining below pre-crisis levels.
A similar trend is envisaged for demand in the maintenance domain. Airframe and engine maintenance activities
are expected to recover first, compared to component maintenance not subject to calendar-life limitations, due to
aircraft re-entering into service and the need to catch up deferred maintenance during storage.
The following list provides further details to complement the general considerations regarding demand:
• Maintenance and continuing airworthiness management organisations mitigated the effect of the crisis
remaining in business by reducing staff numbers and scope of activities. Small organisations, particularly
component workshops, suffered more resulting in either surrenders of approvals for some not belonging
to larger corporate groups or merging of approvals between different entities.
• The majority of maintenance and continuing airworthiness management organisations followed
adequate procedures when storing aircraft for long periods during the pandemic, thereby retaining
the aircraft airworthiness status and requiring minor work to subsequently release the aircraft into
operations. A related increase in the number of incidents in relation to the return to service of stored
aircraft could be observed and was addressed by Agency Safety Information Bulletins (SIBs).
• The increase of cargo activities resulted in increased maintenance demand for passenger to cargo
conversions. Additionally, a shifting towards narrow-body aircraft maintenance/related components
materialised due to the reduction in international travel.
• An increased involvement of manufacturers is observed in the repair/overhaul activities.
• Regarding the working methods, perspective changes were implemented due to lockdown and similar
constraints, which will remain post-crisis:
– extensive use of distance learning affecting all continuing airworthiness organisations, but primarily
the Part-147 training organisations and related Part-66 licensing processes, with major changes in
procedures and increased involvement of the competent authorities;
– use of remote auditing techniques for compliance verification not only within the approved
organisations but also by competent authorities.
• The lack of proficiency and the associated skills degradation of maintenance and continuing
airworthiness management staff, as a consequence of the significant reduction in traffic due to the
COVID-19 pandemic situation, needed to be addressed by the organisations.
It is also worth noting that COVID-19 has shown the importance of interaction of maintenance and continuing
airworthiness management organisations with competent authorities for business continuity and keeping the
balance between support to the aviation industry and the need to avoid market distortion, namely:
• the need for the issuance of exemptions allowing the continuation of operations. The number of
exemptions issued by the competent authorities has steeply increased during the crisis;
• adoption by competent authorities of new oversight methods, namely remote audits allowing for the
continuation of the approvals in the context of travelling restrictions.
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VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Brexit was another factor with a significant impact on maintenance and continuing airworthiness management
because UK maintenance and continuing airworthiness management organisation approvals and aircraft
maintenance licences are no longer recognised by the EU. A large number of UK-approved organisations applied
for an EASA approval, considering the absence of a bilateral aviation safety agreement (BASA) between the EU and
the UK in this domain. EASA became the competent authority for approximately 250 maintenance and continuing
airworthiness management organisations having their principal place of business in the UK, a number which is still
growing with new applications coming in.
Transition to Part-CAMO/Part-CAO
An additional factor contributing to the peculiar operational environment during 2021 was the ongoing process
of transition to the new regulatory framework brought by the amendment to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014
introducing the new Part-CAO and Part-CAMO.
This process will be ongoing until March 2022 and is linked to the introduction of SMS in the continuing
airworthiness management domain and the creation of a new combined organisation approval that is better suited
to the needs of less complex aviation, compared to that for Part-145 and Part-M Subpart G approved organisations. Air traffic management/air navigation services

During 2020 and 2021, COVID-19 had a high impact on the traffic levels as well as the related revenue for the air
navigation service providers (ANSPs) and other actors in this sector. Consequently, a decrease in financial resources
resulted for ANSPs, with a significant impact on ongoing and planned activities to maintain and further develop the
ATM/ANS system. On the other hand, actions implemented during the COVID-19 crisis provided opportunities for
more sustainable and flexible provision of services and for making ATM more resilient and scalable.
In general, principles and procedures for ATM/ANS provision remained untouched, with potential adjustments
necessarily introduced to address specific issues. Further efforts will be required to achieve the desired
harmonisation of ANS provision across the EU. Acknowledging the reduced investments due to the crisis, the
focus of this sector will be on ensuring the necessary improvements of the systems in an economically sustainable
The Agency, in a shared effort with other relevant stakeholders, contributed to this effort by identifying and
addressing a list of safety issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, several of which apply to ATM/ANS (e.g. ATCO
competence, ATCO fatigue, personnel well-being, restarting a complex system, etc.14 ), that need to be monitored
and addressed throughout the pandemic and the subsequent recovery period, with the recovery of traffic levels
similar to or higher than those in 2019.
The recovery to normal traffic levels is expected to take place in the first years of the period covered by this EPAS
2022-2026, with the upper band of the forecasts predicting a recovery of the traffic to the 2019 levels as early as in
2024. This will require the industry, competent authorities and other stakeholders to be ready to adapt to a rapidly
changing environment, while still coping with the effects of the pandemic, in terms of financial and operational

14 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/review_of_aviation_safety_issues_from_covid-19_final_0.pdf
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 24
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction Aerodromes and groundhandling

Compared to the 2019 levels, 2021, despite some recovery in the second half of the year, was globally expected to
generate a loss of 3.3 billion passengers or 61.4 % compared to the 2019 levels (ACI World, July 202115).
Globally, aerodrome operators lost more than USD 125 billion in revenues from the start of the pandemic until
October 2021, while 193 European airports are facing insolvency (ACI Europe Annual Conference 26-27 October16).
For European airports, ACI Europe estimates that airport revenues will remain EUR 29 billion lower than in 2019
with 64 % fewer passengers compared to 2019 and a full recovery not in sight until 2025.
The reduction in passenger flights and traffic volumes with fewer aircraft operating in Europe continues to have a
negative effect also on groundhandling operations.
For the groundhandling industry, in 2021 the COVID-19 crisis led to some bankruptcies and an overall reduction of
staff. Compared to the pre-pandemic era, the sector employed less than 50 % of its staff in July 2020 (ASA, Open
letter to the air transport authorities, 03 July 202017).
The recovery of the aviation market in the second half of 2021 only slightly dampened the overall negative
economic impact in terms of loss in revenues. While the airport and groundhandling industry is recovering from
the impact of the pandemic, it is also faced with the new challenge to prepare the existing airport infrastructure
for the future needs of aviation regarding sustainability, e.g. for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and the expected
passenger growth.
In addition, new technologies and new types of operations, for example in the area of unmanned aircraft
operations, will affect airport operations in terms of design and operations and will require new infrastructure.
With regard to unmanned aircraft operations, the Agency will develop prototype technical specifications for
‘vertiports’ that will accommodate those operations in the future. Drone operations

The EU drone market continues to grow rapidly, with drone services and operations materialising in numerous
use cases. With a first EU regulatory framework already in place for drone operations in the ‘open’ and ‘specific’
categories, it is now important to successfully implement the EU’s ‘U-space’ regulatory package and to complement
the regulatory framework to enable operations of UAS and (manned) electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL)
aircraft in the ‘certified’ category, including urban air mobility (UAM) applications.
COVID-19 had almost no noticeable effect on the development of UAS, drones and eVTOL aircraft. Several
conceptual frameworks, platform architectures, methodologies and practical demonstrators continue to be
developed at high pace across the EU. The COVID-19 crisis may have accelerated certain use cases of drones; for
instance, in the medical sector for delivering samples and vital supplies to medical personnel, and for humanitarian
aid and emergency/disaster response.
In the coming years EASA, contributing to the EC’s wider ‘Drone Strategy 2.0’, will continue to foster the
development of a drone ecosystem in Europe by further developing and supporting Member States’ implementation
of the common operations-centric, risk-based regulatory framework that addresses societal expectations related to
environmental protection, safety, and cyber security.

15 https://aci.aero/2021/07/14/stark-impact-of-covid-19-on-global-traffic-persists-amid-improving-outlook/
16 aci-europe-events.org
17 https://asaworld.aero/media/1272/asa-open-letter-3-july-2020.pdf
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VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.1.4 Overview of the aviation organisations, personnel and products

In order to carry out its Standardisation duties, the Agency collects information on the number of certificates,
licences and declarations for various aviation domains. In addition to the general trends identified in the previous
sections, the following table provides data on the number of organisations, aviation personnel and aircraft
monitored in the EASA Member States. It compares 2019, 2020 and 202118.
Note: The below table considers SIS data collected in 2021Q4.

Item 2021 (Oct) 2020 2019

AOC (A) 635 583 595
AOC (H) 251 247 255
NCC (A+H) 452 454 490
SPO (A+H) 687 749 778

AEROPLANES 71 885 73 359 74 920

Annex I 15 002 14 914 15 308
CAT OPS 6 593 6 745 7 021
EU CofA 34 097 34 261 33 976
Valid ARC 16 193 17 439 18 615

HELICOPTERS 11 884 12 699 12 379

Annex I 2421 2 978 2 767
CAT OPS 2 115 2 034 2 010
EU CofA 4 653 4 673 4 521
Valid ARC 2 695 3 014 3 081

EASA flight crew licences 317 973* 237 316 225 303
Aeroplane licences 212 589* 183 125 179 562
Helicopter licences 17 536* 15 461 15 251
ATPL(A) 67 762 66 013 65 846
ATPL(H) 3 387 3 186 3 116
CPL (A) 44 161 41 334 39 015
CPL (H) 7 873 7 633 7 597
MPL 1 358 1 556 1 532
Other 87 848* 38 730 30 490
PPL (A) 99 330* 74 222 73 169
PPL (H) 6 276* 4 642 4 538
Approved training organisations (ATOs — flight crew) 1 353 1 304 1 368
FSTDs 900 1 051 981
AeMCs 87 84 86
AMEs 2 079 2 075 2 122
*Change in the statistical data collection in Germany in 2021 compared to previous years

18 Comparable data across the years (without UK data).

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VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Item 2021 (Oct) 2020 2019

Part 21 approved design organisations (DOA) 32319 376 367
Part 21 approved production organisations (POA) 616 620 621

Part-145 approved maintenance organisations 1 613 1 600 1 597
Part M Subpart-F approved maintenance organisations 179 402 424
Continuing airworthiness management organisations 1 299 1 549 1 584
Part-147 approved maintenance training organisations 241 231 239
Part-66 EASA aircraft mechanic licences 62 799 60 155 54 343


Air traffic management / air navigation service providers 514 529 537
EASA licensed air traffic controllers 21 535 21 408 21 626
Air traffic controller training organisations 119 130 127

Aerodromes with more than 5 million passengers 43 74 73
Number of certified aerodromes within the EASA scope 392 402 398
Number of exempted aerodromes within the EASA scope 126 114 111
Number of heliports within the EASA scope 11 12 8
Movements in certified aerodromes 6 721 379 13 794 513 15 059 276
Movements in exempted aerodromes 752 826 836 107 974 918

Table 1: Overview of organisations, aviation personnel and aircraft monitored in EASA Member States

19 The drop in 2021 is due to the impact of BREXIT and the cancellation of all EASA DOAs located in the UK.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 27
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.2 Global and Regional Plans and Programmes

The EPAS supports the objectives and priorities of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP). The purpose of the GASP
is to continually reduce fatalities and the risk of fatalities by guiding the development of a harmonised aviation
safety strategy and the development and implementation of regional and national aviation safety plans. A safe
aviation system contributes to the economic development of States and their industries. The GASP promotes the
implementation of a State’s safety oversight system by promoting a risk-based approach to managing safety as well
as a coordinated approach to collaboration between States, regions and industry. One of the GASP goals is for States
to improve their effective safety oversight capabilities and to progress in the implementation of SSPs. Thus, the
GASP calls for States to put in place robust and sustainable safety oversight systems that should progressively evolve
into more sophisticated means of managing safety. These objectives are mainly addressed in Volume II Section 5.1.
In addition to addressing systemic safety, the GASP addresses high-risk categories of occurrences, which are
deemed global safety priorities. These categories were determined based on actual fatalities from past accidents,
high fatality risk per accident or the number of accidents and incidents. The following high-risk categories were
identified for the 2020-2022 GASP edition:
• controlled flight into terrain;
• loss of control in flight;
• mid-air collision;
• runway excursion; and
• runway incursion.
These are consistent with the key risk areas identified through the European SRM process20. The GASP global
priorities are addressed in Volume II in the following Sections: Aircraft upset in flight, Runway safety, Airborne collision (mid-air collisions), and Terrain collision.
The purpose of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP)21 is to drive the evolution of the global air navigation system
to meet the ever-growing expectations of all sectors in the aviation community by equitably accommodating all
airspace user operations in a safe, secure and cost-effective manner while reducing the aviation environmental
impact. To this end, the GANP provides a series of operational improvements to increase capacity, efficiency,
predictability and flexibility, while ensuring interoperability of systems and harmonisation of procedures. The
implementation of the GANP is enabled by promoting the effective implementation of safety oversight and a safety
management approach to oversight, including SRM to permit innovation in a managed way. The European ATM MP
addresses the priorities and objectives set in GANP (refer to Section 2.3.1).
The European Aviation Safety Programme (EASP) defines the aviation safety framework at European level. The
objective of the EASP is to ensure that the system for the management of aviation safety in the EU delivers the
highest level of safety performance, uniformly enjoyed across the whole Union, and continues to improve over time
while taking into account other important objectives such as environmental protection. It explains the functioning
of the European aviation system to manage the safety of civil aviation in the EU in accordance with the Basic
In addition, it describes the processes, roles and responsibilities of the different actors and lays down general
principles for European safety management, including safety action planning. The EASP functionally corresponds at
EU level to the State Safety Programme (SSP) as described in International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex
19 ‘Safety Management’. It is prepared by the EC, in consultation with Member States and EASA. An EASP update
was initiated in 2021 and is expected to be delivered in 2022Q3.

20 EASA Annual Safety Review 2020 at https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/easa_asr_2020.pdf

21 https://www4.icao.int/ganpportal
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 28
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Since 2017 the ICAO Regional Office for the EUR/NAT region and EASA have been working together to develop
a Regional Aviation Safety Plan (RASP) based on the EPAS, thus allowing all States that are part of the EUR/NAT
region to benefit from this approach. The aim of the RASP is to facilitate the achievement of the GASP goals at a
regional level. The first EUR RASP was issued in January 2019. This made EUR-NAT the first ICAO region having its
RASP adopted. The second EUR RASP covering the period 2020-2022 was published in July 202022. This second
EUR RASP version is based on the EPAS 2020-2024 edition. Its reference period reflects the current GASP reference
period 2020-2022. Work has been initiated to develop the third EUR RASP edition, in parallel with developing the
EPAS 2022-2026. The EUR RASP further provides a set of EUR Safety Performance Indicators and targets derived from
the GASP goals and targets. Safety performance monitoring within the scope of the European SRM process is more
specifically addressed in Section 4.1.
To support the EUR-RASP planning process, the EPAS actions in Volume II provide references to corresponding
GASP 2020-2022 Safety Enhancement Initiatives (SEIs) addressed to States or industry, covering both organisational
challenges and operational risks. GASP SEIs addressed to the regions are considered implemented through EU
Safety Management at large, as described in the EASP and implemented through the EPAS. Consequently, they are
not specifically referenced in the EPAS.

Global Aviation Global Aviation Global Air Navigation

Global Security Plan (GASeP) Safety Plan (GASP) Plan (GANP)

Global Aviation
Security Roadmap

European Aviation
Safety programme (EASP)
EU Commission

EUR/NAT Aviation Regional Aviation European Plan for European ATM

EU/Regional Security Roadmap Safety Plan (RASP) Aviation Safety (EPAS) Master Plan

Declaration on State Safety State Safety Performance

State level Aviation Security Programme (SSP) Programme (SSP) Plans
ICAO Member State Non-EASA EUR State EASA Member State ECAC Member State

National Aviation State Plan for Aviation

Safety Plan (NASP) Safety (SPAS)
Non-EASA EUR State EASA Member State

Figure 5: Relationship between the EPAS and other programmes and plans

22 EUR and NAT Documents (icao.int)

European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 29
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.3 ATM priorities

2.3.1 The European ATM Master Plan (MP)

The ATM MP23 is the main planning tool for setting ATM modernisation across Europe. It defines the development
and deployment priorities needed to deliver the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) of a fully scalable traffic
management system capable of handling the growing air traffic. This MP is regularly updated, through strong
collaboration between all ATM stakeholders, in order to respond to the evolving aviation landscape.
Considering Article 93(a) and (c) of the Basic Regulation which stipulate that the Agency shall, where it has
the relevant expertise and upon request, provide technical assistance to the EC, in the implementation of the
Single European Sky, in particular by conducting technical inspections, investigations and studies, as well as by
contributing to the implementation of the ATM MP, including the development and deployment of the SESAR
programme, alignment between the EPAS and the European ATM MP needs to be ensured.
This alignment requires the identification of those mature SESAR solutions that can mitigate related safety risks
identified by the European aviation safety system, and the actions required to enable SESAR solutions.
In this context, in March 2021, EASA and the SESAR Joint Undertaking signed a Service Level Agreement (SLA). This
SLA aims to ensure EASA’s technical support in the implementation of the Single European Sky by contributing
to the achievement of the European ATM MP, including the development and deployment of the SESAR projects
needed to deliver the SESAR vision.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 of 1 February 202124 on the establishment of the Common
Project One (CP1) supporting the implementation of the European ATM MP, amending Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) No 409/2013, addresses also the challenges of ATM modernisation. CP1 is a key contributor to
the objectives of the EC’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy by playing a critical role in decarbonising and
digitalising ATM in Europe.
Furthermore, the signature of a Memorandum of Cooperation with EUROCONTROL in 2021 provides EASA and
EUROCONTROL with the right instrument to collaborate on a long-term basis and reach the objectives of common
interest in the fields of aviation safety, sustainable aviation and air traffic for the benefit of the aviation sector. To
this end, the scope of the cooperation has been extended to a common digitalisation framework, which will boost
the sharing of key aviation data sources between the two organisations and foster the collaborative development
of data analytics as well as to the early on-boarding of EUROCONTROL as a technical partner of the Data4Safety

23 https://www.atmmasterplan.eu/
24 EUR-Lex - 32021R0116 - EN - EUR-Lex (europa.eu)
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VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.3.2 Future of the Single European Sky

In 2021 the EC issued the amended proposal on the implementation of the Single European Sky (the so-called SES
II+ recast), proposing an upgrade of the Single European Sky regulatory framework and the EASA Basic Regulation,
which comes on the heels of the European Green Deal.
Furthermore, to achieve the proposed goals for a ‘Digital European Sky’, the focus should be on a scalable system
and on the development of digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI) that would allow for meeting the
capacity on demand.
The proposal comes as the sharp drop in air traffic caused by the COVID-19 pandemic calls for greater resilience in
air traffic management, by making it easier to adapt traffic capacities to demand. Not adapting air traffic control
capacities would result in additional costs, delays and CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, obliging pilots to avoid congested
airspace, thus not allowing a direct flight path entails unnecessary CO2 emissions, and the same occurs when airlines
are taking longer routes to avoid charging zones with higher rates.
To secure both safe and cost-effective air traffic management services, the EC proposes actions such as:
• strengthening the European network and its management to avoid congestion and suboptimal flight
• promoting a European market for data services needed for better air traffic management;
• streamlining the economic regulation of air traffic services provided on behalf of Member States to
stimulate greater sustainability and resilience;
• developing digital technologies for a scalable and resilient network system — ‘capacity on demand’; and
• boosting better coordination for the definition, development and deployment of innovative solutions.
The EC sent its SESII+ proposal to the Parliament and the Council for its first reading in September 2020. The
Council’s ‘General Approach’ was adopted on 3 June 2021. The SESII+ high-level objectives, such as strengthening
the European ATM network management, establishing a European market for data services and ATM digitalisation
based on new space-based systems, would call for further growing and stronger ATM oversight capabilities by
EASA. At this stage it remains unclear what the outcome of those developments will be.
On the other hand, following the efforts put on mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation
industry and notably also on ANSPs, EASA continues to focus its efforts on supporting the return of aviation industry
to normal operations. Regaining the previous scale of operations may still take considerable time, which may be
used to prepare, in a constructive and forward-looking manner, for the ‘new normal’.
In 2019 the Wise Persons Group on the future of the Single European Sky developed a set of 10 recommendations
to enable additional ATM capacity in Europe, to be provided in a flexible and scalable manner, at reasonable
costs, to deliver a more resilient ATM system, while continuing to ensure safety and security, as well as meeting
environmental concerns. Thus, EASA wishes to use the time until the previous scale of operations is re-established
to prepare for the new challenges the ATM industry will be facing and support the implementation of those changes
with the best suitable regulatory and non-regulatory measures by e.g. simplifying the regulatory framework vis-à-
vis future ATM needs and supporting the transition towards a more digital ATM environment.
In this context, EASA has identified the following recommendations as directly relevant for consideration in this and
future EPAS planning cycles:
Recommendation 3: Implement a Digital European Sky based on an agreed roadmap building on the
recommendations described in the Airspace Architecture Study (AAS)25 managed by the Infrastructure Manager,
ensuring resilience of the system.

25 https://www.sesarju.eu/node/3253
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 31
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Recommendation 4: Create a new market for ATM data service providers as recommended by the AAS.
Recommendation 6: Facilitate the transition towards the Digital European Sky by reviewing current licensing and
training requirements for ATCOs, with full involvement of staff representatives.
The AAS, complementing the Wise Person Group Report (WPGR), proposes a progressive transition strategy towards
the Single European Airspace System in three consecutive 5-year periods, while building on known good practices
and quick-wins, as well as existing initiatives such as SESAR.
In its initial analysis of the recommendations made both in the WPGR and in the AAS, EASA identified three main
rulemaking topics:
• ATCO mobility and training (WPRG Recommendation 6, AAS Recommendation 2);
• Cyber resilience (WPRG Recommendation 3); and
• Evolution of the ATS common requirements & airspace architecture (WPRG Recommendations 3 and 4,
AAS Recommendation 1).
In the context of the first topic, considering that these developments are also expected to allow more flexibility in
the use of the ATCO resources, EASA aims to assist stakeholders in fully exploiting the current regulatory framework
and in lifting all obstacles to enable new technologies and operational concepts, while maintaining a high level
of safety. Ensuring a more harmonised level of training output, fostering the use of synthetic training devices and
enhancing the mobility are amongst the envisaged goals. The experience gained during the pandemic has raised
the need to consider distance learning and the use of new digital instructional means in a harmonised manner.
A dynamic cross-border sectorisation can also enable the change towards a system-driven training and licensing
that would allow the ATCOs to provide services outside the ‘traditional’ sector arrangements. Therefore, EASA will
complement the already established regulatory tasks with non-regulatory actions in the form of a specific ATCO
Action Plan.
The second topic is directly relevant for RMT.0720 ‘Management of information security risks’, while the third topic
will be dealt with through RMT.0719 ‘Regular update of air traffic management/air navigation services rules’ as the
proposal addresses the creation of a distinct layer of ATM/ANS services for the creation of a new market within
SES for ATM data service providers (ADSPs). Finally, the relevant WPRG and AAS recommendations that could not
be addressed by the already referenced RMTs can be implemented through RMT.0682 ‘Implementation of the
regulatory needs in support of the SESAR deployment’. The details of these RMTs may only be determined on the
basis of an agreed implementation roadmap that is still subject to further definition.
The European-wide harmonised implementation of the AAS architecture requires actions from many actors. The
envisioned end result can only be achieved if all actions are taken in the right order. Not only the synchronisation
between regulatory evolution and technical/operational evolution is key, but also interdependencies between
various actions need to be respected within the technical/operational evolution and the involvement of Member
States needs to be ensured.
The AAS proposes four high-level milestones for the 2025-2030 time horizon:
• Implement virtual centres and dynamic airspace configuration at large scale;
• Gradual transition towards higher levels of automation;
• Capacity-on-demand arrangements implemented across Europe; and
• New ATM data service provision model is implemented across Europe.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 32
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

• ECAC-wide implementation of cross- • Implement virtual centres and • Transformation to flight/flow
border Free Route, air-ground and dynamic airspace configuration at centric operations
ground-ground connectivity large scale
• Trajectory-based operations
• Launch airspace re-configuration • Gradual transition towards higher
• Service-oriented air traffic
supported by Operational levels of automation supported by
Excellence Programme SESAR Solutions
• Set up an enabling framework for • Capacity-on-demand arrangements
ADSP, capacity-on-demand service implemented across Europe
and rewards for early movers, first
• New ATM Data service provision
ADSP is certified
model is implemented across

Figure 6: Airspace architecture transition strategy

AAS milestone EASA action Remarks

Implement virtual ✓ Development of the amendment Building on the new ATM data service provision
centres and of Regulation EU 2017/373 in model, the virtual centre is a key enabler for the
dynamic airspace order to introduce the ADSP resilience of the ATM system. Dynamic management
configuration at common requirements (e.g. new of airspace would bring benefits when deployed
large scale Part-ADS) after SES 2+ adoption and further benefits when coupled with optimised
airspace organisation and attributes on how to
✓ EASA is currently developing
commonly manage airspace.
the future rules on conformity
assessment (RMT.0161) Both SESAR solutions are expected to be delivered
through the SESAR 2020 programme.
✓ Regular update of air traffic
controller licensing rules (IRs and
AMC & GM) RMT.0668 Sub-task 6
✓ Information security/Cyber
security (RMT.0720)
✓ EUROCAE Working Group 122
Virtual Centre
Gradual transition ✓ AI roadmap In the context of the SESAR 2020 programme,
towards higher further automation solutions will gradually be
✓ Support SESAR solutions on ATCO
levels of made available before 2024. SESAR is researching
automation how to overcome limitations of controller training
✓ Information security/Cyber and licensing in complex airspace by expanding the
security (RMT.0720) number of sectors that a controller can be validated
for by providing automation support so that
controllers’ in-depth knowledge of the local area can
be progressively complemented by the system. For
instance, research is investigating how to validate
controllers to work with a specific system and traffic
complexity, regardless of the geographical area
where the service is delivered.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 33
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

AAS milestone EASA action Remarks

Capacity- ✓ Development of the amendment Capacity on demand is a complementary service
on-demand of Regulation EU 2017/373 in enabling solidarity and cooperative mechanisms
arrangements order to introduce the ADSP between Members States and their designated ANSP
implemented common requirements (e.g. new to provide additional capacity through re-allocation
across Europe Part-ADS) after SES 2+ adoption of controller resources and therefore allowing
operations of a more resilient and performing
✓ EASA is currently developing
aviation system while keeping a network-centric
the future rules on conformity
approach. The service relies on the new ATM data
assessment (RMT.0161)
service provision model.
✓ Regular update of air traffic
The extension of capacity on demand and remote
controller licensing rules (IRs and
service provision functionalities, e.g. through
AMC & GM) RMT.0668 Sub-task 6
virtual centres, in a static or dynamic manner, on
a large or even systematic scale requires that a
number of regulatory issues be addressed and
that regulatory initiatives be taken and achieved.
This includes the Network Manager capabilities to
evolve in relation to management of an enhanced
demand-capacity balancing process and capacity-
on-demand management; oversight of the ATSP
providing remote services; ATCO qualification and
licensing; and finally an appropriate cost and pricing
mechanism to be harmoniously integrated within
the existing charging scheme avoiding double
charging of the same costs.
New ATM ✓ Development of the amendment The need to access to data services supporting the
data service of Regulation EU 2017/373 to new architecture will lead to the emergence of
provision model introduce the ADSP common new actors. ADSPs will in that timeframe play an
is implemented requirements (e.g. new Part-ADS) important role in supporting the transition towards
across Europe after SES 2+ adoption a more resilient ATM system. The creation of ADSPs
to serve any ATSP within Europe is expected to
✓ EASA is currently developing
require certification of the ADSP.
the future rules on conformity
assessment (RMT.0161)
✓ Regular update of air traffic
controller licensing rules (IRs and
AMC & GM) under RMT.0668
Sub-task 6
✓ Publication of Opinion No
03/2021 on management of
information security risks

Table 2: Airspace Architecture Study milestones

Furthermore, EASA aims to further develop the ATM regulatory framework to remove obstacles and enable the
efficient recognition of new operational and technical improvements while maintaining a high level of safety. This
will be achieved by creating a clear, consistent/harmonised and rationalised set of requirements, which creates a
presumption of conformity with the essential requirements, in particular in terms of safety, seamless operation and
performance for use by all stakeholders. Enhancing the level of harmonised system requirements at Union level
would result in better efficiency and lower costs for system procurement and maintenance as well as in improved
interoperable operation.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 34
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.4 How the EPAS is developed

The EPAS covers a 5-year time frame. In line with Article 6(1) of the Basic Regulation, the EPAS is updated on a
yearly basis. Hence, the EPAS is developed as a rolling 5-year plan in close cooperation with stakeholders, drawing
increasingly from an evidence-based approach.
The development of the EPAS relies on dedicated stakeholder groups, in particular:
• the Member States’ Advisory Body (MAB) that provides advice on strategic priorities;
• the Stakeholders Advisory Body (SAB) that reviews strategic orientation and performance indicators from
an industry perspective; and
• the Technical/Sectorial Bodies (TeB, TeC, Sectorial Committees representing Member States and industry
respectively) that provide technical and operational advice as well as feedback on implementation.
• The CAGs support the development of the Safety Risk Portfolios in Volume III.
The standard EPAS programming cycle foresees two distinct phases, each with a dedicated stakeholder consultation.
• During the first phase, the priorities derived from the EU Aviation Strategy (see Chapter 3) and safety
priorities determined through the European SRM process are discussed and confirmed with the EASA
ABs. MAB and SAB take the lead in consolidating inputs from their domain sub-committees and provide
EASA with the Member State/industry views on the priorities.
• Based on these priorities agreed/confirmed with the EASA ABs, the planning milestones for individual
EPAS actions are defined or updated in line with the EASA Single Programming process. A draft EPAS
composed of Volumes I and II is then developed and provided to all ABs for detailed comments.
Note: Strategic priorities will be subject to a full review during the 2022 EPAS planning cycle.
The safety priorities feeding this edition were confirmed on the basis of key risk areas determined through the
European SRM process (cf. ASR 2021).
Following the AB consultation and analysis of comments, the final draft EPAS is consolidated and Volume III
included. This Volume is developed through the European SRM process, it is not subject to AB consultation. The
final draft EPAS composed of all three Volumes is then presented for approval to the EASA Management Board (MB).
Following its formal approval by the MB, it will be published on the EASA website26.
More information on the EPAS development, including the application of the EC Better Regulation principles and
information on the various groups having a role in the EPAS development can be found here:
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/how_epas_is_developed.pdf
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/Working groups and Bodies having a role in

26 https://www.easa.europa.eu/easa-and-you/safety-management/european-plan-aviation-safety
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VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

2.5 How the EPAS is structured

The EPAS comprises three distinct volumes with sequential page and chapter numbering:
• Volume I provides the executive summary as well as an introduction including information on the
operational context and describes the strategic priorities. It consists of Chapters 1 to 4.
• Volume II contains the detailed list of EPAS actions. It consists of Chapters 5 to 16 and a number of
• Volume III provides the overview of the main safety risks affecting the European aviation system in the
form of key risk areas (KRAs) and domain Safety Risk Portfolios. It consists of Chapters 17 to 24.
The three volumes are complemented by a number of supporting documents providing further details or assisting
the reader, available on the EASA website27 (refer to Section 2.4).

Volume I
Volume I provides an executive summary with the main highlights of each edition. This is followed by an
introductory chapter (Chapter 2) where the link with other planning documents at European and global level as
well as the operational context in which EPAS actions are to be deployed are explained.
The overall structure of Chapter 3 ‘Strategy’ is described below.
Section 3.1 ‘Strategic priorities’ addresses the following priorities:
• 3.1.0 Safe return to operations
• 3.1.1 Systemic safety
• 3.1.2 Operational safety
• 3.1.3 Safe integration of new technologies and concepts
• 3.1.4 Environment
Section 3.2 ‘Update on the Basic Regulation Roadmap’ provides information on priorities guiding the
implementation of the Basic Regulation, initiated with the EPAS 2019-2023.
Chapter 4 Performance provides key indicators for EPAS monitoring including:
• 4.1 Safety performance (with reference to the ASR)
• 4.2 Environmental performance (with reference to the EAER)
Note: Former Section 4.1 ‘Key indicators in terms of EPAS actions (and action completion)’ is moved to Volume II
(Appendix D).

Volume II
The structure of Volume II reflects the various domains defined within the European SRM process to provide a link
with the corresponding safety data portfolios included in the ASR and the Safety Risk Portfolios in Volume III. The
structure also facilitates the identification of actions relevant for different stakeholder groups:
• All systemic safety & competence of personnel issues are grouped within Chapter 5 which is further
subdivided to address the various action areas.

27 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/general-publications/european-plan-aviation-safety-2021-2025
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VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

• All actions other than those related to systemic safety & competence of personnel, corresponding
to drivers ‘safety’, ‘level playing field’ and/or ‘efficiency/proportionality’ are grouped per domain
(see Chapters 6 to 15). Within each of those chapters, actions are grouped per driver. For the driver
‘safety’, a further grouping per key risk area is applied where a significant number of actions is included
(this concerns Chapters 6 and 8 mainly).
• Regular update RMTs are included in the respective domain chapter.
• All actions corresponding to the driver ‘environment’ are included in a separate Chapter 16.
The below provides an overview of the Volume II structure:

Chapter Title
5 Systemic safety & competence of personnel
6 Flight operations — aeroplanes (CAT & NCC)
7 Rotorcraft
8 General Aviation28
9 Design and production
10 Maintenance and continuing airworthiness management
11 Air traffic management/air navigation services (ATM/ANS)
12 Aerodromes
13 Groundhandling
14 Unmanned aircraft systems and manned eVTOL aircraft
15 New technologies and concepts
16 Environmental protection
Within each chapter/section, actions are grouped per EPAS action type (RMT, SPT, RES, EVT, MST) and within each
action type, they are listed in ascending order of the unique EPAS action reference number.
Where an action is relevant to more than one domain, its full description is included in the main domain Chapter,
and a reference to it is added in the other domain Chapter(s).
An action for flight crew training in the rotorcraft domain is included with its full description in Section 5.3
‘Competence of personnel’. In addition, a reference to it is provided in Chapter 7 ‘Rotorcraft’.

Appendices to Volume II
The EPAS Volume II is complemented by seven appendices with additional information in support of or for easy
access to the information provided in Volumes I, II and III:
• Appendix A: Deliverables published in 2021
• Appendix B: Deliverables expected in 2022
• Appendix C: Overview of new actions, deleted actions, actions on hold and completed actions
• Appendix D: Key indicators in terms of EPAS actions
• Appendix E: Best Intervention Strategies overview
• Appendix F: Transposition of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) in 2021
• Appendix G: Index
More information on the types of EPAS actions and the corresponding action templates can be found here:
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EPAS action types and templates.pdf

28 Non-commercial operations with aeroplanes with MTOMs below 5 700 kg, all operations with balloons and sailplanes.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 37
VOLUME I - 2. Introduction

Volume III
Volume III as included with the EPAS 2021-2025 is structured in accordance with the Safety Risk Portfolios as follows:

Chapter Title
17 Introduction: The basis of EPAS safety mitigations
18 COVID-19
19 Aerodromes and groundhandling
21 Commercial air transport — aeroplanes (CAT A)
22 Human factors / human performance
23 Non-commercial operations — small aeroplanes
24 Rotorcraft

Within Chapters 18 to 24, safety issues are listed in alphabetical order thus not expressing any order of priority.

2.6 How the EPAS is monitored

Section 4.1 presents an outline for EPAS safety performance metrics reflecting the EPAS strategic priorities in the
area of safety and the high-level safety objective set out in the Basic Regulation to ‘establish and maintain a high
uniform level of civil aviation safety in the Union’. Operational safety performance is monitored on the basis of the
indicators set out in the ASR.
The efficiency of actions included in the EPAS in relation to environmental protection will continue to be monitored
as part of the EAER (refer to Section 4.2). A new EAER will be published in 2022.
In accordance with Chapter II of the Basic Regulation, Member States are required to develop a SPAS, taking into
consideration the actions they own in the EPAS and providing justifications when such actions are not considered
relevant to them. These actions are identified as ‘MST’ actions.
Accordingly, SPAS remains the primary tool for Member States to report on action implementation. States are
expected to review their SPAS at least annually and where their SPAS is not updated annually, to maintain records
on the implementation of relevant EPAS actions, including justification where such actions are not considered
relevant. SSP implementation, including the processes and outcomes of safety action planning at State level, will be
monitored as part of the EASA Standardisation activities, formally starting in 2022.
In the near future, additional mechanisms to monitor action implementation may be provided in the context of
the EUR RASP monitoring. For the remaining EPAS actions (RMT, SPT, RES and EVT), feedback on implementation
is regularly provided during AB meetings. Most of the deliverables planned in the EPAS are published on the EASA
website (see rulemaking process29, safety promotion30, research projects31 and evaluation of rules32).

29 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/rulemaking-process-overview
30 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/safety-promotion
31 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/research-projects
32 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/general-publications?publication_type%5B%5D=2481
3. Strategy
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

3. Strategy
The COVID-19 pandemic, while first and foremost a humanitarian and public health crisis, is having unprecedented
repercussions for the entire aviation sector. The economic impact of the crisis exceeds any of the events that had
affected aviation in the past. Industry is still faced with a dramatic economic downturn and the path to a full
recovery is conditional to a number of variables. Authorities and organisations have been experiencing significant
strain for more than a year now owing to the multiple implications of this unprecedented crisis. Various sources
provide projections on how the aviation sector may look like, once the spread of the virus is under control, borders
will be open again and the public will be massively returning to travel by air. Still, it is expected that pre-pandemic
traffic volumes may only materialise towards the end of 2023/early 2024 based on the most optimistic scenario.
According to EUROCONTROL, network flights had been stable since January 2021 at around minus 64 %
compared to 2019, reaching minus 48 % for the period from 1 to 23 June 2021 (compared to the same period in
2019). While traffic clearly increased over the of summer 2021 with two-digit rises, this is largely due to lifting of
restrictions within Europe over the holiday period. Compared to the reference year of 2019, traffic levels remain
significantly subdued33.
Accordingly, a new focus area within the strategic priorities is proposed to enable a safe and secure return to
operations. Strong focus on aviation safety and awareness of possible trade-offs between survival/profitability
and safety remain essential. This new focus area is included as 3.1.0 ‘Safe return to operations’ to not affect the
numbering of the existing elements in Section 3.1 and more importantly, to signal that this focus area may be
removed from the EPAS once the specific risks emerging from the pandemic have been sufficiently mitigated and
the aviation system reverts back to ‘normal operations’.

3.1 Strategic priorities

3.1.0 New focus area: Safe return to operations
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an extreme reduction in operations that began in late March 2020. Recovering
from this crisis without adversely affecting the high level of safety performance is proposed as a new mid-term
EPAS strategic priority with consideration of the projections that full recovery may take 3 more years as a minimum.
In addition to the specific operational risks stemming from the crisis, there are currently a substantial number
of exemptions and extensions granted; however, the use of flexibility provisions is diminishing. Overall, an
erosion of the existing safety margins can be observed at all levels (refer to the latest Agency’s COVID-19 Safety
Risk Portfolio published in April 202134). That means that the aviation system in 2020 and 2021 was not the
same as the one which was operating previously and any perception of what can safely be achieved should
be challenged. With the complex aviation system now in a state of significant change for more than a year, it
is also likely that the system, when it returns to its normal capacity, will operate differently to that observed
in 2019. For instance, within competent authorities and organisations, individuals may have changed roles,
others may have had very different experiences and the supply chain may have been completely reconfigured.
The connections between organisations and thus between the different elements in the system will have been
broken and rebuilt differently. This means that all risk profiles, risk pictures and risk assessments reflecting the
pre-pandemic situation require an in-depth review.

33 covid19-eurocontrol-comprehensive-air-traffic-assessment-2462021.pdf
34 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/general-publications/review-aviation-safety-issues-arising-covid-19-pandemic-0
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

Accordingly, in 2020 EASA surveyed the Member States and industry partners to identify the new or emerging
aviation safety issues arising as a result of the pandemic. Those issues that were considered to constitute the
highest risk to the aviation system were assessed in detail across the summer of 2020. This detailed assessment
resulted in a number of safety interventions and the publication of guidance material to support stakeholders with
the management of the specific risks posed by the crisis. EASA’s RNO project contributed to ensuring effective
coordination among the various initiatives taken at regional, national or industry level. Most of these initiatives
did not qualify for a formal EPAS action. The resources and guidance documents developed by EASA to support
the aviation stakeholders with specific challenges that have arisen during the pandemic can be found on the EASA
COVID-19 Resources webpage35.
Taking into consideration the ongoing impact of the pandemic on the aviation system, there was an update in
the identification of new or emerging safety issues resulting from the crisis, and the Agency published a revised
COVID-19 Safety Risk Portfolio in April 2021. In addition to this work with Member States and industry partners,
the occurrence data reported since March 2020 was reviewed, alongside with information regarding the number
of exemptions in place in the European regulatory system. Together, these different sources of information provide
a picture of the safety situation in European aviation. While a drastic reduction in traffic volumes occurred, it is
important to bear in mind that for some parts of the industry workload has in fact intensified. This creates a situation
where the risk profile for each Member State and organisation is very different to that of the system as a whole. In
both 2020 and 2021, the overarching theme in relation to the safety issues identified in the COVID-19 Safety Risk
Portfolio was the need for well-functioning management systems to identify and manage risks effectively. Whether
the issue is a specific problem faced by one domain or a human factors’ issue that affects all aviation personnel, it
is vital that all actors focus on the goal of delivering safe operations throughout the recovery phase.
The duration of the pandemic also means that some of the safety issues identified in 2020 have been exacerbated.
These include issues such as the risk of skills and knowledge degradation due to lack of recent practice, the well-
being of aviation professionals, the impact of the long-term storage of aircraft and the overall effects of reduced
finances on safety including loss of suppliers and the loss of operational and technical staff. Additional consideration
must be given to circumstances where organisations will be working under time pressure to return their aircraft to
service as well as to issues with supply chains’ effectiveness.
Such supply chain aspects or the unavailability of parts bear the risk of cannibalisation, robbery of parts or the use
of unserviceable or unapproved parts (refer to Volume III SI-5011). The following may support mitigation of the
related risks:
• Guidelines: Return to service of aircraft from storage in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic36; and
• If outside the organisation: Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP)37
New safety issues were included, such as an increase of cyber security issues related to the pandemic situation,
because in organisations operating with reduced staff the capability to detect and react to cyberattacks may be

35 https://www.easa.europa.eu/easa-covid-19-resources
36 Guidelines: Return to service of aircraft from storage in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic | EASA (europa.eu)
37 Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) | EASA (europa.eu)
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 41
VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

The systemic and operational safety issues identified and further described in the updated COVID-19 Safety Risk
Portfolio are categorised under the following broad headings:

Supply Training, Infrastructure Financial

Management Human of Checking and and Effects
Systems Performance Information Recency Equipment on Safety

The safety issues identified in the updated COVID-19 Safety Risk Portfolio as bearing the highest risk are:
• Skills and knowledge degradation due to lack of recent practice (all domains)
• Reduced adherence to procedures in the new working environment (all domains)
• Crew fatigue due to unavailability of rest facilities and/or extended duty period
• Transfer of crews from one fleet to another resulting in low hours on type
• Extent and duration of COVID-19 exemptions and temporary rules
• Unusual approach profiles in the circumstances of the pandemic
• Increase in the scale and nature of global cyber security attacks exacerbated by issues related to the
pandemic (all domains).
Throughout 2020 and 2021, in the context of the RNO project38, EASA worked closely with Member States and
industry partners to identify and assess the new or emerging safety issues induced by the COVID-19 pandemic and
the resulting extreme reduction in operations. This led to the identification of many different safety issues across
a wide range of operational activities, with a significant safety management and human factors component39 .
In recognition of those, EASA published a series of guidelines including on the role of operators’ management
systems in the COVID-19 recovery phase40 and organised a Safety week for the ramp-up of operations to highlight
the importance of a resilient management system and discuss the most significant risks to mitigate, including
those linked to human performance. Moreover, ICAO also published a Handbook for CAAs on the Management of
Aviation Safety Risks related to COVID-19 (Doc 1014441). In acknowledgment of the need for specific medium-term
actions supporting the various safety initiatives already in place to ensure a safe return to operations, this EPAS
edition includes one amended (MST.0028) and two new actions (SPT.0122 and MST.0039).
Key actions:
• Continued support to the aviation industry through COVID-19-related guidance and advice
• Safety promotion campaign ‘Post COVID-19 Ramp-Up – Be Ready, Stay Safe’ (new SPT.0122)
• Member States to update their State safety risk picture/risk portfolio and adapt oversight accordingly to
cope with the risks posed by the pandemic (MST.0028)
• Member States to ensure their safety promotion reflects the need for a safe COVID-19 Ramp-Up
(new MST.0039).

38 https://www.easa.europa.eu/the-agency/coronavirus-covid-19
39 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/review_of_aviation_safety_issues_from_covid-19_final_0.pdf
40 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20Guidelines_Role%20of%20operators%20MS%20in%20COVID-19%20
41 https://www.icao.int/safety/SafetyManagement/Pages/COVID-19-Safety-Risk-Management.aspx
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 42
VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

Most of the activities in the various work streams of the RNO project are now being handled as part of EASA’s
established processes, which have also evolved in order to adjust to the new realities. The RNO project concluded at
the end of 2021 but its legacy will continue as part of the daily and future work of the core activities. As highlighted
above, the various safety issues identified are now being assessed as part of the European SRM process, and some
have already resulted in new initiatives, such as the ‘Ramp-Up – Be ready, Stay Safe Campaign’. EASA will continue to
address the interface between aviation and public health, until the pandemic will subside, in the context of EASA’s
emerging priority on health matters.

3.1.1 Systemic safety Improve safety by improving safety management

Despite the fact that the last years have clearly brought continued improvements in safety across every operational
domain, the latest accidents and serious incidents and the massive worldwide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on the aviation system underline the complex nature of aviation safety and the significance of addressing human
and organisational factor aspects.
Effective safety management including robust risk management policies and processes are essential in dealing
with the multiple impacts of the pandemic on the aviation system, both at authority and organisation level. This
is supported by ICAO Annex 19 and Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 42 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of
occurrences in civil aviation and when applicable, by flight data monitoring (FDM) requirements43.
Examples of new safety issues identified as part of the dedicated COVID-19 risk assessment
• SI-5003 Skills and knowledge degradation due to lack of recent practice
The 90 % reduction in traffic means that most aviation professionals are not performing their normal
tasks, sometimes they are doing a substantially different job, and sometimes they are not working at
all or at a substantially reduced frequency. Simulator and classroom-based training has also not been
taking place. Together, this results in a reduction in the skills and knowledge of aviation professionals
and poses safety risks.
• SI-5008 Risk assessments based on previous normal operations no longer valid
Risk assessments performed by organisations and authorities are made in the context of specific
operations and operating environments. The substantially changed and still-changing operating
environment and the addition of ‘new’ types of operations mean that most risk assessments are no
longer valid.
• SI-5005 Restarting a complex system is challenging
The aviation system is highly interconnected, sophisticated and made up of people and technology,
meaning that the consequences of shutdown and restart are not completely predictable.
Organisations will need to prepare good communications and decision-making strategies, using
personnel expertise, data, information and good internal and external coordination.
• SI-5009 Reduced focus on, or prioritisation of safety
Multiple signals indicate that organisations may not be providing safety and safety management
with the same level of attention and resources as was previously possible. These include stress at
an individual level, dismissal or furlough of staff, and economic pressures. Focusing too much on
returning to service and economic survival may reduce the minimum needed level of resources as well
as the emphasis on human and organisational factors, to the detriment of safety.

42 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014R0376&from=EN
43 In particular, Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, Part-ORO, ORO.AOC.130 and Part-SPA, SPA.HOFO.145.
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Key actions:
• Complete the introduction of safety management requirement into the initial and continuing
airworthiness domains (RMT.0251) and support their implementation.
• Support States in implementing State Safety Programmes (MST.0001) and States Safety Plans (MST.0028).
• Encourage international harmonisation of SSP/SMS implementation and human factors/human
performance principles (MST.0002 and SPT.0057).
• Encourage better implementation of FDM programmes by operators (SPT.0112, SPT.0113 and MST.0003)
and update the AMC & GM to FDM rules (RMT.0392).
• Support the implementation of a robust oversight system across Europe (MST.0032).
See Volume II Sections 5.1, 5.6 and 6.1. Human factors and human performance

EASA collects data and information relating to human factors and human performance from various sources,
including through occurrence reports, feedback from stakeholders, the experts in the Human Factors CAG (HF CAG)
and other regulatory and oversight activities.
Within the HF CAG EASA assesses such information to identify safety issues and determine the contribution of
human factors and human performance to the various key risk areas.
Note: The EASA ASR44 includes specific data relating to human factors and human performance in the domains of
aeroplanes, helicopters, balloons, sailplanes, aerodromes and ATM/ANS.
As the aviation system changes, it is imperative that we ensure that human factors and the impact on human
performance continue to be taken into account, both at service provider and regulatory levels. Resilience and
a Safety-2 approach, where the number of intended and acceptable outcomes is as high as possible, shall be
introduced alongside the Safety-1 approach.
‘Human factors’ and ‘human performance’ are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably. While both human
factors and human performance examine the capabilities, limitations and tendencies of human beings, they have
different emphases:
• Human factors (HF) — is concerned with the application of what we know about human beings, their
abilities, characteristics and limitations, to the design of equipment they use, environments in which they
function and jobs they perform45.
• Human performance (HP) — refers to how people perform their tasks. HP represents the human
contribution to system performance46.
In 2019 the HF CAG prioritised a series of safety issues for a more in-depth analysis. These issues are systemic safety
issues. Other CAGs address safety issues that also have HP elements47. In addition to this regular process, various
human factors and performance aspects, including fatigue, are being addressed within the dedicated Safety Risk
Portfolios created following the identification of COVID-19-related safety issues.
An overview of issues identified as part of the regular European SRM process, as well as the dedicated COVID-19
review, together with their current status, is included below:

44 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/easa_asr_2020.pdf
45 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2008.
46 ICAO Doc 10151, Human Performance (HP) Manual for Regulators.
47 As a result, the HF CAG also provides expertise to assess HF-related safety issues identified by the other CAGs.
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Safety issue assessments complete:

• SI-3003 Human factors competence for regulatory staff
Without HF competencies, regulators cannot adequately oversee HF implementation in the aviation
• SI-3007 Design and use of procedures
It is imperative for procedures to be designed so that they are usable, but this is increasingly difficult in
the context of a complex system.
The related safety issue assessments had been addressed in the BIS ‘Human Factors competence for regulatory staff’
and ‘Design and use of procedures’ respectively. The first BIS resulted in the inclusion of two new EPAS actions in
the last EPAS edition:
• SPT.0115 Provide Member States with a basis for training their staff in Human Factors
• MST.0037 Foster a common understanding, regulation and oversight of Human Factors
The second BIS is still pending to be sent for consultation.. A number of new actions are proposed, mainly for safety
promotion and research. Once confirmed, they will be included in the EPAS .

COVID-19-related safety issues

New HF safety issues were identified as part of the dedicated COVID-19 risk portfolio. The results of the in-depth
analysis of these issues led to the development of short-term mitigation actions not qualifying for inclusion in the
EPAS. More systemic issues or issues that are expected to remain in the medium to long term will be addressed as
part of the regular European SRM process.
These COVID-19-related HF safety issues and corresponding mitigation actions are described below:

• SI-5002 Aviation personnel fatigue

With redundancy and furlough reducing the available number of personnel, those left working may
have to work additional hours. The preparation for and eventual return to (new) normal operations will
require significant additional effort in comparison with actual normal operations, in particular from
the operators and national competent authorities (NCAs). These may both contribute to rising levels of
fatigue that need to be effectively mitigated by the operators and overseen by the NCAs.
For this specific safety issue, the following resources are available:
– Fatigue Management | EASA Community (europa.eu)
– Flight Time Limitation - temporary exemptions under Article 71(1) of the Basic Regulation | EASA

• SI-5003 Skills and knowledge degradation due to lack of recent practice

Refer to Section or Volume III for the full text of this SI.
For this specific safety issue, the following resources are available:
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/topics/skills-and-knowledge-degradation

• SI-5006/5007 Decreased well-being of aviation professionals during shutdown

The pandemic is a significant source of anxiety, stress and uncertainty for almost everyone. Worries
about unemployment for aviation staff and their relatives may be exacerbated. During the shutdown,
with people working from home and therefore isolated from normal support, the personal well-
being of professionals is likely to have suffered. For those working, this may lead to task distraction/
interruption, workload/task saturation, instructions or requirements not followed. Regardless of
whether personnel are working, are employed, furloughed or unemployed, we have a duty of care to
support the wellbeing of aviation professionals.
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Personnel will be returning to duty with a higher-than-normal psychological stress, potentially

reducing staff performance and increasing safety risks. Organisations and authorities need to
understand and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.
For these two safety issues, EASA has created a well-being resource hub to support aviation
professionals throughout the pandemic and beyond:
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/content/wellbeing
Specific information about personal well-being can be found in the section ‘Looking after yourself’.
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/content/information-looking-after-yourself
Another section of the well-being hub provides information on ‘Managing others’.
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/content/managing-others
There is also a range of career support material in the section ‘Managing the impact on your career’.
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/content/managing-impact-your-career
Further information on all HF/HP safety issues can be found in Volume III. Competence of personnel

As new technologies and new business models or operational concepts emerge on the market and the complexity
of the system continues to increase, it is of key importance for aviation personnel to have the right competencies
and for training methods to be adapted to cope with new challenges, such as COVID-19.
It is important to recognise the positive contribution that aviation professionals can make in restarting a complex
system. The ICAO Handbook for CAAs on the Management of Aviation Safety Risks related to COVID-19 (Doc 10144)
advises the following:
‘Identifying interfaces and establishing channels for communication provides access to expert opinion, which is
valuable in understanding the available information in a dynamic situation. Responding under a crisis situation may
require qualitative decision-making using a risk management approach and asking practical questions (e.g. What
supporting evidence is available? What are the consequences of alternative options? How will delays in decisions
impact? What is the risk tolerability for the specific situation? What are the available resources?).’
It is equally important for aviation personnel to take advantage of the opportunity presented by new technologies
to enhance safety.
The safety actions related to aviation personnel are aimed at introducing competency-based training for licences
and ratings and at facilitating the continued availability of competent personnel in NCAs. The Agency shall
take due account of requests to introduce competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) for all categories
of aviation personnel to whom the concept is addressed: aircraft maintenance personnel, pilots, ATCOs, air
traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) and flight operations officers. A phased approach to gradually reach
the level of maturity required for the full implementation has been adopted. Moreover, for ATCOs, the existing
European’ performance objective is structurally very similar to an ICAO competency unit. The safety actions for
the introduction of the new training concept initially address pilots, through training organisations and operators.
In parallel to the ongoing introduction of CBTA, there is a need to ensure increased access to and availability of FSTD
as well as VR/AR training solutions. These actions will contribute to mitigating related safety issues, which play a
role in improving safety across all aviation domains. Training and education are considered key enablers.
Aviation personnel competency has also been raised as a safety issue arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. With
significant reduction in air traffic most aviation professionals are no longer able to perform their normal operational
activities on a regular basis. Some might be doing substantially different non-aviation related activities, and some
might not be working at all. The extended period of low activity affects a larger number of aviation personnel when
compared with sick or sabbatical leave periods. The pandemic also reduced the possibilities for training, as access
to training facilities and FSTDs was severely restricted.
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Language proficiency constitutes another focus area. The decision to address language proficiency requirements
(LPRs) for pilots and air traffic controllers was first made by the 32nd Session of the ICAO Assembly in September
1998 as a direct response to several fatal accidents, including one that cost the lives of 349 persons, as well as to
previous fatal accidents in which the lack of proficiency in English was identified as a contributing factor. The intent
was to improve the level of language proficiency in aviation worldwide and reduce the communication breakdowns
caused by a lack of language skills. LPRs have now moved beyond implementation (Assembly Resolution A38-8
refers), entering a phase of post implementation.
Despite the successful establishment of national LPR systems, there remains insufficient awareness, particularly in
the selection of suitable and appropriate testing tools that meet ICAO LPRs, which may result in safety risks.
Therefore, EASA supports the continuation of the LPR activities as an important aviation safety element and joins
efforts with ICAO, working together in order to streamline and harmonise the LPR activities and optimise support to
Member States and the industry. Building on the successful joint endeavours, ICAO and EASA in close coordination
conduct a joint ICAO/EASA activity on LPR implementation.
Key actions:
• Introduce evidence- and competency-based training and assessment in the domains of FCL and OPS, as
appropriate (RMT.0194, RMT.0599 and SPT.0012).
• Modernise the European pilot licensing and training system (RMT.0194).
• Increase availability and access to FSTDs as well as foster greater use of VR training solutions (RMT.0194,
RMT.01964, RMT.0587, RMT.0599)
• Raise awareness on language proficiency requirements implementation, together with ICAO, the
industry and the Member States (SPT.0102)
• Share best practices to identify areas for improvement for the uniform and harmonised language
proficiency requirements implementation (MST.0033)
• Safety promotion regarding skills and knowledge degradation:
– https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/topics/skills-and-knowledge-degradation Integrated risk management

Through revisions to its Basic Regulation, EASA’s mandate has progressively expanded beyond safety and
environmental protection certification to address wider threats to aviation such as security with negative impact
on safety and information security. Most recently, health safety considerations entered the equation.
The COVID-19 crisis demonstrated that safety, security, health safety and other risks can no longer be managed
in isolation. The aviation community has realised that continuing to develop tools and specific guidance for
each situation and for each domain affected by transversal risks may delay not only the implementation of
mitigation measures, but also the development of an enabling framework to support integrated, collaborative risk
management. Collaboration between domains is vital at global, European and national level to look for synergies
and maximise the use of resources. Operators also see the value in a single risk management system that views all
risks together in a way that can present the result holistically, support decision-making and deploy the resources
needed to mitigate risks effectively.
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Some initial integration steps have already been taken in the safety and security domains — in accordance with
ICAO Annex 17 and Annex 19 SARPs, the Contracting States are required to establish reporting systems for the
analysis of security and safety information. States have been advised by ICAO48 to consider aligning their security
reporting mechanisms with existing aviation safety reporting systems, in order to allow for an integrated approach
to the management of risks. This should also enable the use of existing safety tools and concepts especially in
relation to the appropriate protection of data and of those reporting for the benefit of aviation security, as well as
foster the implementation of a safety and security culture amongst States and stakeholders.

Management of security risks with safety impact

The Basic Regulation addresses some of the interdependencies between safety and security in civil aviation and
requires the EC, the Agency and the Member States to cooperate on security matters, where interdependencies
between civil aviation safety and security exist.
The implementation of aviation security measures can have a direct impact on safety aspects of aerodrome or
aircraft operations. Airport security, aircraft security or in-flight security are the areas where the interdependencies
are highly visible and where any security requirements should also consider possible impacts on aviation safety.
Therefore, an integrated approach to management of safety and security risks across the spectrum of aviation
activities would bring benefits such as a complete overview of risks, a better sharing of security information and
the closure of gaps in the security system while focusing on increasing the overall level of safety. Consequently, this
would allow ensuring synergies where security measures can have an impact on safety and vice versa; avoiding thus
incompatible actions and strengthening the overall safety and security of civil aviation.
In order to achieve this objective, there is an opportunity to apply the existing European SRM process for the benefit
of aviation security, focusing on any security risks with potential safety impact. The proposed mechanism would
take full benefit of the existing regulatory framework enabling us to understand vulnerabilities in aviation security
and safety consequences of security occurrences with the objective of proactively developing and implementing
mitigation measures by competent authorities at State and EU level to address them, therefore contributing also
to the overall level of aviation safety. It would also allow defining and analysing trends in aviation security in order
to provide an additional opportunity to improve the system. Finally, it would foster the implementation of a safety
and security culture amongst EU Member States and stakeholders.
Key actions:
• Ensure that security occurrences with safety relevance are fully integrated in the existing SRM, including
their analysis, identification of trends and mitigation as part of European SRM when applicable.
• Ensure that EASA Member States establish appropriate coordination mechanisms between safety and
security reporting systems, in order to allow for an integrated approach to the management of risks

The global civil aviation ecosystem is accelerating towards more digitalisation. This implies that any exchange of
information within any digital workflow of the aviation community needs to be resilient to information security
threats which have consequences on the safety of flight or the availability of airspace and beyond.
Aware of the complexity of the aviation system and of the need to manage the cybersecurity risk along the
horizontal functional chains and the respective vertical supply chains, EASA is committed to proposing EU rules to
address information security risks in a comprehensive and standardised manner across all aviation domains.

48 Refer to ICAO AVSECP/30-WP/20.

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Moreover, it is essential that the aviation industry and authorities share knowledge and learn from experience to
ensure systems are secure from individuals/organisations with malicious intent. In light of this, EASA is supporting
the European Centre for Cyber Security in Aviation (ECCSA)49 whose mission is to provide information and assistance
to European aviation manufacturers, airlines, maintenance organisations, ANSPs, aerodromes (ADR), etc. in order to
protect critical elements of the system such as aircraft, navigation and surveillance systems, data links, etc.
On 11 June 2021 EASA published Opinion No 03-2021 with provisions for the management of information security
risks by competent authorities and organisations in all the aviation domains, i.e. DOA holders and POA holders,
AOC holders (CAT), maintenance organisations, CAMOs, training organisations, aero-medical centres, operators of
FSTDs, ATM/ANS providers, U-space service providers and single common information service providers, aerodrome
operators and apron management service providers. The objective is to efficiently contribute to the protection of
the aviation system from cybersecurity (information security) attacks and their consequences. These provisions
include high-level, performance-based requirements for an information security management system that will be
supported by AMC & GM and industry standards. In anticipation of the adoption of the new information security
management system legal framework, EASA will be working on developing an implementation support roadmap,
in coordination with the European Strategic Coordination Platform (ESCP) to assist the industry and authorities with
their efforts and ensure effective implementation of the future rules.
Key actions:
• Finalise the implementation of a regulatory framework for cybersecurity covering all aviation domains
• Support the roll-out of the new cybersecurity regulatory framework.
• Encourage aviation stakeholders to maintain a focus on cybersecurity resources investment.

Conflict zones
Since the tragic downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 and the most recent incident with Ukraine International
Airlines Flight 752 on 8 January 2020 there is a general consensus that States shall share their information about
possible risks and threats in conflict zones. Numerous initiatives have been taken to inform the airlines about risks
on their international flights.
Member States, European Institutions and EASA have established an alerting system with the objective of joining
up available intelligence sources and conflict zone risk assessment capabilities in order to enable the publication
of information and recommendations on conflict zone risks in a timely manner, for the benefit of all European
Member States, operators and passengers. It complements national infrastructure mechanisms, when they exist, by
adding, when possible, a European-level common risk picture and corresponding recommendations. EASA acts as
the coordinating entity for activities not falling directly under Member States’ or the EC’s responsibility and initiates
the drafting, consultation and publication of Conflict Zone Information Bulletins50.
The tragic accident with the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 highlighted once more the
importance of information sharing and risk assessments. Noting the valuable actions already implemented at EU
level during the past 5 years, there is a need to enhance the current capabilities for information sharing and risk
assessments at EU level.
In that context, on 25 February 2021 the Agency launched a trial version of the European Information Sharing and
Cooperation Platform on Conflict Zones (the ‘Platform’).
The trial version of the Platform was implemented with the objective of fine-tuning its scope and designing the
required IT functionalities in partnership with the Members of the Platform.

49 https://www.easa.europa.eu/eccsa/general-news?page=1
50 https://www.easa.europa.eu/domains/air-operations/information-on-conflict-zones
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The overall purpose of the Platform is to support the existing EU Conflict Zone Alerting System and particularly the
‘Integrated EU Aviation Security Risk Assessment Group’.
The Platform provides a solution to exchange information on threats without delay between EU Institutions, EASA,
Member States and air carriers. It also provides access to relevant, credible and accurate information for aviation
operators and States, to complement their own risk assessments.
From 10 to 21 May 2021 the Agency together with the Members of the Platform (EU air carriers, EASA Member States
and EU Institutions) conducted an assessment of the Platform which confirmed the usefulness of the mechanism
to improve the risk assessments conducted by States and operators. Furthermore, the Members requested that
continuity of the Platform be ensured, given its relevance for information sharing and risk assessments.
In this spirit, EASA envisages to implement a European Information Sharing and Cooperation Platform on Conflict
Zones as a long-term solution for the period of 4 years (following the trial period that ended in December 2021),
with the objective of supporting the cooperation between EU Institutions, national authorities and commercial/
business aviation operators so that any relevant information on threats and risks could be shared without delay for
the primary benefit of airspace users and NCAs.
Key actions:
• Disseminate information to both air operators and NCAs in order to mitigate the risk associated with
overflying conflict zones (SPT.0078).
• Ensure a long-term solution for the European Information Sharing and Cooperation Platform on
Conflict Zones to improve information sharing and capacity building related to conflict zones or armed

Public and aviation health safety (AHS) risks

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that harmonisation of health policies affecting aviation, and in particular in
the CAT domain, has become an important topic to help overcome the pandemic. The objective is to minimise the
impact of health safety threats in CAT. Health safety threats should be included in the integrated risk management.
COVID-19 is unlikely to be the last pandemic we will be faced with. It is crucial to continue supporting the European
aviation industry competitiveness by offering the safest aircraft interior environment to reduce the risk of disease
transmission between continents and States, restore public trust and facilitate future responses to events of similar
An area for development is the enhancement of crisis resilience and the mitigation of health safety threats in
aviation by engaging in ‘Aviation Health Safety Certification’.
A number of actions were initiated following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic with specific focus on health
safety, such as, but not limited to the EASA-European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Aviation
Health Safety Protocol, related Safety Directives, Safety Information Bulletins and Guidance Material, as well as
standardised Passenger Locator Forms.
Future actions will include the development of certification standards for AHS certification. The Agency is
considering assessing and recognising the performance of new sanitisation solutions when mature enough to be
industrialised. The approach is similar to what was done in the past with ‘design for security’ gradually introducing
design specifications in CS-25 after new potential security threats had been identified and confirmed. The Agency
is currently active in setting up Innovation Partnership Contracts (IPCs) with industry and assessing the need
for additional EU research activities to consolidate its knowledge in the domain before considering any future
Key areas for short-term development include the assessment of passive and active disinfection means, validation
of new materials and air filtering technologies. Risks associated with various disinfection and cleaning methods
implemented by operators is a growing concern to aircraft manufacturers.
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For example, the risks of material degradation and potentially reduced fire resistance under prolonged exposure
to ultraviolet light or aggressive chemicals should be assessed. Many other parameters remain unquantified and
will need an in-depth assessment, not only for initial airworthiness aspects, but also for continued airworthiness
and maintenance.
AHS will affect the following domains:
• aircraft certification process
• research & innovation
• institutional cooperation
The Agency’s technical competencies will need to be consolidated accordingly.
Possible future wider actions:
• To avoid future disruption and keeping/restoring public trust in CAT, the need for an integrated,
collaborative framework for safety, security and health risk management should be considered. Impact of socio-economic factors on safety

Article 89 of the Basic Regulation requires the Member States, the EC, the Agency and other Union institutions,
bodies, offices and agencies to cooperate with a view to ensuring that interdependencies between civil aviation
safety and related socio-economic factors are taken into account. In particular, it tackles the need to address socio-
economic risks to aviation safety. EASA is also required to consult relevant stakeholders when addressing such
interdependencies and to publish a review every 3 years, which shall give an objective account of the actions and
measures undertaken. The first study51 was published by EASA on 08 December 2021.
In this perspective, the impact assessment methodology used under the BIS process has been significantly improved
as regards social impact assessment and will be subject to continuous improvement throughout its implementation.
Where relevant to the topic, such interdependencies are now part of the initial assessment of the issue, as it was the
case, for instance, during the development of the Groundhandling Roadmap (see Section 3.3). Data4Safety
Data4Safety (also known as D4S) is a data collection and analysis programme that aims at collecting and gathering
all data that may support the management of safety risks at European level. This includes safety reports (or
occurrences), flight data (i.e. flight parameters recorded on board the aircraft), surveillance data (air traffic data),
weather data — these being only a few from a much longer list.
More specifically, the programme will allow us to better identify where the risks are (safety issue identification),
determine the nature of these risks (risk assessment) and verify whether the safety actions are delivering the needed
level of safety (performance measurement). It aims at developing the capability of discovering vulnerabilities in the
system across terabytes of data. In that respect, D4S will enable and augment the capacities of authorities and
organisations to implement the European SRM process.
An initial proof of concept (PoC) phase has been launched with a limited number of partners to test the technical
challenges as well as the governance structure of such a programme. The PoC is planned to be completed beginning
of 2021 and the programme will then open gradually the membership to the European aviation safety system
A number of key building blocks were achieved, in particular:
• The partnership principles were framed into a programme charter.
• The data protection rules were agreed upon and captured into the rules and procedures document, the
data governance and the data sharing and protection agreement templates.

51 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/general-publications/art-89-report-2021
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• The use cases (safety performance indicators and directed studies) for the PoC phase were agreed upon
and specified.
• The Big Data infrastructure was set up and a critical mass of data was already uploaded into the ‘lake’.
• Data scientists are now working with aviation experts to design the algorithms that will support the
agreed use cases.
• A first set of use cases was implemented on the platform by the Programme Members in a trust
environment (e.g. ‘metrics’, ‘blind-benchmarking’ and ‘directed studies’).
• The remaining use cases to be implemented over the end of the PoC were reviewed and adjusted by the
Programme Members to take into account the evolution of the risks for the sector as captured in the
latest version of the COVID-19 Safety Risk Portfolio.
D4S is, in essence, a collaborative partnership programme that aims at inferring safety intelligence. This is done by
organising a massive collection of safety data and, equally important, organising the analytical capacity amongst
all European aviation safety system stakeholders. This will take the collaborative work with the industry at a scale
never achieved before in Europe.
D4S will therefore directly respond to the GASP SEI 11A (GASP 2020-2022 Appendix A ORG Roadmap § 3.1.1) ‘Work
with industry stakeholders to leverage best practices with safety information analysis’.
Also, in line with Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil
aviation, the integration of ECCAIRS 252 with D4S will provide the European SRM process with increased capacities
to leverage on the European Central Repository (ECR) for safety intelligence purposes (processing of the complete
ECR, thanks to the D4S big data platform and data science capacities as well as possibility to fuse the ECR with other
sources of aviation data; for example, the traffic data). Civil-military coordination and cooperation

Closer cooperation is needed between the civil and the military aviation stakeholders, including at the level of State
safety management, both to reconcile the airspace needs and to achieve a safe and efficient use of airspace as well
as to protect fundamental principles such as security or interoperability. Indeed, airspace should be considered as
a single continuum, planned and used in a flexible way on a day-to-day basis by all categories of airspace users.
Within Europe a good example of civil-military cooperation in the ATM area is the implementation of flexible use
of airspace (FUA) which is now evolving towards a more advanced concept, the so-called advanced flexible use
of airspace (AFUA). While this approach is desirable and commendable, it only accounts for the ATM aspects. A
comprehensive approach could be introduced to address virtually all aviation areas.
While military aviation is the prerogative and the responsibility of Member States, it would be beneficial to leverage
and consolidate efforts by both the civil and the military in developing their aviation capabilities, by taking elements
from the civil world.
Based on consolidated expertise and experience, EASA provides effective support to military and industry applicants
by going beyond adequate and prioritised technical advice for appropriate airworthiness and safety solutions.
An increasing number of European military authorities have already recognised that the civil model can, in part or
fully, be extrapolated to military air systems. In those circumstances, they may move towards an ‘as civil as possible,
as military as necessary’ approach through gradual convergence to civil standards if not adopting them for the
design, manufacture and maintenance of military aircraft.

52 ECCAIRS 2 is the software solution developed by EASA and provided to the authorities to organise the capture of the safety reports at
national and European level into the ECR as per Regulation (EU) No 376/2014.
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Safety intelligence and performance domains

The timely and accurate reporting of safety information at European level and beyond is critical to verify the
achievement of global safety objectives and monitor the implementation of safety programme initiatives, such as
the EPAS.
Reliable military safety data sharing, primarily for aerodromes open to public use (dual-use platforms) and civil
derivative aircraft (fixed wings and rotorcraft) would provide perspectives that are both global in nature as well as
specific to individual areas such as rotorcraft where a substantial percentage of the fleet is operated by the military.
Going forward, tools to allow for a comprehensive assessment of safety performance, including State and military
aircraft, would be of strong benefit to the entire aviation system and would support the goal of ensuring the
highest common level of safety and environmental protection for the European aviation system.
Aviation security (including cybersecurity)
There is a shared understanding and growing concern within the military community that security and especially
cybersecurity may introduce considerable risk for aviation, as systems on board aircraft and the European ATM
System rely on increased connectivity and system of systems integration.
Moreover, effectively mitigating cyber-related risks is key to enabling unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)/drones53
integration into non-segregated airspace.
The strategic orientations adopted by EASA in developing its cybersecurity roadmap and the setting up of the ESCP
provide the military with an opportunity to cooperate in an area of common interest in the wider context of the
European aviation system.
Airspace, ANS, aerodromes open to public use
To meet the aerodrome challenges of delivering sufficient capacity, civil and military aerodromes will need to make
progress to achieve a seamless airspace and globally harmonised ANS where civil-military cooperation is a crucial
element to foster in the transition process.
Key to successful cooperation is the establishment of trust and transparency so that the needs and requirements
of civil and military aerodromes and services providers could be fully understood and that over time an integrated
model could be achieved.
With a regional approach in areas of highly fragmented airspace and aerodromes open to public use, certain
facilities and services shall be arranged so as to ensure the safety54, regularity and efficiency of civil aviation as
well as to ensure that the requirements of military air operations are met, in particular by promoting a common
understanding of key principles, sharing best practices and monitoring their practical implementation.
Key action:
• Member States to consider civil-military coordination aspects where relevant for their State Safety
Programme (MST.0001).
• Member States to report on the implementation of ‘due regard’ for the safety of civil traffic over high
seas (MST.0024).

53 Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)’ is the legal and technical term used in the EASA Basic Regulation as well as in the delegated and
implementing acts adopted on the basis thereof. ‘Drones’ is the popular term used to be understood by persons with no aviation
background. Both terms are used in the EPAS and refer to the same thing.
54 According to Article 2(5) of the Basic Regulation, when an aerodrome controlled and operated by the military is open to public use,
Member States have to ensure that it offers a level of safety and interoperability with civil systems that is as effective as that resulting
from the application of the essential requirements set out in Annexes VII and VIII to this Regulation (without prejudice to national
security and defence requirements and Article 7(5) of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004).
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 53
VOLUME I - 3. Strategy Oversight55
The Agency is responsible for the approval and continuous oversight of design, production, maintenance, continuing
airworthiness management, maintenance, training and flight crew training organisations outside the territory of
Member States. Within the EASA Member States the Agency is responsible for design organisations and certain
other organisation approvals if requested by Member States — such as, Airbus, Airbus Helicopter POAs, Wizzair,
Masterjet AOCs/CAMOs or VR Motion, an organisation operating FSTDs. The organisation approval activities also
include the approval and oversight of pan-European ANSPs, ATCO training organisations outside the territory of the
Member States and the oversight of the Network Manager on behalf of the EC.
Through the application of the EU aviation safety regulations, the Agency established and maintains a robust
oversight system inside and outside Europe, using extensively the oversight capacities of partner NCAs and also
relying on the result of the oversight performed by its bilateral partners for the domains where such BASAs are in
To that end, it is essential that the Agency is capable of managing the safety risks identified when acting as the
competent authority. This presumes that related hazards are identified through a process to collect and analyse
data, the risks assessed and mitigated in an effective way, implying the measurement and monitoring of safety
performance leading to continuous improvement.
The Agency is also supporting the development of innovative products such as VR-based simulators and their
In addition, the exchange of information and cooperation with partner NCAs, the effective implementation of the
applicable management system requirements as part of the Agency’s Integrated Management System as well as the
availability of adequate personnel are essential enablers. Standardisation
As safety is the Agency’s core business, Standardisation is one of its main tasks, aimed at achieving and maintaining
a high and uniform level of safety within the EU.
Standardisation activities entail assessing on a continuous basis the national competent authorities’ ability to
discharge their safety oversight responsibilities, as well as conducting Standardisation inspections as necessary to
directly verify the implementation of the rules.
Such inspections are prioritised, planned and performed using a risk-based approach, based on the Agency’s
assessment of all available indicators.
What we want to achieve
The Agency conducts Standardisation activities to monitor the application by NCAs of the requirements of the Basic
Regulation and of the delegated and implementing acts adopted on the basis thereof , as well as their uniform
implementation, to allow for:
• passengers to fly safely across the EU,
• the EU industry to benefit from a level playing field,
• certificates issued by EU national competent authorities to be mutually recognised and trusted, and
• the EU system to be recognised by international partners.

55 ‘Oversight’ means the verification, by or on behalf of the competent authority, on a continuous basis that the requirements of this
Regulation and of the delegated and implementing acts adopted on the basis thereof, on the basis of which a certificate has been
issued or in respect of which a declaration has been made, continue to be complied with (Basic Regulation, Article 3).
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 54
VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

Currently identified weaknesses

The 2020 SAR identified the following areas of concern:
• Lack of effective oversight. As in the previous years, the most safety-related findings were raised in
the areas of the NCAs’ performance of certification and oversight tasks, showing that such essential
functions remain the most challenging.
• A two-speed system. While some NCAs have reached a suitable and stable level of maturity, several
others continue to underperform and/or struggle in achieving sustainable improvements.
• Management systems. While progress has been noted in the implementation of management systems
at the NCAs’ level, the lack of effective oversight of (safety) management systems at undertakings’ level
continues to be an area of concern.
• COVID-19-specific issues. The most critical issues observed since the onset of the pandemic relate to:
– oversight programmes: undertakings’ risk profiles not updated, oversight programmes not adapted;
– management of changes caused by the pandemic, both at NCAs’ and undertakings’ level;
– management of flexibility provisions (Article 71 of the Basic Regulation) and associated mitigations;
– oversight of remote activities, i.e. activities conducted remotely due to the pandemic; and
– resources and staffing due to budget cuts, loss of experienced staff and lack of on-the-job training.
A number of actions are presented in Volume II Section 5.6 to drive improvements in these areas of concern and
more generally to support State safety management.

3.1.2 Operational safety Address safety risks in commercial air transport (CAT) aeroplane operations
(airlines and air taxi passenger/cargo) and NCC operations
During 2020 there were no fatal accidents involving European AOC holders performing CAT passenger/cargo. In this
category there were 8 non-fatal accidents compared to 27 in 2019; the number of non-fatal accidents was below the
average of the previous 10-year period (23.3). In 2020 the number of serious incidents in this category decreased
with 42 serious incidents recorded in 2020 in comparison with the 10-year period average of 91.8. These statistics
must be placed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic situation that had an impact on the overall 2020 traffic
levels which dropped to around 45 % of the previous year.
In the European NCC operations category, there were no accidents either fatal or non-fatal in 2020. One serious
incident was recorded in 2020 compared with 12 in 2019 with an average of 5.5 per year over the previous 10-year
Work is progressing on the definition of mitigating actions to address the various safety recommendations (SRs)
resulting from the B737 MAX accidents.
Although the area of focus is primarily on enhancing the Large Aeroplane Certification Specifications, its related
AMC & GM and the Part 21 Changed Product Rule respectively, the resulting areas of improvement identified will
also extend to other Product lines as deemed necessary.
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

The European SRM process identified the following as the most important risk areas for CAT aeroplane and NCC
operations in the decreasing order of the aggregated risk score:

— Airborne collision
Airborne collision includes all occurrences involving actual or potential airborne collisions between
aircraft, while both aircraft are airborne, and between aircraft and other airborne objects (excluding
birds and wildlife).
In 2020 the highest-risk contributors were occurrences with loss of separation whilst performing a
missed approach due to windshear encounter and several TCAS resolution advisories cases.
Key action:
• Mitigate the risk of airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS) resolution advisories (RA) not followed
by pilots (SPT.0123).
See Volume II Section

— Runway excursion
Runway excursion includes all occurrences involving actual or potential situations, when an aircraft
leaves the runway or movement area of an aerodrome or landing surface of any other predesignated
landing area, without getting airborne.
In 2020 the highest-risk contributors were occurrences with delayed rotation due to take-off incorrect
centre of gravity and actual runway excursions.
Key actions:
• Promote and implement the Global Action Plans for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (GAPPRI) and
Excursions (GAPPRE), in support of Regulation (EU) 2020/2148.
• Member States to address runway safety by taking actions at national level and measuring their
effectiveness (MST.0028).
See Volume II Section

— Aircraft upset in flight (loss of control)

Aircraft upset includes all occurrences involving actual or potential situations involving undesired
aircraft state characterised by unintentional divergences from parameters normally experienced during
operations, which might ultimately lead to an uncontrolled impact with terrain.
In 2020 the highest-risk contributors were occurrences with delayed rotation due to take-off incorrect
centre of gravity, continued flights with undetected wing damages after a wing strike and tail strike on
Key actions:
• Review and promote training provisions on recovery from upset scenarios (RMT.0196 and SPT.0012).
• Member States to address loss of control in flight by taking actions at national level and measuring their
effectiveness (MST.0028).
See Volume II Section
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 56
VOLUME I - 3. Strategy Rotorcraft safety improvement

In 2020 there were 4 fatal accidents, 24 non-fatal accidents and 18 serious incidents involving rotorcraft. The
number of fatal accidents and non-fatal accidents in 2020 reduced by 50 % in comparison with the average figures
of the previous 10-year period (10.8 for fatal and 53.4 for non-fatal accidents), whereas the number of serious
incidents was higher than the 10-year average (13.6). The number of fatalities (9) and serious injuries (3) in 2020
was also significantly lower than the preceding decade average. This significant drop in the number of occurrences
should be interpreted cautiously, as the exact impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the rotorcraft flying activity at
European level is difficult to evaluate at present.
The vast majority (80 %) of all accidents and serious incidents involved rotorcraft performing non-commercial
operations or specialised operations.
The Rotorcraft Safety Roadmap has been endorsed by EASA and is available on the EASA website56. The roadmap
has been initiated by EASA that tasked a group of external experts from NCAs and industry to develop jointly with
EASA a set of ambitious proposals. The roadmap contains proposals for actions in order to significantly reduce the
number of rotorcraft accidents and incidents. The initial analysis of data showed that the activities need to focus
on light conventional rotorcraft and small operators. The roadmap covers safety and transversal issues that need to
be tackled through actions in various domains, including training and licensing, operations, initial airworthiness,
environment and facilitation of innovation. The main elements of the roadmap have been presented in several fora
including the Rotorcraft Committee (R.COM) and the EASA Rotorcraft and VTOL Symposium.
The vision of the roadmap is to ‘achieve significant safety improvement for Rotorcraft with a growing and
evolving aviation industry’. The group analysed a significant amount of data and took a very close look at the
European ‘helicopter landscape’ before defining its objectives and identifying the actions to meet these objectives.
The following objectives are defined in order to deliver the vision stated above:
• Improve overall rotorcraft safety by 50 % within the next 10 years (starting January 2019): Most of
the accidents can be attributed to operational causes and it is recognised that influencing behaviour in
the wider community is a complex process where step changes are difficult to achieve in the short term.
However, for accidents caused by technical failures, an ambitious target is set to reduce the number of
accidents caused primarily by technical failures by one order of magnitude.
• Make positive and visible changes to the rotorcraft safety trends within the next 5 years: The aim
of this objective is to drive the rapid implementation of some actions that are identified and to rapidly
progress a number of safety improvements. A key performance indicator (KPI) for the safety objectives is
the number of rotorcraft accidents in Europe that result in at least a fatality or a serious injury.
• This KPI is monitored and published annually by EASA as part of the ASR. Additional KPIs will be based on
the European risk classification scheme (ERCS) complemented by the data collection activity using D4S
to build robust data on accident rates. Generally, helicopter safety performance indicators are published
as part of the EASA ASR.
• Develop performance-based and proportionate solutions that help maintain competitiveness,
leadership and sustainability of the European industry: This objective also aims at supporting the
development of new business models and at encouraging innovation.
The Agency initiated a project to evaluate and integrate the recommendations contained in the Roadmap into
the EASA work programme. It was decided not to launch new RMTs but to include the inputs from the Rotorcraft
Safety Roadmap in current RMTs as much as practical. The aim was to optimise the use of rulemaking resources and
eventually implement the changes at a faster pace.

56 https://www.easa.europa.eu/download/Events/Rotorcraft%20Safety%20Roadmap%20-%20Final.pdf
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

A review of the actions was performed to give priority on those supporting the industry during the pandemic. The
external communication and events were cancelled, and the focus was shifted to the RNO project. Several actions
of the Roadmap were put on hold or delayed. In addition, because of the need to make optimal use of rulemaking
resources and prioritisation, the planning of the RMTs was shifted.
The main subjects of the Roadmap were organised in work streams and are described below:
• Training safety and training devices: Training is seen both as a risk area and as an opportunity. Many in-
flight accidents happen during training. The use of FSTDs and the development of new training devices
such as, but not limited to, VR has been strongly promoted for high-risk training scenarios. There is
a wide consensus that better training is one keyway to improve safety. EASA will promote a safety
briefing during recurrent training and focus actions on instructors. EASA will additionally promote the
development of simpler and less expensive simulators for light helicopters. Finally, EASA, together with
the Helicopter Expert Group members, will develop a proposal (including a training needs analysis)
for an innovative approach enabling the use of affordable training devices and associated credit for
crew licensing. The changes will feed and be implemented within the context of RMT.0194, RMT.0196,
RMT.0678, RMT.0587 and RMT.0599.
• Safety data: This work stream was put on hold during most of 2020 and first part of 2021. EASA plans to
engage with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), operators and NCAs to collect and consolidate
exposure data and other relevant statistics, such as flight hours or number of cycles of their products. A
framework will be set up to exchange information with EASA in a manner which is mindful of personal
data protection. In particular, the Network of Analysts (NoAs) will be used to facilitate the collection of
data on fleet and flight hours from the NAAs. To enhance and promote reporting, new ways to report
data, such as automatic reporting, will be investigated. The objective is to obtain enough data to enable
us to work on accident rates instead of on numbers of accidents.
• Safety promotion: To establish a sustainable and effective safety culture including the sharing of best
practices, safety promotion is a fundamental activity. Please refer to Volume II Chapter 7 for all safety
promotion actions related to rotorcraft. The brand Together4Safety has been established. Its mission
statement is: ‘Reducing aviation risks by raising awareness, providing safety tips and engaging people in
positive conversations about safety’.
• Helicopter design improvements: When it comes to design, the roadmap contains several actions
discussed between EASA and the respective OEMs. This work stream resulted in several mandatory or
voluntary design changes aiming to improve safety. Airbus Helicopter, Leonardo Helicopter and Bell have
developed and submitted to the Agency voluntary product safety improvement action plans.
• Certification Specifications modernisation: This work stream will address the modernisation of the
EASA CSs. Several RMTs have been initiated in that respect. EASA’s rotorcraft team is engaged with
industry and the other bilateral partner authorities on the modernisation of the CSs. Refer to Volume II
Chapter 7 ‘Rotorcraft’ and Chapter 9 ‘Design and Production’ with the list of RMTs directly relevant to
rotorcraft safety. Some of these tasks pertain to Part-26 requirements.
• Simplification/reduction of administrative burden for small-helicopter operators: The Agency
has contracted the evaluation task EVT.0010, on helicopter operations, to collect data and assess
the regulatory burden put on small and medium-sized helicopter operators. The evaluation report
has been delivered and presented to stakeholders. An activity has been initiated to follow-up on the
recommendations put forward in the report and a dedicated working group composed of industry
members and NCAs has been formed.
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

This project supports the implementation of the Rotorcraft Safety Roadmap to reduce administrative
burden on helicopter operators so they can focus on safety-related tasks and improve their
performance. Considering the evaluation results, a list of recommendations for simplification of the
regulatory framework providing other non-regulatory support to small-helicopter operators was
prepared with the support from the industry and NCAs. These recommendations are reflected into
the Best Intervention Strategy for ‘Rotorcraft – small-helicopter operators’ which is currently under
development. They would form the basis for initiating regulatory and/or non-regulatory changes in
order to achieve efficiency and support the objective of improving the safety performance of small-
helicopter operators.
Evaluation of new concepts: The following new concepts have been proposed and are evaluated:
• Net safety benefit: A Certification Memorandum was published in July 2021. A phased approach has
been taken with the publication of a first Certification Memorandum providing credit for development
assurance levels. An updated Memorandum will be published in 2022 to extend the credit to high-
intensity radiated field (HIRF) and lightning certification requirements.
• Continued aviation education: The Rotorcraft Safety Roadmap had suggested the introduction of a
continued aviation education (CAE) scheme to various rotorcraft personnel playing key roles in safety —
the proposal being to begin with accountable managers and nominated personnel.
A kick-off meeting was held to start the activities just prior to the ensuing COVID-19 crisis. The first
action was for the participants to familiarise themselves with existing continued medical education
programmes. Yet, due to the crisis, the medical world had other priorities, resulting in the CAE work
stream being put on hold for the time being.
• Safety rating: The next big concept proposed is the introduction of a voluntary rotorcraft safety rating
scheme. Such a scheme is used in the automotive industry with the crash test programmes Euro NCAP57.
This is a good way to give an incentive to the manufacturers to make safety improvements to their
vehicles and differentiate themselves (from the competition). A comparative review of the current safety
rating schemes of different industries has been conducted. It covered a wide range of test programmes
used not only in transport but also in other industries — for example, in the food safety industry.
The initial concept evaluation and feasibility study were performed in May 2020 and presented to
international audience. It was agreed with the main stakeholders to create an international working
group tasked to develop such a scheme. The work started early 2021 under the umbrella of the newly
created international Vertical Aviation Safety Team (VAST). The team is co-chaired by EASA.
Key actions:
• Helicopter ditching and water impact occupant survivability (RMT.0120).
• All-weather operations (RMT.0379).
• Update of Subpart FC of Part-ORO (evidence-based training) (RMT.0599.
• Integrity improvement of rotorcraft main gear boxes (MGB) (RES.0008).
• Helicopter offshore operations – new floatation systems (RES.0009).

57 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_NCAP
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 59
VOLUME I - 3. Strategy Address safety risks in GA in a proportionate and effective manner

Note: Throughout this document, the term ‘GA’ is used to encompass non-commercial operations with
aeroplanes having a MTOM below 5 700 kg, as well as all operations with sailplanes and balloons.
Operations with rotorcraft, commercial and non-commercial, and for all types of rotorcraft, are addressed
in Section
Since 2020 was a very atypical year in terms of recreational aeroplane activity and actual flight numbers are
unavailable, conclusions cannot be drawn regarding the trend in number of accidents and fatalities. The data for
2020 is provided for completeness, and as a reference the 10-year average is provided as well. Firm conclusions
cannot be made at this time.
Between 2010 and 2019 accidents in Europe involving recreational aeroplanes, i.e. non-commercially operated small
aeroplanes with MTOMs below 5 700 kg, led to between 91 and 132 fatalities per year. These figures exclude fatal
accidents involving micro light airplanes, gliders and balloons. Fatal accidents during parachuting operations have
also contributed to this high number of fatalities. This concerns flights which are specifically chartered/operated
to transport parachutists (called ‘skydivers’ in sport parachuting) to a designated altitude for jumping out from the
aircraft. These operations, usually entailing short flights, are exposed to a range of operational and organisational
hazards (refer to SI-4023 in Volume III). The latest tragic accident occurred on 9 July 2021 in Sweden; all 9 occupants
died on board the aircraft that crashed shortly after take-off.
As such, this sector of aviation has the highest average number of fatalities per year.
In 2020 there were 58 fatal accidents causing 97 fatalities involving recreational aeroplanes. 2020 shows a 7 %
reduction of fatal accidents compared with the 10-year average. The reduction in non-fatal accidents is 2 %
compared to the 10-year average. There were 9 % fewer serious injuries than during the preceding decade.
There were 16 fatalities in sailplane operations in 2020. This is a significant decrease when compared to the 10-
year average. The number of serious injuries is however a bit higher than the 10-year average. The COVID-19
pandemic has significantly affected sailplane operations. Specifically, during the period from March to May 2020 the
flight operations were significantly reduced. The European Gliding Union has estimated that, in general, sailplane
operations were reduced by approximately 18-20 % within the EU and competition flying was negligible in 2020.
As concerns balloons in 2020, there were 3 fatal accidents with 3 fatalities, 16 non-fatal accidents and 2 serious
incidents. These figures are slightly below the average for the preceding decade.
The GA roadmap is key to the EASA strategy in these domains. In order to support the monitoring of safety
performance and prioritisation of EPAS actions in the area of GA, Member States are invited to collect data on their
GA fleet, as well as on flight hours, to provide such data to EASA through the NoAs.
Although it is difficult to precisely measure the evolution of safety performance in GA due to lack of consolidated
exposure data (e.g. accumulated flight hours), it is reasonable to assume that more initiatives and efforts are needed
to mitigate risks leading to these fatalities.
Safety promotion is the backbone of the mitigations against accidents in the GA domain and the following actions
have been achieved:
• Various Instagram Live sessions were organised with safety partners with over 4 000 attendees. To improve
the dissemination of safety messages (MST.0025), in 2018 EASA launched the GA Community website58 that
now gets in excess of 25 000 views per month.
• The GA Community site was reinforced in 2019 with a new GA Safety Together Facebook. This evolved to
become the ‘Aviator’s Club’59 complemented by a dedicated Facebook group60 with over 3000 followers.
• The 2021 GA Season Opener, which was attended by over 600 people from the GA Community.

58 https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/ga
59 https://www.facebook.com/easaaviatorsclub
60 https://www.facebook.com/groups/391437234972242
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

• A dedicated workshop for the Skydiving community was organised on 25 February 2021 as part of SPT.0121
‘Improving the safety of parachuting operations’; at the same time, a dedicated Safety Promotion page for
parachuting operations was launched on the GA Community Site. There will also be a Sunny Swift article
published on parachuting and then a safety campaign with the skydiving community throughout 2022.
• There have now been over 30 Sunny Swift articles published up to November 2021.
Key actions:
• Improve the dissemination of safety promotion and training material by authorities, associations, flying
clubs and insurance companies targeting flight instructors and/or pilots; to create a GA Safety Promotion
platform (SPT.0092).
• Continue to deliver safety promotion material to improve the safety of parachuting aircraft operations, by
highlighting the most common causes of accidents and providing good practices/operational procedures
that can help to mitigate the most important risks (SPT.0121).
• A new Safety Promotion campaign (SPT.0125) for the development of content in coordination with NCAs and
industry prior to each flying season and following each season to help maintain skills and currency – based
on highlighting the most important safety issues identified through the European SRM process.
• Adapt design and production rules (‘Part 21 Light’) to become more proportionate to the risks (RMT.0727).
• Bring data to the GA cockpits: weather, flight information services (FIS) and traffic information data should
progressively be made available in all GA cockpits (RES.0021).
• Support the implementation of new or amended regulations.

3.1.3 Safe integration of new technologies and concepts

This strategic priority supports the safe integration of new technologies, innovative solutions and operating
concepts into the aviation system and facilitate the emergence of such new technologies and solutions.
Many of the technologies and innovations emerging in the aviation industry bear significant potential to further
improve the level of safety, e.g. by improving the collection and analysis of operational data, better condition
monitoring of aircraft for the purpose of preventive maintenance, improved accessibility and better quality of
meteorological information, etc.
At the same time new operating concepts and emerging business models, novel aircraft or propulsion systems are
emerging, and their specific features may not be addressed in existing certification specifications and operational
regulations (including flight crew licensing, air operations, continuing airworthiness, aerodrome operations and
ATM/ANS). Some new business models such as those responding to the increased demand for flying in the cities
(e.g. urban air mobility) or those generated by the increased digitalisation in the aviation industry (VR/AR, digital
twins, gamification, etc.), the possible introduction of more autonomous vehicles and platforms, single-pilot
operations and completely autonomous cargo aircraft, will challenge the way authorities regulate and oversee the
aviation system.
Digitalisation and automation are rapidly increasing in aviation systems. Whilst this has resulted overall in
significantly improved safety, the trend towards increasing automation requires a renewed safety focus on the
interactions between humans and automation. The next generation of automation will be using AI. This domain,
no longer the province of science fiction, could well be the next ‘game changer’ for aviation61. In the near future,
new EPAS actions will be required to maximise related safety benefits, while mitigating any threats induced by the
implementation of these new technologies.

61 See AVIATION SAFETY – Challenges and ways forward for a safe future, Research & Innovation Projects for Policy, EC – Directorate
General for Research and Innovation, January 2018: https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/b4690ade-
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 61
VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

AI, and more specifically the ML field of AI, bears enormous potential for developing applications that would not
have been possible with the development techniques that have been used so far. As concerns EASA, AI will affect
most of the domains under its mandate. AI not only affects the products and services provided by the industry but
also triggers the rise of new business models and affects the Agency’s core processes (certification, rulemaking,
organisation approvals, SRM and standardisation). This may in turn affect the competency framework of EASA staff.
Further details on AI can be found in Section
In this fast-evolving context, EASA is putting significant efforts into preparing for the future with the identification
of dedicated resources to research and innovation (R&I), such as the Agency-wide AI implementation project
team, the ‘EASA Innovation Cell’, increasing support to the development of EU aviation & aeronautics research
programmes and projects, etc. R&I is essential to reap the safety potential of new technologies and innovative
solutions, while managing related risks.

Research Agenda
Regularly EASA experts and external stakeholders suggest or request research topics that are needed to tackle the
issues identified. These topics are prioritised on a yearly basis and included in the Agency’s ‘Research Agenda62’
which groups the requests for a given period even without having immediate funding. The Agency Research
Agenda 2020-202263 encompasses a series of innovation- and efficiency-related actions besides safety-focused
EASA and the EC signed a new Contribution Agreement towards the end of 2021 for the management of research
actions delegated to EASA in the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022. These research actions are planned
to be implemented through 16 new research tenders. The list of research actions was published in the Horizon
Europe work programme 2021-22 for ‘Climate, Energy, Mobility’, in section ‘Indirectly managed actions’64.
The research projects that become part of the EPAS derive from the list of prioritised research agenda topics for
which a funding source has been secured or where it is likely that the project will be funded by the start of the
reference period of the given EPAS.
This EPAS edition includes 19 new RES actions, as follows:
• RES.0034 Assessment for the provision of flight instruction outside FSTD (Off-board instructor OBIS)
• RES.0035 Helicopter under water evacuation
• RES.0036 Risk assessment tool
• RES.0037 Machine learning
• RES.0038 UAS standards
• RES.0039 Vortex ring state prediction and recovery
• RES.0040 Runway micro texture
• RES.0041 Mental health for pilots and ATCOs
• RES.0042 Pilot and ATCO fitness
• RES.0043 Flight control systems verification and air data fault detection
• RES.0044 PED — fire risks when transported in aircraft cabin
• RES.0045 Aerodrome ‘Triple One’ concept implementation
• RES.0046 Digital transformation — case studies to prepare the evolutions of aviation standards

62 EASA Research Agenda 2019-2021 rev 1

63 EASA Research Agenda 2020-2022
64 wp-8-climate-energy-and-mobility_horizon-2021-2022_en.pdf (europa.eu)
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

• RES.0047 Fitness to fly in commercial air transport operations of people living with HIV
• RES.0048 Impact of security requirements on operational safety and performance
• RES.0049 Non-CO2 emissions: assessment of climate impact and policy options
• RES.0050 Aircraft certification using modelling and numerical simulations
• RES.0051 Electric aircraft and hybrid propulsion
• RES.0052 Noise / emission standards for supersonic aircraft
Further information on the Agency’s research activities can be found on the EASA webpage https://www.easa.
The Agency is active in various other areas. This may lead to the inclusion of additional EPAS actions in the
foreseeable future to ensure the safe integration of the related technologies and concepts. The below provides
information on the current state of work on those, complementing the information in Sections to
that provide information on those areas where activities and initiatives are more advanced.
— Virtual certification: modelling and simulation (M&S)
The aviation industry undergoes a digital transformation process which has a strong impact on how
new technologies and innovations are developed and used, including the research and development,
design, testing, certification, production/manufacturing, training, maintenance and oversight
processes. M&S has the potential to accelerate the introduction of new technologies and innovative
types of operation and is thereby contributing to the strategic objectives of the European Green
Deal. Furthermore, it offers potential for cost efficiency gains for all involved parties. M&S tools can
be automated and may benefit e.g. from ML solutions, in order to optimise a particular design by
performing extensive simulations. What is more, M&S has the capacity to further improve product
safety as it provides the ability to interrogate many different design and operating conditions beyond
the practical limitations of physical testing.
The industry will need guidance and requirements from the regulator on how M&S techniques can
be applied and accepted in certification processes in particular as regards the credibility of such
techniques, including the verification and validation processes. The Agency therefore intends to
establish an M&S roadmap which will describe the overall regulatory approach to modelling and
simulation including an action plan for rulemaking and standards development, contributions to
relevant R&I projects, the advancement of innovative compliance methods, the cooperation with other
regulators, as well as competency management aspects. This roadmap will be closely coordinated with
the AI roadmap. Once agreed, related actions in terms of rulemaking, research, safety promotion, etc.
will feed into future EPAS editions.
— Higher airspace (HA) operations, including suborbital aircraft and space operations
There is currently a regulatory gap for operations in the ‘higher airspace’. It is a dynamically evolving
topic, driven by new technologies and demand. There is a need to further explore ways to tackle this
gap, including but not limited to the definition of HA limits (upper and lower) as well as the regulatory
framework for the ATM/ANS. This airspace would affect several types of aircraft including e.g. balloons,
airships and high-velocity vehicles, manned and unmanned. In the short term, a concept of operations
will be defined in the ECHO65 project led by EUROCONTROL.
The outcome of this work will be analysed by EASA together with the support of the HA Operations
Task Force to determine the need for regulatory activities in the medium/long term (2-4 years): this will
be done in accordance with the High-Level Principles listed in the conclusions of the 2019 European
Higher Airspace Operations Symposium66. The Task Force formed by representatives of several Member

65 https://www.eurocontrol.int/project/european-concept-higher-airspace-operation
66 https://www.eurocontrol.int/sites/default/files/2019-07/2019-04-09-ehao-symposium-conclusions.pdf
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States and European institutions supports EASA in the preparatory work for a European regulatory
framework for HA operations, including also setting regulatory principles and contributing to the
development of the impact assessment.
A European framework on HA operations would also ensure avoiding risks and challenges of
fragmentation and would contribute to a level playing field. Furthermore, any regulatory development
in this domain would need to cater for the operation of suborbital and space operations, transiting
through the airspace. Suborbital and space operations will have an impact on more areas than just
airspace operations.
Air operations regulations, for example, would need to be adapted for suborbital aircraft and space
operations and the impacts on the ATM system will need to be addressed in both the current airspace
management and HA. Moreover, as suborbital aircraft are currently envisaged to use rockets to reach
the fringe of space, fuelling of such rockets would require the installation of dedicated, protected
areas as well as take-off and landing sites (‘spaceports’) either at certified aerodromes or at specific
sites. This new type of operations will also call for further civil-military cooperation and coordination.
Currently some EU Member States are interested in developing horizontal spaceports to operate such
suborbital aircraft. Several other aspects of these future operations will need to be assessed, such as
for instance the cyber-security elements.
In addition to the development of the regulatory framework, EASA is following up related EU research
projects and is prepared to provide advice and support to European industry as necessary through
appropriate IPCs or technical advice contracts (TACs).
— Extended minimum-crew operations and single-pilot operations
Part-ORO (Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 965/201267— the Air OPS Regulation) contains conditions
and limitations addressing crew composition, FTL regimes and crew training, based on long-
established safety principles with the appropriate proportionality depending on the type of operation.
In the future, technological developments may allow the possibility for large passenger aeroplanes
conducting CAT to be safely operated by a single pilot, initially during the cruise phase of the flight
and later for the whole flight, provided that effective mitigations (e.g. advanced cockpit with workload
alleviation means, capability to cope with an incapacitation, ground assistance, etc.) are in place, in
order to ensure an equivalent level of safety in each of the relevant areas affected. Should new RMTs be
required or existing ones need an extension of their scope to enable these types of operation, EASA
will engage with all relevant stakeholders via the established channels.
To study the feasibility of these new concepts of operations, EASA is currently running an internal
project aiming to evaluate the impact of required changes on a variety of aspects, including changes to
the regulatory framework, interaction with ICAO, as well as changes in operators’ business models and
social impacts. A RES action was also initiated in 2019 to support this project (RES.0028).

67 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/de/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A02012R0965-20160825
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy AI Roadmap implementation

EASA has developed an AI Roadmap that aims at creating a consistent and risk-based ‘AI trustworthiness’ framework
to enable the processing of AI/ML applications in any of the core domains of EASA, from 2025 onwards. The first
version of this document was published in February 2020 and is available on the EASA website under https://easa.

Scope of the EASA AI Roadmap

The current breakthrough is the use of data-driven learning techniques (ML/deep learning (DL)), which are disruptive
and, by opposition to development techniques, cannot be addressed through traditional approaches. They raise the
need for developing novel methods.
Version 1.0 of the EASA AI Roadmap focuses on ML techniques using, among others, learning decision trees or
neural network (NN)68 architectures. Further development in AI technology will require future adaptations to this

Scope Technology Field of

Artificial Intellingence (AI)
A technology that appears to emulate human
performance. Includes both model-driven and
E.g. Expert system
Focus of the EASA AI data-driven approaches.
roadmap will be on
data-driven learning Machine learning (ML)
E.g. Classification
methods (ML/DL), Algorithms whose performance improve
considering algorithms as they are exposed to data.
Decision Trees or Deep learning (DL)
E.g. Computer vision
Neural Networks Subset of machine learning or natural language
in which multilayered neural processing
networks learn from vast amounts
of data.

Figure 7: AI taxonomy in the EASA AI Roadmap

The power of ML lies in the capability for a system to learn from a set of data rather than requiring development
and programming of each necessary decision path. It also involves a consequent number of challenges, including:
• adapting assurance frameworks to cover learning processes and address development errors in AI/ML
• creating a framework for data management to address the correctness (bias mitigation) and
completeness/representativeness of data sets used for the ML items training and their verification;
• managing the bias in data-driven approaches;
• elaborating pertinent guarantee on robustness and on absence of ‘unintended function’ in ML/DL

68 Neural network (NN) — A computational graph which consists of connected nodes (‘neurons’) that define the order in which operations
are performed on the input. Neurons are connected by edges which are parameterised by weights (and biases). Neurons are organised
in layers, specifically an input layer, several intermediate layers, and an output layer.
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• coping with predictability and explainability aspects of the ML application behaviour, considering their
statistical nature and the ML model complexity;
• managing the mitigation of the residual risk in the ‘AI black box’; and
• enabling trust by end users/operators.

Building blocks for the EASA AI Roadmap

The EASA approach is driven by the concept of ‘AI trustworthiness’ that was introduced by the EC High Level Group
of Experts on AI.

Ethical Guidelines Trustworthy AI building-blocks


Technical robustness and safety Learning Assurance

Privacy and data governance Trustworthiness AI Explainability
Non discrimination and fairness

AI Safety Risk Mitigation
Societal and environmental
well being

Figure 8: EASA AI trustworthiness building blocks

All four building blocks are of importance in gaining confidence in the trustworthiness of an AI/ML application.
The AI trustworthiness analysis is an essential gate that aims at characterising the AI application through various
analyses and that enables the definition of proportionality for the other building blocks, as represented on Figure
8 through a set of potentiometers. This block encompasses the well-proven safety and security assessments, and
also triggers the novel ethics-based assessment which consists in a translation of the ethical guidelines69 from the
EC High Level Group of Experts on AI in the specific context of civil aviation.
The objective of learning assurance is a major innovation brought about by the use of data-driven approaches. It
aims at gaining confidence at an appropriate level that an ML application supports the intended functionality, thus
opening the ‘AI black box’ as much as practicable. It is outlined through the so-called W-shaped learning assurance

69 https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=60419
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(Sub)system (Sub)system
requirements requirements
& design verification

Requirements ML
allocated to ML requirements
component management verification

Independant data
Data and learning
management verification

Learning Learning Inference model

process process verification
management verification & integration

Model Model
training implementation

Figure 9: EASA learning assurance W-shaped process

Explainability of AI is a human-centric concept that deals with the capability to provide relevant and understandable
information to the human(s) on how an AI application is coming to its results.
AI safety risk mitigation is based on the anticipation that the ‘AI black box’ may not always be opened to a sufficient
extent and that the partial coverage of objectives from the other building blocks could result in a residual safety risk
that should be accommodated by implementing appropriate mitigations.
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The EASA AI Roadmap v1.0 foresees a phased approach, the timing of which is aligned with the industry AI
implementation timeline. Phase I will consist in developing a first set of guidelines necessary to approve first
use of safety-critical AI, in partnership with the industry, mainly through IPCs, support to research, certification
projects and working groups. Phase II will build on the outcome of Phase I to develop regulations, AMC and GM for
certification/approval of AI. A Phase III is foreseen to further adapt the Agency processes and expand the regulatory
framework to the future developments in the dynamic field of AI.

2021 2022 2024 2026 2028 2029

First usable First usable First usable Finalized Finalized Adapt
guidance for guidance for guidance for guidance for guidance for to further
Level 1 AI/ML Level 2 AI/ML Level 3 AI/ML Level 1 and 2 Level 3 innovation
(human (human/ (more AI/ML AI/ML in AI
assistance/ machine autonomus

augmentation) collaboration) machine)

Phase I: exploration and Phase II: AI/ML

Phase III: pushing barriers
first guidance development framework consolidation

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2032 2032 2033 2034 2035

2019 2025 2030 2035

First EASA AI/ML First approvals Single-plot Autonomus
IPCs & applications of AI/ML CAT operations* CAT operations*

* For Large Aircrafts, based on roadmaps from major players

Figure 10: AI Roadmap phased approach

AI Roadmap deliverables
On 21 April 2021 EASA published for consultation the first AI Roadmap deliverable, a concept paper on ‘First usable
guidance for Level 1 ML applications’. The scope of this document is focused on an initial set of AI/ML techniques
(non-adaptive supervised learning) used in safety-related or environmental protection applications. The goal of this
document is twofold:
• to allow applicants to have an early visibility on the possible expectations of EASA with respect to the
implementation of AI/ML solutions; and
• to establish a baseline for Level 1 AI applications that will be further refined for Level 2 and Level 3 AI
EASA will inform stakeholders on the progress of the AI Roadmap implementation and seek for feedback on further
deliverables through public consultations.
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy Engine/aircraft interface and certification

In 2016 EASA, together with the FAA, initiated a joint Engine/Aircraft Certification Working Group (EACWG) to
look at improving engine/aircraft interface certification practices on the large transport category aircraft powered
with turbine engines. The group was tasked to conduct an in-depth review of current certification practices and
processes, as well as to develop recommendations for EASA and FAA leadership on changes that would streamline
and improve the overall certification process.
An effective and efficient certification process, combined with streamlined certification requirements and standards,
will have clear safety benefits.
The EACWG identified a total of 29 recommendations in the following areas:
• conducting a certification programme;
• understanding and developing the regulatory requirements;
• understanding if the engine/airframe certification interface is working effectively; and
• addressing specific rule and policy gaps.
A number of recommendations made were outside the scope of the EACWG, such as reviewing the operational
regulations to determine whether discrepancies exist between these and certification regulations.
The list of recommendations is included as Appendix D to the final report issued by the EACWG in June 201770.
EACWG also recommended the formation of a follow-on joint EASA/FAA/industry group to monitor the successful
implementation of the recommendations. In September 2018 the Certification Management Team (CMT) following
a request from EASA and the FAA approved the creation of the Engine Aircraft Certification Tracking Board (EACTB).
Through this endorsement the composition of the group is extended to the four authorities in the CMT (EASA, FAA,
The objectives of the EACTB are to:
• establish a forum and process for engine and aircraft airworthiness authorities and industry to review
conflicts and gaps between engine and aircraft regulations in order to eliminate them and to proactively
review regulatory change opportunities;
• track the completion, implementation and effectiveness of the (29) EACWG recommendations; and
• develop an efficient process for conducting certification programmes, defining multiparty project
reviews with engine/aircraft applicants and regulators early in a certification effort to list, detect
and resolve regulatory gaps, overlaps and independencies, so that manufacturers can communicate
conflicting regulatory requirements to the engine and aircraft authorities, escalate and resolve them.
Since its constitution, the EACTB has managed to progress effectively on 20 of the 29 recommendations, with high
focus on the CMT ‘top three’, on the additional three EACTB recommendations that are deemed of high priority by
the group, and with ad hoc responsiveness to other engine/aircraft interface conflicts which have emerged.
The EACTB has also deployed efforts in the direction of settling the appropriate forum for resolution of potential
regulatory difficulties in the engine/aircraft interfacing.
Top-three CMT items:
• Recommendation R-2.8: Issue Papers to Policy
• Recommendation R-4.6: Fire Prevention
• Recommendation R-4.7: Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS)

70 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EACWG_final_report_June_2017.pdf
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Additionally, three items identified by the EACTB:

• Recommendation R-4.1: F&R Testing
• Recommendation R-4.5: Inhibit Engine Protection Systems
• Recommendation R-4.4: Extended Range Operation with Two-Engine Aeroplanes (ETOPS)
These efforts will be continued during the next period and the EACTB will be coordinating with the Certification
Authorities for Propulsion (CAPP) and with the Certification Authorities for Transport Airplane (CATA) for the
pursuing and progressing on the recommendations, and the fulfilment of the EACTB objectives.
EASA will consider these recommendations for future rulemaking actions, which would be incorporated into the
EPAS once the CMT has agreed to the conclusions of the EACTB. Ensure the safe operations of UAS (drones) and manned eVTOL aircraft
Enabling the safe integration of the fast evolution of the emerging novel market segment of UAS, also commonly
called ‘drones’, including the development of eVTOL aircraft, intended for UAM operations, continue to be one
of the high-priority EASA activities, and one that is largely unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the
applicability of EU regulations for the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ (the smaller) UAS categories, EASA will now include these
regulations in its standardisation activities. Following the adoption of the U-space regulatory package, EASA in a
next phase is focusing on supporting Member States and industry in their forthcoming implementation of U-space
services and continues developing a comprehensive EU regulatory framework for the ‘certified’ UAS category.
In addressing risks from the unauthorised operation of drones, EASA continues with the completion of certain
ongoing tasks of its Counter-UAS Action Plan.

Common European rules for UAS operations and registration

Common European rules contribute to the development of a common European market while ensuring safe
operations, providing a level playing field, as well as respecting the privacy and security of EU citizens.
In February 2019, Europe got one step closer to harmonised rules for safe drone operations as the EASA Committee
voted unanimously to approve the EC’s proposal for an implementing act to regulate the operations of UAS in
Europe and the registration of drone operators and of certified drones. Commission Implementing Regulation
(EU) 2019/94771 accompanied by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/94572, defining the technical
requirements for drones, were published in June 2019. The Delegated Regulation was immediately applicable while
the Implementing Regulation will become gradually applicable within 3 years from publication. By the end of 2023
the transitional period will be completed, and the Regulation will be fully applicable.
These Regulations were amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/63973, accompanied by
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/105874, introducing two European standard scenarios allowing the
use of a declaration submitted by the UAS operator to the NCA. The applicability date of the European standard
scenarios was set to 2 December 2021. The EC together with the Member States decided to postpone the
applicability date to 2 December 2023.
With the above Regulations the proposed EASA general concept establishing three categories of UAS operations
(‘open’, ‘specific’ and ‘certified’ — with different safety requirements proportionate to the risk) is adopted at
European level and will be implemented.

71 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1570893991756&uri=CELEX:32019R0947
72 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1570894011520&uri=CELEX:32019R0945
73 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32020R0639
74 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32020R1058
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

Following the publication of the above-mentioned EU Regulations, EASA published in October 2019 the related
AMC and the GM — see ED Decision 2019/021/R75. These AMC & GM include:
• a revised version of the draft AMC and GM that were published with Opinion No 01/201876;
• the specific operations risk assessment (SORA) as an AMC to the risk assessment that is required in the
‘specific’ category;
• the first predefined risk assessment to assist operators when applying for an authorisation in the
‘specific’ category; and
• explanations resulting from the discussions held with stakeholders during the approval of the regulation.

In March 2020 EASA published its Opinion No 01/2020 proposing a regulatory framework for the U-space to create
and harmonise the necessary conditions for manned and unmanned aircraft to operate safely in the U-space
airspace, to prevent collisions between aircraft and to mitigate the air and ground risks. The EC adopted the U-space
regulatory package in April 2021. This is a major achievement for the implementation of the EU drone policy and
Smart Mobility Strategy.
The U-space regulatory package consists of three regulations:
• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 of 22 April 202177 on a regulatory framework for
the U-space;
• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/665 of 22 April 202178 amending Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2017/373 as regards requirements for providers of air traffic management/air navigation
services and other air traffic management network functions in the U-space airspace designated in
controlled airspace; and
• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/666 of 22 April 202179 amending Regulation (EU) No
923/201280 as regards requirements for manned aviation operating in U-space airspace.
The applicability date of the Regulations is 26 January 2023.
Key actions:
• The NPA 2021-09 amending the AMC & GM to address the definition of geographical zones, the standard
scenarios (STS) and the syllabus for training modules for remote pilots operating in the ‘specific’ category
has been published in Q2 2021 with consultation period until 30 September 2021.
• An NPA to cover operations of manned VTOL aircraft carrying passengers or cargo in congested (urban)
and non-congested (non-urban) environments, as well as UAS operations in the ‘specific’ high-risk
categories. This comprehensive NPA is expected in Q1-Q2/2022 under RMT.0230. The subsequent related
Opinion will address several aviation domains (initial and continuing airworthiness, aircraft operations,
aircrew licencing, ATM/ANS and rules of the air).
• An NPA including the necessary AMC/GM in support of the implementation of the U-space regulations
is expected to be published towards the end of 2021. EASA continues to assess the need for action in
the field of UAS, in particular in relation to the harmonised implementation of the adopted regulations
for the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ categories, the development of the necessary regulations for the ‘certified’
category and the safe and harmonised development and deployment of U-space across the EU.

75 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/agency-decisions/ed-decision-2019021r
76 EASA Opinion No 01/2018: Introduction of a regulatory framework for the operation of unmanned aircraft systems in the ‘open’ and
‘specific’ categories
77 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32021R0664
78 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32021R0665
79 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32021R0666
80 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32012R0923&qid=1637155067940
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Types of UAS operations considered here

There are three types of UAS operations as follows:
• Operations type #1: Instrument flight rules (IFR) operations of UAS for the carriage of cargo in airspace
classes A–C (ICAO airspace classification) and taking off from and/or landing at aerodromes falling under
the Basic Regulation.
• Operations type #2: operations of UAS taking off and/or landing in a congested (e.g. urban) environment
using predefined routes in the U-space airspace (part of the operation could be in a non-congested, e.g.
rural environment). These include operations of unmanned VTOL aircraft carrying passengers (e.g. air
taxis) or cargo (e.g. goods delivery services).
• Operations type #3: same as for type #2 operations with VTOL aircraft with a pilot on board, including
operations out of the U-space airspace. While this task will include considerations also for emerging
technologies such as electric and hybrid propulsion as integral part of the drones’ design, the dedicated
RMT.0731 will address in particular the CAW aspects related to these technologies.
The safe integration of all new entrants into the airspace network will be one of the main challenges in relation to
the integration of UAS technologies and related concepts of operation.

Manned eVTOL aircraft

At the end of 2018, following receipt of applications for the certification of small VTOL aircraft, EASA launched
a public consultation on its proposal for an SC that included suitable airworthiness standards to enable the
certification of small VTOL aircraft. The number and the nature of the comments received provide an indication
that such aircraft may have to be treated as a new product category which would fit neither the CS-23 nor the
CS-27 product category. Following the public consultation, EASA finalised and published the SC. This SC for the
certification of those aircraft is intended to represent the first component of the regulatory framework to enable
the safe operation of air taxis and eVTOL aircraft in Europe.
With regard to the environmental compatibility of VTOL, in anticipation of future air taxi operations in urban
areas, a number of different designs of drones and small eVTOL have been noise-tested in the course of 2019 and
2020. The aim was to assess the particularities of the individual noise signatures through recordings of different
overflights and stationary flight phases. Raw noise data was recorded for multiple flights based on which the
Agency will assess the accuracy, repeatability and representativeness of different candidate noise measurement
procedures as well as the suitability of potential noise assessment metrics and noise assessment reference points.

EASA UAM Study Task Force

When EASA started its work on developing new and amending existing regulations to allow more regular UAM
operations, it became clear that societal concerns and citizens’ expectations for this new mobility applications
needed to be fully understood and addressed by the regulator, so that the right level of regulatory objectives
and actions are established. It was for that reason that EASA conducted a comprehensive study on the societal
acceptance of UAM operations across the European Union to guide its work. The study was carried out together
with the consulting firm McKinsey & Company and the Arup Sound Lab between November 2020 and April
2021, with the final report published in May 202181. As a follow-on activity to action the main outcomes and
conclusions of the UAM Study, EASA established a dedicated EASA UAM Study Task Force, comprised of various
relevant stakeholder groups, tasked with developing an action plan with additional or complementary actions to
the existing ones that EASA could take to enable safe, secure, efficient and sustainable implementation of UAM in
the EU. The TF’s deliverable is expected in Q1 2022.

81 EASA publishes results of first EU study on citizens’ acceptance of Urban Air Mobility | EASA (europa.eu)
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For their operations VTOL-capable aircraft will use aerodromes, heliports and the so-called vertiports. ‘Vertiport’
means an area of land, water or structure used or intended to be used for the landing and take-off of VTOL aircraft.
Based on Article 2 of the Basic Regulation, which delineates the scope for aerodromes, vertiports are classified as
aerodromes for the purpose of aerodrome and vertiport regulations.
A common European approach to vertiports will be established in the scope of the drone programme. The
development will be based on EASA certification specifications for heliports, ICAO Annex 14, Volume II Heliports
SARPs, adjusted with VTOL-capable aircraft performance data and manufacturers’ requirements.
At the first stage, for the manned VTOL-capable aircraft operations (type #3), EASA is developing Prototype Technical
Specifications (PTS) for the design and operations of VFR vertiports. Member States will be able to use PTS for
developing their national regulatory framework for vertiports. Besides the positive effect of fostering the European
VTOL-capable aircraft and vertiport design technology as such, the resulting harmonisation is particularly important
for vertiport operators and small and medium VTOL-capable aircraft manufacturers who would have an easier
access to EU markets, where vertiports have common design and organisational features.
At the second stage, for vertiports within the scope of the Basic Regulation Article 2, which are open to public
use, serve commercial air transport and use instrument approach and departure procedures, and for the VTOL-
capable aircraft operations type #2 and operations type #3, EASA will develop a full package of regulations for the
design and operations of vertiports, including requirements for the authority, vertiport operators and operation of
vertiports, along with the certification specifications for the design and certification of vertiports.
The NPA concerning the design and operation of vertiports within the scope of the Basic Regulation will be
published along with other NPAs for the ‘certified category’ in 2023 (RMT.0230), with the associated Opinion
expected early 2024.
VTOL-capable aircraft operations type #2 and type #3 can be conducted at aerodromes when using the runways
and manoeuvring areas, or vertiports designed for such purposes, while the operations at heliport facilities at
aerodromes or at stand-alone heliports may only be used provided that the VTOL-capable aircraft dimensions and
performance meet the design characteristics of the heliport intended to be used.

EASA Counter Drone (C-UAS)82 Action Plan

The analysis of the events in Gatwick in December 2018 identified the need to support aerodrome operators, ATS
providers and aircraft operators in preventing and managing incidents of unauthorised drone operations in the
surroundings of aerodromes, while at the same time keeping operational disruptions at a minimum.
As not all European airports are equally prepared for unauthorised drone encounters, guidance material is needed
on how to assess this risk, how to set up a drone incident management process, and how to best clarify the
roles and responsibilities of the different actors with an active role during such incidents. Clarity is also required
regarding the occurrence reporting requirements in relation to drone incidents. And last but not least, an overview
over the types of counter-drone technologies ranging from detection, classification and tracking to neutralisation
of unauthorised drones.
In order to avoid a diversity of national measures, EASA had proposed to act as the European coordinator of an
action plan containing five objectives and to collaborate with the affected stakeholders, namely the Member States
(including NCAs and law enforcement authorities), aerodrome operators, aircraft operators, ANSPs, EUROCONTROL
and the EC. The C-UAS Action Plan is subject to periodic review and amendment. Issue 1 of the proposed action plan
was distributed to the stakeholders for review, contribution and endorsement, after which Issue 2 was published
in July 2019 which took the feedback and proposals into account. The latest Issue 3, published in September
2020, includes numerous amendments to the C-UAS Action Plan as the work on the implementation progresses.

82 Counter-unmanned aircraft systems.

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The Action Plan is articulated around five objectives:

# Objective Deliverable Timeline/ Status

1.Safety promotion material to create public

awareness and understanding of the existence and
purpose of geographical zones
Educate the public to https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/
prevent and reduce 1. Completed
1 easa_printmotif01_version005.pdf;
misuse of drones 2. In progress
around aerodromes https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/
2. AMC & GM defining a common unique digital
format for UAS geographical zones.

EASA guidance material (in the form of a manual)

describing the roles and responsibilities of the
Prepare aerodromes actors, and best practices on how to respond to
to mitigate risks from unauthorised drone operations in the surroundings of
2 unauthorised drone an aerodrome: Completed
use https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/

Support the
assessment of the Paper (Input to Objective 2) addressing the
3 safety risk of drones consequences of drone collision with manned aircraft
In progress
to manned aircraft

Ensure that C-UAS

measures are Contribution to the development of International
swiftly considered Standards to support the safe and harmonised
4 and implemented implementation of Counter-UAS Systems into an
In progress
from a global safety airport environment and ATM/ANS systems

1. Define high-level criteria to classify airprox events.

2. Evaluate compatibility of existing occurrence 1. In progress
Support adequate reporting procedures for inclusion of occurrences
5 occurrence reporting involving UAS.
2. In progress
3. In progress
3. Develop a suitable action plan to integrate UAS in
common occurrence reporting procedures.

Table 3: C-UAS Action Plan

The output from the above actions takes the form of guidance material complementing EASA’s rulemaking
activities on U-space and the EASA implementation plan for Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/947 and
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/945.
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Other actions of non-regulatory nature on drones

• Coordinated safety promotion to create understanding and awareness of the rules and to support safe
UAS operations in the long term (SPT.0091)
• Aircraft drone collision research action (RES.0015)
• Conduct a series of webinars with Member States on different topics related to Regulations (EU) 2019/945
and (EU) 2019/947 in order to promote common understanding and harmonised implementation.
• Develop PTS for the design of vertiports (RMT.0230) to support the establishment of a coherent and
harmonised system of design criteria for vertiports, which can be applied by Member States for those
vertiports to which national rules would apply. New air mobility

Until now, the air travel over urban areas has been limited to very special operations, such as police operations
or HEMS. New actors are seeking new business models to provide more services to citizens, ranging from parcel
delivery by air within the cities to flying air taxis. These new business models and operations need to be performed
in a safe and secure manner to maintain the confidence that citizens have in the air transport system. EASA has a
key role to play in this area.
To this effect, EASA conducted in 2020-2021 a study to measure the societal acceptance by EU citizens of future
urban air mobility operations83. The results reveal a general positive attitude by citizens and a readiness to try
out these services, in view of the benefits they can offer in terms of faster, cleaner and better-connected mobility.
However, they also highlight citizens’ concerns on safety, security, environmental impact and noise of these
operations that will need to be addressed. The Agency will take these results into account in its rulemaking activities
and will develop, with the Member States, the EC and local authorities, an Action Plan on UAM public acceptance.
After gyroplanes and tilt rotors (new subtasks in RMT.0731 ‘New air mobility’ introduced for the EPAS 2021-2025)
airship and flying car developments are now being closely monitored and are currently subject to a BIS; in particular,
to determine when to start the corresponding rulemaking work:
— Airships
There are a number of airship projects in Europe. These lighter-than-air aircraft are likely to be used in
commercial operations in the medium term; for instance, with more than 60 tons payload for cargo
transport. The existing flight crew licensing, air operations and continuing airworthiness regulations
will need to be adapted to incorporate this type of operation.
— Flying cars
There are currently a number of ‘flying car’ projects under certification by EASA. These flying cars are
dual-transport mode aircraft capable of being operated both as a flying machine and as a terrestrial
vehicle. The aviation safety regulations (e.g. air operations regulation, continuing airworthiness
regulation) will need to be adapted to incorporate this type of aircraft.
Key actions:
• Develop rules or amend existing ones, where necessary, to address new technologies and operational
air transport concepts (RMT.0731 ‘New air mobility’). This now includes new subtasks to develop flight
crew licensing and operational rules for gyroplanes and tilt rotors.
• Develop an Action Plan on public acceptance of UAM with the Member States, the EC and local

83 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/uam-full-report.pdf
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy Electric and hybrid propulsion

Innovation in any industry is a key factor influencing its competitiveness, growth and employment potential. With
this strategic priority in mind and looking at the increasing number of new aircraft manufacturers and suppliers
working on aircraft using electric propulsion (and increasingly electric systems), it becomes apparent that there are
very strong prospects as well as demand, from industry and governments, to have hybrid propulsion and eventually
fully electric aircraft. The market potential is therefore considered significant with related effects on wealth and job
creation. The use of electric and hybrid propulsion systems has the potential of significantly reducing the aviation
environmental footprint in terms of both gaseous emissions and noise. However, to ensure that this objective is met,
the full life cycle of the product needs to be taken into account as well as the energy mix used.
To encourage the safe integration of new technological advancements in the wider electrical aviation sector overall,
flexibility in the approach on all types of concepts, variations and design types will be enhanced.
To allow for the projects to thrive, a number of complex issues need to be tackled from a regulatory perspective.
In terms of rulemaking for aircraft design requirements, EPAS actions will be included once enough experience
will have been gained on the use of SCs. The use of performance-based and non-prescriptive specifications is
already laid down in the SCs for VTOL and electric and hybrid propulsion and may be embedded also in the future
CSs, as already used for e.g. CS-23.
EASA has also developed a dedicated set of SCs, which will be applied together with existing airworthiness codes
(CS-E, CS-23, CS-27, etc.) for the certification of aircraft with electric and hybrid propulsion, and on a case-by-case
basis for each application.
Moreover, in order to enable standardised type certification of electric and hybrid propulsion systems (EHPS), either
in the case of having a separate engine type certificate (TC) for the EHPS, or in the case where the EHPS would be
integrated into the aircraft TC, a set of technical specifications have been established in a dedicated SC for EHPS.
The proposed SC-EHPS was published for public consultation on 27 January 2020 and the consultation ran until 19
June 2020. EASA received 501 comments and provided a final version with a comment-response document (CRD)
in April 202184. As the definition of EHPS interfaces would depend on specific aircraft application, the possibility to
further define EHPS requirements to ensure a two-step approach (step 1: requirements for engine TC not related
to a specific platform; step 2: requirements for engine TC relevant to a specific platform integration) will continue
to be studied in 2022.
The first small aircraft type model with fully electric propulsion system was EASA type-certificated on 15 June 2020.
Likewise, in electric and hybrid aviation EASA aims to continue building up knowledge on emerging technologies,
to establish TACs or IPCs to identify certification challenges in innovative products, and to continue liaising with
relevant industry and standardisation working groups. EASA is also engaged through providing technical training
to its staff.
In terms of rulemaking actions for other aviation domains, RMT.0731 will lead to different streams of activities,
one of them being to address the regulatory gaps identified in the existing regulations with regard to electric and
hybrid propulsion.
Key actions:
Adapting existing regulations to support the introduction of aircraft with electric and hybrid propulsion systems
will be done through a number of actions, as follows:
• RMT.0731 (New air mobility) for continuing airworthiness requirements for all types of aircraft85
• RMT.0230 (Drones), also addressing manned e-VTOL electric propulsion aspects related to the ADR, ATM,
FCL and OPS domains

84 https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/product-certification-consultations/final-special-condition-sc-e-19-electric
85 Terms of Reference: https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/terms-of-reference-and-group-compositions/tor-rmt0731
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• RMT.0678 (FCL) and RMT.0573 (OPS), addressing a first set of FCL and OPS electric propulsion-related
requirements for other aircraft types that are not covered by RMT.0230
• RES.0048 to assess the feasibility, the environmental benefits and the certifiability of proposed
designs for aircraft propulsion systems with integrated hybrid/electric engines and power generation
architectures as well as sub-systems’ enablers.
The environmental protection requirements regarding emissions and noise with electric and hybrid propulsion will
be assessed with the existing RMT.0727 (Alignment of Part 21 with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, including simple
and proportionate rules for General Aviation), RMT.0230 (Drones) and RMT.0514 (Implementation of the CAEP
amendments: Climate change, emissions and noise).
Potentially more streams to cover other future projects could be added in RMT.0731 including the development
of CSs based on experience gained in certification projects applying SCs such as for VTOL or electric and hybrid
propulsion. Hydrogen powered technologies

In order to meet the environmental targets for climate neutrality by 2050, there is an increased focus by the industry
on the potential of using hydrogen as an energy carrier in aviation that could then either be used by fuel cells to
produce electricity or burnt in a combustor in a similar way to kerosene today. The properties of hydrogen raise
a number of challenges from storage and distribution right through to conversion into the final energy used to
propel the aircraft. Some industry actors have declared their intention to have a CS-23 aircraft certified as early as
2023 while Airbus have publicly stated for their ZeroE initiative that their objective is to have a transport aircraft
certified by 2035.
In 2021 EASA nominated a focal point for hydrogen to help coordinate the Agency’s efforts to be ready for the
introduction of hydrogen and in particular prepare a competency roadmap for hydrogen to build its competency
in this domain such that it will be able to support industry requests while remaining confident in the level of safety
achieved. Enable the implementation of new operational solutions developed by SESAR

The EPAS also caters for the regulatory and implementation needs of the SESAR essential operational changes and
other new technological advancements (such as but not limited to U-space technological solutions, virtualisation,
cloud-based architecture and remote tower operations).
Global interoperability, civil-military cooperation and compatibility with other regions’ development plans, such as
the FAA NextGen, form an integral part of EASA’s work. Furthermore, the EPAS provides a proactive and forward-
looking view to support the implementation of the essential operational changes required to achieve the SESAR
The future rulemaking activities will further consider SESAR ongoing R&D work and Airspace Architecture Study
recommendations on:
• virtualisation and ATM data as services, to allow transition to virtual centres and a common data layer
allowing more flexible provision of ATM services;
• dynamic management of airspace, to facilitate dynamic grouping and degrouping of sectors and
managing the staff resources accordingly;
• capacity-on-demand agreements, to ensure the continuity of air traffic services by enabling more
dynamically a temporary delegation of the provision of air traffic services to an alternate centre with
spare capacity;
• trajectory-based operations, to enable airspace users to fly their preferred flight trajectories.
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Such activities should avoid requiring specific technological solutions; instead, they should specify clear
performance and competence requirements as appropriate to the anticipated operations.
Furthermore, EASA will consider additional implementation support activities that facilitate the achievement of
operational improvements and new ATM operational concepts. These activities should approach the implementation
needs in a comprehensive manner, thus facilitating the safe, secure and interoperable implementation of cost-
effective solutions considered as necessary. Such solutions could include ‘enabling infrastructure’ that encompasses
GNSS (incorporating dual frequency multi-constellations), SATCOM, and other satellite-based CNS solutions or
others emerging from the telecommunications field.
Key actions:
• Support the development of data link operations through RMT.0524, expanding the current Commission
Regulation (EC) No 29/200986 to enable the use of alternate data link technologies compliant with
performance requirements.
• Support the implementation of performance-based navigation in the European ATM network as per
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/104887 (SPT.0108).
• Support the implementation of the regulatory needs in support of the SESAR deployment (RMT.0682).
This encompasses regulatory actions at rule level and validation of industry standards and complements
RMT.0161 which will allow the establishment of additional detailed specifications applicable to ground
systems and their constituents, whenever necessary.
• Support the implementation of the air traffic data services provision by amending the current
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 to enable these services (RMT.0719).
• Assess SESAR R&D Solutions related to ATC provision (e.g. dynamic cross-border sectorisation, virtual
centre concept, capacity-on-demand services) and consider their implementation by amending the
applicable regulations (e.g. Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340) via RMT.0668, as an enabler for
increased ATCO mobility.
• Assist stakeholders in implementing the virtual centres concept and dynamic cross-border sectorisation,
where the need arises by exploring the means to enable moving towards a system-driven ATCO training
and licensing that would allow the ATCOs to provide services outside their sector through RMT.0668. Enable all-weather operations

The European industry should have the capability to take full advantage of the safety and economic benefits
generated through new technologies and operational experience. This represents a widely recognised
interoperability subject touching on a wide range of areas, including performance-based aerodrome operating
minima (PBAOM), related aerodrome equipment to support such operations, and procedures for both CAT and GA.
Aircraft operations have always been influenced by the weather. Whilst modern aircraft design and the availability
of weather observations and forecasts contribute to a predominantly very safe flying environment, there remain
occasions where severe weather events have been identified as being a contributing factor in the causal chain of
accidents and incidents. Such events remain of concern within the aviation community and corresponding SRs have
been addressed to EASA by accident investigation authorities.
Since 2015 EASA has increased its focus on weather-related challenges and, as part of that work, has sought to
identify whether the meteorological information available to pilots could be enhanced. Accordingly, EASA organised
a first workshop on 28-29 October 2015 dedicated to ‘Weather information provided to pilots’.
Following the workshop and the acknowledged need to take further action, EASA integrated the ‘Weather
Information to Pilots’ project within the activities of RMT.0379 ‘AWO’. A project team put together in April 2016

86 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1570907047400&uri=CELEX:32009R0029
87 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32018R1048on
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— involving representatives from international organisations, associations and industry — was tasked with an
assessment of the situation and this resulted in the ‘Weather Information to Pilots Strategy Paper’88 issued in January
2018. The EASA Strategy Paper focuses on the weather phenomena that introduce risks to aviation, describes the
current mitigation measures, the deficiencies and how to overcome them. The scope of the paper is focusing on
CAT aeroplanes.
The EASA Strategy Paper proposes nine recommendations to further improve weather information and awareness.
The recommendations are detailed on the Weather Information to Pilots webpage89 and on pages 28-29 of the
Strategy Paper itself.
They are summarised below:
• Recommendation #1: Education and training: weather hazards, mitigation and use of on-board weather
• Recommendation #2: Improved weather briefing presentation: promote improvements to the
presentation of weather information in-flight briefing
• Recommendation #3: Promotion of in-flight weather information updates: promote the use of the latest
information available to ensure up-to-date situational awareness
• Recommendation #4: Pan-European high-resolution forecasts: support the pan-European developments
regarding the provision of high-resolution forecasts for aviation hazards (e.g. CAT: icing, surface winds,
cumulonimbus (CB), winter weather)
• Recommendation #5: Use of supplementary ‘Tier 2’ weather sources for aviation purposes: develop the
necessary provisions to support the use of supplementary ‘Tier 2’ meteorological information by pilots
• Recommendation #6: Development and enhancement of aircraft sensors/solutions: promote the
development of intrinsic aircraft capabilities to facilitate the recognition and, if required, the avoidance
of hazardous weather
• Recommendation #7: Connectivity to support in-flight updates of meteorological information: promote
deployment of connectivity solutions (uplink and downlink) to support the distribution of meteorological
information to pilots
• Recommendation #8: Provision of enhanced meteorological information: promote provision of high-
resolution observed and forecast meteorological information, particularly data with high spatial and
temporal resolution such as imagery derived from satellite and ground weather radar sources
• Recommendation #9: On-board weather radar installation of latest generation equipment: promote the
installation of the latest generation of on-board weather radars, with emphasis on including capability
for wind shear and turbulence detection
To support the above, a BIS ‘Weather Information to Pilots’ was produced in 2020 and consulted with the ABs, which
led to the inclusion of a new safety promotion task in the 2021-2025 edition of the EPAS.
During 2021 EASA published Opinion No 02/2021 ‘All-weather operations and review of crew training requirements’,
a major milestone of RMT.0379.
Key actions:
• Review and update the AWO rules in all aviation domains (RMT.0379), supported with relevant safety
promotion activities.
• Promote the availability of enhanced meteorological information and uplink connectivity (SPT.0114).

88 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-Weather-Information-to-Pilot-Strategy-Paper.pdf
89 https://www.easa.europa.eu/easa-and-you/air-operations/weather-information-pilots
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy Digital licences for aviation pilots (dLAP)

The Digital Licences for EU Aviation Pilots (dLAP) project aims to introduce digital pilot licences into the European
aviation domain with the objective of providing a safe and easy-to-use service and enabling flight crew to carry
their licences, including medical certificates, in a fully digitised format displayed on their own personal electronic
The envisaged IT platform used to support dLAP should provide a digital signature workflow for electronic
identification (eID) in accordance with the applicable European standards to enable secure verification of the
identities of the flight crew members. The said platform should also enable the NCA-authorised flight examiners
and aero-medical examiners as well as SAFA/SACA inspectors to update, validate and/or authenticate respectively
the licences in real time. The said platform should be complemented by a web portal with multiple interfaces
to be viewed in a standard web browser for the aforementioned users. dLAP should also have an interface with
the repository of information in accordance with Article 74 of the Basic Regulation thereby enabling effective
cooperation between EASA and the NCAs. The platform should further ensure prevention of fraudulent or forged
licences as well as incorporate robust security measures for authentication and access control.
During the EASA MB meeting of June 2018 the MB expressed support for the project and approved the financing
of the first PoC-phase (refer to MB Decision No 13-201890) to prepare the planning for the development of a future
dLAP platform. With the unfolding of the COVID crisis the work was put on hold during most of 2020.
In April 2021 EASA re-assessed the prospects and risks of the dLAP project and the way forward. In order to expedite
the transposition of ICAO SARPs into the EU regulatory framework and ensure faster entry into service of dLAP,
EASA concluded that the best strategy going forward is to commence with a rulemaking task for setting mandatory
requirements regarding the introduction of dLAP into the Aircrew Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011).
The said task incorporates the upcoming amendment to ICAO Annex 1 regarding the implementation of an
electronic personnel licensing system envisaged for applicability from 3 November 2022. This RMT also mitigates
the uncertainties on its financing and will modernise the EU personnel licensing system through efficiency and
security gains. In parallel EASA, in coordination with the ICAO Electronic Personnel License Task Force (EPL-TF) aims
to amend the European regulatory framework to enable dLAP as an alternative to the paper licence.
Rule changes will ensure that there will be a unique EU pilot licence verification system and, more importantly, will
guarantee the interoperability of this digital format in:
• combining pilot licences and medical certificates stemming from various EASA Member States displayed
on a common and unique EU mobile digital pilot licensing format instantly updatable on a self-contained
mobile personal electronic device;
• providing a unique EU pilot licence verification system (QR code); and
• enabling as part of the fully operational dLAP licensing service the management of pilot licences by flight
examiners from different EASA Member States, thereby supporting the standardisation of examiners.
It is anticipated that NCAs (and eventually pilots/industry) will benefit from substantial cost savings due to a fully
digital administration (reduced cost for printing/storing paper; reduced working time for licence processing). This is
further supported by making the needed data available in the repository of information (REPIF) by 2022, to ensure
effective cooperation between EASA and the NCAs as per Article 74 of the Basic Regulation.

90 https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20MB%20Decision%2013-2018%20adopting%20dLAP%20financing%20
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Once the rulemaking work is progressed with a mandate that guarantees the legal and financial sustainability of
the digital pilot licence, EASA intends to seek nomination from EASA Member States regarding the establishment
of a dLAP Steering committee. This committee will monitor the development and entry-into-service of dLAP mainly
• steering the dLAP development and adjusting the technical tasks, budget management and tenders
during the implementation phase;
• being accountable for EASA Member State’s investments and resources management; and
• revising the number of pilot licences of the dLAP partners and, as necessary, adjusting the operational
recurring cost accordingly on a yearly basis.
In the medium and long term, further licences can be added into the software solution (aircraft mechanics, ATCOs)
at low cost.
Key action:
• New action RMT.0737 ‘Digital licence for aviation pilots’ to address the mandatory requirements
regarding the introduction of dLAP into the Aircrew Regulation
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

3.1.4 Environment
Environmental protection and the sustainability of the aviation sector has been growing in importance over the
years and is a key priority for citizens, policymakers and the industry.
EASA has an explicit mandate to protect the environment, climate and human health. In 2019, as a follow-up to
the initial 2017 Environmental Strategy, the Agency stepped up its actions towards a cleaner, quieter and more
sustainable aviation system by broadening the scope and ambitions of the strategy through the launch of the
Sustainable Aviation Programme with the following main objectives:
A. Facilitate the decarbonisation of the aviation system through Agency initiatives
B. Act towards sustainable aviation through environmental certification and standards
C. Act towards sustainable aviation through effective transversal actions
D. Act towards sustainable aviation through a flight standards environmental action

Some key initiatives developed under Objective A are:

Reduction of aircraft emissions through facilitating and monitoring the use of

sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) within Europe and support to the ReFuelEU initiative.
The Agency will cooperate with stakeholder in order to facilitate the uptake of SAF, in
particular focusing on removing technical barriers for new fuel suppliers trough the
concept of an EU Clearing House for SAF. As such a stronger role for the EU in the SAF
approval processes is envisaged.

Promotion of low-emission solutions through facilitating the introduction of electric,

hybrid and hydrogen-powered aviation such as the certified first fully electric GA aircraft
type, the contribution to Horizon Europe’s R&I programme (e.g. Clean Aviation), as well as
related innovation partnerships with stakeholders.

Reduction of aviation’s environmental footprint through the development of an

Environment Label (‘EcoLabel’ – a voluntary initiative) for aviation, by providing
harmonised, reliable and easily understandable information for more sustainable
choices, coordinated within EASA Member States. It should allow rewarding those air
transport operators making efforts to reduce their environmental footprint and help
increase the effectiveness of other measures like the ReFuelEU initiative, zero pollution,
the Environmental Noise Directive, etc.

Aiming to reduce the climate impact from aviation, the Agency is engaging through
involvement in environment-related research activities such as the further investigation
into the issue of the climate impact of non-CO2 emissions from the aviation sector, as well
as the necessary research facilitating new sustainable aviation fuels.
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy Act towards sustainable aviation through robust, efficient and innovative
In the area of aircraft and engine technology, the Agency’s product certification activities ensure that products are
as quiet and clean as possible, thereby reducing negative impacts on the health of citizens. At the same time, the
Agency innovates to develop the most cost-effective environmental certification process in the world, thereby
contributing to the competitiveness of the European industry.
EASA has for the first time certified an aircraft for CO2 emissions, applying a new process and methodology in 2021.
These new environmental certification tasks will continue to grow in the following years.

Supersonic and hypersonic aircraft

It is likely that supersonic transport (SST) aircraft will be operated in Europe in the medium term.
Specific landing and take-off noise regulations will need to be adapted for supersonic aeroplanes, safeguarding thus
the high level of environmental protection in Europe. In order to ensure a level playing field with subsonic aircraft,
these supersonic landing and take-off noise regulations will be guided by the international noise certification
standard for subsonic aeroplanes.
It is expected that SST aeroplanes will be restricted to fly at supersonic speeds over high seas in order to avoid
unacceptable situations to the public —sonic booms to begin with. There is a long-term ambition to work on the
definition of a sonic boom noise certification standard for ‘low-boom’ SST aircraft that will safeguard that no such
unacceptable situations will be present. This is one precondition to facilitate supersonic flights over land. As regards
emissions certification standards, SST aircraft and engine emissions regulations need to be developed and updated
respectively, to ensure environmental compatibility of supersonic aircraft.
Key actions:
• The Agency has a new mandate to collect and verify aircraft noise and performance information for
noise modelling around airports, as per Regulation (EU) 598/201491 Article 7.
• A number of novel technologies are rapidly approaching market maturity. In order to respond
proactively to these technologies and allow for smooth certification based on robust environmental
assessments, a dedicated activity will be launched to assess their environmental characteristics and
sustainability. This will include the electric propulsion project as well as the sustainability assessment of
alternative fuels. The success of this activity will be ensured by engaging traditional stakeholders as well
as aviation environment non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
• The Agency will develop environmental protection requirements for supersonic transport aeroplanes
(RMT.0733). Act towards sustainable aviation through technical leadership for smart and
proportionate standards
The Basic Regulation makes direct reference in Article 9 to the relevant Volumes of ICAO Annex 16.The Agency’s
effective involvement upstream in the ICAO-CAEP process, ensures availability of environmental standards based
on EU Better regulation principles.
Key actions:
• A key priority from the European perspective is the CAEP work on supersonic transport to safeguard
that the current high level of aviation environmental protection in Europe does not deteriorate and a
level playing field between subsonic and supersonic jets is ensured. Furthermore, the environmental
certification requirements for supersonic transport must on the one hand not undermine the historic
environmental improvements that have been achieved by subsonic aircraft, and on the other hand help
to avoid potential operating restrictions that affect the wider sector.

91 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1570907778872&uri=CELEX:32014R0598
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• EASA expertise in ICAO standard setting will continue to be made available to the EC for ICAO’s Carbon
Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).
• As the Basic Regulation permits Europe to create environmental standards in those areas where no ICAO
standards are available, efficient rulemaking will focus on areas where Europe would like to take the lead
(e.g. hybrid; electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft).
• Smart standards are also synonymous with ‘data-informed’ standards. In this regard, EASA continuously
improves the quality of its impact assessment capabilities by collecting and analysing flight data
(Data4Safety) and developing state-of-the-art tools to monitor and forecast aviation’s noise and emissions
as well as the costs of candidate policies to mitigate those (Horizon Europe).
The Agency will bundle its efforts on digitalisation of its environmental activities under the EASA Environmental
Portal. The Portal aims at achieving efficiency gains inside the Agency, as well as for NCAs (e.g. in issuing noise
certificates), manufacturers, operators and aerodromes (e.g. in collection of noise certificates). 92 Act towards sustainable aviation through effective transversal actions at

European level (Article 87 implementation)
The Basic Regulation contains a broadened mandate for the Agency on environmental protection with an objective
to ‘prevent significant harmful effects on climate, environment and human health’ (Article 87(1)). As this is a new
requirement stemming from the EASA Basic Regulation, currently there is no process defined. It is proposed to
anchor this activity to the EASA quality system and create a related core process.
The EC, EASA, other EU institutions as well as Member States are called to cooperate on environmental matters
including on the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction
of Chemicals (REACH)93 (Article 87(2)). This cooperation is implemented through bilateral agreements of the Agency
(e.g. the MoU with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on REACH) and pan-European structures, like the ECAC
European Aviation Environmental Group (EAEG).
Key actions:
• The Agency assists the EC with the definition and coordination of policies and actions (Article 87(3)).
Current actions are, for example, related to CORSIA and the study on non-CO2 effects of aviation on
• The Agency is newly mandated to perform and publish an environmental review which shall give an
objective account of the state of environmental protection relating to civil aviation in the Union. Said
review shall also contain recommendations on how to improve the level of environmental protection
in the area of civil aviation in the Union (Article 87(4)). As the EAER developed with the European
Environment Agency (EEA) and EUROCONTROL and published in January 2019 contains already the
‘objective account’ with the best available data, the Agency will now publish the recommendations with
the next edition of the report in 2022.
• Based on the outcome of the 2019 work on circular economy indicators and life cycle assessments
of novel technologies, the Agency will support the use of life cycle assessments for traditional airline
activities as well as new urban air mobility concepts through investigations in the frame of the
environmental label programme

92 Current Module 1: Noise data and certificates; Potential future modules: 2: Emissions data including CO2; 3: Impact assessment
models; and 4: CORSIA
93 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration,
Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive
1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council
Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC.
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• Based on its technical expertise and independence, the Agency is ideally placed to provide expertise
and strategic steer to international cooperation and research activities (Horizon Europe, Clean Aviation,
Sesar3). As part of this, EASA can act as a contract manager or as a technical partner to the EC to support
the implementation and monitoring of environment-related research projects. Similarly, EASA will
support ECHA by providing aviation technical expertise into the REACH process. Act towards sustainable aviation through actions for increased operational
The Agency will perform further analysis to more clearly identify room for related regulatory or non-regulatory
actions, focusing on areas including:
• monitoring ATM environmental performance and reviewing/identifying adequate environmental
performance indicators to support regulatory and ATM environmental performance improvement
initiatives at EU level;
• supporting more sustainability in flight crew training operations;
• identifying actions to improve sustainable aerodrome operations including a review of the impact of
operations of novel aircraft concepts;
• identifying and removing regulatory barriers;
• supporting elements for hybrid and electric and hydrogen operation; and
• optimising operational procedures, such as abundant fuel carrying.
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3.2 Update on the Basic Regulation Roadmap

On 10 April 2018 the EASA MB requested EASA to present a roadmap outlining the priorities for the implementation
of the Basic Regulation. The roadmap received the MB’s support during the June 2018 MB meeting. It identified the
areas of the Basic Regulation where work was to be initiated or start in the range 2019-2021.
The roadmap identified not only rulemaking activities, but also certification- and standardisation-specific projects,
involving policies’ or procedures’ drafting, initiatives with roadmaps, support to Member States, etc.
When it comes to rulemaking and policy setting, the following activities identified in the Basic Regulation were
already included in the previous EPAS editions and will continue to be delivered:
• Development of a regulatory framework for drones and urban air mobility (RMT.0230, RMT.0730 and
• Work on cybersecurity (RMT.0720) – Opinion No 03-2021 published on 11 June 2021
• ATM/ANS (Article 44) interoperability issues:
– RMT.0679 — Surveillance performance and interoperability: completed, see Commission Regulation
(EU) 2020/587 of 29 April 2020; and
– RMT.0524 — Data link Services: Opinion for Subtask 2 rescheduled to 2023.
Under RMT, EASA published Opinion No 05/2021 on 22 October 2021 for simpler and more proportionate rules
for aircraft used for sport and recreational aviation, including the use of declarations instead of certificates and
approvals. This RMT is a key action in the context of the GA Roadmap 2.0. Furthermore, the Agency is working on
a proposal for the implementation of other items introduced or amended by the Basic Regulation, such as non-
installed equipment, permit to fly, restricted certificate of airworthiness, etc.
In the areas of groundhandling and on new aspects of environmental protection (not covered by ICAO Annex 16),
the following activities will be undertaken:
• On groundhandling (Articles 33 & 37), in 2021/Q2 EASA relaunched RMT.0728 on the groundhandling
with the Opinion expected to be delivered in 2023/Q1. RMT.0728 continued its work with a dedicated
group of experts from the groundhandling industry, airlines and competent authorities’ experts after
it had previously been put on hold owing to limited availability of those experts due to the COVID-19
pandemic. The RMT will develop detailed requirements for the provision of groundhandling-related
services, their oversight and the interface with airlines and aerodromes where the services are
being provided. Those detailed requirements will be based on the essential requirements of the
Basic Regulation. An SPT was also added with the EPAS 2021-2025 to address any non-regulatory
groundhandling matters (SPT.0102).
• On environmental protection, EASA redefined its strategy including the implementation of Article 87,
where EASA will engage in developing a measurement methodology for novel technologies (supersonic
aircraft, electric propulsion/urban mobility) as well as in updating the EAER. See Section 3.1.4.

Moreover, the Basic Regulation in Chapter II ‘Aviation safety management’ Article 7 requires States to establish and
maintain an SSP in accordance with international SARPs (ICAO Annex 19) and with the EASP. Basic Regulation Article
8 requires States to complement their SSP with a SPAS. Such a plan shall include the risks and actions identified in
the EPAS that are relevant for the Member States concerned.
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VOLUME I - 3. Strategy

A new EPAS action was created with the EPAS 2019-2023 to account for this new requirement (see MST.0028). A
dedicated repository for Member States’ SSP documents and SPAS was made available to facilitate the dissemination
of such documents94. With the EPAS 2020-2024 EASA communicated its expectation for Member States to have a
SPAS available by the end of 2020. Considering the dramatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation
industry and the additional workload created for Member States by the need to deal with the public health aspects
within their SSP, adapt their oversight to the new situation and more generally to support the safe return to
operations, the target for the related EPAS action was the end of 2021, in consideration of the extension of EASA
Standardisation activities to SSP and SPAS implementation, from 2022 onwards.
In order to better encapsulate and reflect in the EPAS the new areas introduced by the Basic Regulation, the
strategic priority ‘Safe integration of new technologies and concepts’ was introduced with the EPAS 2019-2023
(see Section 3.1.3).
The development of new technologies, new business models and more generally speaking economic/social/societal
changes may have an impact on aviation safety. It is important for the Agency to have a clear vision on those
changes that can potentially affect safety. Stakeholders and EU Aviation Social Partners should help to build this
According to Article 115 of the Basic Regulation, when consultation relating to military aspects is deemed
necessary, the Agency will consult the European Defence Agency (EDA) and other competent military experts
designated by the Member States.
Article 74 of the Basic Regulation requires EASA to develop a repository which aims at facilitating the exchange
of information between the NCAs, EASA and the EC. Considering the huge quantity and complexity of information
as well as the obligation to comply with data protection requirements, the MB decided to set up a dedicated Task
Force which falls under MAB. The Task Force will focus on specifications per domain, the global architecture and the
governance of the future platform. In 2019 the domains to be addressed were mainly drones, exemptions and aero-
medical data. The technical solution shall rely on the EASA CORAL outputs. CORAL was initiated as an emergent
programme with the purpose of harmonising projects through system integration and end-to-end digitalisation.
The implementation of additional domains (e.g. licences, opt-outs, opt-ins) will be done step by step and in line with
the CORAL milestones, with the ultimate goal of having all domains covered by 2025.
An important milestone was reached with the inclusion of drones in 2020.
As from 2021 Q2 the Task Force will also act as the Rulemaking Group for the Repository and will proceed with the
drafting of the future regulation — to be consulted with the MAB in 2022 Q3 (as per the ToR for RMT.0732).
Article 89 of the Basic Regulation requires EASA to consult relevant stakeholders when addressing
interdependencies between civil aviation and related socio-economic factors. EASA is therefore enhancing the
cooperation with EU aviation social partners in order to reinforce its capacity to assess potential social impacts of
the EU aviation regulations and to address socio-economic risks to aviation safety. Refer to Section
Paragraph 2 of Basic Regulation Article 140 stipulates that ‘Not later than 12 September 2023 the implementing
rules adopted on the basis of Regulations (EC) No 216/2008 and (EC) No 552/2004 shall be adapted to this
Regulation.’ Moreover, EASA aims to further develop the ATM regulatory framework to remove obstacles and
enable the efficient recognition of new operational and technical improvements while maintaining a high level
of safety. This will be achieved by creating a clear, consistent/harmonised, and rationalised set of requirements
intended to align the former rules for interoperability (based on the repealed Interoperability Regulation (EC) No
552/2004) with the EASA Basic Regulation in an objective and performance-based manner, while integrating the
need for certification and declaration of ATM/ANS systems and ATM/ANS constituents.

94 https://imf.easa.europa.eu/case/eab/mabtebs/SSPDocuments/Forms/AllItems.aspx
4. Performance
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VOLUME I - 4. Performance

4. Performance
4.1 Safety performance
This section presents an outline for the EPAS safety performance metrics reflecting the EPAS strategic priorities in
the area of safety and the high-level safety objective set out in the Basic Regulation to ‘establish and maintain a high
uniform level of civil aviation safety in the Union’. With the 2019-2023 edition the EPAS introduced an ‘aspirational
goal’ to ‘achieve constant safety improvement with a growing aviation industry’ as an alternative to the GASP
aspirational goal of ‘zero fatalities in commercial operations by 2030 and beyond’. Considering the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the aspirational goal is adapted for this EPAS edition:

‘maintain collectively the pre-pandemic high aviation safety level throughout the recovery phase
and improve safety post-recovery’

This goal is deemed ‘aspirational’ as it represents an ambition of achieving an ever-safer aviation system. It is
intended to address all operational domains. It is complemented by a specific safety objective defined in the
Rotorcraft Safety Roadmap (refer to Section to:

‘improve overall rotorcraft safety by 50 % within the next 10 years (starting January 2019)’

A key performance indicator (KPI) for this specific safety objective is the number of rotorcraft accidents in Europe
that result in at least a fatality or a serious injury. This KPI is monitored and published annually as part of the ASR.
The EPAS SPIs serve to monitor the impact of EPAS actions on safety performance. Safety performance monitoring
may also support the identification of new safety issues feeding the European SRM process. In accordance with
Article 6 of the Basic Regulation, EPAS shall specify the level of safety performance in the Union, which the Member
States, the EC and EASA shall jointly aim to achieve. Considering the aspirational safety goal, the baseline level
of safety performance is that shown in the SPIs contained in the ASR 2020 that reflects the pre-pandemic safety
performance in the Union, both for the aviation system as a whole (cf. Chapter 1 ‘EASA Member States Cross
Domain Safety Overview’) and for the various domains (cf. Chapters 2 to 7).

Principles for establishing EPAS SPIs and targets

SPIs and targets shall monitor both safety outcomes (such as accidents, incidents and injuries) and the enablers, in
terms of systems and processes95 required to maintain effective safety management at authority and organisation
levels. Outcome-based indicators shall consider as main inputs:
• the number of fatal accidents;
• the number of fatalities; and
• the number of non-fatal accidents and serious incidents.

95 The efficiency of systems and processes established and implemented by EASA will continue to be monitored through the EASA SPD
related indicators.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 89
VOLUME I - 4. Performance

This is aligned with the high-level ICAO safety metrics, thereby facilitating comparison of European performance
with that of other regions or with global averages. The number of fatal accidents and fatalities provide the
highest level of safety outcome monitoring, while the non-fatal accidents and serious incidents combined provide
monitoring of higher-risk events. These can subsequently be reviewed to identify key risk areas that inform EASA’s
safety priorities. With the upcoming implementation of the ERCS across the Member States, an additional indicator
that monitors high-risk occurrences may be considered. This could be in addition to or instead of monitoring
non-fatal accidents and serious incidents. The data portfolios published in the ASR include incident data sourced
from the European Central Repository for accident and incident reports in aviation (ECR) under Regulation (EU) No
376/2014. As the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 improves, EASA expects to be able to integrate
more incident data into the monitoring framework.

Monitoring systems and processes

It is proposed that related SPIs be defined and monitored in three areas:

1. Member States’ oversight capabilities

This is related to 2020-2022 GASP Goal 2 and the EPAS strategic enabler ‘Standardisation’.
Monitoring is based on the EASA Standardisation rating as an alternative to the ICAO USOAP Effective
Implementation (EI) indicator. The Standardisation rating is used for the prioritisation of Standardisation
inspections. It aims at emulating the expert’s confidence in the NCA’s ability to discharge its safety oversight
capabilities. The Standardisation rating considers elements related to size, nature and complexity of the State
authorities and functions, the number and type of open Standardisation findings, as well as the State’s reactivity
in relation to findings closure, once the final report has been sent. Member States are regularly provided with their
Standardisation rating.
In 2020 the EASA Standardisation rating has been significantly affected by the flexibility measures that were
implemented in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, including, for example, the extension of due dates
for findings that did not raise safety concerns. Furthermore, during the acute phase of the crisis the situation
largely differed among Member States. Some States went into full lockdown, with no commercial activity besides
essential cargo and helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS), whereas others continued to operate at least
From June 2020 onwards, aviation activities started to recover, and the Agency worked closely with competent
authorities to monitor how they were coping with the new risk picture. It is still considered too early to capture this
via specific indicators. For these reasons, the Standardisation ratings for 2020 cannot be used as a reliable indicator
of the level of standardisation within EASA Member States and are not provided. Relevant information for 2019
per domain is included instead, to serve as a pre-COVID-19 reference and the latest domain Standardisation rating
figures are shown in addition, with an indication of the evolution.
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 90
VOLUME I - 4. Performance

min min Avg Avg <Avg >Avg >Avg

Domain <Avg 2021
2019 2021 2019 2021 2019 2019 2021
AIR 76.8 85.4  93.0 94.9  35 % 40 %  65 % 60 % 
OPS 73.1 76.2  90.6 92.4  45 % 37 %  55 % 63 % 
FCL 74.3 73.7  94.3 94.9  42 % 33 %  58 % 67 % 
MED 87.8 84.1  95.8 96.0  52 % 47 %  48 % 53 % 
FSTD 78.7 77.4  95.5 95.5  35 % 43 %  65 % 57 % 
ATM/ANS 78.4 77.8  91.9 93.2  42 % 43 %  58 % 57 % 
RAMP 66.5 73.9  90.0 90.2  39 % 47 %  61 % 53 % 

Table 4: Standardisation rating information per domain — 2019 & 2021 figures 96

2. Member States’ progress with SSP implementation

This is related to GASP Goal 3 and the EPAS strategic priority ‘Systemic safety’.
Related indicators will mainly be based on data available through ICAO iSTARS. Feedback provided by Member
States will also be considered. In the future this monitoring area will consider results from the EASA Standardisation
of the implementation of Basic Regulation Articles 6 (SSP) and 7 (SPAS) — starting in 2022.
The objective is aligned with the 2020-2022 GASP requiring States to achieve an effective SSP as appropriate to their
aviation system complexity by 2025.

3. Effective implementation of SMS in aviation organisations

This partially addresses 2020-2022 GASP Goal 5; it also addresses the EPAS strategic priority ‘Systemic safety’ and
the requirements in the Basic Regulation.
Monitoring the implementation of SMS in industry should focus on compliance with relevant requirements and
effectiveness of SMS key processes. To develop a common set of indicators and targets on effective implementation
of SMS, an agreed methodology for assessing SMS as well as a method to score and aggregate related assessment
results would first need to be developed and implemented. Such an assessment and scoring methodology is
currently only available in the ATM/ANS domain, as part of the SES ATM Performance Scheme.
It should also be considered that SMS requirements are not yet applicable in the initial airworthiness domain
and not fully applicable in the continuing airworthiness domain. Moreover, while the EASA Management System
assessment tool is promoted through EPAS action MST.0026, EASA has not yet received sufficient feedback on the
use of the tool.
For the above reasons, no detailed EPAS indicators and targets are proposed on SMS effectiveness (for domains
other than ATM/ANS since here this indicator is monitored in the context of the European ANS Performance Review).
However, it is proposed to monitor the following:
(a) the extent to which the EASA Management System assessment tool (or similar) is being used
by Member States; and
(b) the status of compliance with the EASA Management System (SMS) requirements.

96 The maximum Standardisation rating was 100 % in each domain, both in 2019 and 2021.
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VOLUME I - 4. Performance

EASA’s monitoring is based on oversight data provided by NCAs covering the following management system
requirements for those domains where ICAO Annex 19 SARPs have already been introduced into the EU regulations:
• Changes to the organisation;
• Management system;
• Contracted activities;
• Personnel requirements; and
• Record-keeping.
No data/information on individual organisations is requested. EASA converts numbers into rates based on the
data Member States provide regularly through the SIS on the number of organisations under their oversight. The
following two tables provide information on compliance with management system requirements based on the
latest SIS data collection. The first table is based on data collected in 2020Q4 (thereby including data from the UK).
The second table provides the latest available data, excluding data from the UK.

AOC holders CAMOs ATOs ATCO Aerodrome

(A+ H) (Part M/G) (A+H) TOs Operators
(1) ORG total 924 1774 1409 232 112 443
(2) ORG L1 9 0 13 1 1 19
(3) ORG L1 % 1.0 % 0.0 % 0.9 % 0.4 % 0.9 % 4.3 %
(4) L1 findings nb 18 0 17 1 2 8
(5) ORG L2 317 35 195 64 25 154
(6) ORG L2 % 34.3 % 2.0 % 13.8 % 27.6 % 22.3 % 34.8 %
(7) L2 findings nb 975 102 673 359 129 683
(8) % ORG EOC 13.1 % 0.0 % 11.4 % 0.9 % 2.7 % 40.2 %
(9) % ORG ROC 8.5 % 0.9 % 7.5 % 4.7 % 8.0 % 6.5 %

Table 5: Compliance with management system requirements — status 2020Q4

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VOLUME I - 4. Performance

The next table provides information on compliance with management system requirements based on the latest SIS
data collection performed in 2021Q2:

AOC holders ATOs ATCO Aerodrome

(A+ H) (A+H) TOs Operators
(1) ORG total 762 1198 1173 104 65 339
(2) ORG with L1 9 0 9 0 1 1
(3) ORG with L1 % 1.2 %  0.0 %  0.8 %  0.0 % 1.5 %  0.3 % 
(4) L1 findings nb 17 0 16 0 2 1
(5) ORG with L2 158 78 140 58 19 112
(6) ORG with L2 % 20.7 %  6.5 %  11.9 %  55.8 %  29.2 %  33.0 % 
(7) L2 findings nb 763 170 513 307 43 621
(8) % ORG EOC 10.9 %  0% 12.3 %  0% 0% 50.4 % 
(9) % ORG ROC 13.4 %  0.8 %  10.1 %  5.8 %  13.9 %  15.9 % 

Table 6: Compliance with management system requirements — status 2021Q297

(1) Number of organisations as reported by the NCA for this data collection exercise
(2) Number of organisations with open level 1 findings at the date of the report
(3) Percentage of organisations with open level 1 findings at the date of the report
(4) Total number of level 1 findings open at the date of the report
(5) Number of organisations with open level 2 findings at the date of the report
(6) Percentage of organisations with open level 2 findings at the date of the report
(7) Total number of level 2 findings open at the date of the report
(8) Percentage of organisations with an extended oversight planning cycle (EOC)
(9) Percentage of organisations with a reduced oversight planning cycle (ROC)

The results of safety performance monitoring in the above three areas will be presented and discussed at regular AB
meetings. Once sufficient data is available on the status of compliance with management system (SMS) requirements
and experience is gained with collecting and consolidating such data, the Agency in close cooperation with the SM
TeB may propose more advanced indicators to measure SMS effectiveness in industry.

Alignment with the ATM Performance Scheme

Significant effort has been invested by the Agency, Member States and industry to ensure that the Safety Key
Performance Area of the SES Performance Scheme aligns with the principles and technical direction of EASA’s
performance monitoring framework. The performance indicators for Reference Period 3 of the Performance
Scheme were designed by an Agency-led working group in 2019 and then associated AMC and GM were published
in 2020. These indicators measure the effectiveness of safety management at organisation level and then monitor
safety outcomes via untargeted tier 2 performance indicators, using the European Central Repository as the data

97 This table does not include data from two Member States (Cyprus, France).
European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2022-2026 Page 93
VOLUME I - 4. Performance

Outcome-based indicators
Monitoring safety outcomes addresses 2020-2022 GASP Goal 1 and the EPAS strategic priority ‘Operational safety’.
Indicators related to key risk areas are identified through the European SRM process and described in the ASR. EASA,
in cooperation with the European NoAs, has developed a safety performance framework that identifies different
tiers of SPIs.
• Tier 1 transversally monitors all the domains and the overview of the performance in each domain. Tier
1 considers the number of fatal accidents and fatalities in the previous year compared with the average
of the preceding decade.
• Tier 2 covers the key risk areas at domain level. Tier 2 provides the number (and where available, the
rate) of fatal accidents and the ERCS risk level for each domain in the ASR, divided into the key risk areas.
These ‘operational’ safety indicators will continue to be monitored through the European SRM process. Likewise,
reporting on those will continue to be done through the ASR.

4.2 Environmental performance

The efficiency of actions included in the EPAS in relation to environmental protection will continue to be monitored
as part of the EAER98.
The report is led by EASA with support from the EC, the EEA and EUROCONTROL. EAER provides a valuable source of
objective and accurate information on the environmental performance of the aviation sector and sets the scene for
Europe’s ambition to make the sector more sustainable. It includes performance indicators that provide an overview
of the sector’s environmental performance over time. This includes technology/design, sustainable aviation fuels,
air traffic management/operations, airports, market-based measures and the latest scientific understanding on
environmental impacts from aviation.
EASA published the 2nd edition of the report in January 2019 and, in line with EASA’s expanded environmental
protection remit, is responsible to update the EAER every 3 years. EASA is working on the 3rd edition of the report,
which is expected to be published by mid-2022, allowing to fully take into account the environmental performance
data of the aviation sector covering the years 2019-2021. The 3rd edition will also contain recommendations aiming
to improve the environmental performance of the civil aviation sector in the Union.

98 https://www.easa.europa.eu/eaer/downloads

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