Previous Year Question Papers (Evs) 2014-2016

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Dee o14

This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

Sr.No. of Question Paper: 1540 E Your Roll No...
Unique Paper Code :ES -2014
Name of the Course
:Undergraduate courses [Compulsory & Qualifying]
Name of the Paper :Environmental Studies (ENVS 1) -

Semester :I

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75


Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2 Attempt any five questions in English or Hindi.
3. All questions carry equal marks.


1. (a) State True of False

) Thar desert is located to the north of Delhi.

Ozone hole was caused by Chloroflurocarbons.

ii) World Environment Day is observed on 05 June every year.

iv) Soil is the main reservoir of nitrogen in the biosphere.

(v) Aravali ranges run through Delhi.

(vi) Desert ecosystems have high productivity.

(vi) Geo-thermal energy is a non-renewable energy resource. (7x1=7)



(b) Explain the following in one or two sentences only.
) Noise pollution
i) Biodiversity hotspots
Gii) Chlorofluorocarbons
Civ) Acid rain


2. Answer the following in 4-5 sentences only.

) Sustainable development

(i) Reasons for increased air pollution in Delhi

(il) Human pollution growth and natural resources
(iv) Human health hazards from nuclear energy plants

Pesticides and human health (5x3=15)

J T R 17 4 -5 7 dI


3. (a) What are the differences between renewable and non-renewable sources of
energy? Explain giving suitable examples.

(b) Why is nuclear energy considered as an alternate source of energy? Why

have civil society groups been agitating against Kudankulam nuclear power
plant in India? (5+5)

of an ecosystem. Explain the role

4. (a) Name the biotic and abiotic components have
the functioning of any one ecosystem you
of biotic components in

provided by a forest ecosystem?

the various goods and
(b) What are
threats to our
Describe various

important to
conserve biodiversity? (5)
Define biodiversity.
Why is it
5. (a)

Proiect Tioer
In what way has the
threats to
(6) State two major in India? (5+5)
of b i o d i v e r s i t y
helped in the

6. (a) Discuss the multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies. Give a
example of how an environmental problem may be addressed with

multidisciplinary approach. (5)

(b) What are the causes and effects of the pollution of Yamuna river in Delhi?
Suggest measures for control of Pollution in the river. (5+5)

7. (a) What according to you were the reasons for June 2013 Kedarnath disaster
in Uttarakhand? (5)

(b) Why is the resettlement and rehabilitation of people effected by mining and
dam projects a major challenge in India? Illustrate your answer with a case

study. (5+5)

8. (a) Define food chain and food web. Depict a food web with the help of a
schematic diagram. . (4+3)

b) In your opinion do the various environmental legislations lead to

human-wildlife conflict in India? Discuss. (8)

May i
[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

Sr.No. of Question Paper : 1307 G Your Roll No...

Unique Paper Code : ES-2014

Name of the Paper :EnvironmentalStudies

Name of the Course Undergraduate Course Compulsory & Qualifying

Semester :I
Maximum Marks: 75
Duration :3 Hours

Instructions for Candidates

the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
1. Write your Roll No. on

2. Attempt any five questions.

equal marks.
3. All questions carry
medium should
either in English or Hindi; but the same

4. Answers may be written

be used throughout the paper.


a Fill in the blanks

is a primary pollutant.
in India.
and. are the two hotspots of biodiversity
natural habitat is
known as
iConservation in
due to pollution is

iv) Temperature increase

1307 2

(v)- is the organization which publishes Red Data Book.

(vi) Ozone layer in - protects human from UV radiations.

(vii) Algal blooms are caused by,

vii. is an example of cold desert in India.

bExpand the following (any seven): (7x1=7)

wWFF (ii) SPM (ii) IPCC
Civy CNG 4vCFC (vi) ElA
(vii) EPA (vii) CPCB ix) MAB
x) CBD

(i) 3TR


(a) f 7 y fd

(iv) a
(vii) t v (vii) à
(ix) a
2. Write short notes on
'any three' of the
) Greenhouse effect following (3x5-15)

(i) .Levels of
i) Habitat loss

(ü) *a fafaum

3 Differentiate between the following : (3x5-15)
) Grassland ecosystem and desert ecosystems
i) Biosphere reserves and national parks

ii) Biosphere and atmosphere

What doo you understand by global climate change ? What are its major
causes ? Briefly describe some clean enerEy alternatives to overcome global climate

change. (15)

the sources and effects of noise pollution ?

S What is noise pollution ? Discuss
How can
controlled ?
noise pollution be

1307 4

(bDiscuss the effects of acid rain on agriculture. (7)

6. Write a short note on resettlement and rehabilitation of people with reference

to any one case study. (8)
s construction of dams beneficial or harmful ? Discuss. (7)


7. (a) Describe the various stages of succession on rock or water. (7)

(b) Environmental laws and Acts in India are inappropriate. Discuss. (8)

Describe the scope of environmental studies for human welfare. (15)

Dee Sols

ee ol
[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]
Sr. No. of Question Paper : 6680 FC Your Roll No....e

Unique Paper Code :72182801

Name of the Paper Environmental Science

Name of the Course Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-I)

Semester :I
Maximum Marks 75
Duration: 3 Hours
Instructions for Candidates
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.

2. Attempt any five questions.

3 All questions carry equal marks.

Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should
be used throughout the paper.





1 (a) Define the following:

i) Endemic species

i) Food chain

(ii) Biodiversity
(iv) Energy pyramids

(vi) Renewable energy

(vii) Hot spots/ (7x1=7)

6680 2
(b). Fill in the blanks.

) Many interlinked food chains are known as

(i) Various gases which contribute to global warming are known as.

(ii) Waste materials which cannot be broken by microbes are known as

A marked for conservation of biodiversity is called

(iv) large area

is the removal of top layer of soil.

human from UV radiations.
(Vi) layer in stratosphere protects

(Vi) is one of the units of measuring biodiversity. (8x1=8)

( fafka utATT AGY :

(i) sta-fafau
(iv) 3ui arfas

(vi) Tâariu zu

(vil) ga FT


Write a short note on
'any three' of
the following
(a) Sustainable development

(b) Land degradation

(c) Biological invasion

(d) Solid waste management

(e) Kyoto protocol


3. Differentiate between the following:

(a) Biosphere and atmosphere

b) Fresh water ecosystem & Marine ecosystem

(c) Conventional & Non-conventional energy resources (3x5=15)

environmental movements? Briefly describe the

4. (a) What do you understand by
and protection of
role of any such movement in conservation of biodiversity

Discuss the role of environmental

communication and public awareness in
environment protection. (8)

Do you agree that in contrast to rituals of the ancient Indian society the activities
of modern Indian society have harmed the environment and biodiversity. If yes,

how? (15)

Taking one example discuss how dam building has affected the ecological
6. (a)
balance of ecosystem? (8)

(b) What are invasive species? How are they threat to biodiversity? (7)

de a ?

7. (a) Discuss the problems and challenges of e-waste management in India. (7)

b) Discuss the ecosystem services. (8)

Discuss socio-economic impacts of earthquakes and landslides giving one example

each. Also discuss the role of disaster management to reduce these impacts.

May 2o16
This question paper contains 4+2 printed
Roll No.
S. No.of Question Paper 7229

Unique Paper Code :72182801 FC-2

Name of the Paper : Environmental Science

Name of the Course :Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)


Duration:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Note Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be

used throughout the paper.

Attempt any Five questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Differentiate between any five of the following:

() Forests and grassland


Conventional and non-conventional energy resource.

(i) Deforestation and desertification

iv) Nuclear energy and geothermal energy.

(v) Endangered and endemic species.

(vi) Bio-amplification and Bio-diversity

(vii) Compost and Urea

(vii) Pollutants and toxicants.





(vi) a-7astr a-fafaemT

3 7229

2 Write short notes on any three

) Smart cities

(i) Islands of India

Any case study of an ecological movement.

iv) Importance of media for environmental issues.

(v) Some of the traditional Indian practices hold the key for nature conservation (give at

least five examples)

In situ conservation. 3x5-15







.3 () India as a nation is a Mega-biodiversity spot. Comment giving examples.

study. 7
éssential environmental evil. Justify taking
any case
() Mining is an
w e r -seshaate
4 7229

feuyut fefaq i

4. Although India has a vast coastline, most'social and political problems are due to water. Discuss

giving examples. 15

5. Most floods are anthropogenic (Man-made). Justify. 7

(i) Loss of biodiversity is the greatest loss to the nation. Discuss giving examples. 8

6. ( Most environmental problems in our nation is due to lack of knowledge. What are

the various measures to be taken to overcome this ? 10

What do you understand by ecosystem services ? Write explanatory notes on its



5 7229
7 Write explanatory notes on.any three
Solid waste management C

(i) Man-wildlife conflicts

(ii) Groundwater recharge

(iv) Ecological succession

() Climate change and food security. 3x5-15

fi REAHT feut fafe



(iv) i f t 354

following 5x3-15
8. Very briefly explain the importance ofany five of the

(i) Silent Valley

(ii) One-horned Rhinoceros

(iii) Asiatic Lions

(ir) Mangrove forest

() Bishnois

(vi) Jhum cultivation

(vii) Jim P.T.O
6 7229



(ii) (Tjit ST)

(ii) ufrHT fH




his question paper contains 7
printed pages]
Roll No. I|
S.No.of Question Paper 2151
Unique Paper Code :72182801 GC-3
Name of the Paper : Environmental Science

Name of the Course Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)

Semester I

Duration:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Note : Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be

used throughout the paper.

Attempt any five questions.

Al questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Define (attempt any five) 5x2-10

() Air quality index (AQ)

i) Biodiversity
(ii) Smog f Suske Noy,y,Madoc*
(iv) Solid waste

(v) Nuclear energy

(vi) Desertification

(vi Kyoto Protocol

(i) -fafqum


(iv) 37uTRT

(vi) T t T

(b) Fill in the blanks 5x1=5

() Pyramid of energy is always

(i) The species restricted to an area and not found elsewhere in the world is
eo*****oo** ****

(ii) Cauvery river dispute' is between... dnd.... . States.

(iv The state of increased levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the lakes is called

(v) M . gas 1s the main component of biogas,

3 2151
(a) f




3HTR ****°****°

AII feafa


2 Differentiate between any three of the following 3x5-15

Renewable and non-renewable energy

Biosphere reserves and national parks

Act and Forest (Conservation) Act

(ii) Wildlife (Protection)

(iv) Primary pollutants and secondary pollutants

movement and Beej Bachao Andolan

(v) Chipko



(in) a7ta (rT) (TTerm) Afefy4


3. Write short notes on any five of the follówing

( Aquatic ecosystem

(i) Biodiversity hotspots in India

(ii) Nuclear disasters (any two)

iv) Impacts of dam construction on tribal populations

(v) Global warming's impacts on agriculture

(vi) Climate change and spread of diseases

(vi) 'Odd-even-formula' and its impact on Delhis air quality

5 2151

feuyoit fafey
( Tit uftfeafa%-a


(iv) HTIET

4. (a) What are the major threats to biodiversity ? Discuss briefly the measures to mitigate

three major threats at the global level. 7

What are ex-situ measures for conservation of biodiversity ? Give some suitable



(b) -fafqeaI :PIM

6) 2151

5 (a) Give a brief account of project tiger in India. How is saving tigers crucial tor saving

man's own survival ?

(6) Brietly describe the environmental impacts of invasive these impaCIS

species. Explain
with any hwo suitable examples.



6 (a) What is the objective of 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' ? What are the challenges and

how can we make this movement more effective and successful ?


(6) Think global and act local for sustainable development-how is this practically possible
in urban spaces like Delhi, and explain this with suitable example.


7) 2151

7. Human population explosion is causing severe resource depletion and evironmental

degradation. Discuss this with suitable examples. 15

8. "Cultural practices are powerfül tools to protect the environment and could also be threats

to our ecosystem health." Justify the statement with suitable examples. 15


2151 7 32,000

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