TPR200F: Tutorial Letter 101/0/2018
TPR200F: Tutorial Letter 101/0/2018
TPR200F: Tutorial Letter 101/0/2018
Year module
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................. 5
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Department .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 University ..................................................................................................................................... 7
4 RESOURCES............................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Recommended books................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Library services and resources information .................................................................................. 7
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ............................................................................................... 8
6 STUDY PLAN .............................................................................................................................. 8
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .................................................... 9
8 ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................................... 10
8.1 Assessment criteria .................................................................................................................... 10
8.2 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 10
8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................. 11
8.3.1 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 11
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 11
8.4 Assignment due dates ................................................................................................................ 11
8.5 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 11
8.6 The assignments ........................................................................................................................ 12
8.7 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 31
8.8 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 31
9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 31
10 SOURCES CONSULTED........................................................................................................... 31
11 IN CLOSING .............................................................................................................................. 31
12 ADDENDUM .............................................................................................................................. 31
Dear Student
Welcome to this Practical Teaching module; we hope that you find it interesting and rewarding. We
will do our best to support you to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on
your way to success if you start studying early in the year and resolve to do the
assignments properly and timely.
Students at TVET Colleges may on presentation of their appointment letter, select two FET subject
didactics modules at registration that are related to their subject didactics school subjects and may then
do both five week periods of teaching practice at the college. If this is not possible they will have to do
their senior phase practical at a school.
This tutorial letter contains important information about the study schedule, resources and
assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it with you as you work
through the study material, and prepare the assignment(s). Also make a point of having this
tutorial letter with you when you contact your lecturers or support departments about any of the study
material contained in the module.
In this tutorial letter (Tutorial Letter 101), you will find the assignments and their associated
assessment criteria as well as instructions on the preparation and submission of assignments. This
tutorial letter also provides all the information you need in terms of the prescribed study material, other
resources, and how to obtain these resources.
This tutorial letter also includes certain general and administrative information about these modules.
Study this section of the tutorial letter carefully.
You will also receive a tutorial letter 102 that will explain the administrative aspects of your teaching
practice such as placements, placement letters, visits by Unisa supervisors, contact details of the
Teaching Practice Office, attendance registers, etc. Please use this tutorial letter and the contact
details in it for administrative enquiries regarding teaching practice.
In tutorial letter 103 you will find the Practical Teaching Portfolio. You must use the document with its
templates complete your portfolio during your teaching practice period. All queries regarding the
portfolio should be addressed to the lecturer as these are academic in nature.
Right from the start, we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive
during the semester immediately and carefully, because they always contain important and,
sometimes, urgent information. We hope that you will enjoy this module and we wish you all the best in
your studies!
The purpose of this module is to provide you with the knowledge, skills and attitudes you need to teach
learners in the Senior phase (Grades 7-9). The focus of this module is on the practical aspect of your
training as a teacher.
Teaching Practice is the culmination of your studies; the Teaching Practice component of these
modules is where you must demonstrate that you can apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes you
have acquired during your studies.
Unisa follows a partly school-based initial teacher education model. In this model, partner schools and
HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) exercise a joint responsibility for the planning and management of
programmes, and the training and assessment of student teachers. Schools have the responsibility of
supporting student teachers to teach their subjects and learning areas, assess learners and to manage
classes. Schools also have to supervise and assess student teachers’ competence in all these areas of
HEIs have the responsibility of ensuring that programmes meet the requirements for academic
validation, of presenting programmes for accreditation, of awarding qualifications to successful
student teachers and, finally, of arranging student placements in schools.
The idea that schools should play a major role in ITE (Initial Teacher Education) is not a new one. As
early as 1944, an investigation in England looked into the “supply, recruitment and training of
teachers” and concluded that the key to more effective teacher education was to give the practical
side of preparation greater weight. It was proposed that the staff in schools in which student teachers
were placed for Teaching Practice should be primarily responsible for directing and supervising these
student teachers.
It was also suggested that, in order to achieve more effective training and reflective practice, training
institutions such as higher education institutions should take responsibility for the
theoretical education and the practical training of their students in schools.
• Student teachers work closely with experienced teachers in schools, and work
particularly closely with mentors who have the responsibility to oversee the school-based
progress of student teachers.
• Student teachers are not “thrown in at the deep end” (as they very often used to be in earlier
teacher-education programmes); student teachers are encouraged to observe experienced
teachers “in action” before embarking upon teaching themselves.
• School mentors and HEI advisors/tutors who visit student teachers in the schools then
give them feedback on their progress.
• Student teachers are encouraged to evaluate their own progress, which is done at the
university and in the school – this is called the reflective-practitioner model.
Thus HEIs, in partnership with schools, determine whether student teachers reach what is
termed QTS (Qualified Teacher Status). In order to achieve QTS, student teachers have to
demonstrate, to both partners, that they have reached a certain level of competence.
The present system has considerable advantages for students, schools and HEIs. Prior to the
establishment of this partnership, many student teachers complained about what was called the
“theory/practice divide”, where much of the work done in the HEI was irrelevant to the
practical context of the school. Practising teachers played little part in the training process and,
for many student teachers, the programmes offered provided inadequate preparation for full-time
teaching. By contrast, a partnership can provide a very effective means of enabling student
teachers to learn the complex craft of teaching. In this partnership, the HEI’s analytical
environment enhances the professional experience gained in school. In the partnership, both the
complex craft of teaching and the HEI’s analytical environment are both regarded as essential.
Against the background of the above remarks, we sincerely hope that you will enjoy the opportunity to
become involved with, and actively participate in, all aspects of school life!
2.2 Outcomes
Students will demonstrate applied competence by practising their teaching skills in the Senior phase
(Grades 7-9) during the Teaching Practice period.
3.1 Lecturer(s)
No queries regarding
receipt of
*RPL is the acronym for Recognition of Prior Learning. Students who completed three years
of full-time teaching may apply for RPL for the Practical Teaching modules. It entails the
completion of a comprehensive portfolio of evidence demonstrating effective teaching and is
evidence led.
3.2 Department
3.3 University
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module, please
consult the publication Study @ Unisa for advice on which department you should contact. You may
also go to where contact details are given under the “contact us” button.
These books are useful as they contain additional information that may be useful in your studies. You
may therefore request the books from the Unisa library but you may only keep them for a limited
period so that other students can also use them.
If you prefer you may also buy the books from academic bookshops or you can order them from Please note: There is no obligation to buy the books.
For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g.
student counseling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication Study @
Unisa has entered into partnerships with establishments (referred to as Telecentres) in various
locations across South Africa to enable you (as a Unisa student) free access to computers and the
Internet. This access enables you to conduct the following academic related activities: registration;
online submission of assignments; engaging in e-tutoring activities and signature courses; etc.
Please note that any other activity outside of these are for your own costing e.g. printing,
photocopying, etc. For more information on the Telecentre nearest to you, please visit
Teaching Practice modules integrate all learning in the BEd Senior Phase programme. The structure
of the qualification is such that there is a gradual build-up to the ultimate aim of achieving applied
competence. Students build on their disciplinary (academic) knowledge and acquire pedagogical
(educational) knowledge and competences. They then have to combine these in the professional
studies phase of the qualification (specialised didactics or methods) and they have to practise their
competences in the workplace during their practical teaching period. Everything in the programme
is aimed at and culminates in this final phase – the achievement of applied competence. The
aim is that students demonstrate their ability to teach (perform a set of tasks) with both understanding
(perform their roles as educators) and reflection (reflect on their practice).
Teaching Practice modules cannot be registered for in isolation. They are always part of subject
didactics or learning area didactics modules. Students must therefore register for TPR200F
simultaneously when registering for an Senior phase subject didactics module. The five weeks of
Teaching Practice for the Senior phase Subject Didactics can be done in a primary or secondary
school (Grades 7-9).
• participate in the activities of the school, obey the rules and acknowledge the authority of the
principal and other office-bearers
• remember that he/she also represents Unisa during the visit to the school, especially since
his/her good behaviour might open the doors for other students
• adhere to the safety regulations of the school
• understand that the school is not responsible for the safety or loss of his/her personal
• maintain a teaching portfolio
To summarise:
This aspect is attended to in a separate tutorial letter. Contact or 012 481
2805, 012 481 2929 or Fax 0866190505 for more information.
Directly after
Practical Portfolio
Teaching but including
not later than Summative assessed
28 September (Compulsory) Practical
(the latter date Teaching 80%
is only for Examination lesson plans
students who equivalent (application of
do their learning in a
teaching real context.)
practice in
TOTAL 100% 100%
PLEASE NOTE: enquiries about assignments (e.g. whether or not the university has received your
assignment or the date on which an assignment was returned to you) must be directed to the
Assignments section.
You may also find information about your assignments on myUnisa. To go to the myUnisa website,
start at the main Unisa website,, and then click on the ‘login to myUnisa’
link under the myUnisa heading on the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You
can also go there directly by typing in
PO Box 392
You may submit written assignments and assignments done on mark-reading sheets either by post or
electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or email.
For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the brochure
Study @ Unisa, which you received with your study material. To submit an assignment via myUnisa:
Go to myUnisa.
Log in with your student number and password.
Select the module.
Click on ‘assignments’ in the left-hand menu.
Click on the assignment number you want to submit.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Assignments may also be submitted via SKYNET Couriers who will deliver it to Unisa free of
This is a multiple choice assignment and must be completed and submitted on a mark reading sheet.
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce student teachers to interesting ideas regarding
teachers and what the authors consider t be good teaching.
Effective teaching is defined as that which leads to …
Effective teachers …
High quality teaching is achieved by teachers who …
Scaffolding is a technique whereby …
4.1 learning is broken up into smaller steps, providing a structure for the learning of each section.
4.2 support is given in the learning process.
4.3 new learning is progressively introduced with examples, visual aids and so forth.
4.4 A, B and C take place.
Effective learning takes place in a classroom where …
Maximising learning is dependent on …
Learner outcomes are improved when teachers understand …
Teachers act professionally when they …
8.1 reflect on and develop professional practice; and participate in professional development.
8.2 reflect on and develop professional practice; and support colleagues.
8.3 participate in professional development; and liaise and communicate with parents.
8.4 do A and C.
8.5 do A, B and C.
NB: The last two questions will require additional reading. Read and
approach/characteristics-effective-teachers and
Highly effective teaching practices include …
The following are habits of an effective teacher:
Cut out this section of the tutorial letter and hand in as Assignment 02
This assignment is similar to the one in TPR100C assignment. You however had to shadow
the same group of learners in order to experience learning with them in different classrooms
in different subjects.
In this assignment you stay in one classroom and you observe different groups of learners
who come to this classroom to have their lessons with the same teacher.
Discuss this assignment with your mentor to explain that you need to observe how the learners
experience their learning.
Agree with the teacher/mentor on a day when you may do the observations (it must be in your first
week of practical teaching).
Your observations must cover a whole day (at least six lessons).
Complete the whole template (except the reflection) for each of the six periods.
LEARNER OBSERVATION FORM: Date of observation: __________Grade: _____
Period 1
Subject-related skills
Subject-related values/attitudes:
Subject-related products (model, report, test, completed worksheet, drawing, poem, calculations,
Were there in your opinion enough opportunities for the learners to participate in the learning
process? What did you learn from this for your own practice?
LEARNER OBSERVATION FORM: Date of observation: __________Grade: _____
Period 2
Subject-related skills
Subject-related values/attitudes:
Subject-related products (model, report, test, completed worksheet, drawing, poem, calculations,
Were there in your opinion enough opportunities for the learners to participate in the learning
process? What did you learn from this for your own practice?
LEARNER OBSERVATION FORM: Date of observation: __________Grade: _____
Period 3
Subject-related skills
Subject-related values/attitudes:
Subject-related products (model, report, test, completed worksheet, drawing, poem, calculations,
Were there in your opinion enough opportunities for the learners to participate in the learning
process? What did you learn from this for your own practice?
LEARNER OBSERVATION FORM: Date of observation: __________Grade: _____
Period 4
Subject-related skills
Subject-related values/attitudes:
Subject-related products (model, report, test, completed worksheet, drawing, poem, calculations,
Were there in your opinion enough opportunities for the learners to participate in the learning
process? What did you learn from this for your own practice?
LEARNER OBSERVATION FORM: Date of observation: __________Grade: _____
Period 5
Subject-related skills
Subject-related values/attitudes:
Subject-related products (model, report, test, completed worksheet, drawing, poem, calculations,
Were there in your opinion enough opportunities for the learners to participate in the learning
process? What did you learn from this for your own practice?
LEARNER OBSERVATION FORM: Date of observation: __________Grade: _____
Period 6
Subject-related skills
Subject-related values/attitudes:
Subject-related products (model, report, test, completed worksheet, drawing, poem, calculations,
Were there in your opinion enough opportunities for the learners to participate in the learning
process? What did you learn from this for your own practice?
REFLECTION: Although you cannot base your practice or changes to it on a single experience
like this, we would nonetheless want you to reflect on your experience of looking at learning
through the eyes of a learner. Reflect on how these learners experienced learning; and what the
implication may be for the school, teachers and yourself.
Learning (in which ways did groups of learners experience learning the same and different?)
In which ways will you adapt your teaching to better accommodate learners and their learning.
Explain why you will do this and what you want to achieve.
On a scale of 1 to10, how useful and informative did you find this exercise? __________
Assignment assessment criteria: The assignment will be marked using the short rubric below:
Reflection Some reflections but Some useful reflections Logically derived and
limited or useless for useful reflections and an
practice indication of how they
could inform future
Total 50
The portfolios are the examination equivalent for these modules and no written examination will take
PLEASE NOTE: Portfolio marks are released with other Examination marks in December.
PLEASE NOTE: All questions regarding placements, permission letters, visits by supervisors, etc
must be submitted to the Practical Teaching Unit.