Posh Policy KSCF
Posh Policy KSCF
Posh Policy KSCF
of Sexual
at Workplace
Policy POSH
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3
2. Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 3
4. Important Definitions...................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction
2. Purpose
This Policy extends to all employees, including individuals coming to the workplace for
employment or for any other purpose whatsoever including but not limited to network
partners, donor, volunteer, trainee, workmen (contractual or otherwise), vendor,
supplier and applies to any alleged act of Sexual harassment against persons at
workplace, whether the incident has occurred during or beyond office hours. The
Organization has a “Zero Tolerance” towards all such cases.
4. Important Definitions
4.1 “Aggrieved woman” means in relation to a workplace, a woman, of any age whether
employed or not, who alleges to have been subjected to any act of Sexual harassment
by the respondent. The term aggrieved person (man or woman) shall be construed
4.3 “District Officer” means on officer notified under section 5 of the Act;
4.4 “Employee” as defined under the Act and means a person employed with the
Organization for any work on permanent, temporary, part-time, ad-hoc or daily wage
basis, either directly or through an agent, including a contractor, who, with or without
the knowledge of the Principal employer, whether for remuneration or not, or working
on a voluntary basis or otherwise, whether the terms of employment are expressed or
implied and includes a co-worker, a contract worker, volunteer, probationer, trainee,
apprentice or called by any other such name.
4.5 “Employer” means person who are responsible for management, supervision and
control of the workplace including appointment/removal/termination of employees,
formulation and administration of polices for such Organization and will include CEO,
COO, Executive Director, Director, Management Committee or the Board of Trustees;
4.6 “Internal Committee” means and include an Internal Complaints Committee constituted
for the purposes of conducting an inquiry into any complaint of sexual harassment at
4.8 “Presiding officer” means the presiding officer of the IC and shall be a woman employed
at a senior level at the workplace amongst the employees;
4.10 “Respondent’ means a person against whom a complaint of sexual harassment has
been made by the aggrieved woman;
4.11 “Sexual harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or
behavior (whether directly or by implication) namely:
• Any place visited by the Associate arising out of or during the course of
employment including transportation provided by the Employer for
undertaking such journey.
As per the Act, the obligation to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee lies on an
employer where 10 or above employees are deployed at the workplace.
5.1.1. Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Act, an Internal Complaints Committee
(“IC”) has been constituted to prevent sexual harassment and to receive and effectively
deal with complaints pertaining to the same.
5.1.2. The Presiding Officer and every member of the IC shall hold office for such period, not
exceeding three years, from the date of their nomination, as may be specified by the
Organization. The IC will be composed of the following members:
submitted along with any documentary evidence available or names of witnesses,
to any of the IC Members at the Workplace;
Procedure of Complaint
5.2.3. The complaint must be lodged within 3 months from the date of incident/last
incident. However, the IC may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, extend such
time limit of filing complaint up to further 3 months, if it is satisfied that bonafide
circumstances prevented the Aggrieved woman/Complainant from filing complaint
within the time limit mentioned hereinabove. The complaint should clearly mention
name and available details of both the Aggrieved woman/person and the
Respondent. Anonymous or pseudonymous complaints will not be investigated;
5.2.4. Where such a complaint cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer or any
Member of the IC shall render all reasonable assistance to the Aggrieved woman
for making the complaint in writing;
5.2.6. If the initial complaint is made to a person other than an IC Member, upon
receiving such a complaint, it will be the responsibility of the complaint receiver to
report the same to the IC immediately;
5.2.7. The Complainant shall submit six copies of the complaint accompanied by
available supporting documents and relevant details concerning the alleged act of
sexual harassment(s) including names and address of witnesses, if any; which the
Complainant believes to be true and accurate.
5.3.1. Conciliation:
Before the IC initiates an inquiry, the Complainant may request the IC to take steps
to resolve the matter through conciliation provided that no monetary settlement
shall be made as basis of conciliation. If a settlement has been so arrived, the IC
shall record the same and forward the same to the Employer and provide copies
of the settlement to the Aggrieved woman/person and the Respondent. In such
cases, no further inquiry shall be conducted by the IC
5.3.2. Inquiry
i. In case where a settlement was not opted for, or is not feasible, or could not
be arrived at through conciliation (as per clause 5.3.1 above), the IC will
initiate an informed inquiry into the complaint. Additionally, an inquiry may
also be initiated if the Aggrieved woman/person informs the IC that any terms
of settlement (clause 5.3.1 above) have not been complied with by the
ii. The IC shall, within 7 (seven) working days of receiving the complaint forward
one copy thereof to the Respondent for obtaining a response;
iii. The Respondent shall, within 10 (ten) working days of receiving the
complaint file his/her reply to the complaint along with list of supporting
documents, names and addresses of witnesses;
iv. The IC shall consider the reply from the Respondent and initiate an inquiry.
The Complainant or the Respondent to the complaint shall not be allowed to
bring any legal practitioner to represent them at any stage of the proceedings
before the IC. IC shall hear both the Complainant and the Respondent on
date(s) intimated to them in advance and the principles of natural justice will
be followed accordingly;
v. In the event of failure to attend personal hearing before IC by the
Complainant or the Respondent on three consecutive dates (intimated in
advance) without sufficient cause, the IC shall have the right to terminate the
inquiry proceedings or give an ex-parte decision. However, the IC shall serve
a notice in writing to the party(ies), 15 (fifteen) days in advance, before such
termination or the ex-parte order;
vi. The inquiry process shall be completed within the period of 90 (ninety) days
from the date of receipt of the complaint;
vii. The IC within 10 (ten) days from the date of completion of inquiry, shall
provide a report of its findings and recommendation(s) to the Director HR and
Management Committee of the Organization and such report and
recommendation(s) shall also be made available to the Complainant(s) and
viii. While conducting the inquiry, a minimum of three Members of the IC,
including the Presiding Officer or the Chairperson, as the case may be, shall
be present;
ix. For the purpose of making an inquiry by the IC, the IC shall have same
powers as are vested in a civil court the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of
1908) when trying a suit in respect of the following matters, namely:
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining
him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of documents; and
(c) any other matter which may be prescribed.
x. Where the conduct of Sexual harassment amounts to a specific offence
under the Indian Penal Code4 (45 of 1860) or under any other law; it shall be
the duty of IC to immediately inform the Complainant of their right to initiate
action in accordance with law with the appropriate authority, and to give
advice and guidance regarding the same. Any such action or proceedings
initiated shall be in addition to proceedings initiated and/or any action taken
under this Policy.
xi. Complaint and identity of Complainant or witness shall always remain
5.3.3. Interim Relief
ii. Once the recommendation of interim relief is implemented, the Manager -
HR/Management Committee shall inform IC regarding the same;
iii. In case the Aggrieved woman/person has raised a complaint against the
reporting manager, the reporting manager cannot conduct any performance
discussion or any other related discussion with him/her which can impact
his/her performance till such time that the inquiry is completed. During the
pendency of an inquiry, the Aggrieved woman/person shall not be subjected
to interaction with the Respondent in any manner
to be taken. Further, the IC shall ensure that both Parties understand that the
matter has been fully investigated, is now concluded and neither will be
disadvantaged within the Organization.
i. Deduction from the salary or wages of the Respondent such sum as it may
consider appropriate to be paid to the Aggrieved woman/person or to their
legal heirs. In case the Organization is unable to make deductions from the
salary of the Respondent due to his being absent from duty or cessation of
employment, it may direct the Respondent to pay such sum to the Aggrieved
woman/person. In case the Respondent fails to pay the sum, the IC may
forward the order for recovery of the sum as an arrear of land revenue to the
concerned district officer;
ii. Undergoing counseling session;
iii. Censure or reprimand to the Respondent;
iv. Written apology from the Respondent;
v. Written warning may be given to the Respondent;
vi. Withholding promotion and/or increments;
vii. Immediate transfer or suspension without pay;
viii. Termination;
ix. Carrying out community service; or
x. Any other action that the Management may deem fit.
The Employer shall act upon/implement the recommendations within 60 days and
confirm to the IC.
i. A written apology from the Complainant;
ii. A letter of warning may be given to the Complainant;
iii. Reprimand or censure the Complainant;
iv. Withholding the promotion;
v. Withholding of pay rise or increments;
vi. Immediate transfer or suspension without pay;
vii. Termination from service;
viii. Undergoing a counselling session; or
ix. Carrying out community service
While deciding, the IC should ensure that malicious intent must be clearly
established through a separate inquiry.
5.3.10. Appeal
Any person aggrieved by the recommendation of IC may prefer an appeal within
a period of ninety (90) days of the recommendations under the relevant
provisions of the Act and Rules thereunder.
The IC shall, for each calendar year prepare an Annual report and submit the
same to the Organization and the District Officer (designated as per the Act) by
January 31st of the subsequent calendar year.
The role of IC is to create awareness about prevention of Sexual harassment, carry out
a fair and informed inquiry into Sexual harassment complaints and recommend
appropriate actions thereafter. An IC is expected to be trained in skill and capacity and
also be sensitive to the issue. Any personal biases, prejudices (whether based on
gender, caste, class) and stereotypes (e.g., predetermined notions of how a “victim” or
“accused” should dress up or behave) should not impact their functioning as members
of the IC.
(i) Publish the Policy (in Hindi as well as in English) in the Organization;
(ii) Organize workshops and awareness programs pertaining to Policy, sensitizing
and the reporting mechanisms;
(iii) Create and ensure a safe environment free of Sexual harassment at the
(iv) Conspicuous display of the excerpts of the Policy, details of the IC members
and the consequences of Sexual harassment;
(v) Treating Sexual harassment as misconduct and assisting employees in
reporting incidents of Sexual harassment;
(vi) ICC shall have the necessary powers to take suo motu notice of incidents of
Sexual harassment and/or gender injustice in the Organization and act against
the same in such manner as it deems appropriate;
(vii) Create awareness about issues of gender and sexuality and ensuring an
enabling environment of gender justice where all can work together with a
sense of personal security and dignity;
(viii) Organize annual orientation/seminars/refreshers on the nature and scope of
the Act. This may also include seminars/workshops/interactive sessions by
external experts.
(i) Be thoroughly prepared, know the Act, Policy and/or relevant Service Rules of
the Organization;
(ii) Ensure parties are made aware of the process and their rights/responsibilities
within it;
(iii) Ensure that the reporting mechanisms are safe, accessible, and sensitive;
(iv) To take cognizance of Sexual harassment complaints, conduct enquiries,
analyze information, provide assistance and redressal to the victims, prepare
report with findings/recommendations, and take immediate action against the
alleged offender, if necessary;
(v) Recommend the Organization to provide assistance to the Complainant if she
chooses to file a complaint in relation to the offence under the Indian Penal
Code or any other law for the time-being in force;
(vi) Recommend the Organization to provide medical intervention with the consent
of the Complainant or even without consent in such cases where the
Complainant is physically or mentally incapacitated to give her consent;
(vii) Inform the Organization to arrange for appropriate psychological, emotional,
and physical support (in the form of counselling, security and other assistance)
to the victim if s/he so desires;
7.1 This Policy shall treat Sexual harassment by an associate as a disciplinary offence,
which will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Breach of
confidentiality, victimization or retaliation against an associate for bringing a
complaint of Sexual harassment or against any witness who meets the IC to share
their observations in good faith shall also be treated as a disciplinary offence.
7.2 The Policy strictly prohibits any sort of retaliation, discrimination or victimization
of/against the Complainant or the witnesses. Any threat or act of reprisal against the
Complainant or the witnesses, during or after the inquiry process, including internal
interference, coercion and restraint, whether directly or indirectly, will result in
appropriate action against the person responsible for such threat or act, by the
However, the information may be disseminated regarding the justice secured to any
victim without disclosing the name, address, identity or any other particulars
calculated to lead to the identification of the Complainant, Respondent or witnesses.
The Organization reserves the right to modify and/or review the provisions of this Policy
from time to time, in order to comply with applicable legal requirements or internal
policies, to the extent necessary.