SIWES Report of 2015 2016 Session
SIWES Report of 2015 2016 Session
SIWES Report of 2015 2016 Session
PMB 1463, Afon Road, Ganmo, Kwara State
This is to certify that I, Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka with matriculation number 12/67EC/271
of Electrical and Computer Engineering department, College of Engineering and Technology,
Kwara State University, Malete underwent the six months Students Industrial Work Experience
Scheme (SIWES) at Transmission Company of Nigeria, 330/132/33kV, Ganmo Works Centre,
PMB 1463, Afon Road, Ganmo Kwara State. From 1st June to 13th November 2015.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
All praises and adorations are to Almighty Allah, the One who made this work a success and The
Giver of Knowledge, and I praise Him, I Glorify His Name. I thank Allah for His protection and
guardian in my life and having carried me this far, Alhamdulillah. With a deep sense of
appreciation, dedication, respect and gratitude, I want to say a big thank you to my parents Mr and
Mrs Adebayo Saidu, my dear sister Adebayo Fatimoh Abdulrazaq and her hobby Mr Abdulrazaq
Dele Maruf for their directions, protections and supports. Special dedication also to my ever
supportive wife Jimoh Oluwadamilola Rasheedat for her relentless support and compassion
towards me during the course of my studying to this very moment. I will never forget my brothers,
sisters and other relatives and non-relative friends for their caring attitude and support from the
beginning of my pursuit for B.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering to this point. I thank
you all. I will never forget my dearest loving daughter Abdulazeez Faizah, I love you more.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
My acknowledge goes to the HODs of the department I visited Engr. S. A. Gbadero EMD, Engr.
Kolade O. Adelakun PC&M and Engr. M. A. Ojo System Operation department which are all my
supervisors at TCN Ganmo. This program would not be completed without acknowledging the
roles played by all the technical staffs of TCN Ganmo for their relentless supports and explanation
of works done despite the fact that the work was so hectic. Other members of staff of TCN Ganmo
who contributed in one form or the other are deeply appreciated. Also I equally acknowledge my
supervisor from school Engr. Kehinde R. Adebayo and the rest of SIWES coordinators both from
College of Engineering and KWASU SIWES Unit. All big thanks goes to the head of TCN Ganmo
Works Centre, Principal Manager Engr. E. A. Adeyemi. Thanks to you all.
Very special thanks to my parents, Mr and Mrs Adebayo Saidu, my sister and hobby Mr and Mrs
Abdulrazaq Maruf Dele, my loving wife Jimoh Oluwadamilola Rasheedat and my family for your
support throughout my studies. Blood is indeed thicker than water.
Finally, I want to thank God for His mercies and grace throughout my life. Without Thee, none of
this would have ever happened. Alhamdulillah.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
This report stated the objective of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme SIWES which is
to provide an avenue for students in institution of higher learning to acquire industrial skills and
experience in their approved course of study and also to prepare students for the industrial works
situation which they are likely to meet after graduation.
The report also stated the description of the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) and the
report on actual work done as well as the experience gained during the attachment period at
Transmission Company of Nigeria, Ganmo.
More so, it also stated the problems encountered during the programme and also gave suggestion
for improvement of the scheme.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Table of Contents
DECLARATION.......................................................................................................................................... i
DEDICATION............................................................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... iii
REPORT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER ONE: THE SIWES ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 IMPORTANCE OF SIWES............................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER TWO: TRANSMISSION COMPANY OF NIGERIA ........................................................ 3
2.0 POWER SYSTEM IN NIGERIA .................................................................................................... 3
2.1 TRANSMISSION COMPANY OF NIGERIA ............................................................................... 3
2.1.1 VISION AND MISSION ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES ......................................................................................................... 4
2.3 THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF TCN, GANMO .................................................. 4
2.4 THE DEPARTMENTS AT TCN, GANMO AND THEIR FUNCTIONS ................................... 5
2.4.1 THE POSTED DEPARTMENTS AT TCN, GANMO ........................................................... 8
CHAPTER THREE: THE WORK DONE AND WORKs EXPERIENCE .......................................... 9
3.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT (EMD) ........................................................ 9
3.2.1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT USED............................................................................... 9
3.2.2 WORK DONE AND EXPERIENCE GAINED .................................................................... 10
3.3 PROTECTION CONTROL AND METERING PC&M DEPARTMENT ............................... 18
3.3.1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT USED............................................................................. 19
3.3.2 WORK DONE AND EXPERIENCE GAINED .................................................................... 19
3.4 SYSTEM OPERATION DEPARTMENT.................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 MATERIALS AND TOOLS USED ....................................................................................... 26
3.4.2 WORK EXPERIENCE ........................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER FOUR: THE EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................ 28
4.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 THE FUNCTIONS AND USAGES OF THE EQUIPMENT ..................................................... 28
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skills training programme
designed to expose and prepare students of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology,
Colleges of Agriculture and Colleges of Education for the industrial work situation they are likely
to meet after graduation. The scheme also affords students the opportunity of familiarizing and
exposing themselves to the needed experience in handling equipment and machinery that are
usually not available in their Institutions. Before the establishment of the scheme, there was a
growing concern among our Industrialists that graduates of our Institutions of higher learning
lacked adequate practical background studies preparatory for employment in Industries. Thus, the
employers were of the opinion that the theoretical education going on in higher institutions was
not responsive to the needs of the employers of labour. It is against this background that the
rationale for initiating and designing the scheme by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) during its
formative years – 1973/74 was introduced to acquaint students with the skills of handling
employers’ equipment and machinery. The ITF solely funded the scheme during its formative
years. But as the financial involvement became unbearable to the Fund, it withdrew from the
Scheme in 1978. The Federal Government handed over the scheme in 1979 to both the National
Universities Commission (NUC) and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). Later
the Federal Government in November 1984 reverted the management and implementation of the
SIWES Programmed to ITF and it was effectively taken over by the Industrial Training Fund in
July 1985 with the funding being solely borne by the Federal Government [1].
Specifically, the objectives of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) are to:
a) Provide an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial skills
and experience in their course of study, which are restricted to Engineering and
Technology including Environmental studies and other courses that may be approved.
Courses of NCE (Technical), NCE Agriculture, NCE (Business), NCE (Fine and Applied
Arts) and NCE (Home Economics) in Colleges of Education are also included.
b) Prepare students for the industrial work situation they are to meet after graduation.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
c) Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery
that may not be available in their institutions.
d) Make the transition from school to the world of work easier, and enhance students’
contacts for later job placement.
e) Provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real work situation
thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.
f) Enlist and strengthen employers, involvement in the entire educational process and
prepare students for employment in Industry and Commerce.
g) Provide students the opportunity to develop attitudes conducive to effective interpersonal
h) Ernest placement and strengthen employees involvement in the educational process of
preparing student for employment in industries [1] [2].
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Ganmo Works Centre was the station where this attachment was conducted. It is located along
Afon Road, Ganmo, Kwara State. It is headed by the Works Centre Principal Manager PM, Engr.
E. A. Adeyemi, and the Centre is under the Osogbo region.
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Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
1. Administration Department
2. Accounting Department
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to improve the quality of job done in and relating to the station, and the equipment and the
control and protection scheme employ communication in order to function.
The departments that was posted to and the duties are as follow;
1. Electrical Maintenance Department EMD where 13 weeks were spent and the duty is to
help and follow the maintenance crew to the field-works and being the part of the team that
got things done. Also the duty extended to the computer data work at every month end
(monthly report compilations).
2. Protection Control and Metering (PC&M) Department where 9 weeks were spent and the
duty is to help and follow the maintenance crew to the field-works and being the part of
the team that got things done. Also being part of the data work compilation team at every
month end (monthly report compilation and preparation).
3. System Operation Department where 2 weeks were spent and the duties are to get the
hourly data readings (i.e. the Mega-Watts Load changing readings) from the SCADA
System, writing it down on the record sheet and enter it at the end of the day to the utility
system (PC) in a Microsoft Excel format.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
This chapter covers the discussion of the work done and the experience gained during the course
of the training in each of the department visited or attached. The first and foremost most important
experience gained is the important and very significant of safety because any single mistake makes
at switch yard will leads to instant death by electrocution, there is no second chance of mistake at
TCN because of the Very High Voltage dealing with. So emphasis and precautions were always
taken before entering the switch yard to perform any kind of work done even for inspection
purposes. One must be issue permit letter by the operator in charge before stepping into switch
yard. The scope of work done and experience gained will be analyse below on each of the
department visited in order of visitation.
Preventive maintenance are procedures carried out on the equipment to ensure proper functioning
and avoid breakdown. For example, changing of silica gel, filling of gas or changing of oil in a
circuit breaker, transformer oil filtration, electrolyte topping in lead acid batteries et cetera.
Corrective maintenance is a type of maintenance that is carried out to correct a problem on hand.
For example, clearing of hotspot, changing of leaking gasket, changing of lightning bubs, changing
of circuit breakers, bleeding of the transformer, et cetera.
I. Temporal Ground: this is used to provide a temporal ground for conductors that may be
partially charged due to induction, around the working site to avoid electrocution.
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II. Tools Box: this contains a lot of tools used for work which include: spanners of various
sizes and types (flat, ring, ball and socket), screw drivers, hack saw, Allen key, file, punch,
chisels of various sizes et cetera.
III. Funnel and Bucket: this is used during jobs that involve oil.
IV. Distilled Water: used during maintenance of batteries.
V. Hand Pump: this is used for pumping oil from drum to equipment (e.g. oil circuit breaker,
current transformer, voltage transformer, conservator tank, et cetera
VI. Hose: usually connected to the hand pump during oil jobs.
VII. Gas kit: this contains the gas pipes and nozzles, for the purpose of gas filling.
VIII. Oil dielectric strength tester: as the name suggests, it is used to test the dielectric strength
of transformer oil.
IX. Insulation resistance tester: a testing tool/meter for detecting the states and conditions of
equipment and bushings.
1. Battery Bank Maintenance: the electrolyte inside the batteries of the battery banks at
Ganmo Works Centre was observed to low and required toping up. The Battery house
consist of three different Battery Banks, two of which are 110Vdc and one of 50Vdc all of
which are Wet cells (Lead acid cells). The 110Vdc banks are for the transmission line
Circuit Breakers powering at the switch yards both are for 330kV circuit network, 132kV
circuit and 33kV circuit and the relays at switchgear panels. While the 50Vdc is for
communication equipment powering. Each of the batteries output voltage is 2.03V.
110Vdc Banks consist of 55 batteries each connected in series that add up to 110Volts
while the 50Vdc Bank consist of 25 batteries connected in series added up to 50Volts. The
process of the maintenance is as follow;
i. All the batteries of each banks were topped up with distilled water to its maximum
ii. The terminal heads of the batteries were cleaned and filed for proper contacting.
iii. The water splashes on the batteries while topping up and the accumulated dust ware
cleaned with rag cloth to avoid corrosion.
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iv. The level of the output voltage were observed at its charger after a while of charging
and it was increasing.
v. This led to proper Battery Bank functioning.
The Battery Bank at Omu-Aran Transmission Station (Omu-Aran TS) most of the
batteries had been spoiled (i.e. the batteries were not charging and did not produced the
required output voltages). The old 110Vdc BANK was decommissioned and new 110Vdc
was commissioned and installed. The battery is of 2V each and are dry cells and the total
of 55 batteries. The station had to be dead in order for the installation process to be carried
out because in order for the Circuit Breakers to operate, it has to be supply by battery bank
output voltage. The process of the installation is as follow;
i. New batteries were removed from the carton. The initial reading of each battery
was taken which was observed to be below 2V and prepared ready for installation.
ii. The contact switching and fuse were removed from the bank room panel.
iii. The old batteries were disconnected and removed.
iv. The new batteries were placed and set on the battery holder in order to be able to
be connected by its terminal heads.
v. To obtained 110V, the batteries were connected in series electrical connection using
the terminal head connector that comes with the batteries from the manufacturing
vi. The connection were cross checked and ensure proper and well tightening of the
terminal head bolts.
vii. The voltages of each batteries were taken in serials and recorded, see Appendix II.
Total output voltage of the battery bank was measured and observed to be
approximately 72V which require charging.
viii. The batteries were placed on charging by it charger inside the control room
using backup diesel generator of the station. The charger was placed on boost
charging for faster charging by increasing the charging current.
ix. After observing the battery output for a while which was increasing drastically
normal and it finally reached it minimum charged level that can operates the
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x. The Breakers was restored back to services back to services for the station to be
operating on the transmission power.
The experience gained in these process is that when the electrolyte of the batteries got
lower and lower the general or each of the battery output will equally be in low voltages.
The electrolytes is subject to the voltage induced by the electrolysis. Also gain installation
experience and the practical means of electrical connection type i.e. series connection
which usually adding up the total of batteries voltages.
2. Refilling the SF2 gas type Circuit Breaker: When the gas gauge on the Breakers was
observed to be dropped to its minima level, the Breaker is then refilled to it normal level.
This is done at Ilorin Transmission Station 132kV Line Circuit Breaker.
The experience gained is that, the gas is the arc quenching agent of the Breaker because
if the gas does not refilled at the right time it can cause serious accident to the porcelain
insulator of the Circuit Breaker. The spark produces when the Circuit Breaker is being
made is quite high that will produce a huge arc at the contacting place. The SF6 gas is used
to quench the arc produced.
3. Changing of oil in Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB): when the oil inside the 15MVA Primary
OCB was observed to be carbonized at Ilorin Transmission Station (Ilorin TS). The process
of the work done is as follow;
i. The carbonized oil was drained out of the OCB through oil drainage tap.
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ii. The oil tank or oil sump was loosen and suspended using pull jack, figure 3.
iii. The fixed and moving contact surfaces were filed to remove the built up carbon on
iv. The oil sump was cleaned by rinsing it with new oil.
v. New transformer oil was filled into the oil sump/tank of the OCB to it normal
indicated level.
vi. The suspended oil sump was raised to it normal position and tightened with its nuts.
vii. The OCB was charged manually and local tripping and closing was test and found
working okay, figure 4.
viii. The OCB was restored back to services.
Figure 3: Lowering the Oil Sump of OCB. Figure 4: Tripping test on OCB
The experience gained in this process is similar the no. 2 above, the arc quenching agent
here is oil. Oil is used to quench the arc produces by the OCB when it has been made or
breaker. The only different here is that, the oil is being carbonized with carbon particles
produces by the OCB contact surfaces at make and breaks processes. The carbonized oil
will started to be conducting with time causing the OCB to be tripping freely.
4. Change of faulty florescent and flood lights: the faulted florescent and flood lights of the
offices and surrounding at the Office Block of Ganmo Works Centre was troubleshot and
some of which the bulbs are only the faulted material while some are chokes (the coil inside
the florescent light).
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
5. Switch Yard lightning: the Switch Yard illumination lights ware out of services at 132kV
switch yard of Ganmo Works Centre. The process is as follow;
i. Troubleshooting was carried out on the lightning circuit.
ii. The supply cable was found shorted which led to the tripping of MCB at control
board of Control room.
iii. A sufficient cable was prepared to established supply for the lamps from different
iv. After supplying the circuit from a different source, only one of the lamp was comes
v. Then lines man clamped the gantry to help loosed the lamp one after the other.
vi. Some were discovered to faulty by bulbs, choke, igniter and capacitor and even all
the three were spoilt in some. Meanwhile all the lamp bulb were dead.
vii. The lamps were coupled and retightened to their respective position after tested ok
on the ground.
The experience gained at these processes is out to successfully carry out troubleshooting
problems by identifying and segmenting different session of the system and testing each
segmented position for faults.
6. The broken Isolators: the T1-60MVA 132/32kV secondary isolators of blue and yellow
phases stack isolator were observed broken at Omu-Aran TS. The broken stack isolators
were replaced with new ones. The bolts and nuts of red phase was also replaced.
7. The Circuit Breaker Repairing: the 33kV Egbe line Circuit Breaker at Omu-Aran TS
had mechanism problem, the moving mechanism was stiffed. Troubleshooting was carried
out on it. The stiffness was caused by the motor that is driving the mechanism part of the
CB. The motor was replaced with new one and test was carried out on it, it was restored
back to services, figure 5. The type of CB is SF6 Circuit Breaker (CB).
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Figure 6: Aligning the interrupter head mechanism with main mechanism of SF6 CB
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i. The crane was used to mount the Circuit Breaker on top of it standing after
successful mounted the stands on the ground by Mechanical department crew.
ii. The pull jack was used to push the damper for alignment of interrupter mechanism
of interrupter head to the main mechanism of the Circuit Breaker. Figure 6.
iii. The Tripping and Closing test was performed on the Circuit Breaker Locally and
was okay.
c. New Interrupter Heads of 33kV Otte feeder’s Circuit Breaker at Ilorin TS was
installed on Red and Blue phases. The interrupter head was damaged by the
lightening on the line and was not able to retained gas.
i. The interrupter heads was carried using car crane to its mounting position on the
interrupter of the Circuit Breaker, figure 7A.
ii. The bolts and nuts alignment was set and tightened, the interrupter mechanism and
gas pipe was also set and align then tightened firmly, figure 7B.
iii. The SF6 gas was fill through the Circuit Breaker
iv. Tripping and Closing test was performed the Circuit Breaker Locally and was okay.
Figure 7: (A) Crane carrying an interrupter head (B) Tightening and aligning the interrupter head on the main CB
The experience gained is the skills of installation of any equipment with or without
supervision with coincide manners
9. Preventive Maintenance:
a. Annual preventive maintenance was carried out on T2B 60MVA Transformer
132/33kV at Ilorin TS. On the course of maintenance;
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
i. The temporal grounding lead was used to ground the secondary side of the
transformer to discharge the residual flux/field in the Transformer and to
prevent any back feed from the secondary line in other not to harm the
maintenance crew.
ii. The curb-web was cleaned and dust off the dust on the transformer in other to
prevent tripping because too much accumulated dust conduct electricity and can
always cause tripping of the protective Circuit Breaker.
iii. The loosen Bolts and Nuts on top of the Transformer was retightened in order
to stopped the oil splashing and leaking of the oil on the transformer
iv. Insulation Resistance (IR) test (common people called it Megga Test) was
performed on each of the porcelain Insulator of the transformer (i.e. the both
the primary and secondary bushing). The Insulation Resistance (IR) Test
performed was to be sure if the Transformer was probably insulated either from
the ground or body of the transformer. If the IR meter reads thousands of ohms,
the test shows that it is probably insulated but if the test read zeros or very lower
values of hundreds, the transformer is not probably insulated. All the IR test
performed on the transformer are all okay and very well insulated.
b. Annual Preventive Maintenance was carried out on T1A 150MVA Transformer
330/132/33kV at Ganmo Works Centre. The maintenance was as follow;
i. The temporal grounding lead was used to ground the secondary side of the
transformer to discharge the residual flux/field in the Transformer and to
prevent any back feed from the secondary line in other not to harm the
maintenance crew.
ii. The curb-web was cleaned and dust off the dust on the transformer in other
to prevent tripping because too much accumulated dust conduct electricity
and can always cause tripping of the protective Circuit Breaker.
iii. The loosen Bolts and Nuts on top of the Transformer was retightened in
order to stopped the oil splashing and leaking of the oil on the transformer.
iv. Insulation Resistance (IR) test (common people called it Megga Test)
was performed on each of the porcelain Insulator of the transformer (i.e. the
both the primary and secondary bushing). The Insulation Resistance (IR)
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
The gained experience is the merit of the preventive maintenance and the effect of dust
conducting electricity and the important of this action on the transformers. Also the
important of oil cool in conjunction with air cool cooling system of the transformer.
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Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
ii. The IN and OUT was switch to OUT, signal was sent along the line by pressing
green pushbutton LAMP TEST for continuity test, figure 9. It was confirmed okay
from each of the respective sources. The switch was then switch to IN, a signal was
received from the respective sources by the indicating red LAMP.
iii. Second current was sent along the line as the signal. Both sent and received signal
was also confirmed okay by the following same procedure in (i) except the
pushbutton used for sending the current was CARRIER PB, figure 9.
iv. The report on the carrier signalling test was recorded at system operation log book.
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much load so that a significant drop in load is attained when the feeder is put out
upon operation of the relay.
ii. Measurements and estimation of cables and material required for the installation.
iii. Open the feeder.
iv. Prepare the terminals of the cable to be used.
v. Identify the terminals to which the cores are to be connected from the voltage
transformer to the relay using the drawings in the relay manual and the as-built
drawing of the feeder. Do the connections.
vi. Cross-check connections ensured they are accurate and tight. Preferably not done
by the person who did the connections.
vii. Test-run the circuit using the secondary injector.
viii. Put the circuit into service and observe for a while.
3. Installation of Current Transformer (CT): new Current Transformers CTs was
commissioned for installation at Ilorin TS for Ogbomosho Line Feeder. The CTs are for
instrumentation and metering service as well as for protections. Each phase of the line (i.e.
Red, Yellow and Blue phases) are to be installed with separate CT i.e. single CT for a
single phase. The installation process involved is as follow;
i. The transformation ratio test was performed on the CTs respectively by injecting
known current in ampere (A) through the primary terminal of the CT using the
Injection Machine. The second terminal was shorted and Clamp-on Leakage
Current Tester was used to measure the leaking current in milliamp (mA). The ratio
test is performed in order to know the status of the winding turns and its conditions
to the ones on its name-plate before mounting or installed. The formula used in
calculating the number of turns is equal to the ratio of injected current at primary
terminal to the leakage current measured at secondary terminal i.e. N =
� � . � �
� �� � � . � �
ii. The Insulation Resistance IR test was also performed on each of the CTs by using
IR tester respectively. The ground probe was connected to the body of the CT and
the line probe was connected to the primary terminal of the CT. The IR tester was
switch to 5000Volts and the resistance of the coil to the ground is measured and
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recorded okay. This test is done in order to also know the states of the windings
inside the CTs respectively.
iii. Car crane was used to carry the CTs and to its respective mounting place and bolts
and nuts was used to tighten it.
iv. The lines conductors were connected to the primary terminal of the CTs
respectively, figure 10B.
v. The secondary connector cables was also connected to each of the CTs secondary
terminal respectively.
vi. Test-run was performed on the circuit using secondary injector.
vii. The CTs was put into service and observed for a while.
Figure 10: (A) Mounting the CT on its stand (B) Connection of Primary terminals of CT
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v. The CB was tested locally and then remotely and was operated okay.
vi. The Breaker was restored back to services.
B. Ganmo Works Centre Breaker Maintenance scope of work done on 33kV
Otte/Afon Feeder;
i. Troubleshooting was carried out on the feeder circuit which led to the discovery
of broken Cross-arm.
ii. The broken Cross-arm was removed
iii. New Cross-arm was installed
iv. This led to the proper functioning of the Feeder and it was restored back to
5. Circuit Breaker Commissioning and Decommissioning: the process of
decommissioning is to remove out of service equipment that is beyond repair while the
process of commissioning is to installed new equipment into its sited positioning. The
decommissioning of 132kV Line Circuit Breaker at Omu-Aran and Commissioning new
ones was observed. The problem identified with the spoiled CB was leaking of gas and the
place of leaking was not able to be corrected.
A. The decommissioning process;
i. A drawing was prepared for the Terminal Block Diagram in order not to
misplace or interchange the terminal connectors when reconnecting it back on
the new Circuit Breaker to be installed.
ii. The instrumentation cables was identified by using the As-Built circuit drawing
of the Breaker.
iii. The identified cables was Ferro and removed from it terminal blocks.
iv. The bunch of cables was removed from the breaker.
v. Electrical Maintenance Department completed the rest of the works which
involved removing the entire Breaker itself.
B. The Commissioning process;
i. After the mounting and installation of the new Circuit Breaker by EMD and
they have done their installation part.
ii. PC&M is to do the wiring part of the CB system and configure it for normal
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iii. The cables removed from the old CB as it goes to the switch gear in Control
room was inserted into its proper positioned.
iv. The As-Built Circuit drawing of the CB was used in conjunction with the jotted
Terminal Block drawn from the previously disconnected CB was used for
reconnection of the new CB.
v. The connection was cross checked for error by another trained engineer in
charge later by the Head of the Department.
vi. After successfully and proper connection, the CB was put to test locally and
later remotely.
vii. The test run showed that the CB can be restored back to services but it was not
restored back to service that day because Lines Department still have some
works to do on the circuit network which will required some HV connections
on the CB interrupter head.
How to troubleshoot any faults using either line diagrams or any circuit diagram of any
circuit either electrically and/or electronically.
How to arrange and important of terminal block on electrical equipment.
How to relate what was done in lecture hall (i.e. theory aspect) to the real life situation on
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
The important of instrumentations on any sectors that are using bigger machines either
statics or motion machines.
The process of well installation of equipment and the important of inspection before
How to works in a group to accomplishes any task given to the crew.
The important of labelling (Ferro) on the wiring done on the Circuit Breakers and the Relay
The important of safety and providing safety for the equipment and personnel.
1. Electrical Operation: this involves operating equipment using the Electrical interfaces
e.g. switches and knobs on the control panel.
2. Remote Operation: this involves operating equipment from a distant position from the
3. Mechanical Operation: e.g. spring charging the motor of a circuit breaker by manual
rotation of the motor to charge the springs.
4. SCADA (System Control and Data Acquisition) operation: SCADA is one of the
solutions available for data acquisition, monitoring and control system covering large
geographical areas. It refers to the combination of data acquisition and telemetry.
SCADA systems are mainly used for the implementation of monitoring and control system
of an equipment or a plant in several industries like power plants, oil and gas refining,
water and waste control, telecommunications. Use in TCN Ganmo for control and
monitoring e.g. opening and closing of a circuit breaker using the SCADA system from the
computer. Also using this system, data as relates to the condition of an equipment can be
acquired easily e.g. voltage and current reading on a transformer as well as the power
consumption monitoring.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
5. Another major aspect of activities carried out in this department is system control and
stability. System control involves the monitoring of the values of energy generated and
comparing with energy consumed; to ensure there is a balance. When this balance is not
there, two things could be done depending on the cause of imbalance. Load is reduced if
energy consumption is greater than generation or load is increased if energy consumption
is less than generation; this activity is referred to as system stabilizing.
I. Hourly Reading Sheet: this is used for taking hourly readings, which include transformer
voltage and current levels, transformer winding temperature, system frequency at that hour,
load on every available feeder in the station et cetera
II. Frequency Monitor: this helps to read the frequency of the system at a particular instance.
It fluctuates with increase or decrease in system frequency due to variations in generation
and consumption energy values at that time.
III. Log Book: this is a book in which activities taking place in the system are recorded, for
proper system control and stability, and also for reference purposes. Activities such as
when a feeder is out for any reason, application and issuance of station guarantee, when
reports are received from sub-stations under the area control, when reports are passed to
the regional control centre, raising of a trouble report et cetera are recorded in the log book.
IV. Operating Forms: these are booklets that are used during the course of operation.
Examples are the log book, trouble and repair report, application for station guarantee,
order to operate, hourly reading sheet, transformers and feeders daily load flow, work
permit, work and test permit et cetera
V. Circuit Breaker Spring Charging Handle: this is used to manually spring charge the
circuit breaker in case of failure of the springs to charge automatically.
VI. Isolating rod: this is used to carry out isolation manually; some isolators can be operated
remotely (mostly for high voltage levels-132KV and 330KV).
VII. A Desktop Computer System: this is a normal PC with normal windows operating system
used for data collections and cataloguing of data acquired from the SCADA system for
recording purposes and some other utilities of the use of PC computer e.g. Load Flow.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Routine inspection and daily checks: this involves a walk around the switchyard by the
operator, inspecting and checking the working conditions of the equipment, ensuring the
pressure in the gas circuit breakers are normal, taking readings of the temperature of the
windings of the transformers in the station, test-running the standby generator to ascertain
its working capability so that it can serve as a backup for the station in a case when the
station is out of supply, and checking the electrolyte level in the batteries (for batteries that
use electrolyte) so it does not get below the minimum, also inspecting the terminals for
Taking hourly readings from the SCADA system form all the outgoing terminal feeders.
Receiving and passing reports: reports including tripping and transformer and feeder load
flow are received from substations within the area control; reports of the station activities
are also passed to the Regional Control Centre (RCC).
How to apply for, and issue station guarantee for several purposes. Also learnt how to
isolate and de-energize a line, also to lift isolation and energize.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
1. Auto-Transformer
2. Instrument Transformers
3. Circuit Breaker
4. Relays
5. Wave Trap
6. Secondary Injector
7. Insulation Resistance Tester (Megohmmeter which is commonly known as Megga)
8. Leakage Current Tester (Clamp on)
9. Grounding/Earthing Transformer
10. Earthing Reactor
11. SCADA System
A transformer is a static machine used for transforming power from one circuit to another without
changing frequency. Auto-transformer is a single-winding transformer with taps. With primary
voltage applied to the primary terminals, the required secondary voltage from zero volts to the
rated primary volts can be availed from the secondary by varying the taps.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
transformer for the ability to change the position of the secondary winding to maintain a
constant output secondary voltages. There are two power autotransformers of the different
capacity (Power) used in TCN Ganmo namely (i) 150MVA Transformer for stepping down
the 330kV incoming line voltage to 132kV which in turn are transmitted to the two
substations under TCN Ganmo namely to Ilorin TS and Omu-Aran TS. (ii) 60MVA
Transformer for stepping down 132kV to 33kV which can now be transmitted to District
Stations (Distribution Stations) for domestic and industrial use.
2. Auto-transformers are frequently used in power applications to interconnect systems
operating at different voltage classes, for example 330kV to 132kV for transmission.
3. On long rural power distribution lines, special autotransformers with automatic tap-
changing equipment are inserted as voltage regulators, so that customers at the far end of
the line receive the same average voltage as those closer to the source. The variable ratio
of the autotransformer compensates for the voltage drop along the line.
Instrument transformers are primary used to provide isolation between the main primary
circuit and the secondary control and measuring devices. This isolation is achieved by
magnetically coupling the two circuits. In addition to isolation, levels in magnitude are
reduced to safer levels.
Instrument transformer are divided in to two categories: (i) Voltage Transformers (VT),
VT have a successor called Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CVT) and (ii) Current
Transformers (CT). The primary winding of VT is connected in parallel with monitoring
circuit, while the primary winding of the CT is connected in series with monitoring circuit.
1. To transform currents or voltages from a usually high value to easy to handle for relays
and instruments.
2. To insulate the metering circuit from the primary high voltage system.
3. To provide possibilities of standardizing the instruments and relays to a few rated currents
and voltages
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
1. The secondary windings proportionally transform the primary levels to typical values of
110V phase to phase
2. The secondary voltage can be used in switchgear compartments, where it may be used to
drive motors that open and close circuit breakers.
3. The secondary voltage can be used in voltage regulators, where it can power a tap-changing
drive motor of the Power Autotransformer above.
4. It used for protections of both the equipment in the station and personnel.
5. The secondary voltage is used for metering and operating protection relays such as Over
Voltage protection, Under Voltage protection, Over frequency protection, Under frequency
protection, Distance Protection, Transformer Differential protection et cetera.
6. The CVT is also useful in communication systems. CTVs in combination with wave traps
are used for filtering high-frequency communication signals from power frequency. This
forms a carrier communication network throughout the transmission network.
1. To transforms the current on the line to that which is suitable for the meters and relays to
2. Metering of power to track energy use.
3. Monitoring of current flow through a circuit. This can be used to monitor the amount of
current drawing by are line and the maximum allow current can be set on relay to trip on
over current protection.
4. Relay of power through an energy grid.
5. Control of the state of circuit (open or closed) in a ground fault circuit interrupter.
6. Protection of instruments and appliances connected to AC power supplies as well the
personnel working at TCN.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Electrical circuit breaker is a switching device which can be operated manually as well as
automatically for controlling and protection of electrical power system respectively. As the modern
power system deals with huge currents, the special attention should be given during designing of
circuit breaker to safe interruption of arc produced during the operation of circuit breaker.
There are four type of circuit breaker namely; Air Circuit Breaker (ACB), Oil Circuit Breaker
(OCB), SF6 Circuit Breaker and Vacuum Circuit Breaker. They types that is employed at TCN
Ganmo and its substations are Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB) and SF6 Circuit Breaker.
This equipment is used to make or break a circuit or segment of it, for the purpose of preventing
Electrical Energy from getting to certain segments of the transmission and/or station. The circuit
breaker can operate under normal (when it is operated deliberately) and abnormal conditions (when
its contacts open on discovery of a fault within its jurisdiction). Its contacts are embedded in a
medium which function as insulation and arc quenching during operation. Its contacts are not
visible to the human eyes; however it could have an indicator telling whether the circuit breaker is
open or closed. The medium could be air, oil, gas (Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 gas is widely used),
vacuum (absence of oxygen eliminates combustion). The advantages of Gas Circuit Breaker
(GCB) over the Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB) are as follows;
a. Oil is combustible and could cause fire outbreak if arcing current is very high.
b. Carbonization of the oil takes place when the contacts are made or broken due to
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
c. When the contacts are made or broken, the oil gradually reduces in insulation
strength and may result in breakdown, or must be changed regularly.
d. The gases used in the GCB are usually more efficient than using the OCB.
e. The GCB provides neater working environment around the breaker than the OCB.
In addition, the mode of operation of a circuit breaker could be hydraulic or by spring action
(mostly used).
A relay is automatic device which senses an abnormal condition of electrical circuit and closes its
contacts. These contacts in turns close and complete the circuit breaker trip coil circuit hence make
the circuit breaker tripped for disconnecting the faulty portion of the electrical circuit from rest of
the healthy circuit. There are two type of protective relays used in TCN which are Electromagnetic
type of relay and digital type relay modern ones which is mostly used now a days.
Voltage relays identify overvoltage, under voltage, or both. They can only detect an abnormal
condition on the line side of where the relay is connected. This allows the device to provide pre-
start protection. Voltage relays are easy to install, do not require current transformers, and are
therefore less expensive. These require only voltage connections so that they may be applied
independent of the system load [5].
Under voltage
Under voltage relays trip when the voltage drops below a set point. An under voltage is a sustained
system voltage below transformer, motor, generator, or voltage ratings that can lead to equipment
failure. They can be caused by a system overload or equipment failures. Special care should be
given for under voltages because many power systems loads are MVA loads (motors,
uninterrupted power supplies, etc.). This means that as the voltage decreases, the load current
increases while the power system transfer capability decreases. Under voltage relays are usually
instantaneous devices and should complete their function every time input voltage drops below
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
the set point. Load transfer, voltage regulation, and motor protection are all applications for under
voltage protection relays [5].
Overvoltage relays trip when a voltage rises above a set point. An overvoltage is a sustained system
voltage in excess of transformer capacitor, motor, generator, or reactor voltage rating.
Overvoltage’s can lead to equipment failure or be due to equipment failure, such as failure of a
load tap changer controller or by a sudden loss of customer load. Overvoltage relays may be
instantaneous or time-delayed devices. Voltage regulation, bus and back- up protection, and
generator protection are applications for overvoltage protective relays [5].
Differential voltage relays respond to the difference between incoming and outgoing voltages
associated with the protected apparatus. The electrical quantities entering and leaving the system
are compared by current transformers. If the net between the circuits is zero, then there is no fault
or problem. If the net is not zero then an internal problem can be identified. This type of relay is
applicable to all parts of the power system and is often the primary choice for protection [5].
Power or phase-sensitive relays can monitor phase sequence, phase reversal, ground or earth fault,
power factor, phase failure or loss, and phase unbalance.
Phase Failure (loss) - The relay monitors for voltage with the incorrect phase sequence,
or one or more phases open. Failure may occur because of a blown fuse, a mechanical
failure of the switching equipment, or if one of the power lines opens. Phase failure
involves three phases where there are three wires. If a three-phrase motor is started on a
single phase, the motor will not start. If one wire gets disconnected, it is identified as a loss
of phase. It is suggested that a device monitoring phase failure be combined with a device
that can detect phase angle displacement. This is because voltage sensing devices which
monitor only the voltage magnitude may not provide protection when the motor is running.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
modifications made to the power distribution system, or when power restoration results in
a different phase sequence than before the power outage. This protection is required on all
equipment transporting people, such as escalators or elevators.
Phase-sequence - Phase-sequence relays monitor for correct phase sequence if two wires
have their connection reversed and become out of sequence. The device is used to ensure
the sequence is correct when connecting three phase loads. If the phase sequence is
incorrect, the relay will de-energize preventing the start of incorrectly connected machinery
Phase unbalance - The relay operates when the magnitude of one current excesses the
magnitude of another current by a predetermined degree. Voltage balance operates in a
similar manner.
Power factor - In AC power transmission and distribution, power factor is the cosine of
the phase-angle between the voltage and the current. This deals with the different in real
and apparent power. A bad power factor can lead to a distorted waveform and higher power
Ground earth (fault) - Ground fault (earth) relays detect any undesired current path from
a point of differing potential to ground [5].
Protective relays and monitoring relays include current-sensitive relays. Current sensing relays
offer an advantage over voltage sensitive relays because they do not respond to back electromotive
force (EMF), which accompanies a phase failure on motor loads. They can detect a problem on
either the line side or the load side in a branch circuit in which the relay is used.
Under-current - Under-current relays trip when the current drops below a set point. Under-
currents can occur if there is a fault with the power supply, or if a loaded motor becomes unloaded.
Often an overvoltage situation will cause under-current and can cause damages to the equipment.
Over-current - Overcurrent relays trip when a current rises above a set point. Over-current can
be caused by either the load or the supply such as a sudden increase in load due to faulty electronics
or physical load on a motor. Additionally, a drop in voltage could also cause an over-current
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Differential current conditions - Differential current relays respond to the difference between
incoming and outgoing currents associated with the protected apparatus. The principle of
differential relays is the same for a station bus and for generators; the device monitors for the sum
of all the currents into and out of the bus or generator to be equal to zero. If there is a fault then
there will be a net flow of current and the differential relay will be triggered [5].
Wave trap, its name indicates that it is used to trap some waves.
The carrier energy on the transmission line must be directed toward the remote line terminal and
not toward the station bus and it must be isolated from bus impedance variations. This task is
performed by the line trap.
A parallel resonant circuit has high impedance at its tuned frequency, and it then causes most of
the carrier energy to flow toward the remote line terminal. The coil of the line trap provides a low
impedance path for the flow of the power frequency energy.
Since the power flow is rather large at times, the coil used in a line trap must be large in terms of
physical size.
Hence a line trap unit/Wave trap is inserted between bus bar and connection of coupling capacitor
to the line. It is a parallel tuned circuit comprising of inductance (L) and capacitance (C). It has
low impedance (less than 0.1Ω) for power frequency (50 Hz) and high impedance to carrier
frequency. This unit prevents the high frequency carrier signal from entering the neighbouring
It is a method of connecting a secondary injection test set to a trip unit (trip device, over current
module, protection device, OCR, ETU etc.) on a circuit breaker, VT and CT, and injecting a
simulated current to prove it works at different levels.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
1. Circuit protection is a critical factor in any electrical system. For safety and security it is
essential that all protection devices are tested effectively. Testing circuit breakers at their
full operating voltages and currents (primary testing) can be impractical and unnecessary.
In this situation secondary current injection testing is performed.
2. Primary and secondary current injection tests are normally conducted to check the
operation of breaker and their protective relays/devices.
3. The protective devices installed vary from circuit to circuit depending on the protection
needs but typical relays/devices include overload, over current, reverse power, earth fault,
differential protection, et cetera.
1. Secondary injection testing is normally conducted when the circuit breaker is closed but is
not carrying any current through its main poles. It involves connection of the circuit breaker
to a test set that can inject and measure the current required in the device relay to cause it
to operate.
2. Secondary injection testing normally involves disconnection of the protective device from
its normal VT/CT and connection to a specialist test set that can inject and measure/record
the required operating signal directly into the protective device relay to cause it to operate
the circuit breaker.
3. The testing involves with CT and VT are to disconnect the lines from their main poles and
injects currents and voltages respectively for simulations of the state of the CT and VT
4. At the same time it tells us CT ratio by measuring CT secondary current and dividing it
with known applied rated current or leakage current measured with Clamp on meter.
Insulation resistance quality of an electrical system degrades with time, environment condition i.e.
temperature, humidity, moisture & dust particles. It also get impacted negatively due to the
presence of electrical & mechanical stress, so it’s become very necessary to check the IR
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
(Insulation resistance) of equipment at a constant regular interval to avoid any measure fatal or
electrical shock.
A Megohmmeter usually is equipped with three terminals. The "LINE" (or "L") terminal is the so-
called "hot" terminal and is connected to the conductor whose insulation resistance you are
measuring. The tests are performed with the circuit de-energized.
The "EARTH" (or "E") terminal is connected to the other side of the insulation, the ground
The "GUARD" (or "G") terminal provides a return circuit that bypasses the meter. For example,
if you are measuring a circuit having a current that you do not want to include, you connect that
part of the circuit to the "GUARD" terminal.
In any electrical installation, some current will flow through the protective ground conductor to
ground. This is usually called leakage current. Leakage current most commonly flows in the
insulation surrounding conductors and in the filters protecting electronic equipment around the
home or office. So what's the problem? On circuits protected by GFCIs (Ground Fault Current
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Interrupters) e.g. Circuit Breaker, leakage current can cause unnecessary and intermittent tripping.
In extreme cases, it can cause a rise in voltage on accessible conductive parts.
The Clamp-on is use in TCN to detect leakage current in secondary terminal of a CT while
performing maintenance and detecting the start of the windings and insulation of the CT. The
Clamp-on is clamp on the shorted secondary terminals of the CT while a known current has been
injected to the primary side of the CT to test.
The general purpose of earthing system is to protect life and property in the event of 50/60 Hz
faults (short-circuit) and transient phenomena (lightning, switching operations).
1. This is used as earthing for the auto transformer and likewise as auxiliary supply for station.
The earthing transformer serves as the neutral for the secondary of the transformer as step
down of the 33KV at the tertiary to 415V, which is used for station auxiliary supply.
2. For cases where there is no neutral point available for Neutral Earthing (e.g. for a delta
winding), an earthing transformer may be used to provide a return path for single phase
fault currents.
3. In such cases the impedance of the earthing transformer may be sufficient to act as effective
earthing impedance. Additional impedance can be added in series if required. A special
‘zigzag’ transformer is sometimes used for earthing delta windings to provide a low zero-
sequence impedance and high positive and negative sequence impedance to fault currents.
4. In a three phase delta connected AC system, an artificial neutral grounding system may be
used. Although no phase conductor is directly connected to ground, a specially constructed
transformer (a "zigzag" transformer) blocks the power frequency current from flowing to
earth, but allows any leakage or transient current to flow to ground.
Nowadays, computer control is one of the most cost effective solutions for improving reliability,
optimum operation, intelligent control and protection of a power system network. Having
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
advanced data collection capabilities, SCADA system plays a significant role in power system
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or simply SCADA is one of the solutions available
for data acquisition, monitor and control systems covering large geographical areas. It refers to the
combination of data acquisition and telemetry.
1. Sensors (either digital or analogue): Sensors control relays that directly interface with the
managed system.
2. Remote telemetry units (RTU): These are small computerized units deployed in the field
at specific sites and locations. It serves as local collection points for gathering information
from sensors and delivering commands to control relays.
3. Communications network: It connects the SCADA master station to the RTU.
4. SCADA master units: These are larger computer consoles that serve as the central
processor for the SCADA system. Master units provide a human interface to the system
and automatically regulate the managed system in response to sensor inputs.
5. Remote communication server (RCS): The RCS communicates with the RTU and collect
information which is also called master station. The master station, an HMI (Human
Machine Interface) or an HCI (Human Computer Interface) performs data processing on
information gathered from sensors [6].
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
Data acquisition
Data acquisition refers to acquiring, or collecting, data. This data is collected in the form of
measured analogue current or voltage values or the open or closed status of contact points.
Acquired data can be used locally within the device collecting it, sent to another device in a
substation, or sent from the substation to one or several databases for use by operators, engineers,
planners, and administration [7].
Computer processes and personnel supervise, or monitor, the conditions and status of the power
system using this acquired data. Operators and engineers monitor the information remotely on
computer displays and graphical wall displays or locally, at the device, on front-panel displays and
laptop computers [7].
Control refers to sending command messages to a device to operate the Instrumentation and control
system and power-system devices. Traditional supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
systems rely on operators to supervise the system and initiate commands from an operator console
on the master computer. Field personnel can also control devices using front-panel push buttons
or a laptop computer [7].
Some of the functions of SCADA in power distribution system are given below.
Overcurrent Protection
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
All lines and all electrical equipment must be protected against prolonged overcurrent. If the cause
of the overcurrent is nearby then automatically that current is interrupted immediately. But if the
cause of the overcurrent is outside the local area then a backup provision automatically disconnects
all affected circuits after a suitable time delay.
A supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) transmits and receives logic or data
from events of controls, metering, measuring, safety and monitoring of process devices such as
Electrical equipment, Instrumentation devices, telecommunication on industrial applications.
Power system elements ranging from pole-mounted switches to entire power plants can be
controlled remotely over long distance communication links. Remote switching, telemetering of
grids (showing voltage, current, power, direction, consumption in kWh, etc.), even automatic
synchronization is used in some power systems.
In substation automation system, SCADA performs the operations like bus voltage control, bus
load balancing, circulating current control, overload control, transformer fault protection, bus fault
protection, etc.
SCADA system continuously monitors the status of various equipment in substation and
accordingly sends control signals to the remote control equipment. Also, it collects the historical
data of the substation and generates the alarms in the event of electrical accidents or faults. [8]
This automation includes feeder voltage or VAR control and feeder automatic switching. Feeder
voltage control performs voltage regulation and capacitor placement operations while feeder
switching deals with remote switching of various feeders, detection of faults, identifying fault
location, isolating operation and restoration of service.
In this system, SCADA architecture continuously checks the faults and their location by using
wireless fault detector units deployed at various feeding stations. In addition, it facilitates the
remote circuit switching and historical data collection of feeder parameters and their status. The
figure below illustrates feeder automation using SCADA.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
In the figure 14 is a typical SCADA network, different feeders are automated with modular and
integrated devices in order to decrease the number and duration of outages. Underground and
overhead fault detection devices provide accurate information about transient and permanent faults
so that at the remote side preventive and corrective measures can be performed in order to reduce
the fault repeatability.
Ring main units and Remote Control Units (RTUs) of underground and overhead network
responsible for maintenance and operational duties such as remote load switching, capacitor bank
insertion and voltage regulation. The entire network is connected with a communication medium
in order to facilitate remote energy management at the central monitoring station [8].
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
The training was worthwhile has it accorded me the privilege of gaining insight into job
preparation as well as what it meant to carry out proper inspection and also working condition
under stress which in a way prepares undergraduates for the outside world after school. The series
of experience gained cannot be ignored.
Good working ethics: As a result of the close working relationship I had with the Senior Managers
SM, I have been able to imbibe good working ethics. These ethics includes been able to handle
situation with little or no help, being able to provide solutions to lingering problems, etc.
Career Path: I have been able to use this training to explore various avenues available at my
disposal career-wise. It has given me the opportunity to have a look into the future and access my
readiness for employment or entrepreneurship.
Finally the internship has bridged the gap between academic theory and practical and has built a
good degree of confidence especially in my abilities to perform. It has also given me a first-hand
experience of the entire information and communications technology industry.
I can confidently say that the experience gotten from this training was a worthwhile experience.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
The works were too broad in the essence that engineers were unable to explain why are the
important of work done on a particular equipment to me as well as how it related to the
theoretical knowledge.
The main problem encountered during the program was problem of transportation. It is
difficult to get to the TCN Ganmo every working day. Since remuneration or allowance is
not given, so it is very difficult during the time of government owing our parents salaries.
It is also difficulty in getting a placement since placement letter was not issue on time.
Proper orientation should be given to the students by the university before they go on
The placement letter should be given to students early enough so as to avoid attachment
in irrelevant organization.
Institution should ensure that students are attached at relevant establishment for
effective training, experience and exposure.
Government, ITF and the Institution should ensure that students do not pay any amount
of money before accepted in any organization. This organization should be sensitized
on the objective of SIWES training and the need why they should not collect money
before accepting students.
I recommend that substantial percent of the National budget should go into the
development, improvement and sustenance of the power sector. Doing this would help
improve Electricity production and in turn improve development and industrialization
and subsequently, the income the country generates.
Also, Power Holding Company of Nigeria should put safety into great consideration;
providing adequate safety wears for staff and ensuring their usage; putting in mind that
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
the health of the staff influences its efficiency and delivery, and subsequently profit
The PHCN should also ensure that any newly recruited technical staff goes for a
technical training course before they should be allowed working on the field because
electrical power maintenance require a careful and well-handled personnel.
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
[4 E. E. A. A. PM, Director, Transmission Company of Nigeria. [Film]. Nigeria, Kwara State: Power
] Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), 2015.
[6 R. B. Ro , Co trolli g of Ele tri al Po er “ ste Net ork usi g “CADA, International Journal of
] Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 3, no. October 10, p. 6, 2012.
LIGHTNING ARRESTER: used to arrest voltage surges harmful to the transformer and transfer
them to the general mass of the earth.
ISOLATORS: This is used to segregate a section of the station from Electricity supply. It can
operate only under normal conditions and must be operated by someone. There could be various
types of isolators depending on the nature of isolation it carries out; e.g. line, bus, bus-tie,
transformer secondary et cetera
EARTHING SWITCH: this is used for discharging a previously charged line by transferring the
residual charges to the general mass of the earth.
BUS: this is a conductor or group of conductors that serves as a common connection between
circuits. There exist the 330KV, 132KV, and 33KV bus (peculiar to this station).
INSULATORS: this used to prevent electricity supply from reaching a particular area. This is
what I mean, insulators a place on towers between the conductor and the gantry to prevent
electricity getting to the gantry, thereby protecting persons in the switchyard who may accidentally
or deliberately come in contact with the gantry. Some insulators are made of porcelain while others
are made of glass.
GANTRY: this is a structure made by sets of angle irons arranged to form a structure;
which forms a support for equipment.
SKY WIRE: this is a cable usually made of galvanized steel or galvanized steel with optic cables
embedded in them; it is placed at the topmost of the towers and acts as lightning arrester for the
power lines.
TOWER/PYLON: this is a set of angle irons arranged in such a manner to form a structure which
forms a support for conductors (usually the bus).
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
CONDUCTORS: these are metals used for transmission of electrical energy. They come in
different sizes and types depending on the voltage level as well as its used. Copper conductors as
most effective but expensive and bulky. Copper conductors are used mostly where high
conductivity is required e.g. for earthing purposes. Aluminium conductors are mostly used because
it is cheaper and lighter in weight.
MARSHALLING KIOSK: this is where all the control and protection of the transformer are
wired to. It also houses gauges for reading the winding and oil temperature.
SYSTEM FREQUENCY: This is the frequency of operation of the system. In Nigeria, it is 50Hz.
SYSTEM COLLAPSE: This is a situation in which there is no supply of Electricity to the system.
There could be partial or total system collapse.
HOT SPOT: this is a type of problem majorly found on conductors whereby the conductor gives
a red glow spot at some points on the conductor especially at its terminals. This problem results
when there is so much load on the conductor than it can take; or when there is partial contact which
would result in current losses dissipated as heat. The heat builds up over time and if not quickly
attended to could cause explosion.
PERMIT: this is a document given to a person representing a group of people who are to carry
out work in a section of the station and have requested for a station guarantee. The person who
holds the permit is referred to as the permit holder. The permit holder must surrender the permit at
the control room at the end of work before restoration of the feeder that had to be out due to the
Abdulazeez Adebayo, Olayinka: 12/67EC/271
The Readings taken from each batteries installed in series from the positive terminal to the negative
terminal. All the batteries are measured in volts
Table 1: Reading taken from the Battery Bank at Omu-Aran TS
S/N Battery (volts) Battery (volts) Battery (volts) Battery (volts) Battery (volts)
1–5 1.38 1.25 1.08 1.24 1.24
6 – 10 0.94 1.88 1.60 1.00 0.94
11 - 15 1.02 1.52 1.52 1.67 1.29
16 - 20 1.91 1.08 1.70 1.15 1.19
21 - 25 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.30
26 - 30 1.35 1.29 1.88 1.76 1.55
31 - 35 1.12 0.98 1.49 1.55 1.46
36 - 40 1.55 1.95 1.85 1.86 1.70
41 - 45 1.60 1.50 1.88 1.94 1.33
46 - 50 1.59 1.44 1.22 1.06 1.05
51 - 55 0.88 1.25 1.39 1.79 1.88
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