JCDP 20 1108
JCDP 20 1108
JCDP 20 1108
A b s t r ac t
Aim: To evaluate the role of socket-shield technique for ridge preservation in immediate implant placement sites.
Background: The socket-shield technique seems to be beneficial for ridge preservation despite its insufficient documentation. In this case
report series, implants were placed immediately after extracting a hopeless teeth using this technique and then were followed up for 1 year to
document functional and esthetic outcomes.
Cases description: Five patients presented with a non-restorable teeth were treated using the socket-shield protocol and immediate implant
placement. Roots were dissected in a mesiodistal direction along the long axis down to the apex; a periotome was later used to detach the
palatal fragment of the root, while keeping the buccal one. Following sequential osteotomy drilling, implants were placed. The gap between
the implant and the shield was filled with a synthetic bone grafting material. A customized healing abutment with an S-shaped emergence
profile was prepared to support a coronal emergence profile of the tooth. Patients had follow-up visits after 6 weeks and 5 or 6 months before
proceeding to prosthetic reconstruction phase. Screw-retained porcelain fused to metal crowns and titanium abutments were inserted intraorally
with 35 N cm torque and screw-access holes were restored.
Conclusion: The socket-shield technique along with immediate implant placement is a minimally invasive approach that can preserve the hard
and soft tissue contour of the ridge and can be implemented in areas of high esthetic demands for better esthetic outcomes.
Keywords: Immediate implant, Ridge preservation, Socket-shield technique.
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice (2019): 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2642
Introduction 1,4
Department of Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan
Using a single implant crown is a viable and practical treatment University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
option for single-tooth replacement.1, 2 This treatment option 2
Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, College of
has had evidence-based success over a 5-year period since 1996. Dentistry, Qassim University, Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Protocols of prosthodontic procedures for single implant crowns 3
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Jordan University of Science and
were first published in the 1980s, but a reference was made Technology, Irbid, Jordan
to the first single implant crown in 1986. 3 Implants are often Corresponding Author: Rola A Habashneh, Department of Preventive
recommended over fixed partial dentures because (1) preparation Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science and
and hypersensitivity of adjacent teeth is avoided,4(2) preservation Technology, Irbid, Jordan, e-mail: rolaperio@yahoo.com
of vitality of adjacent teeth is maintained,4(3) implants are highly How to cite this article: Habashneh RA, Walid MA, et al. Socket-shield
predictable and require little maintenance, (4) implants preserve Technique and Immediate Implant Placement for Ridge Preservation:
ridge height and width,5and (5) implants enhance gingival response Case Report Series with 1-year Follow-up. J Contemp Dent Pract
and improve access for oral hygiene. 2019;20(9):1108–1117.
On the basis of the International Team for Implantology’s Source of support: Nil
(ITI) and their (SAC) classification of implant dentistry into Conflict of interest: None
straightforward, advanced, and complex, treatment with dental
implants in the anterior maxilla is either an advanced or complex
procedure.6 The SAC classification system has restorative and Clinical research is concerned about reducing treatment time,
surgical components, which can be influenced by modifying factors achieving optimum hard and soft tissue esthetics and improving
on the basis of individual clinical situations. patient’s satisfaction.9 – 12
“Esthetic Risk Assessment (ERA) analysis” is a pretreatment Several parameters must be considered to reach the Esthetic
assessment tool that uses clinical factors to evaluate the risk of success. “White” esthetic parameters are related to the color
achieving an esthetic result based on known surgical and restorative and morphology of teeth, while “pink” esthetic parameters are
approaches in a given clinical scenario.7 Esthetic risk factors related to the form, color, and features of the adjacent gingiva.13
should be determined directly with the patient before starting Such esthetic challenges are pronounced after insertion of post-
the treatment to avoid any posttreatment outcomes that does extraction implants owing to volumetric changes that occur after
not meet the high expectations of the patient. The more high-risk the remodeling processes.14,15Many studies showed that tooth
categories the patient falls into, the more conservative the surgical extraction is followed by dimensional changes of the alveolar
and restorative approaches should be.8 ridge.16 –19These changes are more dramatic in the buccal side
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org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
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Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Socket-shield Case Series
of the socket.19An estimated 2 mm thickness of residual buccal Almost, same surgical technique was implemented. Following
bone should exist at least at the surgical site after tooth extraction local anesthesia, the crown, if exists, was hemisected by a coarse bur,
to obtain a successful restoration, and some authors reported then the root was dissected in a mesiodistal direction along the long
that such thickness is often lower before the event of tooth axis down to the apex using a long shank root resection bur (Komet
extraction. 20, 21 The horizontal bone resorption resulting from Dental, Germany) coupled to a hydrated high-speed handpiece. The
tooth extraction is a physiological process that can be only partially root was separated into buccal and palatal fragments. A periotome
countered. The alterations in the socket dimensions after extraction (Periotome #1, Nordent, USA) was later inserted between the socket
appear to be related to many biological mechanisms, among which wall and the palatal fragment of the root and used to severe the
the main role is played by the loss of the vascular support from the periodontal attachment connecting the palatal fragment to the
periodontal ligament.22– 24 socket. The palatal fragment was removed with high caution
To overcome these dimensional changes, several methods keeping the buccal segment unmanipulated and attached to the
were tried, including immediate implants,25 grafting,26and barrier buccal bone. Using a long shank round diamond bur (Komet Dental,
membranes. 27Efforts were directed toward proposing guided Germany), the buccal segment was reduced to 1 mm supracrestally
bone regeneration (GBR) procedures.28It was reported that soft by careful preparation apico-coronally and mesio-distally creating a
tissue volume contraction is often related to this type of surgical concave contour. Curettage was performed in the extraction socket
procedures.29Mucogingival surgeries that aim to increase gingival and a copious saline irrigation followed to remove any infectious
volume, such as connective tissue grafts, often resulted in 30% soft remnants. The stability of the buccal shield was checked with a
tissue volumetric contraction.30Therefore, it can be concluded that sharp probe. The buccal socket shield was then ready. Figures 2A
none of these methods was able to fully prevent volumetric changes and B show the socket-shield preparation done in some cases after
of peri-implant hard and soft tissues over time.31 the removal of palatal fragment and keeping the buccal one along
Socket ridge preservation or socket-shield technique or partial with its attachment apparatus.
root retention protocol seems to show positive results although it In one of the cases, an esthetic flap was raised to remove the
has not been documented sufficiently. In this case series report, apex of the buccal root (Fig. 2C). The root was sectioned in the
implants were placed immediately after extraction of the teeth mesiodistal direction into buccal and palatal fragments. The two
presented with a hopeless prognosis utilizing the socket-shield roots were later separated from the furcation area and a periotome
technique, and some cases were followed up for some time and was used to severe the periodontal attachment connecting the
showed stable esthetic and functional outcomes. palatal fragment of the buccal root and the buccal fragment of the
palatal root from the inter-radicular bone. This procedure created
Case Description two shields (buccal and palatal) (Fig. 2D). The esthetic flap was
Preoperative Assessment sutured with a 5-0 polyglycolic acid suture (Fig. 2E).
Five male patients aged between 20- and 54-year-old presented Following sequential osteotomy drilling, implants were placed.
with a non-restorable teeth in the esthetic zone were treated Several implant systems were used such as BIOHORIZON tapered
using the socket-shield protocol and were followed up afterwards. Laser-Lok®, NobelActive, and Adin Touareg-S.
Restorability was determined based on either periodontic or Diameters used ranged between 3.5 and 4.2 mm, while lengths
prosthodontic points of view. Some of the teeth included were non- used ranged between 13 and 16 mm. A postoperative periapical
restorable owing to destructive caries, with others due to coronal radiograph was obtained for all implants placed. Figures 3A and
or radicular fractures. Figures 1A and B show the preoperative B show implants placed in some cases in the palatal aspect of the
presentation for some cases prior to the tooth extraction. socket with some contact with the socket shield retained buccally.
All patients included were healthy and non-smokers. Initial The gap between the implant and the shield was filled
clinical and radiographic examination showed that most patients with a calciumphosphosilicate synthetic bone grafting material
had a sound, caries-free adjacent teeth. Periodontal examination NovaBone®. Figure 3C show the bone graft used to fill the gap
showed that most patients had mild plaque-induced gingivitis. between the implant and the shield.
Most patients had high functional and esthetic demands. In one of the cases, following pilot drilling of the implant site,
Preoperative cone beam CT scans were obtained for all patients. osteotomy was prepared by oseodensification of the bone using
Good interproximal bone levels and all socket walls were present Densah Bur 2.5 (DENSAH BUR-G2 VS2228) to a depth of 17 mm from
in all cases analyzed. Figures 1C and D show the preoperative cone gingival margin, to adopt the platform of the implant at 4 mm below
beam CT scan taken for some cases illustrating the dimensions of gingival margin. The implant inserted gained its stability from the
the bone present prior to extraction. bone apical to the tooth socket and no bone grafting material was
Several treatment options were discussed with each patient placed. Figure 3D show the bone condensation done at the surgical
regarding best replacement method of the non-restorable tooth; site and the implant that was secured in place without the need for
all risks and benefits of each option were illustrated thoroughly. any grafting material.
Options mostly discussed were conventional 3 units bridge, resin- A customized healing abutment was prepared at the chair side
bonded bridge, and implant-supported crown restoration. All with an S-shaped emergence profile to support a coronal natural
included patients decided to go for an implant-supported crown emergence profile of the tooth (Figs 4A and B). A post-surgical
and signed a consent for that. periapical radiograph was taken to confirm the seating of the
healing abutment (Fig. 4C).
Socket-shield Technique and Immediate Implant For esthetic issues, a provisional cement retained resin-bonded
Placement bridge was fabricated in the lab and delivered the next day for one
To preserve as much as hard and soft tissue as possible, an of the cases (Fig. 4D).
immediate post-extraction implant in combination with partial Patients were prescribed a preoperative antibiotic of 1 g
extraction therapy (socket shield) was done for all patients. augmentin (875 g amoxicillin and 125 g clavulanic acid) twice
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 20 Issue 9 (September 2019) 1109
Socket-shield Case Series
Figs 1A to D: (A) Preoperative photograph—a close-up occlusal view prior to tooth extraction; (B) Preoperative photograph—a pre-surgical
occlusal view before tooth extraction; (C and D) Preoperative cone beam CT sagittal view showing the dimensions of the bone—the buccal bone
wall is present
daily, and 400 mg of ibuprofen three times daily the day before the 1-step vinyl polysiloxane light-putty impression technique.
the surgery. Patients were advised to continue both medications Light-body impression material was injected around impression
for 4 days postoperatively. posts while putty impression material was loaded in the tray. Trays
Patients had follow-up visits after 6 weeks and 5 or 6 months. were removed from patient’s mouth and checked for details. Lab
The soft tissue volume was well preserved (Fig. 5A). A cone beam analogues of matched sizes were secured to impression posts;
CT scan was taken after 5 or 6 months of implant placement impressions were disinfected and sent to the lab for pouring into
and showed that the buccal bone was well maintained (Fig. type IV gypsum.
5B). The intentional retention of the labial/buccal aspect of the Casts were ditched, and dies were sectioned for the fabrication
root preserved the tissues on the implant site. The healing was of implant supported single crowns. Prefabricated screw-retained
uneventful, and the esthetic result was satisfactory (Fig. 5C). titanium abutment (Variobase abutment, Straumann) were used as
Patients were included in a plaque control regimen, which the metal substructure of the crown and were selected and secured
consisted of oral hygiene instructions and professional plaque to lab analogues on the casts.
control throughout follow-up appointments. Metal substructures with a hole for the screw retention were
designed and anatomically reduced by 1 mm to allow for porcelain
Prosthetic Reconstruction veneering. Metal substructures were finished and checked for
The healing abutment was removed after 5 or 6 months and the fitting. Hand-layering of glass ceramic was done on the surface,
implant site was rinsed with 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash. producing the full anatomy of the crowns, being supported in all
A closed-tray (Figs 6A and B) or open-tray (Figs 6C and D) areas by metal substructures. Porcelain fused to metal crowns were
impression posts of the same implant platform were secured in then polished and sent to the clinic for try-in.
place and a periapical radiograph was taken to ensure complete Titanium abutments were transferred to patient’s mouth in
seating. Impression posts were customized to copy the emergence the same position and angulation on the cast and were secured
profile created by the customized healing abutment. Stock trays in place. The crowns were then transferred to patient’s mouth and
were tried then painted using an adhesive and an implant-level checked for proximal contacts and fit and a periapical radiograph
closed-tray or open-tray (pick-up) impressions were taken using was taken to ensure complete seating.
1110 The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 20 Issue 9 (September 2019)
Socket-shield Case Series
Figs 2A to E: (A and B) The socket shield is prepared 1 mm above the buccal bone crest, smoothened, and rinsed; (C) Esthetic flap was raised
to remove the apex of the buccal root; (D) Buccal and palatal socket shields prepared; (E) The flap is sutured with 5-0 polyglycolic acid sutures
Occlusion was then checked, centric occlusion at first then Porcelain fused to metal crowns were cemented extraorally to
eccentric occlusion, using articulating paper (40 microns thick) titanium abutments using dual cured resin cement (RelyX Unicem,
and Shim stock foil (8 microns thick, folded into 4 folds). Occlusal 3M ESPE) to make one-piece screw-retained single crown. Screw-
adjustments were done using heatless rubber finishing burs. retained crowns and titanium abutments were inserted intraorally
Crowns were sent back to the lab for final glazing and sandblasting with 35 N cm torque and screw-access holes were restored with
of their fitting surface. gutta percha (temporary stopping, GC) and light-polymerized
All laboratory procedures were conducted at a dental composite resin (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE). The crowns were free from
laboratory authorized by the manufacturers of the material systems. any high occlusal spots (Figs 6E and F).
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 20 Issue 9 (September 2019) 1111
Socket-shield Case Series
Figs 3A to D: (A and B) Occlusal view showing the implant placed in the palatal aspect of the socket with some contact with the socket
shield retained buccally; (C) Bone graft filling the gap between the implant and the socket shield; (D) Bone condensation was performed
on the surgical site
Figs 4A to D: (A) Customized healing abutment in place; (B) Customized healing abutment is ready for placement; (C) Radiographic appearance
6 weeks after the surgery; (D) 4D: provisional cement-retained resin-bonded prosthesis
1112 The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 20 Issue 9 (September 2019)
Socket-shield Case Series
Figs 5A to C: (A) Clinical presentation 6 months after healing, occlusal view; (B) Cone beam CT showed a preserved buccal plate after 6 months;
(C) Soft tissue healing after 6 months
Patients were again included in a plaque control regimen, and the buccal wall. This provided an ideal position to restore
which consisted of oral hygiene instructions and professional the implant and saved us a lot of biological complications. The
plaque control throughout follow-up appointments. One-year post- presence of interproximal bone is mandatory to get some papilla
operative assessment showed no complications (Figs 6G and H). around the restoration.41The presence of the buccal bone will
determine if a more a conservative approach can be implemented
or not. According to Elian et al., all sockets treated in this case series
Discussion were class I with a favorable prognosis toward immediate implant
This case series is in harmony with the current literature that placement.42Kan showed that type-I sockets is the most favorable
supports the socket-shield technique. A case report by Filippi and the most common.43
et al. showed that decoronation of an ankylosed tooth preserved One of the critical factors for the esthetic success of single
the alveolar bone prior to implant placement. 32 Reames et al. implant crowns is the ability to preserve or regenerate the
showed that the bone was formed even coronal to the level of interproximal papilla.44,45
Many factors influence the anatomical
amputated and submerged roots in dogs, which suggests that form of the papilla adjacent to single implant crowns such as
retained roots could enable vertical bone growth as well. 33 Salama alveolar crest height at adjacent teeth and maintenance of
et al. reported that the root submergence technique (RST) maintains biological width.6
natural attachment of the tooth in a pontic site and thus aids in the Many prosthetic and surgical protocols have been suggested to
creation of esthetic restorations in multiple-tooth-replacement improve mucosal esthetic outcome of single implant crowns. Soft
cases.34Davarpanah and Szmulker-Moncler reported a case series and hard tissue augmentation before, along with, or after implant
in which implants came in contact with ankylosed roots without placement,46 –50and surgical incision techniques that preserve
any pathological sign after 12–42 months after loading. 35 or create papillae51,52
were reported in the literature. Enhancing
In 2015, a systematic review concluded that immediate implant soft tissue contour by using custom healing abutments and
placement with immediate provisionlization in the esthetic zone immediate provisional crowns to support the peri-implant mucosa
results in excellent short-term outcomes in terms of implant survival and preserve its contour from any collapse during healing and for
and volumetric changes of peri-implant tissues. 36It was clear by the long-term stability were described in many case reports,36,53
then that good esthetics can be achieved by lingualized flapless retrospective and prospective cohort studies.54 –56So, a suitable
implant placement into the fresh extraction socket, to preserve the gingival contour is created using customized healing abutments.
buccal plate of the bone,37while augmenting the gap with a slowly A customized impression post should be made for an accurate
resorbable bone substitute to compensate for bone remodeling.38 transfer of gingival contour to the cast for the proper fabrication
Tapered implants were used in this case series because they of the restoration.57
minimize the incidence of rotational implant instability for the Anatomically contoured healing abutments contain and protect
immediate implant placement and provisionlization. 39 Implant slowly resorbing substitution grafts, resulting in hard and soft
diameter was chosen considering the buccal–palatal width rather tissue volume preservation. Even in healed sites, customization of
than the mesiodistal distance to ensure stability of peri-implant soft healing abutments demonstrated favorable outcomes compared
and hard tissues. This diameter was less than 4.5 mm in the anterior to standard healing abutments. Upon customization, the soft tissue
maxilla.403D implant position is crucial to achieve an esthetic maturation closely resembles the natural root contour and allows
outcome. In this case series, implants were placed palatally, avoiding for better generation of esthetic and functional implant supported
the buccal wall, and creating an ideal gap between the implant restorations.58
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 20 Issue 9 (September 2019) 1113
Socket-shield Case Series
Figs 6A to H: (A) Emergence profile was recorded around the closed-tray impression post; (B) Implant level closed tray 1-step vinyl polysiloxane
light body-putty impression; (C) Emergence profile was recorded around the open-tray impression post; (D) Implant level open tray 1-step vinyl
polysiloxane light body-putty impression; (E) Final screw-retained crown in the patient’s mouth #11, labial view; (F) Final screw-retained crown in
the patient’s mouth #22, labial view; (G and H) Cone beam CT shows a preserved buccal plate after 1 year
1114 The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 20 Issue 9 (September 2019)
Socket-shield Case Series
To make the position of gingival margin more predictable, A case control study by Abadzhiev et al. included placing 26
Hurzeler et al. experimented a new surgical technique—“the implants in 25 patients (16 implants were placed in a conventional
socket-shield technique”—first on an animal model and then on immediate manner and 10 implants were placed using the socket-
humans in 2010.59The idea was to leave part of the root portion on shield technique).69All cases were followed up within 2 years, and all
the buccal side during the immediate insertion of the fixture. In this implants were evaluated by X-rays, soft tissue volume, and esthetic
study, four implants were placed in the mandible of one beagle dog evaluation by both the dentist and the patient. Bone loss and soft
using the socket-shield technique. Two of the implants were placed tissue loss were lower in the socket-shield group, while esthetic
intentionally in contact with the remaining part of the root while the satisfaction was higher.
other two were not touching it. All four implants osseointegrated A systematic review by Gharpure and Bhatavadekar concluded
and a physiologic periodontal ligament was present buccal to the that current evidence is not enough to recommend this technique
root fragment. The two implants with a close contact with the and that further studies are needed as the literature contained
root showed “new cementum” formation directly on the implant only one (the aforementioned) case control study and many case
surface. No bone remodeling on the buccal side was detected.60 The reports.70The present case report describes three consecutive
purpose of this technique was to maintain a healthy periodontium cases in which a socket shield was applied as part of immediate
and keep the crestal bone at the original level. implantation.
This technique has since been tested in multiple case A retrospective case series of 10 consecutive patient was done
reports,61– 63even in the presence of vertical root fractures and by Baumer et al.64Impressions were made before extraction of the
internal resorptions and it showed high clinical validity.64 teeth and after 5 years of implant placement. 3D-scans of casts
A case report conducted by Kan et al. stated that maintaining were digitally superimposed for quantitative evaluation of peri-
inter-implant papillae is one of the most challenging tasks in implant facial contour and gingival recessions. Volumetric analysis
anterior implant esthetics.62Proximal socket-shield procedure with showed minimal contour changes from the date of extraction till
inter-implant papilla preservation are effective in maintaining bone after 5 years and it was suggested that socket-shield technique is
level and dentogingival fibers attached to proximal supra-crestal a minimally invasive technique with high esthetic outcomes and
cementum, thus preserving inter-implant papilla. effective preservation of peri-implant contours.
Gluckman et al. presented a case series of 14 sites in 10 patients Another prospective randomized clinical trial was conducted to
treated with socket shield to develop pontic sites.65The sockets evaluate survival and success rate of conventional post-extraction
received different closure techniques. An estimated 5 sockets implant placement and socket-shield implant placement in the
were subjected to buccal flap advancement and showed complete esthetic zone.71Implant survival rate of 100% was found in both
healing, 3 sockets were left open and all of them showed incomplete groups at 3 years. Socket-shield implant placement resulted in
healing with exposure of the shield requiring surgical closure, 1 better values for marginal bone level and pink esthetic scores.
was subject to placement of cytoplast membrane and showed a Socket-shield technique was described as a safe surgical protocol
wider band of attached gingiva, 3 were treated with the socket-seal that allows for better esthetic outcomes.
technique and showed complete healing that took a longer time, Our results showed that the socket-shield technique can
and the last 2 sockets were closed by the means of free gingival preserve the contour of the ridge. While histological examination
graft and showed complete healing with excellent soft tissue is necessary to confirm the preservation of the buccal plate, the
contours. All patients were non-smokers and showed no periapical clinical outcome is satisfactory from an esthetic point of view.
pathology. In this study, all sockets were additionally grafted with Immediate implant placement is a predictable procedure in
a xenographic bone particulate (Gen-Os). terms of osteointegration.72However, the bone loss in the socket
Gluckman et al. reported a case in which the soft tissue contours is not altered by the immediate placement of implants.25Soft tissue
of the implant site (left central incisor) remained comparable to the grafting or guided bone regeneration (GBR) could partly alter the
adjacent central incisor a year after the socket-shield therapy.66 dimensional changes but not stop it.73
Abitbol et al. reported a one-year retrospective study of The socket-shield technique is a minimally invasive procedure
20 patients (four of which were smokers) treated in 2 clinics that preserves hard and soft tissues. It has not only been used with
with different types of implants: NobelActive (Nobel Biocare®), dental implants but has been also used for pontic sites.16
Certain Prevail, T3 Parallel Walled (Biomet 3i®).67All implants were The use of this technique in areas of esthetic demands seems
integrated with no signs of inflammation after one year. However, to be reasonable and lead to more esthetic outcomes. However,
two complications occurred: a probing pocket of 8 mm in a root more trials including case-control studies are needed.
and the exposition of a root in another case. Pink esthetic score
was evaluated, which showed an improvement in most cases in Clinical Significance
comparison to the initial situation.
A case report of 5 years was reported by Mitsias et al.68In this This case report series demonstrate that improved buccal contour
study, histologic evidence was also reported as the patient had stability and better esthetic outcomes can be achieved with the
lost the implant owing to trauma. The buccal plate was maintained socket-shield technique and immediate implant placement.
without any resorption and a healthy periodontal ligament could
be seen between the root fragment and the bone. The implant References
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