products, respectively, there was no purported toxic since 1992 when this survey was done, the number of
ingredient identified by the authors in the article that idiopathic liver diseases remains a significant percent-
was common among all 4 of these patients. It is also age of all the cases.
interesting that in one of these 4 patients, rechallenge Herbalife nutritional products are registered and
of unspecified Herbalife product was reported to result notified as foods, meal replacements, and dietary sup-
in recurrence of symptoms, yet the patient purportedly plements and not as herbal medicines. There are ingre-
continues to use unspecified Herbalife product(s) and re- dients such as guarana, green tea, and caffeine, which
mains asymptomatic. are being used extensively in numerous food products
The generally accepted criteria for causality of liver and are not unique to Herbalife. Herbalife conducts
diseases cited in the editorial, including dechallenge/ testing, through independent laboratories, on product
rechallenge, were designed to consider drug-induced batches for heavy metals, pesticides, ochratoxin A,
hepatotoxicity when a specific defined ingredient has aflatoxins, comfrey retrosine (pyrrolizidine alkaloids;
been identified, and were not designed to consider PAs), and kava kavalactones. Completed tests have
the effects of multiple different foods, supplements, consistently shown no detection of pesticides, kava or
and distinct nutritional products in combination or PAs, and traces of ochratoxins, aflatoxins, and heavy
totality. The comment made in the editorial [3] that metals are below minimum threshold levels. Also, the
‘‘there can be little doubt that these products were company has a well-developed adverse event reporting
the cause” is simply not supported by the facts. In system which monitors and evaluates adverse events
acute hepatotoxicity, liver injury typically occurs with globally and has sought the involvement of outside,
a substantial and predictable frequency, its severity is independent experts to evaluate its adverse event
dose-dependent, and a responsible agent can be iden- experience.
tified. In contrast, liver injury from an immune-medi- The core products of Herbalife provide healthy solu-
ated hypersensitivity reaction is sporadic, and clinical tions to the worldwide epidemic of obesity. The prod-
symptoms and abnormal liver biochemical tests occur ucts are designed to deliver balanced nutrition and
in only a very small number of individuals who met- assist in the promotion of fitness and a healthy, active
abolically convert some constituent of the product lifestyle. These products are primarily based in vegeta-
consumed into a substance that stimulates an immune ble proteins, fish oils, vitamins, and minerals for which
reaction [4]. While this is the generally accepted sce- safe use is very well established. Some of the com-
nario among hepatologists, the exact cause, predispos- pany’s products also contain botanical ingredients that
ing individualistic factors, and precise pathophysiology are well characterized and tested. These botanicals are
of this rare form of liver disease remain poorly included in Herbalife product at levels that are in a
understood. safe nutritional range where they have antioxidant
Furthermore, the incidence of these cases appears to properties and support normal function, and are la-
be very low compared to the risks associated with some beled in accordance with all the applicable laws. The
over-the-counter and prescription drugs on the market. company does not market or encourage the use of
A population-based survey in Atlanta, Georgia, USA any of its products as medicines for the treatment of
published in 2007 found that the incidence of acute li- specific diseases.
ver failure in eight counties was 5.5 per million individ- There were no undefined or unlabeled herbs in these
uals, and the use or abuse of acetaminophen was products as suggested in the articles and contrary to
associated with 41 percent of the cases, while a signif- what has been portrayed, the company has cooperated
icant percentage of adults had liver failure of unknown fully with the ministries of health in their investigation
etiology [5]. As indicated in the Swiss article, the rare of these cases. In fact, government officials and clini-
incidence of these events having been ten cases col- cians investigating these cases in both countries were gi-
lected over seven years, makes the overall incidence ven access to full product formulas and ingredients.
some 1.8 per million patients/year [2]. This low level These ingredient disclosures were documented in numer-
of risk of liver disease is indistinguishable from the ous communiqués and included full product dossiers
background incidence of idiopathic liver disease, where and results of independent testing regarding product
no cause can be found. In a study of 71,000 North purity and integrity.
Americans in 1992, the background rate of idiopathic It is also unfortunate in our view that Herbalife’s
or cryptogenic liver disease was 24 cases per 100,000 brand name was generically linked to liver injury
individuals compared to 14 per 100,000 attributed to rather than specific products or ingredients where
cases of hepatitis B, 25 per 100,000 due to alcoholism, such an association could not be established. This ap-
and 7 per 100,000 due to other viral illnesses [6]. While proach is unprecedented. Although Herbalife remains
the spectrum of liver diseases has certainly changed committed in the spirit of product stewardship to
Letters to the Editor / Journal of Hepatology 49 (2008) 288–294 293
Y. Steven Henig
Ezra Bejar
[1] Elinav E, Pinsker G, Safadi R, Pappo O, Bromberg M, Anis E,
Herbalife International,
et al. Association between consumption of Herbalife nutritional 990 West 190th St. Torrance,
supplements and acute hepatotoxicity. J Hepatol CA 90502, USA
2007;47:514–520. Tel.: +1 310 410 9600; fax: +1 310 767 3314 (E. Bejar)
[2] Schoepfer AM, Engel A, Fattinger K, Marbet UA, Criblez D, E-mail address: ezrab@herbalife.com (E. Bejar)
Reichen J, et al. Herbal does not mean innocuous: 10 cases of
severe hepatotoxicity associated with dietary supplements from
Herbalife products. J Hepatol 2007;47:521–526.
[3] Stickel F. Slimming at all costs: Herbalife-induced liver injury. J Dr. Ignarro is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Herbalife
Hepatol 2007;47:444–446. International. Dr. Ignarro’s title is for identification purposes only. The
[4] Gunawan B, Kaplowitz N. Clinical perspectives on xenobiotic- University of California does not endorse specific products or services as
induced hepatotoxicity. Drug Metab Rev 2004;36:301–312. a matter of policy.
[5] Bower WA, Johns M, Margolis HS, Williams IT, Bell BP. Dr. Heber is Chairman of the Nutritional and Scientific Advisory
Population-based surveillance for acute liver failure. Am J Boards of Herbalife International. Dr. Heber’s title is for identification
Gastroenterol 2007;102:2459–2463. purposes only. The University of California does not endorse specific
[6] Walker AM, Cavanaugh RJ. The occurrence of new hepatic products or services as a matter of policy.
disorders in a defined population. Post Marketing Surveillance
1992;6:107–117. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2008.05.005