Ragam: Aarabhi
Talam: Adi
Sadinchane Oh Manasa
Bodinchina SanMargava chana mula
Bongu gesi thabattina pattu
1)Samayaniki thagumataladene
9)Sree Venkatesa suprakasa sarvonnatha sajjana maanasa nikethana kanakaambara dharalasan makuta
kundala virajitha hare yanuchune pogada thyagaraja keeyudu maanaveendrudaina Ramachandrudu
10) Sathbhakthula natathalitlanene Amarika gana puja konene Alugava dda nene
Vimukula thonu chera pogumanene vetha galgi nathallu komma nene Damasa madi sukadaga kudaku
sree Thiagaraja nuthudu chen thara rane
General Meaning:
This pancharathna krithi has been well set on the easiest of ragas, Arabhi. This Krithi has been carved
out in a language full of liberty, teasing tone, metaphor and simile without having a surfeit of
adjectives - all the while arresting the attention of the singers. Thyagaraja swamigal, in this krithi,
appeared to be telling the greatness of the lord in a lucid manner most enthusiastically. The style
adopted in this krithi is very sweet in comparison to the other four kirthanas. Oh Lord you are an
opportunist, You deceived your parents Devaki , Vasudeva as also the gopikas who surrendered to you,
You mischievously smile when Yashoda innocently folded you with love at the thought that she too
would be disappointed on being separated from him, You falsified the aforesaid words of Sruti and
Smruti. You have somehow not come to me despite the fact that I was overjoyed in keeping your
memory always in my heart, You preached patience, tolerance in the face of adversity freedom from
anger, satsang etc; and coolly accepted my pujas, You give bhakti and peace, Despite all this you
have steadfastly not come closer to me to the end, Thus this kirthana, a gem amongst the five
kirthanas which bring out the thought and reminiscences of Shri Thayagaraja; is a great gift to the
singer and bhaktas
Sadinchane Oh Manasa
P; pp mg rrS ND | S ; ; - sd R - mg rs r m ||
Sa ---- din- - - cha ne O- - Mana sa -- -
P,r r pmM g r r S ND | S ; ; - sd rr - mg rs r m ||
Sa ---- din- - - cha ne O- - Mana sa -- -
P; mpdp mg r r S N D | S ; ; - dd P- m p d s dsR ||
Sa -- ---- din- - - cha ne O- - Mana sa -- -
sS-s d p - mg r r s s N D | S ; ; - dd P- m p d s dsR ||
Sa -- ---- din- - - cha ne O- - Mana sa -- -
P; r pmM g r r S ND | S R ; ; S; ;; ||
Sa ---- din- - - cha ne -- -- --
[Meaning: He has, by being steadfast, falsified his own preachings of the guiding light of Geetha,
given to the world by himself.]
dd P pp mg RR S ; | mg R d d - P mp D , s S ||
Bo-- din- - - china San Ma - - rga- va cha- na mula
dd P pp mg RR Srs S | mg R d d - P mp D , s S ||
Bo-- din- - - china San Ma - - rga- va cha- na mula
1. P P P; PP M Pdp | M - P ; - P pp mg rs rm ||
Sa ma ya niki thagu - ma ta la - - de-ne-
PM P; PP M Pdp | M - P ; - dp pmM , g rs rm ||
Sa ma ya niki thagu - ma ta la - - de-ne-
P ds P dp PP M Pdp | M - P ; - P pp mg rs rm ||
Sa ma ya niki thagu - ma ta la - - de-ne-
p d rsS P dp PP rm mp | pd - ds dd - P mpdp- mg rs rm ||
Sa ma ya niki thagu - ma ta la - - de-ne-
P ds P dp PP mp ds | sr - s n P pmM , g rs rm ||
Sa ma ya niki thagu - ma ta la - - de-ne-
2. P ; ;P mgrr - mgrr | s S s - nd P ; - ds ,s r m ||
De va ki -- Va-su- de- - vula ne -gin chi na tu
[Charanam-3: One who is brave in this world stage; father of the sacred Ganges; Totally devoted to
classical music from birth to youth]
3. P P m g R - R mg - r r s s | DD ,s -S ,rR , s r m ||
Range shudu sath Gan ga- jana kudu Sangee tha Sam prada ya ku du
[Charanam-4: One who, unable to fulfil the wishes of shepherdess teased them.]
4. D D - pd - p p , dp m - M p - m| g r R R m m P P Srm ||
Gopee Jana Mano rathamo Sanga le - kane geli yu jese Va- du
[Charanam-6: You are the paramathma who charmed the shepherd women and made them worship
you. Not only that, your are the Hari who mischievously smiled when innocent Yashoda kissed you
thing that you were her child.]
6. dp mp d S- d d p P m g r- r |,r-S S-dd P- m g rr S ||
Vanithala sada So - kka je yu chunu mro - kka je se Para math muda diyuga
S-sd ,p-m p d S s d R r | s r - D s- P d M p - m g r - r m ||
ka Yaso tha thana yudanchu Mudambu Nanu Mudhu petta Navvu chun-du Hari
[Charanam-7: Oh Hari! You show immense love to your great devotees, You are an ocean of good
qualities without any sin, I am nurturing in my lotus heart the fond hope that you will remove the
problems of Kaliyuga, throughout the lifespan. Oh lord, I fondly seek you, while I am thus singing
your praise.]
7. r m p- d , p - m p d d p - m p d P | P - mg R - D D p - m g r R ||
Parama bha ktha va - thsaludu su guna pa ra va- run da jan ma ma nagudee
8. s P - m , p - mg R mg rRr | s r s - s , s - P p m g r d d P ||
Hare Ra ma chan- dra Raghu kulesa mrudusu bha sha se sha sayana paranaa
mg R s r s s , s - d d p Pp |mg r r , r - S ; P , d p m ||
sarasee ruhadala ksha yanu chu vedu kon- na na nu tha bro vakanu
[Charanam-9: Oh Lord of Tirupati!! Self-Illuminating! The greatest of great! Dweller in the hearts of
good people! Adorner of Pithambara; the lord who shines with shining mane and earrings. Thus this
worshipper of yours sings the praise of the king of human race Shri Ramachandra.]
9. P d d p - P p m g r r ,r-pm | P-r s R - s d S , - s s - d R ||
Sree Ven- ka tesa su- prakaa sa sa - rvo nnatha saj jana maa na sa ni ke
[Charanam-10: Oh Rama! The lord who prescribed and identified the mark of a good man! You
patiently waited and accepted my worship. You asked me not to be angry. You thought me that I
should not mix with those who do not love god. You thought me to be patient in the face of adversity,
You gave the virtue of controlling the senses and meditating peacefully. Desprite all this your are yet
to come to this worshipper of your - Shri Thyagaraja.]
; sn D-R S R rp mg | R; ;; | S rg rs S ||
Alu ga va - - dda- ne - ne - - -- ---
dd P mg R mpmg R - mg | R - s r mg - R S rg rs S ||
Vi-mu ku- la tho- - - nu che- ra po- - - gu mane- ne - -
;nd ,rS R R - mg r s | R - mg rs rm P M P ; ||
vetha gal - gi na tha- - - llu kom- - - - - ma ne ne
d d p p m g - rm P P r m P | m p D - mp D s n D r s R ||
Da-ma- sa- ma- - di su- ka da - - ga - ku da-ku sree -