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Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil and, India. 304L & EN8 material used Vol
5 issue no. 4 April 2017. The author worked on Experimental Investigation of MIG welding
parameters and mechanical properties on dissimilar steel’s. The authors find from the
study, it is inferred that to obtain good welds of stainless steel and mild steel using MIG
welding, the voltage has to be set at higher voltage and gas pressure has to be
minimum. The welding current is tobe set at median. Thus, these are the optimized
parameters that are to be set during the process of MIG welding of dissimilar steels.
DepartmentYeshwant Rao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
International journal of engineering research & technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
ijertv4is100239 (this work is licensed under a creative commons attribution
4.0 international license.) Vol. 4 issue 10, october-2015.The author studiedexperimental
analysis of effect of different filler rods on mild steel by shielded metal arc welding. The
parent material they use austenitic stainless steel AISI 308l and ferritic Stainless steel AISI
430. By this experiment they concluded that ferrite structure and pearlite are present in
dendritic form. It was also concluded that the smaller grains are coagulated to form new
grains, hence grain growth is present .hardness for the welded sample’s was found out to
be out to be maximum for the sample welded using ferritic stainless steel 430 filler rod.
Centre ForNon Destructive Evaluation, Guru Nanak Institutions, Technical
Campus,Ibrahimpatnam – 501506.Telangana StateInstitute ForPlasma Research, India.The
author studied non-destructive evolution study of welded en-08 mild steel specimen. The
author tries to find the defects in welding due to magnetic particle inspection &liquid
penetration test. The conclusion of this report is to use this process to identify the defects &
make them ready or repair them for use and prevents from accidents in future.
M.Tech Research Scholar, GITM, Lucknow, UP, India. Assistant Professor Dept. Of
Mechanical Engineering, GITM, Lucknow, UP, India .Ph.D. Research Scholar, Dept. Of
Mechanical Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow, UP, India. (International Research
Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) E-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 06 |
June 2019 Www.Irjet.Net P-ISSN: 2395-0072).The authors studied on the distortion in en-8
plates having different thickness and cross sections using manual electric arc welding.In this
thesis authors are worked on the deflection,groove angles, groove plates. Focus point is
they find the difference between groove angle verses deflection by graph, and also groove
plate verses deflection. It is very clear that for en8 plate when the groove angle is increase
the deflection in the plate is also increase, its observed from the graph that the deflection is
minimum for the notch angle 60 degree and it is maximum for 120 degree. Also when the
plate thickness is increase the deflection in the plate is decrease; it’s observed from the
graph that the deflection is minimum for 8mm plate and maximum for 6mm plate.Possible
Scope Is MIG Welding, High Carbon Steel, Lap Joint etc.
PRASHANT KUMAR, PRATIK VASHIST [5]: M-Tech, Scholar, Asst. Professor
Manufacturing& Automation Engineering CBS Group of Institutions. ISSN: 2455-2631, July
2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 7, IJSDR2107046.
In this research, a choice of three parameters, i.e., soldering current, soldering voltage and
gas flow rate were chosen for MIG welding of Stainless Steel 202 and Stainless Steel. The
need to choose these three parameters is only due to these three factors having the most
impact on the geometry of the solder bed. The research is carried out using 9 components.
On the basis of Taguchi design, the orthogonal array L9 (3*3) is utilized. The research
showed that soldering voltage has the most impact, followed by soldering current and gas
flow rate, in the case of tensile strength. In the event of hardness, the most important
impact is the gas flow rate followed by the soldering current and the soldering voltage.
Taguchi technique is extremely helpful in the development of goods of high quality. With
the aid of human judgements, we cannot manage the different design aspects and it is very
time consuming and costly if we do so. The research conclusion may be reached.
We may improve additional factors by utilizing Taguchi method. By adopting an optimization
method, operating costs may be minimized. This technique may also improve other welding
parameters such as welding speed, electrode size, polarity, etc. for future work and can be
applied to other grades of Stainless steel as well.
Department, College of Engineering, AL-Mustansiriyah University Baghdad, Iraq.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 11,
Number 12 (2018). Dynamic Response to welded joints of low Carbon Steel with Different
Edges.The author studied the various effects of MIG welding and gas welding on the
strength of welded joint. He conducted experiments using samples and plotted graph to
show the variation. And results they got, Strength of welded joint depends on variables like-
time, temp, frequency, power input. Arc is better than gas welding by giving good
mechanical properties. The researcher came to the conclusion that, Arc is better than gas
welding by giving good mechanical properties.
PRAJAPATI[7]:Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SSESGI RAJPUR, IJSRD &Development
Vol.1issue -9, 2013.Parametric Optimization on MIG Welded EN8 Material, Joints by using
Taguchi Method.The author studied the value of the S/N ratio of tensile strength 55.87
which indicate optimal input parameter current 125 A, wire feed 2.5 m/min and gas flow
rate is 16 l/min . In this experiment the value of the S/N ratio of tensile strength 38.33 which
indicate optimal input parameter current 125 A, wire feed 2.5 m/min and gas flow rate is 16
l/min. By use of ANOVA it can conclude that current is the most significant parameter. The
gas flow rate is found to have an effect on hardness. Increase in welding current as increase
the hardness.
NAYEK AND VIORELPALEU [8]:Tribology and Surface Interaction Research Laboratory,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu ,India. Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Metrology, CSIR-
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Durgapur, West Bengal,
India .Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics Department (I.M.M.R.),
Mechanical Engineering Faculty, George Asachi Technical University of Iasi,61-63D.Mangero,
Boulevard, Romania.Received: 12 June 2020; Accepted: 13 July 2020; Published: 16 July 2020.
Microstructural and Wear Properties of Annealed Medium Carbon Steel Plate, (EN8)
Cladded with Martensitic Stainless Steel (AISI410).The volumetric wear loss from Archard’s
equation was found to be 48.80 mm3 for uncladded EN 8 (base metal) and 17.90 mm3for
AISI 410 cladded EN 8. The wear analysis through energy dissipation exhibited that the
cladded EN 8 absorbed 30.497×104J of energy and did not fail, whereasthe uncladded EN 8
was able to absorb only 4.803 ×104J of energy before failure.Concluded he microstructure,
mechanical and tribological properties of AISI 410 (martensite) cladded on EN8 surface wear
analysed. Results of hardness, pin on disk tribological tests (friction coefficient and
energydissipation), 3D profilometry (wear rate and volumetric loss), scanning electron
microscopy (SEM)X-ray diffraction (XRD), and EDS analysis underlined the efficiency of the
proposed cladding process.
CHANDRAN [9]: Mechanical Department , Kathir College Of Engineering, Tamil Nadu,
INDIA. IJSRED VOL-3,ISSUE -2,Mar – April -2020.The detailed of this literature survey
revealed the existence of a research gap related to addressing of the effects of corrosion of
medium carbon steel during high temperature application. Their search work conducted
under this background with an aim of improving the corrosion properties of the resultant
coating through the introduction of high temperature application scope to bridge the
research gap. In this research work, coating of on EN8 steel through plating process was
undertaken for the study of corrosion properties. Analysis is made after plating process.
Microstructure by Corrosion test, Hardness test and Wear Test is analysed .In corrosion test
spots was clearly observed, nocorrosion is observed in Nickel sample i.e. no red and white
spots is observed. In chromium Plate only redspotis observed. By comparing Nickel sheets
are well suited for EN8 steel plating. Rockwell Hardness Test for EN8 Steel,Nickel Plated and
Chromium Plated was taken, by comparing the results hardness for Nickel plated sample is
increased thanchromium.
,August 2016.Influence of MIG Welding Process Parameters on Tensile properties of Mild
steel: It is found that the gas flow rate has greater contribution in increasing the tensile
strength of welded joint followed by welding current & gas combination. Gas flow rate has
93% contribution followed by welding current& gas combination An empirical relation is
developed for correlating the tensile strength of welded joint with the process parameters.
The correlation coefficients found close to 0.9 signifies that the developed model is
significant. Hence the model can be effectively used for predicting the response within the
domain of the welding parameters. The optimum values for welding parameters determined
using statistical analysis are welding current 190 A, shielding gas flow rate 15 lit/min & 50%
CO2 +50% Argon gas mixture, for getting maximum tensile strength of welding joints.
process is leading in the development in arc welding process which is higher productivity and
good in quality. The welding speed was chosen as 20,40 and 60 cm/min. The penetration,
microstructure and hardness will be measured for each specimen after the welding process
and the effect of it was studied. The brinell hardness number are increased for all the metal
inert gas welded specimen when compared to the base metal.
M.PRATHIYUMANAN [12]:Experimental analysis to improve EN8 and ohms weldments
surface quality and safety aspects by using modified flux core arc welding (FCAW) processes.
The processed joints exhibited better mechanical and metallurgical characteristics. The
joints exhibited 90-95% of parent material’s Hardness value. The specimen failures were
associated depending upon the improper changes of heat value. It creates so many
metallurgical defects. In our experiment practically we have found out the input parameter
value 180 Peak Current -20 Base Current Bevel Angle -65° is the best value. According to the
Taguchi design and optimized parameter is tensile strength value for the 6 mm plate of EN8
& OHNS steel is 180amps -peak current, -based current -20, bevel angle-65° and mainly
influenced with base current 46 % of EN8 & OHNS steel. Mild surface defect found through
LPT test through non-destructive method.
EN8 plates having different thickness and cross sections using manual electric arc welding.
Distortion, Mild Steel, EN-8, Butt Joint, Arc Welding & Single V Groove, ANOVA, It has vast
applications in ship buildings, constructions, aerospace, automobile industries, etc. There
are different welding defects due to which weldments fails under service conditions and
cause damage to the property and loss of human lives. it is very clear that for EN8 plate
when the groove angle is increase the deflection in the plate is also increase, its observed
from the graph that the deflection is minimum for the notch angle 60 degree and it is
maximum for 120 degree. From the above tables and the graph it is very clear that for EN8
plate when the plate thickness is increase the deflection in the plate is decrease, its
observed from the graph that the deflection is minimum for 8MM plate and maximum for
6MM plate.
PRASHANT KUMAR , PRATIK VASHISHT [14] : M.Tech Scholar, Assistant Professor
Manufacturing & Automation Engineering . Parametric Optimization for Tensile Strength
and Hardness of MIG Welded Joint of Dissimilar Steel Alloys using Taguchi Technique.This
paper explores the Welding process of joining metals which are similar and different in
composition, using a filler rod and with or without the use of pressure.The research showed
that soldering voltage has the most impact, followed by soldering current and gas flow rate,
in the case of tensile strength. In the event of hardness, the most important impact is the
gas flow rate followed by the soldering current and the soldering voltage. Taguchi technique
is extremely helpful in the development of goods of high quality.
Assistant professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ganesh college of
Engineering , Salem,Tamil Nadu , INDIA. Experimental Investigation and weld
characteristics of GMAW with EN8 AND SS 409.In this article researcher worked on two
different materials grade welding.
GAGANDEEP SINGH, DR.S.K.JARIAL[16]: Parametric Optimization for Tensile Strength
and Hardness of MIG Welded Joint of Dissimilar Metals using Taguchi Technique. In our
experimental analysis for hardness of weld zone, parent metal and heat affected zone, the
ranks indicate the arc voltage has the greatest influence on the S/N ratio. Here, because our
goal is to increase the weldability by keepingthe hardness at nominal value, we want factor
levels that produce the highest mean.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi University of knowledge technologies
Basar, Nirmal (TS)-504107.Optimization of MIG welding process parameters for hardness
and strength of welding joint using Grey relational analysis.In optimization of hardness of
the welding joint, contribution of gas flow rate is higher and apart from gas flow rate other
parameters should be low. 2. Like for hardness, in optimization of UTS contribution of gas
flow rate is higher. it is also observed that welding voltage and gas flow rate should be lower
but wire feed rate and welding speed should be higher to optimize UTS. 3. In multi response
optimization i.e; optimization of hardness as well as UTS contribution of welding speed is
higher and welding voltage should be high.
RISHABH JAIN, Dr.MANISHGANGIL [18]:Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri,
Satya Sai College Of Engineering ,RKDF University of Bhopal. Optimization of GMAW
process parameter to improve the length of Penetration in EN8 Mild Steel & Stainless Steel
using Taguchi Method .
VIKAS CHAUHAN AND DR. R. S. JADOUN [19 ]: Industrial and Production Engineering
Department, College of Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pant Nagar, India.Parametric optimization of MIG welding for stainless steel (SS-304) and
low carbon steel using Taguchi design method.
The aim of present work was to optimize the process parameters of MIG welding machine
for the dissimilar metal joint for stainless steel (SS- 304) and low carbon steel using Taguchi
design method. MIG welding is one of the best welding technique by which we can join two
similar and dissimilar materials. The experiment designed by Taguchi method fullfills the
desired objective.
RAKESH KUMAR , SATISH KUMAR [20]: M-Tech scholar, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, HCTM Technical Campus, Kaithal, Haryana, India . Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, HCTM Technical Campus, Kaithal, Haryana,
India.Study of Mechanical properties in mild steel using metal inert gas welding(MIG).The
mild steel 1018 was used for the present study to explore the different input process
parameters on the tensile strength and hardness of the weld samples. The L9 orthogonal
has been used to assign the identified parameters. ANOVA analysis was performed for the
analysis purpose which shows that current is the most significant parameters that
influenced the tensile strength and hardness of the weld. The highest tensile strength
obtained in the research is 482.2 at current (180 amp), voltage (35 volt) and root gap (4
mm) at a welding current of 210 amp, The maximum hardness is obtained at a welding
current (180 amp), arc voltage (40 volt) and root gap (3 mm). The results of the structures of
microstructure of weld metal of mild steel represents a fine grains of Ferrite and Pearlite.
No formation ofMartensite takes place. So according our results we can conclude that our
weldments have lower hardness because both pearlite are soft constituents & there is no
sign of formation ofMartentsie.
of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Lagos,Lagos State,Nigeria.Nigerian
journal of technological development,VOL.18,NO.2 JUNE 2021 ISSN: 0189-9546 | Online
ISSN:2437-2110. [Received June 18, 2020; Revised Feb. 19, 2021; Accepted May 12,
2021].Influence of Heat Inputs on Weld Profiles and Mechanical Properties of Carbon and
Stainless Steel. The influence of heat input on the weld bead profile, hardness, tensile and
microstructure of CS and SS at constant heat inputs has been investigated with the following
conclusion drawn. Heat input has a significant effect on the hardness of the heat affected
zone and fusion zone of welded samples for both low carbon and stainless steel. For carbon
steel, as the heat input increases the hardness value of both the heat affected zone and
fusion zone increases. However, in stainless steel welds, the hardness values are essentially
comparable within the heat affected zones or the fusion zone irrespective of the heat input.
The tensile properties of the stainless steel welds are generally higher or better than the
tensile properties of the carbon steel irrespective of the heat inputs and this can be
attributable to alloying content variations in the two materials couple with the influence of
heat input on the cooling behaviour of the weld region.
MR.A.L.DHOBALE,PROF.D.S.GALHE [22]:Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Asst.Professor, Mechanical Engineering, J.C.O.E.Kuran,Pune,Maharastra,India.Vol-2 Issue-6
2016,IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 .Effect of Arc voltage, welding current and welding speed
on Tensile strength, impact energy and hardness of AA6063 joints Produced by MIG
welding.The higher ultimate tensile strength 0.22 KN/mm2 produced at 120A Current, 24V
Voltage, 60Cm/min Speed with heat input is 2880.The higher micro hardness 78RC
produced at 140A Current,24V Voltage,60Cm/min Speed in MIG Welding and Lower micro
hardness 70RC produced at 120A Current, 24V Voltage, 60Cm/min Speed. In the aluminium
hardness should be because if hardness increased then material becomes brittle in nature.
The higher Impact Energy 48J produced at 120A Current,24V Voltage, 60Cm/min Speed in
MIG Welding. The MIG welding process shows good result at 120A Current, 24V Voltage,
60cm/min Speed. So this is best suitable parameter to weld Aluminium alloy (AA6063) with
filler material (AA5356) with MIG Welding process.

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