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U.S. Patent Feb. 17, 1976 Sheet 1 of 4, 3,939,321
U.S. Patent Feb. 17, 1976 Sheet 2 of 4 3,939,321
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U.S. Patent Feb. 17, 1976 Sheet 3 of 4 3,939,321
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U.S. Patent Feb. 17, 1976 Sheet 4 of 4 3,939,321
sometimes difficult to obtain a large enough flow of air
to adequately cool and/or flush, especially in relatively
deep holes. Further, equipment, itself heavy and tend
This invention relates to metalworking, more particu ing to be stationary, to compress the gas and flow it to
larly to an improved method and apparatus for making the work may also be needed. The invention solves this
holes in metal utilizing electrical energy. problem in a portable and hand held machine by pro
The art of making holes in metal using means other viding a combination of air and water to cool and to
than conventional drills is a fairly recent development, flush. The air is supplied via industrial 90-100 psiser
but it has been intensively developed. Such non-con vice air which is universally available. The water is
ventional means were developed to fabricate modern 10 supplied via a small bottle built into the console portion
materials such as Inconel, titanium and the like, which of the invention, and this bottle includes a tap into the
are extremely difficult to machine. This difficulty in air supply to pressurize and to drive the water. The
creases many fold when a conventional tool such as a invention also includes means to adjust the ratio of air
drill or a reamer breaks and sticks in the work. Thus, an and water supplied to the work so that the amount of
important use of all such non-conventional metalwork 15 water for cooling just equals that amount of water
ing processes, including the electrical discharge type which the heat produced will vaporize, thus avoiding
which includes the invention, is to remove such broken the liquid mess which was heretofore a problem.
tools. However, most such techniques pertain to spe Another problem in prior electrical discharge metal
cialized situations and do not have the versatility of the working machines is that care had to be taken to main
invention. . . . . 20 tain a gap of predetermined dimensions between the
Such techniques fall into several general types or electrode and the work. This need resulted in rigidity
classes. One is chemical milling, which uses photo which often required holding tools for the work and the
graphic processes to mask the work, and strong acids electrode, and complex machinery for moving the work
and the like to eat away metal.-Chemical, milling is and/or the electrode. If the electrode got too close to
highly successful in certain special applications, how 25 the work they could weld together. If the electrode was
ever, it is not competitive with the invention in that it is too far from the work then the metal removal action
not hand held, is slow and expensive, and it requires a became very inefficient or stopped entirely. The com
great deal of large, expensive, stationary equipment. bination of the invention includes simple spring driven
These techniques are essentially de-plating operations means to advance the electrode in the hand held gun
and are thus subject to all of the limitations of that art, 30. with respect to the work, as well as a simple pneumatic
including slow erosion rates, and great stability for vibrator to keep the electrode moving rapidly. These
successful operation. . .. two parts of the gun in concert maintain a working gap
In electrical milling, or electrical discharge metal between electrode and work while at the same time
working electricity itself acts to melt or otherwise re 35 preventing welding of the electrode to the work. A
move the metal of the workpiece in a controlled man manual override is also provided to initially position the
ner. However, the art to date suffers from many prob electrode and to act as a safety in the event a weld
lems which are overcome by the invention. Many such should somehow occur. The vibrator is in the service
electrical discharge machines are not portable and air line in the gun, thus further enhancing the inven
require connections to plumbing and/or sources of 40 tion's advantages of simple construction, light weight,
extremely high powered electricity. Obviously, such and high reliability in use.
stationary machines lack the versatility of the hand The invention was developed in the environment of
held machine of the invention. aircraft manufacturing, and in this field it is often im
Another disadvantage is that many such prior ma
chines operate at a relatively, high voltage, which is possible
to bring the work to the tool. That is, if a con
drill or reamer, or hard parts such as heat
dangerous to personnel. That is, the same amount of 45: treated steel or titanium bolts or fasteners, or the like,
power which can kill a person at a high voltage and low should break or stick in a partially assembled airplane,
amperage, would not be felt by a person at a low volt they were heretofore, virtually impossible to remove,
age and a high amperage. The invention utilizes such and it was often necessary to disassemble the airplane
high amperage low voltage electricity. . . - sufficiently to carry away the part containing the object
The entire field of electrical discharge metalworking 50 to be removed. In other situations in the aircraft indus
requires that the work be cooled. Another concurrent try electro discharge machines could not be used be
desideratum is, in some but not all electrical discharge cause the liquid coolant mess was more of a problem
machines, that the work be kept clear of "chips' as the around aircraft than was the broken drill, and because
hole is produced. That is, sometimes, depending on a 55 a true portable machine is not available. Thus, the
number of factors, the melted metal (corresponding to features of portability and being hand held to permit
chips in conventional drilling) must be removed during off-hand use by the operator allows the modern tech
operation. In some prior machines one or both of these nique of electrical discharge metalworking to be
problems is solved by means of a relatively heavy flow brought to heretofore impossible problems and appli
of water or other fluid which serves to cool and to flush. cations. :
When water, or other liquid is used alone, relatively 60 The gun portion of the invention includes afront end
large amounts are needed to do one or both jobs ade rest which may be pressed against the work for off
quately. The problem with liquid only is that such rela hand use, or which may be clamped or bolted to the
tively large amounts make a mess around the work site, work when the problem demands and permits greater
and the supplying of the liquid often means stationary stability between the gun and the work.
plumbing or relatively large tanks, and the like. The use 65 Use as a trouble shooter is only one of the uses for the
of the air or other gas by itself to do one or both of invention, it may also be used as a production tool on
these jobs avoids the problem of a mess around the "exotic' materials used in the aerospace and other
work site, but suffers from the disadvantage that it is industries, and the like.
3 4
The invention is a combination lightweight hand held see FIG. 2. A liquid conduit 54 made of a plastic or
gun having, all the features of automatic advancing of other non-electrical conducting material passes from
the electrode into the work, vibrator reciprocation of inside the box 38 through a central opening in a sup
the electrode, means to supply both air and water to porting member 56, and this conduit 54 contains both
cool and to flush the work, and all of this, including the water and a cable 58, see FIG. 9, for the electrical
gun, the console, and all of the auxiliary parts being so energy from the console to the gun. Since the invention
configured that they may be packed into a single case operates at relatively high amperage, the main power
which the operator can carry with him from place-to cable 58 inside conduit 54 carrying that current to the
place. gun will get quite hot, and thus providing a sheath of
The above and other advantages of the invention will O water around the cable, in the conduit serves as a cool
be pointed out or will become evident in the following ant for cable 58.
detailed description and claims, and in the accompany Console 22 has air handling means which includes a
ing drawing also forming a part of the disclosure in quick disconnect nipple 60 on the outside of box 38 to
which: FIG. 1 is a front elevational view of the inven 5 which the conventional service air line is connected. A
tion machine mounted in its carrying case; FIG. 2 is a line 62 (see FIG. 9) inside the box 38 leads to a “T'
perspective view of the gun portion of the invention; . . and thence branches to a water reservoir bottle 64 and
FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the console portion of to a pressure regulator 66. This regulator is a staple
the invention; FIG. 4 is a side elevational view of the item of commerce and includes a manual pressure
gun with some parts broken away and in cross-section; 20 adjusting knob 68 and a dial or other indicating means
FIGS. 5 and 6 are cross-sectional views taken on lines
5-5 and 6-6 of FIG. 4, respectively; FIG. 7 is an 70, see FIG. 3. The water reservoir bottle 64 has a filler
72 shown in FIG. 3.
enlarged cross-sectional view of the right hand side of The console 22 includes a handle 74 at the top, and
FIG. 4 showing the vibrator; FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional a standard
view of the composite cable taken on line 8-8 of FIG. at its upper76end on support 56 which carries a clamp 78
for holding the hose 80 which is of
3; and FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of the electrical, corrugated construction, and is the outside protective
air and water circuits in the console. sheath of composite cable 28.
Referring now in detail to the drawing, FIG. 1 shows After regulator 66, the throttled air passes through a
a successfully constructed embodiment 10 of the inven solenoid operated valve 82 and thence to a line 84 and
tion mounted in a portable carrying case or box 12. Box a "T"'86 terminating at a pair of connectors 88 and 90.
12 is hinged at 14, has feet 16 at its lower end, a handle 30
18 at its upper end, and a latch or other securing Thereafter, a pair of flexible air lines 92 and 94 extend
means, not shown. In the successfully constructed em from these connectors to and through composite cable
bodiment the box was made of % inch plywood, had 28, and thence to the gun 20.
The gun 20, see FIGS. 2 and 4 to 7, comprises a
outside dimensions of approximately 18 X 20 x 9 handle portion 96; and a top comprising a tandem
inches, and a weight of about 40 lbs. including the 35 arrangement of a work contacting rest assembly 102; a
invention, machine mounted therein.
The machine comprises a gun 20, a console 22, and portion center, quill and feeding portion 98; a mixing manifold
a composite cable 28 interconnecting the gun and the 104, and a vibrator 100.
The composite cable 28 ends at the bottom of the
console coiled on a suitable spool 30 on the inside of 40 handle
the box 12. A sheet metal shelf 24 seats the console 22 portions96,ofand the lines pass therethrough to the other
the gun. The gun end of hose 80 is potted
and a wing nut secured clamp 26 holds the gun in the
box. A spool 32 is mounted on the other half of the box around the lines with a suitable rubber compound. The
to carry wire 34 and other lines. A shelf 36 is provided handle is preferably made of a non-conducting rugged
material, a phenolic impregnated cloth known as
to secure the lines, as a storage place for an extension
cord, spare electrodes, a supply of soluble oil, and as a 45 Micarta was used in the successfully constructed em
bodiment. The air line 92 serves the vibrator 100, and
general catchall.
FIG. 2 shows the gun in perspective, and FIG. 3 is a the airline 94 terminates at mixing manifold 104 which
similar view of the console and the composite cable. is interposed between and interconnects the vibrator
For ease of understanding, reference should be had to 100, and the quill 98. The water in the annulus between
these drawings as this detailed description proceeds, as 50 conduit 54 and cable 58 is directed via passageways in
well as to the combined schematic of FIG. 9. the handle 96, not shown, and a hose 106 to the oppo
Referring now to FIG. 3, the console is housed in a site side of mixing manifold 104. A manual valve 108 to
metal box 38 or other suitable closure. In the success control the flow of water through hose 106 is provided
fully constructed prototype embodiment, the console 55 at the juncture of conduit 54 and handle 96. This valve
measured approximately 15 inches long by 7 inches is convenient to the operator for quick and easy in use
high by 7 inches deep. A receptacle 40 is provided for control of the flow of water to the work. The water and
the power cable 34, see FIG. 9, after which is a master electrical power are separated inside the handle by
on/off switch 42. A ground cable 44 is connected in the suitable internal passageways and an electrical conduc
conventional manner to a stud 46 to provide an electri tor (both not shown) which connects conductor 58 to
cal connection to the work in order to complete the 60 jumper 152 described below.
main power circuit. That is, the other end of cable 44 Referring now to FIG. 5, means are provided to make
(not shown) is attached in any conventional manner to a mixed coolant of the air and water delivered to the
the work, and the circuit from the work through the gun. To this end, line 94 and hose 106 communicate
electrode in the gun, back to the console, as described 65 with the opposite ends of a transverse passage 110 in
below, is thereby completed. An electrical trigger cable the body of mixing manifold 104 by means of a pair of
48 is connected to box 38 by a suitable conventional suitable standard fittings 112 and 114. The air and
connector 50, and extends through composite cable 28 water mix in the passage 110 and then pass via a com
to the main on/off push button switch 52 in the gun 20, municating passage 116 to quill portion 98.
S 6
The center portion 98 is built around a movable quill vertically, upwardly, or downwardly, or at any angle. A
member 118 and a fixed housing 120. The housing is manual override is also provided to permit manual
secured by screws (not shown) to the top of the handle feeding, breaking of a weld should it form between the
96. The top of the housing 120 is preferably removably electrode and the work, and retraction of the electrode
secured to the lower part, as by screws (not shown), to out of the hole.
thereby facilitate removal of the quill from the tool Referring to FIG. 6, these means comprise a cross
should such action be necessary for repair or mainte shaft 142 mounted in the housing 120 by means of a
nance. A protective shield 122, shown only partially at suitable bushing 144. Shaft 142 carries a fixed pinion
the right side of FIG. 4 for the sake of clarity, may be 146 which cooperates with a rack 148 mounted on the
provided and may be secured to the housing 120 and/or 10 underside of the quill 118 by a pair of screws 150. A
handle 96 in any suitable manner. This shield may flexible line 152, which is the continuation of main
extend over the entire top of the gun to leave only the power cable 58, is connected to the rear screw 150.
electrode exposed. These screws 150 also serve the function of limiting the
The quill 118 is reciprocably mounted in the housing travel of the rack 148 on its pinion 146 in that their
120 and a smooth movement of the quill therein is 15 heads will hit the teeth of the pinion at the ends of rack
assured by means of an elongated guide bushing 124, travel thus preventing disengagement of the rack. The
which may be made of sintered impregnated brass or primary function of screws 150, of course, is to mount
the like. In regard to materials, the drawing shows a the rack on the quill. Of course, means other than a
plastic handle and a metal housing, but other combina rack and pinion, such as a wire and drum arrangement,
tions and types of materials may be used. For example, 20 could be used to permit motion of the quill and elec
all the parts could be metal. Because of the low voltage trode.
used, an all metal gun is safe to use, and it also elimi Further in regard to the electrical energy, current is
nates the need for the internal connecting wire and the to be maximized in that current melts the work to pro
jumper cable 152 from housing to quill described be 25 duce the hole. The upper limit on current is determined
low. by the need to keep the parts and especially the elec
The quill 118 is formed with an axial through opening trode cool, the tendency of other parts to melt, and the
126 which communicates with the passage 116 in the like. The opposing considerations as to voltage are that
manifold 104 via the mating stud and receptacle con it is to be small enough to assure that there will be no
nection 128. The front end of this passageway 126 is danger to the operator, and yet at the same time large
enlarged to receive a specially made electrode collet 30 enough to establish a current flow across the gap and
130. The enlarged collet head has a front conical sur into the work against the resistance of any oxide coat
face which cooperates with a mating surface on a collet ings, dirt, grease, and the like which may be on the
securing spindle 132 which urges the collet rearwardly work. That is, there is a minimum threshold value
and seats it in the quill by means of a rear conical sur 35 which the voltage must exceed for proper operation.
face 134 which mates with a mating surface at the Experience with the successful prototype of the inven
extreme front end of the quill 118. An O-ring 133 at the tion indicates that this threshold is in the range of 6 to
rear end provides a seal between collet and quill. The 12 volts with amperage in the range of about 50 to 100
shank of the collet is formed with a plurality of slots amps. The gap between electrode and work is to be
136 to assure that the collet will not bind in its seat in kept at a minimum which enhances the accuracy of the
the front end of the quill, and to permit the collet to 40 hole.
grip and clamp on the electrode. The hollow electrode Returning to FIG. 6, one outer free end of shaft 142
138 snugly fits in opening 126, and is secured therein carries a fixed knob or handle 154 which permits man
by the parts 130 and 132. That is, as the spindle 132 is ual operation and override of the automatic spring
moved rearwardly on its threaded connection 140 on 45 drive 160. Shaft 142 is mounted in a spacer bearing
the quill, it urges the collet into tightly gripping rela 156, and the entire assembly is held in housing 120 by
tionship with the electrode. The electrode is formed of a snap ring 155.
a rugged material such as tungsten carbide or molybde The spring drive 160 comprises an outer housing 162
num. Since it is slowly consumed during operation of rotatably mounted on a plate 164 secured to one side of
the invention, the parts 130, 132 and 140 permit the housing 120 and handle 96. The other free end of shaft
feeding up of additional electrode as it is consumed. 50 142 extends through a suitably formed opening in plate
The successful prototype of the invention used an elec 164 and is rotatably mounted in an outer boss portion
trode made of molybdenum, but it is thought that other 166 of housing 162. An outrigger support 168 (shown
materials such as copper or tantalum could also be best in FIG. 2) snugly and rotatably receives an outside
used. It is thought that such an electrode about 8 inches 55 shoulder on boss 166 to thereby support the entire
long about 0.093 inch O.D. and about 0.020 inch wall automatic spring drive 160 including the associated
thickness at this level of electrical energy would have a free end of shaft 142. A flat or Belleville type spring
useful life of about 8 to 10 inches of hole. 167 is interposed between outrigger 168 and the hous
The prototype machine and the invention generally ing boss 166. The outrigger is removably secured to the
has the additional advantage of producing chips which 60 housing 120 by any suitable means such as screws 170.
were in the form of tiny spheres of the work metal. The Shaft 142 is bifurcated to anchor the inside ends of a
molten metal is cooled enough to solidify. This manner pair of identical but oppositely wound flat coil springs
of metal removal has the advantages of eliminating 172 which are similar to ordinary clock springs. The
hazards to the operator and producing a clean wall in springs are mounted side-by-side on shaft 142, and
the hole. their outer ends are fixed to the inside of the housing
Means are provided to automatically feed the elec 65 162 by any suitable means such as slots formed in the
trode and the quill forwardly into the work to follow rim of the housing.
hole production. Further, these means provide for this In operation, the handle 154 can be used to manually
automatic feeding in all orientations of the gun; i.e., extend or retract the entire quill assembly and locate
the working end of the electrode 138 at the desired
starting position. It should be noted that operation of mer light
member 180 is mounted within the body 174. A
spring 182 is fitted between hammer 180 and cap
handle 154 and movement of shaft 42 has no effect on 178 to bias the hammer forwardly so that it will begin
vibrating means 100. vibrating when air line 92 is pressurized. Hammer 180
The spring drive can be operated in various ways. is formed with a pair of spaced circumferential, rela
Firstly, with the tip of the electrode against the work, tively shallow, closed grooves 184 and 186. The body is
the operator can turn housing 162 to thereby produce formed with front and rear exhaust ports 188 and 190
a differential spring force tending to drive the electrode and with a supply port 192 in spaced relation therebe
forwardly into the work. Turning the housing winds one tween. The hammer 180 is formed with an air passage
spring while the companion spring is unwound. The 10 194 which extends from front groove 184 rearwardly to
operator may or may not wish to control the releasing the rear end face of the hammer 180, and with a similar
of this spring force to drive the quill and electrode air passage 196 which extends from the rear groove
forward via rack 148 and pinion 146 by holding back 186 frontwardly to the front face of the hammer. The
on the handle 154. If housing 162 has been used to two passageways 194 and 196 are separate and do not
produce a relatively large spring differential force, then 5 communicate with each other. The front and rear ends
the operator probably will want to control its release by of the hammer 180 are of a reduced diameter with
the use of the handle. Alternatively, if only a slight respect to the remainder of the body to enhance the
spring force is desired, then he will probably not hold hammering effect on portion 176 and cap 178. The cap
back on the handle. 178 is formed with a groove 198 which locates the
Another method is to first set the neutral position of 20 spring 182 and receives most of it when the hammer is
the entire quill assembly including the electrode by the in its rearward position. The hammer 180 is symmetri
use of the spring housing 162 to thereby extend the cal about many lines and planes to thereby facilitate
working end of the electrode some predetermined dis manufacture and assembly.
tance beyond the rest 210. Handle 154 will follow the
movement of housing 162. The operator then merely 25 andThethediameters of the three ports 188, 192 and 190
widths of the grooves 184 and 186, and these
pushes against the work until the electrode 126 is dimensions with respect to the locations of these five
backed up to the rest 210, which automatically puts a features with respect to each other are all such that the
differential spring force on the two springs 172. Re hammer 180 will be caused to reciprocate inside the
lease of this spring force can then be controlled or not body 174 at a relatively high speed, on the order of
controlled as set forth above. This automatic advance 30 between 100 and 400 cycles per second when exposed
in any case is dependent primarily on the strength and to air pressures on the order of about 40 to about 90
winding of the springs 172 and is substantially indepen psi. More pressure produces a higher speed. In design
dent of gravity, thereby assuring proper operation in ing such a vibrator general engineering principles as to
any orientation. porting and fluid mechanics are applicable, all as will
When it is desired to work downwardly, the housing 35 be clear to one skilled in those arts. In general, the
162 may be turned in the opposite direction whereby vibrator operates by first pressurizing groove 186 and
the differential spring force almost counterbalances the passage 196 (this being the starting position due to
weight of the quill and attached parts to again achieve spring 182) which causes the hammer to move to the
automatic feeding with the aid of gravity. The rate of right to strike cap 178. When the hammer is to the
speed of the automatic feed is determined by the differ 40 right, the first capture burst of air in openings 186 and
ential spring force, and this in turn is controlled by the 196 is relieved by exhaust port 188, and simultaneously
operator by way of the number of turns he imparts to groove 184 and passage 194 become pressurized
the housing 162. The handle 154 may again come into thereby urging the hammer to the left to strike stud
play at the completion of a hole to withdraw the quill portion 176 and returning the parts to the FIG. 7 posi
and electrode. 45
tion to commence another cycle. The vibrator pro
As shown, release of the spring force is controlled by duces a relatively small motion of the quill, on the
the friction forces created by spring 167 and the fit order of about 0.001 to about 0.005 inch.
between housing 162 and plate 164. As an alternative It is desired that the air pressure be kept relatively
feature, and one which was used during the develop high and the mass of the hammer is kept small so that
ment of the present invention, brake means can be 50 the hammer will vibrate rapidly to produce many make
provided to cooperate with the cross shaft 142 to con and break contacts by the electrode and the work to
trol the release of the predetermined differential spring produce a rapid arcing and concurrent erosion rates.
force. Such a brake can be set so that it would normally The operation of the vibrating means, sequentially, is
hold against the spring force, but would automatically air under pressure enters groove 186 thence through
progressively release when subjected to the superim 55 passageway 196 resulting in pressurization of the left
posed vibratory force. Such a brake can be mounted on annular space at the end of the hammer. This produces
any fixed part of the gun; for example, on the upper a force which rapidly accelerates the hammer to the
portion of the housing 120. right. This pressure force continues until shut off due to
Thus, in summary, the spring drive provides means rightward motion of groove 186 out of reach of air
whereby a vibratory motion can be superimposed on 60 entering from 192. At this time the remaining pressur
the linear advancing motion while permitting a con ized air in the left annular space is exhausted at 188 as
trolled release of the linear motion as the electrode the hammer continues to travel to the right due to
and/or the work is eroded away. momentum. Concurrently, at the right end, the air
The vibrator 100, see FIG. 9, comprises a hollow surrounding the right annular space is expelled through
cylindrical main body 174 whose front end is sealingly, 65 190 as the hammer moves to the right. This continues
threadedly received on a stud portion 176 on the rear until the right shoulder of the hammer closes off 196
end of mixing manifold 104. The rear end of the body and simultaneously the groove 184 is at the edge of the
174 is sealed by a cap 178. A free reciprocatingham pressurized opening 192. Due to the inertia gained by
the hammer from the first impulse, it continues to the
multiple connector member 224 which is the beginning
right a small distance while it is compressing the air of conduit 54 containing the water sheathed cable 58.
entrapped in the right annular space and concurrently Connectors similar to 224 are known in the welding art.
the pressurized air is entering 184 and 194 and building We have found that the most effective coolant is a
up a resisting pressure on the hammer, but not suffi combination of air and water in such proportions that
cient to prevent impact with the end cap 178. At this all the water will vaporize and not leave any liquid on
point there is an elastic rebound of the hammer, and the workpiece or in the work area. We have also found
due to the increased air pressure the same conditions as that for shallow holes; i.e., where the electrode does
explained above proceed in the reverse direction; and not go very deeply into the work, air alone is a suffi
then back to the starting condition. 10 cient coolant. We have also found that, using a liquid
It is thought that operation of the invention would be reservoir of approximately 32 oz. capacity, about one
further enhanced by the addition of means to rotate the ounce of a water emulsifiable oil, such as "UNICUT
electrode about its own axis during operation. This No. 10' by Union Oil Corporation, added to the water
additional motion should further decrease the tendency improves operation of the invention. It is thought that
of the electrode to stick in the work, and should also 15 the oil serves as a lubricant.
improve the trueness and straightness of the hole pro The air supply means, including parts 62, 66, 82, 84,
duced. It is thought that the addition of such means 88 and 90 have already been described, and basically
would require substantial re-working of the device as the service air is first tapped to drive the water, then
disclosed, but would be within the skill of an ordinary 20 throttled, then turned on or off, and then supplied to
tool designer. the lines 92 and 94 to the gun. The air pressure is regu
Referring back to FIGS. 2 and 4, the front end por lated to provide control over the vibratory force and its
tion 102 comprises a gun mounting member 200 having frequency, and to keep the water pressure from the
a top end formed with a threaded opening 202 which bottle higher than the mixing air pressure to guarantee
engages a mating stud 204 formed on the front end of water flow into the air-water mixing chamber,
the housing 120. An insulator 206, formed of nylon or 25 The main electricity supply at 34 enters, the console
reinforced fiberglas, or the like electrical insulating 22 via polarized receptacle 40 which includes a case
material, is joined to mounting member 200 by a plu ground line 226, and a pair of main circuit lines 228
rality of screws 208. The member 200 is bifurcated and and 230 which are individually controlled within mas
the insulator 206 is cut down to fit between the legs ter two pole switch 42 and thence feed the rest of the
thereof, the screws passing through suitable clearance 30 circuit as shown. Switch 42 also includes a thermal
holes in the insulator and mating with suitable threaded overload circuit breaker, not shown. The primary coil
openings in the opposite leg (both not shown). A work 232 of a main power transformer 234 is connected to
contacting support rest 210 is joined to the other end of power lines 228 and 230 as shown. The secondary coil
the insulator 206 by a pair of screws 208 in cooperation 236 of transformer 234 has one side connected to cable
with structure similar to that described above in regard 35 44 via stud 46, and the other side of said coil 236 is
to member 200, see FIG. 2. The rest 210 is of two-part connected to a line 238. Flow of electricity in line 238
construction and comprises a rear U-shaped part 212 is controlled by the normally open contacts 240 of a
which is joined to a front face member 214 by a pair of main power relay 242. Main power cable 58 is con
screws 216. The face member 214 is of generally tri nected to the other side of said contacts 240. Line 44 to
angular configuration and is formed with a depression 40 the work completes the main power circuit,
in its top edge to clear the electrode 138, and is also Means are provided to permit switch 52 to operate
formed with a number of convenience holes 218. These contacts 240, and to this end, the lines in gun trigger
holes 218 serve to permit attachment of the entire tool cable 48 after connector 50 include a series circuit of .
to the work in the event it is desired not to work simply the coil 244 on a relay 246 and the secondary coil 248
off hand. As is evident, the entire front end assembly 45 on a transformer 250. The primary coil 252 of trans
102 can be removed by simply unscrewing the spindle former 250 is connected across main power lines 228
132 and disconnecting the threaded connection be and 230. The normally open contacts 254 on the relay
tween opening 202 and stud 204. The primary function 246 controls the flow of current to the coil 256 on the
of front end assembly 102 is to provide a sturdy and 50 main power relay 242 and to the coils of the air sole
reliable rest for the operator in using the gun, while at noid 82 and the water solenoid 222, via a line 255, as
the same time, via insulator 206, assuring that no short shown.
circuit between gun and work is made through the rest The operation of the circuits should now be clear.
and that the only electrical circuit between gun and Coils 232 and 236 in the large transformer 234 are such
work is made via electrode 138. Of course, a front end that low voltage, high amperage power will be deliv
having other configurations could be used. 55 ered to the gun on main power lines 44 and 58; power
Referring now to FIG. 9, the contents of the console on the order of 12 volts and 75 amps was utilized in the
22 and the various circuits of the invention are shown successfully constructed embodiment. Relay 242 is of
schematically. Many parts shown in FIG. 9 have been the mercury wetted contacts type in order to accom
described above. Basically, the invention has an electri modate the high amperage,
cal circuit and a pneumatic circuit controlled thereby, 60 In operation, after main switch 42 is on, the opera
and the pneumatic circuit aids in operating the electri tor's closing of switch 52 will activate coil 244 and
cally controlled water supply. m close the normally open contacts 254 thereof. The
Beginning with the simpler circuits, bottle 64 is first transformer 250 is used to reduce the voltage (to re
filled with water via filler 72, and this water is delivered duce the arc gap) and increase the current (to increase
to the gun via a pipe 220 the flow through which is 65 the heating) from that of normally available 110 V
controlled, in an on or off manner, by a solenoid valve single phase supply current, and to isolate the working
222 virtually identical in structure to the air solenoid portions of the gun from the input current supply. Once
valve 82. After solenoid valve 222 line 220 passes to a contacts 254 close, coil 256 closes normally open
11 12
contacts 240 to supply the main power to the gun elec tended position of said electrode in said central quill
trode, and simultaneously opens the normally closed opening.
solenoid valves 82 and 222 to thereby pressurize air 6. In a portable electrical discharge metalworking
lines 92 and 94 and to supply water inside conduit 54. tool the combination comprising a hollow electrode, a
The invention has been embodied and successfully quill portion retaining said electrode for cooperative
used in a prototype machine as opposed to being put movement, means to supply electrical energy to said
into regular production as a commercial tool. This electrode through said quill, means to flow a coolant
prototype is a successful, hand held, compact, and through said quill and said electrode to the work,
portable tool, and it is anticipated that these advan means mounted in tandem with said quill and said elec
tages can be further enhanced in a "polished' commer O trode to vibrate said electrode with respect to the work,
cial embodiment. and means to automatically move said electrode
While the invention has been described in detail toward the work, said tool comprising an electrode gun
above, it is to be understood that this detailed descrip which includes said vibrating means in tandem arrange
tion is by way of example only, and the protection ment with said hollow electrode and said means to
granted is to be limited only within the spirit of the 15 move the same, said vibrating means comprising a hol
invention and the scope of the following claims. low body member and a hammer member within said
We claim: hollow body member free to reciprocate and to rotate
1. In a portable electrical discharge metalworking in said body member, means to supply air under pres
tool, the combination comprising a hollow electrode, a sure at an inlet port in said hollow body member inter
quill portion retaining said electrode for cooperative 20 mediate the ends of said body member and to the ham
movement, means to supply electrical energy to said mer member therein, a pair of exhaust ports formed in
electrode through said quill, means to flow a coolant said body member one to each side of said inlet port
through said quill and said electrode to the work, and in spaced relation to said inlet port, said hammer
means mounted in tandem with said quill and said elec 25 member being formed with a pair of circumferential
trode to vibrate said electrode with respect to the work, grooves in spaced relation to each other along the axial
and means to automatically move said electrode length of said hammer member and with a pair of sepa
toward the work. rate internal passageways extending one from each of
2. In a portable electrical discharge metalworking said grooves to the further end of said hammer member
tool, the combination comprising a hollow electrode, a 30 with respect to said each of said grooves,
quill portion retaining said electrode for cooperative 7. The combination of claim 6, and a spring in said
movement, means to supply electrical energy to said hollow body member to urge said hammer to a starting
electrode through said quill, means to flow a coolant position within said body member with one of said
through said quill and said electrode to the work, grooves in communication with said inlet port, said last
means mounted in tandem with said quill and said elec mentioned one of said grooves being the groove closest
trode to vibrate said electrode with respect to the work, 35 to said spring, whereby the initial motion of said ham
and means to automatically move said electrode mer in said body member will compress said spring.
toward the work, said tool including an electrode gun 8. In a portable electrical discharge metalworking
comprising a tandem arrangement of a center and quill tool, the combination comprising a hollow electrode, a
portion which includes said electrode and said auto 40 quill portion retaining said electrode for cooperative
matic electrode moving means, a mixing manifold por movement, means to supply electrical energy to said
tion including said coolant flow means, and said vibrat electrode through said quill, means to flow a coolant
ing means. through said quill and said electrode to the work,
3. The combination of claim 2, and a shield on said means mounted in tandem with said quill and said elec
gun overlying said tandem arrangement with said elec 45 trode to vibrate said electrode with respect to the work,
trode extending out from under said shield. and means to automatically move said eiectrode
. 4. The combination of claim 2, and an insulating toward the work, said tool comprising a gun, a portable
front end rest portion on said gun in said tandem ar console, and a composite cable interconnecting said
rangement to the side of said quill portion opposite the gun and said console; said gun including said electrode,
side at which said mixing manifold portion is located, 50 said automatic electrode moving means, said coolant
said rest portion comprising a mounting member re flow means, and said vibrating means; means to con
movably mounted on said quill portion, a rest member, nect said console to an external supply of electrical
an intermediate member formed of an electrical insu energy, means to connect said console to an external
lating material interconnecting said mounting member supply of pressurized air, transformer means in said
and said rest member, said rest member including a console having a primary coil connected to said exter
face member disposed in a plane generally perpendicu 55 nal electrical supply and a secondary coil to produce
lar to the axis of said electrode, and said face member said electrical energy supplied to said electrode, a main
being of generally triangular configuration and being power cable extending from said transformer second
formed with a clearance space for the passage of said ary coil to connector means on said console, a ground
electrode therethrough. cable extending from the work to said transformer
5. The combination of claim 2, said center and quill 60 secondary coil, a liquid reservoir in said console, con
portion comprising an elongated quill member formed duit means extending from said liquid reservoir to said
with a through central opening to receive said elec connector means, means to drive the liquid in said
trode therein, said mixing manifold portion being in reservoir through said conduit means from said reser
communication with said quill opening to deliver said 65 voir to said connector means, said composite cable
coolant thereto, and a collet and securing spindle as including a liquid conduit extending from said console
sembly operatively cooperable with said quill member connector means to said gun, said main power cable
at the opposite end thereof for securing said electrode being sheathed in said liquid in said liquid conduit in its
with respect to said quill at any selected relative ex passage through said composite cable from said con
... 13 14
sole connector means to said gun, and means to control being of generally triangular configuration and being
the flow of said air through said console and said com formed with a clearance space for the passage of said
posite cable to said gun. . ... . .. electrode therethrough.
9. The combination of claim 8, said liquid driving 16. The combination of claim, 14, said center and
means comprising a conduit branching from said exter quill portion comprising an elongated quill member
nal supply of pressurized air to said liquid reservoir to formed with a through central opening to receive said
pressurize the space in said reservoir above the liquid electrode therein, said mixing manifold portion being
therein, and a solenoid controlled valve in said conduit in communication with said quill opening to deliver
between said reservoir and said connector means. said coolant thereto, and a collet and securing spindle
10. The combination of claim 8, and manual valve 10 assembly operatively cooperable with said quill mem
means in said liquid conduit in closely spaced relation ber at the opposite end thereof for securing said elec
to said gun for controlling the flow of liquid from said trode with respect to said quill at any selected relative
reservoir to said gun, and said gun comprising means to extended position of said electrodein said central quill
separate said main power cable and the liquid in said opening. s
liquid conduit and means to deliver said liquid to said 15 17. The combination of claim 8, said composite cable
coolant flow means and means to deliver the electrical including a trigger cable extending from an on/off
energy on said main power cable to said electrode. switch in said gun to a relay in said console, said relay
11. The combination of claim 10, means to divide the comprising a pair of normally open contacts disposed
controlled flow of pressurized air out of said console in a circuit containing a parallel arrangement of the coil
into two separate lines, said lines extending from said 20 of a second relay, the coil of a solenoid valve for con
console through said composite cable to said gun, one trolling the flow of said liquid from said reservoir to
of said lines extending to said vibrating means in said said connector means, and the coil of a solenoid valve
gun to drive said vibrating means, and the other of said to control the flow of said pressurized air out of said
lines extending to said coolant flow means in said gun, console; and said second relay containing a pair of
whereby said coolant flow means mixes said air and 25 normally open contacts disposed in said main power
said liquid to produce said coolant for delivery through cable.
said electrode to the work. 18. The combination of claim 17, wherein said
12. The combination of claim 11, said tool compris contacts of said second relay are mercury wetted
ing an electrode gun which includes said vibrating COntactS.
means in tandem arrangement with said hollow elec 30 19. In an electrical discharge metalworking machine,
trode and said means to move the same, said vibrating the combination comprising,
means comprising a hollow body member and a ham an electrode gun comprising,
mer member within said hollow body member means to a tandem arrangement of a quill, including
supply air under pressure at an inlet port in said hollow a hollow electrode, and
body member intermediate the ends of said body mem 35 means for automatically moving said electrode
ber and to the hammer member therein, a pair of ex towards the work comprising,
haust ports formed in said body member one to each a cross shaft mounted in said center quill por
side of said inlet port and in spaced relation to said inlet tion of said gun perpendicular to the axis of
port, said hammer member being formed with a pair of said electrode,
circumferential grooves in spaced relation to each 40 a pair of flat coil springs mounted in side-by
other along the axial length of said hammer member side relation on a free end of said cross shaft
and with a pair of separate internal passageways ex and wound in opposite directions, and
tending one from each of said grooves to the further a housing mounted for rotation on said free
end of said hammer member with respect to said each end of said cross shaft and overlying said
of said grooves, and internal passageways in said gun 45 springs,
handle to deliver the air from said two separate lines to each of said springs having one end secured to
said vibrating means and said coolant flow means re said cross shaft and its other end secured to
spectively. said housing,
13. The combination of claim 11, said pressurized air a mixing manifold portion including means to
control means comprising a pressure regulator and a 50 flow coolant through said electrode to the
solenoid controlled air valve. work, and
14. The combination of claim 8, said gun comprising means to vibrate said electrode with respect to
a tandem arrangement of a center and quill portion the work, and
which includes said electrode and said electrode mov means to supply electrical energy to said elec
ing means, a mixing manifold portion including said 55 trode.
coolant flow means, and said vibrating means, and a 20. The combination of claim 19, and a handle fixed
handle connected to said center and quill portion. to said cross shaft on the other free end thereof oppo
15. The combination of claim 14, and an insulating site said free end which mounts said springs.
front end rest portion on said gun in said tandem ar 60 21. The combination of claim 19, and a close friction
rangement to the side of said quill portion opposite the fit between said housing and said gun, and flat spring
side at which said mixing manifold portion is located, means for urging said housing into said friction fit.
said rest portion comprising a mounting member re 22. In an electrical discharge metalworking machine,
movably mounted on said quill portion, a rest member, the combination comprising:
an intermediate member formed of an electrical insu a gun, including a tandem arrangement of a center
lating material interconnecting said mounting member 65 quill, further including
and said rest member, said rest member including a a hollow electrode, and
face member disposed in a plane generally perpendicu means to automatically move said electrode
lar to the axis of said electrode, and said face member towards the work comprising
3,939,321 16
a cross shaft mounted in said gun in said center means to connect said console to an external sup
quill portion perpendicular to the axis of said ply of pressurized air;
electrode, means to control the flow of said air through said
a pair of flat coil springs mounted in side-by-side console and said composite cable to said gun;
relation on a free end of said cross shaft and transformer means in said console having a primary
wound in opposite directions, and coil connected to said external electricity supply
a housing mounted for rotation on said free end and a secondary coil to produce said electrical
of said cross shaft and overlying said springs, energy supplied to said electrode;
each of said springs having one end secured to 10 a ground cable extending from the work to said
said cross shaft and its other end secured to
said housing, transformer secondary coil;
a mixing manifold portion including means to flow a liquid reservoir in said console;
a coolant through said electrode to the work, liquid conduit means extending from said liquid
means to vibrate said electrode with respect to the reservoir to said connector means;
work, and 15 a main power cable extending from said trans
a handle connected to said center quill portion; former secondary coil to connector means on
means to supply electrical energy to said electrode; said console and being sheathed in liquid in said
a portable console; liquid conduit in its passage through said com
a composite cable interconnecting said gun and posite cable from said console connector means
said console and including a liquid conduit ex 20 to said gun; and
tending from said console connector means to means to drive the liquid in said reservoir through
said gun; , , said conduit means from said reservoir to said
means to connect said console to an external sup Connector means.
ply of electrical energy; k k