Delcam - FeatureCAM 2012 FeatureMILL 3D 5axis Pos EN - 2011

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Training Course
FeatureCAM 2012

Training Course
FeatureMILL 3D 5axis Positioning

Copyright © 1995-2011 Delcam plc. All rights reserved.

Delcam plc has no control over the use made of the software
described in this manual and cannot accept responsibility for any
loss or damage howsoever caused as a result of using the software.
Users are advised that all the results from the software should be
checked by a competent person, in accordance with good quality
control procedures.
The functionality and user interface in this manual is subject to
change without notice in future revisions of software.
The software described in this manual is furnished under licence
agreement and may be used or copied solely in accordance with the
terms of such licence.
Delcam plc grants permission for licensed users to print copies of
this manual or portions of this manual for personal use only.
Schools, colleges and universities that are licensed to use the
software may make copies of this manual or portions of this manual
for students currently registered for classes where the software is

This documentation references a number of registered trademarks
and these are the property of their respective owners. For example,
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States.

FeatureCAM Version: 2012 Date: 03 August 2011 11:10

FeatureCAM overview 7

Finishing Basics 9
Leave Allowance .......................................................................................................9
Tolerance.............................................................................................................. 10
Stepover ................................................................................................................. 11

Parallel Finish Machining 12

Overview............................................................................................................... 12

3D Spiral & Z Level Finishing 18

Introduction ..............................................................................................................18
Z Level machining .................................................................................................19
3D Spiral machining ................................................................................................25
Interleaved Z Level machining ................................................................................30
Horizontal and Vertical machining ..........................................................................31

Corner & Pencil Finishing 36

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 36
Pencil Finishing .................................................................................................... 37
Corner Along Finishing ......................................................................................... 42
Corner Across Finishing ......................................................................................... 48
Combo Along and Across Corner Finishing .......................................................... 49
Corner Multi Pencil Finishing ................................................................................. 51

Isoline Finish Machining 52

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 52

Radial and 2D Spiral Finishing 65

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 65
Radial Finish Machining ....................................................................................... 65
2D Spiral Finishing ............................................................................................... 72

Flowline Finish Machining 77

Introduction ..............................................................................................................77
Flowline Example ....................................................................................................77
Undercut Flowline Machining ................................................................................83

FeatureCAM 2012 Contents • i

Between 2 Curves Finishing 90
Introduction ..............................................................................................................90
Between 2 Curves Finish Machining ....................................................................90

3-Axis Swarf Finishing 94

Introduction ..............................................................................................................94
3-Axis Swarf Finishing.............................................................................................94
3-Axis Swarf – Multiple passes .............................................................................103

4-Axis Rotary Finish Machining 107

4-Axis Finishing .....................................................................................................107

Wall tolerance for Z-Level 116


FeatureCAM 2012 Contents • i

2 • Introduction FeatureCAM 2012
FeatureCAM overview

FeatureCAM is a CAD/CAM software suite that automates machining

and minimizes programming times for parts on mills, lathes, and
wire EDM. Unlike operations-based CAM systems, FeatureCAM
generates toolpaths based on the features of the part, and
automatically selects appropriate tools, determines roughing and
finishing passes, and calculates feeds and speeds. The selections
made can be based on the built-in machining knowledge that
Delcam supplies 'out-of-the-box' with FeatureCAM, or from
experience captured from your company, project or individual users'
FeatureCAM includes five stand-alone modules:
 2.5D Milling - 2.5D design and toolpath generation for 2- and 3-
axis mills.
 3D Milling - 3D surface modeling and 3-axis toolpath generation.
 3D Lite - a limited version of 3D milling.

3D Lite lets you mill only one surface per feature, but you
can create multiple features. The strategies available in 3D
Lite are Z-level rough, Parallel rough, Parallel finish, Isoline,
and 2D spiral.
 Turning - 2-axis design and toolpath generation for 2-axis lathes.
 Turn/Mill - Supports lathes with C and Y-axis milling capabilities.
 Wire EDM - 2- and 4-axis wire EDM toolpath creation.
The following add-on modules are also available:
 RECOGNITION - 3D surface and solid import and the recognition
of 2.5D features from solid models. Accelerates making 2.5D and
turned parts from solid models.
 Tombstone - Multiple part manufacturing for horizontal or vertical
milling machines with indexers.

FeatureCAM 2012 FeatureCAM overview • 3

 Solid Modeling - Solid modeling and tools for creating molds from
solid models.
 5-Axis Positioning - Manufacture 2.5D features from 5-axis
 Native Import Modules - Native data can be read directly from
SolidWorks, SolidWorks Assemblies, Autodesk Inventor,
SolidEdge, Catia, NX, Pro-Engineer, and Step files.
 Machine Simulation - Modeling and simulation of a CNC machine.
 Advanced Turn/Mill (MTT) - Includes support for Turn/Mill in
addition to support for B-axis (5-axis positioning) and multiple
turret synchronization.
 Network Database and Licensing - Flexible product licensing allows
sharing FeatureCAM licenses across a network.
 5-Axis Simultaneous - Manufacture 3D features while changing
the tool axis.

Why creating toolpaths is so fast

FeatureCAM has the unique ability to generate toolpaths and create
NC code to run the machines with a minimum amount of user input.
Traditional CAM systems are operations-based and require you to
program every operation, one at a time, to create your part.
FeatureCAM is feature-based; this means the part is created using
features that describe that part, from simple holes, to complex
pockets, to turned grooves. Machinable features contain information
and rules describing how and where material removal should occur,
cutting depths, whether to use climb cutting, whether to spot drill or
center drill, and preferred machining strategies for roughing and
finishing. This means that after you import or draw the part and
identify its features, FeatureCAM automatically:
 Selects the most appropriate tools and operations;
 Recommends machining strategies;
 Calculates speeds and feeds;
 Generates toolpaths and creates the NC code.

You can customize this built-in 'intelligence' to your own style

of cutting.

4 • FeatureCAM overview FeatureCAM 2012

FeatureMILL3D 5-Axis Positioning

5-Axis Positioning
This module will provide the user with an introduction to 5-axis positional machining in
FeatureCAM. In normal, 3-Axis machining, the machine tool has three linear axes. In 5-axis
positional machining, two additional rotational axes are added. This is often referred to as
3+2 machining. The 3+2 refers to the three linear axes which are controlled simultaneously,
and the two rotary axes which can move the part to a new position and then stop. Once the
part is in the new position, 3-Axis simultaneous machining is carried out. This type of
machining can only move the linear axes or the rotary axes - not both at the same time, i.e.
positioning is discrete from machining.

The image above shows a typical 5-Axis machine. In this case, the 3 linear axes (X, Y & Z)
are above the machine, and the two rotary axes are on the trunnion and rotary table.

The use of 5-Axis Positioning gives a number of benefits:

A part can be cut in a single setup including undercuts which would normally require the part
to be dismounted from the machine and set up in a different orientation. This reduces the
setup time and errors that can be introduced by having to do multiple setups.

By tilting the tool relative to the surfaces being machined, the contact point of the tool on the
surface can be changed giving better cutting conditions.

Using shorter tools increases the rigidity of the tool reducing deflection and chatter giving
improved surface finish and accuracy.

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FeatureMILL3D 5-Axis Positioning

Axis Conventions
A 3-Axis machine has just the three principal linear axes, X, Y and Z. A 5-Axis machine will
have two more rotary axes; in most cases these axes will rotate around one of the principal
axes. The naming of these axes differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, but in most cases
the convention is:

The A axis rotates around the X.

The B axis rotates around the Y.

The C axis rotates around the Z.

2 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 5-Axis Positioning

Machine Configurations
A 5-Axis machine will have the X, Y and Z axes plus two of the above rotary axes. The
machine shown below has an A axis motion where the trunnion table rotates about X axis. It
then has a C axis rotary table mounted on the trunnion which rotates around Z. Please note
that the Z axis here refers to the axis of rotation of the C rotary table when the trunnion is in
its home position.

This is one of the most common

machine configurations. It is called a
Table/Table configuration as the two
rotary motions are both positioning the
workpiece rather than moving the tool.
The C axis is on top of the A so this
would be called a Table/Table machine
with C stacked on A.

The machine shown to the left

moves the tool to a different
rotational position by rotating the
head of the machine about the Y
axis this is a B rotation. The part
and table are rotated around the Z
axis, i.e. a C rotation.

This is another common

configuration and is known as a
B on C Head/Table machine.

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In this machine both of the rotary

motions are on the head. The upper part
of the head can rotate around Z and the
lower part around the Y. This is a B & C
Head/Head machine configuration.

The final machine configuration below is an Inclined Table/Table machine which has a C
axis rotary table mounted on another table which is inclined at 45 degrees. In this case the
lower rotary table is designated as the B axis even though it is not rotating around the Y axis.
This machine configuration is becoming much more popular in recent years as it offers a
large working envelope with a small footprint.

4 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

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The output of the post processor which is sent to the machine can take a number of different
forms; the most common will output the rotation position explicitly as an A and C angle pair
(or A&B or B&C depending on the machine configuration). For example:

N55 G1 X-0.3398 Y1.3561 Z3.0245 A-29.206 B-116.565 S7500 M03

Other machine controllers require the rotation position as a direction vector of the form I, J &
K where the three letters give the components of the vector in the X, Y & Z directions
respectively. The necessary calculations are all carried out by the post processor. Once the
post has been configured for a particular machine the customer will just program
FeatureCAM in the normal way.

Turning on 5-Axis
By default in FeatureCAM the tool is oriented along the setup Z axis. In order to use 5-Axis
positioning, we first need to enable 5-Axis simultaneous in the Evaluation options. Once this
is enabled, we also need to change the stock properties to allow 5-axis indexing.

• Open FeatureCAM but DO NOT open an FM document

On the main toolbar you should only have two options, File and Help.

• Click on File and then select Evaluation Options

• Check 5 Axis Positioning

FeatureCAM will give a warning that the

product component has not been licensed.
This just means that it has not yet checked
the license file and dongle to see if you have
the rights to use 5 Axis Simultaneous

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• Click Apply

If you have the correct options in your license file, you will then see the word Licensed next
to the 5 Axis Positioning option. If you do not see this, then your license file is not set up to
license this option on the dongle you are using. In this case you can either continue to use
FeatureCAM in Evaluation mode (this does not allow you to save), or you can contact your
dealer to arrange a license.

• Click OK to close the Evaluation Options form

FeatureCAM now has the 5-Axis Simultaneous option enabled. In order to create a 5-Axis
program, we also need to set up 5-Axis indexing in the stock properties.

• Create a new Inch Milling document

• On the Dimensions form click Finish
• Select the Indexing tab
• Check 5th Axis Positioning

• Click Apply and then OK

The new document is now ready for programming of a 5-Axis part. There are a number of
other things that need to be set up in order to position the part relative to the axes of rotation
of the machine so that the program will produce the part correctly. This is rather more
involved that the setup for a 3-Axis part and differs depending upon the machine
configuration and includes some variables which are machine specific. We will look into the
machine specific setup variables next.

• Leave the document open for the next exercise

6 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

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Setting Up for 5-Axis Machining

Setting up for 5-Axis machining is more complicated than for 3-Axis machining, and is a two
step process.

First, we have to configure the post processor so that it matches the actual machine being
used. This is a “one off” process and involves inputting a number of offset values into the
post to allow it to carry out the necessary coordinate transforms to accurately position the
machine. This involves relating the pivot point of the machine to a known reference point
on the machine. For example, on a table/table machine this would normally be the center of
the topmost table. The process will involve a certain amount of testing to fine tune the
calibration of the post. Once this has been set up, it should not be touched again unless the
machine is physically changed, e.g. after a rebuild of a table component.

It should be noted that the post configuration is machine specific, that is even if a shop has
two machines of identical make and model there will be small differences between them and
each will require its own calibrated post processor.

The second stage of setting up applies to the particular part being machined and involves
relating the relative distances in X, Y and Z From the part setup origin To the reference
point of the machine. This allows FeatureCAM to work out how the setup and the part will
move for any given combination of rotations of the machine axes.

Once these two stages have been completed FeatureCAM will be able to accurately output
5-Axis NC code for the machine. The final piece of the puzzle is to set up the simulation
parameters in the part setup. This will have no effect on the code but is important if you want
to carry out machine simulations for gouge and collision checking purposes.

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FeatureMILL3D 5-Axis Positioning

Post Configuration
Before any 5-Axis machining can be carried out, the post processor must be first configured.
The configuration process is only done once as it is related to the physical properties of the
machine. As long as the rotary axes are not removed from the machine the configuration
should remain valid.

The post processor contains a set of coordinates that relate the Pivot Point of the machine to
the Table Origin.

The Pivot Point of the machine is the point in space that remains still when either or both of
the rotary axes index. The pivot point is the Program Origin i.e. G54X0Y0Z0. For a vertical
spindle - table/table configuration, X0 is typically at the B/C-axis centerline. Y0 and Z0 are
always on the A-axis centerline.

The Table Origin is a known location on the machine table. For table/table machines, this is
the B/C-axis centerline and typically the face of the B/C table. This location is used by the
post processor to calculate transformations whenever there are rotations of the A and/or B/C

8 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

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• From the Manufacturing menu select Post process

• Click Browse and go to the Data folder
• Select the Mazak Variaxis.cnc post processor
• Click Edit
• Click on CNC Info and select 5-Axis

This opens the form where you can configure the post. At the top of the form you will notice
that this is a C on A Table/Table machine.

In the center of the form you will see the X, Y and Z offsets. These are the distances FROM
the Pivot Point TO the Table Origin when the machine is in its home position. In this case
you see a X and Y offset of Zero and a Z offset of -200. This means that when the tables are
at A0 and C0 the pivot point is vertically above the table origin by a distance of 200mm.

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The image below shows the offsets for another Table/Table machine. In this case the table
origin is behind and below the pivot point and has the same X location. The offsets that you
would enter in this case would be X 0.00, Y -15.00 and Z -89.74.

It should be stressed again – Once the postprocessor is configured, do not change these
figures or the machine will not cut parts correctly. The process of getting the figures to enter
into this form usually involves entering the figures given by the machine tool supplier and
then running a series of test cuts to further refine the calibration figures.

• Click Cancel to close the form without saving any changes

• Close XBUILD without saving changes

10 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 5-Axis Positioning

Loading a part into FeatureCAM

Once we have configured the post processor, FeatureCAM knows where the table origin will
be relative to the pivot point for any combination of rotary moves. Once this is established,
we can proceed to produce part programs.

The first thing we need to consider is the orientation of the part relative to the Stock Axis.
When we are setting up a 3-Axis part the stock axis is irrelevant, as there are no indexing
moves. With a 5-axis part it is vitally important to set the orientation of the part correctly
before you start programming. The stock axis fixes the angular orientation of the part relative
to the axes of the machine in the home position i.e. which direction X and Z are pointing
relative to the part when the machine is at A0, C0. It also sets the point around which
indexing moves will rotate; ideally it should be somewhere in the center of the part.

If you use the stock wizard during import, the stock axis should be set up correctly; if you do
not use the wizard, you will need to check manually. We will now import a part and set it up.

• Create a new inch milling document

• Click Cancel on the stock dimensions form
• Import the file Setup.x_t
• Check Use the wizard….
• Uncheck Launch AFR after finish

• Select an Isometric view

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• From the View menu select Show > Stock Axis

The imported file contains a part on a jig. The stock axis is appearing at the lower left corner
of the jig; it looks like a setup but is colored blue. As you can see, the part is not aligned
correctly with the stock axis. Even if we were to place a setup aligned with the jig,
FeatureCAM would still regard the Stock Axis as being the A0, C0 position on the machine.
When we ran the program the first move would be to realign the part so that the setup was no
longer aligned with the machine axes.

• Click Next

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• Click Pick 2 points to define Z direction

• Select two points up the corner of the jig

• Click Next

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• Click Pick 2 points to define X direction

• Select two points on the long edge of the jig

• Click Next
• Select a Block stock and click Next
• Check Compute stock size from the part
• Click Next

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• Place the setup at the center top of the block

• Click Next
• Select 5th Axis positioning

• Click Next

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FeatureCAM now shows the Setup position (in the center of the top of the block) and the
repositioned stock axis (in the center of the left face of the block). Note that the first indexing
axis in this case is the X axis. The 0o indicates that the part will be “this way up” when the A
axis is at Zero degrees.

• Click Finish

Now that we have the setup axis aligned correctly, we will set up the stock etc.

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Positioning the part on the machine.

Once we have the part oriented and positioned correctly relative to the stock axis the next
step is to position it relative to the Table origin. FeatureCAM needs to know where the part is
situated on the machine tables so that it will know how its position will change when the
tables rotate. In the illustration below, the part is placed off center on the C table, when the
table rotates the part will move eccentrically in a circle around the Table origin as shown.

In order for FeatureCAM to be able to output the correct XYZ/AC coordinates, it needs to
know what the X, Y and Z offsets are FROM the Part Setup (also known as the Part
Reference point - this will be the first setup in the part) TO the Table Origin.

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In the illustrations below the Setup is Behind (-Y), to the Left (-X) and Above (+X) of the
Table origin.

Its offset coordinates would be X-25.82, Y-68.06 and Z+128.93. These coordinates are
entered into the stock properties of the part.

• Double click on the stock to open its properties

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• Select the Indexing tab and click on Fixture Location

This is where the offsets from the setup to the table origin are entered. The figures shown
above relate to the previous illustrations. In our case we want to place the part setup in the
center of the table, so we will have Zero X and Y offsets and a positive Z offset. Before we
enter the Z offset we need to find out the overall height of the part.

• Click Cancel

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• On the Dimensions tab click Resize

• Click Compute stock size from the part

The overall height of the part is 5.0591” we need to now position the setup in the center of
the part at the top so we can then enter the necessary offsets.

• Click Next and then Finish

• Double click the setup to open its properties
• Click Edit
• Click Next and check Align to stock face

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• Click Next and select Top and Center

• Click Finish

• Double click on the stock to open its properties

• Select the Indexing tab and click on Fixture Location

• Change the Z offset value to be 5.0591”

• Click OK then Apply followed by OK

The part is now correctly aligned with its setup 5.0591” directly above the center of the
machine table. If we were now to generate a toolpath and post process it the NC code created
would be correct for this location on the table.

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FeatureMILL3D 5-Axis Positioning

If we were to decide to locate the part elsewhere on the table then we would need to go back
into the stock properties and change the X and Y values in the fixture location and then re-
post the program. Provided we do not change the height of the jig then the Z offset value does
not need to be changed.

To Re-cap, the setup for 5-Axis machining consists of 2 parts:

1) Setting up the post processor to fix the offsets from the machine pivot point to
the table origin: This is machine specific and only needs to be done once unless the
machine is dismantled for maintenance etc. The offsets are initially taken from values
provided by the machine tool supplier and then refined by a series of cutting tests to
zero in on the exact values required. This process is referred to as “Calibrating the
post processor”

2) Setting the position of the part setup relative to the table origin: This varies from
part to part and may be modified if the operator decides to reposition the part on the
table. Any modifications will require the NC code to be regenerated.

Simulation Setup.
Finally, we shall set up the stock type, include the jig solid as a clamp, and set up for machine
simulation. These steps are primarily for visualization of the machine behavior during the
cutting process and will not affect the actual NC code that is output. This said it is very useful
to use a machine simulation to identify any possible collisions of the head with the table, over
limit conditions and so on.

• Double click on the stock to open its properties

• On the Dimensions tab select User defined
• Select the solid ps_solid1 as the stock
• Click OK & Apply and then OK

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• Right click on ps_solid2 and click Use solid as clamp

Finally, we need to position the part in the machine simulation. This is a purely visual
location and does not affect the output NC code. In order to set this up, we need at least one
operation so that we can run a simulation.

• Create a hole with all of the default values

• Select a Machine simulation and click Single step
• Click on the “Select” arrow on the main menu
• Click on any parts of the machine that are “in the way” so that you can see
the position of the part on the table clearly

The part is off center and

floating in space above
the table. We now need to
modify the location of the
part relative to the table in
the setup properties.

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• Double click on setup1 to open its properties

• Click Edit and then Next twice

The X,Y & Z offsets control the position of the part relative to the table.

• Enter the values as shown below

• Select a Machine simulation and click Single step

• Click on the “Select” arrow on the main menu
• Click on any parts of the machine that are “in the way” so that you can see
the position of the part on the table clearly

The part is now centered

on the table. We are now
ready to prepare and
simulate 5-Axis toolpaths
and output to the

24 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

3+2 Positioning for 2.5D Milling

5-Axis positioning can be used together with FeatureCAM 2.5D milling to machine a part
from multiple directions. In the first example we will look at a part which has five setups. If a
user does not have access to 5-Axis positioning the part would have to be set up on the
machine in five different orientations one of which would require setting the part up on an
angle. The setup process would be time consuming and open to operator error.

• Open the part

• Select setup1 and run a Centerline simulation

As the part is set up for 3-Axis milling the NC code is produced for just the one setup.

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• Edit the Stock properties and click on the Indexing tab

With No Multi-axis Positioning selected we have just two choices, we can post process each
setup separately, or create a single program with a program stop between each setup. Either
way, the operator will need to remove the part from the machine, replace it in the new
position, clamp it, set it up accurately and then run the operations from the next setup. If it
takes 5 minutes to set up in each position, this will add 20 minutes to the total time taken to
produce the part.

• Check Generate a single program

• Click Apply and then OK
• From the Manufacturing menu select Post process
• Click Browse the Data folder
• Select the Haas-5 axis.cnc post processor
• Run a Centerline simulation

Check the NC code; you will see that each setup has its own Fixture ID, i.e. G54, G55 etc.

• Edit the Stock

properties and click
on the Indexing tab
• Check 5th Axis
• Click Apply and then

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• Select setup1 and run a Centerline simulation

All of the setups are now compressed into a single program with no program stops. Each
setup still has its own fixture ID but everything is now working off the initial setup. Once the
operator has located the part accurately for the first setup the following setups are
automatically in the correct position. The operator does not need to do any further setup. This
saves a significant amount of time and eliminates the possibility of operator error in setting
up the part in between operations.

In order to see how this will actually work on a machine we will now change to a different
post processor and do a machine simulation.

• From the Manufacturing menu select Post process

• Click Browse and go to the Data folder
• Select the DMG eVo 50 Heid iTnc 530.CNC post processor
• Click on Edit and select Sim info then Set .md…

• Make sure that the Machine Design file matches the post

• Click OK and then close XBUILD

• Edit setup1
• Click Next until you reach the Setup - Simulation information page

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• Make sure that FeatureCAM is set to use the Machine Design file that we
just specified in the post processor

• Run a Machine simulation

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All five setups are machined in a single operation eliminating the setup time and reducing the
risk of operator errors. We have switched from the Haas post which was using a trunnion
table on the A axis with a C table on top to the DMU Evo post which uses a C table mounted
on a 45 degree inclined table (B axis). Take a look at the NC code below to compare that
from the Haas with the DMG.

3+2 with Feature Recognition.

In this example we will be working off a solid model and using Feature Recognition to
identify features off the part. In order to do this, we will need to create additional setups to set
the Z axis for each feature to be recognized.

• Open the part located in the Data folder

• Select an Isometric view then a Top View

This part has a number of features including a Pocket, a Side and a number of holes which
are oriented in different directions. First of all, we will prepare toolpaths for the holes.

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• Open the New feature wizard

• Check Hole and Extract with
• Click Next

• Check Along the setup Z-axis

• Click Next

• Check Recognize and construct

multiple holes
• Uncheck Exclude holes…
• Click Next

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• Click Select all then Finish and then OK

FeatureCAM has recognized the large hole that is aligned with the setup Z-Axis. We will
now recognize the other, angled holes around the part.

• Open the New feature wizard

• Check Hole and Extract with FeatureRecognition

• Click Next

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• Check Along a specific vector

• Check Recognize all holes

• Click Next
• Check Recognize and construct multiple holes
• Uncheck Exclude holes…

• Click Next

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• Click Select all then Finish and then OK

FeatureCAM has now recognized all of the

remaining holes in the part, regardless of
their orientation to the setup Z-Axis. When
we post process the program FeatureCAM
will adjust the tool axis relative to the part
so that it can reach each hole in turn. We
will now post the program using the Haas
5-Axis post so that we can see the way the
A and C axes change for each hole.

• From the Manufacturing menu select Post process

• Click Browse and go to the Data folder
• Select the Haas-5 axis.cnc post processor
• Run a Centerline simulation
• Check the NC Code
N775 G00 G49 G53 Z0.
N780 G54 X0. Y-1.7371 A-55.0 B0.
N785 G43 H7 Z4.2023
N790 Z0.3414
N795 G01 Z-0.0342 F24.8
N800 X0.009 Y-1.7281 F49.6
N805 G03 X0. Y-1.7191 I-0.009 J0. F24.8
N810 X0. Y-1.7191 I0. J-0.0094
N815 X-0.0045 Y-1.7203 I0. J-0.0094
N820 X-0.008 Y-1.7325 I0.0044 J-0.0078
N825 G01 X0.0042 Y-1.736 F49.6
N830 G00 Z1.2415
N835 Z4.2023


N845 G00 G49 G53 Z0.
N850 G54 X0. Y-1.7371 A-55.0 B-90.0
N855 G43 H7 Z4.2023
N860 Z0.3414
N865 G01 Z-0.0342 F24.8
N870 X0.009 Y-1.7281 F49.6
N875 G03 X0. Y-1.7191 I-0.009 J0. F24.8
N880 X0. Y-1.7191 I0. J-0.0094

Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012 9

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

We will set the part up so that we can create the pocket feature. We will do this by creating a
setup aligned with its Z-Axis perpendicular to the bottom of the pocket; we will then use
Feature Recognition to create the pocket feature.

• Eject the simulation

• Double click on setup1 to open its properties
• Select New
• Click Next
• Check Align to part geometry

• Click Next
• Click Align Z perpendicular to a horizontal surface

• Click Next

10 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Click on the horizontal surface at the bottom of the pocket

This will set the Z –Axis of the new setup so that it is aligned perpendicular to the bottom of
the pocket.

• Click Pick two points to define X direction

This option allows us to align the setup X-Axis. This is not strictly necessary as all
coordinates will eventually be written out relative to setup1. However it may be useful if we
wish to add extra geometry or a hole pattern later.

Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012 11

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Click on the two points indicated on the bottom edge of the pocket.
Work from Left to Right as this will define the direction

• Click on Pick location

• Click on the centre of the pocket

Again the location is not critical; it is useful though to position the setup by the feature so you
can see which setup and feature belong together.

12 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

The finished setup. We are now ready to go ahead and create the pocket feature.

• Open the New feature wizard

• Check Pocket and Extract with FeatureRecognition

• Click Next

Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012 13

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Check Select side surfaces

• Click Next
• Select the surfaces that make up the side of the pocket and add them to
the feature

• Click Next

14 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Click Next
• Click Finish
• Take an Isometric view

The pocket has been created. We will now create a setup for the side feature.

• Rotate the view so that the side is visible

Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012 15

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Double click on setup1 to open its properties

• Select New
• Click Next
• Check Align to part geometry

• Click Next
• Click Align Z perpendicular to a horizontal surface

• Click Next

16 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Click on the horizontal surface at the bottom of the Side

• Click Pick two points to define X direction

This option allows us to align the setup X-Axis. This is not strictly necessary as all
coordinates will eventually be written out relative to setup1. However it may be useful if we
wish to add extra geometry or a hole pattern later.

• Turn off shading

Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012 17

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Click on the two points indicated centre isoline of the surface.

Work from Left to Right as this will define the direction

• Click on Pick location

• Click on the centre of the surface

Again the location is not critical; it is useful though to position the setup by the feature so you
can see which setup and feature belong together.

18 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

We are now ready to create the side feature, this time we will use Automatic Feature
Recognition (AFR). This method looks along the setup Z-Axis and identifies any features that
are aligned with it.

• Open the New feature wizard

• Check Side and Extract with FeatureRecognition

• Click Next

Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012 19

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Check Automatic recognition

• Click Next
• Click Select all and then Finish

The part is now fully programmed using 3+2 machining. We will finish up by running a 3D
simulation so we can see the motion of the tool around the part.

• Select setup1
• From the Options menu select Simulation

20 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• On the General tab check Show Holder

• On the 2D/3D Shaded tab uncheck Rotate view when indexing

If this option is checked then the tool will stay still during the simulation and the part will
move. We have unchecked it so the part will appear to stay still while the tool moves.

• Click Apply and then OK

Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012 21

FeatureMILL3D 3+2 Positioning

• Slow down the simulation speed

• Run a 3D simulation

Note how the tool

apparently moves around
the part. depending upon
the post processor and
machine tool these
movements will be
translated into XYZ linear
moves together with
Head/Head, Head/Table or
Table/Table rotations.

22 Issue FeatureMILL5AP 2012

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