Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space: Ali Dorostkar and Ahmad Sabihi
Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space: Ali Dorostkar and Ahmad Sabihi
Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space: Ali Dorostkar and Ahmad Sabihi
In this paper, a Fourier series in fractional dimensional space is intro-
duced for an arbitrarily periodic function f (t; α). We call it fractional
Fourier series of the order α. Extending the basis functions of the lin-
ear space into fractional one, by rotation transformation, we define
a real and complex Fourier series and obtain their coefficients. It is
also shown that the fractional derivative of a periodic function can be
realized through (fractional) Fourier series with modified coefficients.
1 Introduction
Fourier series plays an important role in mathematics and applied sciences.
It is a well representation of periodic function given in linear space of integer
dimensions. Many people have attempted to generalize it to fractional domain.
There are two methods generalizing Fourier series and discrete-time Fourier
transform to fractional Fourier series and discrete-time fractional Fourier trans-
form, respectively [6].
Several definitions to solve some of partial fractional differential equations
[1] are developed introducing modified Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives
[10] and for solving nonlinear equations using local fractional Fourier series
[2, 7–9]. Jumarie [3] in a paper introduces fractional sine and cosine functions
and using them, he makes a Fourier series of fractional order.
2 Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space
However, the authors of Ref.[4] have proposed there is an invalidity since frac-
tional Fourier series (FFS) of the basis functions cos(nωt)α and sin(nωt)α
derived from Mittag-Leffler function might not hold. In this paper, we show
how a new definition for basis functions of fractional dimension can create the
new basis functions for FFS.
First of all, we describe a general idea for definition of the basis functions for
fractional domain by the realization of linear and fractional spaces. Based on
linear algebra, a schematic of basis functions can be represented by orthogo-
nal vectors as depicted by Fig.1 (here ϕ1 and ϕ2 ). For sake of simplicity, we
describe the scenario with the two basis functions ϕ1 and ϕ2 . Based upon a
concept of linear algebra, we can move from higher (lower) dimension to lower
(higher) one through the integer derivative (integral) operator. For instance,
differentiating (integrating) cosine function, one can reach the sinus one and
vice versa.
If suppose the fractional space is a space between two consecutive integer
dimensions, then the basis functions in the fractional space can be represented
as a rotation of basis functions of the linear space. Fig.1 shows that the two
basis functions ϕ1 and ϕ2 are orthogonal to each other. Applying the fractional
derivative to ϕ1 (ϕ2 ), yields ϕα α
1 (ϕ2 ). These new basis functions are orthonor-
mal, which make a fractional derivative to be normalized (see Definition 2).
Fractional space is a whole space between and included linear integer spaces.
Let ϕ0 , ϕ1 and ϕ2 be the basis functions of the linear space. Let ϕα α
0 , ϕ1 and
ϕ2 be the basis functions of the fractional space, then there are the following
Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space 3
1 πα
1 = D α
cos(nωt) = cos(nωt + ) (3)
(nω)α 2
1 πα
2 = D α
sin(nωt) = sin(nωt + ) (4)
(nω)α 2
The factor of (nω) α is used for normalization to ensure an orthonormal condi-
Let ϕα0 be a first basis function in the fractional space, then
0 = D α
1 = cos( ) (5)
Proof :
We consider the basis function of ϕ0 in integer space based on the following
ϕ0 = lim cos(nωt) = 1 (6)
Therefore, ϕα
0 can be expressed as:
1 πα πα
0 = lim α
D α
cos(nωt) = lim cos(nωt + ) = cos( ) (7)
n→0 (nω) n→0 (nω)α 2 2
4 Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space
Fractional Fourier series based upon the fractional basis functions can be
expressed as follows:
∞ ∞
πα X πα X πα
f (t; α) = a0 cos( )+ an cos(nωt + )+ bn sin(nωt + ) (8)
2 n=1
2 n=1
πα X πα πα
f (t; α) = a0 cos( )+ an cos( ) + bn sin( ) cos(nωt)
2 n=1
2 2
X πα πα
+ − an sin( ) + bn cos( ) sin(nωt) (9)
2 2
cos( πα πα
= 2 ) sin( 2 ) an
Bn − sin( 2 ) cos( πα
2 ) bn
The FFS based upon the basis functions of the linear space can be
generalized from Eq.(1) as:
∞ ∞
A0 X X
f (t; α) = + An cos(nωt) + Bn sin(nωt) (12)
2 n=1 n=1
Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space 5
and by a comparison of the coefficients with Eq.(9) the rotation matrix can be
realized as follows:
cos( πα ) sin( πα
πα 2 2 )
R(− ) = (13)
2 − sin( πα πα
2 ) cos( 2 )
Let the function f (t; α) defined on [0, ∞) × [0, ∞) −→ R as a fractional
dimension space be a continuously and integrably periodic function of the order
α defined on [0, ∞) −→ R satisfying Dirichlet’s sufficient conditions. If Fourier
series of the function f (t; α) is expressed by the relation (8), then, the new
fractional coefficients expressed by (12) are as follows:
A0 = 2a0 cos( πα
2 )
Ak = ak cos( πα πα
2 ) + bk sin( 2 ) if k ≥ 1 (14)
Bk = bk cos( 2 ) − ak sin( πα
2 ) if k ≥ 1
a0 cos( πα
2 ) = T2 −2T f (t; α)dt
ak = T2 −2T f (t; α)cos(kωt + πα 2 )dt if k ≥ 1
bk = 2 2T f (t; α)sin(kωt + πα )dt if k ≥ 1
T − 2
The new coefficients in the Fourier series expansion of f (t; α) given by (12)
are as follows:
T T T ∞
2 2 2
2 2 πα 2 X πα
A0 = f (t; α)dt = a0 cos( )dt + an cos(nωt + )dt
T − T2 T − T2 2 T − T2 n=1
T ∞
Z 2 X πα πα
bn sin(nωt + )dt = 2a0 cos( )
T − T2 n=1
2 2
3 Complex Formulation
In continue, the FFS is generalized to complex plane.
Let φαn be the basis function of the fractional space and φn = e be the
basis function of the linear space in the complex domain, then
1 πα
n = D α
φn = ei(nωt+ 2 ) (20)
The proof is easily made as follows. φα
n for n > 0 and n < 0 can be calculated
1 1 (inωt) 1
φn = α
D φn = α
D e = (inω)α e(inωt)
(nω) (nω) (nω)α
1 α α (inωt) α (inωt) ( iπ ) α (inωt) i(nωt+ πα )
(nω) (i )e = (i )e = (e 2 ) e =e 2
Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space 7
and for φα
0 , we have:
0 = D α
1 = D α
lim e = e+i 2 (22)
φα α ∗
0 + (φ0 )
0 = = ℜ{φα
0} (23)
φα α ∗
n + (φn )
1 = = ℜ{φα
n} (24)
φα α ∗
n − (φn )
2 = = ℑ{φα
n} (25)
where ℜ and ℑ are real and imaginary part, respectively. Therefore the general
form of basis function can be realized as:
φα i(nωt+ 2 )
n = e (26)
+∞ ∞
X πα πα X πα
f (t; α) = cα i(nωt+ 2 ) = a0 cos( )+ an cos(nωt + )+
2 n=1
X πα
bn sin(nωt + ) (28)
The proof is easily made as follows:
For all n ∈ Z, we expand the right-hand side of (28) and show that it is
identical to the left one. Expanding the right-hand side gives us
∞ ∞
πα X πα X πα
f (t; α) = a0 cos( )+ an cos(nωt + )+ bn sin(nωt + )=
2 n=1
2 n=1
∞ i(nωt+ πα ) πα
πα X e 2 + e−i(nωt+ 2 )
a0 cos( ) + an +
2 n=1
∞ i(nωt+ πα ) πα
X e 2 − e−i(nωt+ 2 )
bn =
∞ ∞
πα X an bn i(nωt+ πα ) X an bn πα
a0 cos( ) + ( + )e 2 + ( − )e−i(nωt+ 2 ) (30)
2 n=1
2 2i n=1
2 2i
Getting a0 cos( πα α 2
2 ) = c0 e for n = 0, the right-hand side of (31) would imply
the left hand-side of (28).
Comparing the both sides of (31) together, we find the coefficients given by
where ′
A0 = A0 cos( πα
2 )
A′k = An cos( πα πα
2 ) + Bn sin( 2 ) if n ≥ 1 (35)
Bk = Bn cos( 2 ) − An sin( πα
2 ) if n ≥ 1
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10 Fourier Series in Fractional Dimensional Space
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