15. Cost center create - KS01 (it will be used for Exp & revenue accounts not for bal sheet ac - while
creating GL MD)
- BP Roles are Predefined we can use those or else we can create as per requirement.
- In this screen go to new entries then give grouping code and description and number range
- We have select the type which we want to create and give Name , Address and all
required info
- After giving the data then Select Company code and give company code
In this screen first we need to go with Test run if it shows that this valuation area is ready to productive so
that we can do next without the test run. Then it will show that your company code is productive.
While I am creating Material it asked for Profit center
While creating profit center it asked for profit center group
While creating profit center group it asked for standard hierarchy
Path – spro- img – controlling- Profit center accounting – basic settings – Controlling area settings –
maintain Controlling area settings
Path: Sap easy Access – Accounting – Controlling – Profit Center Accounting - Master data – Profit Center
group – Create (KCH1)
Then Go to Create Profit Center:
Path: SAP easy Access - Accounting – Controlling – Profit Center Accounting - Master data – Profit Center
– Individual Processing - Create (KE51)
Activation tool / symbol
with that we have to
After all these and while filling the data in MM01 screen at last it asked for ZFPLPR table maintenance.
plant & profit center combination for material mast validation in sap – ZFPLPR (table) for this error
For this error gone through with MM50 and extended the material in purchasing.
Migo is done
While doing MIRO it asked for Jurisdiction code so here we have to check for
Tax on Sales/purchases basic settings define Tax Jurisdiction whether defined or not if not defined
we have to define that or else we enter the jurisdiction code manually in MIRO.
Asset Accounting:
- Asset Accounting in SAP system (FI-AA) is primarily used for managing, supervising
and monitoring fixed assets. Asset Accounting is classified as a subset of Financial
Accounting and serves as a subsidiary ledger to the general ledger providing detailed
information on transactions involving fixed assets.
- check that is our country is available/ check box so that it is available for Country
Asset Class:
Path: SPRO IMG Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational structure Asset classes
- Asset classes are the most important means of structuring fixed assets. You can
define an unlimited number of asset classes in the system. You use the asset
classes to structure your assets according to the requirements of your enterprise.
Asset classes apply in all company codes.
Specify Account Determination:
- The key of an account determination must be stored in the asset class. In this way,
the account determination links an asset master record to the general ledger
accounts to be posted for an accounting transaction using the asset class.
- Go to new entries and give the account determination key and name.
- The screen layout specifies the status of the fields in the asset master record. You
use the screen layout to determine which fields are required entry or optional entry
fields, or we can suppress completely.
- Asset class is used to determine Account determination, Screen layout and Number
Define Number range Interval:
- This number range interval is used to assign numbering for main assets (it is
applicable while creating assets)
- Here we have to specify the Chart of Depreciation to Screen layout rules and
Account Assignment by assigning the Asset class.
Select the Asset class and go to chart of depreciation screen and click on new entries
and give Char of Depreciation.
Screen Layouts: